Newspaper Page Text
-"T "-- -KSf-ilttiP ." ' fljp ' n- x- THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: THURSDAY, MAY 12. 1904. 3 . w-t-.--weTt.- i W wo tir t Wet Ims D i X) I FINANCIAL MWWVMVWWWWIMAAAI WE OWN AND OFFER Metropolitan Street Railway Company (Ktiiii City, Mo.) Consolidated 5s Dated May 1, 1S95. Due May 1, 1910. Interest payable May 1 and November 1. Price on Application. N. W. Harris & Company 204 Dearborn Street New York CHICAGO Boston HOUSTON OIL COMPANY OF TEXAS. REQRGAHiZ&TIQN. Th- un3(rslgr:ed. at th- request of lioMers c? Inferred and Common slccTc of ihe IIOLbTOV Oil, COMI'A.NY OK li:AS have ccn eented to act as a committee to protect their Interests and to formulate a plan of reorcanl ration. Holders of Preferred Etock and of Ommon stock of that Com pan v ar- lnrltiM to- deposit . ran--? with tha UMHTTA TIlUST COMlM. 3ft Wall street. New York, or the OLD COLON V IJlLisT CUMI'.Ol, Ames Iiulldltiic. Itotori. Mass.. under an aKreement. coplen of which may te obtained from tlher depofttarr. Certificates of deix-slt -will be is cued to depositors. In view of the wilt already beprin. and the appointment of receivers or th Houston Oil Company cf Texas and the Klrby Lumber Company. It Is Important that deposits of Pre ferred and Common stock be made at once. LLTIIBfl KOUVTZi:, New York, JOHN" I. WATEIIIILKV, .New Vorlc COItnoV AUUOTT, Ho toil, Curantlftee. iStil"18' Aprtl Kth W Counsel: DILLON & HUBBARD. New Tork. COKE & COKE". Dallas. Texas. SALE of School Bonds. Board of Education of U school District or Eli-berry, Mo., will la te twenty-four (24) bonds of me hundred dol lars (35(-) each, pa able In twenty (2-) ean-, half of which will be redeemable any time after fivo (51 years from date of lr-ue, and half re deemable ten (10) cars after date of the issue. t tha ODtlon of the said Board of Education. with Interest ax 5 per cent per annum. Interest payable, remlacnually. A certified check of 3250 must accomnaDv each bill fnr riM hmijlt All bids must be filed with the undersigned for -ua -wara ox x-aucauon on or peior- aiay 23. 1904. date for opening of said bids. The board reseree. the rfcht to reject any and ell bid". Done by order of the Board of Education. Hay 7. IS""". FRANK L. DAWSON. EIrberry, Mo. Secretary. TRACTIONS ARE LOWER; !- BANKING ISSUES HIGHER. 11 vnr.TTAfR nv toatiiw. is im v" . v- -l-.-......., j.- it VERY SMALL. 9 'Trust Company Stocks Are iri1 Rest Demand and Miscellane ous Bonds Are Firmly Held. Local securities were dull In yesterday's market. Interest In the traction group centered In St Louis Transit,, which was weak and lower, with sales at $13.25. United Rail- ays preferred was wanted at K8 and held at KS-23. The 4-per-cent bonds were steady at $31-73. t The only other active issues! were Com monwealth Trust at J2G6 and J257 and Mis souri Trust at $117.59. Both were on the upturn. Miscellaneous issues were firm on bids and offers, with little outside de mand., YESTERDAY'S SESSION. Closing quotations: Ft. Louis Transit ... United 2!allwas pfd , Urited Hallways 4s American Central Trust.. ...... Missouri Trust Mercantile Trust , -omu:onweali Trust Title Guaranty National Bank: of Commerce... Mechanics National Vational Candy com National Candy 1st pfd Cotton Compress .... Simmons Hardware com Simmons Hardware 1st pfd..., Flmmons Hardware 2d t-fd..... American Credit Indemnity ., Westlnghcru-'e Auto. Coupler., Missourl-Edlson 5s . Citizen Gs Brewery 6s National Enameling com ...... Central Coal and Coke Dfd.... Llndell Railway Cs fit Jos Lad Granlte-BlOletallls .. Sales: St. LouN Transit at 65 St. Louis Transit at 2.000 United Railways 4s at ... 65 Missouri Trust at . 37 Commonwealth Trust at . 5 Commonwealth Trust at . 17 Commonwealth Trust at . Bid. Ask-d. .$, $ 13.2s . W.t-) 4.25 . S1.73 E.H . 151.0(1 . lli.2S 117.60 . 333.09 , 257.O0 WSA , 62.00 70.C0 2A-..00 274.0) . 10.51 12.50 M.C-J . 30 ' . 96 00 Srj.00 , 121.274 128.00 172.00 24.0) -,.t74 99.25 1X.00 1S4.S0 M.M 56.75 29.0) 79.00 71.50 104.50 15.25 .55 .10 S 13.75 12.25 ..... fcl.75 117.E3 ............ -T.00 ........... 257.00 JTeir York Curb Stocks. Reported by O. 1L Walker & Co., No. North Fourth street: Close American Tin Can com.... Do. pfd American Light A Traction com Do. pfd American Writing Taper com..... Do. pfd Bay State Gat , Borden's Condensed Mi! com... Do. pfd . British Columbia Copper. Con. Refrlc & Lte;. Co , Bid. . 4 .f3 . 49 , 91 . S'i . 14S :ii7u .109 J , 4 . 2 , a , 4 , 9 , 1S4 Ask. 4 '4 15 120 113 2 2.V4 C7 ( .nuic aui Kvm. ...... .--. -j-i do. pro j , ETectrlc Vehicle com ."V Do. Dfd Do. rjfd 9 in l' Greene Consolidated Copper. 154 15!, vl Havana Commercial Co. corn 27 29 Cnt Do. pfd 3 4) to I; Interborough Rapid Transit. 109H lH'J i I International Mercantile Marine com. 4 4i " ! Do. pfd is; ii' lat, Manhattan Transit IS IS Kew Arcs. ua a as. .1. ez J. l9...:2W liKi ew York Bectrlc Vehicle Trans.... 4 S N'ortbera Securities 9 ssa Oils Slevator com 23 31 Do. pfd 13 eu Royal Banktnr Powder ofd loi lra Seaboard Air Line com sl 9 Do. cfd ... 17U 17s; Ftandard Oil ofNew Jersey 627 C9 tit. Iuls -lranslt cx. com 13 13 Tennessee Oipper. 3) 52 t'nlted Street Rya. of St. Louis pfd.. 53 0J Vnton copper...... . i ( 1'nlted Copper......... 5 ft T'nlted states of Mexico 5s ltrtH lOUl TVhlte Knob Copper t 714 .ilcairo Stock SInrket. Reported by G. H. Walker & Co., 3)7 North rourth street: Biscuit com W-ift 41: Da pfd...... .103 n' Box com 140 1? Do. Dfd 12UB 13i Can com.! 4 G 4U Do. pfd 23 f 35'i Foreign Bxefannge. Reported by rrancls, Bro. i Co., No a I North Fourth street. Prime sterling, catles 4 S715SN.ST2S: checks 4 W90S4 S7: 6ft days 4 S49084 Si Commercial sterllnir checks 4.551: 0 days 4 4.B4.4'; SO days 4 S3:m. 3 Grain hills 4 8184 S5; cotton hills 4.S44. Bankers Paris cables 5.15 1-lt; checks SJ5 15-16: 60 days S.1S 3-16. Comrterclal French francs, checks S.1CU; 60 days S.U3-1S. C-r-ierclal SIss Xrancs, checks 5. 174: 69 esys SJS. Commercial Belgian franca, checks 5.17'i; 60 days 5.20. Bankers relclismarks. cables 95 7-1685'.: checks S5S695 7-16: 60 days MS. Comnercial reiehsmarks. checks 51 5-16; 60 days 94 1-16 90 days 91 9-1S. Berkenr- Dutch ipiilders. checks 40jei4 7-1S; ) days 40i. CJommerclal Dutch guilders, checks 40 S-16; 60 dv 40 l-is. Market dull but steady. Domestic Eichancf. Seported by Whltaker & Ca. exeban-; brokers. No. 300 North Fourth street: Bid. Asked. Ae-r Tork ............. ........40o Drem 45ei)rera U Chlcsxo ...... locnrern 15cprem LonlsrlllM 1"L .1! nar I; New Orleans 10c dls par St I.onla Money Market. dearlnfrs were large and there was a rond aernarid for call and time loans, with rates teaay between IH and 6 per cent. Yesterday's Bank Clearinss. Y-4-terdav's clearlng-houss statement showed tea-lnrs H.a5.J2; balances, "X 171.520. SELLING OF U. S. STEEL FEATURE OF STOCK MARKET. CONDITION OF LETHARGY CHARACTERIZES DAY. Total Engagements of Gold Ship ments To-Day Reach Nine Million Dollars. New York. Alar 11. .TTir ruptn of to-day's trading; that were considerably more active than the recent ai-erage. but in the intervals the market showed that same profound condition of lethargy that has characterized It for some time. News developments were not lacking, but the -ron? to thera was vn- slight, rhe Government crop report was regard ed as decidedly unfavorable in tho amount of tho probable yield indicated of winter wneaL Hut the showing had been dis counted, apparently, both in the stock and the grain markets, neither of which was appreciably afreets'. Another news development to which general importance is attached, although Ir-tg oTpected. is the proooscd issue of delenture bonds by the New York Cen tral, ri-iiorts of which were generally cred ited, although not officially confirmed, be fore the market closed. The Issue of a bond for a moderate term and at a rate of interest above that recently paid by that company was