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p- -v THE ST. LOTTIS EEPrBLTC: SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER L'5. 190. PUGILISM--TUEF NEWS-WASHINGTON PEEPAKING FOE GEIDIEON SEASON j-r. BERGER SAYS "NATIVE SON" IDEA HAS NO INFLUENCE UN FIGHT DECISIONS. Pan Francisro Amateur Claims That the Verdicts Handed Down in Pacific Coast Bouts Have Xot I5een Such as to Put the Visitor at a Dkadvantape Crowd Alwavs Cheers the Eastern Man. He Declares, and the Native I5oy Has Xo More Support Than the Outsider. According to Kam Scrccr. the Pacific Coast amateur heavy-weight boT who wi-l return to s.m Francisco to-morrow night, but who expects to ilt the city again before he close of the Fair. there Is no truth in the statement that er dlcts in prize fights on the coast are in fluenced by the "natie-son" Idea "Vou can say what you pleas- about the came out there." said Merger, hut I rever saw a case where a visitor did not get what wa coming to him. The visi tors. If anything, get th edge oer the local men. I don't think that the fact a man belongs In San FrancIco has a bit of weight with any referee. "The mere fact that such a rumor has pot abroad has made the followers of the came out there n faor of a -visiting fighter. It's Just like in eery city, where one man is being touted as a world beater and another overlooked. Th crowd of sports attend the fisht prepared to ap plaud the man they deem the under dog. "When a visiting flchter has stepped In the ring out there against Hanlen or Britt. I hae -sen the whole house rise up and cheer. When the home flchter came in he would have his own contingent veil ing for him. of course; hut a lot of those present would hoot and hiss ihe home man just to encourage the visitor. "I don't think a visiting pugilist ever sets the worst of It In San Francisco. The crowd cheers for him and Is with him from start to finish. They believe that the referee and sporting element generally Is with the homo man. I suppose. "I have never seen a case whre an out sider got any the worst of a verd'et out there. If anything. I believe they have received the best of It. Professor Van Court, who was sent here by the Olympic Athletic. Club to nerve as my handler, thinks that both O'Keefe and Tanger hould have received their verdicts In their fights en the Coast. I didn't see those fights, so I can't pass Judgment there But It may be that It was simply a case where the referee and leading pugilistic experts differed In opinion." JOHN L. STJLTJVAX'S BBXEnT. John I Sullivan, the veteran "of the ring. Is to have his benefit at the Jal Ala! banding to-morrow night. The old lighter has already received assurances of support from the leading boxers of the neighborhood and many hae com from Chicago to tako part In the entertain ment. John I. is to deliver his monologue on women to-morrow evening lie expect to h-e many ladles In attendance and thinks that !t will be tlmelv to bring In his specialty In the monologue line on this account. Slnguarlr enough. John L. has taken to training again, and Is now working djlly at the gjmnaslum. which has been fitted up for him. He has reduced from 3 to 3ii pounds since last April, and is in mod erately coo.! trim at present He dilly takes calisthenics, followed by a bath and a rub down. He has no Intention of tak ing up the game again, but beileves that he could make anjone bistlc In a three round bout. Andy Walsh and Hike Schreck of Cin cinnati am to furnish the main go at lis pound. They will box ten rounJs. Among the well-known fighters to appear ore Brooklyn Tommy Sullivan. Jack O'Keefe. Benny Yanger. Lew Carley. St. Louis Tommy Sullivan. Charley Corn wall. Jack Dojle. Johnny Began and many others. Emil Silva and George Baptlste will go on for wrestling bout-s with thlr train ing partners Rtecial arrangements hae been made in the building itself for the seating of the spectators. GREEX-O'KEEFE BOUT. Dick Green did not prove tho victim In his bout with Jack O'Keefe at the West End Club last Thursday evening, although many members of the sporting world, who fancied themselves of ex treme astuteness In such matters, pre dicted that the bout had been arranged with Green as a mere punching bag far OKe-fe. Although Green lost the verdict, he put up a battle that showed him about the best man to be sent against O'Keefe as a preparatory battle to the latter" right with Britt. The contest gave Green his longed-fcr opportunity of showing that he was really a man who has to be consid ered In his own class. When Manager KiUIan