Newspaper Page Text
THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: FRIDAY. APRIL 20. 190. a , jk r Wf ? &7 r 1 WELL VERSED. P m ,Hl Ethel: Plc-ise. mHter. EL KlJ don't furdct my Eagle Trading S3 y Stamps. Jin pays dat when we J B H 211kU at dlm e will det F JS a. 'buful" present. I ra I'm only a little dirl, as uic as j a table. S H But I ajk fer Eacle Trading- ( py , Stamps whenever I'm. able. ft K PREMIUM AND DISPLAY ROOM, I H 1214 OLIVE ST. 7 tF i assss m, i J ,""1 ..: a rf-" AvCi ?J-L.1 ind Return $47.50 sily $47.50 VIA AND IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. Tickets en sale April Sd to May 1. in clusn e. Dally Tonrlst S:plnir Car, gaily PullmBn Ktanlard Sleeplnr Cars. Fcr farther lnforrratlcn ere OTT TICKET OFFICH. 6. E. Cor. Slith and Olive Streets. PAID HIM FOR FAIR JOBS. Nearly Fifty Persons tit Cliic-igo Accuse A. A. Campbell. Chicago, April CS. Nearly fifty j'eroni appeared In court here to-day to tesdify against A. A. Campbell, who. they alleged, secured money from each of them on pre tense of getting them positions as suarda fct the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. On a charge of obtaining money on tal Eretenses Camnbell was ai rested in his offices on Dearborn street. According to the police, Campbell and a partner hae offices in several States, and uv the manipulation of their scheme, have t-e-cured thousand." of dollars. SPECIALTIES. AVVWVWrVWrVWWVWVW Mississippi ..ACTS AS.. Exei'Ulur, Atinilitfrviratur, Guardian, Cnrafor, AnJ in All Oitr Truct Capacities Valley Trust Company NOTICE . Marriage and Death Xotices Incited In The Republic will be foroardel by tele prfiph to any one cr all of the papers namd below for simultaneous publication, without xtra charge, if a request to do so accom,anles the copy. NoticeF rcled after midnight cannot J- forwarded, how-EVX-.rUnill Ux& nejct-ettnlnj?. ChteaeoRec-liraW, Cincinnati Knqulrer, fw lork Times. Boston Globe, FMla. rublicLedr, niltimrp Herald, llttiburg ZJiraarch. "WaBhlrjrton Port. Providence Journal. DEATHS. BnOWN Suddenly, on Wednesday April 27. 134. at II a, m.. Richard Brown, beloved -un of John and Hannah Brown, at the age of 6 wan Jind 9 montius. Funeral from residence, 2x 216 l'arragut street. Saturday mo-mlrs at 8:30 o'clock to Holy Name Church,. thsnee ta Cultary Ccmeterr. Friends Invited to attend. COHICK On "Wednesday. April Z7. 1901, at 4 p. m.. Jaraes Cohick. after a ehort illness ed 47 ears. Funeral Friday, at 2 p. m, from Spelbrink's undertaking rooms, to fct. Ann's Cemetery. CONliON Mark Conlon. beloVed hueband of Catherine Conlon tnec Berry) and father kI Katie. Edward J.. Mamie. Anna and Xell'e. I'uneraJ uill tak place on Friday, the 2Sth Jnst., at 1:30 p. m., rrom residence. No. 23A Jlullanphy street, to St. Leo's Church, thence to Olivary Cemeieri. Deceaeed waa a member cf Plumbers' lAborera Union. Cblcaco ani toprlnrfleia, 11L, papers please copy. DIVNET On TVedaesday, April IT, 3M. at 3130 p. m., Dan Divney. teloed son of the Jit John and Ellen Divney and brother of John. Kate. Annie, Irene and Mra. TVootten. at me ic? oi i'J years montns ana 1j cays. Fu neral from family residence. No. 13K bmgletoa street. Saturday afternoon at z oc,ock. io the Holy Angela Church, thence to Calvary Ceme tery. lUlatfT and friends invited to attend. Kansas City papers please copy. DUN5FORT-On TVednesday, April ZT. 1S04, sit 11:30 p. m.t Richard Duns ford. Funeral from family residence. No- S9 Festalozzi street. Saturday. April 20, at 9 a. m. FIANN On Thursday. April 25. 