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THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: MONDAY. JULY IS. 1904. 3 v'N 1I- s a use his at lfs -of joL ills ted in jol. of of of IS. Be led Ie. ve fon cv st the ho tly m- Inc as ttB lve STATE POLITICIANS SPEND DAY IN CITY Delegates and headers on AVay to Democratic Convention Dis cuss Situation. FOR VANDIVER AND EVANS. INTEREST CENTERS IN THE CONTESTS Session of the Credentials Com mittee Will Be Closely Watched. FIGHT FOR ST. LOUIS CITY. H 1 Announcement That They Will Be Temporary and Permanent Chairmen Received With General Satisfaction. St. Louis was the stopover point for riemocretlc politicians deleff.ttis and camp followers, who spent csterday In the city on their way to the Democratic State Convention at Jefferson City. Stories of the immense, crowds which are expected at tho State capital for the gathering of Missouri Democrats had their effect upon the delegations from many sections of the State, and a greit many" of them remained In St. Louis dur ing the night, rather than take their chances at any of the Jefferson City ho tel Th Lnclede. which Is to a certain ex tent tho headquarters of Missouri Democ racj, was crowded last night, and cots In the halls wcro reminders of the condition of affairs In tho hotel line during the na tional convention. All afternoon the rotunda wns full of the Jefferson-bound statesmen, who spent the hot hours in discussing the latest phases of tho situation, which confronts the delegates and figuring upon the pos sible results. Without exception the con versations were peaceful in their nature, and It Is apparent that the delegates will reach the convention prepared to preserve harmony at all events and ready to abide by the will of the majority. AU talk of no compromise between con tending elements disappeared early in the day, and If the sentiment of that part of the convention which spent yesterdaj In St. Louis Is Indicative- of the feeling of the balanoo of the representatives, the con vention will be harmonious anil satisfac tory to everybody. FOR VANDIVER AND EVANS The statements printed In The Republic yesterday morning that Congressmin Vandiver would doubtless be recommended for temporary chairman and that Judge Evans would cosslblv be the permanent chairman wero frequently commented up on and received with general satisfaction. Representative delegates who talked on tho subject agreed that Mr. Vandiver was of such a character that he would be ab solutely fair In his rulings; and while, of course, sit Isf acton- to the Folk men, would not be at all undesirable to those Interests which have not been for the Cir cuit Attornej. The mention of Judge Ev ans's, name was received with equal satis faction, and from the general sentiment It seems that the choice of these two names Is a foregone conclusion. The statement that the Hawes delegates from fat. Louis had determined to throw their support to Cook and Allen did not occasion great surprise, us It has been current rumor over .the State that1 in case their seats In the convention -would beun dlsfurbcd their Induces would be given to these .gentlemen'1 It. was also conceded thatixm cas9qthe.,nhlettgalnstJUho-4 iias'3 ui-irKaies resjiis in noimng men the, nomination of Cook and Allen is as sured. In fact, the only fight left for the convention would be for member of the Railway and Warehouse Commission, as candidates for the other offices have a majority of Instructed delegates. The report that the contests from St Louis would be taken up ward by ward was favorably commcited upon and gave the impression that the contests would be decided strictly upon their merits and In a manner satisfactory to all concerned. CONGRESSMAN HAMLIN TALKS. Congressman C W. Hamlin of Spring field was among the more prominent of the Mlisourians here esterda. At the Laclede he said: "I anticipate a most harmonious convention From all Indica tions all elements are going to be recon ciled before the convention Is called to order. 'The only prospect for n fight will be in he Credentials Committee, and from what I learn I am convinced that the con tests will be decided upon their merits and In a manner which will leave no Ill feeling Of course. If the Hawes delegates are seated the ticket Is as good as named, and lr. my opinion, it will prove a strong ticket and one which will be received with favor the State over. "Congressman Vandiver will doubtless re the temporary chairman and I be lieve he will be absolutel fair. He can not do Otherwise tn xlpw nf the. nVianlMfel.. impartial manner In which Major Reed Bandied the gavel at the Joplln conven tion, ueea gave everybody a chance and was more than fair, and even should Van diver care to do otherwise than the fair thing he could not very well -violate the precedent which the late candidate for gov ernor made In the last convention. "Mr Vandiver, however, lp a man of absolute honesty and fairness afid I be lieve he will act as chairman in a manner satisfactory