Newspaper Page Text
:3 THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: SUNDAY.' SKJ'TEMBKK .-3. iyoi. SUMMARY 0FST. LOUIS MARKETS FINANCIAL FINANCIAL vmwvwm Lk t 4f 2 V t Commonwealth Trust Company CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $5,500,000 Allows 2 and 3 per cent Interest on Deposits. Acts as Trustee. Administrator and Guardian. Transacts a Real Estate and Bond Business. OFFICERS. I Oil ltMMII.P. PreslUrat. i.iki:mi: it. rii:itri:. VICB PRIjIDINT W.IIKHT .. KIVllll-. VICE PniSIUKNT I II. TKIllll7ITfc. via: pr-idint iikmiv kiii:hi.i:ii. .in.. vicn puns!, ent i- . miti 111:1.1.. TRIASU1:E". It. V. DIM. till NT. trust uiticix i.i:k iii:mmt. bond officer R. L. iMAUPIN. Prcs. The North American Investment Company OF TII0 UNITED STATES FOR ITS FIRST TA EIS'TY-IS'IISE MONTHS II $300,000 tober l. IM I.'iiIltl willi Treasurer of $145,354.02 Ui Stale of Mi-j-mri f-r Iln J.muan. I. lc iiriflirtiyti of iiit-tni. $177,995.47 Anil I. ia ,,,. 2 HIGH- $276,832.63 ODftllC $348r6i34.65 Ko, flUt K-, $4iT72i.27 D BONDS 5 $505,756.97 SOLD. pet.tetllwr 1 "' 1 jH S 4 " O 1 A J"" A i,'-"- " I-" -nt p,.r an- IhffB I J I J m tiiuii julil mi atin?s of ?1.W 47Vf 1 AwdVD M T T in- or ovtr. Under State inspsction. Licensed and doine business in twenty States. Ftr particulars, call tr aridrtss tht Cenaaay, ODD FELLOWS' BLDQ., - - ST. LOUIS, MO. FINANCIAL FOR SALE! WISCONSIN BUILDING AT THE WOR.LDS FAIR. Sealed itroirnaN for Ilie remain! of Ike alrarlare lnn Ibe W l eonmln llallilinc. nnl retnrintr Ibe revnt. lll he rreelteit np lo and lai-lnrilns: Ortnber I. I4. Adrtre.'. f:rsiil Tbflmn. .rrelnrj. i.en,ln Hnildlwd. World. Kclr. INVE5T.MENTS ,' liaie reeew.m-nlel it have said ;.!.. -. : .r.mi;.i. .-,..-, i iTiv'.'iT.rrt Pawn! r3? esstaintnc pdtlt -uiets fe. Aiare- The Oil Xi!t IJnia. or.iv. In TeTnetit t:rt. !iKAi.nrt in l-xwst:d sen rtrriBs I:,ilrus4 anJ other cTporetly?t in the Frifed state. smI 'iehe:e FUKIjBRIC II. HATCH. fl-f a4 St.. -S'e-r Yet' LEVEE BOARD BONOS. CM are "brebv latHM for ttie p3refca Jlfrr rv. lvm4.. of on- thou-arl a!i.n. ,l.c-v eacti. of trie Busier Ie Irjtrirt. ld boc-i. ' P-" o: moe who w'trai .-. u- ... bearrrr date of O-tot-r 1. Ia. an-l due ,v,t nrty bals of that expectation. rrorn flat., ant rHmiy. artr let i fonr years. ai4 toivts hearing five per eent 3 rer cert rer annum intefesi. navab vrai unanallr. anrj .ridenee-i t,v rooi-i. nttacbefi thereto. Anv fanh- l-rfrrnatlcn. rcneerciir:-: be ame. irHI b fcT-alshr". cnen apnllcatlon to tte t-ndrsizne3. vv. T. COIJQUITT. Prld-nt. TVer Leee rCwtrlct. Bfiier Cltr. 1-a. "Owe. X. Hra1?. Jr pecretarr Bo;ler lev" Dl'triet. "'Urtis. I.a. UNION PACIFIC ACQUIRING CONTROL IN ATCHISON'. Uvpected dividend increa". sreat ccm- V -in i,lVrT ,,.,. J binatlors and abs.-rptIon of rallrosd sys--rr. Ul' lir,ljh.N I .Lll-,t,n. allrsed ccntests for control ir tin :a i. ITV KXTLAIXEU United Sfeol lJi-ri-op Uuiisii.-ii Slrenglli Wit hour Spo- 'ial Xciva. Xew York. Sej,-. n. Tlie bu-y surmise which lias beei seekins; for weeks an ex planation of the iter-sistcnt strength of Union Pacifi- Ilshted to-d-.y on an alleged parcliase in the Union Pacific interest of several hundred thousand shares of Atchi--n. thus InsarinR it an Iniluential voice in Atchijfm affairs and strentjthening Its control of the whole transcontinental railroad situation. It must be said for this rumor thit there -was better authority for the cr-- nunf .tlieec . ml Ih. ...aii- un.tAn. ... . the stoek on th" report did not shake" the faith of Its believers. The. heaviness of -nkn I'aciflc wax attrilrut'-Lto protit-tak-in"t lij the ST-eculntors who liad followed the movement and the decline showed no -'"' ft .precipitation. The most decided I exteet was caused to th Atehiln whlrli made a rather a-jsressive advance, ospeei lly the preferrel. which was unusually active. STKKL. STItONG. The United Slates Steel --toe!is also de veloped Kreat stren-rlh without 'p-fiat news. The dctailr of the AurusI es:ort showe-dsome very heavy declines in vahics for irxm and atecl. compared with July, but the buyers of the steel claimed to have encouraging advices of prosress ia the revival In the trade. The, senenil Ht was. decidedly neglected ' ception of the". condition'. Is believed to and moved narrowly and not more .nan . be the' cause for th" slichtlv easier tone waa accounted for by slight -aympathy f of the money market la the middle o. with the special jtross stoeka. The bank : the week. statement offered no great surprises. A ' Report, of railroad earnings and of the loan contraction was not unexpected, but . course of ceneral buines Itave been re It was not a large as was hoped Tor and , garded as siti'factory. bet have LvckI iru was not sufficient to prevent a .urlher rluence on stocks owing to their azn- subtantlal depletion of tlie surplus r 1 rpent with ext-cUlion which had induced serve. Transfer of loans from banks to I previous operations in stocks, trust companies Is known to have oetn I The bond market ha been irreguLir made to a Iarse extent, which i a nroe- ! rnd sonewhat les-" active. United States ess that doe. not affect the actual vol-; umc of credit nor the reserve )b.lgation upon the New Tork banks. The uiirket closed slightly- Irregular with a few i'resh advances Jut at the last. Total sales ot bond-, par value. ".1S.-.