1S04, at 7 a. XQ., Frank Flynn, husband of the late Kate Flynn and brother or John Flynn. Funeral from residence of his sister. Mrs. Elizabeth Dwyer (nes Fryrm), No. 26X) Garrison avenue, Saturday. April 5). 1$M. at 80 a. in., to t. Teresa's Church, tnence to CaJary Cemetery Frlenda Invited to attend. GREGORY Fell asleep, on Thursday, April 2S, 1304. at 9:15 p. m., Mrs. Ruth Anna Gregory, at th residence of her son, Charles P. Gregory, No. 2SM Blaln avenu, aped 74 jear. Due no tice of fungal -will be Rien. New Orleans, Chicago and Cape Girardeau papers please copy. HOPKINS Suddenly, on Monday. Aprils. 1901. Allyne Drake Hopkins. beloed huband of Manruerite Hopkins fnee Rfnes). aged ?l years. Death occurred in Clay City, 111 . at the home of his brother. Charlfj w. Hopkins, and the re mains were removed to It. Louis, -where they will be Interred in Bellefontalne Cemetery. Funeral on Friday, at 9:30 a. m.. from family residence. No. S2.r-3 Vernon avenue, to New Cathedral Chapel. Newstead and Maryland ae nues. Intermtnt prlvatu. MURPHY Entered into rest on April 25. 1S0I. nt 5:30 o'clock p. m., at Peoria, 111., Jeremiah JIurphy, brother of Andrew Murphy. Funeral will take place frcm tn residence of his niece, Jtra. Thomas Iahey. No. 2Ti4$ Warren street. on Friday, April 29. at S:30 a- m.. to hrtne of the Sacred Heart, thence to Caltary Cemetery. PHILLIFS-Suddenly, on Mcnday. April 11, I!. James B. Fhllllp". teloved husband of Ida lhllllps nee FcharperbnrR) and father of Bu frd and Dwisht Philllpv son-in-law cf 'Wil liam and Mary Scharpenburir. aired ST ears 9 months and 3 days. Remain will be Interred In St. Marcus Cemetery to-day at 2 p. m. De feased wai a membr of Mound City Council, No, 1S(, National Union. SCHMID On Wednesday. April 27, IW4. at 1"D p. m.. Otto Schmld. beloved husband of Anna Schmld. and father of Annie. Otto. jr.. and Blanche Schmld, ased 42 vears. Funeral from tho late residence. No. K30 Waterman ireniie. Friday. April 29. at 2 p. m . to St. Marcui Cemeter'. Conveyance of remains, fam llr and friends by electric funeral car. WUENSCH Arthur Egmnnd Wuenpch. b loved kch cf Albert and Barbara Wuenwh, at the ace of 7 months ard 2S qays. Funeral Friday. April 2$. at 2:7) u. m.. from resi rfpee. No. 4200 Linton avenue. Interment prt " vale. AG0NER UNDERTAKING CO. liar otrvn; st. Day or INI(cht. "THE BARGAIN HUNTERS" S70.00 Oh en away next week. Watch for the BARGAIN ADS IN THE WEDNESDAY REPUBLIC. MINISTER FROM THE ORIENT Doctor W. 15. Palmore Spends Ten Months Encircling Eaith From West to East. DECLINE OF MOHAMMEDANISM Pas-tor Says That Fact of Women Being Treated as l'.easls of HuruVn Operate. Against Koran Followers. The Reverend Doctor W. r. Palmore. editor of the St. IVjul-f Christian Advocate, returned yesterday afternoon from his trip through tle Orient and the Holy Land. Doctor I'almore left St. Louis ten months ago. and in this time he circled the earth from west to east, crossed the equator twice, traveled through Australia and Xcw Zealand, to South Africa, into Arabia and Asia Minor. Ho then j.arted on his homeward trip via Egypt, and Eu rope to England, where he tool: ship for Xew Yort A land slide in the Virginia Mountains delayed his artivd in St. Louis several hours. Speaking of the religious conditions pie--nillng in the Orient, Doctor Palmore said -... -- nin nrrvEKnN-D w. b. palmorb. ho has just returnfd from a trip to the Orient. that the sradual downfall of Mohammed anism cannot but be observed by e-ery Chrlstian traveler In that part of the world. He