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.5 1 d il a -t it k d Jo Jit Wet Your Whistle with ROSE'S LIME JUBCE The sharp snappv soothinjj beverage. A taWespoonful to a glas of water, -with or Tnthout sugar. At oda foun tains or at drug and grocery store, in bottles containing enough to make 50 glasses. L. Ht & Co. Ltd.. Line lines Merchants ls4s, Illk Wl Isilsa. MS. P. SMITH a CO . Sol cenU. MS a. 4th St.. St. Legit. KANSAS WILL HAVE GOOD SQUAD IN WESTERN MEET. pt nte Villi Br ItetTrecn M. I. C. Triple A. MinOonrr State and Central 1. M. C. A. The championship and handicap" of the Western Association of the A. A V.. which will be held In the World Fair Stadium Friday and Saturday, will bring nut all of the boot local athletes, as ne!I as those of other cities. The Kansas Clt Athletic Club has en tered a strong team, and Is said to hae a good chance of winning the point ban ner offered for the club scoring the great est number of points. The Missouri Athletic Club and the Triple A "quad will nlso hac their -n In the matter, a" both these associations nave strong teams at the present time. Doctor A. J. Kennedy of the Central T. M (.. A. hopes foi great things from the athleteH of lhat institution. H Im worked liard with them for some time and hopes that his efforts will count for tome thing. The hundred-yard dash will to st ther Turner of the A. A. A . llcckwolf of the M. A. C. Moulton of the Kansas City Club. Seay of the Y. M. C. A and J C. Darling of the University of Okla homa, y.ho arrived yesterday and will Compete in the short wnrlnta and hurdles -jtiMi u-o-ia jump Ivj The hundred should Drove an Intel ost II Ji,sr con'est hh all the men are good. 1 Turner ard Heckwolf are about on an equal. while Stav is .1 fast man. Moulton, ", (Men 111 rorm, should win the event, but r the Oklahoma man is said to be very fast I and has done the century in ten flat on an inferior track. Huff and Lcaton will also compete in the hundred under the colors of the Y. J. C. A The weight events will probably So to the M. A. C . although Kansas mlht secure them. Sonth Texan Lragrae. At Galveston Galveston t Fin Antonio 2. M Beaumont Beaumont-Houston pme post poned; rain. lovra State I.rngne. At Fort Dodge rYrt Dope t Kokuk 0 At Bo'ne Boone 4 Hurhngton 2. At Waterloo Waterloo 1". Ottunma At Marsballtown Osl.alccta 4, Marsha'l losrn L Cotton Mates I.rajtae. Vt Natchez Mcksburg 5, Natetier 0 t Monro Monroe e Greenville 2 - At rina Bluft-I'lne Blurt 4. Baton Rouge 2. Central Lenanf. AtTerre ITaule Terre Haute 6, VAheeMni; r M frouth Bend outh llenrt 11 reorla 4 t arand Itapldi Grand Itaplds 4. Tort Wavne 1 Off day for the Kvansvllle and Dayton teams Tufl'sPills win lave the dyspeptic from many days of misery, and enable him to eat whatever he ishes. They pre ent SICK HEADACHE, cause the food to assimilate and nour ish the body, give keen appetite. DEVttOP aESH and solid muscle. Elegantly su-ar i ii lit r rT i Take No Substitute. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder AN ELEGANTTOILET LUXURY Tj6cd by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century PREPARED Y SHIES THE GAME Caidinal Contci Nip l'hate at Plate iu Ninth Inning ami IM events Tjing Tall. O'NEILL PITCHES GREAT BALL. Allows Only One Hit Until the Eighth, When He Is Winded b ltunniiig Out Sec ond Triple. ST.n,-vG or hie cLtn". vntinnnl 1 ensue. iinh i w i.ri , riuh p w. i. iv N V ork 1 hfl 2T 73 i Tcrrilnjl. VI lh 27 . .1 Ct.rairn U a. tilr I F rcoklvn 11 :. 7 3'7 ii cm ii tj 0i ; &,oino.ion s: ?i n Illt?burc w j Sj US I l'HIU . ;i n i, liere 1 her Plav 'lo-rifi-v. C(.i(ilnal at llt'sbirit I Cinr'niuti at Chlcara I'hl adeiphu t li'ston Inroc'a .1 at N lift A eMenlnY's Rraulta. tnrdlnsl 5 Pitt, burs 4 I Uolon J rhlUlJfl. I rhia I IlLt'lBtll-riSTSU ritt'burj. luh rT Snioot heautiful throw from deep center Held to the plite in the ninth mnins cut Itltchev down and saved the Rirre fo- St IouH thl after noon J to It wti one of the most nar iow quenl een for some time. anJ though t'ittburc blamel Jlmmv UurKc for ret tins in Uitchev vtav it third. Hob Ets'Iic "aid he na there to umpire and not to lsid and the man was dccla-cd out It nai Jut a trFfle too elose for the tomfort of St I.OU." Two handi wpre sone and Ritchev on cecond when Carlch hit safe to mi'Jdl lield Smoot took the ball on the flm bound and made the throw O Neil! pitched wonderful bill but one lilt brlns made off him up until the eichth imirg, when he was winded by running out hH second liiplc. SHAY SENT TROM GROUNDS Throuch the wlldne of I. nch St. louis scored one 111 th fl-it inniiiK. WHh two Eone Reeklej rinclfd nnd Smoot did the Fame. Ilraln pot a ba-v on bill filling Ihe harc Rare!a wilted and wilkel forcitiK llecklcv in F.urke struck out and inado a fearful kick backed b.v Sh. ard Miav was sent from the grojiids bj I'mslie A lipntninjr double play bv Shannon and Heehkv ietirintr Scbrinp ind Rllchej in th reconl Inning, stopped whit seemed a sool rtart bv I'lttsburc. tn Pt tortus.