Newspaper Page Text
10 THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: MONDAY. .TULY 18. 1904. t :e i i i I l :i i i i DO, rrpa riarj fort us I ;whi Jehi re-N eted slea and "CO al! Slol it i. m V4 at PC th tic lu ga' 3 UJ ab ret wl a a a t) y I V t r, ! i c t LOST A.tD FOUND. aMAMM NssSsarSMakaak "OAT Lost, child? tun meliHfr coat, with natcnt leather belt, lost gettlrg on Olive ft r at Delmar tianlen Not if j Mr Charles W tchum -nre H public cftlie ti ltHSSl&- Ist. batunUj vening at Tyrolean Alt" one pair rlmlfM gold cj j.iavtfi, marked "Moo Return to 4145 Flnne nd receive rvvard rXJLND Hurrl: s re strre. lest slioe In M Lojls for U. wnere they pell 407 N Suth at.. iLS a Polar nar com feet Not if he wean Harris's Polar Calf Shoes 407 N Sixth st. LOCKET AM) rHUN-I-wt on Pike, at tiMaj night, valued as .keepsake, reward .y nton nt I'EA'DANT I-nt. even-ernne diamond pnd nit, with pearls, between Ohio anj Jefftron. -jf Park or Jefferwa fide to liad rtward If eturred to 2th Park ave m Mueller PIN Lost pin with four rough pearls and diemord in center Return to 441) West Pine ind receive reward WATCH round, silver wntch ilIpptwa st Jnjulre r.43 DISSOIXTIO MTICi:. TUB firm, known i I 'etc &. Young paint ontractor. on World lair liae li"5nd r.atnershlp. and I am not mpon-ible for an) 1-btn contracted bv svld "harle M. nd paid Charle M oung is iwt authortz 1 1'V'm to collect anv inonej outng to aid W. IMl'ete fSlgned) "V M PETE !ITU 4.TJOAS W .TCD-rEMALE. COOK ETC -Situation li two Mrl ns cook Trtl houFemald. In prfv ite famll. Call CtsKrV 'Atage ae ltOLM:Gini-Situatlrtn aa housefiirl by jounp ciri can or write am j-oo ae HOCSEKI-'KPKR Mlddlafc,ed lad dlre FttLatlon In small ho'el or boarding houe. rcxh! rook. L. A W 13V OUe HOUSEGIRLr-Situation by competent Gr Tin ilrl to do reneral hounewrrk; 5 pr week f all 3935 Flnne. rear AOrMSKEEPEK luunx widow. 73 jears of ?. desires puition a houufkeerer for bachelor ft ,wldower. (1Y ??, Republic HOUSEWORK Situation by Rood (German Blrl. experienced at hou'work no chlldrt n, -mftll family Call at 142SV Old Manchester road KAUNDREfeS Situation bv a woman to po euttowsih and Iron b the riav. y:i Franklin LAIjMJRES;? Small warhln to take home, c'ftem water, references Mar Owen. 4316 ft Ferdinand SAIESl.ADV Ponltion at AVorld 5 lair b jounp lads, FpeiklrK three lanKuaR French German and English an saleslady. Answer bj Itter or telephone SIdnej S33 Address 173) MlfflMlppI ae STENOGRAPHER Iadj Ftenojjrapher wihe" liKht office w irk. willing to Mart on umall flijr 32 Flnne ae STOVE REPAIRS A. G. BRAUEI!. 316-311 N. THIHD STREET. SITUTIOS '.VATnD MAI.C IJAKER bltuatton bv German baker as third hand 2401 s tcond ft BARTENDER -Younc well-expe:lenced bar tender Txished steadx portion Peter Schanien bsch ?)12 Ix.ust st. CARPENTER Wants situation by da or by Job 862 Choutea'i ae. DKUO CLERK Reliable German drug cltU. at present emplojed. would like a chanpe. pood reference GY 74. Republic. ORLG CLHRK fcltuatnn b drug clerv, ttxe seaiB experience, rellattle. can furnlh lest of citr reference, work fair salarj 3Y SI. Re public OFnCFJ MAN Situation by ounp mm. a risitant bookkeeper, general office asitant, thorourhlr reliable, experienced, can operate trremriter. G 112 Republic MACHINIST A flrat-cla nonunion machtn ltr wants work at once Call at H04 N Tenth MANAGER Cafe or restaurant manager wuld like a position HT lu. Republic PAINTER Situation by a painter and paper ranrer. 1IW N Sixth POLICY WRITER-A poilcj writer for ln Furance companj. Addres J It. Dollar, 2t23 I'gw. PORTER Situation as carter in saloon or pyoer snop. james rnooK. 1.1a way i trrroiTCHER ETC Able. exiwrlenceU re toucher and all-round photographer wants per manent position HF 60. Republic. tfRUNKMAKER-Sltuatlon tlil Franklin b trunkmaker. WATCHMAN tfltuatlon by experienced atcn man: oav or nigni. woik, ursi rt'rrri.c 2 Republic. linilK-Situation h votinir man handv with L1 .J - ..&. 1.f. -- 111 llniiKlln lVt Bnu CUUinK lUlUf. Ul H tvruuunv. WORK H vounjr man. IS vears- of are. of net appearance. ositIon at anthlng Ftink JcS-.nen. 1120 S Thirteenth. WORK Situation Ijv German 20. care horse. -ve, milk: lawn, general work on private nloce steady, reliable and honest HF 76 Re rubllc WORK Young German, r-peak French and Kngllrh wants situation In tetaurant or hotel O. O. 223T Ncrth Market st BTENOGRAPHER Position by first-class ste ccrrapher: two ear railroad and commercial exienence: best -ot references. GY IS, Repub lic Barnes Business College iSbard of Education Rulldlng, SR Locuat st.. orfan Ont-clasai facilities lor acquiring a Busi ness or Shorthand training, istabiiihed 22 lean. Catalogue free. HELP WAATKD FEMALE. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeei ,'' Cook.. vejMWWMMMMeeeAAMMAeAeMAMMwi COOK Lady short-order cook in small res taurant: call at once 4230 Eat-ton. COOK A good cook, mlddle-aced lad), for ural 1 boardlne-house. 108 N. Eleventh st. COOK hlte lad) . first cook, for restaurant. Kll Franklin ave. 1 5-COOK. ETC Good German cook; also good laundress; references desired. 3131 Russell COOK Good white woman to cook in small family; good home to right part) Call at 30 1 Laclede COOK Woman to go to country to do cock ing and housework; no laundrv work. App y ri v Bningioa. -COOK AND HOUsEMAID-Mother and daughter as experienced cook, and housemali. together. In first-class fami.j; strictly compe tent: suburbs preferred. S052 Easton Is.WBlreauea. 3IRLS to fold shirts rarrleh's Laundry, 3126 Oltve GIRLS Machine girls. 31U Olive. Parrlsh's Laundrj, GIRLS Experienced collar girl, machine girls arid girls to learn; guod wages. Appi) Metcan ttl Laundry'. 3319 MBnchestet IRONER9 Ladies clothes, shirt waist and vent lroners. Parrlsh'a Laundry. 3126 Olive LAUNDRY HELP Mangle girl ster Laundrj. 4115 Olive et. LAUNDRESS Experienced 1rs each week. 44S7 UndelL Inundrcss two AUNDREas Competent. laundrcsn for Mon 4 as. Tuesda)s and Wednesda)s 2704 Iavxton LAUNDRESS Experienced laundress. Mpn dais and Tuesdays; stead) woik, come tGy )-eworic. 43w vvasningwn f 'XAUNDRESSES Markers and toners. ladles cUHheg lroncr and machine girls. Tuxedo IAundry Co.. 3326 Laclede ave. ilARKERSljidy markers j;bett wages in the ely. Empire Laundry Co.. 231U North Markeu iVASHERW OMAN-Come prepared to work. 4M7A McPherson. r Steuosrupliers. SHORTHAND. DAT AND NIGHT: OPEN AH. SUMMER J0NE9 A HENDERSON nUSlNEsS COI lAOrZ. G)tAM) AVE. ANU VINUfaOlt PLACE (OiTOSITB H1QH SCHOOL.). I)aj Three rontha. 35: ooe month, tip Night, t pr mo. ' HAYWARD'S Bulneaa and Shorthand collect. :19. a. 1 and S3 Odd Fellowa' butldlne. Individual Instruction la Enorthand. Tvpewrltlnc. BookUf. plr.a. Arltb mantle and Penroanahlo. Pnon :. day and nisht WAlTRESil ExDrlnced arm altr.. tT tior TT.flc. SOW Olive. VAITRESSES n38 Eatenfa at.; two blocks T of Union Station XVAITRESSES-Experlenced arm altrrsyes GUI's Cafe. 3860 Olhe. .WAITRESSES For dinner work. Th lJrelt ltna; Restaurant. 