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r m ewssgassftaw tyegjWWwyws?'- HI " THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 9, 1904. 3 id '1 rie $ S. A r r, ft i &s"- -. was polled In Pike Countv than was ex pected. The Populists and Socialists have Increased their rote oter 1900. It Is ,cs Umatod that Parker and the State ticket will have a thousand olurality. Ralnoy lor Congress will run ahead of tho ticket. MORGAN. Jacksonville, III.. Nov. 8. Twenty-four precincts In Morgan County give Roose velt i.025 and Parker 274. a Republican Cain of 420; Deneen 2.993 and Stringer 2,330, a Republican gain of 373. For Representa tives, Helns and Fetzcr (Rep.) and Lur ton (Dem.) ha e a majority in twenty pre cincts, a Democratic loss of one member. TWENTY-FIRST. (Ib 1002 Democratic plurality for Caldwell In Trreuty-rint District M 3,770.) CHRISTIAN. Taylorvllle, III.. Nov. 8. The vote In Taylorvllle gives Roosevelt a majority of H-a Republican gain of about art votes. Vote hiavy. MACOUPIN. Carllnvllle. IIL, Nov. 8. Seven preotnets out of the total of thirty-nine In Macoupin County give Parker 647 and Roosevelt 675 a Republican gain of 87 over tho ote of 1900. MONTGOMERY. Litchfield, 111.. Nov. 8. Five precincts In Montgomery County. Including all of North and South Litchfield townships. give Roosevelt a plurality of 94 votes. Same precincts In 1900 gave Bryan a plurality of 70 a net Republican sain of ISO. The Re publicans havo elected all of the county officers for the first time in the history of the county. SANGAMON. - Springfield. 111.. Nov. S Sangamon Coun ty gives Roosevelt and Deneen a plurality of about L200. a gain over McKinley and Yates's plurality In IS) of about SO. The national nd State tickets are running close together. Republicans and Democrats were both unable to get out the -voters. CHRISTIAN. Taylorvllle. IIL. Nov. S. The entire Re publican ticket was elected In Christian County to-day by pluralities ranging from 300 to S3, as follows: Pnwldcnt. Roosevelt. 200; Governor. Dcncen. 233: Congress. Zono J. Rives. 247: member State Board of Equalization. J. II. Paddock. 231: General Assembly. George D. CnanVe. Ill; Cir cuit Attorney, D. F. McCarthy. TO; State Attorney, R. C Ncft. 61: Coroner, H. I. Mull, 92: Surveyor. J. P. Dappcrt, 105. The Republican landslide In thi county was due to a. light vote and gives the Re publicans a gain of 1.20O votes over 1900 returns. MACOUPIN. Carllnvllle, III., Nov. 8. Returns from a majority of the precincts In Macoupin County Indicate that Roosevelt has car ried Macoupin County by M0 majority. Every Democratic candidate on the coun ty ticket Is defeated. TWENTY-SECOND. fin 1O02 Republican plnrnllty fr Rndenberir In Twenty-Second Dis trict mm 2,3543 ST. CLAIR. Returns at midnight Indicate that a ma jority of the Republican ticket in St. Clair County Is elected. As early as 10 o'clock W. A. Rodenberg. the Republican candi date for Congrcvj:lair,d his district by a majority of 3.0iw to 4..). Tho results In Belleville as Indicated by the returns up to midnight indicate a close vote, with a probable majority in the town for Pcrrin of 400. Heavy Republican pre cincts, however, dffsct this vote. Mascoutali. III.. Nov. 8. The vote In Masooutah gives Roctcvelt S61; Parker, .0. MADISON. Alhambra. TIL. Nov. S. The vote in Al hambra. Madison County, gives Deneen a majority of 95. a Republican gain of 22 as compared with town's voto In 1300. Vote In township was light. Alton. 