- hull nf the eenn.1 innlnc" Grndv plaved vcrv poor lwebnll He vvts on flrt when O'Neil dumped the ball I.vnch made a wide throw, which W ainicr cot with 011" nanrt but was pu'led off the lnie ind ttradv overrun tl.c ba-e. but made no enort to cei dick while acner was much ovcrhaNneed asncr came back anil touched him out, to the dep d!KUst of other St IouH nlavers v. ho piled at Clradv. The Citch- er claimed he timuKhl Enille had called lilm out tnc first time. TWICE RAFHS ON SINGLE Ir the fifth Innins '"Spike ' Shannon did omc fiet footwork, scoring from flrt on a Millie He had a Ioik lead olt first when Recklev made his third single to rirfit middle Sebrlnc made a neat pick up and rclaved to Kitchc, who atood too near record for Hecklev to tako the chance on :cond The plaj to the plate was without Haw, but Shannon beat It home. In the Mxth Innine St. I.oulr put the blocks to Mi. I'Vnch properlj. Burke sinsiea. stole arconu ana took tnira on Carlsh't wild throw. Grad singled, scot Inif Burke. O Nell hit to the pennant pole for three baes, scoring Gradv. In the elshth InnlnK. w-ith Rurke on baso, O'Neil hit for another triple, and mat made trouDie tor hi ioois. as lie went in the box very shortlv after and was banged all over the lot by the Pitts burg, who scored four run. error and two hits tilled the acks and Otto Kruger then lilt to the penant polo for three bases and scored himself later on Wagner's out. How near Pittsburs came to 15 lng tne score in tnc ninth in ning has been told. The score: TJTTSBURG AB R 1( O K T. Beaumont, center field... 3 1 1 (1 A 0 Kruser. third bas 111:10 Uasner. jhort'ton 10 0 4 10 Branafleld. n-at base.... 4 0 0 , t bebrlnc. right Held 3 0 0 3 0 0 Rltchej, aecond bae . 4 o 1 5 1 j Srnltn. left H'ld 4 1 ; 0 0 Cfcrtsche. catcher 4 2 1 1 1 Lynch, pitcher 3 1 1 2 2 0 Totals 31 4 :7 10 7 ST LOUIS AB R H O s E Farrell. aecond bate 5 n 1 S 0 bhannon, rieht Held . . . 1 0 I 0 0 I.eckley. flrt baee E 1 3 13 0 i hmoot, cnler field 4 11 1 0 1 o Uraln. shortstop 3 0 0:40 Barclay left fltld 4 11 3 0 0 Burke, third bate 4 1 2 0 3 1 Gradv. catcher 1 1 1 0 0 O Neill, pitcher 4 0 2 0 3 0 Total J3 "S 19 27 JS "l Pittfburr 0O000004 04! St. Louli 10 0 0 10:1 0-5) Tliree-base hits Kruser 1. O'Neill I Sacrifice hlte Kruger 1. Smoot 1. Gradv 1 stolen l,ai Brain 1. Burke 1 Doub n play-FarreI! and Beckl-j I. Bae on lalla Oft I.jneh 6 oft O Nelll 3 Struck out Bv Lvrich 1, b O N'lll ) Time One hour and fortv-flve mlnutea. Umpire Hnislie. Boston 8, Philadelphia 5. Boston. Julv 5 Hard and tlmelj batting-, coupled with Philadelphia a errore. (rave Boston a victory to-dav. Attendance 250 S-ore: Boston AB H O A T. Geier. cf .. o 3 3 I) 0 Philadelphia AB H O 4. E Themae, ef 4 0 i 0 0 Gleaton. 2b e 1 4 1 0 VVohton.Sb 4:030 Magec, rf 4 ,1 m i 0 Donohue lb 4 1 9 0 0 Tltui If. . 3 0 10 1 Hulwltt, e 4 1 ; X 1 Roth c. .31(31 Spark p . 3 4 1 0 0 Fraer, p . 0 0 00 0 Duffy . .. 1 o v 0 0 Total . 35 a :4 11 1 Tennv lb.. 4 2 13 o n Abtat o s Coolev. If 4 Del'h tj.3b 4 Banner 3I 4 t ame. rf. 4 Neediam,c 1 Ullhelm. pS 1 11 1 3 Totals 80 IS 2' 3 1 Batt'd for Spark In elshth Boston .. 3no A ill. s Philadelphia 0 0 0 : 0 3 0 1 C-3 Teo bare hit Mage 1 Three base hits Abbatiehlo 1. Carnej 1. Magee 1 Stolen bases Vvolverlon 1 Ucletrty 1 Double rial Cleasnn and Roth 1 Flirt base on bailaoff Vllh-lm : off l-rarer 1 Hit bj pitehM ball By Wllhelm TltLs Struck out By IVIIhelm 3 h feparki 4 Hits Ot fcparks'll. In teven Inntres, off Traser : In one Innlnc Time of same One horn and fortj-flve minutes UmpireCarpenter. "vesr tlorU 11. Brooklyn 2. New Tork. Julv 17 New York won handily bv a score of 11 to 3. Mtcndarce 8552 Score: Brooklvn New Tork ABIIOAE AB1IOAE nobos. ef. 4 3 1 0 1 Mcrk cf . s 3 1 o n Dillon, lb . 3 0 9 11 0 Browne rf. 3 n 11 0 0 I.umlev. if. 4 13 3 0 Ma-shall rf 11 0 0 Sec'ard If 4 1 1 fl 0 Djnn. 3b 5 3 : : n Mran. 2b. 4 1 1 2 1 McGann, lb 1 0 j l 0 Babb. f.... 3 3 4 11 ilertes. If. 4 1 0 1 11 liersen. r.. 4 1 1 4 Oahlen. . S 3 a 2 1 .loltlan Sb 2 0 3 3 1 Gilbert, Jli 2 1 2 4 n . ole. n . 