411 N Droadirai. upatalr WAITRESSES Three waitresses 1216 Washington $3 w ek -WAITRESSES Good waitresses. C07 N. Sev enth at,. Hoffman's Restaurant. -WAITRESS Olive rt. Experienced, dining-room. 2210 WAITRESS Experienced arm waitress at once; vages $7 per wek. Gem Restaurant. 372 Harriet st. WAITRESSES, ETC. Two experienced walt l esses; two kitchen hands, at once. 4239 Olive The RoaI WAITRESSES Experienced waitresses for steady work. The Brettllng Restaurant. 411 N. Broadway, upstairs. WAITRESSES. ETC Experienced waitresses-, also cake counter girl. Union Dalr Cafe, Jef ferson and Washington WAITRESSES Exwrienced waltre-s,a in lunchroom at World's Fair. AddIv 1223 Temple pipce: take Page ave cars. nines. NCRSE Competent white nurse for children; references required. 521 N. Pprlng. URSEOIRL Uttle girl to assist with nurs Imt and play with children. 4234 Maryland. NURSEGIRL To assist In housework, good wagta 4118 Maryland. NURSEsJIRL To care for 4-vesr-old child and assist with housework In suburbs, on car iqc. GY" 70. Republic. SURSEGIRL Competent girl to take care of two boys; one willing to make trip for sura rrer. 4225 Lindell boulevard. IIULP WAMED-KKM LE. IluniciTork 3II.L Two In fimllj, good wages 3i:5 Mc-l'her-on HOLM-.GIRL Olrl for ran Mjpie ;enernl housework Cll.l, Cirl oxer 17 ComMon veais. mall famllv. r04 Hft-Lf-KiHRL ftod Mr I ' do general houe woik 2 N Tenth Hot M.t.lltL. viirl for reneral houewo-k, go home nUhtF MIS lwl'ti JHori;t3na--;in rLr Kenera I houew ort 1UHjM;ir1j (,riuan crl for General houe. xU 1S4 h 'end Ft. HOi HrijlUI Girl for peneral housework, three In fjiml .4I iHlmar Hl-I(11ItI- Gond O ei man slrl for general homew rk no liundo work 3216 I'ine IU1 M.UoMAN-I-ad for all kinds of hou-e work Mp! -1" H Third M Hoi KitlRIr Girl to do Reneral houewoik, no w-hinK .VT. I lmar HOI bM.IItL Girl in t mail famllj tor light houwork 1 til Htcki r Ft HUi H1ji.1I:i- iSlrl for Rimral hou-ewcrk. no washtnc or irunins iolx on frm Hul si GIRI Whltp or colored $ZQ aki IniUon boulrxard. phone U ridel 1 2314 HULnM.iri- ;trl for Rrn-ial houexor; four rnonn. three In famll) isr Ollxe. HOI r;iHI,GlrI for housework, no uash Inc. Ircnlnk. or oooklne 3329 Laclede Hul i-KGIltl--t;tM.l iioiist-Mrl at Protestant Hospital Mil N KiKhteenth KOL'MXHltL Girl f.-r sen-ral housework. no uMnhing Malarx 51S 23 Allen ae HOI m;ghu- .!rl for p.neral hou-nork, small famll) . pood wages &653 Cate ae HOVEGIltl-Girl to do light housex.ork tiv In ftti with wllow lad 3T2 Fourth HOI hKGIRI- ;oiM alround woman or Mrl, cool ware. mall fumil). Appl u.') Cabanntt. HolbGHlI Good German Mrl for (.eneial houFrwork in famih of thi ;i4 p Comptm HOrsl".IRI-Good rellhble colored hou clrl, Southern raised woman preferred 4252 West Pine HOI EGIRI Girl for peneral hou"work. no laundrv work, best wnpe 4W)4 McPher Hon HOISFGIRL A fie-man lrl for peneral hcuework. private famll). pcod wapCF, CH3 Wahlrpton HOlFGIRI-Gvd whh klrl for iren-nt housework and cooking pood wapes "701 Wal nut st liOl SEGIRI 'Rrl fo- general huvwoiK. small ffjnih eood wase Arnlv 1704 N (itnnd axe HOP'-EniKU Wllllnp to do small laundrx . no ithr xxork, pood x ipe 4W3 Westminster place HOtt-KGIIU-Olt red girl to alst Ilpht houexxork anl take care of child 19J3S Catr xUth Call HOLEGIICI Good pirl for eeneral house work for txo week, famll) of three, wages 17 rCll Arkansas HOCSEGIRI cood Hrl for peneral house work, no wahinc and lronlnp popd waxes "Vi Delrrar boulexard IIOI'MCSIRL A poo,l white or colored girl for peneral houewora good wage, good, per manent home 429 Pape 2IOI bEGIRL Good colored girl to assist in perernl housew ork . can po home nt phts If preft'Yred 52&X Maple avc. HOI HEGIRL Go'xl girl for general house work fainllv of three five room flat; good home for right partx 2611 Arkansap HOI SBSIRL White girl to as!. with gen eral housework. raut he good laundress, mall famll) . go home at night 2912 Franklin The Trade. eeeeeeeeewevseveevsewv'MWevwwwev GIRLS Machine girls, baster. pressers an3 girl to run bJtlonhot machine. 3S1D Nebraskt. GIRLS 14 to 16 vears to lesrn rewing on power michines. rpod rav : steadv work M II Lcewentlen. 617 N Eighth HHIRTMAKERs 25 exp-rienced shlrtmakera on all jtart ct shirts, stead) work, pood pa), best (ntilated ewInjr-ioom in the cltj Fcr-guvn-MckInne) Miirt Factor). lr20 N Thir teenth st SHOEr ITTFRf. ETC Shoelltters. Ilnlrp makers. top bander, general stitchers, rood shivers experienced treers and girls to learn Friedman Rro fhoe Co . Pacific Prae tor). Jefferson avo and Madlon hKIRTM.iKKRS Experlencea clnmUcer: int clt," veurc ear around, light machtn. good pay. Applr Kurlcndtr Bros. A Co, 33 v a.shfng:on. tilxth floor. Drenmsken and ? tre. GIPIJ5 To sew on power machines; good pnj teadv work, part work; beginners paid xxhlle learning Lnewcnstlen. 17 N Eighth SEAMivrREbSE Fire seam-tre-eS to do light sewing 2106 Market. sEAMSTREfaS Experienced lady to sew on aprons piece work; no home work mare; II to 31 2j da. 5fr? Manchester. D. Spitz. SHIRT-WAIST MAKERS Hlehrst prices in cltj, steadv work; alnavu easjs- axatem Olian Ilroit . 717 Lucas SHIRTMAKERS-Twentv experienced shlrt- makers on all parts Paul E Wolff bhirt Co, ota w Meningion ave SKIRT FINIhHERS, ETC -Skirt flnlshenj. for hand sewing, also pressers Irogrts Mfg CO. 717-719 Lucas ave 3IIicclIanroaa. CHAMHERMAID fVme nrenarit n wft-L- 1522 Wa.ilngtun ae. DISH WASH ER-J5 weeklj. and board. 719 N. Lefflngweil DISHWASHER "Woman dlshwasner to work nights- Restaurant. 206 N. Ninth DISHW'ASHXR 1CS Moigan W WH WASHER Woman dtshwaster at Mod el Restaurant. 501 N. Seventh. GIRLH-Girls over 1 years to pick nuts. N. second. GIRLSt-Apply at Bemls Broe. Fourth and Poplar. Bag C. QlRLa To ua light work; gooa wages) ; steads work iZZ N. Ualn. OIRLSl Experienced girls to work In paper box factory . stead) work 2S S Commercial GIRL To work In pantry, come at once. Land In s Restaurant 3223 Oltve. GlRlA Girl oer 14 sears old St. Lduls Mr iwj. .. wen.r-nrst ana itanaolpa GIltL TO uorlc In telesrnne d.mnm.nt An plj Iltrkert & Melsel Trunk Co, Slith' and O Tallon Kta GIRLr-Mxteen or oter. Call room 512. Tem ple bulldlnc Broadnaj and Walnut, between S and 6pm. GIRIS To work en souvenir leather eoods: KOOd aces and piecework: ccme readi for work Appli Hill, room 01. 411 olle KITCHEN GIRLS Two colored alrls to work In kitchen, jis per month Gold Medal Restau rant. 714 Wash LADIE.S to learn hair dreulns. manicuring, facial mapsace or electrolysis (removlnc super flnur loir). Jl; to ) weekly mads by gradu ates, re weeks completes: can nearl earn ex penses before finishing: positions guaranteed diplomas granted Call or write. Holer College, lllo line st. ' LADIES Fteadj -sork home, transferring; 15 to ttt weeklj, . rfl Ollie. room 411. LADIES' I ome work, stamping. $ i; week- tod-) free, no eip Room 4jJ Holland bl lg LAUNDRLhSES-Hrlght soung girls to fold to-Aels. slips and other light nork: come ready for work. American "-'team Ijiundrr, T-senty-tlrst and Morgan sts PANTRY GIRL Must b experienced; take charge nartr) Gills. 