OCR Interpretation

The St. Louis Republic. [volume] (St. Louis, Mo.) 1888-1919, July 18, 1904, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020274/1904-07-18/ed-1/seq-1/

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In St. Lonlm One Cent.
PRICE om.idc st. i.
A J-HVi. -j ()n TralnB. T
I,onlF, ITo Lenio
Three Cent".
By a Republic Photographer
International l'ret,iunt Michael Donuellv of the Atnjlgauiuteil Meat Glitters and Butcher WuikiupR of North
America, -who called the big strike. Is in the middle. On the left Is Patrick Moran. business agent of the Kjt St.
Louis Packing Trades Council, and oil the right is John Smith, business agent of the Ea-st St. Louis Cuttle Butch
cn' Union. They are the leaders of the East St. Louis strike.
Officials of St. Louis Dressed Beef and Provision Company Say
That Many Workmen Were Secured During the Day to Take
Places of Men Who Quit Work International President Ad
dresses Men in East St Louis Says Sympathetic Strike Will
Be Called When It Is Deemed Absolutely Necessary to Win.
It was stated by prominent pack- 4
stts yesterdayUatJtfujtaeca fyfl
to their employes when they went'
on a strike Were the highest in the
history of the packing Industry.
Ordinary laborers, used for clean-
ing and sweeping the plants, etc.,
were pail at the rata of 1714 cents
an hour.
The average workmen, flremen
and men of that class, it Is stated,
received 30 cents an hour.
Skilled butchers, splitters and
those employed in a similar capa-
city received 50 cents an hour.
' Michael Donnelly ot Chicago, Interna
tional president of the Amalgamated As
sociation of Meat Cutters ard Butcher
Workmen of North America, who ad
dressed the packing-house strikers in
East St. Louis jesterday, declared that
the present strike would be the largest
ln this country since the coal strike.
He said that a general smpathetlc
strike may be called If it Is deemed neces
sary by the meat cutters.
On the other hand the packers declared
that they ar6 confident of operating their
plants desplto the strikers.
Officials of the St. Louia Dressed Beef
and Provision Company said last night
'that many workmen had been secured
during the day to take the places of the
men who quit.
In a few dajs. It Is said, enough men
may bo secured to operate the packing
houses on a full schedule.
Most of the strikers went to East St.
Louis, whero the City Hall was filled
when the labor leader began his address.
President Donnelly reviewed the history
of tho -strike, reading the letters which
passed between him and the packers, from
the time the first demand was made until
the last, when negotiations wero broken
oft at Chicago. He interspersed the read
ing of theso communications with re
marks which explained them and the rea
sons for the action taken. He also spoke
of the strike situation.
In an Interview President Donnelly
stated that according to the Information
which he received from John Joyce, Inter
national secretary of the Butchers' Uulon,
the packers of the trust killed between
600 and 1,000 cattle last week as against
between W,000 and 120,000 head a jear ago
"In three months' time," he said. "If
the strike should happen to last that long,
the packers cannot get skilled men suf
ficient to kill over 5 per cent of the
regular run."
"Should a sympathetic strike be called
It will include the union men in every di
vision of employment in the packing
houses. This will Include the firemen, en
gineers, electrical workers, carpenters,
plumbers, painters, coopers, steam-fitters,
drivers and the railroad men. The latter
will refuso to handle goods and cars con
signed to and from the packing-houses
This call will not be made until It is
deemed absolutely necessary to win. but
when It Is made I have been assured that
all will come out." "
President Donnelly spenx the greater
part of the day ln conference with the.
East St. Louis leaders. He informed them
that notices, printed ln IK e languages, had
been mailed to them and that these no
tices were to be tacked up ln prominent
' They commanded the strikers to observe
perfect order and obey the officers of the
unions and the laws of the country. Presi
dent Donnelly was well pleased with the
co-operation of the strikers and the offi
cers of the law in East St. Louis and also
that there bad been no trouble between
union and nonunion men.