variously Interpreted. BONT) ISSUES. With both stock and bonds authorized and not issued, it Is evidently an admission ... cho.1 ui me iiupu5siDimy oi issuing these on favorable terms In the present market. On the other hand, the placing of the debenture issue as Indicated Is evi dence of some improvement in the ab sorptive power of the bond market. The conspicuous feature of the day's stock market was the selling of the United States Steel stocks, which carried the common stock to 9U. a level neier before touched. The selling was attributed to feeling on the central outlook in the'trade. Report from the trade were of declining demand for Iron and expanding facilities for output by the United States Steel Cor poration's Iron department, with resulting discontent by Independent producers and suggestions of plans for steel works to provide consumption for their products. GOLD MOVEMENTS. gBut by far the most notable develop ment of the day was the enormous gold movement. Total engagements for ship ment by to-morrow's steamer reached ja.ftW.Ooa. This concentrated movement is so little in accord with the Intimations of those having the Panama payment in rhnrfA friar tha v-neA -....l. .- a- gradually and in comparatively small amuuius mat mere was room to question whether the movement was not In large part due to other causes than the Pan ama payment. umie tne buotreasury paid out yester day $15.XW.O00 on the Panama Canal pay ment to Morgan & Co., tho depositary banks were called on at the same time to pay over about $12.W0.X) of Govern ment deposits, so that there was little net increase in the available supply to provide for to-day's heavy exports of gold. , Call money responded to the heavy in roads upon cash reserves the rate rising to 2 per cent. The time money market is not yet affected. Railroads made fur ther poor returns of earnings. Consolidated Gas fluctuated under tho operations di rected against the shorts in the stock. The market closed steady, but not far from the lowest, a rise of 114 In Amal gamated Copper helping to 'steady tho ClOSfi The bond market became Irregular In sympathy with the late weakness in stocks. Total sales, par value, $1,515,000. United States bonds were unchanged on can. New Y'ork Stock Quotations. New York. May Ift-Followlns are to-day's sales of stocks on the Stock Excharge, show ing the highest and lowest quotations and dos ing bids: RAILROADS. Sales.nirh. Low. Closa. . .!! 72S 71i 72 . 400 92, S2S s:4 . 2.2W 7a! 7i!i TSJI I ""iw lif" lisj" ins 157 . 100 TM SOii 39 Atchison - Do. pi , Baltimore & Ohio Do. nrj. Canadian Pacific Central of New Jersey Chesapeake & Ohio. Chicago & Alton Do. pfd. t Chicago & Great Western. Chicago & Northwestern .. Chicago. MIL ti. St. Paul... Do. pfd Chicago Terminal lc Trans Da pfiL, C. C. C & St. Louis Colorado Southern Da 1st pfd. Do. 2d pfd. Delaware & Hudson Dei. Lackawanna & West. Denver & Rio Grande Do. pfd Erie .......................... Do. 1st pfd. Do. 2d pf.L Hocking Valley Do. pfd. Illinois Central . Iowa Central Do. pfd Kansas City Southern Do. pfd. Loulsllle & NashrtlU iv 9 sa ss SOU l.f 15H 15U 15i 183 S.400 142U 111H 141H ....- .... .... Uib ..... .... .... ITS 70S 100 lii 15H ljg "ioo "iii a'" 2i 600 151 liS IMS 2HU 1 20 20 20 .... 6SV ravi 233 I.7CO 2fi 1.400 62i ba : JO 37 37H 37ii j"v vt &a Vi 900 7Si 7S 78"i 400 U) 129i 1J . 17 ".'.'." '.'". '.'.'.'. 174 314 60 101,-i 10S 10S .coo 143- n:i 113 100 774 77. 75 4.SO0 103i 10S 1U9 A4J0 7 64 74 Manhattan L Metropolitan Securities .... Metropolitan St. Railway.. Mexican Central Minneapolis ; bt U ...... M.. St. P. & S. Ste. M... Da pfd. 42 W0 62 Oil 61-4 .... Jl L300 914 MTs 91 a-.... .... .... 16 ...... .... .... 354 3 1,00 113.: 1131. i)iu 100 564 MS ,4 2UO SI SS 87 300 a at; as 25. 40 llt 113S 113 Missouri Pacific Mo., Kas. & Texas uo. via Nat. R. R. of Mex. pfd.. New Tork Central Norfolk & Western Da pfd Ontario & Western Pennsylvania PItUburr. C. C & St- L-. Rcadln-r z.'Jf 434 100 74 S 62 4.4M 22i -.! foS ICO 4S 43 41 ja m pro. l54 65 do. za pro. Rock Island Co Da pfi St. L. A Sin Fran. 2d pfd St. Louis Southwestern Da pfd Southern Pacific Southern Railway ......... Do. pfd. Texas A Pacific Toledo. St. L. A "W. Da pfd. ................... Union Pacific Do. pfd. ............. Wabash Da Pfd Wheellne: A Lake Erie.... SVIsconln Central Da pfd. 6.000 47i 700 294 IVt M 51 400 100 s 374 8 m 300 n ss 17.600 63S f3H 20) 17H 174 1.400 37S 37 160 iii k i7i . ltT EXTRES3 COMPANn-S. Adams 200 22$ 234 222 American .................. .. ...... .... .... ISO United states 103 Wells Fargo 203 MISCELLANEOUS. Amal-ra-ran-ited roper ... 2S,S0 49 49 16 70 American Car A Foundry. 300 l(i Il o. p-o American Cotton OH Da pfd, American Ice ............... Do. pfd. Amerlcnn Linseed Oil Da pfd. Amerlcnn Locomotive ... Do. pfd. American Smelt. A Refng Do. pfd. , American Sustar Refining.. Anaconda Mlnln- Co Brooklyn Rapid Transit ... Colorada Fuel A Iron Con-pHdattd Gas Corn Frod'jcts Do. pfd Distillers' Securities ICO 2Si 2Si -l 87 . 30 700 -33 2S 60 14 US U 10 32J f2" S2 sn 4)4 tss 434 JfO 95S 95 SIS 900 1274 1--34 1274 , ...... .... .... .J , 3.700 4S4 451 45 31 . lvS) 2"7 2(34 201 . 1.500 111! 104 114 . 1.000 e4 eti fs 200 22 214 21U . 300 157 US 15S 11 General Electric .... international Paper ........ Da pfd. ... ....... International Pump ........ Do. Pfd. National Lead North American Pacific Mair People's Gas Pressed Steel Car Da pfd Pullman Palace Car Republic Steel Da pf-L Rubber Goods Da ctd. Tennessee Coal A Iron .... Cn'ted States Leather United States Realty Da pfd. ........... United states Rubber Da pfd. United States Steel Do, pfd. ..... ... Westin:h-us- Electric 209 66 K 66 34 2W iHi i7H17 62 ico 26v rt; 400 974 97 2SV4 97 wo aiv ais at 440 CS 64 64 e in,. J.13Z f-i& tl S3. 39" 16 154 JO 16 10 774 J.100 34S 77V 7TV ait -tiii il fti ;" " a 200 1.600 106 2 59i 59S 15J-15i 59t 15. UK 19.400 10 94 94 73.100 154 MS r-J 200 155 15S 1SS western union in o a in Totoal sales for the day, 2S1.S03 shares. Xevr York Money JIarket. New York. May 1L Prime mercantile pap-r 3(ili per cent. Sterling exchange, heavy, with actual bu'-lness In bankers tills at 4.635 for dev marwl and at 4 &5 for CO-cay bills: posted rates 4 &c?4.iS6 and 4-U: commercial bills 4.3475. Mexican dollars 444c. GorenKnent bonds stesdy. Railroad bonds irreculax. Money ca call easy at 1V62 per cent: closing bid 14: of fered at 14. Time loans easy and dull: 60 days 2 per cent; 90 days 24624; 6 months 34734. Bar Silver. New York. May 11. Bar silver ESc. lmdoo. May lL Bar ailver dosed fins at 25 33-16d per ounce. Treasury Statement. "WasMnglon. May 1L Available earn balanco J17S.CCS.-OT; geld 112".CS3,1-S. Vctt York Curb Market. p.Errnuc special. New York. May 11. The curb market con tinued dull and Irregular to-day. Little. If any. significant-- altaulied to the general dealings and about the only featura out of the ordinary was the operations In Japanese f p-r cent bonds. The Japanese war loan "when lf-raed" c-omm-indcd a premium, but this was reduced from 34. Tha subscriptions sold between is 4S-S 204 s -s gaia and KS. clwlnr at J34. At the latter price they commanded a 2 per cent premium, bea board Air Line preferred recede! from ITS to ITU. The b per cent bonds moved up from S$S to SV Northern Securities was heavr on ltcht transactions and declined from 9H to It's. Greene Consolidated Copper eased off from lib to 15U. Standai-d Oil. on light trans actions, worked up from Cli to C2S. STOCKS AD Ilo:DS l.V B0STO5. Boston. Mass.. May 1L Closlnc quotations to day on money, bonds, clocks and mining shares were as follows: 4iu.r.i. Call loans per cent. ICm per cent; BOI DS. time loans 3SH Atch. adl- 4s... Atchison 4s . W4 Mexican Central 4s 64 .loo'I . RAILROAD STOCKS. Atchi&on .... . 71 I'FItchturc Pfd 1J5 , K'tiMexican central... ; in. nm .. 