Newspaper Page Text
j1 ,.Tift' THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: MONDAY. JULY IS, 1904. I? f i Ask Fop 1 (bordeks Mailed j Milk j I Border's Condensed Ilk (So. I NEW YORK. 5 WHY NOT GO FARTHER? Tlie Southwest is inviting The crops are pood, conditions and prospects were never more favora ble Indian Territory Oklahoma and Texas are in nted of people and offer plenty of opportunities for inestments of capital and la bor Kates are low Round-trip tickets on sale July 19th as follows: riinnnlr l? !!;"..; Mii.Lokcc 11.7." OL.Inliniua Cltj" 1S.3II Tlrnlson Iftltll I'ort ortli 21.-11) Dalian .. 1.15 aco ".t.7.2 Austin ............. .::,J.4 an Antonio lis ur. Honstun I!.. K Galveston liT.lo Mexico City 5U.25 Liberal Limits Sfop-Oiars Allowed Tickets. E Olive street and Union Station For something ne-v In printed matter about the Southwest. at dress "Katr," St. Loots. Fast Trains i o i exas. jj-rrt.i "Katy Fair Special" UlfLs?! at 9:15 a m. llHlTl 'The Katy Flyer" al 8:32 p. m. "A FAN 99 Enthuses Sammy Shoestrings, "Isn't In the samo class with a pair of Burt's 'Korrcct Shape' Oxfords made of 'Uurrojaps' the thinnest, toughest patent leather, and the only one that is warrant ed not to break through. The fan keeps you cool only while It's working The Oxfords keen you cool while you're working or playing. And wear? Well, I jnipss they DO near! Beat anything I ever saw or Ftood In." fl. Baker-Baylesl Shoe Co. Slilli, near Washington. NOTICE. Marrl&re and Death Notices lnsrted in The Republic will be forwarded by tele frapa to any one or all of the papers Baaed below for simultaneous publication, without extra charge. If a request to do o accompanies the copy. J,otlces received after midnight cannot be forwarded, how ever, until the nut evening. Colcaro Rec-Uerald. Butralj Courier. jje orlt Times Cnclanatl Enquirer. Phlla. Public Ledger. Boston Globe Pittsburgh Dispatch. Baltimore Herald. Roche.ter Herald t asMcgtcn Pott. Minneapolis Tribune. Providence Journal. Syracuse Post-Stand- bt Paul Pioneer Prers rd- Cleveland Plain Dealel DEATHS. BRAUKUOLD Entered into rest on Jnlv 17 1904. at a. m.. a. P. iiraunhold. husband of Bertha Braunhold (neo Lindner), and father of Henry and Fred Braunhold. aged TO years ru. serai on Monday. July 13. at 1 p. m . from Sudolph Ileede Funei&l Parlors, to Cremator), eavenworta, Kas . papers please cop). BRAT On Sunday. July 17. ISM at 11.30 a. in-, after a brief lllneca. Jo'in F. Bray, be loved ion of Richard and Mar Bray, (nee Maher), ad 17 ears Funeral trom residence. No 2225 MlcHory street, Tueeda), at 7 a. tn.. to Holy Angela Church, thence to Washington. ilu. DIETZEL At Creenville. Ill , Harold II Dieuel. aged I morths and J days Funeral Tuesday at 2 SO o'clock, from residence. Jc. 1C1S South Broadway. CAYIN On Eundar. Julv 17. ISO! at . vivir a. m., Bridget Gavin, beloved sister of Martin Gavin, aged 5 vears. The funeral wlU tae Flace Tuesday, lsth Inst., at 1:30 p m . frcm amilr residence No. JSIO Lincoln avenue, to Bt. Matthews church, thence to Calvary cem etery. Friends are invited to attend. HAMMER Entered into rest on Saturday. July 16, 1504 at 7.J0 p ra , Frdericfc. beloved ou of I. T. A. and Ernestine Hammer (nee Rust), at the age of 2 years and 9 months. Funeral will take place from the family resi dence. No. 4011 Mafntt avenue. McnJa. July 5J, at S p. m. 1IEIDEMANN On Saturday, July 1C 1904. at 10.30 o'clock p. m . Susan Hsldemann (nee V al ters), beloved wife of Charles Heldemann. aged SO jears t months and 8 days Funeral Tues day. July 13 at 2 30 p m.. from family resi dence. ?.o. 4H7 5Walr avenue, to Ftieden's Cem etery. Relatives and friends invited. HERRMANN On Saturday. July 15, 1S04 at J.15 p m.. Mrs. Louisa Herrmann (nee Fritz), beloved widow of George Herrmann, at the age of 77 tears. Funeral from funeral parlor of Phil A. Schmltt, No. J2JI South Broadwav, Tuesday. July 11, tup m. iXNISELT On Sunday. July 17. MM, after "a short Illness, at S JO p m.. Charles H. Knlsely, fed 43 years. Dus notice ct funeral will be Elven. .Jt'prrEntered Into rest on Sunday. July 17, 104, at 7 o'clock p. m.. James Lane, beloved T? J. ,i ohn ana MaT J11" fne (nee Dockery) agea IS Year. ,nri ,,a,.. I.-.. .. , ,ti -i: Place from family residence. No 50 South Ewlna; f J'2?"" ,.n,TH5iiajJul' IS. at 2 o clock p in.. XmS.V.-?,n3 Church, tnence to Calvary cemetery. Friends are rejpectfuUy Invited. McMAHON On Sunday. July 17 1004. . 