Newspaper Page Text
' 5r "- !iv vw f sV -'-- -vtj- - - -'v',',ff;av"-,'sfiyf THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: THURSDAY. jIAY 12. 1904. ? 1 -n TWO PIANOLA RECITALS THURSDAY, MAY I2TH, AFTERNOON AT 3:30 EVENING AT 8:15 0 Cards of Admission cnui7) SOLOIST ADAH' BLACK AT WHICH WILL BE USED THE NEW Stein Miniature Grand. At this recital a feature of special Interest -r-111 be the use of the "Stelu Tray" Miniature Grand. The program will have additional attractiveness because of the rich sonority and bril liancy of tone and exquisite singing qualities of this latest triumph of the Stelnvray" art- Tills little Grand, occupylns scarcely more space than an upright piano. Is creatine cnthuslaFm among distinguished musicians eiery where. This Is the first of a series of eUht concerts to be Given during the month of Hay for the purpos rou to the perfected Pianola The -ttetrostyle. BOLllOTS RECITAL HALL, If20 OLIVE STREET. SPECIALTIES. yyWWWSSVVAAA RAYS 2 on Current Deposits. NOTICE I Marrtar and Death Notlcta Inserted In Th Republic will ba forwarded by tcte rraph to any en or all or the papers named below for simultaneous publication, without extra chair. IX a request to d so ercoupanles tb copy. Notice received after midnight cannot bo forwarded, bow, until tbe nest evening. ChlcsLro Itec-Herald. Cincinnati Enquirer, New Yo-Jc Times. Boston Glob Phlla. Public Ledger, Baltimore Herald. PltU&urc iMspairti. AVasblncton Pest, Hochrster Herald. Prorldence Journal. DEATHS. D'HARLtNTJirE-On Tuesdar. Mai 10. ISO, at J1.K p. tn.. Alfred, twlovrd husband or Cora E. D'Harllwrue (nee Eeqtiette), ana father of Alfred TvH.rilt.pif, jr.. son of Clementina D'Htrltngue. brother of Sirs. T. MeBarron. Mrs. A. K. a-Tnlah. Louie and Victor lrHar linjrue. iruneral trotn residence. No. 1323 St. Ansa avenue, at 130 p. m. Friday. May 13. to Holy Ancels Cbcrch. Deceased -was a member of Valler Council. Itoral Arcanum, and Broth erhood of stationary Engineers. DOOLKV-On Tuesdav, Hay 10. 101. at 12:M a- zzu. Elizabeth Uooley. beloved wife of John Doo'.er and mother of Mrs. P. L. llyland and Mrs. Thomas email (nee Oooley). Funeral will take place Friday znoznlnr. May 12. art s a. no-, from the family residence. No. 144 North Sec ond street. East fct. IshiIs. to St. Patrick's (jriurcn. tnence to Mount cairmej uezraeierr. friends of the family In lied to attend. FOSIXR-On Wednesday. May 10. ISM. at Atlantlo Cltj'. N. J. Colonel Charles . Ko it. U. S. A., retired. Interment at Viest Point. .V. V. GAVIN There will he a lutein Wth mm of requiem month's mind at kt. Leo's Church. Friday, Mar U. J3C4U at o'clodc a. zn.. for the repoje or th soul of Patrick Gavin, belotea htu-band of the late Ellen Hendy GaMn and Sather of the Reverend J. T. Qailn. btephen . Itatherlne A. and Julia GaMn. I rlenda ln Mted to attend. GRANT-On Tuesday. May W. ISM. Mary K. 0-ant. beloved wile ot Alex. D Grant. Fu neral Friday; May u. at :9 p. zn-, from, fam ily residence, -o- a'S Maple. HANMORE-On VHlnesdar. Mar II. 1S0I. at 30 a. zn.. John J. llaarsorw. beur.ed husband ot Sarah Hanmore (nee Castor) and father ot Mrs. Henry Kern. Mr. John Maloney and Dan iel llanmore, ased bl years. Funeral Itlday, May 15, at 2 n. m., from family roldence. No. :t South Second street, to Annunciation church, thesco to CaUary Cemetezr. Deceafed ia. a late member of enclne coctpanr No. TZ. KltUEGER Entezed Icto rest oa Wednesday. May 11. 15M. at 2 a. m . Adolph J. Krueser. belsved husband of ICatle Krueger (bee Ueinzel and fathe of Ellancra Kruexer and our dear acr and brother, ased 4S years. Funeral en Fzldar, May 13. at 3 r zu.. from residence. No. jai.V South Jefferson avenue. IjABKTN-On Wednesday. May U. 1X. at S.(0 B. zn.. Daniel Robert Larkln. beloved son of anlel and Mary larkln (nee Meenashan), a:ed 2 3 ears and 1 month. Funeral will talce Place from the family residence. No. 3405 North Elliot avenue, on Friday. May 13. at 3 p. m . to cal vary Cemetery. Friends of the family axe la vlted to attend. McfAAUCnLIN-On tVednerday. Mav 11. 1S04. at S a. m.. middenlr. Patnch Mctnrhlln. dear father of Patrick McLaughlin and Mrs TV. J. Qutnn (nee McLaughlin), and brother of Thomas McLaurhlln. Funeral will take olace Friday. Mav 13. from family residence. No 3f5?4 North Sarah street, at 3 o'clock a. m . to St. Matthews enures, trence to calvary ceme.ery. tTienas Invited to attend. McIAll-On Wdnday. Mar 11. 