f T &Z7zS!St&? a THE ST. LOUIS EEPUBLIC: TUESDAY, JULY 19. 1904. THE ST. LOUIS BEPUBLIO. PUBLISHERS: GEORGE KN'APP & CO. Charles W. Knapp President and General Manager. George I Allen, Vice President. W. B. Carr. Secretary. OBlce. Corner Seventh and Olive Streets, (REPUBLIC BUILDING.) TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: DAILY AND SUNDAY-SEVEN ISSUES A WEEK. By Mall In Advance Postage Prepaid. One year M.00 Six months S-w Three months I-60 Any three days except Sunday one year 3.00 f-'unday. with Magazine .'. iM Special Mall Edltlo:.. Sunday -7B Sunday Magazine 1,:s BY CARRIDR-ST. LOUIS AND SUBURBS. Per week, dally only 6 cents Per week, dally and Sunday 11 cents TWICE-A-WEEK ISSUE. Published Monday and Thursday one year J1.00 Remit by bank draft, express money order or regis tered letter. Address: THE REPUBLIC. St Louis. Mo. E3"ReJected communications cannot be returned under any circumstances. Entered In tne Post Cfflce at St. Lout?, Mo , as second class matter. DOMESTIC POSTAGE. PER COPY. Eight, ten and twelve page " cent Sixteen, eighteen and twenty pages 2 cents for one or 3 cents for two copies Twenty-two or twenty-eight pages - cents Thirty pages 3 cents IN EUROPE. The Republic is on file at the following places: LONDON Trafalgar building. Northumberland avenue, room 7. PARIS 10 Boulevard dei Capuclnes. corner Flaco de l'Opera and S3 Rue Cambon. BERLIN Equitable Gebaude. C9 Frledrlchstrasse. TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Bell. Klnloch. Coimtlng-Room Main 301S A 675 Editorial Keeeptlon-Koom Main 3SM A 674 TUESDAY, JULY 19, 19(M. Vol. 97 No. l'J Circulation Eiiiing June. George L. Bloomfleld, Auditor of The St Louis Repub lic, being duly sworn, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of the Dally and Sunday Republic printed during the month of June. 1901, all In regular editions, was as per schedule below: Date. Copies. X 108,000 S 100,410 S 105,040 104.040 E (Sunday) 123,110 6 lO0,T30 T 10T.0SO 8 M0.480 0 107,020 10 108,000 11 108,700 12 (Sunday) 123,470 IS 107,880 14 107,040 15 10!) ,870 Date. IS 17 18 Copies. . .10S.300 ..107,550 . .ion.no 10 (Sunday) 121.S30 SO 107.510 21 10S.0SO 22 ... 100,480 23 1.100,120 Ar4 lllUfilUU V, 108,800 26 Snny) 123,840 37 108,230 2S 110,080 29 100,150 30 100,230 Total for the month 3,300,410 Less all copies spoiled in printing, left over or filed 79,283 Net number distributed 3,230,127 Average dally distribution 107,671 And said George L. Bloomfleld further says that the number of copies returned and reported unsold during the month of June was 7.E7 per cent GEO. L, BLOOMF1ELD. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th day of June. 3. P. FARISH. Notary Public. City of 8t Louis, Mo. My term expires April's, 1305. ' - A STRAIGHT ISSUE. Mr. Folk's nomination at Jefferson City ought to present what the people Intended a clean, straight, plain issue of pure government against boodle and sympathy with boodle. Without listening to exaggerated attacks on Secretary Cook and Auditor Allen, the delegates to the convention nevertheless understand clearly that the lame intended by the people will be clouded by the nomination of either. In the case of Mr. Cook there is the Speed-Lyons transaction. Auditor Allen is not connected with the history of any wrongdoing, but his candidacy has all through been part and parcel of the desperate efforts to break down the reputation of Mr. Folk. Allen's success would be a blow at the strength of the next Gov ernor's administration. As public officiate both of these gentlemen are well qualified and thoroughly honest. The Republic has always insisted on that fact. The two offices will be properly conducted If they are nominated and elected. Outside of the routine of the offices they are ene mies of Mr. Folk. Their nomination would be a victory of anti-Folk forces; would disappoint the people and discourage the hopes raised by the fight against bad influences in government. The Demo cratic campaign would be burdened from the start. There is no need of making this a matter of per sonal feeling. Most of the Democrats who are op posed to Secretary Cook and Auditor Allen ar)jjry sonally Inclined to like them; for both gentlemen have attributes of popularity. But the victory of a necessary principle of government and the Interests of the Democracy In a critical campaign