Newspaper Page Text
THE ST. LOUIS 'REPUBLIC: MONDAY. JULY IS. 1904 11 noons for rent. EIGHTEENTH. 71$ N. Nicely furnished cond-Biory front, cool rooms; for World Tuir v iltors El-LIOTT n-KurnlRr-ed second-story front rccm Trr genuemen ft.t Tnr ism . - .,ft.ifi.h.l mom: private family cheap rent ET7.EU .:- Nlct- rrwme.. private family; rlot Pair. -v an! 75c per Jay Et'CI.ID 7 Newlv furnished, cool rooms; hath Fair visitors, four car lines to Fair EUCLID. 7S Onol. pleasant ro-vma: private family. Fair visiters, near Fair; four car lines Sl'CMD. 76T Hi! West) Fair visiters can flr.d the best of cfol. madrn rooms. ahtdy ,rfcunds three car lines to Fair. Sl'CFNIA 2125-tArire ,-econd-story front from, southern exposure; suitable for six aen tiemen EUGF.MA 2312 ll-furnihcd room, with bath. f-r World's Fair vlltor; near can to Fair and eprt ?.oc dav and up EVA'S'. 115 FumlshM rooma-. transient or permamm pas bath. hcreens; reasonable. E ANh, 07 Furnished hall room; Also room ttr Fair visitors, uas, bath; near cars EVANS. 4171-Huoms for World's Fair vis itor TV dav ea. h. r-nvenient three car line. KVA.N!1. 4HbA Neatly furnished room fr two srentlemen t coupe; in private family. World'! Fair vinn CVAN. ;w-Tnw nicely furnished rooms for TVcrld's Fair visltois. all conveniences, Easton ear ilrect to Fair: IS minute ride EWiNis 31C N NU cool front room, aec end flaor ta bath EWINC Znn N -Fu-nlhed or unfurnished rooms out .enient t nil parts of cltv LM tliirili v T" ri". V(mI e i t -vt I v 1 -.-i-ima FlfTKHN'TH lis N -Cool room, nicely fur nished bath Ka etc . II week up FIFTEENTH. 103 S -lloom. near station. In quirt IrtrrfMti cvI ratrs FINNE - New 1 j furnished rooms, rea sopjtHe Yr Huth c phone riNNEY. I0F Wirld's Fair visitors, nice airy roms rnt-s -Oc. TSc and 11 per da . Tape and Iiel-narcar FIVE rooirs. elegant heme. outhTvetern ex posure, sentlemen only. rstmlnster place. Hell I. ::.m rOI-SoM. C3S9 tThe Fo.som lluse, Nicely furnished roorr Wv up. baths free FOKr-iiT 1'AKK Itjuievara. 434 iMerltvether) -Fair visitor accommodated, take Ladede car at I'ri'n Nation FOUNTAIN. t?7-Lari:r. cocl; choice location. Fair visitor Data. i. lie to Jl I tfay FOl RTEENT1I 9U N Nicely furnished room FRANKLIN S2 Hocma. 7J cents to Sl.3 . ns atMi baih FRANKLIN. :MlVlce, llimt front room for hoi rkTlrg. rannaMc. rtpectable people. FRANKLIN. u:4 Clean, cool roome: 3c day up; SI JO week and up. St Loula, Mo. FRANKLIN. rTtl Comfortably furnirtiM front nom. cuthern exposure, term reason able FRANKLIN. 302C One nicely furnished room for. tw o la Jies or aentlemen ; saa an4 batn convenient to two car llnea FRANKLIN HIIA-Furnlshed front room for two or three gentlemen, southern exposure; rath FURNISHED room In Clayton. Pee Jon J. Hartntt. Wgtch-man-Advocate. Clarion. Mo. GARFIEID. 4501 Nicely furnished rooms for Fair tisitor; bath, xaa, every convenienoa; EO cents up GERION. 1 I N FurnlahM front room for houeKeepln: gaa and bath; t3.5 per week. GARRISON 1305 N. Two auita cf room; very dctirabie. also jingle rooms; reasonable to par tie r GARRISON. 73 Elegantly furnished front room, suitable for two fentlemen; araa, bath; ieaonable GLAiC.ow nace, yoj-Two fumiihd rooms; reasonable GOODIi 1M! Furnl-hed front room; private family, gentlemen, reasonable; Easton cars to Fair. GORE. 113 iWebter Grove Rooms, fur nished or unfurnished. 33 N. Eleventh at., SL IOUid GRAND, 3 N. World's Fair Tlsltors accom mojateii with nice rooms; all convenlencea. GRAND. IS?) N Nicely furnished rooms, for Fair 1 tors; cocvenlent to all car lines; terms rci? tenable. GRAND. 1M3A N Neatly furnished back parlor. aiFO hall room; private family; tu and bath GRAND, 1335 N. Furnished rooma; private family, permanentcr transient; eTery conrenl. nce; reasonable. GRAND 39 N. HlrheM elevation: extensive rrounds; cool and shady: fim-clasa accommoda tions: SI dav ud rate- to permanent am eats. GRATTAN. 101R Three nice rooms; It. 14. $: one or two: visitors or permanent. GRATTAN. 3206 Front parlor, nicely fur nlshed: cheap. Xor permanent room era; bath. HAMILTON 11M- ZAixe. cool rooma: flrc n lr.uets World's Fair two direct car lines. HAMILTON. A Nicely furnished rooms; southern exposure; near cafe; reasonable rates. HAVE a large, cool room, well urnlahed. In private family; reasonable terms. S3I7H Mcr jcan st. HICKORY 1501 T-vo furnlahed rooms for ' ht houekeerlng: to couple. HICKORY, 1106B Two nice rooms; southern exposure, bath; price reasonable. HICKORY. 3804 Nicely furnished two up ttalra roomi: second story: g-as. bath. JEFFERSON. 317 a Ladles deslrttur to prac tice Ucht housekeeping while visitlns; World's Fair will find rooms at above number; refer ences exchanged. JOHN. 4315 Furnished front parlor for housekeeping, private family; XW weekly; Rellefontaine car north. KENNETT, 3821 Nicely furnishM front room; gas, bath, private family: rent reasonable. KBNNERLY. 44fll Furnished parlor for three; block from two car lines; half block to lunch room. tZ per week each. KING'S HIGHWAY. M4 N. Large, cool. modem rooms; bath: walking distance Fair; Olive. Palmar csrs LACLEDE; 2C2 Nlcly furnished rooms, jl 50 snd U wek. board optional. LACLEDE. 3611 One newly furnished room, on direct lln to World's Fair: week. LACLEDE. 3423 Large rooma. with cooking privilege, gas bath: conveniences; IS per week. LACLEDE. 350 Rooms for visitors, 75c and SI day; on direct line to depot and Fair IACLEDE 351ft Neatl" furnished rooms, di rect line to Fair. COc and Jl per day. LACLEDE. 440O Nicely furnished rooms; suit two gentlemen or couple; private; bath. LACLEDE. 4309 Nlcelv furnished room for "World's Fair lsltors. direct car line to Fair. LACLEDE. 4107 Excellent accommodations for Fair visitors, transients or permanent, II o4y; Dams xree lutr j ir.u r.. 100. ice nrcona -story ironi. '"M". i'tnj iuiiin-uru, iri ini-r '-lillcutTii iiArAiMiL. :iA-rumim rooms; sepa rate or connecting with bath; a first-class Place for World's Fair vtitors; terms reason able. LA SALLE. 1316 Two nice, large front rooms fur gentlemen or man and wife; bath, etc. LAHALLE. 1905 Nicely furnished rooms, con venient to Compton Htlghta and Cbinpton car line. X.AWTON. 3140 Large front rooms; suitable for two to eight: li week and up. LAWTON. 3208 Large second-floor front rocm for three aentlemen. LAWTON. 3935 Second-etory front room; no children: no other roomers; all conveniences. LAWTON. 374-EaegantIy" furnished rooms; bath. ga. modern; visitors accommodated. LAWTON 30C3 Second -story front, suitable for three a!o other rooms; term reasonable. LAWTON, 33T Clean, well-furnished rooms for visitors; all conveniences; board If desired. LAWTON 2922 Large, nlcelr furnished: all conveniences: 11 per duv for one or two persons. LAWTON. i44-Fiirnished rooms for World's Fair vlsltors;kall conveniences. .Llndell 3463A. LEE, 3S33 Two elegantly furnished rooms for gentlemen, or will lease whole cottage. LEE, 3945 Quiet room for two: bath; private; adults; J1.50 and 12 aclu LEE. 3S17-7 Nicely furnlehed rooms. LTONARD 717 N. Cool rooms for Fair visit ers; direct car lines to ground'", rate reason able. LTNPELL. 