Newspaper Page Text
Vi'9"-'; j .' "',- THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: FRIDAY. APRIL 29, 1904. FINANCIAL FINANCIAL .mm.m m- 0tamm m m mmjmmmm m m --rVv-1ArinrwnjJVj-linfVVri.TJ i H We will pa' par and accrued interest for SOUTHERN RAILWAY 6 BONDS, Dae May 1, 1904. We offer for sale the following Missouri Municipal Bonds: 10.000 Cape Girardeau Normal School 44, 1924. 10,000 Lebanon Water and Light 5, 1923. 10,000 Cartcrville School -!-:, 1924. 10,000 Jasper County 6, 1918. 20,000 St. Louis County (Township) School 5, 1921. 20.000 St. Louis City 3, 1922. We want offering's of St. Louis City Bonds. MERCANTILE TRUST COMPANY OHD DEP1BTHENT. William Folly, "ana jut. $37,000,000 NEW YORK CITY 3 TAX EXEMPT 30LD BONDS To be sold Tuesday, May 3d, 1904, as follow: $32,909,601 Corporate Stock Payable in 50 years. $5,IM,.lt Refunding Assessment Rinds Payable in II years. OFFERED DIRECT TO INVESTORS. These securities are a legal investment for Trust Funds and exempt from taxation except for State purpoats, and will be issued in coupon or registered form. Chapter 274 of the Laws of 1904. which applies to the sale of Bonds of the City of New York, provides that "all or none" bids can not be considered by the Comptroller unless the bidder offering to pur chase "all or none" of the Bonds offr4 for sale shall also offer to pur chase "all or any part" thereof. Send bids in a sealed envelope, cjjdosed in an addressed envelope. A DEPOSIT OF TWO PER CENf. OF THE PAR VALUE OF BONDS BID FOR MUST ACCOMPANY BIDS. Such deposit must be in money or certified check upon a talwit Banking Corporation. For further information see "Qtj Record," published at 2 City Hall, New York. Consult any Bank or Trust Company, or address EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller City of S'ew York. 280 Broadway, New York, ST. LOUIS CITY BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD BY FRANCIS, BRO. & CO., 214 NORTH FOURTH ST. FINANCIAL CLIENTS of the AMERICAN EX jCHANGE BANK enjoy every privi lege msnally extended by a reli able and well equipped banK. Capital, surplus and profits over one million one hund red thousand dol lars. Prospective depositors are in vited to write or call in person. 27 N. Broadway Wm. C Little. Presl.: Frank P. Hays. V. P.; AIdn H- Little. Secy.; H. J. Little. 2d V. P.; Blmer Dysart, Treaa, LITTLE & HAYS INVESTMENT CO., 211 .nil as N. Fourth St. Sealers In Municipal and Corporation Bonds; Io first-class Dividend Stocks. Special atten. tlon given to order, in Local Stock, and Bond.. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate and other collateral. NOTICE of Redemption of Bonds. To holders of Cape Girardeau Township. Cape Girardeau County. Missouri, 4.5 per cent railroad compro mise bonds: Notice la hereby given that, by authority of the County Court of Cape Girar deau County. Missouri, by Its order duly made and entered of record, the County Treasurer of aid county Is directed to pay off and redeem railroad compromise bond, of Cape Glraraeau Township. In aald County, numbered 178. 179 and 110. dated May 1. 1SS3. of the denomination of 11.000 each. 8ald bond., principal and Interest will be paid at the State National Bank of St. Loula. Mo-,.-on the thirtieth day of April. 1W4. and If not presented for pavment on that day the lntar-Mt will cease on the first day of May. 1M. c. E. WILLIAMS. County Treasurer. j. w. Jttll tiller. Countv Clerk. Jackiion. Mo.. March SI. 1904. Foreign Exclton-re. Reported by Francis. Bro. & Co., 214 North Fourth street. Prim, sterling cables. 4.S7U; checks 4.SC309 4.87; S3. days 4.S43084.S5. .Commercial sterling checks 4.86; CO days 4.8484.S44: 90 days 4.834. .Grain bills 4.65: cotton bills 4.844. 'Bankers' Paris cables 5.15 1-16; checks 5.154; so days 5.1S4. Commercial French francs, checks 5.16';: 0 days B.l 3-16. , , ..'Commercial gwlsa francs, checks S.lih SIKH: 8 days 5.2054. . . Commercial Belgian francs, checks 5.174: t days 5.20. . . , . . .,, Csa Hangers re'ens-mencs. rauics "7S, uucvaa ;w- n-l.r w a ay. v. j-io. immenrial relchsmerks. checks S3 3-189 "Ak,,.-n Auvm BU! Oft rinii $4t. Bankers' Dutch guilders, checks 404: SO daj-s Commercial Dutch guilders, checks 40 7-16: CO days 40 1-18. Market weak. Ke-pc Torlc Money Market. " New York, April 2s. Money on call easy: 19 IV. ner cent, closing bid I. ottered at 14. Tlma loans nominal: 60 and 90 days JSMi per cent: Klxmonths 3834. Prime mercantile paper SiJ. 4 ner cent. Sterling: exchange steady at the decline, wlth-actual business In bankers' bills -Tj gSoelWSS for demand and at 4.M,ei.Ml far to-day bills; posted rates 4.86 and 4.S: com-' rnerclalWs 4.S4S84.S4C33. Mexican dollars 43Hc. Government bonds steady; railroad bonds steady. St. Louis Money Market. " Transactions at. u-e d-uiii --- " "----' nme. -with discount rates steady at 5 to 6 per rasx WALL STREET BUSINESS CLOSS TO STAGNATION. EACH DAY'S MARKET LISTLESS AFFAIR. A Sentiment Still Easily Affected by News of Future Require ments on Money Resources. New York. April 28-The listless drifting to which the stock market Is becoming accustomed was again notably In evidence to-day. The boardroom was practically idle during the latter part of the day and brokers were driven to while the time away with auch pranks as brokers are prone to. With money to be had on al most nominal terms, there Is no pressure on anybody to sell stocks to realize cash, and no one not forced to do so would at tempt to market holdings in such a nar row and apathetic market as that exist ing. On the other hand, there seems to bo nothing In the current conditions or the prospect that can Induce the buying of stocks. In splto of the abundant facili ties to be had In the way of borrowed money, the consequence is the deadlock and the lethargy of investing capital which the market Is waiting. EXPORTS TO CONTINUE. Indications are plain that the outgo of gold will continue on a heavy scale, as supplies here are redundant and Paris is calling homo her capital from all avail able quarters. The sterling rate at Paris sank to 25 francs 10 centimes to-day, thus widening the margin of pront on gold shipments from New York, In spite of an easier tendency of sterling here. The payment of the MO.000,000 to the Panama Government was also announced from ashington, but no effect was pro duced in the local money market, and practically all apprehension has passed that the conclusion of the Panama Canal payments will cause any disturbance to the money market. Yet the market Is obviously