Newspaper Page Text
THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER IS. 1904. 13 Fv -A j I 1 LLV iUl -n-nm r m 1 i A. "esreas",W's-Sa"ess. .a.a.. aan-.i .. MISS JIAY HAI.EV or aunne kncwlm; her t addrr?-. -win confer Kret fatr by wndinc It to J. It. C.. care Claatunoosa .Uunbcr CU, Tcnn PRIVATE tome Tor Ia.lle durin-r roiifls- rcent; t-;jcl3liy adapti-l to lie-- v.ishlrf- to o1j exi-orm; traln-u nurses; l-t of tarf; j j-erfe-t f-eclu'Ion; all tltvaH and lrrecularitlc- ekillfnlly treated, th only lrtitut.on or th 'died !:i th city in liars- tf a secular rradu- i atcd and rllabl t-Mnrlan. C1J or aJdrn t Physician. 302 N Twent -third m iwir o!li. A DimTlfcK i-mme; Jvb .natOTa-ioir mi! IaT-iiratlfig ref I'. Eox TTft .:. .oil J 1R CAnu V. nTO Wai-nlnrtoc. tr-eat irri- nlantlt- and all final trouble: IS 3ra tt. -iltt-O TNVj l guaranteed to rUn "Jp- Mv8oii. 12 lx. lr Ozmui. 2212 Uu re:- nvt. . .. .-. . ... , .- t ...... - ..... J." .... aiU Ulv, A WtX. Vlw. sl'Dttoi. 293 Hatton. T-'XJ!: a&joii'm r.r txLr nrl an-i toy. : old a3 Kanon t 1X)U Adoiaion Kln- Elrl: :r : raretl iff Tetlio- OranJ r-V Ti-ek3 GOLDEN SEAL.. J3 lr trtl. totl ae. :C1 Wattlrc- lDIUS. rn rraUier ter ?a.i; ccrr.j'1-t. j tfatmnt ff M11 I:. Starr. rJ yranklir IltS. A. it;Hi:.KDKi: fcenes connnenv-i.. 1 Jadl'J. call r-o? Franklin lAUIIS ttIII not t--k'' 1 i-aiiinr on Mr.. II ;n1: ronnnTnfiitfc i.tit-i na N 11" INDIES cperllrir cor2nraect r-ceived Intu come of eir-erUc-e! i.hpilan; rtct r-rnacy: mod-rate rat. JH 351. IlenstUr. lAflIi:s. wMn m n-l nJ ti.r fre- trll el ear n'icr-falH-s wmM rellf jnlek pn ife. Parlj Tiemiciil i Mllvruket V1. I.IJi:s.-Jii rcr:a--J f;r ct of b.tlnate Fiippret.l-n kxit cane in rthi'I irv. ml in .nih il rtalal' " fall, to relletfe. ife. harmliv-. mall llov ;oi-c sniwee.l- 'task rI Lisare frauj. IK- Jitcevn llej Co. t. Si I-ar-borti fhl.arn I.ffllE.- In all itetlnnte. tj-...rm-il 1.-CC-etnnd'rr "nuctlilr ruttrerlr. " hit eaue In ratno'Tr. Dr Sojthlita" O nreilrat--.l V.xr KoI. Coraroend trta-: j.ln'e.j "I f -irlthln ttr.e m fii- Ut. r-iall. ll.M: OMl.'.e rerctn. j:- rirnjr free ir Soutamzton It. CB Ltpt- Kit. Kanjaa 'ItyMo. MIX. TtETNOI.DA elalr-l"nt. tlmlst. cle truthful a.lvlce In 1 - aad uoilnei-a. KI : T-entr-cin.' MOUS. rtt. jmallrx-l P'.t "rlr.k!. anl 11 facial 'l'mlfn-5 rrnwveo vtfnout ruin or ear. electric fae arM ivalp trealre--nt. Lr. St. II. Harrl. Ill Vfafcln-:tcn av. MltS. ai IlIKIIU li-; N J'frcrvn recelv roiflre-rnls- attention if d'lrf3. ladle, call MI"--3. I'ltID;i:.-t. ldr d ctur. pleased tj m-'t 1 er patlenta nt -'a Uaelej. a- Kinlocil Ole. MRS. UK. EJIITII. HI LVt.'n; ab-olute f rluslcn before and djrlne lor.flr.ement. trrna reanonabl. IHnmnu l Klalcea 3QH. . PIIItENOIySTi tlemarkable adtli'e. uce . healUi. rplne;t. live affair., raarrlate. Pro fejor aicDonald. llli Ollte ft. "PRIVATE matter-. eakris. ete.. either i. oulcklr cue- 1 treatment free . :a X Ninth. SOMEOXi: to W ajhllirton ate. adopt. ne babr 1M)T. tCI -i- SFPliRFIat'OLV hair, nivlee. re. velr.t blrth mark'. etr.. permanently dtroye.l without rarrtar. aiif A. oke- 30 IJnmar bulldts:. corner Yat.deventer anl Wafhlngton. tM rTrd; lady formerly known s Ia-!tth Trli.1 ffincy; monry for her. JIC U7. Ite rubitc. R. MARY ARTHUR, rJ31 "CaIiirtin-m r cniwnrtj a nrft-ris fanltprftnn fur crnflnn.-rt; infanta udozte-l; lrnt coTnm'!At-oi.-. twenty ats" cxt-erl-ncr; lraln,?l nur : Jadl when n-dinir a. rrljllt. com or Trrtt; ftnrtly rep-M:tAb MRS. DR. DENNIS. 2639 WASHIN6T0N Ti- enly r-lUblf lylnr-ln nftltat In the city: It dlt"tlind I-e-lre rorr.e oat to rnr plara "4 corrrare It -'.th other rlaeea: rerfeet --tIu-:cn dnrlna confinement. rVIIlfcl nvdlcnl atten tion: abfolut- "ecrecy anl aaft a?nired moth erly care: hem comfortr: ador'lon If H.ired: ladleB treated. aacceA-i marantecd: charter rea-e-mbl In all ca-ef cor.roltatlon and lafonca trm flea, ladles, eall or write. . eie- ei.- eit DR. E. J. HOGAN, 2215 Olive St Medical aa3 rorarlcal diseases of -aomen a epe- caltv: operation" jkillfullr performed. Patlente r--eaired at any Urn, before and dnrlrtx coififle- ment: Infants ad-Ttea. if trained r.uraea hom-i corofGru: ladles la trout le. call or write: terms reasonapie. ion.utatuii n-- MRS. ANNIE NEWLAND i--4Tfe lleen.eil hotre fr Iadlei befcra and dtJInx- conJlnenwnt: oldest and most reliable, institution In Ci Stat; ewtabll.hed mcr forty in: hm comforta. mouieriy czre; mianii aioptnd: lrretularltl-"3 ur--eesruiiy trat: sat lifaetlon -roarantee-1: ladles la troutle. call 01 n-nte. SUA Ollte st. I Mrs. Warrance and Madge Grayme. rrtval? ltnri rcrfinmnt JI. iidopUon If 4rcl- lortect -cluin. lisularft" trratM. rrt ray m work. la-U In trouble, call or t-tiu. aoA out, rhcoe i-no f- nAnnic ra3 Washlnxton ar.. OT. U6nnlb rccular nceca-M phyl cln Miid nrfeoo. eocdoct tfc oaly Tp'tbl Anltarlam for conflnen5nt In this c!iy. jrfct eclsaVon and borne conZoru; trained num; Icven termr; aU female trwbln klllfully tteated under abMlote iraaTUite-: Udlea. wba ndlnr a er-f.aHyt. come or write roe. ST. LOUIS DAY Van a -rood thin- for the Fair: Strue. Eolin Stanley's Niatrara t?pray Ill'ach Is a soo-1 tiiln-f for th complexion: -roaranteed to prevent and removo freckles, pimple., blackheads, tan and unburn; 15c: all dni--f-lats mall orders ftlim by. and demonstration at. Graad-"ader toilet roods department: actnts wanted. WrlU Stan-ie;-Detrtch Toilet t.. EL Loul-. MRS. DR. SMITH, 3043 EASTON. Absolute seclusion before and durlnc confine ment: terrna reasocablo. Beacmont. 4A; Kln lcch. 1CSD. STOcicnor.DEns- meetings. i-S-t-a-sSs-.,---,-SJs- 6TOCKH0L.DERS MEETTXG-Th anntial Eieetlas; of the stoekho'.ders of the era V. "Mr ran Pnntinc Cbmpany. for tii election of Urre; directors, to s-rve durlnc the ensulntr year and for the transaction of euch other bustnefe as may prpprly rome. before the meeting;, will be held at tto office of the compaay. 40I-3S N. Thlnl St.. St. lauuls. aio.. on the llrt. day of October. M. at l' a. m . . ,. CN V. CURRAN. Presideat. R P. OTallct.. becietary. 'Ft. Louis. Sept. H. 1J04. SPECIAL, taeeuns; of the stockholders of ths Merchanu'-Laclede Natlcaal Bank rt St- U-Hlls Mil be held at Its bauklnr-rooms. Fourth and Olive streets, on Wednesday. October B. YrA. tr vote, first, on a proposition to be then sab iiltted to amend the articles ot association ml a to provide for tw enty-f our directors. Instead f twenty-two. as at present, and. second, for the election of two additional directors to serve durinc the tru-ulne jear. Polls open from 10 A. Hi. to 1 p. m. GOO. E. HOKFatAX. Cashier. iOL.D. fclLA'ER. XICKUI. PHTIMS. xnjiJnjn.rLrLijii"'is ri-"ari-M-ii' 1- -- HHINn old a-oH -va.tch-sjjee!ry. KiUt-raare. etc.: ct cari. IoT-nn? C Co.. 2ft y. artenth M Pla.TIyc. and repairing fHTware; cold plat Batches, jewelry: cish for oM -pold, eili-er. pltj ji'itn. nownlnE fc Ct pLa.terr r-s y. s-tventh. SEcnirr cietics. t'wm 000000t00U00t HATHBOSB 9ISTI1R9 --rfXii'll"-r','r''r"-''l'l'''''''' " vVi A SKIS TEaU-lVE. NO. Z. RATHBOXTa SISV tera. tneeLs t ety secend and fourth Thurs day debts at Fraternal HalL E.eventh eueet and Franklin avenue Vislora wclccxae. aina. r. e. tvu.UAa:s. ai. e. c labl Coleman street. Alio TcilUams. at. cf It. i C. 310 FnUlB avenue. RATHBONE BISTKIW. B-XCKLSIOR TOt ple. No. la. meeu cteiy cecund and fauna Friday of each mccta at Anchor Halt. Park and JrCerson avenues. Members expected to ha preseat and visitors cordially Invited aiRS. ALXJK lADPalAN. M. E. C. SOeS Thcmas street. Mrs. Francs Itolburd. at. R. of a. 1 I'ap'.n street. JfATIOXAl, CMOJI. l--.iixatastsisisysi-iasi-iiai isa,s-tiijsssjsst-isssts FUTURE GHKA1 COUXCIU NO. ZH. NA tlonal Union, meta tecond and fomrtn Monday of each month at Howard's Hall. Qllve and Garrison a,renue. at I p. q. Frleada crdlally IziTlUd. JOIl-N 3. tflllELJjS. rrea.dent. Ch J. Cox. Secretary. STANDARD CUUNCIU NO. K3. NATIOK aJ Union, meeta every flrat and third Moo Amy evening at S o'clock at L-uekea'a Hall. Iowa a. enue and Arwnal vtreet, il-mbers ar requested and lltinc friends are fraternaUr invited lo -ttja R..BAXD. President. -Vm. XL Bellnaton. Secretary, aif Aisjecal .treet. ORDER OF COLUMBIA?! KXICnTS. .ee aw.. .. ...mi.. .. .. . a.j.