Newspaper Page Text
r - ,:- !$i3"r - IF"" THE ST. LOTTTS (REPUBLIC: SXTTTRDXY. XPME 30, 190. TO-DAY'S NEWS IN BRIEF. HUSINESS. Testerdays bank clearings were tS,4S, 701; balances. $792,438. Local discount rates were between 5 and 6 per cent. Domestic exchange ai quoted as fol ows: New York, S5c premium bid, 43c premium asked; Chicago, 10c premium bid, 35c premium nuked; Cincinnati, Louisville and New Or leans. 10c discount bM, par asked. Wheat closed h!i;hcr at SIc asked July: fcSJlOj Jno 2 red Corn closed lower at tlHc asked July: 50c No 2 mixed Oats closed .it STfcc Jul; 42';g43c No. 2 mixed Spot cotton was c lower In the local market. WASHINGTON. Tl e Trrnsurv Department draws a draft for the llrst r-iir"it on the I'mimi Ca nal Jl.Mtf V, to the Republic of Tamma. The pijment of the J ;0,0&"i 000 to tho Panama Canal Corn any will lie made through J. Tierpont Morgan, who will flnarce the whclo deal. Congressman Rartholdt of the Interna tloial Parliamentary Union, has )een au thorize! to nppolnl committees for the entertainment of the foreipn delegates to the Peace Congress in St. Louis next fall Ambassador Merer of Home Informs the h.:ate Department that the women of italy. under tho chairmanship of Coun tess Spilatl. xtt.I make an exhibit at the St. Louis World'. Fair. LOCAL AND .SUBURBAN. When machinery starts to-dtv Queen Victoria's. Jubilee gifts will be on view at Worl 1 s Fair. Judge A. W. Hope and Sheriff G Trank Crone of Madison Countv were indicted on a charge of misconduct in rfllce. Visitors nay board tho warships, Nash ville and Uawrcnce. Monday. At roon to day President Rooeelt will Xrer the button that will set the wheels of the World's Tair In motion Tho river began to fall slowly, baying reachel a -stage of 33'.? feet. Governor Peabod of Colorado, accom panied by his wife and .staff, nrrived on a special train for the World's Fair open ing Hoard of Lady Managers of World's Fair will give first official dinner to-night, at which Secretary Taft will be among guests of honor. Senorlta Otllla Nuncio, sister of the Mexican Commissioner General to the World's Talr, married Senor Juan Tbar Bucngoltla. GENERAL DOMESTIC. Trade improement begins In the North west. Better weather conditions prompts activity In all lines of business. SPORTING. Tranqullla Stake will be the day's fea ture at the Fair Grounds. The winners at Union track yesterday were: Equllize, San Pnmo, Macbeth, . Wlgrwam. Slngaway and Brdadway. Cincinnati Reds defeat the Cardinals by a score cf 4 to 3. Irby Bennett won from Doe Skin and Knowledge. FOREIGN. An rssassln firei two bullets into the District Goemor of Echmldedzin, Russia. The motile Is said to hare been political. Workmen's weekly passes used by con tractors, tvin not be good after S.30 a. m. to-da (Saturday). Marine Intelligence. Hamburg, April 28 Arrived: Belgravla. from New York. , Cherbourg, April 29 Arrived: Columbia from New York via Plymouth for Ham burg (and proceeded). Naples, April 29 Arrived: Prlnxessln Victoria. Lull from New York via Funchal and Gibraltar for Genoa; Prlnz Oskar from New York for Genoa (and pro ceeded). Hook of Hotland. April 29 ArrlVed: Ryndam from New York via Boulogne. Queenstown,.April'29. Arrtied: Campa from New York for Liverpool (and proceeded). Havre, April 25. Arrived: La Bretagne from New York. Plymouth. April 29 Arrived: Columbia, from New York. Quenstown, April 29, Arrived: Cymric, for Liverpool (and proceeded). Moville, April 29. Balled: Anehoria, from Glasgow for New York. Manchester. April 28. Arrived: Cale donian, Boston (not previously). Boulogne, April 29. Arrived: RTnflani, New York, via. Plymouth, for Rotterdam (and proceeded). Liverpool, April 29. Arrived: Pretorlan, Halifax; Turcoman, Portland. Southampton, April 23 Sailed: Deutsch lana, from Hamburg, for New York, via Cherbourg. Li ndon, April 29. At rived: Anglian, Bos ton. Moville, April 29 Sailed: Bavarian, from Lit crpool. for Montreal. Liverpool, April 29. Arrived: Boric, New York. Copenhagen, April 27. Bailed: Norgo, New York. Geroa, April 27. Arrived: Slcllla, New York, via Naples. Havre, April 