-0. ' ItEVIEW OF THE WEEK. MLglvings over the stability of the -price, level, of stocks, have been nore r" ""-less in evidence all the week. This hat prompted some proSt-taklng "by doubtful speculators and has neourared' the ior matlon of a'bear party which makes occa-r-ion-il attacks; on the market and is watchful 'lor ropportunltieii to put out short lines to advantage. Jt U aliU .evident that an aggressive bull party M oiwratlnav whiclT affects reverses to the Dears, causing an jrrcjrutar tone jn the market when trie neara retreat ana r Ute'r sbt-Ws. "ThecitrUl-is.teii-lea- -aa-5ilTyavry--v.'-cr v-r i:i m iiiiiiikn. m'e president u. i- vi.-donmii. vi-i: premidisct I IIIMIv ,,. CHOI I II. Vim I'RLSIIIKNT .1. SI. VMII). .-:. rgtary. . ;. itui i.i. . (-.-i-i.VNT SECRETARI .iiiiiv . i :iti:ii. fI. iiTAT OFFICER 11111 i A I iiiiixtii:. .0N-II. PROGRESS OF J. A. .NORTON, Sec. ej of prlecs-. hower. Kis t-eea. dow-n- ward. and the decra!n:r activity of the 1 tradina mark" a decline also in linecuIaiUe I interest.. The doubt concst In the que t'on whethe- thu rise in rrice. of flocks ha, not b-eii more th2n sufficient to meet the improverrent In conditions which it et out to a-tfclpatp. It L perceived that pat of the expected Improvement was not realized, and me unfa vi rab'e dee!opraet:t have b-er; tak ti into acccr .t As the ier.od for the matur.ty cf the rrops approarhe.. specu lative atcntlon I yncentrated on the outcome, the more so as the final .tar:'-, of their maturity are recognized as the iiiik critical. n:oi pi:os!'x:cts. j In rcvieninc the ceu'se f the late rise . in stock It ie railr r'-eoiized that the" I .. . kl.l. ! .... lll.t.J t.up prof.. v.- n niuvii ii u-iiau... bute lie.n materfllv mvlitieil. Severe rc- duetion la estimates of 11 three of tre duetion In eatimatcs of I'll three of leadine crop, wheat, c-.rn and cotton, have hail to 1 made and In the oae of corn and co'tor. the procc- is etill goinir OF on. The eatinte of tlx corn crop Gener ally accepted in Wall t'-Kl this week are i at Z&nO'iAr .') bushels, or below, with J the corroboratarj tftimor-y of authoriiles L I on whom the worel pkt-s high value. I This vrnTialil willl Jtn filrtler estimate of two and one-half billion and a feellnc . . i .-.....:.... i Avnl..lA ee the . ..e- ---'"' "--e-;." "- :r- i ne itoUDten arc re-eniorvev iiiai:h -- liracnt by the arsurne-it that stock pnec-i have len carri-il to a level warranted by ihe earlier estimate rather than by the later. , , . The means by which the rise In prices lias l-en tffecte-1 hiC also come in for their .hire nf i-usDlcion. The fact is im- t prcs-ed by a proerss o rospection that a nooa oi rua:ora nuu - ..u.- ..--. - .-mad- the bay-.. cf rcraiu buytnn or slokt ar.d wide advance- In their pnee for davs an.1 even week" and then thrown aside ind fenrotten without be ins realized. KAIIAVATS. ! open market, have leen mw ro ie-i j rpeculatiie excitement ueeesslveJy and fh.n ..lMti tn the .lseiiiltv of unwar ranted nunon- without mitenal after-effect on the prices which they bad aerved lo enhance , The extent of the revival ef the iron I and stc.1 traoe i' a matter i.r et-n-nant discussion and dispute in the Wall street lirtriet. The effect ..r ! wees s em. ia j, 5te.-l littler, altho-ish Inns foreseen, was bad. as wa the oslnb.n exiire"-d by trade aut:iintI--t that previous cuts In other form had induced but a racIrate response from customers. The I nlted Stat-s Steel tck. were not lacking in resi'tlns ixiwer to the prei'ure upon thera. and It was soiiRht to account for these bv ration of financial me-fures in enn-t-mr!atlon. .-2cli as a resumption e. the ccnverslnn of preferre-I -toe! Into the sec ond bond. but no authority was to tie -id fo- this rumor. UNION PACIFIC The week' principal rumors centered about Union Pacific, hut they proved so numerous and contradictory as to impair their in-laence and were dropped out of consideration. The withdrawal of funds from New York by the Interior lias con tinued and former estimates of the unlim ited ainiCiency o: me iniiaiut rwrr. liavc le-en revived. Infiuen-ed by the rapid rate of deletion of three previous weeks. tnteret rales are still oti a very moderate ba-is. and tne raini oecime m iui-is, chanse has indicatel tliat reuei oy goiu Import might be Irnd In ce of any urgent need. Hut the rising course of loans lia. Ind a deterrent c.Tect on specu lation. . ,, The iticominc reports to the Comptroller I of the Septcmber 6 conultion ot rvmonai i bank, throughout the country "1;I!r a slate-of reserves in the South and Wist that ofTers no prospect of Ies than nor mal call tipo-i New York for autumn re quirement. , t 1 Tlie reduced demand lor money at the Stock Kxclianse pn-mptea d me tjer- f- and the old 4s mastered Iiave ad vanc-d '. the If - and the old 4s coupon i. per cent on call during the week. -.tvti:iiet oi nMv .weraccs. Deere e I. Miotni in loan and De toiffi. T Ycrt. S-pt. ;. The suteraem cf aver axe ef :h eearinff-hcae 1-ank cf tlii city fur tte weefe snows: Ixaru ll.I3.iHJ; -Je-erea-e SilJUO); ilepeitls iVni.ia.Vn. decrease in.lz5J"9: etrculatio-i IvXTUJon iacreas" "K1J. y. let-ai terel-rs JTT.relW. Jeera- Jt-J: Icle jC.!mT"S. deerea-e $;.-.": m-jre lO.TTn.S. t!e-rea Cd.': nwi rit--i -C"a.TT3. rfeerraae liwT: rarrlB S"".z"..tCa, d-eare S.I&15: ex. Ia!te.I States deposiU "5Z.IIW de.l'a ia.iU3. S. Tlie Fltumder y tbli week. One notahle f.aturr vl the official aUtrment of Ue Yek goclred banks Ust week wxa t-de. I miiKeioit. D. CROWN ono. o cari-enter. ii. m. cofdrky. tho."w crouch, .-.afford s. DeLAMJ. S. M DODD. SAMl'CLC PA VI? ALHIXTN KWVARlt LUIVAI1II F. UOLTRA. J MES GREEN KISSEL!. HARPING. EDWARD HIDDEN. SIM M KENNA11D C :. KNOX. henry K"i:in.nit ... W LAMKEllT EI.TAS UP lis, EL i v. renci: k I'li.i: .: i:iW I I'REI.