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r-3!tffiU" THE ST. LOUIS -REPUBLIC: THURSDAY, M&Y 12. 190'4. 5 10 GINGINNATB H WABASH AND GINGiNNATL LEAVE ST. LOUIS 8:30 P. LEAVE ST. LOUIS 9:00 A. RL8 TICKET OFFICE, EIGHTH "THE BARGAIN HUNTERS" S90.00 CI ren vwxy next icck. T7tch Tot tbe BARGAIN ADS IN THE WEDNESDAY REPUBLIC. 'aRgaiaaafcawtggaBBB Sneer and could not -withstand the chal lenge of The Messenger at tho end. Tho winner of tho first raco turned up In Mrs. G. W. Scott'a Ella Wagsoaer, j. 10-to-l shot. Duelist greatly outclassed his field la the second race. Beauguard was much the best of the others. Tho price on Duelist was short, closing at 3 to a. yet there was a hea ly play on the Do Annan horse. The Camden stable contributed tho win ner of the third race In Arguanata. The mare was ridden by Adams and the odds were 6 to L Will Shelly was the only con tender. Shelly ran a jramo race, but was a. little short at the finish. In the sixth race Don Alvnro went to tlie front nice a flash and won all the way. IJttle Manraret ran a fair race. Ctossmolina came very fast at the fin ish. Wax Taper, the once ereat raco horse. vlll race no more on the Union track. The gallant old animal is 111 fit for tho track and after the fourth raco yesterday Jndse Brady told R. R. nice that here after the entry of Wax Taper would be refused. Wax Taper has a record that jvlll live Ions In tho annals of the turf. HEAVILY FLAYED GILFAES TVTA'S. KYlns First Race Since Be neat 51c Chesney as a 3-Year-Old. Chicago, IU., May 11 King's Trophy was the only favorite to win at Worth to day. The other races, however, went to .veil-backed favorites, t In the fourth race, Gllfaln, backed down from 10 to 1 to 9 to L won by a neck from Albula, with Hands Across, the prohibitive favorite, third. This is the first time that Gllfaln won a race since ho beat McChes ney as a 3-year-old. Weather clear and cool; track Improved. Summary: First race. lr furlongs St. Paula, S!"4 OTllphant), 1 tt 1 won: Frank Kennv. lit lndry). . to J. second; Montanlc. ill (1'rior), tut third. Time, 1:15 3-5. Irma'a Choice. Jo Martin, Just Bo, Banana Cream, Beeves. Polk Miller. Oaxaca. Anna. Jaubert. Nannon ana Pea Ridge also ran. second race. sii furlongs Floral Klrur. H8 (Larson). 7 to 1. won: Mcnastle IL UO (Henryl. ven. eecond: Komombo, S3 (Mclntyre). J to 1. third. Time, 1:14 2-1 Foresight. Alllsta, Looy El S.. Wenrick. Testimony and Francis lowell also ran. Third race, mo furlongs King's Trophy. HO (J. bheehan), 7 to 6. won; Modred taw. 114 (Landry). 16 to 2. second; Seaworthy, 106'4 ri. Ian). to L third. Time, 1:02 3-i Voltrtce. Hadrian. Broadway Girl and St. Resolute also ran. Fourth race, seven furlongs Gllfaln. 100 (Mcol). 9 to 1. won; Albula, lu; fsheehan), 10 to L second: Hand. Acroes. 107 (Henry), 1 to . third. Time. 1:3. Schwalbe, Empwor of India and La Chaperons also- ran. Fifth lace, one and one-eightn mile Stroll er. 107 (Ollpbant). :tol won: Mauser. 10 (C. Harris). 4 to 1. second: Potheen. 110 (Henry), even, third. Time, lJt . rrfce War, Little Elkln. Lou Woods and Plautus also ran. Sixth race, six furlongs Dusky. (Nlcol), 26 to S, won; Marco, lu4 (OUphant), 4 to 1. eecond; Mies Manners, 109 (EheehanK 10 to 1, third. Time. 1:1A2-S. Zyra. Emma, A. M.. Sol Emits. Soutrlere and Mlmon also ran. BOSrOlY AGAIN THIS AFTERJEOOIt. Plltlnjrer ana Taylor to Fitch and a. Fait Contest Should Remit. The Boston Nationals and the Cardinals will play the second game of their series nt League Park tills afternoon. "Pretty" Pittlngcr, who has been going Rt a rare clip since the opening day of tho present season, will twirl for the visitors. "Reliable" Jack Taylor will twirl for the locals and an excellent go should be fur nished. The locals always have been fairly suc cessful asalnst Plttinger. and with Taylor on the mound another Cardinal victory is In sight. Danny Shay again played his usual great fielding game yesterday. The Frisco phenom covered his position in a manner to make the local fans forget that Wag ner ever held forth on the came green. Shay also got In his dally tap. He is play ing as well at short right now as any man In the National League. If the Cardinals had rIx mere players like Shay they would bo world beaters. Although "Mormon" Donahce has not been In the game with any regularity this season he is out with the gang dally nnd practices with the ash and In the field. The far Western recruit could Jump In and play well In either