Newspaper Page Text
THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: MONDAY. JULY 18. 1904. FINANCIAL AAAA,AWVWV THE capital, surplus and profits of the AMERICAN EXCHANGE BANK are over one million one hundred thousand dollars. Its facili ties for handling all Kinds of banKing business are exceptionally complete and convenient. j& j& j& & 207 N. BROADWAY SHORT-SESSION TRADING ADVANCES WHEAT VALUES. SrAaiAGK KErOKTS PAUSE IJvTE POVEKIXG. Corn, Though Dull, Follows, Dtspite Favor.ible Crop Gondii ions. Wiiat future", with the exception of July, were pharplj higlicr at the close of Saturday's market Tor awhile It seemed as though the bears, were to hae the better of the argument, but tho fa orabIe weather In the greater portion of the winter belt was oflet by predic tions of hot winds in the Northwest. Corn was dull, but moderately strong while weather condition;, were ccnerally bearish the receipts hero and at other primary points were extreme! small , Mocks of Crulii In More. Saturdav ITIdav Last Tr Wheat 47J MfrSfl 420,5-3 Corn 262.40 273 42 223 s"9 Oats 27.13) 33,151 23 6J0 He 443 413 lt,,.12a Barlej . 13 177 33.177 73 No 2 red w heat S") 3 192 175 034 No : harj uhfjt 16 179 16 434 I 0?4 No 2 mixed earn 153 713 152 713 f 345 No J whl-e i orn (1 KI2 69 634 21 L13 No 3 vell)w com &,572 9 571 6 Oil No 2 mixed cats . . 4.77b 09$ 19 v4 No 2rje .. . 10,631 t. Loiil l'ulnrc Prices. CTised Ranted Closed Friday balurday Saturday Wheat Julv ib S(Hrr, 4u sen M'.ass 44js,3i, ,, b Dec Sj'.t tS$r5i 65. a Corn Julj . . ..4s'a a 48 ii4C 4 a Sept 47'i 47,g4 47S a Dec . 42". b 4J 43' 43 Oats Jul) 3sVz n rt ;gi. a Sept . 33 a 3:'S329. 32s a Provisions. Fork F o h fn standard mess In Job bing wav nominal!) at 112.50 Lard Choice steam on K side clo?d nomi nally eS5c. k-ttle-rerdered Hc Green Hams. Etc Car lot" held f n b B. side thul Hams 10 a at lflc- l? .,, u. eia at 8'4c, 16s at "c IKs at SSc, 20s at 9V.C. Skinned hams 16i and lSS20s at lo'.c, 2(j24 at lOVjc. California? at 6.c New lork shoulders (10 12 v at 6Hc from the Mock, d-1 Hams at Sfisc for run of hou-e. tollies at 6Uc to S4c at. In aerage, California 6c to 6c. and New York shoulders 6c D S Meats To arrive, loose-cured c'rlbs closed nominal! 40fr45 av . at 7 32ec and 50 t 7 27Hc c. a f Bxd lots In Jcbhlnr way ranged thus: Extra shorts at 7Uc. c'rib at 7Se. short clear 7?,c. beille SffE'c plates '4c. fat backs at 6c standard backs at 7Hc. Or ders charged higher Grease Quote small Irregular lots countrv: Drown 253c vellow SiiSc. white 4c to 4Ua latter for choice quote packers' stock nominally-brown 3c, vellow JHjM'ic; white 5f5c Bacon Bxd S C meats In a Jobbing way ranged' Breakfast baccn at from 10c for heay to J3Hc for choice llcht, hams at 19Sc to 12c, California! at Sc. New "iork shoulders at 8c: plain smoked bxd lots In a Jobbing wav ranged: Extra shorts at Stc c'ribs at 8e. short clear at Hc bellies at Sc to 9"c plates at 64c. fat backs at 7c standard backs at 85ec Dealers charged higher on orders Tallow No 1 country ic No 2 at Sc; packers' prime nominal!) at 4S5c Oleo Stearlne Quote at 5c 'roeluce. Butter Creamer) Extra ISc firsts 15515c, seconds KHll'ic Ladle-packed Extra 14c; nrts 12" Dairy picked Fancj 14335c. poor to fair 10511c: proces iitnac Countr) -packed 93 ljc: grease stock 463c. Eggs Recelv ed 1.4t.6 pkgf local and 770 rkgs through, shipped 2.635 pkgs Market steady Current receipts case count and cases re turned. lS'ic. and strlctl) fresh, cases included, 15lc per dor Northern, on crders: Twins RHc; sln- f:!es StC. daisies 9sic Toune Americas 9c; onghoms 9l4c New lork twins sl4C, Llm burger ll'.c. poor 7e"j; Swiss 16c for choice; No 2 153 I6c brick 13S13V.C Lrio Poultry Quote: Hens, average at 94c. roosters, o'd or stagg) )ounc 44c spring chickens, average 1U814 lbs, 12'c. turkeys, l!'4c, young turkejs 22c. ducks nominal. Jc: spring ducks Sc per lb . spring geese 9c, geesi nemlnalh Sc. rlgon 75e doz Dressed Poultry Quiet, scalded and un drawn, with head and feet on. Chickens aver age 10c, roosters 64c turkejs 13c. ducks 9c; sprint? chlckenp. average 34c Veal Heavy calves not wanted choice to fancy (1106125 lbs ) 6Hc: heavy 3$ig4'Sc: here tics 2c: 'bin 224c Mutton - Sheep I'jSS'jc; bucks and ewes SB24C. jeirllng lamos 4s4Vjc. spring Urobs 34ff5c per lb.; small not wanted Fresh Fish unflsh 3cf cranofe En for small to 8e for large, taps lie. dressed cat mc spoonbl'l cat 7c. bull heads, dressed $"jc: STOSS SC. hllfTltlo rm S. anA i.iu.1 JlZ stofs 2c, buffalo gross 3c. and dressed IKc: iterm&n carp jc ior cressea. gross re perch 3c; eels 4c Froc Legs Choice, large, per doz medium SI 25; small 25SioC white J1.73; MtacellunronK Mnrkets. GRASS bEEDS-Offerlngs light and little de man: most varltles belnir nit nf Bai.nn. K values nominal, per 10 lbs.: Clover at 35 to Jl! tlmoth) at 32.40 to 32 75. redtop at II to U. Hungarian at 5c to SI. millet at 75c to IL2a. t BEANS. PEAS ETC.-Quote from store, per bu . White beans at $1 8!81 90 choice hand nicked at Jl 85: Scotch peas 1 30. split peas S'. blackeve S1.65S1 70 Per lb. Lima 4&ic. Itiii tils 4ia.:, red kidney 6c California pink 4Vc Whlte beans In car lots on E. trk held at IL3 per bu for choice hand-picked, but none report ed sold STOCK PEAS Whlpporwlll JIB1.13 per bu SUNFLOWER SEED-Quote J 50 per 100 lba. CAbTOR I)E.VNs-ILi per bu for prims 5 Mj?J,.0"!rlc " 'Ilj for rnsll quantities ..SSlED FRUIT-Apples bun-dried quarters 2'i734e. evaporated at 4c to 6c. ccies and peelings at UiSl'.c. chops at 14Slhc Peaches FEATHERS-Prlme white live goose In small sks oSc. and In large sks 56c. r'Ime gray do 41c In small and 40c tn large sks ; old wTute 403 44c: X 30g3sc; XX 22:6c. XXX 14S16c: XXXX 5c. tare. 10 per cent on small sks and Sc on large. Duck White 42c. dark 3Cc. Turkey Tall 20c. wing 9c, points 5c. luiMjr ROOTfe Per lb.: Glnselfg nt 4.I54 75; tem my, weedy, etc Ies, lady slipper 8c, seneca, 15c; pink. 13c. gclden seal 67ii68c; block 44c May apple 4c; snake 21SMc. white snake 24c: angelica 5Q6c; wahoo bark of root ec. bark of tree 2'c: blood 6c blue flag 3c; sassafras bark of root Sc wild cinger 7c. LINSEED OIL Quotabfo at 40c per raL for raw and 41c for boiled; lc per gal. less In car lots COTTON-SEED OIL Winter white 45c; vel low 40c: summer white 3fc. )ellow 33c; salad 45c: cooking )ellow 31c. white 37c. POP CORN 100 lbs on cob, white: Rica SI 1 Wix mtxed at 75c. SALT E. side medium at SI; granulated 95 per bbl ; fie mere per bbl this side EMPTY BARRELS Coal oil, turpentine and gasoline SI 05. vinegar 70c; black oil 50c: lin seed, light and varnish Wc; machine 80c, sugar 15c. whisky Wc. do half bbla. 60c; wine SI: sauerkraut 30640c: pickle 4045Oc: flour 15c; mo lass 30c: lard tcs 45c. 25o off tor each broken head: 24c each hoop missing RAGS, ETC. Per l(Kr lhs : Country rags at tOc Old rope No 1 manlla at S1.25; No. 2 at 50c. Rubber at S5Q5 50. PEANUTS Farmers' stock, peV lb.: Red lvi Ofc: white at 24034c FECANS Western at 514c; Texas at Gc MAPLE SUGAR Quote at 8c to 10c per lb. COOPERAGE Quote, on orders for nrompt deitvery: Lard tc. SI. 45 for wood bound. SI 30 1.40 for 6-hoop Iron-bound. SI. 45 for 8-hnop do.; oak pork bbls. S1.30 for wood and 31.30 for Iron-bound: oleo tcs. SI 40 for 8 hoop: krau: bbls. SI: do. half bbls 70c. do kegs 40c: do. casks SI 65: slack-work bb's 8 hoop flour 12;, 6-hoop do. 40c; round-hoop do. 43c: 8 hoop sugar 46c; 6-hoop do 22c, mill run apple 35c; No 3 do. 20c; meal 31c, 6 hoop lime 28c; 4-hoop do 23c Mo. and 111 Ark. and South. Med. comb. &. Med . lleeces. .2344724 doth. mxd...24U824J4 Med. loose.... 21 22 Clothing 24 Hum is tfia Ixw i braid. .22 Stt Hard burn- ... 14 Burry A clear Tex , L T. 4. Ok mixed 20 B22 Med . 12 mo...22V,tr23'i Slight burr). ..20 a Med . 6jJS mo 21 22 Hard burry....l4 615 Ccsrse & low..l ezo Light fine 18 619 Light line . ...16 M18 Heavy-flne It &15 Heav) sand). .11 &13 Lamb 21 g-22 Tubwashed North, and West No. 1 a Bright msd.... 234 No 2 26 B27 Dark mad 19 B2I Burry 21 fl:3 Light fine 17 1'4 Angora goat.. 23 S27 Heavy 'buck ..11 git Burry 13 615 Hides. Green salted better, dry stock stead). Quota: Dr)' flint Texas butcher -06 lbs. and over) at Ifc- do. fallen at 144c: all Texas light (under 16 lbs) at-14c: native and Arkansas at 14Vc latter on selection 16c for No. 1 and 14c for No, 2; glue at sc Dry salted at 12c. Green raited round at THc for Southern to 6c for Western green salted on selection at 84c for 0. 