OCR Interpretation

The St. Louis Republic. [volume] (St. Louis, Mo.) 1888-1919, October 07, 1904, Image 10

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020274/1904-10-07/ed-1/seq-10/

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$ ;
- 7
.'. Iti:CORO OF II1RTI1').
George and Irene -Winn. Jl, South Fifteenm:
; Joseph and Dora. Wlelana, 7MI Vulcan, bosr.
Nathan and llna A. Davis. COM North
i Prairie; boj. , ,
J'elvin K. and Sarah Cady, U( North Fif
teenth; boy. ,. .,
C, G. and rearl Chandler. 17C9n North
Tenth: hoy.
John J. and Edltha Hall. 2S4 Park: boy.
-ilfrcd and Annie Nicbo.s. 1KI North Tenth:
h --fci, on un tm- mn West Ojlncy:
Ik -
' Jehu P. and Annie Echaris. KM CaroIIne;J
Albert and Katie Leyrens. T508 OT.tll'y: bor.
Josph and Frances Stinger. 7(17 Michigan;
John and Ollle Monroe, S3 Lucas: boy.
-. Walter and Josephine laom 8057 Dixon; boy.
J. It. and Anna Courtney, 1716 North Twelfth:
Leo and Anna Bledermaaa. 3311 South Hev
erth: boy. . ,
Jam's and SalHe Sarderj. I'M Clark; girl.
, Edward and Katie Wedlg. 1911 Palm: KlrL
T. w. and No-a Kretzer. 1 Park: Kin.
Lou" and Mary iientiage, 3 Warren: girl.
Frank and Minaret Merrill. SWA Foio-n:
" Julius F. and Gertrude Echulze. M59 Pag:
" S Dull and Emma Kccfcbcfc. 15K North Sex-
enteenth; girl. ,
I Alfred and Annie IUr, 30 Weft Oourtol;
rrarrf C, Bennt, 707 Clara clrl
and Mary Hactmsn, 1718 South Second:
If. and ICargaret Oantrrk. 1 North Ninth;
Ai-gust and Gusjle Wolf. KM Ncrth Tenth:
. and Alois TSuesfh. 421 Minnesota; boy
Herman and Selrra Hutsrher. 710 Lemny: bey.
Michael J. and Llztle Coxsrore, H North
Fourteenth: irlrl. . .
W. A. and Mary West. 11174. Randolph:
No! and Manda Chrfstra-en, UW Hebrt:
F.' and Annie E. B'ss, 1S2S Soath Broadway.
James and Rachel Jordan. r eojth Third.
.Tams and Evelyn M'Baln. S3 Howard; g'rl.
r. and Mir Tlerney. J Soutn Garrison; hov
Aucust and Broey Creel. 112 East Courtcis.
John W. tad TJia nmshen. 4.131 Erans; clrl
JLVRniAcn i.icE.Nsn.
Jaco1! Kreuti
Katharina BuchoI....
Adam Kohr.
Lizzie Hennlng
Charleo if. Knight
Edna Wekes
Vlnrent nermenn.....
Roa' ZnderK...........
Rareev Qrmsia....
Slote Goldberg
Montferd W. Puj;i
Lora Jack
SYed E. Murker
Rhoda. Jack
Herbert Dc-vlson. ........
Celeste Clay
Peter r. Mrodklewlcl.
'Helen Makiesl:kl
Jamea C Shawn.. .......
Anxrelene Porter.
J&lUah K. &-anr
Clara P.. gash
Anthony HcGowas.......
iaian liehllrg.
J. W. Gardner..
Lela. R. Simpson
Bronte A. Reynolds
Isabel! L. Wilson
TTed Wollmann
Mr. Mary Scblottmann.
JVank J. JMedmaan
Lculse A. Doer
y Theodore Hlllger.
Si: Park
MehHIlle. Mo
15f Dill' on
New York
N-w Ycrk
..WIJ North Fourteenth
Strand. Ok
r OlUe
4xa Page
Plnclnrrtl!e, Hi
Iiaucou:, 111
Ea St. Louis, 111
- Bauccap. Ill
4X5 rhoutau
4135 Lucky
Chicago, HI
Chicago, 111
Sabine. Tex
.Tltujv'lle, Pa
K'A V!.tt
47S4 Vista.
G'nva, N. V
Highland. Ill
Jvdgar. Nb
K"lrar, Nb
Ch'cato. Ill
OrenTille, Tenn
..SKJ Se-jth Broadway
Sll Wlthnell
.... .......12T7 S'dney
137 Sidney
..HTiS North Broadway
isa Sulllran
rill Chippewa
COH Rutger
- 1KI Wiiah
1714 Riddle
B . . .nma. iteaa
(W-Q I fThn-lM 1 Volt
'I uusEie iovu
I Acxon 'Tlllmp
t 3Eattle Brown.
i Jesse ATlmnth 100 Grattan
I Margaret Kerth SI West stln
Nathan WHaon
De Soto. Mo
Crystal City, Mo
Lulu MoLaln
Charlea Williams....
( Illa BIrlea
Kdward Hackolt......
2TtIe Etnrion.
H.J. Ellr ,.
Ethel B. Walker......
John Ofer...,.., .......
Helen Jfulle.
William F. A. Eodd.,
Mary Hayes
1717 Gratiot
33 Benton place
..Burlington Junction. Mb
..Burlington Junction, Mi
Jackotri:ile. HI
:i5 Alfr-d
432 Lam!
405 Laml
New Tcrk
Buffalo, N. Y
tTeddlnc Hlnca (Solid Gold).
JFinest qnalltles. to K. Mercncxl &
JacccriS's. Broadway and Locust.
Pa'rlci Caflrey. 24 ear. K3 Walnut: typhoid.
Louisa. Baner. S7 years. 1019 Allen: old age
.Joseph P. llcCarty, M years, 2S2J Pag-; heart
Carolina I Henderson, a years, 1525 Benton;
John J. Ueny, M yetra, 7113 Bancroft; nepart-
August F. Kahn. 10 years, 4421 Gibs-.n; nephri
tis Bridget Donahoe. It years. 4M7 Cote Brlll
lartte; paralrs'a.
Matl'da E. Ilntton, C years, SKI Tbeodojla;
Alice Erennan, i7 years, 2S21 Adams; cirrho
sis. Mary Smith, tt years. Female Hospital: blood
Dick inn, 45 yean, Missouri Pacllie Hospital;
It- Dotllch, 2S year. 1H3 Park- enteritla.
John D. Krechlr, 62 years, Alexlan Brothers
Bospltal: nephrltla.
Fred JUthlon. U years l Marlca: enteritia.
Anna. ScotL 7J j tan, fS2- Water: senility.
Rudolph Lustfcandle, 42 years, i;i9 South Sev
enth; accident
John 8. Andrew., 62 years, 2li Wisconsin;
Houser, 1 years. 2125 Missouri; menin
(Ilia. Leon Kobso, 1 year, 1422 North Ninth: enteri
tis. Locla A. Scherper. I year, li O'Fallcn: raa
chi'.Ia Bernarf Scarborough. II years. 1025 Part;
heart disease.
Lou! A, Scherper. 1 years, loes O'Fallon: ma
rxsmus. Frederlcka A. Londers. years. 4300 North
Nineteenth: heart disease.
Centra Stales rtealty-Finance Corrpany J. E.
Boren. O. P. Ruttledce. W. W. Powell and A.
I: Corwln. 12.000 shares each, all nt St. Lonls;
George Hanlon. Shawmetown. Ill . HOW thare-:
to do a general real esite and construction
business: to act a acenu to effect loans and
Insurance: to nay taxes and collect rents for
cthera; capital stock, full ald. COW".
Jefferson Cltv. Ho . Oct. 6 Certificate of In
corporation were Issued to-dav by Secretary of
, Stab; Sam B. Cook to the following companies:
Granby and Neosho Telephone Corncanr of
Granhy: cacltaL I2,0k IncoiTsirators J. J.
Ccmmlne. George M. Spangle. John Kingston
and others.
- Bamea-Kim Clothine: CoinuAny of FMalln:
t capital stock. t3)0n. Incorporators C. K.
' TJarne. James P. Kun and Wellirurtoo Barr.s.
Delaware Stret Land Coropanv of Kansas
- City: capital vtcck. 7.0)v Incorporators James
JI Harklee?. Clifford Herted and L. B. Ridge.
Falrr Floss Candy Machine Company of St.
Loul: capital tack. SI1) ox). Iaconorators M.
K. OIHUand E. W. Jacobs and B. Grensfelder.
Kansas CJtr Car Company of Kansas Clt;
capital atock. (1OT.0OO Incorporators C B.
Stton. A. C. Hant and Z Hanrood.
Rprlngfleld, BL. Oct. C-TSe following cor
porations were liccnad fcy the Secretary cf
ptate to-day:
Slcther Comrcny. Q-Jlncy: capital, 5.0CO; to
& a manaiacturlnrr and mercantile business.
Incorporators John S. Sitishcr, Fred Z. Slusher
and Clara L. Eltuher.
Kden Coal Mine of Sparta. Sparta: capital,
S20.0fsV to mine coal. Incorporators Loula Krug-
j noff. T. B. Needles and L. K, McGnlre.