the Inlleld or outfield If he were called upon to perform to-morrow. Burke certainly played a grand game yesterday. "Jimmy" accepted all the chances sent his way in treat shape. Had the knockers been as scarce last Monday as they were jesterday St. Louis might have landed that game. Burke is a good, hustling ball player, and the fans should -give him a little encouragement. Last year he was the only local inficlder who held up his ehd of the game. Brain only had one chanco yesterday A FACT ABOUT THE "BLUES" What is known as the "Blues" Is seldom occasioned by actual exist ing; external conditions, but in the great majority of cases by a dis ordered LIVER v. THIS IS A FACT which may be demonstra ted by trying a course of They control and regulate the LIVER. Theybricjhopeandbottyancy to tho mind. They bring health and elastic ity to the body. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder AN ELEGANT-TOILET LUXURY Used by people of refinement for ever a quarter of a century PREPARED BY Tutt sPills INDIANAPOLIS LINE HAMILTON & DAYTON Ry. M. DAILY. M. DAILY except suhday. SLEEPING OARS, ANO OLIVE STREETS. and he accepted It in his usual graceful manner. Tom Corbett occupied a box to the right of tho prc&s stand at yesterday's game Tom is one of the loyal rooters for the Cardinals and never misses a gamo when he can get away from his business. George Barclay, tho Cardinals' sp"edy left fielder. plaed an excellent game of ball yesterday. He accepted the three difficult chances sent his way In easy fashion. When he Is right Barclay is one of the best outfielders and all-around players In the National League. Wasn't that a rather rough deal that Donovan-gave St. Louis yesterday? He just waited on purpose to lay the Browns out and mako them the butt of endless Jokes. XEW YORIC 4, CLEVKLAXP 3. Gothamltea Win Flnt Game Acatnst Western CI nil. New York. May IL The New York team played their first game of the season against a Western team to-day. defeating Cleveland. 4 to 3. It was a pitcher's bat tle, Hughes hating a shade tho better of it. Turner's errors proved costly. At tendance. 3.U. Score: New York. AB.1I O.A.E. Keeler. if., r 0 0 0 0 Clev eland. AH.H.O.A.K. Bay. cf 4 12 0 0 Lus!r. If.... 4 11-00 Bradley. Jo 4 1 1 4 0 Lojoie, tb. 4 0 I 4 0 Flick, rt... 4 1 o 0 0 HIckman-Ib 1 111 to Kleinow. rf 1 ltllss. rf.... 1 ruin. cf... 4 KlberTC. n. 4 Wlirm. lb 4 Anderson. If 4 C5nil. lb. I Tfconey. 3b. 3 Magulre, c 3 Hughes, p. 3 Turner. ... 3 2 1 4 3 Abbott, c. 3 1 4 3 0 Bernira. p. z o i Totals ...a ian : Totals ...SI 8 17 13 1 New York .2 0 0 10 10 0 ..4 Cleveland . 9 0 0 0 2 19 0 0-J Earned rune New York 2. Cleveland 5. Itt on baee New York 3. Cleveland 2. Two-base hits Williams 1. Bradley 1 Three-bise hits Hickman L Home runs Elberfeld 1. Bav L Fllejt L Stolen bases Turner L fiacrlflce hlu Kleinow 1. Double nlay Masrulre and El berteld L dberfeld and Williams L First base en teu-Oir Bemhard L Fint bas on errors New York 3. Cleveland 1. Struck out By nughes 8. bv Bemhard 2. Time of came One hour and City minutes. Umpires Dwyr and Klajr. . PHILADELPHIA O, CHICAGO 6. ainrphy's Hit line Wins Twehe-In-nine Game for Athletics. Philadelphia, May IL The home team defeated Chicago to-day In a hard-hitting twelve-Inning game. The feature of the contest was the terrific hitting of Murphy. Three times his batting enabled Philadel phia to tlo the score, and in the twelfth Inning, with two out. I1I3 single scored the winning run. Attendance S.lfL Score: Cnlcair AH1LOA.E. Bolmen !(. I : l o 0 Jones, cf... 5 1 0 1 a. Darts, s. 1 1 1 I Oreen. rr.. S 1 3 0 0 Donasne4b E 2 is 0 1 Itbell. So... 3 13 7 0 Dundeen, 2b 2 3 1 0 UcFarl'Lo3 2 1X0 FatfEon. p. 6 0 0 4 O Pniladelrnla AlSJL.U.A.1. Hoffman. If 1 1 ncfinr. eft l l ILDarls. it 1 17 u crota. i : : Seybold. rf . S 2 3 numnr. zot 6 : II. Cross, s 4 0 3 Srhrek- c. 3 7 WaddeU. p. S 0 1 Total! ...44 12MS1S 3 1 Totals ...43 IS 3t It 3 -Two out when winning run waa aoored. Chlcaro 0 OOIOOIOOOI 0 C Philadelphia ...0 0130001001 1-4 Earned runs Chlcaco 3, Philadelphia 3 Two base blu Donahue 1. McFarland L beybold 1. Murphy 2. Three-base hits Holmea L Sacri fice hit Isbell L McFarland L. M. Cross L Stolen bases G. Davis L lebell L Double plays Seybold and Davis 1. Left on basee CWcaro 9. Fhllad.lphla L First base on balls Off Pat tenon L off Waddell 3. Hit by pitched tall Br Waddell 1- Struck out By Patterson L by waddell . Time of pame Two hours and five minutes. Umpires Carpenter and O'Louenlln. 