1304. nt U a. zn.. Owen 3IcLear. heloel husband of the late Anra McLear (nee Maley) and father of j-waru, xrtenxaa. busen. Anna ana juua, fu neral from family residence. No. 3313 Biddla street, on Friday, May IS. at 1:30 n. m.. to bt. Rrtdcit-'s Church, thmca to Calvary Cemetery. l"nenda lrvited. Member of Facred Ueazt llranca. No. 131. Cataol'c Knlchu ot America. MEYEH Entered Into rest on Wednesday, May II. 1M4 at 3 p. zn.. alter a Ucserini; Ill ness. John Sebastian Meyer, teloved husband of l'ho-he Jane Meyer (nee Uarton). dear father of Georve W. Meyer. Naomi Meyer (nee Meyer). Ella Sebastian. Noma and IUrton Meyer, brother of Conrad Meyer, aged GS years. Fu neral will tak olace Friday. May 13. at 130 p m . trcra the family residence. No. no South Neetead avenue. MOliniS Ente.-ed into ret on Tuesday. May 10. 1S04. at 1 p. za, Charles Morris, beloved father of Mm. Mary E. Mathleu, Mrs. cnarlea E. btewart and Mrs. James M. Stewart and crandratber of Mies Addle T. Mathleu. Fu neral Thursday. Mar 13. at 3 p. zn.. from rest denceof his son-in-law, Cherl-s E. Wewart, No. 3S3S Morgan street, to Bellefontalne Cem etery. Jerseyvlll. 111. and Cape Girardeau. Mo papers please copy. MURPHY On Wednesday, May 11. 1504. at 10:3) o'clock p. zn.. Mary Murphy (neo Dunn), relict of the late WJlllam Murpnv. beloved mother of Chsrles J. Tobin and William J. Murphy, aped 73 years. The funeral will take plsce. Thursday, the 13th Inst, at 3 o'clock p. zn.. from tamtor residence. No. 34i7 Oark ave nue, to St. Malarhys Church, thence to Cal vary Cemetery. Friends invited to attend. Chi cago, 111., and R&stlngSr Minn., papers please copy. MURRAT Entered Into, rest on Wednesday, May 11. 1K4. at 130 p. zn.. Mm. Ellen Murrar (nee Rowan), beloved mother of Frank. Will iam and John Murray, after a abort limes, at the ace of 5 years. Funeral Saturday at 1:30 p. m . from family residence. No. 140o Monro: street, to St. Michael's Chnrch. thence to Cal vary Cemetery. Relatives and friends Invited to attend. RTAN On Tuesday, llav 10. 14. -l T30 n'clock p. zru Lottie, beloved daughter or Thom as XL and Nellie Ryan (nee Carr), sister of Thomas. Daniel and Mrs. Maade Erepan'kt (nee Ryant asM 17 rears and I months. The funeral will take place from famllv resldenee. No 4CS Mafctt av.nue. Fziaay. May 13. at 3 n'clcck p. m to VMtatlon Church, thence to Calvary Cemeter". Chlcaio, I1L, and aintcn. Mo, Dspezs pleare copy. WAGONER UNDERTAKING CO.. nar oute st. Day or lNIght. 403 Grsa'te bldx- Cremstlnna. Ma. FILSIN6ER & FROTH, 1617 WaxlilnETon An, Have a very largo stock of Granite Hi Marble MONUMENTS At Los Prices. Program. (a) ("antique D'Araour. l.lz; (b) Badinage Hertert MANOLA. Were ily Sonc with t tan Provided I la ha ADAH BLACK. tcnnzpanled by the Pianola.) to) s trade;: Overture ...... Klotcw Non e'Ver. Mattel CKCHESTREIJ.B. (a) Vali Brlillanre. A naa.Mosikownl (b) l'apiuons d' Amour bchuett PIANOLA. to) Sprln Sonc ....Welt (b) At Partlnr; Hotels ADAH BLACK. (Accompanied by the II noil ) of Introducing "THE BARGAIN HUNTERS" $90.00 CHen away next week. Watch for tlis BARGAIN ADS IN THE WEDNESDAY REPUBLIC. WEST END FEED WAREHOUSE DESTROYED BY FIRE. Two Homes. Hitched In 1'ronl, Se verely Tlaruetl Before They Could Be Led Away. A tire In the storeroom of the West End Teed and Coal Company required the test efforts of three lire companies for an hour jesterdaj- afternoon to extinguish It. Tho bulldtn? was located In the rear of the company's office. No. S3 North Vande venter aenue. and was practically de stroyed. A nepro driver employed by the com pany turned In the alarm, and, -when the Uremen arrived the Interior of the liulMlns vios a moss ot Homes. A team of hitched outside the door had been severely burned. The animals refused to be led away and could not be moved until they were blindfolded and backed out of dan ger. The bulldlns. which was 120 feet lonp by ui leer. wiae. was nueu wun nay, straw, oats and bran. All ere destroy ed, its well a a storm bugtry. a runabout and three wasons. W. L. Wondrecheck. manager of tbe company, estimates his loss at C400. covered by Insurance. The origin of the fire Is unknown, but It Is thought to have been caused by a lighted cigar or cigarette thrown among the bales of hay. The build ing is the property of Thomas Orate. Griffin excursion, Arcadia, Mo.. SI .23, Stopping at Iron Mountain, Mlddlebrook. Pilot Knob and Ironton, Sunday. Mar lj. Iron Mountain Route, leaving union Sta tion 7:45 a. m. "West Plains Tench er-s Selected. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. West Plains, M'o, May 1L The School Board of this city has selected the fol lowing teachers: Professor II. E. Robln on, luperlntendenl: Clyde Hill. Mrs. M. F. Wlnnlngham. Mrs Carrie Phelps, Misses StelU Harris. Phoebe Daildson, Dona Brown, Sallle Carter, Mae Johnson. ICnto Leu Is. Maggie I'oster, Kosa Brown, Delta l'orry. Berta 'Wlnnlngham. arsist ants. Cora. Clark is to be teacher of the negro school. EUectrle Line la Assured. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. St, Joseph. Mo., May 1L Promoters of the Maryville-St. Joseph Electric Line were Informed to-day that Judge J. V. Thompson, general solicitor for tbe road, had returned from the East with the as surance that abundant capital had been interested to Insure the construction of the line at once. Dietrich 'Will Return to Post. HEFCBUC SPECIAL. Chilllcothe. Mo. May 11. Harman R. DIetiicli. United States Consul to Guaya quil, rxnzaaor, iiwiay announcea nis in tention to return to his South American post in t?plte cf the delro or his relatives here that he resign and remain here with his four small children. Famons Author Fonnd Dead. New York. May 11. Professor Henry Clark Johnson, author of many text books and assistant corporation counsel of thli city since 1S39, has been fcund dead In ids apartments here from heart disease. This TMilminy TFIU sorely Interest many readers ot The Republic. James O. Gray, aibson. Mo- writes about Drake's Palmetto Wlae as follows: I live In the Missouri Swataps In Dunklin County and have been sick with Malarial fever and for fif teen months a walking- skeleton. One bottle of Drake's Palmetto Wine has dose me mora good than all the medicine I have taken In that&tieen months. I am baying two more bottln to star cured. Drake's Palmetto Wine is the best med icine and tonic tor Malaria. Kidney and Liver ailments I ever used or heard or. Ifeelnellnow after using one bottle. A. A. Feldicg. Knoxrllle. Tenru writes: I had a bad case of sour Stomach and Indigestion. I could eat so little that I was "falling to-bones" and could not sleep cor attend to mr business. I used tbe trial bottle and two large seventy-five cent bottles and can tro thfully say I am entirely cared. I have advised many to write for a free trial bottle. J. W. Moore. Montlcelta. Minn-makes tbe fol lowing statement about himself and a neighbor. Be says: Four bottles ot Drake's Palmetto Wins has cured me of catarrh ot Bladder and Kidney trouble. I suSeredten years and spent hundreds ot dollars with best doctors and spec ialists without benefit. Drake's Palmetto Wine has made me a well man. a young woman here was given up to die by a Minneapolis specialist and he and our local doctor said they could do no more for her. She has been taking Drake's Palmetto Wine one week and Is rapidly recov eriEg. The Drake Formula Company. Drake Bldg Chicago, III- will xend a trial bottle ot Drake's Palmetto Wine tree and prepaid to any reader of The Republic A letter or postal card Is your only expense to get, this free bottle of Drake's Palmetto Wln. For sale by Rabotean & Co 700 North Broadway. DEATHS. aaa.a fN,VVW'sr-'ar-s-iaffstliJ PP.OtTDFTT-The body of John William Proucrlt. drowned at Newcastle. DeL. on Ko vember 3; IMS, has seen recovered and was Interred at Newcastle. Tuesday; May 1. MM. VISIC'EAtJ-On Wednesday, May II. 1S04, at 5 a. m- Margaret Vlstmeau. beloved wife' of N. L. Vlahneau and mother of Joseph. Junes. John. Mrs. Mary Stalta and Mrs. Margaret Smith (n VUhneau). aged years. Funeral FrldayvMav u. at J:J0 a. m- from reoldence. No. ra Prairt avenue, to St. Teresa's Church. tlrnee to St- Joseph' Cemetery. Friends Invited to attend. TVARREN At Meadow Wood. Chalk Level. Vs on Mar 19. Mary Benton Warren. wWow nt David O. Warren. In ner elghty-nrvt rear. In terment In Virgin!. WtLUAMS-SudaenlT. eo Wednesday. : My It. 1904. at :U a. m- Jesse Ti. Williams, be- mved son or zf.n;amin J . Ultiuns, at toe axv a. t . l? t.sr4.1av Xtav 1. a. m. from family zcsldcncr, Nu. atezvu . - .u.. ...-.,. --y -. . a V. ZJW. f East Grand CONSUL RESCUES AMERICAN GIRL Detained in Provincial Jnil Xear Paris Without a. Charge Tells Story of Kidnaping. Paris. May 1L United States Consul General Gowdy recently receled a letter from an American girl, saving that she was locked up in a provincial Jail without any charge hating been made against her. The Consul General sect a representative to the Jail and secured the girl's release. He then cabled to her patents, residing at Decatur. Ga.. requesting funds for her re turn to America. The girl related a sen sational story. S!i claimed to have been abducted by an American seeking to marry her, and said she accompanied htm on an automobile lour, -as locked up in a room In a country hotel and oc.iped and attempted nalk across the country, but was arrested as a wanderer by the author ities Inquiries made by Mr. Gondy's repre sentative enablNhed the correctness of her detention In the provincial Jail, but the story of her abduction ha not erlfled. except by her Ftatecient, which has been reduced to an affidavit tx-fore the Consul. The names of the parties are withheld, as no lesal steps have been taken against the alleged abductor, on