2Sn NIcelv furnished rooms from SZ to Jk ner week LINDELL. XjHZ (Tlie Clucas) Room; break -fst. for World's Fair vleitorw. II a day. LOCUST. 811 Nico cool furnished rooms; bath: niered water, etc. rates reasonable. LOCUbT. 3004 Nicely furnished rooms; deslr ahl fcr Fair visitors; gas; hot bath. LOCUST. lCl-NIce. cool, airy rooms, for Wcrld's Fair visitors . raUa SOc up LOCUST. 1C0 (C. II. Parham Nice, clean rocms. for World's Fair visitors; reasonable rates. LOCUST. 1212 Clean, large rooms, southern exposure; porcelain bath; gas; gentlemen pre ferred. LOCUST. X50S Ctml. clean, newly furnished rooms; hot and cold baths free; corner house; southern exposure; large front and aide yard: lawn benches: no mosquitoes; n day up, all alone; rates to parties and families. LUCAS. 323S Furnished rooms; 50c to II per day for each peruon. LUCAS. 3131 Large, cool rooms; 60c; 75c and SI each: direct cars to Fair. LUCAS. 2735 -Nice, pleasant rooms for World's Fair vlltors; hot bath. Ice water. LUCAS 330 Large, cool front room; rata to -art 1 es of Fair lrttors: first-class meals. LUCAS. 2837 Tao connecting rooms; with gaa range: for housekeeping. LUCAS. 2330 Furnished rooms; World's Fair victors: 75e per day and up. LUCAS, sons Finest location and accommo datlor: permanent roomers and Fair visitors; mrst reasonable term. UUCAS. 2703 Nlcelv furnished roam for nmisekeeplng : rooms for Fair visitors; II a bed. . . ROOMS FOR UEVr. LI CAS. 3209- til entertain World's Talr vln ltoreln m liomv four car lines convenient. LUCA 2737 Nlcelj furntshel rooms for gentlemen or couple, bath and gas; southern exposure, reasonable MANOlEbTEK. 4145- Furnished nom fcr m gentleman 11 75 per week MANCHESTER. 92$- Furnished rooms for gentlemen onl rates &0c. 75c and SI dav . Chouteau and cars .as the door MAFI.E. SP-Arjinmdattrn for Fair l ltor, '.6c, SI day. hot and oM bath. MAPLE. Nil Cool, pleasant rooms. Fair M ltors; II daj- ea.cN guest. Fage cars to Fair. McKINLKY. 4509NlceU- furnished rwimi-, 11a day: ten minutes to Fair MAPLE. 6210 Cool rvm for Usht huekeep irg; bath and all convenience. Suburban cr MAPLE. 5T1I -Dining-room and kitchen in 12 room roomlnc-houm. rrlIlere of outde bcarder- nnr Fair thn-t car lines MAPLE. 5711 Accommodation 75c. SI da-r, bath . rates to parties . hort walk t' Valr: three car lins: Phon Pel mar 1244. MAPLE. eOOl Dt-sirable room, southern ex posure; fre bath; cafe; near Fair and Ham ilton Hotel. McPHERMJN fi-7 PrUate family, elegant residence, within walking distance Of Fair McrHERM)N. 4703 Cool furnl'hel momv Fair visitors. Jl to Sl.W; near Fair; two car line? MePHBRs-ON. 4:t0 Furnlnhed room for World's Fair llior; choice legation, tel II U. Llndell Si3A McPHER.nON. 4JTl-EIegantly furnishfsl rooms, hot tath; direct line to Fair. ewrth'ni? first -clas. McREE. 4021 Nlcelj furnUhrd room In prt att family, reasonable, direct car line fiom I'nion Matlon anJ Fair ground MENARD. W Front rmwi for houekeerlng. or large nom f"r two o- four perle M'JNTKOSE 327 A to. southern-exiwure rooms for visitor; S3 50 nfk each Market M car MORn K nil Crne-ting an 1 thr room for housekeeping ro ins fur w irking sirh MORON. 1635 NIrly furnished front nr. seennd fiocr. for light h uekeepirg tuthrn expvure MORGAN .V27 Walklrg dl arce to 1'ntr; rrlre SI per da MORGAN. 417 Nidy fumlhel rorir.. 25c. c. aoc ana per asy iiuiiuA.i . J4- s iiiir iniii , mi in it rT-" i r t,t r4 . -. .. i i -'V ing citacc ci rati; term tvaw mui'. MUiiUA. 4J7Z ueitghtiui pmm wttii uatn, bet erlce cnenlfnt to all ar lln MORGAN. 2914 Nicely fumlhed econd-floor rfvm. gaa and lath MORGAN 2301-Handsome front parlor-, ether ron:s. shalv lawn Ice watr b da or p"k MORGAN. 4372 Delightful room p. with Mth: excellent sert Ice; convenient to tt cat line. MORGAN. 50-J7 I-arge. cool room: Fair visit ors, private family, reaecnable los to Fair MORGAN. 272 Nieelv furrl5"i -nrectlng rooms for housekeeping, aleo room fcr Fair iitnn aln MflflRiV JT VTI.!.. hirnia. fmnt T-rnm . southern expvure for World's Fair visiter. gas. bath MORGAN, 44l-Beaitluily f.indshed rix.':.f single cr en suite; djrin; Expoltlon p r'W; II per day and up: special rate to larpe pt"if. seven car lines; ten minutes walk to Fair; Phone. Klnlh Delmar vI. MORRISON 1219 Back parlor and thlM-floor front; each suitable for two people, private family. NEWSTEAD. 102 A N Visiters cr permanent roomers, front room, for one or two rentlemen. NINTH. 119 N Near post Office) Cool front roms 13.50 week up: bath, gas NORTH MARKET. 4517-For housekeeping, one large unfurntthed rocm, use of bath an! gas; reasonable. NORTH MARKET. 3003 Two nicely furnl-hel front rooms for eight gentlemen, gas. tath and convenient to car line O'FALLON 1740 Finelv furnished frcrt toom for two gentlemen, private familv S3.M. O'FALLON. 5C Front and connecting rcom for housekeeping, reasonable OHIO. lQlSh Nicely fuinlfihtd room for one gentlerran- near car line. irivat famllv OLD MANCHESTER Road. 1329-Nicely fur nished front rooma. 11 day. free hot and cold baths. OLIVE. 2125 Nice iecond-stor fron. SOc. phone. Beaumont 07 OUVE 273-NiceIv furnished econd-ficor hall room. 12.M per week OLIVE. 3111 Nicelv furnthd rooms; on di rect car line to World's Fair. OLIVE, 3(24 Furnished room, nice large rooms; SI per day: permanent S3 wek OLIVE. S109 Cool, pleasant room on direct car line to Fair: ass. bath OLIVE. 17-Conl rooms. S4 week; Fair visit ors; Suburban cars. OLIVE. S240 Nicely furnished rooms for gen tlemen; prices reasonable OLIVE. 213 Nlcel furnished roome; bath, gas and all convenience OLIVE. 324") Nicelv furnished rooms for ll:ht housekeeping all conv emenc-s OLIVE. 3S45A Furnished rooms for World's Fair visitors direct cars to Fair OLIVE. 1S12 Cool rooms; three block north of Union Station; rates 25c. SOc. 75c. SI OLIVE, 1W1--Nice, clean cool rooms, for ts ltora; on direct car line to Fair. OLIVE, 2710 Large, airy front rocm. fur nished fcr light housekeeping. S5 a week OLIVE. JTI4 First and second parlor, first floor: also s'ngle room; World Fair vlltore OLIVE. 1S23 Nice, cool rooms gas. bath and all conveniences three blocks from station OLIVE. 1814 Nice, clean. alr rooms, rates 0o day up; trree blocks north of Union Station. OLIVE, 3317 Handsemely furnl'hed fn nt rooms, direct line to Fair; cheap to IMtor OLIVE. 3214 Nicely furnished room; direct car line to Fair grounds; phone Kin C 1191 OLIVE. 4119 Nicelv furnished rooms; all con venience; ryw- and up; ten minutes to Fair. OLIVE. 3710 Two neatly furnished rooms. one room, 15 week, one room. S3 OLIVE. 'JiaiA Nice-, furnished ee0nd-floor front ro-m for two gentlemen fr Fair visitors OLIVE. 2;$ Clean, cool .hlrd-flf-or room, jrentlemcn S3 week; other nice robins; reason able OLIVE. 16W Nice, plensant room, with bath, on direct car to World's Fair; reasonable ratea OLIVE, 374HA Nicely furnished veranda front room, reasonable, direct line to Fair; filtered water. OLIVE 4139 Nicelv furnished front room, second floor, suitable for four ladle or gentle men. iiuir. ztk no nice, large, connecting rooms, southern exposure, rates to party cf gen. tleinen. OLIVE. 