' Feerla and Knapp ls'nd Hunting and Flih-
Ing CJab. Peoria: not for profit. Incorporators
,VODert u. e.iarAv, ii miaui i. viicu uu juvia
..w '.VWVi M iSSi S Silllll.
AMKRICVN Car and roundry Comnan-r Ft
a!juls. Me. 3ct, 3. 1")1 I'referre.1 cajiital storic
fcJdena. rso. ii. .11 n jneeuns ct tiie ucara
.llrectors. he'd thlt dav. it was revdve-1
that a dividend of one cad thre.fourtha Pr
cen Gst per crni) vst the rreftrrM capital
stock of 'hi conipanv be lilJ declare.) and paid
on Tuesda). November 1. 13". at the otflre
-of th Guaranty Trust Compiny of New York,
cNo 25 Nassau st,. New York City, to stock
holders of record at th loso of business en
-""Mondav-. October 1". !'- Transfer books will
- eloso ilonday. October 13 jvn. and reopen
e trednesday. Nmernbr 2. IKt.
" F. S. DeUNO. Tresurarer.
V. A. Bixby. Secretary.
. iiiiii
BAG Lost, chamois bag. containing bracelet
and money: finder can have money. Return to
TV. B 4101 OIlvo
JJAG Lost, black leather bag, silver mounted,
containing Jewels and money: big reward and
no questions- asked. Telma Rawlston. Music
CHAIN Lost, at John anl Florissant ave
nues, watch chain, with Masonic charm. Re
turn lo 5701 Pennsyhanla are. and receive
CROsS-Urt, plain gold cross, between Hams
- llton Hotel and U. D C. Convention hall. Sll
VandevenUr ave. Relum. to Hamilton Hotel.
p Wbersl reward: Initials "F. K. B,"
CROSS-rLrat, a decoration of the Hcly
tx.mr si Sepulchre:
It. ? dry aftern
croeei or red enamel: lost Thurs-
aftemoon. Return to 2X16 Delmar and re.
enve su'tahle reward.
t, P'T rctruru of circular stock pin of pearls and
. diamonds, I. Harris, 103SA N. Vandev eaterv
DOG-Lost. large St. Bernard doc. with li
cense collar; reward JI0. Charles Rett'r. KM
FOUND Harri' new store, where they sell
best -bora In ht L.u'n lor M. 407 N. Mvlh st.
GRi-THouND-Fo'jnd, srejhoiinl. colu
Kte. uRTicr can and at tea I-indell. IWb
w rlrht.
( , ,VK'"-OAT-I-o-t. -t N.iw Wrk Iwill lonl
. -Ie7lll. tailors: alo nwn-r'e name. Georse
A Batle III " fVeoml n.
. 1'IN Lest, ladi's brown llt rarl pin.Grard.
bet. OIIe an.l Ivhiiir:Twar.L ail Temole hide
roriTRAIT lyi't n,e dnllirs' rcranl will
be raid no iuetIonM akeili for rcttan f Final!
nortralt In Lras frame nalued ai a keersake)
tsken from "Th- Ijincherv." at Ninth anl
laik ne. We.lnepdav nlrht A5dre" "The
Luneh-r 8J1 Clark ale
HING It. Aednewla afternoon, dlamord
rlnjr, on Henrietta, between Perno Ii-anla ard
Nebras'. Liberal reward at 1513 Pennsyhanla
lATCIIhL-LiMt, Thursday, mall alligator
sateh"! llilnr; to M.4 J-Iraar an1 rccelie lib
eral reward
5II.T IIxi.t. white illlc fianl, ladln' dres-lnr-rro-n.
V 1' ball, rtw-n-d for retuin. Tela
afcono ntlrrar OT.
i. tit Jt lfit, lau f lc
ICS CciU and Ktt rvara
situatio.ns wa.ntkh i'cm.n.
lUKni: Sltnttlon bi c-J. r-t cl-.i oake.
brnd and roll luker SW HI Rn-iMle
COJK i-ltuatlon b eipcrieneed colcre'l
cook Apply rcil 2wtitn a
COOK Pltuatlon bv esjvrlicl cock
clv leXeren?. s 1CCI Jefferson.
COOK -It-ation by flrst-cliR? cwk: while;
cangUe. gwod reference. 20; N Grand aie.
COOK Wtfuttlon by fitst-clafi p'aln conk;
tood ftayq. no warning 22 Franklin (rear).
"OOIi Pc3illcn by a firt-c'aeij Trench
Arrcrlcan cook, ithtr hctel or restaurant. HB
87. Republic
COOK Mtuatlon by excellent cork In pmate
family or boardlng-boue; nothing I1 than 112
per week, hlghcsi d: reference. J A 45. Re
public DK&-MAKI'l!
es to mak- 2?47
from elT York wlhs dreu
Oss ave.
nitbT-CfjA'-S dr3majr. lately from New
Yoih. wants fashlcnab'e Ureses to nake. rS47
GhA'KIt.M. AOIIK Mtuatlon to do general
work uall ;alan 17 Grallot fiRt f.at-
HOl'nEGIItlj "Huallm a-i bouseglrl In email
fair.ili. 67C7 Marchester ae.
HOLSEGIRIituatlcn bv
for general Pouework IJ
nat colored girl
IIor-EGIKL-MtuiUon by ntat girl to lo
general homework, no outlde work; no postals
answered Call (113 Kennerlx aie
H01RIvKLTBR slnutlon
Col! before 3 a. rn. Mrj C.
North Maiket.
as boukee:-r.
A Leu l, Z31
HOL"-5EKCHPi:n Sittntiou as housekeeper
for bachelor or widower with not m--e than
two chi'dren; 1 am II-etK'laes cook Call or ad
dress Mr A rosttr KOI I'lre st.
HOI'SITWOP.K ".I!d:i-3S"1 l-WIV wishes
housework, without lau"drj. In small, j.'-iln
farally. six j-ears" cltj rtlerrnccs. Call to-day.
10 Olive
LACNDRPSS wnn'fl to go out washing by
th- day. S. H.. lill Gaj
LAI'.VDHEM wart" to go
the day. 71S N FISfenth
out washing; by
Il"NDRRS" wants' wphlns to take horae.
315 Pine Enter on Garrlron.
LACNURl-feS wants to go ojt wa'hlag
the dsi J G . 1J1"A Lrdn
t, AUN DRtSs-ituJ'Icm b colored laundress
first part of weet. 2516 Morgan.
L.1UNDRESJ SUt.atlon a Unnd-e-s or house
clanor. Mrs. Roberts. 1S2 High.
LAUNDRESS warts few mere s-na'l bundles
to take borne: frt-ekiep- work. 2SCS Lawton.
T.HT".ner lri.-atlft In nm-n In wash
j and Iron two days a v-eeli; "hou's?:.'-inIng Fii-
ca ara flturaay: 11 - nay. ii.-j a ijiacer.m.
NURI-SHuatIon bv coTipetent trilncd
nu-se with nt-cla"s refcrencs front St, Louis
positions. 41Ct Maryland.
srrCATlON br refined young lady In exnib t
building at World's Fair. a28 Tbomaa st-
SITFATIOV by voung woman, speaklrg Ger
man: Is a good taikr: would like rod. steady
position In anything at the Wcrld s Fair: please
state salary. Bemeha, lUi N. Flfteentn.
TEACHER Expricrred ttacber desires posi
tion In sohool cr priiate family. Bngll-h
brancbts Frercu. Gmnan; best references giv
en. HB 127. Republic.
TYP-EVVRITER Situation In olfiee as tj-pe-wnte-
and assist in oifice wort. HB 120. Re
A. G. Bit AUER. aiff-ftl, sj. THIRD STRE7JT
ACCOrNTANT SItuatIca by yoarff mm;
ten years Ihormh cxprienc In mining, rail
road and nwrcaniilw; only high-gTade perma
nert pccltlon cent? deiod. JA B Repubito.
ACCOUNTANT v.111 open, clcie. ine?tiirat'-.
prsteroatJi-. keep T:all ttx rtrasonaUr: eecur
-ou beitr results frcm jour capital invested
Zcmpfe. Main 255
AN elder man wants a pl&ce to make hlm
lf jrenr."ulr uiw-fi.1 at a prl.ate place: can
rrl.e rifeieO'-ftt. KB 130 npublle.
EARDER-Gcvd larbfr, two year erperl
encf. -wants rcsttlon. Addre4S. quick. It.. 3G3A
McRe eve.
BAnBErt Stcradr plae fcr the Tinier by o.n-(-'
Mrbr; thr 3 ears' erperlence; out cf city
prefcrr-Ml. JA 2. ItepuMic
BAHTHNDEB .situation br fjr--t-cIa-" bar-tendt-r;
city referenesi?. J. Dolan. 13uB S. Broad-
BOOKKKSPER-Position as bookkcPT; best
or r.fernres; ctate ralarj- HB J7. Republic
BOOKHnPEH SUuatlcn by competent Look
keepep and tno(Taphs?r: ccod lcfercsces, sal
ary mall HB 19j. IsDub.I,-
BOOKKlSEPKn situation by youcR man ss
a"!-iunt bookkeerr cr efnc; experienced in
office T7orl- JA C'J. Brpuollt-.