1 and .We for No. 2; part cured Ue less: uncured 4o less and bulls lc less than foregoing: :uc 4';c. Frnlta nnd VcRCtnlilca. The. Republic quotations are for lots In first hands unless otherwise specified. Small lots on order- are charged higher. BLACKBERRIES T0irT5e per 3 jjil tray. RASPBERRIES Quote black at, TOSsSc arid re at $1 25ijl 50 p-r trai- PEACHES Quote Texas 4s. Elbcrta from 503 fc-3 and U at 73c&$1.7j; mixed lots ranged from MA"''VVVSSAAMM 35SC0C per crate, Alabama 4c from 40vc and 6 at $181-25 for rriberta. M!srts!pt I 1 ni Iwrta ..iHkiic Arkansas carl) varlt-lles 4s 30ir 4. Southern Illinois. Tenneie and Missouri 4s JSHjOc. pecks 155120c. an 1 1-3 bu 2jg30t Home grown 1 bu tickets 233? CURRANTS Quote it Mc :er 3 gal trav for home-grown. Indiana 6 gal (soft) SI. and gal chnle at SI 50 HUCKI.I.BUtRIES Choice sound at S2ii2 23 per 6 gals NMv APPLES Quote gretn an J mixed pecks at 15fr20c and red 2c. 1 3 bu green 26rf3)c. and ltd 30ac, lu bxs 60c for Kreen to SI for June tr tranrptrent , home-grown WcgSl p.r bu. lotse APPI.FS (Old) Hen Davis selling at S3 25 and rutset S2vijr2 75 per bbl In small wa) GRAPH FRUIT Florida from itere nt S3 p-r box I-EMONS-Melna from store at 33JJ3 50 At auction California SI 1581 65 per box 11 NAN AS Quotable at SI 25 a bunch on or ders IIIEIIIIIES Home grown S1JJ1 10 per 3 gal traj GOOSEIIUR III IJS Home-grown SOJiOc per 3 gal tra) COCONfT. Per l.Ort) HL trk. $30. In a Jobbing wav at $2 50 icr 1O0 watermelons Quote in car lots from sioo HI malnl) to S150il6i) for choice to fancy large In a Jobbing wav at S102T20 per 10O CNTAloUl'IiS California SI per ponv crate, and Si for standard crate Texas 5fifl$l CM for etindanl crate, and 25ciiiSl for pony rates; Arkamta- bu cratea 40Q65C. bankets 2jgnc PLUMS Texas anl Tilckaaw slow sal" at 40c per 6 gal and 10ffl5c per 1-1 bu box, wl'd goose, Pr fi-gal . 50f7;o per gal . and 'Oil 10c per 1-3 bu box. Japan and botnn 4s at 23U5oc CALIFORNIA CITRUS FRUITS M auction: Oranges Valencia SI Mffl4 10, Mediterranean sweets $1 65S3. seedlings $1 25&1 55 per box. ac cordlrg to condition CALIFORNIA DECIDUOUS FRUITS-From the store Tratedv prunes SI "5 and burbank and peach plums 31.65 per box, Simima plums $15x1 25 l'INK.4PPLFS-FIorIda Si 2iff 2 75 pr crate. rOTATOE. Quote earl) Ohio from farmers wagons nt GOitCc Per bu Iooe, del . lots on Levee selling at 40fi50c pr bu , skd NKtV OMONf-Vfar-b! vfllow or red at tr) ?6..c per bu loce. rtd 755J0c per bu . skd I'ADBIGE Quote homegrown at 3)S40c per 10-) lbs loofe CL'CLMHERS Home.grown coming In freel) and selllrg from ieff75c per bu . loose. Illinois and Tennee 1 akets 20S25C TOM ATOFs Texas 4s EOfJ'w for poor to 90c for choice. Mississippi 4s at 50fes0c. Arkanas. Tennessee nn1 Missouri, 4s. choice 70SSic: home prown J225ro2,50 per bu loose. PEPPERS Quote Texas 4s at 40'Sak: for choice TURNIFS Home-grown 25gMc per bu . loose KOHLRABI Horn grown at 20B.Bc pr dox for choice EGGPLXNT New Orleans S3 per rugtr bbl. or 2.fc40c per doz. SPINACH-Home grown 'a4'c per bu box. IlEETTS Homo-grown 20925c per doz. South ern rot wanted I.ETTUCK Home. grown 20Sf25c per hu REVNS Home grown plentiful and low. ell Inc at I3Ti25c per bu toose GREEN PEAv-cholc- Norlhern II 25 per bu Home crown 90crll cer bu loose KALE Home-grown 15i2.'c per bu box OUMUO-Choice New Orleans at SI per ham per Arkansas 4s 73c$l. Alabama 1 3 bu. box 50i7-c CELERT Michigan small at 1091:4c per d"J bunrhes GREEN CORN Quo'e home grown at SiilOo per doz sQUASH Quota home-grown at 60j75c per bu. box. Csh Crnln, Flnnr, Ktc. WHEAT By sample del No 2 red at 97S 99c, latter malnl) to mills. No 3 red at 943 974c latter outside rate choice filing late a 9oc. No. 4 at keOc and ne and old mixed at 95c, rejected at 8ac No old offered Nrm Iral market for hard winter, as no good milling grades offered No 2 white spring at 9c CORN B) sample del . No S at 51c. No 2 at 494c. No 4 at 47ttc No 3 )ellov at fOW 504c, No 2 white at 51c. No 3 white at 433 494c OAT-By sample del . No 2 at 39i?40c: No 3 at 3SgS'J4c: No 4 at 35c. No 3 white at 4S4I44Hc. No 4 white at 34c for poor. Zl'idilc for corn mixed, 42t?43c for choice RE 6Sc for No 2 and 65c for No 3 FLOUR Quotation for soft w liter In wcod Patents $4 9o5 10. special brands 10621c higher, 90 per cent patent SI S0g4 3a. extra fane) $1 -0 J4 t. clear $3 S')g3 90. low grades In Jutes S2 60Q-3 Hard winters In Jutes. Patents SI 'aw 4 25, straight I3tCj3 3i, first clears S3 i!J3 33 second clears S2 63tf2 5 low grade $2 4US2 5J, spring wheat, ratent. In bu.k $4 45fi4 6). M1LLTEED Latest sales for forward ship mnt, sott winter bran In lof-s celling at 78i. for July and 77c for Aug shipments, bran quotsllc, prompt shlpmert, at 80c and mixed feed at 82c In 100s At mill bran Jobs at 90fJ93e and ships at SI 10 Bran In 100s, w side, at 95c HA1 Tlmoth). choice $14 & 315, No 1 Si: 50 gl3 50. No 3 S9311. No. 4 88 Clover-No 1 $12, No 2 SS39 V). mlx'd SlOtflOSO for No 1: SfJj9 50 for No 2 Pralrl No 1 S9JT9 50. No I $7 at 10. No 3 or low $5S7 fcTRAU Wheat and oat on trk SS. rje $10 en LEAD-S4 13 bid SPFI.TER-$4 M WHISKY Quote on baels of $1 32U a gal. for spirits FLAXSEED-Nrmlna! at SI 13 LIVE-STOCK MAHKET. Trndinsc Very LlRht Prnellcallj t Cattle In ItoraeM Abont l3tenl. NATIVB CATTLE There was no business whatever In the native division, as there viere no fresh cattle received, while practicall) all the stale holdings were disposed of Frida) Outride of a few odl head and a load or two of cattle held by traders there was nothing else in the vards SOUTHERN CATTLEt-Thrre were no freh receipts In the quarantlno division, all that was available being several loads of eteera and e.i-s 0-1 the common ordr that have teen car rled for several da)s What was offered was more than enough for buvers need the only sale had being to a small killer, who was not affected by th strike There were several or der buvrr". who wcull have purchad had thty ben abl to get their stuff out TEXAb AND INDIAN STEERS No Av Pr. 27 662 $2 35 HOGS The receipts of hoga consisted of 5 cars and there was about 2 cars of holdovers on hand The market was ver) quiet. In fact, there was practically no maiktt. sellers VIng able to dlspcse of onl) 2 loads and the) hail to be soil about 10c lower than they wuuU have sold en Frlda) Everybody was out of the market, except one small packing house and they cannot handle but a very limited numDT No Av Tr. No Av Pr 85 .. 107. $5 274 83 . 200 $5 27i4 SHEEP Practicall) no business was done in the sheep market No fresh arrivals were re ported and the holdovers were common quallt) for which there was no demand Conditions are unsettled and there Is no regular market, sell ers deposing of what the) have on hand to the best advantage possible and advising no fur ther shipments for the present. HORSr-S There was no busines In the horse dcpartmtnt Being Saturda). and no offer ings of any kind being on hand, there wan no opportuntt) for trading, even had there been an) demand, which there was net. The prog ress of the week has developed no changes in tro range of values, all offerings that were good selling at strong prices, while the com mon and unclaseed ones were slow and un wanted Another special sale of range hores will be held next Tuesday, at which between 1 &) and 2 000 head will be offered, and It is expected that native receipts will show a slight expansion in cunsequeucc. Horse quotations. Harness horses Heavy draft, choice to extra ....... Heavy draft, common to good .... Business horses. 1.200 to 1 2(0 lbs ... Chunks, choice to extra , Chunks, common to good Farm chunks Southern horses, choice to exlru .... Southern horses, plain to good , . $1V)JT3M .. K5ti235 .. 1231 .. 1511185' .. 91B125 ..