1 0 o i 0 v arner. e. 4 .'12 : 0 Jone, v 3 0 0 0 l 'Alllee, p . 4 1 0 1 Total- .32 : 13 1 Tctal . 3S l: -7 11 1 L.loo!.lyli .. . . 0 11 : 0 11 (1 0 0 0 2 New lork 00012103 ..11 TMee-hase hitn-Lumlev 1 Oacrlflco hits Broene I, Merte 1. unbert 1. Dillon 1 Stolen tares Dunn Ilertes 1 Shcckard 1. Sftranj 1 nabb Ij Hltr Off Poole l in : Innlnss off Jones, 11 In 6 Innings. Left on bases New York 7, E-ooklirx C First base on balls Off IMltse 1. off Poole 1. off Jones 1 1 irst base oa errors New Yor"t J Broonlvn 1 Hit bj pitched balls B WIIte t, bv Poole 1. bj Joiea 3. Struck out By VVlltae. . by Poole 1. bj Jones 2. Time of came Ore hour and flft-llve minutes Um pire Ztrnroer. V.OT AFTCR SEW MAVAUER. Farrell Denies Report That He tlcnta to Replace Grimth. Fnnk farrell. owner of the New Tork Americans, denies that he Is seeking a new manager for the Invade!?. Spcakinj of the matter, he saldt . "To begin with, I consider Clarke Grif- THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: THURSDAY. JULY 28. 1904. BROWNS' NEW THIRD 4 . . ..-.-.. . ..- I'lIARI.E- MORAN A foimer Senator.' who is making cod In tne ii'fi'ld '(it tne St lxuls American Iscue tern flth the bet ba'ball manager In the country I do not even bar MGi w. Ilaiilon. Selee or am of the other" I im not after Scicc of the Ch.cago N'. tional; ' Some time aso '"clec canie to me and a--ked me to grt hlni a position as man ager of some of the "imcrican I.etgue clubs. 1 told him I would tee v hat I could do At the time I had the Ielroit club in mind Selee was mide no offer bv mo nor had I inv int-ntion of get tin; him to manage the New "iork Amer icans "What he did do was to try and get me to mike him an offer o that he could go to Hart and oemand more moncj or threaten to quit XtJ promise to c vhat I v-onld do was apparcntlj enough for him as be went to Hart and held 1 lm up for more moncj ' Who wouldn't lv a ball plaver partlo ularlv on a winning teitn The Giants ,ir going to tour l.uropo at the end of the -ca"on. and McGravv Is to meet King L'uvvan. Rllly Hamilton Is bitting at V) clip in th N'er England league. Clarence Eugene "right. tlie former Brownie, pissed through Pt I.ouis vh tcrdav lie told Mike Donovsn that he is booked to flni-h the season with At lanta Fred Ruelotv the former Detroit catcl. er. Ls now one of Armour 1 Blue Itlnls. 1 h- Teuton should strengthen I.ijole s catchins department. ". Tat Dougherty may be a d-ad one from a Boston standpoint, but he nan proven himself vfrv much alive since he joined New York. Kip Selbich, who succeeded Dougherty, is miking an error nearl even dav. Doughert) is battlrg moic than SO) and Selbach around rjo. Mike Donlin wa.s the goods in a uni fnrm but was riamaced bv water-on-the- lde when he got into nls collar ands ncmef. Rube W'addell of the Athletics has eloped with three rt.ijs advance pav. Walter Clarkson gets $(000 a jear. Two straight from Pittsburg Isn't a bid starter. If tho Cardinals keep up their good work they will make the local fans lorgct that the fifty-seven varieties were ever called b the same name. Lou Drill, the former W'athlngton catch er, is now a Tiger, the sturdy little Pa cific Coaster having been signed by De troit recently. Ned Hanlon, manager of the Brookljns, sajs that Pittsburg Is the strongest club In the world But then Ned Is begin ning to show signs of being a has-been and probably Judges others by himself, which ls sometimes h bad business Missouri Valley l.eane. At Sprlnetleld. FIRST GAME. R II E Sprlnifie'd 0 o ; 0 3 0 0 0 3 10 3 nttsbure .. iS000001 14 ID 4 Batteries Ho-ton Crairr and Schmidt. Sim son. Bacrwald. anl Seabaugh Umpire Collins Time of kame One hour ai d thlitj minutes SECOND GUIE R H E Fprlnrfield .2 o n o n i 0 0 o 4 : ntlburr 2 0 13 0 0 0 7 11 I Batteries. Towers and Schmidt. Torrlc anl Seabaurh Umpire rollln" rime of game One hour and thlrtv-flvc minutes At Jopbn: R H E Joplln . 