sensitive to the offering of any iresh claims on capital resources, such as the Intended Issue -by the Norfolk and estern of S&i.Ooo.oOO of bonds, reported to-day. This announcement cost the stock a point In price, although It was stated that the present sale of the bonds Is not contemplated. PROSPECTIVE NEEDS. Projected capital issues an Vnntn n be large. Including the funding of much or. me temporary note Issues now out standing for railroad companies. It is n r "-- ---. j m3 i-i ujciea issues win nave claims on earnings ahead of those now outstanding, and this Is one of the influences repressing any demand for present issues. The sympathetic effect of declines was to check the hardening ten dency elsewhere, due principally to early sympathy with a revival of activity and strength In the London stock market. Amalgamated Copper, which sold er-div-Idend, was lifted nearly a point, and Ana conda Jumped 6 points. The weather news was favorable to crop prospects, but was of little effect on stocks. There was some further pressure on United States Steel preferred, but the stock recovered to a shade above last night. The market closed stagnant. Bonds were neglected and about steady Total sales, par value, $2,073,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. The Metal Market. New Tork. April 2S. Tin declined 2s to In ths London market, with spot closing; at 126 10s and futures at 125 I2s 6d. The decline abroad caused a slightly easier tone In the local mar ket, and spot closed 27.75S2SC. Copper also was lower in London, declining; s td to 58 10s for spot and 58 7s Sd f or futures. Ths local mar ket, while quiet, was steadily held at recent prices. Lake is quoted at lI.27S8U.tZ5e; elec trolytic at 13.125c812.25c and casting; at 12.8730 13.125c Lead unchanged at 4.80H.Gtc on the New Tork and at 12 2s Gd In London. Spelter ruled steady but lower locally at Z.SOSS.Se. it was also unchanged lnVLondon. closing; at 22 Ts &1. Iron cloned at 62s 3d In Glasgow and at 44s Gd In MIddleeboro. Locally, Iron was un changed. No. 1 foundry Northern Is quoted at J15.25315.75; No. 2 foundry Northern at 814.75 15.25; No. 1 foundry Southern and No. 1 foun dry southern soft at S14.2SS14.iS. Bar Silver. New York, April 2$. Bar silver 55e per ounce. At London steady at 25d per ounce. N1 CMtsTvnrr mttr LITTLE OUTSIDE INTEREST IN LOCAL SECURITIES. TOTAL SALES ONLY SEVEN TY SlIAKES. Active Uonilo Were United JJail ways ,4s and llrewery Associa tion (is Ranged Higher. Local securities -nere extremely dull In yesterday's market. Total sales amounted to only TO shares of stock and two bonds. At the mornlns session two 4 per cent United Ralltvuys bonds were taken at 5S0.12ii. Two shares of Missouri Trust at JUS and eight shares of Commonwealth Trust at J2JI. mere tho other tranactions. At the afternoon session there were sales of fifty shares or Transit at J12.12U and ten shares of Mercantile Trust at SIC!. A Browing Association bond sold at JW.23. YESTERDAY'S SISION. Closing quotations: Bid. A-k. S 12.12 51.50 yi.s 75.50 rfilio 22 50 St. Louis Transit S i;.ii I ntted .nailnjis nf.I M m United Railways 4s mm) East St. Louis and Suburban.. 74 M Boatmen's Bank 1C2.00 Mechanics' Bank Third National Bank Lincoln Trust 1R5.(W Mercantile Trust K1.00 Missouri Trust Mississippi Vallev Trust Commonwealth Trust National Enamel com... National Enamel prd Central Coil and Coke com.... 6l.:3 Simmons Hardware Co. 2d pfd ll.0u Itclede Gas com Laclede Gas 5s 107.M MIssourl-EdHcn Si (SlOO) W.3 Compton Heights 63 St. Louis and Suburban as Klnloch Telephore Cs Brewing- Association fc !;6.Q9 Oranlte-BI-Metalllc Si National Candy com National Candy 1st pfd National Candy 2d pfd Sales: 117.25 3JJ.00 251.',0 1-0.(0 S5.IU 61.W iw'co 110.10 1K.75 ti.15 .40 11.W I'i.'JO Sl.W B0 St. Louis Transit at 2.01 United Kallw-ays 4s at 10 Mercantile Trust (ex. dlv.) at., 2 Mlsouri Trust at 8 Commonwealth Trust at 1,000 Brewery Cs at ....J ij.i:h .... -0.12b .... 2J3.t .... 118.00 .... 251 1 .... WJi Bond Qnotntionii at Xew York. New York. April 23. Clo!nK quotations for bonds on tho Stock Exchange to-aay wcr: United States refunding 2j. reentered Ift3; United States refunding- 2s, coupon 10'ii United States Ss, recistercd IMU United State. 3a. coupon ltitu uuillm ou&ies new .9, reKlsicreu... ........ ,.ia United States new 4s. counon ....134 ....1074 ....107b .....100 .... 92 .... 94Vi ....100, .... ; ....3C9. ....70 ....IK'i ....119 ....1J3H United States old 4s, registered.... United States old 4s. coupon Atchison ecneral 4s.. Atchison adjustment 4s , Atlantic Coast Lino 4s Baltimore & Ohio 4s , Baltimore & Ohio ZUi Central of Georgia ss Central of Georgia 1st Income Chesapeake & Ohio 44s Chicago & Alton Zs Chi.. 11. & tjulncy new 4s Chicaeo. M. at St. Paul general 4s. entcaco a: rsonnwesiem consoi. ,3 Chicaso. R. I. & facinc R. It. 4s Chicaso. R. I. 4: Pacific R. R. col. 5s... C. c. C. & St. L. general 4s Chlcaco Terminal 4s Consolidated Tobacco 4s Colorado & Southern 4s Erie prior lien 4s Erie cencral 4s Port Worth & Denver City 1st .Hi ;:::::: ST- , ss siH S7 , 1XH , lOtitj 100 102i 67 13l WW 93-, 78 73H 9s:, IIS5, uocKinc; aiiev l,s LouisUlle & Nashville unified 4s , Manhattan consolidated cold 4s Mexican Central 4s Mexican Central 1st income Minneapolis & St. Louts 4s Missouri. Kansas & Texas 4s Missouri. Kansas & Texas 2dj Nat. R. R. of Mexico consol. ts New York Central ceneral 34s ...... ew jersey central cenerai &s.. Northern Pacific 4s..... Northern Pacific 3 Norfolk & Western consolidated 4s... Oregon Short Line 4p and partlc Pennsylvania conv. 24. Readlne eenerol 4s , St. Louis & Iron Mountain consul. Cs. St. Louis & San rranclsco ft- 4s St. Louis Southwestern lsts Seaboard Air Line 4 ... Southern Pacific 4s Southern Railway Ss Texas Pacific lsts Toledo, St. L. & Western 4s Union Pacific 4s Union Pacific conr. 4s United States Steel 2d Ss Wabash lsts Wabash debenture n Wheeling & Lako Erie 4s Wisconsin Central 4s C. F. cony. Ss I't;- 73-i. SJ 94-s 97 94 113i RU 9 68 90 n;u 1U-, ess; 104i OTH '...."lH 2 ...... Si ...I.. , rn 70 STOCKS AND BOXDS IX BOSTOX. Boston, Mass., April 2S. Closing quotations to. day on money, bonds, railroad, ard miscellane ous stocks and mining shares wero as follows: MONEY. Call loans 1 per cent; time loans 34044 per cenL liONDS Atch. adj. 4s Atchison 43 .... . 31 IMex. Central 4s , MSI . M4 RAILROAD STOCKS. Atchison 734 Do. pfd. 93. tFltchburg pfd. ..140 Mex cvntril 74 N..Y., N. H- & H.1SS4 7)oston At Aioany.ii trtostnn J& Maine. .1684 I'ere ainrquetiw- .., Boston Elevated .1414 Union Paclfla S54 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Am. Arge. Chenu. 