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JbJJ?? 'Tyf v1- ----- -; r-"f- iig'-rtr' i-jj 'AvvUvSjTzwri s--" SI $ i THE ST. LOUIS' REPUBLIC: TUESDAY, OCTOBEE 25. 190-."1 14 i ; l& I m llff ''. money WANTED. (mdmtmwww mb t? Km iron, ecivi An first-class deeds oftrnst. secured by St. Louis real e'tate. NICHOLLS-RITTER. 713 Chestnut. Wt ha v Onl-cUu 6-per-cent real eatat loan far Mir. secured by firit deeds or trust, on Improved cJtv property: see us. NICHOLLS-RITTER. 713 Chestnut. MOSEY TO LOAX. On Real Calatc. WMWW On Personal T-roicnr WVWWMMMWFMVMWArMrMMAAMAFV rrXirro.rTAT loan- on anv rood security t G per cent annually. 306 Chemical building. J. D. BONE INVESTMENT CO. wl'l loan you money or Indome your note Telephone Bell. Man 4i3; 232 Hqultablg building. MONET to loan on foniiturr. pianos or other personal property: S per cent annual Interest; do commtaslun chanced. fi09 Chestnut. MINEY ADVANCED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Teamster. Njardlng-bous keepers, without se curlty: esy payments: largest business In to cltlef Tolman. 601 Houser bldg.. 500 Chestnut. INVESTIGATE THIS WHEN YOU WANT MONEY. We make loans on fumltnre WITHOUT' RE MOVAL We make no Inquiries of your f rlenle or employer. We glte you tbe full amount In CASH, not checks. We arrange payments to tilt yW CONVENIENCE and ABILITY. We do not RECORD loans. We RECEIPT 'for every .payment made. We pay off any OTIIKR LOANor a balance on furniture anl orvTi MORE MONEY. We EXTEND payments In case of SICKNESS. We rrake AS LOW rates a the LOWEST. We grant LIBERAL DIS COUNTS for time money Is not used. This 1 on- business In a nutshell SEC 1 3 and b convinced that we aro THE PEOPLE. We make loans In East St. Louis. Tciephpnefor uj .. Mu tte. Tirti'cviTnr.rt TilAV CO.. Sin. It'll. Room MuV TULLERTpN BIJ30. ell Main 4149. SEVENTH AND PINE STS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE OR PIANOS. DO NOT TAIL TO CALL .nd get our rate' before getting loan elscta, here, our statem rives LONGTIME and SM4.I.L PAYMENTS. vlth REBATE when paid before due. to you onlv par for such time a. you nave had loan. We give PASS ROOK, where all payments are wa tered. We do not require esvn.'nts while SICK OR OUT OP WORK: NO PUBLICITY: NO IN- . -i t U1: pipers can be signed at house and you ran set money ram day you apply. We make 1 specialty of Wing off any loan or claim niralns: goods and giv ing more money. If you ranr.ot call. WRITE OR TELEPHONT3 'is and tt !.l 'end snt M explain our ST8TEM. TK'A-VKOND KIN LOCH BClOT RET.L MAIN 3. FTDELTTY BROKERAGE CO.. Room No. 410 Commonwealth Trust building. .Broadway and Olive U Knirance. CI Olive at. ARE TOTJ LOOKING FOR A FniEXD TO LOAX TOU MOXEYf If so call on American Loan . Co. We loan money on furniture, pianos, without removal from your possession, at the lowest and easiest terms. Ton run no risk In placing your loan with us. We will give you a guarantee not to take the goods, as we loan for the Interest onlv. We will let you make terms to suit yourself. Extensions Granted in case of sickness or mis fortune. If paid hofom dm we allow to? discount for unexpired time. Tour loan will be strictly private; no Inquiries of friends or em ployer. AMEItiCAN LOAN CO.. tie Burlington bldr.. , A0 ollr Take elevator to sixth floor. Loans at 5 Per Cent. .WE make LOANS ON FURNTiTJRE. PI ANOS. ETC.. without removal: NO PUBLICI TY; See us before retting- ,ISS; wflt -- m .nn.v' CHEAPER RATES: LONGER TIME: SMALLER PAYMENTS We pay on TORE. off any LOAN or balance on your FURNT RE. Par at your CONVENIENCE. Liberal DISCOUNTS. Call and be convinced Write or telephone Klnloch A t . UNION FINANCE CO JW and 3BJ Oriel building-. Southeast corner Sixth and Locust. Entrance lit N. Sixth: opposite Barfs. DONT PAY BIG INTEREST When you can set MONET from US. on your FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES WAGONS, etc, by PAYING a small COMMISSION for surf liAN: . WEEKLY or MONTHLY pay ments: DISCOUNT. If raid before time EX PIRES. CALL or WRITE us. .3 N. Tenth st, room III Oiark bulldlne. ANDERSON FI NANCB CO. LOANS ON FURNITURE. .Mates and terms unheard ot: Lookl tUM weekly pays a JT5 00 loan. LSI weekly pays a JGO CO loan. fLM weekly pays a 130.00 loan. .: weekly pays a $10.00 loan. Payments rosy be made weekly, srmlmontnlv or monthly. It is to your interest to consult TtsC All business private and above board. See US. CHEMICAL FINANCE CO.. Wl Chemical bldr.. Eighth and Olive sts. EAST ST. LOUIS LOIH CO. Loans made on household roods and all kinds . HHmil mtmertr: easy monthly payments, bids.. S3 Colllnsvilie ave. Room IS McCasland bldr.. C5 Coillnsvilie ave. Phones: Bell East l2Mf Klnloch St. Clair 45s. SECRET SOCIETIES. CjrsslwssjaejssJsas.sai1tsssst, 'KXIGBTS OF PYTHIAS. eASTLE HALL. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. XH. K. of P.. meets every Tuesday even- las. Century building. Ninth and Olive, East i3il. "All members expected: cood time. Vlslt lnar brothers cordially Invited to attend. ' ALEXANDER NICHOLSON. C. G X T. Pempsey. K. of R. X: S. PUTURE GREAT LODGE, NO. 27s. K. OF P. Howard's Hall. Thirtieth and Olive, meets every Wednesday at 8 o'clock. Visitor welcome. R. P. FRITSCHLE. C. C. W. A. Roberts. TC of R. & B. PACIFIC LODGEL NO. KM. K. OF P.. meets evcrv Wednesday evening. Century bulldlnr. Ninth and Olive streets. October St, report.of Grand Lodze represenutlvee. dears. Visitors invited. El N7 ROBINSON, C. C. W. A. Gray. K. of R. fc S. PYTHAGORAS LODGE. NO. 27S. K. OF : meets every Wednesday evenlnr at cast ' P : castla ban. northwest corner Grand -na Easton ave nues, at I o'clock. Work. Esquire rank Wednes day.' September 14. Members expected. Vlsltlns brothers always welcome. E. B. HOLI.EY. a C. E.'Ettlnrer. K. of B, A 8.. XXZ Easton ave nue. Klnloch DEM. WABASH LODGE. NO. 21. K. OF P.. meets every Tuesday evenlnr at castle BUI, eouthwest corner Brcadway and Benton. Oetaber-S. Work In the rank of Xnlcht. Vis itors welcome. O. L. OSBORN. C C M. & Shnlte. K. of R, A S. r.ULEMA LODGE. NO. in. K. OF P.. ' meeu Monday evenlnr. October 24, In hall No. l tenth floor Century bulldlnr. at t o'clock. Election of V. C and Prelate. Also smoker and some thlnrs. Members expected and visitors cordially Invited to attend. nuKK 3. vnrj An e. c. O. M Brooks. K. of R. A S. ItfH. SCOTTISH RITE. ST. LOUIS LODGE) OF PERFECTION, A. A A-:8. R., and St Louis Chapter. Rose toUt, will meet at Scoturh Rite CathedraX v SBtseath and Locust streets, Tuesday, October as, corarnenrlns; at 9 o'clock a. m., for work. JOHN A. LAIRD. V. M., . . ALFRED H. WHITEl W. M. 'Jena K. Parson. Secretary. IKDatPENTJEJIT ORDER OF F0RK8T ' ERS. GOURT COTE BRTLLIANTE. INDEPEND nt Order of Foresters, meeu on the see oad and fourth Thursdays of each month at efeloek at Bowman Had, northeast come? of KfSSy Wd? ,UttU- VU1Un S F. 3C HdtERMIX. rsf.e w.-. 'ii ini- ,w - Residence, No. 12MA Soulardstreet. W. O,. Wright, Recordlnr SecretarV " ni ..Wright. Recording No. 4til Kennerly av Secretarr. denes. Real. avenue. SnSCELLANEOCS. klKLSON liODOEi Na. 432. SONS OF ST. ta ueerre. meet evei7 secona ana rourth Tuesday, m hall, SIS Burlington building, (u OUT street. Members requested to attend rsg ularly. visitors always welcome. .., . . " BOWERS. W. P. .George Hill. Secretary. JimiOat ORDER OKITED AI1ERICAK MECHANICS. iJiAIVIiriir .m.. .. lb'LTU1g.S I "TON COUNCIL,, NO. a. JR O. TJ. A. M., a meet 'every Monday evening at Junior O. IT.' A. M. Hall. No. tm South Seventh street. Visitors are welcome. ' , U A. WEKMANTEL. C. .R.. BolL'Becretary. zaOS Gasconade street. At ePHERSON COUNCIL. NO. 4. JR., O. U. J"l A. M.. meeu 'every Tuesday, southwest comer Ninth and Arsenal streets. Visiting brethren , fraternally Invited. - Vnt. -J. GREENWOOD. SR.. Councilor. - Thoe.,!!. Greenwood. Secretary. i ' ' KNIGHTS OF COLTJatBUS. VVVVsynisvtisnri' iiinririijvviarvi.rbAAj KS2CBICK COUNCIL. NO. 4SS, KNIGHTS of Columbus, meets every second and fourth .Wednesday at. Rose Hill Hall. No. E90T Made avenue. Visiting knights tuways wel oeme. JOHN PAUL CHEW; Grand Knight. 