-TOKI' -J I. IMNlMIU'll. "i'OM HKNPnMMI TTO I fflV 1- 11. TKHtl:TT M It 1V.U.I.A1 L, l G WARNER Aujs Z rt tar. an4 ujK-t ti- f ni -i irr tiu4.v - 1 ? latter !' I L-.i-'". mk inr it rt inr-aif4f j-j ' aa ; tfc nh i i Tli !it r-r. ,.to a I u : "K r- i: CV tii. h .-ina -r t-r. .rrit-:1 I with tl Jo- iw ilsia:rS vw& th uit w ci in 1 ifcTi J-rinr a ai-rrrvo- of nlr j!Ci. 1 i-Wi- m iit-.- lv ji.r5.)Ci. -ahNb 4uii t is::'j rcMx fese. ifc .r?iiu J1- 1H. -. Th ici-a-.- of ti-4-ffct in tan, aa 1 ahjv tt-i. w troalty ui- t lb HqoM- tka of ry- it've t-criQZit la tiv- to.i: taarkt ;rc ! tf r-u!t -f 3.rairab r- P-'.t f U: Tl!a - f rorr- Tb tatinit rill , i tt:nr, 1 "unj o '" r-wJa-il'-n In I'n 1 -nl t.. I011 f -ah lia 51 : I-s tb-ia t" r ficjvJv in dft- irj:-iln mrca-M J.iL rd b rtt S!n j tTiif tt-m tr on1 1-anK T1k- $'" -Tac3 of Ir'?ir' rfanrs tb k wa S? xy. axaia-t irS in tl whi ca:. r-flrtin; th Ilpnt t&Iukk? of iuc; tnoctJiT- Tfc cl-arisr w atunbr rrrentlt.c FT ab-w- tb ar-rar. ,..., 4" - jailc jf l-ar boar that Irh -I tb -tn by SZ.7&.I.. nt. Tht--- bank lo-t txr: - nt li cfh Comi! with At. s at :T. tl of t laic-r lakj hom a n. ;ln - f ta.y.rt) In cah. .r r.arlr b who 1 cf th- 1a ir!catM M U tb- inli in Uk LMfutiii ana nT cin. of J t'.w ic U r-.-rt 5TorKS AMI llOMIi i. miro. p . r $, .-. i- . -tl r.. f- -.1 ' &"e-. J.. r.5. stocks ar.J rnisis; bn I er n fuilik , MONET. Cl' I ar. t r.tJJ rer c-r.t: time Iwbs a: 1 IS; rer cent. . 11U.4'. AJrh 'jj. . i .il( cmral ! : Atchln . -!' I iLmt'JAiw Atchlon -CS KJtehleir I-fi nT'j Po zti. t ". JIi Central n'- lwoa Aibanj .:!. IN. N. II. A H.r,i liofiva . llatr.- ..MS rre Marao-tte .. .1 H.on lll.tilni ,.U I fnlon I'aeiBe ... .Vt MIlTKtaV'NKm'S. t Am, Arx l3. ltd. eten.. lls res. lileetrie .. ..!'; JIS. KlecXrK ... li. IfO. pfil. .- .. : Uass l . .. . li L'slteil Fruit ... Unit.- S!x.e "ilaeh. H"- I. DM . ... a-. Am. I'ntu. Tube. j Am. sazar ..... uw Do. IM VZh: Am. Tel A. Tei v, Ari. Vo.In . !- lfo. tW. - - 'H Iennlon I 4 . II BJcu f3 I!ta.i IF. U. Metl . K IM PM. -. - 1V.t'IWJ'ee eom- . - ISINIXa MIAKKs.. AJvectuie . . . Alou-z . . Am Zinc An- r.mat.d 'Atlantic i::rrtini . . .. Cal'JIT'a A. ife- U iVnleecial 1, JtieWcan CT, Muhes K . . . "s US ' -ilent. Oal A -. ' "S lU LMCiint4m . it oi :." .S; P4rM . : iVum-v : t .1 iann a .. .. J.. l -r rmnair.el. ... .. 1. if. F. " Jtlnins .. .. :v. II V. tjn it -ffl, I'tatl - 3 vtrtuna .. . . ilS Uln-mn i t ol teiine ... y fcn.r Itanfie ..... eT" Ualv.we-t. . -rtwnxlla . .. lle Itutale J' Mlnlnc IJIJ. e.Mktd. 3llnlns Murk In eT l.irU. N lirk. rTt Zl -0einirtjti-.atKas KHli en rammer rk. wen a lotwni. Ad.x-s Cos. M!c Is-tvr - .... . .. ;, Urtr- Ji-f ... .... t .irt-rto x-Mr Phoenix. . . . 1.-M S-arai- . .-i-ira 3a . rmail !!? ., 'llkTMlAT . . . irruTimifk -nVn ... 4 Co-xtto-wK Tunntl OTL CaL fc a. ...V Horn MUer I-SJ, Iron i-Mlrer .. .. ..!.- t-eadTlll Con. . .. Z A--"trtmnt i-ali. Bond Qnolallon-i nt Ae-rr York. N;- Tor, st "4. Closlns -quotntin. to tiay fur t-oD?s en th-s Stock lUchanire a frlVwr; I'nltM -tatrit rtvrCiTZ , r-xisTTrd 1" Unr.ol !: rrfrndirjc ;. cocpon .... - I ulisM Matt; i". isiirM ! Init-X latfs 3-. -ouiun 1H UnitiM State c -I". rc.t-"rM 3SJ-1 I'ntM sta.t? n-f . coutrn.... - Kl LHiM STat-. oM 4. i-r-nt'rJ I-s UmtM Stat M !. coupon -. i AicM-mn zf'n'ril 4s . .....a. IA;1! AtrhUcn a-lju-tnc-r-nt 4 -- ti Atlantic Ccvt Un 4 M lU!t!miT- ani Qito If S lUtttmnr- atvl thlo S'i?. RXTal t-f Gorrla S - . Ill iVt-tral of O-oisU It in- JT. h--sap-rak. an-I v.ii- i'- I "hU-a arm AItn Jt,-. - bifac. Ilurllncton anl ju!-kt r?w 4- -, C-. M. JL JHt. I. Rv-rtt-rat .' ! Ola-fa" an-l Nortnw,rn cn?l T . .. It- 4". It. I. . P. R. R 4- - 1 I. -fe P. R. R. coL i 4!.. L C -1 Si. I. E-mraI i Ml", "bU-,rn Ttrmmat 4-. - I'isXi--.! latfil Tol-ri-r 4s T2 3-t--V ani Southern iCTi I-n-T arnl Kiw Urun.I' - 11' Rii- rtrl r Un 4..... - Hri- -:-r. ral -S ftH J"rt V.orth -rtj lnTr Oty It .1H 1IorSwiir VUt 4U-. lw1 lulrt:l and X-u-b-rlXte ccial 4- V, "kfanliatlan ron-oL -cilS 4 .. . .... ..... 131 MavWn 4'rtrl 4 -x -.!x.lcan r--iiij in Inc. .. - 3 Minn-ap)it anl t- Lnal" 4i.... ....... ?;ri i!iourl. Katim ajl Teia 4 .!" MI-outt. Karvai anI Ta ili .. "-; Vtl. n .! R R. uf Urtlf-ft -rn-I. 4 i- Nir York Central 5T.?nI -S'-ff - la I.m 1'antnl s-tl -a ..:''. New Jersee Central resra .A...........J..1ZS. Northern Pacific .... . ...I-. Nont.rn Paelfle 3. .... ...... ....... Te Norfolk and Western eorsol 4r .... 1"C Ort-on S"u-rt lia-i 4. and strtle IC. Penn-TlvanU eonv. ia........ .-.......... ? Ile-ul-nx senerat l'- S: Tar-is and Irem Mountain .. . las-is ana Pai Francleco fg. I f st. Lcui" Southwestern 1st.... - ? peaboanl Air Une 4. t?. Seutr.rn raeifie .. . s Sil-jlhem Itallwav is . ...... .... .. 1U. Teia.. aid racSe lets ItFi Toledo. st. Iawl. aa-I Western . ". Fr.lon Paetfle I' fnlon Padfic cenv en -,. FnlteiJ Stat--i FteI Si Is tvahaeh I" !. WiiSj3.1t deb. K . .. ......... ........... ej . Whe.llrr and bais- Erie Is li, Wiwrsa Centr.1 Is ..... ...... .... ...... Colcralo Fuej conv. 2j ... "ii llomeslle Eacbange. nepJrtl br VVh'laker & Cc 'xrharge brok- err. No. zo Ncrtn Fourth nt-ei KU. Ak--d. ,. dts rcc.lta (lis Mr d-s .ldls ir .Sc .! ie "lis ,zc dls tar New A'ork... . .. ....... r"hleai;o e-Jnetnnatl yn!ille Net- Orleans... .......... M. Louis Money Market. ere In fair volu-ne Discocar rats fer call ars! time loans were ateaiy bte7n 4s and t jar cr.t. lVeek Bank Clrarlnss. T-ter.iar eleannc-heuae laaternent sbo.'d rlfartns-i KJel 1-1. latance. XTz-5.741. Clearlrrs frr tb we.c were Cl.'sbezft. cemvared w tb tfc ecr-espcndlnx-s-eek n,i Tear- Chicago -stork Market. Reported by C. IL Watier Jt C No. "Jit Norta Fourth !rtt. Natkmal Biscuit csrc ro. pfd.. ..... ...