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ISSWSW-rfSiSfeffsiMt BV1U5JW ' - HtT-AAr J-atSWT 3r- ' " 1 Jt--V f T Tj - sr k r t 1C i -!. r" Xj- 1V U- "-Ja. -' - - y, T v Tl jr- Ttf T l&S ill "t &- j- -- - J- " T-S- -- - Lr: i '. - - firaTT -"liVVI i- -af- -, -J - Si . V. .1' .1 r "-'rsiajr VI .i" W -- t " TT I g i ' T - - ' tJ -- - i - - . r ,?- . -- - v- i,y ' -t -- ", -'iI?, -. - -.j-- -.'i- a- e-u 1'6 THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: TUESDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1904."1 f- it P 2 fr fcW.J M -r m JiSsSS -Musa- 1 A 4 BLINDNESS AND DEAFNESS CURED BY NEW METHOD. aaBBBf k'afiJRnsawBBBM a-an-asS Ji&lsnwBBBBBBi Dr. J. Harvey Moore, Ee ana Ear In stitute. SOS and 205 Odd Fellows' building, Klnth ana Olho streets. St Louis. Trachona, or granulated sore eyes, cured without caustics or the knife. Cross eyes straightened by new and painless method. Optic nerve troubles and falling sight cured by Dr. Mooro's "Pneuroatlo Massage" method. Deafncs cured with Dr. Moore's "Pneumatic Vibrator." AP ' pointed by two Ooveniors co and car surgeon to tho Stato Institution for the Blind. Hours: 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Sundays, 8 to 12. Consultation free. Call or write. TAPEWORM I.XTELLED ALIVE I CO 3IIXUTES, wnn titAu. or no fee. No faat- inc. no sicxsesa. no pain. Ue41 eln pleasant and perfectly barm lees. Medicine est to ar.y pan mZZ? of tre' country. 4S-pajr is. dookIi booklet eat lor s-cosi tump PILES Cured without th. knife Fistula. Fissure. Bled!rc. IlcMrx end all Rectal Diseases .access fully tteated. Seni for booklet on Rectal Bta- Bscraests Oo.nU) of coos. Eioa tapeworm la ditfer eet staefs ct cratritticn snd expansion. Ttftse or. Hie Joint, tilt pan In th ttocl. alM crawl way from one troubled with tapeworm. Dr. M. Nay S mith, Specialist Office, JiOO Ollse street, M. Lonls, Ho. Bstabllthcd In SL Lonls In IBM. .ea Jos. H. Schroeder, HORSESHOER, 08 N. Fourteenth St., St. Louis. Between Franklin Ave. and Morgan St. Phone D 969. FOR. WOMEN ONLY W. have the. moat efficient. best and only rellablo rem edy tor Delayed Periods. It relieves the most obstinate comcllcatlccs from any cause In 42 hours, or J to 4 days, without pain, cancer or interference with wort We have brought bapplneis to hundred, of women and bava never known tbla rem edy to falL Too will sav. ,Ittib mrA failure dt wrltlntf .rr. . . .. .v. ... i.c I ll.m, MftllCIUC. &I.A. U.JW.S M.V M..M Lit. H. Q. RAYMOND REJffiDT CO.Eoom 114. M ATJAWS ST- CHICAGO. TUU mmA m .. ir tvifk nrnnr mail. NOTARY PUBLIC. JOSEPH F. FARISH, rr. uovtn rkpobuc BciLDnr. Cwl. Ball Mala S4liK. Ktlxih A wTM. MASTER PLUMBERS CONFER. Labor Problem and General Trade Conditions Discussed. Tmrtlnr manufacturers of plumbing-. tssjD and gas supplies met in conference at, the PUatera HoUl yesterday, when Mil n of Importance to the industry sJwr discussed. Tb manufactarers ere here to attend tfca tenth efwwai convention of the Cen tral Supply Association, which convenes te-dar. Tasterday morning many of them aaanntiVral for tha consideration of aues tfona. T7 labnp nraMtm has been a serioua ma for the manufacturers, who base their rices upon Industrial conditions. They irset over tha field yesterday and the la of prices wm ce ouDmitted u us l to-layoT to-morrow for their con Ion. '-Tha Question of labor was a (n alt It details, but no wiatB- MMttt was jrtven out as to the decision of tha manwacturersL It was stated that tkara was no association among the man acttaars, tat as many of them were here tor the meeting of the Central Sup ply Association. they met to discuss cer tain questlona In an informal way. Ckswsreel tt Asaerleaa Flan Kox. lBUu UonttoaTIo Hotel for permanent soests, largast. beat rooms, and service, at low- SUPPLY MEN MEET TO-DAY. IfMinfactnrers and Jobbers Will Hold Tenth Annual Convention. The Central Supply Association will -Seat ia tenth annual convention at the jlantera Hotel this mornlne at 19 o'clock far s three days' session. The Central Supply Association ia com posed