2S. Arrived: Missouri, New York, via Deptford. Sydney, New South Wales, April 29 Arrived (previously): Monan, Vancouver, via Honolulu and Brisbane- LALLYTOACTASCHIEF WHILE KIELY VISITS FAIR. Beard of Police Commissioners Com plete Plans for Special Service Daring; the Exposltloa. Upon the recommendation of Chief Ma the w Kicly, who stated that It would be necessary for him to make dally visits to the World's Talr and vicinity during the Exposition period, the Board of Police Commissioners yesterday appointed Ed ward J. Llly Inspector of Police, to act In Klely"s place on these occasions. Chief Klely stated to the Commissioners that It would ba necessary far him to visit the World's Fair police district every day. lie said, howeer, that he would cpend part of his time at the Four Courts Chief Klely's plans In regard .to policing the Tair grounds and vicinity were ap proved by Uie Commissioners. The new organization in the Worlds Fair district reported for duty. About 000 men will be placed In and about the World's Fair grounds to-day. Of these, about 103 will be In charge of Chief of Detectives Desmond. Captain llilam Young will have command of the uniformed force. Captain Young will bo assisted to-day by Captains OMaliey of the Tenth District, Johnson of the Fourth District and Pickel of the Fifth District, Chief Desmond last night Issued orders to hfs men to arrest all suspicious-looking persons on s-gh. If no charge can be placed against these persons they will receive hours to leave the city. Chief Desmond has under his command about 100 local men. besides a score or more who belong to tho departments of other dtles. Owing to tha large number of new men who have been appointed to the police force recently. Chief Klely stated last night that It was probable that a score or more of patrolmen would be appointed to the rank af Acting Sergeant. Tnis mat ter will be decided In several days. Emergency Special John S. Cahlll of tho Ninth District, who was charged with being absent without leave and making an untruthful statement, was dismissed from the force. Probationary Patrolman lllchard Leahy of the Fifth District, who was charged with Intoxication, was also difcraissed from the .force. Director of Works Taylor. Director of Works Isaac S. Taylor will deliver the keys to the Exposition Palaces to President Francis April 30 The Loop the Loop at Forest Park Highlands will be delivered to the Managers April SO. UNITED STATES I .- Av.. -v UNITED STATES DETAILS OF CEREMONIES FOR FAIR OPENING. Continued From Paire One. United States Army, Major Hammond; Committee on Foreign Relations of the Board of Directors and S"cretar of the committee; Director of Exploitation and Commissioners of the Exposition to for eign cojntrlei. Commissioners and representatives of the foreign countries In the following order: Commissioners and representatives of foreign Governments which have Ambas sadors accredited to the United States, In the order of the presentation of creden tials to the Exposition by said Commis sioners and representative). Commissioners and representatives of foreign Governments which have Minis ters Resident accredited to tho Govern ment of the United States, in the order of the presentation of credentials Jo the Ex position by said Commissioners and repre sentatives. Other representatives of foreign Govern ments and colonies in the order of the presentation of the credentials of said representatives and Commissioners to the Exposition. The Government Board, representatives of the State nnd Territorial Governments will assemble at 9:15 at the United States Government building, whence they will proceed on foot under escort to the place3 assigned them for the opening ceremo nies on the Plaza St. Louis. Governors and their uniformed staffs will be escort ed by their respective State or Territorial commissions. The following Is the order assigned for the march to the Plaza: Detachment Jefferson Guards. Inness Band. Officer United States Army, Captain on Legislation anil Rfat. ani Territorial Exhibits, of the Board of Di rectors, and the Chler of the Department