Newspaper Page Text
aa-Sn , i . MWMfta . !T?1PHHPMMaHMa r? st - -v---- &&?, ?" v--v v m,,- . ,Ar-'v -f55iv"Ta ' '"-1 --r-ir ,-, ji WJS t- " - 5e" J ', !' -IJ&.- -. . t - IM ' fv' ' ' i IW m-TXTTi em tatttoi ,txittttt m . mrrTTTio-n'W. TVTr. AT-mTlTTJTCT? Q 10n'J!" XXL XI OX. XJVJUXC3 XVXIX' UDJUJLU J lJlUJOiai, iw V JJiii.uaJxv t , o-tv. 3 w 'II 9k TB's v nr,"" ' ?lSfi .a :A 1 HCSICAl. VW VMM,.niwrri yn-M-i-i-i- ' " " ABSOLTJTELY cheapest place: musical InJtru raentt: violins Jl up. mandolins J1.S5 up. guitars tl up. J. F. Hnnleth Music Co.. S. Broadway. BARGAIN in little nstd mahogany ,uIrljM: must be ia this weefc: hair year old: J1S0 Rettera, ics n. Grand are. . DECKER upncht piano, JH5; -perfect order. Kleekamn Proa, piano Co.. 7307 Par. , GIBBS ana Brown music for nil occasions. Arnold Inouan. manager. 1SSS Morgan rt. ON sale at oor storaso-bouie. a nne, late style upright; beaatirul mahoeynr ease: sold under our' guarantee at' one-half orltnal price. "mu owraijc .. iliihimw - 1TTV- mrtwfi ,.,... n cbIm ch9T1. Call 8Jt lln Chouteau aw. TIEAR the south of a. JCrakauer nlano slug": near 11 la to but iu cui v .. - .- :mo ejo.. reurtecmn aaq imm ... . MAHOGANY uprlrhl piano; rest .v"" eet condition: cheap Jf sold for cash at once. a. xvcpwuiic PIANOS tuned. H.W: flrst-cuus piano and or- o tunsr and repairer; 15 jeanr experience. t-"ni postal to H. Kants. 2330 Otavola ave. SILVER-PLATED Instruments; Ub cornets: JSosson, K: conn. 13; saxaphcne. 13. Tort bcria fostrumentx? J. Placht & Bon. 113 S. Broadway. WILL -I full-size Decker Bros, piano for s casn. n s. Jefferson ave. J4 bura nice stelnway piano; good for be ginner: -atool. cover end delivery. -" Sixteenth.- RENT PIANOS. Si. Xi. SJ. Si per raonlh: splendid assortment: carf and atwii free; rent aJlowrd If piano ij Eircbei BRAlJBtJnY Tlano T7arerr-orni. WIS !i it. P. O. Bmlth. mfr. A. B. Whiuker. mirr. , Bis Piano Bargains. KusvriA?0o.s5rii00 iM X. B. WinTAICrR. MGR, T7 an maklnr tpeclaj low prlcea tnurreez to redncs our mock, as we are ovcrcruwdea. and are offerlnc heavy reductions on all llnra. Wa can mention only a few of our rpeclai l nerr planoi thli vrcek tX S3S0 new pianos thla week at MOO now pianos this week at H50 new pianos this week at .... 2 uiner prices in proporc on. USfcD PIANOS. WOO nardmnn upright thli week SIM elUtil flaVtw mi, 1ttm Wlr ........ 141 tSO ashler ttnrfrhL this v.eek, xrr:" ""i?ii :?. -rii. i4i SKO Standard unrtitht thli week. S175BRADBURT upright, this week SSTt Plymouth unrlaht this wek.i KM WhlttlT unrlsht, this week SCOin XtXDBVnr nrrliht thU week, rs 19a JO Small e! Sn tX. MO; fine. 520 arfl S3W: squares. S30, SCO. S7S and upward. Llndeman. Hallet A Davli. Eteck and other makes. OIU3ANR. CSoiuur them out: S3. S30, K3. SIO. M and epward. All In ccod rondlilon: orlRlnally cost SB" b SSM. Mason i, JIamlln. Estey and other irod makes. ... Don't neilect this opportunity ef xettlnr a rood piano at a. very low prlco. These prley wlIL&rfor a. few days only. BRADnbRT Piano Warercoms. 1012 Olive st T. Q. Smith. rofr.A. E. Whltaker. mtr. nOL'SBIIOLD GOODS. VtsyVllststlsViSAAAII - Waatrd. FBATOER8; venr hlpbt prices pa!4,honeft JimX y eight: poti. :iaL uriccs iaiu; iwucit Pillow Ca. tS29 Flnncr. lilOD I'i ITATHKH bisldlm; wuitcd: Day 85o to 53.85 is pound; pogttU T. J. Ryan, T.t End Station. 3HTURB. br the vccQ or carload: hlch- !ch TaJd. lfoor 221& Wwh ft. HIGHEST DTleu "or content of hotels, room- - .V. ... .t.a .... 11... mrtJt 1.1 ! .h. cuantlty. the better we am nltta. 5C1 Olive. TO PUT B. secondhand Btnall soft-coal heating Itcre; cheap. 437S Delmar. WP cay highest cash prices fnr lioushold furniture, plane, etc; also huv entire contents of flats or residences: call or send postal. tK nort Auction Co.. 1119-21 Olive st For Sale. ABOUT C.OOs or (.000 secondhand brick: COO Brs brick. US B Fourteenth. BEDROOM suit: also class cupboard; cheap. squire lax usntcn. vrsDROOsf anvnther furniture: call Thurs- dav bsfora noon. 3321 Botanical are. BEDROOU set dardrobe and aldeboard, K; fceds.SOe: setrtnc machines, tl; dressers. Si; ranges, cloclm.' pictures, etc 1704 S. Eloventh- CHINA closet: almost new: no dealers. 1M3 8. -Broadway. FOLDINO bed and bedroom suite. S3 CTFol ien st PURNITDRB.ot nve-rcom rut; at.ence. uii Evans. FCRNTnjRE. very cheap; Whlto machine, cost SSS. sell SW. 3IH Chouteau. OABLIKD cooklne stove, cheap. 2107 N. Brtxadsray. OAS range, heater and water heater. KxlC; oak frams, class back; bargain. S03A .TVasb Incton. ' HOUSEHOLD rasnltuccstdroom ret parlor set: call after-t-n m. Sll grand. - v LAIWH solld-oalf sldeboard, 17.W: Iron bed. sprlnr and mattresa; SI; Iron davenport almost new. SS. 3MS Pins st UOT ef heattns- stoves. SLW up- lot cook stores, from tt up. Rnhlraan. Mil Caston.' NEW-Radiant Homo base-burner; Model 91. IStKA -Olive. . RADIANT- IIOJIE bsse-burner. ran so. Iron becV spring, mattress, etc, 4328 Fountain. STOVE: Buck's .Radiant No: SO; rooj as new. S24 B. Third st WE'havs'iin kinds World's' Fair household roods for sals that ws wish to close out cheap. Sl A. "Fourth st viTLBON beaten cheap. M. Marks, 70 Lucas aye., fourth floor. S3 cock stors for SS: call at one. 2113 X. Tmrtesctb. UPHOLSTERING Do jroa wish to have any mattresses revo Tated'thht -fallt If so. give us a trial, li. G. TXTBIISO TJfhcarterlns; and Beddinc .Mfr. Co.. stars' Co 'Olive; tactory s. . cor. Fifteenth and Pin it Phones, Undeii MS. Main 721 and tlmar-t7.- URNITURE, CARPETS, n rues, brass and Iron beds, leather Jns, rswlns; machines, pianos, lace curtains. IsasM 1 1 slVif ifKsks now tistfTinla nlaa fft nns-. -.A. bedroom, dlnlns-room and library, on it1- tpid mm b tiumr rcuDceu pnm. Blxi bargains .this week tn misfit .carpets and room-sits rags; beautiful patterns In Axmln ster. Telvet body Brussels, tapestry and ln araln: all grades and sises, Brfnar rfr of your toom; LANQAN 8TORAGB CO., 1001 Morcan st ', rO SAtE MCELljmEOC. 1 Mlll,ri'i'-",''.'l-1-l-.-.-r.w-.i-Wrii.1illA.'i-n LI ATJ. ."kinds of TYclxbach lights and supplies: rood snsntles, 10O each; S for 25c Condon Bros.. 1028 Market! AMERICAN SHOE REPAmiNO CO.: half soles and. heels your shoes. GOc. while you wait: open evenings. 235 Market BIMJARD and -pool tables:' new and second Band icash or Ume payments- cloth, supplies. JiJ-riiC il- J"iOi XMUiarU.SUf. tj. v. .awwwi sko. BUT oatota. brushes, vsrnlfhes. wnlts lead: so to SHo. Orsat -Western Paint and Color Co.. U UUOlM1 t TlM.1.lll .1 W Ml . " " -"-- . .I.U.IIU .11. .Jafai?i.tu1r J1SW -NaSlonal cash rrclster; - -- " "-mm .i. .. a. unimiway. wjij Dssiramiiy. lie bu. delivered. South- wi-n m i.. sis za snraireenin. ynone c ISI. Vfvwiltm nH.HMVi.k -.. ....... .. . -mi. UIUU1.1U1 j-ni ana otuiara ta bles: KJVrsnt ress J i Fowler. I21 Casa 1P17R nsole seart tor oc1t"S10: will sell'jn ele- SBU9C' tSI I lOnf niTfr arrf. vrttm hafnr. tMlit.. 3Lw :STTt IOHTT.nHl.11. -y. -.. ... . ubllc. I1TDB Coal Cpj gpedal lie bushel: Rood JSSSfLiS1-Kybt5ri. J M bushels. 