of manufacturers and jobbers of stwsaMnsj; steam and ess supples from FltUbure to Denver, and from St. Paul ad Minneapolis to the Gulf. Tho attend ance at this meeting is expected to be the Unrest in the history of the associa tion. Charles Pfau is president. Preliminary to the annual convention, a meeting of the Executive Committee was held at tha Planters yesterday. Matters to he discussed In the convention were gene ever andthe programme arranged. Tfcfoucn Bleeping ears to Denver, via TJniee Pacific.. Tickets and reservations at M OUT at. JsaVUas Soeletr Is Surprises XsV UBUC BPBUAIa. Dallas, Tex, Oct It Dallas society was surprised to-day by the announced en gagement of Mrs. J. T. Murphy of Dallas and Mr. H. J. Fettingin of Melrose, a. suburb of Boston. Mrs. Murphy la prom meat to social and literary circles. Mr. Pettinsin is -vice president of the South, western Telegraph and Telephone Com yaag. The manage is to take place early Id Ifoisiuber. BIKING ! MMMt Improves the flavor 7 3WP tsssssssssaA VJW ssssssssssssssPssssfl .sssssssbssssH ' ssssssssssssssssssssssi asssssssssssi-ssssssssIi-bssssssssssssI sssB BBBsi CBEAH &s.t n . .i t i.i Etna wans ro me neat cn- fulness of the food. . J 3&J2-' - PUBLIC RECEPTION DEDICATION Completion of New City Hall Will Be Celebrated on Even ing of November 4. ALL OFFICES WILL BE OPEN. Invitations Will Be Mailed Fri day to All Lodges and Or ganizations Everybody Is Invited. St. Lcuis's new City Hall will be dedi cated Friday, November 4, with a recep tion to the public in the corridors and offices of the hall, from 8 to 11 o'clock P m. The first part of the evening, between the hours of 8 and V. will be devoted to general reception in the grand corri dor, in which the guests will be received by Zlayor and Mrs. Holla Wells, and city offlclala, who v. Ill form the receiving line. Ftom 9 to 11 o'clock the heads of the departments will receive the visitors in their respectHe ofllces. There will be no sot programme and the affair will be ctrictly Informal and essentially demo cratic Only the Mayor and those compos ing the receiving line will be in full even ing dress. The hall will be decorated with flowers under tho direction of the Park Depart ment What the naturo of the floral decorations will be has not been decided, but It is intended to make them very plain. Two orchestras will furnish music, ono of twenty-five pieces, stationed on the first floor, and the other of twenty pieces on the third floor. At a meeting of the heads of depart ments in the assembly room of the Board of Public Improvements yesterday after noon, the subcommittee reported on what had been done In tho wa" of arrange ments for the reception. Water Commis sioner Adkins, secretary of the commit tee, mado the report. Most of the details for the dedication, ho said, will be completed to-day. The contracts for printing and orchestra will be closed and all arrangements will bo mado to have tho building In complete readiness for the occasion. HANDSOMS INVITATIONi The selection of invitations was left with Secretary Adkins. It is his Intention to preparo a handsomely engraved design. The Invitation will read as follows: Th. Mayor, on behalf of the Municipal A rembly and city officials, requests tho honor of tha preaenc. of yourself and ladlca at a reception to tha public on the ccmplet'ou of the now City Hall. Friday ercnlns, Xo ember ! . Raeeptlon, to t p. m. Reception by officials la their respective of fices, to 11 p. m. Twelfth atRet entrance. The-lnvitatlons will bo sent to the heads of all fraternal nnd business organiza tions to tne worlds rair commissions, lodges and organizations of eery nature In the city. Attached to the Invitation will be a typewritten note, as follows: On account of tha Inability to reach th entire publlo by Invitations, tha committee re quests that this Invitation be extended to all members or persons connected with your or ganisation. Besides the Inscription the invitation will be engraved with the seal of the City of St. Louis, and Mr. AdkJna hopes to make the