of Domestic Exploitation. United States Government Board. Commissioners and representatives of Biaies ana lerntones m the following or der: Commissioners and representatives of the States In the Louisiana Purchase in the order of their admission Into the Union. Commissioners and representatives of the Territories' In the Louisiana Purchase In the order of their organization as Ter ritories. Commissioners and representatives of tho thirteen original States In tho order of the adoption of tha Constitution of the United States. Representatives of other States and Ter ritories In the order of admission into the Union or organization as Territories. , ORDER OF ARRIVAL. Arriving at the monument, tho officials and guests will be conducted to their seats oy General Edmund Rice, grand marshal, and -his aids, while Sousa's Band, taking its position in the east band stand, will offer lt special programme. The crder of arrival ill be as follows: President Francis and officials of the Exposition. Governors and Commissioners of the States and Territories. Foreign Commissioners. City officials, comprising the Mayor. Council, House of Delegates, efflcprs and r. ui ters of the Board of Education and Judges of the Beveral courts, escorted by a committee of Exposition Directors, and preceded bv a band and a detachment of Jefferson Guards, entering by the parade gate. Prince Pu Lun and party In carriages enter by Parade Gate, escorted by com mittee of Exposition Directors Chief of Staff. United Statps Army, Gen eral Adna R. Chaffee, escorted by General John C. Bates, official committee, and troop of United States Cavalry. Congressional delegates, escorted by committee and troop of cavalry Secretary of War, William H. Taft, rep resenting the Presldert of the United States, escorted by committee and two troops of cavalry. Palais du Costume. Chief Pike attrac tion. Open. G75,000.0. Paris artistic suc cess. 25 cents. S1AJVAGER OP WABASH BUREAU. I. A. O'Brien Will Re In CbHrsce of Information Department. At the World's Fair end of the Wabash shuttle train service. T. A. O'Brien Is likely to become known as the "Barney Frauenthal of the Fair." He received the appointment yesterday and will to-day take up the duties of manager of the Wabash's bureau at the World's Fair, and will be stationed near the gate. He has been In the Information Bureau at the Union Station for two years and Is well acquainted with the wants of the traveling public. Take your "Want" ads. for The Sunday Republic to your nearest druggist early to-day. I yy& 4 J-' ; t .- J J x a y . mmmmammmamma.iAm'a, n inimsmnnjmjtULm. miuwjLUBjmsisgsrmasisMi iim iwasgasawsssr IiV?i".T-50.r,f?:AS7 vAw .t - . .. A T ... ..i.r'i ". - . I WAR VESSELS NOW IN ST. ( JfvfcC v 4 , ' , ' , '" If - UNITED .STATES GUNBOAT NASHVILLE. maetmaeaimn TORPEDO-BOAT DESTROYER lTTTVTTvVfTTVTTTTfTTTfvTT,TTTHII X GOVERNOR D0CKERY SAYS VISITORS SHOULD RECEIVE t WARM WELCOME FROM MISSOURI PEOPLE AT FAIR. "Citizens of St. Louis and the entire State of Missouri must co-operate In extending a cordial welcome to World's Fair visitors." said Governor A. M. Dockory. who arrived at the Southern Hotel jesterday afternoon. "It Is the duty of the city and the State to make visitors comfortable nnd happy. The genuine, old-fashioned hospitality is the kind that counts. "Ilrst Impressions nre alwas the most lnsting, and the early vl-itors are r the ones who will carry the reports back to their homes. Let us receive every 4 one with such slnccrHy that they will return to their relatives and friends with glowing accounts of the Exposition " 4 Governor Dockery will participate In the ceremon!s to-day. The members of his staff who are already in the city are: Colonel J. J. Russell, Charleston; Colonel Charles L Wood. Raleigh; Colonel F. L. Lufcr. George S McGrew and T. C. Hennlngs of St- Louis. A great crowd will come down from Jefferson City, according to the Gov a traort report. The Statehouse offices will be closed. Governor Dockery says 4 that official business and politics will stand aside now until the Talr Is opened and gets a good start. PUBLICITY