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32 THE ST. LOUIS KEPUBLIO: MONDAY. -TTTLY 18. 1904, ! , ni rr 11 ni la u a a "I lljl i e 9 9 O O e e c e a o -o ? i E o o e 9 0 e 9 c 0 P (TCADEHAW HUNTERRYf HUNTER BALTIMORE RYE Absolute Purity Faultless Quality Exquisite Flavor DAVID NICHOLSON". St. Loult, Mo. eee Attention Visitors. Hamilton Hotel (Cor. Hamilton ard Map'e Av es ) AMI COTTAGLS. (NEAR THE FA1RV Rooms Single and En Suite, With Bath. K2 o AS Per On j. European. Elfi-ant Cafe, Roof Gardrn. Mus'c Every Evening. Suburban, 1'age and Eatton Cars. TELLS OF MINERAL FIELD OF NORTHERN ARKANSAS. inn m:v ST, JAMES HOTEL, TJrnadwav and Walnut Street, t Louis, Mo AMBmcN 1LA? JiM per daj and upward ln'P.OPBVN PLAN" 1 50 per dav and u&ward Market St Cars to and from Union Mutton r fcllORT I'rop L TRED KI.OOZ. JUr PILES Cured Without the Knife. ri-STLLA, F1SSIHE. ITCHIM!. IILKEI1- i:g, llckkatiov cos.stiiatio, and nil Rectal Diienaefl u aiierlnlt. Cnre Guaranteed. Send (or booklet. DR. M. NEY SMITH, Specialist, 800 Olive St, St. loult, Mo. Establ shed 188a NOTARY PUBLIC. JOSEPH F. FARISH, ST. LOUIS RKPUDMC ItL'lLDI'Vn. Tel. Uell Main 301H. KInlocb A 073. I iSaBi af'nlnnTwW- 1 Who is your OPTICIAN We would like to be. No charge for testing our eyes and giving ad vice. Satisfaction guaranteed GLASSES KnOll fl.OO UP. HYATT'S OPTICIANS, Eighth St, Opp. Pot Office. isoari sii .n Cincinnati' VIA B. & O. S-W. Free Rccllnlnjr-Chilr Cars to LOUISVILLE Sliipert and Dining Cars Ticket Offices: Olive and Sixth nd Union btatlon and World's Fair Ground Ns Monty Till Cund Send lor Free U2-IM Bt oa I PILES. Etc ExtmlutloaFrce. I UK. THORNTON MINOR. 3969 OHrt ..St. LtcU-J You can't cartage the v eatlier. But you can change your clothing. And our good fortune In catching a jobber with. 05 suit lengths of fine llome Mims on his hands Is cer tainly your good fortune. For we secured the whole lot at a price that will en able us to make you a splendid ?30.00 Two-Piece Homespun Suit for $20.00 putting Into the suit $30.00 homespun, $30.00 linings, ?30.00 Tailoring. That Is we can if you're one of the flnt OS to get here. MacCarthy-Evans Tailoring; Co. Hlth-lrade Tailorlnf Medlum-lrad Prim. 816-820 Olive St. The Poat Office In Oppoaltr. St. Lonls, Mo. AMERICAN SOBRIETY SURPRISES MINISTER. FOR. WOMEN ONLY W hae the jnot efficient, teit and only reliable rem ed for Delayed Terlods. It relietes the root obstinate com plica tiens from any cause In 48 hours, or 3 to o days, without pain, danger or Interference with work. We hav brought hanp'ness to hundreds of women and have never known thin rem edy to fall ou lll F&ve time and failure hv vHtinr us brfoio mMlcln- that Injure the health and do no cood. Price (2 00 by mall. DR. R Q RAYMOND RRMEDY CO . Room 1H. 84 ADAMS ST.. CHICAGO. ILI WW Solemn Reqalem at Xormnml). A solemn requiem will be celebrated this morning for the repose of the soul of the Very Keverend Father Kealy at the re treat of the Passionlst Fathers In Nor mandy. 4 The celebrant of the mass will be the Reverend Father Fenlon of St. Bridget's Church. The Reverend Father OTlegan of Notre Dame, Ind.. will be deacon and a Passionlst father will be subdeacon. The Very Keverend Father Robert Mc Namara. C. P., rector of the retreat at Normandy, has departed for Hoboken to participate In the funeral services there. Doctor Freeman of London Says This Country Is Fur Ahead of Eng land In Temperate Drlnklnsr. REPUBLIC SPECIAL New York, Jul 17. "No phase of Amer ican life has appealed to me more forcibly than the absence of Intoxication. In this New York Is far ahead of London and the cities of Europe," the Reverend Doc tor George Freeman, a prominent London minister and lecturer, who 'is spending his vacation 'In this country studying the social conditions, said to-day. Doctor Freeman is the pastor of the Westbourne Grove Chapel, the largest church In West London, with the sole ex ception of Westminster Abbey. "1 hae observed In the hotels and