to all concerned The ticket nominated will be strong and will be the product of a harmonious convention With Parker and Davis at the head of the ticket wo will win Missouri by not less1 than 30.000 While Folk may run behind somewhat in the cities, he will run ahead In the cnuntrv. and will have an even break with Parker In the State at large " Among tho Democrats who were here jesterday were Judge Benjamin F. jioume ot .Aiemjinir, Judge, James F. Neville of Springfield B B Fragles, c. C Fragles and C W. Richard of Lan caster. J O Royd. J E Luther. J. M. Doran. Frank Hudson and J. R Hudson of Memphis and Robert Briggs ot Lancaster. A BACK LICK Settled the Case With Her. Many great discoveries hive, been made b accident and things better thnn i-nid mines have been found"in this way; for rmmn'n nhan a. An .V... ......1,1 ! .!.. ....... ..... ,. cv.i iiic iKMUUiiai ui- coverj that coffee Is the real cause of ones sickness proves of most tremendous value because It locates the cause and the person ha then a chance to get well. , 'For over twenty-five cars," says a Missouri woman, "I suffered untold ago nies In my stomach and even the best physicians disagreed an to the cause with out giving me any permanent help, differ ent ones sajing It w? gistrltis, indiges tion, neuralgia, etc , so I dragged along from jcar to ear. nlvvavs half sick, unUI finally I gave up all hopes of ever being well again. "When taking dinner with a. friend one dav she aM she had i newidrlnk, which turned out to Im Postum, and I liked it so well I told her I thought I would stop coffee for awhile and ue It, which 1 did "So for three months we had Postum In place of coffee without over having one of my old spells, but was aiwas Healthy anil vigorous Instead. "Husband kept saying he was convinced It was coffpo that caused those spells, but even then I wouldn't believe It until ft one dav- we got out ot Postum and as we 1 lived two miles from town 1 thought to use the coffee we had In the house. "The result of a week's use of coffee again was that I had another terrlbie spell of ngony and distress, proving that It was the coffee and nothing else. That settled It 'and I t-ajd good-bv to coffee fcrever and since then Postum alone has been our hot mealtime drink. "My friends all say that 1 am looking worlds better and my complexion is much Improved All the other members of our famfy have been benefited, too, by Postum in place of the old drink, coffee." Name-given by Postum Co. Battle Creek. Mich. Ten d.ijs" trial ot Postum in place of coffee or tea Is the w'se thing for every coffee drinker. Such a trial tells the ex act truth often where coffee Is not sus pected. Look In each package for the famous little book "The Road to We.lville." "World s Fair exhibit. Space 103, Agrl aulture bluldlng.' ' I fr Mulvihill and Hawes Announce That the Matter Will Be Car ried to the End Latter Expects IJarmoiix. BY STAFF COR RES1X1N DENT Jefferson City. Mo , Julj IT On the con tests to bo taken before the Credentials Committee center points of consequence to the strength of Sam B Cook and Albert O Allen, and in them accordlngl lies ihe polbIe further Intensification of part division. Tho Tolk men promise that the contests arc not to be handled on a Folk and anti-Folk, or machine and antima chine basis, but ujion the merits of the respective cases to be decided. Contests are to be brought from St Louis city. St Louis Countv. Jasper Count j. Clinton Count, the Sixth Ward of Kansas City and possiblv from New Madrid County. "The fight is to be made in earnest," an nounces Thomas U. Mulvihill, on behalf of the Folk forces of St Louis, "from twentj-one wards " The Hawes men from St luis County are equallv- determined to fight, and the Jasper case will also be thoroughly thrasBed out. The Clinton and New Mad rid cases, it is expected, will be disposed of In short order. Trom St. Louis cltv endless affidavits and testimony, together with argument bj counsel, are readj on both sides The probable action of the committee in the cases is Impossible to determine. Every Indication is that Hawes delegations will be unseated In at least two of the 9t Louis wards CONTESTS UP PREVIOUSLY. Tho other cases, except that from New Madrid, were taken up in the St Joseph or Joplln convention The complexion of those conventions was vcrv different from that which will characterize the body tlat will assemble here Tuesday. . At St. Joseph and Joplln the St. Louis County contest was compromised and both delegations were seated, each dele gate being allowed half a vote. In both Instances, the anti-Folk delegation was seated from Jasper. Here, however, the Folk contestants expect to seat at least the sir delegates, from the eastern half of the district. They say that these were elected overwhelmingly. From Clinton, the Reei men were seat ed at Joplln, and probably the action will be reversed here, though It Is early to an ticipate action In this particular. Folk delegates. It Is expected, will be recog nized