1 o'clock a. m.. Brldeet McMahoa n Canenyl. &'? ftfrnSi'-fti ."le -V Terren McMihoi The funeral will take place Tuesday nth Inst. Jen & Kelly. No. itx Cass averue. to St Law rence C'Toole's Church, thence to CaWary Cemeterj. Frlenda art lnviied to attend. PENSA Entered Into rest on Saturday Julv ."i"'.! 2 ??I:lc,,- ?-,Antonio PenVa.Jb loved father of John P.. Andrew c. and Menhen Pensa, Mrs B. MrGovern. MriT A. GnSeHa! and Mrs, W. J. Riley of Sedalla, Mo. in th5 elghty-nrst year of his age Funeral will take place from the residence of his son. John Pensa No 3012 Lucas avenue, on Monday, July 1&. at o'clock a, m. to St. Charles Borromeo s Church, thence to Calvary Cemetery. Friends are respectfully Invited, New iork and Se dalla, Mo., papers please copy. SMITH Sunday, July 17. 1904. at 1 a m. Hudson Halliday. beloved Infant son of Thom as P. and Ella F. Smith (nee Halliday). at the age of 8 months and s days. Interment private. W J El H Mrs John J. Wyeth, suddenly, at the residence of her daughter. Mrs w. R. bright. No. 8478 Clemens avenue, aged a years, uiiciutu. .m u. r.u uwiuu papers please copy. WAGONER UNDERTAKING CO., 112T OUTE ST. Day or Night. ssjssaafBjgwfVict MpUr COLLEGE SOOH WILL BE PIMiSHED Nearly Forty New Buildings Un der Construction on Site of Washington Barracks. DREAM CHERISHED FOR YEARS. Army Men Will Here be Better Trained in Practical Ways to Carry Out Successful Campaigns. The Republic Bureau. 14th St and Temvuhanla Ave Washington, July 17 Washington Btr rack, the historic arsenal, la rapidly be irs converted into a great army college compound. nfty buildings of tarjlng sizes and util ity are to be constructed within the next 5 car or so. nearly forty of them being now under way. With all of this construction work golns on, naturally one's first im pression Is "chaos " However, as the Kheme Is studied, the buildings in a completed state are con jured up, and one ees the reallzitlon of the dreams and plans of the greater men of the army through many jears. It Is the aim of the promoters of the war college and engineer school of appli cation to evolve the greatest military in stitution of learning In the world, at which the coming officers of the army may finish their studies and be admirably fitted for their life work of upholding the honor of the flag and maintaining the Union. INITIATED BT ROOT. The scheme now being followed out is largely that tentatively arranged by a board of officers appointed by Secretary Root in lOl to formulate plans for the es tablishment of the war college and en gineer school. It provides for tht har monious arrangement of the man) build ings around an extensive quadrangle drill ground. The park will be crossed by a driveway running east and west. On either side of the rtsenation near the boundary this road will lead into two roadwavs running north and south the entire length of the reservation. The war college tho moat pretenUous of the buildings will be lo cated at the southern end of the drill ground. South of this there will be a. small parK, witn numerous walks anu flower beds At cither end of the war college the quarters for the administrative officers of the institution will be located, there being four buildings in each group. It is pro posed to furnish the students at the war college commutation of quarters and al low them to obtain lodgings outside the reservation, so that no buildings as et have been provided for their accommoda tion. The northern portion of the drill ground will be bordered on three sides by the numerous buildings connected with the engineer school of application and for the accommodation of the troops stationed at them. On the west side on a line and facing east are the quarters for commissioned offlccrb and their mess hall, a group of sixteen buildings, now almost completed. On the cast side, facing west, will be a line of pleasing quarters for noncommis sioned officers, a total of ten buildings, in the center of which will bo the engineer school building Across the north end of tho field stretch two Immense barracks, fronting south. Each building will ac commodate two of the four companies of engineers to be stationed at the post. One of these Is now ready to be roofed. Between these buildings there is a road way leading direct from the entrance to the reservation, which has been moved about forty feet to the east of the old gates to as to be in the exact center of the