-...........' American Box com. ............ ZW. pfd...... ...-....-...... A-nericin Tin Can com. ....... Do. pfJ - ..-...--... .... T. II ....;o i-. .... 1 i. . " IP; . . i4 f. .... k. i; Xm York Carh Market. RETL'BUC SPECIAL. New York. r-ot. Zl. Tbe curb mar.t waa qrilet. without special chary-., in price.. Pool brokers made transactions n Ara-rican To taccn ts at I", and ".".. and in the new Is at CI. CfUrrrenbetm Exploration sold at 167 and tbe preferred at Hi. -outiem Partftc pre ferred when issued, was Cxm. with sales at 111. Akqri other rale, -.ere xnsolidate.l ReMx rratlns; at S"i and S4. "eato-irt preferred at Zir. to 31U. A-aerica-i On tirrf erred at C". to IT. and Greene Oooaer at It "- York "tloney Market, v.- Tcrk. Feot Z4. -Mosej- on rail non-," time loans rteadx: or car. Z per eer o .lavs ;. prtta- rrereantlle' lPr 4ft IT rent et-rllng :r- lr steady, wnn actnaj J business In 1 lunlen- i!Mra,5i,, ?$'?& hSgmtJLhiZ 1411s at l.c:i far 4e-i! fee CMit Mils: DOV commertlal bills I.e-ZZtfi.!.!:: Mrxl-an dollars Oirr 3overrnnenl ponds ireadr. ralirced hoz&t stcafiv. MORRIS GLASER & CO. STOCK. J&.NI2 BOND BROKERS Announce the removal of their offices to 211-213 IM. FOURTH ST. .MK.MBKIIS Yrk Slink i:tli.iii".-. M. laiui-. Stock I.ii:in---. SECURITIES BOUGHT AND AFTER ERRATIC FLUCTUATIONS WHEAT CLOSES ItiipniKMi Pemnnil in SoiniiwM ami I-nrpor .Milling alr- 0"1 1'ii.c lt 1-k- t 7 .. Er A.-aC7IATED I'KIJ-.-. rk:.n! Oap.. t rHrMtf!MlMl teDAfts e .,-,in.L ""retailor. Mw.n Cmi ltrit- -." 1 ,. j . ....t o..u n.r.rin ,.f aaii uiiu i.u.'nj. .4BUv ...- .-.... - -- - cf uhit here to-'dav. At the whtat hor.ed a sain of 'e. short aales cl'-e May Com also ran up Tic Oal. sbowi n advance of 'tc ITovi'ion.- are !-- to irc hljh-r. vih:at. Failure of foreran sraln raarketf to rc- cT.n.I to ihe l-aru advance hre jeter- .!.. ... .1 Ai.n.l.l.ft.tA tti.ttia.. tLl.1 fn .Ita. UB) ll.?U W-H-... ii-(ww.... ... .- wheat pit here when Iradirs iWiran. Sen timent was quite weak. Initial quotations on I iw. were off s.r,c tu Hitl.v "at 11 IIS O JI I3'- May v.a- a Iud hlslier to s.- to ,c loner at I.l to JIJ1H: Short-" tool: advantaae of the break and eonred frl. f-.n-irs price up to about last nUbt".- clctln? tiure. Cec vilins up to H.C and Maj to JLlt. The adaace aas not In M. boeer. Tent'"i nnt- I taeiru; c-.ulns a mvicraie reaction, jn j,,; manv .f the i,i trade appar i..J.!itnn. there was orne -ellinjr -jn :i :e- j enily liarin; no: unly oM out their Ions nta: of the rum..r that the I-rench Uov- -J-f but ;t'a ' eminent mntemplate-J retlucinz the - j .ji ,,f ,hani: in the Ia half of rb Iiort lut va uneau j w.on. a H -a. !il-nil speculative ihe it.jif.n or me Canadian Minitr f I buying the Inteifir al nail a deprwmi; inrlu- j , Minneapolis mease that one-thinl f eme. Acordins to ttiat omcial. m- trop the erof Tva- t.nSt for market purpcr'e. camase wrw rfcaruirs ;n.- Kiuiiwn in the lananun Northwest were sn--iy ex- Iaceerate-J. Tlie total yield ot Manitoba aj.ii th Northwest it f.i clairaed. would aggT'-ite trom 54.'j.'a bu-hels to '.0-"i'' tiusnel- of soo-I n'lalitj ' vrheat. TowapJ the latter irart of Ilie . ! ia -ittim-nt rujilenly vereil tu the bul 1" side. An u.von"!rmcI rumor of p.isslbl- cozs i ..H.fl...i In tti -ir iti:ntt.m mvol'.ins I ;reat llr.tain arsl ltu.-i i started artive (covering by shorts. Offerinns at the time 1 tr. ival market tarfi was up about :us I wer" lisht.,and In ronquence pn-" ad- I mueh a ibe future., evcept polbly ome I -n---e.i rapldlv. Dec. r-elllng up lo fl.ll, j the Hzbt--vershr .prmg wheat. MIII I 11.. Ma- mill.. I to fl.iy't , ng detnand n fi- .. Ivanee was quieter. I An advance of ovr i: in the n-e of . Spencer. rtart'.tt ard local lcng sold 1 Iec. dehterv at -"t. Iu and re-srt.-l I ,m the adlanc- Ituyng by the Kceelatld ; s.Ie- there of .-a.-h wheat at !l:t a lij house r.a h "a . aid lute In the ?e.ion 1 had cuittM-ralil' eff.ct on oiilr.t i Oeman-I Sw-am. iT'-i' i i i.. f...... ..t .u1 ft.a.e .rile. r"K.1".? ..-,. -'',;,,..", 1 In trie ortnwcsi ai-- tre an I Daring the a-t hour much of the g-ain wa. left, rettewci tironi tahins r-ifm, i d-eiife t -rr a"- The iVi . h-'wevr. i wa tlrrn. vitb I-, at si l;t If-. I Final --uot.itioiis on May was at SUA'i t ti. eniit---. of wli-at aii.i aiair w-re i enual to ;(.) bu. l'rimarv receipt vvere t . ..-.-,.. 1... mte.rrv.1 with 1 lStL-SI" ml --. .. i i year ago. Mil neaj-h. Dululh and -bl-. cago re recipts of 3 c-r-. agiinst 3; fjr cars last wvk and S... cars a vear '"- K i "" COIIN. In yrapaihy with the catiy break In ah'-at prir-? th" corn market was weak. I Curing the first half of tbe iscs-hm. Th-rc I wai is) great amount of selling, however. wet weather throughout the e-t tur- nlshing encou.-asement to the hold-r. Tne narfc't lecirac oecn.tuiy mi out. - the day on a bullish rejort of a vvell known crop crt. making . lr-th-r leductioti i the total yleM. Tlie eoe was almost at the Mcne-t point. D-c opened iJc to -.f'-je. lower at At.s,.. to V'l. so'd l to al'.e aihl ,-..d at el,n:i-,.. la-al receipts wera 15 cars with 3 of contract grade. OATS. The action of the corn market was the controlling factor in trading in oats. An cusir tone prevailed early in the sexton, but later sentiment became flnm-r. the market clo-lng near the high prW of tin da' U" CI-ned tinchallg'-il to v lltgher at"ri-.c to 31c. ranged r-twcen p-Vaml i Zltojll'.c and at zijrs. iacai re- I t II. HTC R-i.NC.K )F Ftrn.