13 Gen. Electric 1614 DO. old. 71 Mass. Electric .... 20 Am. Pneu. Tube.. 4 Do. pfd 73 Am. Sugar 1274 Mars Gas X. Do Pfd 138 United Fruit 1074 Am. Tel. ft Tel ..1264 United Shoe Mach. 49 Am. Woolen 104 Do. ntd 29 Do. pfd 744 U,S. Steel 104 Dominion I. & S. 9". Do pfd 564 PUson Elec. Illu.238 Westlnghouse com. 77 MINING SHARES. Adventure 24", Michigan 44 Allouez 44 Mohawk 404 lAsnalgamated ... 4s4 Mont. Coal & Coke 34 Am. Z-no lo Old Dominion .... 124 Atlantic i Osceola 56 Illngham 21 Parrot C4 Calumet & Heel a. Qulncy 83 462316.7 shannon S Centennial 194 tTamarack 3S Copper Range .... 414 Trinity 4 Daly-West. 23 V. . Mining 204 Dominion Coal ... 66 U. SL OH 194 Franklin 74 Utah .... 334 Granby ., 4 1-16 Victoria 3 Isle Royale 7 Winona 6 Mass. Mining ..... 4 Wolverine 71 Bid. tAsked. Ex. dividend. Mlnlnfr Stocks In Xrrrr York. ' New York, April 28. Closing quotations to-day on mining shares were as follows: Adams Con Alice Breece Brunswick Con. ., Comstock Tunnel Con. Cal. & Va. Horn Silver Iron Silver Leadvllls Con. ... .. 20 Little Chief .... .. S3 Ontario .. 10 Or.hir .. 3 Phoenix .., .. Potosl ..150 Savage ...: ..130 Sierra Nevada ..1S5 Small Hopes .. .. 2 Standard ...373 .523 ... 8 ... 17 ... 33 ... 50 ....15 New York Curb Stocks. Reported by O. H. Walker & Co.. 307 North Fourth street: Close- Bid. .... 44 ::::$ ....1CS .... 44 Ask. American Tin Can com 44 3- 118 m 6 10 154 31 41 5 M Ft S?ti CO " ss 1)2 640 13 54 1014 10 Do. pfd Borden's-' Condensed Milk com. " Do. pfd Electric Vehicle com Do. pfd .- Greene Consolidated Copper ... Havana Commercial Co. com... Do. nfd 154 S3 International Mercantile Marine com. 44 uo. pra .., j-- Manhattan Transit 14 Marconi Wircle. TeL (Canadian).... 2 Northern Securities 98'i Otl. Elevator com 28 Do. prd 6 Royal Baking Powder pfd 101 standard OH of New Jersey 630 St. Louis Transit Company com, 11 United Street B)s. of St. Louis pfd.. 5! United Stales of Mexico Ss 1004 White Knob Copper 7 Domestic Exchange. Reported by Whltaker & Co.. exchange bro. kers. No. 300 North Fourth street: Bid. Asked. 40cprem IScprem par par par New Tork .... Chicago Cincinnati .... Louisville .... New Orleans .....35cprem , 10c prcm 10c dls , 10c dls , 10c dls tUlcasro Stock Market. Reported "by O. H. Walker 4b Co.. 307 North Fourth street: Biscuit com 4245? 424 Box com 2 W 24 Do. nfd -11 H- lfi, 340 24 22493 Can com . Do. pfd Jtenr Torlc Cnrb Market. HEPUBLIC SPECIAL. New Tork. Atvrll 28. Curb peenritles were dull and generally Inactive to-day. Prices were some- wnat irregular, ine icature- 01 me market was Transacts a General Trust Business. Interest Paid on AH Deposits. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. J an S-po!nt adianre in Ilrookln Union Gas con rrtltte Cs. which moved up frnm 182 to ISO. Nortnern Securities wa-s again active, but some what haxy. casing off from 93 to 3S. A lim ited amount of Northern Puclne "when re leased" chanRed hands at 134. Greene Consol idated Copper moved within narrow range be tween 151 and 15j. It closed at 15. American On preferred worked up from 35S tn 36i. ln tcrborough It. T. was unchanged at lOSte: Stand ard Oil moed up from 627 to 630. New York. Stock (.notations. New York. April V. Following are to-day's salt-, of KtocUs on th" Stock Exchange, with th hlghct and lowest quotations ana closing tlJi" sles.Ulgh Low.Clcse. RAILROADS. Atehl.nn ".'" ". ' " DO. pfd IZaltimor. . Ohio Do. pfd Canadian I'aclfic Centrjl of N. J Cheeapeako &- Ohio Chicago Ac Alton Do. pfd ChL & Great Western., Chit-ago &. Northwestern C. M. & St. P. Do. pfd Chi. Term. & Trans Do Dfd lw M- SJ's S3'J CUO 78. 7S 71i", 'iw liii liJH H71. 160 CO ;i, 21 31'i LW 3S'- SS'i 3Si : .... si 300 16'4 1' 16H 140 170 170 170 U'jn UIK. 144H lll'i 104 176 176 175i 100 IS 15 C, C, C. & St. L. 63 74 14 53 f n r t T Colorado" Southern 100 164 164 Do. 1st pfd. Do. 3d pfd Delaware & Hudson .... Del.. Lack. & W. D & R. O Do. pfd Erie Do. 1st pfd .... Do. M pfd Hoeklnir Valley Do. pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central Do. pfd Kansas City Southern. Do. pfd Ixiuis. & Nash. Manhattan L 10O Zii 4 24 ;,7 1M4 15SV li. 800 KS'.i lll'.i 273 M4 69. 1I.S00 254 SS ii :.t 6S 63'i ". LM0 394 Ui 100 6S4 63U C3 0'i Ltrt lJOi 130i li' 174 Z5 "4 3i 700 107?i 10711 1074 1.3U0 1424 li:'n 1424 Met. Securities Met. bt. Ry. Minn. & St. Louis M.. SL P. & S. S. M... Do. pfd Missouri Pacifio M-. K. & T. Do. pfd N. R. It. of M. pfd Ner Tork Central Norfolk & Western Do. prd ,. Ontario WeMern Pennsylvania P.. C. C. t St. L , Reading Do. 1st nM Do. rd pfd Rock Island Co. Do. pfd fct. L. & 8. F. 3d pfd.... St. Louis Southwestern.. Do. pfd Southern Pacific Southern Railway Do. pfd Texas & Pacific... T.. St. L & W. Do. pfd Union I'actnc Do. pfd 77 ! "coo liiii lis' 113 47 400 6-.' 614 61 .... 116 KS 93K 17i. 17' 300 1) 174 J'1. 3-i4 7i 1164 116 1164 3.500 S84 57 S7. .;.. .. S84 3.'W llS'i 1174 ill JS 4.200 4-.I, 44 44H .... 784 784 7!,4 614 L3 3, 100 64 "too 13H l!0 344 4.00') 4S, 300 214 2'"0 ki -no aj mo 4 1.1W 394 8.900 S.'.S 100 934 33 4 63 V 64 i.i 314 W, 21', ; 34 W4 39 M4 94 44 134 zYt 484 314 K4 33 35S 334 ho4 92 r-- 3-14 16 174 33 Maoasn .... Do. pfd Wh-elh-G & L. II Wisconsin Central 3,-0 1 IS Wisconsin Central pfd EXPRE&S COMPANIES. Adams ............... ... .... .... American .... .... .... United States . ITS . 1W , 103 . 205 Wells-Fargo MISCELLANEOUS. Amalgamated Copper Am. Car & Fry- Do. pfd Am. Cottun Oil Do. nfd - . 11.100 434 4S4 484 174 704 294 , $8 64 aia sii :74 , H , a4' 200 184 134 1S4 804 9oO 494 49 434 .Cisl 534 944 3iV 700 123 127U l;74 3.-M) 79 77-i 7S-J . 4,1' 474 4;, 464 100 314 314 314 S,) 2l4 2084 2034 100 134 134 134 714 II" '.'.'.l "'.'. 161 .... .... .... 114 66 v 334 71 - 600 17 164 4 Aipcrican Ico do. pfd Am. Linseed Oil Do. pfd. Am. Lc-eomc-tive Do. r,fd Am. Smlt. & Ref. , do. nta Am. Sugar Ref , Anaconda M. Coo. Ilrook. Rap. Tran. ..., Colorado F. & I Coonsolldated Gas .... Corn Products do urj Distillers' Securities .., General Ele.:trlc International Paper..., Do Dfd n International Pump ... Do. pfd National Lead North American Pacific Mall People's Gas .'.., Pressed Steel Car.'.,.., Do. pfd , Pullman Palace Car ... It-public Steel Do. pfd Rubber Goods , Do. pf.t Tenn. Coal & Iron U. S. Leather Do. pfd U. 3. Realty Do pfd U. s. Rubber Do pfd U. S. Steel Do pfd Westlnghouse Electric . vv estern IThton lOi) Zi'i 264 100 97 97 1.500 264 15-4 2C4 951 26 70 loe (T, 4 42 15; 76V. t 5. 