3010:000 2-S s 4 Iola .... .20100000 1-3 6 4 Batterle Morris and Vanderhlll Milton and Selgc. UmrUe 0ens Time of came one hour and thlrtj-nve minutes Sonthern I rnsrne. Little Rock Nashville 19 Memphis 1 Atlanta 10 Blrmlngham-Shrevepoit no name, rain K. T. T. I.cMKne. At Cairo Cairo I Pnducah 2 At Oarksvlile llender'on (, Clarksvllle " (eleven Innings At Ilopkinsville Vincenncs C. Hopkinavllle Texas Iattue. At Fort Worlh-Fcrt Worth 2, Dallsj. .1 At Corsicana Corricana-Parls frame peat poned. rain Minor Games. s Brookllelil Mo. luly 27 Prookrield croseed bats with Chillieothe In this cll lo daj result ing In a score of 9 to 8 In favor of Brovktleld BIG BAI.LOOA 4CED. Aeronaut Tliomllnson and a Jeffer son Gnard JlnLe First Trip. The first ascension of the larger of the two captive balloons was made at 11.C0 o'clock vestcrday morning The trip was made from the platform in the southeast corner of the aerodrome, and the car wa? occupied bv the Jefferson Guard on dutv at the aeronautic concourse and George Thomllnon of Svracufe, N. T. The balloon is capable of earning thiee passengers, and the fine quality of the nydrogen secured b the watei process tan lift eventj pounds to the ROOO cubic feet. Regular trips for carrjlng pas-n-gets will be made. The view of tho grounds at 101 feet l like a birds-eve map. and the sensation Is one of freedom and cxliilaietloii T. C Eenbaw. the Montana aeionaut. who will compe'e foi the airship prize of fered bv the Exposition, will take his motor and baPoon to the aerodrome from De'mar Garden this morning, and witn the advantage of the fine quality of gas turned out bv the pi..nt, expects to make a suc cessful flight within a short time. The lAorlil on 'Wheels Satarday. RAILJIOAD AND TRANSPORTATION DAT AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. Two moRfter parades: 100 i. m and t p.m. Something doing every minute Grand Carnival of "Nations on the Lasoon The fight of a lifetime. (A battl ro4I of "flowers. BASEMAN AT WORK i VBlw "''' "X. it s,DIu; OF THE CLUB. American Leagne. I ( lub P TV. U Pet I Club p W I, Pi t B.len V r,2 31 -- Pblla . 11 41 .531 thlcasi -: .il 3 nrcwn . H !4 43 .H7 S ork 10 47 3 iSS Detroit ?0 S.1 47 4H (.level.! "s ii 31 070 1 Wash 7 17 3 :! 1hrie They Play To-Day. Pro-1 ns at "sew tork 1 eslerdar's Rcaulta. Boston 2 Chlcaeo . Detroit 0. I'hlladel i I Cleveland 3-7. Wa-h-I lnaton 3 Boston , Cltlenvo I. Bo-on 27 Ro-ton defentd Chltaro 2 10 l In an excellent tn Innlnc ream to dav. ror rton rMeaco - m ii . a 1; AH H U S Li elh-fh If 1 2 4 1 OlJo-es cf 4 Collins :b 3 0 0 H!S ll c! 4 10 KTfe-ran rf 4 1 0 Parent s 4 J 4 Ijiehte tb 4 0 12 FeiTl" .b 4 1 1 (licer c J l "t ouni- p 4 10 4 0;Grrn if 4 1 o n 0 1 0 0 c 3 0 t 0 Callahan It 4 1 D1.1I" e 4 0 Ih-mliue tb 4 0 Dindcn lb 4 1 'Un hill el4 0 JleParl .1 c 4 1 cmlui p . 3 0 T"Iji :4 J3.1-: 1 Tolvl 7-s l" : One ejt vhen -vlnnlrg ma -isr; scor1-) Bjicn 11 0 11 11 11 11 'i a 1 Ia Ullruco OOOOOOOIO 01 "polaeo hits Dundon 1 Thre bese hit? Paren 1 tto'en lases Ccllirs 1 1 ounff 1 liniMe tlai Davis ard Ilone'iue 1. smith, Dari ml v. oln e 1 Vtcl'lrind and Pavl 1 I irsl r-e on babe off -rltl 3 sirUoV; cul llv hmlih ; bs Yourg 7 Tltn of game on hoii- and (srentv-flve mlnule Lmu're Con noll Attendance 7 811 Phllnilelphla. fl. Delrolt (I. Phllai'e.phia Julv 27 vraddell stout out De tro t w'th case to gay Mlendance 1 Out Score Detroit Philadelphia AB Jl O A E rrxr.ael If .t t 1 it a AB II O 4 E llrnl -f Mclmvle.lf I 1 Cnrr lb 1 0 ( raw f d rf 4 0 lu e 2 i 4 0 (trem ger.3b 4 0 Wood c . 1 a Drill, c . ft 0 stoval. p 2 0 o Lcarv. s 3 3 ii ( Pick ing ct 4 : . o o 1 0 Davis lb . 4 0 0 0 ( 0 I lVosa.ab 4 1 o 1 ii 4 0 Sejbold, rf 4 2 1 o 0 i Muiprv. ib 4 2 l 3 1 1 0 . M (.ro's. a 4 0 0 3 li 0 Schreck c 4 1 13 1 o 2 li v add'll. p43010 Tai.I. ff". it iyr r , Totals 31 124 S Ol "" " " Detroit .. ooonoooo 00 Pnlla lclphi.1 . ... 10004000 ..5 Tv o base hits Murphj 2 Shreck 1, Plekerlng 1 Vaddell 1 Three baso hits Hansel I. Left on ls$ Detroit Philadelphia s. struck out 111 Wnddell li. bj htovall J Bases on balls Off Waddeli 2. off Stovail ; Time of gam- One hour and forty minutes. Umpires O louhlln and King Washington 3 O, Clerelnnd 2 7. Washington. Julv 27 Honors were even to dav In the double-header between Washington and Cleveland the locals winning the first, 3 to 2. while the second went to the visitors. 7 to 0 Attendince 4 300 Score: FIRST GAME W ashinrcton i Cleveland AB HO E. AH Ii O A F Coughlin,3b 4 13 2 Hill rf 4 o ii J (.aid s 4 il J J stahl ib . 4 7 1 O Neill . r 3 1 il 0 Flick, rf n 1 0 1 Hej. if.. .4 lindlej 3I 4 Lajoie. 2b.. 4 4 Turnei. b . 4 Ha. cf .. 3 Bcmls c .. 3 Dcnohue. p 3 1 1 1 3 S 1 4 S 1 0 o o JIc k 3) 3 1 1 Huelsm r If : 1 3 o 0 o o ( lark c 3 1 11 Patten, p 10 0 S 0 0 0 2 0 Totals 30 7 27 t 21 Tctals 32 4 24 13 1 WnrhlnKton 10030000 . 