2SC0 Olhe RECEITION LADY Experienced: unJtr standlng reto uchlng and finishing, references. Call at once. Htudlo. CIS OlUe WOMAN A good steady woman to help with cooking Cox's Restaurant. 3427 OUe WOMAN Strong woman for ro.', no cbjectlon to small child 1309 Washington nCLP WAMCD-MALK. Laborer LABORirRS Ten m-n Apply RIackmer and Post Pipe Co . Arsenal st. and M. P. R. R WANTED QuarrjTnen, $2,tyj dav. Steam-drill runners $2 75 day. Teamsters, near cit), $1 75 day. Pile-driver men, $2 50 day. Tlmbtr men for tunnel, 2 day. Extra-gang men. West. $1 50 dav. Laborers for Southwest Mo , $1.75 day. rirr ujja. snip uixiiy DOW k.N'S Jfc1 'ADOn AGENCY. 4 N Ninth st. KOENIG'S LABOR AGENCY. f!2 Walnut st. Established 1575. Conducted on strictly business principles. All work guaranteed as reprenenteJ Wanted Five hundred laborers and teamsters for new lallrcads In Missouri. Illinois. Indiana, Ohio and Kan-ast free pas to all. Two hundred laborers for extra Kang; rail road company work; money any time; free pass Farm hands, gardeners, mbkers, man for pi vaie place, camo cooks, waiters, blacksmiths If ou want work, apply to the eldest, most reliable and responsible labor agency In St. lxuls. KOENIG'S LABOR AGENCY. 612 Walnut st. 1EAMS. laborers and wreckers with hatchets st Cote H rill tan te School, on Cora, between Cot tago and Kennerl) aves GiUlck Bros TEAMSTERS, ETC Teamsters and laborers. Anplv on the work. Cottage and Cora av es, M J Sullivan. COLORED LABORERS WANTED. Wanted at once. 300 able-bodied colored la borers; god wages; steady work; board and lodglrg furnished free. Apply Immediately at 1304 Chestnut Walters. WAITER- SIS Locust. WAITERS Good waiters. 607 N. Seventh St., I left man a Restaurant. ."WAITER. ETC Man to wait on table; also dishwasher Christian Bros. Cbllece. - WAITERS. ETC Walters, bus boys anl dishwashers for World s Fair grounds, steady work: top pav. Apply 918 Locust st.. upstairs WAITER-A good waiter; call read work. 3321 Olive Hi:ir WANTEIl MLK. Tlie Trades. IIAKHR I'reund Ilro! It VltlfMt Cci1, httJdi barber, c"od was 1115 S leiT'r.'cn. It MtUKU GoJ huFtler, J5c shop Iik nii- ItAlIItt-It l,l nn not necear3 on ,ie ciro i:a JtMini.R Rftntl barl-r $12 Kuaranterd and to jier cent 703 Chouttau ae HXRIIER 1 trj.t-c!iHs btrbrr, JU RUiranf'd 1119 N A and-xntei II ICIliril GotKi barber, 3 ounp man. Gennar pieferreri 3T'i7 N llroftdwaj UAHIIER With one or two ears' exjrinc RK 101. Kepuhllr IJRRKTc louni: bancr; no tundax work, mtt ?p&k German Republic Ai;enc. 11I" MV ill ni.CKSMITH-Gen'nl blackfmilth. four country Mhop roil shoer steal) Job Call or nddrH E I Huck-If). Route 34 Crokn Mo . tilv Subiirbnn ar to FIorlpyint IiUll.LHM KFRF Hani nvft'ra hlfheet nase John Q'Hrlen Uolier Work, ht. Louis JIOIM-HM IiFR- iHillirmakr. lielpern .n 1 fhert-litn wrtter ta .wa from St laiuih strike on III simi.MAX ket si K eH-ij biihelman 311 Mir- CAR"K.TEril.S AN1 CAR REPAIREU9 ptlr at TM' D" Kalb ftt CtK)K Man gortil ciMk. to work In resiou rant SVf JiaMon a COOIv t tlu IrfiuIMnnn fafixenth an 1 t "ha"le'" t COOK Man to cook lunch In saloon Tenth .t COOK Man Market Ft to cook lunch In saloon COO-K Oootl all-round short-order man. white or toloied 7045 Olive COOK Fire t tlas cook, good wapes to rlsht man Call at om , 42-t Ollxe COOK-seconil crok thorounhtx experienced The Rreltlinp Restaurant, 411 N llroadwaj. up Hairs COOK Gocd cook for pmall lunch stand, sal ary and commission on sauage nnne but x pfrienced need appl Call at Cook IJro , Ijiu ton and Compton Dili VERs Three men to drh e w agon. J2 a month and loard 920 N Ilroadway HORHhAllOtrt at 21S W, Ihrman i on Itellexllle .Main st, 111 Appl LETTER ER foil n Rreen Granite and Marble Co 7".01 norlJJnt axe MACHIM-T ETC Machinist. carp-n ter blacksmith anl lielp-rs, top waes, stead) xxork pu-xranteed Acme 1523 Market MEN and bo) 10 learn plumb'ng trade. Coyne Bio Co.'a School of Practical Pjurab Inp. 4973 5 Eton. Send for catalogue. PANTs MAKER Good, pint r -r. call at once IL Mule. 414 I'crsonl bulldlnc. Ninth and Chestnut I'LUMRER, nonunion, steady work t'one Rro . 4373-475 Fasten axe PRESS, l'Il)i:it-0 Under presi feeder Main st . second floor PRIS FEEDERS Job-nres feeders. tead) Wfirk Husrhart Rro 151ft Iicust st .STAVE JOINTERS. ETC Ten whit- slacc stave Jointers and two expert slack stave cut ters. 15 cents a cord, stead) work fcr go-jJ men Hall Uro-, Dverburg. Tenn STOVE yoCNTETtS blx competent stove mounterF. stendv r ork to steady and sober men Addre or appi) to ReibuHle Stove Works Rellevllle. HL STRII'PERP 1115 N Eleventh t . rear TINNER-Flrst-clas Park ave fobbing tinner 1S5S TRSEFtS Flrst-clas treer) on ladles' shoe Wertelmer-Sxxarta shoe Co WOODWORKEHS Carriage woodworkers to finish ptano buggy bodies Powltzk) &. ColHni", svronj and Fan Grand ave. Railroad Shopmen Wanted. Nonunion lecomotixe machinists and hlpr. bollermskers and helper and blacksmiths and helpers and olpo fitters, no fee charged Apply room 3, 113 N blxth 8U Clerk. a and lallrecora, eweekiersAAAMMekeeMeeMeMe' CASHIER For countrj bank 11 500 year. reference required American 919 Olive CLERK Junior drug clerk, with reference 3341 Lucax ave CLERK Grocery clerk, 350U Lee ave German preferred CLERKS ltlll clerks. J70 month, two stock clerk. 100; tlmekcper. 75 American. 919 Olive CLERKS Two rerelxlnr clerks, one loading clerk, $60 month, railroad express compan). 152 J -tiarket. CLERKS Hardware clerks. 116. cigar clerks, 115, three grocery clerks, 14. American, 919 Ollxe. CLERKIJ Two grocerv' clerks S14 week; per manent position chance to advance. Applv SIS Iocust st. CLERK Toung man. ckrk In storeroom, large" hotel and restaurant, JM month and Iward. with advancement. Appi) SIS Locust st , upstairs. CLERK An experienced middle-aged man for night clerk small European hotel: must be abla to furnish drat-cla itferencca, live out, small salan. UF CS. Republic COLLECTORS And out-ide mn, trust com pan yjJWinonthAiiiei1can9120IIve. DRUG CLERK Graduate, single reference required; state age. tB 15J. Republic. GROCERY CLERK Good experience, must haxo good clt reference. Joe Hau, 2200 Rid dle st MAN Bright young man for office, for law firm and collection agency; $50 at start, steady work, with advancemem. Acme. 1523 Market MAN Young man to travel for advertising com pan x , $o, expenses. American Business Bu reau. 919 Olive MEN Young men, shipping and packing de partment, railroad and expres companies. American. 919 Olive MEN Young men (from country preferred) to work tn packing and shipping department whole rale house; J12 week, with advancement. si8 locust et. MOHT CLERX One who can furnish good references. Appi National Hotel. National Stock Yards. East St. Iun UookLteepera. iwwwwwwwwwwvww IIOOKKBEl'ERS-Jino month: assistant, ns. receding clerks, loo American. 