Newspaper Page Text
sp-T- r " t mmnHiwrnG 12 THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: FRIDXY. MAT 13. 1904. L 8 nOOMS FOB HE.VT. morgan. .417 Nicely furnished rooms. 23c S-. ios and 51 per day. . MORGAN. WEI Nicelv furnished rooms; private- famtlv. near World's Fair. MORGAN, sua Nicely furnished rooms: pri vate fsmlly: near vvona s 1 air. MORGAN. 4015 Nicely furnished rooms la private family, all conveniences. wnpniv wv virlr furnished room: salt- able for two srentlemen: private family MORGAN. rSH Nleejv furnished front rooms: first and second floor, all convenience MORGAN. 914 Nicely furnished second-Boor front for srentlemen or couple- gas, bath. MORGAN r72S Nicelv furnished front rocro: first floor, alfo other nice gas, hath MORGAN. 4:21 Reautifullv furnished front parlor, all conveniences; southern esposure. MORGAN. 5-13 Large second-storj- front; four gentlemen, other rooms. eierthlng clean MORGAN. 49.- Nicely furnished second-story f-ent room, private family, rot and cold lath. MORGAN. "M"5 Pleasant, comfortable rooms; lejlrable for visitors to Fair Klnloch D gill. MORGAN. 4127 Neatly furnished front and back parlor- also second-store front: ga. bath. MORGAN. 1747 Large front room: southern exposure; for two or more gentlemen; rath. gas MORGAN. 2S1S-Neirty turnlshed second-floor front rooms, also other nice rooms for gentle inen . MORGAN. 15 Furnished rooms: all conven iences; comenlent to Suburban and Delmar ar. . MORGAN. SMI-Large, vvell.furnlshed rooms f'r gentlemen; permarrnt or tranlent; gasjiml bath MORGAN. S04S- Large frcnt rooms; visitors accommodated- direct cars to Fair: Klnloch T lies. MORGAN. 2309-Large. pleasant front and ether desirable rooms; gas. bath; -visitors ac commodated. . MORGAN STK-3"C5 Beautifully furnished looms, evcrr convenience; rates 11 and up; Reaumont 75S . NEWSTEAD. 120 N- Uasemer room; to col "led boy in payment for janitor work. NEWSTEAD. 30H N- Nicely furnished mod ern roon: suit two gentlemen- private family. NEWSTEAD. rSOi. N. Neatly furnished sec-end-story front room; one or two gentlemen; all conveniences. NEWSTEAD. 1112 N- Four rooms; all con veniences; to adults only. F. I). Oelllen. 103 Gay building: rent 111 NICE front connecting rooms. two or four gentlemen: cas: reasonable. FO K. Republic. .NINTH 905 S. Nicely famished front rooms for two: 14 cacn. NORTH MARKET. J?61-Nlcely furnlshM front room; private family; for two gentlemen; reasonable. NORTH MARKET. 3C7-Nlcely furnished frcnt room: private family; two gentlemen pre ferred: 14 week. O'FALLON. W7 Nicely furnished rooms for gentlemen: reasonable. OLIVE. 2240 Nicely furnished rooms for gen tlemen. OLIVE. 2817 Nicely furnished rooms; alt conveniences. 11.50: OLIVE. J50S Scond-story front; suitable for light housekeeping. OLIVE. 3134 One large ITont room; well fur nished: gas. hot bath. OLIVE. 1013 Newly furnished rooms; gentle men only: 110 per month. OUVD, 2102 NlceJy furnished rooms; hot hath, gas: rent reasonable. OLIVE. JSSS-NIcely furnished rooms; World's Fair people accommodated. . OLIVE. HUH Two front connecting: rooms; furnished. Inquire at stualo. OLIVE; 4111A Furnished front rooms, for two or four: S3 each: small room. IS. OLIVE. 3006 Nicely f-rnished rooms: gas. hot bath and phone. OLIVE. 3744 Two connecting rooms; nicely furnished: hot bath: other rooms. OLIVE. Z304A Two nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping: a!J conveniences. OLIVE. 2726-NewIy furnished first and second floor front and back rooms: S3.S0 up. OLIVE. 3S7S Nicely furnished room; bath. hot and cold water: price reasonable. OLIVE. 3010 Newly and elegantly furnished rooms: must be rten to be appreciated. OLIVE. 2S25-Well-v entllated third-floor rooms for gentlemen: 2 each: direct car lines. OLIVE. 3412 Nicely furnished rooms, suitable for two, three? or four: all conveniences. OLIVE. 1304A Nicely furnished room, to ac commoaate three to six people: reasonable. OLIVE. 2924 Furnished front room: rjerma pent: gentlemen: st a ueeg; private lamuy. OLIVE. 2734 Nicely furnished second-floor front: also back parlor: modern conveniences. OLIVE. 2S2S Nice. large furnished rooms; rcuthern exposure: direct cars to World's Fair. OLIVE. 132J Elegantly furnished front room; also double loom, for four gentlemen; reason able. OLIVE. 3W1A A. nice large second-floor front, southern exposure; other nice room; gas. .bath. OLIVE. 3111 Nice pleasant second-floor front: rcuthern exposure: by day or week; reasonablo terms. OLIVE. 4246A Nicely furnished front rooms; direct car to Fair Grounds; transient or per manent. OLIVE. 2S41 Desirable front rooms; southern exposure: from. S3 up; direct cars to Fair Grounds OLIVE. 212&-Larce front room, suitable for four or more persons; four blocks from station; hot bath. OLIVE. 3041 Two neatly furnished and con necting rooms; gas. bath; complete for house keeping; If desired. OLIVE. 2000 Furnished rooms; with bath: suited for one or four gentlemen; speak four different languages. OLTV'E. 4342 Elegant apartments, (Ingle or en suite; telephone; Crst-cuss parties only; ten minutes from Fair. OLIVB. 2124 Newly fumlrhed parlor: also room for two or four gentlemen; every con venlence; private family. OLIVE, 41C2 Newly furnished rooms, for Fair visiters, rtas: bath and telephone: rooms 31 a. day up that will accommodate two. OLIVE. 2S3J Large front parlor: southern ex posure: large back parlor and other very de sirable rooms: modern and reasonable. OLIVE. 2210A Furnished rooms, single or en suite: World's Fair visitors accommodated; all conveniences- reasonable. Klnlocn. C 1175. OLIVE, 4275 Desirable room In splendid loca tion; north and south windows: bath: 20 min utes from Broadway: 15 minutes from Fair. OLIVE. 2730 Elegant front and southern-exposure looms: only 20 minutes' ride tc World's Fair: terms reasonable: convenient to board. OLIVE. 322Nlcely furnished front parlor; southern exposure, for two or four gentlemen: all conveniences: rent reasonable: have other rooms. PAGE. 4054 Nicely furnished front room for gentlemen: all conveniences. 17GE. 42$$ Nicely furnished back parlor and second-story rooms In home of owner. PAGE. 4511A Nicely furnished room for two gentlemen: 20 minutes to World's Fair. PAGE Boulevard. 3S70 First-class furnished rooms, suitable for two: 340 per month. PAGE. 4055 Nicely furnished front and back rooms: hot bath: gas and home cooking. PAGE. 4530 Nicely fu-nlshed second-story front room: all conveniences: near Fair. PAGE Boulevard. 