- ?r -- r e. ie E meeu every second and fourth Thurscay rttlnr at S o-cloclc In west ball. Century bulldlnc. Ninth and Olive streets, aiembers requested To attend. Visitor, are always wel come. Xext -meetlrs- Thuri-day September t DOCTOR A. P. JOROAN. President. T. 1. Sandefnr. Secretary- ST. LOUIS LODGEk NO. S. OBDER. OF" Colotabtan Knights, meets every aecond and fourth Monday at hall No. 3. Odd lel. lews butldlna-. visHloa; members of the cr-Ser -ul roeetln-cs. a. D. BROKAtV. President aJICIE.Tr taEI AKD ACCEPTED MASO?. GEORGE WA9IIIXGTOX LODGE. NO. t. A. P & A. ai.. will hold epcclal commu nication Tuesdav. (September yt. at 7 D. m haro. Maionlc TmDle. Giand and llnnev ave nues. Work, sublime decree of alaitcr Jlason en three. i If Iters vH-om. . . ononon w. james. tv. jl Win. I.. Revnolcs Jr.. Pecretarv 1YI ' .SHf1 L0'X-EI -- I. A- F. A. SL- J. 7 "-"t5 communication on Wednesday. ttlZShrw.1 w.',r"- Corinthian Hall. SKffi? iSrSfe feleuTeo'Toirt: "s&m u. ,. sJcrVir::.RUE'JER-w- m-cket micikties. iwww i. WMAMAAAAMM KMCIIl IIP l-sTHHS. Acne lodge, no. -u. l. of. p.-ueets every ThursUa) eien.ce at igaie Hall, nort--st ccrt.r 'raaj and Laston nv el. .. ilembera luu'.eJ to .trnJ leju- larly. visitors cwu'f iu..i. FRANK flERRT,, C. C us :u & s.. uu at. Lean G. TV. ev ecu?. Clftcn. K. si: Bui:ij.voton wwit no. rs. k. ot i' terral bclMic. on Ui" fuir.rr uf bm.ji mil nJ J"rar.klin avenue, at k i- m. Urdnis lat .tenln- 5-er,n-lnl r ! tt.irk In th ia"K of Knlcht. in ami.tiliJ lorn: l-u 2 m ''"' i llrVe,nlur Meinbe. mil pie. attend. iters tre cordially latifd. . Ii: tXONNOI.. t I n-nk O'C-ornOT. K. of it S. CAa. i-r. tlAfc uvJiuaIA XaJU-. .v. K. tt I- efcerfc iwway V. . IUU. To.lir eiu sitemt.r : or ta raak of IlJiit .i :n--narj ixjftcled. lll lrs bruthr .urtlUll) mulrj to attenJ. AIXAM)rUl -M H.iLihi.N t- C. J F rwna-, K cf It .S CASTJ.U II IJ. OK MUXITOU Il'.K. NO I i. K . ' 1' r.i-t every TfcumiO eer.- 1 In In cV!iltu luiMicc. Math anJ W tre-t. Vl-itcr alwaiw vele-jni1 MTnlTH. lt!. It. II WNK C. C. W J. Otto. Ktv Cf lteccii aliJ pmL CHKVAUCR laJlHJ!--. NO tJ. I. Oa-tta II..11 1m till 1V11i.' or r. Temp. llatl Xo. i eih;h Cer llej-tilar tnettlny ei -r V. ean--elay vali.c. ( - oc! aha rp. llu'l la. of lmpcrtane Wtune.ila) evnlns. r-ettm- ber n. :. V!rttl-K lvr.!--ts a.u-an vrek-.m-u Uil. J M."2IMi:il- - c Atte- Iytiii TV. - rstr.Irei. K. -f It. - -" Address. :'". Art-lil at-et. . ft AXON I.-HK5I-. NO. . K. I-. MK'Sf1 ' t-r B'-IL-Mii e-cicc in mw --.- L-jll..lne. Ninth anj Ulhr. s-vntli S-or. I Xu. 1 at s'ck. UVrk in jaT'lf ' ... .-' - . : -:'...-'; .n lm 1-r enx-ct-1. l-lll.. broth-r-j ie owllaHr C Invited. I Jt--i.-MV .-. II 11. Ksrmel. K- of 1. fc-. No ;:c ft.s aenue !.. lloald 11.11. TtJrtleth and Olive. meet m edoeday at a "cl-ak. -Jf ". s-cpteit-lar rx important bJ-"-- Vl.rtrra v.lccme. It. r I- HiTsUiIIX. i V A. lU-U-rtr. K. cf 1- V n Jian. LOIAjX JkO. -ei. Of l- atrJUTa) even- TtiS.j eair.-- at a vivca - erta avtnuti -la.e',r. ite'mia. 1-ark or Jff.on aenu- car., la-mter. ale ejptctad tni vuitors coriua'.ly Isttted to alld. A. II. NOitlils.l. C. C. I. It raw. K of R X S. PCIF1C LODOli NO. 35. K. Or i. mets even- Wednexlay eienlrt. century balldltic. .Ninth and Olive etr-et. September :.. ran of re. Orarj v Ugor..Ue & VT. A. Gray. K. cf H. Sc H. PrtlOB OK THE WHsT. NO. 11. K. OK P meeta every Tueaday ienls.c at Caet.J itJeeV'o'rt Hr Mernoe?."' J?51 to attend. V.K.brhe .elgme. & & AU-eit Hrter. K. cf B. - A PjTllAOOltAS UUL-oti. XO. Rk. K. Ol I. me-ta eery V.eoneoay eenlcs at caat.a halU north-xt-e. comer Grand and Eaatcn ae nuef at 8 o'clock. Work. INqulre -ank Wednes day S-ptrml-cr 1L Members exp-:ted. Vlaltlrx trull.r. a,a,. ..Icom & 1J0UJ;T G & E. tttltir-r. K. of n. 1l 3.. Jili Raaun ara-r.-a-. Klnloch D Ui. Robkiit d. iwan ijvan. xo in. i cf 1'.. meets everj' aioaday een!::t at o clock, 'tte-t HaC. Cntury balldlnt. Ninth and olive tr-et-i. aioaday. IJ, work In rank of Knight. ai"ml-T rer-ne-ed to at tend. Vlrltora are iwicvnr. . - . OpCAII at FTOIJa C. C Attet: lle-ry II. Lai-bbert. K. of R. 3- lllAHAS-.I LODGE. NO. JU. K- Or P.. JJ met every Tuely -nanlnc at Halt, "luthtcest corner llrcadr a; and rtej-.ton. i ct-niber S'. -ork la the rank of Ca-ialr". via Itors --relcum-. O. U OSUOHX. C. C M. i fchulte. K. of R. fc ri- . 1 I ASHIXGTON IjoDGR. NO. 113. K. OF P. LU i-enturr bulld'.nr. Ninth and OH" atreet.e - lTISav evtalac eptembr 11. -ork In nn , Dmrtb. K.ViJ,Si,S: S.&- ZUI.EMA IX3DGE. NO. SH. K. Or P,MBCT9 aionday evenine. teptember 1. In hall No. j. tenth r.ocr Century bulldlnc. at S o'clock Work la rack of Knight, new ampllSed: cal cium and electrical effects. Member- expected, anj visiters cordially Irvlied to atf-nd. FRANK J. VOL-aiEK, C C. Attest: O. M. Brooks. K. cf R. a: B, P. O. Bex 1W2. I-IUErK.tDC.TT ORDKat ODD sTKte. LOW. i.iaa-aaa-aaa-aa-a-aw-.".'.. a. --S)a.-..a.-i-. -sai a A1SCHOK LODtJt. NO. ja; I. O. O. P.. meeta every aioaday evenine at achuetta'a liaiU Xlneteenth and Wrlfht streeta Wcrk la the decree.. Vlsiucc brethren welcome. B. F. OltEAR. N. O. David Petty. Secretary. :U North NUta slreet ARCADIAN LODGE. XO. S3. L O. O. P meets every Thursday eve.lnj- at I o'clock: p. m. on southeast comer of Iowa and Arsenal street. All members eameniy reauested and rt-ator. fraternally Invited. N. G. IIKNRT Fail.O. C1S0 Wert Park. Pan P. Piatt. Flnsartal s-cretary. "311 Geraldlne avenue. V. G. Wm. T. Little. 3US Obear avenue. Curtis Jer.kl:s. neconllns; becretsry. bt aianchester avenue. LACI.EDE LODGR. NO. IX I. O. O. F meets even Thursday evening- in Hall No. I. Oil Fellows' building;. Visitors cordial ly welcomed. TJtO?. A. DAVIDSON. N". G. C. F. -aieilegs. ecretary. m ECIIAXICS" LODGE. XO. 419. I. O. O. F meet. eerv l-rldsv eveel)-- si S o clock, at Frank P. Blair Poet. G. A. R-. Hall. No. lTg Market street. Visiting- brethren tcrdlslly Invited to attend. Wcrk la the de grees every meetlns;. R. E. WEBB. N". G.. X Lee ave. 8. Flint, becretary. ait X. T-tMci-il st. NAOMI REBEKAH LODGE. XO. ". I. O. O. F.. meeta first and third Thursdays every month In ball No. 2. Odd Fellows build ing. Visitors ccrdlally lnvtted to mest with as CAROLIXE FITCH CRAIO. X. G. Cora G. Veinon. Secretary. Sa. iArbia UODlaiw NO. L. t. O. O. P.. mseu every --aturcay evealnj; at S i, clock at Odd Fellow a' bunding, southeast cor ner Ninth and Olive streets. In hall No. L Vlsltora -welcome and members eapected to at tend. X. MATHESON. X. O. 11. A. Hamilton, gacretary. WtLDl.t uoi-v-ls. -NO. z. L o. O. P, meeu Tuesday evening- ot eaca week at hail No. L Odd Felluwr buiidlnx. corner Ninta and Oltve. at I o'clock. Work in third degree September SO. Ylsltics brother. Invited to at tend. A. J. DALRXMPLE. X. G. VV D Reed. Fectetarr. W1LDET r-XCAUPMENT. NO. L I. Ot F.. meeu every second and fourth Mon day at ball Xo 1. Odd Fellows Hall, corner Xlath aad Olive streets. All visiting Patriarch. are tao-n cordlaly Invited and members most earnesty rertuertel ta attend Work In degree, every tes-.lin. GEO. aL SHOWMAN. C P. F. G. Rboades. Scribe. WINGENUND LODGE, XO. . I. O. O. P. I mea the r-cond and fourth aicndas of I a.Ji month. Fraternal bull Unj-. Kleventh and lrar.klln avenue. nrtn No. 2. Work In the Je. gres every mtetin;. Visitors ara cordially la- I llf-1. FRANK at. TEWfLL. X"ob Grand. Ike Hirschfeld. Secretary. UU N. Einh at. KXIGHTS OF COLCVBLS. 