BUREAU CHIEF RESIGNS. E. H. Sexton Will Be Succeeded by Edward Hooker as Superin tendent of Fair Department. R. IL Sexton, Superintendent of the World's Fair Bureau of Publicity, who has held that position almost since the oriran Izatlon of the Exposition Company, has re signed, his resignation to take effect to day. Edward Hooker, the present Secretary of the Press and Publicity Committee, will .assume the supermtendencv of the bureau In connection with his secretarj ship, which he will retain. The two departments will be combined under Mr. Hooker's management. Mr. Sexton tendered his resignation be cause of the press of other duties. In ad dition to being the resident Commissioner of the Texas World's Fair Commission, he Is at the head of the Model Reading-Room concession at the Exposition. Both the retiring and Incoming super intendent are joung men. who are cred ited with giving the most efficient char acter of services to the spread of the fame of the Exposition. Mr. Hooker, although but Jl ears old, has had a varied news paper experience with metropolitan Jour nals. He Is a native of Missouri. During the Spanish-American War he served as war correspondent of the New York Sun .In the Cuban campilgiis, and is best known by his work there. Alrrnjs Ready When Wanted. Visitors to the Fair, especially the guests at the Ofiiclal Luncheon, which will be held to-d.iy in the Varied Industries building, will enjoy the lirst opportunit of inspecting the booth of the L. E. Wat erman Co , New York m ikers of Water man'3 Ideal Fountain Pens. It Is not only the most unique, but because of its at tractiveness It furnishes a very appropri ate bae'vrround for the festivities, and being completed can also be used as a reception parlor for the d'stlngukbed guests, who cannot but nppreclite the en terprise of the Conipany.-who are altrajs ready when wanted. ST. LOUIS COUNTY NOTES. John and Charles Cooper, chicken th'eves, Yesterdav pleaded guilty before Circuit Judge McElhlnney to a charge of petit larceny and were sentenced to sixty flays In jail. William Helll. a 16- ear-old boy, pleaded guilty to robbing Fred Dlehl min of tH nnd 'was sentenced to twelve months In Jail. Mario Emelle Dean filed a deed of transfer of St. Louis, St. Louis County and Iron County property to the Hagcr Realty Company in the Recorder's ptlice In Clayton yesterday. The property de scribed In the transfer is a four-story brick building at No. 12 South Commercial street, a three-story brick at No. 515 Lo cust street, one-story buildings at Nos 1313-"l-23-:5 Market street, brick building at Nos. 1119-21 Chestnut street, buildings at Nos. 116 and 118 North Twelfth street and Nos. 111S-18 Locust street. 89.97 acres on the Natural Bridge road In St- Louis LOUIS HARBOR. I LAWRENCE. County and 400 acre- In Iron County. The consideration named In tha deed was $,- Tom Armentraut of Klrkwood was ar rested by Marshal Secrest esterday on a charge of burglary. It Is alleged that he was an accessory to the breaking Into and robbing of the store, of the Sllnknrd Grocery Company. He was arrested once before on a charge of receiving goods stolen from the place and lined 30. After his arrest yesterday Armentraut gave bond and was released. Lonlsiana Monument. The principal World's Fair exercises will be held at the Louisiana Monument April 30. The Scenic Railway at Forest Park Highlands runs April 20. SPECIAL TRAIN BRINGS PENNSYLVANIA DELEGATION. Anronjr the Prominent Visitors Arrlv-ins- From Various Paris Are Mem bers of Xlcarainmn Commission. A party of sixty-eight Pennsylvinlans arrived In a special train last nlcht and took up headquarters at the Hotel Jeffer son. Several State officers and almost the entire personnel of the State World's Fair Commission were in the party. Tho representatives of the keystone State will remain In St. Louis until Mon day night. A special programmo for the dedication of the Pennsylvania building Is being planned for Monday. A. Y. Ford and Samuel Grabfelder. mem bers of the Kentucky World's Fair Com mission, and Judge and Mrs. Asher G. Caruth of Louisville, arrived