3Iissonrl "Volley Lricae Ttesnlta. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Kansas C3ty. Mo, May IL At Fort Scott. Kaa.: " K.H. E. Fort Erott.....o ooeoooio 1 X Leavenworth ...4 0 4 10 2 11 ..15 10 1 Batteries Fort Scott. Grooms and Byrnes; Leavenworth, Ford and Orendorff. At Topefca, Kcs.: R.H. E. Topefca Swlnlla ......0 000000000 4 T ....... 4 2 0 3 0 10 0-9 11 0 Batteries Topeka, Porter and Armstrong; Ee dalla, Davis and Btoner. At Flttsburs. Kaa. i .H.a Plttsbnrr .-.. .0 0000100 t-1 i 2 Sprlngtleld 0 0 0 10 2 0 1 04 C 2 Batteries Plttsbnrr. Hughes and Seabausb; Spnncrleld. Sneers and Schmidt. At tola, Kaa,: H.H.E.' Tola .......... ..l 1X00100 S 0 Joplln t 010000O0 1 7 4 Batteries Tola. Root and Selgls; Joplln, Lowell and VanderbUl. GOODMAN CHOICE OVER M'CLELLAND "Kid" Will Be Favorite in To night's Bout if Any Betting Takes Place. KM Goodman and Jack McClelland will baltle to-night at the West End Club. They are- scheduled to go ten rounds. The match is practically at catch weights; but each will welga In the neighborhood of IS pounds. Goodman defeated Aurelio Herrera here In his lait bout. He went twenty rounds with the Mexican boxer and received a well-earned verdict at tho close. He fought twice hero about eighteen months ago, wlnnlns from Danny Daugherty In the eleventh round and drawing with Johnny Began in twenty rounds. McClelland fought several battles here. Ho knocked out Brooklyn Tommy Sulli van In his first local appearance and then drew with Hughey McPaddcn In twenty rounds. He lost to Eddie Toy in a twenty-round bout, but the fight hardly did McClelland Justice. McClelland is accompanied by JImmIe Mason, who handled him when be wa3 hero two years ago. Mason believes his man will win and thinks he can earn vic tory over tho knockout routes Goodman will be favorite. In all prob ability, if thero is any betting on the event. The route -was shortened from twenty to ten rounds In the hope of mak ing the go. faster. as a prelmlnary, two boys from the South Side athletic clubs will bo put on. Kid Walker and Kid Taylor will be the contestants. The semlwind-up will be a bout between Milt Kinney and Sammy Phillips, who will go six rounds at 112 pounds. Phillips has been undergoing a most heroic course of treatment at the hands of Graham Smith and Lawlor Daly. His tartnlng routine has been about as severe as any pugilist has ever sustained. In this city and ho certainly should bo in good trim for a hard battle. His real name is Shang Paxetto. and he Is a brother to the jockey of that name, now riding at the Union track. Sammy or Shang has a record of last ing against men like Joe Grim and Kid Carter, and looks as though he should give Kinney the hardest kind of a bout. A battle royal between five negroes will beput on as an additional attraction. The openlnr event will go on about JJOi Harry Sharps will refer. DONOVAN MADE BOW WITH SENATORS Cardinals' Former Manager Gets Sweet Revenge by Defeating St. Louis Browns. FINAL SCORE WAS 7 TO 3. Harry Howell Sent to Watch the Ice Cooler Before the Game Was Half Over Morgan Did Better. STAJfDttG OF THE CLTJBS. American League. , Club. P. V. L. I'ct. Club. p. W. L. Pet. Boston ..73 15 a .75) CJevel'd .U J00 N Yorlc.lJ 11 7 .en Browns .11 s 10 . Phlla. ...18 11 7 .Cll I " ..2 8 12 .421 Jhuaito . 12 10 .its Wash. ..1$ 2 It .111 Where- They Play To-Dy. Browns at Washington I Cleveland at N. York. Detroit at Boston. I Chics go at Ph!la.!eL Yesterday's Results. Wash' ton 7. Browns X. I Boston L Detroit 0. Phlladel. e. Chicago t. x. York 4. Cleveland 3. , .. The Hepubllc Bureau. 14th St. and Pennsylvania Ave. Washington. May IL Hard luck and Inability to hit ratten at critical stages tells the story of the defeat of tho St. Loulj Browns to-day at National Park. It was tho Browns' first game at the cap ital city this year and will be remembered all the moro for the fact that ex-Cardinal Patsy Donovan was mainly responsible for theli defeat. The advent of the new manager was the occasion of a general turning out of Washington fandom, and when Umpire Sheridan announced the beginning of hos tilities more than 2,000 persons were In the park ready to give the Senators anoth- ei chance. , That the statesmen's article of ball sur prised everyone goes without saying. Even the silent and ever watchful Mc Aleer took on a surprised air when he saw the first Inning speeding on with Wash ington well In tho lead. Tho locals were off with the drop