rest taurants," Doctor Freeman said, "thai! there was very little drinking with meals In London every man and woman would be drinking wine or ale. I have not seen a drunkon man on the streets with the exception of some outcasts of society, while In England It would be impossible to go around for a day without seeing men and even women of the so-called bet ter classes In Intoxicated condition. "I hate paid several visits to Coney Island, and that resort was a revelation to me. In Hi gland Coney Island Is a rynonym for unlicensed wickedness. Whatever Its reputation may have been In the It certainly does not deserve it now. I was there the other night until very late, and I was surprised at the en tire absence of drunkenness and at the good nature of the large crowd. Nowhere else have I seen It equaled." Doctor Ailnnis of Geological Sorvej- Say Tlmt Its Kconomlc Imiiort- nnce Is IncrenslnK. The Republic Bureau 11th St and Pennajlvania Aic. Washington. July 17. Doctor George I Adams of the Geological Survej has sub mitted a report on the zinc and lead de posits of Notthern Arkansas He speaks of the Yellvlile quadrangle as a lead and zinc producing region of In creasing economic Importance. This sec tion of Arkansas comprises Marlon Coun ty and parts of Searcj, Boone and New ton. The development of the field is "till In Its beginnings, so the report Is In a scnc a preliminary one Few of the oro bodies have bten worked sufficiently to deter mine their extent. There ore manv open ings and prospects, but few producing mines. Specimens of zinc sulphide Jrom this region by nnalslg show fifi per cent metal, but the ore when marketed Is not always so pure, it being lmpo.Jble In cleaning to separate It from all other mineral matter. Sulphide of lead shows 86 6 per cent of metallic lead and 13 4 per cent of sulphur. The completion of railroads alreadv pro jected, says the report, will afford facili ties 'for shipping this ore. thus making it possible for mines rcmotelj situated to begin "Work With profit. The question of transportation Is a disturbing element In the development of this Arkansis Indus try. V hlle Doctor Adams says he cannot pre dict with rertalnty the future of the field he ventures to assert that certain of the mines now opened are capable of large output and that many of the prospects wairant further exploltntlcn. Have Yonr Ejea Examined. You miy need glasses If ou do. It's Important that jou get them and that jou get the right kind. Drs. Bond nnd Mont gomery, expert opticians, will examine jour eyes free, and. If jou need glasses, furnish them. In steel frames. $100 and up In gold frames, from $3.00 up. At MCRMOD & JACCARD'S. Broadway and Locust. Serviceable Umbrellas. Rainproof and sunproof, complete han dle assortments, special values to-day. at J3 00. Others from .00 to J50 00 each. MERMOD & JACCARD'S. Broadway and Locust, CAR STRIKES AN AUTOMOBILE. Mrs. Mary Bies Hurt in Finney Avenue Collision. An automobile driven by E. W. Shettuck of No. 4040 Olive street, in which he and Mrs. Mary RIes of No. 4S15 Evans avenue were riding Saturday night, was demol ished by a Page avenue car at Finney and Pendleton avenues. Mrs. RIes was thrown out and bruised. She declined to be taken to the Dlsnen- sary, how ever, and was convej-ed to her j nome xor a nnyrician s treatment. rne damage to the auto is estimated at $800. CASTOR I A for Infants asilChJiirtx The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature m& TEACHERS FOR THE CREEKS. John D. Benedict Announces Par tial List of Appointees. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Muskogee. I. T., July 17. John D. Bene dict, superintendent of Schools for Indian Terrltorj-, has approved the appointment of the following teRchers in the Creek Na tion schools. The list of appointments Is not j-et complete and probably will not be until August 1: Eufaula High School. William II. Lester, superintendent; Josephine Raker, music; Cellam M. Lester, matron. Wetumka Boarding School. Edward Swengel. super intendent; Anna B. Wright, assistant; Lula M. Swengle nnd Lena Leotl, matrons. Euchce Boarding School, George A. Trot ter, superintendent; W. E. Shook, Suanna Grimes. Fanny C. Bridges, teachers; Anna L. James, matron; Tookah S. Ross, seam stress. Creek Orphan Home, W. T. Ken ntdj. superlntcnoent; J( T. Pinson and Hattle G. Lay. teachers; Mollle Jefferson, seamstress. Coweta Boarding School. James C. Pinson, superintendent. Weslaka Boarding School. J. D. Reasonoter, super intendent: H. H. Boulton. Pearl Pearson, teachers; Evle Boulton and Ida E. Martin, matrons; Stella Blake, teacher of drawing for Creek boarding schools. Tallahassee Boarding School. J. E. Johnson, superin tendent: S. W. Fourd. H. I. Wilson. M. G. i- cuum ana t-ean Armsteaa, teachers; Nancy E. Johnson nnd Lucy E. Bailac. matrons. Pecan Boarding School. J. P. Davidson, superintendent: Oscar Spencer and Esther Spencer, teachers; Sarah Da- viuson. matron. Bueprlntendent Benedict says that there are more and better teachers making ap plications for Indian schools this -vear than last. He has more places to fill on account of the new school sjstem, but there will be plenty of teachers, and good ones. There was. a shortage last jear Preparations are now rapidly under way to get the new schools In operation bv September 1. World's Exhibit Shoe Factory. The Brown Shoe Company eterj third week operate the World's Exhibit Shoe Factory In the Manufacture? building at the World's Fatr and turn out 300 pairs per day of "White House" World's Fair souvenir shoes for men, which are re tailed at $4 per pair by the Wm. Barr Dry Goods Company, Olive and Seventh streets. Fur Mnakopiep Improvements. REPUBLtC SPECIAL. Muskogee, I. T July 17. The city coun cil of Muskogee has petitioned the Court of the Western District to call at once a special election to vote $100,000 In bonds tor ine extension ana improvement of the waterworks plant of the cltj The plant has lust heen rnmnl.tAit anA .n.t 1TC - MISSOURI'S CAPITAL TOWN SPIRIT Fear of Removal Has Wroiif-lit Many Changes in Old-Fashioned Jefferson City. AFRAID OF THE NIGHTMARE. Possibility That the General Ap Mnibly Might Unite Against ihe Place Brings Many Improvements. nErunuc SPECIAL Jtfferson C!t. .Mo. Julv 17. Visitors to this week's Democratic State Convention will be impressed with the value of n good, first-class nightmare. Jefferson Pity is teaching every delegate that lesson. Jefferson CItv's nightmare has betn ann Is "capital removal " When the average property owner of this place soes to bed the cr- worst ap parition that can come In the midnight hour is labe'ed "cnpltal removal " Chil dren on the streets fear the phrase from the lips of fcrj- pasterbv Real estate dealers all but knock a mnn down fur thinking aloud on "cspltal removal." At the last session of the General As sembly Renres. ntatle Hubert S Kronrk of fat Louis, olclng the common feeling of those attending the biennial session In troduced a bill providing for thf removal of the seat of government to St Ioul. The bill was one of the first fruits of the boodle exposures. I.ocal residents were terrified The bill was flnallv killed Rabbits dis appeared from the menus of the hotels and boarding-houses The citizens gave a ball In honor of the trunIent population Three months ago Mr Kronck reappeared in Jefferson City and asked for support In his randldacj for Attornev General. He was snowed under. WHAT THE NIGHTMARE DID But thanks to Mr. Kronck and those who pushed his bill, Jefferson CItj' got Its nightmare. From that dav to thl every energy has been used to keep ilent for ever the talk nf cipital removal. The nightmare Is still at work Not a fossil In Jefferson fit but who has srn It Not a knocker but who has kept his ham mer out of sight to get rid of the night mare. Ith one accord the people of this good old town have resolved that there shall be no more outbursts of righteous anger about capital removal This week's