from New- Mndrld County. DOCUMENTS ARE RBADT. Mr. Mulvihill, loaded" with all the doc uments in tho cases with which he Is trusted, reached Jefferson Cltv tiiia after noon jrT" Jones and Given Campbell are expected here by Tuesday. They will assist Mr. Mulvihill In the arguments be fore the committee. The Folk delegates and witnesses will arrive to-morrow night. Harry B Hawes, with hl3 wife, reached tha capUal to-da at noon Mrs. Hawes is the guest of State Treasurer Williams. Mr. Hawes was at his headquarters in the Madison the greater part of the day. He was accompanied by hln secretary, Allan Bethel No other of the Hawes men are j et here Hawes is emphatic In declaring that the fight to hold his delegates In their sets will be kept up to tho finish. Defining his position, he said to-night: HAWES-S STATEMENT. "Mr. Folk will have more than COO votes on the first ballot. He will absolutely control the convention. All that I want Is fair treatment. I carried St LouU by a vote of 13.&00 to 2,801. My delegates are entitled to seats In the convention, and I shall fight to see that they secure their rights ' The talk of not permitting me to go on the Credentials Committee seems to me to be rather childish. Each district has the right to name its own commltteeeman and Mr. Folk's campaign managers will be on the Committee on Credentials, and as ever one knows I was my own campaign manager, I should be permitted to do like wise, and I hardly think the convention will interfere with so plain a right. Not to permit me to serve on the Committee on Credentials will work a grievous hard ship on mj people, as the case has been intrusted to me and no one is prepared at this time to take my place. 'I am confident that harmony will prevail In the convention and that vicious propositions tending to disrupt the Demor cratlc part will not be Indorsed by the majority of the convention I look for n peaceful convention, without any unusual disorder, and am prepared to cat my crow with as good grace as possible. I am not going to say I like It, but I am going to cat it " The Hawes delegates and witnesses will arrive to-morrow and Tuesdaj morning The former will enjoy camping out ona lirge scale Large tents have been erect ed for them on the Capitol grounds capa ble of holding IK cqts Considering the heat and the crowded hotels. It promises to be as comfortable as an) thing that Jeffer son Cltj affords. COMPLETE LIST OF DELEGATES j TO DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION The following is a complete list of dele gates to the State Convention, which meets In Jefferson Citv to-morrow . Klr District IT. adair-4 Name K M Brashear O Addrs Kltksvllle Castle Novlnger Jno V. Klmbeil. Jno A nam in A. J Elmere CUARK-4 11 U Hard . Geo Kennedy Sr Doctor W c Meltejnold . W 1 Kil'h'rfuld h.NO-t I. F Cottev M M Ie-wl John Knarp Fd I II Noitis i.i:w is-: Jihn H Nolen I li Itlsk E Ullanl Jam' a I alteron . . J. II Htlberl . . . MACON--3 I W Real . . . r VV P Hall II. n l"lanklln lied 1. Thompson Ion Havner Deter f M Halliburton Tjson McCulIv H I Thomas . v Morton Mflner J 1- Ilaltv John lHnfKhv III simpleton John Toole left Morrow f!rnn (lorntscn T llraillfj With on- half vote each MAHIOV-I Cforge W VVhltecotton tamuci J Harrison IHiotor IT II .shleltN . Joseph Deuer II Cla Heather M I Drummond . . s II Cmerv I JI. Leake . rUTXAM-1 Frank O Rrller Doctor I-e Ilavn1 SCltm LETt-3 C C Focle . Doctor J T Jon C Vt Klcharil" . O slaiRhtcr- Doctor J II Hambo E. 11 Itolwrtu . vv 1th one hair votn each SCOTLAND t nidgr N SI. Pcttlnglll . M'mphla h A Miller llorln tScorise Cox , . . Memphis II Davis . Illblc "Jwve HlIULin t B I' Dunn Jr. ... Sh'lblna Raj C Mess Humyuell K M Ollrjen ,. . shclbjvllle s Iliatu . . . . .Ionard J Chlnn .. clarence Second DUIrlct BO. CAItHftl.I-- Gorae F Crutchlej .. H 'alntr .. . H J Jones ... . . . Russell Rnelslev E I. Dore Jim Hlckf j O I Gregory .. CHAHITON-S Geo D Halnds Jno A enabl t' b Hall . II F. Fleetwood T M Hentley J n Dlsmukca K Vi. Herrlns; L II Herring; GRUNBT-1 never K ihoki VV J S( omU Klhoka ICJina Kn is ;l' It It .N 1 Iji Grancc Dsrr ih- Cinton Montlo llo I.i ll'-lle Slai en MckI'on Macon Ma i on Ma, on Allin-a -a!lio Hcvier Axtell I.l I'lnti I.ii 1'Iatii rlmor Blojintnictoi C'alln ) New Cnmbrbi l.thel llannllol Hnnithal II innlAl Hannibal .l'almira I'almra Fl" Philadelphia 1emomiUe. Mendotu Laneaiti r Queen Cltv Downing Quoin Clt Grr nwool Ijancantir No. borne t arrollton Carrollton Carrollton . . . Wot HosROrth akrnJa Mareelln. Rothvlllo fralrle lllll Trlplett inllfburj Sallsbun Kejr-vl!le llrunswich Ralph Rho.uls T J Wallace I ( Pistole I rel Ihirni s 1" J Itnlnes I I.TTE- Thonns G Cockrlll I VV HarrlnRton . . . . lohn Thorn . .. l-.l Olvis Groine Cilvcrt J 1 Jeckpnn I'lfth Dlslrlct- JCK40V to K VNSAb OH V VVAr.l I Flunk smith Chirks H Clark JI a Ta lames Tender, ist Ward J. c 1 Cronln T H Sheponl W ir.1 3 :o M Shellej . VV I) c.vllle Ward A John scank.n I 1 Slurrav Witrl C I'atrlck Moore Dr J A Hortran W ml 6 CcnteFl I ui'ko M ItO"S tno p I.j nch Meplnn ledweek I Birmingham Tele I-rj Anttno Campana Ino T I.vnch li hn spohn Mejhen Sdwfek Ward T II T Stewirt J I Helm 1 O Smart Ward g. hns M Hon ell Ilalsj Meel Arthur chapman lilw I Curtln Ward 1 William Able 1 T shannon y W Haven VV I- .stark William IIIcks lohn savn Ward 30 Grit lint i lHrm nt Hopkins Rivenivoofl Tinanl THtie illy llaini ton n stlllins Ii'irborn Klktrtbii Cltj Hall i Coum Jail ill I iS Vlaln JlS Main 71S Washington li5i Tenn 5"G Central II M', Main 6IS W llh -4! 