154 ?5N 300 37 "too so" S7 794 100 . 2.6H) . 1.600 . 4.500 . 21.SU0 574 E7S 644 ..- Iff". 104 104 564 Si'; 64 .. HI : MX .. 99 Northern Securities Total sales for the da"y,""l73."w) shares! Yesterday's Ilank Clearlasrs. ,iT.''''r-a.?,;.-CI'--'1-f--oue statement showed clearings ::.937,sSG and balances 11.215.719. Treasury Statement. avws eash w- I-IYE-STOCK MAItKET. Xatlre Receipts Light Beef Cattle Steady Uoa-s Axe Weak. NATIVE CATTLE-Beef Bteert-TSers was but a light supply of cattle received Thursday, and the larger portion were of natives. The estimate for this division called for about cars, which was a shade Uthter than the corre sponding day last week, which places the four day total at 6.S00 head, against 8.300 last week. The five-point total was around 24.0X1, against out is.vjo the same day a week ago. and for the week thus far receipts are but 3.000 lighter than the week before. While there was a slow tendency prevailing and not a very brisk de mand, the suddIv was lirht month in ,iMf. a fu.l steady basis, and on such terms all early supplies were sold, while some of ths common and medium steers displayed strength. There were no good to choice steers, a few r"itv. fd lots of 1.200-lb. weights sold at ll...!tf-4.So. with some decent 1.000-ib. steers and mixed lots fit 14..M14 CV. Mml rf . maw-i.,... 1 93.-ei.rj-lb. cattle sold at J4.C34.63, with com- s.ouu at. iVl.ilU. BEEF AND BUTCHER STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. T-r. No. Av. Pr. C2... 1230.. .14.76 S...1163...J4.73 1... 1800.. .14.75 IS.. .1219... 4.65 20...1040... 4.65 19.. .1081... 4.50 2.. .1233... 4.50 16...1105... 4.4 2...1170... 4.3j 109... 4.35 2.. .10)3... 4.33 13.. .1119... 4.33 23...1017... 4.S0 15.. .1048... 4.26 44... 951... 4.23 23... 1)13... 4.3) 5...' 723... 4.10 2... SCO... 4.J Steers and heifers: 17.. .1101... 4.K 21...1032... 4.45 " SO.. .1035... 4.20 Butcher Ottle The butcher market was un changed, fcuppltes were light and, fbe demand Demg In keeping, the previous da,-", range was sustained. Outside of a few good to choice heifers at 84.1084.60 there were very few of this class offered. The best cows sold at 34134.15, with most of the good grades going at j.50?t 3.75, with medium fat cows around $33.23. with canners and cutters at 8333.83. Common sausage bulls sold at 8301 S3, with a decent class around 83.50. with good ones up to 83.73. The veal market was fully steady. HEIFERS. No. Av. Pr. 7... 601. ..J4.30 2... 7TW... 3.50 1... 7!J... 3.00 3...1203... 4.35 2... 720... 3.33 I... No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1... 710.. .83.60 1... 670... 3.00 1... 470... 1.50 45... 513... 3.80 1... 620... 3.00 972.. .84.10 605..8.S3 420... 2.83 "CO... 4.13 3.. 1.. 1.. 30... 3.0O 1... . 2.60 Steers and heifers: 8... COO... 4.23 Cows and heifers: a... 927... 3.5u COWS. 4., .1232... 3...1000... 1...1100... 1...1480. 5...10.J6., 1... 500., 2... 683.. 1... 730.. 4.15 :.6o s.oo 2.35 4.00 3.50 3.00 2... 4... 4... s ill! 1... 2... 1... , tJO... . 8&... . 637... 79'.... ll0... 1120... 860... 860... S.73 3.23 2.30 2.00 3.73 S.25 2.83 2.23 3.83 3.35 3.75 3.23 3.00 1... 670... 2.23 1...11S0... 4.00 1...1U0... 2.50 3... 756,.. 3.00 6... 681... 2.23 BULLS. 1...1240... 4.00 1...11W... 3.85 1... 760... 3.0) 1...1210... 3.3 1...U20... 3.00 1.50 1...1140... 3.70 1... MO... 3.23 2... 910... 2.50 L..1500... 4.10 1...15.10... 3.40 1...1230... 3.13 2.. .1160.., 1...1270... 1... 67-1... 1...1120.., 4... 777... -...11.0...Z.W 1... 960... '3.13 Late jesterday. VEAI. CALVES. 5... 115... 6.00 6... 121... 8.00 5... 140.. 1... 210... 6.73 ... 150.. .-6.60 7... SO.. 1... 120... B.f-J 2... 80... 4.23 1... 90.. 2... 140... 6.00 10... 125... 6.00 2 143... 2... 185... 5.50 4... 120... 5.25 1... 110.. 4... 130... 5.00 1... GO... 4.00 TEARUNGS AND HERETICS. 1... 310... 2.50 1... 160... 2.00 J... 232... 5.75 5.00 4.00 5.73 6.00 , 2.33 SOUTHERN CATTLEThe quarantine sup ply was of very light proportions, with but 11 cars on sale that embraced 246 head, while this day last week receipts were only 10 ears and 306 head. Trade had good tone and every thing was soon sold on a full steady basts. A good, useful bunch of 1,122-lb. steers sold at 34.50. with a pretty good class ot 984ei.066-ltx steers going at Sl.3034.-iS. while a few odd head of medium steer, sold at 14.10. One lot or common 743-lb. grassers brought 83.23. Com mon to fair bulls sold at S2.75g3.2S, with a few good grade, at S3. 40. Ths balance of the supply consisted of a common mixed lot of stuff. There is not a great deal to comment upon for this side of the market for the week, as there has been a moderate number of offer ings. Receipts during the entire week were but --. . l.C head, against 2.434 last week, and 5.319 the cortesponillns week of 1303. The only thing tliat can be claimed Is its high range of values for regardless uf liberal runs at all points tnls week, which placi, the total at the five points at 13I.UW, but -y.-UO lighter than the previous period, this end of the market has been in a nourishing condition, and while a lower level during the middle of the week resulted elsewhere, prices here were held en a steady ly with the advance noted on Mondav. The bulk of the week's offertrss have been flteers, end with the exceptloi of a few good graces weighing biai.lL"3 lbs. sold at H.nij 4.50. the Lulk having milium V63 !1 at 84.15, with other sales of medium grades rarglng at S4U4.25. Prices, i-how an advance of lvrl5e. with tin- mcdl-jni tteers fallowing up to the btst advantae. C'oTinon to fair steers sold at 83&9f3 85. while very common grass ers sold ut 13.33. The bull market has been excipllonallv gtxKl and th" Kime advance .-w on steers baa b--eii noted. Not enough cows are corrlng to effect th-. marKi-t either way, while calf receipts hav not been .ufliclent for a basi3 of 'isolations. The filljwlng ,iiotntlcns reprifent thl condi tion of the market on various claFsea- of quar atillre cattle bald on -sal-- dining the week: strictly choice fct-ers 84.toiS4.S5 Choice fed steers 4.5a 4.65 Rood fed steers. 4.3SQ 4 50 Medium steers 4.00$ 4.3") Coun-on to fair steers 3.50 4.00 Good 10 choice heifers 3.C0$r 3.75 Fair to good heifers r.93a 3.40 t.WVS tf. .hnl,w en,, j . i.nA 1 en Fair to good cows 2.C5& 3.00 Fiir earners ;.io!t 3.4.) common canners.... .. 1.759 2.00 -noice duiis , Fair to good bulla.. .. ?.1 4.U .. 3.2GO 2.35 .. 