attributes this to two causes one the fact that the Koran, which is the Mohammedan's bible. Is not permitted to be translated into any but the Arabic lan guage, and the other to the condition or bondage in which the women of the race are kept. In the Orient, where the doctrine of Christ is not known, woman is either con sidered and treated practically as a beast or burdtn, said Doctor I'almore, or she is lool.fd upoii as lh painted toy" uf some wealthy man. CHRISTIAN- EDUCATION. Christian education under American and Hnglish innuences. he said, has worked wonders, and throughout the Turkish Empire the young men graduates of Christian colleges are being pushed to the fronu many of them being Governors iffile.frovmS?s; Tbcir tendency is to better the conditions of their rellow-men and the impro ements thev are making aru being observed on all sides and com rSI .. y, the natives with conditions that prevailed under old Turkish customs. 1- , , '"'thing new- to state that the. lurkish Government is tottering, and has "?? the best year of its existence." t-ald the doctor. "It is onlv a Question of a few years when it must succumb to Luroptan civilization, and the natjv- themselves aie looking longingly forward to the day of deli ernnce." Concerning- tho Russo-Japanese war Doctor Palmore said that in Trance, in official circle especially, there Is a de cided feeling in favor of Russia. But he said tiiat everywhere in Europe peonli express the hope that neither side wilt have an overwhelming victory, but, rather, that tho war snould close with honors divided. The prevaillnK sentiment in Europe, he said, is that there is a great danger if Japan meets with a decisive victory that she will make an alliance with China njui;u luiniii prove aisasirous to Amer ican and European commerce. While on the other hand, if the war terminates with a great victory to the credit of Russia, the opinion i that China will become practically Russian territory which means that the other nations will be entirely excluded. FAILS TO KISS THE BRIDE. Judge O'Hallaron Performs His First Marriage. Judge' A. A. CHallaron performed his first marriage yesterday. The contracting parties were Ilenry Franke of Floraville, 111., and Miss Car rie HIckerson of Moberly, Mo. The marriage took place in Judge O'Hal laron's private office. Judse O'Haliaron asked the necessary questions and went through the. ceremony without the aid of a manual. His clean-shaven face and quiet demeanor added the appearances of cler ical dignity to the occasion. He omitted kissing the bride. The AVabimh Line Will sell tickets for World's Fair opening at rate of one fare round trip (Danville CM) from Danville, Moberlv- and in termediate stations, for trains leaving stations afternoon of Friday, Acril 3, and subsequent trains arriving in "St. Louis prior to noon Saturdav, April .To, relum ing by all trains, including Sundav, May 1. Snlntr for Alimony. Mrs. Helen Link filed suit in the Circuit Court jesterday to have property allegod to have been conveyed by her former hus band. Edward C. Link, to his present wife Dora, made subject to $1,000 alimony' which she says IJnk was ordered to pav her. Spring Humors Cause many troubles pimples, boils and other eruptions, besides loss of appetite, that tired feeling, fits of biliousness, indigestion and headache. The woy to get rid of them and to build np the system that lias suffered from them is to take Hood's Sarsaparilta and Pills Forming in combination the Spring Medicine par excellence, unequaled for purifying