Newspaper Page Text
??? ?!? vrf?-" THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: THURSDAY. MAT 12,. 1904. 18 w FOR HEXT-DWELLI.CS. HODXAMONT. 1C& ;v-room cottage. MORGAN. 451 Ten rooms; reception hall; n-w.r decorated; po-,sssiQT. at once. JS per month; thre"--ar leas; open. ORION E. SCOTT & CO.. S17 Chestnut ODK1-U, MSA Thre rooms, n-tly papre-i; water. Urxe jard, rnt 315-SO; no ralw: adults. Tower Gro rars to Arsenal and MacV.Ua are. Ktb doTTTWtalrs. 'ASK i CO, Accnt-. U N. ScTiih et. riRMSiir.D no.iM. ami flats for II EXT. aslasarstslsss I1KI1 4.iV -FVMir nom and bath. World l'alr l-n-rloi. Ieeant location. DEUIAIC 4-SA TTv--r"o.n flat r.l-1y furnish! 1SU1AR, 4I.4A Sly four-room, modern flat tw al or rent. Citfl during the day or until OTlcK-lc h i KNITI'RK of S-room house. Including piano iriuat ell. V-47 I-jii;. KTRXXftnEJ) flat; Compton Helshu? nelrt borhood chc rooms; bath, private family. FO M Rf-puliUc Fl'RXISIfED house; 13 tnlnut-p to Islr crounds; elcht room and hath: corner litmus; rocthm cynosure Fl 4? Itepubllc FPRNISIIKD flat four rooms, bath. h-t and ccUE water; use of both phone? Inquire at 4VA Fan t.ARRIrSON. 3303 N Two and flre mom fur-nh-lW flat. Janitor service; southern exjosure; lawn, rv-ai-onable IXCRETIA Wert Four-room furnished fat. ra crftte and ranK; piano, reens and bMh, ;5 Cacton ac line MISSOURI. Sirs Hou of li rooms; artly fnrnlRhed v.lil rr-it until P-o 1. $70 per month. M II Vy'um 115 Chestnut rt. ROOMINO-Iinrsn-sir roonsi. furnKbed cnmplte for houkeeplns; rent $ month, ?our months In advanc all IVH XVatfnctn. ST LOriS. 4l-EIesantly furn-hel flt. tel-T-hfin bath and gas, convenient to car, rer inable THOMI-'PON wl3B Three-rocm flat. furnlid for housekeeping; tst THEODOSIA. M--,UrnIshed flat; four rooms; raw and bath- near World's Fair nrounds. VANDEVnNTKIt, 1044 NIce-ly furnished four room modem flat; only JM. VANDnVHNTER. 1014-Nicely furnlched Mr-n-room flat, cood location, all nice rooms. IT'K.MSHKU FLT I'OIt R!T. 4 IMA rinney ae.; S room and bath; neatly furalhed CHAS. r. VOGEL, CS Chestnut -t. TO LET FOR nLINEt PrRPOKS, -i. fllESTNTT'. TO Four-orr brick: raltahle for mercantile or burin purpoeji. KOLLAS &. RRINKOP. 1X25 Chestnut et. DESK space on j!TOund floor with or without DE;K non nicely fumihd offl", use boih phones and roller deL 11 Uurlfnctnn bui'dmx. FRCIT stand, peanut, popcorn privilege. Comentlon Gate, Administration building:. Take Fuburban car IROE store, pan ide or Arcade building, Ohanne Apply at taHor hcp. MORGAN. 142-For lUtbt mannfacturlne pur poses; space 27x100: ground floor. FISHER & CO.. 714 Chestnut si FART of flnHy furnished double office, &$ llermo! & Jaccard bulldlnc WASHINGTON. 1S05 Rasement. also space In front of hous for buinepa stand. WINDOW. 9 by 6 feet. 210: Mark-t. Offices for Bent In Heart of the City. For rmt In Rrpnlilic Ilnllillne. SoaihTvcwt Corner Oll-ve nnl Seventh Streels. two large con necting offlco rooms. Both are oil second floor, one a corner room, the other fronting on Seventh street. Both are equipped with complete fixtures stiltabln for a tallorlns es tablishment. For particulars in quire at Republic Business OfCce. FOR RENT Booths; in elegant lo cation for restaurant, fruit stand, soft drinks, peansts, candy and novelties. X. W. Cor. Union and De Giverville Arcs. Apply on ground!, or 618 Chest nut St. v FOR LEASE. LUCAS. JT. VT. Cor. lllexenth For least. In new wholesale district second floor, COxlM fet; rool light on lour sides. Apply Uadley-Deaz t::&sK Co. OL1VC. 10ia Forty-!sbt furnlsned rooms to lease for seven months. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. LOT 5SilH; 41 Shaw ave.: sell cheap for cash. FO 78. Republic LOT on Magnolia ave.. MxZSt feet: cheap lor rash. Owner. CIO Burlington bulMlng LOT 50x140; opposite Tower Grove Park: splendid residence location; ery cheap. 1113 North Mark.t. WILSON' and Solphur. Cheitenham (Corner) Pnen and thrre-quarters acres; cheap. D. :tcholn. 891 Chestnut. KING'S HIGHWAY HEIGHTS, King's highway. Spalding. Northland and Jlaf fltt ave... Is the best property In BU Iuls be Jrg pold for J10 cash and a per month: fine, high land, covered with Hne tree"; lot COill!; seTTer and water in: special sale SaUirday att ernoon. May 14. N. S. 'WOOD. Sli Chestnut t- SL'ni'rtDAX PROPERTY FOR SAL.E. I'iWN'W'VS'MW'lMtl'l'V liOT In Old Orchard. 100x200 feet; nicely lo cated: at a bargain. H26 Ollve IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY FOit SALE. sVissms ALFRED. 21SA Two-tory Bat; three rooms; on year old: bargain. Mil MltHtslpol. 11ACOX. 1S0J Eegant single flat: four rooms flrst floor, five rooms second floor: taths. lot 2.X120: price feOOO. Adam Weber. ITU Franklin. COLEMA?;. SCt Nice single flat: three large moms on each floor: lot SSxUO; price f3.SW. Adam "Weber. Sll Franklin. COTE BRILLIANTE. 3T17-19-Six-room dwell ing, bath, and three-room cottage: lot 50x130; price ts.Sty. Adam Weber. 1711 Franklin. EASTON. OOWB-lO-Slx-romn brick dwelling: baths; lot 60x145; rent J1.0S0 annually: price 17.69). Adam Weber, mi Franklin. ELEGANT tourteen-icom residence: cenirol. rnt 1100: J7.000: worth JlO.Of".'. 610 Burlington bulldlnr KAIRV1KW. 383 New three-rocm brick; wa ter, gas: S1.SO0. Inquire 3118 Oregon ave. FIVE-nOOli frame hoci-: North St. Louis; il.SOO. Inquire 1403 Stewart place. FOUR-ROOM coxy cottage, with furniture; cheap Call 4gjA Maffltt. FOUR four-room flats: Lifayette Park dis trict; rent ISO month; price JJ.S00. Inquire HIT Park. . GRANVILLE Place. USS-SIx-room trick: bath, laundrv. closets, furnace; one block south of Easton. SW west; S3.000. IT you want a new house, five room", ball, laundry, call; WOO cash, balance monthly. JU7 Ituka. LEE. 3617 Nice single flats of three and four rooms; lot 15x120; price 13.500. Adam Weber. 1711 Franklin. ST. FERDINAND. 4452 Seven-room brick bouse; all conveniences. , THEODOSIA. 535J PoJ.esslon at one: a nice tTo-story E-room slate-r-of brick cottag; nice lot and garden: a beautiful little home- 13-lnch walls: in fine condition: cut to 32.4C0; easy terms: otien for inspection. KOLLAS &. BRINKOP. 1118 Chestnut St. TWENTT-FIRST. 4404 N.-Two-story brick. arranged In flats; five rooms and lath eseh. WASHINGTON. IS14 Fourteen-room dwelling; lit xi4i. rent J70 month: price M.500. Adam Weber. 3711 Franklin. OWHERS WANT TO SELL AT OXCE I301AJnA-O5-7A DODIEU ST. (A BLOCK) Lot 7i by 1CS: all well butlt: second-story and attic, bricfc hcu-.; for eight families: convr house arranged into two four-room Hats and two three-room flats: also adjoining this ts an other separate house for two families, five rooms each: rent J1.3V) per vear: price S10.W0. GEORGE J. WANSTRATH. Sli Chestnut St. MS CLARK AVE. . , A two-stcry. well-built brick bouse of nine rooms: always well rented to good responsible tenant: owner has Instructed me to sell at once: get best offer: can give possession In thirty lay. GEORGE J. WVNSTRATH. 