2.tiit 3.15 vvuuiiua DUIIS., HOGS The receints f ,- , n.iv ,n,i ?!.V. ,h,e arrlvaJa amounting to only around -000 head, against 7.7i this day last week. In quality the offerings averaged fairly good, but hot quite as good as some days. The market again opened on a lower ba.Is. prices an a rule showing a decline of straight c compared with the i-ei-eral trade on Wednes day, the good, smooth butchrr hogs and b-st heavies being the quickest seders and showlns Si IS1 ue?"nr. while the ordinary packers ana f-Hr grade llshu were the slowest sale and snowed the heaviest ljss Good lights. 120 to 170 Jos., f-;r Lastern shipment, found a good mar ket at the decline, but pigs and trashy lishts were not wanted: fold very slow and irregular. 1 here was very little change throughout the day; however, the close was quiet and a shade lower than the opening, but the clearance was good. - S00? .-uc'e-- and heavy hogs sold at $1,933 J; iV , r,? SO-K-ni'-dluin wi-ights anil packers JJ.Wfio, lights above 150 lbs. average J4.01O 4.V... lights under 130 lis. nverafe Slli4.73. pes u?d.X-..IIS. -? ? and roughs jdcu'ls at J4S4.U. TI.o bulk of the ho wei)..ilng 130 t . -?!" inor '0,J at H-KW4.W. against Jl.aSu 5.0j vv ednesday. SHEEP Only a small supply of sheep was on sale, net one-third or the number really needed to meet the requirements of the trade. The of ferings Included a laid of good clipped native lambs, also a lead of light-weight Texas sheep. i. m.--ii.tiiec us juts or natives Trierc was no material change to the trade, all ralr to good mutton stock meeting with a ready demand and sold quickly at steady to strong prices, but thin and Inf-rirr stuff sold rather slow and barely steady. Spring lambs that were en tre common order found the poorest demand of any grade and were almost unsalable at any ?.IPRE.S-E'':-'S1 r-lns m the country, with their concomitant of bad reads, swollen streams and fears of delay In transportation on account of Hoods, coupled with the inten ,,..n.i r m--ny .uu' to hold back shipments until next week, the week of the special sale, all had their influences toward conflnirg horse receipts to a very small aggregate this week. The week began with decreased supplies, and each auction day had the eame sUry to tell, the runs not being more than one-half the or- uiuuij n-veipis ior mis period. In consequence of this lighter supply the market was quieter throughout the week buy ers had fewer to select from and were not as disposed to purchase actively as had there been a more representative supply available. It was also fcr the same reason nit a.s strong a last week, for the decreased Interest in the market likewise carried with it decreased com petition for offerings, and as a general rule, although there was no stated decline, the un dertone was not as good a the preceding week. This, however, was particularly the case on the common and medium offering, for there were ftlll plenty of buyers on hand who wanted the choice, heavy chunks and drafters and nice harness horses 10 pretty well subserve a steady tcne on such desirable classes. The supply, nevertheless, was composed largely of plain and ordinary offerings, and as such they showed the easiness of the market. Trade has had fome strong periods in It when the move ment and values rose to the basis of last week but as a general proposition the shortness of receipts and tre accompanying restrictions of actlv tty were shown In the easier undertone al ready quoted. Horse quotations: Heavy draft, fommon to good IIavy draft, ccoice to extra ('Hunks, fair to good Chunks, choice to extra Farm chunks Southern horses, plain to good , Southern horses, choice to extra... f-outhern drivers Harness horses .S1009160 . 16.18LI-) . S.tfl25 . 130&150 . -yll-. 40if SO . &.012O . IZHtltO . 150tt4'.u MULLS The supply has been small through out the week, the total arrivals amounting u not more than 4 or 5 loads. Thee have not made up a supply sufficient to keen the roar get busy for a day. and hence the trade has been quiet during the greater part cf the week, with little opportunity afforded to show the true condition of the market. However, the supply which did arrive was sold readily. Inas much as It comprl-ed a uniformly good lot of mules, and sellers said tho demand was gnua for even a larger supply of good, big mules. The trade from the East and other districts for weighty mules of good quality has been sufficient to more than offset the new arrivals, although It has not been large by any means. The market has displayed a good tone on all good to Choice mules, with size anil welvltt but. a. has been the case for several weeks, the plain, thin, small and medium mules have not been wanted, and nre net a Rood article on the market. They sell dragglly. Mule quotations: 14 hands, extreme range J 60.000 K.fro 14 hands, bulk of sales 70.008 00 144 hands, extreme range.. .. 7O.O0SI20.O0 , 75.00tt 100.00 . S5.0uS2iai.Q9 .. J0.00llti. -11O.0O4il5O.ll0 . 115.OOU130.00 "1 nanus, ouik or sales.... 13 hands, extreme range... IS hands, bulk of sales 154 hands, extreme range 154 hands, bulk of sales 1C4 hands. eitremA ran-. 13.0OiH90 ( 164 hands, bulk of sales '.'. 133.'ooaii .uu By Telearrnph. - fSf1?! Si'1'' t!,?, AP-il -S.-Cattle-llecelpts ..000. including 50 Southerns: stcckers and feed 5S.dLrv!1B:. "'hers 3010c lower; export snd JP?-d-beof steer. 14.6085.25; fair to good II feeders 83.84.60; Southern steers 83.7304.25 Southern cows I2.65tt3.50; native cows J24M 23: ?,aaV'- t!f,e," tt-S-W; bulls S2.6.)83 sorcalv-?; S5?;:uH.?5T.KS?c"i-s "'O0O: market 5c low 11 ta,!S5- ,bulk .I', "a'. M "SIM: heavy il ? ,7 aJ-"-110 i.a'Jiai w: piss and lirhts native lambs J5.2Se7; Western Iambs 4 25 lM': '.ev? 4 8o3 30. jearllngs S536: stock era and feeders 83.508 1 50. -. iu. J,;- Josepn. Mo.. April 2S.-Cattle-Ite- celpt. 2.3S0; -y"V' "w T- "' ci Hiira 4Vf.)Zr Tli-I hAlfara H Cn 1 FA. ... ! itKKers and ; wpaK to ..e-i-4.90. Sneep-Heceirts 3.437: 5c to 10c low er: lambs J6.75; ewes S3.-). Chicago. April 28.-Cattle-ReceIpts 8.000: mar ket steadv to lo-rer vrA , .ir .-- .! 5-60: poor to medium S3.S04.M; stockers anS feeders 83B4.45. row. Il.50tt4.30: heifers IS SS 4 75 canners 8l.50S2.S0: bulls 8284: calves xTm ?'' T5-" feJ neen S4SJ4.60. Hogs-RecelDS ??.asr 3O'.002i nw 1W: insrtat W?oS lower.