the blood, as shown by rad ical and permanent cures of hcrofulo, salt Rheum, Bcald Head. Bolls, Iiniplcs. All Kinds of nmnor, ProrlnsU, Blood Poisoning, RhcanmiUrm, Catarrh, Dyspepsia. Etc. Testimontals of remarkable cures ma)1ed-oa request. C I. HOOD CO.. LoneU. Ua. BBBBBBBBBBBBbV lBBBP SBBBBBHSSBBl I ...OP High The values are exactly as stated the quality establishes new jitcceuents for Tailoiing Ciiaracler. You know the ;eaons for these reductions by this lime we've told them before your piolit and duty now are now in your prompt action. WE CLOSE ALL DAY TO-MORROW (SATURDAY). BUY TO-DAY. Suits for the Young Man You ran summarize? many lis!inetivo points ly :i personal in spection of these Suits they'll convince you that way of their mi peiiority better than any printed prai--es we can publili. These Suits are designed specially for the stowing young man. Hiffoient tlun those made for the matured pby-iqiie different alto in tlie pronounced effects so popular with the tfenciafly radical joung tire-ser. We offer the choice of 510.00 aiid ?12.."4) slnple or double breasted Suits, iu licht and dark colors: they come iu pretty mlxtuie. ...., , ,. i ..inM... ,i :.. !:,- . jiortnij cd In botli the textine and pattern lliere H a big assortment, iucludius blues and blackn tan BAPTIST WOMEN ADJOURN MISSIONARY MEETING. Orilcer r- Ile-rlcclnl. lull Mrs. Joltu Eilniu Sctitt Decllnt-N tu ene .Wit Meeting Ht lleui er. Omalu, Neb.. April IS The Women's. Baptist Missionary Socictv of the West iloaed its thirty-third annual jession to night, after having elected officers and ; elected Minneapolis at tho place of meet ing next ear. All the oCIccis were re Uected, with one exception. President Mrs. John Edwin Scott apolo gized for the necessity of her having to announce her own re-election, but stated that she believed the rest of the ticket wa. a good one. The society decided to Increase Its iifoit to secure a larger num ber of active workers for the foreign field ami to ralsu an additional JJ.UOd for their support. An imitation from Calvarv Baptist Church of Minneapolis to hold the 1KC rr.'etlng In that city brought out some fritndlv rivalry. Denver having previouslj asked for the convention. A vote on the question gave the lfrK meeting to Minne aiulls. with an understanding that Dener would be favored the following year ST. LOUIS COUNTY NOTES. Articles of Incorporation of the Eer qreen Investment Company were tiled in the Recorder's office in Clayton yesterday. The capital stock of tho company is S5.f'Jt divided into fifty Miares of the par value of $100 each, fully paid up. The Incorpor ators are Julius Kessler. six shares; H" R Rehrae. fie shares: Nicholas Pehigreen, Nix shares, Thomas T. Lucas, fl snaies, W. G. Sshofield. five shales; Henry B Surkamp. six shares: George W. Rlnkel, flvo shares; John 13. C. Luta, she shares, and P. B. Berglar. six shares. The ladies of the Clajton Methodist Church will give a missionary tea at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the rcldence of Mrs. Henri Choumeau. A marriage license was issued in Clay ton vesfrday to Jopepli Fctrstel of No 1S17 Sidney treet and Emma C. Gablcr of No. 1C10 South Seventh street. St Louis. A writ of attachment was issued by the Circuit Court yesterday against F. W Child of Kirhwood. in behair of G. F. W Weygardt. who alleged that h lud a cause of action against Child for tl.03). declaring that Child was about to leave the State. A marriage license issued - 'he Clay ton clerk. March, K 1901. to J. Walter Griffin and