- 7SI15 35 CO MULES No offerings of an) kind wc e on the mule market In the commission department There had been nne since, the earlier da)s cf the week Conditions were about nominal Few orders of any kind were being tilled, and there were no buiers on the market. Tie trade during the week has besn too small to ad-nit of any quotable changes Mule quotations. 14 hands, extreme range ., 14 hands, bulk of sales. ... 14't hands, extreme range .. 144 hands, bulk of sales ... 15 handa extreme range. .. ! hands bulk of sales 134 hands, extreme rang . 154 hands, bulk of sales.... I64 hands, extreme range .. J64 hands, bulk of sales ... .$ 60 003 so 00 . 70 Wit SO 00 .. 70 O0tJ120 tc .. 75O0SJ1J0W ,. M0"3ll0'w .. 90.00tflIO vl 1W 00tf6) "0 .. 11a uutflJO w . 130 00W2O0 00 . 135 MS) 155 00 By Trlcsrnpli. Chicago July 16 Cattle-Receipts 1.O00, Tex ans 750. market steady, good to prime steers nominal $5 Vifie 40. poor to medium J4 J)ff5 .5; stockcra and feeders 12 3034, cows $1 5&S4.50. heifers S2&5. cannrs 1 00412 fo, bulla i2y 1 2-t, calves J2 104jJ 50, Texas led steers $4 sygi to Hogs Receipts 6 000, market 5 COO, hogs Joe Mgner: mixed and butchers 35 15ft., 60. good to choice hear) $3 4025 63, rough heav) $5.10J 25; light $3 ;atJ5 U), bulk of salet. $a aalto m Bleep Receipts- 3 000. sheep stead) , good to choice wethers $4 2jg5. fair to chotcs mixed $3 MS 4 23; native lambs 51g7. Kansas Clt). Mo . July U Cattle-Reelpls 1 100, Including 200 Southerns: market un changed: choice export and dressed leef steers $a 60(36 2; fair to good StSS 50. Western fed eteera S3 ,5tr.75; stockers and feeders $2 7jB 4 toj Southern steers $2 75S4 7a; southern cows SI iaS3 3i): rative cows $1.7534: name helftrs $2 50(75 2?; bulls $2 50H4; calves $2,75Qa. re' relpts for the week 10,700 Hogs Receipts c iftl maiktt 10fcl5c lower- top $0 45- bulk of sales Sa 2fl5 40. heavy $3 25B5 40. packers $5 253 4J. p'gs and lights S4.75in 30. Sheep Receipts U). maiket nomlnall) steady; native lambs itite. Western lambs $436. fed ewes S3 253.75; Teaj clipped vearlings 73 7ai4 7; Texas clipped sheep SS.25(4, stockers and feeders S2.VIC3.. St. Joseph. Mo. July 16 Cattle Receipts liv. firm: top $5.70. Hogs Receipts 1.5C1; 10c lo-vri" Ight $5.Sst5 25: medium and heavy :j 258 o 5 bheep Receipts none. New York, July 16 Beeves Receipts in. weak state steer soil at $3 i05r3 73 per 100 lbs : stag at Sj bulls 35.75. cows S3 15: dressed beet quoted at ll!4W13c 1 er lb .cow beef at OtP 10c esjtorts In day 1 1M cattle. 40 sheep aid 123 quirtcm of beef tiilv es Receipts 10o. stead) veals sold at SiiJfS !". per I'M lba . but termilks at $4 5) cltv drtsted vfils o'd at 103 124v per lb . countr) drete I at Sf He Sh-p and laml-s Ilectlpt. 7. C. fcheep were stead), limbs "flcfitl lower rheep j-oll S3 ,VS5 1 car cf cliclce welhers at J3 2i, lambb at $. al. 1 car of fxtra d nt Jv 9) ilnsl mutton steady at llf124c pir l'i drcesed lamb at 12JHSC llo,a Iteolpts 1,20. none on ale. feeling tlnn 1st. I.ouls, Cfitton llnrket. Spct market quiet and unchanged- Quote Crdlnar) JA Good ordlnar) . . . fr1- L.iw mildllns . '' Mldlling if. Good middling ' J ' Middling fair "' Tinges and stains fit4c off Rerelrts at principal points New Orleans 524 lalfs savannah, 1001 bales Challeston 4 bales Houston. 153 baltb Memphis, 3) bales, against 15 bales last )car St LOUIS HJTtHUUbC blUltlllCIll. 19-H lJ 11.713 17o 31 65 417 3.12. 3..J 733 7 2T6 711231 Stcks on hind belt 1 Net mtipu - Ntt hhlpments Net Hhlpments since set t 1 stocks on hand Oro-s r,elptH Gr-s receipts since Sept 1 Grtss shipments Gross shipments since sept 1 1,265 201 46 W 11.4S7 553 518 33 75? 50S.711 II) T-lci:rniih. New York Juh- 16 Cotton Futures closed Arm. Jul) 10 7Sc. Aug 10 77c. S'Pt ? lc. Nov i 4Sc Dec s ; J(ln 9 36c. Feb 9 57c. March 9 01 Siwt loed nulet. middling uplands He: middling Gulf 11 ioC ales 2 241 bale s Tne mar-tet opened weak at a decline of 14 points n the near and lttll points on more distant month. In retorsp to ver) bearish tablss, which reported 1 decline of 22 lolnts on spot ,-otton and of 6fl3 points en the futures 4n the EnglNh mirket Sentiment here was rendered vtry barl"h bv the ld,n that the bull deal In Llierpuol was over and bv excellent weath er reports, but on tho opening decline sellers of sterda) anl the previous da) covered over Sundav an 1 tl e market, after the first few minutes of active liquidation, during which de cllnes were slightly Increased, ruled generally quiet and irregular, with price chowlng- com paratlvel) narrow changts Uverpool, July 16 -Cotton Spot prices 23 points low,r. American middling fair 4 71d. to.! middling 6 Hd middling 6 50d. low mid dling 6 361. good ordlnar) 6 lad. ordinary 5 98d The sale? of the dt) Were 6 01 tales of whloh 300 were for speculation and export and in tiuded 6.000 American receipts 3,100 bales all American Futures rpemd ens anl cloed quiet, American mi Idling g o c Jul) 6 211, Jul) and Aug 6 17d. Aug and fcept 5 SSd. sept and Oct 5 43d. Oct and Nov 5 27d. Nov ind Dec E24d, Dec and Jan S 21d Jan and Feb S5M, 1 eb and March 5 20d, March anl April 5 20d . New Orleans. Jul) 16 Cotton-Fulurea steadv . Julv II IV Aug 10 R8JJl0,67c. Sept 0 T9&9 80c Oct 9 tlfp 41"- Nov " 4)3'' lie: Dec D 4)g9 41c Ian "t '6S1 47c Spot culet. tilt 525 ordlnar)' 8 ' 16' g 1 ortllnsrv 8 'c; lew mldd'Ing 104c. middling 114c good mid dling 11 7-isc- middling fair 11 1 loc. receipts ft?l, stock U.lal MAHKETS 111" Tlil.nRnAPH. x New ork Julv 16 Flour Receipts 12 8iS hi Is exports 6.266 sales 1 300 bbls market dull and uncharged winter pstenrs SI RW5 10. winter straigb's $4 60414 75 Minnesota patent J4 943 25 winter extras $3 35fi3 9) Minnesota bakers' $3 70B4 winter low grades $3 13113 70 Rve rlJiir II. in sales 260 bbls . fair to good $4tr 4 25 choice tn fancv $4 2iiI4 60 Oirnmeal dull, vcllow Western $10851 1) cltv SI 10B1 12 kiln dried $2J5h3 10 Rve nominal Harlev lower, fe'dlnr 4vc 1 1 f New .ork malting nomi nal hcu-Receipt 4) () bu eales SloOOO) lu ppot tlrm No 2 red nominal etevvtor No 2 red $104 new crop fob No I Nortt-ern Duluth $1 uSV. fob afloat No 1 he-d Manitoba nominal fob afloat, notions opened barely steadv on me weather news anl essv cables but soon rallied and were strong all tho foreno n Influene"! bv higher North west markets and bull upuort cloing Kftl'o nlcher sales ircluled Julv $1 04tfl 03. clcd $1 "2. Sept "OuOl 3 16o closed JI4C Dc 89 3 16 fi1304c ,Iosed -)I4c Corn Receipts 40 80O bu : exports 40.333 bu . koot firm No 2 534c elvi t r and Me fob afloat No 3 vellow P54c: No 2 white 544c option market was dull anl featureless cle&lng Uc higher with wheat Julv deed 53VC Sept closed 54V.C Oats Recelpte 22 t-M bu . exports 4 125 bu spot market dull, mixed oats 2&32 lbs 4lrfi4'C, natural white 30 to 32 lbs 40f?47c clipped white 36 to 40 lbs . 47Utf31c options nominal teed quiet spring Iran, l&oo prompt shipment, middlings $2150, prompt nlhnment cltv $20'ffzl M Hav quiet: shipping 7r. good to cnolce 9o- linos quiet. -ate common to choice. rs)3. 2An-8c. olds 23c olds 7613c. Pacific Const 1S1J 2J.S2c. olds 713c Cnal nominal Beef firm family S9 50 "10 50 mes SSOH? Beef hams $21 B92J. pack et $9i9 50. clt) extra India mss $14916 Cut meats-tead), pickled belllta S494c, pickled -houldera 64c. pickled hams j61Qc Lard stead): Western steamed $7 25. Julv cloci S12. nominal renned eteadv Continent $7 30. S A S- ccmpould 5T?t6t,c I-ork Arm. fatntlv $14 50. -ort clear 513 "kHSlo 50 mesa $14 25HI4 73 Po tatoes weak Long Island In bulk per 180 lbs . 1 5JJ1 75, Jerse) prime per bbl , $1 5oI 7o. Nor folk prime ter bbl $1 5051 75 Jersey sweets, per beket $1 2ogl Vi fallow ou'et. city ($2 per pkg ) 4l.c countr) plirt free 4VS44C. Cotton seed oil dull prime crude nominal vel low 294i2sc mce stead) domestic fair to extra 3S.35UC. Japan nominal Molasses stead) , New Orleans oocn kettle good to choice. 