4005 Two beautiful rooms: southern exposure: convenient to Delmar cars. PAGE. 451 Second-story front: southern ex posure; other rooms: all world's Fair cars con venient. PAGE. 5041 Pleasant roum: southern ex posure: modern; one or two gentlemen; Page :ars; 35. " PAGE. 604CA Three newly furnished rooms for World's JTalr people; bath; reasonable; Page cars. -.-, PARK. 2712 jTJrclrheii room for two or three gentlemen. PARK. 2454 Nicely furnished rooms; visitors accommodated: Park and Grand cars. PINE. 2704 Large, airy, pleasant rooms; rea sonable prices. PjNE. 353S Furnished rooms, with first-class accommodations. PINE. 3202 Nicely furnished room. PINE. 3420 Nicely furnished room, conveniences: In private family. PINE. 3140 Elegantly furnished rooms; bj day, week or month; not bath; gas. PINE. 3415 Large, light, cool, well-ventl-lated rooms: thoroughly clean: 33.50 up. PINE. 3C26 Large second-floor front and con nectlcg rooms: hot bath and gas; phone C 504. PINE. 2S14 Neatly furnished room, second floor: also hall room: modem conveniences: rea sonable. PINE. 3510 Two Urge, cool rooms; with hot bath: telephone. Altered Ice water; conven ient to cars. PINE. 3200 Clean, newly rurnlshed. all out side rooms, to desirable people; permanent or Fair visitors. PINE (Between Taylor and News'ead Aves.) One room, for gentleman. In a strictly private family; within walking distance of Fair: near Montlcello ami Westmoreland hotels- Bell tel ephone. FO S3. Republic. PRAIRIE. CS7 Nicely furnished front room: 33 week for two. no raise. RAYMOND. BIG Rooms for World's Talr tUltors. 31 per day and up each person. RAYMOND. 5025 Rooms for transients; Jl to tl.50 day each person: Suburban, Page cars. RIDGE. SOMA De.lrable front parlor: olano: all conveniences: 320 for two; Page and Easton cars. ROOUP and lodging tor World's Fair visitors. cr will furnish accommodations for any combe- t visitors from l to l.OjO desiring to ar range for roums or beds In advance: every tu'ng new aitd clean: rates, single bejs 50c per day. rooms SI per day for two persons. 5Cc ad ditional for extra persons In same room: agents wanted In every neighborhood. Sbertfan Web ster. 1512 Chouteau RtrrGER, 2S0SA '. well-fnrnlshed hall room. RUTGKR. 3230 Nicely furnished front room; for. gentlemen: rent reasonable. SALISBURY. 2M2-One or two furnished rdorns. fr light housekeeping, with bath.. BAN FRANCISCO. 4234-Four nicely furnlsled reams; housekeeping, rent separate or en suits. nOOMS FOR REST. 04 BARAH. 1TW N.-Nlr2y furnlshd room: pri vta family; bath, tat; tjpctU for World' Fiiir visiters. SCOTT. 4S2 Two furnlsl.d room; bath; rrUate family: eight minutes walk to World's Fair. SEYKNTIf. 12' X. Room and bed; Jl jr Trek up: clean bd: gcoi water. (SEVENTH. 1701 S. XJcvly furnlhed room for two rntlran: S3 pr week. SEVENTH, 2S51 S- Two nicely furaisheJ room, complete for housekeeping, for roan and wife. SEVENTH. INI S. Thre nicely furnlshM front room: bth. etc.; for intlemen or couple; reasonable. SHGXAXPOAH r$31 Xlcrly furnished room; prtvt famil all romenlencea MlKXAXDOAIf. 332 Nicety furnished front or connect Ins roora. on dlrct car line to World Fair; all convenience: reasonable. HHE71IDAX. tMlA One neatly fum!hed room for rentlnnen: iouihern exposure: r"aonabIe. SIXTH. RT X. Rooms. 30c, 25c, SI.23 per etk; bed 15c: bet water and bath free. SLATTEI-T. Klin- Front room, parlor; two rTitlm-n. u cf piano: nulet street, strictly private famllt . 38 per week MIA I.I. ttfo-rncm house, complete, to aced couple or titled widow with on. for the keep !ne Jenrwm Bnd Wah . VO tt. Republic. M'RINO. LS) X (Near Olive) Room pood beard, permanent gentleman. Kith ePKUl'E. 3(6 -Ncatlj Heht houekeentne furnished loem for ST FERIIINAND. 443 Two neatlr f jrnlhed mori for lisht houiekeeplns; half block from Talor-J5. .ST FERDINAND. 413'- Two neatly fumKhM rcom for licht bouwkeeplnc; four window; Urp closets, convenient to Talor car; cheap. ST. IOUIS liMS Nice room for sleeping; J1.5ft week up: all convenience ST LUIS. 4C11 Xeatly furnUhed front room for two centlemen: private famtlv ; $4 weekly. ST- IjOUIS. SC47 Nicely fumiihed room for two. with young couple; convenience; reason able .ST, VINCENT. 2CHA Nicely furnished front room: conveniences: reasonable. ST. VINCENT. 5024-XiceIy furalfhed rooms for srentlemen or couple; private family. ST VINCENT, 3014 Iaflrire eeeond-story front room; one or two gentlemen; with board: Rood, ubrta n t UI home cooking: every convenience. ST VINCENT. m2A WHI-fUrnlhe4 .cond floor front room; conveniences; private family; rea,onabl. STODDARD. IS 4-1 Second-story front and d Jolnlnc back: eparate or en suite; quiet family. STODDARD. mo-Reautifullv furnished par lor; private family; two gentlemen: J3 week eaclK Si'ttURDAX. 6301 Two beautifuL IlKht room, single or en suite; breakfast If desired; near Fair. TENNESSEE. "SO One or two room; single or en utte: all modern convenience; elegant pelfitborhood TENTH. 1103 S. Newly furnished room, for roomer and housekeeping; bath; reaonable. TENTH. 2S!0 N- Lady would take younjr. la dle to room: all home, privileges; reasonable; Piano. THE INN. US LucasCool room. 20c 2e dally: weekly, ji.20. SI.50- bath. THERESA, 92n N. rieasant second-lloor room: gas. bath: for houekeeplng; J weekly. THERESA. 7 N. Nicely furnished first floor "room; privilege of bath; other nice rooms reasonable. THIRD. ITflt S. Xlcelv furnished room for gentlemen only; In private family: reasonable. THIRD. 10-12H X. Two nicely furnished front room. IS feet eauare; other moms. THIRTEENTH. 1315 S. Finely furnished front parlor In private family; will give reference. TWELFTH. SOT S- Bedrooms for men. Tic 1 week. TWELFTH. 1014 S. cicely furnished first floor front room for gentlemen; reasonable. TWENTr-FlRST. 31 X. Neat second-floor front room, furnished, for gentlemen; private famllv. UNION Bouierard. I;S Elegant, airy rooms; nil conveniences: near Fair grounds; private family; reasonabV price. UNIVERSITY. SCU-Nlcelr furnished front room; private family : car lines convenient; 35 week. VtRNON. K Roomr private family ; cafe near; Suburban cars; close to Fair. VERNON. ST31 Furnished rooms for World's Fair visitor; walking distance from ground. VERNON. 5T30 Furnished room to World Fair visitors; walking distance from grounds. VKRNOX. 5433-EIegant rooms sjid location for Fair vjsltors: ten minutes walk to Fair. VERNON. 075 Pleasant room In well-appointed home; reasonable; World Fair vis itor. VERNON. 5570 World Fair visitors accom modated; cafe same block; ten minutes' walk to Fair. VERNON. 