4131 Newlj furnlhed rooms for World's Fair visitors- three restaurants in the block OLIVE. 2829 Three large, front, airy rooms, suitable for couple visiting ratr; direct car lines to Fair; large lawn; ice water; reasonable. OLIVE, 4W Cool, clean rooms; a-flariLte beds, for partle at 50c each; other room;75c up; all conveniences, many restaurants, ref erences OLIVE 2341 Nicely furnl-I.-u room, every convenience telephone; beauilful lawn, direct line to Fair, board near h . walking distance to Union Station. PAGE, 47 in Strictly hlgh-cla accommoda tions at reasonable rates; cars direct to Tair. PAGE. 434SA Room. II per day, for World's Fair visitors; strictly flrst-cia. PAGE. 4286 Two lovely fumlsred rooms, sec ond floor; southern exposure, couple or Fair visitors. PAGE Boulevard. 5IS4A World's Fair vis itors; cool, eecond-stnry rooms, all conveni ences; direct lines to Fair; SI per day. PAGE. 1914 (Near Vande venter) Large, hanl somely furnished rooms; cool and clean; prices reasonable. PAGE Boulevard. 4 CO 4 One or three very nicely furnished rooms for Fair lsltors; ten minutes to grounds. PAGE. 4935 Pleasant rooms or boarding; all convenlencea: refined neighborhood; Si per day; rage cars direct to Fair and downtown. PAGE Boulevard. 5279 iCorner Union) Near Fair, city's cholcet location, plendld rooms. IX. Including breakfast; three direct car lines; private- residence PA PIN. 1717 Furnished front room for gen tlemen or couple; southern exposure; bath. PA PIN, 3927 Furnished serond-floor front room: near Union fctatlon; S2.50 week. PARK, 1307 Nice first-floor frcnt room; southern exposure, batn. etc. PARK 3325A N:lcelv furnished rooms for world's Fair Isltors ; Park car from station south PINE. 2933 Nicely furnished rooms for Fair Wtnr Ctc to SI per flay PINE. 2117 Nenly furnished room, near station: S2 week up. PINE, 2225 Elegantly furnished rooms for vieltTsr SI per day Tel. Klnloh D 1879. PINE. 3440 Permanent room?; hot filtered bath: ice water. Olive line. tel. Kin. 1290. PINE. 32M Large fumUhed front parlor room, first floor, for two or four; reasonable. PINE, 2202 Nicely furnished rooms, for vis itors or permanent people; gas and bath. PINE. 35A Elegant rooms; choice neigh borhood: near Olive cars; 75c and SI: gas, bath. PINE. 2642 Front rooms, with double beds; also other rooms, well furnished; reasonable. PINE. SVC Visitors: large, cool, light rooms, filtered Ice water: bath; One lawn; reasonable. PINE. 2919 Nicely furnished front rooms: southern exposure; for gentlemen cr couple; bath. PINE. S4tS Newly furnished rooms; modern conveniences; 15 minutes Fair; reasonable to visitor PINE. 3440 Cool, comfortable room; bath; Ic water; Olive and Laclede cars. Tel. Kin. 3290. PINE. Z720 Nicelv furnished large cool rooms, second floor, for visitors: rates 14 to SS ntw ii..fu.i ... . permanent or visitor: rate, to parties cr families. PINE. 3403 E'eg-inlly- furnished second-floor frcnt room; private family; southern exposure; modern. ni!)f?n K?4S-Trrn t!r.l. mnma In prltate tamlly, with bath; rtmiomble. I ROOMS FOR RFXT. TINE. 1 US Nice rooms; good accommoda tions, baths free; 50c, 75c, SI day, weekly S3 W ui, large room, suitable four persons, reason able RUSSELL. 2K11FurnUhed room; all conven ience, near car llres. Rt Tt.UR. 'Ji Nice rooms; for two young men quiet place RUTOEIt M9 Nicely furnished room for two g r 1 1 men or -ouple RUTGKR. 34-Twi) nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. everimng monem Hi, yji worn t-air visiters: u-juu---ranrr slng'e or tn suite, reasonable prces, also permanent. sN FRANCISCO. 4334-Two furnished rooms, with bath and closet, for light housekeeping SARH 101 N vir!ds Fair visitor will find neat. cl room. SI per day. O' Fallon cars SARAH 1421 N - Nicely furnished front rwuii trarIeits or permanent, two car lines rirer.ient M'HiKlU 342 (Near OJeoti) N'eatl fui rihMl r.wini fo- gentlemen, southern exposure; private fHrail - SHAW Sol-'A Iarge. handsomely furnihed se or.d torv frnt r-wtm. bath private family. "MIEN VNDOAH. rl2 Iirce furnlh-d front - im fir twt iteople. bath ei" MIFRIDAN rsOlA One lame neatly fur nL.h'd nm for houekeeplrg alo one ult.ihle for sentUmen SIXTH II N Clean, cool rooms. 25c night, cars Im !! part of cltv. M'RIMt -C N Rov,m Tor Fair visitors Si; sp-t lal irfte t ptrti). write Mr F Collier SPRING. -'19 N Nentlv furnished mom for I'rht Ii u-keeptng. tingle or connecting, rea scnab! M'El E. 51 Nicely furnlsh-d nms light houfkefpInc l JU ( j9 (Nar Hriadwa-Neatli fur nlsneil pvins. tmnsjent trade solicited, 50c to SI M'RUi E, U IMxlrg. bed 1'V -T- ANGE IT Large senl-1oor fmnt room f r tii m tour th-r rooni reHonab1e SP MNI N'T. 3t2i-Tun cnnret-tlng r'Jm bath nl(i single rcmiii rea5onMe hTOIUMRD 2713 Ftirnihed rwm private farrkl et rr eonvenirnre lrv reasoraMe T LOU -M'l N -Two room, complete for houekee;ilng large jnrd. J1 25 per week TENTH. HO? S.-Nicely furnihed roorfs for aetlemf" r housekeeping, bath, etc TENTH. 99 S -Nicely furnl'h'd frcnt room; first floor, for one or two gentlemen THE INN, 4H Lucas Cool roomi, 20c. 25c (lain weki. i jj. si : iain. tiwttr in .. 11. V t1 &-.n t.. 'trd.ahl.d front rooms, f r gentlemen cr housekeeping; eneap. THIRTEENTH. 1313 S -NlCel fu'nlehrtl front and back parlors; rat and clen. rea sonable THIRTEENTH. 71 S Newlv furnished roon. one o- tiro jartle. World' Fair visitors p ooTnnril-ted THIRTEENTH. 1112 3 -Nicely furnlhrd rom for housekeeping or for one or two gen tlemen THOMAS. 2I7-Neatl furnished rooms, south ern expoure. bath, private family TWELFTH IvlJ S Nicely furnished front rccm for two a!o hall renin, private faml'v. TWEI.1TH. ?o3 N - Cool fmnt rocms. $2 TO per wfk r''ttience. -jsqi uatcn TtELlTH I127A S - NIcel furnished, large scond-sTor ro-im for two; bath. TWELFTH. 2332 S (Cor. IaihD Two cennert tng wm. single or double, bath gis. rea-n- ihle. TWELFTH I0."l S. Two n'ce'y furnished, r-arlois. bath, ga. use cf pino. waging InclJded TWENTIETH. fl N -Newly furnish-1 rooms 12 week up: .lirect car to Fair. TWENTY FIRST. 432S N Neatlj funil'! rooms rr gentlemen or light liou-ekeeplng TWO nice. -lean furnied ro-ns, with gas range and light HF 11 Republic. VNDEVENTER 52IA N Tw, room, far rliel for I-1ging cr housekeeping second ficyr modern VERNON. 514-Roomi. 6-k:. 75c and It day; hrt bath, cafe near. VERNON. 5722 Lnvelv. cool iron, private family, breakfast If desired; transients, nir i-air VISTA 3437 Nicely furnineo: room ior vnv tu.iV RSS i ml mnin hadv grounds, five minutes walk to Fair, reasona ble raff; best location In clt . Page cars di rect to houe VON VKRSEN. 5S52 Coo!. nWsant rooms; Fair visiter: parties of four four block? main entra nee. VON VERMIN. 5S25 Nicelj furnlnhM rooms, reasonable; large, shady lawn live minutes' walk entrance, engage rooms In advance for jGur friends phone Forest 1557M WALTON. 