409 N. T-hrhteenth: Kin, c 212S: send p.stal. HOUSEBOAT: nine rooms; make ms an or ler. Iunppian. Bremen. and rler. 1CNIVEH.I Torks. poCketknlves. spoons and hsar'rirren' description: razors. TV! hones and 'strops. "Standard Tool Co- K3 N Birth LADT8 ticket tO-Chlcago via Wabuh: KDOd ontll Saturday. November S. 2C20 Dickson. . IX3T red brick and Brebrlek. Apply boller tooss Waters, Pur-s OU ca. OKIS-AMD-ONTi-irAIj.V-TinnM houteboat Vrs. iaunpman. Bremen and rlverl . POOL and, billiard tables; new and second hand; cJeap. Louis Waiter. Mis Franklin. POOT. tables, new seoondband; shelvlns. wuu.i mvyvu v& mu siimip. A. -. Alours, PRINTJNO inatsrUi:,cTlinder presses: Job sa typv. vie us aoaraei st. s4jcms wiMiwi a.cs, ai?o iwb llm mrmwtwr.0 u 1- . M- -V-, .' ' U.HWMW C. 11., gTATLCR-MADB -overcoats and suits, hats; BMnu. Mtm KAm im tl 1ft Im. h. ..-. ffeants; cheap. 8. Ocracn. ioa Morgan. ff rTStlJtTT-SSVEN-FOOT turhln latmch. cr I small tscts. 7xt: SJ.M each. zs La TWD'tlesMI to Sedalls, Mo.: Udr n wewi mi rjovsmper 6. saw, itepubuc. Du&a-iouit rtooF ooak? saky tm, shlngl, felt or- Iron UDTer H -srtth Uaatl RMflnr.. It fn Um1 old and arw roofa, and for valisys. jr-'.ten. ska, bstcoriss.- ate. ' MastJo'Rocf ?aiat And star OsaMK'wnritop small leaks. Writs saa MgorraatUB. National Mastlo I-CO-? ivmtsu oiar. Unettott iWwi eoodMlmj In any part r5-r-., "Hi 1 .-. - . .j?.vJA, jyaKANZ. . CO., .- (U Franxila ave. wj.TJ lti r""""'"' X FBal SAX.B." an i n-mnrtn til. DTHAstOH a Us. .;mi 'i ... ,,- ViJGt KljS: w buy-elec trlea I ml. I Papln. IV fwn2aShss7T?.tJLM Sur snv kfn that line. FiUllX Ji AJfi BOUSES AM) VGUICLES. sls1ssssSs-ssssttssssi,ssrfaavaJa W'Antcd. MAArssMAArirVisVVVWVMVWVWVW,iVls -.wj uk;-u.vau nvicvj, ucdncvu iiii"' anu 200 pound; not or 8 years old. Call alter O dock. 2741 TtfitvAfto TWO ceniccable. sound deliver? horses! 1 tun a competent Judge and unless horso is sound, plcasa tlnn't take up my time. Address Ed munds. 493IA Page. VANTi3D llorsr tor feeding throuRtt fall and winter: reliable. KD S3, Rnmbllo VTAiTED Horse and Tvacon, BUltable for express buslnwi; must bo In good condition and reasonable. 3U Mcllen ave. For Sale. ssssaisss1,tsissfc..Jssssss.sSssssisssssisaltst,sia,tsatas,tss ALt kinds of rood work, drltinr and express tirrses: cash or time: two cood delivery horaef. 525 each; light team ot bays. tl70; wagonette, Elmot new, cheap; first-class hot waffle wagon, bargain; several top wagons, etc.; see its be rora bujinr. Standard Credit Co.. 160S 9. rwelfth st. ALWAYS en tur.d, drart. flrlvfnx. treral purposti bcrses; new wairuns. bucgie and bar Zsess; you try hordes before bulnr; rash or ca rarmeutfl. r. I House. UIS N. H'oadway, Al bargain; rubber-tired runabout; new. 41 Eyhns. AT a sacrifice K taken at once; rubber-tlrvd stanhope and harness: aell separate, 3213 La clede ave. IIAUCSAINSBle team farm marcs, JW; two largo horses; coal j-ard; celling out. 1S21 rvanklln. OAHGA1N: rubber-tired Ftatlon waron: stvK ih; centle horse and harnew; sell seoarato. Kn 7. Kunihllc BIO horsc for ash or ccal Tagon; ery cheap. 1T14 Mcrcan. niAClC family horse; ery centlt and relia ble: reasonable. 33 HI dee. IIROUGHAJI: cheap; llttlo used: half price. S) Pine at. OOAI wagon, horse and harness, ST3: also express wagon. SW.W): must sell. SllO Pine. DRAFT. dri1nr and Keneral-nurnote hores, wsroni. Harness: cash or payments: eterythlng truaranteed n. represented. U'Z Clayton avsw riXE driving horse: SI00. tioi Minerva. PTVE horeei. various slsee. 3 to $60; trial and cuarnntee glen. Ji'orthern Teed Co., J Ijucas ac- IXIUR plug horsos; cheap; call before II o'clock, an Cats ave. FURN'ITURE. top and open delivery wagons; new and secondhand. Young & Co., 1CS N. H roadway. OOOD worlc mule: cheap. Call at sa S. 8ec nd st. GOOD work or delivery horse, cheap. iCS Rutger. GOOD delivery mare, gvw: toi i -i - . SU JJ. Nineteenth. HARNESS Larra stocK team, slnsle wagon and bugjrr harness: see mr line of blankets and saddles. A. TucketL llg N Rroadwar. HORSE, wagon and harness; call at 9 a. m. SIM SU Vincent ave. HOltsa harness and cob; will sell eeparale. Inquire at SIO -Walnut. HOHSES wintered: rcasonshle. Beck's Stock Farm. Bellefontaine. mo. u m: ueaumont m. L-VNDAU. carriage, harness and tesm; In ytd running order; must bs sold; a bargain. rood as: om st. LARGE brown mare; very gentle; tig bar gain to-day. 1711 Wash et. LARGE mnrn: work anywhere; big bargain; sell cheap. 4ISS Cote Brllllante. LIGHT horse, spring wago-i and hamessr storm buggy. SS. KSS S. Broadway. LIGHT cut-under surrey, cood as new: rub ber tires, leftther trimmings, double spring, worth tnO: price S: can be seen at Keyos Marshall Bro.. Union and Delmar. . ON'E small horse: cheap. 3121 Oregon ave. ONE large draft horse; cheap. KM Chou- RUBBER-TIRED runabout: nrst-class con- gmwi. pg. iuuer. wj www. best make; also double harness. SM. IBS Morgan. stmnnV' nrst-class: Wright's make: also Perry cart for sale. m8 Minerva. TEAM black ponies; for Eaie cheap. C3 Eas toa ave. TEAM of work horses; cheap. 1U Tower Grove ave. TEAM big draft horses, delivery borse, drivlnz mare: leaving city. 3MS Finney. TEAM mares: good delivery horse. Call to- oav only. ,ij . Jlgcc at- t-t-hi ntilM l-wiirt.. mnit well to-dav wat-on. SU. Inquire saloon. ZZ3 Franklin ave. -T-c-x? i.m. Knm.c. tn r-.ttir horses, tan v.... --itu ? iMt.i1.v CJllip uiuici. oa ... mwwt".. T-T-i-1 nn tn rn mmi ltl1- rfieail hOTSeS! parpain. iiu awiwi. n.,...-. ., .. . .va.1. 1.n . h.aC tltrT wagon: harness: must sell. 1711 Wash. GR.0L0CK VEHICLE CO. Everything In the horre-vehlcls line at re duced prices this week. S15 N. Croadwsy. UCDUCCC RETAIL DEPART. nAKllCOO Washington kve. andSlst. Horse blankets, robes and heaters. J. B.-SICKLKS3AmJI.ERY-:CO. STORM BUGGIES. - EMRREE-McLEAN COE CO.. 1S1T Olive it. DOGS, CATS, rETS FOR SALE. ALL kinds birds, parrots, rabbits, guinea pigs, mocking birds In song. French poodle puppies. New. Orleans Bird Store. ISIS Franklin. GOOD doc: cheap. rOA Mafntt. MOUNTAIN Lion: a beauty; cheap. C7T3 S. Broadway. NEW YORK Bird Store; canaries, parrots, rabbits, guinea rlc. goldflsh. globes and aqua riums. M9 FranMln. near Broadway. THOROUGHBRED hull cups; male and fe male. JSlS Sullivan RCnnEU STAMPS. SCAT.S. STKXCILS ADAMS, the stamp man. 214 N. Sixth St., St. Louis, Ho.; rubber stamps, seals, stencils, eta.; good, cheap, quick. Write for new list. EXCELSIOR Stencil Works. H3 Olive, for' steel stamps, stencils, burning brands, rubber type. sals. brass and aluminum checks. "KASPER STAMP AND SEALCO., SIS Lo cust st.. and block 11. Liberal Arts building. World's Fair: both pbones. WALL PAPER. nwrtT.Tf!M TIROS, naoer moms S2 each 0CO Barton. Del. 170S: Ltndell 1S60. RKALTY Wall Paper and Painting Co.. 312S Easton. phone D 190: den't be afraid to give us a trial: la can surprise you; cash or time; open nights. . TVPEWRITEnS. For Sale. WssvSs'iisAs'sssSss'aasriVt,'VNssVv REMINGTON. Smith, Oliver. Underwood typewriters; SS to S50; rentals, two months SS. St. Louis Typewriter Exchange, S10 Olive, suite Ml YOUR selection ot the largest stock ot slight ly used and secondhand typewriters In the country: standard makes guaranteed for one year; sold and rented everywhere: send for bargain and rental rate card. The Typewriter Exchange. SOS N Ninth s:.. Et. Louis. Mo. , CARPET CLEAKIHG. ACME Steam Carpet Cleaning Co.; Se per yard. 4X0 Eastcn ave. Both phonea AMERICAN Steam Carpet Cleaning Co. Car pets cleaned and renovated, made over and laid. Nineteenth and Pine. Beaumont Stt: D 70. CHICAOO Steam Carpet-Cleaning Co.. W. N. McCourtny, ilanagrr-Carpets renovsted. look like new. Lin. IC30: Kin- DeL asi. SS3 Finney. ST. LOUIS Steam Carpet Cleaning Co., 4K Easton: nhene Forest IC3: Delmar 774. EMPIRE Steam Carpet Cleaning Co.. W. Wa terman. Manager Carpets renovated, look like new. 212S Lucas: tel. Beaumont BO: Kin. CSCS DANCING. -- ----------, --- i- -i-ii-ii i-ii-.