3i. . .11 tlrtttnn A- AIhanV.2l5 IN. V.. N. II. H.1S7U. Iloton fc Maine. .3 Irere Marquette.... TVi Boton Elevated. ..11) ICnlon Pacific - BH MISCELLANEOUS Mill Ks Am. Ar. Chemical. 14S Do. Pfd. 72': Am. Tneu. Tube... 4' Am. Eucar 127 Do. pfd 125 Am. TeL & Tcl....lKH Am. 'Woolen 10U Do. ofd 71'4 TMn. lrcni& Steel. 11"4 Edison Eiic. Hhl.225 General Electric. .15? . Mass. Electric :H Do. pfd 79 Mats Ga ......... 3S I'nltcd Krult lou United Shoe Macb. 53 Do. pfd 29 r D. a fcteel ' Do. ofd ?3U Wettlnithouse com. 7S 3HNI.NO HIARt Adenture 13. Michigan 4 Allouez 5 Mohawk 41 Amalsamated 4S . Mont. Coal Cote :t Am. ;:inc ' Old Dominion 1. Atlantic 'j occota - i1! UlniEham 21b Parrot 4 Calumet & Hecla. -Qjlncy J 4C2IC Shannon ' Centennial za Tamarack M CooDer RanECt... 22 Trinity -i Daly-West 22T4 ". S. Mining 1J Dominion Coal M V. S Oil Kranktin 7'i victoria 2' Grancy ............ Z 'lnona ....... lslo Rorale 7 Wolverine 71 Mats. Mining .... l-j Asked. Mining Stock In Nctt York. New York. May 1L Closinr quotations to-day on mining stocks were as follows: Adams Con. Alice ..... ....... Breece Brunswick Con. ... Comstock Tunnel., Con. Cal. A Va... Horn SlUer Iron Silver Lradvllle Con. ... , 30 Little Chief - , 75 Ontario $ . lO.Onhlr ..77. 4) Phoenix IMtosl 12 Savuse 2" Sierra Neiada 40 mall Hopes 2 1 standard ..-v Asse&sment paid. Bond Qnotntlons In Ve-rr York. New York. May 1L Clostnit nuotatlons for bonds on the Stock Lxccanse to-day were: United States refunding 2s. registered IK United states refunding 2s. cuupon..... 1-& United btates 2a, reglsterrd l.-54 United btates 3s. coupon u .....l- United btates new 4s. registered IH'S United btaies new 4s. coupun I-?? United buui old 4s, registered U7 United btates ola 4s. coupon Iu7 Atchison general 4s lvl Atchison adjustment 4s 914. AtlanUc Coast Line 4s 95. Baltimore and Ohio 4s , lulH Baltimore and Ohio 34s W Central of Georgia lit l'-iS (Antral of Georcia 1st inc. 72 Chesapeake and Ohio 44s IOCS Chicago and Alton 31. 7es Chlcajro. Burlington and Quiacy new 4s..... 94Vs Chlcat-o. M. and St. Paul gen. 4s 1.S Chlcaro and Northwestern ccnsoU7s 127s Chlcaco. Rock Island and Pacific R. R. 4 70 Chicago. H- I. and Pacinc coL Ss ., C C C. A bU L. gen. u..... in Chicago Terminal 4s 50 Consolidated Tobacco 4s 53, Colorado and Svuthern 4i MS Denver and Rio Grande 4s !S Kris prior lien 4s 9S Krla Geiveral 4s txr. Fort Worth and Demer City 1st. .1U7. JSUCJv-njr. valley l'j. ............... ....... Loutsllle and Nashville unified 4s Manhattan consoU gold 4s Mexican Central 4s .... Mexican Central 1st inc Minn, and St. Louis 4s Mtssoarl. Kansas and Texas 4s Missouri. Kansas and Texas 2d National Railroad of Mexico consol. 4s.. New York Central gen. 3Ss New York Central general 5s Northern Pacific 4s Northern Pacinc Zs Norfolk and Western cocsoL 4s Oregon Short Line 4s and partic Pennsylvania conr. 34. Reading genera! 4s St- L-3U19 and Iron Mountain eonsoL s.... St. Louis and ban Francisco rg. 4s St. Louis Southwestern lsts Seaboard Air Line 4s Southern Pacinc 4s .m7 .101 .ms;, . 66S "i. . 95 .1004 . 7i. .744 . SVV, .131 .101 .724 . 94 .94. . 95S .94 , .114 . ev. . 4 . 04 . 92S .HIW , 70 .lt5-4 '7't .71; ,n;s . 604 . 9S , H. . 71h Texaa and Pacific lsts.. Toledo. St. Louis and Western 4s Union Pacific 4s Union Pacinc conr. 4s. United States Steel 2d Es Wabash lsts.. .......................... ........ Wabash deb. B Wheeling and Lake Erie 4s Wisconsin Central 4s Colorado Fuel conr. (3.: Offered. St. Louis Cotton Market. Spot market dull and unchanged. &"?"-.. - " Good ordinary 114 ,n-lddling int Middling ,31, ?.?m..miia'iaz us Middling fair .114 Tinges and stains U0ao off white. . GaUestoa-Spoi market quiet. Middlings 13 ll'lfic. .New .Orleans Spot market quiet. Mid dlings I34c. Memphis Spot market quiet; middlings 12-ic. Receipts at principal ports: GalT-jton. 7(1 bales New Orleans. 4.PS9 bales. Mobile. 4 bales. Satannah. 1.143 bales. Charleston. 34 bales. Norfolk. 100 bales. Houston, V2 bales. Memphis, 11$ bales. Net receipts at all United States ports for four days were 17,925 bales against 27.143 hales a week aga and 42.557 bales In 13. Exports, U.5.5 bales, against 4S.713 bales In 193. Stocks, 331.C54 bales, against -34.473. bales In 19C3. bt. Louis warehouse statement: This Lost Year. 11.715 433 CS.L-3 211 52.507 11.361 913 712.79J T-O 710.K-S Year. .... L7-3 .... 13s .... M,ua .... ico .... 44.049 ... 12.C6. Stocks en hand Sept. 1..... Net receipts Net receipts since Sept. 1... Net shipments Net shipments since Sept 1. btocks on hand Gross receipts ............... Ul- Gross receipts since Sept L COO.91 Gross shipments 553 Groes shipments since Sept. L.,.4O,ls0 By Tele-graph. New York. May 1L Cotton Spot quiet; mid dling uplands 13.75c; middling Golf lie; sales 62 bales. Futures steady; May 13.44c; June lU2c; July 13.610: Aug. 12.31c: Sept. U.S7c; Oct. ll.I7c: Nor. lL2Sc; Dec ILTCc. Tho mar ket opened steady, at a decline of If (6 points, and while showing more cr less Irregularity dur ing the Ecs-aon, developed a. reactionary lone of covering. The weather continued favorable en the aerage. but there is still an absence of moisture along the Atlantic Coast. Immediate. iy following the opening there was considerable bear pressure from leading room traders. On tho other hand, there seemed to b- & good de mand from a certain large Wall street op erator, who was believed to be cohering a line of shorts, put out around lie for July, and going long, and the buying In conncctloa with the purchase of the local scalping contingent proved sufficient to absorb the offerings and hold the market st about last night's prices until the afternoon, when a wave of New Or leans buying helped the market and led to a steady close at an advance of f-ili'i points, the old-croo months leading Sales were estimated at 100.000 bales. Liverpool. May 10. ("otton Spot In lncrea--ed demand: prices 12 points lower; American mid dling fair 7.7M: good middling 7.63d: m-idilng 7.62d: low middling 7.41; good ordinary 7.2M: CT-tlnary 7-w-a ice sales or ine cay were s."M Dales, ox waicn -o- oxies were xor speculation and export and Included 7.4 -3 American. Re ceipts 22.0CO bales. Including 17,- American. Futures opened easier and closed steady: Amer ican middling, g. .o. c: May 7.29d; May and June 7.2M: June and July 7.3X1: July and Aug. 7.16d; Aug. and Sent. 6.921: Sept. and Oct. 6 34d: Oct. and Nov. J.1IJ; Nov. and Due 6.04d; Dec. and Jan. 6.oid: Jan and Feb d New Orleans. May iL43otton Futures quiet and steady: May 13.65-13.9c: Juse IZ.HOii.Vfr: July H.CsMll.OCk-: Aug. 13.USlJ.Hc: Sept. 11. 67 -jn.t3c: Cfct. H.150H 17c: Nor. 11.oi8il.coc: Dec. ll.C2t?ll 04c. Sale 755 bales; ordinary 11 7-lc: good ordinary 12ic: low middling 134c: middling 13ic- iood middling 14 1-I6e: middling fair 14 7-lSc Receipts 4,009; stock 171.055. LIVE-STOCK MARKET. Katlre Supply 3Ioderntc Butcher Cattle Steady Sheep Close Strong. NATIVE CATTLE-Beef Steers With more moderate receipts and with the Ore-point total showing a slight loss with last Wednesday sell ers saw better prospects and were asking a higher range from the start. Receipts were estimated at 3.00. which was praciicallr no different from this day a year aga Arrivals for the three days numt-red 12.10 bead, against 9.6CO last week and 15.900 last year. The proportion of natives ruled lanre. with slightly over 2.50 looked for daring the day. which was a shade larger than last Wednesday, while for the week thus far receipts are abor those of last week and the same time last year, arrivals for threo cays being 3.300 head, against 6,400 last week and CJCO the co-Ttsponding period last year. Beef steers constituted the bulk of the offerings and were out of propor tion to the general supply. Otfetlngs on the early market showed mostly a medium culss of steers, thougn a tew good kinds were In cluded, and only a, small representation of the commoner class. There were not near as many of the heavy steers as the previous day. which materially helped this class, and while buyers 'took them with more freedom, prices were but steady. The general run of common and fair to -rood steers, weighing- S-tKKJLSS lbs., moved with much more life than Tuesday, and while the general trend of the market was strong, a .few of the most fortunate secured a 10c ad vance, which did not apply to any one par UcuUr kind. BEEF AND BUTCHER STEEIJ& rta Ar Pr. ?