Newspaper Page Text
THE ST. LOUIS TfRTVT.TAG: TUESDAY. JULY 19. 1904. If I J p7 i- TO-DAY'S NEWS IN BRIEF. business. Tcrtordoj-'s bank cb lrings verc J3,1W. t 45; balances, 5511.316. Ioeal discount rates vrcie between 4'. and a per ce nt Dome stic exchange ias quoted .is follow: New lork, 30c premium bid, 0c premium asked, Chicago, ICe premium bid, 20e premium rxked; Cln-Innatl. Louis-vile and New Or leans, 10c discount bid, par askid. Wheat closed higher at SC'tijiSiOsC asked Sept.; ftV?; No, 5 red. Corn closed low er at "Use Sept . ,'!5&''Jc No. 2 inixol Oats doed at 2-c bid sept.; iiSnc Xo. C rali.e-1. c-vnt cotton wjs vmchanged In th local Ciai ket. WASHINGTON. A. new schedule for the Mliries of rural fiec deliver carriers has been announced It makes twenty-four miles a mislmura rout and fixes the piy at $73) Carriers on shorter routes receive SIS a mile less fcr each mile loss thin tweat -f our. WAjVlN Till) FAR EAST. General Keller of the Russ'an Army U defeated with 30.000 men In an effort to retake. Mo-Ticn pass, which Is occupied by tho Japanese under General Kurokl He admits that hl3 losses will exceed 1.00). Russian volunteer steamers have seized two other British steamers In the Red Be, bound for the far East. Germany has demanded a prompt dis nvowsl by Russia of the seizure of malls from a German steamer b7 a Russian warship. I.OCAL AND SUBURBAN. The Circuit Judges In general term as sigred to their divisions. F. E. Muskovlcs made trip from New Tork to St Louis In an automobile Mrs. Mary F. Scanlan, who was reputed one of the wealthiest women In St. Louis, died suddenly yesterday morning. The strliclng packlng-houe emplojes prepare to fight the Injunction is-sued b Judge Holder-. An organization of Franklin avenue rrerchants has b"en formed to protest against the sale of the Blind Institute property to the Board of Education. Officials of St. Louis County object to the special tax lev, and declare that It exemption Is not granted they will at tempt to organize the county as a munici pal township. Friday will be Sigma Chi ray at the ralr. Albert Wundcrlich was killed and his , brother, John, scrlouslj injured by a kick ing horse near Belleville. 111., joterda. The World's Talr Executive Committee will reconsider the resignation of Lieu tenant Haight and may decide not to ac cept it. GENERAL. DOMESTIC. President Roosevelt decides not to mako any campaign speeches He will content himself with a statement of his -views in hla reply to the committee which notlflci him of his nomination. Judge l'arker is busy straightening out many of the tangles of the campaign Fifteen hundred Missouri militiamen are In camp on a farm at the Nevada Insane Asylum, ready for a week of hard work. A Chicago mob stones a train liearlng nonunion negroes to the Armour plant at tlie Chicago stock jards. "Sympathizers" attack and probabl fatally Injure a nonunion stock yards worker at Chicago, afterwards throwing his unconscious form on the htreet rail way tracks . r SPORTING . Athletics beat the Browns at Phlladel . phla after exciting contest b a score of ' Eto4. Jockey Swain was set down by Judge Brady at Union track for bid riding. Winners yesterday were Llquozone. Bar ries, Ditto, Buck O'Dowd, Socapa. Dumont and In Doubt. j& Mae Day and Red Light look well to . flay at the two tracks The Ingomar, belonging to Morton F. Plant of New York, won the yacht race from Dover to Ostend. Winners at the Fair grounds esterday were: Lucky Charm. Rose Court, Zind i. Just Go, Miss Mae Da and Orient. FOREIGN. An open verdict was returned b the ' Coroner's Jury in the case of 1. Kent Loomls, whose body was found on the shore near Thurlestone, England. Several lhsiclann testing that death probabl was due to wounds Inflicted on the head, thus disposing of tho theory of drowning. Marine Iutellljrencft. Cherbourg, Jul 18 Arrived Kaiser Wilhclra II, New Yoik. U PI mouth, for Bremen, and proceeded Antwerp, July IS Arrived. Kroonland, New York. London, July 18 An I veil: Minnehaha, New York.- . Movllle, July 13 Arrived: Numldlan, New York, for Glasgow, and proceeded 'Cherbourg, July 17 Sailed: Bremen (from Bremen, New York. New York, July IS Arrived: Finland, Antwerp. Plymouth, July 18 Arrived: Kaiser Wil helm IL New York, for Cherbourg and Bremen, and proceeded. Liverpool, July 16 Sailed: Cestrian, Boston. Arrived: Ionian, Montreal and Quebec. Genoa, July 17 Arrived: Canoplc, Bos ton, via Naples. Hamburg, July 15 Sailed: Tampican, Montreal. Boulogne, July 17. Sailed: Pennsylva nia, from Han-burg, New York. Philadelphia, July li. Arrived: Steam dhip NoordlaEd. from Liverpool, via Qucenstown. THE WEATHER. Official Forecast Announced for To-Day and To-Morrow. Washington, July IS Forecast for Tues day and Wednesday: j. Indiana and Illinois Fnlr Tuesday and Wednesday; light wrath-westerly wine's Nebraska. MlRSCUii. K-xsaa Tows. Arkansas Oklahoma. Indian Territory Fair Tvie-nlay and Wednclar . Eastern Trxa Fair Tnl3T aril Wednesday, axcept sbo-aers una thunarto-ina in at anrt totxth portions, r-e.h south winds on the coaeL Western Texas Sen tte--s3 ebowerB and thun derstorm Turwiay and Wednceday. IT- DELEGATES FROM FIFTEENTH DISTRICT MAKE UP SLATE. RBPnnuc srnciAi Jefferson City, Mo , July IS The Totk delegates of the Fifteenth District held a ciucra to-night In the Senate cham V ber and arranged to nominate a complete ulate at tho district caucus to-morrow i Kornlng. 