arranged the fight he stated that be had not picked out Green because O'Keefe wanted an easy opponent for the battle. He raid that he bad selected Dick be cause the tatter's record showed he was clearlv the man to meet O'Keefe. and be cause It seemed as If he could put up the TRUE SPECIALISTS For Nervous, Sexual and Blood Diseases kBBBBBBBY .H BTaaSs aBfl best fight against Jick cf nr of the coterie that could be sscured on short notice. That Green lived up ts what was ex pecleu of him is proven by the; fight. It was a hard earnest throughout, ard the pole regrettable feature was the fact tnt both men rrepared for the bout upon tuch short notlee that they wre not worked Into the shape either ds!-ed. Both O'Keefe and Green had asked for a couple of davs more time before -nter-Ing the tin, but it was lmrossble to afford them this extension, after the Ujte of the bout had been annunr-d Aa It wa. they put up a tirst-class tight and one that will give the same a good start on the new erles the club lias In prospect. Vnnger has had a w-ek inor of tin: In which to train, nnd will tie up with a hard customer In Kid Abl Thursday. Benny Is in good shape now and should l In perfect trim by Thursday night. I'P.OSI'ECTIVi: CHAMPION Torcmr Murphv of Ilnrtrm Is 1J rirs old and a prospective feather-weight champion. Up to seven months sco who ever heard of him? Who In all the pugilistic world Isn't familiar with tho youngster's abilitv nowT The word "fen" I. ullie ent answr to the latter question. The ither needn't be anstvered. Frankle Nell, the bintam-weight cham pion. Is in a great measure responsible for the rapid spread of the Murphv fam The little Harlem youngster stacked his seven months of actual Xing experienc against the tengtnv career or me inucn heralded wonder. Nell. In a Philidelph'S ring some week, ago. How he earn o-t Is history. Con-lder the Jlarlrm young ster's limited experience antl Ms showing s noth'ng short if wi iderful Murphy Is n well-built little fellow. He reminds on of Sammy Kellv- when the latter was on- of the best in l.l (lass He lias a good pa'r of shoulders and his luck curves . ear the top Th's Is com mon In priz" fljiiters of the latt r diy be cause they all affect th cri-h Murphy's Iodv Is long and his legs snort, but of fair -lie. Scientifically the !!tI Harlem its is as good as any of them. He has n good stomach and face guard, and when he covers up Is hard to rearh As to punches he his a variety, but his upper cut is the best In his stcck. It was this punch that did so much dampgo to Neil. Murphv ha another engagvneut now tliat vill draw out all his kno'aledc- of the fight game and may trs bis abilitv even more than the set-to with Neil d'd. Hughle McGovern of the celebrated fight ing family. Is t!- one expected to put Murphv to the test. SEPTEMBER S IS THE DATE. The pugilistic diary has that mectin-; scheduled for Septemb-r S. with Phila delphia the placo where, and sit rtnnds the limited distance. Young McGovern. like Murphy, has fought N!l and fought him well. But his showing was not so gool as that made by Murphy, for which several rea sons and excuses may be advanced. Hughle may not peess y,e coolness; and determination of Murphy and this alone may be taken as an explanation of Itit difference of their fights against tho Uui tam champion. Figure as one may. Murphy anil Mc Govern are well matcned. Both have ben efited by their bouts with Neil; both have ability seldom found In joungstere of their inches, nnd both have backers that will risk cash, chiefly of the hard-earned va riety, on the outcome. That the capacity of t!-e National A. C cf Slowtown. wherein the little lads are to clash, will be taxed, goes almost with out saying. All Harlem will be there to root for Murphy, while Brooklyn will be represented to give the proper encourage ment to the last of the McGoverns. The middle-of-the-road shouters will be on hand to give their plaudits to the "upper dog." LAST STAKE FOR MISSOURI-RAISED HORSES WILL BE THE HOMEBRED Ilarr.ev Schreilier nas Kijjht Nominations in Tbi Erent and the Piil; ir Kliibles Are Entered in His Interest I'areer of Itel dni'ne Shows Her to He a (irnnd IJacinp Mare V. ;. Whit ney's Disper.-al Sale Brings Out Some tireat Performers. I.jr.- Tne last of the stakes for Mlssotirl-bred will be the Home-bred, a sprint hindlcap for the older division, to be run at Delmar next Saturday. Considering the comparatively small number of horses el'glbie to make entry. the ?'