1213 Two choice, cool room. bath. gas. Fair visitors; reascnabla rates. Page cars. WALTON 758-Chotee cool rooms reasonable rates, nes Fair four car lire to Fair WALTON. 014- Cool, pleasant rooms; private family bath Fair visitors, reasonable; near Fair. - WASH 2710 Nicelv furnthel room- suitable for dressmaker or two ventlemen gap, bath WAHH. lCi-S Nicely furnished fnmt and singln room, for gentlemen, also housekeep ing room WASHINGTON. 2304A Nlr-, clean, cool room for visitors: respectable WASHINGTON. 1523 Nicely furnished, ccol, conntctlnr rooms al3 small rooms, v isitor) acf mmoilateil AM11N1 1 UN. J2- Nicely fuimsunl cool rooms for World's Fair visitor: rates Wc up WH1NGT)N. 31 is Nicely furnished rooms. for World's Fair viritpr. 5Cc. 75c. SI dav WASHINGTON. 239 Large airy roorM, on direct cars to Fair, all modern convenience WASHINGTON. 2225 Nice. coo!, c' rooms; permanent cr visitors. reas"nab Kin 12411. WASHINGTON 2643-Fror.t and bark rocm. single or en suite S3 we an, Up. private WASHINGTON J52 Ekgant rooms for World' Fair gu ! Bell phone IJn-lell 3S3M WASHINGTON. 1627 Suite of rooms, private bath, slro two small rooms WASHINGTON. 3101 Flrt-class rooms, well ventilated, with breakfast If desired WASHINGTON. 2320 Large, cool rxjmc, to World's Fair visitors SI day. all conveniences WASHINGTON. 3140 Elegantly furnl-hed front room, for gentlemen. In private famll, ev er modern converlence. bath. Ice water WASHINGTON, 1635 Newlr furnished rooms, for World's Fair visitors, 50c. 75c and SI a pe rs on WASHINGTON 3501 Flrst-cla- room, new lv furnished desirable locallt) . reasonable rent. 3272D Kfnloch , WAMIINGTON Boulevard. 4334 -Elegantly furnrhed rooma for transients. Phone Lln dell 2466 WASHINGTON. 3102-Large. handsome!-, fur nished front rocm. all modern conveniences; reasonable WASHINGTON Place. 4102 (North cf Fair Grounds) Two nicely furnished rooms; reason able WASHINGTON. 3231-Nlcely furnished sec-end'-'tor front room, southern exposure, sep arate bee;; for Fair viejior WAMIINGTON. 1223 Nicely furnished first and second story front, southern -ex posed rooms; alo connecting room WAMIINGTON Boulevard. 47&3A Nicely fur nished, cocl room, southern expsare. conveni ent to Delmar. Olive and Tavlor cars; tath; either permanent or transient. WINDSOR Place. 3S5S Elegant private room for Isltors, 75c. rates to group, all conveni ences. West End, near Fair cars and restau rant. WHITT3ER. 1318 Nicelv furnished room for couples; also special rates for a c'ub of six rr more; modern conven.ences; excellent board; cjulet location. Page or Delmar cars direct to World's Fair. Tel. Delmar 23S7L WASHINGTON. 2814-CIean. cool rooms, 60c un to parties: direct cmjh to Fair: hot bath. WEST BELLE. 4446 Neatly furnished front room, for transients, private family WEST BELLE. 4301 Furnished front rooms for gentlemen or couple; Suburban car to Fair. WESTMINSTER Place, 4116-Elegantly fut nlsned room, private family. SJEST BELLE; T2 Nicely fumlfhed rooms for transients or permanent: S4 week up. WEST BELLE. 4 43s -Beautiful cool room; for Fair visitors. p?rty af rntlmen cr couple. WEST BELLE. 4341 Cool, elegantly furnls-iel rooms, southern exposure, modern conveniences, telephone service, breakfast It desired. WEST BELLI 4W-Furnished rooms for transients or permanent. 7tc per day and up; direct World's Fair car lines "ARE YOU LOOKING FOR k ROOM?" We have oer l.O(M) cnrcfnlly e? lected, elef-t-ntly furnished rooms In private families. In the beat portion of the city, close to the Talr and di rect enr line. RATES, f 1.00 PER DAY UP. THE ST. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR ACCOMMODATION CO,, Terminal Hotel Lolibjr. Union Station. Office Directly In Front of Track. 1 and 2. THE MONSTER CITY OF TENTS. The most beautiful camp In the world Is three minutes' ride from the World's Fair grounds, or two minutes walk from the fa mous Delmar Garden. Eighty-five acres; mag nificent scenery, green lawns, shade trees and novver beds: nearly cne thousand army tents and equipment: military guards and ceremo nies; rates 73c per day and up; splendid meals served for 25c; finest banquet pavilion In St. Olive cars marked "Delmar Garden." Music, souvenirs and admission free. ROOMS FOR RENT. WEST BELLE, 4357A-Well.furnlshed rrom, southern exposure; all conveniences; alsohous keeping rooms WEST BELLE Terrace. 4if Unfurnished room: large, cool, light; southern exioure, separate entrance WEST BELLE. 43T Fair visitors accommo dated. Suburban and Washington car Tel Llndell 2429 EST BRANTNEIt Place, 3145 Three ru nlshed rooms, complete for housekeeping. Mrs., floor ROOMS WITH IIOAHD. A3 BERT 721-CorI front r-m ri'Mjern? breakfast If delrd. Delmar e).ive tart i Fair ARTMKL. 353-aJool ti .e furnlshe.I rooms. Ireakfast optional, ten minutes' walk to Fair three car lines BWARD. 771 Nlcl fjrnlshed looms. 7 tw Sl per ueek wlin breakfast, single ted. 60c per night Mrs Nettle Fuller 114 YARD. IS23--When vlsltlna: the Fair, stop n Mrs. A Overtcn's, St Louis. Mo. Two car line dliect to Fair grounds. BAYARD, 1362 Visitors; eltgantlv furnlVied front and middle roms. ever' convenience. U50, nith bre-kfast. Page, EAston cars, 15 minutes to Fair CASS 305 Front room and tard In private fjmllv. 3$ wee!- everv convenience. CASS. 225ft Nicely furnished front room, with gootl bo.vrd. convenient to all line to Fair r round CATKS, 6Su6 Nicely furnleh-d, cool rrtm Fair visitor, five block to fnlr: dav harder takn. CliniTEVI'. Z'f-y- Nicelv fLmlhe.i roo-ns with R"Qd I'oard. reavonabe. .i.i. t Fair car CLARK, 422 (Cor Girn l.a P.m e Nenly furnished rofns v Mi ir wlthrut lHnl CLaTON. 44? ."i'iner T-Ioti God trials 20e. room. ten minutes to Fair IIenr tpcek mann rLAiTON 4'J74 -tOod accommodations. SI 10 minute Fair, meals 25c; block west Wabash Station CLAYTON. 441" Nicely furnished rooms, vuth breakfast. Jl day; also unfurnished rooms COOK. 57 Neatly furnished room,, board If de!red- three car lines to World's Fair COTE BR1LL1ANTE. W43 Visitors nice room with breMkfa-t. 75c. Exposition five min t te Ettrn cars OTE BRU.I.I NTE. J3I9 Second story front, private home, everv convenience, good board. Suburban cars DELMAR 4f'47Rrum tr v Ultrrs lath .75c t,- St dav brenkfat 25c. private fpmllv lKrMAR. 4122 World's Fair vl-dlors fur-nl-hed suterlnr accommodation, breakfast cp tlonal. telephone. DF.LMAH Bouleverd. 523fi (Near Erpcltiom 171gantly furnished room, with or without tx t.ellent board to rertned parties TLLMR 43- Nicelv lurnlshed room- for W' rld's Fair iltors, 7"-c to Jt per day. break ffit if desired; tonver.iert to two car lines FAnTON 4T15A Elegant rooms, private il Flaiton car I minutes to Fair, breakfa't optic i al EASTON. sJ-Vlsitcrs, n-a'Iv furnished room. 75c wjtn brkfast. $i to IS week. Eftoi tnrs: ten minutes to Fair EASTON. 4374 Visiters, nice large room for five to eight men. SI. with breakfast. Easton car fiftn minutes to Fair KICLII 1242 N Elegartlv furnl-he-l rojm Fair visiter Jl do. inclulln; breakfast. Page ear EFCL1D 72S World' Fl- visitors nb elv r"urnlhed r"om Including breakfast M n dar. private famllv 70 minute walk to cr hp-I EUGENIA. 