require that such men should not be at the front as State representatives of the party. The delegates are now informed on the situa tion. It Is for them to use their judgment. " CONCESSIONS AT THE FAIR. No universal exposition held in the United States could be a popular success without a subsidiary amusement show. The Pike Is more than a finan cial necessity. It la an accessory institution which the fun-loving percentage of visitors demands; and patronage is almost so certain that an assurance cor'pany could afford to take risks on the expected receipts. The eide-show feature of the St. Louis Exposi tion is' a great amusement enterprise in Itself, as it realizes an Investment of more than $5,000,000. The Pike is a thoroughfare 90 feet wide, paved with brick; in the center of the pavement is a row of ornamental posts, surmounted with decorative elec tric lamps. The thoroughfare is about a mile long, with picturesque and unique structures on either side. There are; about forty-five entertainment con cessions. Much can be said in praise of the private at traction at the Exposition, as distinguished from the main projects which are part of the Fair. The Pike affords good entertainment None of the shows are vulgar. Most of them are excellent. Many of them are genuine novelties; some are scien tific; others are sensational and a few educational. For variety, in the way cf advertisement, the Pike stands without a peer. Of course, none of the If attractions picase everyoouy, as insies airier; uiu ?fi.The attractions were chosen to appeal to all tastes. and collectively they form what Is probably the biggest and most diverse of amusement projects. A vifcit to the Pike is essential to a thorough Inspec tion of the Exposition. Xew York Is highly delighted over a pleasure resort which "was constructed to resemble the Pike. Yet that -resort, beautiful and big and entertaining as it is. does not compare with the Pike, except In Humiliation. There are concessions at the Expos! 11 tlon which would, by comparison, make the New York venture seem commonplace. Although the Pike is not strictly a part of the Exposition, It Is a meritorious, accessory featuie, in which the management may take pride. The public required a side-show, and the management provided one of diameter. In return the amusement eonces .sions are instrumental in defraying the expenses of conducting the Exposition. And. il may lie said, the patron are getting their money's vvoitli, not only in pleasure, but in interest ami iustnictlou. .--. EXAMINING CONTESTED GROUND. From the Democratic Maudpoint. the latest Re publican tali: about New York State must lie re garded as distinctly encouraging. Instead of claim ing New Yoik, the Republican party, through the party press, assert" its ability to get along without it. Piior lo Parker's nomination New York Re publican stock had n firmer tone. We lieaid noth ing but boasts of Republican solidarity ami strength. Now comes the otlicial news that Re publicans "are convinced that the President can be elected without New Yoik, though of (Oiirse theie is no disposition to overlook the importance of a vie tory in the Kiuplre State." This "conviction" of ability to win without New York is based upon a Republican claim of the lol lowiug States: California, 10; Connecticut. 7; Dela ware, .'t; Illinois, 17; Indiana, 15; Iowa, 13; Kausa, 10; Maine, d; Massachusetts, 1(5; Michigan. 11; Min nesota, lJ; Montana, ;i; Nebraska, S; New Hamp shire. 4; New Jersey, 12; North Dakota, 4; Ohio, Xi; Oregon. 4; Pennsylvania, 34; Rhode Island, 4; South Dakota, 4; Utah, :t; Vermont, 4; Washington, 5; Wyoming. 3; the total being 247, or 8 more than a majority in the Electoral College. This estimate concedes 170 votes to the Demo cratic party, and places West Virginia and Wiscon sin in the doubtful column with New York, making the total of doubtful votes 59. To win without New York, then, the Republicans must perform the task of carrying New Jersey, or Connecticut and West Virginia in lieu of New Jer sey. It would be odd indeed should New York go Democratic and New Jersey and Connecticut re main In the Republican column. To win without New York the Republicans must carry every one of the doubtful Western States. They must carry Delaware also; whereas that State reasonably be longs iii the doubtful column, being far from a Re