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THE ST. LOUIS ."REPUBLIC: MONDAY. JULY IS. 1904. PRIEST STRICKEN WHILE AT MASS 25 BOUND I'.i-siiinit rioviiiLiar.- Dim Hi Pol Iuw;, SmIi'iiki Sciiiion on I u (.eil.iiutv of Life. a- Still a luestion JULY 18 and 19. TRAGEDY AT WEST H0B0KEN. anctar World's Fair Visitors May Take Sleeping Car and Buy Tickets at Wabash World's Fair Station. Question of Livelihood y To Cincinnati TRP. WUa ".itliiT One nf the .Must Uis-tiiipui'-hcil MeiiilH'i of His. (Inler, .Hid Held Po Mtionb of Authoiitv. 1 sh y City Ticket Office, I WE SOEVER s OUR GUARANTEE IS Not a Dollar $82.50 racial off-r to charge onh one half of are now undergoing treatment rNpn here m v i s -X. ' v. i coir to us before ueusr 1 1)4 For instan if 1011 are ifrticted with eithfr Purs. Anricorrlp. Ilv ririirrle. Mrlctare or er oils Dei lino, our charge for curing ither of villi li without n enmpll- l'ions is J2M' wo will run- vnu for $12.71 and accept the mone in anv waj u mav wish to jav We will also cure contagious niund I'ulnon for ISO Drlvato DicaaCOC Newl " " mm jtching stormed in 24 hours. cures effected in o CONlI.TTIO I'llKE KD IITCI1. Write, if ou cannot call All cor respondence strictlv confidential and all Hours S a m to d p. m Evenings, u DR. MEYERS & KIEL! EASY VICTOR IN WEIGHT EVEIT Throws Hammer Twenty-Eight Feet Six Indie's at the Hi bernian Garnet. BOER WAR OFFICERS PRESENT. Heel Practically a Dual One Be tween Missouri Athletic Club and Triple A Tracy Disqualified. The Ancient Order of Hibernians held their annual sports and athletic games jestcrday afternoon at the old Fair Grounds The attendance was large, de spite the hot weather. The athletic meet was practical a dual one between the Missouri Athletic Club and the- Triple A. Athletes from both organizations made a good showing. Tlie feature event was Klelj's perform ance in the flfty-s!x-pound weight event. Ho had little trouble In winning, and walked away from his opponents with a throw of 3 feet 6 inches His nearest competltpr was 11. A. Weineckc, unat tached, who threw the ball 2! feet S Inches. General Viljoen. Commandant Boshoff. Commandant Moll and several other Boer officers arrived at noon with a part of Nlxt Boers and were received by Patrick J. Whelan. treasurer: Timothj Donaher, count president, John J. O Connor State president. Thev were most cordially wel comed and heartllv entertained by- the management. The party included a four-in-hand Cape crt and fourteen horses, wnlch took part ir the races. General Ben Viljoen and Commandant Boshoff each captained a team In a tug of war which caued great fun. Boss Walker, who is in cllarge of the savages at the camp, was to be "anchor" for Commardint BoshoffV team, but he Is so immense that It was de cleared impossibla to shift him. and to pick a fair side ho had to be left out. General Vlljoen's team Included several Beer officers, among them Commandant Moll. Lieutenant Wolmarans of the artil lery and P Viser. the lecturer, who is 6 feet 7 inches in height After a long and hard cull General Vlljoen's team pulled the other over the line. HORSE RACES CLOSE. The horso race were ver close and ex citing., Otto -winning the first race b a short head .from Ylsser. They drew lots for Inside position as the track i circu lar. Boers competed in nearlv all the run ning events E "Wertheim a sprinter of class, would certainly have won his heat In the 10 ard dath had he not been penalized three vards. and more should be heard of him W C Wagner, an all-around athlete, cleared five feet lour Inches In the high jump, but this wo not enough to secure him first place in the handicap The mile run was an interesting event. Itcuterjcnd Rudolph of the rirst Regiment, DOCTOR COOK 1 CURES DISEASES OF MEN Prostatic Troubles permanently cured, no matter how long standing the disease. In from 5 to 3D days- Stricture cured In 15 days, with out cutting, pain. drugs or detention from business. Wasting "Weakness "V BBB X 3K2 y'crigmat'mr M0TT0-e,Trn er- simple remedy -fa- -p fYftV' ' c-nTir n rem fused crcTuslvely by UUrtt Vrj0F IS EFFtCTtO tern w rTnnSUlttOn is free anil fnulrMf n nothing that science can