-.-n rt . JOIN Professor De Honey's class for begin ners this week. Academy. CS0S Olive at. Finest In United States; no Saturdar night cr Sunday dancing or saloon connected; those wishing to loin a select school, call at once, or send for catalogue: Klnloci chona SU Delmar: select receptions every Thursday evening; DYINO. CLCAIXC. REPAIRISG. R. GROEUL k. CO.: carpets cleaned, dyed, renovated: ladles and genu' garments cleaned. dyed, repaired. Both phones, ita Oravols LADIES and gentlemen, bring your spring garments to the Paris Cleaning and Dyeing Emporium. 1S30 Franklin. COLD. SILVER, KICKEL PLATIXG. ---- -"-'"-'-"-'r -- '" wmssa A, STEIN" & CO., dealera In old goM and. TSZ N. Tenth. Branch. SOS N. Tenth, room 1. GOLD, surer and nickel plating In all Its branches: repairing eld silverware a specialty. Gustave M. Krausc. Ml Tine st.. second Soar. PRIXTIXG. s---1,tSN-a-tgsfcsk-asTaH AAAA1 Cheapest place In town fn nrtnttnv HcGlll a Co., ia N. Eleventh. EIERMANN BnOS.. printers. SS Pine, solicit your business and guarantee satisfaction; One commercial work a specialty; Kin. 1430A, PENSIONS PATENTS. PRNRION Touchers seented. 9D0 T vi trenth st. Henry 3. Lydi, notary public, pen slon attorney. - nsvi st np7 m, m sin n.i - dies, fpcdal macoinery and Itxcr hardware. TnEATniCAL. -i - 1 -iiri n-i -hi -mi on. ., 8EV ENT I'fi v E men with coma military, ax perlenc to appear In -"Siberia." Apply stags m tranca Havlhra Theater, Saturday morning at S. EDCCATIOIfAL. ", ,----------- ------,-,- -i--i-ii'n-inj-gLn., WANTED Teacher ot arithmetic KD 1 Re public ' BOOKS-PAPER I. fciiri -in i nn n'ir -in i -i'.'ii'ii.iiiiir.'.-iii,nim..i X WANT to bur law. medical ana ether goo books. Din Linahas. bookseller, til MarktC - DUSIXCSS FOR SALE. RAKKRY and restaurant: doln a uuMneps of Si per day: call before 11 p. m.. 433 llnney. HAR11ER thou: bath: host location: worth SI00: ic; takes It toilav. KD 131. RtDlihllc BARBER shon: four chairs: hydraulic com bination. Tilth two living-rooms. 1103 Cass. BARBER shop; live choirs: nret-ciasi; two bathrooms: OIHe St.; line location; rood busi ness; no agents; other business. Kll 111, Re putllc. BARHKIt shop: flrat-claw three-chair lie 'Shop: clrars and laundrj brancii: centrally lo cated: goud street; fine stand; reason, sickness. KD 108. Republic. RARBER shop: coo-1 trade; eetabllbei tno years; two Hving--rooni3: cluup rnt. Address Frank Kern, mi Manchester. ROOK and ncv.i stand: 111 N. Sixth: cood location. CBJ1 nt 311 H. Hroadwuv. CANDV store, fountain, lunchroom: irood trader sell cheap; leaving city. ici: N. Vanda,- enter. CAt.-pY store: elegant v. extern location; !! almoxt half Invoice: SIM himdles; 'jlKKtst tnip et. World's ralr Urokemce Co.. !6 Chcftnut. cinARS. randiest rood location: rent. J2): flr.s Ilstures; STS down, balance CIO)). S3 wee. E N". KlfteenUi t. tr.ear Market) CI&VBLVND, i'lfZA Six roonut and bath; furnace: SSi. ItEDMO:? ft PHH.L.TPA tto Chestnut ot. CONFnCTlONnRl'. cigars, tobacco: fln can- qiei. launuo. news stnnq. .rg a. liroaoway. coTkVTXTnoxiZRY: ep'.cndiJ location: vtri monthly income: rfnt J3J: price JSO): o spicnilll Iiropoiltlon and will not la-t long. Moreah, Vn chestnut st. tXlNFBirriOSCRY: furnished lliing-rooms; IS3 down, balance cas-; chance for lady to build large business v.lth husband's salng9. jj cucuieau ave. cuxraCTIONEHl; ssia mire; nno coinr store; two living-rooms; 51W doun; this Is pciI. tlvcly n money-maker, cc It. CONFECTIONERY: splendid Olive st. cor. ner; desirable livirc-rooms; permanent moni-y-maklng stand: strictly ail right: SIOO bandies, Glascock. 602 Chestnut- CONFECTIONERY, clears, laundry, lunches; two fine rooms: clean, cozy; western thorouvb fare: JZS: exceptionally desirable. World's Fair Brokerage Co.. W6 Cheftnut st DRUG store: fine fixtures; new fountain; fresh stock: reasonable price. 3)03 S. Broadway. DRUG store; splendid location; doing good Saying buslnew: or half Interest to registered ruggist or doctor: no agents. bT S3. Republic DRUG storer busv western transfer comer; four rooms aboie: ;n rent: ..-) incom": invoice. World's Fair Brokerage. Co.. r5 chestnut tt. DRUG store: Wcr ihul: fine prescrliitlun trade: clean stock: up-to-dato fixtures; dally sales S60 to S7G- will sell at Invoice. AMERICAN imOKERAGE CO. :E Century building. EIGHT, sixteen or tenty-four roouii; mod em; Olhe, near Vandeenter; sviell location, with fine new furniture Afc REDMON & PH1LLIPH. W6 Cliestnut. ELEGANTLY arpolnted West End barbr shop doing S1W per week business; price SiOO; lmestlgate. KB 111. Republic FINE rettauranl: fine permanent trade: excel lent location: one block frcm college; min'r leaving the city: great bargain. Call US N. Ewinc ave. FIRST-CLASS hotel and restaurant; come quick. lSlt Olive. niiBT-CLASS- drug rtore: S2.S00: easy terms; monthly sales .l.yo. KD S3. Republic. GILL'S Restaurant: one of the best plnces In West End: comer Vanieventer and Olive. No agents. GOOD established restaurant. ICG Market st. GOOD-PAYING rooming-house: ten rooms; must sell trl week. KB 135. Republic GOOD furniture repair shop eitabllshed for 13 years; will sell cheap on account ot slck nsss and old age. 4470 Eastcn ae. GROCERY storo: no delUerlni or canvassing; sales lew weekly; owner wishes to retire; will invoice at cost. - REDMON & pitlLLH-S. 60S Chestnut t- JOB prlntlnc office; established trade; owner has other buslnors. KB 7i. Republic LONG-ESTABL1EHED. good-paj ine hardware and mining machlrery business, with machine atal tin shop In the Southwest; annual rales owr 1300.000:' stock will Invoice about SW.ono. Including ttores and wsrehouses; will sell stock at Invoice prices: no extra charge for good'wlll; books will bs shonn and every opportunity giv en for 'nvestigatlon- satisfactory reasons for selling. JT 7S. Republic LUNCHROOM; railroad end street car trade; near Manchester. 8378 Chouteau ave. LUNCHROOM; M down; Balance ($175) easv payments: positively best proposition offered: rent (steam heat) S3.. 11 N. Nnth st. MEAT marketrincludlns fixtures stock, and wagon; at a bargain. KD 21. Kepuplii horse MEAT market and grnc-ry; cash counter trade J33 dally; barraln if taken at once; rea son for selling, sickness. KB m. Republic NEW fcmlture of 9-room bcuse; your own price: best rooming-house district; rent paid to December SI. 2-03 Lucas ate. NO. 3 Mlddleby oven; cnlv six months In use, nd bakery-outflt. ICD 83. Republic OLD-ESTABLISHED tailor shop: first-class business: fine stand; must sell ac-mint of sick ness: sell cheap. Inquire at SCO Gejer ave. ONE-ILILF Interest la siotTy and meat market;. ..est&.fciU'i&lira-i.V", tufr business -too much for onO'tnan. 47SS Easton- PHOTOGRAPH gallery (notice the location), SIS) 1111 Olive. RESTAURANT: oontont worth SUSOO; sell for ituo: Investigate. S31 Olive. RESTAURANT: best location In the city; good business. 81 U. Broadway. RESTAURANT: fine location: good buslnss; will stand Investigating. 21S N. Fourteenth. RESTAURANT: SM down, balanca ray; rood factory district; call to-day. S05 Man chester. RESTAURANT and lunchroom and four fur nished rooms: owner sick. 2759 Eastcn. RESTAURANT: good-paying buslnsps; with in one block of Post OfDce. 