publican certainty under present conditions. They must carry Montana likewise, over the powerful Democratic organization In that State. This Republican estimate is contrary to the much-expressed and apparently sane opinion that a tide of political sentiment sufficient to turn New York would be strong enough to carry albo most of the other doubtful States. This opinion is sus tained by the concentration of effort on New York by lioth sides. Both parties will have their main working headquarters in New York and branches in Chicago. Large attention will be given to such States ns Indiana. Illinois and Wisconsin, but it is evident that all the political managers have come to the conclusion that "as New Yoik State goes the country will go." A very interesting examination of contested ground is made by the New York Times, which notes what conditions were in 1802, when the united Democracy made its la&t successful presidential fight, aud calculates what votes that were given to the Republican ticket in 1900 must be won back by the Democrats In order to elect Judge Parker. In the following table prepared by the Times a list is given of all the votes that were cast for Mr. Cleve land in 1S92 from States which in 1900 cast their electoral voles for Mr. McKinley, together with the number of electoral votes which these States will have this year. In Michigan. North Dakota and Ohio Mr. Cleveland received only a part of the elec toral votes, and the same number are put In the third column to show how many adverse votes must be overcome: Votes 1S32. States. 8 California 6 Connecticut 3 Delaware 2 Illinois 13 Indiana have a special inleruatioual exhibition in one im mense structure. The United States. France,' Geriunuy, Great Brit ain. Japan, Siam and the South American countries have the largest and best displays. Add to their exhibits others of a raie. historical type, and then is illustrated thJ development .if transportation faeilitlm. from Hie rickety cart :uitl chariot ami sled of ancient times, from the canoe and dangerous cargo boat, to the palatial ocean steamship, the mag nilicent railioad trains and the fantastic automobile vehicles of this day. In a special exposition thesighl-sxer will look for the old, the stiange and the primitive. The expec tation is gratified. foie!ng a startlir? eontiast be tween discomforts in tmprogressive modern conn tries ami In unadvaiieed ancient countries and tl.e conveniences of travel and transportation in most contemporary countries, especially In the greatest of model u lands. The featmes of the exhibition are the -locomotives, trains, coaches ami ears of steam and electric rail systems, the numerous models of all types of ocean steamships, the automobile vehicles, the ves sels ami implements used in expleiatiou. the ex emplifications of the discovery, application and de velopment of principles, the novelties among the new inventions and improvement-, aud the wonder ful feat of engineering performed and proposed nt this time to facilitate general transportation and travel. In these sections, the United States, Ger many. France and Great Britain aie pre-eminent. It would be difficult to conceive a belter, more complete or clearer illustration of modern condi tions of transportation, or to get a more convincing idea as to the advancement which has been made aud is oeing made, among all of the leading na tions. In invention, improvement and adjustment. Above all, the transportation exhibition indicates that In engineering ami mechanics genius and talent are accomplishing Intellectual fean as marvelous as other men present in the arts and sciences, and certajnly more stupendous wonders. 4. Without one special event to draw out a great throng any day, the attendance at the World's Far lu the week ending July 10 was 500,339. Natural conditions hardly could hae been worse. The week's showing is good. The attendance of hun dreds of thousands per week In these circumstances surely points to the attendance of millions in the cool and stiiiuy nutuinu. WEDDING OF MISS WATTS AND REDMOND M'BRIDE TO BE SOLEMNIZED THIS MORNING AT ST. MARK'S CHURCH. jMI&3 -VlOIifl TriSlTT'Sj WHO -Witt SZ-1FUiRTED TODHY TO REDMOND 1CBRZ0B i The crusade for suppression of the stage Irish man, undertaken by the Irish organizations, is a justifiable movement reflecting proper rate pride, but we can't help recalling a little sadly that the slap-stick comedian contributed a great deal to the joy of the universe. Votes 1904. 