- mixed and butchers S4.83B5: good to k.t .teaay to strong; lambs weak good to IiSa ?',r J','5?,?'63,- fal-; to cholcrSixert S3..4.,-: clipped Westem lambs S4.75S6.10 wooled Western Ismbs S67. . -fw York. April 2S. lleeves Receints ncne- tenlXn&: caVTs 3tlaay:J P aPOTslcaiTJ, Receipts 127; quiet and steady: fair veals sold at S3 per 100 lb,. Sheep and lamb,lRew!ts 4..11: f-ieep steady: Iambs dull and loai. low er; clipped .heen Mid at 84 50a6.BvT per 100 ,- a few clipped wethers 85.60; ordinary to choice clipped lambs SS.Soas: clloned culls 11.624: Virginia spring lBmSitt' livfr head! Hags-Receipts l.fol; non. on sale; feeling Ponltry. REPUBIJC 8PECIAL. New York. April 28 Live Poultry-Receipts were confined to 1 car Western and 1 South western, which winds up the supply for the week. Weather was rainy and unfavorable, and with fully 15 carloads of fowl, unsold on Jobbers' hands the market was very slow, with no possibility of a clearance this week. Fresh receipts left first hands at unchanged prices, but outlook for the Immediate future depends entirely upon the volume of receipts: quota tions unchanged. ' M , Dressed roultry Receipts 1,734 pkgs. There was no change of note in the market for fresh killed fowls. Receipts were not heavy from northerly sections, and the market was pretty well sustained at 134c on Indiana and Illinois while those marks that came closely graded brought the usual premium, but heavy fowls were very difficult to place at over 13c. South western fowls were plenty enough and worked out slowly at lS4c for the best, but many ot those arriving were very Irregular and had to 'TO at 13C. The bulk of the TeAtn. a... In but some lots are still out. and It is thought that the market will clean up at about present prices. Squabs not In heavy supply, but de mand slow and market about sustained There was a good demand for frozen poultry and prime stock of all descriptions met prompt sale, while an) thing ungraded or of lndlrrerent quality sold .lowly; quotations unchanged. Flaxseed Quotations. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Chicago, April X. Flaxseed was Arm at a slight advance. In sympathy with the other -Trains. No. 1 Northwestern -,ai i,m. 3. 81.074. and No. 1 at Sl.004 April and Mays were J1.004 bid and July J.024 bid. Receipts here were 1 car, at Minneapolis H cars and at Duluth 26 cars. Petroleum. OH City. April 2S. Credit balances-st.63; cer tificates, no bids. Shipments 53,121. average 62.952; runs 104.934. average 72.804. Shipments Lima 72.440: average 60.423. Runs Lima 63.452: average W.1C0. j' SUMMARY 0F8T. LOUIS MARKETS LlRht receipts, scattered damage reports and flood conditions were the' bullish fac tors which caused a ble advance in grain futures in yesterday's market. Though there were indications that the more prominent bulls were trying to break the market for the purpose of adding to their lines on the downturn, the outside buying demand was so good that this sort of manipulative tactics was without rcrult. foreigners were not Inclined to follow the lead of domestic t.-aders und cables were only fairly stead). As an offset It was estimated that the world's shipments for the week would be below tho recent average. Argentine weather was said to be unfavorable. Domestic weath er, so far as overhead conditions went, was ideal, but the rrivate wires were laden with stories of flooded fields in the Mississippi and Ohio valleys, and the threat of high-w-i-ter damage was so close to home that it could not be ignored. The crippling of the railroad service because of the overflow on both sid;s of the river was an im portant figure in the advance, as it operati d to check the movement to market and to cut down the immediately available supply. E.irly weakness was quickly offset by the outside buying Interest, which was larger than It had tcf 11 for several weeks. Corn was strong in line with wheat. While weather conditions were generally favorable, tho backwardness of the season and the scarcity of contract grades at all reciiving points were bullish influences. July wheat opened 1-lCc off and closed "ic up. July corn opened -.Mtgc up and closed Hc up. July oats cloicd 1c up. Receipts of produce were moderate and prices of fruits and vegetables wire gen erally steady to higher. Local securities were extremely dull, with alues practically unchanged for th few active issues. Yesterday's bank clearings were $7,557,336. balances JI.:i3,Tl?. Miscount rates were steady between 5 and 6 per cent. Spot cotton was unchanged in the loaI market. i GRAIN VALUES ADVANCE ON OUTSIDE SPECULATION. MAY WHEAT IS THE STRONG SPOT. Flood Seme and General Crop Conditions Appeal to Non professional Traders. After a short season of selling: by manipulators the outside trading element took charge of the local grain market and forced an advance for both wheat and corn futures. May wheat wa3 the strong spot. Koreisn markets were barely steady, but domestic conditions seemed favorable for an upward movement. Flood conditions were an Important factor In the local advance. Receipts at all points were lhrht and there was a continued scarcity of contract Roods. sic. so'jc. Sic. 814c, I4fj81Se. ElHc. Sl-ic M4c. sisjc. 81481Ue. OiHC. SlUr. yi2e-THn' iifasiu,- inii lii: Sii.X: S.',- .-"-I;. -. oit . Hiir. Mi-taf. Hi-.,- it,., c eat Corn also was on the upturn, though the volume of trading was smaller than In the wheat market. The backward season and light receipts of good grain brought speculative bujlng orders. " 474c. 474c, 474c. 474c. Receipts of wheat at St. Louis. 11.767 ?u;,oor,h,ch.S0 scks and 12 c3 -- and lacar through. cUmples on track norni- if-flneiI?,,s Tv,'at at Primary points, 163.000 bu.. and shipments lov.flOO bu. North west received 65 cars, against In SlH. City. U.M bu. Clearances. 71.000 bu. of -mItsJIh' Crn. at.St- I-OU-9' S-i3 I----, higher Were " SaraPIes 0I- lc Receipts of corn at primary points. 138. v bu. and shipments. 215.000 bu. Chicago received 1O8.9U0 bu. and KaVisaTcity 9aS bu. Clearances. 93.000 bu. e ?S'Pv.t8 Sf oat3 nt st- Louis. 22.S50 bu.. of which all were local. Shipments, 40.930 Receipt-, of oats at primary points, JS.000 aWOO bu. shlpmen:s 21S'000 bJ- Clfttrances; Cash Gruin, Flour, Etc. VoV'JEioM?e9??r.,IOrt Wln-er hl-t "" ?. ciJ -- .'.?-- Millers bought No. 1 hard fat.i!',,Xo.4 "a1-- at 78?. Nominal Su 'SceNi TrMM.tT?V.tS. Vi .nV???'0-1'' l car oOere'd. that No. I. and sold at 50c destination. No. i and No a whits quotable at 4S443c; No. 2 white and ; No " Jz7Ught ?1enss and only a local ee-m.a2.-U -Jv sample: No. I quotable at n?. v 1 fo?Nlrj0mlna"y at Mc for x- - ad e4tW5o Pi-AXSEED-Nomlnally 97c. higher- .tra.gbrk?r-84 7orex rartncy m'Sw uV.'.c,J-7,'e-' n-?11--1- and low de g Jutes J2.J08J: patent. straight. .stiiS patent. 8164.10 w: cjeara -T3.10S3.30: lower grades sob'jF nvi- ti. r..Trv."