devise or skill perfect has been 'left undone to afford you speedy, safe and permanent cure. WRITE me in full confidence, explaining our troubles as thev appear to you. and receive bv return mall my honest and candid opinion of your case. W Pflfllf UEnMil fill "l0 OLIVE STREET. ST. LOUIS, MO. I UUUIV BClllUHL UUl Hours: I a. ra. to p. m ; Saadays 9 to 2 oolr. Eighth and Olive. MAii FAIL A Wo Premise Nothing but What Wo Can Fulfill. We are Skillful Workers and Honor able Helpers. Our Practice rounded on iwemy-Tour Years of Actual Experience in Special Private Work Among Men. OUR CURES ARE THOROUGH, CERTAIN AND PERMANENT. Need Be Paid UNTIL CURED In lfv, of there hing sn nrnii affli-tca with private ihmnli ann pelvic disease- vbo are treating with iua k sp ialists ind impen need phvsirnns with nut lecelvtns anv benctit we have de ided to make .1 our rrgular fee f'-r curing t'ioc who and ate disati-iled tfwlricd the which is just half our regular fee contracted cases cured 1I burning ind Inflammation and unnatural wakness div replies sent in plain enveinives Office 20 to S W Sundavs 9 0" a m to 12 noon CO., N. W. Cor. Broadway and Mark1,., St. Louis Mo. Purctll of the Triple A For'-haw of M A C and Wagner of the lioer contlncent started Of thes cnlv Fcrshaw and Ru dolph finished the former winning in 01 Pureell quit after he hal mule three of the five laps and compiained of hiving in jured himself last edne-i3j The weath er was too hot fo- the others. In the broid jump. T Tracv. unat tached, won w'th a jump of feet inches Later it was found thit he had not riglstered with the A A V . and .is disqualified He had staited in the hop step, and jump event and had made a great distance when he was ul-o put out of this e.vent. The broad jump wa award ed to Hollowav of the Greater New York Iri.h Club, witn a Jum 1 of 12 feet 2 inche- Another event that will likelj be pro tected Is tl e 220-vard run This was won by C. roster of the Iroquois A A He had a handicap of elev.n vinls and won In a walk from such men as Turner an 1 lleckwolf It was doubted whether he had sent In his correct last performances In the hundred. Turner won. with Fos ter second and lleckwolf third The latter seemed to L. a little off form and onlj landed fourth place In the 220 The aummar 1) ard rtasb C"rarles Turner K A snatch first C F-ter, Iroquoi. A . . a varC pecoiiil lleckwolf, i! A C, scratch, thin! Tltre 10 Hep step and Jump Gub K.rn N s . t . 1 4 fe-tl 4S feet 4 inch flrt nhrn. M C (2 feet) 4a feet 7 inches ecor.i. i? lrejma-l. M L. T . 14 feet), 44 feet : inche? third I?or rare 1G0 jards rt rrancico, fl-st, E Murphj second Time 11 4 5 I.a4l. rar 100 jards MU. D. Larc) first, Ml M 0ln.r scond Time, .la Clr t race iilw J Darehe-. first. Miss A Keqltj s.-ccnd One-mlle run-J rcrshaw. M V C. 3 vards fi-et l5eer?e Rudolplu Flrat Reim'nt, U arde eeeond Time ., 04 Slxt en pound shot pat T J Trov H -", (I feet) SS fet 5H Inches llrl 1- C VAamlxiId N St. I T V is ateJii 35 feet 5 lnche sec ond William Neman. M A. C m, feet) 37 f-et 't Inch" third Uroad Jump J J IIolIoa G N" 1 I K K (JO inches) 2 feet I ilcne- tint G D Mattls. M A C C!" iiche") 21 feet, second 220 jard ruh Foster, I . one vard first r Turner AAV (scratch) second E W'rtheim (12 vard) third Time. 22 3 3 Fiftv six pound welcht T J Hiel (scratch) 2S feet 6 Inches first. 11 A WelnecKe (urat ) r: feet h inches, second. Fred Wiisner (2 feetj, Z3 feet t inches third 4(c'-jard run Behrers MAC (scratch) first. K Bechetoblll A A V (24 ards) sc ord. W II Rolera (23 j-ard"). third Time 34 4-3 ScMard run W Minses. A K (42 va-ds) first. H J Kiener 31 V C (scra'ch) second F II Faunt!ero. II C (j) jaiis) third Time 2 09 3 3 Threr-iesced race Behrens and Diener M A. C first, Vo'thlhier and Cramer, Boer A A , second It never fills to cure d.arrhoea Wake field s Blackberrj Balsam Druggists. KING THANKS "SALVATIONISTS. ExpreN'.e's nope That Their Good Woik. May Be Increased. London Julv 17 King Edward In replv to a message from the staff council of th salvation Armv expressing appreciation of his Majesti s welcome to the Interna tional Congicss of the armv and "grati tude to God for his Majestj's efforts