4 Walter T Cunningham, Recorder. .ffARQUETTE COUNCIL. NO. aw I? 1 Knights of Columbus, meets every eeo 'al and fourth Tuesday In the west ball. Cen tury building. Ninth and Olive streets. Vlslt-tatr-knlrhts cordially invited' RANIi a CUNNINGHAM. Grand Knight, T. P. Leonard. Recorder. KNIGHTS OF HONOR. ?w j lY1lriiV',"""",iinnnri n XS&S. llOTOT OLTVX LODGE.NO. Mt, K. OF E5fi J iC meets every Tuesday at northwest PSfi-coroer Twenty second and Franklin avenue. 1-- jkii.irfiteiita of Honor are moat conltsiiv in. I "-.r- ?. .w-;!- T " . .. e-Z&r Tiled co eui our meeunga. -?"- ".Jsjsee K. BslL tlM Cass. ave. 'gwM &sb-Unm- r. slBtVn .TVWTItfnTT. rTCftTtT nT''r :?F.Arcau. Heu -3-3U Holland Bui 14 in r t -a certlal wkn to viiltnn. friendi.-brethrea j 'TpLl skit isnilie Pussss sstsSpftel.w . n-rsr-txxzvzvrr K"T". k VT- . . I r- g, Bh. MJ7vnilt.Tr. if, n el2Lr " 1 Z:r 1. .. 1.3i .Ir.k,- 32. 3TIS!- .V3 I v2ULjl r, SECRET SOCIETIES. AJkCIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS. CLIFTONl HEIGHTS LODGE. NO. EM. A. F. A A. M.. v.111 hold a regular commu nication this evenlcc at J:SJ o'clock, ork. Members requested to attend. Visitors frater nally welcomed. CIIAS. STEVENSON. W. M. W. H. Haler. Secretary. EORGE WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 3. A- A. iL. win hold stated com M A. r. munication Tuesday. October 22. 7:30 p. m.. at Masonic Temple. Grand and Kinney avenues. Work In Entered Apprentice degree. Visitors aro cordially Imlted to meet tilth us. GEO. W. JAMES. W. M. Wm. L. Rex-nolds Jr.. fiecretarv. MISSOURI LODGE. NO 1. A. F. 4 A. M. Called communlcatlun on Wednesday, October 26. at 7 p. ra.. Corinthian Hall. Grand Avenue Masonic Temple. M. M. degree: three candidates. Members and lsltlnr brethren are requested to attend. .. HENRY ii. HOLLAND. Acting XT. M. John H. Deems. Secretary. Dose hill lodge, no. ski. a. f. a. a. 1 M.. Maplo and Hamilton avenuei btatcd communication this evenlnr S o'clock. VIsltlnir brethren will rcceHo a dial welcome. ALBERT IL MILLER, W. Howard Watson. Secretary. cor- M. TUSCAN LODGE. NO. 60. A. F. A A. M-. Twenty-eighth street and Washington ave nueThere will be a special communication of Tuscan Lodge held this Tuesday evening. October 15. 1304. at 7:W o'clock harp. Work In the E. A and M. M. degrees. A very large number of members requested to attend. Visit ing brethren fraternally welcomed. JOHN J. MORSE. W. M. Fred. A. Smith. Secretary. S13 Chestnut. IM1EPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. ANCHOR LODGE. NO. 521. I. O. O. F.. meets every Mcnday evening at Schuette's Hall. Nlneteentii and U'rlcht streets. IVcrk In the degrees. Isltlng bretiiren welcome. B. F. OREAR. N. G. David Petty, Secretary. 2413 Norti Ninth street. PRIDE OF THD WEST LODGE. NO. 12J. I. O. O. F- Regular meeting at p. m. every Tuesday, at Fraternal building. Eleventh atreet and Franklin avenue. RICHARD TURNER. N. O. F. S. Bean. Secretary. ST. LOUIS LODGE. NO. 8, I. O. O. F.. . mMt?. every Saturday evening at I "&zPal Fellows' building, southeast cor ?.?r,.lnUl nd OHe streets. In hall No. 1. msi tors welcome and members expected to at ? . . N. MATHESON. N. G. II. A. xtsjnllton. Secrettry. WILDEY LODGE. NO. 1 1. O. O. F., MEETS Tuesday evening of each week at hall No. L Odd Fellows' building, corner Ninth and Olive, at 8 o'clock. Work In Initiatory degree, October 25. Visitors invited. A. J. DALRYMPUa N. a W. D. Reed. Secretary. COTTON TURNS DOWNWARD DESPITE FROST REPORTS. PKLCES DROP TEN POINTS ON IRREGULAR MARKET. January Fluctuates Between 9.81c and 9.73c With Business Rather Quiet REPUBLIC SPECIAL. New Torlc. Oct. 24. The turn of the local cotton market was downward this morn ing, in splto of frost remprts from, certain sections of the cotton belt, as the frost re ports seem to have been quite thoroughly discounted, on tho theory that the large supplies of cotton held In the South must bo marketed before any bullish news can hare a lasting effect on tbe market. This theory gives encouragement to the bear and brings out more or less gelling; In liquidation. On the other hand, the bulls are claim ing that the market has been liquidated enough to shake out the weak longs, and that some, betterment may be expected. The local market started with prices three to eight points higher, but later there was a decline, which 'carried prices down five to seven points net lower. At noon the market was weak, with prices nine to eleven points net lower. The afternoon market for futures was Irregu lar, with January fluctuating between 9.61c and 3.73c, and business was not very act ive. FROST CUTS DOWN ESTIMATES. New. Orleans, Oct. 24. The Times-Democrat, in Its summary of th'e cotton situ ation, will say to-morrow: "Yesterday's cotton market was by no manner of means the narrow and one-sided affair the foes of the price confidently looked for when the old week closed. True, the cliff dweller was long ago routed out of his favorite dreamland, but the trend of events Illustrates strongly that the corpse stabbcr is not to ply his trade with out molestation. The strenuous resistance to one ag gressive pressure shown all along by the spot market should have taught the bears a lesson in caution and warned them against pushing a. good thing too far. But it did nothing of the kind, and therein he's a very great danger. At the existing level of values there Is no difficulty what ever in finding enough purchasers for all requirements, and at any moment the bull side may receive the sujjrtlng factor that will place the cliff dweller 6n tbe pinnacle once more. "Then, again. It Is to be remembered that the farmer Is In quite a novel post-' tlon and may on a day's notice call a halt. Successful aggressiveness on the part of the bulls will quickly win back many lost friends who, prone to mankind's greatest weakness, went over to the win ning side. Beyond the shadow of a doubt somebody is going to be very badly fooled on-the final outturn. Either the crop Is to bs stupendous or else it will fall utterly to meet the general expectation of the day. Should a rapid decline follow close on the heels of the crest of the movement, the bears would find themselves in a scri- ,ous predicament, while on the other hand miine event it do iouna tnat tne country Is yet'eorged with cotton, bearish pressure may be expected indefinitely. "Now that frost has -actually come, a pretty big nail has been driven in tho coffin of the big crop estimator, and the presence of the undertaker has given them all pause." The metal Market. N New Tork. Oct. 54. Tin was lower. London reported spot at f.110 V td and futures at (127 izs no. ijocauy, tne marret was quiet, but ehowed a. pretty steady tone at tbe slightly lower level, spot is quoted at X3.C0S23.85. Cop per Arm and nleher, spot closing 5 lis 2d In .London ana tw) jus za ror rutures. Locally, copper la said to be meeting with a better de mand and rules firm, with lake quoted at J13.2iai3.S7Vi. electrolytic at J13.12HS13.25 and casting at 112013.12U. Lead also higher In Lon--don. closing at U2 7s 6d. Locally, quotations have a very wide range. The Metal Exchange quotes spot at J4.SJa4.37H. while somo of the larger dealers are still quoting S4.20. Spelter was reported firm locally at J3.303i.3S. London closed 23 Gs. Iron closed at COs Cd In Glas gow and 43s 10'4d In Mlddlesboro. Locally, Iron was unchanged: No. t foundry Northern M4.7I0 15.23: No. 2 do. do. Sl4.2sei4.75: No. 1 foundry Southern and No. 1 do. do. soft J11.50S1&. 