visitors will get the benefit. Thtrc is not a house which has not thrown open Its doors for the entertainment of the delegates and spectators. An enter prising Commercial Club, aroused to real energj. has assumed charge of details and is ready to make ever bony at home For the first time Jefferson Citj has a town i-plrit woith the name There Is hardlj- a part of the town that does not show Improvement. The lat te "lon of the General Assembly, after shak ing the town by the neck, appropriated less than one-third whit Governor Dock- erj' requested, and as n consequence $30,00 worth of Improvements have been made at the Capitol The washtubs have been taken out of the Governor's otflce when rain fill" Lieutenant Governor Rubey will net have to use buckets and snittoons for a like purpose in his ottlce. There Is a new roof on the Capitol building. All of the In teriors have been rrtinted and repainted. There are new carpets and new furniture. What Is more, the appointments art" in good taste and worthj' of the State's best pride IJkcwlse at the mansion. Governor Dockerv and Mrs. W. A. Morrow have re fitted the State's first residence with fur niture that Is elegant and costlj. The grounds of bojh the mansion and the Capitol have been brought to a hlxher state of cultivation than ever before. Especially Is this true of the mansion grounds. Governor Dockery Is determined to set the pace for his succes-sjr In bcau tlflcatlon of the grounds, and Is satisfied with the results thus far obtained. Out at the Penitentiary a $C0,C0 build ing for women Is being finished. Its front Is considered one of the best pieces of architecture In the city. TURNING OVER A NEW LEAF. So the State Is doing Its part to shake off the nightmare. Jefferson City, the munlclpalltj-. Is doing its share Four new schnolhouses are being built with the money from $SO,000 worth of bonds which were voted last j-ear. For the first time the school children will get their training In good buildings of sufficient size. More than that, eight blocks of new pavement are being laid. Considering that onlj- nn excuse for macadam has been the rule, the Innovation maj' be appre ciated. Sidewalks and crossings that will keep future legislators from catching pneumonia while on their way to the State house are also a feature of the nightmare's passing. Last, but not least, is the evolution of the Fire Department. Onlj' a year ago primitive Jefferson Cltj would be awak ened In the middle of the night by the ringing of the fire bell. A half hour aft erwards a small body of men pulling an ancient hose cart by hand, and carrjlns lanterns, would come down the street. Maybe they would put out the fire, and mavbe thev wouldn't. It was the way of Jefferson Cltj High fire insurance rates did not feaze them. But talk of capital removal did The City Council heard -of possible Improve ments and decided to act. Nowadaj's a spick and span team of up to-date fire Jiorses pull the new hose cart down the street in anout one-tcntn or the former time occupied In this highly Interesting nnd exlnustlng occupation It Is an evo lution, inaeea. ON EVERY HAND. Where there has been so much public spirit It Is not possible for private in dustry to fall far short. The principal hostelry has enlarged Its portico, put in a marble floor, used paint liberally and Is on the highway to general efficiency. Across from this hotel Is the new modern establishment of the Stato printer. For of the poor graces of the town has been the old opera-house. Con tracts have Just been let for a new the ater to be built of concrete. And so on. Those who were here to at tend the last session of the General As-scmblj- will see monuments to Its good work In creating Jefferson Cltj-'s night mare on every side. Heretofore, outsiders had something more than an Impression of the general condescension with which old-timers permitted the capital to be here. An Impression seemed to prevail seemed, no more that outsiders were a good