2l& 37c Milwaukee. Uls. Jul) 16 W heat Arm. No 1 Northern SI Mjil P2, No 2 Northern !C3J1. No 2 sert 87t987c R)e stronger No 1 73Tc Barley dull, No 2 62c. sample Z19 58c Corn stead). No S -S14c. sept 48t, 49 Hc- Duluth. Minn , July 16 Wheat, to arrive No 1 Northern SI u2li. No 2 Ncrlbern 94c, on trk No I Northern SI 024, No 2 Northern 9Sitc, Jul) SI 024. fctpt svtvc Oats on trk 284c, to arrive S3- Cincinnati O. Jul) 16 hlsk)-DItlllera-goods dull, on basis $1 78 Toledo. O. July 16 -Cloverseed Cash $C 2j. Oct $6 10 prime AlMke $1 60. Aug $6 SO Prime llmotny si ei1-, t,epi )i ii Chicago July 16 Cas"i quotations were as follows Flour quiet and stead), winter pat ents $1 55g4 65. straights $1 80ii4 4). Fprlng pat ents 84 30(4 70, straights SJ 904 2). blkeTs' S3 50S3 20 Wheat-No 2 spring JRcSSl, No 1 sS89t.c. No 2 red $1.01Sjl 0J Corn-No 2 43g 49S.C. No 2 )el!ow otc Oats NO 2 404c, No J white 44c. No 3 white 404IC R)e-No. 2 70r Barle) Good feeding SS'aJ'c, fair to choice malting 4!55c Tlmoth) seed-Prime S2 ia Provisions-5Iess pork, per bbl, $12 .5012 80, lard per 10o lbs , is t0, short ribs sides ('(vise) $7 2aS7 40. Short clear sides (bxd ) SJ 25" 3 Whi"k) Basis of hlghwlnes $1 28 Cover Con tract grad SiO.75811 Kansas Cltv Jul) IS -Wheat stead) Jul) 8JI.C. sept 7a,K7i4c. Dec 77,0. cash No 2 hard, new 9.1S94C. old 9B9:, No 3 9uB92c. No 2 red 97098c No 3 92c Corn steady. July 4'c. Stpt 45c. Dec 404c cash No 2 mixed 52c. No 3 514c. No 2 white 52jfj:4c. No 3 5-Xf31c Oats No 2 white 4031.1c. No 2 mixed 3Jf394c Hay stead) . choice tlmoth) 10 50ftll. choice iralric $10 Smfll R)c notn Inalb 62c Receipts W heat 40 800. corn 2I,HJ. oats 3 00) fchlpments Wheat 8 0-JO. corn u 2ou. Liverpool Jul) 16 Ppot wheat nominal, fu tures quiet. July s 64'1. ,Snt Td Corn brot quiet. American mixed, new, 4 440.. American mixed, old, 4s 54d. futures quiet. Julv 4s 3V1. sept Is 24d I'eorla. Jul) l-Corn quoted stead); No. .1 454c No 4 474c Whisk) on the baols of fcpXfnnT July 16 -Wheat-July 57-r tvpt S84, Dec 854S,lc. on trk No 1 hard 64c. N'o 1 Northern 9SSC No 2 North ern aiHii .. Flour Urst patents S3 Hei 4, second patents $365 10 tlrt clears S3 55rr3 65. second clears $2 60 Bran In bulk $11. morls S16 Wool. New York July 16 Wool aclive, domestic London "jul) 16. The fourth series of 1901 wool auction sales cloed to-da) During the serts the attendance was large competition was-keen throughout Under the Influence. 01 large Japanese ejovernment orders and light eul piles coarse descriptions advanced conil erabl) Compared with tre May sales. IT.e gains were. Merinos 5 per cent, medium greasy cross breds 74810 per cent, coarse cross-breds 1015c per cent, hne acoureds 5 per cent: coarse scoured" 10 per cent Greasy merinos of really good quullty were in demand for home. Conti nental and American plnners Greasy croai breds were In good suppl) and sold well throughout. The total withdrawals were C,3l bale- About 4.C00 were taken for export. In cluding 7 000 for America Tho offerlnas to da) amounted to 5 91 bates Prices were firm Following arc the salrs In detail: New south Wales 7Cu tales soured ir5U4a. greasy V15S Is 2d Queensland 500 bales, scoured lcjls Sd: greasv . Ictoria 500 bales, scoured la 2d Is lid greasy 4,dtfl 14d noutn Australia KM bales, scourea lOditlo 3d. greasv 54dVlM New Zealand 3 200 tales, scouted 6idtfls $il. greasy SdSls Hid Cape of Good Hope and Natal 70u bales, scoured 10-igrls 7d. greasy tvdff 5'-l The arrlvftls for the liftli eerie, vt sales amount to 16 6w) bale". Including 7 000 forwarded dliect to spinners The Imports thl" week werp: Nev South Wales 833 bales, Queensland 1.115: Ictoria 2ss. Bauth Australia u. ivevv eaianu 3 4sl. Cape of Good hope and Natal 2 545, else where 635 REPUBLIC SPECIAL New York, Jul) 16 Egg" Receipts to day 5.417 cases for th week M &S3 cases. Western uverage, be.t 19ffl9VjC, seconds 18W1S4C. Ken tuckv. average best 174Hc Tennessee and Southern, averape test Ifc3164c, seconds 159 154-. checks 12314c, other quotations un changed Chicago. Jul) 16 Eggs steady, at mark, Included, 11413tiC Kansas Clt). Mo. July 16 Eggs stead) , Mis souri and Kansas, new No 2, wliitewood cases Included. 13ct cas count 134c, cases returned 4c less Philadelphia. July 16 Eggs In fair demand: fresh near b) and fresh Western 20c. loss off. fresh Southwestern 19c, loss off. fresh Houthern ISc. loss off Drletl .Fruit. New Ycrk. Jul) 16 The market for evap orated applea shows no material change. Job bers of furture delivery are offetlng at from 5fr5Uo Lcmmon are quotbd at 54c. pruno at SiiiiSc: choice at 64Bfisc and fano at 7c. Primes are quiet, fair sales are reported ef Santa Clara for early October shipment on the 2c basis, but as a rule bujera continue tu pur sue a waiting polic), spot quotathns range from Zc to t'ic. according to grade Ap-Moots lemaln quiet choice are quoted, at 9481-- ex tra choice at 10,4fll04c and fancy at HtflSc Peaches are also unchanged, with choice quoted at 77kc. extra choices at 74QSV3C and fancy at SVi'ilOc Sugar. Now Yoik, July 16 Sugar Raw quiet, fair reHnlng 34c, centrifugal 96 fst 3 15-16S4C- mo-lai-ses suiar Stc, renned sugar quiet; No 6 4 63c. No 7 4 60c, No 8 4.55c. No 9 4 Mc: No. W 4.43c. No 11 4 40c, No. li 4 33c. No 13 4 SOc. No 14 t 2oc: confectioners- A 4 90c: moil A 5 4jc: cut loaf 5 75c. crushed 5 75c, powdered E.13c. gianulated 5.0jc; cubes 5 iOc. New Oi leans, Jul) 16 sugar strong; open-k-ttle 2U4T2 3-16c; centrifugal 3i?3Hc: centrifu gal vhltes 4 ll-16c: vellows 3Hti44c; mo'ajises r mlial. oitn kettle 20tjTS3c: centrifugal lORlac -up i-o-r lial, 20ft:ac I'onltrj. 2 Lvr 1 rk. Jul) 16 Live Poultr) Receipts for HAPPENINGS IN ILLINOIS CITIES ANO TOWNS SPK'XD SUNDAY AT Cll LTl HI. A. Men) A laltora Are Eiitertuine-il ut the CottUKea. REPUBLIC SPECIAL, Chautauqua, 111 , July IT. Chautauqmn-. obscrvid Sunday as a day of rest. Almost every cottage owner entertained puesti. and scores of St. Louis pcrtons weru among tho visitors. Ihe entire programme was of 11 itll gloui, nature. The Chautauqua. Sunda) tchool wui -omlucted at 9W o'clock by T. H i'evlen, superlnicndent of the tiundaj si'hool at the Twelfth Street Cumberland fresh) torian Church at Alton rrcaililns ecrv Ices followed llilh afternoon at 3 o'clock a lecture was delUerod l'i the tMbernuelc oil "A Ureut CcnCepi of JoJ." by Misn .Marie C Bu Inn of Chicago, president of the Illinois Woman's Christian Temperance Union A sacred concert on the lawn was followed by the Allen family Hand. In the evening lli- esper services nerc conducted b) tin Ilevcrtnd V. S Ntely of VlnctnneK. Ind To-morrow will be known as Woman s Christian Temperance Union Da Tiit. princlpal event will be the dedication of tho new home of the order U V. Drown of St. Louis was the fruet of friends to-day at Hotel Chautaurjun. Amon. the St. Louis person reKMcrcd at Hotel Chautauqua arc: H. . Herrine ton, Mlas Mabel V. Be-ils. Robert Oreene. Mrs B. r. Ss-vlor, Mr. and Mrs. It L. Wilcox, Henrv F Wilcox. M. Murphy, n. E. Kins;. Theodore T. Brewster. !uis Iluente and family. L. C. Murph.v N C Kettey. Miss Bowen. Mlw Gibson. Mr and Mrs. Q Howard Wlllet, Mr. nnd Mj-s l H. Abadie. Andrew Baur. Miss, Mar'ru llaur. Harry Koerber. Miss Clara Baur, Mr nnd Mrs R H Reomy, Mr. and Sire R. J Newton, B. E Richards. Mis- Lda M. Drew, Mr. nnd Mrs. E N Gile- Amone the other cuest at Hotel Lhau tauqua are: Mr and Mrs C. F Stein. Mr" T W. Surgeis, Mrs William Ualhall) Miss Edith B. Lee. I. M Carr. H C Chalk. ia C. Haagcn. all of Alton, E H Sml'cv of O'Fallon. III.; H. If Hovvnrd of Memphis Tenn : E H l'lerson of Minne apolis, Minn : Gus Krotzsch, Mr and Mrs. Isaac D Snedeker, Miss llayme Klorldu. all of Jerseyvllle; E. R. Btrrow of Meni phls, Tenn ; Miss Miriam Stein of Winni peg. Cana.V.: Mrs P. H. Dunn of Mar shall. Tex.; R. E. Skecn of Sherman. Tex. Alton !otes nnil Peraonala. Tho pulpit of St Paul s Bplscopal Church at Alton was occupied itsterda) by the Rev erend Alexander Allen rector of ChrVt s Church at bpringtield. Ill , In the absence of the rector, tne iteverena II xi cnmrii'.':" who has gone to Chicago to make a cmle en Lake Michigan on the United Ftatss Dorothea with the second ship a crew of the llllnuts Naval MIHtla, of which he Is the chaplain Louis B. Moreland has returned to Coving ton. K . after visiting Alton relative" - Th" IlevBrend Arthur Hcag haa returnet to Duluth. Minn, after v 'siting In Upper Alton The Reverend 11 K. Eanborue preached at the First Pfesb)terlan