north boundary. OLD GATES CLOSED. Tfio old gates have been closed and locked, and for the present there Is a tem porary wooden gateway at the new en trance. Ultimately an entrance. In keep ing with the general plan of the Improve ment will bi erected. Thi roadway from the entrance will branch to right and left across the north end of the drill field, and from this four driveways will branch off to the south, two of which will run the entire length of the reservation within a few feet of the east and west boundaries. The other two pass on either side of the north drill Held inside the lines of quarters and strike the bisecting road at the middle of the reservation. The war college will be about 300x100 feet, with a bay w Indow on the xouth side thlrtv -sev n feet in diameter. It will be two stories high above a basement- In front will be a terrace of limestone, with graceful balustrade about SO) feet long, from which steps extending Its entire length will lead down to the lawn, stretch ing away in a broad field bordered with shade trees. The entire collection of buildings will bo of harmonious construction and stjle of architecture, being of brick with lime stone trimmings and all, even officers' quarters, fireproof throughout. Snn-minon Vnller Clubhouse. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Virginia, 111.. July 17. Henry Taylor and U Hojt, representing the Bangamon Gun Club of Chicago, jesterdav let a contract to Fred Schuletter for a. three-thousand-dollar clubhouse on the banks of Clear L?ke in the Sangamon Valley near Chandlervllle. CEYLON TEA Green or Black, May be tried at the CEY LON GOVERNMENT PAVILION. After you have sampled its delici ousness give up the POOR tea you have been using. Turn over a new leaf tea leaf and use only the PURE tea of -Ceylon. If ysu want the best use only UPTON'S "Finest tlie World Produces." AT ALL GROCERS., WAR GENERAL, STEAD! STOCKS Strong Tone of Securities ilark'-t Due to Confidence in Crop Prospects. HIGHER RANGES OF PRICES. Elimination of ilonev From Presidential Question Cam- paign a Strengthen iug Factor. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. New York. July 17 Stocks enjojed im provement during the week cIo-d, adding materially to the gains In values made so emphatically in the previous week. The market was broader and the volume of business much larger. It can hardly be said that the influences at work In the enlargement of bjsiness and for the es tablishment of higher prices were as substantial and lasting as those whlcti shaped the course of the market in the first week of the present month. The rank and file of the public still shows a dlpoaltloi to wait for the round ing out of Influences at work which make or mar the market. The better sentiment prevailing in busi ness circles bectuoe of the condition of the crops had full swing in tho becuritv market. Prices of all the standard stocks have advanced on an average of from two to Ave points in the last fortnight, while others more specillcallv effected by de velopments have advanced even mor. Still the market. In the opinion of the enthuslasUc professional element, has not begun to discount the improvement and is building up higher ranges of prices on the cxptctation of a continuation of favorable crop conditions Included in the list of dcveloDments which has made for higher prices was the announcement of the DemocraUe candidate for President eliminating for practical purposes the money question as a dangerous issue affecting the countrj" rtcuritits and the foreign market for them. One does not need go far to observe that this critical moment has not arrived when statistics and other trade data are considered In the steel bustness the re trenchment nrocss is still under wav. I'ig-iron consumption is still decreasing and the rrodJcer3 are still limiting thtrr output. l.abur gives evidence of refusing to accept an reductions In wages from emplojers w.10 are anxious to economize Foreign trade continues to contract, and not even the high prices of wheat will bring from the elevators supplies for for eign markets. Cash continues to pile up in the reserve cities, indicating further contraction in general business Money rues, tho truest barometer of coming events, refuse to advance bevond the cur rent unprofitable rates at which funds are being employed. Corporations continue to omit their div idends, as was witnessed last week, when the