Shortly before 3 p. m. President Don
nelly was escorted from the union head
quarters on St. Clair avenue to the City
Hall. The meeting was opened by George
Selbcrt, who introduced James Sheehan.
one of the former officers of the East St.
. .
- -- - - - -
This strike Is only In Its Infancy.
it will be the most gigantic in the
history of the country since the coal
A sympathetic strike will only be
called when wo deem It absolutely
necessary to win.
No riot shall take place In Chlca-
go or any other packing center, and
the union officials and men must s
sea to this, even If they hae to
stand Insult to avoid it. s
This strike will never te forgot-
ten It will prove one of the great-
est educators ln the history of the
country. From Michael Donnell's
i Address. J
Louis Union. He In turn Introduced John
Jojce, the International secretary.
Mr. Jojce gave figures as to the number
of cattle which he had been Informed had
been killed by the packers during the last
week. Joyce said that the East St. Loui3
union was organized by him twenty
three years ago and that it was the sec
ond union in the country. He likened
Donnelly to Abraham Lincoln and said
that his followers would stand by him to
John Robb, a representative of the
teamsters' union, complimented the strik
ers on their conduct of the strike, and
stated that the teamsters were all ready
to go out on a strike as soon as the word
was given by the officers of the strikers.
President Donnelly was thn Introduced
and an ovation was tendered. to him.
He reviewed the history of the strike
and stated that President Gompers of the
American Federation of Labor was ln
sympathy with the strike, and to prove
this assertion he said that President
Gompers had assisted ln drafting the final
reply to Armour representing the packers
and that he also assisted in forming the
plan of arbitration Insisted on bj the
strike leaders.
Mr. Donnelly said that an arbitration
board whose members were familiar with
tho work ln the packing-houses would
render a decision much better than w ould
be anticipated by the strikers.
"We shall never enter Into arbitration,
unless every man, woman and child who
has been discharged, or who is out on
a strike, has been returned to their for-
itner positions, without prejudice," saici
Mr. Donnellj. 'Cattle bujera and other
men who have been with the packing
houses for j eari, have given up their Jobs
rather than to fill the positions of the
strikers, and we would be Ingrates if wo
accepted anj plan or acculesced in any
movement which would not result in the
Immediate re-emplojment of these men,
who have been faithful to us.
"Negotiations were broken oft last night
by Armour," continued Mr. Donnelly. "Wo
would have continued negotiations Indefi
nitely. The ultimatum of Mr. Armour
was published ln the newspapers this
morning, and I say If that Is his position,
then the negotiations are on indeed
"This strike Is only ln Its lnfajicy. It
will be the most gigantic ln the history
of the country since the coal strike. The
meat strike affects every worklngman. It
enters into the personal life of every
home. Meat is an absolute necessltj so
is coal, but many of us can do without
coal during weather such as this
"Don't do am thing that will hinder
bringing about an amicable settlement.
Avoid trouble of any sort. Remember j ou
are Americans and must abide by the laws
of the country. We do not want to see
the militia called out, as this would ln all
probability cause sentiment to turn
against us ln many quarters.
"We want to see the police and the offi
cers of the country treated as they should
be and as they have been, and there will
be no fear of thev militia being called ln.
Contlamed on Pace Two.
Strike in Slock, Yards District
Causes Two Violent Sunday
Packets Seem Conlident of Their
Position, While Union Ofll-
cials IToId Out for Com'
plete .Keinsiatenieiil.
Chicago, July 17. The police In the stock
jards district were busj to-day quelling
attacks upon nonunion men who havo
taken the strikers' place".
There were two encounters which re
quired police attendance, and at one of
them tho riot assumed large proportions
At Thlrtj -fifth street and Ashland ave
nue, when the crowd, which had come
from a ball game, was passing the corner,
someone pointed to thru negroes and
called them names.
