Newspaper Page Text
SIwlSSSS --StS!;5TSS?j w- Vi, ar JV Ar3HtifJ''3rfT,t,VS!i,K3wJiw, K.5.Sfri,-,ras1)ilf!SijirsgSrsrSBJ TS8 is-'Tipi-v-s,'3-y!lir'V5.'V THE 80 LOUIS' REPUBLIC: 'WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 9. 1904. ii lit i. . 'aSj fr. & M w Ms -J' Fie ss, if.' S? j Sk !- B2 in- IS ?f MORSES '.Ml VEHICLE.. j..j.. AVaiitcd. OflAH jw..I...... .1 ... ... J.l & VnHS Market rt. TO buy rubber-tired norm bucxv. must be cootU Addrp. Dlmundp, 4v3IA Pace For Sale. ALl, lnds becondhand ehlclei Mil be Kill rpcandleg a of cost. Miller'''. 330 ring ALWAYS en hand, draft, driUnjr, j-eneral-purpose horses; reiv waon?. bucKlcs and har ness; you trv horses before buinp. cash or on payments, li. I House. 1515 X Broadway BARGAIN: rnedlum-ized horc fr delivers "oung and fat: HO. fast traveler. 20QUp. BARGAIN IMs-7-3 tar-old work hute. cheap saddle and ponj. 315. Coil ard. rear ir2S Wash BARGAIN Good. 7-3 car-old aork ho-e. cheap; paddle nnd driving pony. 513 Coal yard, rear. 1STS WmJti HAY cob horse. 13 hands hlffh. ood combi nation horse. Call ties Maple a.e. HAY horse. 16 hand. cit-broho, nlcodrl'.er; j0. Grocery. US X. TT-. enu -rtrst HICK mar S rears old; IViclld ae rheip Call 7W BLACK Jamilj surrev hcre. very Rentle and reliable: rvacnable. 52S5 Uldce BROUGHAMS, rockawais winter carriages. right's, afhfngtoo ae and Nineteenth. DON Km, cart and rrn. cheap, also rub-Ver-tired runabout 3u09 OIl.c. DRAFT. drilnir aid general -purpose hore-. ftacon, harness, cash or payments, ever thing guaranteed an represented 44T2 Clayton ao YTSIL blfr lw hor-e, $55 Mr. Price, Hardy's Iherv stable. Delnnr and Ta.lcr riNT black mare In the cltj , vclcht l,rw Meal for a broucham, ladi, can drle 1D03 ulrtu Vl E head of hordes at our own prior. Call 2C27 Olhe "TVE horses, vartoj-. Etees. jr to $-, trial and Kuarantee gl,tn. Northern Feed Co. 2s lueaa GOOD work lore?, $:5 5W up 157 .. Georqo OOD blind draft hore. 3W6 S Sleuth must ell. cheap GOOD hor-e for '.got delle-y; bis Grccer. 1701 Morgan bargain. GOOD work mare and coal v.pj-cn. for sals rhe-ap Hi; N. Tenth GOOD team farm mares and new harne""; dirt clieap. 1714 Morcan. GOOD dellierj horse. Rood Mr notk horse; blir dlit r.apcn. 31" N ye flnlcy-nth. GOOD bUck mare; runibcut and hamesa; now. chean fll separate s43 Sheridan GOOD, ccntlf marc for dtlUerj o' use; ierj cheap; good condition. 2S39 Olie IANDQM!3 pair of hordes, wagonette and ramfs poH 423T UndHl biclet rd liANbOM. cabs latent pattern, reducd price. 1 Iff bargains. Vright8, Washington art and nNlnptcentlL HA11NESS-Iirc utocV team -Intle ivagoa and bucg hanesa: cee nv line of blankets and saddles . Tarkt. I?g2 ?C Hroadwa. HOUSE, wagon and harness cheap, call after HORSC and hamesff must t-fll chap on ac count of death: 125. Itcar f f 13 Wash ?t. HOUSE wintered, reatonable Hcck Siotlc rarm. Hellfontalne. Mo I 5t. naumont 194 UGHT .ut-under hhto good s new; rub ber tire letrer trimmings. douUft Frninjc, worth JC50 tiricf X0. can be een at Keye 5!nr'iall IlrtM XJnli and DMmar ONE Pnc turre. JS27 N girali ON"15 big, fat farm mare, $15; must k"11 Coal rd. 1S21 Franlvlln. Ol'R bus hisoii of house molng nearly otx; miwt rc four of my work hordes, Jw to 5 Dnld. hoa? mover. 104 fa Jefrrscn. SHCON'DItAND, light one-horr- trap. In gocd order. Wright's. Washington ae, and Nine teenth bUVEllAI Sun big mares and hortes. dirt cheap; jjwned by Exposition Ofn:pKny, mJrc In foal; must bo sold 1713 Morgan SIX srood draft lianas, which I ill rell chsap. Call to-day at 15S A Ictur, SA) eouth. Alo haul ing v anted. SORREI tnnre. J2D ynd Ivtfayctt E. J. Hartmann. Tenth STICK-SEAT ctanhnpe, trimmed In -whipcord Josl Moiler. C0t( Arsenal. SURREY. 5; park -waotu S; bugn. 5-, laundrv or gro-ry wagen, C5 101 S Jefferson. SOUND, gentle delivery horse; 15" hands; oce 7: 1 K0 pounds, must cll, chtap. XXZ &. riilrtntru THVir -f Tjlrtlc r-inltfsr cheap. CC2 Easton. TEAM large tot work ho'c Rd delivery liorscf; eound and rheap tC4S nnney. TEAM mules; team horses, work rrare, ago 4; "wagon, harness. 1210 N. Jefferion, THREE secondhand runabouts: In fine order. Wright:, Washington ate and in"t"enth. TWENTY -nVD horses, maren ard mules for cltv and farm use. ?a N. Eroadwa TWO rubber-tired Ftorm bLggie". two rubber tlred runabouts and park wagon 1507 Mnard WAGONETTE, double harness and. two nice horwA. 31ctropolltan irotel. Nineteenth and Market $30: good work horre, eultabl for delivery or other purposes. 3303 43 &eenlh st. W EUL-HRED raare. In tood condition; sood traeler; cheap; must selL Mde door, 1S2S R E4gliteenth 575 will buy two coal dragons; good borte and hnriies 21t Miller CAKKIAGn CO. Examine Our D eplay of KomemadB High-Grade Vehicles ron iron risiVATE thade. At Our Ktpositcry acd Factory Xon. J8ia to lt23 OLI K STKEBT. CAT! LE. Al'TOJIOHILIiS. ATTrOMOBILT:: lanrc. almost new. double--tated four-cUnder car uith tor: havirur to !m clt. utll rell this tlWO automobile for I1.S0. KB 0. Re-ubl!c ST. U0UI3 lMt tonncau automobile, for cash. S31S Olive. cheap DOGS, CATS, PCfS-FOR SALE. tWWl-' NEW TOItK BIRD STOItE: canaries narroU'. rabbits, guinea nlT. roldnh. clobes and aaua rlums 609 FranUln. Prank Metzzer. Jtsr. rtHMSUKD HOUSES AM) FLATS FOU 3AI.C. PTJtT Cozt -room flat: rent S13. TirlrA S1!L halt cash. Call 2331 Chouteau are. FIaT Elegant die-room nu!j fumlihed flat; ermanent location: fine bath: 170 flown, balanctj In suitable payments Call 4C3( OUe. KX)UR-ROOM furnished fiat, JiMr rent olieap. 4260 Finney. FURNISHED Cat; completely furnlihed thre room and kitchen: all modern; bath, etc Call 1147 V alton are. SIX-ROOM furnished fiat: permanent locn. Hon for roomer: clean and In cood condition; e" cheap: lncetlpate. 2C24A Olive. THREE-EOOII flat, furnished complete; everythlnB new; Irarcaln; lealne; city: call erenlnia. lcia rranklln. UUSIESS CHCES. NT3W" three-chair barber's outfit, three beau tiful shine chairs, for ale Immediately at t preat sacrifice. Write or call barber shop, rhll Ippln Resenatlnn. V."orld"s Fair. PARTY with $3,000 to SO OX) to Inxest In trood-TrnTtng- manufacturing concern: article received highest award at World's Fair: must be capa-ble- of tsklnr charge of office: sood salary. KD lJO. Republic LOW RATE TO THE SOUTHWEST. i1V,V train over ins JTi'co itoiiroail win . i .. J'UJUr N?c."l.wer " ,pt ?.,nP mrouEii i Indian Terrltor. OkJahom. and N'orthem Tex wb. Tor rate and particulars oddrsi riouth- wBsi a -oiunjzatiun company, tjj irrisco build lag. St. Louis. Mo. 10:'; ACRES WILL KET TOU AXrtuHllT 0 PLAKTEO IR ELBERTA PEACHES TVe aro expert peach growers; will grow for you In our commercial peach orchard In like County. Arkansas, a" model orchard that w.ll bear In three j(ars We care for and market lta products during life of rams for small per centage of fruit. J3.E0 PER ACIlll each month will earn your contract to matu rity. No trouble, no worry en our part. Write to-day for deacriptUe literature, testltnon als, highest references etc Arkansas Orchard Plant ing 'Association, 711 Market st. tMlssourl Pacific building), bt. louls. Mo. misiEss ron sale:. SOMETHING for nothing; grocer'; b-U.erv; sell quick; sickness; old age. 133 S. Third. STORE: fine fixtures; two rooms; splendid lo cation; sell actual value: 3130 dawn. 201 Clark. TWO-CHAIR barber shop; established eight years: pood reasons for selling. 