-." ' Sig4. wav. Juta'aksr a aTf5,ffr--KS.D'-i5. " " ., in 1 . ... ..wu, U1L&CU I mixed and inferior at 81. i0bs - SSc and ship. feavxerN11!1 ofc 1 LEAiMSsCj Wheat " S.50. SPELTER-I3 is tfi,l spirits!SKi'-Qu0te 0n huls ot ,1-3Jl a gaL for Curb Grain Market. St. Louis July wheat J2c. put. SlUfliivi. and calls s'ic to 1:4c tcf8;4-j824c -I55l's- ani"callsk,S4iUly W""t 0l-"-P-'- SH8S4-e MVhlait"11 -N',')-p--' KH8S34C and can. Sc i-;'on---?-"-' -Kr4Sic bid and calls S3S 4:cnnfdan!lj!;fiSI?4C bli PU" St. Loals Fntnre Prices. Closed. Ranged. Close,4 -Wednesday. Yesterday. Testerday. 324B33-4 83: f"v.MjS2i aitlgsi urat jiay..-j o July; b Kept Corn May July Sept Oats May, July , Sept ...794 b ...46. ...47 6174 ...46"i b ...37 b ...314 b iut!uIL. 80s 46'i-47 , 474'44r-i .....B.... 464 a 47484 a 47 a 404 b SSa, 31H Prod nee. Buttei---Creamery Extra 23324c: firsts lc: seconds 1,818c. Ladle.packd Extra lOc firsts o.7'a'"pa-rF-,-1.c-,' 1!c I-0-- to 'air 14c. country roil Choice 13c; packed and ordinary 114c; grease stock 485c " ..EsisrI-?.',)t5 J?'-0 V- ---I and 4.WS through: shipped 7.0S0 pkgs.: market 154c, cas. count, cases returned; fresh firsts 164c, cases Cheese Northern on orders: Twins at lie singles 114c; daisies 114cr Young Americas 114c. longhorns 114c; New York twins 114c; llmburger Hgi2c: poor 7C3c; Swiss 15c for choice; No. 2 at 10B13c; brick li-jlju-c. Provisions. Pork. F. p. B. New standard mess in job bing way closed nominally at 812.10. Lard clMlce steam on E. side closed nom inally at 0.374c: kettle-rendered 74884c. Green Hams. J-tc Car lot held f. o. b.. E. stde thus: Hams 10-av. at S4c. 12s at S4-. 14. and 16s at Jc 18s and 20s at 84c Skinned hams 16. and 1820. and 2224s at 04c- Call fornlas 64c to 64c New York shoulders (10 12-av.) at 64c. From the block, del.: Hams at S4S19C for run of house; bellies at 44c to c as In average: Cnllfomlas at 64f?64c: New York shoulders at 64c. D. S. Meats To arrive, loose cured cTiba closed nominally: 4G35-av. at 6.474c and 50 av. at 6.424c Bxd. lots tn a jobbing way ranged thus: Extra shorts at 64c, c'ribs eve short clear 7c; bellies 7874c plates 54c fat backs at 54c; standard back, at 7c. Orders charged higher. UAcon Bxd. s. c. meats in a Jobbing way ranged: Breakfast bacon at from 94c for heavy to 134c for choice light; hams at 104c to 114c Cnllfomlas at 74c: New -York shoulders at 74c. Plain smoked bxd. Ion In a Jobbing way ranged: Extra shorts at 74c: Cribs at 74c: short clear at 7-Sc; bellies at Vie to S4e: plate, at 64c: fat backs at 64c; standard backs at 7v,c; fat backs at 64c: standard backs at 1c. Dealers charged higher on orders. Oleo-Stearlne nominal at 6364c Tallow Market aulet. RecelDts not so -(-- able. Country No. 1 at 4c for average to 5c fcr prima winter: No. 2 at 4j: packers' prime S'iuSSc Country Lard Quote prime at 5HS6c Grease Quote smatl Irregular lots country: Brown 34c: yellow 34034c: white 44c to 4-ic latter for choice. Quote packers' stock nomi nally Brown 3c: jellow 3e44c: white S Ueef On orders: Bid Plate 87.50: roll and Fulton Market 89.5): mess S3. Dried, per lb. Rets 104c: Insldes 14c: knuckles 13c; outside Sc Tongues 124c to 144c per lb. Live Poultry Turkey-- Average receipts J2c. Chickens Hens lie; voung chickens 14815c; old rooster: 5c Ducks 124c. Geese i37c. Capons (SO10 lbs.) 17c; capons, light. 12815c. Guinea chickens, per dox.. Si. Live pigeon, and squab, per dor.. 73c Dressed Iced Poultry Turkeys: Choice of light medium at 14c; choice heavy at 13c Fruit and Vegetablea." The Republic quotations are for lots In first hands, unless otherwise specified. Small lots on orders are charged higher. STRAWBERR1B-Mlsslssippi, S-gar. cases, from S2.2Sa2.7S for poor or sandy to fair and choice at $383.23. with a few-fancy Klondike at S3.50. Arkansas. -gal. (poor, small). 8S82.S $3.23 for choice. Alabama at $2.50 tor or dinary vo s tor koou. APPLES Quote per bbL: Eastern Baldwin at $1 for damaged to S2.25i2.S0 for choice to S2.7".? 3 for fancy. Russet and Spy at S2.7S8X15. Western Genetlng at $2i?2.25 for sound. ORANGES Florida brlghu or russet. $2,509 4 per box delivered from store. At auction: California navels and standards at $1.2382.30 per box. according to condition. ?U:.-SAJ'p,I'ES-Cl-b-"- J2;e-4 per crate. rSfiASF R.IJ'-F-or--a at S7.5fr&8 per box. California $2.5063 per box. LEMONS-Mendna from store 82.2532.50. At HSV2?!!'OT'-a -"i085c per box for damaged. BANANAS Quotable Sl.3r2.5o a bunch en ctcera. co9?A-s'UTS,-IeI' 1HWi E- - 50c: Jobbing way 83.50 per 1C0. POTATOES Offerings only fair. Wisconsin and Michigan rural at 81.10 In bulk to 1 f.9 1.23 skd. Colorado S1.2S31.27 for rural. Culls less .. -XSv5". POTATOES-New Orleans at 81.75 pr l,a,J:b.1', sack. BM. lots S3.50gj.73 for whits to 84.50 for triumph. ONIONS Choice sound r-d globe in small way nominally 3S4c per lb. NEW ONIONS New llermuda at Sl.SO per crate; New Orleans at $22622.10 per sack or S4S4.a) per bbl. CABBAGE Slow; weak: New Orleans (poor) $1.50 per crat: Mobile $2.25 per crate. CUCUMBERS New Orleans 6JS73c and crates, 8282 50. Florida, crates. $2 per crate. TOMATOES Florida 6s $181.10 for choice to S1.50S1.60 for fancy. BEETS-Qulet; New Orleans 30340c: Texas 20fi23cper dor. bunches. LBrTUCE Home-grown S30o per bu-S Southern not wanted. RHUBARB Home-grown liasse per dor. CARROTS Home-grown S1S1.23 per box; New Orleans 3O40c per dor.: Texas 2362--C per dor. PARSNIPS Home-grown 60S75c per bunch and $2.23 bbl. CELERY-Callfornla. per crate: Golden Heart $7 and green $1.30. Celerv roots 5075c per doz. Florida stock (poor) 75cfi$1.23 per case. Florida. Mississippi and Alabama round green from 90c ES1.15 per bu. box or hampers, and wax 75cf$l. oulslana 2-3-bu. box. r. g., TSSSOc. and flat 50c Texas 1-3-bu. 25f40c. SQUASH Florida Slffl.fS per 14-bu. crate. EGGPLANT Choice Florida at 82.5093 per crate. SWEET POTATOES Bermuda and Queen WcSSl: yellow Nansemond $1.1081.20, and red Nansmond Sl.2081.30. SPINACH Steady; home-grown 408S0O per bu. box ASPARAGUS Home-grown SIS2 per dor . according to elxe bunch; Arkansas 75880c per hand bunch. HORSERADISH-Choice ss per bbi on or ders. GREEN PEAS Mississippi and Alabama choice $101.10 per bu. box. or hamper; New Orleans 75c per crate. RUTABAGA3-In bulk. 25820c bu.. del. PARSLEY 10c per dor. RADISHES Arkansas lOffMc per dor.; Ala bama and Mississippi 20&3Oo per dor., and boxes 50363c. KOHLRABI New Orleans 338 40c. per dor. PEPPERS Florida s 75cSl for cnolce. KAIX Home-grown 10815c per bu. loose. TURNIPS New Orleans 2S840C per das.; Mississippi 50360c per bu. box. Miscellaneous Markets. GRASS SEEDS Quote current receipts of country lots per l"o 1W.: Clover $5810; tim othy at $2.50 to 82.60; redtop at 81 to $6; Hun garian at Sl.23 to $1.50: millet at 90c to $1.25. Order, are charged higher. WHITE BEANS On E. trie. In car lota: Choice hand-picked pea $1.8581.86 per bu.; machine-picked at $1.3361.87 and prim at Sl.7tv-ri.7l From store: White beans at S3.X. for choice hand-picked pea; poorer gradea less: Lima at 4844c ner lb.; lentils at 44jHc: California pink at 3c; blackeye at Sl.8E81.7t; rpllt peas at S2 and Scotch at Sl.23 per bu. STOCU PEAS Whlrpoowill selling at Sl.SO to 81.