Monongabela Coal and Coke Company, one of the largest factors In the soft coal lndustrv, suspended Its dividend. Still, with these conditions and unsettling facts In evidence, thi market operators profess to see in the future a brighter outlook, with Improved earnings of corporations The basis, of course, is tha business ex pected from the wealth taken from the soil. Politics In the ordinary course of events, ought not to Interfere with busl nt" and the desire to eliminate that question Is more or less a negatively fav orable argument on tho outlook. hile the gold standard did not become a factor of importance in the present cam paign, still the moral effect of the removal of the silver question doubtless created a better sentiment at home and abroad. In the events of the week, where so much was willingly taken for granted as having been accomplished, the elimination of the money question as a campaign Issue served to create the belief that the po litical fight would not have the same in fluence on general business as presidential campaigns formerly exerted. BUOYANT WALL STREET. In fact, so buoyant was the sentiment of the street that one heard tho expres sion generally that the campaign would be a question of candidates, not of prin ciples hen conclltlors and sentiments such as these prevail and are gladly accepted. It can be taken for granted that, in Wall street at least, there has been a material change In speculative sentiment and that traders at lea3t are willing to buy stock for an advance In actual business which provides the baMs for a sustained Improvement there has been no change. As was indicated In tnese column" last week, the sentiment on the outlook Is more helpful, but senti ment has not et brought any new orders Like the conservative element in the etock market, business men are waiting for the turn when there will be reason and basis enough for purchasee of commodities. KEPT PROMISE TO DYING MAN. Miss Eva Purcell Takes L. H. Col lins's Body East. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Chilllcothe. Mo, July 17 That she might keep her word to a dying man who was an almost complete stranger to her, but whom she had nursed. Miss Eva Pu cell. a Chilllcothe school teacher, de parted to-day for 'YIlmlr .. Del . with the body of Lewis H. Col Collins and Miss Purcell jonrded nt tho same house. When the oung man was taken suddenly ill several weeks ago Miss Purcell undertook the task of nursing him. solely for charity's sake. She re, malned faithful until death came. Often during his delirium Collins spoke of a young lady at his old home, and dur ing his rational hours begired his nurse that, in case he should die. she would take his body back to his old home. Miss Pur cell gave him her promise, and It was to keep that pledge that she started on her long Journey to-day. Repairing of Fine AVatches And Jewelry a speclaltj. F. W. Drosten. Seventh and Pine. FALC0NI0 LEAVING ITALY. Brings Pope's Blessing on His Mission to United States. P.ome. July 17. Mgr. Falconlo, apostolic delegate in the United States, left Rome to-day for Naples, where he will remain for a few das before palling for New York. He took with him a special papal benediction for his mission In the United States. Mgr. Falconlo said he would bo glad to return to his work In the United States, which he had come to regard with a deep affection. He said farewell at the railway station to many notabilities of the cleri cal world, who wished him a safe journey and expressed the hope that he would soon be recalled to Rome to receive the red hat- FIGHT FOR CHAIRMANSHIP. Many Texans Desire to Head the State Committee. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Dallas. Tex., July 17. A spirited contest Is on for the chairmanship of the State Democratic Executiv e Committee. The candidates are Frank Andrews of Houston. Ben E. Cabell of Dallas. R. W. Flnley of Austin, Howard Templeton of Sulphur Springs and W. L. Radney of Wa co. All have instructed delegates in their favor. It takes ITS votes to elect. The : fll.t. fnnv.ntlnn f to ho h.M i. u.n.i.. August 2. All the candidates except Flnley were I "original" Parker men: he was State man- I ager of the Hearst campaign. . j AMUSEMENTS. SEE 3:30 and 8:30. Generals CRONJE and VILJOEN 700 British and B cer BOER WAR NOT ONTKEPSKE, itttr- Itl,T SOI.TII ill' rrmnw ii hi; huilium:; mi:ciIj iviiiiiiuitij.rvr!ON. IBS To See the Boer War ,,;V.,.,n.c.'';.7i TvTlJirz: w tcii roit Tim loom DELMAR i- O U I WORLD'S FAIR EXTRAVAGANZA. EVERY NIQHT B:30. FREE -AdmUs'on to 43-Acre Uarden. 