lug to the doubt ful character of Mime of the accusations. Pending the arrival of funds, tbe girl Is being cared for by the American Young Men's Christian Association. MAY BB MISS CRANE. Atlanta, Ga.. May 11. The voung lady whose case has been repotted from 1'arN ns having been Investigated by United States Consul General Gowdv appears to Le lllsa Belle Crane of Decatur, a .suburb of Atlanta, rhow father W a prominent business man here. He ha-; recently re cited a cablegram from Consul (jenerai Gowdy. but the exact nature of the mes sage he Is at present unwilling to give out. Miss Crane was formerlv a htudent at Acnes Scot College, Decatur, and Is well known and popular in this city and nt De catur. Parisian Cleaner. If our wall paper I In good condition, but need cleaning, use Parisian Wall-Paper Cleaner and it will appear'as btleut and fre-h a when first put on. One pound will be sufficient lor one room and anyone can use It. PLATT & THORNBUHGH PAINT CO CO Franklin avenue. LEFT $1,050 FOR MASSES. Bridget Hit-key Also Bequeathed Liberally to Charity. Bridget Hlckey. by her will filed for pro bate jesterday. left 30 to the Redemptor-i 1st rathers. of St. Alphonsus'e Church. Vfl to the Jesuit Fathers ot St Francis Xav ler's Church, and 0 to the Reverend P. 1C Dooley. pastor of St. John's Church, to havo masses said for the repose of her ooul. She left CO to the Little Sisters of the Poor. J50) In trust for Marcella Thomp son, child of her friend. Ella D. Thomp son: C00 each to Willie Stephens and Mag gie Downey: JIG) In trust for George Con way, and 1100 to Mrs. Clotilda Downey. She? directed that the rest of her estate be distributed amor.c charitable Institu tions of St. Louis, under the direction ot tbe Reverend B. 1L Stolie. who is named executor without bond. The will was ex ecuted April 3C, ISM. REAL ESTATE. Edwin I., Evans lluya a Home. Edwin L. Evans, vice president of the McCarthy-Evans Tallorins Company, has purchased, through John S. Blake & Brother. No. 1SS5 Aubert atcnue, a set en room brick residence, lot -.TxlTO. from M. B. Hayden for Jl.OW. Mr. Evann will oc cupy the place as a home within a few dajH. Walnut Park Ground Sold. C. C Crone, as agent for Henry Wlp permann, administrator, sold on tho floor of the real estate exchange rsterday a seven-acre tract In the western part of Walnut Park on Tracy road, two blocks west of Florissant avenue, to Caroline Barkhoefer, for J6.!. The property is Im- E roved with a frame residence and out ulldlngz. Real Estate Transfers. BROADWAY- ft . w. s . s. w. cor. Osreols. city blwk 2TM: busanna. K.rur and uuiband to Emit A. lalldenbraajt w. d.. J l. ALHEUTA-C; ft. C In., a. s.. s. w. cor. Arkansas city Mock :S7S: Louis Hunt and wife to Wra. It. Conlwell and wife w. d 1.-33 AUBEKT K ft. i In, e. e , bet. E-ajtea and Pse. city block 3.K; Mary IS. Harden and hustand to Edwin L. .. Kvan and wife w. d - (.W0 BATHS-; ft, n. s, bit. 7th and atn, city Lluck Hia: Tboa. W. ilurpby and wife to Cornelius O Connor and wife w d 3V CAiSTLEMAJf !M ft., a s. beL Lvw zenco snd Thunzian. dt block 4942: s zn. A. Kutledxe Kealty Co. to Auiust W. H. Wolters w. d 10 ClaARA S ft., e. s.. bet. RlJjt-i and Mlnezva. city block -tS07A: Lucretla A. Cruwbltc to Llla Powell w. d Sf CLATTOS-I ft n. s btt. Hawk and l Sarah, city h'ork S90: John A. nickel to Hannah Itadsley w. d. , C5C0 COZnNS-3 ft. belnr !) ixzens. city block Ht: Asnes Weiacartner to Acnls M. MafCew d I.W) DALTO.V M ft., w. a., being tra Dal ton. city block 403): Julia L. Las to Charles M. Tallon and wife w. d LtTJ DODIEIt 37 ft. t In., s. s . bet. Glasrow and Garrison, cltr block ZZll Jetnln Llndell. by tcstatrtx, trustee, to Henry W. Renkel and wife apt. w. d 1,45 E1TMAN-S0 fL. a. a., bdni- WIS Ht man. cltr block 4IBA: Richard Elt man and wife to August t-rdbi-lnck and wife w. d 3.37 BITMAN-S0 ft., n. a., belnr (307 Eit mzui. city block 4(491)., Richard trcan and wife to Joseph K.lUrtsMl and wits w- d 1 iSTi FIaD JO ft., s. s.. fcft. Thurman and IClsmm. cltr block fea; sillam H Hess and wif to Autust W. II. Wol ters w. d J. It FLAD-W It. n. s.. belni 41I7-I7A-tl-A Plad. city block at; Auirust W. II. Wolters and wife to Charles Hoots w. d J.MO GKAMKH ft. In. e. a., north ot las and huiband tn Ia3uls Faveere and Koeln. city block S07; Frecerlcka Kol- wlf a. d 1IJ GlaATTAN-ZS ft, w. a.. bt. Chouteau and Hickory, city block 4UC: Charles A. Evans to John W. Pltzcerald w. !.. iOCO HOGAft 70 ft., w. a . being- 1C17 to 1421 llosan. city block .-2; Chnstlan K Hoffmann and wits to llliazn IL Vernier and wife w. d 11.410 HOOAN K ft w. ... bet. MuUannby and Cass, ejty block 10; Mary Kelly .1 il to Jonn T. HuiDrs w. d t,3t)0 LAMlSDI.N'-i; ft., e. a.. Selnr No 31.4 Lambdln. city block ttS: Annie Hack ney ti James O. Edwards . d LYNCH 3 ft . s. a. s. w. cor. Tmetfth. city block ill!: John Slebold. et. al. to The I-!rhth Street Itealty Co. w. d .. 