1 For State Committeemen, Patrick Mar tin of Barry County and S. H. Miner of Iiwrence County will be nominated; on Resolution-. Jcmes N. Chrlstensen of Mc Donald: Rules and Order of Business. R. 3. Balcb of Newton: Credentials, Doctor J. R. Buchanan of Vernon: secretary. Con gressman Roach of Jasper; caucus chair man, Joseph French of Lawrence; vice chairman, 8. P, Flnley of Barton: ser-Kftant-at-armK. J. L. Harris of Lawrence. The Folk men control the district by a large majority, but the fight was upon Gilbert Barboe, the present State Com mitteeman, who haB been the machine exponent throughout the campaign. Mitchell of Nevada was Indorsed by the , caucus for Secretary of State, and will tlms bars every county in the Fifteenth District except Barton, which was already Instructed for Cook, and the Rv1 dele- rates from JMper, -, whose ae&tr 1 b eoiuena. COMMITTEE NAMES YANDIYER TEMP' EVANS COUNTRY DELEGATES Farmeia Heartily for Folk, and Strong PJnoup-h to Run the Convention. EXPRESSIONS ON PARKER. Missouri Politicians While Xot Clainiin-j Enthusiasm, Say Candidate Will Easily Carry the State. HT ,V -T MT rnRHlI'OM'ENT Jefferson City. Mo. July IS Grlml de termined in their espouil of the cause of, Joseph W. Tolk. the delegates from the country began to arrive In large numbers to-day. They were everywhere in evi dence, and not long after their strength and their Intentions became clear the pre liminary defeat of the "michlno" became apparent. Kirly to-day mauv expressed the opin ion that Cook would be nomln-ited on the first ballot. But the influx of so man of these farmer-Democrats, fur whom this is a first o-vpenence at a State convention, materitllv eh-ingcd the outlook. Big white bsdges with such declarations as the fol lowing printed upon them looked signifi cant: "Folk and a N w De-il, "Folk and i Clean Sweep" and "Folk and Good Gov ernment. ' The farm, the city buflness element and professional rren never before wero so prcdominantlv represented at a Missouri convention This is tbe remark of many n man who has attended many a State convention It is an astonishing thing to see the Washington avenue merchants the 'Tolk Indians," as thev nre derisively called hobnobbing, as a part of the new State house crowd," with the fvrmers, tho ounger law en and editors, who hitherto have been on the outside In Elate politics ALL ELEMENTS PRESENT. Not that the county and State ring pol iticians aro abstnt Ihe are here b the score, minus the one essential upon which for so long they have had a monopol votes In the sene of the crowd present, the State Convention Is In full swing. The lobby of th9 Martisoi Is rammed and Jammed, and everhody Is talking, hand shaking ,md perspiring. Jefferson City Is making ever effort to provide satisfac tory Hi-commcdutlons and has done well thus far. Underllng the theme of the nomina tions to be made here, and the auestlnn of the probable policies of the new Iolk regime, lies one subject of convemtlon, the tone of which probabl has Important meaning In respect to the rtsults on Mis souri next November. It is the national ticket Pa' k-r und Dav is. The crowd here Includes all elements the Congressmen, the county and city politicians the country and city laweis and the farmers. Opinions expressed re flect sentiment as nearly as It can be reflected at this eail date upon the le organized Democmc. ALL I"OR PARKER As sold, l'arker enthusiasm 1b not on the surface Hut the Ideas wn'cii were brought to the capital are more encour aging than would b expected. That Parker will carrv the State easllv Is tho erdict. with the addition that Tolk's name en the ticket will render tho ma jority overwiiolming. The following es timate) of opinion from various sections of the State comprise an Index to the situation John- T. Heard of l'ettls County: "I have seen and talked with representative Democrats of all walks of life In my county, and can sa that I have not heard one sa that he will not vote that ticket. They are. perhaps, a little soro that the Eastern men had such n. walk over in St. Louis, but they will forget that In a little while They say that what was done was the best thing to do. and while they are free to criticise the Parker telegram, they, nevertheless, express ad miration for the courage of the man who cent it." Congressman Champ Clark: "I have not i-een man of the people in my district T)nF?rotn what I hear, I cannot sec reason for alarm " Congressman Dougherty: "Of course, man of the farmers dislike seeing the party placed upon a -rold-standard plank in the way in which It was done. I must admit that I do not find any great degree of enthusiasm for the ticket, but I be lieve that they think the ticket and