1 Eltrln Batter Market. Elgin, III, Oct. 24. Butter advanced Me en the Board of Trade to-dey. selling for 21Uc n. lb. Sales In tho district for the week were GCO.000 lbs. LITE-STOCK MARKET. Native Supply Moderate Beef Cattle Easy Hosts Are Strong;. NATIVE CATTLTi-Beef Steers While the to tal supply was reported at 7,000 for the day, there were only about 6,000 head en sale, the balance being "through" consignments of atockers and feeders. Of native cattle the pro portion was rather large, there bslng In the neighborhood of ISO cars on offer, but as a rule the supply contained an inferior set of offerings good to choice grades of killing stock being scarce. .The outlay of beeves was only moderate, whll at the tamo time good, well-finished grades were scarce only a loaa oeing included In the supply, though several lots of pretty good ones were In cluded around the S3.&0 mark. Some medium and fair kinds of steers sold right around S3, but below this range tailed down to around the 84 mark for grassy stuff. There was considerable activity prevailing when buyers found that the supply of beeves would not bo large, and" they were tree takers at cood. steady to strong; prices. The demand was strong for the top lands of beeves, and. owing to the scarcity of them, a freer and firm er tone prevailed on those below. BEEF AND BUTCHER STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. w. At. rr, t3...14l...fc.W SS...1274... S.1S vW...J3?..t3 4.....,...V J7...12E2... 6.30 J...1JM... 5.00 7.. .ISO... 4.6S 1S...1160... 4.35 12...1U2..a. 43. ..131 J.. .-CM 2...1220... .00 42...1I...'4.C3 1...1I70... 3.7S S.. .111,2... 2.23 Butcher Cattle IS... 14... 13... 25... 19... 7... .1109... 60 U7... 4.75 1...11Z0... 4.75 t...llS... 4.33 I. ..1270... 3.71 2...142S... 5.25 1...1S3)... COO S...10S3... 4.73 S...1234... 41 S...-SM... 125 1171... 4.C0 1215... 3.ti .1219... CSS, 1224... .10 lCS... 4.7S 1S4... 4.W K...103S... .7 -There was some little show of strength In the butcher department, thoaeh it was confined mainly to decent or better giwjo nciuib sum uiD.swa uj couicc. neavyr cows. Tlie bulk of the supply, consisted 'of -com-i: displayed slowness, as there were plenty to go around: still, the market was lsrgely oa a steady basis. HEIFERS. No. Av. Pr. No. 1.. 6.. 6.. Av. Pr. S30.. .34.00 (Si... 3.00 G3S... 2.50 S10... 3.00 No. At, 24... S02. 2... 720. X3.1 . 2.C0 8.. 17.. 4.. 763... 781... S37... 1.7S 3.60 2.S0 11.. 4.. 734... 3. GO S12... 2.70 00... 2.L0 Cons and heifers; 6... 723.. :.;o COWS. 3...140O.. 4... 913 . 11...1124... 11... SSI.. &... 990... 1... 730.. 1...1220... 3...11W... 16...1047.., 3...104).. 1... &... 1... 7C0... 3.70 3.23 2 93 2.30 2.33 3.'W 3.00 2.60 2.M 2.30 2.20 2...1250... 4...1IK3... 1...1070... i... ca... 12... K2... ... 918... 4. ..1240... 3... 974... 10... K43... 11... SSI... &... 7S0... 3.CD 3.15 2.S 2.S9 2.30 . "3 i!25 2.75 2.40 2.23 2.25 1...1229. 3...1330. 16... 966. S... 91C. S...1977. 1...1180. . S.tO .2.00 , 2.13 .2.40 . 2.S0 . 3.M 4. t. 1075... 3.C0 750... 2.C3 L..10&0. 1... 950. , Z.b'J , 2.: . 2.20 2S... 739., BULLS. 1...10... 2.SS STAGS. 1...1II0... S.50 s...i:n... 4.00 A. .129... l.W VEAL CALVES. 10... 7C3... 7.O0 1... 123... 7.00 S... 11... 2... 160... 6.1)0 1... 160... 5.00 1... 280... S.E0 I... ISO... 3.00 1... 120... 6.50 1... 150... 6.00 1... 160... 6.00 1... 240... 5.00 1... 250... 3.50 S... 210... 2.25 1... 250... 3.SS SOUTHERN CATTLE The quarantine trade, while It showed signs of a slow movement, was on a good, steady basis. Among the steer of ferings was a train of good to choice Kansas grossers neighing 1.193 lbs., at S4.05 from the same section that the S4.I0 cattle of last week came front, but were lighter and not as good in flesh. One other lot of good steers went at JX73, with the bulk of the offerings medium and pretty good at J3:.S3, ranging down to J2.23Srt.W for thin ones. - Quito a fair proportion of she stuff was aailable. for which steady prices ruled, one lot of choice cow. going at $3.75 and quite a few fair and prettv good kinds of cows and heifers ranging J2.2S32.50. Tho proportion of cahes was very good and did not include anything extra. In general, the demand seemed fullv equal and trade was large ly steadv, tho decline or saturaay nuuung val ues tZ lower than the high time last week. TEXAS AND INDIAN STEERS. No. Av, Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. At. Pr. 11I...U9S...JI.OT 24...10S2...S3.73 ... 989...W.33 23...10IS... 3.33 1...1040... 3.30 48.. .1036... 2.30 93... S71... 3.20 23... 937 ...3. 263... 936... 3.20 S...1090... 3.20 4... 972... 3.15 I... 900... 3.15 147... SS2... 3.0. 16... 873... 3.00 11... 946... 3.00 2.. .1010... 3.00 2... 960... 3.00 S...1041... 3.00 13... 993... 3.00 24... 91?... 2.S0 9... S... 2.3 7... 737... 2.23 2... S20... 2.25 . Arkansas: S... S77... 2.M HEIFERS. 2S... 64S... 2.53 29... 665... 2.5S 1W... T5t... 2.H 20... 751... 2.U Cows and heifers: 15.:. 7C2... 2.20 29... 700... S.35 H... TSO... S.2J COWS. 9S3. 751. SM. 73.. S47.. 701. 26... S64. 2.40 2.35 2.35 S.. 9.. IS.. 32.. 5.. 1.. , til... . S17... . S97... . S71... , 732..., , 720... Z.40 2.35 2.30 2.10 2.00 1.S5 . 2.40 , 2.35 . 2.30 . 2.15 , 2.00 . 1.75 794. .28... S... . . . C67... 2.2 . 622... 2.15 . 759... 2.0 . 575... 1.60 10.. 4... 710.. Arkansas: 1... S30... 2.10 42... 526... 2.00 Mississippi: 39... 4SI... i.s: 1... 900... 2.15 1...1350... 2.10 1...1239... 2.00 Arkansas: 1... 920... 2.00 31... T51... 2.35 Arkansas: 23... 04... 2.2S . 679., . 633.. 2.10 1.50 A.. 62... 2.19 BULLS. S...1106... 3.10 2... S83... 2.10 1...1110... 1.50 1..-.1390... 2.00 MIXED S... 96... 2.M 22... 7s6... 2.00 CALVES. (Per head.) 60... 513... 9.M 66... 25S... .(JO 30... 304... 8.50 11... 144... S.00 70... 243... 7.00 ,im. . 151. . MO , 2.05 !. 3... srr.. 16... 29... 9.00 .8... 231... S.50 6 8.00 4 6 00 1... 23J... C.OO Arkansaa: 4 I. It 71... t... 10... 76... 4... rrs... s.w S.50 144.. 242.. 8.00 3.00 5.59 TEARLINGS. 2... 4C5... 1,75 SHEEP A moderate supply of sheep wis on sale and the arrivals Included n good many good lambs and sheep: that Is, reasonably good, but nothing choice. A good demand prevailed from slaughters and the market was active, with values on the best kinds a shade higher than the clo.e of last week. Beveral bunches of lambs selling up to JO. 50 and sheep at (49 4.25. Fair grade stuff only, about half fat. were but little better, while little cull Iambs showed no improvement at all. The mocker trade re mains unchanged, with a good Inquiry for the best vcung stock. HOGS A good, moderate run of hogs was on sale for the first d&v In the week, the receipts' amounting to around 6.000 head, which were fairly good In quillty. The market opened with a strong demand from all classes of buiers for the good hogs, and all such found ready sale at an adanco of SftlOc oter prices paid Saturday. Buyers wanted the hogs hairg qunllty'and flesh, and wero willing to pay for them, but were not at all anxious about the coarse, plain, half-fat kinds. Neither was their any Inquiry worthy of mention for the little grassy Southwest pigs and lights. Good, strictly com-fed hogs are tho best sellers, those that suited butchers com ing first, with packers and shippers next. The close was sfody with the opening. Good butcher and heavy hogs sold at S5.353 -5.43, fair to good medium weights and pack ers J5.25fi5.4l: lights aboe 150 lbs. average $32 6.S3: lights under 150 lbs. average S4.25Sj.1j: pigs under 100 lbs. S4.25Hf4.90. and roughs and culls at The bulk of the i hogs weighing 150 lbs. or more sold at S5.25&S.40, against S5.20 S5.35 Saturday. HORSES Tho market shows Just as good a, ccndillon on Southern horses at the opening of this week as It did last week, when the