413 Arsenal FOR SALE. Boer War Property. X To liquidate the affairs of the South African Boer War exhibition Company, all ot Its per sonal property; collating of horses mules. oxen, cannon, rifle?, wagons, tents, bedd ng. soldiers' outfits and equipment, and biiliduig material, desks, safes and all other personal property will be sold at auction to the highest bidder for cash. In separate Jots: on Saturday morning. November 12. at the Cocr War Camp, beginning at S.20 a. m. Sverv bidder must depwlt Mth the company; one thousand dollar?. ($1,003) In .cash, or cushier's check before hir Ind will bejre(.Ignized. a a guarantee cf good faith, urea the condition that it shall apply a part Torment if his bid be accepted, or If unsuccessful the deposit snail be returned: the balance of the "pyrchafe price to be payable br Monday noon. KoTtniber H, and If not then paid the deposit shall be forfeited to the com 4anj and The property rrsold. A further condition or the sale h that Ue property ihall wmaln m th pcsaession of and be tiseo tnlbe. Boer War Company until Decern ber L 1WI The nroperty can b$ examined any forenoon, before th sale. lSlsIMISS FOR SI,K. IIARUEIt shop; bath: clearlr.s S'.OO month; 53 takes U: hurrj. KE 51. Iteiublic HAItUEU shop: pood trader etabllsned ) Mars: two liiinc-rooms. Address Frank Kern. 33i5 Monchestei ac KOAROING-HOUSE. 3110 Lic'ede: 15 rooms, remj furnished; rert S70. It cu jre looklnB fur Fomethlns .ool. seo this. KM down CI G a Iti : line ilxtures &Z don n. balance steim heat: best In (?1!K). J3 nk, rtnt 2) ciiy . Kirteenin. near.Maritet. COM-ECTIOM.RY anJ croue-v. ulth llMns rioms: batKaln; lealnR clll T1C0 Miami ht cJFITlo.Em: spundid t'ra busi ne thoroughfare, sued trade, mun peil. tc.. ncsa, JI.!. north Ji) '.Vorlds Fair Uroktrage Co. M Ch'ttnut CONrECTlONFRY. 3v13 Olhe. line ccrrer store, two ltina-rooms: J!C0 down, t'lls is IH"itl-cU a permanent tneno -making rttnl ".'O.NF1XTIOM:RY. furnished llilng-roomi. Ji. down, bilance eas . charce for ladv to build laixe hjlness with husbands iulns "3 Ohojteau no COM I-CTIOMJtY: ntar laree sclwls. uro-d HUns-rocm. low rent, the place to make Rood ll-inir for winter. 133 handles Glascock. X2 Chestnut EDISON' Hotel rieEtnumnt; bet stand In cll . good reason for t-elllns 133 N Eighteenth IjIGHT-ROOM oue. at once. Rood location for permanent rocmera 3333 liwton ae. EIGHT-ROOM houe. nartl furnished. SlOT. 1C0 west KE K Republic EIG1IT-1JOOM house, completely fm-nlhed: painp roomers, rent reasonable, cood loca tion 1711 Oregon FAMILY hotel, permanent people public. KT S3, llo- FIIUfT-CUSS saloon. flp rtxms aboe; fine looat'on and mme maker for tight man. rea sonable lnesi-ate JE 31. Republic M IIMMUID house, gwil lnttlon. 6 rooms, comfortuole, t ban heme good furnishings, rent JS3 uwncr gx-ne honie, p'ice J3.-0 GlawJOCk. 903 Crennut. GiI.ES 3es!aurant. oic cf the btst places It Vest EnJ. ccrrer andcventcr and Olhe No agents. HOTEL. 3d ronm: 6 baths. S10. nater free, new fumishnga throushout, jrrice 31.30, $300 cash toi of llf-tlmc 4031 OlUe LVNCHKOOM good busincES. bargain to any bmer 313 "i Grand ac I.LNCHROOJ1. J30 down, balance (1T) easy monthl . best rffercd, rent, eteam heat, J3j 11 N Ninth Gllscoc't K3 Clie--lnut LtrvcHltCOM doing i.ood Heads business, can atisfi lmer C37C Chouteau. I.rNGHROOM and Ice cream parlor; full OJtlU. at a bargtln. J133. other buslncs call inc out of cltj . In . estlcate at once. 441S Eas ton a:. ONE-HALF Interest In crocery and meat mar lot bargain SIS. toiSA Easton. RESTAURANT nrt-clai trade, e-cellent lo cation nil ne "lock: 3300 130 Academ LtJOillNG-liOChi: , ten tll-furnlshed rooms; sed and basemeut, both well rental. KD 4 IlrpUilic REsTAI-RANT, quid. 1331 OHe. ch'ap; big bargain; omc UEbTAURANT. ch"ap, call at once, coins aw iv rent fl per month. 46-H E.tston RESTAUR" NT and lurchroiim. ;!cn lid lo cation, estsblishel business, v Ith good night trade rent $13 213 X Twent -third KOTAUIl XT. S1C0 cash, balance monthly Iamenti. f33 daJU income, rent 915. Olrve. east if Jefferson Jlorgai. t Chestnut RESTAlritAXT nnd lunch counter, near Tow er Groe station good all 3 ear round, fine place for (icrmnn 15S4 Tower Gwe ave. RESTAUItAN'T, opposite Union fetation a eraj;c 57 da; no World's Fair proposition; pay to lnetlgate this Inquire HE? Chestnut. i;ESTAlTR-VNT, fine local trade year round, place worth $300, el at lialf price; otner busi ness, must "ell; call immediately for bargaltu S13 ManchMJtcr hc ItESTAT,TtANi nd lunchroom and four fur nished room upstairs, oner hick. ZTZfi Eaton HKSTArUANT and bakers; line tlsar trad", double sture. on suburban line. new-sUnk. U for 520 If tjKcn ijv. pood reaAjns fur rcIHuk. Cnnndou lUfc, 1CJ-2J Clarendon. RliSTAUIlAVT and rocmlng-hou,'C. near. Na tional itock Yards, permanent business, pain; account cf death. 320 fet. Clair ave.. East St, Ixiuiii. ItriAURNT; dolnjr tplcndid business; good oppouunlty; lneaticatae, 3$-:3 OHe. ItLSTAUUANT. splendid downtown perma nent location; con oer Jl.i. your iS&i; teims. t'o, leaving why. Worlds Fair Jlro kerace C. i Cliestnjt. ItOOMINC-HOUfeE. sor. a rarain. 4157 JlcPher- UOOMING-IIOUSE. 213 Pine or 3414 Lucas a.e.; one ety cheap; both good locations. KOOMING-HOLhE; best rooming district; central location, 14 rooms, funaco. Ptable; S rooms aboe; hae lease, rent JbU. 2733 Law ton ROOMING-1IOUSD; permanent location; J ('own. lalance ). $Xi week; 3 good rooms. J25 rent: going back country. Call ao Gamble ItOOlIING-HOUSE. 15 rooms, full of good furniture; cheap for cash S103 OUe. llOOMING-HOCSK. S rooms nicely furnished; good io-atlon; U.eap for cash. 321 Lucas ROOMING-MOUSE: full of coo' furniture: block 2o0 Wellington KD 46 Ttjubllc. noOMING-IIOUfaE; 12 rooms: loeatlo- al ways good j ear round; cheap for cash, 2T43 Olive st. KOOMING-iIOLSE; full or permanent .orr. ers; plcndid location; lowest tenns. K 47, Republ'c ROOMING-HOUSE. 12 large, coinp etelj fur nished roons. low rent; alwas Oiled with per manent guests; $100 down, must sell. 2SC2 Lo cust Bt. ROOMING-HOUSE; C224 Lucas; S rooms; well furnished; be&t rooming district In cltj ; J..O0 down. f-as carrenta on balance. ROOMlN'G-HOUhE: 2113 Morgan; ll room; good furnishings; $35 rent; tnuit sacrifice; only J73 down: walking distance downtown. ROOMING-HOUSE and restaurant; downtown Waslmgtoa ae. location; 11 room; JSU rent; inctune SjO day; ii0 h.andles Glascock, 503 Chetnut. ROOMIN'G-HOUSE: sixteen rooms, all full, good location-; cheap rent; with lease, good money-maker anv time; sell cheap; terms to fuX 1317 Olhe. ROOMING-HOUSE; $100 down; 11 rooms, new furniture new building, modern conveniences; rosy and attractive, will surprise jou I&ju Franklin ROOMING-HOUSE: TT27 Law ton. near Grand; detached: outhin exposure, 11 nlceli fur nised rooms; clean; must sell; $100 down; rent $23 ROOMING-HOUSE: 12 rooms; full of cood furnture; cheap for cash. If sold at once; leav ing city; bet location in city for roomers; clears most mon-y; highly recommended; Del mar car- stop at door, at once 3303 Lucas. ROOMING-HOUSE; detached; S rooms; quiet location: alwajs full. $40 rent; $175 down, bal ance $3G. ?2J month 3C23 Cbck. ROOMING -HOU.SE; Lucas near Compton; fine furnishings; 3 room; clears almost $2C0 month, want quick bujer; tXJ) handles. Glas cock. 902 Chestnut. ROOMING-HOUfcE p'cndld furnishings; anc a made; no must leave. ; tfAl Lawton; II rooms; wl.l tell $lu0 cash bal reasonablo offer refused ; ROOMING HOUSE; three fiats. 