4.S00 MAKFITT M ft. n. .. belnt; No. C7H Marntt, city block tC03: Oeorce W. Kimble and wife to Benjamin Fried man w. d IS) MAFFITT 3 It., n. s bet. Clara and Coodrellow. cltr block Ez: Mary Pren derrast to George InaTaham w. d. 377 MAFFlTT-n ft., n. a., bet. Farah and Whlltlcr. city block KM: MLrllnnI vaaiey Trust un. t lieorjo ll. Jtulll- csn and wife w. d. r73 McPHEIaSOX 1(J fU , to., a a. bet. Lake and Union, city block OOtA; Thomas O. PouKb and wife to Benefi cial Kealtv Co. w. d. lia.) MaNNI-SOTA 3 ft., w. a., bet. Brpen schled and CaUlan. city t 32S; Tn"s. Morris and wife to Harry E. Williams w. d...... ,. T.4) "NIKTH-30 ft. w. a, bet. Lafayette and Emmett. city block -: also 33 ft. w. s. Cnmpton. bet. Sidney and Mag nolia, rlly block 144: Fred J. Mnelier and wf to Edward IL Fisher ate d 1 NINTH-30 ft., w. s.. bet. Lafayette and Kmznett. dty block US; also C3 n. w. a. cotnpton, bet. fudney and Mar noIU. cltr Mock 1414: Udward H. Fish er to Fred J Mnell'r and wife qtc, d. ..... NORTH PAltK- ft., n. a., ard Blair, cltr block- 3U0: OTallcn llrk Realtv and Inestment Co.. ta Kalbazlna Kehr w. d, is OLD MANC1IESTER-14 ft. T in, n. a.. bet. Jiackllnd and Sublette, city -block i'XA cThas. P. Hell to Mas La Sciiwar.. kopf et al-w. d , ... P.) PIN-IS ft.. r, being 7330 Paptn. city block 333E- UCa R. It. Humph rvys et ah to Elizabeth N. Sherter RFGAL icVtV"wi,s.,'iL"of Kyier.'ciVy block 47.1: . Arthur Drelfus and wife to Charles P. Voce) ate. d. RtrraBR-aS ft . . a., txlnr ZUS Rutser. dty block 3171: John 3. Hell and wife to Lnlte sty and wife w. d. TVENTT-FIRT IS ft. w. s, a. ot Looo. 1.1S 3.175 icsxreoaxi; jaiu t-. lacrTanann. Jr.. K. 1? (Tn to John- I TTrrmrnn .ntr d . WYOMING 1 ft. 7!. ItL. n. s.. bee lirazux ana sTans. crty niocs 3BS3Z James T. Sanders and wife to John BieuBCf iv. d. ...a.......... ............ aa3) , BaUdins; Pcnalta.. N Nelsoc two two-story Hick Bats at Noa. 4laS-41- Ftad: Georr A. Chapb. two-story brick dwelling at No. S71S Cote IMlilaste: &. A 'tKirfectly sure diarrhoea cure. Wake HeM's Blackberry Balsam. Drurs'jts. MUNYONS WITCH HAZEL SOAPf Makes the skin soft as vehct. Improves any complexion. Bst shampoo made. Prevents dandruff. Stops hair from fal'lntr. Cures nil skin eruptions. More soothing; than cold cream. More beautlfjlne; than any cosmetic If your blood Is impure, or If you hae Dyspepsia, or any liver or stomach trou ble, don't fall to use Munyon's Paw-Paw. It cures Dyspepsia. Nervousness. Catarrh. Sleeplessness and makes you Krone and well. . MUNYON. Did It ever strike you tlmt a nun Is glrai few opportuoltles liy (Jot"! Taste to doii unytblus but staid colors? that ouu of those op portunities Is your -waistcoat? that you should nuke Uf most of that one? AValstcoatlngs lu sllfe mlxtiires In washable fab ricsIn solid but gayer colorings and both modest and somewhat audible combinations. ?S-$10-$12 Waistcoats made to order. MacCarthyEvans Tailoring Co. TalUrlitt- HttlltiH-lriat Prlett 816-820 Olive St. The Post Office Is Opposite. Phones B 30 and Main 317. UNCLE SAM'S WARSHIPS SAIL FOR SALT WATER. IVaalzvllIf- and Lawrence Depart Without Foruiallty on Receipt of Orders l'roni Washington. The cunboat Nashville and the torpedo boat de-trojer Lawrence are now on their way down the Mississippi River, having sailed from the St. Louis harbor yesterday afternoon, preceded by the United States alghthouse tender Lily, which will find the channel for the Nashville as far as 7aIro. Having received orders from Washing ton yesterday to leate St. Louis at 1 o'clock. Commander Hubbard oftheNash t Hie communicated with Lieutenant Proc tor of the Lawrence and at that time the Nashville left tbe harbor without formal ity, the Lilv Eolnir a few minutes before. Shortly afterward the Lowrento left her moorlngt at the foot of Elm street, pro ceeded toward tbo Kads bridge, where she turned round and followed the direction taken by the gunboat. After Having New Orlean... the Narh vtlle will go to Uo-uon, and the Lawrence to Hampton Head!. Tito ew Tmlps to Kansas City VIA MISSOURI PaVCIFIC RAILWA' Leave St. Ixiuls I.