0aa'l-MMN0MN'''ss-0M0MM KEX1UCK COUNCIU NO. CM. JO;i.ltTS of Cblumbua. meeu every second and tuaith Wednesday at Rose Hill Hall. .No. Uvf aUplo avenue. Vlsltins; knights always wel come. JOHN PAUL CUEVV. Grand KnlgbC Walter T. Cunningham. Recorder HI AlttlLt-'lIt: COUXULU XO (. Knlenta of ColumDua. meeu rer ms. end and lourth Taesdsy In the west ball. Oso tury ouiiolnx. Ninth and Olive su-ecta. Vlalt lng knighu corolally Invited. FRANK O CUXNIXUUAM. Grand Knight. F. P. Leonard. Recorder. SI". lajUl- CUUAUk NO. iU. MEETS every f-rst and uurv. Tueaoay at West ad ItalL scutbwest corner F-u-ney and Vande. venter avenues. Visiting; knights are oordUlly Uvited. EDWAHU DaVoV. Urani Kalgst. Joseph r. Lamy. Recorder. ROYAL ARCAJIL".. tjrLJXji-n-"U"ijuLriji.Lriii -------- -------t-)-1t- 6 RAND COUNCIL MIS60URL ROTAL Ar-anum. Nos. 3-Ill Holland Bundles A cordial welcome to visitors, friends, tireuni anil mc<-e'-t uuu aau am K BARBOUR. O. P- Jcan C KlUlacswortb Grand Secretary. IMPROVED OHDER OF RED MM. VuuTrij-iXLn-rMir' ---" - s - MIXNETOXKA TRIBE. NO-4J, IMPR01"ED Order of Red Men. meeu every Friday evenlnc at Druids' Hall. .Ninth and Market streets, work by the drtre. team that mad. M lamls famcua mlNNEHAHA COUXCIU DEGREE OP pnqahonus. meets every second and fourth Monday at Druld'a Han. Ninth ana ilarket streets. Work every tneetinx by th. famous lcbrimp derre. team. mlSS13IPPI TRIBE. U 71. IMPROVED Order of Red alen, meeu every Thurs cay evening at o'eluck. In their wigwam. comr Seventeenth and Wash sreet. All vlslt Inz brothers cordially tnvited lo n-eet with ua a. "--" 'n vjjjjrDALU Sachem. OPEJCAXCANOUGII TRIIia XO. M. IM proved Order cf Red Men. raeeu en tc. s'cond and fourth ruturday evenings in Red Men's Hall, comer Ninth and Market stre.t. Council lire kindled at the eighth run. Visiting chiefs arc cordially Invited to attend. Wolk in. the deare-. J. P. WALTERS. Sachem. A. Leek. Chief ct Records. tVOODDEa OF THE WORLD. LIVH OAK CAMP. XO. Hi W. OP W meeu flnt and third Fridays every month. Hal! No. C Bowman building, northeast cor ner Eleventh and Locuu stre-ts. Vlsltora arw Invited and members expected to b- rresit. OEORGE LEHatANN. fc C. Ed P. Smith. Clerk. No. 4Ij bouth Ewlnc avenue. mlSsOURI COURT. XO. . TRIBE OP Men liar Meets secend and Fourth a. urday of each month, comer Twentieth and fiH.fl a.eeetM- Members of court MTe -Must. el to attend meetlnc nights. Vlsltlnc members are welcome. Car line. Delletcnuine tr Grand avenu. ttonn.. ..... ..,.., Scribe. Xo. IK-J Obear avecua J-unts Uughta cut. 9ECHET SOCIETIES. am-'iijvi- unui:i uv iiini:ii.-fi. DIVISION .NO. 1 a. O. lU-MEKTH OX tlw kisDil -uoJay cf each ir-ont-i at ZM -,. m-. In -t. l-atritK a. Pcuocl Hal, -sum aaa 1 l.le s.tcete. Vi.itui wlbumr. ! ,. "fKl:ENCK MAttTIN. IT'deot. .. . uuin. gvtT-t.ry. i; o 1 ln. ' nv.'" .no. i a. o. j.-ju.t.rrf us U tue nrn and ttixJ Tbunli)s vt :n i-vctn : ball m .no. ai4 liu .i:ue. .1 . in. All raecu-r cvrauuljr lnltei. .. . . . JUHN :. stllXU l-iewarat. Vacitl Gleucs. teciet.r. :. icj ii:rl alliUe. D.1..1WA .u. . .t. o. 11 atirr.- un ecaj U.ud.i-;- of -ati, raiota t atb . . .Mtt lialL Jflr.-n uncus ana b.oiarJ , :rtti. at p. m .il mercten ieicua.e. ! .. . TlliiJ.V.- 1". I.VIjoN. 1 rJct I Jl'arl o. uu, accretar, r.j. 1113 tji.' ' ater.u'. I fl'WolO.N- Au. .. a. 0- H.-i!ia7TS O.N JLaf tte nr: aail talrd Vedaela bf ca . atu. at p. m. lu mil at r.i.. .U tlnua f av .-w VUltblB weiofaie. j JOHN J. HATti'. IT...!est. llrry II. nr.cer. i:tma.i,f tecteiary. No. D .... .j. .. a. ot ll.-Mr.r.ia OX in Srtt anl th;rd luelaa ct f-a uth at :-t. lulrtcl. Hail. u. Mil Xcta &.3.1Q eticxt, ea.xae. 1'IIILai' HUmiHS. ltelient- Jcfc-i rijujtliri. ntcorulac rcretr7. No. 11:1 North Mxth aireet. D1W.-1W.N XO. a. A. O. H.-aiECTH ON U.. Kcoad Muu'ay of eacj. tetu at I i p. m-. at lu-ckrr. Hail. Taeatleta htui jj.a 11 aireets tutor uetcciae. Jl.llN CL'KKAX. I'rcildent. John J. rinan. hecietary. r.i a" Kiaaa ava- Divieiox no. . a. 0. it. Jiuirra on th. nrt and third Taurr-las cf taca tuMiith In .couteu Hall. Xo. vl aeaut. at p. m. Vls.tLra welccme. 1'ATttlOK J. TtllAN. rreild-nt. John J. !.ra.a llecordlci: -secictar). Xo. 3UCS Caroiin-i Btreet. Division no. j. a. o. it- aiuirrs- s-K'"-uoj and fjurth Ftiday of eirft rnoctb at lienla'a Hall. um-veat corner nu:cc aa-l aiaa ckrT a.euu!i. at H p m. Vt.ltlnc brotaer lnvll-5 to attend. cura.a.iy JxiiKS n. aCRMir. rrealdent. Tbomaa J. '.wrd. IP-ctnllcj: --ecretary. lljidecce. rA1 Iilcksca itruct- noHRVa CATHOLIC OHUI'K OP KOKISTRtU. ST LEOS COURT. NO. Ca. WOMEN-! Catholic Order of rorestera. meets ike ..,-a and fourth -aocoay of each month at SL i?v llall. Twe-.ty.Btth and ilullanchy streets. Mlt-f MAItOAll-'-r LACET. Culef lUnxer. EmeTi'ncy HosiltaL Fourteenth and O ralloa. Sui alary A Redmond. Recording Secjeury. rt4 alad:son at. ST. JtAUAdtyS COCIIT. NO. 3. WOal en's catholic )rder cf Foresters, raeets second and fuultli Wedneay cf every raonUi at bt. aialacby. Hajl. Ewias; and Clark ae- 01"" MRS. CATltERINn SJJITII. C. R.. 33 Adam. Mreet. alias aiamle E. C. Kerwlca. 1. S, ma Bel card street. WO.Mt-.N-) CATlluUC ORDER OF FOR. ters . Maceafa Court. Xo. ZU. nen's Catholic Order cf Fotesters. m-ets every second and fouith Thurday ot each month at St- VIncecfa Hall. .Ninth su-et aad l-arli avenue. MeraKra invited. atltS MAMIE A. SHKA. Cnlef Itaacer. 1CJ S. Elxtt'entn St. aflsa Martha Boland. lleipuadtrs; -Mcietary. l.n i-olman at. Mis. Catherin. Reynolds. Financial secre tary, lall N. Clapton ava ROVAL. LEAGl'E. JALiJI-fiV.. ii-.'iiri'.iin'. .-aa---.-.-.. GREELET COUNCIL. ROVAL LEAGUE. meets the second and fourth Wednesday e.rnlta tn Hall No. . Fraternal El--enib and Franklin avenue Neat raeetuig 10. All members cf the order fra-t-rcally invited at all time., and o-ar own member, eapectcd Fraternally. GEORGE r A ASCII. Arcaoa. Attest: It. H. Jones. Scnbs. HISTORICAL SOCIETIES. ess--a-ak--SasasMaa-slMsa t l--OL:Rl HISTORICAL SOCIETT. NO. J'l il) Locust tueet Retalar menthly meetings hela en the eecend Tnursday cr eaca month at IP- m.. from Novimber till Apni. Inclusive. Tee tu!!dln la cpen dally from 9 a m. till S p. m.. sun lay afiersoona tram 1 uil a. Th. public le cvruiall lasltetl to visit tb. library and mueeura. ALTEIt B. UOL'GLAP. 1-retddent. Charlas Parsuaa Peitua. Seeieury. VOLUNTEER FlHKllKXS HISTORICAI. Society meeu third bunday of every fnonth. 1 v. rra. Xo. llsl laocust street. All St. Xaiula volunteer firemen are Invited to attend. JOSEPH "JOYCE. President. P. at. Brooka. Secretary. TRIBE OF BEX HXR. EAST ST. LOUIS COURT. XO. !. TRIBE of ben Hur. meets every arst anl third Fildays of each month at L O. o. F. Halt. Ninth and Illinois avenue. Vlslllcg; Ba Hurs always tvelccme. A full attealanc. of mem ber, desired. j.lort It O. IIERTEU Chief of Court. airs. 8. Oampbell. Scribe, no. HI North Eighth street. lDEPE.1DEsT ORDER OF FOREST ERS. -s--iew-a-.-.---.-a---a-a. 