3 Cleveland . . ..O00JUO0O 03 Inolase lnt Coughlln 1 i-tahl I, Hickman 1 ttole-i baw O elll 1, Bradley 1 tfacrili, o tills Ilea 1 First base on balls Donohue 1 struck nut Bv Pstten R. bv Donohue Left on bases Washington 3 CleT-land 3 Time of game-One hour and thl-ly minutes Umpire Ilwver SFCOVDU4ME Washington AB IIOAE Cleveland AHHO( 17 coughlln 3b l 12 Flick, rf Hill rf . .. a 1 1 Casfld s . 4 3 l Mahl lb .4 1 11 O .Neill. cf . 3 1 3 MiCl 2b 4 11 llurlriii 1 0 t Klttredgec 4 0 o Tow nsend p 3 1 li Donovan 1 0 0 0 (l Hess If., s Hiad.ej. 3b 4 .sjnle. 2b 1 Hickman lb n Ti.mer. a . 4 av. cf. .. 4 AnooU e.. 4 liernhard p 3 Totals .! 3 I 1 a 0 0 il 0 0 0 3 0 Tctals . 34 J 27 1) 1 Batted for Townsend Wa'hlngtcn . .. .,10000000 00 Clevelanl . . 0 0 U 0 1 l) 1 S 07 Tnn bsse hils-lllckmati I ".ajoie 1. o Neill I CouKltlln 1 toln baees Casidv 1 McCor muk 2. 'llek 1 Ta- .' havnflve hltr-o relll 1 furnvr 1 Double piavs Townsend Caseldy and stahl 1 First laee on balls By Tovrnsena 3. h Brrnliarrt 3 Struck out Bv lowneend 4. bv Bernl anl 3 Ieft on lae- Wl'hlnKton ClevelanI 7 W dd pilches losnf end 1 Tiire of name One hour anl fo't-flve mlnut-j Urn Uwjcr. M tKES SHOW OF HIS FIELD. Judge HInies AI Ins HasTthorne Feat nrr In a Common Canter. Chicago. Julv 27. Judge Htmes finally found a track made to order for him in the third race, the feature at Hawthorne to-dav. and he made a show of his Held, winning in a canter by three lengths. Bragg, the hcavilv backed favorite, was recoiid. four lengths In front ot Huzzah. W eatber v et; track mudd) . Summaries: I list xace. six furlonKS Freesias 112 Mr BriT) 2 to 2 won Bernlee. 107 llle'geiien). Vt to 2 second M Gem 112 lOicgarl. 4 to 1. mini lime, i 17 .Mice Comnorer ven Oak (incra t , Ninnan Fair Alien Dod n clerscn frdwer. Ladj ptlair, Maud Mau.r Artltice and cna W. also isn becsnd iar hteepiecnase "hort couise arrt Jan. 130 IJ ("ai:rl, 14 to 5. won. Weird in (Penibeitonl S to 1, second- Goldn ilij, 15) iillivanl. 3 to I thlid Time. 2 oS 2-5 D-n mi also ran Alleglarue fell. Alma Girl re fused Third laie one mile and an eighth Jjdxe Htniei 111 illenrj). s to 3 von. D( IH (I'elge-en). 6 tv b second: Huizah, 103 (Moln tr) ) to 2, tliltd. Time. 1 55 Jevrj Lsnct also tan 1 ourth rate, four furlongs Mum 1C4 (Helge sen). 3 to 1, wen. Price B'utus. 107 (Olipnan ). 3 to 1. second. Useful Ladv. 104 (Llvlnnaton), 10 to 1 thl-d Time, .43 John Smulskl. Wi,. trookfield Doc Wallace. Li Otros. Uroaaway Girl W'atchjuard and Husied also ran. rifth race, one m'lc and a sixteenth Glorlosa. S lOliphant). 4 to 6 won vtaud Miller. 14 (Mc Brlde). 4 to I scond, 0ltagen. 103 (Hall). 7 to 1. third Time 1:4s. Een Cnance, Langmore, Mitena and Rabunta also ran Sixth uie, nv and a half f urlongt lbert Fir. 113 (Morrisor). 8 to 3. iron: Tennvburn 1CJ W. hnappi. 4 to 1. s'cord: Capitanao, 10S (Belli. 3 to 1. tfird Time III!) The H!e Ao Tmmpcr. Fiacrs Dillon. Gleenum ana Tleet wooa also no. FOUR-OARED SHELL STRIKES SNAG St. Loiim Ciows Hau ton; .Swim but Hc.tcIi Slioie in Safctv, GREER AND TITUS CONFIDENT. i.'lidinpion Expects lo Retain Titlo, N'liile Oppoueut Feels tsJiiie Qiiincy and Avgo 11a uts Arrhe To Dai. While practicing on ricve Cocur Ike veo'erda. tho St Lom four-oarcd view itruclt a snag with the shell aid the re sult was that the boat was punctured and the men bar) to swim ashoie Too accident happened in the iriddle of the lake when th men were going at a livclv pace With full force thf c-helt f truck a. 1 Icce of wood that could not be teen from the vater the boat was overturned but as the men cr .1!' good swimmers thej reached the shore safelv Although the boat wis damaged, it will not hinder the crew from competing to-morrow and Sat-urua-. Afte- this accident the like was again drugged, and it .s now ossuied that there ara no more snaga in the coura' All tbc irev.3 .ue in town now, bit the Qulncv. HI. and the Argonauts of To ronto. Camdi Thev wete heard from ciU.rda atd will arrive this meming The Ptnsacola crews arrived jesterdaj and were out at the lake with the other oarsmet- Tho single tcull events shou'd prove the be&t of all the races. Many crack oara men are to compete ard .ill being In fine form and confident .1 1 ec and nick nn Ish should be tne result L'rank l.r.