Invitation of such beauty that It will be desirable for a souvenir. They win be mailed Friday, a fore the reception. Reports Were made bv tho tialntinsr contractors, who are engaged in decorat ing the interior, that all work would be completed in time for tho holding or the reception. Supervisor of lighting Carter mid that the electric lights In tho new arc 01 tne building would all be In place. Mayor Wells will choose tho receiving line some time to-day, and all other ar rangements for the reception will doubt less do ciosea to-day. Htm Jewelry Catalearoe Free. Mermod & Jaccard's "Uoy catalogue will be ready for mailing on or before December 1. Write for It now. UNITED STATES FILES REPLY. Wilson's Case Against Panama Canal Comes Up To-Day. Washington. Oct. X District Attorney Beach to-day filed In the District Su preme Court a demurrer to the suit brought by Warren a Wilson of Hinsdale, lit, for permanent Injunction to prevent us secretary of the Treasury from dis turbing any money or issuing any bonds on account of the Panama Canal. The suit attacked the constitutionality of the Sp?oner law, authorizing expendi tures on the canal and the hearing will be held In the court to-morrow. The demurrer says the complainant sets forth no Interest in the suit; that the United States is not and cannot be made a party defendant in the matter and generally denies. .tho right of the court to grant the relief sought. Ifa la the make. Tailor. GIT Pine. says H. A. Hesse, POWDER MAGAZINE BLOWN UP. Tons of Explosive Shakes Jlar shalltown, la., and Suburbs. Marshalltown. Ia.. Oct. 2t The powder honse of Abbott sons. In the suburbs of Marshall town, containing tons of powder and dynamite, was blown up ear ly to-day, shaking tha entire dty and blowing out windows and doors for blocks. The explosion Is believed to have been caused by two tramps seen about the place, of whom no trace can now be found. There were so fatalities, except the tramps. Had the explosion occurred half an hour later, many workmen would have been killed. A woman eight blocks away was thrown to the ground and there were sev eraltaorderesultlng from the HURT BY LODGE INITIATION. Iowa Man Sues for Alleged Branding Iron Scars. Des Moines, Oct. SL Roland HunneweU or Peterson, la., Tias brought suit for (5,000 against members of the Woodman lodge of that place. HunneweU rfainn that he bears on his person the brand of a red-hot Iron. Inflicted during the progress of the Initiation, and claims that ha has never fully recovered from the shock. Street Cleswer Ran Over. Felix Martin, a street cleaner, working near Swing and Laclede avenues, was run down by a wagon yesterday while per forming his duties. He Immediately arose and went after the occupants of the wagon with a shovel. Wendell Capp. 13 years old. of No. I60J Lewtonr was struck over the head. In flirting " alight scalp wounds. Richard Preedergast of No. SS Olive) street, the driver of Use wagon, waa arrested. Martin's tnjaries) are not seri ous. - Body Feu 1st ka JUrer. Tha body of an '"MytlflW man was found In the river at the foot of Mar ket street, yesterday, by R. B. Kllgore of Ko. U3A Bayard avenue. It fcad ap parently been In the river for a loss; time as It la so badly decomposed thatTdenU- Iscauoa u almost innmaamie. The man -were a sie-MOa .skirt aaa Was serge trousers. Tha body S at aba saergos. The World's Grandest Jewelry Establishment. Don't Wait Select Your Holiday Offerings. Begin to-day; come and see our magnificent collection. Our stock is now com plete in every particular, and we want you to visit our establishment, if you are a stranger in the city. When you are in the store don't fail to leave your name arid home address. Our new "1905" Catalogue, now being printed, will be a 336page book fully illustrated; a book that should be in every home; a book of useful and beautiful articles of jewelry, tableware and art goods a copy of which will be mailed Free to each of the first 15,000 persons sending in a request. A Fine Watch (Like Illustration.) Of.," that a man is proud