10 6 8 27 IS 8 Maryland 8 6 Michigan - 5 10 New Jersey 12 Sfi New York 39 1 North Dakota 1 1 Ohio l 6 West Virginia 7 12 Wisconsin 13 13i 147 The States which in 1892 voted for Cleveland have this year in the Electoral College counting In I he seven votes he received where the vote was divided 301 votes. Deducting from these the 147 votes which will be cast this year by the States which changed to McKinley in 1800, we have 104 votes on which Democracy can rely if there Is no change from 1900. Upon this basis Democracy must win back 85 votes from States which voted for McKin ley In 1900. The Times thinks that New York with 39, W;st Virginia vzith 7, Maryland with 8 and Delaware with 3 a total of 57 votes form JLhe nucleus from which all calculations should be made. It regards New York as reasonably certain. West Virginia as certain and Maryland and Delaware as extremely likely to go with West Virginia. If these votes can be gained, there remain 28 to be found. Indiana with 15 and Wisconsin with 13 would supply them. Illinois with 27, or Indiana with 15 and New Jer sey with 12, would come within one of the goal. California with 10, New Jersey with 12 and Con necticut with 6 would furnish the required number. Without doubt all reasonable estimates give Democracy a chance which calls for fighting with all the resolute force and effectiveness of which the party Is capable. The British Government may monopolize the wireless telegraph system throughout the United Kingdom. Though ihe Government should appear "silent and sullen," Mr. Kipling could not call :t thoughtless. - Circumstances may force the United States Su preme Court to take an extended iccess in mid winter. The special Commissioner will submit in October the depositions in the Chicago Drainage Canal case. --.- St. Louis is cooler than Chicago, with all the lat ter's lake breezes. At that, St. Louis is not a frost. We are simply serviug up good Exposition weather. -SH " j TRANSPORTATION EXHIBITS. The St. Louis World's Fair embraces numerous special expositions, International in character, each of which is a distinct Institution. In the special expositions the policy Is to please and instruct the ordinary 6lght-seer and to interest aud inform the specialist. The application of this policy discovers a system of compactness, with a special Interna tional exposition In one Immense building, or, as the edifice is quite properly called, palace. The transportation exhibition proper is con tamed In the Palace of Transportation, which was erected at a cost of $700,000. After the Palace of Agriculture, it is the largest exhibit structure In the grounds, being 1,300 feet long by 525 feet wide. There are more than four miles of track for rail road exhibits and nearly 300,000 square feet of space for other exhibits. AVith the Holland submarine torpedo boat in the United States Government building, the Army and Navy and Post-Office departments' exhibits in the same building, and the common and uncommon transportation devices, of a strictly practical kind, in service and on display on the grounds. In con cession establishments and in foreign buildings, the special exhibition of modes and means o'f travel and locomotion Is thoroughly comprehensive. If these exhibits could have been put i-to the Paiace f Transp1" tlon, the St. Louis World's Fair would The Red Sea aud the Black Sea are getting mixed with the Russo-Japanese conrliet. Rouge et nolr is a gnme of excirement aud uneven chances. -- RECENT COMMENT. The lllrlh of " IninlRnninted." Thomas W. Lawson In Even, body's Magazine. The great Anaconda mine, and affllated properties, previous to the creation of the Amalgamated, were owned by J. B. Haggin, Lloyd Tevls, and .Marcus Daly. The control tf fl, TmnA-i , .., ... ,.w,,v, ttIiu ielr operations were absolutely vested in Marcus Daly, and he alone knew where the lean veins ended and the fat ones began. Deep down in his mind Marcus Daly cherished a dream -a dream of Immense riches, and it was to be realized in a simple enough nay. He should get together the millions to buy out his partners on a basis of the valua tion of the "ore in sight," then in supreme ownership himself, reap untold profits out of the milling of the plethoric