's ? OURT COTB BRItJ-IANTE. INDEPKXTI. - env viwr r ore-'iers aleeu on the xmd and fourth Thuredsjs of each ntcath at g o'clock at How-man Hall, northeast corner cf Locust and Eleventh streets. Vlaltlng; brothers at. cavrdisliy tnvited. P. X. ROTERMAN. Chief Ranger. P.sldence. Xo. :aiA KruLard street. " es Wright. Recordlns Secretary. Reil ecnoe. o. 4tll Kennerly avenue. MISCEU.A-fEOLS. lfcJ-WMVTsfVi"'Ki',si' i" i'i',vornifrvVssrijiAJM-WJ BEl'I I ROSS OOirXCIU NO 7. L. OP A. Meets every Fncay ev-enln-. at p. ra at ABde-a stall, northwest corner cf Je3rrsoa avenue and PeiUlaxxl street. HATTIE GASSMANX. Recording f-ecretary. GLAX DOUOIaAS. NO. S. ORDER OF J".-0-tlh Clans. -a-tt first and third Tne"-cav-s of each month at Weirate Hall, corner cf Grand and naston arena's. VIsitins; clans men cordially Invited to attend P. C. GUNX. Cht'f. No. 43a4 Fairfax av. Attest: DavM Millar. Secretary. Xo. SSJ Ridge aveaoe. INDEPENDENCE COUNCIL. XO. . O. V. A. H. meets every Monday evening at Ahlori Hall, Fourteenth and Acgeirodt streets. II. IL lIENsENDICK. Councilor. R. G. Westholt, It- S-. a X. Twenty.f.r-t etreet. TOX COUNCIL. XO. H. L O. U. A. M. L Meets every Monday evening; at Aade. HalL northwest ccrner of Jefferscn avenue aa4 Peatcloral street. Vlsltci. ere wefcome. j eatcioxai WISlSaiA.NTEU C. R. BoIL flsListsry. XX OaKonads street. criIF.RSOX COUNCIU NO 4. JR O. C l A. at., xneeta every Tuesday, sauth.est corner Ninth snd Ar"-sl streets. Visiting; brethren frater-ially Invited. war. J. GREENWOOD. FR Councilor. Thcs. II. Greenwood. Secretary. MODEK.V AaiERICAN FRATERVAL OR-d-r. Et. Lutt.s Lodge. No. Il meeu at their hall. is-Tthu est corner Cass and Jeffer son avenues, the second snd fourth Wednes iay. of each menth. All members) always wel come. Refreshments at meetlnc. 8. T. KASE. Secretary. Jut Caroline St. NEU50N IJIXJIX NO. 4H. f-OXS OP ET. George, meet, every secend and fourth Tuesday. In hall. 112 Burllngtrn bulldlnc. 119 Olive street, aiembers requestf.,! to atttnd reg ularly. Visitors always welcome. at. S. BOWERS, tv. P. Oecrt HIII. Becretarr. ST. LOUIS OOUXCIL. XO. 1. JR. O. C A at., meeta every Monday evening- at t .'dock at Bowman Itatl. Eleventh and Locust streets. Visitor. InvItM aid members expected. C. HOWARD MILLER, R. S. J. "ET. Mertx. O-undlor. THIEF CARRIES AWAY BAG CONTAINING $20,000. Banlc Attache Follows Rarg-lar anil necsvrrs Moae-jr. hat Vrtn Him Eacarr. San FranclKO, Sept. IT. Just at the close of banklnc hours to-day. a man In th lobby of the nrst National Bank of this city. ob?crv!nr tire cns 5oor leadlnr; l-ehlnd the counter ajar, pusher It aside, walked In. and. helping himself to a bar; contalnlng t3).W) In --old coin, made a rapid exit. lie immediately slowed dotan his paco and walked Into a side entrance of the Brooklyn Hotel, which leads to the dlnluff room, closely followed by C. K. Mackintosh, tin employe of the bank. Seeim; he was pursued, the thief turned Into hotel office, whet- he was overtaken and seize by Mackintosh. Vhn askej to turn over the money he said It was hie own. The bag was taken from him. however.-and Us contents found to hate l- undisturbed. The darin-r robber, who I. about "G year-s old and well dressed, then called on Ieop! in the hotel office to see If he had not tola the trctti by accompanylns him to tho hank only a few feet away. He walked to the corner undisturbed, boarded a street car. which was passing, and koon was out of sight. He is now belnt searched for by the police. Sooaralra for the? Wo me a. A facsimile of the letter or surrender sent by General 1'ict A. Cronje, command. er of th forces at the battle of Paarde hurjr. to Iard Boberts, commander of th I!rltili Army, is the historical souvenir l"i being slven by th mana-rement of the Io-t war Exhibit at the World'a Fair to every woman visitor who attends is performance ! 1 REAL ESTATE BUILDING AT FAIR Lyra! Kwliniie Opens lli-;ul- ijii:irtrs fop Advertising St. laoiiifc Adviinfagi'.o. BOOKLETS TO BE GIVEN AWAY. -ViitiiH'liili Tiirnnut of I'rojHjity Oh-iims Will i;e a F-:itme On Day That Ic:i!it. Will Hold Forth. The Ileal Jita: l"bcc!ums he l.iuarteri at thj World's l"alr was opene-l to the public last Thursday, and mil b main taine.1 until the ck-.-e .if the J'-alr for the r-c.pti-n of vi-Jtnr-s and the exploitation of St. IamIs as a tu;Ims.s and reHenco city, atiil the atiiunt-ie-ci tif its real estate as an laxestment. An atlractiie oSice haa lv..n fitted up at Intramural Station Xo. 17. opposite the 1-indcll entranve to the Fair uniunilj. Chart-s aiid nupt adorn the room, salting forth the many fraturea of the city's creat nety. Arran;aient."i have been made for thu publication of a iMJoklet dsctiptlve of St. laiuis and in rral ?tatn from the standpoint of rsidnt and investor. Thbi booklet will be ready In n. ten C.ys ami will be diatrlb-jted free to all applicants. "The obiect of the bulldlnc at th- Fair." Sldn-jv Schlele. ecr-.L-iry of the Ial Ea Lite liLChatme s.iid yoterdav. "U intend cl not only to promote St. loul-i real es tate smon-7 vl-ltura to the !ty. but also to Interest rrildcnts of St. Lpt-l in their home town anil to brin-c beiore them a belter ur.d-T-tandln-c of its mativ adVHUt-n-cea. St. Laiulsan.s will tind there much Information of value to them, and the quartern are opened n th hope that the cltil'tis will ptollt by the opportunity. Tile place 1.4 In no way a booth for the sale of real estate, but an Instructive exhibit In which every citizen should feel rroud." Some memb-ir of the Bes.1 Estate nx chance will be In charxe of tho rooms each dar until October i Ileal EVtate Day at the Pair, after which individual firms will 1 a-slTi-d day.. The as-iicnmenta for next week are ai- follows: atondav, Theo. Hemtnelm&nn. Jr.; Tuesday. A. It. Frederick. Wedne'dav. Sidney Schlele; Thursday. C. F. A. aiuller: Friday. G-o. IV. Stri-dtman; Saturd.iy. liuch H. Stew art. ArraiiRements for Heal Kxtate Day on October 3 or prorre?in; nicely and all Indication point to it being- one of the bis- local dayi at the Fair. Preparations ar now telnc made for a big- automobile parade on that day and several other at tractive feature, 'are being; considered. All property owners are to be Invited to participate and the occasion will be made one of special interest t. aJL EDWARD BUTLER BUYS PROPERTY FOR INVESTMENT. mrchaur rrrnlifi at Tweiify-Flrat and Olive- Mreef That TVas SoM rvrral Years . for 912000. tliroush the Mcrcantllo Tmt Company, tli prcirty at the south-fat corner of TTren-tr-flmt anI OIlvo streets from J. I Jtoy toa for SS3wS5T. Tho rroperty ha-s a frontajce of twenty flvo fet on Olive street acd a d-epth of J.3 ft. smd U Improved with a thrre etory modern huff-brick building, occut!rd bv a saloon on th rtr?t floor and flats above Tho buildlnjr in under lean to thj -Uihcuscr-Ilusrh Brenlnjr Association at an aim ail rtni.ij of Sl,ir. and vUl net Mr. Kutlcr btwccr 6 and T pr cent on th-s lnvctmnt. Mr. Royrton bought th property several years at;o for Jli.'