church In Alton )cs terday morning on "Asa'a Safe nellance The Reverend Doctor C R. Carles Pr siding Elder of the 6t Iul M El District occupied the pulpit of the Sixth Street JI K Church vesterda) morning Last evening the pulpit was occupied by th Reverend J Ha)dn Cooke of St Louh -I II Btreeper of Upper Alton Is ill at his home in Manning street -The Reverend Doctor D E Bushnell preached at the Twelfth Street Cumberland Pre brterlan Church In Alton jesterda) morn ing on "The Heritage of the Overccmers ' Last evening Doctor Bushnell gave a lecture to his congregation on Tnree Great Ameri cans" The lecture was lllutrated with the stert-opticon -Mr and Mrs E M Bowman of Alton htve gone to frprlngfleld. Ill , to visit with Mr and Mrs W. tl. Orldlt). Mr and Mrs John Watts of Alton have returned from Irving. Ill Mr. and Mrs Charles Miller of Mton have returned from Cleveland, O C C Sheets has returned to Indianapolis, Ind , after visiting relatives In Alton Mr and Mrs J Horace Wendall of Chicago were the guests jesterday of Upper Alton rel atives rrtd W. Ede of Denver, Colo. Is a visitor tn Upper Alton The Reverend Doctor C. II Day of Upper Alton has gone to Chicago An open meetfnr was hs'd lesterdav of the undav Afternoon Club at the Alton Younic Men's Christian Association A special mu-lc and llterarv programme was given -The. fmeral of Oorge Watn of Alton, who wajdronned Thursday, took place vester day afternoon at 3 o clock from the Twelfth the week 20 cara Western. 3 cars Southern 1 car Southwestern and full) 3 cars b) expre-s, aga(nst 2x.cara last week. Quotation, un changed Dressed Poultry Receipts to-da) 1 7E9 pkg1 ; for tho week 8,797 pkgs Quotations un changed Dry Goods. New York, July 16 The tlrv roods market as the week ends Is In an appreclabl) nrmcr posltlen with a slleht Increase in transActlons Manufacturers are not disinclined to sell .heir product at the prevalent business The action of the Southern manufacturers In evahl.shing higher prices for certain line Is considered one of the most bullish factors In th market than for some time The Metal Mnrket. Newr York. July 16 Steady metal markets were the rule to-da) fcpot tin wat in light supply and there was a firm tone to spelter Business in copper wa chiefly for Immediate shipment Tin quiet and steady Iron quiet and nominally unchanged Quotations Coppr, laktj 12 6:4912 S7Wc. e!ectrol)tlc 12 624Sl2..5c. cat Ing 12.374012 50c Tin M 23iT26 50c Spelter 4 65 4 9ac Lead 4 251?4 35c Flaxseed dnntutlnna. Chicago. Ill , Julv 16 Flaxseed held Arm again, with the Northwest market. N'o 1 Northwestern waa II 204 hid. No 1 Jl 15 bid fcr Jul), and bept. none offered Receipts were 2 cars here. 12 cars at Minneapolis end 69 cara at Duluth. ' Imports nnil Exports. New York. Julv 16 Total Imports of dry goods and general merchandise at the port of New lork for the week ending to day were valued at $9 097 917 Exports of specie from ew York for the week were J7CO0 gold and tK72?i) silver. Imports of ipecle at New Yok during the week were t-' 407 kilter and J10 215 gold Turpentine and Ilnaln. bavannah, July 16 Turpentine firm. 54c Re ceipts 911, sales 4o2, exports 777 ltoMn Arm, receipts 2 656, sals 2,037. exports 2.IP New lork. luly 16 Rosin steady; strained, common to good. (2 95 Turpentine stead). 5; 57i,c Ilulter nnd Cheese. Philadelphia Jul) 16 Butter stead) fair de mand, extra Wenern creamer)' ISc: extra near by prints 19c Cheese steadv; demand moder ate. New jork full cream 7G8o Chicago. Jul) 16 Ilutter steadt ; creameries I317c. dairies 12315c Clieese: casj; sg',4c Coffee. New York. July 16 Coffee Spot Rio steady. No. 7 invoice 7V,c; mild Mrm, Cordova 9',5S12c Petrnlenm. New York July 16 Petroleum eas) . refined New York 17.70. Philadelphia nd Baltimore 37 M, do In bulk S4 76 Oil at). Pa. July 17. Credit balances 150. certificates no bid. Shipments 72 658; ateraga 60 153; runs 7,WI: average 72 844 Shipments Lima. 69,577; average 63 0J. runs. Lima. 63 62a. average M.7J2. . LEATHER AND HIDES ,S'W , York' -Jnl)r.J? -Hides .firm Galveston. 2J825 lbs, 17c, California, 21S23 lu. , i9c. J"' drj. 24dM lbs, Uc. Leather steady, river'news, REPUBLIC 8PECIAL6 S"!?0-.1".- ful 17--ase reads 29 1. howiner a fall of .4 during the last 24 hours Weather fals and warm 'Ihe Stacker Lee arrived from ilempnls at 10 v m. and cleared for St Louis ?:.u.p .m. Th-' Barrett arrived from the. Lower Mleslsalppl at a a m with tow of lumber. The . rttcpcue arriveq irom tne Lavwer xiisslslpp this morning; with a tow of logs. She returned rung wun a tow or logs, ijhc returned lpm The Dick Fowler brought an 1 up from Paducah to day The Peters ved from Memphis at 9 a. m and excursion Lee arrlv cleared for Cincinnati at 10 a m Memphis, Tenn. July IT. River stands 22 "'. C,M of ' ,n the last 21 hours All cf the local packets duo to-day arrived on time The Georgia last arrived early this morning from Cairo and returns Wednesday The 1 erd Herold will arrive early In the morning and leaves at noon for 8t L-Uls Receipts by river to-day were E bales of cotton and t8 sacks of cottonseed Chester, 111 , Julv 17 -Gauge 19 3 and falllnc. Weather clear and sullr) Chester down 1) Jl a m Ilald FTarli, .town 1ft in . r... United State t steamer King at 10 30 p' m .' Ii(ra" vu Min ,iu uw, eu s rn ; J.liu J-agie 10 a tn : Cane Girardeau, c p m. Wester will naaj up t P m Sucker Lee due up Burlington. Ia , July 17 The river Is 4 feet 64 inches above low-water mark, on a stand. The weather la clsar and warmer The M Paul passed up at 2 o'clock this morning. The Ulolse In and out from Keokuk. Cape Girardeau. Mo. July 17. Weather clear and warm River falling The Chester diwn 7 a. m . returning 9 a. m. The Stacker L-e up at roon The Fred Nellla up from Thebes with barge of sand, 4 p, m Grand Towtr. ill.. July 17 -Russell Lord up st la. m Chester down at 3,4a a m. Capa Girardeau up at 9 a. m Chester up at 1 4 p m Stacker Lee up at 4 p m Gauge read? 22.7 feet and falling. Weather clear Paducah, Ky.. July IT Gauge reads 13 6 feet, and stationary. Very hot, Dick Fowl-r to Cairo with excursion Richardson tn Edd) vllle with excursion Peter Lea up 2 p m. Buttorfl due from Nashville. Louisville, Ky.. July IT. River falling, t feet In canal: 6 s on falls; IT feet below locks Cloudy and hot. Vlcksburg, Miss , July 17 The raueje showtd 30 4. a rise of .1 The Belle of the H-n Is ar rived The Cordlll Is due. Weather c far. Pittsburg. Pa., July 17 River 5 6r falMns it Davis Island dam Clear and hot. Wheeling. W. Va , July IT River 7 J; falling Clear and hot Down; Virginia, Cincinnati. Cincinnati. O, July IT River falling. 1T.S. Cloudy, hot- Street Cumberlard Church The Reverend Doc tor 1) V Bushnell ofllclated and the burial was In the Cltv Cemettry General M-iaager II II Ferguson of tho Illinois Terminal Hlllread d, parte. last even ing for Cincinnati O a a delegate from th Alton lodge of riks to the annuul meeting of the tlrand Lxtge of thP order Jerse) v Hie eite. Tbe funeral of A Calhoun of Jersey County took tlace )eterda) afternoon at 2 o clock rrora the family residence In Ottervllle The Reverend Aaron Dudon rffleiated and the burial was In the Ottervllle lenuter) The death of Mr Cal houn uccurrel Frlda) morning, after a linger ing illnes A widow and six sons Mifvlve The Jul) meeting of the Jvrse)vllie Fra ternal L'nlcn will be held this evening ut ... nisi Pie-bterlan Church The pulpit of the Firs' n-irtlst Cu 1 -t Jertevville was occupied vesterda) morning by th.