There was a rush for the three men. who
were. Indeed, strikebreakers and the ne
groes bicked up against the wall and
drew revolvers to defend themselves
Grant Baker. one of them, fired three
times as the mob closed in on them Then
the fight began ln enrnest. and when the
police arrived the following were found
wounded: Grant Baker, William Duran-V
James Kiel, William Riley und Sam
A riot call was sent in early and three
wagons with police arrived So great was
the crowd that the police had to beat their
way in to the fighters with their clubs
James Kiely, a watchman at the jards,
was stabbed, it is said, by William Riley.
The blade entered the left "breast above
the heart, and Kiely may die.
While this fight was going on. another
assault was being made at Thlrtj -seventh
and Wnllice streets, where a croup of
men attacked John Hunter, a stock yards
emploje, threw him to tho ground and
were kicking him In the fice nnd body,
when Policeman Sweeny rushed to his
Sweeny beat off the assailants, but not
before he himself was badly hurt
The tip is out to-night that the packers
are eager to deal a death blow to the
labor unions at the stock jards of the
country, and that thej- believe they are
now- ln a position to accomplish their end.
There Is significant unanimity of ex
pression among the packers as to the
progress thej have made toward breaking
the effects of the strike with the newly
hired men.
J. Ogden Armour, Edwin Morris and
Lewis r. Swift tilk as If It would be only
a few dajs at the present rate of expan
sion, before they will be able to operate
the plants at their full capacity with non
union men Thej gave It out that 600 new
men had been taken on yesterdaj'. This
statement probablj is true.
The sticking point to the whole question
of arbitration is thevreinstatement of the
strikers Mr Donnellj. at jesterdaj's
conference with the packers, waived everj
other demand he had made and agreed to
order the men back to work bj leaving
the adjustment of all differences to arbi
tration If the emplojers would take back
all strikers in a bodj. This the packers
refused to do.
Philadelphia, July 17 ror the first time
in years the west Philadelphia abattoir
was in operation to-day because of the
threatened scarcltj- of meat due to the
Chicago -trlke During the day EOO head
of cattle were slaughtered by Independent
dealers of this cltj-.
The Philadelphia houses of the western
packing concerns have only a small sup
ply of meat on hand, and the Independent
butchers of the city are striving to tako
up whatever business the western houses
arc unable to handle.
The independents declare they can take
care of the entire cltj-. There Is plenty
of live stock In sight, but prices have been
advanced about 2 cents
Recruiting offices were open here to-day
for the purpose of filling the places of the
strikers ln the West. It Is claimed that
at least forty men have been engaged dur
ing last week and sent West.
Follows Volunteer Vessels,
Which Obtained fjree Road
Under the Gufse of
Germany Probably Will Piotcst
at Seizure of Mails "on Boa id
a Steamer in Red Sti.
Skirmishes Take Place All Along
the Line Correspondents
Leave Tokio for Vicinity
of Port Arthur.
London, July 17 Tile Cougtuiittno.
correspondent of the Standard, In 1 dis
patch dated July 17. says.
"The Russian guardship Chernomoretz
passed through tho Bospborus from the
Black Sea this morning" v
Th9 Chernomoretz Is a gun vessel be
longing to the Black Sea fleet and carries
two eight-inch guns, one sir-Inch gun and
seven quick-firing and machine guns Mie
Is equipped with two torpedo tubes and
carries a crew of 160
yl'ECIAL. Bf CA1IL.B TO 1 HE bT I OUts I'.K-
St Petersburg, July 17 (Copj right, JM4
All Rights Reserved ) The war news to
day Is of skirmishes all along the line
showing that both armies aro in close
Military opinion heie hulds tint nothing
can prevent a big battle v hicli probalv
will beEin at Ta-Tche-Kiau. and might
spiead over an extenMvo urea.
Much resentment is expressed at the
n nllclous. coarse und unfriendly earleat
i.ies of the Russian Aran published In the
latest Issues of the German Lustige Blat
ter and SimplicUsImus.