-cr, tnc rrcsent chimpion. was at the lnke, and 10 td several mile? In pracuc He went verv fast on the course, but when out of it was a little snj, as the result of his accident Uucsdav. Greer said. "I am confident of retaining my title, although 1 realiri t!mt I have several goos men lo go i(.uinst I am In gool condi tion, altuojgn not as well as; wncn I de feated Tltu. t the Iat regatta, when I won the cl amrlcnhlr' SH.N" uO3D OJMPKTITOnS Titus, who will probably be Greer s fast est opponent said. "1 am In bcttei condition thin I was last jsjr. and the onlv handicap lhat tne other oarsmen will have over inc Is that 1 jn a little older ' When a'-lteri it he expected to win lost laurel". Titus said. ' ut course thcie will V- manv gool men In this race. Including V'cslej, Juvenal Dufneld and Ten Evck. and although a dark horse might win 1 hirdtv riti-tA that I will do m bet, and If I no not ivln II will not be nis fault." Clirence Johnson of the Arlington D0.1t Club of Arlington, Jlai-, is i ipectcd to make a uood showing in the anyy-tatton singles Lluvil, also of the same club, will be 1 stiong competitor in the Intel mediate ecull'- A i-H-o thai will be of probably moro In tel est to local rowing cntnus.uhts will be the senior four oared. In which three local crews are enter n. The centurv crew, which won ths Har lem Cup ra-e on tne river reccntls, will probably be the favorite In this nice, al though th" Westerns are also entered, and they give to thr Centurjs a hot race on tho river. Tie Mound Cltls have a. strong crew and will llkclv win The senior elght-oared rare will be be tvecn the Argonauts of Toronto and the Vesper eight of Philadelphia- Tnis should be a hotl.v contested event, as practically the same oarmen that are wltn tlia Ves pers now went to Paris last ear and won the championship ot tne world Tho Ar gonauts are the champions of Canada, as well as of the United antes, and the out come of this race will b watched with in terest. LOL DILLON BHKMvS RECORD. 1 rots Mile In Si04 at Detroit Grand Circuit Meet. Detroit, Mich , Jul 27. Italn threatened seriously to Interfere withithe third da '3 Grand Circuit racing at the Groosc Poltite track to-dnv. The first event was delajed halt an hour and then the programme was started with a drizzling rain falling. The vveath"r cleared, however, and the S.iw persons In attendance saw three fa vorites nnlsh first and Lou Dillon breuk the track record of " (5 by one second. Lou Dillon made the first quarter In J0i4. the half In 1 01. and the three-quarters In LJitj Millard Sanders drove in place of Lou Dillon's owner, C. K. G. Billings. Summary: 2 09 class, pacing, purse S2 000. tiro In three Jchn M . blk g , b Paris Laura (Spear) .1 1 Xlris; Ulrect, dik n lueerM . . Gadagher. b B (James) Albcck. blk. h (Sanders) . .. RedBlrd b h (Michael) .. .2 3 ,1 t ids Tlmc-2.17. 3W 2 14 class, trottlns, purse ji 30ft. three In five ti.flti faweet Marie, b m , bv McKlnn'j Carrs Mamb C-mltn) Anctoli ch m ( mes ..1 1 1 Wild Wilton br. a iCap"") 2 .". Dlreet Clew. br. h (D- itjder) 6 loimakei. b li ((leers) 4 4 llRlfrv h e (Foote) s .Sella Ja. ro rn (MeKe) . .. Goldbug li c (Steviatt) .. .. .... S ds Time z iu. - i'J'4. - ii" 2 10 class, trotting, purse 11 oM, two In three heals. . Doctor Strong sr g . bv Strong Boj Viola S (Gahaaan) . 2 t I ludse Green, b K (De Rvderl 13 6 Th Homan b g (bnow) 4 2 J Norrle b c IB -"hank) s 2 John Ta lor gr K (Wilson) .. -. ; 4 ladv eiall Hamilton, iniv 111 iiiuumi i,. w Bobe-t Mae. o g lorer-i Ouen W likes, b in (pear) . Ton'j. b m lllaw.l Time-2.0' SCI'. 2 10'. s 8 .7 7dr .da 2 25 cla-s, pacing pur- tl.SCO, three In five Kudo blk m bv Wlltor (:now) 1 1 t MiRlirie, ro g. Ulcers) 4 2 2 Joe Gratton ch h (B Shank) J V 1 Monanh Chime- blk h (fare) o .. 1 WPIlamM.b g CWeCarthv) s t. 4 starch, br ll 11 uote) 1 4 ds Winnie Ivlng ch 111 (Wilson) ds Time-2 W. i,12' 2.12'v 1IUKI,3IN sTttS IN rORTLND. -vatlonnl Commission Mrards Player Claimed bs the Rohlsons lo Pa- tiHc Coast Club. Cincinnati. Julv JT. The Natioml BjsC ball Commission to-da hinded down a de cision that plaver John Thlclrmn, nowi with Portland, In the Pacific Coast League, belongs to that club. The St. Louis National League club had protested ao-alnst Thlelmm's plavlng with Portland, asserting tliat he signed a con tract with St. Louis, but the commission decided that he signed a contract with Pertland prior to his "ignlng with St. Lculr. Pressmen Plaj Ball. Tr-e Republic p-emen defeated the GIob Democrat Presmen jestrda morning bv the score of J7 to 7 The -econd i.aine rf the ierls of three bels-n these teams wilt be pla.'d next fut'da- at Kulage Paik. FEDERAL COURTS POWERLESS UistikL Attoiney Ssays State (Of ficials Can Stop River Uaiiibling. Thomas MeGrath. of the city detective force, called