- Reverend 11 II Alg-r of Bloomlngton. Ill hlato Sundav school superintendent The Reverend Doctor W II Kearns cf Beatrice Neb preached at the Tlrst Prest) tflian Churth In Jersevvllle vesterda). Doctor Kearns was former!) the pastor of the Jerey vllle cenyregatlon Ihe funeral of Mrs Frank 1 Hlr.1) if Jerevvllle whose death occurred nt bt Jo seph s Hospital In Alton rrlilay night took fAte vesterda) afle-noon at 2 o clock Irom the 'Irst Prebvterlan Churrh The pastor tbe Reverenl J (5 Klene ofllclitet'. and the burial was In Oak Grove (en-eter) The Reverend Father F O Cirrcll ef ityrlng tleld. Ill hue leen nppnlnted assistant to l.e Htve'end rather Il'rnsrd Ie pastor ef Ft Francis Nnvler Church Charles Harding of New Jere) Is the guest of Jere)VlI!e relatives -The Rev ei end J G Deo preached at the First M E Church vesterday morning on A Needful Exhortation" and last evening on The Value of Promptness ' Doctor P I rwln has returned to Medora, III after visiting friends County ( lerk George 1. Adertrn of Calhoun Count) has lsced marriage licenses to Travis Hall aged 26 of Alton and Miss Mary J. rto, th aged IS of Hamburg. James R Smith, aged 21 and Miss Mary MlliVr aged 2a. both of ilatchtown C.LESTS AT nII F11. t'lly Tre-nstircr Kurrn nnil Ernest Ee-ksteelt the Hosts. A dozen East St Ixmib sportsmen en joyed a lish fr Saturda) right ftt Alder man jinw Ranihcj's place, opposite the Etst St Iotiis Cltv Hall One hundred einppie and sunfi&h made the mess They were caught nt Allrns place b Clt) Treaurer Kurrus -mil Ernest Bckstodt. Those in the part) were Doctor H. II and E H I.lttle. C M, Ird. Charles und Traiik Kurru-- J Crow, James Ramsey. Ernest Ecktedt. William Dauer and L. C. bchtiltz East St. l.ouls Items. Mrs F Thorn of Branden Canada s the guest of her brother the Reverend Mr Evans Mr and Mrs V Smith are In Kansas City, Mo Mrs Campbell and daughter departed )es terdav for th- North Mrs F Hackman hes returned from Olney. -Mrs Hone is at Plana, 111 Mr and Mrs E P MHiams are entertain ing Mr and Mr Canada of El Paso. Ark Mrs lllnsop has returned to her home In Texas, after a pleasant visit Ip this clt) Th members of the EpwOrth League will give a troll.-) ride Tuesday evening, to Ed wardsvllle III Tbe Sunday school of U tnstanle) Park M E Church will give a lawn social July 26 Mlas Maggie Palmer has returned from Chi cago 111 Mrs. J Jordan will entertain the Fellctta Club Wedresday afternoon Miss Nano Nagel has returned from bpring tield. Ill Assessment IlooUa nt Heads. The St Ciulr Count) Board of Review will meet for a few minutes thin morning and w 111 then adjourn until next Jlondaj-. This action has been decider upon because the propert) owners have not jet been full) informed as to their assesament3 This is tho result of the assessors In tne most Important parts of the county being behind In their work. It Is expected that the extra week will give all an ample op portunlt) to examine Into the aase!, ments Belleville nnil Team Ulna. The Be-llevllle B's defeated the Kerns of St Louis at League Park. Belleville, yes terda) afternoon bv a score of 6 to 1. The game was witnessed by on of the biggest crowds of the season. Lnrcenj of Trousers Chnrtred. Xerxes Culpepper is charged with the larcenv of a'piir of trousers from Grant Carter while the latter was asleep yester da morning. Carter discovered his loss when he awoke and borrowed a pair of trousers while he went In search of the man who took his He alleges that he found t ulpepper w carina; them, and im mediately swore out a warrant charging larceny. 1 Ncstrnep 1lth Itesevlsers Arrested. Hal' a dozen negroes who carried re volver1 were arrested jesterduy and Saturday night by the East St. Louis police Charges of earning concealed weapons were placed against them and they will be tried this morning The police will ask In each case that the maximum fine be assessed against the of fenders, 11s the result of the recent .shoot ing In which Policeman Walsh was tho victim HellfM ill.' wa lien. A m-'f-tfnR f th t wit hoi den of th Inlfr state Transit (."ompanj will take plac Au gust S Uis GussI Miller has returned to her home In Augusta, O after a Wslt nlth II-reMllo friend If Kaemper of Qulnci, 111 Is lsftlnr in ISelletUle O Ruchaher of Kansa Is In Belleville The members of the Difficulties JSouIlng Club gaxc a picnic jeterdav at the Wards Groxe Wlnfleltl Jordan ha returned to hi home In Pana III after a lsit with hl hrother. Will T Jordan ELKS AT CINCINNATI WILL HOLD THEIR CONVENTION. rragrnmtnei lime neen Arranjred to Keep the Deleirntea Husy Uery Da) This Meek. Cincinnati. O . July 17.--Thc (.'rand Lodge convention reunion o nil E'ks will convene here vvith elaborato programmes foi every day this week. To-da with the thermometer In the nineties, the local loJje in detachments ut the different depots ha.i been busy es corting visitors to the c;ciieril heidquart irs for registering, and th'p to tholr re spective hotels. The ree,vini committees will bej bi'sy ag.-ln to-inj-row. Meantime thiet steimcra have be-n chartered for 'xcuri)is ni the f.hlo Htvcr from which the fireworks will be viewed .11 the venlns tn both the Ohio and tha Kentucky bank-, of the ilver. On Tuesdtv morning th. ilraud Lodge will be openel In SIuslc Hail with a musical programme and addresses rnd elaborato cntertalrn ents in the nfttnoon and e:fci -Ing. Th." parade will taltj place rn Wee'iif-fa) While the del"gates aro e.i ir.iceil oi. their sessions many entertain- men's Live been arranged for other vlsit ln l.tks und their ladles. The business sessions of the Orand Lodge will be important, as several mat ters of consequence to the order are to be decided The afternoon of Tuesday the election of Grand Lodge ofllcers will take place. Tho most Interesting contests are for the positions of grand exalted ruler nnd grand hecretary. Kor grand exalted ruler there are two cannwates. William J O'Brien of Haltlmore, and Samuel H. Needs of Cleveland. For grand secretary there are several candidates. Charles Steger of Toledo. Fred C. Itobinson of Dubuque. Ia.; Archie Burke of Richmond, V.i , and David L. Watson of Terre Huute, Ind . are among those in the field since George A. Re)noIds of Saginaw has an nounced that he will not be a candidate for re-election. The city Is elaborately decorated and the local arrangements are on the most ex tensive scale ever known for any occasion here. Grand Exalted Ruler Fanning of Indianapolis sajtnthe reunion this week will mark a new era in EXkdom. WEDDINGS. RUSSELL-N'ORMAK. Paducah Kv . Julj 17 Mr. George E Rus sell and MI-e Mae Norman of thla dty were married to-night. WRIGHT-HALL. Danville. Mo, Jul) 17. Mr. William Wright and Mlsa Susie Hall were married at the home uf the bride In Big Spring yesterday. STEAMBOATS. m UPPER MISSISSIPPI. ST. LOUIS AND HAMBURG PACKET STEAMER LORA "Will Ich e foot of Walnut street Tuesday Thurdajj. and Satunlajs at 4 p m for West Point Hamburg Mozlirs and all way landings lOllN W KLWKLIa. aAKrnt Phone Main 42H 2W X Commrclal. DIAMOND JO LINE STEAMERS SPECIAL EXCURSION! Meals and berth Included, every Wed. and Sat. to Keokuk, la., and return, $6.00. for KeoknU, la., STEAMER SIDllEY Leaves every Wednesday and Saturday, 4 pm. FOR T. I.LL. MIX. Sir. Dubuque. Thursdaj. Jul 21. 4 s m. Sir. St. l-aul bundaj, July S4. 4pm . ,. rom f-oi -ivasMnrton ave. Phcna Main nt?A. Isaac I' LUaK. Gen. Ait LOWER MISSISSIPPI. Vi - ""- "-l-!!-!!-! II r II "sslrtrrll-Mal, ST. LOUIS AND TENNESSEE RIVER PACKET CO. Excursion 8eaaon Now Open. t dajs, 3 rivers- t States: mountain scenery: onl lis for round trip, ineludln meals and berth Steamer City eif bavanrati will leave wharfboat foot of I'ine st Monday. July u, at, 5 p m . for Ste. Oenevleve. ut. Marys. Chester. ttteubers;. Caie Girardeau. e.a!ro. raducah and alt landings on Ohio. Cumber land and Tennexece rivers to Waterloo, Ala. 1'honea 46A and A 112. JNO E. MASSEN'OALE. Ajent. EIQLE PACKET COMPANY aflHHTOURIBT EXCURSIONHQflB For t"ftr Girardeau and Commerce Str Cape Girardeau ry Mon and Frl ,5pm. For M ?nte t Mar and Chester iftr. Bald aglp. Tut a , Thura and bat ,4pm ILLINOIS RIVER- For Teerla and Intermediate Points. Str Grev Eaejle everv We-I and Sat .4pm From dork fee of Vine street Main 233 Klnloch 12010 II. W LEYHE. AKt. IJIE ME STEtMEBS. Tfl UCIIDHIQ '"" ""r- T' i:vniinvllle, fill Louisville, Sllll Cln-e-inniltl. IS I'ittal.uric Kit). M'-els and h-rth Included meap frelnht and rtaeenger rates to Chester. Grand Tower. Cape Girardeau, e-alro Memphis Helena. Hot I'erel Herold. Friday, July i!2, r. P. M. bprlrxa Icksburu, I'l-e Hluff and Little R()ck -TA'-KHK LEK. Tuesdaj. Julj 13. 