veins he had been so careful to leave un worked. Mr. Daly met Henry H. Rogers. The miner confided his dreams and his aspirations to the magnate, who at once magnificently undertook to realize them. The trade was almost instantly made Mr. Rogers would buv the properties cf Daly. Haggin and Tevls. at "in sight" prices, and Daly would be his partner, hut the partner ship must remain secret until the purchase was con summaltd. The ownership of the Anaconda Company at the time consisted of UW.uOO shares, and with the purchase of a few shares over the majority at the "in sight" lean vcln valuation of J24.0OO.O0O. would carry the turnover of the management and the control. If took but a very biiet time to get together the other piopertles which were finally Included in the first section of Amalgamated They consisted of the Colorado. Washoe, and Parrot Mining companies, and timber, coal and other lands and merchantile and like properties situated In the State of Montana, for which Mr". Rogers paid in round figures $13,000,000. a total of $39,000,000 for what within a few days after purchase was capitalized at $75,000,000 in the Amal gamated Company. One of the pretty summer weddings will take place at St. Murk's Catholic Church. Academy avenuo and Page boulevard, this morning at 9 o'clock, when Miss Viola Watts, only daughter of Mr nnd Mr.s. T. O. Watts, of No. EMC Maple avenue, will be married to Redmond W. McBrld, of St. Louis, by father O'ltourke. the pastor. The church has been decorated with palms and ferns and pink and white roses. The aisles will be roped with pink and white satin ribbons. The bride, a slender, graceful girl, with large blue eyes and a wealth of chestnut brown hair, will wear a gown of whlto chiffon over white taffeta silk. The yoke of the bodice is made in a Jour work, with a bertha of duchess point lace. Tho skirt has a shirred flounce and medal lions of a jour work. Tho bridal veil will be held in place by a diamond sunburst, a gift of liir fathi-r. She will also wear a diamond bracelet, the gift of the groom. Tho bride will carry a shower bouquet of bride's roses, and a pearl losarj. The nutiun of honor. Mm. F X. Hack man, will wear a gown of white French mull and Valenciennes lace, a large white lace hat. with plumer, and will carry a shower bouquet nt I-i Ki.inco iot.es. The bridesmaid. Miss liessle I. Kcane and Miss Angela C Donahoe, will wear gowns of chiffon cloth and Valenciennes lace oer white talTcta silk, with broad girdles of white satin; and white laco hats trimmed with pink rooscs. They will carry shower bouquets of pink sweat peas. Little Miss Norma B. Grace, the flower girl, will wear a frock of white point d'osprit. and she will carry a basket of while and pink roses The bride's mother will wear a gown of black crepe do Chine over white taffeta silk The groom will be attended by his brother. Jamea Halpln. and the grooms men, Brackett B. Watts and Redmond J. McAuIlffe. The ushers are Thomas M. Grace and Thomas G. Watts. Jr The en tire bridal party are relatives of the bride and bridegroom. The bride will enter on the arm of her father, who will gHe her away, and will ba met at the altar by the groom and the best man After the marriage erv!ee the bridal couple will enter the chancel, where the nurtlal mass will be said by Father Zlcgier. Mrs. Dorr and Professor DIerkeswill play the wedding march and John and James Rohan will sing the wedding chorus. Immediately after the marriage service there will be a reception and u wedding breakfast at the home of the bride's par ents. After the reception Mr and Mrs. McBride will depart for a wedding tour in the East, and will be at home to their frifnds at Hotel Jefferson alter August 13. The bride's gifts to her maids are nin wreaths of forget-me-nots, set with dia monds in the form of a friendship knot. The groom's gifts to his attendants are diamond dragon-head stickpins. PERSONAL MENTION A surprise party was given for Miss Anna L. Plltt at her home. No. 4733 Ken nrly avenue, last W'ednesdaj evening The houe was decorated with carnations The evenine was spent in dancing and plaj ing games Ichs and frozen fruits were wrved. Miis Plltt received many pres ents from her friends. Among tlio-e pres ent were: I.aura Trbvn Gertrude IJaMwIn, Kauny 1'arks. DeutchOberl. Lena Ilrooks Alerdames Alice M Duckworth. Mae riroGk" Anna