at the Hotel Jofferson last night. Loul3 J. Wortham. Samuel H. Dixon and E L. Knott of the Texas World's Fair Commission arrived at the St. Nich olas Hotel last night. General Pleasant Porter, Chief of the Creek Indians, is at the Planters to at tend the opening ceremonies. Doctor L. Raneirez Malrena, Alejandro Bermudez, J. J. Zelaya and Doctor r. Garcia Osorno of the Nlcaraguan World's Fair Commission arrived In St. Louis jes terday and went to their house at No. IS33 Pine street. Visitors from almost every State In the Union passed over the Midway at Union Station yesterday on their way to see the Fair. Thousands of persons who had never seen St. Louis before and hundreds who had never expected to see It were drawn to St. Louis csterday by the magic of the great Exposition. It Is Btatcd by many that the crowd at Union Station was one of the largest that Was ever seen there, and from all Indica tions' tho crowd to-day will be a record breaker. William Larrabee, Leroy A. Palmer, Thomas Updegraff, S S Carruthers, S. M. Leach, Doctor S. Bailey, C. J. A Eric son and W. C. Whiting, members of the Iowa World's Fair Commission, arrived at the World's Fair grounds and estab lished themselves In the Iowa State build ing. D. & Abbott, Fred Paul Grosscup and OLDEST MAN IN THE Mr. Stephen Joice, of Waco, Texas, has made an affidavit that he is 148 years of a?e. He is still in possession of ail his faculties. Hesavsthat DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY has teen his only medicine and has kept him VIGOROUS AT 148 YEARS OF AGE. wBWm A H. Winchester of the V'rglnla Weld's Fair Commission are guests at the Inside Inn. E. H. Harriman, president; E. L. Bill, Frederick R. Green. John C. Woodbury. J. K. Stewart, John Young and Mrs. Nor man E. Mack of the New York World's Fair Commission reached St. touis and are guests at the Southern and Planters. Frederick J. V. Skiff. The Exhibit Palaces will be transferred to Director Frederick J. V. Skiff April 10. The amusement devices will operate at Forest Park Highlanas April 30 MRS. J. HAZZARD RECOVERS STOLEN JEWELRY AND MONEY As Result nf Depnty Mieriff Bellalrs's Work, Porketboolc Containing fJMH in Treaanres Is Returned. Mrs. John Hazard of Midland Heights, St. Louis County. esterday recovered a pocketbook containing JC0Q worth of jew elry and $200 in moner, that had been stolen from her last Wednesday She is now thanking Deputy Sheriff John W. Bcllalrs of Cla ton for her good luck. The pocketbook disappeared from Mrs. Hazard's' drebser Wednesday afternoon. When sne discovered her loss Thursday she reported the matter to Be lairs, who went to the pUice to investigate. After working several hours on the cae he decided that the thief was still In the vicinity, and Interviewed a certain person near by, telling him that arrests would be made if the pocketbook was still missing. Yesterdav Sirs. Hazard found the pock etlook.wlth the money and Jewelry, undr an Ice box In the kitchen. There is no direct evidence to connect the man In terviewed bv Bellairs with the robtcry. but the Deputy Is certain that he struck the right trail, and an arrest may be made If further evidence develops. Tf ke your "Want" ads for The Sunday Republic to your nearest druggist early to-dty. MEXICAN COMMISSIONER'S SISTER WEDS CAPITALIST. Senorlta Otllla Xnnelo neeomrs Ilrlde of ftcnor Jnan iliarirncniroltla of Slexieo Qnlet Civil Ceremony. A social event of Interest in the foreign official circles of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition was the marriage of Senorlta Otllla Nunc'o, sister of Albino R. Nuncio, the Mexican Commissioner General, and Senor Juan Ybarguengoltla, at the home of the Mexican representative. No. 4431 ALARMED BY NUMBNESS, PAIN AND LOSS OF VITALITY. Mrs. Pemner Eiirnpcs Shock nnd I Cured of IthenniatUm and Debility li Dr. Wllllnnm' Pink Pills. A few years ago the Inpplness of Mrs. Lucrctla A. Pember of No &S Lebanon avenue, Willlmantic. Conn . was disturbed by constant fear of a paralytic shock. An annov lng numbness Ind appeared from time to time In her left arm and this in connection