-CI p. m. and HtH) p. m. Other trains leae 3u a. m.. 7S5 a. m., 9a a. m.. sad p. m. and 10:10 p. m. Nev through sleeper for Omaha and Lin coln leaves :W p. m.. Ftist time; elesant new t-quipmenL ror further Information nee City Ticket Office, southeast corn.T Sixth and OlUe streets. DARLING WILL SET ASIDE Children Who Were Cut Oil Con tested. A Jury in Judge Ryan's dllslon of the Circuit Court yesterday gave a verdict set tinc aside the will of William A. Darling, who died Juno 11, UCC The will was con tested by Darling's son and daughter, Raymond H. and Grace Darllncr, who w ere cut off with I each. The will nrovlded that a hnm tn met Si be provided for Darling's widow. Elizabeth, and that she recelte Jj a month. At her death the residue ot the estate was to be divided equally among the chil dren bom of his marriage with her, or children that they might adopt, snd her children by a former marriage, who, tbe will recited, "shall of their own free will resido with her before the time when they are IS years old." Should no legatees under tho clause be living at the time of her death the prop erty was to co In equal portions to the Christaln Old People's Home and the Old People's and Working GlrlK Home of the City of St. Louis, and If, neither, exist, to such old peopIe'H home of Protestant be lief as the St. Louis Union Trust Com pany, which was named executor and trustee of the estate, might select. It was alleged that no such institutions as) mentioned In the will exist. The plaintiffs also alleged that their father for several jears posse-Mcd a hatred for them because they Joined with their mother in religious worshlf. which he despised. Thej- ehargod that he was not of disposing' mind and memory when the wID wai executed. Read Drs. Thornton & Minor's full page ad next Sunday concemlne; rectal diseases. For free treatise address 33 Olive st St. Louis; Mo. Leaves Estate to His Mather. The will of Augustus Fllley. formerly marriage license clerk, was filed for pro bate yesterday. It was executed June 2tC 1SS1. It provide Ibat all of his property go to his mother. Mary A. P. Fllley, and should she die before him. to his sister, Annie K. Fllley, excepting- $100 to his sis ter. -Amelia F. Klttredge. The vrlH was witnessed by George F. Shuts and Charles B. Clough. The refined and cultivated use SANITOL TOOTH POWDER. Your dentist and your dnikglst will oil -yon there Is nothlnr like It for jour teeth. Try It "for Good-nessi al-.f BIG FOUR TO CINCINNATI FOUR FAST TRAINS. 8 HO00KXH)KOXKKKK TELL THAT BOY OF YOURS WHAT TO It's the imall change. If taken care of, that doubles In a few vear. Hidden away, they are liable to IfVs and theft. 3n litre Accounts can be open nl )y depusltlue 91 or mure at the Mercantile Trust Co., 721 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo. AMUSEMENTS. MISSISSIPPI RIVER EXCURSIONS THE FAMOUS STEAMI.R Giiy of Providence -LEAVES SUNDAY, MAY IS, For ALTON, PIASA, and the UPPER MISSISSIPPI A delightful river outing. Every n."e and minute ui the trip Is full of life and Intereit. Boat leaves OIKe Street Dock at 10 A. St. Iteutms at 3 P. M. Round Trip, 130 Miles, - 25 Cents Fine rce-taurant and cafe service. IHTERESTIN6 Opening SCIENTIFIC EXCITING. JAI ALAI Ths Spanish Rational Ball 9amt Oe Ballvlere and Kingsbury Boulevard. The Greatest Ball Game in the World. PLA iERS SECURED DIRECT FRO M SPMS. Performances every day Id the teek KTK For LIQUOR DRINKING, MORPHINE l15 . eeieV lURa(tUaDriaUslat,llsmtasila,Tasaw f6iey S. T .1. P.Mr SIMP rjf.v.lf.1... ..J Km.mmm si asW.asa " f DR. J. E. ULAINB, VUre 2801.3-5 Locust St.. St. MOM. THMTMtllT fO. TOSSeCO ARS MCUS.STMZNI. U wmifLti eu &. &r Oood-by dad: remember wliat ma told -ou don't for get to aM: for Eagle Trading when oil bu v "those srocerles. W only need a few more EAG1.E TRADING STAMPS and then we'll all tro dawn and pick out our beautiful presents. PrUHIBM AND DISPLAY ROOM 1214 Olivt "TF a in cocktail tastes L of gin it's not a cock tail." If you really know a good cocktail you know the one you mix never quite blends. GOLD LION Cocktails (ready to ice) never- vary. COLD LION CocktalU-Seven kinds Manhattan, Vermouth, Whiskey, Martini. Tom Gin, Dry Cla and the American Of good wine merchants. The Cook ft Bernhelmer Co. Makers New York J.T. CONRAD GROCER CO. St. Louis Distributors - HOTELS. LONG BRANCH. VKST EIiD HOTI1L AMI COTTACRS. RltnatlM on bluff faclrtx- ocean. TJoexceptlon- abte drives and roads siitable fur automoblllnic. COTTAOES OVEN SATfRD .T, JUNE 1ITII. HOTEL OPK.NS T1IL'KS1AT. JUNK 3D. SPIX'IAL KATES Ur THE SEASON. New Ycrk OfMee. US Dnoodwmr (Room 7() W. E. IltLUIIETlf. Manater. MUDLAVIA ThU strut reort OiWn tfc yar rcutvi. re?.hlna rtit. health rtrt o!attire for yotar vaeaUcs Only a trv bonnr ride from m. Lool. Dr Attica. lEflon Watojh Railroad Nature'P rreatrct ear for lihtmmatlMTi. Oout. KLlnvs str. m.iir Ftomach and nerrcu .. Yct hantIfaUv m irjjTnaraineiifvi an lnrnrrsatlon. d4ri i s.rsiiTis"f n mpnir Kmrs inrt. n. Do You Ever ttep to consider t be present etllciency of tbe TELBGHAFtt SERVICE (ompared with what ft was leicrethe "POSTAL" entered thi field? 