DlrUoft. Alice Baser. Orallnc Duckworth. Marguerite 1'litt. Harry Plltt. Sr . Doctor K Hurace I row n. Howard II. Shlplrf diaries K. Grama Harry P1U'. . Harry Plltt. Jr. Mesaleurr f'arl J Trebea. Harry Faldley. Harry Landiogt, Clm Uentrup Harry Plltt. Jr.. lijward putt. Lee T Urinkman. Miss Jorhir.e Mcyl of Now York. 1; the guest of her uncle and aunt. Mr. ana Mrs. De Vrles of Dickson street. -Miss Sadv Fahy of Parkereburg, Ore is the g-ae't of Doctor and Mrs. W. C. Owen of Folsdm avenue. Mrs. Edward Lvnds and her daughter. MIfs Marv. rr spending the month at South Haven. Mi h . as the guests of llri. Piatt GIbbs of Chicago. L. W Gurt of Atlanta. Ga., Is visiting tho World's Fair. Miss Rltta Jackson of No. S10 Converse avenue. East Ft. Louis, is visiting rela tives in St. Louis. Mrs R. G. Kenney of Clinton. 111., has returned to it home after an extended visit with her siiter. Mrs. Frank Mudge of No. 60GS Page aenue. The MIses Jennie and Gertie Cochran nnd Adfle Grimm lia! departed for Memphis. Tenn.. where they will visit for a month. Will Evan and Dick Ehlers or Newark. N J . are the guests of Mr and Mrs. James Evans of No 311S Wells avenue. James F Cleveland of Chicago. 111.. while visiting the World's Fair is the guest of his cousins, Mmes. Mary Peavy and Alfred W. Lewis. Mr and Mrs. John R Hall, who reeida at the l'tona Hotel, have returned from French Lick Springs. , MISSOURI MILITIAMEN DRILL AT CAMP BATES. Tin- Cll if llir I'urllnlis. The World To-Day. Reform, contrarj to the general supposition, makes slower progress In Bosion than in Cnicago, and the mobilization of public opinion to take decisive action on admitted wrong is a simpler task in Chicago or New York than it is in Boston. Causes gain currency and in dorsement largely through social Influences. and these to a constantly increasing extent are so Intel mingled with political hierarchies of one kind and another that they are often strangled before they are born. The most striking evidence of tills fact is seen in the endeavors tb govern Boston, the election methods of which have been changed on the average every two years or less within the last decade. The present Legislature of Massachusetts has had before It several new proposi tions to meet emergencies which have lately arisen, like the election to the Board of Alderrmn of a man tinder Indictment by the Pederal Grand Jury and the nomina tion by popular vote, on the opposite ticket, of a negro with a semicriminal record. In connection with this nomination the most amazing fact is that, although the man's record and personality were perfectly known throughout the city by reason of the fact that a few years ago. being then unknown, lie was elected a mem ber of the Executive Council of the Commonwealth, he received the largest nnd most emphatic vote from the cultured, wealthy and aristocratic Back Bay Ward, which is said to represent the most compact and cen tralized body of New England hereditary blood and cul ture In the city! Fiftern Hnndred Men Itenily for Week, of Hard WorL nt .Nevada li'n- UlmiiHyeil by the lxtrvme Heat. REPUBLIC SPECIAL Nevada. Mo.. Julv 18 Camp Bates has been pitched on State Farm of the lnvane Asylum. It embraces about 160 acres of pasture land, one-half of which Is used for camp and the remainder for drill, evening parade and rifle range. II was christened Camp Bates estetday by Brigadier General Clark, out of compli ment to Department Commander John C. Bates. It was a busy camp jesterday, Missouri troops arriving all day. By evening all the tents vven up. The strictest sanitary rules have been observed and it is be lieved that good health will prevail among the militiamen. There are now1 1,500 men and officers in camp. Battery A of St. Louis is not In camp on account of not being able to be equipped with horses. A large number of visitors viewed the camp to-day. The weather is unsually hot. but owing to the elevation of the camp the soldiers are not suffering nnd there was only one case of heat pioitratlon to-day. This evening dress parade was held and the 1.300 soldiers with four bands in line and the mounted horses presented an Inspiring scene. The soldiers seem anxious for the hard drilling that Is to be given them to-morrow when they will march eight miles in to the country and camp ever" night marching the following day The encamp ment