.'T. and receives a cood profit for his Investment as a result of the rap.d advance In valuers alone that street. Merrantlle Traat Coiaaaaj. Th Msractile Truit Cbmp&nv Cn-1 ti ral estate market ctcca lmrrovexl tn the past '. tanjr of tfc trior prominent temtors who I-.. h-a -t of tOTrn duiirc the m miser are returning, and all reem more furorablr Im rre4el itiin t. Iail th-in ever before. A nuirbr of rooJ-slxed 3eals hr bn elov4 d uric i tbe week. .nd necotlatlons tmrr- teen op-ned up en trral lurer Un-ctIon wtlch prumlfA a sr utl:actory fcr it Lit li!f f tptn;iyT Th tra&sactjani of thia o-cupanr for th eek. which It li at Ilb-rty to m-crt. are a fot.o: KoM the tom-T cf Delmar boxilevard aad Walton -wenua. ontinj; 110 f-t en the north lin cf iMlmar lAClev-vrJ hr a depth of 170 ft alonjr th west line of Walton arenu". TUls li en cf th larcest vacant crmrs en Ie!mar nwrux, 1-;,ti Taylor an-1 Klnf inpiunsy. i-oa ior jiannAii iurjea ror the purdiar Matr a -reii-kxiowa biUnea man and the owner of a Imrte Amount of fit. Loul real rsutr. anl h touht thLa prnfrt aa an lceument. cn templa tU-a- the erection cf aut&tartUl lmiTorement In the n-ar futxn. No. ZSy Theodofia avenu. a one-atorr tram eotup. c-rupylnc lot CdC feet. Sold for Henrietta Chlfiescn for COW ta Krnma Wald mann. who ttvusht for a home and win oc cupy at cac f rn Fhenantah avenu. In Tyler rUc. frontlr-c frt t-a th north line of .htun dtuh aieon" hy a dyth r.f 125 fnt. M t-twren Iaiiiilalar an-I Tnni?e avenue S)M for Mm. M .V. Hlrelow for t!.n to a clltnt cf Ho! Us ,. I.rlnXcp, irh-j omeniplatea the errc tl"n of a m-)rn ttat on the Iia. Vft. il. Sh-rl-in atMtn- a tstrv.fnn- k.-ia.i- hone ven roonu and all converl eneea. nr-euprln.7 Vt which front? 25 fe-t ej th eouti Un of Sheridan avenu. by a. dptti uthw-jrdlr of lZi feet. tSoM far J. Rtlr t al. ftr u; caah. to John lioyJe. whu t-ouctxt a tan lnrestmnt. latct cn th t Iln cf Osllec avenue, lo-at-et l&J feet tuth cf Carter avnu an4 frontlnc S feet 3 the wet Iln of Collric avenue tv a d'pth of US f-t to an alley: jwM for the'st. laouls I7nlenltr t,v UKtA p-r f.wt caAh. to Mr. Bil-ard llanihllt h- win croct a mr-d-em realdn on th let. Nol W51 lUdjc avenue, a two-storr brick cot tar oontalnlnr eight room anj all o-nvent-ei-ce ortnipjiar a let whlrh fronts S feet on the north tin of Rldce a.vnu Vy m dp:h of 13 fet: n!d for TV. B. VHlIama for IS.1M cavh ta John SLerman. who t-oucht for a horn and will occupy .as w?m an vacated. Iot at the routhwevt ccrner of Ox.9 Drtl llant anl Ilatnllton arena, in ths 3t&ant Aubarn district, frontlnc T feet on the wixii li of fot Brllllacto br a depth of ir ft alone m wit lln of Hamilton; wild fr Kate Mullen for 11. -3U to I" C. Melnhardt. The purrhar will ret a molern Bat cn th lot. Nol l'CS Xcrth Klshteenth atret. a two-ntory with manjvard roor trick hoi. -ontaJnlr.r elev en rocm and oecupylnc a lot fronting r feet on the weft line of .lhtenth tret br a 1pth of 110 fet: eold for Esther Miller for S40-) to J On-llnek. Th proj-ertr renta for SM-) pr var. and was bought as an Investment. Nc- G?y Vernon avenu; a ooe-atory fr-tm eottare contalnlnr Hz room: 1st Sftitt; cold for Ge-jrr Schneider for SI.30 to Thomas NHa. wto bevzht for a n-oire. Th Mercantll Trurt Caropany reprrtu having ha.l a vry catlaffactory ek In Its rentlru? and leaslnr department, and to hare mad revral rmall loan? at current market rat of Intettst. MlsaUatppI Valley Treat Compaay. The real estate department cf th M!al9?fppt Valley Trart Company report a very active week In Its various ubdlvIe!oaj. and a erow liu: Inquiry for well-loratM refldenc prop erty in all tactions of the city. A number of special sale will b held dur lnc the comlnr fall seoaon at Choxtau place. Iaire Avny l.e.(rhti. Ureenwood and others. and. In addition, two nw tracts will t for th flrt tlm placM upn th market PurcU HHctU. a most tIlraJ-ly Ieated tra-n of re"t dnc rroprty. tnated on the iAdede Station real, on block youth of Old Orchard Stat on. en th IMseo Railroad. This proprtr lies very hlah-ln fact, I onldered to Ip the hlztet ptJnt In th entire county; 1 movenlent to f-rlio-nU and churrhr of all dmnmlnatlon and Is admirably situate! for tran porta t Ion. both on th tnt and steam miliar. This tract was (lrt suballrlded Km als year ago. and is handeomely lmprvved with tine risade tree wU-lald-oat etreet. ctr water, t. Th other tract i "'FVrgwn Park en th fsUlhet ccrner of Paa and Frgti.n a now. Thin li a beautiful tract cS ground, cov er, with Cn old forest trees. ani U a very f.slralle horn Ioetlon. Th OTrnert have In structed the agent to u every effort to d' pn rf this preT""iT entirely durlnr th ecml-e fall ann. and th price at vhleh the -ll to offered and the trms named trill ! of twzch a liberal nature that th result desired is lvml to be achieved. In addition to the number cf let ls rpond below, th real estate department has aleo eod anothr of the two-story brick and stone fiat buildings rrently erected by them tn West Chouteau plc. on the south sld cf Ft- laOuts avtnue. w ct Whlttltr street, tcsctber witb th!rtr-r. frft of rrcunj. to Wm. II. Harriwn. f cr !'). A list cf sal made tn l!. various vut-dl vieXcs f'j.U-rrs; 1 t T, WorV t V' rtlnr W !-t i th- rrth llnv f Vmir.cni-tilUi avnue. to VU-Ja Tvm-lia-n fur l-U p.:i: am:.ntk hi:iciit. It -I. t'r-k . frcntlu: U f-t m tt. n-nth & f Chathatu avrnue. ti O. W. Mcll-cry fvr i. ii.MiNHV Minr.iiT Lm 21. lA-ek f'S. fnnl3 w f cn th t-tUfh iin f i;rMIr.r -tfrm'. lu lUary . Ij-ln for Vv. Iyt 2T, l.!'-ck VC fmntl'ic fe-l n th Hith hn r Gtraklln a.tnu-. t- Ueort- .?tlfiike V r ty la 1. MV; SU frn:tnr fet cn th- v-uth lti .f Iraa aienue. to l K. rtottwell-r fr lTi. 1 t 2. trk ill. frntlnc . ft -.n tl sooh Hi .f Ir-rnaya aienu. t lerti 11. l, fw !w. CIIOlTKAf !U:ia Kui ! f(t tf let Sf. all f !t -. an-I tt Tt - f: i-T t 1. in tie. JiZz. frvntin: t lt on th -uih lit.- jf l.tadl- erenti. t ix-hn ,JTfiai. fir fl.v. Tim v.-c J f t f l"t li -and th e-t 1 f-t cf it k. t:.k y inT.tit.y -as rt n tn nwrth lin- of Sl I"Ul 4trnuf. t- Ida X. 31 w. for iA ". Tbe e.t i rl of Iwt U and ti w: U ft of l.t X bl-eli '. rr. ntlns 3 fee. . th i u:h Kne :. s av'iiu. tv Iuls Hark. fcr l TT- rat 1 f t of .k 2i nl th Tt li f. t 4f it 24. M-k 2-v?. in ntlcr ft n tfc sKith hue "C I-iLa.lI ain-. tc J-u ph and Arthur '. Nclcul. fvr tv. Tomhrldce .wricj. Th TiKutrldga Agency repoitt th- f; sai; Now 2'j. nialr. anu. a t"u-t--ry rvi roens Icltk t-sK-w . l.t StliX from Mr. Auii.Ma Hflmkmuerer t Mrs. Anna Kac r fo J OO. No. 2:; an.1 3WT Callfcrnla av-nr. two story and maniird rf Kibl Nrlck fat. r rarsrd fcr four ranlll. let 41x12?. from iw-r Kuhner to Jf JonaL. fcr lA,ft. rrho t-jcht f-T an lnvtran. Iat 2:Ui In Twr '.rot HlsMe. n the a-uti. aid cf Migrolia avenu. vppcslte Trn-s- aienu. frt-n. Jtcuh I". IIn:Kkr to Mr I WohTr for !.!. who will impro with a rvo-"1; ry cvJem trick fUt. laot 2Cal22. ea the seuthat corner cf Ivnr-yl-vanta avenue ix.d hervke etrt; frofn tlo. I.ri5r x LT'rUtlne Gonr-n- fcr SLtV. .V trect cf Ucd cor.ialnlrp Tr acrs 'n th eat eW of f.ravol anu. adjo'ninc II'!ni. tlar on th rorth. frrm th I-hblrr heir to cr-- t our diecr. Tills tract win be ntll v!d and Iu!tl out int- IutJ imJ'r our supr vUlon. and we will al irujc th ule cf th Am when lajy for th market, as an ccaal eiaahre. I'orrat I'nrlc lfeljchta al-. Th auction aale fondactd by Charles l Vcs-I yrMtrilay eftemocn at Ftrejt Parte llght wa well attcndS ad ccnsldered fur-c-ful. IInrT I. Sutton acted a auctioneer. Th fullowlng" sales wr laid: Ia.t Usl on e-juth slle f outh avna. t tnn CIri. md Mabel a.eaue?. to Otorr ltnuars ut lia foot. Lot i-vl3. cn eouth slii cf South avau. t--twt n tl-risfi and Mabel avenues, to August Miller, at li a f-ot. lJ-nKm cottage on south aid cf Ethel are nue. between CUi.a anl Mat! anu, lot &'Tli fret, to I. lUId-iuf far P.. Thr-rwim cottage on eouth aid cf South atenu. l-etwen He.lvlevr and Claris- ave nue. i. .'