616 Oicstnut St. 14J1A-5JA NORTH MARKET ST. All two-story and attic brick, for six famil ies of three rooms each; also store: rent .S3 rf month: clear price sS.XfA. pe ram u. GfcORUE J. WANSTRATH. 616 Chestnut St. 3K1 N. ELE"ENTH ST. A three-story brick-house, for six families, of threerooms each: also building m rear for two fannies of four rooms each: rent per year ct. nrlc. 17 500: make me an oner on this. JXS. price ':wuG'RaE j. WANSTRATH. tl Chestnut St. 1S3-S0 BENTON ST. Lot 18x115: two-story- and attic brlcK P,"": incfor foil1 families; three rooms each; plas- S. Sgg rmrcieaVbSS, t& KING'S HIGHWAY HEIGHTS, ing sold'for n cash and P mfine, high land, covered with fine trees, lots ix. Stir aM water In: specUl sale aturday nft roon Mav 14. N. B. nOUU, noon. May is. MJ q,,,, IMPROVED CITY PKOl'ERTV FOR ISALU- LOUISIANA. Z2Z Ore storv flat. fie rooms. nuiit tniA 5pnnT, :iu 2iixihwpi. j.ii.m-.i... w.i ireirv nu-nwn resiccncr:; Imi-ro.?mT.i9. asphalt wen:er.t; fbady lawn; .MUuutA eijrnx-nxim reoence, ioca.i in strictly fint-clJS nelxbborhocd; on account of own-r ljilns lty. will not refu1 any rea. Fonab offer FO 61. Xlepu. Hr, I SIIKXANIXAI1. 2G0-2Ci ltalf RlOCk t cf Grand) Two elegant new flaw, one is ready to mute in- $j,K will buy If s.d cow. d Ohio. WEST BELLS Flac iv-rocm brick; modern dwelling. JI.T53; IKses'irn in r... ilajn. AXOHRSON'-STOCKK. Sll Chestnut .MOMJV UA.NTEI). JI.-.'W for tie ears at Vi per cnt, with pritfie of pajlnc all r part at anv Interest eriwd. en fA downtown'. worth more than lrubl the tmount Tl 117 Republic WILL i-ell a JIJ.fO 6-per-c-u deed of trust, well pemittd payable on or before thrc-e ear. for S14r, mut hce rnon-y at once. FO 7, Item tile :oni to i.ciAf. On Ileal IMaic. U. B. O'KnjLLY It 4 1 CO . rs Cfcnut. make Ioan on ty iva.t. aiv amount. Icwest rmr an.! no ilr RjiMmr It tr made. On IVoiuil riiiTt. LOANS rejotlatea en L:rnUur planor or any proiny at - i-r cnc rr attnum confldentui Notary T ublic K rtienur t MONEY luaced iu!-ifi ioi r without 1 curtly 1 Lanxet. 33 Vnol'l IjHz ith L Pin. HONTV ti t taD vn fam!tuv p.dno. hore vagon? t h rr 'nt pr tear Price. Meise & --.. tI4-i 1 M- rn'I Jarcanl bVlg INVESTIGATE THIS WHEN YOU WANT MONEY. We male loans on furniture WITHOUT RD MO Al We inafcr no inquiries of lour Jrl.nd or emploer We give you the full amount In CArill. not chrefcs We arrarge pajmnts to ult -our roNXKNtE-VCE and ABII.ITT We da not RBi"ORD loans We PKfTJIPT fr everv pajm-iit made. We tay off anv OTHER LOAN or a on furniture and GIVE MORE MONET We EXTEND rajm-nt. ! case of SICKNESS. We nuke AS I)W rstet ss the LOWEST We grant LIBERAL DIS COUNTS for time monev i. net ued This Is mjr 1-uslne.s In a nutshell SB15 t5 before get. ting a Van e-lselwre ani - -onvirci thit w are THE InOPI.E Telephone for u to call. the uottsraioi n uis co. Kin. nil Roam SH. rTLI.rRTON Bt.DG.. Bll Main 41'3 SEVENTH AND "''E STS MONEY TO LOAPJ ON iLitMiUUR. I'lANOs1. liOItSUS. IHJ NOT KAIL TO CAt.1. anJ CTt ejr rtei before cttfnc loan elsewhere; cur pf.t-ra j:lTa LONG TIMK ana SMALL PATMLNTw wltt RKBATE when ra:t! bfor due. so ou ory ij- fcr nch fro a? ou a had loan. We Kiv pA8 UGOK. where all rarnent ar- en ired We c.g require payment" hlle RICK on ttt of wonK. no pi'mlicitt no in- CONVENIENCE Jo INQPIHT carrs can b ftrr.e.J at house and you tan rt meney satnt dar voc acny We ixak a rsrecfaltv of raylna cT any Joan or clue jEaSnt tmk1 ard v Irr iiiOTt money. If you cannot cj11, WTilTE OU TELEPHONE u and w will fad ccnt to explain inr SYSTEM. TELEPHONE KIN I-OCIJ H Ct cr HELL MAIN 1SS2. PIIiEMTY lUCOKKKAGE Cri Rcom Sn 410 Commonwealth Trust bnlldlnr. IS-eadwav and 0!Ie rt, Entrane CI Olive t. Oon'i lerrsw isnev CK FURH1TUHE fiHQ PIANOS BErORE SEEING VS. and yo will save mency. Til. I- the ONLY tXJMl'ANT making loans at NATIONAL RANK INTEREST RATES, on terms to SUIT EVERY BOR ROWER. Convince YOURSELF by COMPAR ING Ol'U RATES and term, with ethers. Call, write or phone us. M.iln 27CUI. or D 1S43. NATIONAL LOAN CO ROOMS 31 AND 313 MERMOU-JACCARD ni'IU)lNO. :RCONI FLOO.H. mx bi:qdwat. COR. LOCUST gr. LET US PAY YOUR BILLS. WE WILL DO THE WAITING THAT IS OUR T:rslNES. We male loans on FUR NITCRE. PIANOS. HOREt. WAGONS, wltn out remotal. If you want the CHEAPEST EATEr" and EASIEST TERMS en loans from 110 to 1300. call on us. Do net let your debts worry jou. Let us jay them and advance vou more moy. Tou can pav us In SMALL WEEKLY or MONTHLY PAYMENTS. EX TENSION GR1NTED in case of S1CKNKJS or out of WORK. AMERICAN LOAN ASSOCIATION. GS Century building. OHe and Ninth rt. Leans ai I Far Qeiif. WE make LOANS ON FURNITURE. PI ANOS, irrc. without removal; NO PUBLIC ITY. See us before getting a, LOAN else where will sate you money: CHEAPER RATES. LONGER VlME. SMALLER PAY MENTS We pay off any LOAN cr balance on vour FURNITURE. Pav nt your CONVENI ENCE. Liberal DISCOUNT.-! Call ad be con-vlnco-i. Write or teleohone Ivlnloch A 4X. i UNION FINANCE CO.. 313 and 303 Oriel bljg . S. e. ccr Sixth and Locust. Entrance 31C N. Sixth, opposite Earr'g. LOANS ON FURNITURE. Rates and terms unheard of. Iook: Xl wwkly pays a Ji-.-i0 loan. SI weekly pays a JfiO.W. loan Jl we-rkly nays a JSO.Ov loan. 7Sc weekly ray a $WW loan. Pi.ya.trts may be made weekly, prnlmnnthly or monthly. It Is to your I nten si to consult us. All but-xe- private fcnd above board- Se us. CHEMICAL TINANCE CO S01 Cliemlcal bids.. Eichth and Olive rts. WE ADV&NGE HOMEY TO )Ak-A.t. & v &. o rfiw.i .UnOK NO ILMJUi'ahlt wlUiout mjunrfl knowl edge. ALaO O.N FLlt.MrURU. I'lA'Ti. ETC Our plan ts te chepfcat. best and. roost pn late in the city. Call, write or telepbooe Kln loch C1561 ST. LOUIS INVESTMENT CO.. Room IUS Missouri Trust building. Enlnnce 70? olle su LOfiKS IN EAST ST. LOUIS. Also in surrounding towns. On FURNITURE. PIANOS and SALARIES. Amounts to suit voor need and TERMS' to suit YOUR ABIL ITY to pay. We lo not remoe goods. Exten sions In case of sickness. liberal discounts. Kinloch St. Clair 4-S THE HOME LOAN CO.. Roim 3C6 Metropolitan Building. 415-417 Missouri Ae East SL Lo-iis. Lowest Rate Loans. . . WE will PAY off any DEBT j-oa OWE and ADVANCE vou MORE MONEY on your FUR NITURE. PIANOS, horses and wazons: goods lert In jour POSSESSION. WEEKLY or MONTHLY lym-t.ts. I.O.VEST RATES: dis count c'ven If PAID bfn: due. Call or write 303 N.T'nlh St.. room Jt Oxark building. THE ANIIFItfON FINANCE CO. EftST ST. LOUIS LCfifi CO. Atjjia ukuiie bU HJUKtid pooom anu uii iuuu cf personal property; eaey monthly pmcnu. Room 2 SIcCa-!&nJ bMp.. 22a ColUnsvllle ave. Thnr Bell Kart IK2M: KlnIo:h Si Clair 450. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. We funmn ou money quicxly and connden tlally, ultbout security. National Credit Co., rooms 901-S- Chemical bldr.. Eighth and OUva. Money! Wloney!! Money!!! Sttlarifs bought at reasonable disomat; ir loan nvoury on furniture: cheapest in town. Eoulty n nance Co HCi All?aouri Truft. bide Money Advanced Salaried People, ruy.rtmy paoienta; Ursst bua.neas in -0 prtnet cal cltttfe. Tolman. ul nouser bld.trti CbetnuL SECRET SOCIETIES. A.".ClIv.NT KHEE ASD ACCEPTED MASnHS. BEACON LODGE. NO. 3. A. F. & A. It . Broadway ar.d Benton Street meeting this tThursda evening at S o'clock. Work In F. C. degree. Visitors welcome. Mem bers expected to be there. CEO K. GROTE. W. M. F L. Magoon. Secretary EURGF WASHINGTON. LODGE. NO. . A. t. & A. 31.. wlil hold special com mul. cation May 10. at ? p. m. Regular at S p. m. Vork la K. A. degree- Eiery member is exjcted to come. Firty-fiflh anniversary. Visiting brethren welcome. GEORGE W. JAMES, W. M. W. L. Reynolds. Jr.. Secretary. mlliSOURI LODGE. NO. 1. A. F. & A. M. Calle.1 communication on Wednesday. May 1L. at 7 ik m.. M M. degree, three can didate, stated communication on Tnursdaj May 13. at 7:33 p. ra.. E. A. degree. Memcrs arc requested and -UItlng brethren tratercaliy lnlted to attend. J. W. KRUEQER. W. M. John II. Deems. Secretary. ST. LOUIS LODGE, OF PERFECTION. Chapter cf Ros Croix, and Missouri Council wl.l meet at Scottish Rite Ca:hedral. corner Scienteenth and Locust streets, en Thursday. May 13. at 7 o'clock p. Tn. Wcrk in Council degrees. .. . JOHN A. LAIRD. V. M. ALFRED H. WHITE, W. II. John R. Parson. Secretary ST. LOUIS LODGE. NO. 38. A. F. A. M. Stated communication thia iThursday) evenlrg. April 14. Rt "SO "deck. Ionic Hall. Masonic Temple. Work M. M. degree. Action on by-laws. Election of cecittary. VuiUnc brethren fraternally welcomed. EDWARD LEVT. W. M. Thomas J. Brltt. Secretary. iDEPEXDnxT onncn of foukst , ens. COURT COTB BRILLIANTE. INDriPEND ent Order of Foresters. Meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each mentb at s o'clock at Uawman Hail, ncrtheast corner cf Locust and Eleventb streets. Visiting brvth ers are cordlallv Invited. F. X. ROTERMAN. Chief lUnger. "No. 13ISA Soulard street. W. O. Wright. Recordmg cretaiy. Res'desce. Ko. tszi Kennerly acsae. SECKCT SOCIETIES. laS'sssVINsrNsSaSssasaar KMIillTI OK PVTU1AS. SsasawsSmsn'slass's AOtE LUDliE. NO. la. E. OF P. MEETS every Tnuisoav e emn at a o'ciocJu- est Hall. iiortht cornel Grand ana .toa scnues. Membcis ivquvted to attend regular ,y. Visitors cordially innted. MATTHEW VONEY. C C. G. W. Clifton. K. of rt. A S- I4l bt. Louis fcenue ALRORA LODGE. NO. (. K. OF P.. MEETS t'ery 'lnursaay at Delabars Hall. auUth eat corner Elm and Uruadttay. Members ate requested to bo prttent. Visitors cordJilly ln-iU-d. K. J. XROIt-. C. C Attest: J. J. Hund. K. cf R. L S. D-UU. LolnJl., NO. 3S. K. OF P.. MEET3 ery evening at OdJ Fellows' liail. No. 3. ae-enth Coor. Ninth and O.ive strsets. Wednesday, May 11. busmrsi meeting. Menu-era --trcled Visitors inMled. F. -i. STL.MM. C. C Att-st: II. R. Bern-ej K. ot It. & 91. 3741 Eians aienue. C.iIJ. HALL OK JiU.MlOK U-'U-.tS No. ts. K. of P. Meets eery Thursday ekenlig la Cent-ry Ninth and Olive streets. Work in rank, of rage Ma i. is llclt always welcome. Memo-n txlcted. . , 1L II. JONrlS; C C. . J. Otto. Keeper cf Reicrus ud &eau Cuil-noiA LUUbL, NO U. K. OF P.. tnttta cer Tuesday etenlac at a o'clock, i .itury building .nth and O.tte streets, east b.ll. luesdsy e-enlng. Ma) 3. election of lce (.haiicebcr; abo rehvanal of nw team; guol time. A smoker. All members requested t at uud. V-itmg Lrutheit welcome. ALKXA.NUKR -.ItJIOLSON. C. C. J. F. Iemiej. KcllLii Clj'URE URE.-.T LODGE. NO. 376. K. OF A l'.. Jlouarax juu. 'inirtietn and ume .cdnesaRy. May 11. In the rank cf Es ouire. isltors' we.ccroe. R. P. FR1TSCHLE. C. C W. A. Roberts. K. of IL & S. Muiw. U)ML, NO .it. n. UF tr . MEtlS eery Tuei-tay evening at 3 o'clock at Anchor Hall, soutawe.t cuiuer JeSerson uns Park atenjea. Take Ctmrtcc Helgats. Park or JeXfenoll atenue tars, lemteis l.rr exyeclad and lsltcrs cordially .inlted to attend. A. H. NOURISH, a C L. R. Cass. K. of It. & A NAPHTALI LODGE. NO. 23. A. F. i A. M. A rtrgular ct.iamunlcatlon will be held tn.. (Thursa.1) elenltig nt s u'clcck in Doric Hall. Masuutc Tempi-. Grand and frinney ae nues. Work In F. C degree. Members x pviled and Ultor fiittfrrailv lnvlte.1 to attend. l.HMS MA At. W. M.. 4t7 West ilelle plac. Geo, n-rce. SVcrelap-. j0 Kennerly avenue. PACIFIC LODGE. NO. 301. K. OF P.. MEETS every Weanescay een,ng. Century bui'd iiijT. Ninth and olive street. Alay 11, amplified rank of 1-as.e. Ogars. Visiters invited. E: N. HOUINSON. C C. W. A. Gray. K. rf R. it s. PYTHAGORAS LODGE. NO. 375. K. OF P.. mectn every WtH.elay evening at castle lutll. noithnest comer ti.tnd and taston ave nues, at a o'clock. Work In Knignt ranl Wednesdaj. May 1. Meinoers expected. Vls 'ng rouj:rs uias welcuuie. B. It. HOLLEY. C. a i Ettinier. K. of It. i b., :KS Easton avenu-- tvinioch D 54. P1.1-.111U11 LODGE. NO 34. K. OF P meeu regularly every Monday evening In lutll No. 3. seventn rloor odd Feaows" building, work In tho rank of Knight. Vls.tora are cor dially invited. Members aie requested to attend. JOSEI'll O. MORE. C. C J. F. Wlite, Jr.. K. of It. s.. JA North Twenty-fifth fctret- f RED CROSS LODGE. K, OF P.. MEETS AT o'clock at Odd Fellows Hall. Ninth an j Olive stieets. every Wednesday night. Vis itors aiwa-s welcome. May 15. lmM. ampllHed rank of Knight. J. B. HIGDON. C. C. II. W. U-!dtag. K. ot It. i- S. WrtUAblt LODGE. NO. 311. K. OF P miets every Tuesday evening at castlft i ail. fouthvveat corner l:rcadwar and Benton. May 17 work in the rank ot Esquire. Visitors welcome. O. L. OsBORN. Ci C M. C. Sbulte. K. of 1 if S. WALNUT LODGE. NO. 3M. K. OF P u.ctla every Thursday at s o'clock p. to. at ilair Pot Hall. No. Market street. Work In rank of Amplified Knight Thursday. Visiting Knlrhts alwas welcome. MARK S. BOWERS. C a W. J. H. Perkins. K. or It- -fc S.. No. 4311 Connecticut street ZULEMA LODGE. NO. 331. K. OF P meets Monday evening. May it, 1J-J4. in bail No. I. tt-nth roor Ceniuri (.uilumg. at a o'clock. Work In rank of Knight; new am plified; electrical and calcium tnects. Members expected and visitors cotdially Invited to attend. tKaNK j. vOLLUCR. c c Attest: O. It. Brooks. K. of It. 3. P. O. Box 1063. KMGIITS TUMI-LARS. ATTENTION. KNIGHTS TEMPLAnS WB will observe Ascenslcn Day by boldlagra Joint servlco this evening ut S o'clock tn the asylum. Grand and Finney avenues, to which all Sir Knights with their families are In vited. Sir Knights are requested to appear In full-dress uniform. THOMAS BROWN. Commander St. Louis. No. L HERMAN MAUCH. Commander lvanbce. No. S. FRANK HASKINS. Commander Ascalon. No. 1G. II. W. I"OWERS. Commander St. Aldemar. No. 18. iVANHOE COMMANDEItY. NO. t. U. T.. in conjunction with our sister