Newspaper Page Text
THE ST. LOUIS EEPUBLIC: FRIDAY. MAY 13. 1904. tl PAUTXERS WASTED. iV . " F&rS?Zx!!&& SRSsfeWfiSWSas " "" "WW. IX) IDC ItmnMfc LADY partner with small eanitii77" shra-r?i, "- ------oo.5? Call' shop. Ta-nra ave. and CUTion rrali tloc? riii?ni,V5. rfr Cm-claes propose hoc (.all room s. Asbestos Hotel. nenVege- .,Ist'me Exposition employ"- sIMnEoF1 . res raw in. iSpublia"030 to l0Od worktoC partner. FO .. . . IfrFOKMATlOX WASTED. S25.00 REWARD. ..--v-- - -" n-me 01 nis employer h' will I receive reward of 325. t1IY2,I;aV11jC PRESS BRICK COMPANY. Itoora iaj Missouri Trust building, or King's highway and Frisco Railroad. HOUSES AND VEHICLES. ---Vi-'.-Vts-s--J--i i-HSAP-A s"1 work -n-e L24 Elliot. For Sale. ttti L-oUBLE get of surrey harness; silver-mounted: la Erst-class condition. 2w7 Arstnsd. DRAFT. driving and general purpose horses, wagons, harness: cash or payments; everything guaranteed as represented. 4472 Clayton ave. EXPRESS wagon. In good condition; 'ell quick: bargain. Call 2S23 Elliot. KINK ut cl onc nones. --aorord. Til J. TTere-a Phone rcu "LNE rubber-Ured drivuu wagon. AJoend ii Murphy. H05 K. Broadway. FINE laundry wagon: one surrey and one rubber-tired trap. Jin; ArsenaL FINE family horse, s vears old. 16 hands high: sound and gentle. G&l Julian are. FINE blade mare, nhntif K .-ear. .rj'v ound; fine driver: afraid of nothing. ZSA ave. Russell ..VE-l EAR-OLD colt: also cut-under surrey, 3(0: leaving city. 1113 Dickson ft. iiuusrcituLD coous. s(saNsrtsasWss(Bsslsssss(sa(iWsa(saM Waalea. ALL kin Is of furniture bought: carpets, pi anos, feathers: contests cf Asia and dwellings. Wolf. 1233 a. Broadway: phone Cl!!. ALL kinds of household roods wanted; lerge and small lots; furniture taken In exchange for Sieving. Kin. D no. Brasch. 2122 Franklin. FEATHLR beds wanted: pay 314 to 35 each; send postal. T J. Ryan. West End Station. FEATHERS Very hiahest prices paid: honest weight: postal. Globe pillow Co.. feo Finney. WE pay leanest cash prices for household furniture, pianos, etc: also buy entire contents of Cats or residences; call cr send postal. Leo norl Auction Co.. 1219-21 Olive st. Ill SlXESS FOR SALE. DO you want to retire from bulness? Any store, stock of merchandise or machinery oocgni at once for spot cash: must be below cos:. 11. H. Harrison. w!5 Locust at. LKY roods, notion and ladles' outfitter. N. G.msori. 1013 EXPKESb La-rlsou. ctflco and stand outfit. 31 N. FLAT: 3 large rooms: 112 rent: 375 cash, bal ance easy: easy reach "World's Fair.' World's Fair Brokerase Co.. SOS Chestnut st. FIRST-CLASS bakery: SM dally; smaU ex pense: only store trade. TY 33. Repnbllc FIRST-CLASS barber shop. In heart of East cr. ijouis. 111. bee ueorge. on Ketfll wagon. noons FOR HEW. AILANTHUS. HMA-Fcrnlshed rooms, one. two. three or four nersons- tl to 32 per day: breakfast; near Fair (rounds; Eastcn are. and lace ave cars. -LL petns wishing rooms, arply Central Room Ag-ny. II N. Fourth st.. room 3- ALLEN. : NlceH furnished rooms for ren tlemen or couples; all conveniences: reasonable. ANNA. 7255 (Mapiewoodi One room. In prt ,vate family, .Suburban home, for World's. Fair people. ARCO. IMS Furnished rooms bv the week: lo minutes' ride to Fslr grounds. AUBERT laa-rretty Fair: conveniences room; private; near Far Sale. siNsji.Wjsi, ri inriansO 1 JisrisT.sriist ALMOST new parlor set: must sett, SOOS Side-son. . FOR SALE MI.SCELLAKCOUS. "..1WII ..Cl fc'i'v:73 filter. 15c: we manufacture all E.yles of filters and retail for less than dealers Pay. I-eake Filter Co.. 703 Pin" """era ALL kinds of Welsbxch lights and supplies- KS2 mi2-"i. 10Z .eaca: s rcr 3Zs- a' Condon lirog.. Has Market st. BEST California fruit extracts. 75c pint: fruit colors. 50e pint: fruit add for syrupsT 50c pint. Fpicure, Cater Co.. 1C3 S. LeffinBwell ""'- I leslsten bought, sold and exchansed. Dcgv 116 N Ninth: Klnloch A S!3. CASH jatrm COMPLETE restaurant cotnt can be bought ?lshes?b&10Uv?.- UhUa- '" &. COKDUROY coat and vest: Twrntr-third st. sire, 4S. S17 N. KLECANT Brunswick pool and billiard tables: "II or rent: reasonable. J. L. FowIr. 1213 Cass. FANS Two Emerson altercaUnc electrlo cell 1rg fans, mi aierchant. FINE oak show cases. 10 feet high. 10 to tl feet long: big bargain If sold at once. Stuadta &. Rueckholdt. 113 Sonlard at. FISHING Tackle Brerythlng from a fish loox to a camping outfit, standard Tool Co.. g .. auui sx.. nest 10 lillts's. Fpi'R-YEAR-OLD Shetland pon: out of lm Ptatgd stock: bargain. 3135 Washington. FOUR mules and four bones, vtltn or with out cradinr outfit. Rich Construction Co.. 510 Pine. FURNITURE, ton and open cellery wagons, new and secondhand. Young & Co.. U35 N. Broadway. GENTLE horse, runabout and harness; also buggy or delivery mare. 1S1I Morgan. GOOD wacon for peddler or express. HIS S. Newstead ..P"D delivery horse, 1633 Franklin ave. city broke; Grocery, GOOD, gentle horse, suitable for any use; aso good runabout. 3M5 Easton. GOOD horse, burrv and harness;, good as newt 111 cheap. 4C3S Le ae. GOOD driving horse, sound: lady can drive; als.i low-cut surrey. Forest 69 A. GOOD onc-horee express wagon and harness; will eell at a bargain. (I Easton. GOOD double carriage harness; worth will sell at your own price. 1111 Wash. K: GOOD work horse, brass-mounted harness and ash wagon. &: two farm tnarcsv delivery horse. team rnulee Its Franklin, rear. GOOD work mare: true puller; price 355: also fast pacing .pony: harness and rubbr-tlred run. about, call at butcher shop, SJoi X. Twentieth. GLASS case, suitable for exnltitor: must bo sold for best offer, ya Burlington building. GOOD chance to speculate: C0 pairs ladles nhoes: will job 37HC 515 Q-FaUoji St. , HAY. com and oats: damaged by fire. 31am Sacger. 3317 N Broadway. JOB lot 51 -airs ladles shoes at 37". Call at 515 OTallon st- to-day. NICE refriceratcr; cabinet attached. 17M N. Grard. OUR National cash register; worth 5350: In perfect condition; for only J150; double counter; "new ie." 933 Olive. PAINTS This Is the place to buy your paints from Great Western Paint . Color Co.. S14-&18 rdanchester ave.. 3CC3 Easton ave.. 1311 Park. POOL tab'es bar fixtures", new. secondhand; nil kinds supplies. A. T Moore. 1113 Case. POPCORN crisp or fritter machine; complete; stove, kettle: a money-maker. Popcorn 8tand, Flxth st Union Market. PRIVATE party has --. diamond tins for sale, cheap. 17J7 Market. SACRIFICE sale: CXI pairs ladles shoes, ran In value a high as 33.3S per pair, at ISV.C. call at 515 OTallon st. to-day. SHOW ave. cases, chairs. Pharmacy. 1237 Park STEKEOPTICON Ufe-sixe picture machine and pictures: good condition; cheap. 1733B N. Elev enth st. GOOD horse, suitable rcr buggy or light de livery; also park wagon. --.1th top and two sesfi: w-Il sell cheap. Inquire at Sis Madison. ''ARNEbS; finest assortment all kinds. fr-m 15.0 1 up. largt stock Job sadd ery: also sfconl hnd harness A. Tuckett. 1533 N. Btoidway. HIGH-SPIRITED. 7-ycar-old bay: well tralned and stylish: call Klnlcca A 152. .i0?-3-3-B-"r "SeBvcr-r or buggy horse; gentle. lZZi lark. CARPETS: fifty carpets from Southern Hotel will be sold at auction at 10-30 this (Friday) morning: also large line of all kinds of fur niture. Leonorl. 1319 Olive. EXTENSION table and three chairs; rockers: 37: new. W7 N. Compton. two FINE combination wardrobe, folding bed; bis bargain. 