4 and 8 rooms choice; $1.3; terms $30 down: low rent; good furnishings; real map 2!46 rranklln. ROOMING-HOUSE: Ftam-heated; 12 rooms; downtown; $40 month Income; nel way below coxtr World's Fair ItroHerage Co . !0i Cie-tnut, ROOMING-HOUSE: facing new C Hall; 12 large rooms: $43 rent: price J27i. 175 down; good permanent p-opositlon. 122C Clark. ROOMING-HOUSE: S rooms: fine location; good furniture: $40 rent; $175 this week; one third original cct. 2SQ1 Dayton. ROOM1NG-HOUM3. Cook ave.; 10 roomn, rent $C0; ery gol furnlfblngsr Income 52i0 month; owner leaving; irico MJ Glatcock, U02 Chest nut. ItpOMING-HOUbE: 8 thoroughly furnlh-d rooms; low lent; excellent Income: fine resi dence section; $1' down; small balanuc cas. 2310 Worulrgtcn itooMINS-HOUSC. J25 rat cJov Talr. rooms; bi!fndld location; wrecklnc T7orkmu; jrl required. World i I'air Hrokerage Co.. Jj uiftinui. ROOMIVG IlVUf-E; R rooms; good rurnlture; roikI business; thre bUtcks from Union sta tion; cheap rent? wlll-glv; you a good bargain; teims tr right part. ViX Olive u ROOMING-HOUSE- 1 room; alpo retaurant In connection: three blocks from Union Station; gplenflld opportunlU. KB 155 Republic SALOON": oI1-establlthed plac: gool trade; reason. rt'gsoUing partnership 120 S 1'ourth SALOON', within three blocks of Union Sta tion; will pell at a bargain; on-half cash: Ivave other business. JL 23. Republic. SALOON: TSD0 OIIvp; j-IUnj complete nx turts. stock; lease; $230 down, balance $40 per north. PLOON do wr town; est. 15 yars; $50 dallv Income; independent leapp; owner retiring and will sacrifice. Morgan. 000 Chestnut. SHOE p'ore on houth Rroadway; cood trade. Inquire 1721 S. Rroadwaj. second flocr. 1IOU5CS, I1003IS, HTC-WAMED. FOUR or five room cottage, bv egd couple: with Intention of buying if suitable; give full particular KE L Republic. TW O furnished or pirtlv furn!hd rooms Sit light hcusckeetdrg, by dean, refined people; state prce and car line. KE 41. Republic. TOUNG man desires room in email family; $1.W per week; permanent. WT 51. Republic, TO lse a li-room hcuse by a responsible bulneFs man with a small fumUj. KD 2. Republic. ROOMMATES WATED. REFINED 3ourg man to share a large pleas ant room: furnacr hcvt; rood board; references ixcIiJPge.1 KE 13 Republic ROOMMATE by p1ra-3nt joup; man; nice Tocrar rvparate beds. 3112A Lucas. UOOMb AND DORD WAATIH). YOUNG lady cmploj wants room and board, west of King hlghwa ; Page or Sub urban line; state terms. K 23, Republic lesion :"nii nr.n. ARLINGTON. I2fi6v Five rooms; strictly modern. William White. i:c3 Union boulevard AUUERT. 777 Comfortable rooms in private family snrcial rates to parties HULU SC22 Furnish d rooms, meant hat, hot bath: rice locality ; low rent. RRODWAY. 107 N day low weekly intea. -Fine room, ten ice, 50o JUIOADWA, 12 S Flnelv f uml-ied rooms, half block from tVuithTn HotM; JIM to $j weklv frfe batht Anplv Mra Walker, or Hall CA1E5-, 5-01 t Corner Reiu Large, nicely fur nished woms, lun-ace heat;1 hot bath; near Fair. tms reasonable t CllEftT'tT.1411-L.i-ge rooming hou-e. pleas ant reading-room, reputable. !- week up CiIl-5-TNl l", 1C3 Nicely furnished rooms, $1& vvtrk up btcam het; all Fair cars con venient CHOFTlMT H23A Nice front room, with bath nrHate famllv liloT-TEVU, 1211 NKcly furnished connect ing rtom for hot'kcplng CIiOUTL.xU. IJfH nirnlshpd hecond and thinl floor rooir.3 for houekeeplng. $2 50 up CHOUTCAV 1110 Front nnd connecting rooms for Uj,ht housekeeping, for adults, prl vat? famllj CLHK. 2022ninroom, private family, 3uthern xpu-ure, ether pleasant rooms for light iiou-ekecpirg COMPTOV, lw b Elegant front room and board for -elred adults, employed pernMnent CXK. w17 Neatly furnished rooms. Fair visitor or permanent pwiolc. reiotiable COOK. S320A Tw i nicelj furnished front rw ms, private family; suitable for four gentle men, gui bith and a ao hall room I'OIIA, 1?2j V Nlcel furnished rooms for World i I .ilr visitors. rcarnabl ralcj VOTTAGE. .$ lrnihcd ro mis for light heuekoiplng il t-lngl rooms, call for T.eek DA1TON, 27.2 Furnished scon I floor front room, all convenient ej, privilege of housekeep ing, verj reasonable DTOV 2733 Flat of four large vell funlhed nnd comfortab e roms, mo-lern bath room furnace heat, first cln pirties cnlj DELMAR, -JCC3 1't.rmarent rooms for tingle men DELMAR 4143 Nlcel furnlshcii room?, World'i Fair visitors or permanent people DELMAR -41K-FIrst-cUS3 rcoms Fair vis itors with breakfast, all conveniences DELMAR 424" t lrst-class rooms. I air v ti lt trscrptMTTiantfmLp:5'Ceeryconvtn pnco. DELMAR C4-Nicel furnished rooms all conveniences, gtntlemen. $j and $10 .t month. DILLON. 1203 Ftirnl-ipd rooms, all ccn v pnlerces location deirable EAiTON. 475-J Nlcclj furnished rooms, alt conveniences fcl-V1-ON, 3117 I-trg neitlv furn'-e rcon s for houekeeplng. also hmnll sleeping -room EAhTON. front rewns, rent, 3100 (Corner CanllmD Furnished bath, gas, lowest rates If perm i- JIASTOV, 2S0S Iirnihed front room, flr: floor; light houselteeplntr, bath, ga. rco4n able EA-TOV, 3110 second lloor frort room pri vate fanill. . cars direct to Fair, terms reaum- able ravtov sns-on- for light houceKeeplr month front par lor furnished ;. Iw rer week Slo per EIGHTEENTH. JJ)S xs. Furnished rooms, bath, direct cnr. to Fair- beds 71 week up EIGHTEENTH 7IS N NIceU furnlsheil front and conntrtlng rooms also tmall rooms , $1 wetk up 1h1s CfjC ETZEL G120 Cort.f or table rocms, Tair vilt on Octoterand NoveirlW Vk. da near Fair ETZEL. 5914 Furnlhed room. modern; han dy to lalr near Hmnilton Hotel, permanent, IMg nnd Ollv car i:vING 7? N , Kat No 13 NIco rooms, privilege of uoking, hot bath, gas EWING. 700 N. Flat No 14-NIce. com fortable room for permanent gentlemen, $2 ttf-ek each FIITEENTH 1 N $1 ! to $3 mr vvtek -NIccI furnished rooms. IIFTHENTJI. 1522 N. NiaUv furni'he-I c ond tcrj front rocm, bath and gas, private famllv. FOURTEENTH. 123H Nicelj furnished large front rooms, also smaller rooms; suitable for two. FRANKLIN. 120n-Rooms, $1 week; bds, nrd 1 night. FRNKLIN. s4G Light housekeeping, clean, well-furnished rooms. $3 to $3 week FR NKLIN" ".iris Nicely furnished rcoma by dav or week: nlso housekeepin. gas. bith FltANKLlN 12 N'leclv furnished room, suit able for two or three, $1 j) vtek. separate beds FRANKLIN. ZV) Larpc, neatlv furnished front room for four Worll' Fair visitors. $1 50 per da, . also everal other wry nice rooms. GARRISON", 1223 N' Two furnished connect ing room, reasonable. GAF.RIfcON. 721 N Large, eiegant rooms; flret-vlaws; heited. for Tjfrmanent gentlemen. GAREIlON 10H N" Lnrge front room, llgnt houseKeeplng, gas, bath , alto other rooms , reasonable CRATTAK. 1S07 I-arce. furnlshl room. light houekeeolnr if desired HICKOUY l'-Large front and s-ntU side room on third noo- for light housekeeping, no children. Itetlefontalne car JEi-FERFON 1442 N Nice clean side room: fiecend floor, for Htht housekeeping, $i per week KENSINGTON. 