command erles. will oberve Ascension Day by holding serviccii at asvlum this (Thursday) evening at S o'clock. Full dress uniform. HERMAN MAUCH. E. C H. F. Mardorf. Recorcer. ; IXDEPEXDCXT OHDER ODD FEL LOWS. riM-ra'-ri-irJ'iis-r-ii-r'i "i i r a- JWiirii--raiMriifWx ANCHOR' LODGE. NO. 33X I. O. O. F.. meets every Mondav evening at Schuette's Hail. Nineteenth and Wright street. Work In the degrees. Visiting brothers welcome. LEO LANGENBACHER, N. G. David Tetty. faecretary. IK O'Fallon strct. LACLEDE LODGE. NO. 33. L O. O. F., mteta every Thuisday evening at t u clock In ball No 1. Odd Fellows' Temple. Jiilb and Olive streets. Members are frater nally requested to.attcnd Visitors will find a home with os. Fratemal.y. C E. DEVER. N. G. Ira Marvin. Recording Secretary. NAOMI REBEKAII LOLGE. NO 2: I. O. O. F.. meeia Ilrst and third Tbursdavs every month In ball No. 3. Odd Fellows' build ing. Visitors cordiallv Invited to meet with us. CAROLINE ritlTCH CRAIG. N. G. Cora G. Vernon. StcreUry. ST. LOUIS LODGE. NO. 5. L O. O. F., meets every t-alurday evening at Odd i-i-.iows" building, southeast corner Ninth and Olive streets, hall No. K Meeting will be called to order at 7-30 p. m. next Saturuay. - ,. ... ,l- !-- GERLIN. N. O. Wallace McCargo. Secretary. WlLl'EV LODGE. NO. 2, I. O. O. f.. meets Tuesday evening of each week at ban No. i. Odd rellows' building, corner Ninth and Olive, ot 8 o'clock. Visiting brothers Invited to attend. J. C MIANER. N. (!. F. W. Rlegel. Secretary. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. Kblilv-rw ivu. us Ji-Mutlia of eJoiumbus. meets every second and ludrth Wednesday at Ross 11111 Hall. No. ijflT Maple avenue, visiting knlgtits alwa. wj. come. JOHN PAUL CHEW. Grand Knight, Walter T. Ct-nmnchaiti. Recorder. (J AuwOrrnt; OJb.sciL. .so. i. 11 Knights ot Columbus, meets every sec ond fourth Tuesday In the west nail. Cen tury building. Nlntn and Olive streeta. Visit ing knights cordially Invited. FRANK G. CUNNlNGriAM. Grand Knight. P. P. Leonard. Recorder. tJ every first and tcird Tuesday ax Wot Lud Hall, southwest comvr Flnnc and Vanue venter avenues. Muttnie knights are connally invited. EDWARD DEVOV Grand Knlsbt Joseph F Lamy. Recorder. AMERICAN LEGIOX OF IIO.fOR. LAFAYETTE COUNCIU NO. a; A. L Or II.. meet tery aecond and fourth Tliurs aav eienlnn at southeast corner Fifteenth and Ca aenue. ccnipanlocs from clater counclli cordially invited. IjOUIS SENDKE. Oammander. VWH. AdamF. Secretary. THII1E OF HE HCR. inrmri - - . ,- , m 1 -i n iiTyj-jrr EUREKA COURT. NO. 26. T. IX IL. MEETS on the nn-t and tnlld Thursdays of each month at southeast corner Fifteenth and Cass avenue. All vlsitora oordUUy invited By order J-OUld SENDKE. Chief. ' Attest: E. C Lartu. till be. -vu. U3 Cass avenus. PHOENIX COURT. TRIBE OF BEN HUH. No. U. meet, first and third Saturdays at Fifteenth and Cass avenue, ajutheast corner Visitors always welcome. C F. KAISER. Chief. Jno. Hennts-'T. Scribe. 1"2 Madts-m street. ROYAL ARCAJfCM. BENTON COUNCIL NO. IS3. R, A MEETS cs second and fourth Fridays cf each month in ball No. L Odd Fellow.' building. .Ninth and OUve streets. Visitors always beau lly welcome M. R, WINDHORST. Regenu H. J. Brann. Secretory 3M1 Morgan street. CA1JANNE COUNCIL. NO. 14. ROTAL AR ennum. meeu at Rote Hill HaiC Maple and Hamiltcn avenues, "near World's Fair " on the second and fourth Thursday cf each month. A cordial welcome to vlsitora, frlenda, brethren and members from afcrcad. THEO. S. KOCH. Regent, 4M Mlssom-t Trust building. W. Jenkins. Secretary. P. O. Bex 1319. GillAND COUNCIL MISSOURI. ROTAL t Area mm. n-Ill Holland Bullains A coidlal welcome to visitors, fnenda, bretnrca and members from abroad. E. A. BARBOUR. G. R. Jao. C Kllllrxsworta. Grand Secretary. ORDER OP COLCMUIAX KM CUTS. EXPRESS LODGE. NO. 2J.O.CK.. MEETS every second and fourth Thursday even ing at I o'clock In west. ball. Century bulldlni. Ninth ar-1 Olive streets. Members requested to attend. Visitors are always welcome. Next meeting. Thursday. May 12. DOCTOR A. P. JORDAN. President. T. J. .Stndefur. secretary. HAPPENINGS IN ILLINOIS CITIES ANDTOWNS. WINS BRIDE BY HEROIC ACTION Miss .Tosie Toucliett Formally Agrees to Let Thomas Taafe lie ller Protector for Life. The heroic action of Thomas Taafc. a young- man of East St. Ioul, who a year ago Interposed his hotly between the girl he was escortinc to her home and the bullet.-) of a neirro highwayman, won her for his bride. Jllss Josie Touchette, the pretty and accomplished daughter of Francis Touch ette of Ccntcrville, Station, and Jlr. Taafe were married yesterday afternoon at the !:omc of h!s parents on Second ..trcet, liist SL Iul. The ceremony was ix-rformed by Justice of tho Peace Geoixo A. Bovne. Tho couple will depart on their lioney- MRS. THOMAS TAAFE. Who was JIIss Josie Touchette. Taafe's heroism. In savins her from being shot. won her heart. moon trip this morning and after a short Journey will pptnd the remainder of their honeymoon enjoying the World's Fair. Tho holdup occurred In E?t St. Louis more than a year ago. The negro evi dently caught a sllmpre of a diamond on Miss Toucnctte's hand and he ordered them to throw up their hands, at the SAme time drawing a huge revolver. In stead of doing what the negro command ed, Taafe drew a revolver and started shooting, at tho same time placing his body In front of Hiss Touchette. The neirro fired In return and the duel con tinued untfl the men had emptied their revolvers. Hundreds of people were at tracted by the shooting and several saw the negro tun towards the railroad yards, by he vras not captured. One of the bullets of the-negro high wayman tore a hole through Taafe's hat. but did no further damage. FAIR BRINGS LOVERS TOGETHER Henry Nickel and Mrs. Viola ilann'Meet by Accident and Are Married. The -World's Fair at SL Louis Is respon sible for bringing together two lovers who were married yesterday In East St. Louts by Justice of the Peace Beach. They were Henry Nickel. 