109 N. Ninth St. RESTAURANT: 603 B.- Broadway: good busi ness: owner sick; halt pries: half cash: balance weekly. mwTATTnaKT- Meats CS? Wemt End. bar. rain: your own price: leaving city. KD 33, Republic. RESTAURANT: permanent business; estab lished trade: garden la connection; 12 buys. ZtO N. Nineteenth. RESTAURANT and boardlng-hcuse; full of roomers; best-paying restaurant In city; must sell account sicknees. JT S3. Republic RESTAURANT- opposite Union Station: aver ages STS day; no world's Falrproposltlon; pay to Investigate this Inquire 20Ti Cncstnut. ROOMINO-IIOUSE; nice yard: laundry; cheap for cash: going to Europe. 28S1 Lucas. ROOMING-HOUSE: 9 rooms; good furniture; near Grand ave.: cheap rent. J A S4. Republic. ROOMING-HOUSE; full of good furniture; block SS00 Washtngtcn; going cheap. KD . Republic ROOMING-HOUSE; Olive, near Jefferson: 11 rooms: S3) rent: S1W cash, balance weekly: money-maker always: snap. Glascock. S02 Chestnut. ROOMING-HOUSE: Lucas near Cotnpton; fine furnishings: nine rooms: clean, almost $300 month: want quick buyer: $3 handles. Glas cock. 902 Chestnut- ROOMING-HOUSE'; 21 rooms: Lucan near Compton: rent SKO: cood furnishings- big In come; owner leaving; sell at sacriase. Glascock, ws cnesinut. nuu:uariu-jiuua.: a luc-ls: s rooms; well furnished: best rooming district" In city: $100 down; easy payments on balance; must sell. ROOMING-HOUSE: 8 thoroughly furnlhd rooms: low rent; large Incotno: fine residence section; $100 down, balance easy. 313 Wash ington ave- ROOMINO-HOUSE; 12 large, completely fur nished rooms; low rent: always filled with permanent guests; COO down: must sell. Ufa Locust St. ROOIUNG-HOUSE: West Morgan: richly fur nished: eterythlnc: new: electric lights: 13 large rooms; most beautiful mansion; reasonable rent. Glascock. DOS Chestnut. ROOMING-HOUSE: $103 down; 11 room,; new furniture; new building; modem conveniences; roxy and attractive; will surprise you. 1130 Franklin 4ve ROOMING-HOUSE: steam-heated; twelve rooms; downtown; $450 month Income: sell way below cost. World's Talr Brokerage Ca, yo5 inesinui rx-; u-iutnw; o. rooms; cooi furnishings; IW rent; SITS down, balance (PO) $20 month; Pace. Easton, Grand cars, :6a Cook ave. ROOMING-HOUSE: fifteen rooms,well fur nished: choice location: one or the best money, makers In the market: no trouble to keep the rooms filled: price $700. AMERICAN BROKERAGE CO., 302 Century building ROOMINO-HOUSB: 13 rooms; good perma nent builners; reasonable rent; balrgaln for someone; call to-day. 1S3 Olive. ROOMING-HOUSE; Olive, near Jefferson; fourteen elegantly furnished rooms; rent Si); will sacrlfles; call quick: bargain. Morgan, tfi) Chestnut at. FOR SALE. Boer War Property. To llqulisu the affairs of ths South African Boer War Exhibition Company, all of its per sonal property, consisting ot horses, mules, oxen, cannon, rillta, wagons, tents, be2d ng, soldiers' outfits1 and equipment, and building material, desks, safes and all other personal grcpertr will be sold at auction to the highest ldder for cash, in separata lots; on Saturday morning, November 12, at. the Boer War'Camp, beginning at 9:30 a. m. Every bidder must deposit with the company, one thousand dollars (SL000) In cash, or cashier's chock before his bid will b reclgnlxed, as a guarantee ot good faith, upon the condition that It shall apply aa part payment if his bid bs accepted, or if unsuccessful the deposit shall bo returned; tho balanca jof ths purchare price to be payable by Monday noon. November 14, and If not then (Mid ths deposit shall bs forfeited to the com pany and 'the property resold.. A further condition of th sale la that the 'property shall remain In ths possession of and M used by the Boer. War Company until Decem ber 1.. U0S. The property can be -examined any forenoon before, ths sal. -i - HOTEL-30 ROOMS. Completely furnished: centrally- located; one ,,., will ( ?l r mnntti .ft h ni This Is just the place for some woman looking for permanent business: prtoe $1,700; terms. AMERICAN BROKERAGE CO., . ... SOS Century bnUOlsg. nr.siNESs Fort sale. ROOMINO-HOUSE: well furnished: U rooms; clearing oer J1C0 monthly; no reasonable offer refused. JT 44. Republic. ROOMING-HOUSE; 13 rooms; also restaurant In connection; three blocks from Union Station; splendid opportunity. KB 155. Republic. ROOMING-HOUSE: 8 rooms: good furniture: rood business: throo blocks from Union Station; cheap rent: will give j-ou n good bargain; terms to right party ItiOOA Ollto ST. SALOON: 2iI0 Ollvn St.: selling complete, fix tures, stock, leitw?: $250 down, balance. $40 month. SALOON: old-csiabllFhed place: good trads: dissolving mrtn-r-hlp. 830 S. Fourth. BllALL grocery store: doing good cash hu'J: ness: also rubber-tired runabouts; cheap. !WJ5 Ollte. STORE: rinn fixtures: two living-rooms; splen did location: sell actual value; $150 down. 3314 Clark ave. TWO-CHAIR barber outfit: everything com plete: good as new: dirt cheop; call to-day. 1613 S. Broadway. . BUSINESS CHANCES. rxXVJs-sX'sfWs si"1 --iTTfsiWl ftf A GOOD business proportion; require? .little capital; no competition. KD 6. Republic OIL mill, 'arge capacity, fully, tquirped with racdern macrinery: large, light buildings, near, ly new; adapted for manufacturing Ilnoecd. cotton-teed or corn oil; brick and coucrete-con-ctructlon; everything In first-class order; lo cated in Western city, with unsurpassed rail road .advantages; wli bo sold on liberal tennJ to responsible purtles at a. wonderful bargain to close an estato: write for full particulars to 1) li Lyman. 1C10 Tltlo and Trust building. Ctlcng-J PARTY (lady or gcntloman) to invest $5,u to HO.WW In eflablhncd chattcl-mortsago loon buslners: n safe and urodtablQ lncslcicnt; un iifuul opportunity. Kc sO. Republic WILL ell to competent phvslclan. on condi tion of builnc household and llbrarr furniture: little competition: In cltv of 800: reasons for felling, bad health. KD 70. Republic. IXIS.MSI1ED HOUSES ASD FLATS FOR SALE. FURNISHED hou-e; eight rooms; cheap; roaka offer. 316 N. Compton. FURNISHED flat, three rooms, includlnj comDlctn kitchen outfit: $W. 434) Easton ave. FURNISHED fiat: four rooms: brass bed. golden oak. sideboard, extension tablo, six chairs, new carpet, dresser, washstand, toi et set, dishes, cooking utensils; $50. 3713A Man chester ave. FURNISHED seven-room house: rent $27.50; west of Crand; this we will sell at a big sacri fice. IL Walker Furniture Co., SJC-iOS N. Twelfth. NEW furnishings of a six-room fiat. Call 931 Academv avc SIN-ROOM flat; -nicely furnished. Inquire ::i) Oilio st. ItUIIMS i'OIl REST. AUBERT. 502-Comfortable rooms in private family: special rates to parties, 11AVATII1 ra- TVn K.inlltl fill hTlffht TOCmS: iiij nil iihiu iiLiue'Ji.vvyiuft. UEiltlj. j-runiKiieii ruwiii. cijr i.u.v lence: nice locality: near cars; reasonable. BELL, 3033 Fumlrhcd front ami other roomst every convenience: rpeclal rates if permanent. BROADWAY. 3125 N. Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. BROADWAY. 130) N. Furnished rooms. SL It.-L JI.&) tier week. BROADWAY. 