on United States District At torney Dcr cterda. to obtain his ad vice in regard to tho Tedcral authorities proceeding against owners of excursion boats upon which gambling Is permitted. The district attorney Informed the detec tive that his only recourse was through the State courts, as the Federal laws con tain no provision for legal procecdur" in such case. The district attorne cud that the State laws held oven boat leaving this port to be under the jurisdiction of Its courts till it ouched anotber port. I emsmm Carries Excursion Sleepers Cool, Comfortable and One Half the Standard Sleeper Rate. Also Dining Cars, Sievndtvrd Sleepers, Chair Cars. A Fine Fast for the Southwest. Leaves 909 Olive. Cap Neutralizes Acidity of Stomach and Cures a Headache Quickly jsrsr tvtaiij 25c. ANTI-MONOPOLY DRUG COMPANY, Sixth and Market, St. Louis. FALKLAND WINNER AT FAIR GROUNDS Houtk Kntiy Came Uome Easily iu Foatuie t'omt'st on tlie Card Ant ke Fell at the Haif- -Mile l'ole. After nt.te hid turned a omersauit it the lnlf-mlle pole in the Tatr Grounds feature voterdiv just whn she se-mid to bi a dangerous factor 111 the lare. rallt Iand came alonr and won the chief event on tho card in handj fashion from Bvrcn Ttoe and Orient AncKe ?as"J"rond choice In th" btting. and was running rather a creditable taivi when hhe crossed her legs and fell Tt-e accident occurred as the field n eared tho half-mile pole, and Just at a time hen the Abel mare had moved up and was run ning neck and neck with Falkland. Orient and Uvton Ito"e had shown the way to that point, and were lapped as they neared the rot Half a length back came Anckc and Falkland In trvlng to get his mount pa3t the leaders Llndsey pulled her a trirte to one fide, and the m ire croe,i hrsclt and fell licavliv, alighting 0.1 her head and neck She es.aped 'villi a bid "haklng up. as did her rider Sambo was trailing the field and bad to I. pulled to one sj,ic to nvold his fallen competitor Falkland then came along and won hat all enough from the manner In which he -hook his fleld clear in the stretch, it reemed likelv- tiat he would have won regardless cf Anckes tumble. The surprise of the daj came tn the .second race hen A'lcna beat Arch Old ham. The Psrke lolt was thought to be v sure winner, and vas held at prohibi tive odds In the betting. Arlena caught the gate In motion, however, and opened up a gap of three lengths before Arch O d ham was fnlilv In his stride 'I he Southern colt made up his ground, seemed to have his race won at the stretch head, and then gave up the strug gle. The absence of his usual lead In the eirlv stages apparently discouraged hlni and he quit to nothing He was Iuckv to get second money, as Fav Tcnipleton was coming with .1 rush at the close. Darthula, another oungstcr held at short odds, was the winner of the open ing race. She gaJlorcd all the way and was never in trouble. Dave Stahl and Ills Worship were next In order. Tho latter ran a nice race and seems a good sort of gelding Metlakatla, the filly with the unpro nounceable name, managed to cross the line first In th; second event. She won from Oudon and Tristan Shanuy. alter tne latter had falrlj burned up the track In his efforts to tiptoe his held. Kilo and Mohave got off a bit slowly and will bear watching hereafter in similar going and company. Doctor Kler proved a better mud runner than his former stable mate. Gasllghter, at one mllo and twentj ards, when the two tied up In the fifth race Kler made evcrj post a winning one and came home ahead of Ray and Gasllghter. Harfang won rather a creditable race In the last. a he commenced tdowlv and had to stand a terrific drive to get first moncj. Chris Schawackrr bet quite heavllv on his filly Atlas In this race, and had the dis appointment of seeing Harfang nose her out In the Ii-t stride. King Kose was the hard-luck entrj ot th race. He was In a commanding position a sixteenth from home when Cocolo permitted him to swerve abruptlv. But for this he might hav been a factor , Luclen. the 3- ear-old colt formerly owned bv Lon Johnson, was sold jester day to D. I.. Hens for 1 S(. and will be taken to the New York tracks. Tlie colt made a good record here, and performed creditably at the Delmar meeting. Shelbv- Oliver, one of the best-known bookmakers at the course1. Is now serv ins as blockman for the Green Ttiver Club, in which he owns nn interest. Mr. Oliver alo retains his Interest In the former book he operated in the ring. sirramec