A new loan will shortlj- be needed here
but the 2 WO.OGO suggested as the offer uf
Berlin bankers Is absurd, tt n times tint
amount not being sufficient
The news that tho Itussim volunteer
steamships bmolensk and '"L Petersburg
now- cruising In the Red Sea ale stopping
fehlps of neutral nations and seirchinsr
them for contraband of war Is causing
the liveliest interest in all circle''
Russia has evidentlj weighed tho ques
tion believes herself to be within her
rights and neither fears nor anticipates
international complications Indeed, some
of the Powers ma have been soundisl
bj Russia on the subject Ne'verthelis.-.
foreign opinion Is awaited eagerly and
more or less criticism Ih expected
Members of the Diplomatic Corps art
keen j anxious to ascertain the views
their Governments will take of the pis
sage through the Dardanelles of these
vessels of the volunteer fleet as merchant
men and their subsequent conversion into
ships of war.
The general view in dlplomttlc circles,
even where sentiment Is not partleularlj
fnendlj to Russia, Is that, while the pis
sage of the Dardanelles might be con
sidered a piece of sharp practice on the
part of Russia, it is an accomplished fact
and the Powers will not now regard It us
a violation of the treatj of Paris.
The diplomats think that some of the
Powers might Insist that henceforth all
volunteer vessels shall be considered a
warships within the meaning of the
London, July 17. It Is said that
the Government will bring In a bill
,maklng wireless telegraphy through-
out the United Kingdom a govern-
ment monopolj". The post-office ofil-
cials have been experimenting with
4 a new sjstem of their own.
Vandiver ana Evans Will Be Chair
men, If Folk Programme Is Caried
Bars Policemen Trom Attending
More Than Half a Million Vi-ltcd
Talr Last Week.
Gives Direction for Hrs runeral
Loomls May Have Been Murdered
State Politicians Spend Day In CitJ
Complete Lit of Delegates to Demo
cratic Convention.
Nearly a Dozen Injured in Tt as
Elliott Entrj- May Win Two Races
Kenova Looyks Best in Union Feature.
Race Entries
Cardinals Again Beat Boston Team
Priest Stricken While at Mass
Kelly Easy Victor in Weight Event.
Prayers vs. Spiritual ism '
Miners Agree to Sec Roosevelt.
America Excels in Its Exports.
Visitors at St. Louis Hotels
War College Will Soon Be Finished.
General, Steady Advance ln Stocks.
Sermons and Services at the Churches.
Hall of Saline and Whitecotton
of Marion to Head Im-
' portant Committeesof
State I'olitiis Begin to Hum With
the Ariival at .lefleison City
of the Circuit Attouie
and His Adviieii.
Charles K Venler of St-dalia or
Judge M vans Piobalih Will
Be Chosen to Diiei't En
ergies of Campaign.
Bt V si VI I (tlRIlFslONDriNr
Jefferson Cllj Mo . July 17 1 he Folk
piograimne fui tliu organiralion of the
Siate Convention beciine df-tined lu-daj
after conf rtnees of the Folk lenders, h'ld
both upon the train on the waj hither and
at the Folk headquarters in the Madi&on
Hotel to night It is subject to change, as
are all programmes of u political nature,
but it. the oiilinarv tours of ivents It
will be arried out
These are the selections W D V.indl
ver, temporarj chalrnuii Judgi- W. N
Evans of West Plains pcunm'tit chair
man, Matt Uallof haiine Counts chair
man uf the Committee on --Resolutions.
Georxe v hitecottoti of Hannibal
chairman of the Committee on Creden
tial" J D Stark of Cuoper County, tempoiarj
sergeant-t-uims, J H Nolen of Lewi
Countv tempoiarj- aecretarj
Judge W N Evans or Charles E Yeater
of Sedill i it is now expected, will be the
choice for State chairman .Mr. Vandi
ver's name also Is discussed In this con
nection Hut the probability now lb that
Mr indiver will preside over the Execu
tive Committee of the State Committee as
the active manager of the canvas, or that
one uf the two other gentlemen named
will beeunie the head or the full commit-
The tat- s polities Lrgan to lum tier-ce-ptllilj
at just about the time tho wheels
under the J tt o'clock train to Jefferson
Cltj began to hum till-, afternoon The
Folk Uadeis were ull on board Colonel
Mosts C Wetmore and Colonel John H
Carroll were also passengers Wetmore,
bj the waj wore a tine large Folk badge,
uiinouncln that If not the original, he
had come to t uiisider himself as ono'arrong
the original Folk men
He s-iij furthermore that he ptoposed to
open -v harmonj headquiriers in Jefferson
it j. over which lie will preside in per
son Mr Folk boarded the tram at Tower
Grove He found Judge Elans Mr Kern.