107 N. Flno room, service. Mo day: low weekly rate imn.nWAY. 707 s. Iirce front room, second floor: two gentlemen: 33 per week. CASS. 31KA Front room, furnished or for light housekeeping. CAES, 2S13 One furnished room for house- kcepicg or gentlemen. r?A. 281X Furnished room: cas: bath: gen tlemen or light housekeeping. PAKd lKt Furnished front roomt gas: all conveniences: 31.50 per .week. CASS, 041 Furnished front and connecting rooms, for light housekeeping: also hall room; cbeap ' CHANNINO. 101 (Corner Lawton) Nicely furnished room: hot water, gas. etc: direct car lines. ni.m n.nw .1,1 T M.i.ln..limilll' n1.ft. UUSiAUiillll W1UN1 (uwutuft-u"---' ,.. . nn. ..aill,..,Mm' rniifahlH XI. Jl wefK Un. mmi'M.iTT ..r. T. -.1. 1 t iMVil,l IYVW1 I.IIliUli1U( .UW . ' illl-cij u-u.u . - .u for housekeeping or gentlemen. r CHOUTEAU. C0 Nicely furnished front par lor for gentlemen or couple: all conveniences. CHOUTEAU. 1113 Extra large, front room; housekeeping; bath and laundry; reasonable; also connecting rooms. CLARK. 3023 Room In prlvata family for light housekeeping; reasonable. - CLARK. 3010 Furnished rooms for light housekeeping: also rooms tor genuemea. WJ.xiiv, 5LZ- IIJUI rwm; in private .ouiij , southern exposure: also other pleasant room for light housekeeping. - COOK. 3Si7 rront room, on first.Coor: nicely fjmished for roomers: permanent-- COOK. S533Oulet location: sevetal rooms va cant: Pare. Delmar. Grand. nUlfin cars. COOK; 37M Private residence; sioglo or con necting rooms; reasonable to permanent peo ple " CORA. 130SA-TWO or three nicely furnished rooms, cheap. CORA. 1K5A Nicely furnished rooms for World's Fair-visitors; reasonable rates. COTTAGE, 4014 Neatly furnished room, fur nished complete for light housekeeping. DAYTON, 2733 Large, famished second-floor front room: hot bath: low rent if permanent. DELMAR Boulevard. 41C3 Everything strictly first-class; 50c rates for nartlcs. DELMAR. 4I3S-Rooms to viators; GOc. 75c, SI per day: hot bath: near cars. DELMAR Boulevard. 4522 For nlca people; hot bath: rates 75c per person: write. DELMAR. 4'iO Serond-story front -and ad jMnlrg room, hot bath, furnace heat; DELMAR. t733-Steam-heated rooms: four blocks to Fair: cafe: $1 day each person. DELMAR, 4124 3ioIce rooms: near Fair and restaurants: private family: hot bath; ioc'TSc DELMAR Boulevard. 3310 Furnished rooms for Fair visitors: hot both: direct car to Fair. DELMAR. 51.J Steam-heated rooms: bath; nrlvato familv: near Fair: $1 dav each person. DELMAR. 31 Three blocks to Fair: warm rooms; Olive, Market. Delmar Garden car to door. DICKSON. .2702 Furnished second-floor room: southern exposure: bath, gas: rearonable rates. EADS, MIS Nicely furnished roctns for per manent centmen: rates reasonable. EASTON. 2100 Furnished front rooms; vtxy convenience: special rates for winter. , EASTON. 8033 Furnished front rooms: house keeping; also hall room; southern exposure; bath: gas: reasonable EIGHTEENTH. 310 N.-Nicely furnlsh-d mom: sultabla for rntlemen. S3. EIGHTEENTH. MS N. Furnished rooms: bath: direct cars to Fair: beds $1 week up. EIGHTEENTH. 1123 N. Nlcclv furnished housekeeping rooms: rooms for - ntlemcn. IL EIGHTH. 1015 a-Fumlshed rooms for light housekeeping or two gentlemen. ELEVENTH. S31S N. Unfurnished room for ladles employed during day: widow. ELLIOT, 1253 Furnished front and other wms for light housekeeping: cheap rent. ETZEL, 5330 Elegant roims. for Fair vis itors: direct car to Fair: all conveniences. EVANS, 3617 Three unfurnished rooms on firtt floor. Call S81S Easton ave. EWINO, 113 S. Nice room: good llzht; bath; for light noueV-ecln: reasonable. SWING, 7W (Flat No. 14 Nicely furnished room for housekeeping; also room for gentle men. FIFTEENTH. $20 N. Front room; gentleman or light housekeeping. - - FIFTEENTH. 92$ N. Neatly furnished second-story front rcom. suitable fo. keeping. f-tvctty. mo T-wo Iar2e well.fumlshed rooms: gas. hot bath; housekeeping If desired.- FINNEY. 42MA Two furnished housekeeping rooms; bath, gas range, coal range, zinc re frigerator: call early Thursday. TOURTEENTH. S14 S. l"umished rooms; gentlemen or couple: day or week; steam heat. gas. FRANKLIN, 11131; Neatly fumlshod front muik vrtAVlfT.TV. rl?t Vumlshed rooms for llcht housekeeping. FRANKLIN. 1127 Nlcoly furnished front room: see barber FRANKLIN. 2114 Furnished front room for light housekeeping FRANKLIN. 3542 Beautiful rooms; perma nent or for Fair visitors. FRANKLIN. 2231 Nicely furnlihcd front and back rooms for ladles or gentlemen. rRANKLIN. 2315 Nicely furnished room for two gentlemen: permanent preferred. FRANKLIN. 342S Nicely furnished rooms, by day or week: also housekeeping: gas: bath. FRANKLtN. 2S4-Llgnt. clean, well-furnished rooms: specially low rates to parties. GAMBLE. "252S Furnished rooms for light housekeeping; corner house; all light rooms. GARFIELD.- 4522 Rooms for light house fceyplEg; $4 per week; bath and furnace. GARRISON, 721 N. Large, elegant rooms; flrst-clas j ; heated: for permantnt gentlemen. GARRISON. 42S S. Nicely furnished front room. In strictly private family; price mod erate. HICKORY. 1213 Two nicely furnished front rooms for light houskeeplnc: p.50 per week. HICKORY, :23 Large teeona-story front room, with smnll side room, for llzht house- keeping: no children: also large front room. HORTON Place. 5941-One or two .rooms for. gentlemen: furnace heat: near Fair: permanent. JEFFERSON. 2013 8. Furnished front parlor; two or more gentlemen; all cony.; reasonable. KENNETT. Place. 1S21 Nicely furnished front room: gas. bath: steam heat: reasonable. KENSINGTON. 8214 Elegant rooms; hot bath; furnace; permanent or transient; very. rcasonaojo- LACLKDE. 23l Nicely furnished rooms. LAFAYETTE; 272S-N!ccly furnished rooms; Fair visitors or ccrmjtneat people: rates reason-ah!. ROOV19 FOR REST. LEFFINGELL. C"3 N. Front rooms: comer house: reasonable If permanent; privato; Del mar cars. LINDBLL. 33HA Two prettily furnished rocins: all modern conveniences: private fam ilv. LOCUST. SU Furnished rooms; one sultablo for sample-room. LOCUST, 2212 Clean, light, detlrable. wcll furnlshed rooms; centrally located: porcelain bath: ras. LUCAS, 2333 Large second and third floor front rooms, for two or three gentlemen; per manent. MAI'l.r -Til Why Kleen In cold rooms when tl. U1I1 K1. )UU .mi. yiima i aid fiCltau. ui .nceiy .imiijiuru iwua. rates reasonable: phone Llndsll 233a: visitors or permanent. McPIIERSON. 4043 Large, dcairable rooms for Fair -irltorn or couple; steam heat: hot bath: ten minutes main entrance Fair; private family. LEONARD, 1123 N. Furnished front: other rooms; bath; gas: heat; low rent If perma nent. LOCUST, 3031 Furnished rooms; hot bath: furnace heat. . LUCAS 3304 Front parlor, nicely furnished, with good board: gas, bath. LUCAS, 2711 Nicely furnished room for light housekeeplrg; algo single room. w MAFFITT. 2S4C Two large, nlcelv furnished rooms: housekeeDlnr If desired: gas. hot and com until, etc: pnvata maniy. ...,,vr i.m jbt? K n.Mini tnT .!Ilfi.- JlAiklUA.1LI. 1W' .k-.,.-. . ...-. steam heat; cars direct to Fair; phone For est 1327A. Mcl-HURhON, 4CWSA Desirable rooms, near 1-alr: 73c and 51 per day. McPIIERSON. 5250 Beautifully furnished rooms for World's Fair visitors; four minutes' ride; reasonable. MISSOURI. 1117 Two unfurnished rooms. MONROE House, CIS N. Broadway, clean and quiet: dally ratis 25c to 50c; $1.25 a week un. Hotel Francis, 114 N. Broadway; new, strict ly first-class; rooms Z5c to $1 a day. Coxy House, S17 N. sixth: men only. May House, 907 Market; new and clean. Addross WM. M. DULANY. Proprietor. MORGAN. 