the platform a lot better than the Republican ticket and platform." Judge W. N. Evans of West Plains: "I have talked with many of the farmers toth here and down In my section of the btate, and though, as one always will, I found many growlers, not one whom I have met las svld that ho will not vote the ticket. I believo that the Democrats are v holly satisfied with tho ticket In Mis souri, and that the degree of their en thusiasm will Increase as they begin to realize a truly capable man has been chosen to head the ticket, a man not dominated by David B Hill or an body else. With Folk and a clean State ticket Parker will earn Missouri by an unpre cedented majorlt." REUNITED PARTY. J. M. Atkinson of Ripley Count: "The more we learn of Judge Parker the more we are Individually satisfied with the nomination. I think that Is the opinion, too, of others besides msclf. I find that in my district the Democrats either ac cept the ticket unreservedly or do so as Bryan accepted it in his statements on the subject Besides that, wc liave with us an elemsnt of the party which has been on the other side for eight years I know we'll win In Missouri and believe we will In the countr." Frank Russell of Laclede County: "The Democratic vote will be polled for Parker in my count, and then when ou con sider that Folk is the State candidate, the whole question becomes as simple as can bo In my estimation."' N. B. Martin of Vernon County: "I am a farmer mself, and 1 think I know what I'm talking about when 1 say that we've been free-silver people from tne beginning In Vernon Count. But I think the farm ers of Missouri realize, with the Demo crats of the East, that the money ques tion is no longer an Issue. Of course, the telegram warrled some of us; but on thinking it over, we've come to the con clusion that it's all right. "No, there's not much enthusiasm. But shouting does not mean voting, and I have beard every Democrat of Vernon that I've met say that he sill -rota for Parker." OR YEATEE MAY BE PERMANENT PRESIDING OFFICER 1 PLAi Tells Candidate: for Attorney GeneraKhip He Will Not Per mit Use of His :une. MAJORS SEEMS IN THE LEAD. Friend. of Candidates foi Kail ioad and Waiehouse Coiiim: -sioner Aie Active at State Capital. r-v , staff cortnnsro.sDEST J"fferson Clt. Mo . Jul- IS. ttorne General Crov arrived from ft Tuiis on .a flite'a'fternoon train. He t ent immedi Uc- 1vtr his orllce In the Supreme Court build ing. Where he met several oflils fri'nds From the first he rep.ated what le bad said for publication since his namo v as first mentlon-M in connection with n Fec ond nomination He went to the Madi son House late to-night, nnd told loth Senator Major nnd Mr. Salle" the two avowed candidates for the position, that lie -was not a candidate. Later in the lobby of the M ullson, h" said: "I came down to-dav for no otl er pur pose than to make nil r fual to run emphatic enough to silence m filend-- I said In The Republic months ago that an man-who sought a nomination in a Demo cratic convention should1 gel out nnd light for it. "These other gentlemen have done so One of them should succeed me I am not "a CRiMlldate for another renominailon, have not- been and will not permit mj name to be presented to the convention " 'This leaves the field delr to Majors and Halite. It is generally thought that Mi.jirs will receive th nominat'on. unless Kimo unforsen circumstance prevents He has the entire Ninth Congressional Dis trict, with such politicians as Champ Clark, Dnve Ball. Ed Glenn, Ed CampbIl and others of equal nbllltv working hard for him among their friends throughout the State If popular demonstrations count for an -thing. "Rube" Oglesb has c irrled off the honors to-day The arrival of -.everal friends from A arrensburg. Including a pur t of oung ladles, made his he utimurii-is full nil the da long H feUs eonildent tint he will win. Just as confident are Walter C llro naugh of Clinton ,ind N J. Winters of Milan Bron&ugh has a large Confi derate strength, and theie is an eleim nt that feels like rewarding liim for his former defeat. EDWARDS BRANDS AS FALSE THE.IND1ANAP0LIS-DISPATCH dceretary ff CofiKroftnlonHl romnilt lee Did Not Find Tnt-lt Willi Por ker Uold Tele-tram. REPUBLIC 11'tClAL. WaMiington, July IS Secretnr Ch.irli s . Edwards, Secretary of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, is in dignant about a dispatch sent out from Indianapolis last Friday purporting to give an expression of his views on the ac tion of the Democratic party in turning from free silver. The dispat-h in question stated that Representative- Cowherd Of Missouri, chairman -of the committee, and Secretar Edwards both "were gnevounlv disap pointed over the action of the nominee for President In Injecting the gold .standard in the platform " r It went-on to say that Mr. Cowherd had refrained from publicly expressing his views, but Secretary Edwards declared emphatically the night the party turned from free silver to the gold standard that it would be Impossible for the Democrats to win the House of Representatives