20,000 blectrlc Lights, uaiiy nana concerts, 10.000 Chalrv in Ground Uarjrnln Matinee Ael. Sent TAKE THIS OUTINQ PIASA CHAUTAUQUA ASSEMBLY GROUNDS. ON C. P & ST L. l: R. AND MIS"ISoIPPI RIVER. The Only Mi miner Iliiirt iind Side Trip M. I.onls. Flie Trilr Each VVa Dallj Excellent Boatllg Bathlnz. n-Mng. New Hotel Bathing Po I and OthT Improvements COtlng J-C.0'"l0 Nww ope-r, R.ady for V lstars Twenty-first Assembly Now In Session. nl.nll Pr.,m li!mltl&R ?ji Spleadi J frorrio Ualninn SCHOOLS. WESTERN MILITARY AGABEMY TTrentj -Sixth Year. Delightful anil Healthful Location. CO acres In campus. Six substantial modern huildliiK. Fireproof IlnrracUs. err Drill Hall and Laboratory. COLOM:i, ALU Efti vegs m U..i. i:staiii.isiii:i) is-)!). Diulpment unequaied by any other the best boj 3 and offers them the best For eir book and full Colonel F. W. V. III.KUS, Superintendent. K.S Tort Wee I O . Mncnn. Mo COTTEY Larue and 'elect pa tronajjc EMIOILMnNT 23. New bulldlnp. with uniaue and attractive arranKcment. single bedrooms with lttlnc-room adjacnt for sev eraL IM1ERMT1 THVINEI) FrtLTl. Clepant home Strong Chrlitlan In fluence Conervato- of music STlctlv European methods. COVSUHVATOIIY KMIOLL3IENT 1S5. For Illustrated cataloeue tddress MRS V A- C STOCKARD. President ,,i HARDIN COLLEGE ST. CHARLES MILITARY COLLEGE and nwlv equipped Extraordinary adiantacs in Special Graduate and Buslcer Courses Faculty of ten experienced men Careful moral training' JVee s Uncampmeit at World s Fair begin Oct. 17. 111 take Worlds Fair boarders durtrff vacation Illurtnted catalciie free GEORGE W BUL'CE, Pres m LEXINSTON COLLEGE AND MISSOURI CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC FOR GIRLS AND YOUNC WOMEN. Loilncton, Mo., Near Kansas Clrr, Sj ar err asss err a As.ara.Kf araeiBiiv Vlirf;..! b. ".-. uvuic rtuwv. a vuuuvvi au sais, uvwihip - . i i i hon In tbe State. All tcoden improremf-nu Ieirrees conferred in fonr aepsrate sctools: Uterarr Mnric AnandElocnnon .yopvpi'tefercri Terms codrate Hardsoroeiataioffaefroa, SO!SlTiif.COOE4A.B.,BBslaeMiiao&ceri DHAL5 W. WUITL, A. M., Prcsliea CHRISTIAN COLLEGE FO?4,"EN New DormitotT. New Auditorium. New Music Hall Academic Degree. Schools of Music, Art, Oratorj- and Domestic Science. An elcjrant Collore Home Exclusive Pat ronage. For Catalogue, address 3IHS. t. T. MOOHC. l'rrililent. Colombia, Mo. CSl Gentlemen HOWARD-PAYNE COLLEGE aT.r ttlcber education of Tonus; Women and Girls. Modern and progressive. Prepara tory ana college courses, music art, elocution, physical culture, sixtieth annual session bflitasSspt- Uth, 1901. Send for Illustrated catalogue 1ILUAH D. (.HOVEs, I'rMldestt. THE M1NUAL TRAINING SCHOOL TTi TWENTT-F1FTII iffir will ooen Sentember 11 grammar school rcceid en certificate Other Arithmetic GOETa:h5. American Hlatori ani and Tool Practice Latin and Modern Languages coen four jears Unequale-J cpportunlty for thorough train. rg for higher education and f?rpractical life 6nd for catalogue frmi etc . to W IL VICKROY Inclpal For scholar Phi p or ep-clal ratee apply to DR. C M. WOODWARD, Dlrctc. For a catalogae of the Oldett ind Lirgest Miiltsrj School Is the Middle West, addmst WENTWORTHJ KTHCsTor eeley LIQUOR DRINKING, MORPHINE All NarMll, Drus Utliro, NtsrssUsnla, Tesicte and ClBarslts Acdltllcns "' DR. J. B. BLAINE, A UT 2801-3-5 Locust St.. St. HOMC THEATMKNT SOR TOt'SCQ AN. HtU.itTNINI. VENTILATION EXPERIMENTS WATCHED WITH INTEREST. Railroad Odlcinls, as 'Well n Hoard" of Health, Depend Much on the Result of Teats. The P.eDubltc Bureau lUh St. and Pennsvltanla Ave Washington, July 17. Reports received here on the Investigations into the subiect of ventilation and Its relation to the public health now In progress under the auspices of the Boards of Health of various cities are to the effect that the Boards of Health are following the same lines pursued in sanitation. In that general movement expectorating in the street cars and all public convey ances was first attacked and now attention Is directed to the ventilation of these public utilities and for precisely similar reasons: "That in no other public place of such limited dimensions are so man) peo ple so often and so long confined and no where else Is the danger of contagion to tne multitude so pronounced. To what extent