.! added money, which Is the same amount added to all :be ordinary stakes here, seems liberal. Naturally, the stake closed with a very limited number of nom inations, only twenty-three having teen named. Of these, e-ght were nominated by Bar ney SchreTwr. who Is the largest breeder la St. Louis, and the pick of the eligibles ere entered in his Interest, lie can select his starters from such good ones as Otto Stlfel. Schwalbe. Sy I .-la Talbot and Iletzel. the other four being on the shelf. Of the other romlnaticns. four were outlawed at the U..Ijh meeting Ivtr eligible In other Interests than Seen io-rs are Imboden. Iiuy Free Knight Kilo. Ethvl-ne. Wounded Kne. Magrane. Croix d'Or. Don Olllga. Ithyme ana Iteason and Colonel Matntt. The last named has broken down and been retired. He was one of the fastest hors ever bred, but his underpinning whs so un sound irat few good rare were ever ok-tul--ed from him. Lady Free- Knight Is In Cl.i'-'g"-. nnd is Ethvlene. The latter seems to be r-covvrlng her old form. and. should she come down from Chicago for The raee. would b a conti-nder. Wounded Kne has shown stved th's year, and may t- fitted for the event. Kilo, 'no, has shown speed and ery I.k-Iv wlli if a starter If Croix d'Or can eb cot fit h will be a sharp contender. He Is a -.printer of considerable clasj, but l'o lji not been himself this year. Weights will be announced Thursday, ard It lil not ! b-fore that that even Schrelber '" wtll know what he wdl start. LA BELLE STUD SALE. prt-mi"-es to bo the most sensa- t. . -ale In the history of the American turr will be that at Madlon Square Gar den In New York Monday evening. Octo ber W. The entire Li Belle Stud, the pndo of the latn V. C Whitney during nis iint'me. will be put up at auction. The stallion' in the list made a magnili- r-ni o. tet Meddler, lankce. nasturtium. Ki'marnock. Hamburg. Sandrlngham. Ballvitoo Ilev and Blackstock. Of these. Yankee. Nasturtium. Kilmar nock and Blackstock all raced in Mr. Whitney's colors, and are young sires. Meddler was an imported herse that was purchased In England as a S-vear-oId tor JTj.'-. Hamburg was bred In this country ?.td cost Mr U hitney j-;o,fi as a sire and Sandrlngham wis purchfseI by Mr. Whitnej. In England In tho last year of his life. The e.ghty-four mares to be offered In clude -son of the grandest rac- horses ever sen In this country and some mig- r.IRcentlr successful stud patrons. The list Iiclcdes such good on-s as Admlra tlin. Bal'jhoo Black Venus. Blue Girl. Enduran-e by Richt. Handsoun.Hyrocrlte. Irish Be'. Klldeer. Mannl- Illmyar. Morn lngslde. .5 mpor Fide.e. Sister Mar". Souf- BIIe. YANGER BELIEVES PADDED ELBOWS MIGHT IMPROVE THE BOXING GAME fie. Tulla Blackburn and TorkvlII Ani tne are only a few. That such a muj-nl'k'nt stud should have to be broken up is a matter of re greL but It offers a splendid oprortunllv for anyone with ambition to become a treeder of high-class horses. BAKER'S ILL LUCK. Hugh Baker Is having hU share of 111 luck In these latter davp of the season. During the KInloch. Delmar spring and Fair Grounds meetings, his horre-- did es pecially well, but It looks as though the name will be far down in the list of money winners at the current De'i-ar meeting. Broomstick, the arin-ipal money-winner for the stable, and unquestionably one of the greatest ;-jrear-olo stown in the West this year, is on the retired list, and will race no more this season. The Injury which he sustained in Chi cago was more serious than was at tirst believed, and Mr. Baker lias made up his mind that It will be recessary to Are the colt and turn him out. It appar- thit he must have had a fall and strained his hock, and though the lameness disap pears when the colt Is allow ed to rest, even a mild gallop on the track brings It back, hence the nec-.Tlty to apply tha firing Irons. All the other horses In the string are doing poorly, probabiv because of th hard campaigning which they received in the mud In the early part of the season. For this same reason, nearly all the horses which were raced her regularlv ln the spring seem to hxv trained off and the fresh horses now- coming in are getting the money. FIRST MASON'S DEFEAT T; defeat of FirJt Mason by an ordinal-- field at Gravesen,i -a,t Thursday seen to let Beldame stand oat In the l'ght as the horse of the year. It Is a magnificent achievement for a 3-year-old filly, something unprecedented In racing history, still the honor ha3 been falrly earned. She has b-en tried In every branch of tli game and has not been found want ing. Her victory In the Saratoga Cup was criticised because it was won in the muddy golrg. which was said to militate against her opponents and lu her favor. Site discounted this criticism by coming nacK wnn ner impressive victories in th September stakes and in th- tlrst speciil. snowing herself to be a gran 1 race horse under any conditions. Her career this year ha been onn of almost uninterrupted triumph. Her achievements this year are well set forth In the following table: April IS. AQuedt-ct. Carter Uaaticap. 