60. and Mrs. Viola Mann. 35, both of Oklahoma City, Olc. Both Nickel and Mrs. Mann own ranches In the Territory and live In Oklahoma City when they aro not attending to their cattle Interests. Both had been married before, but of late had spent much time In one anotheis' company. By accident, the' met In the dining room of Wics'9 Hotel at the Kant St. Louis Relay Station yesterday morning. Mann bad been In East St, Louis to attend to some financial matter at the National Stock Yards and intended "doing" the World's Fair before he returned to his home. Sirs. Mann had come up to see the World's Fair. The couple ate their breakfast together and over their coffee they agreed to get married and see the Fai: together. Clerk Caughlln Issued the marriage li cense and the couple proceeded to Justice of the Peace James M. Beach, who per formed the marriage cermony In his of fice on Third MrecL The couple returned to Wles's Hotel and made arrangements to remain there while they "did" the Fair. CLERK REFUSES LICE.VSE. Vontlifnl Appearance of Conple Pre vcnls Their Marriage- A couple whose names are Bpelled slightly different at both East St. Louis and Belleville were refused a marriage license at both places yesterday morning. They said that their homes were In SL Louis. At East St. Louis they told Dep uty George Caughlln that their names were Edward Cultlng and "Dora Stroude. A young woman accompanied them who offered to swear to their ages, but Mr. Caughlln would not accept her affldavit. They pleaded awhile, then argued, and finally departed greatly disappointed.! They went to Belleville on the flrst'ear and gave their names there as Edwin Kcltlng and Dora. Stroud. They were re fused a marriage license because of their youthful appearance. RETX'RX MAIiniACE I.ICE5SE. Jrmtlre Stanton Receives Document lie Inadvertently Ware Away. Justice of the Peace Thomas Stanton of East St. Louis yesterday morning re ceived In his mall a marriage license which he Inadvertently gave to Mr. and. Mrs. W. J. Sederberg ot No. 12 Obear avenue, St. Louis, the first couplo he mar ried. Judge Stanton feared that the marriage license would never be returned, but Mr. Sederberg. In hU letter,) stated that he saw an Item In The Republic calling attention to the fact that the Justice bad made a mistake In giving away the li cense and be looked It up and returned IL East St. Louis Items. The Negro National Civil Liberty party will meet to-night at tbe City Hau. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis T. Dodson bars re tcrted from Loalsvlbe. Ky. Mrs. J. Kline Is visiting In Chicago. Miss HolIIa of St. Louis is the guest or Mrs. C. E. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Themas Andrews ar in Brighton, 1IL Miss Lillian Walsh Is visiting friends tn Carml. IH. Miss Elizabeth Perkins has returned from a visit In Edwardsvillc. Mr. and Mrs. F. Mann ef TaylorvIUe. XJl.. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. j. Wilson. The two Masenlc lodges of East St. Louis will Institute a new lodge at Granite City. 11L. to-morrow evening". They will depart from tho Relay Station at 1:45 p. m East St. Louis Marrlaate Ltcenaea. Marriage licenses Issued In East St, Louis yesterday were to William Dinger man. aged 3. and Katlterlne Welby. aged 13. both of SL Louis: Henry Nickel, aged SO. and Mrs. Viola. Mann, aged 35. both of Oklahoma City: Thomas Taafe, aged, a. and Josie Toccbette, aged IS, both of East Et. Louis. i PRIEST RETURNS UNUSED LICENSE Two Suitors, Each Armed With Document. Struggle for Girl Rejected One Disappears. A visit by the Reverend Father Henry Degenhanlt of ColUnsvllle to the Court house at EJwardsvllle yesterday revealed the details of a peculiar struggle for the affections of a girl. Father Degenhardt's object was to make the required return of the license by whose authority ho had united Mis Veronica Balnewichikl and Simon Pantellcltls, bo.h of Muryvilli At the same time he handed the Clerk another license bearing the girl's name and that of Joseph NausiJ of Col Unsvllle. stating that tbe second one would not be needed. On April 13 Nausid secured n license, and Just a week later "Pantel." as he Is called for stort. obtained another one. The girl's name being Bohemian, the clerks got the spelling different, so that the issuance of the two licenses for one person was not noticed. .. Each suitor presented himself at the girl's home in Marrvllle. armed with a license, to urge an Immediate marriage. Each was much surprised to find the other similarly equipped. For several weeks the girl wavered between the two and finally decided In favor of "I'anteL" The re jected suitor, who had furnished a house, expecting that success would crown his SViSs?1 ?nce. raade the Rlrl a present ot all the furniture and disappeared from ti,! wtddlntF took Pltce In ColUnsvllle, the certmony being performed by the Rev erend Mr. DegcnhardL A celebration began at once at Maryrillc. A hall was ?ii,1 upe w;Ltu refrhment tables and the TOiie- ki "!? I?m ft clear. On an end wall a blanket hung with a wire basket attached, in the basket a plate of heavy !?. iel7 ,TCas I,,Sco'- The Rusrfans as sembled from miles around and the men took turns In hurling silver dollars at the L.r,fi .i.was Mruck and broken tbe successful thrower was entitled to one dance with the bride, but all tho dollars, hit or mlH. w;ent to her and became her dower. She In turn furnished the re freshments. r.iii,t!i'-v 'T'foratlon. which closed last night. -) plates were broken. The bride provided twenty-Ate hams, two quarters of beef, forty-five half-barrels of beer and a loaves of btrad. and. after paying for these sha had J450 left as net proceeds of the plate-throwing. TWO MEN SHOT IN LABOR RIOT Workmen at Granite City Resent Importation of Foreigners to Take Their Places. J. R, Cole and Frank Wilcox were shot and wounded and a score of workmen cut and bruised in a riot at Granite City yes terday among the workmen employed at the Granite City Manufacturing Compa ny's plant. For several weeks there have been hard feelings among the men. engendered by the Importation of foreign workmen. Tes terday morning the foreigners and the hostile workmen clashed. Many shots were fired, but except In the cases of Cole and Wilcox the bullets went wild. Some the men picked up bricks and missies and hurled them Into the crowd, cutting and bruising many. Wilcox was bit on the left leg by a bullet, while Cole was struck on the right foot. A riot call was sent to the police, who responded, and after a short struggle the men were gubdued. No arrests were made. OSTERHAIS AT REI.LEVILLE. Citizens Formally Welcome General lo Ilia Old Home. General Peter J. Osterhaus, Civil War veteran, yesterday arrived In Bel'eville. his old home, for a few days" visit. He was met by a delegation of old citizens of Belleville who were his neighbors before the war. A reception committee., consist ing of General William H. Powell. Ed ward Abend. John Heinzelman. Henry Rheln. Captain George Bender. John Wamser, Martin Helnemann. P. M. Ro meiser, D. S. Heller and Joseph Dletx, re ceived him. An informal reception followed at the First National Bank building, and then the General was driven to the residence of Colonel Caslmlr Andel at Pine Grove, where he will be entertained during his stay In Belleville. General Osterhaus will be the guest of honor at a public recep tion and campflre, to be given at the Liederkranz Hall to-morrow night. East Side Realty Transfers. Real estate transfers filed for record tn Belle ville yesterday were: Jesse I. Gedney to Annie Gedney. part let t. flrst subdivision Can Com,; warranty deed. jl. Marv Hurtt to James Murphy, southeast half of lot 1E9. block . Illinois city. Kast SL Louis: warranty deed. S3.CC0. M. L. Gray to Robert II. Harding, lot M and northeast halt of lot 2. block Ei e curUy addition: Recorder's deed: tl. John Ktofi to Walter Oowans. lot t and southwest 0 feet, lot . block ID, W. Fark: warranty deed. ll.C4d. John Kloess to C R, Gump, lot C, except S) feet off southwest end, block 19, W. Park: warranty deeel; IMO. Children Traveled Alone, Clara, Louis and Marie Stoffel, aged 12. 