of the flag, and It did not take long before Pitcher Harry How ell was benched and given orders to watch tho lco water cooler. MORGAN PITCHED WELL. Morgan, the Browns' new find, took tip the came already gracefully purveyed to the locals in the fifth Inning and pitched masterly ball, allowing but three hits and striking. out a like number of men during hLs time of service. The Browns did not put up the game ex pected cf them. The work or the Infield was ragged at times. Hill at third was the chief o'ltender In this respect- He In variably threw the hall wide, due mainly to inability to recover himself In time to throw with accuracy. Jones and Wallace particularly distinguished themselves. The former played a rattling good game at first, and In addition swatted two of Pat- icn s up insnoots xor a triple and a double for good measure. Wallace played his usual steady fielding game. I"or the Senators. Moran. Coughlln and Selbach were the particular bright stars. The Browns were first at bat. Heldrick, after reaching- first on balls, was advanced to third on a hit by Wallace, but the gone was sounded as he tried to reach home on a fake ste-U to seconJ by Wallace. Moran opened for too Senators with a scratch hit to left. Coughlln followed with one of tho same variety through first and iecond. but a quick return of the ball by Wallace railed Moran at the plate. A double by Drill tallied Coughlln a. mo ment later. BROWNS SCORED IN THTRD. Both sides failed to score In the second. In the third a single by Padden and a triple by Heldrick scored the former, and the score was tied. Washington went the lsltors one better In their half. After Pat ten went out by the sky route to Sugdea Moran made his second hit of tho day by laclngono along the third-base line. Cough lln was safo at first, ana both scored a moment later, when Selbach made a triple to deep right- St. Louis kept pegging away and scored Its second in the fourth on Jones's triple to left. The Senators in sisted on keeping at their bitting, and la their half scored three mora on a double, two singles and a sacrifice hit. After this the Browns did not score again until their half of the ninth, when Jones came to the front with a double, scoring a little later on Sugden's out to Moran. The Statesmen scored their last run In the fifth Inning, when Stahl, tho second man up, straightened out one of Morgan's, swift ones for a double, scoring McCormick. who had reached first on Hill's bungle. Sudhoff Is slated to deliver the goods for the Brown's to-morrow. WASHINGTON. AB. R. O. A. B. Moran. shortstop 6 12 2 3 0 ttroghlln. third base .... 4 2 3 2X0 fVlNath. left Held S 0 2 1 0 0 Drill, rlsht field 1 0 1 l o o CaMdy. center field ... 4 0 0 4 0 0 McCormick. second base X 2 1 1 4 o Stahl. first ban X 1 1 1 0 Klttredge. catcher 4 118 10 Patten, pitcher 3 0 0 10 0 Totals X2 I 11 17 U 0 ST. LOUia AB. H. IB. O. A B. Hemphill, right fi'ld .... 4 0 0 10 0 l'addrn. eecend base .... 3 1 3 G 1 0 Heldrick. center fleU ..301X00 Wallace, sbortitop 4 0 11X0 Burkett. lent field 4 2 2X10 Jones, first bare 4 3 2 8 10 Hill, third basa 4 0 10 14 Sugden. catcher 4 0 0 4 4 0 Howell, pitcher 3 0 10 2 0 Moran. pitcher 10 0 10 0 Kahoe 10 0 3 0 0 Totals M 1 7 3 7 Kahoe batted for Morgan. Washington 1 0 3X1000 7 St. Louis 00110000 1-3 Earned runs Washlngttn 4, St. Loots X. Two-base hlb Drill L Klttredgs l. stahl 1. Jones L Three-base bits Heldrick J. Jone 1. Selhneh L Stolen bases Padden L Ooughlan 1. Moran 1. F&crince h!Lr-btahl 1. Patten J, Double play Burkett. Wallace and Jones 1, Burkett and Padden L First basa on balls Patten 2. Howell 1. Morgan L Hit byCltehed ball Howell 2, Morgan L Struck ont By rat ten S, Morgan 3. Left on bases Washington 7. St. Louis i. Time One hoar and fifty min utes. Umpire Sheridan. Attendance 2,0w. BOSTO.V 1, DETROIT O. Young; Has Better of Flfteen-InsUas Game. Boston. May IL Boston won a brilliant ly played contest from Detroit by bunch ing three hits In the fifteenth Inning- of to day's game. Tho fielding on both sides was of the cleanest. Young was wild in the early part of the game, but steadied down and was almost Invincible In the ex tra Innings. Kllllan weakened toward the close. Attendance. -4J04. Score: Boston. AB.1LOA.E. Dcngh' 7 1 X 0 Collins. 3b. 2 2 3 0 s-tahl. cf... C 3 3 o o Freeman.rf 1 2 0 ; Parent. .. 