1 nlK i..j i,N. JI. t rclle, 3"ar TV t .-. Jur 1. Graves-si. p-jrs6, -BOT to . Qrmi-tr.d. Cln-:: Stakes, W : liSM Juae 2J. Shee--iteal. iirn-atJ Stakes, int'e. V.. 13.s:i. June U. sleepihea 1 rae. 1 rrlle. W t t. July . UrlKhton. Ts; Handlrip. 1 mile, .-c-cnd. KM. August . Sarstoia. Alibiya sak. v jail-. v.. SXI Amwta Farstosa. Fxratoca Cup. :v mlK .... -.iiv WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY TO HAVE STRONG FOOTBALL TEAM THIS SEASON Coach Roynton Expects to Have Players Selected by End of Wek Many of Last Year's Men Are Expected to Again Be in Har ness Notes of Other Clubs. aay s. Morris Park. Metropolitan Hanllcap. ar Zl. Mjffli rark. Ladles sUkn. I mile. i far'onjja. tV.; 1 1-H Bile. li Auxnit 30. SheeDsheait mile, w tCi. September j. siepihra, IS mile. w. tl.oc tptember t. Untn-r I. r-jm m:. u. j-o. Total. JO.IOl Dolphin Stakes, in . Fepte-rber Stake. Special. Pi tt- Chicajro Fighter Wbo Ts to Rattle Kid Abel at the West End Clnb Declares That Any Move Designed to Prevent Hrutality in the Sport Would lie Beneficial Says Game Is Not Severe on Well Trained Men. "PAY WHEN CURED" 13 OUR BEST GUARANTEE. We want to talk or write to every sufferer from Varicocele. Stricture. Rupture, Blood Poison. Nervo-Sexual Debility and allied weaknesses or diseases peculiar to men. Perfect confidence In our ability to cure ever)- sufferer ftcm the above diseases who comes to us for treatment prompts us In making this generous otter of payment when the cure Is effected. Investigate lief ore treating elsewhere; wc will explain how dif ferent, better and more curative our modern methods of tieatment are than the old time system still etr ployed by unprogresslvo doctors. We have cured and made happy thousands of weak, broken-down, discouraged men. We can do the samo for jou if you will but give us the opportunity of demonstrating the superior curative virtues of our treatment. Have jou become a weakling through the debilitating effects and vicious ravages of these chronic, treacherous afflictions? Don't delay. These maladies never cure themselves, but. on the contrary, are alwavs becoming worse, and If neg lected will surely fill your future with suffering and unhapplncss. We treat all patients personally: you see no substitutes. W e understand thoroughly the diseases which con stitute our specialty, nnd you can depend upon It we will treat you honestly and fajrly. lust as we would want to be treated if our positions were reversed. Don't tnnri Miv hi. And sen tour health and irannood sllnnlnr: away, wben we win mi.nn. tee you a safe, permanent cure and lasting restoration under the above generous and fair terms. Call and be examined free. VARICOCELE VICTIMS. Neglected Varicocele undermines the Physical strength, deranges the mental faculties, racks the ncrvou system and produces a complete loss of sexual power. Wo guarantee to cure the most aggravat ed case of Varicocele In five days, with out pain, suffering or Inconvenience. Not enly do we give you Internal constitu tional remedies, but we also employ a lo cal treatment direct to the weakened parts: a healthy circulation of blood Is qulcklv re-established, the wasted glands are enlarged and permanent strength and power are given to the erectile tissues of the generative organs. Every trace of weakness disappears: the spermatic cords resume their normal size: losses and drains of vigor rease: the weakened sem inal ducts are strengthened: vou become stronger and better In every way and will soon possess the sense of well-being which accompanies good health and robust man hood. Don't experiment: this is a delicate disease. We have cured thousands of the worst cases without a failure or recur rence. What you want is the quickest. safest and surest cure obtainable, and this we arc prepared to give you. CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON. If you have sore throat, mucous patches. Tlnjples. copper-colored spots, sores and ulcers, bone pains, falling hair or any ymptoms of this disease. In either pri raary, secondary or tertiary stages, come to ua and be forever rid of It. Our treat ment quickly destroys the virus, clears the aldn. purines the blood and thorough ly cleanses and eradicates all traces of ? olson from the system. All danger or ransmlsslon or recurrence Is removed. Don t rely on. patent medicines or Intrust your health to Incompetent druggists or PhTslcians. 