trade was quoted as the most remarkable In this re spect had In many years at this season of the jeor. Arrivals were fairly liberal and there wcro about 250 head In the auction, tbe mi" Jcrlty of which ran to Southern kinds. Trade on the latter was very active and brisk, par ticularly so on the choice to extra qualities, which were nt a premium and wanted by all but era, but the medium to good kinds sold to much advantage In the absence of larger num bers of the choicer kinds. Southern horses are nt the high point In several j-eors, and thre docs not seem to be ant- let-up In the activity or strength of the market. There was a fair supply of Eastern kinds, but not a large number. The Eastern business was not of pronounced strength, yet there was a moderately good demand for the well-finished, weighty offerings from 1.500 lbs. up. On tho plainer and lighter classes the demand was slow and unrepresentative, and such kinds found an outlet only through Southern channels. The receipts open heavy for the week, a large number of range horses being on hand for another sale of branded offerings Tuesday. Horse quotations: Harness horses Heavy draft, choice to extra Heavy draft, common to good..'... Business horses. 1.I0O to 1.300 lbs. Chunks, choice to extra Chunks, common to good Farm chunks .., Southern horses, choice to extra.. fVtitthem hnrfte. nlnln to mod LULfc ine weetc stanea out wiui m. neuvy supply and with all the Indications of a lower market. Over 600 head were on the commis sion market, representing the largest Monday supply -of the season. Coming on top of the weaker feeling on ordinary grades it certainly fmts the market in bad condition, notwlthstand ng that the Southern demand Is still ruling very liberal. The market generally started out dull, and sellers said that the expected deal ers would Insist upon concessions before maldne trades. As the market closed about 32.0030 lower than last week, another decline will make the loss In two weeks considerable. This condition applies except the choicest cotton mules, fat and with qcallty. These ere com paratively so scarce and the demand for them so strong that they have held a firm tone, and are expected to d6 so. Aiuie quotations; 14 hands, extreme range 14 hands, bulk of sales.... UMiands. extreme range.... 14', hands, bulk of sales.... 15 hands, extreme range... 15 hands, bulk of sales 15K hands, bulk of sales. j hands, extreme range ..J 43.00(5 84.00 .. 65.004? 70.00 .. 60.00gll0.CO .... 65.00 90.00 .. 70.00S13.nO .. 75.00ei00.00 .. 300.00120.ia .. IX OOS200.9) ,. 13O.00&154.M It hands, "bulk of sales By Teletrrnpli. Chicago, Oct. :4.-Cattle Receipts, 27,000, in cluding 7,000 Westerns. Market strong; good to prime steers J3.50gS.9u; poor to medium S3.5O0 5.53; stockers and feeders 3284; cows S2.5O04.6t; heifers J363: canners 3LS502.1O: bulls S2S4.25; calves $336.50; Western steers S3.25fM.T5: Texas fed steers S4.G03S.6f. Hogs Receipts. 22.000. Market 10c higher; mixed and butchers S5es $0; food to choice heavy J5 30g5.60: rough heavy 1 8535 25; light 355 40; hulk of sales 3505.30. Sheep Receipts, 20,000. Sheep and lambs 10c higher; good to choice wethers S3.75C4; fair to choice mixed S3B3C0; Western sheep 3364.40; native lambs 33.5036: Western iambs J44J5.83. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 24. Cattle Receipts 18,700, Including S59 Southerns: market steady to strong; choice export and dressec-beef steers S5.Sfi6.40: ralr to good 33.7585,25: Southern steers S2.50SS.75- Southern cows Sl.50ffi2.75: na tive cows 31.50jf3.50: native heifers S3 6084.50; bulls Jl.7SiT3.25: calves $3.5036. Hogs Receipts S.600; market 67"ic higher; close weak; top price SS.42Vj; bulk of sales $5.1003.33; heavy jr..S5B5.0'i: packers S5.2SS5.40: pigs and lights $4.9535.20. Sheep Receipts 8.000: market strong to 10c higher: native lambs $4 2565.60: native wethers $2.2594: native ewes 3383.(5; Western lambs $4.2503.60: Western yearlings $S.754?j.l5: Western sheen $3.2503.90; stockers and feeders S2.50S3.75: Utah ewes.' 103 lbs.. $3.60: Utah yearlings. S6 lbs.. $4.10. . . aoutn st. josepn. jao., uci. 24. wiue re ceipts 4.927; steady to strong; natives $3,739 6.40: cows and heifers SLZKH-SS: stockers and feeders S2.7503.S3. Hogs Receipts 1.966: C01Oo higher: llht $3.1505,53: medium and heavy SS 32',ir..42i. Sheep Receipts 3.9i2; 1015c hlcher; t"p ranrr. Iambs S5.C5. New York. Oct. 24. Beeves Recelnts 6.26S: good steers loc off: others demoralized and 25c' to 40c lower: bulls steadv to 15c lower inu cows steadr. others 15c to 23c Iowery iiteera 20 5.50: oxen $2.7503.75: bulls $2.2303.75: cows S1.25 03.20. Cables-quoted live cattle selling at 840 ll'jc per lb., dressed weight: sheep at 10S11C; lambs 133 mic dressed weight. Shipments to morrow SaO cattle. 1,075 sheep and 4,200 qrs. of beef. Calves Receipts 2,70;: veals steady: erassers 25c lower; Western lower; veals $4 500 50; grassers $2.5083; feeders $3.2303.60; West ern S2.62H04.25; dressed calves steady. Sheep and lambs Receipts 15.014; sheep firm; lambs firm and generally 10015c higher: soma sales 25o higher: sheep $2.7504.50; culls $202.50: lambs $r.0&25: culls $4174 50; Canada lambs $siO0G.C5. Hogs Receipts 9,435: market 250.35c higher: State and Pennsylvania hogs J5.60S5.50. ' The Visible. New Tork. Oct. 24. The visible supply of grain Saturday. Oct. 22. as complied by the New Tork Produce Exchange, was as follows: Wheat 24.655.000 bu.. Increase L23S.00O; corn 3, 44&000 bu.. decrease 759.C00: oats 24.4S5.0OO bu.. Increase 647.000: ryo l.cjl.ooc. increase 133,000; barley C052.00O.bu.; iscreaso 457.000. Flaxseed Quotations. 'republic special, 3l!eaY- rw. l in Mr Mtfn m1MM t the noxseed-marltet ljf'sympathy with that of races oecunea; 1 car or no. 1 at ar-uft; uct. was ai.w)s via .11303309 . 175825 . 1109Z14O ..130H1C3 . 135&170 . soano . cSioo . 750101 350 55 and No. l SL09U bid; LOOO bu. of Dec sold at J1.12. Receipts were 4 cars here. 99 cars at Minneapolis and 9 cars at Duluth. St, Lonls Cotton Market. Spot, market aulet at '.ic lower. Quote: ununary Good ordinary Low middling Middling . Good middling Middling fair Tinges and stains Vt(i!,c off. Gait eston Spot market quiet: 9 9-ltc New Orleans Spot market easy; 10' middling middling alemphts Spot market easy: middling 9 9-1&C Receipts at principal points: Galieston. 17.S54 bales. New Orleansf 13,:C0 Laics. Mobile. 3.124 tales. Savannah. 13,147 bales. Charleston. 2611 bales. Houston. 10.52S bales. Memphis. 8.707 bales. St. Loula warehouse statement: This Yr. Last Yr. blocks on hand Sept. 1 Net receipts Net receipts since Sept. 1.. ..'.... Net shipments Net shipments since Sept. 1...... Stocks on hand Gross receipts Gross receipts since Sept. 1 Gross shipments Gross shipments since Sept. 1.... , 6,392 12S5 1.1V0 4S 6,273 1.3So "4.4u4 1.4lv 8 XI 1.241 3.241 600 31.343 11,627 1.4C3 4SS tlX.i 11,194 By Telesrrapb. New Tork. Oct. 24 Cotton futures closed barely steady: Oct. 9.52c; Nov. 9 52c: Dec. .66c; Jan. 9 75c; Feb. 9 79c; March sac: April -Sc: May 9.90c Spot closed quiet; middling uplands 9.95c; middling Oulf 10 20c: sales 3.625 bales. New Orleans. La., Oct. 24 Cotton futures steady; Oct. 9.63c bid: Nov. 9 6169.62c: Dec. 9 64 09 65c; Jan. 9.6209 63c: Feb. 9.6909.71c; March 9.7609.77c: April 3 8209.34c; May 9 S74H.S8C; steady: sales 9,200; ordinary 7 1-lbc; good ordi nary 8ic: low middling 9c; middling 9 9-lGc; good middling 9c; miauling fair lOlic; receipts 13.260; stock 179,441. Liverpool, Oct. 24. Cotton Spot In fair de mand; prices steady; American middling fair 5.68d; good middling 5.421: middling 5.32d: low nuuaiing .isa; gooa ormnary &ota: orainary 4.t6d. The sales of the day were 8.000 bales, of which 500 were for speculation and export and Included 7.000 American. Receipts 2.000 bales. Including 1,300 American. Futures opened easier und closed quiet. American middling, g. o. c: Oct. 5.19d; Oct.