2312- We!l-furnihe1 r..c-n. with hath. cl brard St Tierk' WorldV F?ir vis Itrr m'.mtn'-Iate.i TO !.'. convenient tu car FXIKll 1'2 1 jH t ool ioom p. Late home ireakfast i ilesliei. 1 ja each gue-t. Fa'r i',tnrs FXIRMOI'NT. 5079-Good. clean ted with nr-.i-claj breakfast fo- World Fair -visitors, SI 3- a day FOREST PARK Boulevard. 372' -Crol rnnm in- trarsient in partf t o-; in""ifal optional KRKVT PRK Roulexard. 4J- erjr dealr !e room at moderate price. rre-kiat op able room tl -nri FRANKLIN. 13,' Fumljh'M rooms, for gen thmea or coupe (,y or week. taru if de sired. FRANKLIN. V-1A Cool rln.n, 'arge. pleas ant room- with or without meals pi l at hfme. gas, bath, tso car l!ns. n-ar tw othe-s GAKF1LLI'. 5j75 I'ennanei t r ,tmers. elegant rom- r4tonble; bteikfa: rplnI Mihtiican :nd listen rr tlARRISON. 323 S. Neath furnished roo-n. 112b pr week, private faml, lreakfat If d- lT-d (JXRRISON. 1337 N Gentlemen visiting city will find fyl. well-kept rvm in home of vo' rg widow lady, room ind breakfast S1.5" pr week, transfer frcm Elgnteenth to Spring cars. GIPSON. 4452 Pleasant rooms for Fair iM ors. u lawn and pirlor. SI 25 with breakfast ORAM). Corner Lawton Tv.o well-furnlhed rocm". fi3t-clas lxard. modern conveniences (.RAND. 17W N Neatlv furnlhd room for Fair visiters, with breakfast. SI per da , pjri rntee , GRAND. 2539 N.-Natlv furnHr-ed icoir tn Private family; eceiur.t Ivtard; every cepven- ienre visitor. spetmiv accrmmooatea KKNNETT Pace. 1S-1I con.-etOrv frort and ccnnectlng mom, good board, east Laf-wtte LACUIE 4122 The Oonov er EefM-nt ap- corrmodation fr Fair vlltore: heakfaat op tional. LACLEDE 432 Excellent aecomn.'datlon f-1 Fair litors breakrat optional. Mr. M I Green LACLEDE. 2535 Clean, airy rooms to per manent people trlctl private. b-eakfat If deired: appreciated if sen: both phone. LAWTON. 2323 Exrelifnt hoard and room. hot bath gas own heme, term reasonable LAWTON 2917 Write fr term to fftmlit- or rartle for rooms, meal optional C Lan LINDEI-L. :942 Rooms and beard appolT menti first-clas. gentlemen preferred. Llnde'I UZ3t LINDELt Roulovird 265 Handsnme room, slth or without private Lath7 temptlrg tab'e. boanl cptlonal. coolest location In the c'tv. IXJCCST. 1520 New'y nrnlh'd room and frst-cIos board, reasonable. IAJCCHT. 2309 Newly d'corated. Uegnnt, cool rooms, tath. excellent board . nice home . M wek IjOCUST 2930 Cc-1. pleaant rooms s;eial rate to Fair visitors, gool heme board, bath, C 73S v LOCUST, 1424 Room ana b'ard. vls'tor day boarders accommodated 51r M A. Thomas MANCHESTER. 3501 -Cool rooms, with or without board: no World's Fair prices MAPLE. 52CK Elegantly furnished rooms. breakfast if o!rei MCttr.ri. &Zl txceiieni acrommourtuuni' ior ia 1 . I.Ua. 1 4'. iltK Vir.a1fa nT? nA K&th McREE. 4343 Nicelv furnished rom. near Fhaw's Garden, 31 dav; with breakfast and MORGAN, 35O0 Large, cool rooms. firt-clas meals, large shady porrh and lawn, modern MORGAN. 212: per Vtek Up -Nice room and board, S3 50 MORGAN -112 Nicelv fumihed room. Tvlth alcove and Itoard; for two gentlemen or -oupic NEW MANtHEPTKR ."w2 l.o4i tneali-. rcom ten minute to Fair A Rlchtrr OLIVE 427T South rn-espol rooms for World's Fair vi'ltor board If deired OLIVB 4R1" South room for two or more, near Fair- 37 week, with hoard OLIVE. 1506 Room with or without board, also twa baement rooms In exchange for laun drv work. OUVE 3S45 Clark svllle Terrace; convenient World's Fair service, table flrsl-clas; large, cool lawn PAGE. 4714 Mrs. L. V. EIl!"-lon. from Tex . has n'ee room: good board: SI. So. PAGE. 4477 Visitor accommodated. SI da . breakfast if desired: direct car line, to Fair PAGE. 5047 El-gant front room; all conven ience; 10 minutes from Exposition; board cp tlonal : reasonable. PAGE. 4335 Pleasant room or boarding; all convenience, refined ne1Xnborlorvl; ! ter day; rage cars direct to Fair and downtown. PAGE, 4923 Visitors, elegantly furnished first -clas modern rooms, ev err conv enlence; with breakfajit, $1.25. rage cars. 10 minute direct to Fair. PAGE Boulevard. 279 Corner Tn'on Near Fair; ritvs choicest location; splendid rooms: SI including breakfaat: private residence; tree direct car lines. PAPIN. 1S21 Neatly furnished room, wltn or wlthcut board: all convenience; near car lines PAPIN. 1II Neatly furnished rooms, with board; nil near car lines PINE. 2?4 Nicely furnished room In private family; Jl day. with breakfast PINE. 2301 Nlcelr furnl-lied room and rood board: SI dav, clean bed, f-tr a right PINEw 212S Nicely furnished room: flrt-clas board; for six gentlemen. S5 week each. PINE, 2t4.3 Cocl front rooms, with Lath and breakfast 11 dav each; southern exposure. PINE, 3144 vv elt-furnlshed room, with bath; toard If desired; transleat accommodated, rea sonable. PINE. 35n2 Cho'ce neighborhood; vn cool rooms; southern exposure; for two gentlernn. Ice tvater. privilege of large lawn and phot.. rencnalrle: board optional. frr. CHARLES. 2303 Room, with or without board; private family. M per week. GT. CHARLES. 2207A Mr Gamb-ll Roard ers wanted: 34 50 per week; nice, clean bed. TAYLOR. 423 (Near Ollvci Cool, modern rooms; pent or poaru; fair vwi.jtw; rewr.tic TWBNTT-SBCONU. I a,-iKC y lurniwnea rocm. with or without board; near Lafayette Park. TWENTY-FIFTH. 382S N. Nicely furnished rooms, with board, bath and all convenlencea; private family. RUSSELL. 1730 Furnished rooms, with or without beard. " VANDEVENTER. 242 "S. Nicely furnished rooms; good board; J4.75 week; free bath; alo cay Doaroers. VERNON. 573U 0om, -"c, ,c, l. oav; breakfast If desired; ten mlculrV TvUk to iht Pa1e - ". . t ,- j HOO.MS WITH IIOAHD. j "EP.VON 572v Beautiful West En.l home, r elegant rooms, with breakfast. Fair visitors, i write tor rales, ten mtnuteV walk t Fair ' ii -rrtv fii j . t .i i . i... -v per wek twentv-one men Is U ACHING ION .ji: it-, 1.' uns and Iih d. alrect rm tr I'ir itrot.n.l U AMtiNGKt.V, '907 Br ght r om an-1 tK).ird. t p. r r"k 1. minuteai ne f Fuir WASHINGTON 4111 Nit eu furni-h.-l r-M-m. with brard f'r transint "i D-rmannt ill on venlence WAMIINGTON. 