52C3 Furnished room for World's Fair visitors: SI to 31.50 per day: 15 minutes walk to grounds: nhone Delmar 1173. VERNON. 471& Two finely furnl&hM room; breakfast optional; convenient to three World's Fair lines; terms reasonable; references ex changed. VERNON, 133-Cabanne Apartments; apedal rate month Mar 35 week two persons; clean rmm: comfortable beds; hot bath free; walk ing distance Fair; bank references; writ early. VISTA. 33)A Xlcelv furnished front room; two gentlemen or couple: Fair car convenlcnt- VOX VERSEN. 473 Room; ten minutes' walk to Fair; block to Olive or Delmar cars. VON VERSEX. 5545 Choice furnished room; World's Fair visitor; eight minutes walk to Fair. - VOX VERSEX. 502 Parties of four cr fire can secure choice rooms; four blocks to Expo sition. VOX VERSEN. 5532 Two connecting rooms for party gentlemen; private family; five block to Fair. VON VERSEX, 5821 Large, airr room; mod ern; six Mocks Fair. Call Monday, Tuesday, i.hurdar. Fridar. WALTON. 1139A One large airy room for World Fair; permanent or transient; near Fair. WALTON. 1001 X. (47OT West) Private fam ily will rent two beautiful rooms, reasonable; Suburban cars. WALNUT. 310 Furnished Fair accomrnodatlons. room; World's WALNUT. 3611B Newly furnished story front, with bath: private family. WASH. 503 Nicely furnished front room. WASH. 2300 Two furniched rooms for men. WASH, ill Large, nicely furnished, eecond stcry front for two or three gcntlamen. WASH. lWHXIcely furnished front and bade parlor; ul table for four or five gentlemen. WASHINGTON Boulevard. 2S33 World's Fair visitors accommodated. WASHINGTON. 301 Rooms, for World' Fair visitor: meals If desired; direct cars to Fair. WASHINGTON, 3-Xewly and elegantly furniFhed rooms. WASHINGTON. W3 Nicely furnished second floor front room and other. WASHINGTON. 3W Nicely furnished second-floor front: gas; bot bath. WASHINGTON, 150-Furnished rooms: ffLS to 35 per we?k; clean and cooL WASHINGTON. 'MtMA One very desirable well-furnished room: reasonable. WASHINGTON. 1711 Newly rurnlsbed rooms by day or "s-eek: reasonable rate. WASHINGTON. 3li-Flnt rooms la city; large lawn; hot bath; investigate, WASHINGTON, 13 Beautiful second-floor front for four men and housekeeping. WASHINGTON, 3215 Very desirable rooms, in quiet, reilned home: every convenience. WASH INGTON. 3501 EJ sgant, large front room: every convenience: -c to 31 per day. WASHINGTON, 1721 Nicely furnished roams by day or week; direct line to Fair ground. WASHINGTON 2523 Nicely furnished econd floor room; also nice parlor room; hot bath. WASHINGTON. SMI Three nicely furnished front room, all beds In attic; 31.75 per week. WASHIXGTOX. 2S3 Southern -exposed room; bath. iras. telephone three direct lines to Fair. WASHINGTON. 2729 Three connecting rooms, first floor; well furnished; visitor accommodat ed. WASHINGTON. 2513 Elegantly furnlihed back parlor: also other nice room, with gas and bath. WASHINGTON. 1C Nicely furnished rooms; 32 per week up; World's Fair visitors accom modated. WASHINGTON. 1635 Nicely furnished rooms; World' Fair visitors accommodated; reason able price. WASHINGTON. 3033 Lirge. pleasant room for three- gentlemen; also front room, first floor; conveniences. WASHINGTON. 3217 Elegantly furnished rooms, single or n eulte; rates reasonable; all conveniences. WASHINGTON. 1424 Large front rocm and front parlor for gmtlemen; other rooms for housekeeping. WASHINGTON. 2114 Nicely furnished rooms; all modern convenience; by day cr week; phone ttrvlce. WASHIXGTOX. 2225 Nicely furnished suite cf parlors. scond-story front: cnnect.ngrccms; housekeeping; gas. WASHINGTON. 2G0 Two basement rooms; southern exposure: complete for housekeeping; also sleeping-room. WASHINGTON, rwOFront and connecting room, first and second floors; gentlemen cr couples; reasonable WASHINGTON,; 2123 Cool, pleasant room; neatly furnished: by day or week; all conven ience; Fair visitor. WASHINGTON. 2U9-3in Newly fuxnithed choice room, visitors accommodated: at reason able rate: convenleneesj. WEST BELLE Terrace, 450 Furnished room: one or two gentlemen; west of Taylor; Suburban car. WEST BELLE, 4341 Elegantly furnished rooms: single or en suite; southern expomite; breakfast optional. WEST BELLE. 4i3 Furnished rooms; and back parlor: 315 and 330 per tnontn. WEST U&LLE Placs. 4052 Lovelr furnished rooms; modem conveniences; desltablc location. KOOUS FOR REVT. WASHINGTON and Grand Northeast Cor rir Ideal home; elegant mansion; richly fur nished rooms: lovely grounds; convenient all car line; strictly Crat-class. WCST U1CLLE. 443 Vour choice of newly furnished room, single or connecting; private family: reasonable. WEST BELLE. 4043 Xewly furnished rooms. by day or week: hot bath; two car lines; con enltnt to Fair grounds. WEST BELLE Tlace. 4215 Large second floor furnished rocms; 34 r" week each: worth S; Immediate poesMon. Call day or evening; telephone Delmar ISTO. WEST EXD Place. 514 Xeatly furnished room with all convenience. WESTMINSTER Plac-. 410S-Flneiy furnished rroms. single and n clte; bath. WESTMINSTER Tlace. 4162 Furnished room for one or two gntlmcn; $20 month. WINDSOR Place. 333S Nicely furnished room; In good neighborhood; email family: no other roomer. WINDSOR Place, 30 Flnelv furntrhed room; rhole location; small family; no other roomer; reference World's Fair Visitors. I!lch-clas accommodation; with or without board- .lr?ct car line to Fair. 23 Washington. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR Accommodations? If so. don't tire find worry yourself by rnnnlnsc all over tov-rn, but call on us. W have 1.001 carefully selected, ele gantly furnished rooms in prlvata fam ilies, located In the best part of th-s cltr, close to tho Fair and car lines. Onr terms are reasonable THE ST. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR ACCOMMODATION CO, Terminal Hotel Lobby, Union station. Office directly In front of tracks 1.2 and 3. nOOMS WITH BOARD. ALL persons wishlnc beard, apply Cei tral Room Agency. 14 N. Fourth ft., rocro X AL'BERT. 1142 Room and board for two or three jrentlemen: bath; cas; close to Fair. BROOKLYN. 1011 Nicely furnished room and bard; 54.50 week; heme cooking; all conven ience. BROADWAY. 1715 N. Nicely furnished room and board; private; home cooking; all conven ience. BROADWAY. 4752 S. Two nicelv furnlshM front roms; on river bluiT; beautiful; break fast if deslrM. OABANNE. KC5 Choice room: board op tional; Suburban cars to Fair; phone Forest 1 27811. BROADWAY. 200 R. Nicely furnished rooms: 1150 per week: board If desired. C-XBANNH. 