'Why take mercury and pot asn for years, when we can guarantee you a permanent cure In from 30 to SO days. 7.ti5?n,rV tne . these Injurious reme dies? Consult us at once. NERVO-SEXUAL DEBILITY. Abuse, excesses and dissipation hare wrecked many promLsIna; men. Have you .transgressed Nature's laws? Is your weakened system crying out for help ou are nervous. Irritable and despond ent: you are growing weaker sexually your manhood Is on the decline and will toon be lost unless you do something for yourself, pur long experience has ren aered us thoroughly familiar with all tie causes and effects of Xervo-Sxual De bility, and we have lifted up enough fallen men to make an army. Our treatment will remove all the 111 effects of your for mer folly, check every drain on your vi tality, invigorate the wasted sexual or KanV. cIr:,r cp ,h' clouded hnln and quickly restore you to what Nature In- .iiut-u a i.eauny ana nappy man. with physical, mental and sexual powers com plete. Avoid free prescriptions and tem porary stimulants. Seek a lasting cure V.'e guarantee a permanent restoration In from 30 to SO days. STRICTURE SUFFERERS. Our cure for Stricture and Gleet Is safe. painless and permanent, and free from surgery In any form. Ever- obstruction to the urethra Is forever removed, all dis charges soon cease, inflammation nnd soreness are allayed, the prostate gland and bladder are healed and the entire genito-urlnary tract Is quickly restored to its normal, healthy condition. Avoid cut ting and dilat'r.g operations: thev leave vou in a worse condition than before. Neglected Stricture results in erlni bladder and kldi ev complications. We cure you in irotn 10 to a) cays. UK'! iUamm HOW TAXGER WOri.n APPEAR IN ELBOW PADS. Shotvlnc; the Chicago fishier ami hit ut:;:eMi,l improvement for the flght Injj harness of the ring. Yanwr thinks some protection for the elbow should be devised in modern boxing. ALLIED IISEASES. We also cure Rupture and Hydrocele, Kidney. Bladder and Prostatic Affections. Ecxema. Pimples. Psoriasis and all chrome skin diseases. WBITC P & fun description of vour case If unable to call. Our Home Treatment J! ,"V the most successful knqwn to medical science. Hours: 9 a. m. tot p. m.; bunaara, a. m. to 1 p. m. Consultation and examination free. Drs. FRANCIS t FHmiS,.?LJ T -t-. ST. LtJir LCASIM AMD MOUT SUCOCMFUL PSOIALlfrf. That bsxlng guards for the wrists and arms may be a regular part of prise ring harness in the near future. Is the opinion expressed by Benny Yanger. who flght-s Kid Abel at the West End Club next Thursday night. Yanger believes that many objections to the game have been raised on the ground of the apparent brul'lng which some men seem to undergo In spite of the padded gloves, whereas. In reality, the punishment comes from the forearms and elbows of an opponent. He thinks that everything possible should be done to remove all apparently brutal features from the game, and states that once It Is shown tliat boxing Is a clean and harmless sport for Its partici pants, objections to It will cease. "Because a man bleeds a trifle In the prise ring." said Benny, last wee'k. "many persons seem to think that the sport Is brutal. That's no sign at alL Boxing Is as harmless a game as ever was Invented. Tou never hear of a well-trained man being- hurt. When some rumsoakcd bum gets hurt in the ring the whole game suf fers. To blame the sport for such acci dents Is as unreasonable as to prevent the sale of potatoes because there have lieen Instances of persons choking to death on Ihera. "More persons were killed In one theater lire last, year xnxn ever were killed In the modern American ring's history cf thlrty or forty years. We don't hear any talk about suppressing the theaters, though. But If some bums get In a nght down South or In sob alley, and one sets a bit hurt, there's a wild cry to suppress the game. "Now. therp Is one thing that makes the fighting came appear worse than It is. This Is the blood which often conies even from a well-trained man. A hard Jolt on the nose and mouth will often bring the hlcod In small quantities from ih lest-tralae-1 man that ever stepped in a ling. I helleve that this bleeding is often causM by men gettlns jolted with the elbows, unintentionally, it may be. cr bv belng