contagious diseases can be communicated by the inhalation of the respirations of affected persons has never been satisfactorily determined, some au thorities contending that certain diseases notably consumption and other throat and pulmonary troubles, can be contracted in this manner, while others, equally learned, maintain there is absolutely no danger of Infection from this source. Railroad officials are watching the ex periments with great interest, a to auote Doctor C. B. Dudlej, the chemist of the Pennsylvania system: "It seems not Im probable that if a vote of the traveling public were taken as to Improvement in passenger cars a large majority would favor ventilation, and it Is fair, in Justice to railroad officers, to sa that this is not Ignored by them." Best for Rneumatlsm Elmer & Amnd's Prescription. No. 2S31. Celebrated on its merits for many effectual cures. Automobile Strnrlc by Car. An. automobile occupied by Miss E. Bathgate of No. 20 South Spring avenue, was struck by an Olive street car yeter day morning at Taylor and Washington avenues. The car was going slowly and no damage resulted. C A S TO R I A forlnftOiad ttiMm Thi KM Yiojave Alwajs Bought TO-DAY! -T- y THE Crownlni FEATURE OF THE FAI umiimt i"i.i n- tiitiri I.. imii'viimid ii:iuoitMM'n. GARDEN A S I A N SODCM AID DCCTAIIDAHT IT DOWI- ui Lii-Hin ni.ditu.iniii Toffi mtu AMUSEMENT Zf r-r-aTLioea ru i FEATURES 25c nnd 50c, lit Hollmnn's Tor Farther Inqulrj tv o PULET Gen Mgr inl rrsrram iTritf r Ste CTautaunua III or CPiEl LTI't Oflce -V6 N 4lh St. fct Louis !St UPPER ALTON, ILLINOIS. Cxceptlouallj Strong raenltj-. 'I httrotiKh Military Illncf pllne. Mute and National lteLonMIon. I i 111 It ril to l.'.O. No ,npnnclr Inst Tenr. Iarlr application adtlsnlile. HUT M. JVCKSOV A. M., I-eIdent. ILITARY ACADEMY. Military fachool In the United States Seks training Information address FOR YOUNG LADIES. Nevada, Mo. AND CONSERVATORY FOR LADIES 32iljear. Tho College a UnlTersItj trained faculty German American Conservatory, manned by pecIaUst. Mmlc rrofes eors Gncrne. Flchtel. Parkinson. Head, Roberts, Thomas, Knemmel. For catulosrue, address JOHX V. MILLIO.N, Prcs.f 5 Collero Place, MEXICO, MO. ST. CHARLES. MO . World? b Fatroaty 16 Hllct b Stsm and tUt-trlc Cars Location tmsuroarsed Builfilcrs modern Missouri Military Academvi s School hew balldlrit. Fell facultr IndTidnalst- tenuon. nis ior dos nn. Ln.T-nity ooTemmeni mixou. r.o failures. Iteaatlfnl cparrrr Cultured i-ecple Perfect tealta. Alnleurs Pellkctfol home M oderate co.t. cstaloie. Address t.L Vt. U. JCO.NMLLE. but., Mesle Js, Bex J'. aiiicto lvivkhsitv iTtr Pioneer School H'gh School pupils and gradaitir of i mut b examined Sertinber 23 In applicants mut b English Cune of Etudv lncludirx Drafting MILITARY ACADEMY, ilngton. Mo. eeley Vijre Physlclonul Mnnaeer Louis IU fli". Biiiaait ISO .XI . uuisia SI asss ... -ss. -. t LMOOHE (A MNOL'S ELIXIR.) , Phs!cians h gh' recormiend It as a specific ; icmcu) m cases OI MALARIAL FEVERS, COLDS, iKFLUEHZA, KSLOW COHVALESCEHQE. . r.. roLctnt s co., 26-30 N.wnii3m5:,N.r. OFFICERS WOUNDED IN DUEL. Coisicana, Tex., Marshal and Dep uty Severely nurt. Rnri'BLIC hPECIAL. DalH Tex . Jul 17 A street duel took place in Corlcana at 2 o'clock this morn ing, in which Constable W. B. Qrantham was shot In the hip and arm and his deputy H A Dodson, was shot in the hands with a shotsun. They were fired upon bv a man who drove up In a buggy. T P. Wookn was captured by tho police after a struggle A crowd of men was near the ofHeers when the shooting began, and they report another man shot Grantham's wounds are serious and Dodson's hands are fear fully mangled It's In the make, says Tailor, 617 Pine. IL A. Hesse, Women Thrown From Car. While on the way to the Odeon list night Mrs. Maude Gray of Centralla, Wah , and Mrs. W. E. Preston of Cleve land, w ere thrown from Grand avenue car .mj. ." ana injured xne car started be fore they had alighted Just In front of the Odeon. Mr-. Preston and her husband are guests at the St- Nicholas Mrs Pres ton's arm was broken aud Mr). Gray's hip was injured. Bears the Signature Of 0m AMUSEMENTS ON THE PIKE. JERUSALE Hc-proilnced at tlie AVorlil' Fnlr. Festival paraje tfally at 3 o'clock. See thn Church of th Holj fcepu enre Mobjub d Omar, Dloraira of Mourt cf OUves. Jew Waillnc 'Rail an J la Dcorca ADMISSION 2"o. HAGENBECK'S ZOOLOGICAL PARADISE Ho) nl IJeiiK"! Tlurer Ilttlei the? Ulcpliant. HITOFTHB PIKE Irish Industrial Exhibition ontha Pike Grntiil tllnplRv of Inrm, Ilnrn, art mil Indntitrlal products. Itellcs of fHuions Irishmen Ireland's own 11. Performance In theater IS. 4. 