-,a Ar. Pr. Na Ar. P-- ii...K4...$5.e i;...l... 4.75 5S...l-i4..t.S5 49...13C3... 4.75 2l...-J-. .. 4.C5 1S...1273... 6.60 I9...1073... 4.5$ 19 1J. 4J0 90...12S7... 4.K 17.. .1153... 4.65 11. .l-5...-4.5S n...iu7... 4.ta 17- J144 4.45 JS...1S71... 4.60 a...lU2... 4.60 41...1222... (- 10...11S-)... 4.50 6 IMS... 4.50 24...129... 4.90 39...12-0,,. 4.75 29...1C1... 4.75 a...ii-a... 4.61 a...i042... A4...1 13.. -...123.. , 4JJJ I9...1154.... 4.3 4.50 . 4.50 S3.. .Id... Butcher Cattle Tho butcher ra-uket wss fair ly active, and while then- was acme show of strrngth on-the store desirable weights of gond kinds of heifers and U rood cows, the -cen-eral -market, as a rule, did -not average more than goad steady. The receipts, while fair. were ntt nrtt e lanre as the meTlcus day. with the quality not much different. Sales ln- ciuaea n gooo to rancy ict or neiters at v 4.75 and crood to best crades of cows at 33.SH.L The bull market presented no change to speak of- Receipts were light and the de mand nrm enouza 10 -nistain sieauy prices m calf trade, as a whole, was not up to Tues day's standard, though while a few fancy sold at Sk25, most of the good kinds s-id at HW Of.75. HEIFERS. .No. 1... Av. Pr. No. At. Pr. No. At. Pr. 7S0...15O 70... 19...:i.7I tCf... 6-3...J1.C3 7.12... 4.L0 9... 723... 4.50 21... 50K... 4.35 6CO... 4 35 3... CM... 4.25 14... 796... 4.10 f-V... 4.10 1... 750... 4.00 1... "SO... 4.W 4.0) 1... 41)... I 00 IS... 557... 4. 4 O) 1... 510... 3.90 20... 63!... 3.) 3.M 1... 71... 3 1... 7-0... 3.75 1. 11. . 910.. 3.. I... 94)... 2.70 1... ft-!... 2.54 1... 50... 3 -. 4... 6W... 3.50 1... C70... 3.50 2... TO... 3.50 1... 910... 3.4) Stee-s and heifer--: 51... 611... 4.05 13... 7 Cowe and heifers 2...12C0... 4J3 4...1CW , 4.25 3.S5 COWS. ...1X0... 4.00 I...l. 3.kS 4...12:... 3.S0 BULLS. 1...11M... 3.90 l...ltl... 2.C5 1... 990... 2.55 STAGS. . t0... 4.2S .1270... 3.M .1070... S.M 1...1W).. 13...1H-1.. 4...1045.. , 4. . 3 , 3.75 .I'M... .1370... ,110.. 4.10 3.75 3.15 1...MM.. 1...1119.. 1...1X-V.. VEAL CALVES. 1 4... 5... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... IK... C.25 !?.. . 1.. , 135.. , IX.. . 12.. . .. , 35.. . 112.. . 1).. , Id.. .5.25 , 4.73 . 4.75 . 4.75 . 4.M . 4.!i . 4.35 , 4.25 . 4.00 147. 4.-5 in... i-... 95... VA... JO... 220.., 1W... 110... 6."0 4.73 4.73 4.50 4.5) 4 M 4.25 4.W 1S... 1W... 111... 1(... )... 210... I1... 4.75 4.75 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.25 4.00 YERLINCS AND linRETICS. . 1.. 220... 3.25 SOUTHERN CATTLE Quarantine receipts were much lighter than on previous dais. and. with a better feeling to the trade In general, tbo market was conducted more actively than on Tuesday, and practlcr-llT everytnlcg was dis posed of before the noon hour. Receipts were firoird 9) cars and 6T- head, while last Wednes day there were 33 cars and & head, and two weeks aco but 2 cars and 63 head. Steers em braced the major portion of the supply, and generally were medium to good, while there were fce.eral loads of thin gras and cakeeteers 'ncluded In the supply. Sellers secured a good, steady to strong basis on medium and above, and sought strong prices for the thin steers, but were crable to secure them. No particular cnange transpired on the few odd bead of cows, bulls, and calves. TEXAS AND INDIAN STEERS. No. Av. rr. Na Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 16 ..1174.. Jl 25 1.I'-...$'.S 122...H2J...J4.20 I... 955.. ." -w... 5M... j-yj -........ ..- 3.W J... 9)1... 3.73 9.. .1072... 3.75 3.13 2... 75... ". W-.-lO'S... 4.45 4.23 22...104)... 4.10 10... 917... 2.") 3 .) 23... 5-1... 2 M) 25... lil... 3.75 -15 1... 940... $.15 19.. 114?... l...l... 43...1IS2... I. . ).. 24. . 415.. COWS. ... 750... : MIXED. .75 25... 16.. HULLS. 2...1210... 3.25 1... 650... $.00 OXEN. 2...15I5... 4.(0 4...1355... $.13 1...1M0... . STAGS. 1...1C40... 2.75 1. ..!... 2.3 .3 15...1M7... 3.25 CALViS. Trice per 1C0 lbs.: 2... 140... 4.50 1... f"... 2J0 YEARLINGS. $5... 331. . 2.1-0 HOGS A (rncf nigral sunnlr of hos-t was on sale, the receipts amountinr to around ISO" head befcre the dar was over, which is the largest number nas ceen en saie ax tru- market In one car for -a lorg time. Other Wet-tern mirkets auo had liberal supplies and reported prices as being lower. The local market cpened slow, with buyers Insisting on lower prices and determined to do no business at all unlets on a lower ba-s. A tew loads of real good butcher hogs sold early, also seme good lights, but there was very little builness done durlnr the first two hours, pack ers holding out for as large a decline as pos sible. The general market early was c-i abrnt a 10c lower basis than the early trade Tuesday, and after this basis hsd been once establls-ed trading was nult- 11 v, -d all decern hegs U-at arrived In reasonable time were sold before the close. G xi .it, . v u r-wrlr wel for East em shipment, but ps and lights that were not good and all mlxrtl bunches. Including old routh sows, sold wry slrw.y and Irregularly. Good butcher and hay hogs sold at "4.70T 4.77- fair to gooJ med um weights and pack ers S.604.75: lights above 150 lbs. average J4.424W4.7-): lights under U0 lb. nvernze J3.7S S4.55: PUS under 100 lbs. $3.25f?1.23. and roughs and culls at IJ-TJai-Sa. The bulk of the bogs weighing -1F lbs. or more sold at $1,699 4.7) against JI.7?4.iO Tuetday. SIIEEP A rood moderate number of sheep nrnved. but about 70 head of them were shipped In by local slaughterers, and the offer ings fcr sale Included J.ZJ) Texans. so that only a fair representation cf natives were on sale While the qualitr was reasonably good, the offerings did rot Include as many good natlre sheep as on Tu-aday. There was no material chance to the trad all good fat stock selling readily and for fully as much money as any day this week, but thin stock were not wanted and were slow and Irregular. Spring lambs, if good, sell promptly, but those that were thin and all little r-mmon ones find a very poor market. Good stock sheep are wanted and s-ll quickly: In fact, all good stock sell well, while others are slow sale. HORSES With very limited supplies avail able, tlio horse market baa .been remarkably active and favorable since, tke week opened. There have been too few horses Tcr the num ber of buyers, and the disparity between the two has heightened the competition and Insured very strong prices for an that were available. Offerings of all kinds, rave perhaps the vexy commonest -jnes. have been snapped up with a brl-tkness which has been decidedly noticeable. Demand has emanated firm both East and South, and has also been very active en local account, many dealer holding commissions for for big team and tran-fer horses. Only a few of these orders have thu- far been nilea. owlng tn the scarcity of supplies, so It can be Imagined that buyers paid well for those good horses that were solo. Values have ruTM as strong. If nnt hAm stronger, comparatively, than la- week for all good offerings in all classes. This Is rather unuual for & week following such a beavy trade as thru of last week, but the demand has not abated and on account of the relative lightness cf receipts buyers have been forced to par a little trtrorger prices. About 125 head were offered In the auction Weiin-"-"3y. and they sold ranldly under keen cor-petltlon at the stronger basis alrtadyt quoted. Hon-e quotations: Hea-y draft, common to good J1106170 Heavy draft, choice to extra 1-00211 Oicnlts. fair to good 90O130 Chunks, choice to extra UiilS0 Farm chunks 350123 Southern hors---. plain to good VHt g) Southern horses, choice to extra ir4tir S-uithern drlvrrs l"r.i73 Harne-a hoi--.