5C43 Rooms and board: single or en suite; sir block to main entrance Fair; reasonable: Forent 122311. CASS. 193-) Good table board. JIM week German homo cooking; bet of ever thin,; served. i IATES. M05 New ly f urnlrhed rooms. board: stfven block main entrance Fair. with CATEP. tOJi The Amsterdam) -Avoid the rush down In the city: beautiful rooms; lane mounds; breakfast and dinner If desired: Juit overlooking the Fair, and within ten minutes' walk: telephone Forest 569. CHOUTEAU. I31.V-N.ceIy furnished front room, for aentlemen. with or without board; all conveniences. CLAY. 42. Cor. Green Lea Place Nicelv fumlshM rooms with breakfast; gentlemen rrrf erred. COOK. 4134 FurnlshM front room, wltn or without ttoard. Ct KK. 4515 Nicely furntshM rooms : irood home cooking; convenient to World Fair car. COOK. 3750 Rooms, with board, for four men; permanent; S25 month; visitors accomrao dated. COTTAGE. 4778 (Near Fair) Two rar lines; nice rooms; reasonable: breakfast If desired. COTE BRILL1ANTE, 5117 Near Fair) Mod em room; J2 week and up; board ootional; Easton car. DELMAR, 5735 Choice room, with cafe In connection: meal at all hour: close to Fair. TF-I.MAR Roulevard. &U1A Ona choice front and one ball room: breakfast if desired; near rar. DELMAR Boulevard. MS Two elecant rooms. Insle or en suite; breakfast If desiredj walk Inr distance. DEI.MAK. 4I3J Superior accommodations. with breakfast: for world's Fair visitors; tele rhone Undell iIA. DELMAR. iM7A Neatly furnished toots: for cerxlemen: breakfast It desired: alp modem conv enlences. Telephone Delmar 1567L. DELMAR. S1MA Elesantly furnished room. with or without breeJtfast and Sunday dinner: two gentlemen: refined Jewish family. DICKSON. OT7 Nicely furnished rooms for two a-entlemen: all conveniences: good board: EAST PA1IK Place. HOT Rooms, with break fast; World's Fair transients; elx blocks to Fair. EASTON. 3M7 Nicely furnished room; bath: ess: private family: board optional; prices right. EASTON. 5117 (Near Fair) Nice rooms; pri vate home: rood board; for gentlemen: Easton cars. EVANS. I516A Three lovely rooms for World's Fair visitors: board If desired; rea sonable. FAIRMONT, ton Elegant rooms; private home:breakIast if desired; fifteen rnlautea walk Fair. FAIRMOUNT. K34 Elegantly furnished rooms and board; walking distance World's Fair grounds. FINNEY. SMS Nicely furnished rooms; good board: all conveniences: C to tS. FINNEY. S70I Elecant. larg second-story front: other rooms; with or wltnout board. FLAD. Large, nicely furnished room, for couple cr several gentleman: good board; reasonable terms: near Tower Grove Park. FOREST PARK Boulevard. 3M Front room; board: U a week: block south of Laclede. FURNISHED rooms; beard optional; Forest 13SZM. phono GARFIELD. 5J3J Nice rooms: modern: each room per day; Fair close: breakfast. Jt GARFIELD. C Nicely furnished front room, with or without board, to man and wife or two single persons: private family; second floor. GARRISON. Transients can find Urge, cool, clesn rooms with best board. GARRISON. 100T N. Nlcelr furnished room; good board: direct lines to World's Fair: rea sonsble. GARRISON. Si: Historic General Sherman mansion: flrst-cless board and rooms; modern conveniences: 6 o'clock dinner: center city. GARRISON. 717 N. Nicely furnished rooms, with board; transient and permanent: hot and cold running water; southern exposure; pleas ant home. GEYER. 2S Nicely furnished rooms; board for two gentlemen: also couple to take meals. GRAND. 2S3 N. Nicely furnished rooms and board: private family: hath and gaa. GRAND. : N. Nicely furnished second story front room; with board; for ladles; rea sonable. GRAND. 5S3 N. Cool rooms: Christian boms; World's Fair visitors; three car lines; board; reasonable. GREEN LEA Place. ) W. (COO N.) Clean rooms; good1 beds; 91.S0 & week: board as de sired: cars direct to Fair: see quick. HICKOItV. ISM Furnished upstairs front room with beard; gas, bath: private family. KINO'S Highway. IT3 N. Beautiful second story front room; with board: table boarders taken. LABADIE. 4007 (Chouteau PlaeeT Modern frcnt room: first-class board: three car lines. U-.HADIE. SS4 (Phone Delmar (SIR) Nicely furnished rooms: board optional: private family. IJvBADIF: vm (Chouteau Place) Nicelv fur nished front room: modern: with cr without hoard. mcLKDE. art-Rooms, with board: 17 week pp: board optional. 1.A1VTON. 317 Get other price, then call here: board and rooms. IS weekly. UvWTON & first -class board: -Nicely furnished rooms and quiet, homelike place. I.ACLEDE, Hi: Front rooms, suitable for two or four: cood board; all conveniences. I.ACLKDE. ais Nice rooms: cood board: for permanent young men: low rates: jraa. bath. Lv.CL.EDE, IU9 Nice. light rooms: gas. bath: board If desired; reasonable prices; nice lawn. UAWTON. Id Elegantly furnished rooma, with breakfast: II a day; telephone D 771. I.AWTON'. S3-Excellent board and rooms: hot bath: ra: own home: -terms reasonable. LAtVTOX 3"3 Excellent board and rooms; hot bath; gas: own home: terms reasonable. IJNCOIN. 40M. Nicely furnished front room: private family: convenient to O'Fallon cars; breakfast served. UNDELL. Boulevard. KM-Larce. beautifully furnished south room, with dressing-room: running- water: board optional; phone Lin. iV3; visitors to Fair accommodated. IjOCUST. ISjo Newly furnished rooms and first-class board: reasonable. locust, no Five large rooms with beard. I.OCUST. ICI Room and board; Fair visitors accommodated. Mrs. M. A. Thomar. LOCUST. 330 Nicely furnished rooms; flrst eias board; -visitors to Fair accommodated: TeL C !3. LOCUST lsM Nicely furnished rooms, with board: World's Fair visitors accommodated. IOOUST. 1714 Second-floor frcnt: also single rooms; porcelain bath; excellent table; modem conveniences. L.UCAS. in J Rooms and board: hot bath; conveniences: reasonsble. LUCAS. IU7 Lovely front room, with nrst clasa board and all conveniences. LUCAS JUlf Newly rurnlshed rooms; meals If desired: two street-car lines. LUCAS. 3a Nicely furnl'hed room and beard for gentlemen; every convenience rooms with noAnn. vvi0 LUCAS. 270 NIrelw fnrn.he.l rooms tler- rnan board, for World Fair visitor LUCAS. 2501 Furnished room, with board: southern exposure; bath, ra; third floor. LFCHETIA. 127 fXear FalO-Nlce Tr-.m; frivate noire; breakfast and sutper optional; 'ace cars. 1IAFF1TT. 235$ Finely furntshM room; mod em convenience- to both: brekfaw: if dlred. MAFFITT. 4"CS-KIrt-noor front room: all coneninces; breakfast optional: Ca.. Easton. Tavlor car. MAFFITT. 