7: 15 and litis p. in. HALE'S FIRE FiaHTEP.SU0a Moat tlirllllnc realistic ribll.I tlon pit given. Darlnsr rescues from harnlnjr. building;. Ancient fire? en Klnea. See llule'a vronilrrfnl liuracs. I'rrfiiminru'ri 3, 7 nnd S:JO p. 111. SUMMER RESORTS. sSSjeStlsfNssSksIsaiiaeaSSsSS. STOCKTON HOTEL CAPE MAY, N.J. Facing tha Ocaa- The Urgeat ana meet 5ja ct&uj en the coast and ifce leading house at Cape Ma Eullt for air tad coo In 3 3 !. f-t cf corridors u feet wld-i on eer !ocr llift ceillPK larjje Wndowe rhorouxhlr modern lied and furnished. Culsln m. .jrc.a( featur l'axtjeular attention to frfcfch nea food and cs ters Concerts by full orchestra in .Neu Ca'a aid Japanese OarJen Dancing eery en ng 1 Ballroom Hates S2.S0 ner day and ur Eu- rofan JL 1 and upward. Special rate by the week h-nd for ; raider II 11 CAKS ROYAL PALACE, ATLANTIC CIT"i, N. J. Mcst beautiful y located on th Atlantic ( jt in tt Or ob?r i. Uadr tntl'ely new managetLtnt- Wnlt icr booklet CIXAb U HtLTTTM-iS Oftcr and 1'rcprtetur. Ljman J Watrou'. Manager UfiTiCI JAPk'QnU Aiiaaiic. Cltj. . J aw -. vnvnvwiiK .11 Ka. V.air, jr ifplfiti ave and bieel I'ler. central and dllebtfui lo cation , 2W) ocean rooms . betel Is nreproof. bulk of brick, stona and s'eel, special Jjn rate-, American plan $11 t J15 weeily cr .ncstra. littrature mailed, JOIIV C71USD. tnUDLAV This great recrt opn the jear round Com blro rest heath ard pleast-re f r your -.aca-tion. Only a fw tours' rid- from St LojIs near An ca Ind. n Wat ash Ua road Na tur s grateet cur for Kh-umatin Gout. KIdrey fckla. Biad-i-r Stomarh a-1 Nrv us DiBaF For beaut'ful'r l!u:tritd mra: re and all irforrration address W. L Kramer, General r.Iaraser Kramer. Ind 41 CHALFONTE ATLANTIC CITY. N. J eiT( Complete: Ten Stories; Fireproof; Alrrajs Open. THE LEEDS COMPAHY HICAGQ 430 AlwiTS DsUiLtfallr (Wis OitsidakoBl 2ZO Ftltss JlsWrBf WsraTmtberf BEAGH HOTEL 10 Ki&cU k7 Izprwt to Sfccp plBf udTtaiira IXttricU ritwuBt SrrDdIcr AadrcM GKO. W. REYNOLD. Mcr . Cklup. Cool Refreshing WAUKESHA Combines the Jojs of Boating, Bathing, Fishing and all outdoor pleaeures with Its haHt-glv!rg waters, splendid society and flrst-claas o:eIs Prices to uit all purse Our booklet, Beaity of Waukesha, Is fre- for the aV-inr Write now w R. Frame, H Bank building. Wau kesha, Wis Big Four Route AND Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. THROUGH FAST TRAINS TO Washington, Old Point Comfort, Philadelphia, New York, Atlantic City. LOW TOURIST RATES Ticket Office, Bros.wytl Chestnut. Do You Ever stop to consider the present eliclency of the TELEGRAPH SERVICE compared with what It was before the "FUSTAL" entered the field? W WILLIAM F HOMES. H. J DIEKNEITE. President. cecre'ary KSTMILISHFD IS 15 MlClini STATE 1ILTU4.I. TIItK M MIIUM! INLH.CU fOlll'AM. Office No 717 C-rstrut st . Pt I.OHls SIo. Tel Bell Main 2771A Tel KlnUcli A I CI Policies are written on either stock cr mutual plan Henry C Haarstick. J. 13 C. Lucai. M n. Orthweln, II D Walker. m. F Homes Jas W. UelU E C Ronse. A CURE That CURES all Stomach Troubles To Stay CURED A remedy which Is purely vegetable and contains no bromides, morphine, opium or strjchnlne. and differs radically from those liquid stimulants which contain whisky or wine, combined with harmful or habit-producing drugs Sold under guarantee by all druggists or direct for 50c. Sample treatment and book let on stomach diseases sent free. Addres3 Ecptptla Caca Cj.,411 Walist Strut, St LsjIj, m. EveiyWomai. 1 iTitsrstlsd and should rnow snout ins Trcncarfal MARVEL WhlrliM Sera nanrTs,lsllrrtf. Jidct tiatnmmfi .fiufiM J.4. I MOtt COBTCXUesV hg rr slnsfiastt fcr H, jrn ba cannot buddIt tlM ; aUBasI.WssliLi. ICMHUO ether, bit rod stamp (or It- tm liitratttl book rlTea & wll TnrtieMilaraBd ClractlPT-aftv, .lnr.isalt-lsill. MaRVEI. CO. aWom a.Tft Hi iKewyerk. FOR SALS BT Johnson Bros,, Hroadway and FrankHa. Wolff -Wilson Drag Co. Ith and Waahiagto. 9 giii5WiW ytuVFvWRlilM '&aHa 'stsaTt. WT f AUCTIONEERS. L L SELKIRK & CO., AUCTION AND STORAGE. Regular sale every Saturday at warehouses) and general office. IOCS 10 IS Chouteau avenue. -al 11 res! fences a specialty. Phone Klnloch C 1CT &T 914 S. FOURTH ST., Auction sale of Hardware. Fixtures, etc. this Monda) at 10J a. m . belns stock; of Otto Kble Terms cash A. A. .SULKIHIC X CO.. Auctioneers. WESTERN SALVAGE WRECKING AGENCY l'tOi and 1.W7 VCa.MnKton avenue, handlers of Fir- and Marine taltase. tatch for special notices HIi:l GVS. Manncer. AMUSEMENTS. iitii flnPnSJTHEATER "' M Erand & Flnnaj KiTlrf! 