-. lS)"r""3 MULES The mule rnark-t !- devoid of any new features as the week progresses. Since the beginning of It receipt-- tae been very small, not numbering more than a carload or two each day. while the arrivals have come mosay In small lots and have repr-rented mainly a medium to good quality, but not choice. The trade through regular sources, such as the llnrt-m and Southern demands, has been light. Of course it Is net to l expected that the Southern trade would bs active at this -"-u.-son. jet three or four loads have been bought to go siuth. The Kutern burinrns. however, has been very light Only a load or two have been bought since the wek openM. , This ha-- naturally had tie effect of mak ing the local dtm-ind very backward ari sales hare been few and leng drawn cut. still the fellers have quoted a good demand for all the choice hir mules that are coming, Tho demand wants ble mules. Vat they must be choice. They must have quality, be prime, sound and have flnk-h and weight. ""VCght Is a chief ccmsld-T-itlcn. Buyers do not want b'r mule-- under 1.200 Ibis and buy th-m quicker If they weigh 1.2O0 or oier. As the market rules at pre-nt It Is active and eat'rfa-tory for a fair number of choice heavy mules. The-"-are bringing stronr price--, other kinds are slow and dun and the decline has bea so pro nounced in the last couple of months that It Is Impossible In the majority cf cases to re cover country cot for them. Mule nuofat'ens- II hands, extreme range.,,. 14 hands, bulk of sales 144 hands, extreme range., 14U, hands, bulk of sales.... 15 hands, extreme range..., 15 hands, bulk of sales 154 hands, extreme range.., 154 1-snds. bu'k or sales..., 164 h-inds, extreme range. 1th hands, bulk of sales.. $ -.-..Mil 95.09 70.00-f 35.C-) 70.00-xI-) 00 ....... 7-,.oi-).et ti.WtilJO.-O 33 " iio.o--uo.- 1H.0WI30 a ll'.OOVlW.O) I35.0C-J155.M By Telegraph. Chlrago. May IL Receipts H.0CO. Including lJ Texan-': market strong to 10c higher- good to prime steers 15.1035.65: poor to medium SL1J fry stockers and feeders -CR4.4-); cows 11. LOU 4JS: heifers "2.254J4 60: canners $.ft82.5- bulls t2t?4: calves 32.534T5: Texas fed stc-rra fiscis. Hogs Receipts 2.7C-J: to-morrow 25.C); market closed 10c lower: mixed and butchers It S59 -. "T-u" io caoice neavy -. .-474 J74- rougn heavy Jl 6014 TO. light JL60S4.7S- balk of sales 5l..-.'S4tO. Sheep Receipts W.OOO: sheep and Iambs, strong to 10c higher: good to choice wethers It Wi5.50; fair to choice mixed KTJa IM- Western steep JI.S095.fO: clipped natlre lambs J!.50fl6: clipped Western lambs 1L75S6: wooled Western lambs 3-.S0336.90 Kansas City. Uo, May 11. Cattle Receipts ..500. Including M Southerners; expert and dressed teef steers $4 I05.23: fair to good lie 4.50: Westem-f-d steers J4W4.70: stoek-rs and feeders R.2504.70; Southern steers 33.73ftS: Southern cows t2.254j3.40; native cows 12j4.2S: natlre heifers weak to IC.- lower. S2.S0-:4 75: bulls J2JOU3.S0; calves J-.73tJ5-). Ilegs Re4 celpts 12:000: market 5c lower; top tW5; bulk of sales $4.65-110. heary SI 7St4I: packers $4.65 trl.'O: -pigs and Ucht Slu-4.74. Sheep Receipts 2.CCO: market steady, natUe lambs 33.-z6.6- Western lambs 35QG-C: fed ewes 31(z5: yearlings J4,lKii25- cllptxsl sheep SIJ0O4.75; stocken 1 and feeders S5.50ff-.50. South St. Joseph, Ma. 3Uy U Cattle Re ceipts ten; activ steady to 13c higher; natlre S4.25 to 3525; cows and heifers 12.25 to SI S3: stockers and feeders JS-23 to 34.(0. Hoes Re ceipts 7.412: 5c lower; light Sl-60 to St.T; med ium and heary 34 65 to SL&o. Sheep Receipts 4 5. Active, steady to strong; Western lambs 36.65: ewes S5.25. New York. May 11. Beeves Receipts 2$ steers firm to 10c higher on light supply; bulls and thin cow-a stesdy; medium and good cows steady to 10c lower: steers S4.25tS.35: bulls 33.25f74.25. eows 2T3 .73. Cables uncharged. Exports to-dar 20 sheep and 2JM quarters cf bf: to-mcrrow 4 cattle and 11 sheep. Calves Receipts 5.426: active and "5e higher- som- sales 50c higher than Monday. 400 that arrived late unsold: reals S3.W to 36.134: eholen and selected H.25Q6.S0: little catres J23: buttT-i-vllks 53.53: city dressed veals Era at 68- per lb.: extra 34-: country dressed le to tc. Sheen and aab--Receipts C.CS3 head: good sheep strong: others steady: clipped lambs loe to 15c higher; quality considered: spring lambs steadr clipped sheep Sl5t-5.w- clipped culla -3.50-53.-5" no wooled sheep; clipped lambs 35.25 to 36 60: dipped culls S4.S.1; medium wooled lamba 37: -T-riag lamb-- S2.S0 b "3 per head. Hc-n- Re" celpts i.C3; market firm, good state bogs 35.3). Flaxseed Qnotatioa. Chleag-i. May It Flaxseed ruled steady for futures and lu-m for c-isl: Na 1 Northwre4era was quoted at Sl.MS: No. 1 SU014 bid; May sx it; juiy u.945 tauers. ana Sep. cucrsk jicccipu x-ere sere a car. at spoils 1 car. and at Cn-luth t csxr -- -- at E. WHEAT TAKES A DROP ON HEAVY LIQUIDATION. CHEERING CROP REPORTS A BEAR FACTOR. July Quotations Show Loss of l-2c to 5-Sc; Corn Up l2c; Oats Gain and Provisions Vary. Chicago, May 1L Improvement of the growing grain in the United States and prospects of an enormous yield In the Canadian Northwest caused heavy liqui dation of wheat to-day. Final quotations on July show a loss or ?rOHc Corn Is up he Oats gained "s'j'ic. Provisions vary from a shade higher to 10c lower. WHEAT. Notwithstanding extreme bullishness of the Government crop report, the wheat market opened barely steady, July being a shade higher to ic lower at Ej4c to iCUiic. Many traders were apparently or the opinion that the excellent weather of the last ten days had wrought ma terial Improvement In the condition of winter --.lieaL As a consequence, they were not disposed to buy heavily. On the other hand, offerings wero rath er light. Ann cables and small receipts having a tendency to check free selling. Under a fair demand from pit traders, a firmer tone developed. July advancing to SSU8SS"-,c. As the session advanced there was more disposition to tell manifested and prices began to decline. The change Ir sentiment was due largely to reports as to the condition of the crop. A Kansas City dispatch claimed that taking into consideration the present out look In that section, the Government re port was altogether too pessimistic. Ac cording to a report from Montreal the wheat crop in Manitoba will bo the lar gest in the history of the country, an es timated yield or EO.Wn.OOQ bushels, being given for that Province and the North west Territory. Influenced by these ad vices tho pit crowd commenced to ham mer the market and caused a quick de cline. A lot of long wheat came out on the downturn, commission houses selling heavily on stop-loss orders. Before the r."ne couIl be checked. July dropped to """--J ;i -i" r" "nprovea casn ae mand. Part of the loss was regained, but the market closed wmIt witH t.,i ... S-SJic. ' -- Clearances of wheat and flour were f3H?A i3''M bu- ITi-nary receipfi were lit3 bu., compared with nG.SOO bu. a year ago. Mlneapohs, Duluth and Chicago re ported receipts of SI cars-, against W cars last week and SO a year ago. COR.V. Considering the weakness In wheat, the corn market exhibited decided strength. Shorts were active buyers throughout the day, flrm cables and a sudden falling off lu receipts being the chief Incentives. The strength was more remarkable In view of the favorable weather conditions and the bcart'-b. tone of crop news. The market closed at about the highest point of the la"".,,Ju,- opened a shade to H4c higher, at SsC to 4c sold between 45Uc and 4S--ic closing at 4S;c. Local receipts were 37 cars, with one of contract grade. OAT3. Tho feature of trading In oats was an urgent demand for the May delivery from a prominent commission house. Offerings were scarce nnd the price had to be hid up a cent before the demand was satis fied. There was also considerable cover ing by shorts. The more distant futures were affected by the strength of May. but the advance was not as great. An Improved shipping demand and small re ceipts were bull factors. After opening "ifr.! lower, at SSc, July ranged be tween 33!ic and Oc. closing at $ST,c Local receipts were iS can. RANGE OF FUTURES. . . Opening. Highest. Lowest. Cosing, w heat. May ...9146"1!; 914 904 914 July Jnlrt .H. i-5. 