9 and E years, respectively, yesterday morning arrived In Belleville, at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Henry Ehret. of No. (i uascuuian svenus, aney traveled: from the home of their father, E; E. Stof fel. formerly of Mascoutab. but now of Trinidad. Colo., all alone. They were met at the St. Louis Union Station bv Mrs. Enret, wno Drought tnem lo Belleville. They will remain with her for about two months. Defendants Win In Straus Suit. The suit ot Catherine Strauss against William Baltx, administrator of the estate of Catherine Strauss of Mlllstadt. -was de cided In favor of the defendant In the Cir cuit Court yesterday. A note for J350 caused the suit. Mrs. Strauss. It Is said, favored one of her children more than she did the others. Belleville News Notes. Lincoln Lodge. No. 1SJ. K. & L. 0f vr will rive a euchre party this evening at the Odd Fellows HalL K ' TheY'"'.v; T- Kf Til' n"t " affmoon at the Wet Belleville Chestnut Street Mission. The Ladles' Missionary Society or the Lu theran Church wtl! give an entertalnm.nt this evening at the Liederkranz HalL F. Knoebel Is In Belleville. The funeral of tbe late Adam Doerr will take place this afternoon at l o'clock from St, Peter's Cathedral to Green Mount Cemetery. Tbe Reverend W. SI. Gardner was Installed as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church last night. A special meeting of tho Tradi and Labor Assembly was held last night at Adlers Hall. Miss Emma obst. accompanied by ber sis ter. Lydia. and Wis Lillian Dobsehuetx of Belleville, departed last evening for Pasadena. Cal.. where ahe is to b married t Moritz Dobsehuetz. formerly of Belleville. The mar riage will take place Monday. hold coram cojrvEvnojr may 31. Assembly Will Meet In Edwardsvllle to Select Delegates. At a meeting of tbe Democratic Execu tive Committee In Edwardsvllle yesterday a call was Issued for a county convention to be held at Edwardsvllle Tuesday. May 3L The primaries will be on the previous Saturday. May S. The purpose of the convention Is to se lect seventeen de'egates to the State Con vention, to be held at Springfield. Tuesday June 14: sixty-eight delegates to the Con grelonal Convention, which will-be held In East St. Louis, Saturday. July 19, and thirty-four delegates to the Senatorial Convention, the time and place of which have not been fixed. Two hundred and twenty-two delegates will comprise the County Convention. KILLED BY C. A. TRAIN. Jnmea It. I'aok of Indianapolis Sleets With Fatal Accident. James II. Cook of Indianapolis was killed yesterday by a fast mall train in the American Bottom as he was on his way to take his first lesson in railroading. Cook arrived the night before from In diana and secured a boarding place at Mitchell. He was 15 years old and bad studied electricity in his home town. He received an offer to learn the inter locking system and worK for the Big Four. At 7 o'clock yesterday morning he was on his way to the Interlocking station, a half mile north of Mitchell, to take his first lesson. The approach of a Wabash train at high spcvxl attracted his attention to such an extent that he did not notice that the train was racing with a limited on the C. ".- A, The latter struck and Instantly killed him, hurling the body far to one side. An Inquest was held yesterday afternoon by Deputy Coroner C. E: Hosklns of Ed wardsvllle. .The bodv- was taken to the undertaking -establishment of H. Rltter at Edward&vllle. and will be sent to Indian apolis. Jerseys Hie Notes. Doctor Robert Coctrel cf Jerseyvllle has gone to Peoria. III. Editor Joseph W. Becker cf the Jerseyvllle Republican went to Springfield to attend the Republican Plate Convention. John Wanda of Kransauch. Germany, Is the guest of Fred Scheffer In Jerseyvllle. Harry WadJell of Peoria. 111., is a visitor In Jerse)v!l!e. The Keverend J. T. Green bss returned to White HalL III., aftr Msltlng Jerseyvllle friend. The R-verenl Doctor J. A. Ford was a visitor :n Ft. Ijods esterday. Harrv Ever, of St. Louis Is the guest of Jerseyvllle filenel.. A. C. Uotb of Jerseyvllle has gone to Car linvllle. III. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Seago of Granite City are the guests of relatives In Jersey ville. Edward Worthlngton has returned to New Orleans. La., after veiling Jerseyvllle rela tives. "The German LuTputlans" will appear at Fern's Opera-hou.e to-morrow evening. The Young Men's Social club of Jersy ville will give a dancing party Saturday even ing at the National HalL Dl.trlet Game Warden Frank Bowden of Fieldon, 111., was a visitor in Jerstyvllle yes terday. N. Y. C. & H. R. TO FLOAT BIG LOAN New Tork. May 11. Definite arrange ments are reported to have been made for the flotation of a loan by the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company. It has been generally admitted that the company needs for terminal Im provements here and for Improvements at Syracuse and Buffalo, as well as to pro vide for the floating Indebtedness, the sum of from JW.0O0.00O to t.!0,0. The lean, as at present arranged for. it Is said, will be somewhat less, probably about X2.- 000.000. The Central road, like the Pennsylvania, will prefer to finance In stock, and some tlTJOO.CCO of stock is at present unissued. The loan. It Is believed, will provide the funds necessary for the company's uses until such time as It can sell the unissued stock to advantage. As at present contemplated, the new loan will take the form of a 4-per-cent tblrty ycar debenture bond, similar In character to the recent Issue of Lake Shore and Michigan Southern debenture bonds. The syndicate formed to handle the transac tion. It 1 believed, will make no public offering of the debenture until next month. TO STRAIGIITEX FRISCO TRACKS. ncaurvey la Being; Made of the Ozark Division. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. West Plains, Mo., May 11. A corps of surveyors In charge of Assistant Chief Engineer A. I. Campbell Is at work mak ing resurvey of the Ozark division of the Frisco system between Springfield and Tnayer. for the purpose of reducing the curves and lowering the grades'. The work will be completed In ten days. At present, the Frisco can haul but sixteen cars of freight ovr the Ozark division. By lowering the ade to 1 per cent, the tonnage can be ubled. Sev eral small towns along the. line do not appear on the new survey. O. A. TRAFFIC IS HEAVY. Extra Equipment Required for World's Fair Business, S. D. Reeve, supeilntendent of terminals of the Chicago and Alton, at Chicago. Is at the Planters. Mr. Reeve Is of the opin ion that the traffic from Chicago to the Fair will be very heavy. Already every train Is crowded, and extra equipment Is being added. Because of conditions at Union Depot It Is not probable that the Alton will run coach excursions during the World's Fair sea son. TUNNEL UNDER NORTH RIVER. Hudson and Manhattan Receive Permit From State Board. New York, May 11. The State Board of Railroad Commissioners to-day- granted a certificate "of public necessity" to the Hudson and Manhattan Railroad, of which WIllLtm G. McAdoo Is president. The cer tificate permits the company to build a tunnel under the North River from the foot of Cortlandt street to Exchange-place, Jersey City. Eggs. REPUBLIC SrE-IAL New York. May 11. Eggs-Receipts 24.EM ca'ts. The market presented very peculiar fea tures In respect to the range of qualities and resulting pri;. on the goods that receivers bad free for "ale. For eally fancy graded Northern lS'iC could be made readily for full lota, buy er's !tspectlo-i of sample, but there were num berlers tits that owners submitted with a fair degiee of confidence that were refused accept snee. Fcr averare- btst Western, rerular pack ings, prices ranged from ITc to Isc. There w.r sales of ordinary Southern down to lie. under a determination to de.r the floors of this stock, erven at a conslderabU loss over and above the commlsiton charged up against the shlrirente- Western average bet l'liSlSc. Other quotations unchanged. Philadelphia. May 11. Eggs steady: fair de mand: fresh near-by IT'ic. at marVr fresh Western nc do.: freVt Southwestern 114c do.; fresh Southern l.c do Kansas City. Mo. May IL Eggs steady: fresh Missouri and Kansas strck He dot. case ewunt: new No. 2 whltewood cases Included. Southern lie: cass returned .c less. Ch'.easo. Mav 11. Eggs steady; at mark, eaa-s IncluJ-d. U01S4c. Poultry. RKrCBMC ""ECIAL. New Tork. May 11. Live Poultry Receipts 2 cars Western. 1 Southwestern, and 1 South ern, There was a fair demand for fowls, and tbe market was about sustained at lxc but a clearance this week Is not expected. Brolle s. Southern. sma.'l. per pair, SDtttoc Other quo tations unchanged. Dressed Poultry Receipts 1.X4C pkgs. The fresh rc!pts were not so heavy, but receivers hsd some that arrived at first of the week, un sold, and available supply was fully equal to the wants of the trade. Buying waa confined almost entirely to tbe Jobbing element, and wnll they did not object to paying lie for se lted Northern fowls, there were very desira ble Southwestern f3wls CD the market that were urged to sab? at lc although some of the better marks brought a fraction more. Prime havy fowls bad a possible value cf U'4c. but anything coare or over 7 lbs. was dtfncult to sell at 12r, although there was some spec ulative Inejulry for prime, welgnty fowls to go Into the freezer for future account. Fresh killed turkeys very poor and under n'g'ect. Squabs more plenty and market rc per eloz. lower all around. Very little frozen poultry arriving, but fancy stock was held with much confidence. Iced-Pquabs. white, choice, doz.. R.T5: mized -.; prime, elark, tl.w. Other quotations unchanged. Wool. New Tork. May 11. Wool firm, London. May 11. Tbe offerings at the wool auction sales tev-eiay amounted to 14.70S bales. There wss strong competition fcr good, greasy, half-bred combing and medium New South Wales scoured, and extreme rales were paid. French buyers purchased greasy peers eagerly. Cross-breds. largely medium sorts, were in spirited demand at steady rates. Americans bought a few lots and also some good to tine merino. Tbe offerings of Cmpt of Good Hope were chiefly low greasy. Funta Arenas caused rod competluewi and they were ail sold at prices unchanged to d. advance. FolloWng are the sales in detill: New ftauth Wales. -.SO) bales; scoetred JHdOls il: greasy d31s Id. Queensland. 400 bales, scoured lfdttls 10d: greasy tfjeMd. Victoria, 3M bales; greasy ida Is 2d. South Anstra'la. 400 bales: scoured J is 144: greasy JWSMVi. West Australia. X bales; greasy !i8U'i New Zealand. S.too bales; greasy 5d. Cape of Good Hope and NataC MO bales: scoured Is IHd; grcasv Via THd. Punta Arenas. 4.4W tales: greasy tt!d. The Metal Markets. New Yotk. May IL Tin had a partial reac tion in London, spot closing lis M higher at (123 Ts (d- and futures Ss higher at 1124. The local market responded allvhtlr to the better tone abroad, closing at 27.SOtV2T.eSci Copper declined 5s tn London to 17 lCs for spot and to 57 lis Sd for futures. The local' market re mained quiet and unchanged. Lake is quoted at IT-SOc: electrolytic at IJ.lmi 13.3c at.d cast ing at 12 ST'iOlil'V. Lead was unchanged at til ITs td la London and at 4.CTS4.40C In the New Tork market. Spelter declined 2a (d tn lb EngUsh market, closing- at IX M. bat. re mained unchanged here at 5.J0ej.25e. Iran closed at E2s In Glasgow and at 44s tUd la Mld dlesboro. Locally, iron was quiet and easy: No. 1 foundry Northern Is quoted at XlStSU.fiO: No. 2 foundry Northern nt J 14.754 15?; No. "1 foundry Southern and No. 1 foundry Southern soft at 114914 23; Pig iron warrants aro quoted nominal at Kr?.73. Dried Fruits. New York. May IL The market for evap orated apples show, no quotable change, hold ers still being confident, while the volume of demand Is small, common are quoted at 41 'Vie; prime 'Sfi5s,e: choice C'.ifSc; fancy 71 .'-c- Prunes show some Improvement in tone in the ab(enee of selling pressure and ruled about steady at prices ranging from 3c to 5c. according to grade. Aprlct-t-s are quiet, tut not being urged for sale show a generally firm undertone. Choice are qiwted at aijtilsc: extra efcolcs at 19t10i- aid fancy at llSlSc. Ieaches are n practically the same position as of late. Choice are quoted at T'ic; extra choice at 74.ttcp and fan.y at SftU.ic. Dry t.neitls. New Tork. May IL -IIuers of dry good, show continued apathy, although here and there a disposition tn take goods on memorandum is evidenced. The announcement of the liquida tion of Sweetsr. IVmbrook & C.. has been ths topic cf principal conversation throughout the trade to-dav and considerable speculation has been Indulged in regarding the ultimate, is sue. Suirar. Nw Tork. May it. Sugar Raw firm: fair re, fining 3c: centrifugal. se teat. s',c. molasses sugar 2c, Refined arm. New Orleans. La., May H. Sugar steady: open kettl -".SJJ-lSc: open kettle centrifugal 3SJSc: centrifugal white e'.irlSe: vellow JViO 41.C: seconds 2i23t-c Mol ises nominal; open kettle 2nti23c: centrifugal lucflc. falrup nom inal. 201123c. Turpentine nnd Rosin. New York. May 11. Rosin steady. Turpentlns quiet: 5stf".v. savannan, el.. May IL Turpentine firm. 54V.C Rosin tlrm. A. TL C J2.30: l Ji!5. R J2.t.l: F $2.70: S J2.T1. II J-.T3: I 2.: K JJ.U: M t.2o; N fl23: vV : JLS1; W W R.S3. RIVER NEWS. Rise and h 'all of the Rivers Fcr I hours ending at 7 a. m.: St. Louis. Stations. Pittsburg Parkersburg ....... Cincinnati Loul.vlllet Nashville Chattanooga ....... Florence Johnsonvllle Evansvllle St. Paul Dubuque ........... Davenport Keokuk Grafton Omaha Kansas City. Iloonvllle .......... Hermann ........... St. I4)u!s.. .......... Chester Cairo Memphis ........... Little Rock VIcksburg Shrevemrt New Orleans....... Rl-e. -Fall. Wednesilay. Danger. May IL 13C4. Gauge. Change. 