4 1 4 7 n La Ch' t 0 IS 0 0 renin lb.. 1 a 2 Detrclt. AB.H.O.A.E. Robinson, a S 0 7 7 0 Barrett. CI. 4 2 2 Mclntyre.lf 4 0 3 Carr. lb.... MS CrawfonLrf SIS tJrera' SOS lows. .. six Wood. e... (is Kllllan, p. s 0 1 rriger. c... Young, p.. O'Neill ... tFarrell ... & u a j a S 3 0 10 0 110 Totals ... K43 17 2 Totals a MCll t tons oat when winning ran waa made, Batted for Crlger tn fifteenth lantnr. tiiattec; for Young In fifteenth. Boston ..0 0000000000000 11 Detroit .oovwoooooooooo 00 Two-base hits Parent 1. Toung L collrna 1. Eacrtfice hits Parent 1. Douple plays Kllllan and Kootnsoa i; rarcnt ana .Lacnance i; Crcwford and Robinson L First base ca balls OS Young 6. oft Kllllan 2. Hit by pitched Dau ny idugc ouuck oar vj loans' 3, by Klllliii Passed ball Crlger 1. Time, Tiro hours and fitty-focr mlnntes. Umpire Owen Shannon, formerly with the Browns, has accepted terms with the Boise City. Idaho, team. Billy Kane, a local boy, will play with Salt Lake City. Billy Is a fast youngster, and another year may see him In on of tho major leagues. CARDINALS TAKE T Game Evenly Contested, bnt Lo cals Lead at Close by a Score of 3 to 2. GRADY BATS IN GOOD FORM. Michael Xngelo Finds Wilhelrn'a .Welcomes to His Liking and Samples Three For Safeties. STATTDIXO OP TnE CLCBS. ' National Lencne. BOSTON ciob p. w. i ret, ciub p. w. l. ret. N. Tork..ll IS 4 .7SJ Cardinal.!? if .Jib Clncln'tl..24 IS 8 .47 Boston ..21 I IX .3J1 Brookljro.21 11 a .K0 Pittsburg.S) i n s Chicago .1J 10 9 .KS rhlla. ...u t u .20 Where They Plny To-Day. Boston at St. Louis. IPhlladeL at Chicago. Brooklyn at Pittsburg. IN. York at Cincinnati. Teaterdny's) Results. Cardinals X. Boston 2. IN. York 14. Clnclc'tl la. Brooklyn 4. Pittsburg 2. Iphlladel. i. Chicago 0. After an exciting finish, the Cardinals defeated the Boston Nationals at League i-arK yesterday afternoon by a score of 3toS. So close and clever waa the finish that the gentlemen who occupy the left-field bleachers forgot to pull off their limited round bout. The majority of the fans, however, overlooked this little oversight, as tho Boston Nationals mads the finish exciting enough to appease the most bloodthirsty. With the Cardinals comfortably Inhab iting a seat In tho front of the band wagon when the ninth Inning was reached, the Boston Nationals began to stir tip a teapot tempest, and that after two of Tenner's men had taken the count. This simply exploits the audacity of some per sons chl'dren. Just when the populace was getting ready to tell how It happened, Raymer exploded a slngli over second base. The concussion brought the fans back In large numbers to await developments. "Jim" Delehanty, a brother of the more famous Ed, was then sent forth to bat la place ol Wllhclm. DELEHANT1 A DISTURBER. True to his native breeding, Delehanty slapped one of Nichols's benders on the nose and the ball landed In safe territory, Delehanty taking two bases on the drie. Things in general began to take on an Interesting hue at this stage of the game. The Boxers In the bleachers were raar snaliug their forces for an attack on the knockers, and so warm was the finish that the lco In the water barrel melted. With second and third bise Inhabited by tho enemy Admiral Togo Geler steamed up to the home plate and discharged a ten pounder toward Fort Burke. The "Pride of Goose Hollow" rose nobly to tho occasion, grabbed the horse hide and mortally wounded Togo Geler as he was steaming to first. This concluded tho day's engagement. The Boxer withdraw their forces from the bleachers, and Ten ney'a men retreated to Fort St- James In their Iron turretcd bus. Manager Nichols went to the fore for the Cardinals against his former comrade, Tenney. The "Kid" displayed all his old time speed and effectiveness, and sent them over the pan about the size of peas. Boston managed to itet on speaking terms with nine of "Nick's" benders, hut he kept them so well scattered that the nine hits devclooed into only two runs. Nichols received great support In the field, not an error being made behind him. Thlt is two successive errorless games for the Cardinals. Nichols's men playing a per fect fielding game against the Giants last Tueodav. Wllhelm, who twirled for the Triumvirs, did nobly. He allowed St. Louis only seven hits, but the locals took advan tage oi every situation and made these seven hits count for enough runs to win. GRADY- PERTORMtlD WHLU Mike Grady was the particular hero with tho willow. Mike only made three hits, etlll his failure to do better can be overlooked, since hs was only three times a: bat. Grady also caught a nice game. In the second