with a generally debilitated sfite. she regarded as a sUml of daneer. It caused her great anxietj and finally led her to adopt n course, bv which she was relieved not onlv- from the dread of a shock, but also from other prions Inter ferences with her health. She alves the following account of her experience: 'Tor several vcars T had a numbness In my left arm. It did not stay there all the time, but would so and come again Sometimes there would be sharp piln. Ev ery time it came it suggested a piraivuc "roke and alarmed me greatly. I also had rheumatism In my left Knee, which was swollen and very painful, and caused me to be laid up In bed for a long time. I was very thin, too, and colorless and lacked italltj. "The doctors cave me but little relief. and that little lasted only a short time. So when a relative told me about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. I was quite rcadv to give them a good trial. "They certainly did wonders for me. They drove away the numbness from my arms and delivered me from the fear of a shock that I am sure I would otherwise bae had. Thev also cured my rheuma tism and debility. I still take Ihem In small dose3 as a general tonic and I can not recommend them too strongly." Dr. Wtlliarrs' I'l-k Pil's have effected many remarkable cures ip cases of par tial paralvsls. and even such as are .e vercly stricken should not despair. Those, who like Mrs. Pember. recognize the ap proach of the disease, may ue them with the utmost hopefulness. Her case "proves nl.,0 their peculiar value as a blood rem edy. Rheumatism Is a blood disease, and her debility, too. as shown by her thin ness and lack of color, was due to Impov erished blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make new blood and sound health follows They are sold by all druggists throughout the world. BY A HI This is the most puzzled a great many lending physicians who harT visitea Air. Joice in admit that there is MALT WHISKEY possesses some peculiar medicinal properties that kill all disease germs and prevent de cay of the tissues and prolong life far beyond th biblical allowance of threescore and ten. W to. Ttias Kebn -iry 1. 1"1 Stephen Jolre, who appeared per F'inm Wore V." I.. T-ckor. Tax Collector of McLennan County. rirtir bclrii; Iti! num. aM he v. is 143 ye-irs nf an-. He Is a. well kronn cttlzin ridins it 622 Mann St.. Kast Waco Die rijre. nntio of the Nens dro.e to "Uncle Steve's" rest-Uerc-. wh rr for forty jurs ho 1 .is bctn a Iausier and a prophet tO Ills pHlflf 'I va-s iKirn." hf aid to th" reporter, "on th" eastern shore of the C!i- p-i,e, n' ir the Hr;lind line, ard was well acquainted with th.- iils of l!irrn Thom-i-, l'.iirfax whin h ruled that r pi n hr-n the Jirt Ciimrl .1 Congress iret at Philadelphia I was there on .i iKit t- mj parnts. ins th-n a stout joung man, ac-cu--toirfi! toactii- lite on both ei and lrnd While I hae always l-n a tenwrrc mm, nT.rth-le-s. I find with ndanc!nfr jears a stimulant i-cli .is Paul recommended to Timothy to b good k for m "to'mrh anil to pre. nt th Infirmities of old age. and I al- ' vijs u-- Uuffj's l'ur" .Mnlt V.'hlk-r. which. I tind. serves ns a Rupro tonic .ind central rrnoiator tor clt I prrfr rork. but can fit a littlo beff and ii5P--t It nben I take a little Duffy's Pure M.ilt Whi"!-1 fter ach mal " HPn th" Old nan Went to h!a cunhonnl nrif? hmiirhl oiif a wit- tie of UufTi s I'ure Malt U hlskcy ird a teacup. ' Some people." he continued. p jt hrbs in their vtimul int. I nk" mine In half a glass of milk or water. I tnkr no other meillelne." II" tlnn Iixel up bis mMd-i doo, and. npliclrg th" bottle In tho old cuplo-ird. p-ild- "I a b-5rn under th" reisn of G"orge II. but he died L fore I can rememoee ar,j the first Kins T heard much talk about v-ns Georce III. I worked for seme of the Revolutionary soldiers, and I t.ed to hear them talk lots about Georire III and his tj ranny M jo m? mistress anp; -The Star-Snnqld Banner' when it wan (irst set to music, and I wis netr enough to har the can nonndlnff of Fort SIcIIenry. It -nas about th" time when the city of V. ishington