5214 Elegant rocms hot bath, furnace; verj reasonable, ptrmanent or tran sient. KOSSUTH, 304 1 Two nicelj furnished rooms; uo of kitchen and gas, $5 per week. Io ave. cars LA SLLE. 13.10 N'tcely furnlshetl aeCond fioor front, i-Jlted for four, private family. LACLEDE. 2922 NIcelv furnished room. $3 weeklv bath. Hsht hvusekeenlmr LACLEDE. 3433 NIcelv furnished rooms, aln gl or en suite, modern conveniences LACLEDE. 4261 Neatlv furnished fiont room, private family, for two Iadie. employed LACLEDE. 3727 Cut rates fo- World's Fair visitors 50c rr day: direct car line f"om depot LACLEDE. 243 Nicely furnished rooms; convenient to Urlon fetation, fur permanent people. LACLEDE, 3313 Large necond-story front, cuUahta for four; othtr rooms; hot bath, rea sonable L.1AETD, 2SfTwo furnished frort rooms, modtrn convenlenc IA-II. 1220 Laice ront room; het; goa, hath nrlvnte fnnillv. two or foar centlemen LAWTON, C327 Newlv furnlshel throughout, reasonable rates, modern conveniences LAWTON. 3037 Front and back parlors; part ly furnished, to respectable couple; southern exposure. LAWTON, 7T29 Nicely furnished rooms, completely furnished for light housekeeping; gis range LAWTON, 2535 Seand-story front; nicely furnished; with gas, bath and Turnaco heat; private family LA WTO V, 2122 Large second-story front and other rooms; ni"eh furnished reasonable to permanent neoftle: strictly flrt-rlarfi. LHFFINGWELL. 707 N Two nice rooms for permanent people, hot and cold baths LEFFINGWELL. 707 N. Furnished room, complete for housel coping, hot and cold bath LUFFING WELL. 1433 (Near Sheridan) One la-ge room, furnished for light housekeeping, rea sor able LEOVARD, 1122 N Furnished rooms, hath, gas; cheap to visitors or permanent people LINDELL. 3"33 NIce-ly furnished second-foor room for houst! eping. $12 month LINDELL, 3-20 Furnished rooms; steam heat; nicely furnished, all conveniences. LINDELL Houlevard. 33HA Two or three prettily furnished rooms, steam heat; bath, private famllv 1J3CLST. Sll n-rnlshed rooms; one suitable for eample-room. LOCUST. 2SOV Large front room for four gen tlemen: modem. LOCUST. 3121 Rooms with board; rultible for gentlemen; al convcnlencea LOCUhT. 28C2 Furnished front and rear rooms; reasonable rates; hot bath; gas, fur nace LOCUST. 22I?-CIeun. light detlrable. -well-furnished rooms; i-titrally located: iKrcelaln bstb: -a LOCUST. 15'5G Neatly furnished rcoms at greatly reduced prices; convenient to bilne&s district and anv er trance to Fair. ga bath. LUCAS nil Ccmfortablo roonu for perma nent people; gas, lut batli LUCAM. 2K5-Nicely furnished, veil-heated rooms for Trmanent people; ga, hot bath I.TJCAQ. 2027 Rooms. Fair visitors; 50c and 73c day; meals 2vc; rates to regular Icardens. LUCAt. 3317 Neatlv furnished frort room, all modern conveniences; phone, private fam llj. LUCAS. 2H5 Two lovelv thlrd-lToor front rooms for permanent gentlemen; all conven iences. LU CAS. 331& Nice com fortable hal I room ; permanent for winter; modern conveniences; private home. LUCAS 3223 lATge third-floor front In mml ern hoTre; southern exposure; arranged for four gcntltrren: $1.2-i each; hot bath. LUCAh. AVS-rModern, heated, newly furnished room; net hath; vorj desirable home ft.r per marent budness men and business womn; ipe clal rates; Fair M'ifors. 30c day up. i!ALLi:t 43i)-T o large furnished front rooms for four entlem'n : from 73c and $1 a week each JIPa,E. 711 Warm. well-furnl-hed rooms: permanent peope; choice location; Suburban and l'ae ca-s. MARYLAND. 4V1 If jou arr looking for comfortable bed. reflnesl sur-oundmgs. vltli pb olute1y the bejt table In tlie cltv or tho mone, you arc invited to give U3 a trial; gxs: bath; steam heat; Maryland cars stop In front of "door; front room; private balocny; also side room. MENARD ll-Lircc rcom in private family; or one gntlenan : $1 week MISSISSIPPI. 1423-JcfcH fcrrlshM rooms for Ftlr lsltcrs or permanent gcptl2rin; ra sornbl v. J7(jAN, 3412- rrarerit '!cel furnifehed. rooms; lwr- MORGAN. 23It-Nicely furnterj lor two genueram; permauenuy nooMM ron ui:nt. MORGAN. X01 (Corner House) AVell hcatel rooms for gfitlemen, permanentlj. -IORCAN, 2007 Large room: can accommi dite two cr three gntlemen for the winter MORGAN, S341 Southern exposed parlor, uls. second tory rooms: furnace heat. Lot bath. gaf. MORGAN, 2810 Newlv furnished rooms fo--trvn3lenta or p-rmanint roomtra; all convea lences MOItGAN. 327 Oonnefilng rocms. second floor, housekeeping, one room third floor, rca oabIe prke MORGAr 1523 Neat rooms, twIUi bath, best pait of citv , three direct car lines to Fair, phone. Fore-it 21 HM MORGAN j67 Small, pluiant, nltelv fur nished sec nnd-lloor room , l rl vilege ot house keeping all convtnknces. MORGN 2sll -Two I irge connecting front rooms, fu-nlhed lor housekeeping, two or four adults hath UFe of I mndrv MORG N, SIM Iive . larse. light rcoms, grate fire, at $3 week, two or nurc people, thre dlrrt tats to 1 air or town MORGVN, 3211 l-arse ba-nlndow loon, first floor, furnished for housekcenlns, lange. telephone, furnace heat lot hn:n. MONROfc? II"iic 61S Rroidwa, clean and quiet dallv .ates 2. c to Ml , $1 23 a -week ur Hotel Frnrcls. 114 N lroadva. rcw, strict ly first (I...?, rc-mj 2c to $1 day Cozv II su,. M7 N Sixth men oal Mav lions ?07 Market, new md Ucan Vdrf'-ew; M M DI LANY. ITrprl-tcr NINTH SXS houcekieping S Two connecting rooms for OLIv E. Fair tiV 2111 Lovelj 7 $1 rocms , llrect tara to OLI E jT"-1 Furnished roonus for permanent peopl" gis hot bath OLIvH CFS.1-Ni.atl fun.ishcd room, wllh bath ga. furn ice l eat OI lvL "24 Mirlj furnUhed rooms for gen tlemtn ahi lnn.ekci rinc room OLUr; 42I9A Nbtly furnisheJ steam-heated rcoms per"naint and transit nt OLI E S-1 Neatly fuinlshed Ferond floor centlemui or couple OLI D, 3143 Two nice single rooms, one large room Las bath terms reasonable OLI U. 20)S Mcelv fuinlned front rooms, 0c a night, well heaud. ) is, bath OLIH 2714 Nlrely furnishiil flist ard thlnl floor rwjnu for light housekeeping OLIVH 1214 -Nicely furnihevl rooms for pei minnt iwitple cs bith "-team lit at UH h. is 29 To permanent or Worlds Fair M'-iijrH lurm-nto rooms, gas, not nun OLI J?2j Lirso rooms for visitors, 50c day . other rooms for iern inent. $2 v,eek. OLIV I 3M7 Nicely Xuinithed pjoms warm, comfort a nle 5fc to $1. direct cntv to Fnir OLlF li NIc li furnished rojnis fo- pr mnnem pe'tIe ga hot b ith furnni" hent. OLIVF I03 Nicetv furnihd itxuns; perma nent gtntknit-n all conveniences renst nable OI,IF n2(J Fleirintly furnished room, also toub'e room Worlds I'alr visitors accomr1 d .u Cl IE. 4541 Lnrge. Meht, airy rooms, Gc a night als. accoihmodations for light huse-1-eii Ing OLU E. 23o Nlcrl furnished room", Flnrle fr ji suite, eteam heat, bath, gas, telephone. It T ir ibl OLIVE 37C Nicely furnished -eond-story fruit room, with modern conveniences, rates reason ible OI-in; IHl- Furnished room $1 J per weok up ga3, light housekeeping allowed. In nuirt studio OIIE. 43i2 Prlva- home, e'ecant acrom nodttlons. hanrlume reIdnce district cafes. ih'iie Lin Ml i73 $1 10 nnd $2 for two per cav 1 vGH 4IJ-Nlccly furnlr-hed front room, nidtri 5-onveiiience, also luck room cheaj I'AGE 4324 Two connecting front rooms; fur nac lit at, bath, for two or threj gtntlcmen; &1m smill room, private famll PAGE, 23 iCorner T'nlon PouJvard) Cita rnon.T 'iatitn nea- Fair, nil ca-s 5 minute ride fight blocks' wal't from main cntranro; ppl-ndlf comt rtable ooms including brtak f ist hi it ami bath 75c up, beautiful privats con r rsdcrce PAI IN 1717 rurnishej front room gentii e men or ceuple three u.ocks poutn or ttinn P'NE, 323b Handsomely furnl3hetl rooms. first an 1 second (lcrs. very rei'Qnable PINE 2117 Nicely furnished rooms, blocks from Union Station. 