-o-uij. ta Mr-. Mary Waltr for JW4. Tbree-rwro cctug n o;th sid cf South avenu. t-etwen tiUvlew and Clanava aeaue let IiTjv. to iln. Jane Cannon for IU'. Three-rocro ccttagi on f-outh aid cf South avenu. b-tween Iteilvlew anl "ariia avnue. lot inlw. to ijarlta M Iuttfn for 13. Hw-rwni cottage on north aid of l-aXhl ve nt-e. Ltwern Ituv1w M CUr!sa avmua Ut rtl-. to Mlltcn R Iluth-rfcrd for HO. Threroom Ccttag? on the outh side of Ethel xvnu. Wtwen licllvlw and C5r:a a.e-E'j-. Jt MxlM f to Mrs G. Myr fvr nii. KIroon cot tag cn th aouth aid of Ethl avenu. btwn Clri;a and Mabel aveaues. lot .Wilf-) fet. ti M. Gallaaher. fir VI. Thrrooiii cott-a cn swuth aid of Sccth aviu-. beten lllti-w and CIar!sa ave nus; lot ZCtltO ft. to C M. Doran. for $; Tbi-rooci cottajfe on nrth aid of thl aienn. between IHrItw and dartssa avenue. let -Jin feet, to rranis Albrta. f-r s;. lot 0x2 Nj fet on north atd of Kthal arasua. ttwen CSarta and Mabel avenuea to Hnrr S. GtUlagwatr. at r-r fwt. U.t 6-"-xlj fet on narth aid of TSh! avenu. htwen tJ-irtea and Mabel avnua. to Jamea Pl-rce. at i per fct. I)t -0al& fet on north eld of Kthl avu. bteen ClarlKsa and Mar I avenue, to Rn hod Dml-Mk. at H rr f.:t Ia.t l'iW0 ft on north ld of EthI tcu. btwn ."aiif-a and Mabel avecus. to M. C I.wis. at tt rr fy-t. Iaot SAgH9 m th north tM ef KtS-l avenue between 2uva aad 31bI avenua to Doc tor William r. IIUL at ti a foot. fcot lftrxl- feet, on the ccrth aid cC Etht. avenu. betwe-n CUriva and Mabel aTenn, to Gahril Rc-h. at J4 a fo;. Iot 5'xlW fet rn th northwest cianfr f Clans aad Itnnrer avenues, at t a foot. Iet iOxlM frt. on th &uthat comer f Iforer and Ctartvaa aieau to "W. Olbao. at li a f'V-t. In :hiifi- ft. n th- wiih ?.; of nthi aven-.. between C!ar)ea ant Mabel arrrues; to Mr. A. Shaw, at K a fooc I-ot 2ffTlV feet, on th north aid of fi-.rrtt rtreet. btwe iTarlna and Mabel aTtnuea. to G. Cak.well at a a foot. lot 5W15J fft on fh r-uth a'd of S?r rtt avenu. betwen Ctaria and eXXv.r avenues, at it pr foot. t C Caldwell. Hash II. Mewirt. Hugh It. Steuaxt repoct the tolXrmring aalea: JNci-. -A.-I rctOiCS MancJiater aveau-v thre ti-o-rtory etor butldlaas. aad 2t22rHi .and 2f47 Walaut str-et. thre t-etorr brick dwelling, from Patrick and Kate O'Cens!! to Herman Gilbert and William G. Stohmar.a. for 1S.0vjl Th property brtn-ri tn a Cn rvcu and was bought for an lnvtmnt. A. U. FredeHclc. A. II. Tredsrlck reports th foUowinc tajea: No. I01-2a North r.rtnth street, a larg tfcree-ory trick hou In front. tw-o-str.ry brick In rear. lot 23x159 rented to gtwd tenants for 1ST pr year; eTd fo- Investment Company to Louis Xoslovaky. who boegtt for lnrestmnt. No. Uta-1& Hamilton arena, a handsome four and flv r-orn flat, modern bathrconA large ha.enQt lot fAHxla?. rented fbr WU per year; sold for W. Kelgbtlr t -T. Tur-t. who ha boaght f jt a home and investment. James M. Praacfaeaa. Jas. M- rranci-rj C Gx report ha-nnr clcaM ti fr.Ur I nz eal-xt: f-oM In la n dell Park three sO-foot lota fronting cn the south aid cf Greer avenue. btwee-i Garrtcn and Grand avenues, for Wilbur 1. Dovle. trusteo cf the Ialndll esiat. to Henry X Muer. for SS.TM. Sold 37 fet C laches by 133 feeton south aid of Grr avenu. Just east of Grvsj-d avenue, to VUhImlna Schlcrel. for tl.Ttl.2X Iaot fronting 27 feet 6 Inches en north aid of Crer avau. between Garrison and OraM. to Charle tl. Kunz. fjr tLSri. All of the above Larti will Improve the? lot. at once with andsorcs five and aex room 2 -Us. I-ct frcntmr 2 ft on muth sld of Sulli van avenu. between Glasgow and Elliot ave nue, for Charl- W Gtx Xaim aad Oment Company to Itobert M. Qaackenboas; oocsldera Ucn. ICO. Iaaet djolnlnc th aboe. frontlaff M ft en th south aid of Sullivan avenu. fcr th In-t-rnatlonal Ktal Estat Improvment (.Vmrtrtv, rrpte-ente'I by Chat i gl. to Ttobert M. iuacknbo?. for H.l?. TT.e aNne 7S ft will b Improve I at -nc wltii two douhl flat. Thl location i bflnr built vp very rapidly wtn handeoin Improrenien. Three-tory brick bulldinr. 3021 North Srei:h tret. lot H ft In'h by CT fet. fcr Julian na ittr . U t- lljtaaa shore et aL. con- s:oration. x,ri. Thl ftrra eIoI a numbr of Vans lo the last week, apgregatlcc about 25,XO. Ktrodtman A fftrodtaaaa. -St rod t man JL report tho follcwtng ale: Nt. 73 Mapl avenue, a two-story, nfne-rooni brick dwelling, from Maty E. Anlgua to (gen Ilurhs cf Arcadia, Mo. Mr. Iturha t-ougtit for a horn. No. I7 Madison street, a two-story. alcroom brick reildnce. froa It. D. Iepard to A. J. Enldr for tU-k-J- Iot toxlli on tta eaat efda cf TViiinarten court, near Manhattan avenue, for tW. rinra Pnnje Investment Cbmpany to John W. Gas ton. McXalr. Harris V Joaea. McNair. Harris xt Jone Realty 0?sjt report th aale of a 14-rm i-ealdenco at ? Washington bon!-. ard. known as the &eatr borne, to a cllnt whese nam will be given latr. Addlticnal -lies ai follows; Ia.t at northwest corner Clara and Mapl avenues. SlxLS. feet; for Harlan Broe. to Br nard H'lker. for X2r-a. Iaot on eart aid of Ktogs highway at th ionctlin of Vernon mxrvi, with a frontag of l ft. for Crnard Belker to Harlan ltros. for f 4.2fl. No. 0 Dickson street, nlre-rccrn rsldnc cn lot TSvllt feet, for M. Ducne to Jaccb airr--er. for M.400. No. 113 O-olc nine-room residence, lot 2x I-w fet. fcr Mary Kanedy to Charis Hcuts for JUOO. ISA on the aouth side of Haymond avDu. btn-n King's hlahwar and Acadmy avr.u frontlnc W ft- fev Jrmond Pia Realty Company, to Frank E. Sitert, fcr $2,200. Two hundred ft rrant on the south tide of Juniata avenu In Tower Grove Height, for Connecticut Mutual Uf Insurance Company to J. G. Zlmmrr. for t..o00. ThirtT-thre ard ene-thlrd fet front oa eouth line of Uy-xr.Ir.a- aenu. Tcwer Grove Height, to William P. ntxgerald. fcr SI.lta.-C. One fcur.:red fet cn aoath Iteo cf Utah Par t lace. bt w een Pprtnc and Guatla trretn. Tor Grove Hetghta, to Harry SUrk. Jr.. for .. No. Shenaadcah avenoe. pair flats for J. J. Mohan, to Peter Morschel. for ,'. Charlea K. Voscl. Cbas. 1. Vccl i e poets th following aalea: Houre on aoutheast corner Hancock and Mc Cacfland avenues, two-story brick building-, containing two stores tt first floor anl large hall room on second r.oor; al fram feed stor aaI stable; lot t-sxlG f-et; soM for S4.0no. frwn Mrp. Verena Meer to John F. IIotlraan. Jr. who bought for lnvtront. Arthur Mlttcl brc reprenled the purchaser. N. 314- Thomas stret. ontory and baae rr.rnt. brick reidne. contain in r four room; let 2xIS: eold tfr tl.TW. from Mr. Mary I Rlchert to. Gorg I. Fawnfltn. who purchased for a hem. No. I2.i Rliclt avenue. ta-o-stcry brick daH-Irr- coctalnlas sir rooms, hall and tath. lot i;x7I: wVI for tU-M. from John Klela'a ai to John M. Haneckamp. who bought fcr a hem. Iv-aMhold tat. No. HH-1C-H North Fif teenth etreet. thre two-ttorr brick buildlrg. enntatnlnc slx!n rccma. and twotory hricx In rar: sold frr SWK from Edward CL Wlenn to iott Sifrth; bought tor Investment. U COxlfO fct. on at side of Jefferxon av nue. btwn (hari an-I Victor atrt; aold fcr $1. ttvm Ilfary Hartmann, gr.,fcto Vender Au-Cum Ifi.d'aar and Ownte ConpA;y. wh Intend -rctlar a lactorr build!:? therrvu. Lt Z&1$ f-t vo -. sld- of finpli ave rup l-tw-a ir, Ijui and Natural llrklir- ra1; v I tr lv. frn ir.trnatU.nal lt-il K-tat- at-l Itj.urv-r-ct Vntpuny t r-wi.ul ,, Ue.t. vho t-vusht tv laiprv f r a hor. llirrt UriiallrL. -Mt-tr WensUtk. i-jtl tie t.towicf sile-J rt xtT. on th fc-outh sV f Muntana rtnet, ttu-n llli-jurl awnu and irwadwav . frtm rrank liuricka: t-a ICarcllna iJriinttch f jr sy Z.l on th north "in- of l-arlc avenn. t t-.r3 KleTnm at-d Twrlfth nietr. ttvntir.; fl fret Z li- he cn Xark eau by a l-p'li an a.lev. frim Kearv Fnp to a ihnt f-T ?!.:-. tplr JL llriiinilmnnti. A!-;- A. Il-xnaielna-in Ileal l-etate Comtanr rti-ort th .'l..wlna .-.I-t: N. 2W JljIUdar ave.iue. new ovlooia! r-I-!