was burned that people began to call me old man fatevt " To combat the forces of disease and preserve vigorous old ae, vou mjst feed and nourish the vital spark with Daffy's' Pure Malt Whis'tsy, the true elixir of life. Thf r" ire near! -f.C men and women in America, who hav rased th" century mark, and netrlv every one of them owes not onlj his o1 her lonfr life, but liealth, happiness and buoyancy of Fpirlts, to this Kreat medicine. No other remedv can show such an army of llvlrs witnesses to Its henlth-niUnc;, llfe-prolongins properties. CALTION 1 hen on nuk for DnSr'a Pure Malt lie are yoa cet the jrennlne. rnncrnpiilanit de&Iera, mfndfal of the excellence of thin preparation, will try to aell yoa cheap imftatlonii nnd malt Tvhlnkcy Babntltntea. vrhlelt are rnt on the market for profit only, and which, far from re lieving the sick, are Positively harmful. Demand "Dasty'a" and be nure yoa get it. It in the culy ahsotately pare Mnlt VIiULer which contains medicinal, liraltb-Klvlnfc qnaMtlen. Dnfly' Pnre Malt AVhlakey la sold in senlrd bottles onlyi oeier in balk. Iiok for the trade-mark, the "Old Chemist," on the label, and be certain the Real oier the cork Is -broken. Ilenrare of refilled hottlen. let free. Duffy ilalt Whiskey Co , Rochester, ?. T. CLOSED SATURDAY TO ENABLE OUR. EMPLOYES TO ATTEND THE OPENING OF THE FAIR. BOLLNAN BROS. PIANO COMPANY. oo CMS. REILLY OPTICAL CO., 619 Locust St. Forest Park boulevard, at 7 o'clock yes terday evening. Because of the death of an uncle of the bride the wedding was ery quiet, only the Immediate relatives being present. The ceremon was performed by a Justice of the Peace. Officiating as best man was Senor Nuncio, his wife acting as ma drina. The bride Is the daughter of General J. Nuncio of the Mexican army, and Is prominent In the society of the Mexican capital. With her two sisters. Senoritas Gertrudlz and Rita Nuncio, she has been a guest at the home of her brother for the last week. The bridegroom Is one cf the prominent capitalists of Mexico and arrived In St. Louis Monday, and has been staying at the Planters. The couple will visit the Fair for a week and will then depart on a bridal tour through Europe, returning to the City of Mexico In the fall, when the re ligious marriage ceremony will be per formed. MUSIC PROGRAMME WILL BE INTERESTING FEATURE. Fonr Military Bands Will Play at Opening; Ceremonies Choms Will Sinn; National Anthems. Tho music for the opening ceremonies promises to prove an interesting feature. For weeks It has been under considera tion by the Bureau of Music and frequent conferences between the director of the bu reau, George W. Markham, and his as sistants, George W. Stewart, manager of the bureau, and Ernest Kroeger, master of the programmes, has resulted in a splendid music provision which will give World's Fair visitors an sxcellent fore taste of w hat may be expected in the way of music during the Exposition. There will be four large military bands. Innes s. Weil's the Philippine scouts' and Sousa's. The first three named will each head a division of the several parades, while Sousa's will play the assembling concert at the Plaza St. Louis; also lead ing the opening march, "Louisiana." at the ceremonies. Alfred Ernst, conductor of the crand chorus of 430 oices. will lead the music for the two numbers; "America" and "The Star-Spangled Banner,' which the chorus will sing at the ceremonies. The Sousa programme for the assem bling concert, with Herbert L. Clarke as cornet soloist. Is as followrs Stars and Stnpes Forever. . Sousa American Kantasie Herbert Cornet SVlo ale Brllliante. American Beauties Clarke (a) In War Times, from Indian Suite .McDowell in) TBe water ?pmcs nunKei "International Corsres," comprising na tloral patriotic and tjplcal airs of irany nations an'l concluding nitb "The Star fcpansled Banner ' Weil's Band, after leadlns the foreien Commissioners, will disperse until 1 o'clock in the altcrnoon, wnen it will lead tne Pike parade. In the afternoon the other bands will render concerts at various parts of the Exposition grounds. Palais du Costume. Chief Pike attrac tion. Open. Original Paris success. 