4143A Neatly furnlshM hall room; all conenlences. southern exposure; IS pr w-eek. Including breakfast. MAPLE. STll-Nlcelr furnishM room: board optional; transient: ten rrtnute walk to Fair. MAPLE. M-Rooms for World's Fair visit or: breakfast and Sunday dinner, free bath; walk in it dltancn Fair: secure rocms now MARYLAND. 4341 NJcelr furn'hd inuth front room: ecry convenience; excellent tatle. MrUEE, 4IS9 Two connectlnc frcnt room, southern exposure; with board;! for threntlrmen aMI&tori.!. K4-Front room and boani for ladi empIoyM. rrlvate family MORGAN. 4173 Three wuth front room, with hreakfast. permanent . MOROAN, 4I4lTo lari;e toom. or three rentlemm; board If dVlred, MORGAN. 4115- FnrnlsbM room, with brcik. fast: reasonable rate; all convenience. MORGAN. S5--I'liitnt front room-; hest board: large porch; lawn: cry dlnible f- rummer. MORTIMER. 53i5 Rocm und board; me min utes to Fair. Pace and Eat ton car: re.ionabl. NICELY furr.lhd room for two with break fast If deslrM. Address Box IS l. Weliur Groses. Mo. NICELY furnlshM room. In strictly prlvt famlb. with or without board; state location and best terms. C F. Wallace. 3I- N. 1H"V enth m. OLIVE, 111- Room and brard; U per week: no raise for the rummer. OIJVE. MSfe Nicely furnlhM frcnt room, wi t h board, for two oung men OLIVE. 150C Nicely furnlrhed front room, for two. f4.5. with biaard: aIo other room. OLIVE. 3728 Flrt-t1wr. nicely furnlshM rooms: on main line to Fair; heard opticnaL OLIVE. 42S5 Delightful rooms, double or single, southern exposure; all conveniences. rood board, optional. OREGON. 231S Rooms and I ir cold bath: lerv reaonab'e. beard; gas. hot OREGON. 1713 Large, nicely f urn lined front room; suitabV for two or three; prHate family: with or without boaM; reanonab e. PAGE. 4477 Pleasant and connecting roon: for Iair vi-iiors: with breakfast; $1.25 per day. PAGE. 47J iNear Fair) Large and im3ll room reasonable; breakfast optional; Pag car. PAGF. 3334-NlceJv furnlr-hM front room, with board; permanent peopl deslrM; other rooms. PAG& 4S15A FurnlshM front room, with board: southern exposure; fifteen minutes from World Fair. PAGE. tIS Feccnd-floor front. outhrn-ex-pcsM rooms, with board; reasonable; modern; single or en suite. PALM. 2435 Several nicely furnihM rooms; board If deslrM; respectable family; rate ery reasonable. PENROSE. 411SA Nicely furnlshM rooms; with cr without board; rrhcte family. PESTAIX)ZZI. 3533 Beautifully furnished room: bath. Iarg lawn, porche. shade: Ioiely location: fresh milk; first-cia; board optional: Tower t trove lark. cor. Grand; referenc; 3 line cars. PINE. 33C3 First -class board and room week- all convenience. PINE. 312S Nicely furnlshM room for four young men: excellent table boani. TINE. 3107 Nicely furnished rooms; mlib or without board: telephone: gas: hot bath. RIDGE. W77 INear Fair) Page cars; n.ce rooms; modern conveniences; reasonable; break. fast optional. RUSSELL. 3J42 Double and single room. with board: couple cr two gentlemen : telephone. ST. CHARLES. 2203-Nlcely furnlshM front rooms, with board; St per week. 15T. LOUIS. 3O03 Three large, nicely furnlshM rooms; breakfast If deslrM; bath, gas; pentle men preferred. ST. VINCENT. 3014 Large aecond-story front room: on or two gentlemen; with board; Rood. substantial homo cooking; ctery convenience. THEODOSIA. M?7 (Near Falr)-One block north of Easton: nice rooms; modern; private home: reasonabl. TWELFTH. 3A H. FumMied rooms with board: second-story front tooni tor three gen tlemen: bath. TWENTIETH. 4J N. Nicely furnished room for two: H.SQ each: with or without board. VERNON. 55-Beautiful modem rooms, with board; 1) minutes walk Fair; day boarders taken. VERNON. ITU-Beautiful West End home: will rent a few elegant rooms, with breakrast. to transients: lft minutes walk to Fair. VICTOR. loll Furnished rooms tor three: with two meals per day: handy to cars. VON VERSEX. S7K In our borne: bright, sunny, southern exposed rooms; breakfast If desired; electric light: five minutes' vvak to Fair. WASHINGTON. 13r-E!egant rooms: unsur psssed board: modern oppolntmenta: phone. WASHINGTON. KOS-Furnlshed front rooms; 13 weekly: connecting rooms: all conveniences. WASHINGTON. S3-Ttro nicely furnished second-floor conrectlng rooms, single or en sv.lte: good board. WASHINGTON. 4M Two second-story front roctr.s; nicely furnished; breakfast If desired, gentlemen only. WEBSTER. Ua-Nlcely furnished, large front room, suitable tor two gentlemen or couple; board optional. WEBSTER. IIS-Two connecting, neatly fur nished rooms, suitable for four; board op tional; private family WELLS. ;z-3 Near Fair: Suburban, Easton. Page cars; nice rooms; board optional; private horns. WELLS. tSJJ World's Fair people; nice, rirst clars rooms; prtvale home; near Fair; modem; reasonable: three car lines: breakfast optional. WEST BELLE. OS-Excellent room!-; good board: gentletmn: S per week. WEST BELLE. tKt-Flnely furnished rooms; good service, with or without board. WEST BELLE. CC0 Good rooms. ;lth break fast. n.55 per day: gentlemen only. WEST BELLE Place. 58 Elegantly fur nished rooms; good board; on three car lines. WEST BELLE. OW-Large front room; -ood board: two or three gentlemen or couple. WEST KEI.LE. 4179 Desirable rooml; best service; board optional. Telephone Undell !D. WEST BELLE, 4'S Neatly furnished rocms. with or without board: hot D&tii; all conveni ences. WEST BELLE. 4J17 Large second-floor front room. SI rr week each and up; board optional; Delmar 1570. WEST BELLE. 4S-5 Furnished rooms; board: ladles or gentlemen employed; phone 70 Delmar. rood tele- WEST BELLE. 4I7J rooms: rood board; World's Fair visitors. -Nicely furnished front accommodations for WEST BELLE Place. 4C8 Eight elesaat newly furnished rooms; board and room l per day: all conveniences. WEST BELLE. 