will be devoted to military instruc tions and the social features will not pre dominate. VISITORS AT SL LOUIS HOTELS Mberp. Martin. Andrew and John Frl of Helena are reentered at th? Hotel FWberp. Martin, Jerfere-on Mrs M C Sturtevant of Montreal and M!s Knight of Chicago are gueati at the Planters. Sdrev V. Green and Mrs Isabella Crwn or Denver, are among the arrivals at ttw Plan ters Doctor J Takamhie of New York Is at the Planters Mr and Mrs J O Horton. George S. Hor ton and .vrthur Horton of Brooklvn, are guests at the Hotel Jefferson S H Stltt of Hot Springs. Ark., is at the Hotel Jeffeieon At Chlcnico Hotels. REPUBLIC .SPECIAL Chicago, 111.. July IS The St Louis per sons legistered at hotels here to-da uie as follows: Audttorlum-G P. Bellcn. S. K Harris. 9 S. Peck. P fatelnhar.t. E il fechuett. A. U Tar pey UrlKsts O 3 Grogan. V It Gibson. M. S. Hejman. T O Hunter. . H Murp'ij. J. S. Hofs. A II Venn. II M. Vool. W S Young Palmer Houiv C J Ksan, V F K'nff. M L Lewis. L B Lowden. V K Morrow. WInJsor-Cllfton C J Uroason. V. 11. Car penter Urevoort It. B. Baldwin. E W Culver. VV, T Thomas. . Great Northern J. II Barnard. J J Davis. W. R. Hall. n. R. Watson .. Kalserhol-L. B Clark. 1C. C. Lane. M. E. Monroe. A K. Splch. S!Sm9n TTnii .I W Ratl1. N J NIXOH Grand, PaclBc Milton Mills, J. K. O'itetU, Dnlzht Tredway. ASK FOR ASSISTANT JAILERS. County Visitors Say Prisoners !Xeod More Care. Doctor August Melsch and Mrs. Lewis V". L.cey. president and secretary, re spectively, of the Board of County Vis itors of St. Louis County, yesterday peti tioned the County Court at Clayton to ap point one or more assistant Jailers to help care for the prisoners. They nlleged that the crowded condi tion of the Jail made the step Imperative. There are nearly seventy prisoners t Clayton, all unaer the care of one man, who finds it impossible to work them on the rockpile on account of the demands on his time at the Jail. Doctor Meisch. nnd Mrs. Lacey also asked that some arrangement be made so that Juvenile prisoners could be tried lm medlitcly or as soon as possible after charges are preferred against them. The petition was filed without action. MRS. FROELICH GETS DIVORCE. Husiila's Itcmnrknlile Prophet. Leslie's Weekly. Father John of Kronstadt,' who has prophesied that the war against Japan will continue for tvnty-flve years. Is really the Reverend John Sergieff, one of the priests of St. Andrew's Cathedral in the famous fortress city. After the Czar, he Is and has been for yars the greatest man in Russia, by virtue of his piety and reputed power of healing. People of the highest rani:, as well as the poorest peasants, go to him for help. He was summoned to the deathbed of the Emperor Alex ander, and when the present Czar was stricken with typhoid in Livadia. public opinion necessitated that the imperial doctors should be re-enforced by Father John's healing touch. Dcsrite all barriers a strong personality will maka itself felt. Mr. and Mrs. R Jennlnx. of Stillwater, Minn . are guets at the I-aclede. J. A. Blaffer of New Orleans la at the La clede. Mr. and Mrs. Chnrle. G. Rowland of Ta coma. Wali . are among the Laclede guests. F O Merrill of Washington. D C Is a St. Nicholas arrival Mr. and Mrs R E. Wells of Nnshvllts. Tenn.. arrived yesterday at the New St. James. Mr nnd Mrs. William Gllles of Rochester. N. Y are gue"ts at the New Pt James Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ktowcsahl of Rich mond. Va . are at the Llndell. Mr. and Mrs. W C. Cobb of Belton. a C , are guests at the Southern Mr. and Mr D. R Beatty of Houston. Tex , arrived at the Southern jesterday. The Reverend I. M Manning of Baltimore, Md , is a guest at the Southern Mr and Mr A. D Williams of Kansas flty, and Miss McDonald of Yarmouth. Nova Scotia, are registered at the Southern Geonre It Simmons Pre.1 R. Simmons and sister, and Miss Help Thornsburg of Ottumwa, la , are guests at the Southern Mr. and Mrs W. B Hotchklss and Mrs. W. II. llotchklss of New York are at tho Planters. E. R. Monk nnd Miss Grace Monk, are ar rivals at the Planters Mr. and Mrs H. D Moore, Mrs. Rice. c. .Mlaaiiurlinis in tw York. REPUBLIC SPECIAL New York. July IS. Hotel arrivals to day include the following visitors from the West: St. Louis A J. Mollenkoff. W. Davidson. J. W. Keeshan. H. K. Lockhart. J A Witt. Hoff man: It. Johnston. R. M S-rusjs. A