CARrnNTKB Uonunlcn carp-Dt-- T-ants glt
tat:i: buIMlnir b-ds, ferce and patch work
a nv-claltr HB 1L?. Recabllc
CAI:PK?-TI:R want, R.tu-,tlc? tv dav or Job;
Jobblrjr promptly at. ended to. AZCresi Cr-tpen-ter.
TCvS Hlskciy.
OCKJK fa'tuatlcn hy riTt-cla'3 c&clc;
cafe cr boanllns hour-e. Ct Flnner.
DBCORATOn fcr fhcrrh?. with gcod rtfer
nce. A. Mue'Ier. 2i45 Texan at-.
DB-IFTSMAN- Ycon-; r.-ccanic:il drafL-man
with practical rjeperir-nce li-:rB psnnanent 7o
sltlon. Address C V Bledi-oe, V.'otW Fair.
United nates Goremn:ent Vull&lrg, Library of
EIECTItrCIAX end rE.neer iranta pltai
t!cn; sulctl ecb-r; sorl reference. JA 16f Re
public. LXECTRICIAX d3!ri rituation as mainte
nance rran In mar jracturlfr or o'her e,tabili:
mnt; e-crerl?r.ced in motor ard other repair
work. Hit 1S6. Republic
KNGIXEKR S.tuatlcn by nKlnr. -trltnout
sl Ilcrse. as psristani ertafr iratchman
around "team plant. HB HI, R-pubI cu
nXPIZRlENCnD collection, claim nnd credit
man drsir- pojitlcn; Al city refrnccs. HB
S3. RepubKc
KOLVEMAX-Situation bv co!crd houseman;
nnderstaadj steam and hct-water heat, 07 N.
IIOFSEMAN or V.'altcr Situation by educated
Japanese voung man in private houe. K. Fu
kami. 125 Clinton place. KIrlrtroo.1. Mo.
HOCSEMAN. hit. wants plac- In rrivato
farril) ; care cf horses, cows, f crnac; utrefu'
driver: refertne best; wages rno-'eralc. S.70
Oiamberlaln avc-
I,s.US7RIOUri yourg man desirrs any kit.
of employment; good milker. HB 14f. Republic.
LNAGER A pos.ticn as hotel manager or
steward; either In cr out cf the city. JA 13
2CURSE Middle-aged man. well oucated.
strictl) temperate; has travelfd ertenslvel),
viould l.ke position carlrg fo Inval'd a- crip
ple; can a"-t as secretary; moderate salary and
cxpens-s JA 21. Kepublc
OFTI'T: WGRII Situation In office nr aa col
lector: good reference. JA 13. Repub ic.
OFFIC12 ASSISTANT 3ltuat.on by experi
enced voung man as offle- assistant; undr
stande bookkeeping. JA 21. Republic
PORTER Situation by an honest co'ored man
to do potter work. 23.17 Locust,
ItlRTER Situation by per.er In saloon
stcrc. night or day. HJJ 111. Republic,
MALL8MAN Capable eltj or road salesman
d'slre pcltlon. HB 154. Pepubllo.
SALESMAN German pntleman 25 y-ar?,
with university flutatlcn and x.lto buln
experlenw. acf4Ulre1 in Grmany. Krylan.!.
Krarco anl I nlt-d bai-s; i?d l-alesTan end
marajr-r. dirN ti Join manufacturlnf; or
T.ho-5nl coirern l.cre b SB chsnci to woric
YM wy un to j.".! and steady jtitlon; cfXfrs
nh. JA :
rCRETARV OR ri.ERK Toung mac, 25
ycara of ape; tvli e-iucatd and ravirg tal
tb- best experience In n'n'spiP-T. auditing, cer
lcai and Infrtirc -R-ork. desires position a
above, to lei3 about Novnber 1. at a salary
of not Ie than $5) per -week. C. B.. rocm
117 PoiIt Hotel
hlTUATIO.N by cabinetmaker: ran do all
Vlrnls of furniture work. J. is . 37M 3 Tenth.
8ITUATION' wanted br bartender: two ears
-"xnerlence: best references; In or out of cltr.
HB 1-4. Republic.
STENOGRAPHER Position by ma eteno
raphcr; eprience. 1603 Arlington.
STUKOGR.-.3'IlKR Pcsit'cn as stnosrapher;
n-ale. sd n; thtre ar exDerienc; oo-i
Mccation; permanent. IIB 74. Republic.
WATCHMAN-SituaGn o. natchraaxt or any
responsible TkOitIon: foiicx and lndu'trious; ago
45 years. IIB ji. RtpuMlc
"tt'ORK Hotel Clerk cf largt- p;rlence wo-ild
Ilk position; beat tf rererencef IIB 3. Re
public. YOUNG man apt to learn desires to learn
cooMtg. HB IK, Republic.
TOtlXG man wants steady work; have bad
experience as machlnljfs helper. HB 76. Re
pubhe. YOUNG man ilejlre- Trork In offlce; experi-enc-i;
understands bookkeeplnir; day or night
Trork. JA Z2, Republic
YOUNG married coup'e would llXe to take
care of roomlne-boue or hoter; will leave
town. SO 1M, Republic.
birdIng-hous. DK N.
51i5 Maple
fi- general houjewor'c.
1 tnhf ngton
-Small family; ;ood waes. 4X1
riOI'alXSIUL iJirl to asjlst with houework.
IK1U?IMII:l In srrall famllj.
1M1 Hlcktrj
HOI ir.GIItl
S17 2)ads .lie.
-A jrlrl for general r-oii'ew c.rk
Halllday ae
Klrl for houtework 3J03
S N. Tenth
for Beneral hoJev crk
MJ3 N Twentletn.
for general housework
JIOUEGHtr. Gcrmat clrl for smer.il hoa.
work fiiro nJton
HOCSUGnil-Girl to do genera! housewo'k.
2U01 Cirr, up"tlira
iroi;si.Gii:i, oiri
H K'ilntli m.
for general housework
HOU-I?ilKI !rl to
h&yHWOIk 41 Uelmar.
ail t with general
HOU.-L.GH:!. c'rl for gemral hou.wor!t.
alo lurs- Ttc 1 -inn-j
llOU-KGIISL G'rl for gereral housework
IVlm.ir HIS ,il3 Morgrn
HUCSKuinL C'rl lo do general hou-ewo-k:
at ootta. Waililngtcn
HOL.'-KGIItl-GMd colored
roontIni;-li'nice 4'C1 .Morgan
girl to woik In
HOIjliBGIRL Girl for rtneral
tlti per month 3CCS N. Il-oaor-a
HO! iihGIItl Girl to io few hour" work
day S".C0 wk &1 Laclede ale
HOUfcKGIRL Good German clrl to do house
work iio'tain KS2 MI'-hUan aie
HOL'.ifctnmSltuatlon In girl for central
hou-work CH it once 1Z2 Fern
HOUHEGIItL Good Cerman g.rl for hoio
T.orlt In rahery no s Jeff en. m
HOUMHIIRI-uttl" girl to atii-t In genral
hou'ework; gofi.1 homa 2515 Delirar
HOUbEGIP.I-Good colored girl for
work, go home nights 7'H. Lucas.
llOLbLGIIU-MIdde aged German girl for
gem ral housework. 76) l- Broajlway
HOL'fcLOIP.L Good pill for general houe
work. no vanhlng. good pa 5423 Page
HOUM-.GIRI, Clrl for general houseworK.
family of aIults 4E West Belle p'aie
HOC&UGHtL Good Url for housework,
washing, ironimr or cooking C3j! Liclede
HOUIIGHtl-tl.'rl to asit with lnuwork;
emnll f.imll 4 N Jffereon. near Market.
HOI ."tGIItl-GIrl for hojwork: family cf
four grown tiejplo goo.1 waes. J.71 MInrva.
HOUiiKGHtL jlri fo- general bouwcr;
mill faniii: rod wagea J7U Ru" 1 ave
HOLbllfllRL Cood airl to do gen-ral hcuse
work. plain cooking, no wa-hing 4U1 IWmir.
ItOli-CGIRL Olrl for gnral housvo-.E,
small family gso.1 wages ZUfj t. Grand m '.
HOrsnciRL- Girl for g'ne-il 1.ojcko-:
two in fanl'i ynoo wages. 177 Cleie'.ind nve
HOUSEGIP.L Girl to do general houwort
in small family, no wasnlng 4123 McPbers n
HOLSHGIRL Girl for general hojicwork.
best wages Apply immediately 42 Westmin
ster. HOISEGIRI Two girls to ao-ln with
housework; cio who can sw; wages 120 2A13A
HOU.-EGIRL Girl for gnral housework,
amall famll) ; good place for right part 4!&
IIOU.SEGIRL Girl for genenl houswork.
snail family: no children: good wag' 31J
HOUSCGIRI-Good g'rl for general house
work, rn washing cr Ironing; good wages. 1214
Park ai e.
HOI -BWOMAN Wemnn or girl fo- general
rousewoik. go heme eicnlng. g od j 7JI
HOLSEGIRL Competent white girl, acneral
boutework. flat, small larrilv; good wages W24
HOrSEGIRL Neat Grnwn girl for gereral
hou-Torfc in Cat: small faaulj ; threw. 2151
Bus .ell ae
HOLSSCHItL- Girl for general hcu3-wor:;
with cr without washing. c-od warea. 2331
esh.r cton.