1 week up PINE, 3312 Nicely furnished rooms for per manent people or visitor, housekeeping pcr miltM I'INE 2331 NlceK furnished econd story front with alcove, other rooms, visitors accom-mod-tted I'ENDLETON. 1321 Neatly furnished rooms, all pcnveri ree" PENDLITON li-Furnlhed rooms for I'alr visitors t-r permanent leopi; ratrs reasonnoie 1'ivr atl Tlilrd-stnrw front mrira fnr Ilnht houafkeeplng I'INE 2601 FurnJshe 1 rooms, gentlemen, EOc to 73c dn , or rates by tho week PINE Z& One la-ge rooTn, sultab o for stu dents, iurnace heat, hot and co d water, to pirtv of gentlemen $2 wegk each EAH 730 N conrt nlence -Roomer rales moderate; all SCHOOL 3162 (Comer Ccmpton) Elegantly furnished front parlor and other deIrablo rooms $; to $" per week cntril location SHENANDOAH 3D32V Neatly furnished hall roflin. S'lEIUDAN 273.V- Furnl-hcd room, private famllj gas, bath low rates for winter MIERIDaN. 30IS Front or back par'or. also fecond an! third floor rooms, housekeeping, bnth SIXTH. 1403 X Large front room for licue keenlrc o eentlemen $2 10 v,eek ST ANGE reasonable 3114 Oro rlccly rurnihed room ST VNGI-1 IWt One Inrge furnished corner room fnr hoLsekecidng ST I'ght ANGE 1212 Room and hallroom, very housekeeping quiet couple onh. ST ANGE. 1320 Nicely furnished front room for gentlemen, private famllv. gas and bith ST ANGE 1412Lnr;e, nicely furnished room: llcht housckesplnc. three car lines. In rear r vt rrry in; "NT Tnn mnm trtr' 1!h inti. tvT-ypujf. -i- "- "" TIIFiIU, 3fs N (Corner of Olive) NIcl furnlmed sfnclo room ras THERESA. 513 X Nicely furnished rocin.3 for f,rmanent teoplc. gas, hot bath. THERESA MS. N Nicely furn'shed, perma nent roomi. for gentlemen, reasonable prices THERESA S23 X lnirnlhed room, with connecting hall room, running water; gas stove, housekeeping TlilKiJ, l-Ki -v icciy lurniiicu rcoms lor gentlemen or light housekeeping, everj con venience THIHTFENTH, 1347 S On complete for Jioucekccplng largo room. TO permanent pople; furnished; a suite; a'So prngle rtcms cheap: WO- west. JL CO Republ'c TWELFTH, reasonnbte lSii S FumlEhed rooms; rent TWELFTK 1031 S Nicely furnished room for gentlemen bath, ca" coal TW ELFTH. 1320 S. Front room for two gen tlemen vrlvAte family ronvgnl-mt to all car TW ENTTETH 14 X rconi. $ week -Nicely furnished front UNION, 3120 X. Furnished room for World s Filr people, near car line VANDE ENTER. 1037 V N rurnlshe,, front room, hot bith it all hours steam heat. VERNON. F730 Warm rooms. Fair vUlturs; C0c. 7T iir ten minutes waU to Fair VFRNON, &031 Nicely furnisher roem suita ble for two gentlemen, every convenience VERNON E377 Warm, comfortable room, nerrnnent or transients reasonable; near Fair WALTON, KI3 Two fuml-hed rooms on third flor. single beds, furnace heat; reasmnbl-. WALNUT, 231S tTrfurnlshed tn'ement; water anl claet In room; rent reasonable; good eunnv 5 ard WASH 1J25 Xicely furnished front and rear rooms Z2 week tifj WASH. 17U Iarge front hcv.ekcepmg room; gas Ftove. laundry. aIo hall room. WASHINGTON, rooms. teds 2,. 1511i Neatly furnished WASHINGTON "404A ery desirable, wetl fnrnlshil ecflnd-floor rorns , WASHINGTON, 3.I2 NIeel furnished rooms for permnntnt gtn'emen onlv WASHINGTON, 2S14-nean. well-kent rcoms, c per night. comfortable WASHINGTON, 13C3 Large and email rooms for gentlemen or housekeeping WASHINGTON Boulevard 43T4 Elegantly fuTfd nxinus nhore Lindell 24f WASHING'rON. 1C12 Nicely furnished rooms for pernmnert people; rat-s 30c day up WAyiUNGTOX. 2140 Elegantly furnished rooms well heated; gentlemen or couple WASHINGTON "01 Nice hinted rooms; Cue, "V ird $1 div also room 3 for permanent. WASHINGTON, 2S10 Lirge, bright room to thre studnts of Tesscrtable workinc drls. WASHINGTON. J34 Lirge, elegant room; also single room, steim heat: private family WASHINGTON. 2a7C Two llcht. warm rooms, Rultablo fcr CGiiple or three; all conveniences WAbHINGTOX. 2S2C Nice rooms; well fur nished; heat, hot lath; for permanent people. WASHINGTON". 314-' Nicely furnished front room for two permanent gentlemen; gis, bath. WASHINGTON. " Nlcr-ly furnished rooms; well heated: all conveniences; for permancnts. WASHINGTON". 2301 Iae. llpht rooms; hot-water heat; for permanent pecrl, reason able. WASHINGTON. 3313 Nicely furnished large eeconJ-foor front for four: gentlemen preferred; ga bath, furnaco heat; convenient to five car lire WASHING TON. 1301 s, Nicely furnished roomsr tultab'e for one or three; reasonable is tea. WASHINGTON. 1323-NIce'y fu7lishfd tec ond sto-y front, suited for genCemen or house-kH-r'In. WASHINGTON. 3223 Nicely furnih-d rooms; parlor and others; housekeeping, gas, hath, fur nC heat. WASHINGTON, lilS-LnrEe. cuan. com foitablu rooms tor nice permanent people; car, hot bath. ROOMS I OK KIIM1. WASHINGTON Rouleyard" 4105 Nicely fur niched rooms; steam fce,t, prlvute family. Fcr- c&t J3 WASHINGTON, :6ol Large" llht rooms; heat, bath, gus, direct line to Fair, strangers accommodated WASHINGTON 3115 Nice, clear, vellfur rNhed rcoms, furnace heat, gas. hot botn, for perm inent people W.VHING10N. 2123 Elegantly furni-hetl rooms, well heiUd. private tajnlly; permanent rentlernen or comile WASHINGTON. 2610 Nic-I furnlsned com fortable rooms for i .nnanent people; also I ouseljtcping bah gaa WELLb, SEO tor Worlls Fair vleitors nly, tv.Ivo reorns in Xour nle private residences, 'eLtric cir, five minutPH to Fair grounds, terms very low for November WlSrfi RELLE Pace, i j well-Iieatel rooma $1 rr dav. pennarent el pie sp-'cal rUcs Wj;sT LELLE. 41 0 rurn rhed rooms:Fair v'sitors or permanent i,Bntlemn. reasonable WEbTvlINSTEi:. 4:34-N'eallv furrlshed rooir, talr visitors or permanent oeople. rta-pr-al ' Ml -rMINSTl'IS 431-Rooms dril bath ona liln-i. ficin direct car, ten mlnatea' ride It Fair l'hom. lre-t ilbM Vol MI vvidrvv hivin-; lgnntly furnisiied ill en quiet street uouid like couple or gen tu in rctmer KK 45 R pLb ic UllMlNSTIT. Place, ib1 Irest fuml-h-d ipartrtntfl In , ,insle ami for reppctablo pwplr, nne bathroom, plenty lot water and all other conv1.nie.1cc3, !crtn3 low nni.Mtu, 1IKS. : Nicely furnished. , ell -he a ted rooms, reason ab' 1UHJMJ5 WITH HO MID. IiRT";'KR, eo37-Itocm-, vIth heard fcr rermapents or trnslera Mrs wm Men. .".IV foM hn..-d and mrr $i i v. e-k ULLL 3022 Rooms Aith llrst rlafa table hoard tvery con e-ilencn raona! 'e terra IlUODWA1. Tfl3 N -Private fumilj , rea soii bit. j.uod table rlE, MTi T-vufl'uIlT furnlshel rooms -,, th hoinl In private family, all mod ern conveniences rrintnrnt CC'OK "u Rooms und board for two gentte mcn. gootl horn to right pirti'- DFLMAR. 