-Ri l-ynlng. lllstea. latwcat. Ca.iaz wnrat epts .. lfl t.H. 1 f. l.IZS l.ll. 1.IV. 1 o: n-1. !.:--. i.tzs X.IZ4 i.K',- a. ir. IS. il'.Ui. 4 I". . . JI . "3's s: 3z ...I IZ'tWI iz. ....i.j.,ji.:i ilar ev ept . .. let May . . fcVt ' " 4!5kW 4, e-ia SJA ... "?! Mar - 3"C"r ; Zl'.-tSP, zse. JIi. ivri. II.IJ :jj Jan .. - J--5 K.KH I re . ... - --. vr. . iii!r izU- Miort r.Ib . . o-t ... T.w .."JS, 7J T-IIH T.ri ..5:4 d" nCCaPTh AND SIllrMKNTt". Ship. .' zrt.e !"ut neair W4s. .. UT-eat. bu. -. I'am. bn. .... atx. bo." Itve. 1st ..... JJ.-1 H.-'' . Si. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.' 4 Vl ''.'""'.".V.ixLi') I-arl.y. bo. ..... pnovi-jioNS. Th- feature of trading In provisions was the changing from Oct. to Jan. products. Small reccpits of hoes and hlcher prices ? at the yards had a strengthening influence j i. .i... .1... I.n iwirk wa. lit. I'e'rlZ-sO at SUa. TLard ar.d ribs were each up T"rC at Xi1- and I..1--. repecile-. Ilstimatiil receipt" for Monday: Wheat cars: com SSI cars: oats 1-J cart; hegs ".' h'ad. Itar Miser. SDl : -Par -liver 5.TS-. New York. landfn. sen : ;i liar silver "'1 WHEAT JUMPS TO $1.20 A BUSHEL Kxeit'tl Tt-jiilinj: 1J Local Iiroker. Who Hid jloie Thau Two 0nts for Ojition. the L'rinie Cause. For three mltutes jesterday Decern ner wheat was at the highest price reconleu on the current crop. Excited trading by a local broker, wtio b!d more tlain 2 cents above the market for the option, was the prime cause of the advance. Tills operator took a' few small lots at li-0 A turTiel. Outsiders trailed on ard for a time the advance was ma.n- talned. . . . "iVTi-m the local quotation was mi-u .0 r w -Im. lie-st thev'eyuld get for - .-"'s. '-" "!r'5-"'e:. . .L t-i-v.r 1 tiieir wnenl wac l.l-r-.. -- """' - ' closed at tliat lalce. whicli was , om I above- Fri.kiyV closing hgurc. Th- k-r who bid the i1c give any rca-on for his. acti. twice ud dM not 1 t ee- ion. tiior to Ins advent fcelinzr "Jras Inio the tiit th- speculative bearish. HiriMt rrite Vir-s o c iork, "liic-i-n, I.iton .mil ntlit-r iniMrtant point-. SOLD IN ALL MARKETS. AT SLIGHT ADVANCE .'mil Is I p 7-5c .at Advance Mci'rm-Nicus Ar- 71-Jc to J-J 1--.V lli"h'-r. RKPCfU.1)' Chleoso. Sept. 24. There was u en-ltle. 1 erratic market hi bat tolay and torer ! and bisber br lum eanv in the session. j be: t.trd the cUt devel.pInK startlir. tecdvneies. At the close it shoved Jains )f '..e to V.r s'ept. wi. r5ii;e-t. May oren'd a trifle kjwer mjH iarly a c'nt luwer th.n the day betore hi im1:.. then ro-e to 3!.!V aft-r nunvr.- erratic tr.-ement. an: obwed '. t- '-- ui.d-r ilie ;.jj,. wjth ' Un -f -. le.-. !4-- hisher. . - ' Itboush ui.t of the inlu-nves t-n Trhich bulh bH a cood deal of ytr-s the day f Kfore wa, renwve.1 bv a alement Irom j Hroomhall tliat tht FrnIi duty probably , uouM t unaltered until farmrs had ! marketed a ?ooi parr of their crop and tliat Indian -ind Airtralun wheat are n an Imia.ft !?. the large mlllmc sai uhieh tea of the trade krew of before I the cfreie Friday -trd relative Krensth in the Jiouthwet market. ven -hen this 1 mirket na lower, caie buer new cour- 1 . .. .. .. Anotrir nee in me niKiier rais- "i IiTire - eroId eondltleti of the the estimate f vorld ahirment" at onu tV,. hi. ie than Li-t week, and fnuut rr Nort'iw-t receipt, thin lst venr. in spit' of rKlme fro-n that direction of heave e,juntr 'ierinc. wee prite helps at t n.ej Tb.-- pread betwen Ief. and Mar made numerous chanre from '-- to l'. and at th eloe i,ar.c. The demand f-oni Iec horts wa lr-'sur-Snt titan the liy .-fore. Cah rrire In oufide market were tltin the deferred rnonihs. 1: , UJI , ..., I it downward course un j tu rallU-tl wbc-jt urenEth. to-dys sale, tnoierate support by larse iwhljipfis the bull hou-- anil e-ovenn-r by Io--al -he-... Tlie May i!ed with ca't of -c to V at r,i. ami Dec. nlhei fhe .isli market ias '-c to Ie higher. with offering-" irwlerate and shipping le marni slow en the advance. 1,tcal re eipt wer- "1 carr. tl of them contract, and . arer e xi-ecicd Monday. Wt-ather eonilitiens were ten-rally fa vorable. The t--t earij ht'lng was by Prtngle and Wagner, and there wa. Liter hnviti liv ftros-eau. Jarkson Pro. . 'oz:- i stock anil S.ernr. Selling was largely b tne .manet commissio-i cou-3 ;er ou. side rs. OATS. Oats sac-cd to "S cents for Miv eiriv in the s-Tion the weakness in corn, but rallied higher and closed with galas of 'i"i.e. On the recovery bluing by cash hocey pre-jmablv taking oil hedge, and reports of lighter receipts ia the Northwet were influenced. The sample markt was "ic higher, shipping sale. I(ej.(rt bushels. PltOVISIONS. ProrKons were dull, but made mc-5n"te galas in .ictmt in the -ash market, and fair ca:;side buvlng on the com strength. Outside lackers -oM on the advance. ett lurk :. II. Cnrb Mori... Walier (.Co. ners-ied :-y N-rtn Fourth stre': Cle-ee ,-itre-rban Can etr. .. ... .... . D. pfd - .rr-TWi ai.i Tractsyn enrn. " !. ptd ... . rtll.h -.iIu-l.t.l tVjp-T t-Trtc Iiti ton .. ! tifd .............- I-neetrte Vetle! esiro Io. pM - -- .......... Rnaie e'oofer. ................. I'atasa TitNH-c. .:m D... 4l .. -" I-Herter-xich tat-.! Tnuts-.t lnlrattfeal it. M cora ........... I., tfd MaeLay Coirpany core t... tfL Manhattan Transit Vtt Orleans Hallway cots.......... IHX M NoHfcr-i securities.. ....... ......... New York Tnm.