(0 per bu. Other kinds nominal. SORGHUM-CANE SEED-Latest sales at tlo per 100 lbs. for poor to $1 for prime. ONION SETS-Latcst sale at 81.80 ber bu. SUNFLOWER SEED Quote 82.50 per 100 lba. CASTOR BEANS 81.40 per bu. far crime In car lots on trk.-S1.25 for small quantities. DRIED FRUITS Apples: Sundrted quarters 2434c: evaporated at 4c to 5c: cores and peeling at 144214c: cbeps at 14c to 14c Peaches at 34c to J4e. FEATHERS prime white lire geese in smalt sks. 58c and In large sks. 54c: prime gray do. 41c In small and 40c In large sks.; old white 44) 844c: X 30836c: XX 22826c; XXX I44JJHC-. XXXX Cc: tare 10'per cent on mall ska, and 8c on large. Duck White 42c: dark 30c Tur keyTall 20c; wing 9c: pointers Sc; wing and tail and pointers 8c: body (dry) (c ROOTS Per lb.: Ginseng at 14.50 to SS; stem my, weedy, etc. less; lady .Upper Sc; saneca 65c: pink 13c: golden seal 63c: black 44e: May apple Sc; snake 35c:. white snake worth S4e: angelica 586c: waboo bark of root Sc: baric of tree 24c; blood 6c: blue (lag 3c; sassafras bark of root 5c; wild ginger 7c SHEEP TELT9 Full-wool pelts T5c4l; shearing 10c to 35c: lambs at SOc to 60c; dry. fallen, etc.. lOfillc per lb. BEESWAX Unchanced at 2Sc per lb. for prime. LINSEED GIL-QuoUble at 40c per gal. for raw and 41c for bol'ed; 1c per gal. less on car lots. POP CORN-100 lbs., on cob, white Rice II 1.10: mixed at 75c SCRAP IRON AND METAL Per 100 Ibs.t Wrought Iron $45: heavy cast $40; maTIeabla steel and breakable 40c: stove SSc: light brass $1; heavy brass $9; copper $9; sine S3: lead li.iri: pewter $12. SALT-E. side medium at SI: granulated IGa per tbl.: 5s more per bbl. this -4de. EMPTY BARRELS-Coa! oil. turpentln and . gas, lire, 81.05; vinegar 70c; black oil 50c; lin-(--d. light and varnish SOc; machine SOc; sugar 15c: whisky SOc; do. halt Ibis (SOc: win SI: t-acukraut 30340c: pickle 40850r: Sour 15c mo lasses 30c; lard tcs. 43c: 25c off for each broken bead; 34c each hoop mining. TAGS ETC Per 100 lbs.: Country rags at '.Sc Old rope No 1 manlla at SI 25; No. 2 at Mc, Rubber at $5175 50. PEANUTS-Farmers stock, per lb.: Red 1?4 fj2e: white nt 382ic. CHESTNUTS-ltallan at Sc per lb.: Virginia, at 12c. PECANS Western at 64c: Texas at Hie. MAPLE SUGAR Quote at Sc to 10c per lb. HONEY Cnmh at 10c to 12c: choice Colorado at 14c: 'trained and extracted at 4844c In" bbls. and 5c In cans. COOPERAGE Quote on orders for prompt delivery: Lsrd tcs., 81.50 for wocd-bound. 8X324 for 6-hoop iron bound and $1,474 for 8-hoop do.: oak pork bbls. 31.50 for wood and 81-20 for Iron bound: ash pork bhts $1.30 for wood-botmd; oleo trs $1.3 J for S-hoop: kraut bbla SI: do. hair bbls. 70c: do. kegs 50c: do. casks SI. 45: stack-work bbls. 8-hoop flour 41c: 8-hoon do. 43c: mill-run apple 3V;: No. 2 do. 20c; meal Sic; 6-hoop lime 28c; 4-hoop do. 26c. Wool. Mo. and 111. Med, comb. & Med. (loose) ..18 4X1814 nurry 15 4S154 Hard burry ...11 US North, and West Bright med. 0 nark mid. ....IS 4fll Ught fine ....14 1414 Heavy buck ..18 11 Tubwashed No. 1 30H4M1 No. i 24 4M4 Burry 20 4)21 Angora float Hair Long 24 4f2 Short 22 33 Low and burry less. cloth, mxd ..204B21 Clothing 204 Low s, braid. .11 Rurryft clear.174813 Marn nurry ..i Hard Burry ..13 B1S4 Ught fine ....16 R174 Heavy line ...14 14vf Lamb IS 6184 Tex., I. T. and Ok. Med., 12 mo, .19 83)4 Med.. 688 mo. 17 819 Coarse tc low .14 ti Light fine ....14 8164 Heavy sandy..l0 812 Ark. and Southern Hides. Quote dry flint: Texas butcher (1C lba. and over) at 164c fallen at IS4c: all Texas light (under It lbs.) at 144c: native and Arkansas at 154c (latter on selection). 16c fcr No. 1 and 14c tor No. 2. Glue at V. Dry-salted ax 13c. Green-salted Round at 74c: good Missouri and Illinois st 74c: green-salted on .election at 4c for No. 1 and 74c for No. DNbothTHh green le less. Glue 4c Horsehldea Oreen No. 1 at 82.75: No. 2 at $1.75: colts, ponies and blues at $1: all dry at 75c. Vastier . crheese. New York. April SS. Butter strong: fteali creamery 148244c: State dairy, common to choice. 14823c Cheesy irregular: Stat full cream large and small fancy. Sept.. 110114c; do. good to prime 9 tie 10c. Chicago, April 28. Butter steady: cretmerlea Italic: dairies Utillc Cheese ea.v: daisies Ms 9"c; twins Jc; Young Americas 108104c in-iaaeipn-a. Anrn ss. Butter nrm; sooa De mand: extra Western creamery 2Sc: extra near er prints Z7C e.nees nrm: isew lorn; iuu creams, choice to fancy. 1048104c; New York full creams, fair to good. 94810c. Dried Fruits. New Tork. April 28. The market tor evap orated apples Is quiet, and attractive fruit la steadily held. The common are quoted at 40 64c: prime at 548c: choice at 6484c. and fancy at 7874c. Prunes are again neglected and barely steady, with quotations ranging from J-rSSic according to grade. Apricots show no change, either In prices or general trade conditions. Choice are quoted at SstJIOe: extra choice at 104810'ie. and fancy at 110 13c. Peaches remain quiet, but steady. Choice are quoted at 74874c; extra choice at 7S8Sc, and fancy at 41- Sajrar. New York. April 28. Raw sugar firm; fair re fining 3 3-1683 7-32c: centrifugal. 96 test. S IMS 82 23-32c: molasses sngar 2 15-164J3 31 -22c Pe nned steady: crushed 5.43c; powdered -!.85c: granulated 4.75c. . New Orleans. April 2S. Sugar steady: open kettle 2X83 3-lc: open kettle centrifugal 314c: centrifugal whiles 44844c: yellows 3J Sic: seconds 24834c Molasses nominal; open kettle 20825c; centrifugal 10815c. Sirup nomU. nal. 20S2SC . Dry Goods. New York. April 28. The weather has again prevented any active business In dry gctods. either at first or second hands, and the outlook Is for a continuance of present Inactivity for seme time to come. The reduction In certain frgdes of bleached goods has been Instrumental -n causing business with local ,Jobbrrs. an la Indicated by th return to t!4c on tralta, ' Z?,rr, .j.j!.., ,-., -tyJTS--VvH-a .fl 1 m -? . !l TjaJfefSasfe