5PM From ev half boat fool eif Olive et J-hcnes Main 1CH3A Klnloeli A TS8 Vm E AlMtz. Com Afit i) M Connors. Gen-A. STEAMER CHESTER Round Trip. Si OJ, lieala cud Uerta Included Will ia wharf boat, tool ut taocu-u sl, Tues day v Thurpdaj s and Saturdays at 4 p. m. tor Cape Girardeau ard way landings. PbCDt Mam 131?, Klnloch D V1 TVM. R PEKlbTON. Anenu DRAINAGE CANAL MATTER READY FOR SUPREME COURT. Testimony In Cnae AVI1I Occnpy 8,0041 Irlnte-il FaKs-fi, and Declslem llny .ot He Until ext 1 ear. RLrUDLlC SPECIAU Washington, iuly 17 When the Supreme Court convenes, early In October, Com missioner Bright will file the teatlmony taken In the dralnange -anal emit. Commissioner Bright vaa appointed by the Supreme Court to ahe testimony In tho fcuit of St. Louis a lnat the State of Illinois and the Dralnai Board for an or der restraining the Drj tage Commission er from sending senagl " ough the canal to the; Mississippi Rivet; The. taking oi testltr n was for the purpose of determining dether the drink ins; vvatpr of St. Louis a b contaminated. ihii work has Deen completed, and la now oelng printed AttomejB repreaent Inis lioth stdH!Vhf the controversy are now preparing their u'iefs. and will be readj-4 to proceed with tho case when the court s-is a time ior argument- Ihcre are S.OO pages of printed testimony for the court to digest, and In view of thiet tact it is believed a decision of the court will not be rendered until early next J ear. MR1 ELIZABETH JJULLENS Xecla. Ill . July-17 -Mrs Ellzab-th Mullens died here last night SUCHET SOCIETIES. I.M)EPEM)KT ORDER ODD FEL LOWS. liaaiVV.aatsia)aiii),1)ss1,,ls, ANeTHOR LOUUE. NO. 122. L O. O. F.. meets every Mondeu eveuuig at dchusttai uaii. Nineteenth and Wright street. Work la ha degrees Visiting brothers welcome, LEO LANUENBACHER. N. O. David Pettj. se-retary. 1828 O rallon street. ST. LOLld LODUB NO. t. L O. O. . meets every Saturday evening at a o elock at Odl eeilows building, southeast cor ner Ninth and Olive atreets. In ball No. L Visitors welcome, and members expected to cu tend JJ MATHLSON. N'. O. Jl A Hamilton. Secretary, IVI ARTHA WASHINGTON REBEKAH Lodse N'o. 4V meets to night In Hall No 1. Odd Fellows- building, at a o clock. Vis iting rrembera cordially Invited to attend CARRIE BATH. N G. Mrs C I. Hulburd. Secretary. WILUEV LODGE. NO. 2. I. O O. F . meets Tuesday evening of each week at hail No 1. Odd Fellows' building, comer Ninth and Oltvt. at g o'clock Vlsltlnr brothers In vited to attend. A J DALRYMPLE. ,-. G. W. D Reed. Secretary MISCEIJ.AXKOUS. ttVH'rraeiIiatlfs(iaAaiiJajuill LJON COUNCIU NO 21. I O U A M Meets every Monday evening! at Andy's liall. northwest comer of Jefferson avenue end Peeuotuzzt stteeu Msltors are welcome L. A V, BH.MANTEL. C. R Boll, Secretan. 22 Gasconada slreet mcPHEKSON- COUNCIL, No. 4. JR. O. U. A M. meets tvexy luesdai. southwest eorner Ninth and Arsenal streets Visiting brethren fraternally Invited EUUENB D. ORTON. Councilor. The". H Greenwood. teecretar ST LOUIS. July li. 1S-14 Notice to En gineers Special meeting of No 2. I. u. s. E, at Columbus Hall, No 1022 Franklin avenue, Mqnday. evening, July 18 8 o clock Business of Importance V F. ROLF. President. H. 11. Lrdhaus. Business Agent. KMGsTTS OF COLCMBD. KtMUCK. CUUNClU NO. Wa, KNICH13 of Columbua. uissU avtry aaeoaa aad tourth Wednesday at Rose Hill Hall. No. uoi adaula avenua VlsltlDg kaignta alnaya wsl come JOa.N PAUL CiiKW. Grand Kalghc t alttr T. Cunnlngnam. Recorder. MAltsie.l'Si- I.UU.M.1L, SO. twee, Kuignta of Com. nous, meets evsry aeeo oud ana fourth Tuesday In tha west haJl. Cen tury building. Ninth and Ollvee streets Visit ing knights cordlallv Invited. FRANK O. CUNN1NOHAM. Grand Knight. r. P. Leonard. Recorder. lL 1'. LUUIO e-UUClU avcery nral iexd third 'luvaday at Wtst End Hall, aoutuwesi corner sinnay ana Vanu- venter avenuta. VUltlng knigats ar vorulalli invited EDWARD Dtvoy, Grand Knlgbu Joseph F. Laun, Jtecordsr. A.tCIEST KREK AJTO ACCEPTEO MASONS. ARFOULAR COMMUNICATION OF COR ner atone Looge, Ne 123, A. K. i t. ol , will be held July 4 at 8 p m. No work. lHOS II. BLUNDELL, V. M. Jet A bmltn, Jr. gecretarv. CORNER STONE LODGB. NO 223. A. F. tk A. 41 A called and regular com munication will b held this Mondav. July Is at 7 p. m Work, examination of candidates and tonfrrtng of the second degree Msltors al ways welcome to our lodtreroom. Grand and Dlnnev avcnuis, TIIOS. H. BLUNDELL. W If. James A. Smith. Jr., Secretary,. GLOUGE WASHINGTON LODGE. NO 9. A. b & A. M.. will hold special communi cation Tuesday. July 19. 7 p. in . Masonic Tem ple. Urand and l'ninv avenues Work In ths degre" of Entered Apprentice. Visitors are welcome. GEO. W. JAMES W, M. Wm. L. Reynolds. Jr. aeereiari. 1TASK . LODGE. NO. 420. A. F. & A. It . win holt regular cvininuuteatluii tut, (Muii. dav) evening. Jul) Is. 1J4. at 7 Jg ocah, at Grand Avenue Masonic letups, tttrk In L A. d.-sree. Visitors Invited to attend J J HAUER. W. M. A. T. W eeke. Seeretarj. MISSOURI LODOE, NO. 1, A. F. & A. M . -Mother Lodgv stated commu-iKa-ttou Thursday. July 21. at 7.30. Grand Avtnus Temple. IT. C. degree. Important business, r'xamlnattons fiir advancement. MrmUers ex-pee-td and vlsltpig brethren frateinall Invll Jt) to attend J. W. KllL't-ULK. W. M. John H Deems, oecretaly. OCCIDENTAL LODGE. NO. IE3. A. K. i A. M Stated comumnlcatlon at Grand Avenue Masonic Tempi" this Monday, June 6. at 8 o'clock p. m. Work In F. C degice. Matting brethren fraternally Inylted JULIUS li GARHELL. W. U. A. P. Oliver. Secretary. 8T. LOLIS HVILHOAD TIlIE-TAnLC. Arrlvnla anel Deimrtores nf Trains at I'niou fetation. Dallj. Eieepl Faturday and lExcvpt Surtlay. Sunday thxeept tntcrelay. ttSaturday and Sunelay JSunday cnlj. only. llSituraaycnlj. HIG FOLK HOITIJ. A!0 LAKE SHOItE. NEW 10RK CENTRAL AMJ llO&TOV AND ALDAM. Indianapolis and Local t :a am e5-"Opm f . tsoston and Cln lnnatl. 17 am 9 llpn Cincinnati Express '11 Mum b 15pm Ivnlckerbocker peelal 12 noon : 00 pm In'lunapolls Eijress 'J i im Mattoun and Alton t4 Jl pm 9 IS ara llattoon an 1 Alton it 2) pin JIall and Lxpres . .... "isipm i:)an" r; V . lloston and Buffalo. .. 1 3) pm Uoara tlncln-il. Davtcn Cclum -0 40 pm -7 2D am ; V Iloatrn and Uuffalo. ..'II 00 pm -!ttfin Cincinnati IreUananolls Exp. . . 'jSJU-n int. nil it and e hksai-kakl: akd omo JJaillnt'fii and V.relnla . a 15 ai S 1J pm. ..sail. .- v ana v UK'nla ."li w am 'i-iaii. .-,.- aM" Vliglnia 'll-Tipm 1 4a I iprflj "'"tuuil AU I.KUIIilt VALLLI ew lork and I'hllalelona -II l am "a 00 cm J.e lotli and Philadelphia 11.00 pm -1 ii pir ; "k and Philadelpnla . ' -0 pm 7 la a-v Hit. tOUR ERIE U4.1LF-OAI1 AND PITTS-1 t, , ,UI-'ri3 AM LAKE ERIE. v Ilun-al. irmlra and N V . "s 17 ara '7 --0 anr 1 IttS . e-h.lllllinnq X V V r nm '.. nm. l'llts , Jarrestoeen jl N. V '.' 5 2ft nm n.tlnrcr 3 20 Dm Dm Allon trains leave 10 20 n . tl CO p m.,t 1 li p m - f in .vruve -5 enj a II. et I). A. 11. It. Train. Ile-iiurt. Arrlt-e. .al lllue Limited s 32 am 6 Ow pnv JVorld-s alr Hjer snJiam !. tnvs Metropolitan Exrres, .... j 27 pm . . Mound city Expresa ... 1 a airkt Exposition Special 'It Vt pm 7 ; am 1 st Mall : 0: am '120 pmj Clnclnratl Accommoia-lon . ts.11 am i 5Z pm lncennes Accommodation.... IS 15 am 19 91 pnt I lora Accommodation . .. t- 41 pm ,82 am Mncennes Accommodation .. H : pm I V rcernes Accommedatlon lllfl nm n lUm " mjIU.ING'IllS, HOITE. 1 Jiannlhal and Durllncton : 23 am tS VI pm Local to Hannibal -7 11 am ! D pm' Qulncy and Ilurllngton . t7.41 am t6 M pes "t. Joseph. Nebraska. Seattle S z. ,ix-ia ht I'aul via Fast Side line -s ;(sm 4 Jl pm Kans is City. Kan'as.. . K am 7 0? : m l I'aul and Minneapolis .. 2.I5 pm "2 15 pra Kansas City . . 'li 41 pm '4 V I m Kansas Clt and LI Paso .. -Il.CI pm 7.44am Karsas City 3.10 pm 'lilui St. Joe Denver, Pac Coast.. 'Z. 13 in 'i 50 pn Purllngtcn. it Paul. Minn "7 40 pm 62 am S"or Illinois, via East side ... 'S.1S pm t 4 am Kansas City, l'aciac Coast .. 01 pm '7.19 ara Beardststvn Iy-cal u.40 pm 11.00 am Local from Kannlbal til SO am s Abiu Th Alton LlmlteJ. Chicago 3 01 Prairie State Exp . Chicago '12."2 Palace Express, Chicago "S. I CHICAGO AMJ ALTO'S. 01 am 2j pm 12 Dm "5 32 pm , rnre.. lhlrn.n "Vsl,.,,! ". .Ii ntil Midnight t-peclal. Chlcaejo .U-4-) pin .!