scraped with the forearms of their opponent. "In some cases a man has used his fore arm or elbow deliberately. To prevent the us of the wrist or elbow In a fight. I think it would be a good thing lo have litht leather pads fastened on the elbow iolnt and to have the gloves continued t-p the forearm of a boxer. Thbi would rnke It useless for him to attempt any laubing wth these points of his arms. "It might be argued that thee pads on the elbews will obstruct the use of the arms. But I can't see It. It the harness Is constructed properly. The same argu ment night be advanced against the gloves which have been In use for so long. If the padding extended only on the citcr surface of the elbow. It need not affect a man's ability. "To continue the gloves beyond the wrist bone would not necessarily Increase their weight. a some padding could be removed from the fists. "This would make the entire hand and forearm a padded weapon Instead of one with projecting points, like those where the wrist and forearm is not covered by the glove. "I don't know that there Is any neces sity for such a change In the ring. B'lt any move that tendu to prevent outcry against the sport on the ground that It Is severe en the participants, will be beno flcia, I am sura." BAAEBtl.l. CAUKBIt OF JlrKIHW. Head or Giants Xot Only n Crent Manager, but Greatest at Players. John J. JIcGraw. manager of the Near York National League baseball teair. msch heralded as the Giants. Ls responsi ble for the maneious article of ball the team has furnished since the season start ed. Mcflraw Is not cn!y a great ma-ger. but he Is also one of the star players of this country, always being regarded as a premier third baseman and a good hitter and base runner. Baseball would rever have been so pep ular at the present day If It had not been for Si Ur.iw's making a winning tesm of tne i..ini. nnat the baseball fans in New York havo wanted for years is a winning team, and that Is Just what JIc Graw has given them. Thousands of peo ple watch the games played by the Glanti this year that never before attended the sport, with the result that the record at tendance for a game has been broken. MeGnw was born In Trntton. N. Y.. and Is 29 years of age. His flm profes sional engagements with the Olean. N. Y.. club In ISM. The fnllonlng sea son he plajed In Cedar Rapid, where the late William Barnie him. Karolo signed the oung plavcr for the Baltimore club In the latter cart of 1531. He was kept as a utility man until It was discovered that he could play as welt as any of the men whose places he filled. From 1S?2 to 1593 JIcGraw was always one or tne leaning ngures in the famoss Oriole team that wen three pennants and finished a close second In three other ears. In 1S99. when the Brooklyn and Baltimore clubs consolidated. .McGraw was given the cast-offs for the Baltimore club. McGraw and his supposed "dubs" set a sizzling pace throughout th- campaign and were the senvitlons of the season. He made a record as n manner thtt vear that has never been excelled. Balti more finishing fourth In the twelve-elu, league In 1P00 the league reduced Its cir cuit to eight clubs, an-l McGraV with his business partner, Wilbcrt nobinsoi. was sold to the St. Iouis club, where JIcGraw played that season. In 1M1 h made the Eastern Invasion of the American league a possibility by organizing the Baltimore club. In IK'l and part of 1!E he managed the Orioles, being engaged In constant dif ficulties with Ban Johnson, president of the American League. In July. ISO, JIcGraw signed to manage the New York club. His battlnc average last year was -Irf per cent with Baltimore and .ITS with New York: fielding .315. AMERICA SCORES IN CYCLE RACING By the end cf another week. CtJich Eoynton of th Washington University expects to have a lire on the team that will play more than a dozen hard games throughout the coming Rugby reason. The team practiced last week at League Park, but only a few of the players were In uniform. In another week It Is ex pected that the majority of lart year's players, together with many new men. y-ho have done service on the gridiron, and who are expected to be a help to the myrtle ard maroon team this season, will be ready to try for the positions. So far only four of the 1STB team have applied. They are Walter Krause. who played tackle: Captain Casseji at center. and captain of this year's team: Seth Smith, wbo served at half back, and Lucky, one of the guards. They were on the field last week and unless there appear players who are cracks, this quartet Is suro