on such a platform. Th" dispitch made ref erence to Se-cretary Edwards. saIng tint the latter was read to prvdict that sev eral Democratic nominees In close con gressional districts would decline to run on the Parkor gold-stand ird platform "Those statements, said Secretary Ed wards to-day, "have absolutel no foun dation. I cannot imagine how any news paper man would have tho. audiclty to send out from Inditnarolis a dispatch purporting to state nij vnws "1 haen't stopped In Indianapolis since I can remember, and et I find mself quoted in the pliers as saing the Demo crats have no chuncc to win the House. I have niver made an iuch statement. It would be absurd for me to do so "In the name of Mr. Cowlieid and my self, I want to say that the dispatch from Indianapolis is the result of some fertile im urination; that It has not a particle of trutht In It. It does Mr. Cowherd and my self a gross injustice." IIOVALIJ DAKEI ZVOMIVATEn. Democrat of Illinois Dlatrlct I tun lllm for Senaior. RnrUBIJC SPECIAL. Decatur, 111 , July 18 Democrats of the Twenty eighth Senatorial District met here" to-day and nominated Donald Danken of Logan Countv- for Senator, and J. M. Gray'of llacon County us minority candi date for Representative A faction opposing. Gray has called an other convention for August 6. when an other tieket may be put up The faction opposing Grft Ls led by his couain, Robert E. Gray. Robert E. Gra last week organ ized the Macon County Central Commit tee in opposition to J. M. Gray, hut the other side claims the action -was irregular and has called another meeting of the committee. Indications are for two ommittces and a bitter fight in the county and district among the Democrats Se-ntt Couiity Republican Ticket. RCl'UnUC SPECIAL V Winchester. 111. July 18 Scott County Republicans. In convention to-day. nomi nated the following ticket: Circuit Clerk. Don Farrirgton: Coroner. John Grihe , County Commissioner, Richard Verner. No nominations were made for State At torney or Sunesor. - LEHMANN, HARTMANN AND FOLK BUTTONS IN THE MISSOURI PENITENTIARY. KEPUBtilC SPECIAL. Jefferson City, Mo, Julv 18. Lhmann, Hartmanr and Bcrsch. out at the Penitentiary, are all wearing Folk buttons They declare that It Is time they should crawl Into the band wagon They aro ovcrjoed that the convention has come along to break the mo notony. Some of the city Democrats have been out to visit them between times Of course, the three are all Republicans, but then, as somebody re marked to-day: "What's politics in a prison unless ou arc the Warden?" And it must be remembered that within the recollection of man there has been more or less in common between some St. Louis Democrats and what are known as the Lehmanu Republicans . .,. i,i, (y,,! .s-iiriis an( ,,tiii agj(s occasionally: "Who put the lights out on th water tower?" He is the all-satisfying fund of entertain ment at the State prison. kVVVVVtTtVTVTTTTTMMTTTTVv M'LEOD LEADER F Xcvwonier in "Politics 'lnke.s the Center of the Jefferson it v Stage-. I !- FIGHTING SAM COOK. ,o Piettv Women .Make neiid.i'ai lets Attniithe Peer Order Vetoed Meinbei.s of Tihby Meet Count. Delegate-:. dy Trvn- rnnnnsrONDnvT Jefferson Cltv Mo Jul IS That the newcomer in MN-ourl Democratic poli tli s cm arrive with both feet Is shown in no better fashion than the reception v hieh V McLeod of St Louis is re ceiviig He arrived this morning, b him self There Brp perhaps rot more than tveiit-five pir ons in Jefferson Cltv, rv teptinc ne-v -p.irir men. who krow him In l2hl vet he is the undisputed leader of the "oik j ropacuida The-e u not n preferment of the con vention tlrt Mr Method could not have Yet to everj suggestion he has replied tlut he has as much prominence as he iles.rc He is working for Folk. He is lso lenling the fight asainst Secretar of State Sum B Cool He also tells ev i rv inquirer that if it is possible he In ttmls to beat him Rccornu-ins tl Is leadership not a lime light nlTui-- bv anv manmi of me ins the opj osition h 13 sought him out To a man they ii no qn jtbl ling respect for Ills fight inir ibilltie- Hi- friends tike Inrdl .a move -Ithout eoi stilling him To a man tlirv deffr to 1 Is ..ood Judrnient OnL a sort " 1 lie ago this d-termined gentleman vv i -n otllce bov In the con con oi wlo'li h- N now the vie- presi dent at u m i irf re-ural mmagir. Tint he on lb s,,ntial i lements of a p-ittii il i ir' h.oler is ipestil on cv erv hand Ta it lu has no personal ends to s, r-- I eoiMll pssurtd It is a nevv ime of Missouri politic" Iimi' WOMEN PROMINENT Hi various I -ailn,uarters of tlie candl di ti s oi th' second and third floors of Hie'son v -re vKlt-il this morning bv ' oiirt of Inllfs who ti mpoi irili diove tro.i.-hts ot 1 1 lilli s out of mind s.moug t m in tin r -'v v re Mrs Sam B ii k Mr- p irx p Haw-. Ml-s J inette Williams '11 - i'i nk mil several others, etiinllv v- II U nv r Hirri H i e ior,rot bis contested dele Kit, s long n ni,:h to ie a chance foi sono inn Ilo ipireliid Into lh Folk fu idqu rt rs iTiblxd Congressman Vnn iiivei bv th- orm iirt uiarclifd him into tlu midst n" th f--mlnliii group Hi imdi lie ei-'1e ivt of all In hid the plmsuir rf In'n 1 icing Congre sbin in ".