915 OlUe. Sfeiiocrraphers. eN. ..w WANTKD Recruits for the TJ. B Marine Corj.s. able-bodied, unmarried men, between 21 and 35. good oharccter; must speak, read and writs tngllsn, marines gene at aa, on men-of-war In all parts of the world en land In our Island poscsslons. and at naval stations In United States Apply Recruiting Office, Post Office bldg. Eighth and OlUe sts. St. Louis. Bora. ---"--- - ii 1 n. --iii n nrinnr i. i'i.i ui HOT To work In lunchroom, with some ex perience preferred. 3S39 Easton ate. DOY Oood bo) to run errands and work aroun 1 flower store. 4248 Olive ROY To work In drug store; 16 or 17 sears old Call at once. 2342 Olive BOY White or colored, as errand boy N. Eleventh ROY One experienced in drug store Vande v enter and West Belle BELLBOY Hotel pontlac corner Market and Nineteenth sts BO To work In a bockblndery. Fourth, third floor BOY Strong boy to work about grocery store ind saloon 4231 Easton. BOY In drug store 2631 Gamble. OFFICIO ROY Good, reliable ho, who ls wll Ung to leam printing trade. GY 152. Republic. Mlscellsineoaa. BOOTBLACKS Five colored bootblacks for outside shining stand. Apply at store 1707 Market. nUGGY WASHER ' 815 N. Leonard GARN $60 to $100 monthly corresponding for newspaper; 15 a column for work In spare time: no canvassing, send for particulars. Northern Press Syndicate, Lockpert. N. Y. IRHHWASHERS Three men dishwashers, $( week. 12U Washington DISHWASHER A sood man ss dishwasher. Call 209S N. Eighth st DISHWASHER Man to wash dishes and work around house US N. Twelfth DISHWASHER 312 a month. Henrietta Hos- Dltal, Fifteenth and Illinois' ave , East St. 0Ul5 DISHWASHER A dlshwssher ard helper In kitchen - country hotel; 40 miles from St. Louis applv Mondav afternoon Freund Bros . 913 Sou lard. DRIVER Strong young man as driver. Hesse Envelope Co. 123 Locust. DRIVER8. ETC Drivers, wawon helpers-and truckers for wholesale houses, railroads and express companies 9l Locust. DRIVERS. ETC Ten city drivers, $50 to 375; also floormen. hott.ers, buggy washers, general stable help; steady work guaranteed Acme, 1C23 Market. FOR nervousness, use Make Man Tablets, Mc. City Hall Drug Store, Twelfth and Chestnut. GENTLEMAN to manage large cattle ranch; $2,000 ear; foreman, $1,200; assistant. $sM; ref erences required. American Business Bureau tine). 918 Olive. GOOD POSITIONS OPEN. All those seeking employment, call on the largest and only (Incorporated) employment bu reau In St. Louis American Business Bureau. 919 Olive. HELPERS Six wagon helpers; city delivery and collecting wagon, railroad, express com panltP. 1523 Market, HELPERS Two wagon helpers: oltv deliv ery $13 week: chance to advance. Apply 91 Locust, upstairs. HOSTLER M27 OIH e IF you are a high-grade man and want to locate East. North or West, It would be well for you to investigate our methods of placing high-grade men In good positions We have offices in Chicago. New York and 12 other citle. mmm HAPGOOD3 One.). HI Chemical bldg., St. LouU. Mii a vi 1:1 j aiALi:. Mlkcellancunif. HOSTLER Gnii h 1i-t .73i HOlVhMAN Whit- rrun lor c"neral hou-e work AypK 33. lrk f JM1 OR-Must tindtrkfand' hot watir hfat luK. ptmniu hi pcvitloH tad at cme ilaj riyjii r-tarutarlnm' '1 X Taylor! K 1 1 CMK.N MANGood 'man In kitchen otic who unJr8taniH u lutK iu4Joe. M Hue Ctti&e avt.. wpof'to Toyiur jy station M .N jVoun juiNti or old man.v t,o work in lunchroom t a5 l-aci,de' -k MAN Younn man Rh hWerp-rJetice baker shop 8iri S. Seventh J MAN To work around ttablu and board e itfiiur Elevnup Ictor. 1UN for larjte poultry faini. jtHJ month and 'iii"e. American. 'J olix-e- MEN ouns: men rwi en ra'eTer train 11 !, J-iJ tc, tnrcasti ufcyhgiit an 1 Worlid talr rnr now onn. llt Lit iii!ta rn 11 N AMI W'll ITo tlkf clutKe of small lum ti tnu. cod ihnce for eneitetk touj tall at -I7N ompton, between 3 and 4 p m Monuav xix. VND WIFiy WbTnin for Kneial houe 1 ilt man tp hfclj in hue and Jj lntc about pai- good waK"ni pool home R Mc iili'i. Ju5 OI -.i ,o. hixtu at ' T I1KHI-4UIADI3 POSITIONS OPEN 1crli ) teimkal and eai(man. pajrg from tl ti J,tw Vear. luiii.nunkattoib. trktl) . nlldentlai Appi) Amrkan lluin's Itureui lliw 913 Jlie M LN fw o met ftr xxlno cellar. cit club-J liniltA Uf) ..n.l k.J.B ...r. '. II V(nv1r. I 1 tuv . j,j nuu uiaiiu, l.lll . 1W.J .iiainit MSN To nell pools to passtnpeis on rallroud trains, through iia)llpht runs alt the best roads Appi) to Mr Jordan, Italtxxav News Oiftc No , 2W9 Walnut st i't 1EH-Mrong man to pick and mke him self penernll) usfful an und nlj pinp 1x0 11 Applj with reference, Kokep Rimer Co, Dlo Market PORTER-t bazer Cafe, 1nrle sti Eleventh and St. I'ORTLR Colored porter In barber Phop, bo) will do Mi N Eighteenth PORTER-ror the irisih and Franklin Holland Hotel, corner POIH ER Good poller; lunch 3411 Ollxe st one that can cut POHTER Colorej poster POUTLR Expt iiencd white porter for sa loon Pju N Third st. POUTER For the Metropolitan Hotel, cor ner Nineteenth and Mirket PORTERS Ten porters for large dipartment stoie 12 week, stead) xxoik guaranteed Acme, 123 Market ROLLER PEELFH ETC -Experienced r"I T peeler and machine man Appi) "am. Union Co, Hlxth and CArr W All It ESS Arm xxork, IS per week Flag Resiaurant. 410 Market WATCHMAN. 170. Janitor 165. men for whole sale houses and uepartm-nt stores. $14 to 13 Amrlcan IJuJne Rureau 919 Olive WANTH Mn to leirn barber trade. 112 t9 J1S wekl) pHld graduates, few wc ks com- Ekte bv our method, can nearl) earn expenses efore nnlshlnp. positions guaranteed (all or write Mhr Rarber College 1110 I'ine st W ATCH5IAN. ETC U mchman. housemen psrters. Janitor, junlmcn and general help for Worlds Fair ground and vlcinttj, work guar anteed Acme. 1523 Market AGENTS AND SALESMEN. Saleamea. veaee.'v'.saa'isiheektkAeekA ALnSMN For cit) work. Rord opening for right man , permanent A1Z Merrnod-Jac card bldg SALESMEN Gcod men on splendid proposi tion, big remuneration to right man. our sile mon earn from 125 per week up. 409 Holland Annex. 709 Pine SALESMAN leading suit-case manufacturer wants resident sale-man In St. Louis, must bo acquainted with large trade, this is the most popular line In the t-ountrv , liberal commission, state reference Negn suit Case and Bag Co , lft Arch st. Philadelphia Agents. et big profit Call be tween S and 10 a m.'J. Kirk. 106 N Third. AGENTS I have a formula for manufactur ing an article in use In ever-, dwelling and business hct.Fe; takes three-quarter of an hour and 35 cents In monev to manufacture ro-t)-elght dollars worth iretall value) ; if you want in is fienn o"c euvcr. "lainiip ur is uruci. u T Tannyhill. Franklin, 111 ST. LOUI9 Button Co . 413 Lucss aye , are manufacturers, Jobtets and wholesalers of sou venir World s Fair and campaign noveltes in rellulcld, aluminum, metal, glass and wooo spevfal designs to order. SOLICITORS. .