() art His-oun state tuxpress. vveBt -a w am "i j pin Midday t-peclal Kan City 12 4,vm 7.'3' prl Kansa City Ijht Kxnre-e 3 10 pm 60e-nt Kas 1t XlMnlaht Special .-II n2 pm '-Mara bprlceneM. via lton "7 30am ts.W pi Jack'onvllle and Iaiulslana . "7 33 am '10 U art Illoorrinjton via Jacksonville t7."0 am tsootnji Sprlngfleld Excursion .. ISrJ4 am !'.0 ii pm The Alton Limited fcr Peoria t3 01 am r7.23pm prln(,-neld. Peoria Duight 12.2.. pm tl tw pnj MoomlnR-on. via Jack.onvllle 2 41 in 112 IC pm Jacksonville Vccommo-ta-lon .0a pm "li 05 am Louisiana anl Reoel!jus.. . . wl p-n, Sprlrgdcld-Cap-I City Hjer '7 15 im 9.I5 am Alton Special . I0 :a im .. . ciiictt.o. rnnitit ami st. i.ons mv Alton and Peoria Express. '5.14 am 7lVipm Alton and Peoria Mall . 1123 am '3 li pm Chautauqua and A.toa . . ttl.47 pm till 3a pnu Chautauqua and Alton " 23 pm IS 12 am Chautauqua, and prtns: d Ex 7 23 pm "1 U am Alton. Chautauqua, (.ration iill 17pm 1111.33 in Alton. Chautauqua, tlrafton. til II p-n '10.23 p-n lltOV MOlTAI HOITK. St L, H IV. ml MS e Et. t 21 pm 1 30 pm Texas and California 7p 3! am " 31 vm Texas arid Mexico Express . 8. 10 pra JOpm Little Rrtk-Hot tprlnies fcj.p 's J pm --.5 urn Texas and Mexico Express . 4-1 p-n .W pm Texas Express & jj pm in Fast Mall . . 3 03 am T.Sl prS Local Exp Texark to St. I, .. . i.GOwa Memphis Express 9 00 pin 7 E5 sra llelmont Passenger . i 00 am 7.15 pra t;otton Belt Express . . 9 4 pro t.liara St Louis and Chester Accom. l 10 pra "10 2i ara Cotton Belt Express . "SSim '3.56 rn Fourth Street and Chontean Avenae Station. i De Boia and Bismarck Accom 3 30 pm g 43 am .IIOUII.B AMJ OHIO. , New Orleans Limited 9 z pm 5 52 p.n Cairo and Jackson Fast Mall 'J-nO a-n ') 4 am Cairo and Mississippi Exp 6 34 pm 'i X pm ILLINOIS CENTRAL. t Northern Illinois Express 7 0s am s 40 pra Chlcsgo Fair Special l.40 am 'S-2 pro Chlefln Mavlirhe Rn-eial 11-4S am 04 rrtt Dubuque and Sprlnsfleld.... 7.04 pm 'S.M act Chicago Diamond special. Chicago Midnight Special. Fast Mall, South New Orleans- hpeclal Accommodation. South .... Dixie river, touta . ... Aecom Cmrbondala New Orleans Limited . 10 pm "7.43 ara ."1134 pm 'l.Kan .8:24 am 7.3Spo ,. "ii pra vt pi . "4 24 pra "11.24 art . 40 pm " ..TX, .. 7 IJam "SaSpro ."11 15 pm "7.QS am lolisvillj: a.nd ash ille. Florida Limited "4 i: pro "1 :5"pm Fast Mall "aJam "7 IS pm Southern Express "8.4pm "7J9ara McLeansboio Accommodation "4 '5 pra 's-nntn World's Fair Special . "9 01 am " 15 pm L..II. fc ST. L. ll. (Henclereon Hnnte.l Fast Mall . s 20 am ". .isnm Eastern Eirrees .. . -''-- Fair Special ... -s so pm -.j am .. "9-01 am "5 16 pm MIWni,ni PACIFIC IltlLtVAl. Fast Mail "3 00 am "10 05 p-n; Local Express , 7 JS am "5 JO Pm California Express M am "Snipm, "Washington Arcom-nodatlon. is 2a pm tS-OOarw Omaha Limited "8 10pm "8J0am Kansas and Colo Expres" ..."10 10 pm "7 10 am' Kansas cltv Express .... "2 05 pm "4 rt) pm Joplln and So Kan. Express. "7 32 pm "3 OS ara Kans and Nebraska Expr-ss ll 59 pm IJIsin. Crave Coeur Lake trains leave Union Station 's 15 a m . 15 a m . tl-30 p m . tl Jl p n. Oak Hill trains leave Union Station t 15 a.. m tlO 10 a. m . 15 00 p m , t6 20 p re. lilrkwood trains leave Union Station t7-01 a. m . 7 3S a. m . t7 50 a m . 3 40 a. ro . tll-SO a. m . tl-oo p. m . t.lo p. m . t 00 p. m . "6 25 n. m . til 30 p. m i ., K. & T. RY.. "THE KTV." "Katv Fair Special" "9 15 am 'WOpm Columbia. Seda'ta nnd 3 W.. "9 21 am "j30pm The Katv Flrer".. "SJ2pm Missouri. Kan"a and S TV ll-45pr 30 am ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM. rieasant Hill rassenger . ... l'i am J-'O pm Kan City San Fran Exp . "7 20 pm 7. am Belle Pass-naer 6pm '9 "i rjn ST. 1,01111 SOITHWESTEH. (Cotton Tl'lt Route V Arkanas and Texas Mall.... ? Warn -P"J The Texas Train.. .. H? ". K J Arkaensas and Texas Expre'a "" 4,rtn "7 Ham ST. Louis MERrHA-vTs' . njunoB TERMIXM. RAII.1VAY SlBLnBAH 1RAI SERVICE. Eat-bound Ieave FlEhlh and Grat ot streets Dallr-10 a m12 20 r. m. S P' 5 15 o m. 6 3 n m Exc-rt Sundav-a 01 su m.llia pi 7 37 a rd 3 m 8 22 P nw Saturday and Sundav onlv 11 17 p m fcun dav onlj 5 24 a m 7 0a a m Leave Vashlnrtnn avnue. Dally-19" a. m . 12 24 p m ISipu.ltir n r-xc Sundav-5 K n m . J 12 "- m 21 m . . IJ am top tn.ISp m Saturdav nnd Sun day onlj II 25 t m Sunday onli a 25 a. m ' West-hound-Leave Granite ntj : Dilly-l.H n m 5 6 n m . 7 12 n m. Except Sunda S 35 a. m 7.02 a. m a m 11-10 am 440rm UTt n S-aturdav only 4 4.. ri li sunda pnl 5 a. rnr" a. m . 10 40 a, . cnttinl.,. emit Sunday onlv-ll-S3 D m. Ex cept Vaturdav and Sundav 5 vl p. m Ia?ave 3iaci"nn. -'aii i , ne-. " "a v ' . 7 17 n m Except Sundi-4 39 a m . 7 05 n. m i & a. m II 14 a m . 4 15 n m . 9.21 p. m Saturday only 4 50 p m Sundav onlv I 05 a m.Sa m,10 15a"m. Saturday and Sundav- only 11 V8 p m. j ST. LOUIS AD IIMI1AI. RAILWAY (Via Waliaah.) '- MaiWand Express 7 01 am at:10 am Malrnd Express 15.30 pm HISpm SOLTHEH.N RAILWAY. 7 St. Lonla-I.nnlaTllle Lines. St. Iauls Exp. Limited "1100am "4.i pra Princeton. Alton, etc "7.32 am "STOpm Princeton Accomrrodatlon.... t5 tl pm 210 t art Louisville and Florldl v "10:10 pm "7.22 am TOLEDO, T. LOLIS AMI WUsmitV. 'Closer Lent Rente." The Commercial Traveler .... "s 5 pm 7.3l am Eastern Lxprcss "7.00 am '4.44 pnj Charleston Accommodation... tl 49 pm I0 J2 am Charleeton Accommodation... 17 30 nm 13.30 am VADI.IA LINE. Pennitylvanla Llnea West or Pitta bars: Pennaylsanla Rnllroatl. Tha Fast Mall "2 30 am "2.15 am The Local Lxpress "7 14 am "4-40 pm Th" Keystone Express "S.ll am "7:10 pm The New York Limited "12 30 pm "1:20 pm Ohio and Virginia Express .."12.43 pm "134 pre l.cgansport an I I t.Wavne Ex "8 4 pm "7-04 am The Pittsburg Special "8 15 pm 7-J2 am The- New Torh Fxpre-s "11.11 pm t 40 11m Efflneham Accommodation "3.20 pm "8 40 am WAB4.SII. Contlnenlal Limited "9 00 am 7:15 pm Det . Buffalo, Montreal Exp "12 30 pm "S 04 ant Tolee'o Express 8 20 pm "7 31 rni Toledo. N i" Bcstnn Exp . "9 05 pm tJC pm Midnight Limited Fast.... "11.32 pra 2 00 pm Toledo Ixical Express . . . "b JVam C.tM prt t Inclnnatt and Indianapolis "3 00 am "7.1apm Cincinnati and Indianapolis "8 30 pm 8'J4 ant Jacksonville laical Express. tS 4; am t7 1". pn Banner Express-CTicago ..."9 2Jam Wl pm t KtMvn :oecial "12 01 pm 5.2t nm Banner Limited Chicago "(Spm "7 33 am Mldnhiht Ltmited-ChlcJgo...ll 12 pm 01 am Kansas City Kxpress Tiiam -s.l im Kansas City Fast Mall "2 2.1 pm 1 if am Kansis City Limited .."10-15 pra "GSOans );" r-iiZ, Mldnliht Sneclal "11.43 nm "i:l!sm. Omaha-Council Bluffs Exp . "9 00 am tit pm. MTrfn-aplls-s Paul Expres, "2.10 pm M Em Cannon Ball-Omaha ... .... "7 JO pm "7.1S am Ottumwa-Ues Moines Exp .. -J 00 am 1:11 pm Minneapolis and St. Paul Ex "9.00 pm TOO ara West-Moberly and Kan. City "7 01 am 7.-00 prm Moberly Local 30 pm USl'i am t-Oecatur Lcal "foo pm "3 27 am, Siiburhilii Tralna. Deoait From Lnion Station: Ferjuson, 11 p m . "I. P m 1 IS a. m . "4J0 p m- From Olive Street station: St. Charles, "flaw a. rn.. ts 40 p. m. Bridgeton. 14 13 p. m , tc 41 a. ,n.: I ergusn. 8 50 a. m . tc.20 p. m . 1:5; p. rn.. Arrive At Union station: F'rs-uson. ! 03 p. m . t3 40 p m . "123 p. m . tJ 11 a. m. 10Jt a m .t Olive s-reet station: St Charles, 1-43 p m . t7 43 a- m : Kinlocli, tl 37 a. rn; Bridgeton. "I 10 a m . f 10 p. m.: Ferjrusoo. 10:30 a m . 13 20 p. m , S3 23 p. m. FnlSCO S1.STE.1I. " 51emnhis PSBseneer "7-llam eitlTnn o--.l .. u... Vf.t, -o .. :v 7 20 am 40 em 9 02 am "1-50 pm.' 2 30 pm "lino i-n' 4 is; pm "11. ipO em "8 33 Dm "T;!! arri. J'ex&n leteor Cape Girardeau Local Texas Limited Kansas Limited ".?? TJ "m 7-7' anl ..10 H pm "C W n4 western Exprces Vallev T'ark Accommodation departs tt.30 af 4101 a. m . "".J3 m " M .? 15 U p m. tfi'2 p m . I. 20 p. m tl 00 11 40 p. m. Atrlves t 40 a rn . 17.29 a. m. 17.55 V m . tlO.IO a m . tI2.20 n m . 13.40 b? m. t5 5S p. m. MJ7 p. m . m p. m. ' 1 acinc Accommotiaeion eieparts i 4. m 112 V. p. m.. 15 24 p m. Arnvs is.n a. m.. lioa a. m.. ti.i A" n n. 17 1A h . 17.10 B. m. .1 I I.t-, "lyik-Cif- w5st rai-i "jA S-- &&-. -Sj!. -' 'i&J$Sfayfrte 5MrfVoU . .rt J: J - U?. Pa.rf . -J a i