313S X. Spring ave. FURNITURE of six rooms; all or part; cheap: leaving city. 3S5 Eaatcn. ell FURNITURE of a elx-room house: be"-- la use only c months; consisting cf carpets, ruji, etc Apply at 3313 Harper. CAS range, with water 3T N. King's highway. back: almost new. GAS range, chandelier and Ice box. 3C30 Franklin: no dealers. OAK mantel folding bed; Bayard. V. complete. 1310 OAK. sideboards. 35: chiffoniers. 37; ward robes, from 35 up- bedroom suits. 35: exten slon tables, from 150 up. 153J S. Broadway. ONE couch. leatl-erette: cne refrigerator, two dressers, three Iron beds, sprints and mat tresses; also gasoline lamps, etc 1339 S. Broadway. SEVERAL dining-room chairs; call at ones; no dealer- 313: Pine. MCTOR steel range: with hot water connec tion: Singer sewing machine; child's iron bed; cheap. 533SA Minerva ae. Extraordinary Furniture Values A large assortment of Furniture. Iren Beds, Carpets. Rug-.. Refrigerators. Pianos. Linoleum. Matting. Portieres and all kinds of new and euthtly csed household goods at extraordicatlly low prices: our location means a big saving to you. Langan Storage Co.. salesroom 1001 Mor gan st. FIRST-CLAS3 bar and res-aurant, complete: good location. Inquire Sll Locust sL. between 13 and 3 o. m. FIRST-CLASS and rood-paying saloon for sale: cbject In selling, other business; party wanting saloon will find a bargain. In rear of 711 OIHe at. FURNISHED four-room fiat; rent 330: Income 333.50 Dr week: price 355-1. 3315A Ohio su GOOD meat market. FF 135. Republic. GOOD manufacturing business: established 1 rears: wish to retire. 3117 N. Ninth. GROCERY: cash trade: splendid location: bargain if takn at once. 1624 Wash. GROCERY and meat market: full stock; cheap rent; no agents. 4311 Norfcrk. GROCERY and saloon; two barrtls of beer dally: rent 355; lease to 13CJ; owner sick. FG 6. Republic. GROCERY llshed trade; 723 High st. and meat market: good, estab cheap. Inquire at 30QS OUve or GROCERY store: splendid location: Uvinc rooms In the rear: rent only 315; a bargain at 335. Armstronr, 1014 Chestnut. GROCERY and saloon; one of the best paylcg stands: will Invoice from 32.300 to 33. (o. Gast Brew'ng Co.. 913 N Sixth. MEAT and vegetable" market. F. Hubbard. 1K4 Morgan st. MILLINERY: old-establlsbed: nice trade; llvins-rooms: low rent: bear all Investigation; must sell; sickness; small capital required. FO 13. Republic. MU-3T sacrifice: 3350 will Luy grocery, con fectionery and living-rooms; rent 315; seeing is relieving 32 Easton. 1 1 E. wagon and harness. 315; a big bar- . . mc nwucj. iiu x-ine. IIORSB and popcorn wagon; cheap; call be tweoo 7 and 13 n. m. 711 Lafayette. IIORSEL harness and runabout: good mule from country: sell separate. 1553 3. Broadaay. HORSE, runabout and harness; also rood de Jlfery or surrey horse: must sell, store, 2J39 Ollva. LARGE; stylish bay surrey horse; been Crtvea by lady: city-broke; price 3150; also my -rubber-tired storm buggy; been used a few times; horse and harness: owner chancing po sition: must sell at once. Inquire rear 3550 Llndell boulevard. MEDIUM-SIZED, fine-looking buck horse; rood traveler and worker; not afraid cf any thing: 3W. Call after 6 p. m. J. Stewart, J58S Easton ave. NEW robber-tired trap; a fine looker and a bargain. Inquire 3400 N. Jefferson. TABLF1 knives, railroad wrecked, very cheap. Standard Tool CO- 523 N. Sixth, next door to JHlts-s. TEXAS JASMINE' BUDS, most beautiful and fragrant flower that blooms; lovsry for wed dings, parties, etc: packed to arrive In perfect rendition; evergr-en foliage. 31.50 per 100; S3.S0 per 20G. express prepaid: special rates by the thousand: season closes June 10: send postal or express order. The Pudor Jasmine Company, Bar 197. Houston. Tex. TRY call at 70S N. Seventh at.: i-Declal sap villes In Greenwood china for hotels and res taurants: everything at special prices. TWO S-fcot, tucxel-plaled show cases; 5704 Dayton st. 315. 5.000 feet 9. 12 and 15 Inch sewer as new. Rich Construction Co- r pipe: aS Pii as good 50o on the dollar; too pairs cf ladles' shos at to per cent sacrifice. 515 OTallon st-; to-day. ARMY TESTS FOR SALE. 300 7xS army tents; win make special prices on large lots. St. Louis Belong and Supply Co.. 539 S. Fourth st. n o o w for Sale. 8-mdhid lumber. Apply 701 Kos s Duiioinr. ! 'EWhand-made. rubber-tired, storm buggy; . -. - .-a. 11 iwyuwut. NEW two-horsa rorlr vMn nn. ntthl . of new heavy harness. 3S45 Easton. HEW peddler wagon, two park wagons, two top burgles, two runabouts. 213 N. Ninth st. NICE surrey, six top delivery wagons, eight storm boggles. 3110 Pine. NICE, stylish saddle and harness horse; la hands; ery cheap. 1713 Morgan. NICE driving horse, runabout and harness; w... wwtiwjB sjai io iro s. liSITISOn. NICE drlvlne horse. S veirs nlri- mitah. n storm buggy or delivery, til n! Nineteenth. NICE gentle driving mare: fine rubber-tired runabout and harness; must sell. 3101 Law-ton. FOB FURNITURE BUYERS. "oO lmn beds. 31.25: 150 oak dressers. SS.S0; 150 wash-tands. 31.45: 50 dozen chairs. each: 1J pair feather pillows, lie pair. We will have for the next ten days a special sale en articles suitabl for hotel purposes and solicit large or small orders. Furnishing bouses a specialty. NEW YORK STORAGE CO.. 3214 to 3319 Wash st. Room Rugs and Carpets. W hire torn extraonllcary values thl -week In all rrades off BruxMl. Axmlcsters. VelTls and InjraJns. Ttnm-tlzf Rsrs and Carpets fcr larceor strall rooms; also Matting and Lino leum; biintr dimension of ycur rooms. luian Storare Co.. talesroora 1001 iloriraa st. Special This Week. Kitchen Cabinets at J52.0O each. Iron Foldlnc Loan-res at 93.S0 encli. Cotton-Top Mattresses at l-SO encli. New 30-1 b. All-Wool Mattress, 3J3.00. LAN8AH & TAYLOR S. & M. CO. 1S33 AaIiInjrton arc. MODERN seven-room house with lease; filled with good-paying roomer-- will rell cheap: sick ness compels sale K6 N Leonard. ALBERT. 721 Choice rooms; private family: permsnenu or transients: cafe close: near Fair. AUBERT. 7WA Desirable rooms: convenient to Fair; talf blocs Olive. Delmar or Suburban cars. AUDERT, 740 Two rooms, first floor, for gentlemen; near OUve. Delmar and suburban cars. AUHERT FUc-. A (Southeast Corner Euclid and Suburban Tracks) Furnished front rooms for gtntlernen. ALBERT. 773 Two nice rooms for World's Fair visitors: private home; Ollte. Delrnsr and suburban cars: In walking distance to Fair. UACON. 3913 Large, nicely furnished rooms: private family; hot bath and gas; reasonable rat's. BACON. 3763 Two d'slrable hou:keeplnc '": suuineru exposure; Lain, gas range; near Granu. ROOMS FOB RE-IT. DELMAR Boulevard. 3943 Nicely furnished front parlor: also other rooms: convenient to WorldVFalr. DELMAR Boulevard. U4-Deslrsbls rooms for Exposition people: Kin. phec Llndell 37JR: hot bath. DELMAR. 3331 Large rooms, flnelv fur nished: beautifully located: private family: permanent: 330 monthly. DELMAR. 5719 Furnished rooms; private home; two squares to main entrance World's Fair; guests day or week. DELMAR. 44MA Hanrsornely rurnlshed front rooms; convenient to World's Fair; private; reasonable: all conveniences. DELMAR Boulevard. 4214 Newly furnished rooms; southern exposure: private family: ref erences. Phone. Llndell 15S9M. DELMAR. t-DA Beautiful rooms: single or en suite: for World's Fslr: permanent, or tran sients: through Olive. Delmar. Suburban cars; ten minutes walk Fair. DICKSON, 23 Furnished rooms; private family; southern exposure: bath; near five car lines. ROOMS FOR REST. HORTON Place. C024 Two large connecting rooms; hot bath and toilet: -1vate family; near Fair one block north Hamilton HoteL JEFFERSON. 