4s: Nicely furnished room; private family; southern exposure; with or without breakfast: terms' reasonable. WEST I5ELLK. 4CS Handsome nportments. slnrle or en suite: with board; all modem con veniences; telephone, etc.; for first-class people only. WEsn CABANNB Court, 911 Choice rooms, with board; Fair visitors; walklnc distance cf Ffcir. WEST PINE. SKS-Elecant rooms, board; visitors accommodated: reference. WEST PINE Boulevard. ITtl First-class board and rooms; la fine resident- district; fine summer location: terms reasonable. WESTMINTTER. tat-Nicely fuml'hej sin. gle and double rooms; excellent board. WESTMINSTER. Eiersntlv furnished front rocms. with superior board; also table board: references required. WII1TTIER. Ills E. (Corner Flcntyl Beau tiful rooms, with every convenience; ss and St WIIITTIER. IMA Nicely furnished frcnt and back parlors, with Miro. tor couple or rentlemen. WHITTIER. Ills Will accommodate I per manent people with nicely furnished rooma and excellent board all conveniences; Klnloch tele phone. Delmar SI7L; Page and Delmar cars. HOUSES. ROOM. ETC TVAJCTED. a-satt's,ss,s's'JS'aiata,w (IPSTLEllt".' want, furnished hall southern exposure: strictly private family; state terms; permanent It suited. TT M. Re public HOUSE or flat of from five to eight rooms; permanent tenant: no World's Fair price. Ad dress SH Coodfellow. LADY employed wishes a room without board. not exceeding SI': can give good reference. FO tC Republic. MODERN unfurnished flat, with taih: ror young couple. FP ltt. Republic PERMANENT room near Vtq Deirnar: single rnleman: rrlve rates. Address Advertising Manager. Hanrardlne-McKlttrlck: P. (1. en. UNFURNISHED hcrese or fist; Address til: Washington. West End. FCRMSHED UOCSES AD FIAT WASTED. CLI3AN. weC-furnlshed bouse till December, with mt-dern conveniences; couple; no children. FO IS. Republic FURNISHED house: ten cr twelve rocms; well locs-ted. FO 9. Republic rtOOXMATES WA.TTED. REFINED Touna-gentleman: private ftmilyr rcnveniences: board; terms reasonable. 1WI Hickory. ROOMI AhO BOA1XD WASTED. W HI l.l l.J....,irf' i..i ROOM and board for married ceuple; terms not to exceed ICO. TO 17. Republic IIOTHLS. sSasSsasKas-sslkisstaSBaM MONTECELLO HOTEL, Coner Kinis bihway and Jet Tine bouie lard. f J cine the beati'lful Forest Park. Near est permanent hotel to Fair crounds. European. 2TO iar;e. luxuriously furnished room: all mod ern Improvements. Laded, ave. cars direct to hotel f-cn -leiiot. Culln unssrpxssei. Ccr repondeoce soilclted. KENSINGTON HOTEL S'outVast corner rf Kn!stsn ave. and Car mlrn ave.. take Olive st. throuch car or Su burban Park cor tu C2C) wst: ro"3is slgle or en suite; by dar. wek or 'iVoiM'i Fair perloU acommodatin tt rr cay. an up. In quire at oftior. k Oarrndon ave.. or at IS Cr:etnnt sl-e"t W1CZART HOTEL-50 Cents A day fcr room; Twenty-ninth and llorpan st.; steam free 1-ftths. s.if brick bjiliinc: rtr- eec3pe: 2"--fcot front; all outside rooms; 13 mirutr fmm Talr. AR.1ERSCAN HOTEL. File hundred rooms, both plan, practlc-illy flreprpef. tlrnnd Flax, and tv lUllrtrre ave.. nU'lnxic mam entranc World Fair; all car Urts and Wawish per-t HOTEL FLORENCE, No 4K0 Clhe st ; newly furnlshM rooms: single or en suite; by the day or week, or World Fair juried accommodation; Jl per day. BARTMER HOTEL, Corner Hamilton and Barmer. elezant rom. nicelv fumlhM. fnm V pr djy up: none eual for the money Fhm- Dlmar 1211 ST. GEORGE HOTEL-SI A day for mom- 2715 OIhe rx ; special rates for r-arti- and permanent rjest; frrr baths; dln-ns-room; "en mtnut from th Fair. EASTMAN HOTEL. Cnrntr MrPherson and Sarah. First-class ac romrrodallon. SI pr rfav and ur Rvth. tree. HOTEL BARNUM, Southeast corner Sixth and Washington ave.; rooms at reavahle rat. STALEY'S BUSY BEE Rrstaunnt Is the rlac. tor pxxl coffee. PJne. Onn all nlsht. 9C3-S HOTEL CASTLEWOOD 511-C Drlmar-S-rn Mock, to World's Fair: tHrtar. up. brya'fast Sc. frs bjlhs: riior.f- WASIIIXfiTOX. HOT (The Aha VItsl-Itooms Si an'l up. Elirorean j.hin. Kin. I) ICS. Fl'IlMSIIBD Ilor..n AAD FU1TS FOR nn.vT. ISEI.I lvw-WorH's Fair fison. four rooms ar..l bath. ml- lum!-hTj. flat In coM loca tion , DHMLxn. 4I7.- Jlr four-r-om raodfrn flat for rnt cr sals, call durtnc th day or until s o'clork ELEGANTLY furnlshtd flat In TVcst End: fiv. roonw. furnac blth. tsundrr and all other cnnvn!nc. nv minutes' vvallc and tvvt minutes r!d to main entrance of Fair: splen dtil orprtunlty to World- I'alr roplf. Applr nt tM3 Bartmer av-. ELSVEN-ROOll brick bout: furnished; conveniences. t"all Foret fitA. all FINEST West End corner; completely fur-nltli-.l. TP 13. Itepubllc. KIT nd-noor: tlv- rooms with hall M rtwm: neatly furnished; choice ond complete tor bousekecplns. adults preferred: Kas rante. screer, dlshe.. etc.; lease to permanent party for Irs than JW a month; " minutes' rid up town. Cas. and Cherokee cars; references re qulrel. rossetlon May is. FO lo?. Itepubllc. FRANKLIN. IMIA-Furnl-hed flat: rooms; -: finely furnished; Suburban. Kvston cars. Kt'RNISIIBn flat. Comrton llelehts nelih borhood. six rooms; bath; private family. FO SI. Republic. LEONARD 61T Near rashlnxton-Complete-Ir fumlshel etcht-room house; all exposures: Jun to October fclX-nK)M tUt: well furnlrtied: IS minutes from Fair. SI. H. O'llEtLLY R. I. CO.. T23 Cnenut st- PT. LOl'I?. tIC-Eleicantly furnished fiat; tel. ephone; bath and cas: convenient to cars; rea sorable. T11EODOSIA. v--umuhed flat: four rooms; ra and bath: near World's Fair crounds. TOWER GROVE. J30-Nlcely furnished flat; P per month: nice gas range. I-rKM.Hi:U FLAT FOR HE.T. 41K Finney ave.. s rooms and bath; second floor: splendid furniture; piano; southern ex posure; modern In every respect. CIIAS. V VOGEU iU Chestnut st. TO I.KT FOIt HCSIN'KSS PCRPOSES. CASS, 3CI Elegant large store; suitable for marry or saoocn. C1IESTX1T. N-Four-story brick; soluble for niercanlll. er buslne.. ourposes. KOLlAS . IIRIXKOP. ifes Oieitnnt st. CHESTNUT. 10S nmr-story brick bulldlm. sultahl for manufacturing purposes. liniXKOP. ini cticmot st. DESK space on crountl floor; wltn or without dek. lie olive st. nitAND. two N. (Opposite Fair Grounds) Etore: reasonable; low rent accented; particu lars. 310 X tlrand. I.ARGE store, east side of Arcade bulldlne;. Pibanne Apply at tailor shop. LK1IP. 3&S Storeroom, with two Hv-lnj--rooms: suitable for batber shop. MORGAN. lisv-For lleht rnanufacturlnc pur poses; space 27slfO; ground floor. FISHER f: CO.. Tit Cbestnnt St. PART of finely turnlshed dC3bla cfflce. M.rmcsl & Jaccard bulldln-r. SIDNEV, !"" Floor space for butcher shop In grocery store: call at once; good location. TU.NT space. ""3 Aubert ave. WINDOW. 9 by S feet. IKS Market. Offices for Rent In Hear) of the City. Far rent In ncpubllo nnlldlnsr. .Sonthvvrst Corner Ollrn and Seventh Streets, two large con necting office rooms. Both are on second floor, one n corner room, tho other fronting; on Seventh street. Both arc equipped with complete fixtures suitable for a tailoring es tablishment. For particulars In quire at Itepubllc Business Office. FOR REST DWELLIS CS. DETACHED seven rooms; bath. Can at :IA Cote HrlllUuite ave.. or phune K Delmar i'si MISSOLIU. JI5-House, eleven rooms; splen did place for rooming or boardlns house. W. II. Woolums. 1C0S thestnut. MORGAN. 