23Ci. W I ropit III! Uilnul IKu Miln Jnmea I. Cole . .. . Doctor D c Glllman e.l VV II Mk VV Ilinoks Ovid I,ll ntXNKMN-S T II North VV I Ml kuonh J T VVllllims A II Tolti tt It'll hird iuiroii'-i Dr Fnnk MM OUN-6 I'r II L, Itohin-on VVm I Howili W VV Wntls ' M Wells C VV VIever n i; wiiiiims MOVTGOMI.RV- SIIt -irr Ttbbetts Portland Vuxv iie . Toledo Fulton Gravs ?urrmlt M Cl dr sulllv in L nlon V aahlnirton Tro Irov I.'b n Mi ".ow Mllla Vinson Mill Sllex .nae Wllllim Hicks umhj nelly 401 Kemper III lir c o Helm Ilrerj ti .. Xf New ItllCi TEI N' V Life IlIlK fii"5 Bink of Coinmiu Hlii: Cliapman llldr 121S ljcuit . .. 1111 r 11th Ft 14 IrRlnlv Miss llWe Itl illii IIH 137 l.r-ll. 1 17H Indlmi 1327 Grant I! II William W II It, 1 llonaid I Ills lamp l lark W T llimkln VV I Mahitll ' I lloilelttr r I Vvns . It V i iniilli !! V Gl.nn 11 IK IV l Vein I . lio." Grand We Ciunt Jail HI Is 111 K th st 111 W :ith St C II ewt K W Harler . RatllS . Travis IJNN-6 . Trenton Trenton bptkards Ilronnlng Uucklln Rrookjleld Lacletle Llnneus . Marcellne Chula Mooresvllla .. fcampel Chllllcotho Chllllcothe J W Gibson. Jr Geo L Jove . O W Green W. n Barton J. E Haruler . John R VVrenn LIVINGSTON-!! J C. Raner Frank Lrdlck N Z Johnson J T. Bnvdshaw Geo II Kerr MONROE-S (Cbntestad (Selected by County Commute ) K K htephtns Middle Grove Doctor VV K. Blackenshlp. . . Madison Frank J Tipton . . Stoulsvtlle J . Cox Monroe Cltv J T Scobee Granville Jack Davis . . Tart" W. F Aleiander . . Duncan a intdire J H Hill I'arls T O Bassett . Tartu (Selected by Convention J. II WTiltecotton Cal1 6. vv. Hajdon Prl" J Cox Monroe Cltv R S McOlntlc Monroe 1l W. a Wllei I'ar'5 Frank J Tipton ... .. . Stoutsvtlle Doctor Dixon Iltlltdaj I. N Atterbury Mafl'son RANDOI.PH J J Bradley . J. T. Epperley . John T Iunb .. A. Chrlrtlan J. G Dulaney.. Inland Hefflln . John E liynch , . J R, Iowell 8Uli.n"AN S Judge John P Butler . Overton Harris R II McClanahan . D M Wilson T A Dodfe Ed Nelson R II Ash Isaac Gulnn John T Haley John IV. Bingham . .. . . .. Illaben Thomas lilll Jacksonville .Henlek ....Kuntsvllle ....H'intavllle Mobetl) Moberb . . Milan . Harris . Qteen Cltv . . Milan . . .Milan Milan . .. . Milan Milan . Harris Milan Con I Mu A J nin Wanl II Ino c BronntjRh Jnmes ArmlronR imoi iz. I M Ilwe Ward 13 , K J Mclaughlin County Cnurthouso Ward li A n GflIliRhr . . City Hill Jamj Heed . . 103. N T Life Bldg OCTSIDE KANSAS CITV F X Davis . . Weatpnrt Rohln-wn . . . RnjMKn hllas B Hudspeth . . . Bucknr CTias N Spencer . Lee s Dimmit J W Fllknberry . Ijne Jnik W L Holmes . . Holmes s Tnrk Hanlev Iiae . Blue Springs Ino o cappell . oak C.-ove Jno II strode . Blue .spring W H Clark . . Indepeml.nce loseph Rogers .. In lependenco R. I Ml7 lndepenrlencii slxtl, District 41. HATES 7. J W lamlion y . A M Fra7l-r J W Andereon . . W v Williams It K Onodkln t'rlch. R I I) Allen Wm IIirdlncr Butler. R CAb"-: R 1 Wooldr'dne T N Havnea W II Allen S D Sparkle Jr . . . Frank Howard Debtor Charles Lonoacre ... II I. Ferrell CEMR-C R W Haden . . Stookt n IHtor Kimball Hill KI Doradi springs C D Ward . Kl Dorado aprliiR John I Evans ... . Balm DADE-I Doctor W illiam Harrison ... W it Haubeln . . . . T T Monteomerj . .. .. Doctor J It Claj IIEXRT-S Mijor Harvey W. Salmon . . C C Dickinson Tejtcn A Tarks M V Thralls James D Minn . . R 11 Garrett . . ,J 11 P Morjan . Ttomas L Elbrt JOIINOV 7 Dr J A, II Adoock Wm fctere, Jasper K. New ton Irs ii Parker Fd King . tno Graham .... Cl-as Goodnleht 8T CLA1R- R B Crawfonl 8 B Selvldge .... 1 Q Donovan Rolla Zensr lln on I ClninleM -"ii spirrow I T Mul.l.. I listo 1 0n(s ; i: ruck.r I VV HavTkln D W VIotlei I-nt'tl.a to e Mile. IIM.I.s Inm s R Brashcir Thorn i llarih-r W llllim Ilmivon Hairy fnto ST CII.VItI.Ls-", T I" McDe.irmon n.r I hrli iril W II Uit., M ,rn II 1! W VRRLN-I E HrjHn 'If mil Itlstrlrl IS, ST 1XH IS COI'NTl-s I-e Ilirtin1""1 dolf'KH,''l )-fontested Ijud II Martin I re.1 A Itel 1 1'ntrlrk Mnic l"rank Ililev 1 r--il Turner J" I GIMlck -M VV ronln Ionbursc MonlKomerv clt Wtllsvllk New 1 Ijreni.