carry one that stamps the man who does as a gentleman of good taste. Aphis watch Is solid 11-karot x gold, hunting case, en gine turned and hand-engraved, floral design fitted with our celebrated guaran teed jeweled nickel movement- ' $53. Price Other solid gold watches for gen tlemen, ?23. to fseo. Mail OrdC Filled. RfJE RMOD & JACCARD'S Send for Catatogao BURNS TU DEATH AT CHURCH ALTAR Woman's Dress Catches Afire From Candle as She Eises From Prayer Was 100 Years Old. Opelousos. La., Oct. 24. While engaged at prayer in the Catholic Church here, Mrs. Donal Guillory, U0 years old, was burned to death in a horrible manner. She was bowing before the altar, near which several candles were burning. Her devotions finished, she rose to leave the church, when her dress came in contact with a candle, and In an Instant was ablaze. Only a few worshipers were In the church at the time, and their attention was attracted by the agonized cries of the centenarian. They ran to the woman's rescue, but too late. She died in agony a few minutes after her removal from the church. A MEAT NEWSHPEI. The Xervr York Son Compliments the BlnBhamton Press. For a 6-months-old newspaper the Bmghamton Press Is an uncommonly full- Srown product. We speak from observa on, without knowing anything of the personality that has so quickly made it one of the notable papers of the United States in Independence, vigor, news inter est and most of the other respectable journalistic qualities. New Tork Sun. TWO GEISHA "GIRLS A DAY. Hearing Before Immigration In spector Proceeds Slowly. At the rate of two a day. the geisha girls, charged with being In this country contrary to tho contract alien labor law. are being examined by Imm'gration In spector James R. Dunn, at the place of their confinement in Maple avenue. In all, six of the girls have been ex amined, and their statements taken. Eight mors are to be. examined, after which the testimony will be forwarded to Secretary Metcalf of the Department of Commerce and Labor at Washington. This depart ment will determine the legality or ille gality of the Mikado's subjects In this country. The Immigration Bureau officials said yesterday that the hearing of the pris oners must necessarily be slow and thor ough, as the case Is one of great impor tance and considerable difficulty is expe rienced In securing literal interpretations of tho girls' statements. It is believed that the case will be finished by Saturday. Engraved Calling; Cards. 100 fine cards, with copper plate, name In script, for at Mermod & Jaccard's. Write for samples. FATAL FALL FROM A PORCH. Fannie Silverman, 6 Years Old, Sustained Concussion of Brain. Fannie Silverman, 6 years old, died on the operating tablo at Doctor Harris's office. No. 1KB North Eleventh street, at noon yesterday of concussion of the brain. The child had climbed on to the railing around the rear porch of her homo. No. US North Twelfth street, and feU from It to the ground a distance of fifteen feet. She struck on her. bead. She waa taken to the doctor's office, but death occurred Immediately after reach ing there Centralis, Ho. Hotel Burns. BEPCBUC SPECIAL. Centralis, Mo, Oct. H. The Merchants Hotel, formerly the Globe Hotel, a two-anoVone-half-story frame building, was totally destroyed by fire about 3 o'clock this morning. The loss Is T2.500; Insur ance. UJa. The hotel furniture belonged to A. V. Alexander, and Was nearly all destroyed. Barta SsuTers Costly Fire. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Ardmore, L TOet. 2t-The business part of Ravia suffered a 33JM fire yester day morning at X. The losses are aa f ol- Lo-a Till the Last TO-DAY WE OFFER Stately Hal! Clocks. These grand clocks, in massive oak and mahogany cases, with trimmings of solid brass, are handsome pieces of furniture. They denote taste and refinement. They will last for centuries. As Wedding or Anniversary Gifts they are especially appropriate and sure to please, one that will be appreciated, and long after more trivial things have been for gotten will have a prominent place and an important part in the daily life of the recipient. Of these ws are show ing fifty styles. Prices, $50. to $510. Gpeclnl A rich mahogany case beautiful Inlaid decoration with chiming movement strikes tho quarter hours on four tubular bells or what Is mora commonly called and k n o v n as Westminster chimes, and the hour aro struck on a flftli tubular bll. Price, $330. We will be pleased to have you call and see these mag nificent clocks. They are on our "Art Balcony." BROADWAY AND LOCUST STREET lows: Jake Wilson, genera! merchandise, loss J13.000, insurance COCO; W. B. Larl more. general merchandise, loss Jt,CC0, no Insurance: Plttman & Son, groceries, loss J2.W0, Insurance tl.0CO. EXCEEDS SPEED REQUIREMENT Colorado Fastest Vessel in mored Cruiser Class. Ar. Boston, Oct 21 The armored .cruiser Colorado, built for the United States Navy by William Cramp & Sons of Phil adelphia, to-day on her official trial, cov ered eighty-eight nautical miles In three hours fifty-seven minutes and seven sec onds, maintaining an hourly average speed of E.26 knots throughout the run. exceeding the speed of twenty-two knots called for in the builders' contract by more than a rruarter of a knot. It is thought that tide corrections may in crease her average slightly. The highest speed developed was 23.3 knots, andthls was maintained for six and six-tenths miles during tha homeward run. To-day's performance rates the Col orado as the fastest vessel tn the armored cruiser class, and one of the fastest in the navy, the only large American ships that have ever exceeded her speed, being tho Columbia and Minneapolis. Climax of World's Pair Featares. The Railroad Collision to be presented at Deimar Race Track on Sunday. Octo ber 30. is no doubt the greatest amusement enterprise that has beenorese"ntecl to the public during the entire World's Fair pe riod. Two monster 0-ton locomotives are to meet on a track especially laid for that purpose at Deimar Race Track on Bun day. October SO. SHOULD CONSIDER WIVES. Army Men, She Says, Should Be Investigated Before Marrying. REPUBLIC EPECZAL. Cincinnati, O., Oct. . Evelyn Baker Dodd, a Kentucky author, takes exception to General Corbie's views on marriage In the army. She said to-day: "General Corbln is pleading for an adequate money support. That is not tee most important question. The young army officers should be carefully investi gated before he Is entrusted with a fair young bride. "General Corbln is trying, first, to pro tect the army, then the officer, and, incll- recuy, ine sweeLncart or wiie. uere is the case where the last should be first. The War Department could well concern Itself with the fitness of men who pro pose to lead about a wife." For diarrhoea, dysentery, etc, Wake field's Blackberry Balsam. AH druggists. TRIAL IN LINCOLN COUNTY. Acceptable Jury Could Not Be Se cured in Albright Case. The failure of the several venires called in the case of T. Edward Albright, charged with bribery, to produce en ac ceptable jury, resulted yesterday In an agreement between the counsel on both sides to try the case in Lincoln County. The order was not made yesterday, but Judge Taylor announced that he would make it this morning. This county was the choice of Circuit Attorney Folk. The opposing counsel made no opposition to his choice. Fine Watch Repairing;, And all work guaranteed, at Mermod & Jaccard's, Broadway and Locust street. BURNED IN A "STATION FIRE. John BJchords May Die, and Miss Jackaway Is Injured. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Springfield, IU., Oct, 2L Tha station and elevator of Cora, on the C., P. & SL L, was burned at midnight last night. John Richaxts, a brother-in-law of the station agent. In attempting to escape from the building, was frightfully burned, and will die. Miss Mary Jackaway, his niece, was also burned In endeavoring to rescue him. Xextco Fire Victim Dies. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Mexico, Mo.. Oct. It Doctor William T. Kendall of this dty, the veterinary sur geon, who was burned in the fire here last night while attempting to save hones from a fire, died this afternoon. The prop erty loss wfll probably reach tSO.000. Twenty-nine valuable horses were burned. est-Prlccd Houas In America for nne Goods. Minute to Special Elegant solid oak case, six feet high a grand-looking clock One Swiss movement strikes the hours and half hours on cathedral gong re peats tho hours two minutes after an exceptionally good value At $50. NEW THOUGHT CONVENTION OPENS SESSIONS TO-DAY. Delegates From All Parts of the Country Arrive for Catherine at Stasia Hall. Delegations from aU sections of the country arrived in St Louis yesterday and last night, to attend the fourth nnmrnl New Thought Convention, held under the auspices of tho New Thought Federation, which begins its sessions in the east nave of Music Hall. Thirteenth and Olive streets, this afternoon. The addresses for to-day Include the fol lowing: "The Significance of the New Thought Movement." by tho Reverend R. Hebcr Newton, D. D.: "What Makes the New Thought New?" by the Reverend John D. Perrln: 'Society and the Individ ual." by Eugene Del Mar. The programme for to-night Includes the following addresses: "God and Man, and Their Interrelations." by M. Woodbury Sawyer: "The Coming Race." by Miss Anita. Trueman; "The New Thought and Recent Discoveries in Science." by the Reverend Henry Frank. The programme for both sessions Includes music numbers by Professor Le Roy Moore. Mrs. Henry Boemler. Miss Edna McDonald, Miss Laura Payne. Mrs. F. A. Bensbers- During the convention a business ces sion will be held, at which a permanent constitution of the New Thought Feder ation will be adopted, new officers elected and other business transacted. The present officers of the New Thought Federation are: President, the Reverend It- Eebsr Keartos. D. D.; vice president. Ursula K. Gestefeld; secretary, Eugena Del Mar; assistant secretary. John D. Femn; treasurer, H. Bradley JtSari auditor. Bolton HaU. The Advisory Committee Is composed of tho following named: lUis Nona I Brook.a Demer; rferrry Harri son Brown, San Francisco: Mrs. Helen Camp tKli, Eliot. Me.: lira. II. E. Crarcex. Ean Fran cisco: Mi Earab J. Farmer, lalot, lie.; Mlsa Esmer Henry, Hartford. Conn.: Ua Mary Robbtns Mead. TV'aalilcxtan: O. R. Moultmx. Minneapolis: tat ReTerend John D. Pen la. t Loots; Charles E. Prather. Kansas City. Mo.; ths ReTerend H. H. Schroeder. St. loola; Jo ecph Stewart, Washington: ila. Beten Van Anderson, Kew Tork aty; J. W. TTinkley. Boston. Set of Cat-GIaas Tnxnblers, f22S. Beautiful design, perfect ratting, hand polished. Set of six fcr CJS. At Mer mod & Jaccard's. Mall crdcrs died. Write for catalogue. PROBATE JUDGES TO MEET. Will Visit World's Fair Convention. After The annual meeting of the Association of Probate Judges of Missouri wm be held In the Probate Court at the Courthouse to-day. At the meeting of tho associa tion last year St Louis was selected for this year's convention, on account of the World's Fair. The principal object of the association Is to discuss the administration of es tates and suggest changes In the adminis tration laws, tending to simplify the pro cess of administration and save expense to estates. After the business of the convention has been disposed of the visiting Judges will be taken to the World's Fair by Judge Thomas B. Crews, Judge of the St Iul3 Probate Court To Inspect St. Louis Warehouse. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Washington. Oct 2L Supervising En gineer John Charles of the Indian Bureau left Washington to-day for St Louis to inspect the Indian supply warehouse, lo cated there. For some years there has been an effort afoot to divide the Indian warehouse business now enjoyed by Chi cago and St Louis with Omaha. The last session of Congress provided an ap- AFTER SICKNESS Has weakened jour system and left you almost helpless you will find a few doses of Eostetter's Stomach Bit ters very beneficial. It is the sick man's friend and for over 50 years 'has given complete satisfaction. It is tntnont an