Anna Norton of No. 1429A Vandeventer avenue was returned yester day unused, without any explanation. Neither was at home yesterday evening but it was said by a neighbor that they had ben married, notwithstanding the re turn of an unused license, the ceremony liaving leen performed outside of St. Louis County. To Clone Satnrdny. The Model Clothing Company will close their More all day Saturday, and keep open to-night until 10 o'clock. SUITS FOR DIVORCE ENTERED. E. Beibari Said Wife's Father Drove Him From Home. Ellas Berbari. In his suit for divorce, begun in the Circuit Court yesterday, against Georgiana Berbari, said that her father drove him from home. She called him bad names and said she would sooner be buried than live with him, he- alleged. Lulu Besser said that her husband, Waitfleld Besser, failed to support her. They separated fourteen years ago, after living together two years. Edward L. Schcenoorn charged that his wife, Carrie, assaulted him and deserted him. Joseph B. Duvice alleged that his wife, Marv, deserted him May i), 1S0L They were married October i. 1KW. Ho asks for the custody of their child. John N. Schmiederberg charged that his wife, Clara, "subjected mm to indignities. Josle Roler alleged that her husband. Enoch, called her bad names and treated her with cruelty. NansI Cook O'Brien said that her hus band, Charles, deserted her in April, 1902. They lived together one ear. Carrie C. Hayes alleged that her hus band. Joseph, subjected her to indignities and deserted her Lizzie Burke said that her husband, John, drank and failed to support her. Desertion was charged by Idella J Cummings against Mark A. Cummlngs. and by Oscar Thoman against Minnie Thoman. Julia May Martin alleged that her hus band. James, subjected her to indignities. Thev were married June 0, woo. and sep arated July 3), 1MB. She asks for the restoration of her maiden name, McGee. Hotel Jpfferson was opened to the public on April 7. D0CKERY REAPPOINTS UTZ. St. Joseph Police Commissioner Succeeds Himself. BEPCBLIC BPDC1AL. Jefferson City. Mo.. April 2S. Governor Dockery to-day reappointed William H. Utz ef SL Joseph to be Police Commis sioner of that city for another 'term of three years, dating from April 2S. He also appointed M. P. Cayce of Farm ington and Thomas iilgginbotham of Blackwell, to bo members of the State Beard of Managers of the Farmlnslon Asylum, to succeed themselves, for a term or three years each. Repairing of Plae Watclies And Jewelry .1 specialty. F. W. Drosten, Seventh and Pine. Baltic .Muter Order Plan Approved. New Tork. April 35. Plans for issuing money orders by banks have been adopted by the Executive Council of the American Bankers' Association, in session here. The council authorized Chairman "Branch to appoint a committee of -five to make a con tract with some surety company for suar antecing the orders. rnce. TmMAYto THE J.Mf Formerly D. CRAWFORD & CO., -JH3 OiaOEST CLOTHIXd u better news ever lold among Clothing Wearers than of the i25 to 33 Per Cent Saving during ihi successful and eventful !4 Million Dollar Sale - Grade Clothing pretty mLXtuie. $8.75 HOTELS. 0JVS0ln0V MUDLAVIA This R-rat report open thf j ear rourd. Cnibln-s rttU health and pleasure for your vacst'en. Omy a few hours' r!J fn-ni rt Loul. rear Attics, Ind..rn Wabath Rallpird Na:urf sratrtt curs fcr Itheumaitm. Omit. TCHrey PVln. Bladder. Stomach and nervcu-e dl3T-. TVr beaut Ifullv !l.otnt- rrnjffaTlne and nI lifrTTriatlAi add-e-M H I Krainr. Oeti MaT-iaee Kramer Tnd 4TI. World's Fair Sanson Tiokois OW OX S1I.E. PhotOffTapMc Season Ticket, is eou- ions. J. Photognaphic- Sta n Ticket. 