157 gentlemen or ladles. S. Furnished rooms for JEFFER&ON, 15U3 s. Front parlor, furnished complete- gas. hath, hall room. JEFFERSON and Howard Large, nicely fur. nlshed front parlor: four windows; fcr two re spectable gentlemen; hot bath and gas: xcei leot location JULLV. K3 Nicely furnished room for gea- tlemen: home conveniences, reasonable. KENNERLY. SSG3 Two south-front connect ing and one back room furnished, for llcht housekeeping: gas. bath: private famllv. KENNETT Place. 1511 Large, pleasant front room: two gentlemen; reasonable: east Lafay ette Park. KENSINGTON. 5100 Gentlemen only: corner; new; every convenience: five ntnutes to Fair on Delmar. OUve or Suburban lines; telephone Del-' mar 14O- niCKSON. S003A Furnished rooms; modern: suite or single: private family; (clrect line to Fair. DICKSON. 2940 Rooms, for World's Fair visitors; private family: bath: every conveni ence: take Eighteenth street car from depot, transfer on Spring to Garrison ae.; 50c to 51 per day. BACON. 2410 Nicely furnished room, suit able for two. In private firmly; convenient to thre car lines: reasonable. BAILLi. Ijo Large front room, first floor: nicely furnished; private family; very desirable; references. BARRETT. 3513A-Large front parlor; nlabed or unfurnished: desirable location; roanent or by week. fur-per- HARTMERi ICO Desirable rooms la private residence; near World's Fair; phone IMrest liARTMER. 5359 Modern rooms for permanent and transients: beautiful location; cafe close: near Fair. BARTTJER. (415 Two nicely furnished front roons; southern exposure: single or en suite; fifteen minutes' walk from Fair. NICELY furnished S-room roornlng-hous": full good-paying roomers: leaving city. 1321 Chouteau. OLD-ESTABLISHED confectionery and no tions; living-room; cheap; suitable for lady. 3044 Cass. RESTAURANT and cheap. 70S High sL lunch-room for sale: RESTAURANT: doing good business- irt nerchlp troubles, cause for selling. 3333 Frank lin ave. RESTAURANT: downtown location; doing good business; reason far selling, leaving Uty. FO If. Republic RESTAURANT Olive: rent 315; price 3'o; ceme quick for snap: electric fans, etc Fish & Co.. 7u9 N. Ewlng. suite 13. RESTAURANT: good location; nice, cletn place: doing good business; have to leave city at once. Call III N. Fifteenth. IvESTAURANT; well located and established: good trade; three living-rooms; low rent: bear all lLTtstlgauon; will sacrifice. 155S N. Broadway. RESTAURANT: splendid location; two llvlnt rooms: 330 rent, fine trade: pell on account of sickness; 3275 cr Invoice. Armstrong, 1014 Chestnut. BARTMER. 6J37 For Exposition visitors; ele gant rooms; private; reasonable; Bell phone; four car lines direct to Exposition or 1j mln utes walk: correspond or call. Mrs. MehL BATErf. 435 NIcelv furnished han.1v to World's Fair esrs. front room: BAYARD. 913 Nicely furnished rooms; single or en suite: 31 per day and up. BAYARD. 733 Large, airy rooms; single or en suite; prhate family; 31 per day; transients. BELt 3530 Single room: southern exposure; modern conveniences; good location. BELL 2312 Nicely furnished room; privato family: to permanent parties; references exchanged. DILLON and La Salle (Northwest ccrnrr) Furnished rocm. DILLON. 1314 Nicely furnished room: one cr ttvo gentlemen: eas. bath: private family. DOLMAN. I7 Nicely furnished front room for one or two gentlemen: gas: reasonable EAST PARK Place, 1533 (just Off Bartm'r) Rooms; private family; ten minutes walk to Fair. EAST PARK Place. 1030 Three very choice rooms; private family; reasonable; close to Fair. EASTON. 3507 Furnished front parlor; first and second Coor: gentlemen or couple EASTON. S1I3A Two nicely furnished front rooms; gentlemen only; gas; bath: reasonable terms. EASTON. 5620 Nicely furnished, large, cool front room, for two or three gentlemen; reasonable. EASTON. 453JA Newly furnished room": rea sonable rates to permanent roomers: Easton and Taylor car. EASTON. 3005 Homelike accommodations: refined Southern family, for World's Fair vis itors: direct line. EASTON. 5992 Newly furnished rooms; ten minutes to World's Fair; all modern conven iences: reasonable. EASTON. 431mA Nicely rurnlshed front and back parlor: private family; gas; bath; con venient: restaurant. KING'S HIGHWAY. 919 N. Two beautiful rooms for gentlemen: permanent or transient; walking distance Fair. KING'S HIGHWAY. 934 N Thirty choice fur nished rooms for World's Fair visitors: tran sients and permanent-.; fifteen minutes walic to Fair: Suburban cars. LA SALLE. 1 110 Large f urn'si-ed front rocm. with or without light housekeeping. LA SALLE. I414- Neatly furnished iron: room: with or without light housekeeping. LA SALLE. 143: Neatly furnisetd rooms: ore front, for gentlemen: private family. LABADIE. 3C5A Nicely with board: private family. furnished room. LACLEDE. 4373 For rent or sale, three fur nished rooms. LACLEDE. 3519 Front and other rooms: di rect line from Union Station and World's Fair. LACLEDE. 43) Newly furnished rooms; hath, gas; southern exposure; World's Fair vis itors entertained. LACLEDE. 3433 Front rooms, furnished: housekeeping: ras. bath, phone; transient; rates for World's Fair people. LACLEDE. 3505 Elegant, bright, clean rooms In modern private house; both phones; 15 min utes' walk to World'- Fslr grounds; direct line fmrn Union station anj Fair; World's Fair vis itors accommcdatetL LAFAYETTE. 73l-N!cely furnished front room: fcr four gentlemen; private family; reasonable. LAWTON. 3013 Neatly furnished rooms, with gas and bath. LAWTON. 3007 Two connectlns attic rooms; very reasonable. BELL. 3033 Beautifully rurnlshed rooms; ev ery convenience; reasonable terms; near cars; Klnloeh C 1303. BELL. 3040 Nicely furnished rooms; ientle men: all conveniences; huburban and Transit cars: reasonable. BELL. 3137 (Ne.r Grandl-Beautlfully fur nished rooms: orUate family; every conven- lence: gentlemen proferred. BERNARD. 3737 Large front room, for four young men: southern exposure. STOItAGE ATD MOVIXQ. AMERICAN Storage and Moving Co- 3315 Olive Packu-s. shlrplng: all stora-e In sep arate rooms. Both phones. W. H. tdnsdale. BONDED nan-house; Henry C. V. Wlehe Storage and Moving Co., 1512-15 Franklin ae.; money advanced when desired. Klnloeh C Wl LOUISIANA Storare Co. Geo. Jokerst. Mgr. Moving packing: both phones; 2 warehouses. NICE H-fcaad 3-jrear-old bay drlvinc horse; fiSJ-Ji--? for Btna ougy ex delivery vflgca. 1S19 3. Jefferson. NEW YORK Storage Co.. Twenty-second and 1 vtasn: move. pack, ship cr store furniture In I separate rooms: estimates given: work guarnr. ,?I? -?0"1. "-"-ft ho3- x- one good plur. 1533 s. Ninth. . ONE new hand-made storm improvements; a bargain. 3309 St. hugry; latest Louis ave. PEDDLING wagon, harness and license; good as new: cheap. 43C9 Koseuth. HOTEL RANGES, KTrCHEX COOKESO. OUTFIT!, Wrought Iron Range Co., XOth tuid Wtaahlxiirtota Ave. T 1 1'E W U4.TERS. yyVWVNeJeeeie.eeejeieAeejeAwei For Salts. REMINGTON and Smith typewriters. J2S; Olivers. 340: new Underwoods. $50: rentals. two mentis, 33. St- LotrU Typewriter Ex change: all telephones YOUR selection of the largest stock of slight ly used and secondhand typew-iters in the country, standard makes guaranteed for one ean sold and rented everywhere; send for bargain and rental rate card. The Typewriter Exchanga. 