4324 Two nice seccad-r.oor rooms, single or double, for gentlemen: prhate family. MORGAN. 44S1 First-class accommodaticnl for World'w Fair visitors: phone Delmar bS6I MORGAN. 8314 Largo room s, furnished for housekeeping; telephone, gas range; 33.50 per week. NICELY furnished room. Inquire 4418 Easton. NICELY furnished room for one gentleman. In etrlctly private family: convenient to two car lines: references exchanged. ICD 13. Republic. OLIVE, 4413 Finely furnished front roomr suitable for two. OLIVE. SH3A Nicely furnished rooms. $3.50 week up: cas. hath. OLIVE. 3534 Furnished rooms; $: per week; transients, 50o per day. OLIVE. 2017 One room, suitable for light housekeeping; gaB; lumaco i. -i.i siceiy mmisni-u roonu, io UUIKCK1C(llilb U l.tll.uivuk faWU..ll,-... .A fW.liililn TJV. tn tl" illrmft fn tn ".'ale. OLIVE. 1113 Nlcelv furnished rooms: all con veniences: 50c and up: ten minutes to ralr. OLIVE. 1422 Nlcelv furnished heated rooms for permanent people: rates reasonable. OLIVE. 2525 Large rooms for visiters. 50o day; other rooms for permanent, $2 week. OLIVE. 2214 Nicely furnished rooms, steam heated; ga. bath: telephone: for permanent people. OLIVE, 1320 Nicely furnished rooms; also two housekeeping rooms; Fair visitors accom modated. OLIVE, 2930 Two largo furnished rooms; com plete for housekeeping: coal range; bath, yard; ground floor. OREGON. 1820 Two front rooms, furnished complete for housekeeping; furnace heat; porce lain bath tub. PAGE. 430 Fumlsh-d room: private family. PAGE, 3321 Five rooms, partly furnished, for housekeeping: furnace, gas and bath. PAGE. 6273 (Comer Union) Cltys choicest locatalon; near Fair; threo direct cars; flvo minutes- ride; splendid rooms; breakfast: heat and bath Included; 75c up; beautiful, private residence. PARK. 1S07 Nicely furnished front room for gentlemen; private family: all conveniences. PINE, 91S Nicely furnlnhed rooms; steam heat: electric light: levator service. PINE, 2302 Large, light, warm rooms: cor ner house; first-class eervlco and accommoda tions. SARAH. 709 N. Rooms: rates moderate: all conveniences. SARAH. 72S4 (Maplewood) Neatly furnished rooms; light housekeeping; for couple. SHERIDAN. 2921 Furnished frcnt room, with piano; use ot kitchen: bath: gas; low rent. SITTING-ROOM for ladles emplojed. with use ot kitchen for light housekeeping. KD 13. Republic- SIXTEENTH, 201 S. Headquarters for 200 rooms: two blocks from depot; some for house keeping j SPRUCE. 03 Neatlr furnished rooms; also room a for light housekeeping. STODDARD. 2715 Furnished rooms; lowest rates: every convenience: Clrect cars to Fair. TAYLOR. 425'N. Bright, large rooms lor gen tlemen: convenient to three car nncB. TEXAS. 1S37 Largo south room and hall; room for roomrs- heat, gas, bath. THE INN. 41S. Lucas Cool rooms. 20c 2Se dally: weekly. $1.20. $1.50: baths. TWENTIETH. S14 N- Nicely tarnished front room: $3.50 week. TWO connecting front rooms, well furnished. In private family; chcloa neighborhood: E1W west: lor two gentlemen or more: permanent; every modern convenience; reference required. KD78. Republic VANDEVENTER. 1037A N. Elegantly fur nished front room; hot bath at all hours; steam heat- VIRGINIA 3M6 Three rooms. VON VERSEN. 332 Bert cf rooms: parties three to six; five minutes' walk to Fair. WASH. 15U Two rooms, furnished or unfur nished. WASH. 1711 Larg front rooms: rn- stove: laundrv. housekeenicr WASHINGTON. 2S1C First-class rooms; steam heated. WASHINGTON. S32J-Nicely furnished room a with all conveniences. WASHINGTON. 2S14-Clesn, well-kept rooms; 0o per night. comfortable WASHINGTON Boulevard. 43.11 Elegantly furnished rooms. Phone Llndell 2460. WASHINGTON. 1V Second-floor front room for housekenlng- also room for transients. WASHINGTON. 2S76-Nlce. light, warm room; suitable for ccuple or three; evl conveniences. WASHINGTON, 1109 Nice housekeeping rooms: also front and tsck rooms. 33 week up. WASHINGTON Boulevard. 440S Nicely fur nished rooms; steam heat: phone. Forest 2235. WASHINGTON. 1501 Nicely furnlshe-I heated rooms; transients or permanent; reasonable WASHINGTON. 3033-Furnlsbed rooms for Talr victors: 50c. 76c 31: breakfast If desired. WASHINGTON. 15114 Neatly furnished rooms for transients or permanent: reasonable. WASHINGTON. 5013 Comfortable warm rooms; southern exposure; for permanent room ers. WASHINGTON. SU5 Nicely furnished rooms for permanent cr World's Fair visitors; rea sonable. WASHINGTON. 2039 Nicely furnished rooms; permanent or transient; furnace; modern con veniences. , WASHINGTON, 2917 Neatly furnh'hed room for ono or two gentlemen; all ccT.enlences; reasonable. WEBSTER. H52 fNear Cas) Furnished rooms for light housekeeping: bath, gas: rea sonable. WESTMINSTER. 350J Elegantly furnished cond-story front room; superior hoard; ref erence required. WESTMINSTER Tlace. 410&-Elegantlv fur nished snartm ents. single and en suite, for World's Fair people: hot water: fine bathrooms and all conveniences. WEST BELLE Place, 4 K4 We II -heated rooms; St per day: permanent people, special rates. WEdT BELLE. 4300-Furnlshed rooms: all conveniences: Fair visitors or Permanent gen tlemen: reasonable WEST BELLB. 4341 Desirable rooms for transients or permanent guests; will rent third floor to couple or small family adults for ligat housekeeping. WINONA. 'OSS-Throe neat, largo rooms, in qulro at 3004 Olive at. WINDSOR Place. l3!61 Furnished front room en first floor; visitors or permanent. ROOMMATES WASTED. GENTLEMAN desires nice roommate: nlca place: separate beds; 31.75 week. 612 Franklin. HAVING large room, would like one or-two congenial gentlemen roommates; with board. 2502 Pine st- HOTELS, Wifiil -J-JV-'s.".(--- fil-rl" "" "" "if'sJ'--sj" HOTEL STRATFORD, EIGHTH AND PINE STS.. ST. LOUIS. .A perm snent new and modem hotel, in ths shopping and theater districts. European plan; handsomely furnished and equipped with ele vators: hot and cold water In every room: electric lights and steam heat. Every room as outside room. CHRiSTIAN EHDEAVORHOTEL, tOOu OAKLAND AVE. Market st. cars from Union Station to hotel without- change. Entrance gato to Fair groundi ICO feet frcm the hi-teL Safe, oorafortable and convenient home. Low rates. 8nrerior service. MAMMOTH EUROPEAN HOTEL Olive and Twelfth eta.: three blocks from Posti Office) and City Hall: rates 50a to $1 CO per day; elevator: steam heat; electric lights; largest and lightest office In the city: room for 1.000 guests: on main car line to World's Fair. ' NEW BELCHER BATH AND HOTEL. Fireproof: Turkish bath tor gentlemen and ladles; open day and night. Fourth and Lucas ave. ROOMS WITH BOARD. AUBERT. 731 Room with board for two; pri vate family: permanent " AUBERT, 901-Cholco rooms, with board, for permanent gentlemen: Suburban car- UARTMKR, 0037-Rooms. with beard, for permanents or transients. Mrs. Wm. Men- BROADWAY. 1534 N. Furnished rooms: board: 34 per week. J. H. Wright. CLEVELAND, 3S54 Front room, also south-ern-evpcied room, with board. COOK. 4101 Furnished rocm and furnace heat; good board: private familv: for two. DELMAR, 4125 Neatly, furnished room; good board: reasonable. DELMAR. 4010 Steam-heated connecting front rooms, for party of four: home table. DELMAR. 