1)14 ecu- pen, for children 2 to JI years, !nclule. J13. Xo charg for photographs. Coupons accepted at satr from date cf de- IKcry of book Number of admirers dally at option of holder Apply room 14S Laclrd buildlnV. th and OUe street-, or Van -J alia Ticket Offc. Tlh and Olive street-: ChlcaRo and A!tn Ticket Orfice. 'th and Oliie strt; Iiiff Four Ticket Offlc. KrradwBT and hert nut street. Frt-co TIcIttt Ofrtce. 9th and Ollio Uln M.. K. &. T T.ckct Oftlc. Cll O.iv Fttect; I &. N. Ticket Office. 2iG X Broadway. oniu o. cnnr.G. Director Ccncclcns -rd Admisrlors. e. .oi:tux white:. Chief Department of Admission.. "THE BARGAIN HUNTERS" S7O.00 dav r.cxi week. Watch for the BARGAIN ADS IN" THU WEDNESDAY REPUBLIC. J Do You Ever JT ? slop to contic'erthc present elllciency of the TtLEOkAPH SERVICE compared nith :et it entered the Held? REALTY LEFT TO CHILDREN. Will of Aujiiist Elbrin-: Filed for Trobate. The will of August Eibring. former County Suneyor, was fdc-1 in the Probate Court at Clayton yesterd.iv. All plats, files, notes, surveys, records, books, pa peis and document" of Ids nfrice were be queathed to his son. .Frederick Elbrlnc. and the residue of his personal estate to his wife. Maria Louise Hlbring. A life inttrcst in all the leal estate was also devised to Mis. Eibring. with power to mortgage the fee. if necessary, for an amount rot to exceed S3.UX). Subject to that devise, elt;lit-nlntlis of th- re.iltv was devHed'to the testator's children. Emma Marie Sievers. Maria Eibring. Frederick William. Herman. Louis C Otto Itiehard Walter G. and Johanna Paul'ne Eibring. The remaining one-nintli was devised to Sclma Eibring. a srandchild. Mrs. Ei bring was named as executrix of the will without bond. Srnlly Will liny o More Cotton. REPUBLIC SPIJCIAL. New York. April S. Just before leav- O A STO R I A FerMantsand UiMrn Th8 Kind YouKaie Ateajs Bought HBSB3SWBSS3aE3S23E2KSZ3BESB9BSSBBDE $SQ If""" matgmL. JL Tiiw II:ts jucii rou st. i.olis. Washington Ave, and Sixth St. DEPARTMENT IS THE WEST- far Man, Boy Suits for the Man Some maker;- make Clothing for any and every store that It why wo don't buy of tlion; they can't make it in accordance with The May Standard of Clothes-craft thes-e garments here contain certain suggestions that take time to execute additional touches Unit tell iu the wear. "The Slay Co." label on a garment, lemem lier. lias the mark of exclusive betterness; if it didn't, Are would not dare, could not afford, to have that label there. They are our SlSand S20 Suits this at from s20 toS2o. Wr show ilirni enects, in finished or uuimi-hed they are hand-tailored throiigbout the Itoger, I Vet & (. make aiu included, also the blues and blacks Our "Sale" Price. . Starting Right W-e shall try to make our home happy. We believe that is our duty. To this end we shall avoid as far as possible the drudgery of life. We shall be Free. We shall not be bound by custom, nor cling to any method, unless it is the best method obtainable. Therefore we shall Cook with Gas; which means less drudgery, more recreation, more sunshine. This is 1904 Wisdom. AMUSEMENTS. EXCURSION TO MEET THE WARSHIPS AND TO SEE THE GREAT MISSISSIPPI RIVER FLOOD THE STEAMERS City of Providence and Corwin H. Spencer WILL LEAVE LOCUST AND OLIVE STREET DOCK FRIDAY, APRIL 29th, At 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. This trip will also give a fine view of the river at fioodtide. Round Trip. 25 Cents. ) 4 Uifttl and