203 N. Eighth st.. St. Louis. Mo. YOU SAVE 25t.75 Br Ordering From Us. All Slakes Writing Machines For Rent or Sale On Easy Payment or Liberal Dis count for Casb. TITH TTPLTVV'nrrER EXCHANGE, SOS '. Ninth SL RECEIVED, one carload of horses: driving norsej, delivery horsee, farm mares, large draft horses; will sell under guarantee, aw Cass ave. RUBBER-TIRED runabout; new. U. Dockers. Twentieth and Blssell. . RUBBER-TIRED runabout: a barraln. leers-Isaacs, bet K. Lefflng-rell. RUBBER-TIRE cut-under surrey, 3110; steel tlre storm buggy 355. VOH Olive. RUBBER-TIRED, cut-under surrey. steel-tired storm boggy. 355. 309Uj o:iv 3110; RUBBER.T1RED driving wagon, for sale. Budsrwleden St Dnnkman. 1900 St. Louts. SEVERAL horses and teams: also one storm buggy and tc- buggy. Call and sea William P. Manner. 69 S. Fourth st- gHETLAND pony, suitable for children to ride or drive: four good mares, young and sound; nice family horse; three cheap horses, horse, runabout and harness; cheap. 1S07 L0cu.1t. SOUTH Side Storage and Moving Co, 1901-1-5 Kidney su Bell Mdn-v 2L5; Klnlccx Victor col. F. II. PORTMANN Storage and Moving Co. Separate room-: low prices on reliable moving and storage. 3501 Cass ave.: phene D 1247. TDRAKF ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF, new ' wncm b warehouse. Grand and Laclede, for safekeeping of furniture, pianos, trunks, valuables, boxes, etc.: strictly first-lass moving packing, shipping, etc. Our fire Insurance the lowest. Money advanced. Ship goods our care. Estimates free. Get our rates. Botn phones. 13!. 31 OUve. R. u. Leonorl Auction & Storage Co. RESTAURANT: downtown: 3150 down, bal ance (3350). during 'Fair: 35) rent; no raise; the very beat opportunity ever offered. C33 N. Ninth. RESTAURANT nice location: splendid busi ness: rent onlv 311: splendid trade: bear In vestigation: bargain at U&. Armstrong, 1911 Chestnut. RESTAURANT and boarding-house; three living-rooms: well located: low rent; bargain on account cf little boy; Investigate. 1423 N. J-efrerscn. RESTAURANT and saloon: center of down town location: bar: high-class trade: restau rant seats 300 reople; as swell fitted no in -iv high-class restaurant in city: lease; prfce 3L2 aj; terms. See my agents for particulars. Morgan Renineer. S09 Chestnut. ROOMING-HOUSt: neatly furnished: rooms: rent 330. call 3S33Xaston. six ROOMINO-HOUSB: six rooms; new tnre; sickness: must eel!: half price. 1917 furnl-Cive. ROOMING-HOUSE: 11 rooms: good localltr; completed for business: low rent; sacrifice. 3)3 Olive. ROOMING-HOUSE: 13 rooms; west: rent 350: nleo 10 rooms; rent II): leases. Fish A Co., 709 N. Rwlng: suite 13. URANTNER Hace. 3150-Family of two: nice clean rooms; gas. bath, closets; one-half Mock from Grand and Easton. BROADWAY. 31 p-r -ay. 107 N. Excellent rooms. 50s to BROADWAY. 913 N. Nicely famished rooms for transients: terms reasonable. BROADWAY. 707 S. Nicely furnished room: gentlemen or couple: 33 per week. BROADWAY. 1S31 8. Front and back par lors; sleeping and light housekeeping rooms. . BROADWAY. CIS N Rooms. 21c. 35c end 3V: 31.50 per week up: baths free to pstrons. BROADWAY. 3430 S. Nicely furnished third story front rooms; also two partitioned rooms; light honeekeeplng. CABANNE. 5301-One furnished room: e!ec trlc light, bath, telephone: private family. CABANNE. 5073 World's Fair visiters will find pleasant rooms at Tbe Cahanne" for 31 per dav each sues. EASTON. 596U-83 Newly furnished rooms; World's Fair eeonle: LOa to 31 each nerscn: :o car lines direct to Fair. EASTON. 4144A Nicely furnished front room private family; conveniences: rent rea sonble: gentlemen nreferred- EASTON. 594-NlcelT furnished first-class rooms; gas and baths: 75c a day; five minutes direct car line to World's Fair. EIGHTEENTH. 1127 N. Nicely furnished front for two or three a.ntlemen. EIGHTEENTH. 1121 N. Nicely furnished front room: quiet family: good neighborhood EIGHTEENTH. 1123 N. Nicely furnished front mom: quiet family: good neighborhood. EIGHTEENTH. 1019 third-floor front room: keeping: 34 week up. N. Handsome, large gentlemen or hcuse- ELEVENTH. 1(10 a Nicely furnished rooms for gentlemen and housekeeping: reasonable. ELEVENTH. 1730 N. Nicely furnished front room for sleeping, for gents; convenient; very reasonable. ELLA. C233 Rooms, for light housekeeping; 34 per sreek. ELM. 313 Newly furnished rooms. ETZEL. C15SA Best of rooms In private fam Ur; permanent cr transient: close to Fair. ETZEI C15J Choice rooms for permanent or transient: Suburban cars: walking distance Fair. I.AWTON. 301 Fine corner: cool front: fur nlshed room: 33.50. LAV. ION. 345S Two light, outside basement nxns: for white people only. LAWTON. 33u0 large. Haht front parlor; newly furnished; all conveniences. LA WTO. I30S Front room on first floor: back parlor on second floor, cheap. LAWTON. 3l(Oce large room for gentlemen or ladles: all conveniences. LAWTON. 3319 Rooms, suitable for two or more gentlemen or ladles: reasonable. LAWTON. 2923 Furnished rooms: day week: all conveniences: gentlemen only. LAWTON. 3314 Double parlors, for couple or gentlemen: first flor: all conveniences. LAWTON. 2731 Large front arior: southern exposure: hot bath: gae; terms reasonable. LAWTON. 2CG Large rooms for parties;, visitors rates: 50c a person: ether rooms. LAWTON. 1431 Elegantly furnished rooms. vlth breakfast: 31 a day. Telephone D 77L LAWTON. 353G-Elegant!y furnished, coot roome. with modern conveniences: strictly pr1 vat family. LEE. 4324 Nicely rurnlshed front room; for cne or two gentlemen: private family. LEONARD. 1013 N. Furnished rooms; back and front: roomers: rent reasonable. LEONARD. 912 N. Two connecting rooms for light housekeeping; all convenlencea. LINCOLN. 3S04 Nicely furnished front room for ttto gentlemen; private family; also hall room. ITTZEK C174A Plersant rooms: private fam ily five minutes" ride to Exposition; 34 week and up. CALIFORNIA. 1931 Nicely furnished rooms; all accommodations. CARDINAL. 313 N. Front and back rooms; gentlemen or houkeeplrg. CARDINAU 1032 N. Large front, eonnectlrsj. rocms: suitable for five or six gentlemen: hot tatii and gas; telephone Beaumont C45M. rxn PET-CLEAS 1.1 G. - --... - . - - - . ... . - -,- -,- ii,-, ,-, ma ACMD stram carpet cleaning, 3c yard. 4000 Easton: phone. Delmar 1703. CHICAGO Steam Carpet Cleaning Co.: W. J. McCourtney. manager: carpets renovated; look lite new. Lin. 2S30: Kin. Dtl. 2431. Ita Finney. EMPIRE Steam Carpet Cleaning Co, W. Waterman, Mg. Carpets renovated, look Ilka pew 2131 Lucas. Tel. Beaumont 230: Kin. C XC SMALT, chunky mule: also cheap. 3706 Randolph et. strong buggy; STEEL-TIRED surrey; In Mrs. Harles. 1713 Morgan. fair shape, 543. WALL PAPER. nifRLICH BROS, paper rooms, 33 each: work guaranteed: painting reasonable. 4060 Easton. WALL paper cleaned on short notice; work guarantied. Short Notlca aeanlnc Co, 2X5 STORM bugry: one in good condition and a good looker. 1122 S. Fourth St. STORM buggies, grocer, baker, butcher, laun dry, milk, peddler, express, whltener, caterer, florist wagons. John Toblnka. 144 N. Seventh. TEAM mules, dirt wagon and harness: also two good delivery or work horses; very cheap; must sell: peed room. 104 S. Jefierson, MACHEfERT FOR SALE. (4-1-orse-power horizontal automobile erzlse; lltghtly used; bargain. 