4217 Pair visitors: $1 day. with breakfast: alo second-ntory front room: fur nace heat- rea.s. to two permanent gentlemen. EADS. 2G1 Nicely furnished rocm for two gentlemen: with board. EASTON. 2C'2S Elegantly furnlshf-d rooms 50c. $1: hot bath: Fair cars direct: breakfast op tional EUGENIA. 2312 Well-furnished rooms: bath: cool board: plenty fruit and vegetables; $j week. FOLSOM. 2C3A Room and board, with hath: south"m exposure: nrlvato familv: no children. FOUNTAIN. 4343 (Northwest Comer Aubert) Ele-intly fumlhtd rooms and board; steam heat: references. GARltl&ON. SU N. Large front rooms; steam heated: for perm.inent people: good home bojrd. GARRIfcON, bWA N. Nicely furnished rooms; steam heat: breakfast If desired; all conven iences GRAND. 2539 N. Privato family: World's Fair visitors accommodated: 75c and $1. with breakfast. GRATTAN. 1110 Board and room: good home cooking; can accommodate two; all conveni ences. LABADIE. 4003 Two nicely furnished rooms; cas. bath and beard- reasonable LACLEDE. 2113 Rooms, with board. $4 to $3 per week. LAFAYETTE. 2C30 Furnished rooms; board optional; privilege light housekeeping; Victor 1376L. LEv'DELL. 3CSI-Elecantlv furnished second etorv front: vacated 13th: also large room: run ning water: first-class table and service: tran sients accommodated: Llndell 2329. LOCUST. 1131 Room and board: S4.60 week. LOCUST. 3107 Rooms with board for perma nent people. LOCUST. 3121 Furnished rooms, with good board, for 'permanent gentlemen. LOCUST, 1434 Room and board; visitors and day boardeM accom. Mrs. M. A. Thomas. LOUISU.NA. 13yvNiceIy furnished front al cove rcom; board If deslrfcd; compton Heights dlstrlct. LUCAS. 3122 Elegantly furnished rooms and board for permanent people. LUCAS. 2703 Nicely furnished rooms for permanent or visiters; good homo hoard. LUCAS. 2737 Gentlemen desiring to locate 'ermanently In good home at 35 per week, call; arge, well-heated and well-kept rooms; bath. MAPLE. 52'X-EIcgantly furnished rooms; breakfast if desired. MARYLAND. 4119 Nicely furnished rooms; steam heat: with or without board; very de sirable home: reasonable rates. . MISSISSIPPI. 1430 Furnished room for two ccntlemen. with board: reasonable. MORGAN. 41C-WorId' Fair or permanent peoDle: all conveniences: reasonable: board op tional. NINETEENTH. SU N. Nicely furnished room and board. $1 week. OLIVE. 4103 Nlcelv furnished rooms: perma nent gentlemen: all conveniences: reasonable: convenient to. restaurants. I'AGE, 4513A rumlshed front room, with or without board: near World's Fair. PARK. 2025 Furnished rooms, with board: all conveniences: opposite Lafayette Park. PLVE. 13S Ono nicely furnished room for light housekeeping. PINE. 3312 Neatlv furnished room for single ladv: breakfast optional. PINE. 2502 (Comer House) Light, warm and pleasant rooms, for permanent gentlemen; board optional. PRIVATE family In Cabanne district will board two or four first-class people; new resi dence; everything new and good. Eell phone. Forest 1256M. PRIVATE Jewish family. West End. con venient to OUvo and Maryland cars, have large, comfortably furnished room and excellent board for gentleman. KB 9. Republic RIDGE. 6217 Good bed3 and breakfast for four gentlemen; $1 per day or Jo per week. In advance. ST. CHARLES. 2201-RoC and board. $4.50 week: for two gentlemen. TWO front rooms In private Compton Heights home: near car lines. KD O. Republic VERNON. 5723 Rooms; walking distance to Fair: breakfast: rates reasonable; phone. Fori est 615A. . VERNON. 5725 (West End) Privato home; rooms with breakfast; write for rates; ten min utes' walk to Fair; rates for large, parties; phone. Forest G39M. 'I WASHINGTON.-3C0 Rooms for permanent or Fair visitors, with or without b:ard. 4. WASHINGTON Boulevard. 4210 oice sec-ond-Morv front roomt'excellent table. WASHINGTON. 3119 Rooms, with poardr permanent employed preferred: room for three. WASHINGTON. 3107 Furnished room foe permanent people: good meals; also single room. WASHINGTON, 3231 Nlc'iy rumisnea rcon . with breakfast, for'Falr visitors; terms rea- funauir. .. m. nf-. ,n 1.1 .., 1.1,,u, rnntnn VV1.31 l.C.1,1.,. 1.1-1 .111.1:1, lutJu. .ww---, large and light: evrv convenience: rearonablo. ..f.-.-T. ti t , t- in Vl.,1. .iil! mn . 111-11 1)1 t.X, 1 ........ j, ......-..- .. . with board: every convenience; ladles or gen- UCUiCll C.IIIUJtl. .,-r.c-w. T1 , . tl J.-C 1-1. r.n, t,w. Mfnnil. story front nicely furnished; private family: well-heated: excellent board: couple or gentle men. WIST PINE Boulvard. 3C (First Door West of University) Room, with board. $23. WESTMINSTER Place. 40C3 Two beautifully furnished rooms, with board: references re aulred. UOCSEh.ROOIlS. ETC-WAXTED. FURNISHED room in private ho e; modern, conveniences: -west of Grand; $12 per month; permanent; by man and wife. Address I H. 1-. 3ii2 . unnu ac. .ill il luiuimiti. IV""! 'y ,,v,.w.. -... ..v venlcnt to Olive and Washington ave. cars; permanent: state terms. KD 73. Republic. ROOM with double bed for fifteen days; pay V.; near rinney and Sarah. WP 15. Republic THREE responsible gentlemen want to lease, commencing Dec I. a nice 7 or S room nous;, furnished, unfurnished or partially furnished; near Grand avenue and between Pine and Fin ney: bet care guaranteed. H. El T., care C & A. it. tl.. i-ixin ana umc. iu lease a iii-room ntue oy a resiwiiwoia business man with a small family. KD 42, Republic ' ROOMS AD BOARD WASTED. BY ladv employed during the day. placo to keen llttlo girl 3 vears old. whore mother can room with her. KD 91. Republic FIVE rooms, private bath and board, for four adults; permanent. Address Mrs. Phillips, 2111 Washington. GENTLEMAN desires room and board In re fined privato family, who can offer Al accom modations; southwest preferred. KD SS. Re public ROOM and board for aged lady In Carcndelet. KD 78. Republic WANTED To lease house In Cabanne. by responsible tenant; stato price. KD SS, Re public REAL ESTATE WASTED. YOUR real estate for quick sale: no sale, no pay.' Call at efflce or mall description. W. W. McCLAY REAL ESTATE CO.. 112S Chestnut st. COL'S TRY HOARD. VALLEY PARK HOTEL. Valler Park. Mo. Seal for booklet. W. HOLDER. Proprietor. WASTED FOR BUSINESS ICRPOSES. yss SsffrsSassssnsSnsSaH ssssiSsSiisMss WANTED The address of anybody that has trouble with their water meters. KD 87. Re public AGEXTV REST JUSTS. FOR RENT. HOUSES. C15 MORGAN. S rooms, reception hall. hath, fumactf 2701 FINNEY AVE.. 9 rooms, bath and furnace; furnished. $3); unfurnished. .$39.00 FLATS. 11S4 BAYARD, 4 rooms, bath, furnace and gas fixtures ..7 E180A PAGE AVE., S rooms, bath, fnr- narv. gas fixtures; vacant 1st.... ..... 444LV EVAN3 AVE.. 6 rooms, bath, fur nace, gas fixtures ,. 1327A CORA AVE.. S rooms, water, bath F. A. EANISTER. COJ Fullcrton bldg. FCR.MSUED nGr'EO ASD FLATS FOR REST. t.wiwsv.. &stti'um A VERY nicely furnished sli-roc fiat. Apply 5047-Fairm ount ave. FLAT. 5 rooms: newlv fur-'hed: permanent location: fim- bath: $7; down, balanca In suit able payments- Call 4034 Olive sty FURNISHED 14-room house, suitable for clnb. hospital or roomers. Call 3032 Bell vae. GARRISON. 1303 N. Furnished -thre-- ana five room flats: steam-heated; reasonable if permanent. OLIVE. 4034 Beautiful -room fist: nil eon' verdenecs; elegant bath:' good furnishings; rennea neirnpoTnooa: prmangni location. " ST. LOUIS'. 