4375-Three eleantl fur nished flrt-l.ijr -rNms. suite of fmnt room". eeond floor. nut!ieni xpijre, als iuih and nnrth room on thml tIor. for transients or per manent, boarl If desired Hell telephone. Lln t':i 75t WEST BELLC 4.1- Desirable rooms for WorldV Fair visitor with breakfast. .,M' Mi-Ll L. 422 r.X'ellent r--uis, rovJ board for gentlemen term rewspnatie WhftT IUZI.IA. 1'inct, 4J r.lhiiL eiegnni, nenly furnlshej room. b.ird and room, 31 per dav. WESTMINSTFR 2?)' E1egartl furnlslie-I rooms, with lo.ird transients accummolated, SI t-j- ,iH an1 up WKhT PINK 322 Two nicelv fum'shed ro-im, with t i"d transit nt ac .mmodateI WEST PINK ifciulev-tnl S22 Two beautifully furni'fd room- with Nwir.l transients ac- ccmnelatefl it iv'ti.'i.n Ul.r fi Vv a r I ti'nri t IIiKima. wlth'oi v.ltbout b-'ard WESTMINSTER PUe 413 Pellghtful rr.m ftir World Fair breakfast erv-.j tcis p-'n ar 421 LlndHl 2114 X UlliniCH 111 Nlivl" :urnlhed rtrm. with l..nrd li iulet lo-"itlnn ont half Mock from World's Fair car I ne Tl DeIinAr22S7I. HOTEL. HOTEL STRATFORD, EIGHTH A.VU PINE 3TS . ST 1JOU1S. A permanent new and modem hotel In ths shrpptng anl theater districts European plsn: handsomely f'jrnlhd and equipped with els hot and cold water in evr nn: el-etric llghie and steam heat Every rm as Ut!de rrnra ORESOEisT HOTEL- 2M1 IwTist st on- o' St Liuls new. modern hotels. Everv rom a newlv f':rnlshd outsldt rocm. with hot and coll water connection. Flist-cla- rnf, ard Lulft Olive .vnd Wash ington ave ears one h.ok from hotel WORLD'S FAIR VISITORS. '"It Cate- nve . r.te'i fmn'hed room. Sve minute walk f Far hm-c loeatlon, pri vet reidenre all oivnlPwM large cool. airy oorrjs ht v lawn anl latge porcu spe- fUi rates t- partlffl r-H re-. ninje T-ke rd-i I pge nr iv.lve t ar. n'tii -fl '! NATIONAL HOTEL. 1312 Wahlrf-m ave laree ' m- f u om e and w'H rerd m- r in'u merts large partP ? iite fur f Ider r?re u per rfa McDannoId Hotel, 5017 Detrrar houIeard This newl oullt elegant I f urn is J hrwk hctel s cr'n for cuests .Eurn-ean plan cafe Rat fo- par ti's Wslkirg d sti'ire tw far Upee t Fair Clayton Road Hotel. Slit recent ave one b k et o 3Cuth en Vor!ds FjI gate ar.d block outh "f Clar'on r"ad lo toom" all outside fre bth hKhet nnd quleet location. tae the M-irket an! Iicjene ave rar from Cnion Sta ll) n 'o-respondence end Inspection invlte-1. SI ler aav ypecui rate t., paruej THE ESMOND, 'Cl '-indeii boulevard Slert private r-rtel Iige very desirable room b.ith. larae Uwn Cnoiet I. cation, fix car Hrs. automobiles. lift en minute? to World's Fair WEST LifcLU. HOTEL 4P24 .t BeM p'at bet-kept rooms in the ct $1 per da and upwanl VISITORS WORLD'S FAIR hOTEL. Inlf.ti. select; mi Belmr avt , near Fair; take Olive t thiouah or PImsr car. beautiful grove t5- nnms Jl ur Look fT tower. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR HOTEL. 100 feet from entiance gate to Fair Grounds, south slle ftkj Oakland ave Low r.te ex cellent service Mirktt st c-v- pass the notel HOTEL BARNUM. F-.utpea-t l ,'nr '"th and Washington ave l:"-om a rsvmable rpte BELLS PLACc HOTEL. a532 room for World s Fa'r visitors. prlc nio,israte five ramut- s walk to Fair, 7-c jer daj and up porce'aln bath THE BENTON " PINE ST. Petween Eighth and Ninth gentlemen only, charges moderate cars direct to Union Station 1 HOTEL CASTLEWOOO ' -1SI-S5 Delmar Seven blotks to World's Fair, i ll0 da up breakfast 35c. free bath; phone roil m:.T iiwklligs. RIDGF. CT EUht rooms all conveniences. Page. Easton ard PuLurban cars, will rive 1-8 e ELt.MAR Six seven-ro-jm prick haua; ttone front. ile roofs. In that beautiful, high Oak Hlghts. Just one block wet of Sub urban Garden. ve aie sIllng them on small cah pAsen. balance S25 cer month. 5 per tent Interest cheaper than rent, take Subur ban Paito en- t North Market st and walk n btccts wst t teautlful Oak Grove Heights, fjft'cv on grounds KOIt HKiT-PAitTlIKT5. FLAT9- ANN 2irA-Flve-nm flat renter secure- tntlre nice fvirnl'hlng at low figure PELT lv! Flat fiur room", bath, gas. -econd Hour Appl at 'rug store NORTH MARKET rear 4".tl Two room. for J: -io li:t ron i;lsim:ss ihiiposes. DEK rcom tvlth desk. Kin. phene 415 Rur llnatn hldg SIP Olive t DESK ROOM in handomeIv furnlned cool. light office use of phnre Inquire C2 Fri"r-o FlRN'lHED otflce or destc room 5cto bldg MADISON 2C3o rCorner Elliot) Larg- store and four room anl stable KEELEY R. E C. 1113 Chestnut st. MEAT shop, good location; fixture. rm ujetely furnished. Investlsate 1334 M or ran. PINEw S15-On rrom. third floor suitable for office or light manufacturing purpoes Booths for Rent Or ground ior hotel rlirht onnolte the gates, tate-i entrain e of tbe WorJd Fair LEON" R HULL R T CO P4 Chetntlt FOR RENT. FINE STOREROOM At 215 North Ninth Street, In Frisco Buildlns. Just around the corner from the Post Olilce. This storeroom Is 15x33. -with alley en trance, and splendidly adapted for busi ness purposes. Apply ROOM 618 FRISCO IUL IDIHQ. Offices for Rent fn Heart of the City. For rri.1 In Itepubllc Dnfldlmir. s..u:hTTft Corner OIItc and Secnih Streeta. two large con necting ofilce rooms. Both are on second floor, ono a corner room, the other fronting on Seventh atreet. Fur particulars Inquire at Republic ICusInrss Office. Fm nnsT sTAnLES. LARGK stable cultable for sir hor?rs In quire SEl Carr. KLRMSHF.U HOtTP.5 AND FLATS FOIl RETT. EVANS. 4H1 Eitra lr thrr.-room fur- nUhed flat: comol'te- kltchfn. bath hall: no open. J10 per nfK. Office 4H9 West Blle nlaC Delmar 18T0. FIVE-ROOM nirnlrtlftd flat, until Novemr I. M: near WorM'a lair. Applr 5302 Easton. FRANKLIN'. 1732 Three-room flat, furnl.hed; US month, EXCHANGE ASD BARTER. WILL exchange K00 equity for an uprtrht piano. HE ;. It-public. TEN ACRES-A SNAP. We have ten acre, nicelv located near Kln loch Psrk; elegantly Improved with flne large nine-room boue and outbuilding: all prac tJcallr new; over 135 fruit trees: will sell eheap cr might take in exchange a good piece of city oroperty. UOLBROOIi-IJLACKWELDER R. E. T. CO., S12 Ollre it. imihoeil 4 it. property for vli:. IlItHJl.E 2127-tl .'- will buv tii hoie Mn ANN IMtULIN t 11- n inut EIGlliELNTH. 1 .11 N -Jl 2"i0! hU two houses Mr( ANN-L'MW i.IN' U- lit-in- ELCL1U .& One '.r the nu-M in me in th eltv , 9 roomj at.l bun nioJ n thtuuhou:. hotnoue. dutdj ban rrri, innings, fru't tre etc pest (essence. dltrlt In Wet End: irr llvir: in i row tut his built larsr ore and will sell ffr ST.S- cati all any da hjt tunl up to 1 p r . I-lnar. .-un-u.ban Obve i-s pa at either end of blQi-k FOPR 4 n on j flats goot! mlghborhoi.l. rer. 5WV?; prir S3.7' Inquire 1417 Pirk ave I IDGF : e7 Eight rcni nil . 'v-nience Page H.iton an I .uburnn .ars 33.575 eaj oavm r t Rl'TGEIt rtl - It 25iv two two-trr brick r-tder- J ,XJr. including tork "f ;r . TEN A. 2--" Nine ron house, bch. cIo-t. cemented i-Iinr. Iundr' tnd all ronventenres MAN IIESTFH R'd 52l-"L-I-.Trge build in., arii. 1 t for manufacturing, cheap . .. 6147 I'eimar ave . nous- and stable, lot & xl5 Icaf.l $v .. . J5.'01 3512 Washington. 14 room, ett- . 23x13 . 1119 1121 Thfrteentn i . 4 4-room Cat . 5 4)21 Forest Park bouleard. 4 and 5 room flat, t heap . 353$ I-iwton ave e. room fur:.are etc 5 ) 3518 Cass ave. store and 7 rooms, b w C etc R" 2710 MiNnir ave. 75xh) let and impts . 4 3 l4?-4l'- Division st 2 6-riom houses ... 3 C-O 1W7 N ira!i st . 7 rooms. 5xI25 . Z.Ztt 315 S Kwlng ave . . room tc . .. . 2 5 3-35 i" lark ave & room of.. . . .. 3.250 3'7i:vnn ave 6 room b w c -tc . . 2 5 1 2724 McNair ave , hou- ird ;. 25x119 . ... 2.25 27I N Garrison &r roon. tc 2.2-0 222J O-aKe t . joo1 houe a.n 1 lot l.f'0 4L4 Tote BriltUnle ave. 6 ro.-m. lot 20x t .. ... ... rrYi 2413 2415 plrkwn st 2 C-room house, deep I..t- 2') N Tenth st C room hou cheap Jou- 231" Warren t . modern 4 and 5 rur flats hirgam . 2312 Twelfth t S, tr . .. 3 "l 42t '"an ave. houe and ) fet .. .. 