in the cause of international peace," sen(js his thanks thiocgh Lord Francis Knollvs his private secretarv, who ivs that the King "rejoices to think that his efforts to Dromot international rieice arri irnnrt will have not been entirelv without effect, anu inn ne iruis in it me gooa woriv , f the Salvition Arm has alrcidj achieved bv its faith and cnerg ma be constant!) Inci cased ' Smith Mns lime Collectornhlp. REPUBLIC SI-ECIA.U Streator. III. Jul 17 Colonel Frank L. Smith of Dwight to da confirmed t"-e statement that he had Dcen tendered !Ji position of Collector of 'nternal Rev ", e Inr the pmithem Tlllnnfc TVIcrlc. K, Oi, tor Cuilom Although not .1 candidate" f ir the place, he will accept is tositloii suc ceeding the former cot'ector. UU.-J in a wreck at Litchfield this month Private Diseases cured in S to 10 days, without the use of poi sonous drugs. Nervous Debility cures quick and radl cal in 20 to to days by ciy own famous method. Varicocele Cures without cutting In from 2 to 10 days. Blood Poison imTn Every vestige of col- son removed from ays- icni wimout aia or mercurv or potasn tn eknit1ln m, nil Tnttv i i,pa s.. rthrcBLic -n i u. 2ew ork Julv 17 "Render nn aecnutit of thv stewardship for thou canst no longer be tn steward hrilemnlv wirning i great i nngregwtion, in the words of the gospel of the dav, to lo ever reidv to at count for their earth! carers the ei Reverend Stephen Ive t'v (" I1 head of the Passionist Onler in Ihls rountrv, was himself summoned to the lur of the Assize this morn ing Stricken with heart disease almost as Ik lift the pulpit, he died surrounded bv the sorio-vlng priests) of the communitv, few mlnut.s liter in an adjoining room in St Michael 3 Monaster, Wei Hobo ken. V J Fither Kealv said the H n clock mas in the churcli at which there vvas the usuii largo congregation At the gospel he went into the pulpit and preached on the one set for the dav which was bt Ljke's storv of the unjust steward Thnso who heard him sav he wmri to linger with special and Impresse em nhasls on the reccsltv of ever being pre pired to render an immediate and exact u ount of ones stewardship But none whoe pletv was stimulated bv his words thought for a moment that it would be the preacher himself who of all that large congiegition. would lie the first to r.'Clvf the summons and thus suppl a tragic eliding to a distinguished sacerdotal career After his sermon Father Kealy re turned to the altar to finish the mass. BECOMES ILL. At the communion -vhlch soon followed he fe t ill. and. commJnlciting himself he sent one of the acoltes into the vetrj to sUmmon Father Bertrand The latttr cime it once, and thf provincial told him to give communion to the congregation, as he was not able to do It himself Fath er Bertrand did so and then went to re turn the riborlum to the tabe-niele when he saw that Father Kealy wa very III. Take me aw i." he heaid him wh1' per "I cannot tinlh the mass I am d inc ' The dving priest vvas at once helped in to the sacristv. where Father Phinin J(4. ministered the la-st rites to him, and he uieu, conscous to me list, in a lew minutes Father Bertrand meantime had returned to the church, finished the mass and the cuncrecation dismiss,.,! Tilth,,, knowing an) thing of the tngic ending mat 'aa followed tne warning sermon Phvslciins pronounced the maladv com plete heirt failure KMher Kealv was one of the most ids- tinguished members of the Passionfe-t or der, and Mad filled almost everv Imnortant office in Its membership He was born in tiie uue-'is cnunt. Irei ind. September 22 isu ana came nere wncn a DO He was selected provincial head of the clgiit monasteries In the United States five ears ago and was serving his second term at the time of his death REUNION OF ALL VETERANS. Union and Confederate Camp Maj Meet Together. RHPUBL1C SPECIAL. N'cw Haven, Conn. Jul 17 Admiral Foote Post. G A. R.. of this clt, has sent an invitation to Leonidaa Polk Bivouac of Confederate Veterans, Columbia. Tenn . suggesting a movement for a reunion of Union and Confederate veterans Tne Tennesseears have responded in friendly terms The Foote Post will now consider more In detail the proposed re union