HOLSZGIRr,r-Rf-l'ab olcrcJ pirl fo- fun
eral hojrTrork; ro cooking, references re
quired &JC3 Wrnon.
HOVzKGLlt.lr-'Tonz clrl to assist In cneral
boufc-Acrk. 33i FIoriani, on-s block north cf
Brenvn ave. l--twen Twenlj-first and T;ent
recend ts
HOL'.a31RLa Crperiencd whito tirl forpen
eral liousework; three In family, good wvs.
.iD 1'arlc View place. Iwo blocks 0Jth cf La
clde ae
HOCHEGIULS Two coc-d girls, "i- for up
stairs hourewcrk and aasit with childrer. oh--
for dtnlnK-rtoni work; trln reftrsnees -l-lS
cPl.i son.
HOUSElIAir Experienced houttmatd.
Berlin ate.
HOUSEWOMAX A woman to do llsht house,
work. Call C7 MtTltt ate
IIOL'SEIVOMAN-Neat woman to do house
work In moraine 2312 Eugenia.
HOI.SEWOMA settled WLman to assist
with housework; ro cooklnz; tuod wases. 4123
Eelmar ne.
XURSE N'eit colored girl;
fee Falrmount.
brine rfercrces.
NURSEGIHI Girl to caro for two children,
rare 110 "716B Allen me.
NCRSEGIRt-Expcnenied nurscrlrl: Gcrraaa
preferred 5A2.V KensinctoD t
MIRSE Co-npetent nur, at once, with ref
ererces 521 3.'. fcprlnrr ave,
NUR5B An expenerced nurse; references re-qulr-d
Applr 4441 Pine.
NURSE For 3-ytar-oId rtliil. and to asaist
In houiev-oilc. 4) Forest Prlt boulctard.
".UR-'-EGlRI-Experlcnced Kirl to care fcr
child. 5 ) ears old nnd ae- 1st In Ilcht house
work 5212 Morgan.
XURSEGlRLr-Your.z eirl to cara f)r baby
and assist with llsht l.ou.eork: (rood home for
nice clrl 71. N Klni's hlchwaj
Hortense place.
to Uto in hou-e. Applj II
L UNDRESS for tab!" lln-n. wages 7, beard
22.1 Acadrv ave,
Call Kll rranklln ate.
IAUNPRESS White laundress
farrlly 4t7 ahngton
HfXDRESS-Henrietta Hospital,
and Illinois. East Ft Louis
l.UNDKES.S. at oner, for lace certain laun
un. Apply 43-'l 15astcn cv"
Hl'MlSISS wanted: whit, experienced.
Monday and Tuesday 4233 Morgan
meat rooms to'
. rcliaole: to taln care of base
work: email fanul) 2124 Olive.
Oler!. HBd Cftlertur.
iJd). 2225 Olive.
C FIIIER Tming lady assistant .hler. Gold
smith Ftraio. 11! Ol.ve.
oil: fcr drv "Oods store: i-nTrnt toIUoa
to jrood hand, 3116 J-Iastcn
S.I.n:..VDH; at 1D W a-hinson ae,
Knox ft "o c ad IC-f store
SA.LESADY for our fito-e In Eat Ht.
IXtnW; mut be experiercM In -sIHn?
Rj.tf ami ciAts. tady vo.Iti"r. Kuxl
sary; prfr on" IHIns on the iast
&Id. Ga:H. m2 N R-vad-Tay
HOU.SinCEPER by T-Ido-rer -with thre- chll-
crtn. Call after 4 p m . t.QJ .uancneier a"
V.ORKlN(5 hcuskeeper. Rood wacw Call
aft-r 2 o'clork 4C1 Wabingtcn b-iul-yard.
(URLS ri-e cr'i ciperlenced In mMUrr
line. Call at l'I Pcp'ar A V. Wolf, with
Chtrlcs H. Lewis Cas'.et Cy
TE:.'Orin.PHEn Three dollars
ClJ IJtirllniton bid?.
KTErCtKirtArilKH ""ith evperl"nco for whole,
sal" house: state sul-Jr raictcd, IIB US.
STrl.O'JItAI'HKRS Comrete-it yotrp-; ady
steroarauhers; mfa- 545: wholesale, $, news
paccr. tt'. l.clali Hrg . Centurr,
mn.NOartAI'HFR for medleil rulvertlsii
l..slniro who wnnld not object u levvite clll .
nust lie mpl 1 a-d accurat: salary Jl) pr if1:
to start; no c rls need ainilr. Jl i. Itepub Ic
inniiT nntinm
Four n'znts per wek.
ftlUn CUilUULi Prapsbon'-... Practdl
Ttclness CToIIece inrne;
Tenth Hid
Olive. rSookksepirtfr. I'enmanshlp,
Tj-pewrltln; and tne English
Board of Education bias.. Ninth and Locust,
opens fall terra and twenty-fourth jeai Won
caj. j-cpicrcrir &. Cataincue free.
If vou are Interested, vls't our lecture-rooms
and obfien e hov. the work la dole.
W1XU-OK I'1.CB (OPfUMTE 111(111
PCHOOL.1. Day Three months. 3; one month.
SIX Nlsht 15 per moitli: three months. S12.ZQ.
Northeast comer Eeventb and Locust-sts- Fall
term, day and night, now open. Special prices
for a limited time, CalL telephone cr write tor
V -.V-lJll CD FUJlALC,
The Trnrt.
IJIXDi:i:v GIItLfe-Expertenced Uuttl-art
lir s.. 115 fx ufit t-
OiTM i;i:ili) und ht-lperi. a At, walolmak
er anl .iprrentlc-H J7 . i 111.
OJMP 1TOU I-idi Ojmo" Itrtf fair wait1.
alio girl tf Itani prlrtlng 17S4 nj-hlnnuw hv
OIPPi:ns--thci.oMle dlirels: t-eit vases la
eh- PVhh c.imli Co. Vn Maritet.
I'ilNs'-MAKi:!: Iltjerlen.-e.! vat trlmm'jr
and HnlihT. alfo helper1. S.'fC; Pine.
nXJnitirN( Kit 'khtmakers and tailor-made
ci.slem ejat-L '3A Oliie st.
I'll:ST-a--S wals' and rklrt maker. !7il
lld&r pj.ire
GIItL-. iarer bot factor?.
10? Pine
GIUI-S to aew butuni on ledlea' rnments
JT II Livwenstctn & Co. 617 N Klghth.
MACHINH hand1 on ccate: ?teid emploj
rrent Newman Jt Illehle. f.07 Pine it
OPHHATOitH on power rrachlne-; craih:
eving. eapt-r.enced on tente and wagon cover-
preferr-d: good lai SIO-TIC Km
PltEsh FI7IJDER-Finn-i
Job pres'feeder at SCH
KHIP.TM KFIl-. -end
girl' to lnrr.
I' A Cfi'ej
MIOKrlTTERS Vamper- folders, top ulte!,
rr tabie girl. FO-k-liner, trcra .ind glris to
learn r.iertinan Brcs Shoe Co 3417 L lt
MIOj;maKI.U to work on jaclc Nw Ycrc
S!io- Rep Co 21' N Hrcadia
hllui UAMIRs- Shoo stitcher
Paillion. World's I-air. tnofln.t rla
cne lamper one Uningmakr and
girl AnpK between r, ard 8 r m
Ciroorr-n 470". Wrnon aie
stitel pr
on table
to B. W
hKIRTMAKKK.S Kxpcriencod eklrt and walt
rraker. and helpers Apl at 4JI9 Deimr
KiisTiiAi'Ens rinr expnencd skitt-
makcrs, high speed machines, steady work;
hlyhet p-ices lrogree Mfg Co 71. Lucas
TAnJItnS Co.l all-iround talloreai and I
'so arrentlee in i.torp i3 rark
TILoHI-ns an.l h!pers to work on cus
tom roan steady w-k. good wage- (jaOI'ie
WAIPT HANI)-Eiperienced wa!3t hind at
614 Ij ust st.. nftli floor
2C07 N B-oadwaj.
Two dlnlng-rc-ara
W A ITRCSS-Experleaced
sr, Ollio
wa!tres at once.
N s.cimh ctt
1W .".' Ninth r'
WAITRK-" Arm work, U SI week Flig 11
taurant 410 M-.ik.t
AVArntCS ar.' gl-1 dlshiaehT wanted. Ap
plv 1"X9 Wasnlntrn
WAITRESS Ex;jrlence.l rm waltr! Port
lard Ilestaur.-iu i-I7 Ma-ket
For reslauiant 27;
come rtad) f.r wrk
waitress tood
j107 Locust
Y lrjtEs-nxp"-ier-.I walt-es d.n't ap
ply if you do-.'t want v orir. 2y) Olive,
WlTJ:n-S ! nfrs-room rfrt. rcoU stcatl
rlac. I tMl co-iditnn; 13 R-ondu a
WAITRE. Iipe-itncM chori-onler Haitrc'-a.
coed placo ind pa. VStt hou-a v-or'v till
1'i.ion V
WAITRCTS. mit lia experlenc no otner
rd a; j I .teady emjlcym-ni vajjes S-i pr
r--r!t Ttid'jt Restaurant C2IT Oiivc.