-SOLICITOR Young man to Bollcit and put up order, must have some experience, will board Keller's Meat Market, 5097 Delmar CttnafutscTBT. PARTNERS WATTED. PARTNER Iady for retaurant; small capi tal required Call 4220 Easton PARTNER with jao. can make Jl 000 In six months -lek Redmon-Phllllpw 6vS Chestnut PARTNER Bright, active man for office anl outside business that will clear ou about SCO monthly; no risk; In a permanent, established business; can double the present amount of business In a short time: S5C3 cash required See Edwards Brokerage. Co , 807 Chestnut at HOUSES, ROOMS. ETC.. WAnTED, m-illllttlll'l MARRIED eounle want room In Dtivate fom- tl; wife willing to help do hou-ework for her beard. HF 77. Republic. SMALL stable or shed wlthtn nine block uf Ninth and Locust. ?9 Lncunpt FLATS WANTED. We have customer for good single or double flats must be worth monev asked; submit what ou have at once HOLBROOK-BLACKW ELDER R. E T. CO , 812 Olive et. IIOOMS A!D BOAIID WA'NTED. eaieee'a'eeeeaeaeesseej.aae'a ROOM and board for two ladles: permanent If suited, no WorIJ Fair prices, references exchanged. SK 26, Republic ROOMMATES WAM'ED. waiws'ieasee.iseeaeesaseaeaaeaje1 OENTLEMEN roommates In two nice rooms, good board 2901 Lucast. ilrst floor ROOMMATE by voung man; front room and bath, verv desirable. 3423 Caroline ROOMMATE A refined voung lady In pri vate family: $1 75 per week. 1924 Chouteau 5IISCELLM7:OL,5 WANTS. GELRER pa)s highest prices for all kinds Eentlemen's clothing, overcoats, uniforms; need adl). Call or write. Arlington Store, 624 Mor gan st MATTRESS making: feather whole and retail dealers feathers renovating, 3S39 Finney MEN'S old clothing, pay highest prices; pos tals. Kin A 16j9 Hllhert. 1419 Carr PRESCRIPTION ca-e and wall case. G 72. Republic partition; also bTAMPN new and used, coins, curios auto graphs, Canadian money bouzht and sold st Lxuls tatamp and Coin Co . 115 N. Eleventh TYPEWRITERS. For ftate. WILL sell cheap, one roll-ton typewriting desk and one 2a. z htnim. oni usea snort time 1014 rullerton building TOUR selection ot the largest stock of slight. ly used and secondhand typewriters In the country, standard makes guaranteed for one vear; sold and rented everywhere; send for bargain and rental rate card The typewriter Kxtliange. 203 N. Ninth st . bt. UmiIs. Mo BbSIlE.SS CHANCE. Ma.,Meeeeeeee' IF jou ar- open for a St Louis Investment and want .something that will pay you 12 per cent per annum, the safet) of which can be proven beoi.d doubt, you can gt full details bv addressing GW Hi Republic. MAN w anted to open fruit and ice-cream rtand in front of saloon and garden 4201 Race Course ave, opposite Tower Grove Station WANTED Men and women to Invest from $100 up, in coal ell, lead. zinc. gold, silv er, copper stock and properties. I. O Box 935, St Iouls WORLD a Fair, reascnable space to rent, good location Address or call at 74 B, Liberal Arts building E F. Bumpus MHniSG INTERESTS, rninrVMMiinfr "i -n-n- ------ -i-i-iii-i-ii-i.nn'.'.njiii.. 8PWBNDID Opportunity Gold mines at prl vata sal; McCabe, Arizona. F. Kautx, Mo veaqua. III. BOOKS PAl'ERS. eww..wewNeeeeeNwewew I WANT to bur law. medical and other nod koolu. Dan Unahan. tuokMller. Ill Market. BICTCLES. For Sal. ri i "--" ----. , - J. .- -.Jl-l(-tr-trir-trLrL)-J BICYCLE Eargaln To reduce our stock Srlor to removal, we will sen our wbeis cheap, lorxsn A Hardinr. eKS8 Olive st. FIRST-CLASS bicycle repairing: vulcanizing: automobile tire a specialty: lot of secondhand LUtomoDue tire ; rheels: $5 to $10. 112 N. Nineteenth WALL PAPER. ssessssewsmiss.ssswwMsMwwM A. MILLER Wall Paper Store removed from UOf Franklin to 3352 Canon; paper, rooms complete for tt W. Klnloch 2311 Delmar. EHRL1CH BROS, paper rooms. (3 each: work fraaracteed; palntlna; reasonable. 4060 Easton- FmurnxQ. CRESCENT PrtnUns; Co.. 67 N. JVrarth St. Flu wot; fair pruat; Had for (arapla. UISI.NKS1 FOn SALE. HR!lhR shop three thalr. hot and cold watrr lent IS G I Republic ROWtDING-HOrM:. well furnished and rti f-uit . xxlll s-xcrlllce. JI75 tah HF 2... Rrpululi IIL'sINEss. for sale cool buIne a snap for a lie man no onpoMtlon near 722 High i'KjMC stire with litundr) brarnh. cm' of the In 1 ImatloiiH In iltx 2219 OUr CIGAIt Ftnre nnl Iriindrx brnmh mut 11 sh km will acrir.i for ash C N Ninth EIGHT ROOM rooming iiu nUvl fur ni-ne.j rtx m. lull h2' 'Tmuleau 1 LEttANiI.'x furnSred hi ue. lu loom ful Ix equlpi ed for boarders 1 hi h allt) nar Grano and Wahinton phne Llnaeil 2$3M I.LTZ l. nlcelj fuin hei n"m. hue al wax Jlllrd all cnx ni net - rhtap rent 1US I.iplth . FHTEEN furnthel n-im pood K at'n It -0 mt nth zuirantitd sfQo box Rfdmon-PMlllps Hi ( ! rtnul riRT-CLASf horse-ihoeimr hOi. good loca tion. dolrr fine butln Ml Mnch-gter FIRsrr IAVS xragoti anl rnnape ttnt p er) cheap rent g(md stnnd 11 theap, mut leave 1 ij F-mn HE 25 Itepuhllc COIN; nut of lmtiis, aMd will sell e-x cheap t.-ik wtove and hoa-hold also prccer) fruit and e inlet- tan 1 . n atm rickn s. rent J inetl5ite im h J- (phtli st IHOCTU R'--I lontkin cash counter trade I limn inxolre GY 142 R' Mlc GROCJ R and alin en of tne tct pijlnp stumN vxlll invoice from Ji5-t to J1. ") Got Drew inp V 91i N sixth sr HALF lntertst In les'aiirnt that will tl'ir J1OO00 in nxt sK mtntti large place, ever) thing M-t cliSM urn' man vho ran act ai cahier and handle help a rar. I have two place, this ati't bo beat Ui Washington axe HAVE chamretl mx IU ral store into flrst-elass lunchrfHim about readx to opn have tran ferahle -ae r nt w .1 -ll 1721 Ollxe It E creani. soda fruit, ranfectlonerv anl cigar store plerdil location Inqaire at 1512 Ollxe LI N HltuOM doing aortI luines. junction four rar line, cheap .4V t innej 11 ONE of the oweiiet reptaurants In town for ale, doing 1 line Itusimsfl, located in a desir able part of the cit) other bulne oblige us to sell HF 60 Republic RITFRANT line l.wation bic bulne -rat V people onlv $G5o Redmon-Phllliu fi"W Chestnut RlTt RANT ejnr pood busine-. eart of clt. have other business H I. Tlsh. 123 Market. IH.sTAIRANr and laundrv branch, dolntf gocd bultie' Iravirg ity part on time &('2 H Uronlvav ROOMING HOI SE 22 room lease, central location Apply to owner. 1C22 Washington ROOMING IIOLSB -ik niclv furnished rooms west of 40 n on I-aeide direct cir from Union Station, must Fell, leaving ctt) Gr 78. Rf public ROOMING, II room, on Ollxe. cheap rent full, reaeinable term Inqulr 3121 Oltv SIXON Al corner Co 91 N Mxth t-t Inquire Wast Rrewirg SAI)OON doing good buines, low rent, pood rea-on for sfilinp Call 111 Ollv st SV.LOON rt) leaving tit) 20J6 Wash Cill at enc. SM-OON south of Mirket Bt , goo 1 locatlcn, opposite large factor) etnplojmp oxer 3.0OI, selling account leaving cit) UF S5 RpuDllc SHOEMAKER shor and hcue furniture, going out cf busines, good reason 19-W Chou teau ae. KtRv.MIlUD HOUSES AM) ILA'l - FMi SALE. EIGHT newly furnished rooms; World Fair lease, near grounds lllu Delaware ave FOCR.ROOM furnished fiat nice location, rent 317 furniture ha Redmon-Phllllp -06 hitrut FURNITCRE comph te. almcst new and verj clean of r four-room flat 4If S Jefferson ave rPRNIMIED flats five six or sefn room, fine location Redmon A. Phillips 6j5 Che-t-nut THREF-ROOM furnished fiat, at a bargain, owner leaving cltx 2447A N Spring ave HOL'SF.IIOLD GOODS. Was teat- 0 REPORB moving sell furniture and feathers don't want -end iotal 4shton, llll H Jef frcn FEVTHER Verv highest price paid; honest weight, postal Globe pillow Co T 530 Finney FEATHER beds wanted, piv $13 to Ir. each, nd rotal T J R)an. West rind Station J121) buvs furniture of five-room flat, bath, rent J22 GO 32H Relt. W K pay fclgaeet caan prices for Household fnrnttnre. pianos, etc; also bur entire contents of flats or residences; call or send poeU-L Leo rorl Auction Co . 