3.2 -C.I T.t -0. 17.2 -I.I 7.R -O.S 1'.0 -9.3 7. 0 3 3 7 it"s -i"" 7.2 -0.1 10 ts -0.2 9 1 0.0 5.4 -0.1 22.o 3.rt I.1.0 2. 4!L 23.0 K.D 21.0 25.0 14.1) 13.0 15.0 15.0 23.0 1S.0 21.0 20.9 21.0 -1.0 20.0 43.0 23.0 23.0 45.0 2.0 lt.0 S.J 13.0 II 2 16.3 23. 22.S 37.4 32.0 9.3 41.4 8.3 H.7 -0.1 -0.1 -1.3 -0.3 -o.e -0.4 -1,2 -o.i 0.7 0.1 1.S -0.1 EDWARD IL BOWIE. Local Forecast Official. River and Business. The rivers In this 'district will continue to falL River Forccnat. Harbor gauje je.terday marked 25.S feet. Indicating a fall of . cf a foot In 24 hours. Business along the Levee yesterday waa mod erate. Weather fair. To-Day'a Weather. Partly cloudy. Arrived. City ot Savannah Spread Eagle ..Tennessee River Alton Departed. Spread Eagle.... Alloa Peoria ..Calbonn County Ilald Eagle Belle ot Calhoun... Departures To-Day. St. Paul ....St- Paul Spread Eagle .", .Alton River Rlalto Brevities. The City of Savannah arrived yesterday from tbe Tennessee River. Stie will He over until Saturday, when she will take a party of Illinois Kate officials to the battlefield of Shlloh. 1 he City of Memphis will arrive to- morrow. Captain Tom Garrison took out the torpedo-boat destroyer Lawrence yestcrCar, He will go with the steamer as far as New Or leans. Captain Bill Massle was a caller upon Sec retary Drown at the Haroor rooms yesterday. The Belle of Calhoun departed yesterday afternoon for Calhoun County landings with a good cargo. The Ferd Herold will arrive to-day from Memphis and ts scheduled to depart on the return tnmorrow afternoon. The BaM Eagle departed jesterday. after noon for Peoria with a good cargo of freight and passengers. ,, Captain Ed Fulkerscn of St. Charles, Mo., was among the callers at the harbor rooms yesterday. The Chester Is due this morning from 1Cape Girardeau. She will depart on the return to morrow afternoon. 'Captain Steve Greenwell took out the United States gunboat Nashville yesterday to New Orleans, v The Cape Girardeau will b in this morn ing from Commerce. She departs en the re turn In the afternoon. Tbe St. Paul Is due this morning from St. Paul. She will go out on the return- in the afternoon. Freight Is being received for the Chal mette. which will depart for New Orleans: Sat urday afternoon. Ry Teletjrnph. REPUBLIC SPECIALS. Crand Tower, lib. May It. Chester tp it a. m. Cape Girardeau up at :40 a. rn. Sucker down at 7:40 a. m. May Hill up it 1 a. m. The gauge reads 25.1 feet and falling. Weather clear. Paducab. Kv.. May IL Gauge reads 24 feet and falling. Dick Fowler to Cairo at I a. m. Joe Fowler to and from Evansvllle on time to day. Charles Turner out of Tennessee River. Clyde departed at S n. m. for Tennessee Hlvr. City ot Memphis out of Tennessee River at t p. m. Faille and tow coal passed down at -4 p m. Butlorff departed for Nashville at Boon. Weather clear and pleasant: wind from the south. Burlington. la.. May 11. The riser rose-1 Inch since last report- The stage is 8' feet 4 Inches above low-water mark. Weather clear and warmer. Elolse In and out from Keokuk. Chester. Ill..'Mey 11 Gauge . feet: fall ing. Weather fair and mild. Wash Honshelt. llghL down S p. m. United states steamer King and tow un 8-30 last r.lsht. CItr of savannah up 8:20 Ian night. J. M. Rlchtmsn and bargs 6 a. m. Chester 3 n. m. 'Cape Girardeau 4 p. m. Ferd Herold Is due up to-night. Pittsburg. Pa.. May II River S feet: falling at Davis Island ilam. Cloudy: cool. Cincinnati. O.. May II. River IS.' feet; fall In. Three departures. Clear; warmer. Louisville. Ky.. May 11. -River falling. In canal 7.C: on falls 5.1; below locks ILL Clear and pleasant Memphis. Tenn . Mar II. River stands a 1ft. a fall of .2 In the last 24 hours. Th Georgia I,ee departed at 12 noon for Cairo with a fair trip. The Lucille Nowtand departed at 5:39 p. m. for Vlcksburg with a good trip. The James Lee departed at & p. m. tor Friar's Point. Tbe Robert B. Lee departed t 3:20 p. m. for Ashport. Receipts by river to-day were 4 bales cotton and 184 sacks cotton seed. Cairo. HU May 11. Gauge reads St.), showing a fall of ls durtag-j the last 24 hours. Weather fair and warm. The Bees Lee departed for Memphis nt 13 p. m. The Ferd Herold arrived from Memr.bls at 5 s. m. and cleared for St. Louis at 7 a. m. The Dick Fowler waa In and out on time. The Stacker Lee arrived from St. Louis st 4 p. m, and departed for Mem phis at 5 p. m. The Carrie V. arrived from the Upper M1s!m1ppI at 4 p. m. Tho City of Memphis Is due. Evansvllle. Ind.. May ll.-Rlver IS,:; falling. Clear and warmer. Wheeling. W. Va.. May U. River 1 feet II Inches, falling. Clear, cool. Up: Avalcn. Pittsburg. Down: Bessie Smith, Parkersburg:; Kanawa. Charleston. Warsaw. III.. Mar 1L Gauge reads li feet. No chance tn last 24 hours. Weather eloudr and eoof. Dubuque up at ( o'clock pu m. I.ouls with two barges down. Silver Crescent in and out, Vlcksburr. Mi's.. May 11 The gauge reads 43.4. a fall of 1. The Belle of th BndJ U dne In. Tbe Cordell cleared. The Elk ar rived. Tb American cleared for Lake Provi dence. Weather clear. STEAMBOATS. IDA PATTON. Steam launch. leaves wharfbeat. foot cf Pins St., svery hour for warship. ROUND TRIP, 25c. Only steel hull ftfnraer for Str. CHESTER Ste. Genevieve. C n I e;r. tl 1 e a rrvllle. W lttenrerr. Grand Tower and all way points CAP GIRARDEAU MONDAYS AND FRI DAYS at p. m. Phones Mam 1JI- Kinloch. b tcr vr. n. penisto Agent. Dedication of Shilol, Monun.8i.ts. St. Louis and Tennessee niver Packet Company. For St. Genevieve. St. Marys. Cheater,- Cap Girardeau. Commerce. Calm Paducab and all landings on Cumberland. Ohio and Tennessee. Rivers to Shlloh. Tenn. STEAMER, CITY OF SAVANNAH. Will leave Saturday, May It. at 10 o'clock " STEAMER CITY OF MEMPHIS. . Will leave Saturday. May 14. at 4 tretoek p. m. From wharfboat. fool of Pine, street. St. Louts. All cabin passenger accommodatlcma reserved. STEAMER TENNESSEE. -r win leave wharfbost- foot of Broadway. Paducah, Ky.. Saturday, ilay II. at i P-'ja-for RsttleAeld of Shlloh. Fare for rouad -Iris sio. fneltidln meals and Vverih. JOHN & atASaXNvUIJ, $ m ? -ji ei ti l .-v3. gSj.SJjeV'