7, 66S M: .5S-J6S KUG-SS 64--QS5 tS-t?S5S aepx.- .. btptt ., Corn- "-1 K' i'oa-i iis-rsis SOStjSl l ISS WUu-iOS May 47 -US 46. 474 4J July ....4ifi4-- --7---- S Sept. ...U CHSS SilSS 7"e-4". C: Mar 40; MS a-s 414 39 31' 11.43 11.55 1 "-. I ISS 414 2-,. July bent 30S $1 C31S Mess Fork Julr 11.41 11.45 ii. as 11.44 11-274 11.50 Sept. ... .... t.lA 6.524 6.6i 6.45 6.60 6.45 6.40 6.55 Sept. ... 6.65 Short Ribs July .... 6.J7-4 Sept. ... 6.55 Old. tNew. 6.41 .$7H 6.3S 6.524 RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Rec Flour, bbls n.wo Ship. 21.304 17.& SM.2C-) Wheat bu. 51.000 Corn. bu. ..... .......132.S-) V-AiS, uu. .......... Rie. bu. .......................... lurley, bu. PROVISIONS. 169.70J 102,10 ll,w moo 62.700 li.-M) Provisions wtre easier on selling sup posed to have been for outside account. It was a case of free liquidation of July products. The market received fair sup port at times, but the demand was not suillclent to prevent email losses In pork and lard. July pork clo.sed 10c lower, at UL27S- Lard was down. 5c. at JS.47H July ribs closed a shade higher, at So.!-? tjS.4X jiarki:ts 11 v tkleghapu. New York. May It Flour IleceipU (.14: ex ports 2.143; suady at old prices. Rye flour easy, ivir to good S3.90U4.U; choice to fancy. H.li3(.SQ. Cornmeal steady. Rye dult Barley quieu W heat Receipt t0. Spct easy; No. : red JtC-s elevator: Na 2 red JUP7iii.ll f. a b. aOaat. Na 1 Nonhern Duluth 944c f. o. b. snoot; No. 1 hard Manitoba nominal f. a b. afiQat. The crop report, while bulils-i. had Hills effect on wheat, owing to a general desire to get DTOflts. the rssult being a weak aad lower market Fine weather Wee, and bearish crop news from Kansas also influenced sentiment. The cl-e showed -Q-c net de cline. May closed 924c; July 13 il-l-90 15-lc: closed l-16c: Sect. "CUUtlSc. closed use; Dec. KSeic closed SSSc. Corn Recei-xs iiio; exports ZA. Spot firm: Na 2 UUc elevator and Etc f. o. b. afloat: Na 3 yellow 60c; Na 2 white C7c. There was a squeeze of May shorts to-day. dut to itcant stocks and prices ad vanced eharply, closing 14c net higher, with July ic up. Mar 55 4 (Tike, closed Mo: July US944c, closed 44c; Sept closed 53S. Oats Receipts 34,5 JO; expcrt-i 110. Spot steady. Mixed oats. 25 to 32 lbs.. 464u47c: natural 'white. to 32 lbs.. 4-20c: cIlDDed white. 36 to 40 llw 51t7o4c. Hay quiet Hops steadr. Hides ateady. leather steady. Coal nominal. Bef steady. Cut meats quiet Lard easy: Western steamed S6.M; refined weak; continent IS.-); a. A. J7 5; compouhd 6S06"ic. Pork Inactive. Tatr-rw easy; dty 4"c- country 4ic. Cottonseed oil easy: prime yellow 6Sc. Petroleum easy. Rice steady. Molaas firm. Duluth. Mian., May 11. Wheat in store; No. 1 hard 93uc; Na I Northern 92Sc: lia 5 Northern SJSc. To arrtre: Na 1 hard 934e: Na 1 Northern 93c; Ho. 2 Northern S-14C: on trk. No. I Northern 92UJ)34e: No. i Northern 4e924e: May 92Uc: July 92c; Sept 114c. Oats to arrive and on trie 41 '4c. Milwaukee. Wis., Mar It Wheat lc lower: Na 1 Northern 974c; No. 2 Northern )544c: old July KV. Rye 4c lower; Na 1 744i 734c. Barley dull; No. 2 63c; sample 440410. Corn steady: Na 3 50liS3c; July iOStJWic asked. Minneapolis. Minn., May It Wheat May BSc; July 924e; Sept Hc3-lc: on trk. No. 1 hard 96c; No. 1 Northern 95c; No. 2 North ern 934c. Flour First patents Ut'IO: second patents S4 9C-85: first clears S3.o3'-': second clear r 50. Hran in bnlk 116 irfei7 Cincinnati. O.. May U. Whiskv. distillers' finished goods steady em basis Jl.ij. Kansas Cltr. May n. Wheat May 8c: July 74Sc: Sit 70HC. trash Na 2 hard 9M40-.5C: No. 2 s433c. No. 2 red ST-Ol-Jtra. No, J i693c; No! 3 red 3t0ieLfl2; Na 3 95cfJt bam May 47c: July 444c. a-pt 41;c- Cash No. 5. mixed W i3jc: Na 2 524eae; Na 2. white -3-r-a4: Na 3 5I4CKC. Oats-Na 2. white. 42024?: Na 3 mUed 40-N14C. Hye-Na 2 64c. Hsy Steadr cholcs timothy 110.HC11: choice prairie J7.75tiC Receipt What 10.400 bu.: corn 12. 0: oats. LMO. Shipments IVheat 36.1)00 bu.; com 26.400: oats 3.O00. Chicaxa May It Casix quotations were as follows: Flour was dull and ateady. Wheat Na 2 "-"-ring 5rs-; No. 2 rro3c: No. 2 red SteiSl-. r-orrt Na 2 49c; No. 2 yellow Cc. Oats Na 2 4140414c: Na 2 white 40ue44c: Na 2 rye 71871c. Barley 4Jood feeding 35tr3c: fair to choice malting 45j.c. Prime tlmoir seed S2.SC. Provision-- Me-w pork, per bbt Sl.l"-trtl 12: lard. Per W lbs., Ss.37H4K.44; short ribs -rides, boxed, ts 86. 12-4: sa'ted stert clear sides, boxed. J5.25-J6 50. Vhlskey Basts of high wines, St23. aover, coctrsct gi-rte. no TL Toledo. O.. May It Clorerseed Cash JXJC: Oct SiTJ: prime alslka S6.13; Aur. KJO bid: prime timothy St4J; Sept St4S bid. Peoria. IIL. Iar u. rn lower, stesey: No. 3 47c: No. 4 1 444c. Whisk-- en the basis it S1.2S for finlihed goods. Butter and Cheese. Philadelphia, May U Butter firm; good de mand; extra Western creamery 21c: extra near by prints 22c. Cheese dull and lower; New York full creams choice to fancy. S.f-9c: do. fair to rood. IStrSS- Chiea-r-i. May 11 Butter steady: creameries Write: dairies 13017c. Cheese steady. 34394c. Kansas City. May IL Butler Creamery lit" 17c; dairy Uc. Conee. N-ir York. May It Coffee -not IUo qtrlet; rrJH quiet Futures opened steady at un changed prices to a decline of 5 potnta under scattering sales, follow Ins- lower French ca bles and fair receipts. It Kerned, bowerer. as if the H-raldatlcn which has recently been a feature, bad abcut nxn Its (-curse, bnt eh m. set auring me y-j raiea generally steady. -5tas.2ac Oct- ar S.&-. Kne. at 4 1-m . s.v--i?.i-c. ana jzmivu -, svx---aB--. ciosxax: nnar c unriiiirtni Junes XO a accimo of S points. Sales were 3T."W bags. tactcdiD-r l.7l I May at 5-ao-J juc, jury at iJom.!Be. aenC SUMMARY0FST.LQU1SMARKETS . Wheat was lower and corn and oats were higher in yesterday's locnl market. One of the main bearish features in wheat was the lack of professWal support. -Dig bulls wero out with statements that the bears had no leader, but words without , action were of no avail In checking the decline. The professional longs did .not seem to be anxious to add to their lines and outsiders, trading through commission houses, were generally bearish Foreign markets showed little strength and the Govern ment report seemed to have been discounted. Weather conditions were generally fa vorable, though there were scattered damage reports from portions of the central and Eastern winter wheat belt. The prospect of continued clear nnd dry weather gave little encouragement to the buying side. May wheat, ruled by speculation, -t showed some strength, but the July option was weak through tho greater part of the session. Receipts were small and there was a fairly good cash demand, but i it was lmposible to work up buying sentiment In the pit. Large operators held off In expectation that a new short Interest would he created. 5 Though trading In corn was extremely light, the market was sustained by small receipts and the strength of other domestic markets. July wheat opened "jc off and closed Sc off. July corn opened c up and closed HGttc up. July oats closed He up. Receipts of produce were In fair volume and prices of fruits and vegetables were generally steady to easy. Local securities were dull. Interest was mainly In tractions, which were lower. Yesterday's bank clearings were $10,0G0,:tS, balances Jl.m.ra). Discount rates were steady between !