9 FAMILY EXCIRSIII, SiMfey, May IS, To Uerarntc and Garconade Hirer flshlrnr re sorts ktoseUe. St. Clair. Stazltcn. Sal'tran. nourbon. LMaburx. Cubs. tjtetlTllla, Boas. Cooks. Salem. M. Jajner. HolU. Ntwtnrrc Ar llacton and Jtrtxne. RwH-Trip Rates, $1.00 ts$!.50. Trara' flear- Jits a. m.: returning anrlva 1C4 p. tn. Ftons both ways at Tover Grov-v Tlrt.l.,, Ninth, and Ollra suceta. linlor Sta tion and To-rer'CroT. DO WITH HIS Spent for pleasure. It Is cone for ever, and can never multiply. Profitably invented. It will yield a fortune. Office- Hours OtOO a. zu. to a p. m. Mondays till SiOH p. zu. THE EXCURSION STEAMER Cirwitt H. Spencer WILL ON" SUNDAY, MAY 15, Lrais Fautt of Locust St. at 1 a. zaf attar? for Jefferson Barracks HeturnlcK at 1:M P. M. Ialcr at: P. M. for Mouth of Missouri River Leaving at 1 P. II. on a Moonlight Excursion Retumrcr at II P. SI. Round trip tickets -5c Come and errjoy joun-flf. You can make all three trips for one admission. Music and Danclns, KXI-MILK RIUK OV TIIK MISSISSIPPI KIVKK FUK May 15 Stna'ay, May 15. ' 3 and 8:39 P. M. K-S . TWO QUIN1ELAS 6 Points Each. One Match 30 Point Each Periormanc. Phyalclanis. Manatop Louis. lilintM. lutttaatlSt tjre Proposals for City Printing. Offlce of Cltr Register. City Hall. St. fyouls. May 9. Wt. Pursuant to the requirement" of the Charter and ordinances of the City of St. l.ouls. soiled bldx 1U be receded at this offlce until i: o'clock noon, and opened FRIDAY. 3IAY Mth. 1SW. from the pubUahers of newspapers In the 'City of St. LouN havlm; uniform dally circulation ot over three thousand (3.OC0) copies, for the City Prtntlna; for one year, ons published In the English language and one published In the German lan guage. Said bids must propose to da the print Ins; and adertlsliir;, required by law and ordinances to be done In the newspapers. Including Mullanphy Keller Fund and Col lector's offlce. at an uniform nrice ner line. The printing- must conform to the fol lowing. z: Size, character and name of type, non pareil: minimum length of line, twenty six OS) ems; minimum width of column, thirteen (II) ems pica: character of the measurements to be employed, nonpareil. The papers published in the KngUh language btddlnar shall ulso state In their bid at what cost and price per page they will print two hundred C&O) copies of the proceedings of the Municipal Assembly us may l published In such paper. In pamphlet form (no blanlc pages to be counted), and deliver same within two days after each meeting to each House of the Municipal Assembrr. Also at what price per page they will print and deliver one hundred (loo. copies of the proceedings of the Board of Public Improvement as may txr puousnea in the newspaper, in pamphlet form (no blank pages to be counted): also what price per page thev will print and deliver fifteen hundred LKX copies of the ordi nances as may be published In the news papers of an uniform size suitable for binding In, the customary form (no blank pages to be counted), the foregolnr pamphlet work to conform In all respects to samples on tile, and to be seen by bid ders In this offlce. Bidders win be required to deposit with the Cltr Treasurer tlie yum of five- hun dred dollars (00). and attach the Treas urer's receipt to each bid: also, an affi davit that the dally circulation of the paper Is three thousand (3,0W) copies or more. No bid will be considered In which there shall be an erasure or Interlineation. All bids must be Indorsed "Proposals for Cltv Printing." Bids will be opened at the office of the Cltv Retrlster. The City Register reserves the right to reject any or all b'ds. A bond or ten thousand dollars (S10.GCO) nill be required for the faithful perform ance or the contract. Th RnclLsh inner recelvlne- the con tract will be required to furnish one hun dred (100) copies of the dally paper and twenty slips of each advertisement made by the Register free or charge to said Register: also twenty-four CI) slips or eacn advertisement made by the Commis sioner or Bunplles free of charge to said Commissioner. . . The German paper recelvlne. the con tract will to required to furnish sixty (Oil copies of the dally paper free or charge to the Reslhter. P. R. FITZGIBBOJvT. Rejrlster SUMMER RESORTS. mt0n0m000smaaf THE ISLAND. LAKK WINNEBAGO. WIS. A beautiful etio-shadtd Island, containing eletcn flac cottas (formerly private summer homes) and a aenTal dlnlnic halL Only nre mtlrs from Ohkcsh and a few minutes' row from the mainland. Flntst take In tna North. Unosttal opportunities for all water snd other outdoor recreatlonsa rtrfect freedom and safe tr for children eierywhere. Location assures exreptlonallr aar--able summer neather. St. Ixiuls references xlren. Low rates to families: aWlutelr no extras Kor