1330 S. Fourteenth. DYNAMOS and motors, all styles and volt ares, for sale or rent: we buy electrical ma chinery. Rosslter-MacGovem Elecrical Co, Tel. 414C Main. SW Missouri Trust building. TV ENTY-HORSB-POWER gasoline engine) also a Fowalth engine lathe. 17-lnrh. swing. 8t Louls Corset Co.. 19CO Morgan. Gasolineand Steam Engines boilers, .taa-n pumps, steam, .as and waur supplies, sanmlu machinery, belting, hose, eta. FAIRBANKS. MORSE &. CO, 8t- Louis. DICTCLE3. ae. -,-,--. I-------- ---!-. .. B7G lot of secondhand wheels, frames and tires: In rood condition: at your own price. 213 TC. Twenty-first: C 17g. COLUMBIA. Pierce and Caesar bicycles, Co lumbia rnotorcjclts: repairing and renting. Bell I414A. Morgan A Harding. 356 Olive. LADY'S wheel; good repair; cheap. Call morn ing. 3010 Locust- RUBBER &TAMI-S. SBALS. ttTEKCILS. ADAMS, the stamp man. 214 N. Sixth sL. St. -Ocmls. Mo.: rubber sumps, s-als. stencils, eta; goodT cheap, quick. Write for new ll.t. EXCELSIOR 8tendl Works 311 pure, for teel stamos. stencils, burning brands, rubber type, seals, brass and aluminum eneexs. THREE top buggies, two traps, one park wagon, one coupe, one extra heavy top wagon. C tt-liawacker. 4J4-K-1S S. muTd at. THREE good, sound work horses; two bugry horses: four runabout harnesse-: heavy dirt wagon: can be bought cheap. 3140 Park. TWO express wagons. 339. 4547 Easton (rear). TWO wagon. big horses, two mares, harness and 309 Soulard, TWO-HORSE stake wagon: 3108 Pennsylvania ave. good condition. TWO black work horses; 2400 lbs.; la good condition. 2S3S S. Seventh. TWO fine drlvinr horses: lady-broke; 5 years old and sound. 4513 Easton. TWO dump carts and harness, cheap-wtll trade for horse. 2306 S. Seventh. 1 -. TWO mares and one mule: good delivery horse and exprees wsgon. It's Wash: rear. TWO good mares: two large horses; two small horses: runabout and harness. 2024 Carr. TWO top stanhopes. 4 open driving wsgons. s cut-under traps. 4 top park wagons. 1 2-horse open truck wagon. 3 ruwer-tired surreys. Wm. Dlschert C. & W. Co, 1830-23 Morgan. WINDOW-CLEANING: -inert rieaners of wall paper; rooms. 60c up. 1330 N. Nineteenth. E-CCUAvGE AMI DARTER. COMPLETE lob printing plant In best town in Southwest: invoice about 33,000. What have you to orrerf Rents for 133 per month. FO IS, Republic. FURNITURE wacon for vegetable Pastermsck. 1S20 Franklin ave. wagon. TO Exchange small, clean staple stock of dry goods; well located; cheap rent: will take land or town propertv and some cash to pay obligations. Address Box 503. Kansas city. Mo. ROOMINO-HOUSB: Olive St.: 14 moms: rent 337: must sell: colnr to Oklahoma; price 3L5C0. See Morris & Co.. 1323 Olive. ROOMING-HOUSE: Olive st-: 319) west: five rooms: chesn rent- well furnished: Larcaln. at 14CO. Armstronr. 1C14 Chestnut. ROOMING-HOUSE: eight rooms: rent 0; lease; total nrice S(r0; sc-v cash down; snap. Call to-day. Mnrr-a t Co.. 1C3 Olive. noOMING-H-VUSE: rnrn'sted; 3 rooms; al ways full rowl-paylnc roome-a: money-maker; must sell: bargsln. Call 1344 Chouteau ave. ROOMING-HOUSE: 17 newly furnished rooms: S"o rent: lease: 3CO month Income; price 31.550. World's Fair Brokerage Co, Is"" Chestnut et. ROOMING-HOUSE: 3477 Pine St.: fine de tached house; southern exposure; 11 nicely fur nlshed rooms: low rent; no raise: easy terms. ROOMING-HOUSE: 5300 block locust; ele gantly furnished: S rooms: rent 345; no rtlee; price 3750: terms. Morgan-Reninger. va Chestnut. ROOMING-HOUSE: West End: C rooms; ele gantly furnished: 2ne neighborhood; rent only 335: a rare bargain; 5400. Armstrong. 1014 Chestnut. ROOMING-HOUSE: IiOO block Delmar: 11 rooms: something swell; rent S1: lease: no reasonable offer refused. Morgan-Renlnger. 909 v-nesinur. CAROLINE. 2X13 Nicely reasonable. furnished rooms; CARR. U07 Neatly rum!-hod front room for gentlemen cr couole CAROLINE. 3325 Nicely furnished front room: hayd to street cats to World's Fair. CAROLINE. 1429 Nicely furnished room for rent: reasonable; World's Fair visitors or permanent parties. CAROLINE. 3331 (Cor. Compton) Ttto. nicely furnished rooms; southeast front; rent reason able: no raise In rent; 3LM per week; conveni ent to each car lice. CAbS. 3S11 Large, nicely furnished room, for gentlemen or young married couple. CAKS. 1959 Nicely furnished room: private family; all conveniences: quiet heme: reasonable. CASS. I52r Nicely furnished front rocm for Ilsht housekeeping or two gentlemen; reasonable. CATES. 5501 (Comer Belt) Beautiful rooms; nicely furnished: southern ex-eure: for two. four cr eight: gentlemen only; cafe: near Fair. CHAMBERLAIN. 5003 Elegantly furnished rooms; strictly modern: In detached house: large yard; corner lot: 15 minutes walk to Fair grounds: Page car line two blocks rorth. Sub uilaa two blocks south: Klnloeh phone. Delmar 2S75L. George Ormcrod. EVA?3. 4371 Two lovely, furnished rooms; all conveniences- for gentlemen. EVANS. 4369 Nicely furnished rooms; con veniences; near cars; reasonable; private family. EVANS. 4U3-Fumlshed rooms; Fair visitors accommodated: gas. bath, screens: southern ex posure: private: reasonable. EVANS. 3507 Front room: southern expos ure: bath; for three or four; 32.50 week each; hall room 33-50: near two car lines. EWINO. 303 N. Nicely furnished rooms, for rent, reasonable. EW1NG. 314 N- Nicely furnished second-ttoor rcm; gas. hot bath. KWlXOv TO N. (flat No. 15) Room for housekeeping; gas. hot bath. KWING. 7v9 N. (Between Ijjcas and Morgan) Rooms, first floor: Kin, phone C 999. EWINO. 709 N. (Flat No. 1( Nicely fur nished front and other rooms: Christian home: permanent. FAIRMOUNT. 5051 Nice rooms for World's Fair visitors: prices reasonable. FAIRMOUNT. 6219A-Southernexpcsed new ly furnished rooms. 31 per day ana up; near Fair. LINCOLN, 4057 Nicely furnished rooms; pri vate family; bath. gas. breakfast served: prices reasonable- LINDKLL Boulevard. 3555 Nicelr furnished rooms for Worla's Fair visitors: 31 day up.. LOCUST. Sll Nicely furnished rooms; gen tlemen only. LOCUST. 3315 Large room for gentlemen; Bin-. gle beds: 3L35 per week. LOCUST. 301 Two rooms on first, three on second and two on third floor. LOCUST. 3310 Furnished rooms; clean: all conveniences; reasonable. new and LOCUST. 3703 Neatly furnished rooms for Ilaht housekeeping: very reasonable- LOCUST. 1C1S Nicely furnished World's Fair visitors accommodated. rooms; LS'CL'ST. 2319 Elegantly furnished rooms; modern conveniences: private family. an. LOCU3T. 2312 Front rarlor. second-story back rocms. with gas and bath: 50c a day. LOCUST. 2735 Large, airy rooms, in nice prtV vate home: large lawn: every convenience. ' LOCUST. 23C3 Newly furnished. Isrge and small rooms; visitors to Fair accommodated. . LOCUST. 3004 Nice, pleasant front rooms: also pallor and single rocm: well furnished, FALL. 3525A Nicely furnished front room; trlvate family: 31 week for two gentlemen. FIFTEENTH, 19 8. Neatly famished rooms, single or en suite. FIFTEENTH. HIS N. Room for light house keeplrg: water in room- FINNEY. floor front: 4110 Ldrge, well-furnished second suitable for two or more. ROOMING-HOUSE: Lawtcn near Grand: s rooms; elegantly famished rent 360: something swell: want offer: le-ivlng city. Mor-an-Renlnr-er SC9 Che,t-m P.OOMING-HOUSE: Locnst: benutlful cor ner: W rooms; elegantlr furnished: rent ItM; World's Fair lease: price JI.S00. Morgan-Ren-Inrer. J9 Chestnut. BUSirvESS FOR SALE. " ssl as ssl ------.