Illfflilnnds Inn ami Cnttnsres Offer special Aug rates, Jl dav upwards. COACEItT IS, MISIC STVDIO. Pally Programme Given In I'ast Prnmlnntle of Festival Hnll. A enes of ftec concerts, including o val ard instrumental numbcis. Is being given d-iilj In the official music studio In the east promenade of Festival Hall Tho regular programme consists of the plav ing and singing of the ofilclal World s Fair -nusir. Miss Ithoda Mae JlacFtr land is the planofoite pcrrormei. and plajs "Along the Plaza." the official waltz of the Exposition, and "l.oulslana," the official march. The soprano soloists are Miss lilna Mac Donald of St. Louis and Mrs. A. R. Llnga- BECOMING Mk MMMK aaPfc mWmM aW tftP nothing compares with M MWMmJ M iPsfar MW vthe pain and horror of WM VrasVaT child-birth. The thought of the suffering and danger for her, robs the expectant mother of all pleasant anticipations ofhe coming event, and casts over her m shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women have found that the use of Mother's Friend during pregnancy rob confinement of all pain and danger, and insuro safety to life of mother and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at the fime of their most critical trial. Not only docs Mother's Friend carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its use j;ently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents "morning 6ickness, and other dis comforts of tt's period. Sold by all druggists at Si. 00 par bottle. Book containing valuable, information free. Th BrarftteM Rtitattrto.,AtImt,C. Si. Louis Daily, 4:52 P. M. Vnion Station. ntinpSho-Sfop IIIIIV Headache Worthy Remembrances Of tout visit to this great city and the greatest of all exposi tions may be selected from our tine compreheiinive col lection of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Souvenirs, Novelties, all of thoroughly dependable quality, attractive in them seletj and very attractively priced. u . Make a Note of the address and accept our cordial invitation to call. F. W. DROSTER SEVENTH AND PINE. felt of Chicago Among the regular vocal features are the official hvmn of the Ex position. "H.vmn of the West." the words of which were written bv Edmund ClHr ence Stedman. and ' The Holy City." Miss MacFarland is the piano accompanist. A speclil children's programme will be giv en next Tuesday afternoon. "North Michigan Sleeper, Via Vandalia-Pennsjlvania-G. It. & I. lines, l!ii p. m. dilly. PARTY LEADERS DENY HAVING HELD CONFERENCE. Mr. Folk, and Sam B. Conk State That Jleetlnc Was ot Planned. With the arrival of Sam B. Cook in St. Lou'.s last night, credence was given the report that a conference had been ar ranged for last night in which the partici pants' were to be Mr. Folk. Senator Cock rcll. Senator Stone. Governor Dockcry and Mr. Cook. Tbc object of the meeting ot thete leaders, it was sild. was to flnallv unltc all elements of Missouri Democracy and plan for the approaching campaign. From Mr. Folk came a most emphatic denial thit there vere any plans or ar rangements for any such conference. Mtt Folk said last night: "There i absolutely no truth In the statement. No proposition looking toward such a meeting have been made or received, and as far as I am concfrned no consultation was held to night." Mr Cook arrived at the Planters last evening and spent the earlier portion of the evening awav from the hotel. Upon his return he 'aid: "This Is the flrt I have heard of such a meeting. I came tn St. I.ouis on private busbies, and no one knew that I was epecled. If there had been nm such conference In view I doubtless would have learned of it. T be lieve that Senator Stone Is expected 111 the citv to-nlsht or In the morning. Gov ernor Dockcrv Is iu Jefferson City. am'. I suppose Senator Cockrel s at his home." lTU.HA JIIIV r Mpo IS.TED. Minister Rava Selects Men to Award Prizes at tt orlu'i Fair. Rome. July "7. Minister of Commerce Rava to-dav appointed a jurv to award Ihe prizes In th Italian section of th: 5t. LJouls World s Fair, composed of Slgno Appolloni. th" sculptor, a member of the Rojal Commi-slon to the Exposition; Slg por Paladmi. a sculptor of New York, and SIgnor Pantaleoni. an engineer or St. IduI. as well as representatives of the. Chambers of Commerce cf Bologna, Milan and Florence. la aa ordeal which afi women approach with indescribable fear, for MOTHER'S FRIEND ; - I "ifltofew. -. ,-'. -svV.i(-JI&JSaKie't!.(U-f 4.IsstJtv' i t-JtrilWA- n1K,rla-,' SatMM