1.0 217 rtldle st 3-room brick cottage. 25 4.3ft Iexlngtn nve c inon hJe wifo 1 4.VjLmk t : 'p !! flat- rnt 12- Z.VQ Iit. Westmoreland pUre r ix't bargain . - Lo:. n s Faf nve . 23 fee1 en t of Pendleton 5il53 N s Forest Park boulevard '-.r S.irih t 25x1") fee- To close ar, vMate N mrner fla and Lee aves lot 2yxt0Hi . Lot. a w crne- EerCren anl Barnes aves . 75x1 W, -neap . - - - McCANN-DOWLINO REALTY CO Ktnlorh C "07 11 M cretnut ft S250 Cash Buys Home. Elegant, new seven r nn brim houses stone f r ct. tl' roof gra'-d oaK ree In yard, mod ri furnace end kthoi h wii seh them to' I2) vit UTi-t J 25 per mnn.. 5 per cent In- Trrtr ."itf lha. rei . t.lki- sti Uiba P.tut r in N .r'b Market st and waU two blocks est i -tajtifui Oik Grove Heights, of'ice en ground l SlOO OASEC Ard 111 per m'nth wttl buy 2'S4 Prnnslvanla ( brind nev. ne t r b-t' k rottage of five r. n - u ter anl sewer let 25x125 feet. For kev an : pn e e Kr..LI R E o 1113 Chsstnut st. 5615 5ARTrl-R AVE. Fc Ssle I'rand nw t.o tor rotk-front house of nine ro. ms hill, bath gi not and cold water, state p of ti)e,i ba;h o-nn g ani told cjiler furnae et J al- hard '1 rlo.rj. let 4)xli f--et term $1 0 -j cah an ; La in."' n onthl payniept 1imie open f m . t- eerj dy F' r prh e and furt'oe- particulars See KEULE It ri lltl i nestnut t CASAMNE HOME For Sale 2l Venon ave . brand-new -tor burr bruk frmt hou-e jf 3 room. recep tion hall, bajh ga,. hot and cold water, ti.e ta:htiK,m granitoid cellar Iate ro-nf. hnrd w -! floors and combination ks and electrl fixtures and vreens for the whole house ',ui -1x132 feet immedlite poiession. terms J1aj tash and S5 per month f r price ee KEELEY R E CI 1113 i hestner st BEAUTIFUL HOME -ONLY S2.400. We . ffir an exceptional baraaln on Juniata ,t near Tower Grove Park an elonant rtve room heue larre lot abundant e of fruit shade tree? crape arbor er barn cMcken-houe and vard al1 In fine condition buildings !r. tred f r S'3 can rake term Call at office. HOLCROOK RLA' CWr:LIKR R E T CO . S12 Olive Pt. NEW HOUSE. For Sale Heu 4211 Rusell ae bri id-new ?-ror rrlck house of s rooms reception h-ilu bath, cu- hot and cold water granitoid cellar tc lot 5xE5. terms. J5 cash and $30 per month Fr price see KEELEY R E -O 1U2 Chenut st $3,000 Will buj two four room rat on corner, near Eaton ave r.nt ait per jear McCANN-l0vLi'Nit. 110 Ch-stnut. FARMS FOIl sS.iLE. NMiM FAnilS for ?ale trad, monev loaned af-l" Lawter William 11? V Fifth Keokut la FOIITV-AC'RE Improiei farm sell or tra.Ie 'r,r imd 101- X i-.ljchin GOOD farm. 13" acrn. Jfffr"on County. Mi"curl Applj 3114 Carolln st REAL ESTATE CRDS. NOTICE. PROPERTY OWNERS! We are reitng our list of citr rfal estate, and If vou have ometh!ng that ou riant to sell and U quteliiv oj had t-etter see us at once. We are h.v Ing numerou Inquiries for home ranging from J3.0"0 to S3A,0. -Iff for come-tore Cats If vou have busines or resi dence pronertv and want to sell, don't fall to eet It In our new list We will surprise ou with nuick results IIOLBROOK-RLACKWELUER R. E T CO.. Si; Olive t ROMIV 'IO l.OAS. ete Ou Rrnl nutate. VaW M. O'REILLY R. & 1 CO . T3 Chestnut. mike loans on city realty, any amount; lowest re en! ro leln tluilrimc loans rnade 5 PER GENT HONEY To Ixan V ha. ll.C-. JllKO. Wxn. HOW. js.r $:. .(. v.ty Jis.ou.). jis. uo. JW.U". J.0-J and JM.Wo to loan at S pr cent Interest tn extra tct-oA t-curltr, st Lou! cltv Improved rest estate cnljr KEELCV it B. IX) . III3 Chestnut t MUST BE LOANED. We have a large amount of money to lean on city real estate In sums from $) to loO.OOO JIAYULL RE-VLTY CO.. Iu9 N Seventh On reniinal Property. efciiiSiiM'aaMi LOANS negotiated on furniture, pianos or any peronal prcpertj at 3 per cent pr annum; eonnoeniini ."soiarj ijdjic. sjs cjneinut sc MONEY leaned salaried people tv thout se rurlty D Inaet. W9 nnoist bldg.. th jfc Pine. We make loans In amounts cf Jl to S300 on FFRNITVREa PIANOS HORSES. WAWN'S. without removal. We accept the SMALLEST PAYMENTS and make the EASIEST TERMS cf any- company In the cltr. Cell on us and be convinced 11.25 weekly pojs a 175 00 lean. tl M weekly pays alWOO loan. SOc wekv pay ii a fS 00 loan. 40c ureeklv pav a 115 04 loan Pavments can be made monthly If desired. EXTENMON GRANTED In case of SICKNESS er out of work. It Is eaav to borron money from u and eisv to pav It back. If vou WANT MONEY, save MONEY by borrowing from ua. AMERICAN LOAN CO.. 613 Burlington bldg 51") Olive at. Take elsratcr to sixth floor. INVESTIGATE THIS WHEN YOU WANT MONEY. We make loan on furniture WITHOUT RE MOVAL, We mak. no Inquiries of your frlendi or emplojer. We (cle you the foil amount In CASH. n.t cheka We arrange payments to ault our CONVENIENCE and AfllLITV. Wa io not RECORD lean.. RECEIIT fir every pamer.t maie We pay rff any OTHER IjOaN or a balance on furniture and tliVB MORE MONEY We EXTF.ND payment. In case cf SICKNESS. We maVe AS LOW rat;a aa the LOWEST. We erant LIBERAL DIS COUNTS for time meney t. net ueej. Thla la our buslnera In a nutsneiU SEH U? before cet Una a lian' elsewhere anl te convinced that we are THE PEOPLE. Telephone for us to call THE HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. Kin. MM. Room Hit. FULLERTON I1LTXV. Bell Main 4HJ. SEVENTH AND PINE STS Money Loaned (New Way) WEEKLY.OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS People in need of financial heip ran get strict ly confidential loam at the following rates: lift FOR 8 PER CENT PER TEAR. JT3 FOR S PER CENT PER TEAR. VQ FOR S PER CENT PER YEAR. Other amount In proportion, on furniture, pianos, etc.. without removal. Cash advanced same day you npplv Fe u and we well help vou ROYAL FINANCE CO. Suite , Frisco bulldlnr. rorn-r lnth and Olive sta : phone Kin. C 1750. PRICE-MEISE & CO. WILL GET YOU (I1O0.00 for M.OO a. Year. 7G.OO for $3.0O a Year. BSO.OO for 92.00 a Year. $25.00 for I.OO a Year. Anv other amount In proportion on FURNI Tr'RE. 1'IANOS. Hor.e., Wagons or any other rood securitv Room 615 Merrnod-Jaccard bids;. Klnloch I'hone V HIS. Money to lom in any avuiount, ou all kinds of personal property. Bar galas In unredeemed pledge". 912 FRANKLIN AVE. JIO'NEY TO LOAX. SevrVVrWeVeVrVeVaVVeVaMAAAAFeMAMsl On Persoitril Property , sa'rfrfrf'arwapiaaessawAeVAe' LOANS IN EAST ST. LOUIS. Also in surroui :tnK mna. On FURMITITR& FiA.NOo and SAUItlEb Amounta to ault jcur n-ed and TfcHJIt. to eult TOUR ABIL ITY to pay We do not remoie cords. Ex. fn.icns In ca. ut slckne.s. Liberal dlacouat. KtnlM.h M Clair i 1 H B HOME LOAN CO., Room CM. Jletrer-fllltan Buildlnf. 4IJ-4I7 Ml'iytt aie Ea.t gt. Lcula. LOANS ON FURNITURE. Rate and trm unhearl ft Look; II fO wreklt u a I-i.1 lean. SI sf weeklv pas a I"0 -") loan Hot wofM; rs a SiOO") loan 7- w.-klv pa a I".'i loan. Pavments mae ten-ade weekly semimonthly or n.unthlv It l to our Inter t to consult oa. All bulnes pmate anl aNieboard See tub ( HIMI'I. FINANCE CO. Vd -Vmlnt building Eighth and OIW.l LOAMS ON FURNITUmm. A "arl.ncd cust nn r t" the beet ajset. '1 I aim not onl ti -atffy but tr pl -AIltlE IM RC1IA-5ED JAMES E. BAKER, JR., X.'J? Ml.,uri Tri.