41'3-EeantIj furn shed rorm ad board suitable fr two permanent Kenticrren, re is-' tblc DELVAR 7 Rooms for Fnir visitors. $1 dav, .. Ith breakfast, aso second story front room jfrmanent , gentlemen a'-commodated , rea-anar'" DLLAIAIt. 4J7ft Connecting and ether rooms: board and service flrvt rlass, est abiished house rerrramnt pwpl- de'Ired. pr cca moderate, leferrmes given and requited ED- 2C2I Nicelv furnished room for two rtni'emert with Iionrd FASTOV 11-33A NeTtlv furnibhed front room "3. mil bith Ixiard if d-Mrd GARRI-ON, SIS V (General herman,s Man sion, Center C1t Pleasant. Iarg rooms, lirst clas board, modern, 6 o'clock d'nncr, all tIepnones, four cur lines, gas and litau CIliON", 4373 NIctly furnished rooms, break fast If desired $1 jerdav JI LIAN 5S Dcinble rvjms modern c&n venlcnces, breakfat. Phen Kir 2108R. Delxnar. GRRIOX. filv..V X Nlcly furriishul hil! room and ethers, steam heat; breakfast If de ft red KINGS HIGHWAY. 102A -Large, warm room 33 per week. Includin-; hrtikfafct, KEWETT I'lace, 1S11 Irg- rleasant 5c oqi Moor front room, with good accommoda tions board Lr-LEDE. 3113 Nice rooms and board, $4 and J3 LV.MI 1110 Nirei furnished econd-storj f n nt fo- lv,o Kentlemen with board US'-' LWTON 3532 Furnished rooms, with or without board, hot bath, furnace heat LINDELL. 2444 Roow with board for joung men L1NDULL, rj4 Elegnntlv furnished uecond fctory front vacated 13th, aIo Iirge room, running v. iter, first-class table and service, transients accommodated Lindell 2 LOCI ST 1431 Room ond bvirrt $1 So week. IOCL&T. 2113 Ioom and week board. 54.M per IjOCLJT 1424 Room and board, vltllors anl unj boarders accommo-Iated. Mtb ML. A. Thomas UOCLST 3112 HandsomMv fornlsned front roou, v,Ith private bath, all conveniences, su-prlo- fable LI t""Ab. 2733 Rooms for housekeeping; also ro-.m ind grod home beard for pennanent. LU-S. 3431 Nice steam-heated ro-ms fcr permanent people, good meals, gas, hot bath MAI'LE. 526S Elegant furnished rocms. hot water heat board if dtslred MARYLAND, 4103 Nicely furnished rocms with board. In private family. MARYLAND. 4119 Nicely furnished roonv steim heat, elegant bath, with or without board, verv desirable home MOi:CN. 410S W orld s Fair or permanent people all conveniences board optionaL MORGVN 4200 Larne. nlcelv furnished front room with excellent boird for two gentlemen. MORGAN. 4372 burnished rooms for perma nent gentlemen, with toard. a'l conveniences MORGAN", 5173 Rooms with board: two cholos rooms llrst-clas board, for two couples c r four cntlemeii . private ue OLD MANCHESTER Read. with board, heme cooking -Nice rooms. OLIVE, 3433 Permanent rooms, with or with out board, prices reasonable OLI SX 2317 Nicely- furnished roomj for gn tlemen S3 week with board OLIVE 451S Large roon for two Cr more; near Fair EOc up meals if des'red OLIVE 103 Newly furrlshed rooms. $2 50 a weelc meat" 2.c Intiulre In restaurant. OREGON isr.3 LoveI furnished front room, furnace heat, porcelain bith. two car lines I'INE 231 Firat-c la ts rooms and board, $3 week hot bath en furnacn heat FIXE. CltS Second-story front, with bedt board people ernplojed preferred, terms to parties ROOMS, with board, $1 per da. Chef Hotel, 4154 Westminster ST. CiHRLES, 2201 Furnished front room with board. 14 &) per wek, for two vrorking men. tlrt floor, home cooking, private ST LOUIS, 4SS-Rooni and bard. In private family, convtnltnt to cars. $150 per wrelc THERESA, 517 N. Nicely furnished room-; steam heat, with good board, for permanent people THOMAS. SOI Day boarders accommodated at $3 a week, ahro meals 20e and 25c VERNON. 532S Furnlhed rooms w'th board front and ojth rooms, rates reasonable. VERNON. 3723 Roo. waUIr? dtstance to Fnir. breakfast; rates reasonable; phono For est CIEv. VERNON 572fr-West End private hoire; rooms, with breakfast; write for rates, ten minutes walk to Fair rhone Forest tisM WvHINGTOX, 342(-rnlshed rocnis. with or without board, gas. bath. WASHINGTON T2S-Room. wlUi hot rnd cold water breakfast 6 o'clock dinner, phore WASHINGTON", 3031 I "urnlshed rooms for Tair visitors. &c. 73 $1. breakfast If desired WASHINGTON 34j-Frroannt rooms for four gentlemen, ahro rooms for visitors; g(od bocrd WSHINGTOV. 3140 Dtsinblo rooms and boird. private family, modern, permanent gen- i it-men tr juji W H RTn.V 2322 Nice. cln -nll-fur- nNVd rooms, furnace I-eat, gas, bath; for permanent people. WASHINGTON, 2312 (The Hartford) Desira ble rooms, with bept board? separate table; Eteam heat, rcasonabl WASHINGTON. 21C1 Flrst-cla rooms, steam 1 eatd, gertlen en preferred ; breakfast If desirfd. KInloch D 7CS WASHINGTON. 2323 Rooms, with or without board; steam heat; rrt-cla3 accommodations; table board Phone CI473 WIIITTirR. lHSE-First-cIasn rooms, with board ?3 v-eeic hot bath, gas, furnace heit. WEST RELL. 4'3G Seccnd-tory front, with board, all convcrlences, reasonabe; hot bath; heat WELLS, S3G1 : A lady would like to take child to board. Ea&ton cars WEivr UELLE. 4112 Fur-lshed rooms; per mr.ncnt, gentlemen, breakfast, private family; best accommodations. W FT PINE Loulevard. 3553 Rooms, with flrst-cliss Injard and service. W t-STMINSTEE Place, 4CC3 ' Two beautifully furnished rooms, with board; references re quired WESTMINSTER. 3305 Elegantly furnished second story front and connecting rooms, su perior board, references. rOR KENT DWKLLISGS. -RCO. 43J7 Five-room cottage: bath, cleft. hot water. AltijBNAL, 1910 Six rooms, in cool order. $17.60, Tower Grove car. OREON I: bCOIT & CO . gl7 Cbestnut st. EAVARD (Near Mmart-blx-room houe: bath, ens, flee sard: jZZ. 431 Morgan. I.jBAD1E, 402 Mo-ler-i fevrn-room home: bath: jra: fumaco and laundry: keys at 4772 Iabadie. CARPENTER Tlace. 73-Corner s-vn-roon h(n.e: nil conveniences. Inquire 731 Carpen- T.A lt.VTJIl. 4237 Neiy .lv-mom i-intis. phjin Call Klnlo-li H 3730. 1)3 Washington. ' STODDARD. 1731 Three rooms; eas. tath and attlu. McCAUSLAND. MU Two-story elsht-room co:iasv; ine wnier; low reri; hey there. GRIFFIN It. E. CO , 1111 Qtestn Chestnut $t. ron ncT-sunuisns property. CORD. 143 (Webster Groves) Ten rooms: all or part. Call 13 N. Eleventh. TRUE&DAT.K Ave. (Wibter Grovts) Cot tage, thrt-a rooms, tsheii, clitcken-housc, cistern; J10 W; bloUc of Suburban cars. ZINK JL CO . AKents. 19 N". Seventh. COMMONWEALTH. 3C5 Four new cottaces to sell or rent; In 11ns suburbs. FURNISHED HOI -l VN1J FL.V'l2 I'Oit HET. CIIOITEU. 174S Xlre rooms; furnished or u irurnished. COM1TOX. 4C3? S.-Tliree rooms on first fIofr, completely fumlhtd for housekeeping gis. bith, hot .ind cold water, to couple wlthoat children. Ro-llcfontaine car HVANA 4137 Three-room farn's'ietl flat com pit te for housekeeping, now open. Office. 4219 WVst L.IIc. phone, Lelmur 1S70. I-1 RNISHED (Ight-roont flat on Lindell boal cvard, itenn healed; modern cou.emeuct:-. 1CH 13. R. puolic OWVj-:, i'4 IVautlfui five-room flat Ul roivr-ni rces; clfgant lith. go-id turnlilngs, it'lifu rtighbortwod. iermannt locatlou RILGXX tLS Thrt-c-r-jon fursfslied flat, neir Fnir Oflice. 