- -.-.! ,,---------yj RESTAURANT , $850 Down, balance (S330) during "Fa!-": 33) rent: location downtown wholesale district; owner going Europe: be quick. Glascock. 902 Chestnut. BOARDING-HOUSE: west of Vandeventer: 18 well-furnished rooms: low rent: Income S3vW month: 3500 handles. Glascock. C-01 Chestnut. BOARDING-HOUSE: St. L:uls- Income 3350 month: 7 well-furnished rooms; 340 rent: best reasons; $300 handles. U la-cock, K3 chestnut. CIGAR store: beet Olive St. location; 335 rent; 3 room.: owner has offer of fine position: price 3700. Glascock. 902 Chestnut. CONFIOCTIONBRY, cigars, neighborhood sup plies; Iark ave.; 2 rooms; reasonable rent: good income; price 3300; sacrifice. Glascock. 903 Chestnut- L500-pound young dapple-grav draft borv. true puller: two big; cheap work horses: good stout de'ivery horse. 3100; spotted pony, har ness. 3790 Morgan. TWO Weber A Damme 4-Inch wagons: good as new; can be seen st Fowler's Transfer stables. Twentieth and Chestnut. TWO carriage, team and harness: three fur niture cars: park wagon; covered wagon; must sell on account of death. 137 N. Twentieth. WAGONS Coffee, tea. advertising, carpenter, truck, spring stake wagons. John Toblnka. 1403 N. Seventh. 355 buys fine new steel-tired road wagon: 310 buys fine light ladles phaeton. 3105 S. Broadway. RUBBER stamps, rubber type, signs, mark ers bras and aluminum checks at lowest prices Kasper Stamp and Seal Co, 31C Locust HORSES AZVD VEHICLES. Vvs-ve-vts-t-sS-kisi Wasted. , i,. . e.-. IIORSD: 1.100 lo 1.3M pounds; must be cheap tor cash. 1723 Singleton. NICE surroT boree for lady to drive; phone. Victor 1359. Ulch. 2710 Lafayette. WANTED It known that at 3710 1 Lafayette jardlna horses 513 month. Meter 1SS9: Ulch. For Sale. t A BARGAIN : rubber-tired storm bogey; bbjh fU5&. nign Wrt: KWU U uc. w wv.t. v IK HANDSOME sra-ei ueuyery -"': v .'St.. A-. w- n - r"inn', llverv stable. S14 i, " W VA .. I.f. -... . Kaston. . i.Kttnvi Tinrab-r of draft, driving and ex- viress horses, wagons, harness, etc.: fcr cash cr Jntirne payments: everything as xepresented; iee us before buying. Standard Credit Co, -COS S. Tweinn su SfOrm BllfTpiQ STANHOPES. ---- "-CJ P2S s JOHN I). MANLEY CO. RUNABOUTS. 09 Cass Ave. Complete Line Delivery Wagons. Anything you wanL DEEDS & MANLET. 2O0-2C3 S. Eighth. Between Walnut and Clark. FLAT: Hamilton ave.; 8 rooms: good fur nishings; rent 345: convenient 2 car lines to W orld's Fair; $50- handleu. Glascock. 943 Chesu nut. ROOMING-HOUSE: 10 way; $50 rent; 5150 down; Chestnut. rooms; near Broad terms. Glascock. SOS ROOMING-HOUSE: lo rooms; near Union sta tion; 350 rent: 3150, balanoe as made; full noa; paying: hurry. Glascock. S02 Chestnut. ROOMING-HOUSE; 12 rooms; good furnish ings; Income 3337 month: this house has al ways mads money; $550 handles. Glascock. 912 Chestnut. ROOMING-HOUSE- 27 r-iod room.! near Jia Pine: lease to December: 3110 rent: here's where you'll make fortune this year. See World's Fair Brokerage Co.. n 1407. ! Chestnut st. ROOMINO-HOUSB: 440 block West Belle: 10 rooms: furniture something swell: rent 350; no raise: III health: must change climate: no rea sonable offer refused. Morgan-Renlnger. HO Oestnut. ROOMTNG-HOUSE: Washington boulevard, west of Vandeventer: 8 light rooms: only 3(0 rent: Illness rompe-) rale: 3S50; exceptlonallv e-od value. World's Fair Brokerage Co, pos Chestnut st. ROOMING-HOUSE: 1C large, light room-: 42 west: with verv large restaurant room: "Fair" lease; 33 rent: partly furnished; SfJJ handles. World's Fair Brokerage Co, 3C Chestnut sL ROOMING-HOUdE: 1 large, llrht rooms: 42.v west: with xtry large restaurant room: "'Fair' lease: JCS rert: partly furnished: 3350 handles. World's Fair Brokerage Co, 505 Chestnut sL CHESTNUT Boulevard. 113: Colorado Hotel and Missouri Hotel. 1411 Chestnut Boulevard European: modern: furnished rooms Oc up: weekly rates: reasonable. CHOUTEAU. ""J Ttvo connecting neatly furnished: for housekeeping. rooms; CHOUTUAU. 153 Nice, large rooms, for gen. tlemen: all newly furnished; bath; all convenience". CHOUTEAU. 533 Furnished rooms for World's Fatr visitors; -rood, clean beds; rea sonable rate. CLARK. 3723-Brlrht. cool room; private family: cars direct to Fair and Union Station. CLARK. 2735 Newly rurnlshed front room; second floor: southern exposure: private family. COMPTON. 907 N. Nicely furnished room for two etntlereen. COMPTON. 1115 N. Two pleasant front rooms: all conveniences. COMPTON. IC N. Elegantly furnished rooms for gentlemen: $2 and up. COMPTON. 913 N. Nicely furnished hall room: prlvatefamlly; gas. bath. COMPTON. 484J s. Nicely furnished front rom for gentlemen: handy to cars. COMPTON. 1021 N. Nicely furnished rooms; convenient for visitors near all car lines. SAI.OO: Al corner. Co.. 919 N. Sixth. Inquire Oast Brewing SALOON: nice nelghbrrhpod: rent 325: bar rain: East SL. lyiuls. FP 44. Republic. SALOON: comer; rood location: 7 rooms; rent 310 per month. Call 2711 N. Jefferso. SALOON: downtown: fit-class location: plendld trade- rent only $2CJ bargain at 3SCS. Armstrong 1014 Chestnut. SALOON" on World's Fa'r car line: se'endid locatlcn: rent nnlv 335: license raid tn Aurrnst 3: barraln at 335. Armstronr. 10J4 ChestnuL ROOMING-HOUSE and restaurant: half block from Union Station; 10 rooms Income SL.O00 month; good lease; price 3900. Glascock. M2 Chestnut. ROOMING-HOUSE; 8 well-furnished nSc-rsi; 335 rent; convenient car lines to "Fair: chance to clear big money; 3500 handles. Glascock, 902 Chestnut. WRIGHT'S SPRING DESI6NS IN CAR RIAGES. IMMENSE VARIETY FOR SELEC TION. WASHINGTON AYE.. COR. I9TH. Man ufacturera ot 'Wagonettes, Tallyhos, Hotel and Depot Coaches, Trsjj fer and all kinds o! Busi ness Wagons. McCAIIl-.ninR.MAS WAGOX CO, us-a Norm xaxaarray. Jim ROOMING-HOUSE: rooms: downtown; di rect line World's Fair; good Income: 31. 5 down, balance monthly secures this, leaas Includtd. Glascock. 93 Chestnut. HALOON: direct line World's Fair: Income S2j day: 343 rent: lease: owner has two places; pnes 3550. Gascock. 933 Chestnut. bALOON and rooming-house; East St- Louis; saloon eales 335 day; rent IV: G furnished rooms : stock liquors; $; price $1,100. Glascock. S02 Che-tnut. BARBER shop: good stand. East St. Louis. 111. 2 St. Clair ave. BARBER sLop: seven chairs; downtown: lease: money-maker; investigate. FO 55. Republic. BARKER shoo: West End; rent $:; les' establlsh-d 3 years; 'averages 343 week: elckne-s: must sell. Morris &. Co.. 1933 O ive. SALOON: dosmtown: besut'ful corner: dallv business 340: rent S11S: subrent 3(2: prlc- S14; will Invoice nriee asked: no reasonable effer re- nis-n. iiorT-an-i;eninger. so -jnesmut. SHOE shop: doing a good business: rood established trade: will sell with er without tools: reasons for sel'tng. quitting the trade; Investigate. 15C3 Arlington. SIX-ROOM fiat: near Washlne-on Hoo:l r sonable. easy terms If desired. FO 5. Republic. THE Memphis Paoer Box Ca Is an eld. well established, fine-paying business: will sell the bcelnee- for what It Invoices: pro-rietor Is old and health fetble. Address Jack W. James. 31 Msd'son st. Memphis. Tenn. COMPTON. 1134 N. Nicely furnished large room for gentlemen or housekeeping; bath and gas. FINNEY. transients; bath. 4 (S3 Handsomely furnished rooms: Worlds Fair cars at door; tree FINNEY. 