-Nov. 5.1M; Nov.-Oec D.lSd; Dec.-Jsn. 5.1M: Jan.-Feb. 5.20d; Feb.-March 6.233; March-Apnl 5.23d: April-May 6.24d: May June 5.25d; June-July 5.25d; July-Aug. 5.25d. BURTON'S CASE ADVANCED. Hearing of His Appeal Set for November 28. REPUBLIC SPECIAL Washington. Oct. 21. Chief Justice Ful ler, In the Supreme Court to-day. granted the petition of attorneys for Joseph Ralph Burton. United States Senator from Kan sas, to advance the hearing of his appeal from the decision of the lower court, and the cause will bo heard November 28. The case of Senator Burton Is brought before tho Supreme Court on a writ of error. He was .convicted of violating sec tion 1782 of the Revised Statutes, and a verdict of guilty was returned against him on divers counts And Judgments and sentences pronounced thereon. BELIEVE BICE DJD OHIO JOB. Big Silk Robbery Never Fastened on Him. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Cincinnati, O., Oct 24. Although not wanted in Cincinnati now, "Big Ed" Rice and George Shine, confidence men, arrest ed in a bold attempt to loot the cashier's desk In the St. Louis National Bank of Commerce, are still believed to have ex ecuted one of the boldest robberies ever handled by tho Cincinnati force. .T. W. Luhn & Co. keot a tailors' fitters' wholesale house on Fourth street several vears ago. and the place was looted of $10,000 viorth of silks. Rico was arrested In Boston and brought back to Cincinnati, but the police were never able to fasten the crime on him. THE WEATHER. Government Forecast for To-Daj and To-Morrow. Washington; Oct. 3. Fjreeastt Missouri and; rlowa Fair and colder Tuesday. Wednesday, fair. Indiana and IIIlnoIs-Fatr Tuesday: - fresh northwest winds; colder Tuesday. Wednesday, fair. Arkansas. Oklahoma. Indian Territory Rain and colder Tuesday. Wednesday, fair. Eastern Texas Fair in the north, rain and colder in the south and east portions Tuesday. 'Wednesday, fair: fresh southeast, shitting to northwest winds. Western Texas Fair Tuesday. Wednesday, rain. , Kansas Fair Tuesday: rain in the, south portion. Wednesday, fair and warmer. HElfACLT'S DESCEJsTlASTS TO MEET. Ilia Lieutenants, Laclede and La Motte, Founded St. Loots In 1704. Renault Day Is to be celebrated to-morrow, and nearly all of the descenuants of Philip Francis Renault, who led the first expedition up the Mississippi River, will meet at the Exposition. It was on this expedition, in-1764. that Renault's lieuten ants, Laclede and La Motte, founded St. Louis, and for that reason tho coming celebration has aroused a great deal of enthusiasm in this city. Invitations have been extended to all cv.rf.hmin in St. Louis and vlclnltv to Join with the Renault descendants In the celebration. Many descendants of this explorer have changed the name to Reno and RenaU and aro located In various parts of the country. - Conrad Reno of Boston, Mass., will de liver the principal address at the exercises in the Missouri State bulldins to-morrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and Mlsa Euge nia Clark of Paducab, Ky., will read an original poem. . Governor Dockery and President Fran cis have been invited to attend and de liver addresses. RIVER NEWS. Rise and Fall of the Rivers For 24 hours ending at 7 a. m. St, Louis. Oct. 24, 1904. Danger.Gaugo,Cbange. Pittsburg 22.8 J.? J-0 Farkersburg 36.0 S.I 0.0 Cincinnati 50.0 4.3 0.1 Louisville 2S.0 2.8 -0.1 Nashvlll 40.0 0.0 Chattanooga, 33.0 0.0 -0.1 Florence 16.0 -0.8 o.o JohnsonvUle 21.0 -o.S 0.0 Evansvllle 35.0 1. -0.1 St. Paul 14.0 7.5 -0.2 Dubuque 15-0 10.3 0.3 Davenport 15.0 7.S 0.3 Keokuk 13.0 6.0 0.4 Hannibal ,. 15 .... .... Beardstown 120 .... Grafton 23-0 7; 0.3 Omaha 18.0 Kansas City 21.0 7. '1.3 Glasgow ........... 15. .... .... Boonvllle 20.0 4.S -0.1 Hermann 24.0 5.5 0.0 St. Louis 30.0 7.1 0.2 -hester 30.0 e.4 o.o Cairo , 45.0 6.8 -0.1 Memphis , ... 33.0 3.0 0.0 Little Rock 23.0 6.4 0.0 Vicksburg" 4.0 4.0 -0.6 Slirsveport 29.0 -0.4 -0.4 New Orleans 16.0 3.5 -0.2 Rise. -FalL EDWARD JX BOWIH. Local Forecaster. River Forecast. Ths rivers In the St. Louis district win re main about stationary during ths next 24 hours. River and Business. The harbor gauge yesterday showed T.l feet or a rise of of a foot in the last 24 hours. Business along the Levee'yesterday was light. The weather was partly cloudy and cool. To-Day'a Weather. Fair to-day: colder: fresh to brisk northwest winds. Arrivals. Reread Eagle cape Girardeau Dubuque. Ccrwtn H. Spencer City of Protldence ..Mouth of Missouri Commerce Dubuque , Excursion Excursion Departures. Lily Lower River Spread Eagle..., Mouth of Missouri Cape Girardeau Commerce City of Providence Excursion Corwln IL Spencer. Excursion Arrivals To-Dny. Sidney , Keokuk Belle or Calhoun Hamburg Raid Eagle... .' Peoria Kennedy - Jefferson City city of Providence Excursion Corwln H. Spencer. Excursion Departures To-Day. Dubuque Dubuque Chester Cape Olrardeau Peters Lee , Memphis Ccrwln -H. Spencer.. ... Excursion City of Providence Excursion River Rlalto Brevities. The Peters Lee arrived from Memphis and way landings yesterday with a fair trip of passengers and freliht. She will depart for ,ei!nltJ?ln, thZ.!!L(2tJ -!?: The Dubuque arrived 'from Dubuaut) .roster- OUR PATTERN DEPARTMENT 10 Cents All Patterns -10 Cents. W20-LADIES- TUCKED SHIRT WAIST, WITH OR WITHOUT YOKE. 32, 34. 36. 33 and 40 inch bust Ladles' Tucked Shirt Waist With or Without Toke, No. 9420 Light-weight satin-faced cloth In a pale shade of green is hero effectively trimmed with green silk several tones darker than the material. This fabric Is used In many of the newest fall blouses, and has a lovely luster similar to broadcloth. A pattern is provided for at glove-fltted featherboned lining that closes In the cen ter front. The back is plain across the ?houldera, and has fullness at the waist, 'he closing is made invisibly at the center from under a center box plait, which Is wide at tho neck and decreases In width toward the belt. The plait is stitched on the edges. Five backward-turning tucks on the shoulders are stitched down part way and provide additional fullness over ths bust, which blouses slightly at the belt. A plain silk collar completes the neck and a fancy tab in front trims the box plait. A fancy yoko is induced in the shoulder and neck seams and slipped under the box plait. It has points over the sleeve and tabs in front to match tho collar trim ming. One-piece bishop sleeves nave comfort able fullness on the shoulders, and are quite wide at tho wrist, where the fullness is gathered and arranged on silk cuffs of unique shaping. If deslreti. the front tab and yoke may be omitted as shown in the small illustration. ' Shirt waists in this style are made of flannel cashmere, challls or sort silks and trimmed with contrasting material or fancy braid to outline yoke, collar and To 'make the shirt waist In the medium size will require two and one-quarter yards of material forty-four inches wide, with one-half yard of silk. The pattern. No. 9420. is cut in blzes for a 22, 24, JJ, 33 and 40 Inch bust measure. Tne Republic's Order Blaalc xo Above Pattern Be sure and fill in your correct post office address. Send 10 cents (one silver dime) to The Republic Pattern Department. Repub lic building, and Inclose this blank, properly filled out with your name, address and bust measure for each pattern ordered. No. 9120. Ladles Tucked Shirt Waist. Price 10 cents. Bust measure.......:". Indies. Nuns ............. , ................ ........m Post Office.. ) Street and No.. Btate. day with 150 passengers and a good consign ment of freight. She will depart this afternoon at 4 o'clock on her last trip to Dubuque, but will return here and lay up for the winter. The Chester will depart for cape Girardeau and Intermediate points at 4 o'clock this after noon. She arrived jesterday with a good list of passengers and freight. The Bald Eagle will arrive from Peoria to-dav and depart for the same point at 4 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. The Cape Girardeau arrived from and de parted for Commerce and way landings yes terday was good trips both ways. The Sidnev is due to arrive from Keokuk to day with a number of World's Fair visitor. Che will depart for the same point at 4 o'clock to-morrow ofternoon. The towboat Velev departed for .Memphis yesterday, where she will be used la ths harbor bade. The Kennedy la expected to arrive fran Jefferson City and Missouri River points to day, and is scheduled to depart for the same places at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The Belle of Calhoun will arrive from Ham burg to-day. and will depart for the same point at 4 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. The Cltv of Providence made only one trip yesterday with a fair crowd aboard. The Corwln IL Spencer mads her usual tripe yesterday with light crowds In attendance. Hereafter the Spread Xncle will make trips to Grafton twice a week, lratlnjr at 3 o'clock on Monday and Saturday afternoons. , By Telesrrayh. REPUBLIC SPECIALS. Memphis, Tenn., Oct, 24. Rivers tands 3.0 feet, a fall of .1 in the last 24 hours. The Stacker Lee got away at 3 p. m. for St. Louis with passengers. The James Lee departed at 630 p. m. for Friar's Point. Ths Sadie Lee departed at S p. m. tor O. K. Landing. The City of St. Joseph departed at 5:30 p. m. for O. K. Landing. The Robert E. Lee departed at 6 p. m. for Ashport, Thj Kate Adams departed at ft p. m. for Arkansas city. The Mississippi River Commission steamer Mississippi departed at 4:30 p. m. for St. Louis. Receipts by river today were 1.309 bales cotton. 112 bags seed cotton and 3,933 sacks cotton seed. Memphis, Tenn.. Oct. 24. River $.0 feet and stationary. The Sucker Lee departed for St. Louis at 3 p. m. The Alda. and the Sun from Fulton. Local packets, both In and out, Tbe Georgia Lee departs for Cairo to-morrow, a day late, owing to the scarcity of labor. The Rees Lea Is due out to-morrow soon for St. Louis. Burlington, la.. Oct. 24. Stage of the river is 5 fen 84 Inches above low-water mart a rise of 6 Inches during the last 48 hours. This Is a remarkable stage constderlns; the time of year. Weather cloudy and warm. The Elolse In and out from Keokuk. The Kit Carson and towboat up. Gordle Eastman down. rafm in . net. 24. Gaure reads t.f) feet. showing a ris of .1 of a foot during the Ust 24 hours. Weather cloudy and cold. The Georgia Lee cleared for Memphis at 11 p. m. Ths Wash Honshall departed down the river at 11 p. m. Tho Fred Hartweg clearedfor the Upper Mis sissippi at 9 a. m. The Condor arrived from the Upper Ohio at a. m. Faducah, Ky.. Oct, 24. River reads. and falling. City of Charleston from Golconda, to return to-morrow. Ths Bob Dudley has been raised and should arrive to-night. No boat to Cairo. Warsaw, III., Oct. 24. Gauge reads 8.9 feet, a rise of 4-12 of an Inch In the past 24 hours. Sidney South at 6:30 a. m. Crescent In and out en time. Clear and warmer. Chester, HI.. Oct. 24. Gauge . feet and rising. Threatening. Chester and Peters Lee up. Chaperon and barge. Summer GlrL down. Cape Girardeau, Mo., Oct. 24. Peters Lee up at li lest night. River rising. Weather clear and warm. . Grand Tower, HI., Oct. 24.-Peters Leuj at' 4 a. ro. Gauge reads 9.9 feet and rising. Weath- "pittsburg. Fa.. Oct. 24. River SV7: stationary at Datls Island dam. Clear; cool. Wheeling. W. Vs.. Oct. 2L-RIver 2 feet 8 inches; falling. Clear, oool. Down: Bessla Smith, Parkersburg. Evansville. Oct. 24. River Is; stationary Clear and warm. Loulsvllla. Oct, 24. River falling: canal 2.1; falls .4; below locks 8.4. Clear; cool. Cincinnati. Oct, 24. River 4.8; rising. Two de partures. Clear and warm, Vicksburg. Miss., Oct, 24. Gauge reads 4. a fall of .4. Belle of the Bends arrived from Greenville. Cordill up and down. Elk left for Davis Bend. Dried Fruits. New' Tork, Oct, 24. Evaporated apples for future delivery are offered less freely and spot holder show more confidence. Common are quoted at 4014.0. prime at 4"i0c. choice at .05o and fancy at S7c Prunes show a farther Improvement in tone owing to ths scar city of the supply in most general demand. Ths range remains at from So to 5c according to grade. Aprlcotsfare strong, according to Coast advices, but locally the absence of important demand prevents any advance in prices. Choice are held at 9c, extra choice at 10'AtVHio and fancy at nSlSo. Peaches are Arm. Choice J Se: extra choice at (9la and lascy at SHVUo, POLITICAL. &AAJ1S0m jaAA SPEAKING DATES ANNOUNCED Y Democratic State Committee. County Committeemen will please advertise thoroughly. Dates left out of list certain days dees not mean they are canceled, unless notice Is given by letter or wire. W. N. EVANS. Chalnnan. GOVERNOR JEFF DAVIS. Carutherstllle. Friday. Oct. 2J. l p. m. -ttu. saiuraay. ucr, J. l p. m. THE HONORABLE MARTIN W. LITTLETON. St. Louis. Coliseum. Saturday. Oct. 2S. 8 p. m. HONORABLE W. D. OLDHAM. Mentgomrv city. Trlday, November 4. 1 p. m. Mexico, Saturday, November 5. 1 p. m. HONORABLE JOSEPH W. FOLK. Cameron. Wednesday. Oct. 24. 11 a. m. Omden Point. Wednesday. Oct- 25. 2 P. m. P'attc City. Wednesday. Ort. 2!. S p. m. I Ih.rty. Wednesday. Oct, 2. 7:30 n. m. Hlgglnsvllle. Thursday, on. 27. 10 a. m. Marshall. Thursday. Oct. 27. 1 p. m. TVwnvHIe. Thursday. Oct. 27. 4 n. m. Runceton. Thursday. Oct. 27. 750 p. m. California, Frldar. Oct. IS. 1 p. m. South St, Lonls. Frldav. Oet- 28 7:30 B. ra- Nrth St- Lnul. FrldaT. Oct, 2?. p. m. Perrvtllle. Saturday. Oct. 29. 12:30 p. m. 8t, Louis. rvl..iira. Saturday; Oct, 29. 8 p. m. HONORABLE F. 21. COCKRELL Marcellpe. WMnesar. Oct. ZS. 7:30 p. ta. Tipton. Thurs.Iay. Oct. 27. 1 p. m. Versailles. Frldav. Oct. 2S. 1 p. m, Wsrkwater. Saturday. Oct. 23. 1 p. m. Terkio., Mordar. Oct. SI. 1 p. m, JfarvtiHe. Tnesdav. Nov. 1. 1 p ra. Rtanbmr. Wlneav. Nov. 2. 1 p. m. Grant City. Thursday. Nov. 2. 1 p. ra. Mavsvllle. Friday. Nov. 4. I p. m. Gall-itln. Saturday, Nor. J. 1 p. m. HONORABLE WILLIAM J. STONE. Tarkio. We.Ineday. O-t, 28 1 p. m. Msryville Thursdav. Ort. 27. Moberly. Frldsv. Oct, 24. 1 p. m. Platte city, atnrday Oct 3. 1-30 p. ra. Ixlnrtnn. M-m1av. o.-t. 31. 1:20 o. m. Kevtesvllle TV-sdar. Nov. 1. 130 p. m. Columbia. Wedne.dw. Nor. 2. 1:23 p. m. jertrall3. Wednexdav. Nov 2. 8 p. m. Fulton. ThursHav. Nov. 3. 1 p ro. Bloomneld. Saturday. Nor. s. 13) p. is. HONORARLE A. M. DOCKERT. Lutesvllle. Wedne-day. O-tcb-r 25. 1:3 p. m. Cape GIrardau. WedneMat- Oct- 26. 7 p. m. St. Man's. ThurMay. Oct. 27. 1 p. m. Rte. Genevtete. Thursday. Oct. 27. 7 p. ra. Farmlnrton. Friday. Oct, 28 1 n. m. Bonne Terre. Friday. Oct. 25. 7 p. ra. Te Sotrt Ssrurdav. Oct. Mo m. Rolla. Mnndnr. October 31. Jlso . m. Sorlnrfleld. Monday. October 71. 7:20 n. ra. Greenfield. Toesdav. Novembr 1. 1 p. rn. Lamar. Tuesdav. November I. 7:20 p. m. Holden. Wednesday. November 2. 1 p. m. Warrensburg. Wednesday. November 2. T:S3 p. m. Ft. Louis. Thursday. November 11p.m. Trenton. Saturday. November 5. 2 p. m. JAmesport. Monday. Novembe- 7. 1:20 p. ra. Winston Monday, November 7. 7:20 p. jn. HONORABLE THOMAS L RUBET. Salisbury. Wednesday. Oct, 26. 1 o. m. Olasvow. Wednesday. Oct. !S. 7:30 p. m. La Granse. Thnrpdav. Oct. 27. 7:20 p. m. Psri. Frldsv. Oct. 23. 1 o. m. Hannibal. Frldav. Oct, 2J. 7a) o. m. Edlna. Saturday. Oct, 29. 1 p. m. HONORABLE E. W. MAJOR. Lamar. Wednesday. Oct. 25. 7:30 o. ra. Iberia. Friday Oct, 2S. 3 p. m. Waynesvllle. Saturday. Oct. 23. 