finding that Southern sentiment fa vors it Major George E Aibee for Ad miral Fooie Post, and U J Whltthorn for the Confederates are active in the prem ises. THE WEATHER. Official Forecast Announced for To-Day and To Morrow. Washingrlon, July 17 Forecast. Illfrois Fair and continued warm McrtUy and Tu?da. llffht southwest wirds Kaat-rn TVxa Fair Mondaj and TUfwday Hsit to frfh south lndi I Arkdrras. Oklahoma and Indian Terrltco " alr Mondaj anl Tueda ' lona ail Missouri J-air Monday and Tue da Nebraska and Kansas Fair Monday and Tuffdav Western Texaf ralr and -Rarnvr Mcndaj Tu"daj fair I,ocnl Itrpnrt. St Louis Sundaj, July IT 1CC4 7am 7pm Barometer incr-ei . . 30 07 CO 01 Tfrrpratur dtcrfs . n Humfdtt. pr cnt . . R3 Jj Wind direction . S ir Wind locttj .. 1") & father at 7 a ni . clear, at 7 p m , cear. Maximum fniperatur- -2 minimum temper ature 76 Stare of rier at 7 a m , tZ Z feet EDWARD II BOW IF Local Forecaster. Government Report. Department of VeHculture. Weather Bureau "Meteorological otaervalions received at t Loui- Jul 17 IHM at 6 51 p ri local time and $ p m eent filth meridian time. Obena tlcns made at th sane moment of time at all stations tatltns Dir Tp Mr Rain Weather bllene Mrarlllo Atlanta tU marcl. Buffalo Charlotte Cattlnoc5a Cincinnati Clev eland ( hlcaxo Cclumbjs . Cairo Calsarj crejnne Djluth . Dubuque Davenport De Moines Denver Dodie City ri Paeo tFort Smith . Galveton . Grand Hapldp Grand Junction Huron . . . Havre . Helena Indlanapolla SB ") '4 Clear bE S( f Cloudv Clouiy Cloudy near Clear Clear Cloud (near (Tear Fair . Clear alr Clear (lear Clear near l-ear . cear ralr Cloudy . Fair Cloudy Fair (near Clear 02 alr Clear Fair Clear Clear .. Cear .. Cloudy fair . Clear near Fair "ear Fair Clear 55 Clear . Talr .. Clear . near . Clear . Cloudy . Fair (""ear ... Clear dear 02 nam Clear . near .. near flear , . near Fair . near .. Fair ... Clear ... near ,.. near ... near .. dear vv to ? K S2 K . SV 72 75 E S 1 N- S4 1 sv 82 Si sv a -0 W 1.1 Si SW S2 '4 9 85 '3 NW. ! :-) S SJ S4 bE TS S4 S V) 34 .Stt OD s; S 8 '2 &K "0 2 hE S s; NVV 24 S2 B M 0 E f2 S4 S5W 55 9; .. NVV 0 4 s.e n SVV 63 T2 . W 64 4 ! S6 'fl SW 78 fS S M so . W M SS . . v m s; . n ti a N K 2 .. "3 S4 l E 64 TS . SW S4 S5 KW 80 !4 .. W S4 VI sr f2 m .Etta. .. H 1 . S M se ss t; . . . SVV 84 ) . sr so so .. sw rt i . ..SW l ; . .. . SB fS 92 ., . . B 62 TO , . . S 9 ... K. S: (6 .. SF 4 0 ., ....S S6 10 .. .... & M .. , . SW T 6 V so si . .. . W S.1 S4 . .. SB M n .. ....NE 30 ., ? M 12 .. .. . VV M so .. ... SE 55 S2 .. Jacifonvllle .. Kansas Clt .. . Little Rock . .. . Lou'.ville . Land'r Montromcr Memphln ... Marquette Modena New crk Norfolk Te Orleans Na6hvllle North Platte . Omaha Oklahoma Phllac'elphia Pale.tlr' . Inttbburc Pa-kersburg . . Pueblo Q Appclle . .... Rapll Clt t Paul shmeoort . Cprirefleld III .. ... "t Louis .. :.. ptu afield. Mo bait Lake Santa Te San Antcnio "Vleksburg v aimim Washington VV Icnita Precipitation Inappreciable. Tiaunacrsiorm. EDWARD H. BOWIE. local XTcrecajter. HERS AGREE. TO SEE ROOSEVELT President's Turning Down of the Fust Committee la Keenly Felt. SEVERAL RESENT HIS ACTION. Procedure of Man Who Asked tjecond Hearing Repudiated and New Arrangements Are Entered Into. REPL BLIC --PECI U "Wilkesbarrc Pa . Julv 17 It took the Central Labor I'nion delegates three hours to-dav to decide to send their committee back to -ee President Roosevelt after fail irg to present their petitions last Tue-daj During that time the opposition to this plan. comprMng one-third of the dele gates, fought It vigorously with voice and gesture So vigorous were the speeches in fact that the delegates resolved that nothing must be told to anv one except the fact that the committee would again call upon the President. It was declared that there hnd been so much talk that further discussion In the papers would have a bad effect In a word, there was a marked political flavor to these objections to publicit. and ever delegate as he left the room was strict! enjoined to sav he would know nothing if acco-ted ! ai,onc. There were twentj -three present, and of theae six or seven voiced their opinion of the treatment received