Mr andier lam banders anj William
M Culp aboiri Mr M I.eod was unable,
to l.avo tlu cltj but was lit the Union
.Station with the others He ejects to
be heie to-morrow morning
Mrs Folk accomp inled her husbind. and
will remain in the state capital timing the
convention 'Ihej are staving at the home
ot Mrs J W Gordon on East Miln street
The talk among the Folk men decided
the matters of coimntion organiz-ition. In
so fir as It would be accomplished in ad
vance The litter and more extensive in
terchange of views on the subject did not
result in anj- announcement of chinges to
night The advince "lite Is probablj ac
curate is far as It goes
The final position of the State Commit
tee toward Mr Vandlver will not deve'-p
until to-morrow Virgil Conkllng of the
committie who is here to-nl(,ht, declares
tint he will vote for Vandlver if Mr. Folk
etprrsses a desire for his selection.
Sam Cook slid to-night that he believed
the committee will name Mr Vandlver aft
er its members le irn that he Is tho choice
of tho gubernatorial nominee He declares
that pcrsonallv he is perfectly sitistled
with Mr Vandlver
The attitude of many members of the
committee tow ird Mr Vandlver cannot b"
said to have been relixed in nny particu
lar, and it maj not be asserted that he Is
populir with Governor Docker-. Over
tures hive already been made by com
n Ittecnvn here looking toward the ac
cept ince of Judge Evans as temponirj
chairman But the Folk leaders will stick
to Vindiver. and the consensus of opin
ion is that the committee can do nothing
otlver than accept him
Neither Mr Cook nor Mr. Allen, in
whose contests renters about all the real
fight which Is here, counsels a bitter op
position to Mr Vandlver Disinterested
Democrats of prominence, such as M ljor
Silmon, ire urgimr committeemen with
who-rrthej- ln.c influence to take Mr.
Vandlver Thej saj that the Congress
m in Identified himself with the Folk cam
piign from fie start, tint to the victor
belong the honors, and that from the
Folk st.ndpoint Mr Vardivcr is a logical
selection All that is asked Is that all
factions receive fair treatment at the
hands of the- chair, and that the tempo
rarj chairman s address shall not be of a
character which might further strain In
ternal pirtj differences
All these things can be granted in be
half of Vandlver, say his friends. Ac-cordlnglj-.
it appears that the State Com
mittee will acquiesce gracefully That
done, the ch mces for smooth sailing in
the convention will become much bettir.
The committee will meet to-morrow night
at 8 o'clock.
As to the organization of tho State Com
mittee, that will be nmong the last mat
ters disposed of. .Either Judge Evans or
Mr Yeater Is considered to be admir
ably qaalified for the place, and the chair
manship will be settled finally In line with
the best judgment of the leaders as to the
Uterests of the party.
"I have no ax to grind, said Judge
Evans. "I want nothing but the success
of Mr. Tolk and the ticket. I am not
seeking any office or honor, and am ready
to step aside whenever Mr. Folk and bis
advisers should see fit to say the word."
VM' . M-y.i'K f.&sie
:-f. T.-A J&:7ri-. ' J
lih & .ZJ'jseSX. &Pisii
-i 'I -. -M - 1 T fCu - -'-.