1 p. ra. Dixon. Saturday. Oct. 29. 7:30 n. ra. THE HONORABLE WILLIAM IL WALLACE. Cape Girardeau. Wednesday. Oct. 25. 7 p. m. Havtl Thursday Oct. 27. 7 p. m. Caruthatsvllle. Friday, Oct,.21. 1 p. rn. Maiden. Saturday. Oct 29. 7 n. m. HONORABLE SAM B. JEFFRIES. Adrian. Thursday. October 27. 7:30 p. m. .Amoret. Frldav. October 23. 7:30 p. ra. -Amsterdam. Saturday. October 29. 2 p. ra, Merwln. Saturday. October 29. 7:30 p. m. Bweet Springs. Monday. Oct, 31, 730 p. ra. HONORABLE D. A. DC ARMOND. Everton, Wednesday. Oct, 26. 7:30 p. m. X.owry city. Thursday, Oct. 27. 2:20 p. ra, Collins, Thursday. Oct. 27. 730 p. m. Spruce. Saturday, October 29, 730 p. m. HONORABLE) CHAMP CLARK. liasco, Wednesday. Oct. 25. 730 p. m. Portage des Sioux, Thursday. Oct. 27, 139 p. m. St. Peters. Thursday. Oct, 27, 7 p. ra. Mectanicsvllle. Friday. Oct. 28, 130 p. ra. New Melle. Friday. Oct, 2S. 7 p. m. Father Saturday. Oct, 29. 230 p. m, Vandalla. Saturday, Oct, 29. 7 p. m, HONORABLE W. D. VANDIVER. Albany, Thursday, Oct, 27, 1 p. m. """""" Gentry. Thursday, Oct. 27, 730 p. m. Kearnev. Friday. Oct, 28. 730 p. m. Little Rock. Saturday, Oct, 23. 1 p. ra. Blater. Saturday. Oct 29. 7:30 p. m. HONORABLE! J. J. RUSSELL. ' Eenath. Wednesday. Oct. 25. 1 p. m. Cardwsll, Wednesday. Oct. 26. ijp. m, Dunklin County. Thursday. Oct, 27. Caruthersvllle. Frldav. Oct. 28, 1 p. m. Marti. Friday. Oct. 28. 730 p. rn. Maiden. Saturday. Oct. 29. ,30 p." m. HONORABLE ROBERT LAMAR. Lecoma, Monday. Oetober 31. 1 p. rn. Edgar Springs, Mondav. October 31, 7:30 p. m, Heife. Tuesday. November 1,1p.m. Big Plney. Tue'tfay, November J. 7 p. m, Nebo. Wednesday; November 2. 730 p. ra. Grove Springs, Thursday. November 3. 7:30 P. m. Manes. Friday. November 4 730 p. m. Hartvllle. Saturday. November 5. 2 p. ra. HONORABLE R. IL KERN. Schuyler County. Thursday, Oct. 27, 139 and 7:30 p. m. Powersvllle. Friday, Oct. 28. 2 p. ra. Lucerne. Friday. Oct. a. 730 p. m. Marlon County. Saturday. Oct. 29. 1:J aad 7:3 p. ra. HONORABLE W. 8. ANTHONT. Mount Vernon, Saturday, October 29. 1 p. ra. THE REVEREND FRANK G. TTRRELL Golden CTty, Wednesday. Oct. 28, 730 p. m. llarrlsonvllle. Friday. Oct. 28. 1 n m. Pleasant Hill. Friday. Oct. 28. 73J p. ra. Sweet Springs. Saturday. Oct. 29. 1 p. ra, HONORABLE F. M. ESTES. Fulton, Saturday, Oct. 25. 1 p. m. HONORABLB WILLIAM HiRTH. " Koelztown. Wednesday, October 24. Vienna, Thursday, October 27, 1 p. ra. Eldon. Friday. October 19. 1 p. m. Versailles. Raturdav. October 29. 1 p. ra. Tipton, Saturday. October 29, 730 p. m. THK HONORABLB M. B, SMITH. Bedford. Wednesday. October 28. 1 p. rn. Centervllle. Wednesdsy. October 26. 7 p. ra. Camp Ground. Thursday. October 27. 1 p. m. LestervMtvThursday. October 27. 730 p. m, Maxvllle, Friday, October 28, 730 p. m. Festus, Saturday, October 29, 730 p. m. Bloomsdale, Monday. October 21. 7:30 p. m. Sts. Genevieve. Tuesdav. November 1. 1 p. ra. St. Mary's, Tuesday. Not ember 1. 730 p. m. Perryvllle. Wednesday. November a l p. m. Ironton, Thursday. November 3, 730 p. ra. THE .HONORABLB R. A. FRAZTER. Maxvllle. Friday. October 28. 7:30 p. m. Festus, Saturday, October 29, 730 p. m. STEAMBOATS. 100WWAAim0iWWW0JW LOWER MISSISSIPPI. LEE LINE STEAMERS TO MEMPHIS M'& Meals and berth Included. Cheap freight and passenger rates to Chester. Grand Tower, Cap Olrardeau. Cairo. Memphis. Helena, Hot Sprlnrs Vicksburg and Pine Bluff. PETERS LEE. Tuesday. Oct, 23. E p. m. STACKER LEE. Friday, Oct. 2S. 6 n. m REES LEE. Tuesday, Nov. Up. m. From wharfboat foot of Olive st Phones Main 1C05A. Klnloch A 758. Wm.F-Albltx. Com. Agt. D.M.Connors. qen.Atrt. FOR NEW ORLEANS. STR. eORWIN H. SKICER Will leave from foot of Locust St. oa WEDNESDAY, NOV. S, 13 If OO.f . Limited number of passengers and high-class freight taken. H. W. nTtOLASKl. Gent. Agt. HUNTER BEN JENKINS. Com. Agt. Telephon Main 1119. ST. LOU It. CHEST EH, CAPE GIRARDEAU LINE. bteiamer Chester win leav wharfkeat. foot Pine St.. Tuesdais. Thursdays and Satur days. p, r.. for Can Girardeau and war landings. Special excursions onlv S4.M tor round trio. Including meals and berth. Phones Blllmto 44A : Klnloch A U2, JNO. EL MAssENOALfirAeat UPPER MISSISSTPFx. A00V EAQLE PACKET COMPANY MMrfnil!kia. "f.a s For Cape Girardeau and Commerce, Steamer Cap Girardeau, every Monday aaa Friday. S d. m.: 35 round trip. ILLINOIS RIVER ------- or Peoria aatt laterniedlate Points. Steamer Orev Eagls. erery Wsdnealay aal Saturday. p. m. From dock foot at Vln at. Phones Mala 243 Kla 1204a H. W. XJ-YBxrateau IIAMORD JO LIRE STEAMERS. Fir Kukik, Ilia, ini littfii.liti Piliii. STEAMER SIDXEY. ' Every Wednesday and Saturday. 4 s. m. For Dutmqua Iowa, and Intermedial Potata STEAMER DUBU4.UE Leaves Tuesday. October 25. 4 p. m. From foot of Washington av. Phone. Main 2447A. ISAAC P. LU3K- Gen. Agt. MISSOURI RIVER. ttr. Kennedy will leave from Calhoun wharf, boot, foot of Market street. Wednesday. Octo ber. 26. 4 p. m., far Washington. Hermann. Jefferson City. Sandy Hook, TJIlei and way landings. T. O. BLOCK. AsTentT Phones. Bell Main 18: Klnlocnc BtT , STR. BELLE OF CALHOUX Wm leav wharfboat. foot of Market strecti Wednesday-and Saturday, st 4 p. ra. for TVett Point, Hamburg; Mozier's and all war landings. "SS naii,.wJ!J' landings. II; Klntcch, C2IA . Phones! -Jell, Mala T. LOUIS RAILROAD TIME-TABLli. ArrlTaia and Dcpnrtnres of Trains at Union Station. Dally. "Except Saturday and tExcept Sunday. Sunday. SExcept Saturday. ti"aturday and Sun- J Sunday only. day onl. ISaturday only. HEictpt Monday. BIG I'll Ht HOCTB. AND LAKE SHORE. NEW YORK CENTRAL , AND BOSTON AND ALBANY. , Trains. Depart. Arrive. Indianapolis and Local 17.04 am 15-04 pm N. Y. Boston and Cncu.natl. S:17am 9:45 pm Cincinnati ltr-rtt 11.00 an "IMS on Knickerbocker Special Indianapolis Express . Mattoon and Alton.... Mattoon and Alton. Mall and Exnreea .. "ii noon -osop.ii . 2a;J pm . 14-20 pm 3:'Cant . 1530 pm . I.vlpm 230 am,-.' N. Y. Boston and Buffalo. . 3ri lint ,:zu am ' i Cincinnati. Dajton. colum's. 9:4') pm 730 am-;. N. Y.. Boston anrl RiifTalo llffttiin "?;53 D'll i uiccinnau.inaianapalls Hxp - "su n" BIO FOUR AND CHESAFEAKH AND OHIO. AVafhlngtun and Vln-inU '3:17 am :! pnt Wash.. N. T, and Xirgtala-'llaD am 739 am Wash.. N. Y. and pm : pti BIG FOUR AND LEHIGH VALLEY. New York and Philadelphia..!! :00 am 'S-oipm New York and Phladlphla..ll-00 pm T:5Jpin New Tcrk and PhiUdelpnu. 130 pm Traam BIG FOUR. KRIB R.V1LKOAD AND PITTS- ., BUKG AND LAKE ElilE. Buffalo. Klmla and N. Y.. 8.17 am 7J ai Pitts . Chautauqua and N. Y. 2:C0 pm 2 pm Pitts.. Jamestown nd N. T.. 93ip.'n "JNipia Alton trains leave 103O a. m.. 111.50 p. ra. , , BURLINGTON Rlll-rE. Hannibal ond Burlington 2:53 am Tt. pia Local to Hannibal 7:4l am 8at pro Qulncy and Burllnston T7.l am 1:M pi. St Joseph. Nebraska, settle 'SM: am 7U3 am St, Paul via IJist Side Line. 'S3J am '433 pnt Kansas City. Kansas IDCam 6.2lpa 5t. Paul and Jtlnneapolls "liKpm -MSpnt Kansas City 'Milpm 'tlpji Kansas City and El Paso.. ..11-02 pm :44 am Kansas city :lo pm MSJam St. Joe. Deitter. Pac Coast., -ai pin n-Jipa Burlington. Kt, Paul. Minn.. 7:w put 6:52am tor Illinois, tla East bide... S:I0 pm 5:43am St. Joseph. Omaha. Denver... 9:01 pm :19 art Local from Hannibal iU30 am CIIICAUO AATJ ALTON. Tie Altot. Limited. Chlcago..10:00 am S31 pm -"tins iaie :x.. unicago... is:u3 pru -iyiui laljiC l.znre.a rhln . 