- and 6 per cent. Spot cotton was Arm In the local market. WHEAT PRICES DECLINE; CORN RANGES HIGHER. BREAK CAUSED BY GENER AL REALIZING. Bullish Government Report Had Little Effect on Specula tive Sentiment. July wheat was on tho downturn In yesterday's local market The Govern ment report was generally regarded as bullish, but the professionals, who might have been expected to have started an upward movement on the strength of It, were Inactive and the Impression gained ground that It had been discounted. .Fa vorable weather and lack of foreign en thusiasm were among the bearish factors. The selling side was popular throughout the session. July wheat opened "sc off and sold at: Sic, JJ-iflSlc. sic, S34c,'S4c SI3S44a S44""- WUc. MSUMtic, -Use. 44c. 4Sc. itSSSe. S4SC Mc. use. J3,cr KS. S34c. S3-.C. Khc. SSSc. S34C, S3-ac. SlUc. GSC S3'.c 63SC Corn had little support, but there was enough buying to keep values slightly on tho upturn. Receipts were moderate and other domestic markets were higher. July corn opened He up and sold at: 47-J.04SC 43c, tiUc. 47ic; 47HC. 474C 47,e, S4c. 4Jc Receipts of wheat at St Louis. 13.044 bu., of which C4 tiks. and 19 cars local and 2 cars through, against 23.CW bu., of which 25! sks. and 24 cars local and 3 cars through. In 1S03. Receipts of wheat at primary points. 175 GOT bu.. sgalnst 21I.0-) bu. in "I03.. and shipments; 197.C0O bu., against 4K.C0O bu. Northwest received 72 cars, against 61 cars in 19U3. cnicago received m.i-- bu. and Kansas City 11,700 bu. Clearances, U, 000 bu. Receipts of corn at St Louis. 4ZC-W btt. of which SK sks. and 21 cars local and Z3 cars through, against S2.240 bu., of which 1,436 sks. and 40 cars local and 14 cars through. In 1303. Receipts of corn at primary points, 241, 000 bu.. against 477.000 bu In 1903. and ship ments. 7S.00O bu.. against 490.OJ0 bu. Chi cago received 10500 bu. and Kansas City 13X00 bit Clearances. 4 SCO bu. Receipts of oats at St Louis, 47.20 bu.. of which 2S cars local and 9 cars through, as against 4S.C00 bu.. of which 2S cars local and 10 cars through. In 1903. Shipments. 47.000 bu. Receipts of oats at primary points. 270. 000 bit, against C",000 bu. In 1903. and ship ments, 191000 bu., against 369,000 bu. Clear ances, 11.000 bu. Cash Grain, rlonr. Etc. . WHEAT By sample. deL: No. 2 red at Jl 06 for choice Western and near-by at S1.05 for weevlly and i.6t4 for oalcny: choice worth SL07: N6. 3 red nominally tLCdfrl 05 and No. 4 tYc: Na 2 hard sold at 95096c and choice Turkey worth 97c: Na k hard at 90fi95e: Na 4 hard at SIQSc and off-grade quotably 7SOS0C CORN By sample: No. 2 at 63c local and from stora at Hl-c loaded; Na 3 at S14iI62c local. 53c destination; Na 4 at 4Sc local: Na 3 yellow at lie local; No. 2 white at 554c ship pers and S54"j55Sc destination: No. 4 white at 57411114c for poor to choice local. OATS-By sample. deL: No. 2 at 42c; Na 2 at 42c: No. 4 at e: No. 2 white 46c: Na 3 wmie ax H-iuic: .a 4 wnite at -o-r-asc. RYE Nominally at 7Cc for Na 2 and 63c for No. 1 FLAXSEED-Nominally 9?Hc. FLOUR Quotations on s ft winter In wood: Patents StMtr-i. nd s-lal brands 15tTSc hlgher; straights H7534.3; extra fancy Jt.6-.-SJ 4.70: clear 33.9C-f 4 15: medium and low grades. In Jutes, S2.5--S125. Hard winter, In Jutes: Pat ents S4.1064.25: straights S3 $1)413.90: clears 33.10 63.30: loner grades tZSOV-. Spring wheat patents In bulk Stl5t4 65, ItYK FLOL'Il imre. Jobbing way. at S3.o !a Jute ska and SI.20 In wocd; mixed and interior less CORNMEAL. ETC F. o. b.: Cltr mat at S2.C0; grits, hcmlny and pearl meal tZ.'.O. BRAN--At mill bran jobs at 95c and ships ax HAY Quote m E. skle tasl: TlmothT Choice at JlH'H.t-.; No. 1 S13ttl3.50; No. 3 at 1KJ12.M: low at SitflO. Pralr1--hice cr Na i 1 : No. 2 Jses.M: Na 3 St-. Clover Na 1 OJSMllli No. 2 J9t?t0. Clover-mixed Na 1 at S10VI1: No. 2 S9O9.50. STRAW-On trie: Wheat and oat 1766; rye SSS9 LEAD-Noml-iallr. $4J7. HPELTEU-Nominally. Si WHISKY Quote on basis of Jl.K'J a gsL fir spirits. Curb Grain Markets. Ft Lcml-i-July wheat S3KS3He. Puts ajj) S34c to USc and calls He. MIlwsuk-H- July wheat (oldj Puts J4o bid and calls STHc asked. July wheat tnewj Puts S4io and calls c July com Puts 4Sii4SSo bid and calls 49 Q49SC JImneapoIIs luly wheat 924c asked. Puts JISc asked and calls 92Tic asked. St. Louis Future Prices. Closed Ranged CIosM Tuesday. Yesterday. Yesterday. Wheat May ..1.01 1.01 "jl.OlU 1.01 ': b July . S44a 4H?4S 334 b Sept ......... Sl'n. SStijl4 MUSa Com May ..... 6, b t.... (OS July ... 47S-ia 47HQ434 44 . Sept 4'S ......... 4H-4b Oats May . 42 n ....t.... 41 n July .......... 264 b ....(.... 37 Sept 304 b ...."-.. 4 b Stocks of Grain In Store. Yesterday. Tuesday. Last Yr Wheat - L2i"s4-n I.!-.---. 346 73 Com -.M; 49.221 122.931 Oats .. 53.79 54.134 ITj,") Rye 3.064 3.0-1 22,413 Barley ... t974 4.974 3.671 Na 2 red wheat... F99 260 1.CC4.-31 M5. 9 Na 2 hard wheat.. 1(6.03 lU.-3 2. 7 Na 2 mixed corn.. 627S 171 12,2-) No. 2 white com.... 16.951 14.115 4.i43 No. 2 yellow com.. 4.-9M 6.554 Na 2 mixed oats... 10.S47 lio-9 izn No. 2 rye 227 327 7,2 Produce. Butter creamery Extra 24c; firsts 821e; seconds 17t?l3c. Ladle-packed Extra "Be; nrsU Uc. I-airy-ijtcked Fancy lSc: poor to fair ltc Country roll Choice 12c; packed and ordinary 114e: gras stock 435c. Receipts 2:r) nkgs. local and 7.470 through: shipped 19,)1 pkgs,; market lie, case count cases returned; flesh crsis be. cases included. Cheese Northern en orders: Twins at He; singles 114c: dallies 114c: Young Americas 114c: longn-i-Tis U4c: New York twins U4c: llmburger 11017c: poor 709c; Swiss 15c tor choice: Na 2 at lSl2c: brick U3124C. Provisions. Fork F. a b.: New standard mess In Job-Mr- war nomlnallT at SU.2S. Lard choice steam on U. side clcsed nom inally 6.65c; kettle-rendered T'itJI'Jc. Green Hams, ktc. ar lots oeid f. a h.. E. side thus: lu.-ru :o-ar. at 4c 12s at 3e: its and 16s at 94c. Hs at 94c 2u at 9Sc i-xlnned hams Its and lb(-20s at lOSc. 22t2ls at lvSc: Califomlas at 6Sc: New York shoulders (ivtJ 12-ar.) at 64c- Frcm tbe block. deL: Hams at liBtse for run of house, tellies at 'jc to J,c as in areraze; Califomlas at i'le to 6Mc: New Ycrk shoulders at 6Sc Locally, 1 car 12S14-ar. hams soM en p. t D. S. Meats To arrive, loose cured e'rlbs closed nominally; 4"Bii-ar. at 6.25c and to-ar. at .20c: locauy. 2 cars tatpv--,T. c-rins sold on p. t Bxd. lou in a Jobbing way ranged thus: Extra aborts at 4H. cribs at s'.C short clear at 6Sc bellies at 6S)7c. putes lit-,-. fat backs at 5i. standard backs at fue. Or ders charxe-l httcer. Bacon Bxd. a. c. meats in a Jobbing- way ranged: Breakfast bacon at from 9t,e for heavy to 12a for choir tight: hams at li-c to HSc: f-alioralas at 74cr New York shoulders sr-7Uc Plain srr-oked txd. tuts In a Jobbing way rsngedr Extra shorts at 7c: e'rlbs at TSc: short clear at THe: belli; at TSc to J4c: Sutes at 64e: fat backs at 6"c: standard backs at 7Vc Locally, 2 rare loose ra25-ar. extra sold on p. t. Dealer charged higher en orders. Country Bieoo offering light and an Irreg ular or imprcperly cut bides sell from 4c to 6a per lb. Other meats nominal. Oleo-Stearine Nominal at 6c. Tallow Market quiet Receipts not so deslr. able. Country No. 1 at 44e,for average to 3o tor prims winter; No. 1 at 4c; packers- prima 5JiSa country Lard Quote prime at SSBtci Crease (juote small Irregular lots country: Brown 34e: yellow 3SeSc: while 44e to 4c latter for choice: quote picker stocc nominal ly Brown icz yellow neisc: whlw ItrSSc. Beef On order-: BMd. Ptate roll and Flt--n Marixee BJ0; mass IB. Dried, per lb Sets 104c: ts-dde-t ltc: knackles Us; eatskt to. T-mjroe U!ae to ll'.ic per ID. I've Poultry Chickens. fc for average; srrlngs. $34x5 dor.; rocster. dd and staggy oung. 5c: brooders. 2 lbs. or lea". 16c: turkeys 13c for light: torus lie; ducks 9c; geese 5c; pigeons 31 per doz. Dressed Poultry tjuote: Scalded chickens. undrawn.-wlth head and leet on: choice. light. 