1 Ten rooms: reception ball; newly decorated; possession at once; IS, per month: three-vear leas; open. ORION E. HCOTT & CO.. 7 Chestnut. FOIl RKJIT A?BntlBLVrS. rLATS. IVCLBnE. 98 Beautiful Hve-room fiat and bath, call after Z p. m. TOWER GROVE. li)l-Nrf four-room fiat, with tath; roust buy furniture: rent lis. WEST IIELLB. ttJO-Mcdern t-room flat: Jaa Itor: screens: gas range; fixtures, etc; Slt.M. FOR BE.VT-sunuiiUA.v pnopEnTY. '''sI-s1staiassa-akMitWairfaaaMaaata HOUSE. It rooms, furnished: Webster Groves central location; near steam and electric cars. FO 1TC. Republic. FOR REST STABLES. ."'. - - - --,- - t -ii-'njr - f STABLE: three stables: rmm feeH ver. wagun shed. I5 Cates ave.. Cabanne. FOR RKVT Ttl COLORED. " ELEVENTH. 1711 N. Nicely rurnlihed rooms for colored peorle. TOR LHASE. . OLIVE. MU-Vorty-cIght furnished rooms to leas for seven months. SUIIl It 11 AX PROPERTY FOR SALE. nCAUTIKUL country home In Webster Groves? eight rooms nJ bath, electric light, cirden. fruit and shade trees, p-jultrv yarn; I6W down and ns per month; leaving town: Jaekscn road between Gore and Gray aves.. cr room 47, 716 Locu-t, 3. L. Krleger. LOT In Old Orchard. lonxr feet: nicely lo catert st i bsrealn. lew Olive. M AI'LT I'oulevard. Maplewood One-half Moek f-cm rtr car. prico tl.'; a two-story fram. dwelling; conUlnlna- I rooms, large re ceptlvn hall: crnnltoM walks: lot .V'i!ti- KOENIG-KRAFT REALTY CO.. N. Eighth st. FARMS FOR SALE, - - - - i i i -1 1 - i.i'ii' iinnnriririr THREE farms for cltv Drcrjertr. D. Nichols. 501 Chestnut. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. i"is "' i1!' i i "1 T tt'r'vj'X''"-JuU"'tLrLr CENTRAL Grand av.; business corner: Clark and Grand D. Nichols. MI Chestnut. I.'jT UxIS; IICI Kaaw ave.; sell cheap for cash. FG TH. Republic KING'S HIGHWAY HEIGHTS, Klmrs highway. Fpaldhvg. Ncrthlsnd and Maf ntt aves.. Is the- bes property In St. lyiuls re Inr sold for 313 cash and 15 per month: fine, high land, covered with Tne trees; lot 30xIC; sewer and water In; (Pedal sale Saturday aft ernoon. May 11. N. S WOOD. JIS Chestnut st. GOLD. SILVER. XICKEL PLATI5G. nwejvwv.MiV GOLD, sllv-r and rlckel plating In all Its branches: repairing old silverware a specialty. Gustav M. Krause. 117 Pine st.. second floor. IMPROVED riTV pnoPEItTY FOR IMPROVED SALE. POSSESSION IN rlMST040DAYS. $lo000-On Bartmer Avenue 5431 Kx-IIJ-A modern, double. 13-room stone hou!-e: first floor finished In oak: 5 bedrooms second floor; will ti take smaller house) in part payirnent. fviji. 55,800-Another Plum on Bartmer Aye., 5594 MxlQ-Flne to-story S-room frame; shade, lawn, blc porch, modern plumblnc. etc. SI 5,500 A Plum on McPherson Ave., 4373 StxltA-Klne. modem, new. i:-room dwelllnj;: hard wood flnls-h: : bathrooms; rvery convenience: filter for all water used: double shades: gas and electric fix- tures. nnnnnrn. $14,000-A Plum on Clemens Avenue, 5895 SOxlfiD New. modern, double. 3-story. U-ronm tile roof brick house: hot-water heat; hardwood finish: 3 bath rooms." Open for Inspection. $1 1,700-Another Plum on Clemens Av.,5738 SOxlTS A beautiful, shady lawn and yard: 13-room modern dwelling: hot-water heat: two baths. $11,000 Another Plum on Clemens Av., 5535 Mxisr 10-room modern dwelling: hot-water heat; abundance of closet room : big P''ch:Priniecj'id'tlo- ' $9,500 A Plum on Cates Avenue 5653 71x157 Modem 3-story 10-room house, in splendid or der; beautifully decorated; gas and electric lights; 2 baths; hot-water heat: stable and driveway. $8,000 A Plum on Vernon Avenue 5468 Hxl30 S-room brick: reception hall: beautiful yard. $7,500 A Plum on Etzel Avenue 5924 firtxSl Ten rooms: modern: beautiful yard. Fisher & Co., 714 Chestnut. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. BEAUTIFUL RICHMOND HEIGHTS. Just south of World's Fair grounds two blocks west of McCausland avenue. STREETS MADE. CITY WATER. Market street cars, one fare from June 1. Cheapest and most beautiful subdivision in St. Louis. RUTLEDGE & KILPATRIGK REALTY CO., TIT CHESTJ.XT STREET. IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. l.VWNWWMWMW..WSS ALFRED. 21I7A Two-story flat: three rooms; one year old: bargain. Hill Mississippi. L'LACKSTONH, IBS Nln-roonx brick house; bis; bargain. See us for price. M. B. CREILLT R. A I. CO.. 73 Chestnut st. FOUR-ROOM eery cottae. cheap. Call 3SA Maffltt. wltli furniture: HOUR Oats; LafaretU Park dis trict: rent !tt month; price Inquire HIT rark. ORANVir.113 Place. lus-Slx-room brtck: bath, laundry, closets, furnace; one block south of Easton. (3) west: ticco. IF you want a new house, five rooms, ball, laundry, call; SXO cash, balance monthly. 3411 Ituka. NICB nre-room cottage, wtth five larrs clos ets: hair block to cars; lot "3xU3; only &.e"A. J. Crawford Flynn. 43T1 Easton ST. FERDINAND. MM Seven-room brick house: all conveniences. THREE bouses at a bargain. Call ITCJ Dick son st. TWENTT-F1RST. 4404 N Two-story brick, arranged in Bats; nve rooms and bath each. TWO nice, two-story, modem, six-room flats and two seven-roo-n nouses: near Grand ave. and Tower Grove Park: at a sacrifice: always rented: single or all; terms to suit. Address J.. 3010 lAwton. LOUISIANA. SC2 One-story Bat; flT rooms; built this spring, all Mississippi. RENT $2,100, PRICE 513,500, 131. 123. 133. 1301. 1305 a Fourtcnllx it.: five house; two-story and mansard; ston front; ca. bath, hot and cold water, laundry; street. aidewil.c, sewer, alley made; lot f..xl00. HEN'riT HIEMEN2 RBALTT OO Arent. H Chestnut ft. Only $500 Gash, Balance $40.00 pee month, will buy 5564 Vernon avenue; 8 rooms, bath, furnace; tot 30x140. Price $5,000. Open for inspection. Immediate pos sesion. RUTLEDGE & KILPATRIGK R. CO., TIT CHESTXUT ST. RENT $660, PRICE $5,000. J4J4 Vista ave.. two-story gray brick two-family flat: gas and bsth. hot and cold water, two fur naces; street, sidewalk: and sewer made: IX MX 13. Easy terms. HENRY HIEMENZ REALTT CO.. Agent, til Chestnut it. MEDICAL. "-im-n-mr,-!-!! 1 ii-,ii"fW)VfiLS. 'FOR WOMEN ONLT. DR. R. a. RAYMOND'S Monthly Regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women. No pain, no danger, no lnterferane. with work: relief In 3 to & days. We bar, 1 never Known or a single zaiiurvv. uaii orders Sromptly tilled. Price .