9-Wom 7:17 n 8:10 am 1:50 pm 531 psi I'M aut 7:41 in 3,-OOpm 180 put 8:15 unt ijaaignt srpecui. Chicago. ..11:1-) pm Midnight Special for Peoria.. ll:to pra ay. iai imprest. ie: Midday Special. Kin. Clty..,2.'0rpm Kansas city .Night Express.. Milium. Kan. City MIdnlicht Llmlted..'11-nlpm Springfield Special -3:04 am Peoria Special tv.oi am Roodhouse and Mexico -T3iam Bloominzton. via Jtte-Uretn'll t7?3uin tsajpet Bloomlngtou. via Jackson'llo 12-55 pm TK. pot rprlngt. Peoria. Blccm'n t2-pm tl:15pm Jncksonvillo Accoiuandatlon.. S33 pm 10.C5 am Mexico and Roodhouse tsrviam Springfield Capital City Flyer !:Vi pm "339 am Koodnouse Midnlsbt Accom..tll:lJ pm IVJSO am Peoria M.dni-:ht Exprrss "11:17 rm n:l7ani CHICAGO, PEORIA AU ST. LOUIS RY. Alton ami Pecfia Kxiiresa..... S:14 am '1:0 pra Alton and Peoria JIall '11:15 am 15 pnt Chautauqua and Spring. Ex.. 7 Zi inn 330 am Trains arrltinr at 930 a. m. and ;-25 P. m.. via World's ralr station. Trains departing at 733 p. m via World Fair btatlon. FRISCO SYSTEM. J:H am 1:V pra '730 am "SHOpm "9-02 am "7:42 pm. "J30 am 4:45 pm , 230pm 1130 am N.-W pm "11:00 am '4:03 pm 12:0Om "535 pra 731airj Yemenis l'as?ecger ..... Texas and Kansas Mall. Texan Chicago Day Express... Meteor Cape Girardeau Local... Danville Mall Tean Limited Kansas Limited Chicago Nirht Express.. 3:21 pm rra aro 9:4; om '7-03 m t csh:m ''express ... ll-OrJ pm '635 act Valley Park Accommodation denarts .&) a. m- twi?.a- m- V1 P- In" W P- tJK p. m.. 16:24 p. m.. !730 p. m.. tins p.m.. 'Il:3 " nV..-Arrves T!) a. m.. t7:39 a. m.. 735 a. m.. 110:10 a. m.. 12:M p. m.. 13:) p. m-, r5.s p. m.. T7:49 p. m.. '11:15 p. m. Pacific Accommodation departs 8:25 a. m . 12ao p. m.. 1334 p. m- Arrives ISU4 a. oi. j:o-2I a. n.. -J131 p. m.. 87:10 p. m- IROX 3IOCXTAIX ROUTE. St. L. Ft , W. and San A. Ex. "2:21 pra 1:20 pm Tevaa and California Exp .. S30 am "930 pm Texas and Mexico Exprs t:n pm 730 pm LHtle Rork-Hot Springs Exp. 3 30 pm 73S am Texas and Mexico Express.... 8:40 pm T:J)pm Texas Express S30pm nnaani Fa't Mall rj-oSam -7-30 pm Lfcal ExPj-Texark. to St. L l-to Va Memphis Expn-ss 9-00 pra 7 M an Eelmnnt Pasergcr 8.-O0am ; :13 pm Cotton Ilt Express 3:15 pm 7:12am Cotton Belt Express '5-00 pm H3iara Theb-s Express -TUtem J32ptn Fourth slreel anil Chouteau Avenue Station. De Soto Accommodation... 539 pra S:43 art LOUISVILLE AXD NASHVILLE. Fast Mall S30am 7:Hpr-i Worlds Fslr Special 1M am S:I4 pm Florida Limit-d 4:15pm "laJt-rt McLeansboro Accom. 4:48 pm -vl am. Exposition Special -4:15pm S:43aai Southern Express '330 -an 20 am MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAA". Fast Mall IMin no-olrn Local Express 733 am 330 pm l.'allfomu Express n-OOpm S:01 am Washington Accommodation- t333 pm tS-01) am Omaha Limited r. S:10 pm 130 am Kansas and Colo. Express. .. .10:10 pm 7:10ara Kansas City Express 2-05 pm 4-00 pm Joplln and So. Kan. Express -732 pm SrCf a:.i Kens, and Nebraska Express-'ll pm :30anj iCrave Coeur-Laks trams laveCnlcn Stat'on 0:13 a. m., -rjus a. m, V"3 p. m.. t431 p. ro.. :45 p. m. Oak Hill trains leave Union Station 15:43 a, m.. t!0:10 a. m, t5:0O p. m.. 1630 p. m, . Klrkwood trains leave Union suitlon t7:C4 a. nt.. 7'35 a. m.. 1:? o. ra.. t,:ooa. m.. a:i s, tll-20 a. m 11:00 r. m. 14:10 n. m.. 154 f m.. 53S p. m.. 11130 p. m. MOBILE AND OHIO. Tv. Artiv. Nw Orleans Limited O-M pm 5:4I pm Voblle. New Orleans t-iwiam 7:52an Cairo and MIsr!stpp! Exp .... 5:34 pm 332 Pn Murphysboro Accommodation. ll:33r,m 10:C am M K. T. RY., -THE KATY." Katy Fair Special 1:15 am "6u0pm Cclumbla. Sedalla and S. W.. --.J am 520 pro The Katy Flyer M pm "JS. am Ml'soutl. Kansas and S. W...ll:45pit I'Jaa L.. H. A ST. L. R". (Henderson Route! Fast Mall 130 am 7:15 pm Eastern Express 8:C pm 6:43 an World's Fair Sn-Cal IJIl nm 5:tt pm SOCTI1ERX RAILWAY. St. Louts-Louisville Line. St. Louis Exp. Limited. Il-Warn 4STrat Princeton. Alton, etc 732 am JSOpt-i Prtneetfin Accommodation '534 nm lin-ooam Loulstllle and Florida IO:10pm 732i -- ROCK ISLASD SYSTEM. Kansas City Passenger....... -S-Ol m 2."jP Kan. City & San Fran. Exp.. 7:2) E2 22? 1 Tf-. TiaaaaiHsiaf1 . ... "'TiiTTfri "-lUiMTTl ST LOCTS AXD HANNinAL RAILAVA V aJ I Vim IViihaslli. .-L '. Mall and Express 1101 "Tn ill"1J SIU Mall and Express T530rm t6:15pm ST. LOUIS SOCTinVESTER?. (Cotton Belt Route.) The Texas Train 5:03pm li-tnsm Arkansss and Texas Express. 9:15 nm "2pni TOLEDO. -JT. LOUIS AXD WESTERX. (Clover Lout Rnnte.1 The Commerctal Traveler f-SXvm TKm Eastern Express Tain i:4i"n rSftrie.frn jtrcnmrportation... K-pra 110-22 a-i Charleston Accomrrodatlon... 1730 pm !J30sti ILL1XOI9 CEXTR.-.L. Northern Illinois Express. Chlcsgu Fair Special...... Chicago Dayllrhl Special... Dnbuque and Sprlnrfisld... Chicago Diamond Special.. Chicago Midnleht Special.. Fast SlaiL sosth... New Orleans Special......... Accommodation. South nr.i. Dm. Ftnuth. ........ ... C-'S am 9:10 nm ... -4-lam "iSOp-a ...11 :43 am J-0p-n ... -7:04 pm -t-otem ... 910 pm 7:4.1am ,..1134 pm 4-rSara ,.. 434am S33pm ... l:15om 'IiMpr ... -' T-m 1i34am ... sipm "T-Wam i.. 73'. am I'Swi ...11-lSpm 7"m Ml-1 Accommodatlnn. Carbondale, New OrIe-in umiten.... rsft-niii-le-Tht Oni'n.... ST. LOUIS 3IERCHAXTS BRIDGE TERMINAL RAILWAY SUnCRB.X TRAIN SERVICE. Ea-tbonml: Leave Crlon Station Excpt Sui dav 4. 5:05 a. m-t Sunday only. E30 a. n. t,.Va -avhth and Gratiot streets Dallv. 70.0J, sT mT.12'08. 5-15. 6:40. 11:19 o. m : except Run-, day. 4-03. 07. 737 a. m.. J. 8:05 p. ra-: Sun day only. 834. 705 a. m. j. Above trains leave Washington avenus fonr mlvVestbnmidV Leave Granite Cltr-Dallr . 1:12t $-04. 7:15. 11:52 p. m.: except Sunday. 52) ...t 1. 11:10 a. ro,. 4:40 930 p. m.: Sunday only., G'A!oove:trsinsa" leave Madison four minutes. later. VAXDAL1A LINE. Pennsylvania Llnea West of Pitts.; unra; Pennsylvania Railroad. t The Fast Mall 230 am 2-15 am The Local Express. t--H un !:f' rm The Keystone Express 8:44 am 7:Wpm Sh New Tork Limited 1230pm l:30pm hlo and Vlrslnla I"Tpres-..,U:43 pm 134prt Ti ansnort 1 ogansporr nna r t. yoe x -t;i- pm -,;"- h v . Tork Exnress.. .11 pm -s:tTpni. , -.3D pm "i:4i" am . -4:15 tmt -T-Ssmr TKffineham Accommnflatlon . The Pittsburg Special WABASU. - Continental Limited ej-OOam 711! pmr Pitts, Buffalo, Montreal Exp.123) pm 3:04 anv Toledo and Pittsburg Exp... 830 pn 733 pro, WttrgTN. Y.. Boston iSp. -.0Spm 73IptS ttii.h. Limited Fast .1133 pra l:tura Toledo Local Express 8:4s am apm Cincinnati and Indianapolis. 9-00 am l:i pra" ClEciSnatl and Indianapolis. s30 pm 'l-Mirtt. JacSSinvllle Local "Express... 15:4S am 17-ISpro SSim? B ue Ltd.-Chlcago... -250 pm Oipm ChlSioP-clai : 5?,n S:U9:rr, DanneV Express-Chicago ...-Jflipro 733 am idr?ihtLtmli-d-Ch!cago...113Ipm 3-04 am' Kansas CtwBrpt-ss......... O-01 am 5lt pm SSSJ city Fast Mail -2-JTt pm 'l-SO ar-c Kansas City Limited..., 10:13 pm -l-Manr, SSfaty Midnight Special.. 11:45 pra ISaa. OS-ouncll Bluffs rp.. -J-OI am T.H pnr; SlSeapollVand St. Paul Ex. -1?pm 5:!''. Snnonall Omaha 730pm 7:1?amr Ottumwa-Des Moines Exp.... 9:01 am :1l pm Ml-aeaSollVind St. Pauf Ex O.-OO pm .Tam West-Moberly and Iv. C..... .Mara.-oor - MBbe-lr Local "SSOpm 11:M int. Sst-Teslwr 'twtl t-nftnm- 93Ts-i Suburban Trains. Depart From UmonSiation: Ferguson. it:ll p. m.. 3a p., ro, ts1 Jf".. 4:4 p. m. From Olive Street Station: St. Charles. 11 -M n. m.; 15:40 P. m .: Brldgeton. 14a p. m.. 16:45 a. m.; Ferguson. $) a. ra. tS20 p. m,, !; p. m., 15:45 p ro. Arrive At Union Station: Fergus on. 431'd. m. , It P..clv':?5 P ". VOX a. m.. 11031 a. m. At OHye street Station: St. Charles. 5 7-mti;s - a Klnloch. t6:17 s. m-r 1030 a. m., ts20 p. m.. S533 7a.m. FROM WORLD'S FAIR STATION. t Ferguson AemrmMdatloii,....tl310om 110-tOnni, . . ' P. SW. R. R. s ftoysi Bin .Limited." t-S'sm et-Mnrs s Ziz5.,K!l? ZT nissara S39pm, Metr-poIltanExpress ....-....827 pm ....' Murd tatyrpress .... .733 8-7 E oosltlan Siwin .1,1:1 .Ti.J: Z?1. M,UJ t- 2:05 am 1230 rn Cincinnati Act-ammodation.... tsas am 1532 Em. ;2 -Jccommot3ton" ! l9- in -l2iH;'nmt-t-a'i-pro ......... Ylora Accommc4aUon...,....n:Wpm H3- IvatsaV jRBBBBBBSr V 5- i ni&4m&mmM-smm &&8SEBB8it&S&i&88e . v ,r tfsb&kjkg&$fckg&ic2i immim&M&&m