4213 West Utile, phone Lie lour ISTO ST lAJhlir. I32IA nirnl-htl Tat. tnrec Toon's it be.iut complete. t3 month W INDmjU Plac. "i-4 A six-room furnahed lit moIirn. for one year, S a month. W'E-T PELLE P ace. 4213 Two. to four room furnished Hat. complete for hou e'te'ping. hct und ccld water bath, furna.e heat. Call day ur nisTt. phont, lelmar 1270. i oh i:ut Ai' vriT:tATi, i'lvi:?. ifl THM", 112J Vlat. l-njsekeeping, und hill room $2 up verv iirnii s.t dour-t IiJ LiN. V1 Fci-r rcoma ui srairs Call at ::i'J I'ni ave lOLfau!, ;6 J--I six roorrs and bath. al nine rooms and I ath lli.ture fchidcs hot-vra ter h at .urnhhed for S3 anl $60, iKJis-as.un on er tefure- Utc I .UXK t. CO . gnts ID X -eventh Wh,NNF-RLY (Near oia Thrt-e-room flat. piivi'f entni'ce near can. $U. 433T Mo-ga. MVFFITT. t73I ?lv room npfer flit, taihcd hot and t-ol l water, adults only M.Miy.LVMi 46iChoice seen-room flit, all c nveniences ai, nre shades Janitor sen Ice b t reiidern.e part W est End NINTH 371s N -lou la'-g rooms, flrit loor. vitnnt November 11 no children rem 52"t OLi E 3yi2 Nice, mrn n,-.tlern six room flat. porce.a'n Latli; fine furnace, private en trirct I i:K .03 our ami ( tiindt I en rooms, bath, hot water WI-ST MORGAN, 411 N roonit bath, hot water heater st-ntthmg fl a and captlvat ng, rent iv). rAsednii Nov J3 ZINK A- CO Agents, 13 N Seventh WIT MOj:gan 4Ilv alx roon'e. batn. hot vater heater, a'deJ;oa-d. ini-let, ttc , rent $10, pcfsseaiitii en or before LM 4 Z1NK i- CO Agents 13 X. Seventh. TO I.CT FOR htlsxm;5 PimiMi'-ns. DESKROOM, ric H furnished, roller ie'k both phcrs Erin eTl Lu-IIrston batldin,. DBak room with .1 k p! ore heat, light. Janitor e rent $13, nroln Tmt bull ing 71 Mv &. CO Agents 19 N Seventh OIIWOIT5 ro3 Large storeroom, "ootiw and bath PU:K 3203 store call room JW Lincoln Trust building- John S King OFFICES In Pamm bulldlrg. no OIlv st thoroughly modern, prices range from $! to $2; SIKKING GRAY CO Agent. 2JS Olivo st. Five i ; Brewers and Saloonkeeosrs Lcofc No 10G2 Hodlamont are ; rew row store ani fl?ts above rtean heit famished rn- of the bet locations In the city for i Faloon. Jut across the stre from the suburban ctr fliew and In a baslre-s nclghborh chI. go out and Inspect same and for trms se- M P HYNsON, 9J3 CTiestnut st. Southeast orner Rartmer nnd Hodlamont aves new tore 26x&, ant flit above, tteam heat furnls.ed. without a doubt one of the beet lotations In the cltj for i drug tore. no com petition and plenty of trad t draw from f$ nv flats Just complete! aad occtto'ed on Uart mer ave, east of the store pply t M P H 1 NSON, 923 Chestnut. Have a Look, Butchers cGroesrs New torcs. with flats above on the east side of HodHraont, just &outh of Bartmer ave . Bteam hzt furnished one of the bet locations in the city for i butcher and grocery -tore; p'enty of trade to draw from. 63 new flats Jut completed and occupied on Partner ave , east of the stores reasonable rent Applv to M P HYNSOV, 923 Chestnut st. FOSi REST. At 215 North Ninth Street, In Frisco Bulldins. Just around the" corner from tho Tot Office. This storeroom Is 16x53. with alley en trance, nnd splendidly adapted for bus!-r.e-9 purposes. Apoly ROOM 613 FRISCO Bl)!LD!HQ. HO rCLS. HOTEL STRATFORD, EIGHTH AND PINE STS. ST. LOUIS A permanent new and modern hotel, in th shopping and theater dlnrlct-. European plan. handsomely furnished and equipped with ele vators, hot and coll water In even room; electric lights and steam heat. Every room a outside rccm. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR HOTEL CC0D OAKLAND AVENUE. Market st cars from Union station to hotel without change Entrance gate to I'alr grounds 100 feet from the hotel Safe, comfortable and convenient home Low rates. Superior servica HOTEL HENRIETTA, -I-ISII VAMJI"U:rO" ItOL'L. Rooms In nn up-to-date hotel for gentlemen; entire third floor reserved; cafe In bas-ment. CHIEF HOTTL HEATED. 4134 WESTMIN&TER PLACE. Building is bricK, rocms large. light; choice locality; board $1 a day. dining room, oft rcisy car line, onlv ona block from three car lines to the World- Fair, take Olive cars MAMMOTH EUROPEAN HOTEL Olive and Twelfth sts . thre blocks fro-n Pot Office and Cltv Hall, ratei 3v to it 30 per day; etevitor, steam heat, electric lights, largest and lighten of Pea In the cltv, room for 2,ts) guests; on main c I'ne- to Wor'd Fair THE KOR.F0LK J50TEL. Bosie, and OIHe now und"r the management of M. A. Mnbon Parties dsiring panarent quar ters for winter, "vlth 11 st-claso- table and serv ice, can obtain smw now. Large, elegint con necting and single rooms at reasonable rats; Eteam heat and hot bnth at all houra. Very convenient for downtown rscple. I1IPKOVKD CITY PROPKIITV rO SALL7. );I TIT'L rat: Shnanaoan. n-'ftr Grand, four and five rocms and bath; separate fur naces; strictly modern, ini't he cld. fae Schweker Renlly Co. 110.1 Chestnut. DIG Mrgain, Iet J-uun brik hous In So ith st lu'd. S2.&)0 4o2. Lnuls'ira ave. porches, sheds, grape arbor, eel ar. cltcm, city water, gas, price reasonable; terms satisfactory. NINE-HOOM brick reaidence: hill in oak four cabinet mantels; -vater heatinir Alter for enti' v ater tupDlj ; fruit trees, i birgam; Invest'g-ite, owner leaving cit. 1317 Temple place. Page cars ST. FERDINAND. 4S Six-room brick house at a bargain. TWO HUNDRED reslderces, flats and cot tages; easy monthly pivments if desired; big bargains for the hemeseeker and Investor In all parts of the city W. W McCLAY REVL ESTATE! CO. Kin D 261 1I2S Chestnut st. tOCn PKU muxn: monthly, will CZOU UrOn hit 9 ROOM NEW HOUfaB IX West End n h".h ground, modern la every rsit.ct. Price Ji Wv P NELSON", 321 Ch-stnut ct. A BARGAihi. 5173 rapie Ave., $7,600 A. fine, modern 9-rooni resld'nce.- with recep tion hall, b-ith and furnace, lot 4x137-; terms to suit McCOKMICK-KILGEX-RULE. 31 X X. Ninth. 4653 Rf!affittAv8..S!,500 An elegant 5-room brick cottage, with lot S7rtxC0, easy terms, cheaper than rent. McCORMICK-KILGEN-RtLE. 3il N. Ninth. Something Nov Thoie ncTV honies on "tlaple tt' nnp, near Amilnm-r ai crnii-, are Trorth jonr tlip Co wee If 50a want n nevr up-to-date honu" fnr little money. SIX X MATH ST. FARMS FOR AXE. fO-VCRE fruit ami stock farm: 5 mile, from Ashley. Ill : 14 acre, bearing orchard price !.4'i0 Write for dtscription, D. R. Roach. Wocillawti. Ill GOOD farm land for sale cbeJp ty Bates' & Southard. Allen. Kas Lyon County. Osage Valley Farm. A larj-e 1.000 acre stock and train farm, on 0a--e River, in Cole County. Missouri; well worth JtO per act. Is now offered for sale at $23 pe acre. Will divide. A great bargain. Send for full description. A. S LOOMIb. Ill) N Ninth St.. St. Louis. Mo. E1CHA.M..E AD 1IARTEH. -m .r i s i - - ""nt-W n ---j'.fJ&-f0 BED. dresser, clalrs. Ibcturea for hlcvde or Winchester pump sun, 12 ta-igo. 1S13 Kennctt plate. city ami, est.vtk ron salc F0RSALE Tenders are Invited fcr th purchase of ths Canadlai Pavilion. W'orU's Fair ground, to-g- thr with ail rlumling. heating ad IlgMlnr fixtures contained therein. Also the small &.P I Ing in rear of the lavlUun, knon as the Fur etfiry ArneT. The purchaser will le reamretl to give a suit able bend guaranteeing the removal of tha building? and V e restoration of the grounds within the tiim prescribed by und to the sat isfaction cf the Ioui!ana Purchare Exposition Company. The abov p"-ow:rty Is now open for Inspection b Irtnding t'ddfr- Terder adar?-- I to tlu und-rslgned will be received up to Frhtiv No inber 1. 