- A . --
t-i -Ait-
-.H,e, .1,irJMrs
,? JKyf i
:v:-2i ?7"j:'
Who trobaM will be th ttmioriir chair
man of th conttntion
Ciivuii Attorned .Manager Savs His Attitude .Concerning Cook's
Caudidacv Has Not Changed Convention Manipulators Em
banassed by the Many Hmal Delegates Candidate for Gu
bernatorial domination Holds Confeieuce With Dockery at
His HeadquartersAnother Nomination May Come to Attor
ney General Crow A lien's. Success in a -Measure Depends on
Cook's Fate. ,
Uv u Sinn Correspondent.
Jrffersou City, Mo.. Jul
Folk vtIH lie lioiillliuteil.
more, hi friends tvlll tr
IT. "Mr.
Win, l Is
to UUUll-
imte ii tlekrt Hint Mill lie In perfect
Iiariiion.v ii lth llie t iiiiiiinlKH n hlcli
lie linn been uiakiitir. My position re
Kunllnif the fniulldno of Secrelnrj
snm U. Cook liua nut been i-liMiigrMl
1" the leant.
"Mr. Folk, will frnme the boodle
plunk, or plunks in Ihe plutforni.
'ill lit Instrument villi he uu expres
sion of Ihe s levv-4 he hus niude
-ft ell Uuoitu In Ills tampnl-;n. In
other -noreln, the frlenda of Mr. Folk
villi run thl convention."
So said Congressman Vandlver to-night
after several conferences with delegates
from many parts of the State Only a
eomparatlvelj small number of delegates
are on" hand, but every district ln the
State Is represented.
'lhese aro not all politicians The string
campaign has brought a new and un
knovn element to thu front ln this con
One popular politician, who has lived In
the Third District for twentj-flve jears
and who holds an office, said to-night that
he knew only eight out of the fortj-four
delegates elected to this convention from
his district
Polltlclms-of long standing In other dis
tricts confess themselves to be in the same
position. There are more men from tho
farms than ever before.
The situation Is an embarrassing one for
old convention manipulators Local boscs
have leen stranded in more than one In
stance A majority of the delegates are
for Folk, first, last and all of the time.
When Congressman Vandlver reiterated
the statement that he would fight Mr
Cook he took the ch iracter of the dele
gates Into consideration Mr. Folk has
163 uncontested, instructed delegates. Mr.
Cook has ZX uncontested. Instructed dele
gates. AH but thirty of these Cook dele
gates are also Instructed hi primirles for
To-night a Vernon County delegate
said that lie had overheard Senator W.
J. Stone, in Mr Cook's headquarters,
saj- that -Mr Cook could best assure his
renomination .by having the order of
nominations reversed by the Committee
on I'ermanent Orginlzition When Mr.
Cook was asked regarding the report he
denied that anj thing of the sort had ben
' Senator Stone was In my headquar
ters only about two minutes," he wild.
"He said nothing of the sort and noth
ing approaching it The nominations will
be made in their regular waj. I would
oppose and deviation from the past prac
tices of conventions"
M Folk came ove to the Madison House
about 8 o'clock. He was stopped on hla
waj to his hcudquates by the manj- pe
Hons who shook hands with him Harry
Hiwes was among the number After his
arrival In his room, he spent an huur or
so meeting the delegates.
Governor Dockery was nmong his call
ers In a short while they withdrew and
tulked earnestly for ten minutes That It
was about the convention proceedings, no
one douhtcd.
Gov ernor , Docker is v erj anxious to
have the convention one of harmonj- from
tho beginning. Mr. Folk has Insisted that
the best harmonj- maj be obtained by
obejlng the will of the majority. Whether
this majority will find expression ln mak
ing no tight on the wishes of his late op
ponents la the burning question of the
nour. As Mr. Folk and the Governor
turned around to the otherpeople ln the
room, they were both smiling.