10c: broller-i 17c; roosters 6c: turkeys 14c for kens and 13o for toms; ducks He; geese 7Sc. Fruits and Vegetables. The Republic quotations are for lots In first hands, unless otherwise specified. Small lots on orders are charged higher PEACHESSound ripe e"373a per 4-basket crate. STRAWBERRIES Quete: Arkana. 6-gat SI.Mg2.23; -.mill and soft 3131.25: Mississippi. 6-iaL ranged from 31.251-2. according to condi tion; Texas stock ivery bad) 31 per 6-gal: Tennessee IrnulL green, sandy) "1.73.T2. and fancy at 12.25: Western Arkansas (bad condi tion) JI.-J21.75: Louisiana pine cases (soft) iwCffl AI'PLES Quote. pr bbl.: Eastern Baldwin S3 for No. 1 to 32.50 for, fancy; russets at S3.25UJ.-3 for choice; genetlng U3M for sound: Hen Darts 3383.50 for choice. ORANCES-F-orica brlghts or russets 11.9) 4x4 per box. det from store. At auction: Cali fornia S1.45S2 JO. acrordl-r In condition. PINEAPPLES Cuban Ci.S per crate. GRAPE FRUIT-Florlda at JTOgS per box: Caiifprnia J2 503: LEMONS Messina, frcm tore C-J!.2S. BANANAS Quotable at 31.25i2.5u uer bunetl on orders COCOANUTS-Per ,-(. K. trk,. Ja; Jobbing way. 33.50 per 100. CAPB JESSAMINE BUDS-Quot at 75cSl per 10. slow -tile. POTATOE'-Northern red and mixed stock TJBKkv and rural at 35cOSl skd.; Colorado Sl.W t?l.L for ruraL Culls less. Nirw POTATOE- New Orleans white JI.65 B1.75 per- sack, or 33.2583.50 per bbL: tri umph SI.25fd.30 rr bu or 33.7334 per bbL NEW ONIONS New Bermuda and Texas 31.40 ?LM per crate; Louisiana JL508L69 per H-bbt CABBAGE-Florida OcO3t20 per crater New Orleans leafy 81.23 Dr crate; Mobile Sl.73ei.91 per large crate; Mis-rlssl;pl (small crates) S1.1S. CUCUMBERS New Orleans SOUSOc per do-s!i Florida crates Sl.501.75. TOMATOES-Florida 6s Jl f or choice to 31 JS 61.50 for fancy. BEETS Quiet; New Orleans 45850c per do, punches. U"TTUCE Home-grown 40860c per bu. South ern not wanted. RHUBARB Home-grown l-frl5c pr dor. CARROTS Home-grown tlM.2S per box: New Orleans 4065CC per dot; Texas 30335c P"r d. CEIJatY California, rer crate: Golden heart S.C37: celery roots 0&73o per dox.; Florida JI.75tr2."5 per crate. uriAs rirm ior Aianama, Jlississlp-rl and New Orleans, r. g., Jl.25tfi.50 per bu.; Ticatl per hamper. Louisiana i at Sl!-l.i; Texas "par) sks. 20c. SQUASH Florida 7S4TOo per lH-bu. crate. New Orleans bbls.. J 1.6032. EGGPLANT--holce Florida at J2J0S3 per crate. bWEET POTATOES Bermuda and Queen and yellow Nansemond 85390c, and red Nanew mond S101.1O. SPINAi'lt Ilom-rrown 3-ff35c per bu. box. CAULIFLOWER Home-grown at tlSl-SO per bu. box. ASPARAGUS Horae-f-rown Slfl2 nee ne. ac cording to slae bunch. Arkansas H3C0O per hand bunch. Missouri 1-3-bu. at Jl. HORSERADISH Choice, 39 per bbL on or ders. GREEN PEAS-Hlgher; choice Mississippi J1.7S per bu. box. PARSLEY 10c per dox. RADISHES Choice Alabama Mff"0c per dox. bunches: Arkansas (sound). 15Sc per dox. but considerable heated stock not bringing cnarge. ka L,h-iiome-gTown 15-zao per bu. box, PEPPERS-FIorlda s 1131.50 for choice. TURNIPS New Orleans 35340c per dss. -j j" 3Iieellaneous Slnrkefa. GRASS SEEDS-Quote current receipts of country lot, per 1m lbs.: Clover 35flo: tim othy at J2.40ft2.7S: red top at SI to S6; Hun. garian at S1.S to SLS0; millet at JliLti. Orders are charged higher. WHITE BEANS-On E. trt. In ear Iot hc!ce hand-picked pea SL553tS6 Per bu.; machine-picked at Sl.3031.37 and prime at tl.TCf fl.7L From store: Whits beans at 8LS- for choice hand-picked pea; poorer grades less Lima at 4f44e per lb.; lentils at 344 per lb : California pink nt 3e; black eye at Jl "S O1.70: split peas at 32. and Scotch at J1.2S per bTOCK PEAS-Whlp-joorwlll at "LS2L50 per bu- Other kinds nomlnaL ONION SETS-Lateet sale at SI 30 per bu. SUNFLOWER SEED-Quote 820 per 100 lb. CASTOR BEANS 11 40 per bu. for prime In car let on trie.: 3L2S for small quantities. .DRIED FRIYTS-Apnles: Sun-dried quarters 3St54c: erarrated at 4c to to- cores and peeling-; at 14tlSc; chop at ISc to 14c. Peaches at 3X4c to 3ic. FEATHERS rrlm white lire geese In mH sk. JSc nd In large ks. 5c: prime grar do. 41c In F-mall and 40c In large sks.: old white 44) gtfeX fr36c: XX 22825c: XXX 14916c: AXXX 5e: tr-- 10 per cent on small sk. and Jc on large. Duclc White 42c: dark Me- Tur "; Tall rpc: wlrg 9c pointers Sc; wing and v.AiUi "iiim sci way tary- ar. ROOTS Per Ilx.: Glnsenr at S1.S0 to JJ; stem my. weedy, etc les; ladr allpper Je; enea, Cc: pink ISc: golden seat 6Se: blsck 4ic: Slay apple tc; snake 5c: white snake worth : angelica SfJ-c: wahoc bark of root e: park of treei 24c: blood c: blue flag 3c: sassafras " Sf Toot "" 'Wild linger 7c. SHEEP PELTS Full-wonl p-tts TScfitl: hearing 10c to 35c: lamb 30c to 50c; dry fallen, etc.. 10-Jllc per lb. BEESWAX Unchanged at 2Sc per lb. tot prime. LINSEED OIL Ouotahle at "- per gaL fnt to-jt a"d C f0r bo"e,: ls t1" al- la tn "" COTTON-SKED OHV-Wlnter while 4V:; yel low 44c: summer white JSc; yellow J7e; aaUd 45e: conking 45c CASTOR OII-7n lots of 20 gal. or orer at .c per lb. for No. 1 and 3Vc for Na 1 in bbls.r smaller ou-intltles lc per lb. more. . PP CORN-1CO lbs on eob. white Rica Jit l.M: mixed at Tic SCRAP IRON AND METALS-Per VO Ih: Wrought Iron sis; heary ca-t 140; malleabl teel and brenkabf- 41c: store Cc: light bras-1 J..- heary bra-- JJ; copper J3; xlnc J3; lead J3.50- pewter JI2. SALT E. side medium at Jl; granulated "So per bbl,- 5c more per bbL thl-t side. EMPTY. BAHRELS-Cral oil, turpentine and gasoline. 11.05. vinegar 70c: black oil 50c; Un seed, light asi varnish SO": machine 80c; sugar 15c: whisky sne: da half bhls. soc: wine- JtJ sanerkraut JOBIOi: pickle 4"3S0cr flour 15c: mo lasses 30c. lard trs. 45c: Be off for eacn broken head: 24c each hoop mlsMnr. RAGS ETC Per 100 lbs.: Country rag t Tie. Old rop N- 1 manlla at J1.2S: Na 2 at tCr. RuMwr at JSH3J0L PEANUTS-FarmerT tock. per lb.: Red IH tT2c. white at 24r2;e. CHESTNUTS-Italian at 8c per lb.; Vlrglnl) at 12c rECANS-Wrft.rn at SUc; Texas at rSe. MAPI.F1 SUGAR-Quote at Sc to 10c per lb. HONEY Comb at lie to 12c: choice Colored at 14c: strained and extracted at 4844c In bbls. and If in cans. COOPERAGE Quete on orders fcr prompt delivery: Lard tcs.. 11.50 for wood-bonnd. 1LJ14. for 6-ho-ip Iron-bound and SI. 474 for g-hoop do 3 oak pork bbls.. 81.50 for wood and 81.20 for Iron-bound, ash pork hbL. SI.20 for wood-t bound: oleo tc-i . 31.50 for -hocp: kraut bbls. 31 da halt bMs. 70c: do keg toe; da casks 11.45- slack-work bbls Vhocp-finur 41--: 6-hoop da. 4I: mill-run apple 2c; No. 2 da 2Cc: meal 31c: 6-hoop lime 2Sc; 4-hoop da 26c Wnnl. Mo. and 111 Med. comb A rloth. mxd.. .21 4121 Clothtnr 204-321 Low & brald..l9 O20 Ark. and Southern-- Med. (fleeces)Jl Med (loose).. .1S419 nurry 15H1" Hard hurry....ll 611' t-urry a ci--,!- w-- , ..o in- biu . rs nurry - 1J4"2174 rrtrisht med....20H Hard burry....l2 0124 Dirk med. 14 1 Aorxn. ana vesx. tlT ugnt nne.M...x txi Heary One.....ll 614 Lamb 13 C'JS Light fine 14 016 Hearr bnck.,.10 OH mnwasnea - Na 1 304nJt Na 2. 21 B244 Borry M ")"l Angora Goat Hslr Long .24 ens Shcrt 22 028 Low and -hurry less. Tex.. L T. and Ok Med., 12 mo...lJ S2054 Med.. V0t man f13 Coarse & low..l( (ill tvght fine 14 114 Heary sandy .10 612 Hides. Dry quiet and weak. Dry flint Texas butch er (16 los. and over) at 14: da fallen at 134e; all Texas light render 16 lbs.) at 14ic: natlra rd Arkansas at 154c tatter en selecticn l-r for No. 1 and Uc for No. 2: gloe- at 9c. Dry salted at 12c Green-salted round at 74e for Arkansas and Southern to 7;c for Western: green salted on selection at Hie for Na 1 and 'Mr tor No 2; part cored 4c less, uneured So less and bull le less than foregoing; glue 4Vj. Liverpool Firm Suspends. Liverpool. May llc-Jorm. Carter Cew"j- , provision merchants here, suspended. ' payment late yesterday. P "THE BARGAIN HUNTERS" $90.00 Given away next week. Watch for tao BARGAIN ADS IN THE . WEDNESDAY REPUBLIC. f .-ii X -- Jk. iS-iS-.-ir-. .TV--!' Mr-gte----- -