- B iwllnc c.rn It Avlint: Clieen Bowling Grn Bonilna l.n n Howling c.r.n Bowling Green I)iilina leiuNi mi loulsijni Iulhm Iiulslvnn Clarsvlll- I'rinfonl Iiln CurrMllIe New Hartford Center Oakn oo,I Nw I on Ion '-averton sr c h irles st chi-Ie st Charles St Cha'lcs Si i harles Married Wotnon Wright city sTon - I5CIS CTTV Cl Itlth Dili Archie Rod vl'le . Humo R No .5 Tutler It No i; . HaTisonvllle . Harrleonvlllit .Tleaant mil .. Blton Bast I.vnue lYeermn Garden Lit ?lreeiSel 1 rfickwoo 1 .Oreentleld .Fverton . ..Clinton . . Clinton Clinton . .Lrlih Mcntros .Calhoun Deepwater .Windsor Warrensturg Holden ,... FuyettovUle ' VVarrensburg Klngevllle Chilhowe ... Monterrat (Tolk Dehgat.s) W It sines i ii llilmn I li VV iner ' II suMuth Jules K Tarnickol lev lllller rhos l ( opplnccr A J lllalr ST let U irrl Geu Gunsollls Wm II KlnuiK . VLatt J Ilnnnni Andn w VV sherl Ian 7th Word Cluis Tllharti Jno .s White Geo itott R A -hlmmr Hh VVurd Ben l.ulg. Fdw M Block ,Tad Iv I ltit,enil James o TocI 9th VVird Teter VVamier Ant n Heikl(i7 lr Andrew VIeer lr lot ii ward Clavtnn Norma idy Vrgus,.n Ferguson VeIIton c.r ir t irondelet KlrrfwoiJ Valle Park "t Iul . Wnoom Claton VV Indom Grover Ferguiii l f-iiiiant rer. OIenr Ave iW, Litadle Ave Cits Iexlnuton Ave -Hi Obear We ' Marion .Si 1C17 Carroll st 1 ol s s,ccn,i v, 1511 S Broadwa 3231 S. 3th St 'il BNmarck Ercry woman covet shapely, pretty figure, and many of them deplore tho loss of their girlish forms after marriage. The bearing of children is often destrnctiva to the mother's shapeliness. All of this can be avoided, however, by the use of Mother's Friend before baby comes, as this great liniment alw ays prepares the body for the strain upon it, and preser es the symmetry of her form. Mother'5 Friend overcomes all the danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through this critical period without puin. It is woman's greatest blessing. Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from tha use of this wonderful remedy. Sold by all druggists at $1.00 per bottle. Our little book, telling all about this liniment, will be sent free Mother's BTmStinrl Tha Bradfeld Regulator Co., k II 1 ff MfMmM Ad .No 3 Twice-a-month trips to Great Southwest nai One fare plus $2 First and third Tu'idays See Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Colorado and New Mexico Especially for homeseekers Through service from St. Louis Asl A. AnAew, cl A. T. & S. F. Ry. t 106 N. Fourth Street. St biiiii Mi: lib I-IIIli M H l.lghtn bt :i"s a Seventh st 2-CS In liana Ave ::i8 s jeffereon Me Sri enth IllaCrlct .12. UKNTON-3 W W Wisdom J M White C a Barrett . I.wr City Collin Riwcoe Entitled to S votes Thlril Illatrlct-44. CALDWELi-3 J II Hunter A D Crockett (R 1) W. B Wright Polo KUler .N'ettleton John S Major. ... D. H Field . Andrew Laughry S II Smith Tchn Williams ... Frank Titus W. II Titus ... CI.AT T. IJbertv Ubertv Harlem Kearney Smlthvllle Excelsior springs - Excelsior springs CI.INTON-5 (Reed Delegates) Contested II.. C Duncan Osbrrne 'R O Plxlee Cameron C A RIsle) Cam'ron Doctor J C Clark Gowr Jno T. Summers Ithrop (Folk Delegates ) J E Rohart riattsbnri; Jno A Cross Uathrrp rimond McWllllams ... . I'lattsburx V. R Porter Lathrop. R R No 4 Wm. Henry Cameron DAVIESS-5 George Iddlngs Pattonsbura- R R. Jas 1 McCue . . Jamepport 1 J Vogelsang Gallatin Geo W Frailer Pattonsburg R R Geo V Ewlng Pattonsburg De KAL.B 4 D M Piper Oak J R Rlggs Weatherby R. A Hanklns Mavsvllle J. W. Morgan Maysvllle GENTRY t Q G Strock Albani King Clt .. .. i.enirv . ...Mclall .lne Star .... Bethany . ..Bethany .Hatlleia .Blue Kldge Princeton Mill Glove TWO HUNDRED PERSONS FALL WITH GRAND STAND. Ten r Severely Injured at Amntenr Ilaselt-ill Game nt nrlp;htnu Park, n Snljorb of Cleteland, o. CleveHnd, O . Jul- 17 -Tno hundreJ rersons were hurled to the Kround to-day by the collapfe of a stand at Brighton Park, a suburb of this city. A ball game between amateur clubs v,as In progress, and the stand was crowded when, without watnliih, t'io i ntlre crowd was thrown to the ground In a. heap. Other spectators and the bpil players Tm mediateb set to work extricating; the peo ple from the wrcckicc. while calls 'were sent out tor ambulances. When all were Anally removed It was found that ten persons had sustained broken arms or legs, while a number of others were other wise bruised and cut. It is claimed that the collapse was caused by the removal of some underpinning, which had been carried off for firewood. Senator FairbanLa to Rest Fortnight. Indianapolis. Ind . Julv 17. Senator Charles W. Fairbanks left to-day for Mackinac, where he will rest for a fort night. The Senator would not discuss his 'vacation. las G ricklln Elnood Clark ... ... . . n O Hammer M Williams HARRISON-- Doctor F G Smltti O W Miller A J Knott W. B Young MERCER-2. John W. Llenallen Henri U. fahockey RAY-7. Jno F. Morton Richmond J. Irvln Mizner Richmond R L Mace) riardln Oda I Klncald Knoxvtlle C Thos I'lnkerton i Regal J II Ralph Fleming Doctor J. H atone Lanson WORTH-1 T J Smith Grant cltj V II aandr . . .. .... Sheridan Fourth Dlalrlct 14. ANT5REW 4 W J Barnes John A Rjan J P bommervllle G E Bedford ATCHISON-4 A U Bristow Tarklo II IV Workman Rockport J P Plumb Fairfax William Sawer Westboro BUCHANAN-18 Chsrles F. Cochran Dcctor T H. Doyle R. J. Easton J E Horn C C Crow John A Connett .... Cl " Koch Thom'a- J losMht St. Joseph Gaines Stormer orles Sta St. Joseph R U Nlchole ft Joseph