(. DR. R. O. RAT RKMEDY CO.. ROOM O. II ADAMS ST.. CHICAGO. ILL. pniamxc KXWWVWWeiMKWSAMWWVWWMWtf rviT?Sf-TjrCT PBIHTTINrl CO.. T M. Tattrtll St. Fine work: fair prices: send for samples. EIERMANN BROS.. Printers, ja Pine, so licit your business and guarantee satlsfsctloa; fine commercial work a specialty. Kin. 1I3QA- EUREKA Printing; Co.. 121 N. Third st. Low rates on your printing this week. 7DRES9MAKI5G. sssssv,s,i,"s,,BSasasjsaasjst,s,(vvjasasa, DRESSMAKER Lady wishes dress to make; from New lone. 347 Cass. DRESSMAKER An experienced dressmsker from New Tork wants dresses to make; prices moderate. S47 Cass ave. DERMATOLOCY. j-as1ssssa4-k--s4- Pimples, Blackhead., Large Mrearupuons.sna ail aisoraeraarr cel lar th skin and scalp pcrmaatLlly cured. Ail Information and book fre. jonx n. TrooDBunT u.x., SOS Merjnod -Jaccard. St. Lonls. DYET5G. rXEAMrlG. REPAIRIXG. IADIES and sentl'me-i. send your spring garments to th Paris Cleaning and Dyeing Emporium Co.. 1339 Franklin ave. EDCCATI05AL. TAKE a course In Ft. Louis Watchmaking SchooL ISIS Eastcn are., and beecme a first class jeweler, send for circular. MUSICAL. MMenMwNM ALMOST any reasonable offer accented; m. right Ostler: Just like new. 3B3 8. J.trerson. FINE upright mahogany piano: almost new; big bargain. 3WH St, Vincent ave. -HEAR the Soul of a Krakaaer sing": to hear It Is to buy It. Bold only bv Dsn'l G. Dus ker Piano Co.. Fourteenth and North Market- KNABE upright piano: will sell cheap. 3307 Park ave. MUSIC teacher: " years' experience; flrsi rlars union music furnished. Jl. Wallace, IKS Chouteau. PIANOLA: perfect, with music and cabinet. 43Q Morgan UPRIGHT piano; good sa new; must b. sold; Ill health. airs. svHsweu. i-ts v. uarxisun. & I CITT PKOPERTT FO SALU. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. -I'ass'-asv-as)yaas-sVs,ia-s-'ls' MUSICAL. -atsaw4v-s4tssasvs WE supply outside towns with new and sec ondhand lfrnEnexita. Write for catalogTie and bargains. J. FUcfct JL Bon. 113 8. Broadway. WE have placed on private sale st oar stor-ajee-rooms one Krakaaer Bros- nr right, ooe Brewster upr!(ht and one New Enir.snd.' These ere hlsh-crade pianos and In perfect condition. Lanir&n Storare Co.. 1031 Morten ft. US buys jrood piano: most sell. P30 Lucky at. 130 buys a nice piano, with stool, corer somL delivered. 1414 N SUteenth. $30 bays fine piano, with stool and corer. Scrub-en A Moxter. AC3 Franklin sve. RENT PIANOS. tl. It. . Is per month: lowest prices In tM city: best assortmentr rent allowed If ptano is norenased. BRADBURT Piano "vVareroems. 101S Olive at. F. O. Smith. Mfr.; A. E. WhltakerT Iter. NEW PIANOS. r to tlSO saved. ITe manutactare them and sell direct from factory to purchaser: elegant ataortment. BRADBURT Piano Wartrcoms. 101J Olive st. r. O. Smith, iltr.; A. R WhltaVerv Msr. BIG BARGAINS In used pianos at Bradbury Piano 'Wartrooms, 101! Olive St.. F. & smith, Mfr.. A, E. Whit ker. Mir. SITS Gabler uprlcht. In fine condition fits Si30 Elegant mahogany upright. In good con- dttlon ....................... 3S S300 Mahogany uprlrnt In good condition..... S3 ln Decker square m Nice small squares. "33. S0. MO; fine larg. squares. 0 to m. Terms, squares; n and ti per month: uprights. M. M, IS and tl per month. BRADBURT Piano warerooms. UU Olive aL. F. C. Smith. Mfr.. A. E. Whltaker. Mgirv OUR 6UIRINTEE ON PIANOS Durtnr the cast SCCTT TSARS has always seen xouna rooa. II H a UfCBCB mcsio BOL'SC Willi 11M OUVB ST. PERSONAL. ANTI-GON cures unnatural tnfiammatlon and discharge In three to four days: guaranteed: SI Holly Chemical Co.. box 13. St. Louis. Mo. A DETECTIVE (prtvatei does shadowing: aa4 Investigating: raf. P O. Box 770. St. Louis. A DETECTTVB renders confldentlal tadivld nal service. Add. r. D. Abbey. St. Louis. DOCTOR receives before and during; confine ment. Call or write 2Lt3 Olive st. GOLDEN SEAL Female Regulator; price p. 2131 Washington ave. LADIES, my regulator never falls: eompleu treatment free. Mrs. E. Starr. ns) Franklin. EROO TANSO Is guaranteed to relieve sup pression: 13 box. Dr. Cazeaux. 3903 Washington. DR. CAZEAUX. 2303 Washington, treats Irreg nlarltles and all female troubles: IS years est. LADIE9L consult me: no medicines. Whitley. 425 8. Ewleg ave.. St. Louis. J. C LADIES Confinements taken; adoption If de sired. Call Mrs. M. DlehL loot N. Jefferson. LADIES will not regret calling- on Mrs. Hol land; confinements: lowest prices. 1433 N. Ilth- LADIE9. in all obstinate, abnormal. Ions stsnding "monthly suppressions." any cause la pathology. Dr. Eouthlngton'a Concentrated Er- K-Kolo Compound brings positive. J"alSll " t within three to five days. MalL SLT4: double strength. C Circulars free. Dr. South Ington R. Co.. Dept. RR. Ksnsas City. Mo. MARIE E. W. Meet me corner Orsnd and Magnolia Saturday night. MIDWIFE Recelres during con.: ladles la trouble, call: Infants adopted. 2143 Lafayette. MRS. BRItXIES-orftee hours. 3 to 17 .no medicine. XOS Laclede; C 1544: Llndell 9SM. MME. NEWW. greatest fortune teller In the world, brings separated together: gives good luck on horse racing. 13W Franklin. MRS. A. 9chrodcr receives confinements: la dles call. 3907 Franklia ave. MR3. DR. SMITH. 3043 Easton; absolute se clusion before and during confinement: terms reasonable. Beaumont 4A: Klnloch 1433D. rniVATE diseases, nervous debility, etp.. anleklr cure1 m-Mlelne furnished: one treat ment free. 107A N. Ninth. WANTETK-WlIIIam Allen to call st 1703 N; Broadway- or SOJ Brooklyn., at oric. Dr. Dennis fSSVSSSSSP PSfe clan and mtctu conducts the only resrectabls sanitarium ror confinement In this cltr; perfect sfcluilon and home comforts: trained num: lowest terms; all female trouble kJllfaltr treated under absolute jruarante; Jsdles. when needlnr plallt. corns or writs nw. DR. ANNIE NEWLAND. srlvau licenseu home for ladles before aa4 during connnementr oldest and meat rsllabl. Institution In the state; established over forty years: home comforts: motherly care; infants adopted; Irregularities successfully treat.) : satisfaction guaranteed: ladlts Is trouble, call sr write. 2SIIA OUve sU DR. E. J. HOGAN Receives before and during confinement; In fants legally adopted If desired: medical and surgical diseases of women a specialty; terms reasonable: consultation free. Call or- writ. I31S Olive st- 81- Lnols. Mo. Ms. Warraace and Mitf, i Grijie. Prlvsle: licensed; home conflnementa, tig. sdaptlcn If desired: diseases cf women a spe clsltr. Call or write. 310IA Ollvs st. Bn s HAn Tall I HVn conducts a crst-claaa. sanlurtum for conflnementa: Infants adopted;' elecant accommodations: twenty years expert-i ence: trained nurses: ladies, when, vrateuaa; av specialist, com. or writ ma, i"l VI 1 ! a 1 H f- . T I? 1 : ! & ' fl - i rf J ' i ''i - -.. J t ..,. - : v,.i v-:l' .i-"i -- ir"-r-.r.v-.r x.ii-.e' -. rt -A-4t'Vji';i-ii.-w-u. L V, -sr -7.5-, -j'jvviL'wiwitir-L'iaiJ.'r;v-y. -.'j -ii. r.v. ?r.-iij 3 ,7.-."