4221A Furnished fiat: three rooms; bath, large closets; new furniture; new Axinlnatcr carpets; newly decorated: $40 month. WTfiT rtEl.Ln Place. 4213 Two. three or fonr rooms: furnished Cat: light, hear, telephone: all included; call dav or evening: lmemdlate pos session. FOR REST TO COLORED. LUCAS. 3115 Two Urge bast meat rooms, for colored. TO LET FOR BCSISESS PPRPOSlCt. DESK room, with dsk. In finely furnished office. 421 Chemical building. DESK room, with desk and pboueji SS pes month. 415 Burlington ouuuing. sou mg. UrTJUL. or atn:iur; iiuuia - 'r - i elegantly furnished: reasonMe. 215-223 Frlsca buil'llnx. Doctor Gardiner. OFFICES in Panama building. 230 Olive sf: thoroughly modem? prices rarge from S3 to S2S. SIKklNG-ORAY CO.. Agents. SU Olive st. OLIVE, 1007 To let for business purposes, n lgant floor, with water, power, electric light. Mlllbrandt. ROOM for office purpose: $12 per month. En terprlso Cleaning Co . Tenth and Locust. ENT. Stores on OUvo and Walton: steam heated: fins location for grocers, tailors, florists. DYAS-McCOLLOM. 107 N. Ninth. HSU 1 I No. 10G2 Hodlam ont ave.: new row stores and flats above; steam heat furnished; one of th. best locations In tho city for a saloon; Just across tho street from tho Suburban car shed and In n business neighborhood; go out and Inspect same, and for terms see M. P. HYNSON. 923 Chestnut st- Have a Look, Druggists Southeast corner Hartmtr antX Ho4&sc area.: ncr store. 2x$. and flat above: tftzi heat famlehed; without a doubt odq of the bt locations in tM citr for a drus1 atoro; no com petitlon and plenty ot trada to draw from; new flats Juit completed and occupied en Bart mcr ave., cart of the store- Apply to II. P. HYNSON. J23 G-Wtnnt. Have a Look, Bufchers&Grocers New stores, with flats above, on the exit sM of Hodlamont. Just south of Bartmer avs.; steam heat fumlahed; one cf tho best locations In tlrs city for a butcher and grocery store: plenty of trade to draw from; 3 new ftats luit completed and occupied on Dartmer ave. &: of the stores; reasonable rent. Apply to 5L P. IITNSON. 3Z Chestnut st. FOR RENT. Offices, Singly or En Suite. 8th Floor Bank of Commerce Bids'. Apply Room 916, Bank of Commerce Bul'dtng. FOR RENT. FINE STOREROOM At 215 North Kintti Street, tn Frisco Building;, just around the corner from tho Post Office. This storeroom ts 15x5. with alley en trance, and splendidly adapted lor bual nes purposes. Apply ROOM 618 FRISCO BUILDINI. FOR H.EST DWELLINGS. SSSS'S"S"sSlslSSSj--iw(SSt)tS AUBERT. 7TIA Six rocms and hatht net chil dren. COTTAGE: three rooms; near southern cjty limits: rent or bar: IIP montaiy. I72 Choutsaa. EU.END.U.C KE Flve-rcom frame cottars: JU It. II. NOONAN. 704 Chestnut st. FYLER. CKJ Five-room trick: city water! 1S. E. -W. LEE. CO Fullerton building. GRANVILi.E Place. IO-Neai six-room uVelllnR: bathroom, furnace and an conven iences. C. 'vT. BARNES. SS Walnvrrbtht bonding. LABADIE. CJ7 New six -room house, cheap. Call Klnloch B 1T20. 13 'Washington. TAGE, C3B Seven-room bouse; bath; larza yard. Keys at ca) Plymouth. RIDGE; 50S7 Blx-roon brlcs: cottaco; u good order: xzts.0. JIcCANN-DOWUNG. 110 Chestnut at. SCIIOFIELXJ. C7b& Five-room house: nlctt larae yard: cood water: VZi. Balson. Union and Minerva: Delmar 70S. SHENANDOAH. 1S4 Jlcdcrn eight-room house; furnace, etc.: 140. R. M. NOONAN. ?H Chestnut ct. TEXAS. 1C7 Seven-room hoes, for p) per month. WEST BELLE Place;. 44g Seven rooma: J5. TE.V-IIOOM ele-antl- furnished ntcdern home, West End: will rent for the winter reasonably, or sell vnrt of furniture. KB ISO, Republic. FOR HECT APARTMEXTg. ITXATS. COOK, 4717 Five-room modern Sat. M. B. O'ltEILLY R, & I. CO.. 73 Chestnut. EVANS, ISO Pleasant Eve rooms; tmstalrs; cnlv- ns. FRANKLIN. 31WA Seven-room flat: bath. SL B. O'P.EILLY R. & I. CO- 73 Chestnut. KENSINGTON, WCB Three rooms and bath; C3.SO. OREON B. SCOTT & CO.. 117 Cheatnot at. KING'S HIGHWAY. 1118 N. Five) roonut nZ bath. II. B. O'REILLY K. & Z. CO.. 73 Chestmrt. L.VCLEDE. JjJOA Laree. lleht seven-room flat: porcelain bath, fumacs and all ccaven lences; possession 20th. a W. BARNE& Walnwrlrht bulUln-. LAFAYETTEv 275J Modern stx-roc Oat. R. 11. NOONAN. 7M Chestnut st- 1IAFFITT. UiJ-Deslrable five-room nat; aasv bath, ball: all conveniences: reduced rent. JIOROAN. SSMA Four rooms and bath: JS. OREON E, SCOTT & CO.. ill Chestnut at. RIDGE; W55-F1V8 or she rooms, with bmthj furnace, hot and cold water; laundry, stable and all conveniences. Open. SHENANDOAH. MOO FIvs reals, bath and fumaco: first noon JC0. 8IIENANDOAU. 4C-Slx rooms, bath and furnace; second floor: JS.50. fcOIJL.RD. IMA Throe rooms; . OREON E. SCOTT & CO.. S1I Chestmit at. SUBURBAN. 3M and C34 Two four-room flats: conveniences: Cu. TEN-ROOM houso: stable: chlcken-boose, t4 acres jrround. Mrs. J. T. BrenU. Tailor and Es"cx ave.. Kltlrwcod. Mo. TEXAS. SSS Four rooms and bath. Vi:RNON. 70 Finely arranged Are-room fiati furnace, paa fixtures. Janitor service, etaj irr.C0. IL B. O'REILLY REALTY CO Eighth and Chestnut. VERNON.I7C9 Flva rooms and bath; nerwrr decorated. M. B. O-REILLT R, & Z. CO.. 73 Chestnut. NEW APARTMENT3. South aids of Washington, east of Euclid: choice five and six room flats; every conveni ence: po',esslon November IS. NICHOLLS-RTTTER. 713 Chestmit at. 5906A Clemens Ave. Choice ftven-room flat: steam heat, Janitor service, etc.: Immediate possession. NIOroLLS-RITTER. 713 Chestnut st. FOR RMT. Steam-heated, e-room modem Cats; corner Olive and Walton; ready December 1. DYAS-McCOLLOM. 107 N. Ninth. FOR RENT. Eleeant 5 and 6 room note: center Paae axd Goodfellow ares.: every modern convenience: ready December 1. DYAS-McCOLLOM. 107 N. Iflnta. CITY nn.(L ESTATE FOR SALE. sttsastssBtistsjf i a t s-s- sss'ssn1 STssspssfv UJJ.1I .tear lOfr uroTP rarib emu iwi worth t&. or exebanc: lWJUSO ft; mowt, street and Mdealk maic. . Yarr-trnsn. 0l S3. JelTergcn ave. BUILDERS, ATTENTION! We offer the fellow toe cholca propert at reasonablo price and terms: Taylor, n. e. cor. Cook, lot l$2xl39: also, ad joining east on Cools, lot 3xl; splendid lo cation for hotel and apartment: alsov lot 1JS; 13, n. w. cor. Carroll and Dillon: also, lot (ex 71. east side N. Eleventh St.. between St- LouU and Montromery. RICE-DWYER R.B- CO.. SJ2 Chestnnt at. FARMS FOR SALE. BY owner. Improved farms: JC to 119 per acre: easy terms: wrlta. 2S03A Dlcxson. BUY your farms where yon can get banralns: come and see mn or writs for lists. Bolton Jc Co., Jonesburg. Mo. 160-acre farm. Marlon County, Arkansas; J3 per acre. SSZtA Wlnds-r place. St. Louis. lOT-acrs farm, K acre; Improved. CtA Windsor place. St. Louis. THE Edwards farm of L900 acrs In Cole County. Missouri, on the Osags River, ax s great bargain: Ave miles from town on Rock Island Railroad: LO00 acres of fine rich bottom and valley land balance upland, timber and pasture: 0 acres In crops: Ovs sets of Im provements: one of the finest stock farms of fered at such a low price: want to sill at once to divide Interests; price C3 per acre; easy terms: come, examine: will pay all expense If you buy: will consider less valuable farm In exchange, or will sell In smaller farms.. A 8. Loomls. 110 N Ninth st., St. Louis. Kn n FOR ADDITIONAL I WANT ADS I SEE NEXT PAGE. M I i I 1 ttttt . i'' "' . WF && i i jcjLiii.. jr s. 's' mn,, ,;. ita:iLikjT,-6-J; x ?l'sfc4fSglfjk b .J. l?kE Sa'-S&S 5&-&3Ei' t&s&sSas&&&i&