-t bl.;s Kin D !L- (Formerh r for John W ritalf y WE LOAN MONEY J On tur plain mitr. if vuu hold a salaried pcsltl'jn. aIo on furniture-, pinnoa ete. liOAcat rates, as lest terms, qutcklj and quietly. Phone C L"6T ST LOUIS INVESTMENT CO . Room HIS Missouri Trust H'dg.. Entrance 7 Olive Street SID to DRAKE'S EASY HONEY $100 T salaried p -"pie ,ul kl and quietly and t.uut kn wlert-j- of at ot- a fIr. QUsr da ('al at 2J-3-4 .tunlral .'j M0fiY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. We furitish vou luuney 4u;.kl and ccntldtA tUlly. without security Nai nar Credit Co.. eooins !il-''0r ChembT -'a irti and Mens" ikrt van cd 1 2 cried ..cole .fitTF uri iu liuuse jt-er w'thout e tUI.t "C:-,v (L til' IJfK'kt uUSint-3i m 34 rin ip-t ties loirran. Si Houaer bids, iw ii:ii is I I WlCVOti NTS. s'aain.-- ML OB. a The World tlrea".-! Clalrvojant. ZtZ'i ivn-h in: tun aw All reai i n'.thinx nnrealed If s do not tvtt jot. ii e in t tlttn all t er ecmblnen no tre accept ed lI! evertHnc unites the separated re move? r() m'unces busines .onndcntUi ee gant parlors, arrance. n jou meet ro trarcer3 10 a n. ti 7 p ra Z.5JJ Washington avenue pehsotal. ,, , ff-Lff A DETECTIVE pnva, ia srvadowlar anj tnvestlrattnr ref p o P Tn t ?-it C'.NFL.tMJNT 'as taei.. SJ"7 rirW.tU ave Kin!nc"i. C 133 UIl CXZKAFX. ;) 2 Wa-hlnato.. treats prea--ularlt!es and all female trouMej. 2j ears eat. KRif""' T"i"0 1 guaranteed to relieve aup presion IZ ln V- Ciiui ; VahlnKton. lit.-. n feuUtoi uvrr fait. urBpieca treatment free. Mrs E Mrr. Jv29 FranVlln. MIinvIFE Receliea durlts err. . ladles ,, tr-utie call. Infant a lopted. s4? Iafvette, LADII will rot rexrrt calllns on Mr. Hel lard confinement. loet prices. lsij N ll?h. MRS A FCIIROEDER cevei ccnflnemenCf; Indies, rail. &? Franklin .ice ' MRS M DIEIIL. IVfl N Jefferson, receives corfirrmeits; nd"ptlon If dealped; ladlea. rail. v PRIVATE honies for ladle during- confin mert espiiallj- adapted to those wishlmr to avoid exposure, trained nure: best of carer prfect eelut?fl. all diea;esi and Irrecularl tiep skllMHy treated. Ue onlv institution of tfia, kind in the cltv In charge of a regular jrradu ated and reliable ph slcian. Call or addrets Phvlclan. SC3 N Twenty.thlrd t.. near Ollvit. MR. MRinOKS OfHce hrurs. 3 to l: no med lclne 3J.G Laclede C U64; Undell 9SM. T MR-; DR. SMITH TM'i Laston. absolute -elusion efGre anil 'durltu confinement: terto regsorahle IVaunrnt MSA: Klr.loch 1(3SD. i PR1VATF dieae. nervous debility, ete aulrklv cured, medicine fcrnlhed; cne tret mnt free p)7A N Ninth J; DR. ANNIE NEWLAND, 1'rlvate Ilcen-a home for ladles before aafl djrlmc contiiiement; otdet and moat reliable Institution id the State, establlahed over forty yeara. home cmforta; mctherly care; infanta adopted; irregular. tie successfully treated; us lfactlcn niaranted. lad lea in trouble, call or write jriA OIle at. DOCTOR HOGAN, 2215 OLIVE. Medical and curic'cal dtseasea rf women spec'alty. operation skillfillr performed. patient r-c-lved at any time, before and (urine confinement; infants adopted. If de fired, trained nurses; home comforts: ladles la trouble, call or write erma reasonable. Coo sultatlon free . . DR. MARY ARTHUR, 2&1 Wahlnjeton ave.. conducts a flrat-clasu anttarlum for confinements; infant adoptee); elegant accommodations. 'J yearn experience; trained nurses, ladle", when needtna: a spe:la4 lt come or write, strictly rerpectable. Dr. DGnniS regular ncenaed cyt- cian ana surgeon conducu the onl rsevtabl sanitarium fur .onlinement in thla city; pert- ecluslcn and home comforts; trained nurse; lowest terms; al female trouble skilfully treated under absolute guarantee: ladles, whea needlcc a spec'allst. cnm or write lraa. MMES. VVARRAHCE ami MADGE GRAYME, Private Ucerd home before and during con finement, adoption If desired; disease of women a special tj , ladles In trouble, call oT write 2VH.K Olive; phone Kin. C 120?. GOLDEN SEAL Female Regulator; prie j:. :ci Waablnztan ara. SECRET SOCIETIES. KMGMTS OF PYTHIAS. v r.rtmjfinr.'.nja ----- . . T-rr-M-M. CUE LODGE. NO. SI. K. OF P. ICECTS f ever Thursday evenlnc at I o'clock. Waat uate tlall. nortnfeezi comer urua ana r7".trn avenues. Members requasted to attend refflt larly. VIsttora tordlillr. Inrlle. I . TANK BERRV. C (X O W. CWton. K. of R. i S.. 1H3 St. LouU avenue - CAnTLK IIAIJ.. COLUMBIA LODGE. N'O. .25. K it P.. meeta eery Tueaday evaa Ing, cvntuty building. .Ninth and Oltre. East IUIL Tuesday July 19. iiorlc tn rank of Ea iiulre. Members tequested to be present. Visit ors welcome. " LK.ANI)KR NICHOLSON. C. Cj J F I-nu.ey. K .f R. . B. z F Oli-ltr. v.i.1 UUot, .NO. (. K- OF 1'.. llinaiu i1a.j. luirtietb and OUtra. Meeta ciery vtune.u4y at I u'ciock. work al .iii en hand. Visit-jra welcome. ' it k 1'Kitscule: a c; W A. Roberts. HomtS. T MoCCc LODGE. NO. 330. K. OF P.. MEETS every Tueauay avaiuas at S a'eieask at Anchor Hall, aoaumeat corner JaSaraaa aaa Para avenues. TaJt Compton UelgtUk. tuka Jefteraon aenue caxa. Members ar afasntail and llsttora cordially Invited to attend. Work In rank of Esquire. A. H. N0RRI9H. C. C; L. B Cia.. K. of R. B. 7 PACIFIC LODGE. NO. J34. IC OT P meet. eerv AVedneauav a.enlna'. Caatury butldlm, Nlnm and Olive streets. July . rank cf Paje. CUaia. Vlaltora Invited. H. N. ROBINSON. C C W A Or.r K of R- A 8. YTHAGOUAS LODGE. NO. IT. K, Of W meet, everv Wednudav avanlna at 4 corner Grand and Easton Ite nuea. at S o'clock, Paz. rank Wednesday, Jty (. Members upected Vlslttnr brothers always welcome. E- b. I10LLEY. a C. E. Bttlnzer. K. cf R. A S.. tJS Easton as r.ue. Klnloch I SIS ROBiatT U COWAN LODGE. NO. Ut, , cf i:, meets every Monday evening at" u cock. West Hall. Century bulldlnr. Ninth jr.d Olive streets. Monday. July la. work x4a rank of I'aite Member are requested to at tend. Isltors are welcome OSCAR M. &TOLL. CI Of Attest: Henry H Luebbert. K. of R. 4 B. . ZITLEMA LODGE. NO i:i K. OF Tff meets Mondey evenlnr. July U, In hall No. I. tenth ttjor. Century ouildlng . at s o elatt. Work In rank of Pae. Members expected and Isltors ccrdtall) Invited to attend. FRANK J. VOLMER. C & Attest: O. M. Brook.. K. of R. S. ! O. Box 102. lliAUAhh LODGE. NO. :J. K. OF Pa W tnets every Tuesday evenloe at caatta tan. Houthweat corner Broadway and Benton. July 19. work In tre rank of Esquire. Visitors welcome. O. L. OdUORN. C C M C Ehulte. K. rtlt-tS. TRlnE OF BEX HLR. srfi-.s"f"aasBaJa TRIBE OF BEN HUR. HARMONT COURT. No. 101. mets every Monday at sortB est corner Tuentj-seccnd street and Franklin avenue. Members eapected and vleltora Invltad to b- prent. B. W. OU.N.V. Chief, fi J Markert. irrlbe. rtOYAL ARCAHUM. ; rn'ii'i u'l i-ii-i-i-ii---------1'.""".."....1" GRAND COUNCIL MISSOURI., ROTAXs Arcanum. 3C-J11 Upland BalldtaB A cordial welcome to vlaltora. frlenda. brathraa and memur, from VRHOUR a Jno. c. Kllllncawotfi Grand Secretary. FOR ADDITION WANT - ADS SEE .PAGE EORGL - m - j&t$e&tit$z ti - .jr-i - -c- , Ja-yJfrr?aA-. -4-Het'