Hinatomest L , Restaurant s 3 ItjW w (&rQU Best accommodations 4rjf tor Banquets Recep-P jdr i 1j- tions and Priv ate Din- KTHT. For eeley For HQUOR DRINKING. MORPHINE All ftarwiit Dnsj Uaks, IbarMosnla, " i DR.J.E.BLAINE, "VUre 2801-3-5 Locust 3t.. St. MOMC THCATMCNT FOS TOSACC SNS HSUN.STHCt.IA WILLIAM F. HOMEb. H. J. UlEKNEITB, Prcslient. Sscreurr. E?TAni.isnrm if wt. MISSOUni STATE 31LTIAL FIRK AXV marine: i.nslhanck company. Olliic. u. 31; i-butuui au. St. Loul. JO. lei. Bell ttsln l?;iA. TL Klnloco A in I'ollcies sib ruteu on elincr iucs vr uuiusl bUo. Henry C Ilaarnttcs, J. O. C. Luctt, M. R. Ortbwrln. I. D. Wslser Wm. P. Homes. Jss. W. Bell. B. C tlowic. World's Fair Tickets for Saturday. Tlio-w Helring admission ticXels to the "Worlw'a Fair for Saturday in large iriantl tie cin It acornmKl4ted at the Imposi tion O.Tleo?. frtsth fifvir. Laclede llullilinr. vr-I onlers uilti checks m.i(ie paable to LtuiFittnit Puirha'se KxpoItlon. Adulti. HO cents: children. liteen r, and II jwn. Z'i cent. These tk-Jcets Rood fcr SAturda) nnl. and v.ll not be tonorM at g3. uny other day. O.fite will be OKn Friday willy from 'j a. m. to 2 p. m. K. 5iorton While, Chief Department Admieslons. Aurris R. Crrair. Director of Admissions and Concessions. Ing Baltimore to-day fur Xew Yurk. Dan iel J. Sully, the erstwhile bull leader In the cotton market, gave out an interview, in which he announced that he was through with cotton speculation for ail time, and that those who wic fighting to kiep him off of the Xew York Cotton Exchanae were wasting their time, as he would nevir Le a factor in simulation again. evr llnitk at Sninruert llle. jiFPfin.n; si'ficiM- Hou.5ton. Mo.. Arrit iS. A new bank has been organized at Sunnnrville. this ooun tv. with a capital of 10.(XX. M. N. SUm-mei-a Is cashier. The bank Is incorporated by E: 11. Charles. M. - Summers. J. K. Day. James McCasktll. J. W. MarUn. J. T. Chilton O. W. Ransey. W. P. Gottlob. P. H. Richards and N. C. Talbot. Bears the Signature of m&c plH f'' ti ii i i TsX and Child means that they usually sell in the pretty plaid and stripe orstedo; $14.00 Kapey ure Ttkaess art KsarHts Udktins PhyslclonnlManacr Looi. IiH tHu, Brunat iU AMUSEMENTS. CENTURY-Tq Nigdt. Usl Thlnie cf the Seisroi; AsS Anjbody. LAWHANCi: D'ORSAV. In THE EARL OF PAWTUCKET Ksnilr Mat. Satnrtiny. Aext .Hand ent .ow on Ir. MAWJB CAHILL Who I so .l.fferent from all othi." In the snxartei cf musical comMie-a. "NANCY BROUN" With the or i final It read way can snd tbe BroaJnay Ba:ity Chorus. OLYMPIC T0-NI6HT AT 8. .,?".. MANSFIELD To-XIgUt (Friday ). "neau nrurnmel": Situr day Xrnunee. "OM HetJeiberir': Satarday Night. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hd-." ext Monday Seats Sow Ready. Xixon 4. Zimmerman Ancouticei:: FRANCIS WILSON .rJ Star Company, Including Alaruerlta Srlva, Ji-!al Dartlett lavl and WiiKam rctleilcL. in a Mimptueu Hclal of -jbxuisaxrxi. CRAWFORD utiTi- icast. l'RICES. IOC. 3c. Zlc and SCc. Another Grand lteiltal Harriet B-eclier Stowe'c rurao-jj May. L.CI.K TOH CAUI.N. Matinee-; Tue. . Wed.. Thurs., Sat.. !9c. IV. . (Billy McLaln n Urcle Ton.) Slni?!nr: srkl fencing by 2icLaln'5 Trcubadiurs. CAK5: WALK" contest eveiy performance. Xet aifn. Ja. A. ilearns "isig Haxbsr." IMPERIAL TO-NIGHT. ISe. 2Sc 35c, Sie 25c Hat. SANDY BOTTOM An txclt' taxfetarv ttit la OnOzirk To-Day. Next Pan. Mat. "Remember the Maine. M suVoayTiiay I. 1 Tp BassssV Bssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssh M Al-L aTTREET CARS TRANSFEH. AUCTIONEERS. m,m A. . SELKIRK & CO., AVCT10N AND STORAGE. nj gensnl otflof. isna-iv-i Cboutesu arena. Ssls in rvft-iaeacti a pclalty. I'l.on Ktn.o WESTERN SALVAGE WRECKING AGNCY lVr and !WI WasMnKtnn a.