P. Ljons, Mrs. J. If, O'Cmnor. Walllrgion. J J uim Eert. H. M. Keene and Mrs. Kcene. Mrs. a. Lovithcr. Imperial: O. Walker. J Hamtey. J It Holland. W W Marchmej-er. Ml". Mullaney, Herald Square. W K. Morgan. L W. Po-t, 1. O. Howard and Mrs. Howard foevllle. .1. v.. Crail. B r Bush and Mrs l)uh, O. L Garri son. Waldorf: Q Gorouii. M. C. .McKer.na and Mrs McKcnna. Grand Pnlon, S II Douylierty. E. H Otehage. York. F 1. Marx. C P. Wl tenburg. II. N. Msrx. Gregorian. U R. Rich ardson. Fifth Avenue: E N. I'lack and Mrs. Plack Miss Lumaahl. Fifth Averw : W I. M.i.nirhr- W 11. BueklrV. Hotel VVolcOtt! i Kuen7l Miss Heldet. Navarre; A. Orff and Mrs. Ortr. T. J. Hughes. St, Denis; B. E. Jungle and Miss Jungle. A. K. Miller, Park Avenue; W. L Koenirhsherg and Mrs. Koenirbur. Broadway central, J i. r-awarus. AiDert: is. C. Dennis. Grand Union: A. E. Murphy. Earl tngton: D. Rankin. Jr.. Astor. Kansas City E, L Parmelee and Mrs. Par melee, E. K. Crutcher. Jr.. Park Avenue; J. C Rosenburcer and Mrs. Rosenburger. Nether lands J. H. Martin. New Amsterdam; S. G. Murphy and Mrs. Murphy. Navarre: W. E. Mc Manus. Imperial: O A. McKle. Union Square; E. P. Allen and Mrs Allen. Earllngton: P. M. Barnes. Broadway Central. Couit Awards Her f 3,000 Ali mony in Gross. CircLit Judge Sale yesterday granted Louise Froellch of No. 1026 Morrison ave nue a decree from Carl Froellch and awarded her $3.W0 alimony In gros. She scknowledged satisfaction of the alimony order. The Froellchs, who are music teachers, were married In 1S-T9. and reared seven children. The couple have lived sinee 1K3 In the same house, but not as man and wife He brought suit for divorce and she filed a cross bill. The case was tried a few weeks ago and taken under advisement. icsterday Mrs. Froellch withdrew her croj bill and filed an amended one. charg ing desertion, and the case was submitted. Judge Sale dismissed Froelich'.s bill and granted Mrs. FroelL-h a decree on her amended cross bill. Maehlnlst Aaka $25,000 Dnmngca. Richard J. McCarthy filed suit in the Circuit Court yesterday against the St. Louis and San Franci"co Railway Com pany lor JK.OOO damages for Injuries al leged to have been sustained October 3. 1901. while employed by the company as a machinist. An air cylinder fell, breaking three of his ribs. Inturlng his spinal col umn and otherwise Injuring him, he al leges. Sheriff) Appointment Approved. The Circuit Judges yesterdav- npproved th appointment of Henry J. Kramer and Robert II. Cahill as Deputy Sheriffs. POEMS WORTH KNOWING. LIFE. BY EMILY DICKINSON. 4SI UR share of night lo bear. Our sliaic of morning. Our blauk in bliss to fill. Our blank In scorning. Here a star, aud there a star, Some lose their way. Here a mist, and there a mist, Afterwards day! '"'- . IWENTY-FIVEYEARSAGO TO-DAY IN ST. LOUIS. From The Republic, July 20, 1ST9. The death warrant of a vicious dog belonging to George Mueller, corner of Muin and -Market streets, in Soutli St. Louis, was signed by the Police Judge in that part of the city. The animal long had been n terror to persons in that neighborhood. The owner was fined 3 for keeping tho dog. The Park Commissioner discov ered that an Inferior grade of Ice than that contracted for was be ing furnished to the coolers in the parks. He at once took steps to put a stop to the deception. Oeorge Snyder and George Scherr found a box of books between some lumber piles on the Levee at the foot of Plum street. It evidently had been stolen nnd broken Into by thieves. The Lily Social Club gave its first annual picnic on the stenmer Charles P. Chouteau to Lily's Grove, down the river. The outing was well attended. Richard Searcy and Miss Tira Saunders of Taylorville, I1L, were married by Professor W. N. Black burn of the Presbyterian Female Seminary of Chicago, 111.. In the parlor of the Planters Hotel. A horse attached to an open bug gy ran away from In front of No. 16H Franklin avenue with two boys, Charles Brasch and Joseph Naumangather. In the run the bug- gy collided with a butcher's cart, s throwing the youngsters Into the street, without Injuring either. The Reverend Father Madden of s Catawlssa was appointed to In- dlan Creek. Mo.. In plac of th s Reverend Father Shea, who was 4V appointed to the i pastorate of SL 4 Kevin's. f I M 1 I m i Sfe k. & l j 1 T I A Kkrfi.r? ,., -J .- ,a, ik :Jmh if-J, -yCTj a-sTsft- '