Inning Fred Tenney tried to nego tiate second on a steaL It would be a ehame to state the exact distance that Michael caught him. ' Tenney changed his llnc-up Juat before game time. Geler, who was booked to act as guardian of center field, was brought In to cover third base, and Dele hanty was sent to the bench. Cannell slid from the bench to center field. He Is shortstop by trade, and the Idea Is to let him stop as short as pos sible In one position. This keeps Cannell from getting homesick and otherwise af fecting bis play. After marshaling his forces. Tenney started the fray by sending Geler up to make a home run. Geler misinterpreted tho signals and compromised on a base on balls. That was tho only Beaneater who reached first in safety In that Inning. The Cardinals began to flirt with Wll helm's delivery In the very first Inning. Farrell tapped an Infield grasser to Batty end was thrown out at first. Shannon v alked. Beckley poked an outshoot In the slats for a rafety. Brain grounded to Raymer. Fred tagged second ahead of Hecklcy and made a hurry-up pass to Tecney to head off Brain. Fred allowed the sphere to elude his grasp. Shannon scoring and Brain being safe at first. Shay ended matters by going out. Raymer to Ttxney. A free pass to Batty, Cannell's Infield tap and Raymer's single gave Boston a run In the second Inning. BOSTON TOOK THE LEAD. Boston took tho lead In the fourth in ning. Cooler's triple and Battys single giving them a run. There was nothing do ing In the scoring line for tho visitors aft er that Inning, Nichols settling down and pitching masterly ball until the end. Tho Cardinals went after Wilhelm's scalp In the fifth Inning, and mado two runs, not many, but enough to win. Bar clay popped to .Raymer. Grady dented the sphere for a single. Nichols singled. Farrell was safe on Wilhelm's error. Nichols scoring on the play. Shannon singled, scoring Grady. Beckley (lew out to Cannell. Brain was easy, Wllhelm to Tenney. The score: ST. LOCIS. AB. R. IB. ,a A. E. Farrell. second base .... 4 0 0 2 2 0 Shannon, right neia .,,. Beckley, first baso 4 Brain, center field 4 Shay, shortstop 4 Ttnrlrl. .hint til, M 2 1 1 0 1 12 o ooio 0 13 3 0 0 3 3 Barclay, left field ..... 3 0 x o o Urady. catcher .......... 3 1X430 Nichols, pitcher X 1 1 1 G 0 Total ... . a x i c ii o BOSTOJf. AB. It. IB. O. A. K. Geler. third has 4 0311 Tenney. fim base X 0 1 I 3 i Carney, rtsht field 4 J 1 2 i o Cooley. left field 4 1X200 Uoran. catcher 4 0 0 4 1 0 Atbatlchio. shortstop ...310200 Cannell. center field 3 0 0 2 0 0 Raymer. second base ..., 4 0 2 4 4 0 IMlheun. pitcher 3 0 0 0X1 Delehanty ..... 1 0 1 .. .. .. Totals 14 3 " Si 14 1 Batted for TYlttKlra In the ninth. St. Louis 1000X00-X Boston 0 1010000 0-2 Earned runs Boston L Two-base- hits Dal. hanty 1. Three-base hits Cooley j eacrlfiea hits Tenney 1. Barclay L Burke 1. Double B lays Carney and Uoran L Passed balls rady 1. Stolen bases Brant L Grady 1. Balk ivubelm X. Basea on balls-On! Nichols X. off Wiraelm 3. Lett on bases St. Loots X. Boston S. Time ct tame One hocr and thlrtyflT minutes. Umpire Moran. rorLADELMHA 1. CHICAGO O. Microbe Outplay Quakers, fcut Lot Game IfeTertbelema. Chlcaco. Hay IL The locals played a perfect ana brilliant fielding- (raa to-day, ontbatted the -visitors two U on, but failed to score. Philadelphia's ons run was mad on Wolrerton's doable, a sacri fice, and a Ions fir. Fraxer and Roth irera bsncbtd la the ninth for too anoeh arxju- There is Genuine-SyrUp of FlgS, The Genuine is Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. The lull name of the company, California Rle Syrup Co., Is printed on the front of every packosc of the genuine. The Genuine--Syrup'of Figs- is for Saierin Original Packages Only, Jy Reliable Druggists Everywhere Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita tions made by piratical concerns and sometimes ofjssiJby unreliable dealers. The imitations are known. to act mjurouely-'asd should therefore be declined.. " ,t , Buy the genuinVahvays if vyou wish to get'2eccpcialcffects. It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colyarid headaches when bilious or -constipated, prevents fevers and aak .best on the kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative flfnedy is needed by men, women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge; It is the laxative remedy of the well-informed. Always buy thc.Gtnuine- Syrup of Figs MANUFACTURED . BY THE F3RNIA LoylSYnkK)t