433-Lcvely. clean, airy room for two world's Fair people; 35 each: direct line to Fair. FOR World's Fair visiters; nicely furnished rooms for the special accommodation of gen. tlemen. Call 1401 N. Grand. FOUNTAIN. 433 Furnlsre-1 rooms: aHmod rn conveniences: first-class, for transients. FOUNTAIN. 4502 Choice furnished rooms for gentlemen: 35 per week: Suburban cars; sear Fair. FOUNTAIN. 4S77 Two beautiful newly dec orated rooms; single or en suite; permanents or transients. FOURTEENTH. 121C S. Neatly fumlsUed front rooms: downstairs: reasonable. LOCUST. 2212 Clean, bright second-floor room, suitable for two gentlemen: porcelain bath. gas. LOCUST. 214 Nicely furnished room on sec ond floor: visitors accommodated: gas, hot bath. LOCUST. 3150 Nicely furnished rooms: dean. brent and airy; every convenience: reasonable rates. LOCUST. 2S13-3C1S Nicely furnished front room: first floor: also front hall room: Klnloeh J144. - LOCUST. 1431 Nicely furnished room; World's Fair visitors accommodated ; reasonable. LOCUST. 3303 Elegant first-floor front; 37 weekly: Fair visitors accommodated; 50c a day and up. LOCUST. 5H Large, well-fornlshed front and connecting room-: other nice rooms: every convenience. LOCUST. 1C0 Nicely furnished rooms; World's lair visitors accommodated; modern conveniences. LUCAS. 3413 Nice, clean, new rooms. LUCAS, sn-Comfortable rooms; cooking- splendid surroundlngSi good hems LUCAS. 3SJ9 Beautifully furnished suite of front rooms on first floor: conveniences. FOURTEENTH. 118 S. Furnished room for gentlemen or housekeeping: bath, gas. FRANKLIN. 1730. Rear Front room for four gentlemen 31 each per week. FRANKLIN. SMS Neatly furnished front room for two gentlemen: new flat: all conveniences. FRANhLIN. 1711-Nlcely furnished rooms; suitable for three or four gentlemen; rear, sec ond floor. FRANKLIN. 2341 Nice, large rooms, first floor: complete for housekeeping: respectable people only. COMPTON. 21 N. Nicely furnished front room for two or four gentlemen; also other rooms. COOK. Furnished front rocm. COOK. 4305 Nicely furnished rooms for gen tiemtn: southern exposure. COOK. SH7 Lane front room, second floor: south-rn exrtcsure: for four gentlemen. COOK. 433 One or two well-furnished sec-ocd-story rooms: gentlemen or Fair visitors. COOK. 4303 Nicely furnished large rooms for gentlemen: either Fair visitors or permanent. COOK. 4215 Three rooms, second floor, newly fomlshed: single or en suite: also other rooms. COOK. 23-59 Accommodation : men: la modem private home; given. cr four gentl. best references COTE BRILLIANTE. 450 Elegantly fur n'.hed room: gas and bath: no other roomers: 330 per month. COTE BRILLIANTE. 45CI-Two connecting xront rooms; euaer coodiq or single; rent rea sonable; private family; Easton and Taylor cars. I-RACLJN. 910 Nice front roorn: sultsbls for two or four gentlemen; 3L3S, 3L50 per man; all conrenlencea OAMBLE. 363 Furnished rooms for light housekeeping: bath; all conveniences: southern exposure GARRISON. 1321 N. Furnished light housekeeping: gas and bath. GARRISON. 6IIA N. Nicely furnished front room for two or four gentlemen; bath. GARRISON. 12SS N. Fine parlor: convenient for four gentlemen; also other rooms; reasonable. GARRI80N 718 N. Handsomely furnished front room: hot bath: awnings; every convenience. LUCAS. 2322 Nleelv furnished single rooms: conveniences; desirable location: reasonable. LUCAS. SOU Nlcejy furnished front rooms. with board: all conveniences. Including phone. LUCAS. 2737 Newly furnished front rooms: southern exposure; etner nice rooms: gas, bath. LUCAS. 3S0A Large front rooms, connect ing; reasonable; for World's Fair season; direct LUCAS. 2704 Newlr furnished front and oth er desirable rooms for three or more gentlemen. LUCAS. 303C Nicely furnished rooms: all modern conveniences: open all hours; prices reasonable. LUCAS. 2036 Choice rooms to visitors In nice home- very reasonable: convenient location: ga-. bath. LUCAS. 103 Pleasant front room: southern exposure: first floor; very reasonable: Fair vis itors aceomnodated. LUCAS. "CIS-Newly 'furnished front rooms; southern exposure; other nice rooms; modern conveniences: reasonable. LUCKT. 4421 Furnished or rooms; one block north of Easton. unfurnished LUCKY. 405C Nicely furnished front room! private family; for two gentlemen: convenient to carrc GARRISON. ISO N. Nicely furnished large front room: bath and gss; four car lines; reasonable. GARRISON. 1335 N. Large room, furnlsked for gentlemen: all conveniences; with southern exposure. GARRISON. 720 N. NIcelv famished front room for housekeeping; no children: visitors accommodated- TIURTY-FOUR-ROOM hotel: up to date; money-maker. TY 94. Republic. THREE-CHAIR barber shop; cheap If taken at once: good reason fT selling. Address Wm. L. Hayes. Hlllshcm. Ill TWO-CHAIR barber shop. 132 a Broadway. FURNISHED noCSES ASD FLATS FOR SALE. BEAUTTFI'LLT furnished six-room Bat: ci-ean rent. 3029A Frank'ln ave. "always on hand, draft, envlng. gensral- curnoae borses. new wagons. Buggies ana nar-Mesi-you try horses before buying: cash or oa raJmeiuT ff. L House. 1515 K Broadway. i-ir ri-nn eisresa. harness, horses: -rounrr: souna : mm, ryei.. -."- "' AT a sacrifice. If taken at once, ruooer-urea runabout: good as new. 3319 Laclede. BARGAIN Very nice three-quarter top bugry od ridlm: saddle: good as new. : N. Tenth. and riding omoirvs-N'rs storm buggies, park wag- n-rsTsuTTeys, staks and delivery wagons; flrst- fjasa worm. .. -... ... . u or- x t.-x RiiHinejia wagons: an. kinds: two 7T. - wA-iftr- trm-rilatfbrm eroress: alas Srernl buggies. Uhlenhaui Bros, 1323 Merchant. BAY horse, for any use: S0O8 oave. small mare. Rear IAY horse; IS nands: -copa ror any purpose; BnTdeUvery horse. US N. Twenty-first. HAY mare: W nanus; ciix-oro; nne. .Tush driver: suitable for OVuramer or lignt SSirery 1443 Old Manche-ter. BIG torse: welgnr. -; eneap; oiaot ceuv mt horse, $35: closing business. lilO N. Jetfer- Genuine Columbus Storm Busies. Special drive on tin tine Columbc storm bur. .- -tv 4jc ivuui i-a ""iinr eujcjc. we will close out these Jobs at greatly reduced prices. Be sure and e these. DEEDS & MANLET flo-stO 3L Elrhth. Between Walnot and Clark. PUNY VEHICLES AND HARNESS. Fine line pony vehicles and harness: will guarantee to fit any ponr. DEEDS A UAXLTSr. C0-1 S. Eighth. Between walnot and dark. Rubber-Tired Driving Wagons S60. One jeara guarantee. 7uee are barnlna DEEDS t MANLET. g-iUtia S Elrtth, Betwern Walnot and Clara -,-r,-.iTicfs-iTART- nonr. ten aDee-dlor waxtm aBdSrt ira-tca- -Fa !--- Mermec aTtw J JJagrtCB. STUDEBAKER l.siMss and rieasere Vehliles. Most complete Una in the city, lnclodlnr pour ootflta, baneac iap robes, wnlpa, etc. BROLOCK VII!CLE CO., 315-817 I. Irtw.w.y. BARHCIt shop; downtown: sell outricht or partner; lioo down, balance terms: four chairs; chsnee of lifetime: come early. IS S Ninth. ISUAUTIFULLY furnished twelve-room house: price 3LI00: have other business. 2344 Pine. BUST retail sioieiy store In town; Invoice. UOl S. Seventh. CHIXAWARE and stationery: two Ilvlng roems: on acccant HI health. "024 Franklin. CIQAR store. Uundrv branch; one of the best In town; 111 health. I it. Ninth. COMPLETE furniture store: or will sell lease: call at orce. 211 X. Twelfth. COMPLETE .woodworking plant for sale cheap: In good condition. Box 132. D-epwater. Ma. COMPLETE manufacturer's outat. consisting of elthteea sewing machlnea, two tuckers. is buttonhole, one hemstitch, one motor, cuttln Ublea, etc; retiring from business. 