-noivtr to Mis Hivvt' ! .tin .o lad to ne t ou Congress-nan Vanrtivcr" sail the diplomatic Mrs. Hi-vvi-s It is m pleasure. ' responde I thi jr-il-l3nt Southiast MI-sourl?n "But T i ra soi iv to sv that I could not nrlng Hut. aiidlvir with me" Aru then he to speak to a-iother ladv Mr II ivves looked at hS vvif jnil smiled BEER ORDER VirfOLD Harr B llawesj rnd th other guide and mentorH po'ltical of the oeman Democrae- of St Louis is It lneoriior tied In seve-ral ward organizations, veto-tl the i-nterprlsi bv virtue of which liO) bol tlti of ber were to In the liquid rations of the ellv de'egation during the nuin n tion period On- oi th" bnwirs it is hald, balkid on doing things so la-ichlj. Tvveive thousand at a clip, he maintained, was to mii-h to expect nen from e brewcrv. Present Information is that the allowance has 1m en cut to lw) i-ases. which at twentj four bottles to the case, in 4M bottli-i Arrangements luive lieen mw alo IhHt should any v-ith "Indian proclivities" ar rive thev shall take to the woods One large and several nn ill tents have been put up at the lower edge of the Capitol grounds, down at the foot of the bluffs, where bv nUht the mosquitoes chorus the joy of living, and win re the miovvB of the catfish float up horn the murk, mud ilv old Missouri Rlvir The beer ear is upon a switch in the lminedl ite vulnlty. It is the place beond compare for the exercise of the Indian nature. Ine arrivals from the eit were many to-dav anil to-nifht These choice, quar ters down by th river's brink are full to over-lowing An lnstiring place It is. The vellnw- bosom ot the Missouri glim mers" in the pal- moonlight, while the far .shore is a dim, oft perspectlv e. the low. stri tching Melds of the valle broken b tin bills of Callaway aru. it seems to be about the one place here abouts when Joe Folk I. not the boss which has s0me charms for some persons LOBBY STATESMEN" BUSY. Exponents of the third house, the lobby, aro much In the limelight. Colonel Phelps Is here and there, everywhere at once, looking at one man with one eye and another man with the other ee simul taneous!. He accompanies this feat with a peculiar distortion of the mouth, haul ing one corner i-p nnd the other down. Ho seems chlefl intrested in the Jasper County contest, and sas that he has come loaded to the nozzle vith the wherefores which should seat the Folk delegates fiom that county. John II. Carroll appeared promptly, and has since been constantl shaking hands, to uc the orthodo-- phrase, "with his manv friends and admirers " Carroll and Thelps on the who'e. seem pretty well pleased. This hardlv seems to be true of all the elements of the third house, however Morton Jourdan, for instance, appears to think that the State i3 drifting toward the very demnl tlon bowwovs. tuilging by the lugubrious countenance ho carries around with him. BUSINESS MEN ARRIVE. Several business friends of Circuit Attor ney Folk came down on the morning train in a special car. v-hlch the have char tered for sleeping quarters During the da thev mingle with the delegates, and as most of them nre entire strangers to a Missouri convention, they are learning a great deal and enjovin-; it immensely. Among them nre J V S Barrett. A. C ?tev art. 11 P L-wis. John C Roberts. J. W Lewis Judge Sliultz. J. II Adams. J. W Fristoe. Dorscy A Jamison G P. lonis F I Jones J Holllda Wear. C A. Cunningham. William Smith and H. Coikle. ssss BERSCH ARE WEARING ORARY CHAIRMAN: YMDIYEH CHOSEN BYTHE COMMITTEE, Aiili Folk Fon es One Pp. Final Vote Is Twenty Four to Seven. and REAL CONTEST DEVELOPS. .J. I). Hvriie!, Elected Timi Secretar., Not Aetentajle 1" Folk Mn. and Derision Will l!e 1'iit to a Vote. r.T a stapt ixinp.rspovnr-NT leffer-on Cit. Mo, Jul IS Smiling affablv and transmitting buF'nes in open session, a majorltv of the Slate Commit tee choo . D Van lit er for temporary chairman of the convention b a vote of 22 to 3 at a meeting held to night in the MadiFon Hotel. It wrs the complete ma chine lay do vn." which had ben fore casted in The Republic The dtv- 1-ntl been devoted to worl Irg uoon the committeemen to accept Vandl ver. They balked protested and declared the never would: vet Folk'" overwhelm ing majority In the convention stared them In the f ice and th"v did Tho anti-Folk strength howevr. plaved cute on the St Louis election of a tem porary secretar-, ind a small-sized but nevertheless ominous cloud s 'n the sk a a consequence. Introducing him as "tho original Folk man ' Committeeman Phil Fh.av placed J D. Brnes of Jeffer son Countv- in nomin ition for th secre tar ship, ngiinst Jnmes Nnlen of Lewi-, the pr-.ona! selection of Mr Tolk B rnes won bv 24 to 7 When the cl ange first Iwamc k-own to Mr Tclk. he sail that he would be ntlstied witli 11 rnes Hearing of the al leged relations of Bvrnes with Butler now. McLeod declared that a nght on Bvrnes will be made on the floor of the convention Inlis-s he