1219-21 OI'v-s St. Fur Sale. AT 125, a Majestic combination gai and coal rarge, complete with ga broiler and water fonnctlons. Loth gas and coal, good as new. K5 Washington I-URNITCRE of six-room at at jour own price, rent $23 2J43 Eanton ave 0: range and ba.e burner 3i3" Rutger rPUNITURE of thr 3K3 Rutger st e-room flot LOT IRON BEDS ATSI.25 Another lot Iron bdsjust received in green and white, com quick, onl) a limited number, we ptlll have a few solJM new nigs left as ad vertised lat week, some worth J27 at S19S5, big discounts on dlerontlnufd patterns n all lines of furniture CREDIT IF WANTED NEW YORK STORV.CSE CO . 2212 to 221 Wah st COTS COTS. We are still headquarters for cots and coi pads; also the spare-room outfit. At Langan ft Taylor S. and M. Co. ISM TVasnl"gton ave. REFRIGERATORS. A complete line of refrigerators and chests to select from Call and comjare prices- At Langan & Taylor S. and M. Co. 1S23 Washington ate. SPECIAL. More bargains for eur patrons, another beau tiful line of Iron beds jjst put on sale. At Langan & Taylor S. and M. Co. 1C23 Washington ave. mrwiAG MicniAns. SEWING machines. Singers, flm-class sonable 2307 Franklin, rear SEWING machine all makes, for wile from $ to $13 718 N Eleventh st W HI TH wlng machine. Art-class order $7 3421 Olive st ALL kinds of tove. ranees and furnaces re Pilred hv Condon Bros IQJJ Market BARBER chilr. $S 2I47A N t-prlrg ave HHICK, rocl.. lumber and other bulldln? ma tertal Appls at Coic Krllllnnt- School on Cr betueen Cottage and Kennerlj acs Cilllick Hro HU paints fn.ri tlreat Western I'al't huJ Color Co . oils. 37. , tiirrenllnej Z3c. lead. c to tue S14 Manche.ter l!l 1-ranklln I'APll register. National make; cost $73. used cae month, sell fcr III) Bill) lice. 303 Tin" CASH registers bouaht. sold and exchinired lames Duffy 11C X Ninth Klnloch A SSI COAI-Dorr's hlrh-arade. Ho bU'hel dellv ered Edward Dorr ICH Montan -t Kin c 33 FINE ao-cart almost J47 N gprlnn nve. new. ery cheap FINE Millard iv. VO.-A tables and sunnllea. A B Schmlflt. JK Market st Main 277SM ICH rhe.ts water (oolerp. etc at reduced rlce at Condon llros 102 Market ONC large fire an.l burglar proof safe, with mone chest. In perfect condition 12 N First PIlONOuKAI'Iti of fte different makes, at price, that will Interest you, cylinder records at iic each. The Ita Co . 8i3 Olive ,t. bECONDHAND building materlnl Wrecking Co . 3321 Easton SPOUTaNO goods d ah oescrlptlons- buxlng glores, punching bars, dumb bells ball., bat. mitts, belt., etc The Ray Co . 21 Olive at. TENTS and tarpaulins for sale or rent. Louis Be'tlng Supply Co . K a. Fourth. TWO elk heads and 18-poInt deer head; case of mounted birds and steer horn Morlock. 1733 N. Broadwa v. WHISKY; four full quarts; very old and choice: send J3. express prepaid Kentucky Whlrv House. 17 Franklin, St Loo!.. Mo. W.000 sheets MeKinlgy and University musla at Hi each The Ray Co.. 92S Olive at. TCWTQew and secondhand. ICIII O WjyCZEL. 121 S. Main at. ARMY TEXTS FOR SM.E. 1.CW 7iS army tents: will make special price, on large lots. St. Louis Ueltlng and Supply Co. 60S 8. Fourth st. SPECIAL. Delft of all sizes and wood,; a fine line to select from A handsome mahogany roller top. 4 feet, 312.75; fiat-top. 4 feet. $9 59; on sale At Langan & Taylor S. and M. Co. 1S23 Washington av. DOGS. CATS. PETS FOR SLF.. NEW YORK bird store: caharlcn. redbtars, Cuban, double yellowheads: parro's 103 7"ian lln ave. near Broadway; Flank Metzer. rrsr IIOKSK9 AND VEHICLES. eMMrA TO Rent- V pood hoise for United Htates man cr Hector xx III bu) -amo If suitable. Address at nr I iank Vuch 2111 H Eleventh st for lal. A UVRGK number of fire fresh ml!"h cowj. with ealxej. we eil thee cowt fcr $2 50 pf w k. mi that half their milk will piv tor ti fm xve nk nothing .lown. and you can set rns rnlMM before buxlng He thee cows to dax at 1t3 S TncKth at Sltndaid Credit Co ALU Y- on hind, draft, driving, general purjose liornes new wagons buggk and har-ne-a, jou trj horteo before hu)tng. iash cr en pnvmenta & Ifc House 5I N. IIroadwa. T a acriflce, rubber tired "torrn bugg) VLfh. high 1 ack 3T Iiclile high RARG MV Three nice )arJlns colts of big. fine stock, cheap 1314 N Tenth HKVITH-l'L Lay horse, 16 hand high, for Monn bnprx or phler ound, 6 jeai old. 1175 .f ' ( lark axe LIG Mack farm mare big 5 v ear-old hore 1 Vt pound, live, driving and delivery, drlvlrg tnd riding pon 1B21 hrnnklln R!.AK tenn inarr. JJ. ell repardle of prlre nidon leaving cit 2414 Division RL Wlv dilv 'ng n. ire team mulew, plug hots- wont cff-i leaving cltj 2P22 Franklin . OFh i:iX ta advertising, carpenter truck sprlm vake vxagonF Toblnka. 14W N Seventh DRAIT. driving and general-purpose horse, xxagon- harne-F tah or pamentH, e erythlng guxianteii uf teprente! 4T2 Claton axr. TI RMTI'RE top and rpen deliver) wagon nxi and seccndhanit loung A Co 1423 N Urnndwnv GOOD city broke horne. suitable for all pur jtrp il j ony for ehillren txxo goo-I dirt xx agon 1 heap 311 N Tvvent) eccnil lURVIs th- et line nf buggy siiTey, x pet anl team lne!!l in cltv. Urgt stock rf rldlrg addle- A Tuck-tt. 1522 N Hroadwav IIOUE surrey ard hne-n. la 5r.e condltlcn 1411 L-rd ave HORE and wagon n"r Fifteenth and Montgomery .southea-t cor LRGF train wcrk horpes. or will trade fr mules stable Pu-itj Ice Cream Co l S ni) Fianklin lAHCn number of work driving and eip-s hore nairor horn-, tueffi- etc for cah cr jn xmall T.avment averal rheap storm bue rfes rooil express outfit- fresh milch cows for '2 W pr week drn't fall to e ls befo-e buv lr? Mandard Tetltt Co 1CPS S Twelfth st MMl' runnlKui: and harn"ts caeap will ell ep,arate 194i Provencher. plar. NIC? itibher-tlred surry, nearly new 13 &M4 Morgan ONE hore single platform furniture wagon and "09 N Main ONE cut-under surr-y Tor $43, one Brewster spring uriey J55 new rubber tlre.1 runabout, elegant style, for 83 3105 S R'uaJway SMALL takc wagon, reasonable price Pop ular Price Kt preys i'q . 