of their old positions or ones that will better suit them In 'their playing. The boys who have been at practice are as a whole big. and will undoubtedly form a heavier team than last year's team, al though some who have not appeared are lighter Preliminary practice has consisted of passing the ball, falling on the pigskin, punting, rushing and running a mile or two each afternoon to test the wind of the candidates. Arno Kraue. who played on the 1XZ team, together with Sherman, has again applied for a position, and their playing will likely help the team. Fritz Lehman, late of Harvard University, has joined the lecal university, and with his 1SS pounds will surely land a place. Wallers. Logan and Jlackllnd are rew eomers at the school, but each has had his share of football, and come well rec otrrrended. With these men and mere that ar to come. w. U. will probably have a team that will eclipse all others, as "hey will have to have when they meet such teems as Jllssourl. Illinois and the Haskell Indians. The Haskell Indians will probably have the strongest team r severs, years. Many of the e!a men are coming back and there Is a lot of new material on hand and pros pects are bright. Several men on th team have been play ing the cam for four years and ther ar not subject to the. rules of other coUetes, and a good man may stay as lone aa h pleases. REPORTS FROM KANSAS. Reports from Kansas are to the effect that the prospects are bright for a good team. It Is true that nearly all the men are new. only four members of last year's) team belcg on hand. The old men now on the field are Captain Hicks. Donald, Ackerman and Bruner. Two or thrsa others are expected back scon, among them Pooler, the man who kicked the coal and won the game from Jllssourl Univer sity last ear. Ackerman and Hicks have played two rears but the other two old members) had their Srst regular place en last year's) team. A new coach has charge of the Jay hawkers this year. Coach Weeks decided In the spring to give up the position, and his place was taken by Bert Kennedy, an old K. U. man. wbo has coached smaller teams. DE WITT TO TAKE CHARGE. John R- DeWItt of last season's cham pionship team, will probably take actrra part In the coaching of tho Princeton team when the regular call for tho mem Is) made. The candidates have been on th field for about an hour and a half each daj- under the direction of Coaches) Holt and Davis. They have been sent through the preliminary work, and havo gon through a few formations) that will bo used this fall. There ls a husky bunch of football play ers In the Incoming classes, and the) coaches have their hands full weeding them out and selecting the most promis ing material. Up to this time the work of tho candi date s has been purely voluntary, but tho largo number of players that havo donned their uniforms already speaks well for the popularity of football at the Tiger college. Their first scheduled game, ls with Dickinson next Wednesday after noon. PENNSTIA'ANIA'S SHOWTXOv In scrimmage work tho University of Pennsylvania players have shown to bat ter advantage In offensive than defensive, although nothing particularly brilliant has been done In either line. The coaches are Insisting on tho funda mentals and havo not attempted much to the line of team play. Zllllgm has been placed at fall back and Smith has been placed at this position oa the scrub team. Stevenson, who has shown up well in practice, cot bis first chance at quarter back on tho. 'Tarslty. Coach Money of Columbia Unrrersltr Intends to pick a first and a second team and additions to the first will be made ac cording to tho meritorious wcrk of th candidates. It la generally thought that meat of the positions are open. Bar-ins the fact that Stangtand. Thorp. Buefl and Fram back have their old positions secure. It Is considered that the other seven JTOh are to be filled by anyono who really can make good. U is estimated that Columbia will av erage about 181 pounds, with a Una clos to 131 from end to end. f - v m - -k-'- " Jaaaaaae'' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas y' aJaa'' BaaaaaaaaaaaSSs JaaaaaaaaaaaV . ST- v. s. LEHMANN AND CAPTAET CASSELX Of Washington University at practice. Captain Cassell Is tarkUmr ZaatmsmaaV Walthour, Lawson- and Hurley Win Championships in Europe. Once again America has scored over every other country In athletics, and thl time the cycle racing followers ere the ones who are congratulatlrg themselves upon the speed of their representatives. Although one of the men had only been