lc WE CURE MEN for $2Jo Ctll May IB We? Will Treat Any Single Aliment, Except Rapture and lilood Poison, for 1ZJSO for the Fee. Others May Treat, But WeCure "? .sev?n;e Blood Poison On account of Its frightful bldeoua atii, specific or contairloiu poison In the blood la the front of all ve nereal diseases. It may be either he reditary or contracted. Once the system Is tainted frith It, the disease may manifest Itself tn the form at scrofnla, eesema, rheumatic pains stiff or swollen Joints, ernptlons or copper colored spots on face or boay little nlcers In the month or on the tonsse, sore throut, seTollea tonsiisf falllnir ont of the hair or eyebrows, and finally a leprouallke decay of the flesh and bone. Our speclne treatment for this trouble, varied and modified to salt each lndlvlaasl case. Is an unfailing; cure to irhloh a vast army of restored men to-day otto their stnrdy health. NOT A DOLLAR Tou do not pay us nntil yon are satisfied and you are restored to health. Can we say more? Ton may consult us free of chance and get oar opinion without any cost to ou.'Cnll and let us explain our methods of treatment. We cure VARICOCELE, HYDROCELE, RUPTURE, GLEET, STRICTURE. PROSTATIC AILME.VTS and ALL DISEASES OP sjia. PRIVATE DISEASES. KIDNEY. BLADDER AMD PROSTATIC DISEASES. COX3ULTATIOX FREE AXD I5TITED. Our reputation and work Is not of a ence of one man. in complicated cases Instead of one. We are lneorporatea ana Write, If yon cannot calL All correspondence strictly confidential and all replies cent stamp to insure reply, urtiuu jiuuks 3xu a. m. to axu p. m. .cvenings. su DR. MEYERS & CO., ment with Johnston. Attendance, 1,000. Score: . Chlcaso Philadelphia. AH.II.OA.B. Thomas, ct 4 1 X 1 0 nieason. lb X 1 4 0 Titus, rf... 4 0X10 Wolr'ton.Zb X 1 0 1 0 Van TXn, If 1 0 X 0 Dorle." lb.. I 0 IX 1 0 Hall. : 0X71 Roth, e X 0 X 1 0 Frasr. d.. 2 0 1 0 0 AH.H.U.A.L. XVleker. ef . 4 0 Casey. Xh.. 4 Chance, lb 4 : Jooes, rt... X Bvers. 3).. X Kline, c. 4 Tinker, a... X Lundzren.p 2 1 0 111 0 0 1 0 S 0 X . X 1 0 Doom. e.... ooo.o Totals ...2S I3l Duxsieny. p o o u i Totals ...t52xJlT 1 Ctllraro .........n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Philadelphia 0 0001000 0-1 left on bases Chlcaco t. Pailadelnbia L Two tase hits Osey 1. WolTerton 1. Sacrifice hits Vanburen 1. Evera L Stolen base? Jones L McCarthy 1. Double ptays Thomas and Glea on 1' P.oth and Ilall 1: Tinker. Bvers and Chance 1. btnick oat Br Lundaren X. by Fra xer 2. Ba"s on balls Off ljundxren 4. oft Fra xer J. lilt Hh ball McCarthy L Tl-ne cf 5 ante One hour and forty minutes. Umpire chnstone. nnoqKLY.v a, pittsbcrc s. Captain Clarke's Muff Glrea Brlde- croomi the Gatae. ' PlttSbun?, May IL Clarke's muff of Dil lon's fly In the sixth lnninjr resulted in the two runs that won the game for Brooklyn. Attendance. 3.S0. Score: Plttsburc. ARH.OA.H. Clarke. If.. X 1 2 0 1 Brooklyn. AU.1I.U.A.U. Stranr. ft. 2 o Hheckard. If 4 1 Iimley, rf. 4 0 Ucbbs. rt.. 4 2 Dillon, lb.. 4 0 Jtabb. ..... X 1 JIcCTfc. Xb.. X 2 lierxen. c. 4 1 Jones, p.... 4 3't. ef 4 0 4 l Pebrlnc. rf . X 2 Warner, s. 4 1 BransTd. lb 4 1 Jx-ach. Jo.. 4 X nitchey, 2b 4 I t'mlth. c... 4 1 Iever. P.. ? S IKrueer ... 1 0 Totals ...r 101M 11 3 Totals .. -XI 11 IT 14 1 Hatted for Leever In ninth. tSebrlng hit by batted ball. ...... Pitt-bunt ....l .010.00 03 Brooklyn 0 10 0 2 0 1 04 Earned runs Brooklyn 1. Three-base hits "TAry maaw m lv fmml feed!" Jr only One -f: 5n1 : tWTT-CEKTS Rat BUl'ILH' NEED BE PAID Newly contracted and chronic Inflammation and discharges tecica in seven aaje. tne entire start consult witnout extra, cnarge, cnartered dv tne state or Missouri, ana our Sebrlnr 1. BaerWce hlts-Stranr 1. Babb 1. Stolen bases Sebrlnc L Stranr 2, Iimler 1. Double Blay-Rmlth and 'W'axrier 1. First base on balls OS Leeeer 4. on Jones 1 lilt by pitched ball Clarke L Struck out By Leever X. by Jones 2. Wild pitches Jones L Time of rtmMlDt hour and fifty minutes. Umpire Zlmmer. JfEIV YORK 14. ClXCntJTATT 10. Giants Rare the Better of a Battlnc Feat. Cincinnati. O.. May IL All pitchers were hit bard to-day, but those of the local team suffered most. Attendance, T.OOOu Score: Cincinnati. AJULO-A.K. nuncins. aj u : o Donlln. If.. 4 2 1 0 Keller, lb. X 1 9 Dolan. rf... a 1 0 0 1 Corcoran, a S X 0 4 1 OdwelU cf. S 1 6 0 0 WcodrurX.n S 1 X 3 0 SVhltl. c... 4 0 4 3 0 Kwlmr P.. 2 0 0 0 button!, p.. 2 0 0 1 1 Totals ...31 13 27 14 3 Hew York. Browne, rf S 2 0 DeTlln. lb. i 3 3 S 2 10 Mertes. If.. S 