thing to have around. The nightmare of capital removal ha. brought a realizing sense of the helpless ness oi jeiierwon vuy witnout tne pres ence of the official family. Jefferson City hajk learned that It exists for the State hcre, and the Penitentiary nnd not the reverse. It has changed the disposition of the town. The people realize what might nupjieii nnu are aoing tnemsetves proua In showing what a fine town Jefferson City Is. Exceedingly Low Rates to Hot Springs, Ark., VIA IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE Jul Tickets on sale every Tuesday during ulv August and September. Splendid train service and hotel facilities. For free descriptive literature and other Informa tion, see ticket agent, southeast corner Sixth and Olive streets. KANSAS WANTS' ALL ITS GAS. Protest Made Against Piping Fluid to Missouri Towns. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Topeka, Kas., July 17. "Kansas gas for Kansas people" Is the title of an ad dress that Is being circulated among the farmers of the Kansas oil and natural gas belt. An appeal is made to the people of the State to demand of candidates for the Legislature the pledge that they will vote for a law that will prevent the piping of natural gas out of the State. This fight Is aimed at a company of Pitts- Have You Been to Mermod & Jaccard's The World's Grandest Jewelry Establishment Importers of Diamonds and Precious Stones; Manufacturers of Jewelry and Silverware; Dealers in Cut Glass, China, Leather Goods, Umbrellas, Canes, Optical Goods, Engraved Stationery and Art Goods. The Lowest-Priced House in Atnenca tot 1-ine Goods. Visitors t0 tlie and stranserb in St. Louis are most cor dially invited. This Week We Offer Souvenir Spoons &' Out ( atalotjtie ficc. In new and appropriate de signs, with views "f World's Fair nnd St I-nuis splendid as sortment All Solid Siher. Prices. SI to SJJ. Special. Our own ie Mi;h (like Illus tration) Solid silver, extra hertv), artlstic allv chased tlio hack of Spoon Is orna mented with bust of "Wnsh 1 n g t o n ' and v 1 e w b of the Cascades and Festival Hall Price, $2.75. With g o I d plattd botvl. $X State Spoons. Solid Sliver Spoons with and namo of State on handle In bold relief our col lection repre-M-nts moat cv- erj- State In the Union. Price, $1.25. With gold bowls, $1 . Visit Our Art Balcony A dmire the Oriental wares. Japanese doi-onne work, Embroidcrj . h a n a -tarved Ivory. Sliver and Bron7e the Potteries from France, England, Germnnj, Italj- and East India Music Boxes Man tel and Hall Clocks. See Our Superb Jewelry. Diamonds. Pearl". Rubles. Em eralds, pa'pphirts. Opals, eta, imported direct, mountings de signed nnd made In our own immense factor bj expert workm-n Our Silver Tableware, Toilet Articles, Vases and Novelties the "tamp of "Mermod, Jaecard A. Co " on ever piece a guarantee of quality and value Cut Olass The finest in the world bril llint and sparkling, extra heavj" glass, excluslvo de signs, perfectly cut and shown In great variety. Fine China Tableware and Art Goods, Dinner Sets, Chocolate Sets and Sets of all kinds Single Dishes Plates. Bowls, etc beautiful Art Limps, etc See Also Our fine Leather Goods Um brellas, Canes. Riding Crops Correspondence Paper, En graved Statlonerj- and Novel ties Ej eglasses and Spec tacles fitted by competent opticians Field and Opera Glasses World's) Fair Souvenirs from 2ie up. CitiZ6I1S arc refluese to come : and bring- their friends. All are welcome. To-Day We Offer Fine Gold Watches (Like illustration.) iSiSlsV Solid gold hunting case, set with beautiful, clearwhite diamond, a brilliant cut stone fitted with our celebrated jeweled nickel "Constant" movement, ( m mm Guaranteed a For 3)75. -'Se, I-idies.' othiT Solid Gold Watches, set with diamonds, at from S3i to $1,075. Solid gold, without dia monds, $19 to.?100. Have You Seen Our New "Century" Watch Tor gentlemen? New size, new &p nlgn, solid 14-karat gold open-face case, -svith nevv Century movement. Mude