b the committee in no uncertain voice, after the report of Burke and Herskokitz was heard. The arguments on each side were vlgor ou". the opposition declaring that the com mittee had been turned down once ind that was enough considering that thev represented 22T.0W worklngmen. The did not v ant to give the President the orpoi tunitv to mike amends at this late daj. D J Davis, the man whose telegnm to the President resulted in the latter's offer to see the committee, was refused admis sion tc the meeting and his action vvas repudiated It 1 said with much heat he had no authoritv to represent either the Central Labor Union or the mine workers, and his telegiams were not accepted So bitter was the feeling thit it wa ordered that President John I! Walsh should himself send a telegram to the Presiaent. and ac cordlnglv Walsh to-night sent this: To IIHam Locb, Jr . Secretary to the President You enn arrange to receive a committee of the Central Labor Union to see the President on Tuesda afternoon, or when Please answer (Signed) "JOIIX B WALSH President C L. U " RAISULI'S DEMAND GRANTED. Governor of Tangier Removed and Xew Official Appointed. Tangier. Julv 17 Kaid Benhimaa. Chief of Police, has been appointed Governor. General satisfact'on is cprcssej over the removal of the late occupant of the governshlp. wh'ch was one of RaisuII's stipulations. Son Kills HU F-ther. REPUBLIC SPLCIAL Dallas, Tex , July 17 G. W. Kemp, a Gravson Count planter, died last night in a sanitarium at Sherman from wounds In flicted by a son about one week ago The bo, who was out on bonl charged with assault to kill, has been locked up In the county Jail chafed with murder. He in rifts that he acted In self -defense and nad, to kill his father. Do You Know Uneeda Biscuit Do you know them thoroughly? Not merely by hear say not merely by name not merely by sight, but by comparing them in taste, flavor and goodness with any soda cracker you ever ate. Do you know of their superior freshness, cleanliness and purity as compared with the common soda crackers that come in a paper bag? Do you know of their perfect wholesomeness and nutriment as compared with many of the every day articles of diet? Do you know of their perfect protection in an air tight package that keeps out the dust, moisture and odors ? If you do not know all this, buy a package NOW and know Uneeda Biscuit NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY PRAYERS VS, SP Opening of Safe After Experts Failed Ascribed to Differ ent Causes. INVENTOR'S WIDOW POSITIVE. Declares Success Was Due to Her Supplications, but Medium Gives All Credit to "Spirit Guide."' REPl BLIC sPECJAU Wash'igton. Jul 17 After resisting all the skill of two experts connected with the Treasur Department, a small safe belonging to Colonel J Hldridge Smith, an inventor who died recentlv. has flnall been opened and now the question is v liether it was opened In answer to Mrs Smith's pravers or through information coming direct from Colonel Smith to S Clark Swett a Spiritualistic medium Mrs Smith scouts the idea of Splrltuil sm, but Mr s,ntt, under whose manip ulations the safe door swung open. sas It was nothing eUc The little safe contained all the valua ble papers belonging to Colonel Smith, and lie was the onl one who knew the com bination The expert? worked at It for a da or two, and then gave i up as d bad job ami advled Mrs Smith to hnve the door taken off Then Mr. Swett. who Is a model maker and had been empIoed bv Colonel Smith, said that he would tr Mr Sw-ett is an enthusiastic SpirltunlLst Meanwhile Mr Smith, who Is a devout Christian, was prajlng dall that the snfe might be opened and save her further worry and expense Swett savs he has been a Spiritualist for fort vears. at Ienst twent of which he has been a medium and has about twentv five "spirit guides' One of his 'spirit guides," lie sas, is an Indian girl, and she is the one whom he states saw msizzzz. i mmMuf lfg i?JiWK9iiW t m.25 CINCINNATI AND RETURN. Good Going Jul IS. 17, IS, 19 Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railroad Low Rat?s to Various Kastcrn Point". STRAINS TO CINCINNATI Vi-STIBl'LED TRAINS D Lcav e St. Louis at S 52 a. m . 