25 cents. AUGUST LUCHOW IN ST. LOUIS. New York Restaurateur Looks for Enormous Fair Attendance. August Luehow, proprietor of Luchow's restaurant, on Fourteenth street in New York, is In town. Mr. Luehow. In com pany with Tony Faust of St. Louis, has assumed the direction of the large restau rant In the Tyrolean Alps at the World's Fair. Ho will spend much of his time In St. Louis, after a brief visit next week to his New Tork Interests. Mr. Luehow ald vesterdav that he had reason for believ ing that the St. Louis Fair will In all rnrMeiilsrs slirnnss nnv Tire.vlmm TrorM'a exposition. "I have been utterly surprised to find what I have found here, although, through my business connections. I have for sev eral months had a general Idea of the ex cellence and greatness of your wonderful exhibition. Wo are preparing, with every facility known to tho business of conduct ing a restaurant, to take care of enor mous crowds. I am told that ou South western folks turn out in great numbers. Incidentally. I may mention that Mr. Faust and I have one of the largest res taurants In the world out on the grounds, and I feel safe In saying that it will be supplied by the largest and most complete kitchen ever built.' WORLD. marvelous case on record, and has behalf of science. The doctors no doubt but DUFFY'S PURE AH druggists and grocers or direct. SIM a bottle. Medical book- FIRST. ANNIVERSARY SALE. SOUS GOLD Sprlnr Rimless A f A A Ercxlasses; 13. 00 vune. U.,9IUU CTES EXAMINED FREE DT Or. Chis. BeffiT. for many yean in chirr of the Optical Depart ment of tha E. JACCARD JEVVEiRT CO. "THE BARGAIN HUNTERS" $70.00 Given away Pxt week. Watch for tbs BARGAIN ADS IN THE WEDNESDAY REPUBLIC. LADY MANAGERS TO GIVE DINNER Secretary Taft and National Com missioners Will Be Guests at First Official Function. The Board of Lady Managers of World's Fair yesterday announced that It would give a dlnnsr In the Woman's building- at S30 to-night, at which the members of the National Commission will ba tha guests of honor. Covers will be laid for seventy perrons, and the banquet will ba served In the main hall on tha first floor. While the nine National Commisslone: will be the guests of honor, the Invit list of the board will Include President! Mrs. Francis, Secretary Taft, Chaffee and many other prominent sons. The husbands) of members board will be Drescnt. as also will Senate and Congressional commute the World's Fair. The meeting of the board yasterday attended by twenty of the twenty-? members, 'the absent members were at Helen Gould and Mrs. W. E. Andraira i Washington. D. C. Miss Gould and'i Andrews will arrive In St- Louis this mornlnc and will remain for a week. Reports of two committees were received! jesterday. One it the Committee on Awards, and tho report It submitted In cludcc a list of women Jurors for the va rious committees on awards of the World' Fair. The list was not given out. be cause only a part of the names submitted by the committee wUl b chosen by the beard . The report of the Committee on Enter ta nment showed that the plans have not been deflnltel) formed. It Is the Intention of the board to give special receptions In honor of the Federation of Woman's Clubs, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Colonial Dames and tha Daighters of the Confederacy., but tho details for these receptions have not yet been arranged .,- The board will meet again next Monday; and it will be the first meeting at which every me-mbcr of the organization will Ba pre; tut. Death of Mrs. Joseph M. Flyna. Mrs. Joseph JI. Flynn. wife of sn editorial writer on the St, Louii New. Hd t her home. No.. 44I2A. Kenntyace .erday momlnir alter a "n.r"'"'-".,.; eV. rJVSi was year, old, ard aJ iS",?,,;.0,? ','"'."P.T.rw7h, tanflinjini mri-brPliJ Flynrrs notne i iw - - noon. OLD STORY STICK TO ' " COFFEE and sick all the time. There's an easy way out. TJsa POSTUM FOOD COFFEE i PS i f 4 4 t I r -J 'S1! W1 -ss, 1 iM .3P i - - a- &i'il .'Z i'-U if V !- -f J . -Si .v siN ,-&- .-"i . - ir" c::.w.-r'?y -i ''& .jjk -v'jrv-v-"j?; MW -v i- - )