can be verv Hati--fuctorlly explained the action of the State Committie will be rejudiittd Doorkeepers, assist int secretaries, as sistant sergeant-at-arms wire proclaimed original Folk men rocu coiMini:i.s One othir point was developed to which attichis the suspicion that it is of the tine Italian varietv On motion of Virgil Conkllng it wns votid that tin dis trict cfcueUMs tomorrow si ill ehooso members foi four instead of three, eon ventlon euniii.ltttes, timt the duties of the usual Peru anent Orf-aniation ind Order of Business i ommittees !i ill 1k divided and two committn-s foimeit thi one on Permanent O'guilrition at d the otltr on Rules and Older of Buin--s this 1 initijeiud a- .i p'an to "-cur coatrol of tin Rules o mmltt.e ml turn control of the oroJr of iiori'oall in ib w evtr. it Is a fi rn,nm com m-.! in ti uht t'.at all foil- commlttf-", will le ovuii. 1 bv Foi' niu Plans have bee i laid toe nicely and too accuntel for anv slips to oevu.. The eholie of Vandivir m'aii" an nutl olk "lav dov n " It is eompl. te fi - it is ibout the lat thing the St He ( om-aittee wouM have done had it, anj option in the matter Hut It promises well -o f n as it goes though the dove or pene woull have ilood a bitter huw had the Bvrnes mcidi nt b-ei avoldtvj The fjrtier Folk idms for the org-ml 7atlon of tlie convention and nf the Stile Committee, with o-ie exception continue as outlined vesterda Ihe evceptiun II s In Ihe peimniunt chilrninnshlp ot the convention It has been definitely deeiinl that Judge W. N Evans sh ill be the new chairman of the Mite Committee In view of this fact, Mr. Folk Is considering whether It would not be bitter to advo cate another selection for permanent chairman of the convention Charles E Yeater Is the most likely suggestion, and the final decision now lies between Judge Evans and Mr. Yeater VOTE ON VANDIVER The vote on Vandlver for temporarj chairman was as follows: For Vandlver Z T. Crawford nnd John C. Mills of the First: Virgil Conkling of the Second, E A. Buntin of the Third, W. E. Spratt and W. L, Salmon of the Fourth, George Lee Chrlsman (by prow) of the Fifth. W. R Anthony and W. It Bowles of the Si-cUi. T. F. Mitchum and Solon Smith of the Seventh. J. H. Edwards and J. A Stewart of the Eighth. Thomas V North of the Ninth, Henry J. Quellmatz of the Tenth Phil A. Shaw of the Thir teenth. George C. Orchard and O S Har rison of the Fourteenth. Gilber Birbee and M. T. Davis of the Fifteenth nnd Frank Ruse!l and A. E McGlashan of the Sixteenth James J. Butler of St. Louis plai-el Frank M. Kleiber in nomination against Mr. Vandlver for temporary chairman Kleiber received these votes: J. C. Collett of the Second. W. T. Kemp er of the Fifth, Brice Eowards of the Ninth, James McCaffer of the tenth, Har ry B Hawcs (by prox) and Thomas J. Ward of the Eleventh. James J. Butler and William J. Flnn of the Twelfth and Sam J. McMInn of the Thirteonth. The temporal-' secretar was elected and the order of nominations proceeded to ser-geant-at-arms. J. D. Stark, the Folk choice, was elected over T. J. Wolls, b 20 to 10 J. G Slate of Jefferson Clt was made doorkeeper and the Reverend Doctor C. E. Patillo of the JefTer-on City Metho dist Church was named for chaplain. Minor positions were filled as follows: Assistant Secretaries Jas Hagerman oi St. Louis and J. W. Armstrong of Pulaski County. Assistant Serscant-at-Arms T. J WelU, Tred Haw ley, II L. Cummins', J D Layne, Steve Sedgwick, W. 1. Mitchell and E, W. Herring. Assistant Doodkeepers George 31. Win ton, Casper Welch, J. A. Biankcship. J. Sterling Price Smith, John 31 Stevens, lrgll Conkling and A. L. Bi istoe. Tho choice of Conkling was In tho nature of a Icke, he moving his own beltctlou. BOY HURT "lN RUNAWAY. Little Son of Valentine Vogel In ternally Injured. While out driving at 10 o'clock last night with his son, 4 years old, Valentine Vogel of No. 4518 Fountain avenue, and the child were victims of a runaway accident. At King's highway and Fquntain avenue the two were thrown from the buggy and the wheels passed over the Child. He was injured Internally and wasltaken to his home. Sir, Vogel was not 1 seriously ln- WOIi i riL i II Wives and Friends of Candidate Thi on:: Their Head quarters. NOVELTY PLEASES MRS. FOLK. I I'jiii Fioni Wnriensbtir:! Cane in C!i.iiiiii.ui Candidacy of Unix- Ojrle.Mi.v Miss Iloms Present. ii stmi nni:r-sri-Mir Jefferson iitv Mo Julv IR Woran Is beio-ning a s-i-i- -r rntor in the settlement of cintests f it tat Irtmocrntir nomin i tions for M it iv lues, in Missouri Tne iobbv an! he nlqjarti rs in the "lad ion Hotel vv re -elntlllau' to-night with the wives dii-cltirs ind ladv frit nls of th various inil'ilato- and thej mingled villi tin- po iticlans, old anl oung lii professionals Ihe custom ot vomrn working for their favorites was inauuintel in ISM. when the headquarters of Judge Theodore Brace of the Supreme Court were in charge of his beautiful d High er S nee that time the Democratic women of Missouri have b"en increasing powers in tho politics of the Slate ai 1 thi convention sees