expressly for and sold only by us. See them. Our Introductory Special Price. Gentlemen's other Solid Gold Watches up to ?y;o. .Over threp thousand perfect timekeepers to choose from. Prices from K dol lars up. $25 MERMOD JACCARD'S, -- BROADWAY AND LOCUSTaHMi IV ite to-day for Catalogue. BUY GAS RANGES NOW! Never Before Were the Terms So Easy the Prices So Low We Ifave arranged with your stove dealer to sell you a Gas Cooking Range for $18.00, payable $3.00 at time of order, balance $2.00 monthly, with your gas bill. We have opened substations throughout the city where bills can be paid WITHOUT FEE. We run free service pipes from street mains to meter install the meter run pipes from meter to your kitchen and connect your range AL,L AT OUR OWN EXPENSE. We Have Made the Way Easy For you to change from old to modern methods. Why not enjoy a cool, clean kitchen NOW? Sre amfi'e tanges at your nearest dealer's. Gas Company' substation? 01 mam office. Word to u n-tll brirfg full information to your door. PREPARE FOR CONVENTION. Back us vSi "vu """i:icu, "u cosi ) Durg ana at. iouis capitalists which pro- K0- JS-J?" . "Oiaed Indebtedness is poses to pipe natural gas from the Cha- now C2a.O00. ana the proposed Issue will nute field to Joplln. Carthage. Webb CItv make It o5,O00. Springfield and other Missouri towns Indiana Democrats Isot ward in Seeking Office nnrUBLic srcciAL Evansvllle. Ind., July IT. The Democrats of Indiana will hold their State Conven tion at Indianapolis the first week In Au gust, and the First Congressional District will be represented In case Major G V Mcnzles of lount Vernon 13 not nominated for Governor It Is probable that State Senator John D. Roehe of that city will be a candidate for the nomination for Lieutenant Governor. His friends are now urging him to mako the race, but he has not announced his candidacy. W. E. Stilwell of Princeton is spoken of as a candidate for Attornev General. He made the race two years ago. First Dis tiict Democrats who are spoken of for the Appellate bench are Judge E. A. El of Petersburg. Judge Fi M. Swan of Rock port and Judge Oscar M. Wclborn. Edward P. Richardson of Petersburg Is spoken of as a candidate for Auditor of State. He Is a former member of the State Senate and Is at present district chairman. He is a law partner of former Congressman A. H. Taylor, whose friends have been urging him to make the race for Governor. The Democrats of the First District will hold their nomlnatln. con vention some time in August. Amo.ig the men mentioned for the nomination are J. W Roehne of this cltv Henrj Kramer of Rockport and Herdls Clement of Rock port Georie Wandel of Grandvlew has declined to make the race. Yonr Wntcti 1'nt In Order, CIcnntd. repaired and regulated bj' expert workmen, gutrnnteed by MERMOD & JACCARD'S. Broadwaj- and Locust. ("eorteo I'errett Stnbs Himself. George Terrett. 32 jenrs old, who re cently came to St. Louis, stabbed himself five times In the breast, attempting to commit suicide. In the reir of No. BO' South Third street yesterday morning at 4 o'clock. He was taken to the City Hos pital He would not give a reason for at tempting to end his life. Weddlnsr HIiiks (Solid Gold). I'inest qualities. to XtO. .Mermod & Jaccard's. Broadway and Locust. finds Vnlnnhle Mussel Penrl. IWrUDLIC SPECIAL. Evansville. Ind , July 17. Charles Hol land of New Harmon. Ind., a mussel rt'ell digger, to-day found a pearl In tha Wabash River that is valued at between CI0O and $3,000 It Is said to be the mot v:ituable pearl ever found In the Wabash. Rftver. TBie Texas Wonder Is an infallible kld neji bladder and rheumatic cure; send for refs. Dr. E. W. Hall. No. 2531 Olive. St. Xouis. Mo. Adv. ALWAYS INSIST OH GETTING M JaafJiJgFss&3&jmllJl( 'y'aJj PPfr'ygrTaaSJSaMaMMMMMaiaaMfcfc- 9KWMUOE-""iiiiiiiiiiiii: h2i ?i! S.'V.J"";1.11. :fer u'11 . Fence pklntlnir. Clocks, fr rea Deals, etc, Tif illtLE AT WORLD'S FAIR. w 7? 'V y A: i' C Co.. 8C Lonuv jV i V5-a-! JJ-'iT -"5t?TrWt, .t