-nre f I.a rim. h.t-watrr h-t and ai nu-J-m o nrenin. . ftm!.! in I4nr-r" nx--11- ph-rrr, mah rar an-i whit nanel. t -uc :?t for HI C-. t Mettln Kelltiauer. who Iwucat tir hurar No 42h m. I.ui" avnu. a two-Mry brie dw-IUrr .f fw flt t-f f.v- ml ic rwau. 'h rrntlar i"r te- r-r var. hi ?ilK fr-u h-rl 1- Srh t-. Mjtv r-lniia. Mr 5i.0. wn Uuaht fur trw-stment. No 2i2t HallSUv at-nu- nv -ai.n Ann dwUinir C nln r-r.. rfttH all rulrn .-fcnlnc-. hrdaul ."n---. flMTi.l thnufc ut In tint ?- rnail-. ak i-2 thrr and Lanlwiwl itoifr In fir' anil eril sturt. It -k123. to A. NwUrnl. f-r 1 I.S-. N'. t2i 1 taHtnv!n nvnu ri-ttv ntn pm btlk lwlhcc of t-i. rtat- of four an-l Cw nir. tnat il . J- rntranc . lars- st tl. lot -7 ft in h lv I2C. from MATK-vrvtta ..ft to I TV!.x, f-r .i-ft 2tl2S ft. s.Jtb !d of lCk-jk trt. 4-0 feet a-t of rnd mrBU. from .. II- -dll. r:rNnt-l br Il-cr- Hten-eaa n-alty Oinpaay. to a fr tZ, Nonh-nt corn-r of ;rnl avenu arJ Oir rewa trt. tot l-il4. fr.m J Ifmn Itelz t II. A. im-r. for l,Ii wi. w imprjve wlta etcre- and fiat. Iln Broadnav lrfipert. Paul nrivn. tl-e apitah-t aivl real sta oTrator. ha bourh th .-- r-rtr. No. 4)3 ! ttouth Headway, afmn a rllent f th Mrcan t til Tnut itt:pcuiv Mr :nv.n ova- the -'.(- la r-s ii jii'Ai'in j saiisA -i." trt. adjoining tt t nr"rtv prinh-"d ard tjught to ruunl out h twWinc thr. wttu th- litatln of makln: t.uis:nttal Iroprove- n-.-nt. V. .1. IlnrtllnjC. SoM TS ft -n ti rnth --Id of 0it avr.u. b-tw'ea Iauitana ani rand avnne. to Ida Brceker f;r Sl-te. who Is it with a md7i Tat. Al-w. fr C.-ia-. IV Th!r-v. 2? Hiekerv stret. lscl fat of four and fiv rocm" each, to Henrr and Is-cuNa M-arhlU fa- t2.7"a. wh-j touch t for a h-m Rral Klate- .otr. Tranfrs fcr the month, un f a-.d Icelu! In th lth intuat. nurohr ?. and a-rsat- - Thr- fcsndr-M and thlrtr-cr d2? cf trut wrr flld f.r rord durlnr th earae crIod. anviuntlns to rC0.2Cl. -V mtlCiT of the nacutlv Ommlttee will b held Monday afternoon at 3 o'cloc. to r to th Fair rrourd to mak Cnal arrancem-nts fcr IVal Ktate Day. T. G. TVatt X- Co. tar rraovd thlr r-al estate ofaces to Not ;s Chetnut etveet. 2.575 . "-" Hral Kstate Transfer. ACCOM AC- 27 ft. - In., m f.. bt- Or. gop and Nebraska, cltv block 1377; Crcat Inveucnt Cj to John flahs--n. Jr., d.... X lUf ft n. e . bet. Tavlor and Ktcr h.rtay. cltv bKvk ZiZ .Vlfre-1 How and wlf to Elward G. Kcilroe!r and wife w. I . ... . IlllOAHWAV w f w. n tt- Qutocv and I-AUghbcro. city block 20U; John Itrkrt. Jr.. to John Iletnann w d DES I'KKES r-T. tU. . . bet. Coartol nl l-rlmm, city block 3125; I-oai3 XaavlUet and tmt to Charles F K. Gruet ard wdfe w. d rRItKV 2i ft., n. .. tt. Second an.1 Hrradwar, city bW- IZZt: CbrUtUn Fure'enfeld and wife to John Vllem echek ahl wife w .1 GHAND IW ft., e. . n. e. cor. CMr-t-ewa. eity blorfc j ; j Herman Blx and wlf to Hnnr .K. inpr w. d. IV-ia S.Vlavt-IiT-O ln . t-t. Mlieouri and JrTrwn. die block 22: -urut II. Scherman and wtf to Wllltam Ned derhut ot. d ....t .... - - MAG NO MA -31 ft.. . s . tt laiutsiani. and Arkana. cltv blvk 144 Jacob F. talndcker and wlf to Mary E. Wohlr w d ........... - - - BEMPXJE 52 ft. 7 la. e. . and IT-- ft,, w. Arltrrto3. t-?. Mlnrra an I Pax. ritr block 21E: Jam D. fflmrna to Ercc:r:on Kealtr Co. w. d SUXaJalVAN-4 ft e. s-. bet. Frlri and Vatvlventer. cltv block SI; Un dH Heal Eetat 0mpanr to Jo-Ph It. Hums and wif w. d THIIlIfc-i ft. 5 la.. , . bt. Gyer anl laeafTeranc cltr block 717; PhtlUrplna Hart mann to George Heine- all Int. tn leasehold ................................. THIIL'HII 5w fu. n. a . bt. IUrny ard TtekU. city block MS: Walnut Pa-k. rt..ltT Or. to Carry . Murphy and wlf w. d ... .. VICTOK-a ft . n- t-t. California and Nbraaka. city block 2,53: John B. Weetermayer and wlf to Frederick J. BaJTx-"-w. (I .. ... ....... .....-....---. "IIUJINIA 31 ft, e r n. e. cor. trer. cltr block 34S; J. la Honsy to Taylor ptith fea ,3 VX r.U,lSGTOS OOt1iT- ft. IH la., e. s. bet. Ieam!-:rtsn a-1 Uanhattas. city tlce-k Ifrtii Fearca. Investment l. to John V. Oaston er. 0 ...... .- - fCIItTTIET! S n.. e s.. ht. OarfleH ar.l Iyieky. city bIock "-S-3; John C l.: F t HO i.r $ DO eesjer. oy vr-J?iea. i- .. um .-i.iea veers-eat .-. trs. a.. Ralldlnsr Fermlta. James afcrac. two-atcry tries: d-en!rr t No. "tc A Ilea: JiMn. Carlstiaa Kottiso-j. rw-i-sawy brleSc dat at No. Ssn .Iirfl'ld: JiCo. Joseph Devor-ale. cne-stcrr Mici d-eelliss; at No. 4I1 Alsafe: 1I.V. Charles Roelkaetter. alter bfrlc deel!lnc at Na. MIJ Ncrtb Twenty-third: . RIVER NEWS. Mae aad Fall of th. Rtrera Vbr St bour endlnr at 7 a. rx: 8U Leva's. Srt. 17. '.K. Stations. Danxer.Cau-r-.Ctare Plttsbnrs; .................. l.o a.4 - rarkersburx -z " Cincinnati ..- W.A 4.7 -..a a-ulslll. ... .. a.e 1.. -.l Nashville . .l 1.3 -.I Chattanocca ............... 3X0 1. -4.1 Florence ..-. It.) "1 .t Jc&nsonvl! .......... SI.O ".7 --i.l Evansrllle ............ Ca.a Z.l -o.t St. IVul .. 14.1 S.7 --).t tlQbuque ...... 1.9 &.3 .. Davenport .M............... 15. 4.9 -" Keokuic ........ la. t.3 9.1 Hannibal ........... 13.0 .... .... Ilear-i-osrn ........ l .... .... Graftnn .M.M... ......... .. a". .t .t O-naha i - -M Kansas Cltjr ........ 31 v l-a -4."1 GlaetTCr-r .................... I.. .... ...- Ik-onvllle ..H. ...... ........ 21.- -i. .... llemann ............ ..... 74 ' ..4 s.a M. Isxi-a . W. s -' t ."hest-r ................... ".- -e.l Cairo - 4-..0 7. -.-: M-mptls 3. 4.r . IJttl. Rock . 3.' s 4 "w.I vicksbnrr - 4',' ' "5r Sireveport "S-'t - .-. Neir tT:-uu . M. 4.4 -4.1 sRlse. -lall- EDvTARO II. HOWIE. Local Forecaster. m.-aBss a'jwea.asaalaH . PdTr In th St. laoula district wKl rman stationary or rts slowly dorlrc the rxt 49 hours. River aad Boalaeaa. The harbor tcaue yes?rdar ahowed AS fett. a r!a ef .1 tn th last St hours, puslnesa along th Iat-reo yesterday was light. The weather wae fair and warrn. Te-Daf's Weather Fair to-day: coc!-r la the afternco3; fresh southerly wind, becoming northwesterly. Arrival a. Cltr of Memphis Cape G!rardan t-pread Cagl ......................- .Altn Halat Paul ........................... St- laul Qmncy - - Keokuk Ilphln ......-.. laower river I'tTwln II Fp-neer ... - Kurstn Ctr of ITovMenc Oxcurrion Departarea. it r read Eag Altsn .. Kkuk , UainbuTK ,.. Chester , Excursion Utcurdun Qulncr Ueil or a.noun ........ liald iracle ....... CorwJn II Spncer ...... City cf ITctvidence ...... Arrivals To-Day. Sprad Eagle ... Grafton .. Memphis . Excursln Excntrloa vet-r i-e ........... Corwln H. Spacer City of iTovtdenc Depart area To -11 ay. JUInt Paul St. PruI Sprad : Aiioa Corwln H. Srncer ...-..... Evcurnon tty cf ITcvldenc - Eacurvlon Ira Kontxuma . River Rlalto Brevities. CSptaln X H. lairander of the steam tur Va:m. cf Chicago. j,i tb ru-t cf Captain Garrison of the Corwln II. Spencer ye-trrday morniaer. Th C2:ee:r dpartd Ttrday oa hr old ran to Cap Girardeau with good tnisln-. Tre Oty of MmpM arrived from Car Girardeau ytstrilay with a jocd trip of pay (wngers. but will not dpart for an IndeSnlt length of tlm. Th City of Savannah 1 du- to arrtv frm th Tenneee River to-dav. l-ut will not make her return trip for some tiro.. Th Tennejeie lUrer Packet Compaay an nounce that tt will discontinue its Ten cse Blver business until th Ohio Elver rLi fnifCclently for tt to navigate Howev-, It will continue to haadl all freight a. the for mer rate, and will transfer by rail. The Bell of Calhoun departed for Har-bnr-r at tt Laual ttm yesterday with a gMd trip of freight an.1 ta-5entrs. The river channX report frvtn th Kaver cf the river from alro to st. la-oul cm be een at th- Masters" aad Illots' A-soclatJon room ty al! membrs la grod rttnsllna with the organization. The St. Paul arrtted from St. Paul ytsttr- dar rrr-raln-r with 23 tSa-x.rr. Sh- will - pait f,r ta s-uae pclat at f wcxk this afler cocn. The Qulncy lepartI fo- Kokuk yejtenlay afternwvn with sowtl bt-iln-. -Th Grey ITatl arr.vr.l from Pcrrla y- iT'iay n zninf r-n- wm ii-art zur tn aim l V-.tva. -a.. . .. !.