more of them in . -I ndance than evir before Prominent imoii t tiiosi- to see the con vention is Ihe eo-n-ng mlstrt-s of the man sion. 31rs Joep,i ,v Folk fche came to Jefferson rity -vith 31r. Tolk nnd has been staving at the home or .Mrs J W. Gor don on East 3I.iin street This afternoon she entered the Folk hi adquarters in com panv with 3Iiss Rumsiv and 3IIs See She met several of 3Ir rolk'3 callers, but re mained on'v- few moment.s with the parting injunction from her husband to return in ire evening To night she held a leveu It his parlors. A long line of Missourians shook hands v itli her nnd the ladles in the party, ln elulirg 3Irs Gprdon, Mr?. Frank Estes of s-t Ixiiils, 3113 Rumnoy and 31iss f-ee Sh was In us good humor ap any woman of Missouri might bo under the circum stances Shu waa asked If she had seen tlie in mslon HAS Sf'nN THE M YNSIO.N "I had it pointed out to me, hut I did not wish to look at It to long until I krow it was a certainty that 3lr. Folk will be nominated and elected." she replied "I think Jefferson City Is a line place Ever bod has been s0 cordial. Th place res minis me to much of tho Tenncsseo town where m mother lives. Brownsville" Mr Ilarrv B Havves has been at her husband's headquarters a greater part of the d i and she has exhibited great pleas ure In meeting tho delegates and others from the country who have called. Th largest party of ladles interested in the lanilidac of one man Is a group from Waireiisburg. who nro i nthasl vstic ixiom ns ot Rube' Oglesby, the Johnron Coun t candid ite for Rnllro id Commissioner. the pirt Is ct aperonrl b Mis Luther wife of the State bupervisor of l.ulkling and l.oan A ociations, .Mrs Wal laco irnsev nnd 3Irs Nick Bradle-.,wlfe of State Senator Bradley 'ihe partv is composed of 311ss Anna ockrell, voungest daughter of bemtor i-rancls 31 Cevkrell; the Misses Elizabeth Houts. 3Ivrtl Le-ar. Thurher. Dot WalUce. Flla 31ooro. 31nme Suddath, Elsie Hitknian, 3Iabel Garrison, Lnetto Cole, Hallie Carstaphen Katlo Everhart ird the candidate's siMer, 3Ilss Frances Oglesb Jliss Hout" N the ouu? woman who so iMimblv has maiaged 3Ir Ogleib's cam paign, and to whom, he tlecl ires, le will owe his snipccsp. If it comes 3liss Houts has written thousands of letters to dele gites and others over the State, and she Is one of the most interesting visitors) to the convention, se-ores of delegates having made it one of their first pleasures to look the ounif lady up" and "pay their re-rccts" to tlie girl who alread had won their admiration and esteem. 3IRS. COOK'S HOUSE PARTT. 31rs. Sam B Cook, wife of the Secretar of State and one of the hand"omest women In .Missouri, is entertaining a house part during the convention, nnd the members of it arc in constant touch with 3Ir. Cook's headquarters The members of tho part are 3lrs Cook's sister, 3Irs Susie Buck ner of 3Iet!co. 31rs E S. Wilson of 3fex ico. Sirs E Y. 31ttchell of Springfield and Mr C. 31 Clav- of 3IIssisslppi. Sevenl women of Jefferson City nre nlso actively interesting themselves in 3Ir. Cook's candidacy. Included among them are 3Irs Robinson and 3Ilss Robinson, v ife and daughter of Supreme Court Judge Robinson; 3Irs. Lawson Price and 3IIsses Janette Williams and Alma Gas. "Wall" Bronaugh. the many-time can didate for Railroad Commissioner, has with him his sister, 3IIss Cora Bronaugh of Clinton who has written 23,000 lcttrs for Mm durins the campaign. Iilj daugh ter, little 3Ilss Annie Bronaugh, and his niece, little 3Ilss 3Iary Trench, of Tex is .1 P. Sale" of Bethany, candidate for At torney General. Is accompanied to the convention by his wire and daughter. 31rs. C W. Crawson. of Chllllcothe Acting Llcutmant Governor Rubey, who aspires to fill tho office through tho next four vear. is accompanied by his wlfo. who is eloin-r effective work among tho delegates. MARSHALL SENDS LARGE DELEGATION TO CONVENTION. arncTAL 3Inrs.hiiI. 3Io , July IS -One hundred person? left here this morning over the Missouri Pacific in a special car to attend the State Convention at Jefferson City. Doctor John R. Hall, president of the Folk Club at this pi ice. was made chair man of the Saline County delegation at a caucus- held here this morning Each person wore a "mlse. with the fol lowing words- "Saline County for Folk." rrauk Nalor carried an elegant ban ner, with Mr Folk's picture on it. 3Iany members nt the delegation have never at tended a State Convention, or taken any interest in polities The S iline County delegation Is also In strueteil to cast its ten votes for Leslie Marmniluke. formerly of Saline County, for Audltcr Rube Oglesb 's friends claim the vote of Saline Count for him Sam r, ..l. III ..... .1, .. .... n. ,!. ..... ., t IUUK Will iCLClir ,--.l Ul lilt- VUIC. IOC remainder being divided between 31us- x n r....l rrsj,i grave and Todd. THIRTEENTH DISTRICT SELECTS REPRESENTATIVES IrPmU.Il hPBCIAL. Jefferson City, ilo, July 18 The Thlr- onriTi' I . . . it. US fill I ' I i I 11 V M-rs of H.illin'er ( oun'. "'omtnm.e on i I M "ill I I II N I t'rrctintuN Thomas btruui,lni of Me I J j J I III I lil!) liiiwim chiirmm on Permanent )r i ! !i I 1 Ul-niuuij g.nlza.l m ard Or-ler of Business, jns. oh i Winer of Jtffersoi Count W N llnli- t, iv of Wavne fount S: ite Commilti.