-e.rta'Jon 0ls I3evtir cent... ............. Do. pfd.. ... ......--- y'op TUtc. Co. coo. ..---....- II. .t I'M - - - ...... ........... Do. Z.I T-l - - .....-sTs-hiard Milling cent in. ifil ...-..-... iu.1 .. v. ... e-5. .. "C .. ?4 .. 4 A?? s 1 ' iTs i. Is'. ... I ..:i: .. .. 1 ... '. .. . -Z-- ...ItsJH 11 '- . US z V.". v . III lUm ... en ...a ... r-a .1 Seaboard Air Un" exrn Do. pfd Standard Oil . -- Tennesc Copx-er Torh Mlntrg.. ..... ....... 1'Bls.n CM-per Fatted CcjH-er mslte Krl ei-er St. lawn Trans-" ... - - ........ I" s 11 II -i 3 JI L rales ltj. -" - - '-'- - pond- t-iooklic Vn!sG'.t- Irtj e.Krd Air Une ' .""- t- ls !- ;.. Anwte-)--i.l't 1" WIS 1 j. ei e.-"."- Standard Mill 1st I Hum I Ilonlc. Kstahllsbrd. 1 r.Krfiiuc srnn.M aahlnrtor. s-pt :'.-nirai fre- tf.iivcry service has beu ejtiblirhed. to b-gla Novem- I b-r 1. as t'.lo- Kansas- llazelt- Iatb?ur Ccmnty, ' and 2. length ef r ute "at, rnlt-; iwrwtlon - ne.I. S.a iUtlelor I'.sllhon 4Vunt. ru-v iLfe.iteJsrt length of n-ute -'i mns; tv-munor. "" g '". Here. liuJIl s.vj. iuiic .. w- i.w v. Ute. Z4T. miles, ptvcwiiua F-nri, t.-f. .u- Iteno ijtionir. rwii1- .: kukui i juu.c. !)'- mil-", rvpuiati n serve-t. eiz. vvatrsena. IKmipnaa vounty. 10x11- .. i-nt.n ,. rjK, -i ralles. poralvtlcn a-rved. 4:1. Itoral erartlers apputsted- HUneli Lewhtc. C- M. Bunr.n. carrier; S. R. Jobasoa. rulitat-. Savar.. A. S. Dul r,ner carrier. IV D. "lrowR. substitute. . Kanrae -Ulselow. A. B. Hawktn-on. ca-Tler: j v. Ttucker. nlatltote. etas. c. B. Lyon. carrt-r: I. M Uyoa. substitute. Helton. Wil liam E. Hewitt, carrier. sV-ottsvllle. J l Rhode, carrier. WlllUn II. Fleas. rutsUtt.te. i-j ..nuaj. I. Castoc. carrl-T: A. ca"ter. aabetl- '"Mlssm-ri-n-sberry. William A. f-lep'-.enj. ear-rirr- William A. lallr- "it"tlta:e. wjacorMa. I si. ilcCollom. carrier. O.Uhonia.rca-la. F. X Dowell and M- D. Tneor. carriene O. Dowell and E. Tutr. saa- "Texas -Bertram. R. II. -iter, carrier: rred ster. r-ilcltute. i.e. 1 j.-. Harnry. carrier; J. Ik WlUiams. set -urate. Kaasaa I'rlsoa Trrlae Plaal Paya. RCH'i'LlC SPHCIAI Topeka. Kas.. Sept. 2C E. D. Jewett. Wanlen cf the Penitentiary, turned Into ta'e in-ast-rv to-day XiCyi from tee ' revaivlng fund of the State twine plant. 1-n,. monev la not nedcd at this time of l... "." a 111 1- .n,.j . : i .. ii- I"' , " . "'""' "1 , ": t.en.tire until the business reoulrcs It. The I warden says tn- iuam 11.1s oeen a ia-anre- I ... t. r..v .1. Ml. ..n.l .t..e.. In ; ot piwu- . "-. -r - --" - ": -:--..-- I cviry way. out n-s nas not corcpuea tne but h- Cg-rresjon the tubject et. 1 Yesleruavs market for wheat was nervous and u-i-ertain bat tie- bulls iIu te ground ar.u worked a sharp advance in tl.o face of gent-rally bearish doniesti.' new Manipulation was unlfn all over the day's transactions. There wa- pr.i.-ti.-ally r.o outsidi int-rc.r. Taking advantage of this, a small clique of p--f.--.Iu-iaIs assJtii't control ami tssntcd prices for quick profit. It was impo-slMc for the. look-p-on to ' . ... ...... ... .i... -. .. i ' .!... a..l . n... .. rll.i... an ill-cover a Lulllsii truncation to lu-tny id yuramr. " --"- ...j. . w..- ... th- itmi r and spring hell- wer- favoable and receipts here and at Minneapolis Tie -much larger than on the corresponding day Iat year. There was no uamase news and the K-nTaI Inrlln-ttion of traJrs ras to (.i5c ln ovr S.unnlaj. CKva'lona raovtrnTt, to unlwiU r chknl d- pto:.ional bWdinc. In tbo llrt I.our th- -ket ra-samil. with a sll?ht tcsilency toc-ard Ionr values. Frcm France came -j-tniofflcial U.-nial that the 2uty on was to K- abrEat-ii Dull and rather li l? cabl- were a N-aiiali lJt-atlon. Jlxcittl juofe-sional lu-lns -n no other ba' i tLa.i a asue retort of rotitlcal lompllcitJocs betnrn Frame and Kssu caused a trlk advance tonasd the tnd of the ffjion. CMraco oj-erator were anxious to e ' a the local ain price, bet there was no demand for their stuff v.hen it vras offered. The market tva? altogether 3ctitl&uv. Aftr opcnlnc 3otrer corn lutcrei adfaneed on reports of rain and pontic frost in portions of ti.r x.. While interest was not verj- srea. fiere na enottsh b3ju:e k-ep values a little better than steady. Iiee. wheat opened T,c ulT and cl.jed T.e un. IVc. com openfi l-le on and closed f,c up. Ic. outs iloM Ht'-'ic up. ' Receipts of rro-iiKe vrere moderate and prices of trail and e?ct-:Us were s-m- 1 crally steady. I Ieal itcarities were dull but fairly slronc Trcctions and tanking issucj nrre 1 a ell taken. I Yeiterla"s batik le-rxr.s? ere jiMia. balan.e? J"fi.T!l tnscount ra:e wre I steady fceten "z ami p-r cent. ! Spot cotton t; a ur'aans""' n the local market WHEATS NEW HIGH RECORD. DK"L1XK FOLLOWS AX' AD 'AXCE. I.jtil rrofv.ional .Maiiiinihuinii i.'aii.'- IJrisk Upward aIovo- iiK-nt in Artive Option. Dc h.t yesterday touched the hish et price recorded on the currert ro; The quotation ?a- wholl the reult ef manipulation the advance had r.o founila tion In domestic crop conIIUin. The fel!nj? at the openlnt; wa unmistakably wak. There was practically no ou:ide interest aI receipts here ard at thr primary points ere very larce. The market penoaIy Suetuated until the end of the second hcur. ncen a broker en tered the pit and Swd more than cent aoove the market lor IVc. This .