VAITrtrFi;s fix wnitrfrs at once for th
cltj JiS i" CO rtx-n ami lmrd rI--Jtp'"irlns
U o-IJ 9 1 alr Conce-",Ion, t!6 Piae, cond floor
AlTRESi-KS Knur eTpepc''d T.aitr;va
for lunchroom Intramural Station .No I or
17 World's Fair, or 1223 Tempi's p.ac 3'ae
VAITRnSE1- Twenlj-llve waltrts'es for
vniL. In ite cit and World's ral. 15 to I
Tiek. call to daj. V ond"3 Fair Cntesslora
rles. 6IC PIre record fionr.
In p-ivate family: good wages. 33
COOK S3) per month.
Apply earlr. nw-3)3
69-13 Cates
good cok: refereice rquire-"
CCOX Good cook.
with references 4Hc Mc-
COOK White woman.
Ii2 OlUe Si
New Gea Restaurant
OvOK (li od coo)., room, board, IS per week
Apply 711 X GrrlfO-i-
COOK ( ook and housgirl;
v.aRe 523. Delnur ae
at once, good
COOK .Second co-jl: ard girl for dlninff-roo-n.
Call at once, "512 Morgan il
COOK, washing and iro-ilng. small family,
good wages 4.)6l Washington
tOOK A -rood co&I.. small famllj. excell-nt
we Kef, 43C5 Unilell boulcard
wages. ;
f4 Westminster place.
CUOK Iidy to tnr-e charge of restaurant
once John's HotI Co . lot Pin-
cook Vn Westminster.
COOK Good cook.
worK Grand ae c;
gwd waes ro other
- south 2!.3 Find
COOK and housemaid, private fatnily.
before 1 o'clock to-day 212S Washington
COOK ''ompetcnt- private boa-ding houe. 520
per month, no washing ISU Kennetr place
KI1T-CI.ASS cook and dining-room girl,
private residence Applv 5Cnl UrdelL
UrrasRicUerai untl Iscnumtreasea.
BASTKR4 Five baster on fire custom coats.
J TA. Iise P. T. Co S-SOa N Mxtir
MACHINE OPERATORtr-At once, fifteen fz
r'ricnced machine operators to hw on ladles
gariMfnts. steady work. M B. Lo-wensteln, 617
X E'ghth
-Firrt-clae seamstress
SEAMSTRESS to do plain enlng.
N Kincsblthwiv
WAlTiMKER Experieneed wa't and skirt
maker alj clcfveraaker Rojiu 332. 1023 N
. ANY nnfo-tun-to gi-1 wishing a country
'home anl fr'end snd personal description
tint nndav's ad)res,s to JA S. RrubIIc.
Scl -C.l)elnarave.
Traitrsrses. Visitors'
VHAMCnRMAIU-Chamberrrald ami dleh
tsher Ho'el Lement. 14-2 N Broadway
CHOCOLATE dipper to wo-k thrte hours at
n'gfct 232 Oll.e
GILL for restau-ant, 2)13
o:M2:g-ROOM GIRLS-New Cent Restau
rant. HE Oiiie.
Apply 5202 Hapten arc
DIMNG-ItOOM UUSLS Two good dlnlni?
room gir.s 2w2-) Lafavette
DINING-IICOM OIKL Nat dlnlns-room clrl.
Chief Hotel. 41H Wistminster plate; Krnloch
phoie S51? IJelrcir.
m N Tvcntr-third
DlijIlWASHCri. jrood warjes. io- HortKl
plaee. co-rer of Hcdfamont.
DlHVA-HFJt Call at Intramural Station
No 1 or 17 Wotla's Fair. Mr. Ci G. Rnmbotls.
D;SHVAfcHi;iMs;p.!r emplojnent. warn
17 per week. Srf! chef. Land's Itestaurant, 25
OlUe A,
DISHWASHnRs-Two nood girls fo- wasl-lcg
dishes and kitchen vorti: wages J2J. Hotel Ma-Je-tlj.
f-g N Klrgn ylgb---av.
GIRL to help tn sTbre.Sl a. Erosd-
GIRLS to fold cartons
street Apply 310 S. Third
GIRL to pack spic.
Olive, room 7r
Apply to workshop. S13
G1RI for
Arrlj IS N.
l.aj factory.
Gllilj for kitchen work In restaurant; $5 and
-com 4S5st Delr-ar.
GIRL-Neat. bright
man. 731 t- Charles
girL Roberts. & Heine-
G1R1. 14 jears old or over.
third floor. 414 N. Hroadwav.
Ladles' Art C.t ,
GIRLS over U to wcrk in pap-r bcx factory:
good warej. ts . Commercisl.
GIRL to leatn feedliu; stltchlmr machine.
Rachart Hro , i.-.jg jjcust. st
GIRL In small lunchroom to help cook- Gr
nan cr siwe,iifh 447S Finqy-nv
4JIRI ioun? glrN for riblicrlnp m muslin
underwear factory. 713 Wa3hin21.cn ave.
G1RLH to work In pacl ing d-partmnt; stdii-7
emplon-ent. Apply at one, ste S. f.entb.
GIRL vho writes a nice hand. Herkowltx,
b'ock r. Agriculture building, l'alr grcujds.
tHRLS to put up ard Istl mPll tiackagee;
steady work- g'wi pay. Apply 711 N. Econd.
GIRLS Two girLs to learn to wilt on tables;
II week. Mercantile Restaurant, 121C Washing
ton. GIRLS Young girls for H5M. clean factory
work In a wsii-v entllated factory; rtood pay.
S10-316 Em.
GIRLS t-v eral good girls, about rears old.
for light factory work; wages $1 per week.
Apply 1017 Crouteau.
GIRLS Over 14 var rid: 1'ght fac"ory wcrk;
rood wag. R E. Fuasten Dried Fruit and
Nat Co. foot Olive at.
GIRLS to pick nute; man be over 14 years
eld; llsht work: -sperlenced glrlj make 15 ta
18 p;r week. Apply 511 N. SconJ st.
GIRLS f-r llsht and clean work: best wages
pcld: steady emp'oyment. Applv U. S. Incan
cecent Lamp Co.. Jetfersori and Waln'jt,
JANITRFSS White- Janl'rew: cme rea.l for
work. Prcte-tant Ho-pltal. Ml N. Elsiteenth.
KITCHEN GIRI-nxr,enenced kitchen
t wages I1?, ho-vrd. IW Academy.
LADIES, stca.lv heme work; transferring;
to J15eeklv. 7-3 Olive, room 411.
IATJIES Imniedlatciy. fifteen ladles at home
etampins transfersr steady or cvenlnjrs; $ to
J15 weekly; experience unnxcsFarT. Room 9
Holland bulldlnc Secnth. near OI.
SCRUBWOMEIS Thre Trumei) to rub and
wash dishes; fi wetlc 1215 "Waablnzton.
Ill-l-y UANfr.U KKIIAI-E.
LIr lAmer.ranj of mldll'1 ap1 vanted at
noderate jm eperlnr- m b- ill-pen-eil
with hut mut - li-ifeed of huln'"I3 tact
all J lo i: W V Hen.l-rsou, :i Chestnut ht..
room 41b.
L Dirij inunt-JlatIv tlfteen -l home
tirai'n- pttteri . iuls or cn!rir- jn Sll
w-t-kii . er-n-ite ur'-Erv Holland build
'is !-. lenlll -t -.-ir Ollie ro.-m 4"r'
'i'hiiiia' ft
Woman to wash "740
UA.NTL.U-Lidi.-s to learn halrdrefslnc. man
lcurin-. facial ruissa;: or electrolysis (remoilng
ruptriluoj ra!i. fu weeks completes, can
nc-arl) t1rn ex-ne If.',-.. flnWiIne. 112 to 50
ftcHiii laid j.raduaies diplomas granted, call
jr uriti .j-.li. Mo'er College. 1110 Pin it-.
ft Ijul "Mo
UOMrtN to rnernl houi-.work. I1 '
v a3
woman cr girl to work In restaurant Apply
u&i. lastDn
WOMAN to wrub urd hHp. Old Kentucky
RMtaurant 4-9 franklin ave
WOMAN with ohiid oier 5 i-ar, to work In
not-l Park Hctri !i1Ht t luia.
"lOUVG girl to mind cVUr-n during th
dm A pin -7ISA N I!r. artwa
rocrd :
G Air! clean, n rad emplomnt. Ula
jper Bag Co Mln and fpdar
IT USIIIM.H) iMvi:nm
Club . N Jlun lv a c'rl for udfchln
ehmawaie tv o iaunJn girbi to do plain laun
ori , do not anwer thrn ad ii-Ims wint work.
iiiili" iiAiTni)-hah:.
CIrrL. Hnil Cullectors.
r0 re.lilng el.-k IS)
Istant. s:
; III! clerk.
919 Oll-e
an.'ei enter
:rocery clrk 1L33 N.