-- '1.1. n'a.-s-n.-. The llaM EasI tleiMrtvd fc?r Chester y' trday lth a ri-o'l I:t of pat --.: a-rr 3 aad fair ovn-t'sarnnit of f:rtght. - Tt- prfil llttfl will mak ttr uual r-m- day -VLfirvlun to -;tru t -J-v S-h will depart at t this nwrtltc aad ie;urn at st taia ev nlts -) "-spears Ilcrac of th LnlreI Stat-t pnatp-at II G Wrl-rht vlitsl th ilot-roocv y-te-ntay Klxlv 1 tb pikit wh- tt.ught Mark, rwaia taji.ul M. 7-men th- rlvr tnaxnel. The funba.t Ia.4t.hiD arrivt ftm ?- IAtv river la-tt nitcht. j t i: irnncn I now pwraeroa th -brcrai, J which runs frn r.n l-"racri4oi to Valle. . I t- a rn .a" 1. S. trown, .retary of the inlets J .V-vjcia-je-Oa n.o 'ter 1 t-a dn tt arrlv frtm Mera-jhi- t-fOay. jb ivlh tlxart for the sani v-jI&t. to-nvsrivr- aftrtna t 5 .!'-, Tt - acht beknslir to Captain I'urtcn was launihl at th- arrn'Ilt iUn Waj y- tnlaj. SIw wilt r"-vl her mochlcvrv at th X"- ..f IVirt r strr-t. a&l will th-n I- tk tt N-w fljan hv U'lUUm .fekr of laet S IHrtf .k wdl l- th- Iot for u party cf XrlRie -Mr J M Gr-ty. wlfo cf apta!n Graet. prklm. .f th- V.ortd' halr Kxcursicn Om- I laay. arrival frm W-auV-ha. Vl.. ttra. Thr- -.rwln If. Sp-scr anil tTity cf provt-d-r nwl tueir usual e-curvn trips yester day. Hv TelesjTaph. RCT-TBIal." .-I-KCIAI.-. V.Tie.lri. V. Va. fpZ. 17. River t: ivll tnz. -arrar. -.-eparted; It. K. B4 fonl. larkerburk. iladnuiti. i . 1" nirer ': static-nary. T-.. djarture? ll.arand varmrr. Ia-lsvil-. Kj Sfept. 17. Klver etatio.iar-r: la en-Mi Z. n falls s; tar!o-v leltv 4 IltulKira-. IM . .i -. I7- Klv.r 1 5: -lat!---arr at liavis lelan.1 ilara. Oar a&l -varm. a-.- .llrarjeaa. M-... .pt 17 It..-. l-"a d'i-sn a: s a. m Wash Ilfnsheil up lth to-v at 11 a -n. Oaia- I'-rar-l-'AU il'j.n at It - srr aud -letarted f r "mirerre at z p. m. i-fce Is due t.p t.-nUbt I' Ie ut. at JJ p. m "tty of -vavanaah Ju- u?. flauce 10 Z feeu VWalher cloujy and uanri Kvan.vli:.. in.i sejr. 17 -Klver falllrj:: 5.1. Ciear anl T.anr.-r. t."aln. III ept. 17 -GaLt rtarts 7.. ahoselns a fa'i cf -luring :..e U't f oun-. Weather doudv and -oo. Tlie fei-r. la?e arrived trom 3teatttl- at 5 a. m. and cleared for St. l..olv at 1 a. in. The Cltr of S avancah arrival frcm ire Tenoe. -e Klv.r at 11 a. m. art d'arM 1-r SL Lnuls at 1 r- m. Tt. cam.T: rrt-e.l trrt-t tl. fon-T Ohio at It a m. The IIrnian I-at-rlie arrlvev! frcm th- I:ver Mls-als-ljiS at lJ-i. o. in. Tfce Henry tlarlr tva In an.I vat oa tirr-. Tt Ik-as Ie. arrlvtd f-rn t ia.:ls at ZJS o. -a. aad ie-jart-d for M.m-ihlt at I D. xa. HernpMs. Teen.. pt. 17 Itiver Is ea a stand i t.2. The Stacker la-e, arrival ta!s Trsirzilzz Hm st. taiuls. with 4.730 packats" mercliaii'Il-w for this plae. and returns! at 3-3 p. ra. with passengers. Tadecah. K-;.. S-'ept. 17. Cam reads S "Ueather lair. Ilarfey comes la at s p. m. ckstur-j. alias. Sept. 17 Gauj. read. . a fall of a. Tfce Delta d-ared f-r Memnhl-. 1 The Aia-rua clearei for Ne-v Orieana. Th. l"tt-- of Greenwood arrived. The weataer le clar. Itarllrrrtca. la. Fep". 17. River !s cow t fet i aS Inches above low-xrater marc there benr t n- chanse tnc- last report, rivals down: Iaaao I "-tailea and with lee raft, for F"o-t j Madison, an 1 Kols--. VTeather wartn aad fair. ' 3w-s-er. Ill Sept. 17. ".na- 4.S leee. . fan .1. V.-eathe- fair and irjia. Reca 1 down at 11J p. .VI. Capa Gtrardeau down at 13 r-dd- niKht. Oty of Jl.-ntlils up at r raldnlcht- D.I- phla 77o. I and tew up at m a. ra. Beaver I and to-.- op it 1 p. in. Teters ". Is dae UP to-nlsht brvnl Tower IIL. riept. TT. Ke-s las. eiowni at -v, n. "ar- G!ranie.Ti down it t t a I-earer up at S.V) a. m GenarsI Casev down at -:-v a a. Gtj-. 7 feet, and fall-In-:. Wi.her clew an-1 warra. BAD ODORS CURED. i No matter where or what th odor Is. It I C.-7V. touch's its so-xc- th cdor ceasetk Olors of sickrooms, cellars, sinks. ce- peols. closete. vessels, urarbage cans, etc. all are ctirsd by C.-. And mor than that. th disease -terms that start and thrive in malodorous places are killed. C.-?f. has a hundred household tisea. and reallj- no hous- can be: wholly clean with out it. SweepInK and scrubblne can't mak. a hoes? Kenr-prc-of. Soma senna thrlva on soapsuds. Th-s clean-dps; odor of C-Jf. (oea tnti ererj- crack and crevice, and fiber t-sjachea' where broom and scrub-brush cannot. " C-sr. Is as fatal to bugs, roaches and ail Insect life as it Is harmless to humans. Use C.-w. in -rour bath and mak4 fa doubly- healthful and refrashln-f. Chapped hands and chafed cr broken skins ar. healed quicklr and th. akin la softened and whitened. A ten-cent trtal-slio bottl e)f CasT. -sTin provej all these th!nr-i to you. A ten-cent bottle, with water wtll mak. a full gallon of cleansing disinfectant. Ask your dealer for It. Booklet tr. WEST DISINFECTING CO., 3H East S&tfc Street, Xew Tork. STEAMBOATS. CPPBst MI9SI9SIPFI. DI1H0MD JO LIRE STEMEIS SPECIAL EXCURSION! Meals and Berth Included. To Keokuk. Iowa, and Return, S. STEAMER QCIJtCT """very tVednesdar and Saturday. 4 . t 1 . Far St. Past. Miaa tr. ST. "PAria, S-irdav Sent. IS. a w. ea. Sir. DI BIQl K. Kr.dar. 8ept. 2a. J p. nw Frem foot Washington ava. Phone Italn 1447A. ISAAC P. LCSK. On.Ag. .WaTst MISSI9S1TFI. EAGLE PACKET COMPANY TO! HIST KXCIRSIO".) -.------ For Cape; Olrardeaa and (.'omnerre, 1-tea-ner iate GInrIeau. everr Monar aad Fl-Mar. i tx. tn.: M tvund trip. For Me. r.eiivlevr and ('heater. SteaTrer Raid aale. Tu.sdav. Thtirsda-- and Sattir-Uy'. 4 u. m.: S3 round trip. ILLINOIS RIVER For Peoria and r.lats. Steamer Grer KaitTe. every Wedne-slar and Satnrdar. 4 n. ra. From d"ek foet at Vina K. Phones Mala 1 Kin ITMC. II. W. LETHE. . LE UIE STEAMfclS THRKE BOATS EVERT WEEK. TO MEMPHIS XSlZm. aleals and berth Included. Chear. frei.-ie mmM Kassesaer rates to Chester. Gram Tower. Caa. Girardeau Cairo. aSeraphts. Helea. Hot Biio.', v..a-4-uia. rii'e at.uix. rETURS LEC MonJay. Sept. 17. 5 p. m. ETACKi:il L.KE. Wednesdav. Sept. "S. c. aa REUS LEE. Friday. Sept. 3. S p. nu Frcrn wh.rftcat. foot cf Ouve st. Fbones-.Maia lia. Klnlceh A THL Wm-IlAIhlts. Oim. Ar- P.M. Con-iocs. GetUtrt- ST. LOUIS. CHESTER. CARS GIRARDEAU LINE. STEAMER CHESTER "til leave wbarfMat. foot Pine tt IvMi!-. Thurs.'at-r. and Saror-da-rs. 4 o. I-.. for Cat. Girardeau and war andlns-9. fpecial excursions onlv 14.00 for round trip. Includlnz meal, and berth. Prone-Bell na:n A: Klnkxh A Hi JXO. El alAa-JENUAlA Aseat. EXCURSION STEAME3 CIIW1I N. SPcMCfil Mi biTY wr HIVIKICE maie dally i rips. leasts-- at 1. a. ra. a-aa p. m. and lea SUNDAY", leave J SO a. tsu. ! a. ta, lji -v. -a.. IJ9 p. n, I p. a. KOI'.NI" iRIP tso. On Credit Watches. Jewelry and Diamonds of the Ysrjr best quality. My- In stallment plan will suit you. Perfect eatlsfac tion ftuar.inteed. Watches from flat up to ss?aa. Diamonds, pur. and perfect, from t up to f IS5. Solid Gold "Weddlna and Set Tllns-s from eSt up to SIS. Terms SOe a week. Keep any artlcls X days, and If not well w pleased, return It and set all your money back. Watches cleaned and repaired by experts low prices. 23 years on Ollvej at. I h.ivc seven floors full of new and de ilrablc Roods, on tcrma to suit iro-B. Whatever you need, cash or credit, b. sure and se F. N. MALLS, 1221 Mrs Mm Sr ii j. rs -r. a &d