304 N Ttnth STORM hugpv. "214 Indiana axe full back, will tell cheap STORM bugkles, park and eity delivery wag ons also one hii 1 two hone truciC, first class work .1 targaln J M Selser, 152 N Four teenth STORM buggies, proeer. baker, butcher laun Ir). milk ied1Ier. exprepi whltener. caterer larlFt wagon J hn Tohinka I4n6 N Seventh TEAM henxv draft horse two eUeri wag on horses nice driving pony for lad), must ell neel rfom 104 S Jefferson EKiBREE-McLEAN CARRIAGi: CO. Examine Our D splay of Homemade High-Grade Vehicles FOR I'INE PRIVATE TRADE. At Our KpciUorj and factory. Xo.. 1H1S tu J.HS3 01.1 K STREET. MCSIC1 eAefeAeAAMeAeMesMeeAeAAAMAeMA BARGAINS cornel- J!, tenors 17. altcs $7, tar v tones IS. tuba ?li, planes and organs J Placht A. Son 113 Si Broadwa) "HEAR the Soul of a Krakauer Piano Sing", to hear It Is to bu) It toll bv Dan'I O Dun ker Piano Co., Tourteenth anl North Market. HCNLETII'S Mulc House carries the best and largt st stocks of records and disks at cut prices f S Hroadwa) VTEINWA.s. we have two good uprights in splenlld condition. It will pav you to e-e thes bargains Re)er's. Sviteenih and Locut WILL J-ell slight) used Harvard upright pl ano at a aacrlfl-.e S202 S Jefferson f5 buvs fine piano, full size, cost 1265. stool and covttr UU N Slxtith 563 bujs flro piano, with steol and cover. Schubert & Mnxtcr. 2502 franklin ave 312. H anl $37, respective!), buvs a good or gan, according to stjle of case, term. 33 monthl) Bever. Seventeenth and Locust. 323. 343. $. 383. 3100. $125. tlSO. HC5 and 3200 buys rood usej uprlaht or euare piano Klee kamp Piaro Co. 2207 r&rk av $58 on Beautifully carved-lrg piano with pearl-lnlald front, cost new $y-J. lian fine tone and will sell for $( monthly a snap for some one F Be)er e ton. Seventeenth and L.UEt, KU.KCL ItUU.V PIA0 CO., 'PrrcBty-KlKhth and Olive Sts. ''LIKE A MAGNET" Is the beautiful PACKARD, attracting even melodv -lov lng man, w oman and child to our warerooms. The tonal loveliness anl the deli cate responsive touci of the piano gives It a high ranking among the finest Instruments We want ou to hear tne PACKARD Its rich tone will make jou feel Its beauty After that It ls an easy matter to sell Terms to suit T HHTER A SON Seventeenth and Locust "THOUSANDS SATISFIES" After purchasing a piano from us We are the pioneers of the piano business In St Ixmls This Is now our thlrtj -fifth yesr In business from a Bmall beginning to our present beauti ful warerooms une can visit our store and se lect from ove- 2l different makes all renowned In their gnde Good new pianos from SI) up to $1.50-1 Terms rra.sonaMe Follow these col umns for w-peclal bargains in ueed planes F HITTER A bON. Seventeenth and Iocusc "ALMOST FOR THE ASKINi" A good squhrc, is a beautiful musical Instru ment when pronerl) pUyed. We have several from $23 up, will sell $4 month!) I BE1ER A SON. Seventeenth and Locust "SLIGHTLY USED" Two magnincent uprights, in fancy woul cases, used the last season bv two of the leading lng lng societies, will bo Mid at one htlf regular price Ask to see them wnen vou call F IiUVLR & sOX, .seventeenth and Iocust. MVCHIEHY FOR SALE. aeeaajAaeeeeAAeaAiaak'aa'vi DYNAMOS and motors, all st)les and volt aKes, for ale or rent, we buy electrical ma chlner) Roslier-MacGovem Electrical Co.. 'irand 271. anl Ictor 1346 Compton and Papln. SECONDHAND STEAM PUMPS TV. V. COIl. EIGHTH A.MJ CI, A UK. I'oiiriiY a.o i;;gs. CIIMDEniIN'H perfect mash egg feed anl evergreen closer will make jour hens laj GOLD, MI.VEK. JICKEL I'I.4TIG. a.awaki'n,seaV'aeti GOLD. IIer and nickel plating In all its brr.mhes. repairing tdd silverware a pcltHy. Gutav M Krause, 617 Pine t , second floor STORAGE AND MOVING. wtvri AMERICAN Morane and Movlnie Cn ?Tg OlUe: moMng. packing, shipping; all storage In separate rooms, both phones. W. H- LangtlaJe. JIONDED warehouse: Henry C, W. Wleh. storage and MoIng Co. U12-1I rranklln aye ; mone advanced when desired. Klnloch C 111 1" 11. I'OIITMANN Storage and MoMne CO Separate room., low prices on reliable moving and storage 2S01 Cass ave.; phone D 1247. NEW YORK Storage Co . Twenty-second and Wash. move. pack, ship or storo furniture In sepirate rooms: estimate, given; work guarnt- l.OUISI s.NA Storage Co , Gso. Jokerst. Mrr. Moving, packing: bath phones; 2 warehouse SOUTH Side Storage and Moving Co . 1901-3 3 Sidney st. lie'.l Sidney 135; Klnloch Victor 07. CTnHiQCAB'.OL.UTEW FIREPROOF. 0 1 UfinDt warehouse. Grand and ljlc new for safekeeping of furniture, pianos, trunks, valuables, boxes, etc, strictly first class movlm packlns. shipping, etc Our fire Insurance the lowest Money advanced Ship goods our c-ire. F-stlmites free Get our rates. Both phone 1219 21 O.lve. R. U. Leonorl Auction & Storage Co. CARPP7T CLBArTI!IO. eieieek.iiejkieeMNvaekewei.p ACME steam rarret elenntntr 5 !-.. atji Easton. phore Delmar 170. AMERICAN Steam Carpet Cleaning Co c yard Nineteenth and Pine, send postal, kln loch D 70 CHICAGO Steam Carpet CT-.nlng Co : W. J. McCourtnej. manager, carp-t renovated; Iook like new. Lin. 230; Kin Del. 2451. VB Finney. EMPIRB Steam Carpet Oeanlng Co . W. Wa terman. Manager Carpet, renovated, lock Ilk. new. 2123 Lucas: tel. Beaumont 2J0: Kin. C96(. RUBBER STAMPS. SEAL1!. STESCIL3. f---' ---'' t '-'ii'-ij-ij-LrxrtjT,TrLj-j KAiPER STAMP AND SBAL CO . SIS Lo cust st. and b.ock J) Liberal Art. building World s Fair; both phones. EXCELblOK htencll Work.. 113 Olive, for steel .tamps, sttnclls, burning brand, rubber type, seals, bras, and aluminum check.. DYEISG, CLEANING, REPAIRING. PANAMAS and fins straw hat. 'bleached re Mocked and retrimmed like new; no acldn used Btet'ons cleaned, etc; est. 1870. H L. Ermat ingcr. 814 Pine. """' OKIIMATOLOQT, e.aaaaTtsfreee,trlMS """"" iirnirleULslJ Superfluous Hair, MoIm. warts, red reins, icars, and all on slghtly, humiliating blemlsbe. ptrma. nsntlyandsafelvremoved-Callorwrltai SOSMannod-Jsceard, St-r-.nY.. u. axMua, j wu.-. ... .. UUUDUltK A9.1.. s ROOMS FOR REVT. nn n iWii "wwm ADAMH. 310 Nicely furnished front room for two or three gentlemen. -.w wc. w.u. ATi ..nn vtihinv wnot rootna or board anywhere at reasonable rates, apply Central Room Agency. 14 N. Fourth st. bervlce free. ANN "739 Nicely furnishea rooma; private famllj," can board. Jefferson or Tower Grova car ARCO. 4333 Nicely furnished front room; I convenience, for two. 15 weak for mom. ARCO. 4345 Clean, cool, comfortable rooaxs; prlv ate family: witn pain; reawnwum i-k.h. ARCO. 4225 Nicely f urnlshe 1 rooms, bath, ga. private family. tn minutes to Fair, rea sonable MTRERT 904-Connecting and slnei rooms; modem convenience; three car Unea to Fair. ACRERT I'lace, A (Southeast Corner Euclid and Suburban Track) Front room accommo date two or four n VRTMER. C20V-Neatly furnished rooms, 2oa Mc day. ten minutes' walk to Fair and HaRTMER W37 Flegantly furnished moms; Ftrlctly private, fifteen minutes alk Fair; four car tlnep. Eighteenth st. car at station, change 10 Page. RAYARD. 7f4 Well-f irnlsh-d rom In private family near Talr. permanent. $1 II A YARD. 112 Room-, cool and pleasant ratr visitors reaonao!e four car lines to Fair I WARD. "40 Newly Turnlshed rooms for transients- (I day per person, 15 mliutfi' walk Fall. II M ARI 1213 Cool rooms, private famtlr hot and cold bath. Fair visitor. reaonab e rates. HAlAHD, 7J.3 Cool rooms, private family. reasonable rates, both, gas, thre car Mis to Fair IJELU 30t2"RenutlfuIly furnlshM rwm, pedal aceuoimodatli ns, cars tonvenient. rea sonabk Kin C 122 IIUI.VJ; 41VF-Front rwmc conxen.ent t( car, pear WorM Fair 75 per lax HOYLE, 1221A-TWO clern. cd room. vate famll) ten mlnutB to Fair BROADWAY 251 s s NIreI furni"hed front room for two gentlemen or couplt. reaonah!e imoMm'xL 15W N Natlv furnlVd rooms from II 25 up. gentlemen only HRODWAY. 