-aueU the weaker shorts to ruh for coer. lit only a moderate amount ef zrotn was sokl at the hlch point. I"rke were y.tuR eft at the close. Dec- wheat ojaed ro off. rarrrd from J1.1-? to JU and eieed at It-IV1, ;sked. Com made a slipht a!n on and ptvpects of frost in port'onr ( Strata e-iru. " of the be.t. Trading wa light and cables, iiiu.rt.t Vaii.y Trostn"ZI" sir.t were ea.v. but there vas enough buying ?i'lmjT?X .. I2-C to l.eet, prices sllghtlv on -the upturn. I r-t. le-aL-fslun Trust. Doc. cora opene,! I-1V off. ransed trom 5J57r J.:;::-: .- IS1.; to 4P,-il.c bid. and closed at 4T'-t t-'.c asked. Keclpt. of wheat at r?t Louis l."z; bu of tr!rch ITi sk and 1 car local and 1 car through airamt i0 bi-. of which TH ek. and 43 c-tr. Ioc3l and 4 cars througlu in I.L Kecelpt of wleat at primary points for twent" -four hours l.l"S.i' bu.. against I. lit.'vi bu. in WS, and -hipments JiS.f' ba.. againl -itt'." ba. Northwet receiveii Tn car. aiaint v car. in "c- Chlcasu re ceivd II.M" bu ard Kanas City n.""b-j. CIe.-inn.-e. tu. Aatrliai slapments of wheat to Eu rope the imi weefe re-rfrted at 4;.X" bu.. iig:tinst I.lCOXfv bu. a week ag. I i:eceipts of 'on at ?- Iui S.Ii bu . i t.f whi h 1 cars lecal and - through. j 'gain-it "". l-u.. of which il cars locrsl . . r.i ti cars th-ia ch. in tf-C I Itecemts .if i-ern tt nnmary"point fo- twrnlv.four hours 4il.s' b-x. against b'Z."'t Irn. n I-s: and s'.ilp-ncnts z5?."- l-ti. -gattist bu. aicago recited ?;.. !-' bu. and Kar.-as City S.j bu of oats at Si. (ami- 40ii bu . of v. "nJ. 1 21 Citrs local am! S cars through ag-"it-t "CS'i bu.. w hlch csirs local and - cars in UM. ncceipts of oat ar prima;- joints for t-v tity.fot.r 1-emrs 'sv" bu.. againt is.- lrti in 1"X. and shipment. 171 "si Itt. against e.-.r..i u Clearances IT.."." bu. ,e-f Titirk stork ltnniatiea. New York. Sea. :4 -I"Jalns a-e to-Usv sale, of storks on tn ator rv.-azgr. ahi-sizc tz- hihst and V.sest c-i:allens and clertrg :u. S.'.s iiiei. i.-i Cv. . z-.-.n :'. r. r, . -.:"'. . is 3 '. s'. AtcMirc !. pf.. nItiniur aiitl OIU . ..... I. 6fi CnaUtan Patiflc . iVntral f Ne- Jry apaai ar-t O-tc aai Alton... ... Tv pfj CM-ca4r fc "reat WVatn. hicac and NArth-t-n OlniiX MIL . -M. ra-it.. i-)-zr. "z c" "" Uh in. :zp. 41 41-. ::: if' ir. i . .. ii li: is:, .... iz .... w ... 1-. .. :" r. IX l"0 D.'- ...... Chirac Trm a ad Ttan. .. X-. pM. .. T. C C. Ht, I- CWcraJ' AitibTn. ....... . . c lit rfi TrWa-nAr- -4 MbIm. I-Wawar. Lvc -fr Wt. .. tinier ntl Itio Grant!-..... -. . zw Mr. :i 1-'. z". :- L. rfaaL ..... r. v:. irT ;iv-;-. t. l-v P I.-... .... ..... ii.s. a r:i .. ...... e"! Vall- ...... . Twv ff't Il!!-lis ontral X.a 'Vntra! ... ........... I", pfd Kana fit s.uthTC lw tfd. I..ulsvllte and Na-savtlle.. Ma-.sattan I Metrt!ltan "secanti'-s.... M't-epoM'sn reer ftr- 3Ilnnep:b ar--l -:. Iel" MIOT. st. T. i-- s:.. jj. - lt- lp.) r: 4:: Mi 1Z !.! IM ll'H ll.r : Do. ff-i. . ....... .... ... . Mlui-i l.-eV . M . K. t T Zt"i Do. rfd - "- i Nat. It It. of M-tlc--. cfd. : "34 . Iz? -?". --. :-. . 4 IV. -cw. 3- "- York C"ntmJ. 0 IK'. lX IS' Norf:lk anl Westm.- IV. pfd- -- iintario atvl Western... Pennsyrranla ... ... I'.. I" C. 4 St. I. ofd.. 7 SP. O. M n..m sa. : ip. .. t'. iz-. is;, '. .. Ii.o z i Iadlng .... ................ i-o. 1st rfi i. Td rM . -. -Rk lalard Ca IM. Pfi -- t. I S F il tfd ... . St. Loci- sVuttwestem..-. ix pfd- t-sithern P-ilfc Scutaerr: lUU-eay D-i. ord T-xaa and Pacific TtlJo. St lxtlis Wet. i-. t cs, 1 itnes. jo jar as 01 " M. 4. vj". 1 txerx learneil. so ! ao ra. --a, 3. - win tvase to le-in 4v:! ;" ; rartlpn which he has I !) tl 31- K' Z-ei ?. . as, Z.:- 1. ZZ. wa jp. -r - st: zt z Z14 -.-l ,! 11 af" Zl t. rM Uirkw Pari: Di. t'd Wabsi ... It -S.t.1 '-H'i trt-S :in . .. IS SI .5". .. 3 ZdH Ilo. pfd. ZJO l'i IP, tl, . . IT :s. i-, it, c. WS 15H VA-s.lin? and La. Kne. WUccnsTn Central Z tk IK? rfl - 'S-s Mxlcaa Central lv 1Z EXPRESS COMPANIESj. Adam. . . ... .......... .. ... .... Aroencan . I'nl'ed States ... ...... - WelW-rar-to . aiscnu-iNnors. Arsa'g.n-aled Cepr-r . . An neran Car At Foundry. Do rfd. . ....... -. American fAi'.t'.-n Oil... . io. rfJ .. .......... Am-rtran Ice.. ......-.-. . Do. rtd. .. ...... ........ American lac d 0l...... Dc. rtd. .American laocc-rctlne...... Do. pfd. -. American Sn'lt. 4- Renx. Do. ufd. .................. Ameiiean Soxar Reflal-t--. Aracsrd Mining 3o.. ... nrook-m lupll Transit Colorao Fuel and Iron... cnsondaied Has . ... Cora Prrdacts 1M. pfd. ... . ...--..-.. Sec-intles Oereral Eleculc ........... International Paper.. DO. ffd. ... . ........... Istsmstlozal Pats? ....... Do. pfd. ... .............. National Iad i.- : 30 ', ! W', 4--0 S Zt. T. "3'j If- ZM : ) r s s '; Z.T' C.'t v.': I: z-a p iiirt; ut 4-j :'j :-'. tro-; lvi SI M SI S.WJ li HH "'. 14". ... il" Z?P 5JJ1-: Z-il-, 13i .. l-v . -a. 43'. .. ' , a", --i .. -aj i:-, ts:T ia .. wa in. si1, :, Tl', .. !s aj zi'. zjij ," Kei Zl"" ZII ZJ- .. av Ui jji, 3J i z. in, I4-; .. liC. ItZi, l-.1i- Ncrtil 'r-ert-43 Tads- 3111 - Peepl Caa... Prsaed fcteel Car. Do. ptd. .- .....--..-.. ... ...... .... Pallman Palae- Car.... ...... .... tublic Steel..... ... ...... ...... .... lo. cfj. ......-...... ...... Rubber 4Soo.s.. ............. ... .. . Ho nfd. . ..--..... .... . .. .... Tere-i. O-l aaJ Srl.. U IT, UMte-1 states la-its Z.Vsi is I.. rfd. ti'.eaj S. , C. 3. ItMlty J. I-npt - a Urlted states Rublvr. .. . United Jrtates Mtl. . w...l l., i... tfit .. . - e.JO v. . Zli .... - It's .... :'. SI 4T C ". --'. ST iT. .. . Ti ll. 17'--rN nwinVmu E-ttric 150 11 lsl"!!! wierS Helen 1-1 " t-i V, Total sa'e f-r the daj. S," llares. UNITED RAILWAYS STOCK HAS EXCELLENT SUPPORT. - ' MAX'KIXC ' ISSUES TUKX. (X I'P- I .;-n.T.iI Tune of ilarket Is Rail I Mi Despite Light Invest ! ui'ui Interest. Wm'e the loicme of trading la local se curities a nall price? were jecerarie atren. There ir.i a very jcood demand for Uniteil Italic aj s preferred at J3JI and Transit tvas taken at J11JS and tit-ir;. The 1 per cent bonds were wan" ed at JSii:1!. but were hId at R3.S. Commonwealth Trust at C75.3. Tit.. Uiaranty at t& and Hank of Commerce at ISJ1 were the only actUe bankis-r issues. Hrewerj Aociation had eXW;ient upport. Ther v.ere wejj takri at Ti. YESTEHDAVS SESSION. Cloini; quotations. n.i Atiei. .