-rii. ftandl?rs , Fire and Uarlna a:ae Wfetcb for spsctaJ notices 5MUni. CAN M'i - AMUSEMENTS. HandSan Park Laclede snd Grand vas.f TO-DAY at 2, TO-NIGHT at S Every Afternoon and Night THIS WEEK ONLY. SINGLING BROS. W WORLD'S GREATE3T NEW SHOWS 3 Great Menageries New Hippodrome Under Largest Tent Ever Erected. 100 SENSATIONAL CIRCUS FEATURES. 375 ARTISTS, Tcfit-thtr v.lth a vrctn-l' 0r tli- Gal lantry an! iWuiy cj I.ujO Years Ago. Jirusalem and the Crusades And tl.e CISma cf Demon Defiant Darins LEAPIH3 THE 6AP. A EiLjcl- Jump of 12 fft. Thr Mo?t ?ac! natirc Fdr:e" ani ranion 2at In th Ac ia!s of Detirie. Uea!h-lJaiiSr Decis. ONE 50-CENT TICKET Ailralt o vrrthisir. ClilUren. under 12 year. HALK I'RlCfi 'I'lTCIAI. Numt-rM Hrnetl Chairs en tl rand Mf.nd. IniiKlinc admlsl.!! 1.00 E't Seati-. mcl'id.ns aitiii:cn .. ..VI. St I i i:"ervl Nujnl-ret3 Seat.. Bie and Admt aion?. eiurlnjc t!io cutlre engdg'ment. at Boll KtAn Rr'.. 11J0 01ie -trit. at xactly th -tarae uric ciJrg-J .ti th j-how g'ound?. RACES! UNION JOCKEY CLUB. JOSni'll DUFKT. President. P. J. CARilODY. General Manager. RLPII TOZnn. Secietatr. Union Ave. and Natural Bridge Road. Knee unimenco nt -M dally, rnln or slalnc. SIX RACES EACH DAY. Finest steeplechase course in the world Suburban line direct to grand stand. Admission SI; Paddock 50c Extra. Twelve minutes from World's Fair Giounds. OPEN BOOKING. RACESRACES RACING At Fair Grounds, APRIL 15 to APRIL 30. Six High-Glass Races Daily. KINLOCH BREEDERS ASSOCIATION -Admission. Including Grand Stand Sl.OO. BASEBALL TO-BAY .vvrioxAL i.mcrirp.tnK. Vne- ter Ave. and Natural Uridice Road. Cincinnati St. Louis vs GtllE CALLED AT :BO r. 31. COLUMBIA. Contlnucu- Vanaevilt All Thl Week Thome ic Carlctcn. . 10 to J9:M Dal'y. and Aex: fcunuay. Adelaide Hermann. WMm Brothers I. AHerliert Llor.I. Werdcn i. Glnddi.h. Raymann . Franklyn. Ioer Jc Frccil. The Kinodrcme. ChaJrd Resened. tic. Lew Hawkins. Johnscn. Daienport lxre:i3. Mr. and Mrs. Irvtiis Jones. ilclr.tyie fc Rice. i;-S)-5)c. Orcheura GRAND -TMISHT KAT. SAT. 25c and 50c. Mlht Prices, SSc, R3c. Slie. 73c. f l.VU Ont of Ktbar and Fields' HOiTY PEopLK Bit ileal SacccsjM. TOITY 50 Next Sunday Geo. Ens in "Good Old Sum mer Time." HAVLIN'S Coming Back ky Request HAY 8. rheSTsllafSDUT 2ScMat. T-Merrow. A Gambler's Daogltir. Sun. Mat. Xext-"LAVES OF THE MIXB." ODEON... 1 SHAY MAY l-MAY 16. I BRAID OPERA CO. KOSE CECILIA sIIAT 9) Prlncinals. n Cnoru. B Orchetra In a season of Grand Oira In Enitllih. Opening Sunday Eve.. May J. tn CARMEN. JiHATS SOe. 7Sc and CI. DO ALL nE-SEnVUD- .OW SELLING AT ODEO. UO.V OI-FICK. WEST END HEIGHTS K2Ular Surnmor S-asfn fomrowjeer SUNDAY MAT.. MAY UU REFINED VAUDEVILLE Grand Operlnc Saturday. April Mnrket and Laclftle axe. ers illiect. All cars transfer. No aJmisoion to croundu 0DE0N-T0r1iaMT-APH!L 29TH, I-ONIZETTI'S ilHAND OPERA ; Lucia Oi Lammermoor pniCES: n oo. :r. cnc. rjc MX se.vt. n.z. l AHUlInU TWO IR01ICS DAIIT. TR00A0ER0 BURLESQUERS. 40 proHLE 10 s nfni.ESCE-a Next Atttaction-BLUD IUBEOX GIRLS. a BXCI'RMIOX .TE,IMCH BELLE OF CALHOUN To meet the RtnIfJt Ne'hville. Ijraves a m. Friday, foot ur Market ret. ROl'.IU THIP - - 2S Cents. "THE BARGAIN HUNTERS" $70.00 I Cite, away next neele. Watch for the 7 BARGAIN ADS ' in tiii: . - X WEDNESDAY REPUBLIC. $ tflMBMBSSMBS-' I m ?n ii&oM "" - " . ' -s - S"Vi.i?&hP3ii fe'W.-KiW-'SrW'frj)?-' 1,41 igg:te