8 27 p m , II W p m. and : 11.5S a m , fo a. m Colorcl Smith In the other world, got from him the combination and transmitted it. thus enabling the safe to be opened. He tells the story as follows "I conceived the ldei that I would open that safe. I got that impression last Sun dav night and asked m spirit guides to hlp me I went to the safe about 9 o clock Mondt morning and touched the combination lock as I at down before It, Instantl I renl'zed tint some invisible Power had assumed dominion over mv hand Te fuscles and nerves of my hand and wrist and arm tingled with the inknown manifestation .ind I had an ln voluntarv impulse to turn the knob of th" lock Appreciating that the spirits were working through me, I surrendered mv will to their contro' The disk stopped directl and I had an Impulse to reverse It This I did and again m hind, im pelled b the spirit guide moved In the opposite direction md stopped Th(n the door slovvl opened half its full swing" But Mrs Smith savs she does not be licve 'n the existence of the Indian girl nor the assertion that her husbind gav ber the combination to give to Mr Swett. sjiie avers that sne nnrt pravea constantly for several davs for the IyDrd to open the s ife ard was engaged in praer at the verv- moment when Mr Swett came in and announced that he had half worked the miracle REMONSTRATOR HIT WITH BAT. Xois-emakers Turn Upon Man Who Aked Them to Desist. Henr D Hagnn ind Edward J Folev of No 2617 Walnut street are locked up at the n'ghth District Station, charged with asaultin Jnmes Dugm a lineman, who lives In the same house According to Dug in Hacan struck him with a baseball bat and Fole hit him on the head with a brick because he remon strated with them for making a noise In the house Dugan is in the Citv Ho'pital suffering from three scalp wounds Centrnlla Chnrcllrn Lnitr. rtFrt'BLIC 5PECI VL Ccrtralia. Mo July 17 For the first It's Good Old PENNSYLVANIA RYE Bottled in bond Hie 100 1 $7.50 FRECH LICK AD WEST BIDES, ID., AVD RETIRV Good Going July 22, 23, 24. 25. -VIA- INFORMATION Cheerfully given at our offices. Olive and Sixth. Union Station and World's Fair Grounds (Transportation Building). time in the histor of the clt union serv ices of churches have been held this summer, although man have desired It for ten ears All churches have abandoned the Sunda -night services and the respec tive congregations led bv their pastors meet at the Citv Hall The first service was conducted br the Reverend H E Stout. pastor of the M. B. Church. South, and the service this evening by Elder EX. M. Smith, pastor of the Christian Church Union pmer meetlncs are also conducted each week CIRE IIlM)Hi:nS OF AGMIl. Army Surgeons Flicbt Dlieaae A hlcb Threatens I'lirlo Rico. Tbe Republic Bureau 11th S and Pennsylvania Av Washington. Jul 17. According to re ports received .it the Wir Department, Captain B K A shford. Assistant Surgeon. United States Aim. Is proving little short of a miracle worker tn Porto Rico where he nas cured hundreds of cases of anemia, the disease which Is threatening the fu ture of the island In a short time strong men and women are rendered helpless bv the disease and native phs!c!ans have been unable to afford relief to the suf ferers, much less cure them Captain Ashford iind his assistant. Doc tor King of the Marine Hospital Sen, Ice. went to Davamm three months ago and announced the would cure the disease. Nearlv 1 ( case of nnemla came to them for treatment The lost but one patient ond reduced the mortalltv of the restrict, -vhlch had 32.0.0 inhabitants. 20 per cent. When the aoctors left the town !x weeks ago and went to Uttnve to treat the s-xme disease, a memorial signed b more than 2V citizens was presented to them At Utuive the hive had more than I y) Crtses of the trange malady alreadv. and have cured most of them, losing onl four patients.. Mctii.i of Wide Cars. Charles T. TaIor. Ilvirg at No J North Ninth street, sustained a fractured wrist esterdav while riding in an Easton avenue car near Frarcls street, b thrust ing his arm through the window while another car was parsing. He was taken to his home aa i i y on Dm , -tr -?vf--CS ,