equal lor restoring strength, inducing sound sleep and building up solid flesh. Then it also cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Costive ness, HeartbsrB, Bloating, Malaria, or Female Complaints." Try a bottle. HOSTETTER'8 STOMACH BITTERS. jyllll SwsMBiwiwiwiwiwav. jsgii3sLLtMSsiiiiwB ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssw -.SfiflilllllllieasssK IIIswBKswU'b'&vHihLHH g:PrvSWP"wrJrwMswi iiiisiwiwBBiwaBBBBBa &$$ Hn B k I I HB ta BK LSBBBrSwlasVnVBBBB ,,s$3lrSs3BLssfsBsBBBj FOR RENT to desirable tenants, on Ions term If desired, space In PUBLICITY 1127-1129 PINE STREET, Wide Alls Wist and Hortli. gliiv ...Haines if 1101 First floor and deep basement with granitoid floor, suitable for Bank or Trust Company wlthsaff I deposit department or for offices of a Urge Insurance Agency. Fourth Sd fifth floors affordfinest opportunity for offices to be had In StTLouls. Windows on all sides. Will be divided to suit tenants. Bulfdlng lust completed: steel construction, absolutely fireproof: lectite elevator service hot passenger and freight: steam heat: toUet-rooms on jtl floors: hand somely finls&d in oaU maple flooring; with marble wainscoting on first floor and In tollet-rooma. r .. J .. . ttnrMMI articulars. see sts.f 5r eonotbuUvKiSONCHBSiIA3i & CO- UTM13 Fine et l KftSlNTHara. Ask those .wjgjBBBKsifo vho have used 0.sssBAMfOBJs UwV 8Ai? WStttmZCr aura turn mum. HAVE YOU OBSERVED THAT EVERYONE WHO HAS BELL TELEPHONE SERVICE Considers the Results Satisfactory? Service and Rates Are Suited to All Conditions. A representative will call to explain, if you wish. CONTRACT DEPARTMENT, 920 Olive Street. Main 3525. MK?wlPaawBBBBBBBBBT tin I awPsBBBv I I . , --mBSrBaasaggAaa.J The barted eeat Is a loaaew a ao-velty bat still posraUar. IU plae Is.belasF takes try a resereas doaMe-fereastaeX arreatcoat, 48 tachea loaar. THE CHESTERFIELD median leat H roasd coat. The three -battea aldrtctl overcoat will be la desaaaal for a snore showy srarsaeat. The klrta aro very fall aa bell shaped. Here yea cam see every style aaa pattcra aaa alt yourself. Ready to Wear, $15 to $35 MILLS & AVERILL BROADWAY AMD PINB propriation of O0.000 for a warehouse at Omaha, and now the Indian Bureau Is about to look Into the situation to ascer tain how much. If any, of the Indian warehousing may be diverted from St Louis and Chicago and given to Omaha. Eadeavorera Elect Ofdaers. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. HllUboro. Ma. Oct. K-Ouiauaa Bn deavorers of the Sixth Missouri District Ls II BJ a. 9 lnclttSgJacnSlyHHe JDaBl PXBlal IF I la-k I H ehea bj Women, ra5 r aa- I 4sssateawasWlasssllTawi Jr1f Nervouaneaa, aaS JH I faJaSs TsfnaflawBawBawBawBawBawH "nation, ladjtaetjast aaa -S.fBJ k. MBbs-'-saajajajajajajfBBBBBH sjour Stomach. .JNessalata ve aBesjgPJBBJBBBflBBBBBH and ItaawsaatJaJftataagi - - ssBSBsssssawSMBasMBsasSMaEeaassaw vss --?gysssssjsaamwsawsjaasaaawaaaass Tim RUPTURE ALWAYS INSIST 01 GETTING A BECAUSE to tto retailer by tSs Maeteule J "iuail-. BUILDING 5 JTERCANTn TRUST ,fh, 8th f"4 jMcat them. The Leading Stove Dealers of the U. t. Sell Them. ' If JtQ Sealer la Tows Ttwa Does, 'Write to Tjs. 4 .ra ara i in art pra pra an act held their annual eesveatlea : day and Sunday. Tha small, those present betas; from St. Louis. St Lotas Coanty, and ttoa coasty. Of ficers elected an Theodora TiKWrr-i president. St, Looter A. B. McXaOa. vtee president, ISnsberoj Itbat May lMaaT secretary. St. Leais; Xee Pattarteld, as aunaat secretary. VaHey Park, and i ttum Hopper, traaaorer. St. Loots. KIUi, Cured Ko eamasr, ate atata, ae Jet wtia tf-lUHlst aWtK mmmm 3 i'.l -; i s. BwaBSawic- 2fffHs. Jt -""""swSslOBaswsewfaMLaa. m r. owl... tm - . - pai's saasMeeael aiaisaaam..Baa''. - V s 41 2 rt -. ? -! '&$i !3.-V Y Tn. " .. ,ent V " -i . "ffife?&' --'sfftisjAaarjir',8jF.i - inits u. . - as.iSssc. Zt-CAi kS. liT-t "f. "--f'-;i.(rTfc-xr AiLir j Tv. jap2.ii.?E-'r...ii - "-sv.i-Ji SsSS, fef3S-JJ?3-H. ssSyM.'sisaAi ckrr; '. ,Tu.a . . & . -. ..f-.Aj' s- 'r.T. tit.Jcfr mxiL ssfek3gjnky?3. t&ihsm&j&&:c