fceautlrullr Illustrated book, address- The Island CO- Oihkcsh. wis. MlbFORD, pike coujrrr. pe7(stxvaxia. (SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA.) dreateit health and pleasure nsort la tba rcuntrr: rzutntflcent hotels: ertry modem Im proiemant: exqulslts views; beatftlful watsr falls: delightful drlres; pure, dry air: mountain razahles, pure water. Cne reeorzy. Fixes tall klaela mt sare ryos. Send 10c for sample to Eye-Fix Reaaedy Cow Dept. if. Detroit. Mlclu Never accept a substitutc. Solel ay all Drsjsrclala a ad Oyllelaas. Pg2Sirv AUCTIONEERS. I. . SELKIRK GO., AUCTION AND STORAGE. RrznUr 3l every Siuru at Wstrvaouj acd (seral otflos. lU-l9-t. Cxoutcau ihbii. Bale in resldenc a jrcllty. moo Kloloc in- WESTERN SALVAGE WRECKING AGENCY I3 snd 1SCT uiiMiicm areni:.. Kandisrs ot Plra and Marin Salraxa. U'aua fv sjeclar notices. OIITKL nK. tlnif-l" AMUSEMENTS. rii0 OLYMPICsT-aAY. Nixon S. Zlmtnerman Announce!! Francis Wilson A,WR'&5. llarrurlta J-rlta. Jessie Bartlett Davis. !. (X Vee-l.n. Mr. Pruclnl. ltobt. Uroderlck. Jcnnl Wcathetsty arul Olcra Uclle Jerome, la JSJr.lVLXIsTT.g;. 3Iundy Eve Seats A'oir on Sate. FRITZI SCHEFF In the CBmlo Opera succ. aaxBETTC Ujr Mctor Herbert DADB IIB snd Harry It- znlth Oilnpany ot 100 Including Eucene COwles. Ka Hawler. Louis Harrison, ltlehle Ling. Jcjo phlnr Bartlett and -Vace IlonMIIe. CENTURY KEG. MIT. S tTl'RDAT. TTIrL. Ta Kb.ll Henry SI. Blossom. Jr's Oharacter-Oomedy CHECKERS' With Thomas W. Hoss and XM People. SE1TS SOW OV SaXE FOR UkST WEEK OF "CHECKERS" m.(JINlC SL'VDAY MG1IT. COLUMBI A Oitiziui Tit.un 1. I:tJ U 10:11. stL ALL THIS WUEK.UD NEXT SCSOAY. J-VauarGlrls-t. Robert Pulcora. -rtie HalL Krer & Helds. CDnley St Klein, llettle Kenton. O-e-r & Dayne. SI rles McCarthy & Co. Uaerer AArnlm. Ttim Ripley. The Klnsmer. The Klnodroroe. lar--0e-M Orchestra Chairs nsenrea. Tie. IMPERIAL TO-NIQHT. ISc 2Sc JSc. Sit 25c Hat. The Moonshiner's Daughter. To-Day. Nest V1CTORT BATt-SLO In Qamllle.- HAVLIN'S THIS WEEK lb Bttt Shaw ta tbt Clty-Doa'tmlitlt stfcUlTHE STAIN OF 6UILT "un. Itat. Xntt Kate Claxton. "Two Orphans" STANDARD aEaXTRt1 Bona-DJe IVrrstllng Match Bctsreen th Glints. PETER J. VIS8ER, Boer Champion. JOHN J. ROONEY, Kx-Grltwiaix. GRAND TO-KtQHTMat Sat., 25c and SOc Mssfct Prices. 23e, ItSc, Site. 7Sc. f l.UU Fred E. Wright's Greatest ot All Pastoral Plxrz York State Folks. The Fatuous Original Cast. CRAWFORD ;'J THEATER HWrUniC-m Wtril's fair Sirens, QUIJICY ADAMS SAWYER. I utx pfl..lltl I nacsT. rural birsa. is Bst New Eniland plaT ever written. Nllht Prices 1 S. & S. TI. JL FOREST PARK HIGHLANDS Th Blr PUce cu the Hill. IIOPKI. PAVILIO.N. This Week The Vaadrrlllr Toraavdo. EVI TAMBUAY s.,G,r,, Adral-sioa ta tM O round KRBE. RtwTtd Seatu 3i cnts knd W nw. WEST END HEIGHTS. Opposite Southwestern aiitrance World's Fair. HIGH-CLASS a troirnuE. AI.L STAR ATTRACTIONS. Grand Band Conceits Afternoons and Erealnjs. Matinee 3 o'clock; nicht performanr i.W dallr- ADMISSION TO OHOUNDS FREE. The most thrllllnc scenic rallnay Is Ino West. DmKAUTiruL amag. elmar9 .aaazsia.B s Kfllttll tMlHL QMKtOKM Just acrOBs SKIKKR-HOtD from the "WORLD'S FAIR GKOCM3S. FREE BWU COXCERTS. CO otc1 Fratares SO All street ora transfer. RACING AT DELMAR, MAY 2 TO MAY 20. Six Rich-Class Rasts Bally. KIHLOCH IREEDERSASSIGIAT10N FIRST RACE 2:30 P. M. Admlaslon, IncludlnK Grand ' Stand, SI.OO. HIGH-GLASS RACING! UNION JOCKEY CLUB. INDEPENDENT RACE TRACK. The finest eoulDned nlnnt In the countrr. Onion avenue and Natural Utilise road. J. A. DCFFY, President. HALF TOZER. Secretary. P. J. CARMOUV, Geaeral 31a Baser. Continuous Race Meetin&r. Six or more hlsh-clas races dally, com menclnc at 2.3) p. ra. Suburban cars run direct to race? track. Olive. Pae and rs Ktutton avenue lines change at Union avc- Ny nue direct to tbe grand stand. Cais and Spring avenue lines run trithlii four blocks of track. Waxonettcs from cars to gronnds and grand stand. Fare 5c. Aisissloi $1.00, liel.tUng 6rasd Staai, BASEBALL TO-DAY HATIIHAL LEAIRE PARK, Vmslittnrtr Art. ant! Bitural srWgs "oa. BOSTON vs. ST. LOUIS. Rasae Colled at. 3t3t O'clock. SELECT RIVER EXCURSION. Oaly Boat Golax Above Bridies. STEAMER SPREAD EAGLE Will Leae, from Foot ot Vine Street Evify SiiMfaf at 9:30 A. M. R.turnlne at . p. zn. Calllnjr at Tnoutb of Uissocrl Riser. Alter. I1L. Flara Bluffs and month, ot TJUnoia River. "THE BARGAIN HUNTERS" S8Q.00 Olrea away next week. Watch far.ta BARGAIN ADS . , Ul TUB , . WEDHESDAYiREP0B.LlQ.y; i It 's ?. i?l u Z tit ?l -'I -51 -41 n; '' aflS'' z:i j.rR i'& i-s"3 vs- 'i JfSS' : .. -Jt-', P5iTtiT " 2 -Mk-MdMJii, s-a. ' 3 " sSV " -V'.' ''-f-s- "a 5rS.s!aWsiSS2i jrtSurC-n I lafil asrr . 'V?iV-.-iT --.. .".! l?-- ,"v "- r-" '' 1. j