CLHItK Fxrerienced grocen clerk, good
vp 1101 ft Louis
Oroee- rierk
rD'RKS nnd ossl-tant bookkeepr. yotmg
a j. in to ; l.lBh Uro- ( T.tnry bldx
f OLLEfTOIL. Jt1 collriirranl -alesmen. S75;
fo- clt, po'ltlori gi-araM 1 Acm. K7J Mar
ket. riOLI.ECTGrf. 31! real rate. t2). cashier and
offico man. 123 American Busji-ss Bureau. Sis
DRI G clerk.
C V Eckrt. Penlletcn zsil
URCG CLT111K On- or two cars'
(.nee App'y RC-J Cas-i p
IUF'' r.UK Esneritnr-'d our ma.n. no
cullept- oriilCKe3 all altfrnocn or erenlne,
n 1 OII e t
HOTUL, cl-rk J'-j boaird anl room. storTDom
clrk KrO A"ierl?an 513 Olive.
HOTIil. str ot'in r'Tfr. Jv raont'-j nd
Njard also 1 rtel porter Sla Lijcuat.
MANAGER vhln.iiar depsrtment wholesale
boue Jl. shlpnlnr clerJ- l"0 jmerlca.i. J.1S
OF! HE ni!ant (rounar man D"frreI):
tarzo manufaciurlnz corrsany. $, montn 513
PRIVATE "r.tnr to traiel. ST5
renins American Jhi-tlnM-, Rtir-au, 51
and ei
Olire .aAI-EflAtEK for ra Ircd. no employment
nypnev xp'-r!- c unnec-isarj: all or ad-dr-s-
Van Nov yr, ('j 216 S ElgLtMrntn
STOCK M3RiC Exp rienced clcUc or cloth
i"ff ftoclt crk PintTr-r Pro. XJnth and L.jca-
TIMEKEEPER 5ST Iiw rl-rk JS". railroad
arA cxutf-ii cfiK" cl-rk Jfi3 American. ?I3
jOi JZ1 man 10 .-ist in railroad otlc. J45
mjth 10 "tart S.8 Ihu-
I.vnORERS at Scuthera V.Tilte Lad TVori-s.
Mali ard Lontard.
I, VBOIMir.S rply Anncan Car and Foun
dry Co M, li'cr III
Apoli 2 De Kalb eL
HHOP.EIlF-:i 75 day. JIatern- Mfg.
BIrhteenth -ind G-atiot sts
TFAMSTEKS at I'estaloizl and Gravols.
One hardred laborers fcr genulr e'eht-bour
TIrited t-tates Goermitnt wcr. near Memphl.
Tern . also 5"vt laborer. teamtars, station mtn,
bridge carpenters and pile-driver rr.e: fcr rew
ralltonds in -kansas Mlslssltpl. Kentucky,
Indian Territorv and Missouri fre pass
Twenty farm hands gardeners. mllK&r. etc
WimtocI rnent) (luarrjnien and
Korty Iriliorerfi.
St Iuls Btcn Co-. Tailing Springs. HI,,
tak- S'dney st ferrj from St Iouk!. office 40
Missouri ave . East Ft, Lou!
SCenoirrnp tiers.
STENOGRAI'nERS-Rallroad. VZ. J53. mfg.
S5rt otner aca"Ce Leigh Bros . Century bldg
PTENOGR-VPHER who don't obJct to leav
ing1 cltv. salary J12 per neec to start for proper
man. must be rapid and accurate. JA 46, Re
public. STENOGRAPHER rirst-class malt stenog
rapher on who ocerates Oliver typewriter;
mut bo able to rad bis nots accurately. Ap
plv Cummlns's wild West. World's Fair
UOT to work 11 drag store 2313 Manch-etr
Neat errand boj. Room 13, 622 Locust
BOYS Two cood delivery boys
rev ave
Call 4230 Fln-
HOr about 16 for dry a-cods store.
Ion ave
BOY A god boj
Republlc II to 17 Tears old. JA 12.
BOY to worK In s,-ocery.
2)1 Morgan. 1
BOYS -trocg boy)
st upstairs
In factory. 113 S. Ninth
EOTS 14 to
N Fifteenth
15 yf.n
s old lf
xs old, W to weelt k:o
1M3V 15 s ears old or mat market. 2204 S
Jefferson ave.
J17 Cliouteaii ',
I'OT-Fourteen seiii old. Uenrel B"x Oj..
r oV'1" and lrx renc
ri'iT-a rxl
Tel-stsoh r.
kpplr Klsaourl Dtstrl-t
411 Pin.
HOIS 14 jear oidj
Phoenix Planing- Mill
Co. I've tin ana c-nr
HOT? tn e!i rjarro?
CaU-. apply b-tween
II ar.d 1. ::? rrlsco
HOV ilsv aont IE rears, fcr horseshoeing
shen n F aiann 347 Xaslon.
EOV to won.
room and boir.1
In fctore anl deliver orders:
2rf Easton ae.
DOV 15 veare cM tor ofre wcrk. enterprise
Ciearlpjr Co . Tert?i ar.d Iy-ust
DOT-Ilricht colored boy for resuuract.
IjOUleJa-ia. Sevr.tW ami ?t Cn.-.r!es
Thirteenth and Chetn.it.
1'OTF a?ed 14 or 15 year, to deliver racfe
nses call at .lie Model, Seventh and ..asb
lnsttcn HOY. with e-tpe rlenee In art department. Ad
dress, statins afro and experience. HB ITS. Hs
pcblic POTS Meat b
Coluirhla Box Co ,
ket sts
14 vear old: 14 per wee
Nineteenth and North llar-
LOTt 14 vears of age: steady employment,
fcmlth i Davis Mfg. CO., Twentieth and I
CUt s-
HOY" A strong, bright boy for general stcrc
-vork Apply Lewis Voight Wall rarer Co-,
Sll Pine.
BOYS to work In can fsetory: must be 14
-.ea-s of ase. Brecht ltutcher Sjpply Co.. I!0
COY Ilrl?ht boy for offlc" tcr- age 14
J to 15 j ear Acares. m cwn nanawnu. j.v
54. IteFUDUC.
HOY who undertards the buslners. Urdell
Pllllrd and Pool Hall, northeast comer Llndell
ard Treresa
HOYS Bright boys. 15 yearn old.
night, good wage-. Apply after 7 p.
Pine, second Boor
:o wok
rn., 711
BOY Ore handy toy of 17 or 1? years fcr drill
and puncn press in machine shop. St. LnJs
M T A 513 Crem'cal building
TtOYS n-iffht. intelligent bos about 13 years
oil. for wholesale henf arply In own hand
writlnc state nee. IIB fis. Renublic
p.u?;di.e boys
Werner Bros . Republic bulldlcg.
for Allen's Lnnchrcom.
New Gem R-stagrSnt. I4T. Olive.
BI'SBOY. no experience required; steady m
p'oment. cood wages. Land! Restaurant,
rr. O'ive
IinuSEPOY White hous-boy;
famllr. iS4I Pire.
mall p-lvate
217 N. Elehth
OFTICF1 boy by who'e-ale house; must
write fair hand: good at ngures; ahont 17
years; stat reference; salary to start w per
month, sv." ISi itepubllc
CPUfll ID?UID CDCC !"" t month, DAY or
iltlULAnonlr rncc night, can or wnt
for particulars, anl catalog. Droughon's Prac
tical Bus Coll . cor. ICth and Olive.
C4.SII Imyx nnd bundle boys;
mnt be 14 years old.
RuUfnm Shorthand CollCff. Vanol bullies;
K0 OlUe St. Special buiricFs coure In taort-
hand. typewTitlniT. bookktcpinff, rapid calcula
tion and penmansnip.
Tlie Trades,
Nonunicn locomotive machlnlsta and boller
makcrs; no fees charged. Apply room 3, 113 N.
Sixth st.
BARBKR-For Wednesday eientag. J,"1"
aftem-on and Sunday: good waga. 1-ift ia-
H W:ilE!tS-Twi fl.-it-class barbrs at one-.
-34 OIUp
m I.uccs
IIAHBBRS Two barter: fart wcrk-n'n.
Market fct
clede si
f yr Saturday and r-unlay. 7roo La-
1724 Market
RAIt'leS: for Saturday and Sunday. iS"i N.
I1ftenth st.
I! IICUR!: for Saturday and Kenday; J4.M.
123 b Kroailia
BARBER I nion barter; K for Saturday and
fundus IK St George st
bargain 1?)
shop good stand; good trad, bis
: I'ranklln aie ,
B 111BEU-'aturrav nnd .-uivlay.
and room 4131 Callfrrnou
Goo.1 wage
1j27 En-mett
II ARBER Good man Saturday and Sunday;-
J., guaranteed. 192S Ma-Ket
HARilEIt Grd stes.Ir tarber.
ftni.d 217 N Twenty-first.
wags guar-
BARBHR Uart-r with two yearr" experlenc.
Euclid and Suburban irae'es
BARBEIc for fatu-diy and Sunday. Si elar
antre h N. Yacd"vent.-r
Gfod barber.
10G N Sarah
Kt Jams Hotel.
It Walnut.
BARHKR for Saturday and Sunday
for steed). CI3 Franklin ave
BARBER Good barber for Saturday and
Surday: 15 2s;7 S. Hrcadvay.