O E- Schultx St Joseph W. H Curtln St Joernh Famuel Fisher Rushvllle R I Spencer St. Joseph W. B Norrls St. Joeph 3. J. Beaumont st Joeern ame W. Mjtton St Josep-i U C. Gabbert 8l Joseph HOLT L. I. Teare Craig E M Miller Mound Cltv W. H. Terry Forest City R. G. Rulj Oregon NODAWAY-5. Samuel O G!IIam.....T. Maryrllle John O Thornhlll Maryvtlle J. H. Thorp Maryvllla Fillmore . Amazonia . Savannah .Rosedale K. R St. Joepti St Joseph St Joseph .De Kalb St Joseplr St Joseph. bt joscpn B. M J Mt II Ji GREENE 11 McAfee . Murray Jarrett . O l-orter Y Smith . . Clav NevlIIa (V, vot). O Oldham IH vote. . ... F bpragclna ... . j U W oodn ard . . F Dennis R Watson . . E 8 Beal HIQKORI-2 Benton Reese . . Dr. Hyron 1 urgvif.on HOWARD-6 Ivl Markland C B F!her C L. Mulr William Berkle " ' 1 T. TcJson R h Walton I.sFAYETTK-8 J B Williamson . J r elt R M Webb W w Downing . . . I.oule Oratz J S Culla&a . . Doctor J. II George T M Chlnn ... Uncoln VV arpaw ... rrltoe Springfield riprlngtleld i-prlngllel.I Sprlngtleld Surlngllel 1 S-prlnglleld hprlngneld .Ah Grove ElHOOll Pilmettn W lllar.l Rnpubllo Elkton Prenton .New Frnnklln . FUeit . ..Fiivette Burton 1 1.3 otto ... Armstronj, ... Rates CitJ in ." ... Illeglnsvllle Hlgglnsvllle. R ft No Hlgglnsville R R .No Lexington -.V iverlj ..luivleu Chrl. 1? Vmi., James T. Montgomery Joseph H ilodes Frank F Hattnn. . Fztklel F Scott ... Douglass Hewitt .... Joe a. Williams . Charles W Dennv .. PETTIS-S Hughesvllle It POLK 4 . Srlvlla . Medulla . Se.ialla b.lalla It No l bmlthton Houeionin Green Ridge I.ou!s Kunz VV H Huthes Jno v Ihrum ijouis Kumper 11th Ward M J McGee P 1 O Nelll J 11 Nrhocrrer Daniel Block 12th Ward Jos. l'ailly t has W WenU II W K'e-s Jos K leroft isth Wunl Gen V Sorp Wm MithevM Jas I,. Hjney :ith Ward Jeremiah Fruln Jno P Dolan Thos J Iudfl Jno it Haney Tom Greele, Jr . tSth Woid M Rum-ev Richard rjanlon Join J IavIiv Augut Hi man Win R J ;ullln 3-S4 Cllfornli Ave 3511 llillfornla r 3137 lefferifln Ave C732 Salina. St TI0I Mlnneoti Ave . "1T Michigan Are -227 Mlehlann e TSM Water 23Tt7 Tennessee Ave 321S M lnev M 261 O mptnn .e 1T11 Itu-"e!I sve MS Natural Ilrlige Real lair Groui Is . ... .. So3l Bremen Ave. C3W Columbls A-e 64)1 Manchester Ave 43i! Hint Ave tno-l OH Mjnch-ter Avi 2TiJ Brannon lit- S3 Portlnml rl 44li 'ook Ao 1135 He IIlnmtnt .42.S Morgan St. 5714 emon Ave Kleienlli District V2. , t-T. IX)L IS CITY 2nd Ward liter Wal'h Matt P O Itelllj Jno J Grovts jack O Connor 3rl Wanl Jan P Mlle W m J rVhoenlalib Jno J McDermott T M MCAUllff Thos Lnmt ICtv- Word Michael J Cnlllnane M J Whalen 14 Jno HodnMr Tim Maloney DcnnU J Case no J Mantoii 17th Ward Thos H gulnn Judge E A Noonan Michael Fleming . . Chas. Il.eler , Ifth. Ward Michael Wal-h . ... lames P Riley Frank c Iinre inh Wnnl Jno CuurtTv Henri llennlng TImothj t. C-lvanaugh Ino T Klelv Wm J l.-vwler . . 1st Waxd Michael J. Mulvihill .. Andren F lllong . John I Hlne. liv Ward Ihoe. M Jenkins Mth Wsrd Phil Dwyer I'hlllp O King Chas J W i ee Doni J Corcoran T J rrad-ha Klh Ward Patrick F Gill G?o A t) Lear Thos Leonard Jno T Gleason Thoa P l,ijie 313 N Twelfth t 17 Benton St 2320 N Hroiilwa) 31i! N Twelfth fct. 1124 Blair Ave. 13-7 V TvvelRh St 14J7 N. Tenth -t. 1"B3 N bco.nd St 1424 Blair Ave. 2415 Dickson 5t K N Twentv-Beconl st 1319 O Fallon t 2227 Dlck-on st 1".1 C-isj A e 21 Al O PSllon St. 3314 Madison st IS33 Madison t.t KZ N Twenty-third St 2314 Madisun t. ra N Thirteenth St. 113$ Dodlir ft 24rf N. Fourteenth SL . .. . 2m15 Cass A' e 43 Dav ton st 33 MadLon st. .o21 Coleman st 15IJ N. Garrison Ave ... 2414 N- Grand Ave j. 3713 I-dge Ave . 141'. N v.ranl .Ave 115t Leonard Ave 363 Oelmar Ave . 4119 Easton Ave 41M Cook Ave 3743 i'A-p Ave 1318 Belle Glaile Ave - Iocs Taj lor Ave 4750 Cote Brilliants .13.M Bivard Ave )6 Iiston A e 4402 bt Loul Ave HoS Goodfellow Ave. W T Arnold Esjex Galena CeJar Creek Tanejvllle W Hh one half vote earh broi: 1 Orlander Scott . TANE1-2 I II Want W II 11-nn-i: PUltenth District S4. BARU1-4 v J BIc- mer .. . . Dissville Tim Montgomerj . . . Wahhurn Arthur Hilton . , . ... Osa Solt Pirr . Corsicana Pat VTitln Monett BARTON- T E. Thompsjn Lamar s p rlnley Ijimar. It It No I lr i. T Thomson v.Ilen Cltj H C Chancellor Mlnden Mines biniti lng Ijmar. It. It No 1 JASPCR-13 lelefcatlon) Contested Curthage R A c l Dr I F P I) It I It W F C Cox ltrav W Powell C-aruthers Pank- Kelso . bhlton llltc- Malden . Campbell Holcomn Kennett Kennett ... Kennett .. . Kennett Senath Hornersvllle John II Pene James H Grave6 ... A J Wilcox ' William A Roberts '. SALIN'E-10 J C Haihs I) J Orear ' S II. Burks Charles lance) Doctor John It Hall A K Edmunds ...,. . .. W. L. Abnc V. A. HufT W H Iteavls J J Robertson 1' Humansviile Pleasant Hope . . Fair Pla . Arrow Roi.k Marrhnll ililer ....Malta Hen I . .. .Marshall Miami Napton ... .Marshall Sweet Springs Mount I.ennfir.t KieJiith District nil. Booxn-io D Murr Inrlfth Illstrlrl :tl .ST LOUS C1TI. 4Ih Ward Michael Kinnev Frank S l'e"SJi,no Tho kgHJl 5th Ward Isaac Co-iran