3v5,c -:. II, Jl W Hits IS) Wed Sit V-n . Zk 50. 73. JL 1-OV NT"UN TICKITT OFFICTi JudK i Dclph Drug S-lore 515 Oiliest KJRALFY'S I'lnrirxK SPEuIACLc Il'torleal- l-cutyitl( nal Corpeous Bal- iet &) IVrformer 2.0- Cbstumes. r V BOW EH- Ballad Singer &. Cora- Lrj-e- "L.-1-J l-lit. JCAIJIUM UlSti. CRAWFORD.tTE.5 Ht FRY OTrXINB S i). 15c to 7. Matlne-' ed Sat.. S.,n 2 CO. 15o to Wd. A III ItL COMBDY-DRAMA. OUT DF vCC TT"" Srowstorm F"eat In th TrE F01D 2 Moonllcht. Iturnlns; Brook-. !) Gallons cf water. 'AS? " STANDARD . -THE GAIETY GIRLS- ITvTrtA'-tvn.RDAY VIOHT EXTRA! HantlcaD'tllnj Hatch Between EM1L ZlLVA and OSCAR WASBM a.iva Acees to Throw Wasem Within Thlrtr ilinjte !u!r HIGHLANDS TUB BIG PLACE OS THE BILL TITrr HA-v-rnxj r- , . .. . . --- ... , ,i - uoc ana jion ?'.;..' ':?. ilirjNONKTTK KnWTV- nrfiV tAjv.ti;. and ILXO-. tULLS and HAS3AX: ia-t wtk cf ps.I'ixta PLALlci-n9 I'oor Gar,:e:1-COOLES'r TLA ERA q MEXICAN QUAP.TET. SUBURBAN GARDEN ( AIDEIIXE. ALL. THIS WEZK Harris anl Walters. Heniler son and Koss. Shannon and Lucier. Fxark La Mondne. VV m J. Tn.mAff Th. Klretograph. rREL-Banl Concert. Electric Fountain. Aii-nlssloc to I'ar FREE VEST EftD HEIGHTS REFINED VUDB ILL&. Billy Finsl Clifford. Morrler and Rich. Rush, and Gordon The Alpine Family, Caroline) ung Garden Sonars Matinees 3 S5. Night performances 83.) dally. SIarkt street car d rtct, all lines transfer. Chouteau averue cars direct Sunday Finest icenlc Rail-cad In the world. ACING -AT- VT rounds, anderenter Ave?, nnd Xataral Urldge Road. Fair G Six Races DailyvJ nrjjlnnlnc at 2i30 P. M. ADMISSION, Including Grand Slind, $1,00. NATIVE NURSERY STAKES For Missouri-Bred 3-Vear-OIds, Saturday, July B3, ACING UNION JOCKEY CLUB Indapendent Race Track. The finest eqrlpped plant In the country. Union avenue una Natural Bridge road. J. . UlFKl, President. U.I.r T07i:i. .ecretnrr. 1 I'. J. CVIfHODY, General Manasr.r. Continuous Race Meeting. Six or more high-class races dally, com mencing at 2 30 p. m. Suburban cars run direct to race track O'lve. Page and Eas tern avenue lines change at Union avenue direct to the grand stand. Cass and Spring avenue lines run within four blocks of track. Wagonettes from cam to grounds and grand stand. Fare 6 cent. Admlstioi Frac, InclBdlng grand Stinl SCHOOLS. ClUEK 3IIHTnV ACIDEMV. CuHer, Ind (Lake Maxlnkuckee). Compitt military training and equipment. Thorough; schoU&tlc work preparator to college and for business "U rlt for catalogue. Culver Military Academy, Culter. Ind. Hosmer Hall &SS A Dnjr and Boarding: School for Girls. Collepe prer-aratlons a specialty. CertlScats ad mits to best colleges World s Fair opportuni ties. Address Mli-s M H MTIIDtVS. PrlnclpaL WAM SEKIHArU . ?.?.' th year. Faculty W Seminary end Special Courier Co. ege preparation. Boarding puptii limited tt 10. An ldral Chrlitlan home. Com plett appointment For catalogue address J. D liLASTO.V. LL. D. Preeldant. 2; HOLUNSINSTITUTEfyirgWi r w EatabluliedlnlSX " For the Hifhcr education ci Yonnf LadUs t aenltT.l! sectlecorn and ts ladles. Enrollment. SKI pnrtls from XS states. ortllastratedcat.losie,apnlrto w MISS it ATTr I COCKE, Pres.. IIoSjis, , a. rriUis I llfELLU men and irlrls: Ctn year begins Sept. a Faculty of Specialists in chars, of Departments for English. Classics and Conti nental Lanjuares. Science. Music. Art, etc Fin. llymnasiura. Beautiful Ca-npus. Tennis Courts. Golf Links. Basket-Ball Fie eta. Apply lrly; t applicants on waltinir list last year jiiss ii r. ii Ar-.ti.L. SEMINARY. Principal. Godfrey. 11L LINDENWOOD COLLEBEchS0 1J3I-1M4 The rloneer girls' school of tit. west. RfBUlar. Classical and CoUeg. Prepara tory course. Music Elocution Art. OEO. C v IEH. Iiirector Beautiful location. Electric cars to Ft. I,nu!. Catalosrj en application. REV. GEORGE FREDFRIC ATRFS. Ph. D Prest BigFourRoute TO BOSTON, NEW YORK, BUFFALO, NIAGARA FALLS, PITTSBURGH, ATLANTIC CITY. LOW TOURIST RATES. 10 FAST TRAINS Ticket Office, Broadway 41 Chtsfavl. NO MONEY TILL CURE! See. I sr Prss 2tt-Pm Bt Ul Diseases. FtiistisllosFres. S-THO.XTONlI0l!.t59OuS.StUd J&F-&ZW ttJ?- ?'iS.-t: ' V- 'V W-- - j5 i.V. J'r- --WVr - 5,-tX