107 N-Flne room rvlce 503 to R per da) Parties of S to T lnvltel BROADWAY 503 S. Large front room very cheap to Fair visitors or permanent cuple UROxDWAY 56U N Three -ilcly nirnlahM front rcoms, all conveniences, private family; racrable RRODWAY 1623 N Nicely furnlhl room, with or without board, all coavenlenee, reasonable BRODWAY. Ifiil S NIceIr furnished back tarlor first frcnt and back parlor sC"-d fi or. reasonable nilOADWAl. 12 h Flnalr fjrrlhed rooras half block fro-n southern Hotel 31 3 to J weeidv . free baths Apply Mrs Walker or Hall Ht RI HOfc To nlcel) furnished rcorni" in private famll) near Worlds Fair Take Eas ton ave cnrn to ZW) west CARPENTER Place. 71S From I'nion Static take Laclede car w"t to Vandventer, north en Vandev enter to Morgan et. plea-ant heme f r visitors, car dlr-ct to Fair CARR. 102 Rotim fte gentlemen. 31 3) up CARR. 1703 Two neatlv furnlshel eincl ptoriw for Haht housekeeping. JiW and V CAhS. 1S2S Nicely furnished fruit room, all conveniences, 12 per week CAs-S, 1930 Ntcel) furnished frcnt room, p-1-vate family all conveniences CASS. 2230 NIcel furnished front room; ' suitable for eounle or two gentlemen CASS H2I Neatly furnished front room, flr-t floor, reasonable, gentlemen only CAS. 2311 Handsomely furnished, cool room; couple or gentlemen, hot bath, gas; reasonabl. CSS. 23 Nicely furnished front room suit able for two gentlemen convenient to all car lines. CAsTLEMAN. 3325 Nicely furntshe! ftnt rooms, private fAmlly: mclem conveniences CATLS 5807 Cool, pleasant n.oms. walking dirtance Fair, clcse to car. meals next door. CATEb 5501 (Corner Uelt Cool, w ell-f urnlshed ontrern-expo-ed rcoms; reaawnable, cIom to Fair CHANNINO. 103 N Clean, nicely fumtahel rooms 6uc up, all conveniences, good neigh borhood CHFSTNUT. HOT- Ven pleasant seco-.d-floor front room; bv dav or week CHESTNUT. 1712 and 1714 Mce, clean, airy room, bv the day or week. 60c up CHE-sTNl'T, 1213 Furnished rooms, suitabe for lUht housekeeping or gentlemen tHFVTNUT 1113 Nicely furaisred coot rooms bath gas efflce. $2 o$ wee up. CHESTNCT. 1411 Peeira tie cool rooms In large rooming-house, reading-room. $2 week up CHOU TEAU. 2;W Nicely fii-nlshed room, first floor, ear direct to Fair CHOUTEAU. 192-rarlor bedroctm. nicely fur nished first floor. 31 ptr daj. CHOTTEAU, 1322 Neatlj furnished front room for one or two gentlemen, private famll) CHOUTEAU. 2321-Nlceh furnished front room for two. price for each person. $1 Rn CHOUTEAU. 1016 Nice, cool rooms; newly furnished; transients or permanent, bath: gas CHOLTKATj, 1529 (Corner Grattan) Fur nished rooms, by day or week; two car lines; housekeeping CHOUTEAU, 1012 Rooms for light housekeep ing, furnished. $1.50 up; unfurnished. 31 up; 1 hore D 214 CHOUTEAU, 1112 One extra large front room, furniehed complete for housekeeping, rent rc-tonablL- CLARK, 3423 Nicely furnished front pooa: first floor, private family, gentlemen or ladles employed CLEMENB 522 "Furnished rooms for World a Fair visitor- 31 up per dAr. CLEMENS. CW2A-Large. cool rooms; 75c da): breakfast optional; Ave minutes' walk to Fair, Page car COMrTON. 23 S Nicely furnished front rar lor for gentlemen or couple; gas bath COOK. 3918 Front and rear roms. all ccn venlences. direct carg to FaJr COOK. 4C1I ' Throe large, comfortable rooms1 COOK. 4033 Pleasant rooms; all conveniences, excellent neighborhood. Page, Delmar and Suo urhan tars. tOc to $1 per di; meals 23c. COTTAGE, 4459 One neatly furnished room; direct car to Fair. COTTAGE, 42-FtjmIhed rooms- hniekeep ing. all privileges: 3paldlng car: 34 50 per w eek DELMAR. 5212A-Two rooms; saite. bath, near Fair. single or en DELMAR. 6201 Furnished tents, coolest sput In St. Louis very reasonable. DELMAR 4652 Two elegant rooms; single or suite: cafe cpposlte. direct Fair cars I)ElJMIt. WO-Concectlnie front rnom: als south room: -afe opposite, prlat( famllr. DKLMAlt. 314 Handaomelr rurnlhed rooms for torlde Fair il.lteni. tl per da. Dfn-MAIt. 111-Cool looms; Fair Ueltors. 1 23 ilav. with breakfat; three bltcka Fair DELMAR, 5735 Choice ooma. Jl day; cafe; reserve them now: nve rrlnutee' wilk to Fair DELMAR. 40.16 Ijirge. cool rooms. Wc to Jl: can go direct to World's Fair. DELMAR. IW-nMm. for World's Fair vlslt ors. tOc. tl per day, olive and Suburban .ars DELMAi:. in World's Fair Msitors actom m -lat.d In nkely furnished rooms; direct tars to Fair. DELMAR. 4I2-ChoUir accommodations for visitors, near alr cafe convenient, rates rea sonable. DELMAR. 1143 Furnished rooms, southern exposure; special rates to parties of three or more persons. DELMAR. 441&A Two frcnt rooms, single or en suite, also single room, modern conven iences DELMAR. 4547A Hltors accommodated, tl day: breakfast If destrM, modern convenient es, 10 minutes to Fair: tel Klnloch Delmar 1J67L. DELMAR. DHJ Furnished rooms, private none, bath; tl day: near Fair, phone Forest DELMAR. 44MA Handsomelv furnlshel lara. front room, bath: eonvenlent car. and Fair, private: reasonable DELMAR lloulevard. 201 Lovely rooms in elegant private home; near Fair; very reasrn able. also tents. DEI,MR. CMl-Elegantly furnlshel room-: private famll): shady grounds; three block. World s Fair entrance' DELMAR Boulevard. 4214-Nlcel,- furnlsVd rooms, southern exposure, prlvata family, ref erences, rhone Inell 1SR3M DELMAR Boulevard. 4:22 neat, private rooms, bath Choice, strictly phono, near Fair car. and restaurants' m'st reasonable In West End. groups 7Jc person. ice water, iie laqiea espeeiaiij'. write. DICKSON. 3420 Nicely fumlsVd rooms fir two or three gentlemen- DICKSON. 2750 Mcely furnished front n1 other rooms; light hou"ekeBine: bath. ga". rea sonable DICKSON rvji Homelike accommodation In private family; gentlemen or Fair visiters; rea sonable. DICKSON, r02-Mcely furnished rcom; pri vate famll); light housekeeping; gap. bath: reasonable. ' DILLON. 1025 Front room, first floor: south em eiposure; reasonable to viMtors; also per manent roomer. r?ADS. 2J31 Room and board; two connecting room., nicely furnished: southern eiposure; three car line.; prlv at. famll); South S13e EASTON. 3340A-Neatly furnished room all conveniences. EASTON 46S4A Nicely furnished front mem, hot and cold bath A.8TO.. 3108 Furnlsncd second-floor rn.rt rcom: also parlor with piano: for Fair vuitoi.. flASTON. J3M HIM rrumm. ..... --. ,. ... Fj.t-n r ;;,.., v '-.r. ."" ".; " " .. .a. ,,. .mumr m rair. EASTON. 290JA Newlv fifrnl.h. .n.t. Mnt rooms: private bath: direct car. to ralr: rea sonable. k.TO. ". tlegantlv- furnished i)ra: modem conveniences; cars direct to Fair fam ilies accommodated: 50c to SI ner dav .SAfTCr"' W' Visitor., elegantly furnlhfl nrst-ciasr. modern rooms; everv convenience; 75c Tier day: Easton car.; fly, minutes to Fair. S2?"iE,BJ:TJ?' " N Two connecUnsA-'U room.; nso back roo; lentlemen or owJlLIN sK V xtw)-huujhj. Anfaietsni I' o-i-M t -Srf-. ,. fr Ti. J-,-, -