BARBER A good barber: steady work; Jlx
guaranteed, at SIP N Sixth si.
B ARBCR for Saturday and Sunday: 14 V
iaranltt A-vnlv 21S S Fourth
guaranteed Apply 215 S. Tourth
BARBER with license.
German preferred "i
good guarantee;
B RBER Barber for Saturday and Sunday;
yourg man preferre 1 3S02 Eastoi.
E-VRBER Gc-vl birbr $13 puarant-e. Call
at onre hri Fitch. 31 Park a.f
BARBER A hrst-clasa colored barber, at
once, pood wan?s. 2531 Mucus are.
BARHER Goo. birb-r; Puturday and Sun
day. J.1 pmaranteed ei" tj Er&adway
BARBER caturda and Mmd. j; Guaran
teed. b) per cent 525 h Icurtentli
IJAKIJUt fo- s-aturtfatf and hjnday. 56 guar
anteed ht- LjuJs and Newstead aies
BARBER Flrs'-class barber for batufdayand
Sjndiy. $6 guarantped 4W7 Florissant.
BiRBEI! Firrt-class; Saturday and Sunday;
K: steady if sultab'e. J. L. Lalumondler. Clay
ton BAP.CER Good barter. Saturday and "tin
day, union man preferred, steady 2207 Mor
gan IHRDER Good barber for Saturday a-ul Sun
da: 15 guaranteed, steady if suitable UK S.
BARBER Good fast barb-r for Saturday and
S mday Call at V'Si ilancbester a e . ilapl
wtd. "Meurv "
HARDEE :ood barber for steady work; ualcn
shop and pi . cam ready to worl:. Caudle,
531 Yre-ic. n. fist Ft. Iy.uls
BsRBER '.VIII pay tarter liberally fcr few
da3' expert lnsri.ctlcn In hair cJttlnff and
srop practice, no coIlK ned apply. JA 33,
DJ' IITEXDEI1-At onre;
Teee je tlicutau
must have rfer-
BLAf K-sMITU- Gcoi
blaclrsinlth- Call :r7
Co . 213 Morgan,
at once. Missouri Express
HRASaUORKERS Two first-class brass pol
ishers fet. L,,ul M. T. A,. 31S Ctemlcal bldg
BRICKLAYERS, union; out of town, free
pa.; top wage. Apply l) Pine, upstairs.
BL'MIELMAN Art Tallorlr.;:
Co.. 4451 Eas-
BL'fc'HELMAN wanted at ence.
Apply at SW
121S Pine
:M S. Broadway.
BUfcHELMEN t once, two rood bueheknen;
gnsl wages 2211 Market st.
lor. Must be first clas
BUTCHCR Good butcher and aausagemaker.
Call 420 F.niey ave.
CAR carpenter far Western railroad: piece
work system: no strike; fre transportation and
no g- charged Apply room 2. 113 N. gixth-
CARI'ENTER who can do all kinds of lob
work. JA 42. Republic
CARPENTER to take part of shop; trade
established. 2324 Washington.
CARPENTERS and pile drivers: top wages;
South; free- pas. 820 Pine, upstairs.
CAR tarpenters and car repairers. Apply foot
of Utah et.
lean. Car and Foandrr Co . Madison. 111.
2124 Chestnut
COATMs-KER First-class coat and
maker. H A Funk. 232 Century bldg.
COATMAKERS wanted by Frark D. Thcmp
son. 203 CCrnmerclal building. FLvth and Olive
antees all positions cr raoner refunded. Afply
fW Pine, upstair!
-Peneston Printing Co, 1316
COOK Man cook
In restaurant.
COOK Second cook; also pantry boy.
Two ceoks.
CIS yiorgin.
G-sl second ccok at once.
COOK Good chile and spachettl cook; all win
ter's iob all aftr - p m., -rpstalrs, Taan
hansex Cafe. Ill N Slath t-
COOK Flrst-clasa head cook at National
St--cH Tards Kxihange Utstaurant; mttst b
capable and have good references ; no suppers or
Sunday work; this is a good plac for the risbt
man. Apply National Hctel. Nation' Stock
Yard. Cast St- I5Uls.
CUTTER Flrst-dass cutter en ladles' eastern
SUltS. 1S)S Olive rt.
EXPERIENCFD bcx nailer. Pho-nix Plan
Init Mill Co. Twelfth and Spruce.
EXPEHIBNCBD bcx cutter and ripper. Phoe
nix I anlra- Mill Co. Twelfth and fruce.
FEEDER for cb presses. J. W. Steele St
Co. U N. Third.
HORSESHOEE First-class horsehc-r. ADPly
Camrnlns's Wild We-t, lr"a!r crotreds.
JOH COMI-OSITOR Gd Job compositor.
Hutchart riru.. la Lt-cut st.
1IE4T CUTTER Good rreat cuttst at ene-.
555 Eas'on
MET CUTTER nxperlsnced m-at cntter.
Aptly at ITU rranklln.
MEVT CCTTER-FIrt-cla3 meat cutter;
also one solicitor. oWS Maple.
MEAT CUTTER-Competent meat cutter:
cobe- ard Industrloa man. Apply with refer
ence 140 S Broadway. .
5aturday. fs) pairs union-made shoe.
J3 W for S1.35. 917 Locust.
MEN and roy to I-am plambmc trade. Coyna
Bros C-i-'s Schocl of Practical Plurabln;. 4373
i75 Eispn are Sen.I for crttalorue.
PAPER RULER S'eady empleyment; state
vaces expected. Address H. C Baster. Supt-,
Atch.ron. Kas.
PLATER nrt-crais plater. W llllams & Sey
fcrth Platirc Co . Memphis. Tenn.
riXMBERS Nonunion plumbers: steady
worrf goo2 pay Coyne Bros . 4373 F.-i'toa.
PRESER-Good pressor nt once. 3SI Frank
lin ave.
PRESFEEDER B-oss-Bauer Printing Co ,
no N. Thirteenth.
PREsSERS Clothing pressets.
Republic building.
Werner Brcs ,
3e3 N. Taylor, first, floor.
PRESS FEEDBIl Flrst-clars press fder on
Gordon presses. Purina Mills, Eighth ard
SADDLE hands on Er.ellh and horn saddle.
The P Harden S. H. Co.
-HOEMAKER rirst-class rran only.
:i5 N Tenth.
SIIOEMAKERS-Stltcn separators, tack st-te-j.
shank Inkers, cem-rte-s: boys to feed
beelr: bej" In Ixstlng-room; boys In finlsh-lug-room:
Iwys- in sole-leather room and boys
to learn Fri'dman Brc. bo 0. 3417 Locust.
sOLDniJERS Missouri Can Co , Branch an 1
Blackstone. 21 Washington cr 1JS3
TAILOR Flr-t-ela.'s vestmakr.
TAILOR at ence; steady work; good pay.
Apply at once. 43C OUvo st.
TAILOR-Gocd tailors, at enc-; steady work
and good pay. 43io Olive st.
TAILOR Lad'es" tailor and girls to work;
steady. 4311 Y'est Finney ave.
TAILORS Seven all-around tai'crs; must be
willing to work on ladles' coats. 3333 Olive.
TAILOR-? Experienced tatlcrs on ladles
cent-- alo helpers. VT. A. Grry. ladles tailor
CKt Cot.
TINN12RS Tvo tinners for furnacs and out
side Trork. 23H Eastoi ar.
Good tinner.
I. A. STEAMFITTERS ard helpers.
Feccnd st,
ETMAKER at once,
Cooper, ZK IenoIst
man. 1:0 South
WOOD turner: also ene machine hand.
Innulrc at C. J. Miller Planing Mill. 313 Col
llnrrllle ave. East St. Louts. HI.
TOUNG man with some experience In Job
prlntins. Diamond Paper Box Co.. Main and
A I.IVK man who Is ecevutomed to rttlic
roomers for bouc3. at once: good par- JA 1
ANY jirson tn dlstritate our aamplrs; Jli
Jlr: ateadr. "Errplrc." 4 Wells st - Chicago.
BAGGAGE, mall a.n-1 frclcht handlers: steaiir
wcrk: with adtanccrnent. Acmr. 1S3 -Mril.
BUGGl" ffAsIBR-0l bugjrr wahr anl
harness leaner: cood was. Parker IJvery
t'a. c)rter Groe. 3Io
III GGT H"ASHEK-Gocd btlfrsr wasber aa
harness clanr: sta.Ir Job and good wari.
Parker IJven- Co . Wttwter GrnTes.
BUTLER njprlenceil colored bnUer. wlUt
cltr reference- 4t-t Wmtrnlrster p.ac.
MCHitA? Tonny marrld rran, small fam
ily, as cca"hnan In suburtan borne: no cter
Ticrk JA 11. Republic.
Dli-H AbHKR-lIan.
GranJ and Olive.
Grand Avenue) Hotsl.
DISHU'APHEn. experienced: call early. Mod
em R-staurant. 2C Olive.
DIsHWASHERS M'n dishwashers for Al
len's I.inchrtom. 611 Pine
DIPHTVASHEn An experienced rran dlsh
washe. I) J. gmlth. Vni S. Jegeraoc
DIsIIlVASHEl: JIan dishwasher, at onc
I'nicn Dairr. JefTeron and Washington.