IMw j vionl-ej C hittl S Thoimrion John M Shannon Geo J Sieter Cth Ward I'dw Rice Jos J Mestres Rolil I Lvfins Louis J Stephens James P tahev II O D Orav . . Frank Traughber . . John J Coonce John 8 Harris .... F. vv nmlth M F Glenn A. O Norrl Frank Beasl. . Doctor E E Evans A J Watson . Geo W. Miller . CAMDEN-2 COI.E-S Jas Houchln . boeed Mosbv.. Jas R Tavlor. . laac M Benj J George Forck... COOPER-S I. D. Starke .. . J. P. Mitchell. P E AVIlllams W. r Johnston . E B Shannon . A. C Jacobs ... J R Troctor D II Kouns . C. K. Clark ... MILLER-3 Columbia .. . ."ti.rg-on Centraiia Ashland .. .. Ashlan I Columbia Columola Rochepcrt .Wooillandvllle .. .. Hallsvllle Linn Creek ... Unn Creejt . Iefferon city Jefferson Clt Mlllbrook . RusellvH'e Taoa .... So'evllle . Floonvlile. Bunceton ClarkstorK . Hoonvllie .... Boonvllle OIan ...Tu.cumtita Iberia .... California .. Jarnettown lllli Ward J .1 Mcomh Thus F Keane Henri G Itolr-s ried Weldmer 14th Ward J 11 Wllllims lames Clritnn E lve r Uurph thos J Mcl rniott I'atrlck J Mnle Ldw Itstchfonl loth Ward Fdw M Crew J Harrv Burke Jno o Donnell 22nd Ward Elw Butler Jchn It (intana Ja P Farlcj Jci K Cl Connor 23rd Ward Jno 11 JKLarthy .. Iheo truslus Jno Bsmbrick Fdw Dunne Jas s Gannon 3th Ward T It llallar.1 Ir J H. Simon Jo Truunmlller It O Donnfll Hotel Junior 'At, Morgui st. MS Wa--h st Uv N' Twelfth st. Si .s Tweltth St bi .s iweirth st lli5 Chestnut st 623 Walnut i II3S Tapln i-t , '0y 1- Second st .42 s beventh t-t 14L? I2IJ s tlleetl Will Turner R E Ivilth It c Irlend Bent Wormlni.toii Ur C It TaIcr It A Moonevhan a II Veitch Larnev 1 arker Prtd Reed 8 C Hruoks I W Jamison . VV I. Hodsou Jtn Moore John Iiarbv E A ltourn W J ow(n F U forlow Btrt John7n J I. Troup 0 E Amos oio K c.jinb Jas Camt bell P D Decker 1't ter Murphv lal Wells . . Buck Tavlor Hill Grarton Tom KeIIeI-r E. J Overlev ... A I Uhockley Burt Lm W II vlarren 1 B Crosser Walter bcolt . age barcoxlo Carthage Sarcoxle . Carthage Carthage Jasper Carthage. R r D 3 Reed s Station Oronogo Carl Junction . . . Caxtervllls Carlerv Hie tiirtcrvllle trtervllls ... Webb City Webb Cltj Webb WH Webb ni R R No t .. Smlthlleld .Joplln Joplln Joplln . Joplln . Joplln Joplln Joplln . Joplln . Joplln ... . Joplln Joplln Joyltn Joptm ... . . Joplln aim bt eighth bt 3127 La balle St luIS Armstrong Vve l.W 1'ark Ave rids Ave 1 S Twent, thi.d bt 2317 Walnut bt 2J2 Pugenu bt is31 Walnut st X N Twentv Hrat -'it 2212 Clark Ave 2IIC Oh re St Ml, Wah --"t 1J12 carr st. 3:22 Pine St 2wJ Olive St "S N Channing Ave 3415 LaclcJe Ave 3415 Laclede. Are Manche.ter Ave r Mancht.tor Ave 3121 Park Ave 83. b Lwing Ave 3401 J.2 3S3 Delmar Ave 4rfi2 Manihester Ave 4.V.3 Wert line Boulevard 4.33 West I'lne Boulevard Tlilrtt'i-nth Distrlot .: I. pton veifl MONITEAU 4 J A J Howard t... . A. S Hudson J T IIutT Tlptoj UEU, ... I.J1U1 ... ...... . . MOROAN-3 D. E Wraj Aersallles t C Hardy. Sr Aer.alM TJ D. Duff veralllca OSAGE-3 B M Zevely F F Lane Ben schauwacker William Pearl William bchwartze Entitled to 3 votes Silntu District 10. AUDRAIN-7. W II. Kennan Mexico Doctor E. S Cave Mexico H. T. Gant Thompson M. R. K. Bigg Farber T. S Pearson Laddonla J N Stevens cS votel Martlnshurg Jo'eph Adraln (H vote) Martlnburg Samuel Hanna Centraiia CALLAWAY-S Judge Thomas H Murray Stephens Mora J C Reynolds Guthrie Dr. c. H. Chrtjtlao New Bloomneld Linn Unn ..Westphalia Chamois Koeltztown boi.i.ingi:r-3 W K Clnndler George B Mejers J M Wolktr . CARTER-2. George T Ie l.obirt D Cla) HtON'-2 Joe B Htllomin William II Whltworth JErFERbOV-6 Paul Hlnchey . . Judge T A Charlw John Williams James Welner Doctor 1 Ii Rutledge I II HvTns . . . ... Doctor W W Hull Entltl'd to 6 votes MADISON-2 Thomas HolIada G A Nlfong s W" Rhodes E I Purcell C W Brown . . . . . Felix Purkln-m Judge Robert V Anthony . . . Entitled to 2 votes PERRY 3 R M Abernsthv lames M iKnox . . . Robert T Brown SCOTT 3 S T Wado J. P Rannej Joe D Bowman STODDARD-5 W. J Ward J. S Magee J W. Harrison R L. Ladd J F Raney Webb Watkins F. P Foster T A Hickman R. J. Kameey Marble iTIIll Buchanan - IlesjThle Van Burn .Van Buren . Hogan .... Ironton .. .. De Soto . Psvelev Mor-e s Mill Illllsboro . Rush Tower . ..Bimsvllle ouipnur Springs Frederlcktown .Frederlcktown Frederlcktown ..Fredericktown Frederlcktown Frederlcktown .Frederlcktown Entitled to 19 votes tFolk delegation! J A Daughertv Stcrewall 1'ritcheit L. Mulllrs . ... c B Gulnn . . . W N illanton .... U It Muil I F Clarev--Douor Wherrltt D E McDowell M II Kell' Marlou staples VV 1. Cut Out Davis Haiwood Pcott Dan Hamllto-l Horace Merrltt Pat Hennese .. . . J H (.ape It N' Graham . . . J w McAntlre samuel Mcltej nolds u . W N Wh-uton , Thomas Hackney s o Morrow T (' Tadlock . . . . Wlttln McNernej Distor Stark J It Grav II P Hilzllp- . . .. John I.lllott . . . I p Newell Frank Morrow . , W 1th one half vote e-ich I.AW RENCE 7 R McNatt T M Plournov ... R B Gillette loeph French s D Williamson W W Boucher s O While! W J Ham . . . . J W Collej P.iriNOI.DS-2 Prof It L. Danl. I