104 WILIJAd rlUTCHiyjX. Canadian ComTrbveIwn.r, World's Fair Grouid. t Louis. U. t? A. mi i s:ta rB wayted. "xOClt t city real estate for irilck tile; no-iale. C-l at jfdee or mall ecrtption ro wv w. w 11 CtesfnuC 6t. CO! VlliV XIOIICD. VALLEY PVKK HOTEL Vnller Park. Mo. Send for booklet. W HOLDER. Proprietor for P-zmr HOI ES 4013 Morgan st , S rxm. reception hall, bath, furnace 3,'Jl Unne; ave. 9 rooms, furnbhed, $50; un-furnish-d. $30 ri-vra H3t Ijird ave, 4 rooms, bath, furnac, ga fixtures 51CW Page avr 6 rooms bath, furnace, gal futures, vacant Pt 44HA Evans ave. b rooms bath, furnace, gas fixtu-s. 13J7A fora ave y rooms bath, water; iw, iHG McPherson ave, C roti n. bath, furnace, cembinatlon fixtures ca-j ranc and gra'is.. 47 ok av 3 , rocm. bath, furnace, gas fixtures, rent $.17 3 F A. 1NI:TLH. COS Fullerton building. 3;om:y vlTEIJ. WILL 'y $.7 fo- if -an of $CO " r ix months; will zip -ect ritv Kl RepuL i IF vou have to lnvet at 6 per cent on ri!t-dge ecuntv call cr write Hermann A tchatrman. Carleton bjlldlr lt)CY TO L. On lf:ilr. PLENTY OF tWOEY TO LOAFJ. I hav urn ring ng from ?3i up to loan oa approved r il tate "etunt. an I an c7er liberal rates of irte et and commission when rood secjrltr is ofered . CHS F VoGEU 524 Chestnut t. On IVriD'lIll rOiefty, J D BOXES INVK&T CO will buy notes. auvance money on Ip'-urarc p Mcles Indor rrt s ind secure loan., rates verv iow. 202 r.quicaoif' uj oing itiEV t atm it j'nHm! fin-i1 tft-iii curltj D. Lanzef, Z$) Rcnqist bids. Ninth and Pine. lo x ox FuitNrrritE xd pianos . withju; dolay .r rem vnl Call, write vr tele Dho .e Main 20-77 cr D 331 I UIE K BAKCR, JR . 3-y-Q TvHh. url Tr t building MONEY to loan on furniture, ptanns cr other personal property; S per ent annual Interest; co corrpi3"ion charad X"J Chestnut. INVESTIGATE THIS WHEN YOU WANT MONEY. TVc make loir, on furniture WITHOUT RI' !OVAI. "We mike no Inquiries of rour frlcnT cr e-np!oyr. We glio joa the full amojat In CAbll. not chc. W nrringp pjymenta- t tult jcor CO.- EX1ENXE ali ABILITT. H Jo not REWDItD loans. Wo ItncKIIT fnr e .rj- pajrmat injile. We par off any OTH Vt'. LOAN or a balanc- on furniture an! OR'i: MORK JIONnr V.r ESTEXD payni.nU In casr of jICKXISB. We mako AJ LOW nt.i e the LOU EST. W- crant LIEEltAL DI--COLiNTS- fcr tl-ne mor-y Ij not U3d T"ti W ocr busine. la a nuthell EE 1 S ul In convlnred that we are THE PEOPLE. We make loans In Ea."t St Louf. Teiepbice for uj to call THE HOCSE1IOLP t)A.V CO . Kin. 1311. Room Ml njl.f.ERTON BLDO . IVIl Miln W SEVE.Vni AND PIKE UTS. MONEY TO LOA?J ON FURNITURE OR PIANOS'. DO NOT FAIL TO CALL im! Ret our rt" befrre p.ttHc loan fl"whero. our nttnn rlir. l-TZSt aI1, SALL PAYMENTS. Till REBATE when paw before doe a yoa nlr r?J" GrJchJi,E? f"1 n1"- had loin. W sire TA35 BOOK, wh-re "Ul naTmenta ir n W do not nqulr riTnni while FIC OR OUT OP WORK: NO PUBLICITY: NO IN ... rovers can Ij. eienM at house ard rcu can xt Jnon.y ram flay ou apply. We iske ?pect-II of jilli c fff anr loan or clulm icnlat goo-l. an.1 (tl Inr raore nioner. If yon rainit call. wniT1 OR TELc.rHOVR n nnd w will ..rd atrent to exnbin our ;'T:rTE3t T'i,vvK)n KIN LOCH B CI. o- P.KLL J'AIV 3tT?. " FIDELITT BROKFRGS CO Room No 410 Commonwealth Trn.t ulllm. Broadway and Oil. t . Fntnrce 4 Ollrn t. Loans at 5 Per Cent. ,5 njal.e LOANS ON FBRNUTRa PI AaOs, ETC without removal; NO PUBIJC1 TT. See us berore cettlne a loon elsewhere: will e vou mon-y- CHE.PER RATKM LONGER TIME: SMALLER. PAYIIENTS wi Ejy ' IT any LON cr balanre on vour FURNI TURE. Pay at our CONVENIENCE. Llb'at DISCOUNTS Call ard be convinced Writ. or telephone KInloch A C2L UNION FINANCE CO. a: and 303 Oriel bulldlnr. ?Ht'"t.lrnr Mitn and Locust. Entranc. S16 N. Sixth. ocnoi.lte Barr'a. MM! 10 L03N, On HOUSEHOLD FTOJflTCIlK. PIANOS ETC, without reroovinc tha ooJs: alo oa ypcr PIMN NOTE. If jou hold n aUri-d to eitlon: lowest ratea; enslest terma: ulct-and Quietly. ST. 1X1 UIS INVESTMENT CO . Room HIS Missouri Trust btilldin?, Entrance 705 Olle street. W. S. PRICE 1VII.I. OCT 10U fnr S-1.IMJ a ycr. Tr.00 for S'-'-CO a J ear. JVSO.OO fnr 5LMK1 a rar. RSS.OO for ?I.OO a year. On FURNITURE. PIANOS, fcor-es. -aron. ,5 WlP1 & J"cartl bridles: Tita.' SIO Tb Drake's Easr Unr, Sinn Advanced salaried people, without curlrr or knowlcdce of any one. My rntcs always the. lowest, best and roost prttare In the cltv -J ears' reputation for honorable, courteous, treat ment to customers, lour credit once estab lished, vou can get money at a moment's no tice. For a fair, square deal, call at SH-3-4 Chemical building. LOANS ON FURNITilRF Rates and terms unheird of. Look SI 50 weekly pays a s;; loin. fL2) weekly pay a J) loan. II 00 wc'kly pal a a SM loan. 75c weekly pays a $10 loan. Payments may be made weekly, semimonthly or msntbl). It is Jo your interest to consult us. All business private and ibove board, rie. us. CT1EM1CAL FINANCE Cfi p7 ofll Chemical building. Eighth and Pllie?- MOHEY ADVAHGED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Teamster, boarding-house keepers, without se curity: easy pavments: largest business In . cities. Tolman. Un Houst bide. 00 Cbeatnuu EUGENE A TRlaLKH. Rocm U. 11 N. Seventh it . De Menll bulldlnx. . "i Insurance Arcrcy. LOANS ON FURNITURE LOW RATE3L SECRUT SOCIETIES. ACIE.T TREE AND MASCVS. ACCEPTEU ANCHOR' LODGK. NO iti, K. F. t A. 1L Stated communlntlon at 1 JO o clock p. tn. JeCrson and park avenues. Work third degree- Brethren welcome. .. - .. .. IX w- HUGHES, W. JJ R. II. Caffall. Secretan-. GEORGE WASjIIINGTON LODGU. NO. t. , . F. t A. M . will hold stated commu nication Tuesdav. November 8. Masonic Teni P.. .Grand and Finney avenue?, at 7.30 p. tn. Work sublime decree of Master Mason. Visit ers are fraternally welcome. . GEO W. JijJIE. W. IT. Wra. L. Reynolds. Jr. Secretary. 1YI 5i0r'v- l-ODGE. NO I. V. F. & A. M.- Special ccminunlcat ons ".edne'day. sth Inil Fk9 T?ITi .- T . . jia . . . lith lnt . at 2 n m . M. M. on si, ntind Avenue Jla-onlc Temple. Members and Mslt In brcth-en miuc-ted to attend. Jk HK-N"!4V W- 'lOLUVND, Actlne w. a. John H. Deems. Secretary. 1311'ROVED ORDER OF RED 3IE.. ryjlNNKTO.SKA TRIBE. NO. 43. IMPROVED "a Order of Red Men. meets every Friday cvenm-:. at Druid.- Hall. Ninth and Market rtreeLs. W ork by the decree team that mail Ft Iml fimflis TVl lNNEllAHA COUNCIU DEOREE OF poeahontas. meets everr second and fourtn Monday t Druid's Hall. Ninth and ijarkft streu. Work everv meetln-: by th f-imous Schrtmo decre. teim. TRIIIE OF REX I1UR. ,',''','VSV-aW,.j.illV GENTrHY COURT. NO. 25. TTtIBB OV Ben-Hur. has moved to Thoenix Hall Jefferson anl Cass avenue, meetinc every Weilnesdav evenine All Son and Dauxhtara of Hur accorded a heirty welcnrne. DOCTOrt K M NTI-Xn. Chief. Marv McXaroara. Scribe. iSfi Ca& avenue. Bkntov couxrr. no u. txubb of bex Hur Meets the tecond and fourth Wednes- daftf of each month at Andle's Ho 11, Jvfferson and Pf-fltalorzl street. Members are requested to attend. All sons and daughters of Ilur -accorded terti welcome XL BMIilUERG. Chief 147 S. Thlrteeata. Ruth Iester. Scribe. 316 Victor. 4. FOR ADDITIONAL LODGE SOiiCES EB PACE ELEVEX. 5t l l . ?l M T-c--. - t . .. J v- . --- , SS&SSf taJt.