DIFHWASHEItS Two rren to wash dishes: Jt
week. Mercantile Hes'aurart. 1716 Vasnrston.
DOX'T il ss Til s I.O pairs men's hlsh SM'
shcs alTi'st xlven awar, sile commences SAt-irda-
mornln? 1 shoes ji e.; SS shoes, 51.7$.
317 Lo-ust
DIIIVEK to haul macadam o- clndars: mist
be an-ialntd with rl:y; steady work ai: T.a .
Call side door V. Pas
E CKVKUDV come, dollars saved: bankrupt
tf--' of men hlh-arad shoes go on sale Sat
urday, n y snees. II K. shoes, !.. SS
shC-es, JI.T5. &l I-OCUSt.
irtPEKIEM'EI) ycunK man to solicit asd de
liver in a market, references. 611 X. Vanoe
tsnter FARM HAND Experienced German tarn,
hand- EDOd sij and cood board. Apply to
tha Phoenlv: Flock Firm. l!anche:er and
Deirv roads. Take Fuburban car to Klrkwool
ard walk one mile ncrtc.
FLOORiTAN". hostlers and bozry washers aad
general stable hlp. Acmw. 1&22 Market,
roUR vounr; mes for pasenrer train sorvlce:
JU to 13). Acrn. sajft Market.
FOUR hoisting engineers, t-n bridge, anl
depot carpenters, firemen: also flfj-r merer,
for Kentucky: winter--! work; free. rasa. Acm.
1523 Market.
1317 S J'ffsr-cc.
HOTEL Fireman, honsemnn and 'arltor, 22)
to 13 month. Acme. 123 Marltat.
HOCSEMAN In private family: good wages
594 1 Mapl
IF vou want -t-t and win work, ws ran
plat'rou: If we fall it Is our loss. Acme, 1525
JANITOR S55- watchman. $75: truckers,
freight handle-.. 312 to !. American. 113 Olive.
JANITOR White boy as assistant Janitor;
rerefer-rces required. Call te t .4. B, Re
public ofllce.
to work In kitchen. 1531 X. Eraad-
MAN to work in dairy: must be good xnlUsr.
22 Ta'cott.
MAN to give away business cards; esoi at
once 318 Iz-e-ust.
MAN for steady work: US k guaranteti;
must Invct J2i. 105 N Fifteenth.
M N who is known in th country to solicit
poukrv and eggs for commission business, ja
IS P" -.ubllc
MAN for Jcplin: JS1 per menth and expenses:
V required. I D. Abbott 4 Co. 505 Hollaal
Annex build'ng.
MEN for facto-y wcrt; J12 weei; lnstd work:
winter Job. 511 Locust
MEN WANTED Men to see Harris's unions-amp
14 shoes 4J7 N. Sixth st-
MEN For wholesale house: ycang men be
tween 17 and 20 yeara of age: apply In own
handwriting; state age and experience. JA 43.
MEN and beys to s-II goods oa pa-gengT
trains: steady davllght runs: good pay: CO to
325 week. Apply to Mr. Jordan, railroad news
office. JU03 Walnut st,. near Union rjepot-
PACKERS Glass ard china ware packers. Ap
ply 303 N. Flft-enth st,
PORTER tthlte porter: mast ipa!c EnjdUh.
325 Franklin,
PORTER Co'ored saloon
Trade B-ffet- 3)1 Pine st.
porter. Board of
PORTER Young white man as portr for sa
loon. German preferred. 20 Virginia,
PORTER Bank port-r (German preferred):
steady position, good wage; brine reference'.
913 Locust.
PORTER White porter fcr Janitor work by
large machinery hcuse; good rav and perma-T-enr
rilai?e for honest, sober. Industrious and ex
perienced man; state age, experience and refer
ence, j.s. .it. i.efc.jmig.
QUAJtRYlIEN at .Yicies. ten rsliej below
Jefferson Barracks: cood board. Apply Finer.
101 Jlarton.
TEAMSTERS A ..ply at (Tamp Cottage and
Con. SI J. Sulllva-!.
THREE rren as licrers of bookkeeping for
cla? on Monday. Wed-iesdar and Friday evea
lrs. from 7 to 9 o'clock: state training, ejree
rience and rferences. HB 143. RepabHc
THUCKEKS. wagon helpers, mall and ba
gage handlers; geed wagea; steady job. 311 I
cust. TltUMPETKR Flrat-clasa trumpeter Apply
Cumrolce's "A lid West. Pi'.e. TYorlS's Fair
"SY.VNTED Men to learn barber trade: few
weeks completes; special mdi-cernent to distant
applicants; can earn exp-nses before finishing;
gradcates make J12 to $15 weesjy; positions
waltics. Call or write, Moler Barber ColIeEe.
U10 Pine st-
WAREHOUSE men. IIS to H3.M week; frtlgnt.
ware and wholesale houses- Acme. 15a aarket.
Y'OUNO men for factory work: Inside wcrk
all winter. Apply CO Tine, tipa'sirs.
YOUNG mn for shipplnx and naeklnr deoart
ments. Ill to lis. American. 1 Olive-
YOUNG man to travel with drummer.
month, expenser- American. 913 Olive.
TO UNO man for shipping; department whole
sa.e grocery housg; m wefc. 913 Locust.
YOUNG can ta assist In hotel storeroom: J4J
month and bcarl. Apply S3) Pine, apstairs.
YOUNO men; whoIeaIo house. JU week:
good chanco for promotion. Acme. 153 Market.
YOUNG men ta run en passanger trains;
thrcugn daylight runs to New York and Den
ver: 113 wek. SIS Locust.
lOUXG m-n to run on passenger tralsa: experience-
rot recesfary; can mak Jli to JU
week. Ualon News Co.. 9307 Walnut-
Y'OUNG man 13 to M years to learn hard
wars business; also run a delivery wagon:
German If pcs-lHe, JA 3. RepobUe.
YOUNO men. hustlers, to sell the OtScU!
Proenrnme en Fair grounds: good commission
to energetic workers, Applr by letter or la per
son to W. r Programme Co.. Hall cf Ces
grsses. World's Fair grounds.
rrijfyfijxJfSry-''''m' TV"
N. Eighth
WAITKR for night work In restanract.
N- Jeffersoru
WAITER Exr-n-lenc-d
per day. S30 Academy.
morning; waiter; Jl
W MTEIl Whit" waiter: good wages; com
ready- for wonc. 3107 Loccst.
Good arm waiter.
ISuS Market at.
Good arm walten. S3a Market at-
WANTED R-trults for the TJ. B. Marin
Corps: able-bodied, unmarried men. between
31 and 35: good character: must speak. rel
and write English: marines serve at sea cj
men-cf-war In all parts cf the world, en lan-I
in our island possession", and at naval stations
In United Suites spply Recruiting OMce. rest
Ofnc- bldg. Eighth and Olive s-s.. St, Lou's.
Fe.leral hulUinc. Karsas City. Mo.: Ccrby
building St. Joseph. Mo., and 53) Church st-.
Nashville. Tenn.
.iLixri-a. ! -------"" e. ))i
tikmiP .iiils...,'
, .i. ..I MS.IS Sl, Sl s s
vear and exoenses to aood men; work on leads.
310 De Foto bldg- .St. Louis.
SALESMAN Eiperl-nceJ salesman. A. Moil
Grocery Co-
t.IE-5IEX Two good clothlnar alesrrn.
The Fair. ol rrannn isy-
SM.ESMAN Experlencl furnlsnlni
alrman: apply at occ. Mantle
Brcs, T. l
ro Xi ton.
nolt build- J
c t r r-sivt srr Krsn salesmen to ea:
Parser Chemical Co.. room 5)7 Benol
log. 31 N inin.
SALEfeMN-Clty salesman: bright, alert
rran for cod po'itlcn; rcferrc- 4Ii Mermod
Jaccard building.
PALFSMN: r month and commission; per
manent work: advancement when prcflcier;t
Apply S3) nne. upta'rs.
THREE hustlers, with good appearance to
sell magazines at Fair: salary guaranteed. Call
be'oro a. m. Lew Eothwell. Postal News "..
ISls Ollv-.
TRAVELING salesmen on corrmIS3lcn to car
ry three samples cf a man's shoe to retail at
SI 50- state territory and experience, reference,
etc: readv s-tltrs everywhere. The $1.50 She
Fac'ory. Baltimore. Md.
SALESMAN Experienced salesman
for dress goods department. Penny &
AGENTS and high-class promoters. Klondike,
gold "xhlhlt. 54 D, Mines and Mtallurgy bulli
lrg. World's l'alr.
AGENTS tn every county la United States
for the grea'est sel'er of the age Au
drei Burglar lnrof Indow Sprtig; Company.
Howard. Pa-
SOAP agent easily earn to ! dally la
city or country. Introducing; our It box of high
est grade toilet soap, ecr S5C. j, and tn.1
with agents who are doing this: men In country
with crews make C0 dally. Parker Chemical
Co., room 37 Bexolst bldi.. 2 Jf. Xlntit st.
Zs ' p,i.'ii'-SAJ,J rj:

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