Prof M G Harrison ST ITtANCOIS John I- Brad!e . . . John H Malugen W 1! Rarl leu John S Clav Walter I,. Henslrj Judie It hn A bprott M P Cajce Webb City , Webb City .AVebb City . Oronogo Cartenllle ,. Cartenllle .Joplln Jopiln Joplln Joplln . . Joplln . Joplln J op! In Jorlln Jopiln Joplln Joplin Joplln Joplln Joplln . Carthage Carthage Carthage Carthage Carthage Carthage san oxle Carthage Carthage . . Carthage Carthage . .. Medoc ... Aurora .. .. Aurora ... .Marlonvllle . i'elrce Clt . . Miller Pelrre city Mount A'ernon 'erona .. Bower Mills CentervIIle Le'tervllle. Flat River Bonne Terr Firmlrgton larmtngton Firmlngton Farmlngton Farmlngton II Hlghhll With 1 vote each. HOW ELL4 W N Evan . West Plains s J Gallowas . . ..West Plains HI McKelvej . .... Moody J M rndecott Pottersvtlle MISsISbIPPI-3. Paul R Moore . ... Charleston A E Hirrts Charleston B. II Drane CharleFtoi NEW MADRID-3. tlliwes Delegates; Contested. Jas A" Conran . . New Madrll Geo w steel La Forge Jno W Jackson New Madnl (Folk Delegates ) W W Waters . . W i: Davis O M Heldlee . . OREGOV W D W eav er J F Harder It. F vvmnun .. . . R A Young OZARK 1 E A Morris . . PEMISCOT- I.. A Rood I- I Collins . J F sm5 th 'on Mayes .... C F Patterson . . . Geo b Summers New Madrid Point Plea'ant .. .Moorehoue . Many Springs . ....... ir haver Alton .Rockbridge .Canithersvll' , Caruthersvt! e Caruthersvlll Haiti .I'ascola Carjthersrllle Ljitltled to three votes RIPLEY-3 J M Atkinson . Thos r Lane John P Campbell . Mcdonald 3 (Folk Delegation; Contested. Jas N' ChHslensen Pines Ule Jro. b Davis Hart J Turner Horner Rocky Comfort ttteeu neiegauon 3 W T wood Bert It Farmer C. C Duval . NEWTON- J Burke A Chandler. J smith l Brown A Russell .. .. P. W eems . D Batch .... B. Hlnton C. Haller W 1th one half vote each VERNON- Doniphan Doniphan Doniphan Noel Anderson Ilnaville Newtcnla .Seneca . ...Dtanuml ... ....Berwltu WaddlU . . . ..Neosno Neostio . ...Neoho Neosho Lntltlcd to 3 votes PTE GENEVIEVE-S Nacc Turlej ... Thurman Peter II lluclc . Ste Genevieve This It straughan . Ste Genevieve Israel I.aItoe Bloom, lale A P carrn . Btoomdale Henn N G1I Ste Geneileve F A Da lion W. Shumate J C Nunn C. B Davis A B Halcomb W B Martin Taul Todd W Morris W r. McDanlel D J Field J A. Hahn . . .. ,. 1. B callawaj A B Cockerlll . . A Dalj Doctor S A Johnson ., IX A Dulln It, W Mitchell Doctor J It- Buchanan . .Aalker .. .Montevnllo , JMIIo Walker Kills Bronaugh Richards ...Ne.ada .Nevada (R. K Richards .. . bchell cltv ..Nevada (R R ) Nevsda Neviia.., ,. Neva-la. NevadA ........... Nevada Nevada Eentitled to 9 votes Sixteenth Dlitrlct 3. CRAAYFORD-3. Steelvllls Wilson' Mills Jake's Prairie DAI.LS-1 Buffalo ..........Lorur Lane DENT-J. J B Organ .....Salem. F II Barnllz Lake Springs Marlon Roberts Solera UACLEDE 4. .........Lebanon Conway .. .. Lebanol Lebanon MARII23-3. I N. Ramsey Stlckney T A Felker . Vienna S. c Travis Steen's Prairl PHELPb I Frank II Farris Wm Sorrell L. C Mattox J S Ilivme. Milam Bledsoe T A Vernon .. P S Phillips.. Phil Donn-Ul Jas Dougan... Fntilkner RoTta Freeman Edgar Springs ... Perryvill . .. Longtown Perryvll'e .. .. Benton McMullIn Oran ....Bloomfleld . ..Bloomneld . ..Bloomfleld Dexter Dexttr With V vote each WV3IIINGTON-3 Joseph ceswell . . , Fdward Burt ... W R Ooudvkoontx WAlNE-3 O I. Mincer , clav Parnes Che II Carter Fourteenth District Rl'TI.KR-3 T-M U Ablngton Krnest Bacon . .. ... .. .1 B Wilson CAPE GIRARDEAU- Jno At Smith . . .. Jackson I)r B W llas . .. . . wornoniiu- Ixtui. Houck Caps Girardeau Ino A Hope . jackson W D VanJlver Cape Girardeau CHRl'TIVN-3 r A Tlmlle . . . Fl F How croft Julian Hemdon DOUGL.ASS-2. M C Reynolds . . . a H llunlLtt.. DL'NKUN-5 J II Bledsoe . Aptus . Potosl Caledonia .. Greenville Luwn les Piedmont So. Popll- Bluff .roplar Bluff Hk Ozark Billing .. ...N'lia Ava Ava S H. Bowman J B Christeson J I Hoops ... 11 E IColllns.. L. S Lman . . J W Ccpeland I) 1, Bales .. . PULASKI-3. SHANNON'-J. ...St, James ....WaynesrUls) Crocker Dixon. .BIroh Tre ... .w'inona ...Etnlnenca TEXAS-4. lacking Houston ..RaymondvllI Cabool J B Sherrlll F P Rutherford J K Davis 1a. U. Chambers W EBSTER-3. J F. Miller Conklln s c, Trimble Baymour W. D Delzell Henderson WRIGHT 3. A I Summers irartvills J W Allen Mount Grove James Revnolds ...Mansfield Maiden Freeilmen'si Alii Socletr Offlcers. Cincinnati. O. July 17 The Freedman's Aid and Southern Educational Society has elected these officers for the ensuing ear: President. Bishop John JI. Walden; vice, presidents. Bishop Henry Spcllmeyer, uisnop L. B wuson. it, a. itust ana w. F. Bojd; treasurer. II. C Jennings; as sistant treasurer. Homer Baton; recording Hecretary. W. B. Sellers. TasTsaasTskTaTaTaTBTVsrr 1 i sTjtaraji I I. i f 'j wm li BHaBflVlSBSnnBHBVsllTslT4f7llsyrTB saTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsllsTsTsTsTsTBs M.'l'sTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTaTaTaTaTaTaT It I lit) JTtTi fl i !.TsrtTlK1lt1IRI f-rtt-Mg-i--ttttt1 mMMrf. n1-B T11 A 5 .if,t. M. J-J