723 2". Elev enth st. CX5NFECTIONERY: four rooms: I?.S rent: 330: terms; Worth It too; sell to-day. IS21 Easton. CONTECTIONTr3T. candy and cigars: llvlng Toorns: rent ,313; Cne location for restaurant. ZTS4 3ancnesier. V COMPITTELY furnished four-rcem flat, with lath. 4473 Delmar. COMPLETELY furnished ten-rocm house; Klnra highway, between Page and Suburban. TP122. Republic FLAT; rocma and bath: well furnished; rent only 31": 2SOJ west: a real bargain at t3. Ann. strong. 1011 Chestnut. FUICflTURE of three-room flat, cheap; 5,. 'or rent- 14S7A Hbdlamont ave. NICELY furnished three-room flat: excellent location; going away bargain. 243 St- Louts. t ILL sell my handsomely furnished six-room flat: have lease for 337.80: everything rood as new- Immediate possession. fiXU Kensington. CDTrAQE. 4CJJ Furnished rooms: privilege of lleht hoisekeenlnr- Snaldtnr cars. COTTAGE. 4727 (Near Fair) Nice rooms: prl vate home: reaaonabU: two car lines to Fair. COTTAGE. 34 Two furnished front rooms: tangle or en suite; southern exposure; Spring car. COTTAGE. 4774 Two unfurnished or three furnls-ied rooms: housekeeping privilege: reasonable. COTTAGE: 4713 Furnished connecting rooms: bath: car convenient to Fair; 10c each person; private family. COZENS. SU Nicely rurnlshed. large room: gentlemen or housekeeping; private family; 33 weekly DAYTON. 2S13A-One hall room; room, nicely furnished. one large DAYTON. 2S37A Elegant furnished rooms by dar or week- small charge. DAYTON. 2754 Two nicely furnished front rooms; single cr en suite; suitable for gentlemen. GARRISON. 1207 N Beautifully furnished connecting parlors; every convenience; private; direct line to Fair. GARRISON. CM N. Large thlrd-stery room for two cenuemen: respectable only; reason ah'e. 14(7A Klnloeh. GIBSON. 4333A Neatly furnished room "Cforld's Fair period: on direct car line. GIBSON'. 44"-Two front rooms. furnUhed; bath and gas; second floor: private family GIBSON, 43S3 Furnished front room: one block liarket at. car; within two blocks Forest Park. GLASGOW. 220 Three large furnished rooms for gentlemen; bath; four car lines; reasonable rats. MADIHON. -SCO Nicely furnished front roorn for one or two gentlemen: reasonable. SIADIFO.N. 2S-6 Nicely furnished room fe two gentlemen: good location; convenient tc car line. MAFFITT. 4041 Nicely furnished front roomer private .family: gas and bath: breakfast served. MAPLE. 0SS Choice, newly furnished rooms, near Fair; cafe in connection. MAPLE. 3312 We win rent a few very choice, modern rooms: for permsnents. MAPLE: (300 Twelve fuml-bed rooms for fentiemen; five minutes' walk Fair; reasona-le. MAPLE. (173 Furnished rooms: walking dis tance of Fair: on several car lints; meals near by. McPHERSON. 4:57 Elegantly furnished front roorn; also other rooms. McPHERSON. 4240 Nicely furnished for World's Fslr visitors. McPHERSON. 4-JO World's Fair visitors ac commodated: 31 per day; large rooms; lawn and porch OLASGOW Place. 33-Furnished rooms; vate family: large lawn; homelike: convenient tor fair visitors. rrl- alent aitAND and Washington Rooms for 23 per week and pp. month rats. ORAND. 1700 Nv Large front roorn. second floor, and meals: poena oooklns-. DAYTON. "333 Nicely furnished front room: southern exposure, for two gentlemen: 11.U week each. BCSIXE33 CJlATvCES. FAIR concession: lady or gentleman can buy half tnterect In completely stocked and elegant ly fltted up. concession at Fair: services and SL2OT required- references exchanged. Writs to B. FrankeL 231S Olive st. " LEARN the Real Estate Business; Be Tom Own Boss We give a complete practical course cf instruction, furnish large list of salable property: make yoa our special representative. co-operate with and assist you to earn frcm to annually; writ, tar free tllus- 33.0u6 tn (rated booklet, block. Chicago. IL W. Cross ft Co, lit Otis CONFECTIONERY, etc.: Vandeventer; chclee location: good business; rent 334; subrent 310: 353): terms: extra nice., 309 Chestnut. COUPLE .rood restaurants and Irrnctroom. Inquire, for --anlcslan. Tie Lucas. Call atones. WANTE""" Contractors en men's vests. Ilsr rls Bros Clothing Co- 1123 Washington ave. WOMAN A shrewd woman to invest from 3L0C to 33 000 In new enterprise -that will prove exceedingly profitable: must have best of cre dentials:. uiswer. with references as to financial standing, as well as character, re 40. Bepufr- DELMAR. 4106 Nicely furnished rooms: south ern -xpesnre: arpomtments nrst-clsss. DELMAR. X Large, bright, cool rooms; reasonable: convenient to World's Fair. DELMAR. Boulevard. CM Two front rooms: slnrlt or en suite: World's 'Fair people; sear Fslr. DELMAR. 1713 Private horns: two squares main entrance World's Fair; guests day. or weefc DELMAR Boulevard. (143 Two nlc.ty fur nished rooms, connecting: ba-i; private home: sear Fair. DELMAR. 4SUA Two neatly famished rooms: all modern conveniences; an world's Fslr cars. DELMAR. C201 Elegant private borne, over looking Fair grounds; sice rooms; large lawn: also tents. ORAND. 1113A N. Nlcly furnished room; private family; hot bath; gentlemen only; rea sonable renL HICKORY. 1314 Furnished rooms; private family: three car lines. gas. hath; HICKORY. 1M1 Three rooms for light house keeplng. to couple or three adults. HICKORY. 1323 Nicely furnished rooms; con venient tn -rood table board and cars. HICKORY. T23A Nicely furnished room. suit-, able tor two gentlemen; gas, bath: excellent. HCDIAMONT. lM5-Ts-o choice front rooms: nrtvate family- 310 per week each: near Fair. front room HODIAMONT. 10T1A One lane for four -reatltmen; Suburban, olive cars; near Fair. McPHERSON. 4147 Elegant second-floor room: southern, exposure; all conveniences. In cluding phone: for gentleman. McPHERSON Private family have two ad joining rooms, second floor: southern exposure; will rent to parties wishing superior accomax datlons; convenient to all Olive cars. FO 37. Republic McPHERSON. Bet. King's Highway and Lais Ave. One front room, wltn southern and east ern exposures: exceptional advantages and location- to a refined gentleman: strictly privsts famlly: within snort walklnr distance of the Fair: near Washington and U-ona hotels;. Bell telephone. Ferest 71A. FP S3. Republic MISSISSIPPI, nectlng parlors. 1721 Neatly furnished con- MISSISSIPPI. 14JO Small hall room and front room: for two gentlemen: all c-cven-lences. MISSOURI. 1403 Two well-fumlshed rooms; board; four gentlemen; all conveniences; opoo-, site Lafayette Park. -; HODIAMONT. J1S-Double parlor; other rooms: newly furnished, modern: sear World's Fair. HORTON Place. "04 Rooms of ths best ouaUty for permanent people; reasonable: near Fair. DELMAR Boulevard. 492a, Near Sarah Lore, ly large, airy rooms; beautiful location; sob urban cars. DELMAR Boulevard. 6232 Front room: PTi- vaie sarauy; two suuesnas; waiaia World's Fate. HORTON Place, m-Dealrabl. rooms worlds fair of locations oaicd. guests best -kx-ommo-- HUNT.'4ta Two nicely furnished rooms st reasonable prices, jErriRaoN. m nsui-ssj oc niritstii MITCHELL, 7040-Three nicely furnished or nnfurnlshed rooms. MORGAN, 3017 First-class for visiters. accommodations FOR ADDITIONAL WANT ADS SEE NEXT PAQE. - X:i 21 J1 1 r si M "! : ,sx J" "V J .U.O-'; :J&i-&. .4$r-$r--T.-J-S, e-5-! &fc'..A?. A?'-y"S. "g'' L-iv . '&-''& J