- laii- Tract J, I ll- lritl njl:j3 itt icj ii.. l"- 4. K.l IMS -'nT".-a- Eiihirie Rank.. .:. K-.iria Xatfcnl funk. .. .. zlfjft SX. Oraia s rc Hak. .. . ... jja ara-Arai Bin . rtl. .J rtfentr ITarile . . 't (A "e: ; at:-eal Ha-ix X .om-cetce.. Zi.z. 3J.t in. znjre IZJe Jt.-a Z 4.r- i za era. Cittn Crcpres ... . ...... . .... te-:r-il coar and .'eke com.. A-reneas Credit In-ier-i-ilty. "a.oa Irea1-ar Z ie. "at -?-. taiu an.t Sabcrta3 S 9.t-t, Bre.tzg ArU:lo fo SJ.nv, rinite-I-MetaIlie Arc-Ti. an iM kllnh:t; .. . tt"r Hej- Miarse .w a!f: ' t Uxi Trsrs.t at " a; Ixu! Transit at..,. ... . C-ate-1 i fi at , iomunIia Trust at .... tt js - H-I-T' .. e..a . Z".J . 4. Tlt.-e tsuarantv Trajt at... .Z Can t iVmntere at. .. s.r.o Frefry s at ..... ....... . .. ZSOV J. " COTTON LIQUIDATION - CAUSES SMALL DECLINE. taile Urn. i- Ie. Ki-clt Polal. rt -lev. 1 nrk ealb t'oafleleat f I'rnspentai Yrar. KErt l!Ut .-PSXIAU New York. Sept. :i -To-day's collo1 rrurk-t wa- quieter than e-arly ia the week, with fluctuation, coffined within . narrow ranre. as the statistical news f.r I tie wck ana tne oetter weather cond;- ! lions tn the cotton belt, with spinners re ported to te more inclined to withdraw from th- market temporarily, exercised n adverse influence and caused man.. interests 10 liquidate. There was more selling pressure cc the mark-t to-dav and ley. buyln-j pow-r n evidence than for any day since the mid dle of the week. Under the circumstar c3 It was not surprising that the market should develop irregularity and decline. The maximum Ios. however was confined within S to S points from last night- clos ing quotations, -"pot markets were quieter and easier. WHOI.K CHOP SEEDED. rtCI-UBUC SI'K IAI New urleans. Sept. Zt. The Ttmcs-Dect-ocrat. in its summary of the cotton sitsa lioii. will ray to-morrow: "The pa-t week ha.- not been a serv eventful o-.e in the cotton market, and the tt-e of 3 or " p-'tnt.. merely rcflcct the cvcr-el-elieatng conviction that tt truth about the crop will I fou-id to he In th-; Si.ight.irhi.ei of the smaller est" mate.. Mr. Sully hss put forth a forecast ' l,.',.'.'e maximum, but hardly an bod.. I-el'ete-. in such figures as yet. "civ ther would en- now have occurred a convulsion I by whlca the "ring-? would have tee 7IKKUI lllTill kUIHI IO OII.UIU.rJl.llVC. The ur.slale-1 d-mand for the actus' stuff has been th- malt sustaining fe-aturv. ilvp.jrt hav- been large, and It Is alrrsdv pian enough that Europe Is resolved t provide itself against the pv-slbllitie 01 the near future. Great Britain has had an especially hard experience during Ihe las four years, simply because I.incashlrt either could not or would not accoramoditte lte!f to the chanted coalitions of the fraei So far as on- can see. the lesson.bas that the English splnnei on the broken teeds up hitherto relied. Aroeri-a Is disposed to las in the race, out teen. is still simple opportunity to rcg-tra th. Iot 2-ound. -laxiklng at the situation in a s-netTl way. it would seem tliat the consumption of 1M(-Ii. like th- consumption of U l".l. !s destine J to Bt the production as the !ove fits the hand. Every lIe will prob ably Iv neeile-I at a price that will mik th- South richer than It ever lias he-s-n at leavt. ince tbe signal gun sounded st Fort j-umter There i. therefore, no nee.1 to pe.r into the dim di.-t.ince with th fauitv spvglass of human reason. The soIul"fart.s of the present and the fair . surancc of the mcnlh. to come arc enbuxi to -atisfy every solid interest of this s-v-tion. Arasy llrelera. RXU-ir.UCSPFa IAI- It astUn-ftnn. Sept. l. Army tide's were is sued tolay a rollers. Coatract -orxewo John P. Kelly will proceed when tne transport Kll-.trt-fc Is vut c-tt J. eemm!".ien. from Nw York to lVrt Kas.. fcr duty at that t-est. Car-nili Rush S Wella. recently. prt-race.l frt-r-: Ftrt IJ-eteaaat. Klxhth Caealry. is as sir.d to the Ninth Cavalry, and will .lnt that . . r1r8 IJeutenant John T. saiies. recntL proraot-d from secend Lt-nteaaa. Second Cav alry. t sr1ne.l to the ESitth Cavaln.-. Flrvt Ueuienart John t. Marphy. r-ernttr crcmoted Item f-cetvl Ueutenant. tcurtl In fintrr. is assigned to the Twrsty-eijath w lantry. Cctapany 1 r--e .Mlaaoart CraoralLaa. ::ratni jc sI-bctai- Je-firsen City. JI. Sept- zl .-Certificates cf lacorperatlon wer Issued to-day by s-rtmry f tate Sam B- 4cok to the following rornpaRte; 0H.arn Realty and Ine"tn-ant iTrapur -" Kansas City: eapltal -tick, W"". Incorpa-ato-.. Tirr.cthr irltearo. Michael o'Hears and Frar els j. lyilrarn. Rude, sanltarr Company of St. txcts: capita: stock. lt.iW. Incorporators.'. B. nodes; W II Jtiy and J. II. Kslr. The fol cwir.g tied siatercetita cf Increaae- or carhat stock: i-ecrg 11 itriffl- es-fistn-eti-n Cempany of Kansa- lily ftcm .. to Ita..-. Tfc DTallen i-ml and Mining Cotnpany cC St. Lrols. frxm Z.-!-- to Of-.i-M V - Prle-e eat Petrtjleam .Iritaam. Pittsbur-;. Sept, ;t.The Stacdard. Oil Company to-dar advanced the. nrftc of all ' grades of petroleum, except Rjgian-i. . . irW -i1. .--. --.-S-;J.r f t 1- . l;-. ..