on the other side a few days he had no trou ble securing a victory, while the other two defeated their opponents with compara tive ease. Reference ls made to the triple victory scored by Walthour. Lawson and Hurley In the world's championship races held recently In tendon. They each captured a championship against the fastest men abroad, and this country can now boat of having three world's champions la cycling. Bobby waltnour has been abroad a couple of months and his phenomenal speed naturally anticipated the lctory which he scored In the luo-kilomctcr cham pionship of the worldi He defeated the best men of seven different countries la the race behind motors. Ivor Lawson had been doing excellent work on the foreign tracks but It was somewhat a surprise that he should evolve a winner of the short-distance championship In London, where he met the best of the European riders. The most creditable performance, how ever, was the victory of JIarcus L. Hurley of the New York Athletic Club, who won his heat In the amateur championship, two days after leaving the boat. He scored equally s well In the semifinal, while In the final he administered a crushing defeat to Reed of England, the former holder of the title. Walthour halls from Atlanta. Ga.; Law son claims Buffalo as his home, while Hurley was born and brought up in Bos ton, although he now resides In New York, where he attends Columbia Col lege as a student learning to be a mining engineer. HyDaOTREFERENCEB. mwgBFitt I NEVER DISAPPOINT MY PATIENTS. Win ErsrrftsatoMlmrMI M Mnlajm THE FEAR THAT TOU COULD NOT BE CURED may bava deterred 70. from taking honest treatment, or you anay have been ono of tho unfortunatas lw have been treated In vain by inearrl erced phystdans. FREE TREAT JIENTS. FREE TRIAL 8AMFUCS. PATENT MEDICINES. ELECTRIC BELTS and other similar devices. Boca treatments cannot and will never cure you. nor win these maladies curs them selves. 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Java ifjuo BSPOKBPtAcrm rotm run ft iiwiimii VARICOCELE. I PRIVATE DISEASE t cure this disease without operation, and under my treatment the congested blood vessels within ten data disap pear. The parts are restored to their natural condition, vigor and strrugia ana circulation re-estaMlsbea. STRICTURE. I cure stricture without the knife or Instrument by an application which acts directly on the parts affected, dis solving th stricture completely, by my galvanic-electrical medical treatment: is painless and In nowise Interferes wun your business duties. LOSS OF MANLY VIQOR. Tou may be lacking In the power of manhocxY If so. I will restore you the nap. vim and vigor of manhood, the loss of which may be the result ot indiscretions, excesses and unnatural weaknesses. Contagious Blood Poison. It mav be In Its Drlmarv ataae- It ferred. but If vou cannot can at may have been hereditary or contract- office write ma your srmctoma falls' ed In early days. I cure all Its com- and I wtU mail you a complete set at Plications: j stop its progress, eradl- Improved symptom Dianas, i make bo cato every vestige of poison from the charge for advice or e)'a""'na your system, anu mis witnout tne use of ease, iiunarea are curaa or say isa mercury or potash. proved methods of homa treatment. WalTF rcr "P or mr latest book. "Man's Mala Xalaoias aUsteraa." A Baa TUllla-number will be sent absolutely free ta plain sasisd eaveloae iiasa nqaasc tioarx 8a.rn.to8p.rn.; Sam4aym9m.m.t2p.m. CtntmHmUm Pi ni ai a sapia Banana hiiia M. uh asaMt latanii K. NfllHANIH K KINK, nsttis. .....,.....,-- ... II...V, FREE TRIP TO THE WORLD'S FAIR. Nawlv eontraetad eaws riirpA. burnlng and Itching. Inflammation and discharges stopped In St hours: curaa effected in 7 days. Kidney, Bladder and Pros tatic Diseases. I cure all Irritation, frequent dectra, stosoaae. rain In back, brick-dust sed iment, scanty flow and catarrhal con dition. PILES. T . a .flliMii. if.t.H.. ... SA Jk co detention from business: no ada injection or ligatures used. RUPTURE. I euro in w days, without onaratian or hypodermic Injection. No use ta wearing trusses, ar treatment la painless, bloodless and with no deten tion from business. Uaaaa Traataaaatn Personal Tastt neaps iiaaisswai is aiwaya Tfcaae aeslrias: f atlae taeanelrr perM mt th WarMw Fair fraaa Mar 1st to Deeesaser fat orf ho awaea innaaanains St. 1 aala aao reran aaaac. annate dors aat exeeed SO amllea eaeh way. ay a.llfiloa ssa aa wl af tayrir lateatlso ta call. Write far faH ssutsesdani off tola mrr. aiaora. HATllannsT KDHJ.M.SX M .'jij? rjzt 't-'?'