2 3 MeCk. cf. S 4 2 Dahlen. ... s 1 2 Ollbert. lb. 3 1 2 Warner, c. s 1 4 Taylor, p.. S 2 0 Totals ...43 13 27 11 1 Cincinnati J 4 0 10.10 310 New York 9 0 4 0 3 113 X 14 Earned runsClndnaatl 2. Jfew York t. Tsro baee hits Taylor 1. Thre-hase hits Kelley 1. McCormick X Taylor 1. Bresnahan 1. feacrl nce hits Browne 1. Devlin 2, Gilbert 1. btolen base Donlln 1. Kelly L Doian 1. Corcoran L t oodruft L Doublo plays Donlln tof Hurstna l: Ereroahan, Wamer to Devlin 1. First en balls OS Ewlir 3. oS SuthoS 2, oS Taylor 5. lilt By Taylor 1. Struck out By Ewlnc 3. by Taylor 4. Passe.1 talls-8chlel L Wild pitches Ewlrur L Taylor 1. Tlme-jrwo hours and ten minutes. Umpire Emails. K. I. T. League Scores. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Cairo. nL. May 11. The Kentucky. Illinois, Tennessee Baseball Leurue season opened to day with results as follows: At Cairo Cairo S. llonklnsvllle 2. At Iiducah Padjcah a. darksvllle 4. At Henderson Incennes s, Henderson 0. Amateur Baseball Xotes. Tfc. Csocas would Ilka to arranxe carnes vrllh - V 0 w II V " 2-sK W- i (S3f JlOK. saOV caccl CANDY CATHARTIC ANNUAL SALE-TEN MILLION BOXES fii-MtMt In th WrW AimLXON HAPPT AjaraBlCNCHTXDBEHaTB apthaltlir'WltllCIABOAB ETSCandyCatliartlc. Ooodwordapokenb7 tnolr manasa for CASCABET3to otharmamaa havemade CASOAEETS rracosserul tmmthaealenowiflCTsr A MnJJONBOXa3AMOIiTH.VTiydoUtttofonril11VenarH7RliTr3?BoCnaey ara a sweet, palatanle. fragrant nttla tablet-tasto troocLdo rood-Bevr grip ncspe-.tatartBroUy.natuiiiIly.poeltlTely. M4llclnetfcAtatddiaUkeij wfll not do it much trood. Children ar al ways ready to take CASCABiTrs.THa PEBFECT HOME MEDICINE, aalc for them and ara kept healthy always and safe asamat the dancers of childhood's aUnumta. Beet for the Bowels. All drustfta,iCc,2oc.OOc. iraVamBOLDlNBTJIJ& aaegwnolnattlflrtstnaped C C C Sample and booklet free. -. Adrtrtfws BtTHtn'BitiiiiflyO- ryMrmfo or New Tone su ?, &i' V? !iK-0- u-r.".s. VZVT"S .... nir" vrn&Z f-. .Tei !." i?ft.f --. iCiP-A IJfr-im??-:?; & "42.-5: 1 L-.??' " . ' t r. --.- a' . - " lOl"...--, T.- v.'Vr.'Sx : -. 7ft m-i8fc? 2cfs.C: fcRvi;-. rz . -.--rv. --x2. .'.4V5l s4sin?l iT flevrYork. i. t Zj& We Cover the entire field of private and chronic, deep seated, complicated, difficult Diseases TVe want every man -who la naffer Insr from any apcclal disease or con dl (Ion to come mntt have n mile -wltn as. Ao man irhote weakened system ts cry In a; oat for help through con tracted disease, or -who has been Knlltr of early Indiscretions or lat er excesses. Is safe In life until inch ttiae as his errors hswe bees cor rected UNTIL CURED. cases cured. All burning and ltchlnjr. stopped In twenty-four hours: cures ef- jfi We cure all Irritation, frequent desire or stoppage, pain in back and catarrhal condition. mushroom erowth. nor Is It the expert- '. mus retting; the knowledge of fire reliability cannot he questioned. sent in plain envelopes. Inclose two- to sxn. Sundays, sxo a. tn. to 13 noon. N. W. Ctr. IrM.way in. Marktt, St. Louis, Mo. "THE BARGAIN HUNTERS" $90.00 Given sway next week. "Watch for th. BARGAIN ADS IX THE WEDNESDAY REPUBLIC. all out-of-town teams. For particulars address A. J. Schoppe. Ko. 13 South Sprint avenue. A cood pitcher would like to Join some team tn the 1ft and 17 year old class. Address George btraub. Ho. 2KT North Klctith street. The Stecers will play the Maple Leaves nun cay at King's hlshway and Manchester avenue. For iraines with the Stegers address No. 2341 South King's highway. The Rose Hills will play the Do Soto. Mo. team next Sunrtav with the following line-up: Brolley, If. f.: Urben. c f.: Becker, r. f.: Rell ley, 1 b.; Strelb. 2 b.: Straebler. 3 b.; Kaatr. a: Esser, c: Brooktas, p. For game, with the local team address F. Becker, No. 3308 South Third street. The Beavers will play the AH Stars next Sun day at Forest Park. For cames with the Beavers address R. McBrhuity, No. ZK Hick ory street. The Pretorlas would like to hear from all out-of-town teams. Address No. 133 Greer avenue. The Semples would lilts to hear from all teams In the 11 and 13 year old class. Address Martin Hennessy, No. lO Semple avenue. The Llndell Hotels would like to hear from out-of-town teams. For particulars address D. O'Connor, care Llndell HottL. The Emeralds would like to har from out-of-town teams. Address Vf. H. Kelly. No. ill Washington avenue. . i 4 ii 4 3f X .it rs sfcsil3jsi: &S4 K.W. 4.-. 'Lz, 'HiJ?--,? r-vs--.-T. j&ya.iaa-;a3e ??jjj