Excise Commissioner Seibert and State
Beer Inspector Crenshaw, both came in
and remained a few minutes. Mr. Folk Is
showing the effect of his months of cam
paigning In an improved quality of politi
cal fellowship, that finds expression ln a
heartier handshake, ry grasp of the shoul-
.. . , . ., . ,
I " j3flEnBBBBBBBiaH I .
kbbbbCT99J!!bHbbIbIbbbbbbVB '
Of Saline County, probable chairman
tne Ketolutlons Commute
-lourrisNinnn anillcr
-so ,
Governor Folk, 4CS; Hawes, ill;
Reed, 41, unlnstructed, 54, contested
Seciet.n of Stat- Cook. ZX;
Mitchell, ; Musgrave. 37; J. D.
Aller, S. McGrath, S
Auditor Allen, .Mb, Marmaduke,
20, Pitts, 2.
Lieutenant Governor- Rubey, 122:
Todd, 24, Fowler, 10, Ford, 3.
State Treasurer- Cowgill. 115; Or- s
chard. 71; Pitts. D 4,
Attorney General- Major. 176; Sal- s
lea, 30; Crow, 11; Murrj, 14
Itallroad Commissioner: Bronaugh,
7o. Oglesbj-, 81; Winters, 89; Hurt,li s
Delegates In the convention: TOO.
Necessary to nomination: SB.
der bj the left hand, and a smile that
promises to become fimous.
One of the sudden developments of tho
unteconventlon talk Is th? boom that is
being given to Attorney General Crow for
another nomination. During tho day hla
friends In Jefferson Cltj have been calling
him up by telephone and Insisting that ho
run for Attorney General. His assltant.
Sam It Jeffries, said to-night that Mr.
Crow had given him authorltj- to saj- that
If tho convention should nominato him ho
would accept.
"Mr. Crow htrdlj- feels that ho should
declare himself an active candidate unless
the delegates ask him to do so," sold Mr.
"From the waj things are going to-day
It Is clear to me that he can get thi nomi
nation for the asking. He probably will
permit the use of his name. If he docs,
ho will bo nomlnattd "
Judge W W. Graves of Butler is con
sldered one of tho best friends of Mr.
Crow ln the convention. Together with
a few other workers from Southwest Mis
souri, he and Mr. Jeffries aro feeling out
the delegates as they arrive. Mr. Crow
may be here to-morrow noon.
Former State Senator Elliott Majors o
Bowling Green has tho greatest number
of ln3tructlons.17S In all. Whether tho
entrj" of Attorney General Crow Into tha
race will make anj' difference to him re
mains to be seen. Senator Majors'3
friends have claimed that their only dan
ger was ln Crow.
J. M. Sallee of Bethanj- Is the only other"
contender for this honor. His long mem
bership on the State Commltteo Is de
pended upon bj- his friends to bring hlnx
many votes
There Is little doubt but that T. L.
Rubey of Laplata will be nominated for
Lieutenant Governor. One of his first op
ponents, James Todd ot Maryville, has en
tered the race for Secretary of State, v-hlla
Judge W. D. Fowler of Clay Count- has
only ten Instructed votes, with the chancej
against his getting anj- in-the cities.
Auditor Alien has 246 Instructed votes
and two opponents, D V Marmaduke ami
J B. O'Meara of St Louis. In a. largo
measure the light against Secretary o
State Sam B. Cook Includes Auditor Allen,
though trie latter has the largest number
of Instructed delegates
Of tho candidates against Mr. Cook. II
W Mitchell of Nevada. Michael McGrath.
of St. Louis, L. II. Musgrave of Greeno
Count j- and James Todd of Nodaway aro
all on the field. That they will work to
gether Is conceded by all. How many
votes they will control Is a question. If
Mr. Cook is beaten an outsider stands as
much show to do It as any of the candi
dates. No one professes to predict who will win
the railroad commlsslonershlp.
"Rube" Oglesbj ot Warrensburg has
apreared with convention fans that are
appreciated by each sweltering person. N.
J. Winters of Milan arrived this after
noon, and Is busy with the delegates. His
friends" expect to divide a large part ot
the city delezations with W. E. McCul
lough of Macon County. W. C. Bronaugh
of Clinton is confidently counting on get
ting the prize he has sought for so long.
It may take several ballots. to decide tht3
3 '
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