- inen '! tccnth Ui-trict lielpgites selected conven tion end State committeemen at a au us liild thi- lfternoon The following were ehocii Judge Uhnili i tl Madi-on ' oun- Conmi.ttie on l'viutlnns. t.eo K- CQfM.ITTEE MAY UNSEAT HAWES MEN FROM THREE WARDS. Conlinneil From Pn5e One. Louis -rill be turned ''-" against Folk and the cltv tirket I eaten "If Folk wants tlirt cltv vote" s-ild Onion "lies p-ot to come to men who ein deliver it He's tied up to a lot of fellows down home who can t deliver a preelnrt ' If the Credential Committee will INte-i, Ihe eitv cneM will be t iken up v--ird bv w.'id Should e ich ease be thorougl lj ; cimined and evidence taken anl afridiiPs ionIiernl t is ijfilcult to foresee how the work could be completed in lesi than tli-ee elajs T!ic Folk contention in th majority of vimls depends upon proving general frauds for thev do rot conte-d thi' the aetuillv s, rjred a majority of votes in thae wards. The probaliility ! tint the (r. elential i Committee -vi pot go into the contests on ueh a c.lle ;nd v. Ill insKt on niiislilng up all contests in one day On this bvis the chances nre as said ir vetterda s Republic that rut more than tlree of the Hawei wa-d dele gations will 1 u-iseaTed RKP1 B LI CAN SIGNERS The IIiw. side will adduce in defense one of their campaimi elocuments. wh ch ." prominent In the prinnrv tight. Tnls -eeits that the majorit of the 1 oik riele gatep, -inel of signers to Folk protesting P-titionsi in M Louis, are eitlier RePub lleans or Munielpil Ownership men Contests will coii U;i from Monroe and DeKalb counties as well ns from b: Lo il Count, Clinton (mint. New Madrid. Jasper and 31cDonald counties. The Clinton, 31onroe and DKalb con tests involve delegations named bj t lo Count Conmlttie and, others named by subsequent mass meetings or conventions In Clinton, five delegates are affected. If tl o Folk men nre seated, they will be cp posed to Cook and Allen In 3Ionro eight delegates are simllarlv- situated. In B Knlb four: In St. Louis County, eight. In Jasper. Ix: in the Eighteenth Twent soventh n-id Twenty-eighth wards ot St. Louis thirteen. Accorei'ngly. forty-four votes are at stake, the disposal of which may affect the outcome ot the Cook fight. Should more of the ninety St. Louis cltv contested votes be substituted by Folk delegations, then of course the balance an regards Cook and Allen would bo affected to correspond. Svs0sVvs4g s 1-IIOII4IILU MVKK-IT OF -VEIV COMMITTEE. nETCBLlC SPBl-LIL y Jefferson City, 3fo. July 18 The s probable new State Committee is as follows- First District Robert II. Kern of 3Iacon. W T. Rutherford of Clark. D. H Shield- of Hannibal or Ben Irnnklln of 3Incon Second J C. Collett of Charlton and Virgil Conkling of Carroll. Third J. EL Bohnrt of Clinton v and Tobe JIapler of Caldwell. Fourth-!. W 3Iv tton of St. Jo- seoh and Pam Gillam of Nodaway. Fifth Lee Chris-nan of Independ $ ence and R L. Gregory of Kansas Clt. Sixth Hartev w. Salmon of Henrv (certain), J. S. Pencem of St Clair c- W. H. Anthony of Ce- ek dar s tjeventh A R. Evlmons of Sa- line and 3Ierge Lightfoot of Ozark. s Eighth Speed 3Iosby of Cole and M. E. Bright of Boone. Ninth Ov Id Bell of Callaway and R L. Robinson of Lincoln. Tenth Charles Lemp and Joseph Spiegellnlter of St. Louis. s Eleventh James 31iles and Thom- s ns J. Ward of St. Louis. Twelfth James J. Butler and William J. Flynn of St, Louis Thirteenth Jnmes Winer of Jef s ferson and Thomas Holllday of "ftayne. 4 Fourteenth O S. Harrison of s Dunklin and W. N. Evans of s s Howc'l. 4 s Fifteenth Patrick Mnrtln of Mo- nett and J. A. 3linor of Aurora. 4 Sixteenth Frank E. Russell of 4 Laclede (certain) and E. A. Mc- i Glashan or Millard Falkner 'of s Phelps. ! Arresteil at Dflmar Garden. John White and Jim Saers were arrest ee! at Delmnr Garden last night bv Dep uty Sheriff John Hanson and Deputy Constable George. Walters, charged with being pickpockets. John G. 1ard of Kan sas was the victim, and tho pair were ar retted Just as they were boarding a car. pursued by Ward They were taken to Clayton IGED DRINKS cause SO per cent of all deaths in hot weather from prostration, ' stomach and bowel complaints, congestion, sunstroke, exhaustion, paralysis, etc. Leading doc tors say all ydanger can be avoided by taking ' Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. It destros the disease germs and keeps the sj stem cool and healthy. "Duffy's" is an absolutely pure tonic stimulant, free from fusel oil. In use 0 years All cirugglsts and grocers, or direct, ?l a bottle 3ledical booklet free. Duffy 31alt Whiskey Co. Rochester. N. Y. HOO -n3:oc cape: To-day at 12 noon we open our Cafe and serve meals and drinks as usual. Popular prices, good service and quality is our motto. ASK THI BUBX GAT. X I fir f L ,-A - 1 v.yy;Ji..l (.. s5Sfe- -"-. N L4. ,r" ' 1 -J A? . , , X . . .. I- -!rW sv-fc. " -