111.. Nov. E. The five precincts In Alton out of nine give Roosevelt 1.044, Parker 611- Congressman Rodenberg Is claiming his election by 4.000. MADISON. Edwardsville, IIL, Nov. S. Twenty-three out of fifty precincts give Rocsevelt 3.728, Parker 2.242. Deneen 3.94S. Stringer 2.204, Rodenberg, for Congress, 3,653; Perrin 2, "78. " BROWN COUNTY IS DEMOCRATIC. Mount Sterling, IIL, Nov. 8. Complete returns from Brown County give Rooee velt.925. Parker 1.430, Swallow 130, Deneen 823, Stringer L450. Patten 15). Charter amendment For 1,000, against 400. Demo cratic loss In, this county COO. BOND. Greenville, III.. Nov. 8. Bond County elves a majority of about 600 Republican. The Republican cojnty ticket Is elected except Coroner, which Is In doubt. MONROE. Waterloo. 111., Nov. 8. For President thirteen precincts In Monroe County give Roosevelt electors 1.633: Parker electors 1,740, a gain of 100 for Republicans. MONROE. For Governor, thirteen precincts In Mon roe County give Deneen 1,624. Stringer 1.760, a gain of 100 Republican votes. For Con gress, twenty-two districts In thirteen pre cincts of Monroe County give Rodenberg (Rep.) L355. Perrin (Dem.) 1,316, a Repub lican gain of 100. WASHINGTON. Nashville. 111.. Nov. 8. Robert L. Mc Elwaln (Rep.) Is elected to the Stats Sen ate and Cliarles Luke (Dem.). Sylvester McGulre (Rep.), and Sample Parks (Rep.), tn tho Legislature from tho Forty-eighth DIstrJct. Luke (Dem.). will run ahead of hh ticket In Washington County by 900. Tim voto In Washington County was havy. occasioned by the local contest for State Atorney between Frank M. Ver nor (Pern.), the present Incumbent, and J. Paul Carter, the Republican nominee. Tho Democrats claim the election of Vernor, who ran ahead of his ticket to a marked degree. Six precincts In the coun ty give the Chicago charter amendment a majority of 289. Six precincts give Deneen a majority of 300. Theso are all Repub lican precincts, and estimates given out will place his final majority at these fig Tires. The county's estimated total vote Is placed at 4.432, and represents a gain of 100 over the vote of 1S0O. TWENTY-THIRD. (In 1002 Democratic plurality for Crowley In Twenty-Third District wa 3,178.) JASPER. Newton, III., Nov. 8. The Democratic lurallty la about: Parker. 230; Stringer, 10; Foster for Congress, 325; Davidson for State Senator, 500: Tippltt and Rapp for Representatives. 300. The county ofllcers are all Democratic JEFFERSON. Mount Vernon, IIL, Nov. 8. Returns In Jefferson County Indicate that Roosevelt carries the county by 300 plurality. For Deneen the plurality In county is 303. Congressman F. L. Dickson's (Rep.) plu rality In county is 300. Legislature plural ities In the county are for J. M. Rapp, Thos. Tipp'tt (Dem.) and R. E. Mabrey (Rep.) for the lower house. J. F. Honseer (Rep.) for tho Senate has 300. MARION. Centralis. IIL, Nov. 8. Centralla Town ship gives a Republican majority of about 450. Uerould (Rep.) for Coroner, has a large majority. Tho county Is thought to be close. CLINTON. Carlyle. IK.. Nov. 8. Comnared with four years ago the vote will bo decreased In this (Clinton) county. The estimated plu rality of Parker In the county is 600. Stringer for Governor the same plurality, a Democratic loss. The election of Doctor M. D. Foster (Dem.) to Congress from the Twccty-thlrd District Is conceded by a Slurallty of from 4,000 to 3,000. George D. telchaur (Dem.) is elected as a member of the State Board of Equalization in the seme district. Charles E. Hull (Dem.) Is elected Sena tor and H. J. C. Beckmeyer and Charles L. Farrls (Dem.) Represent" lives from th Forty-second District. One Republican will be elected, It being a plumping match be tween the frlenos of Shrlner and Loy, leaving the result In doubt. The Democrats have elected F. E. Ford State Attomev. IL H. Schlarmm Circuit Clerk. Doctor J. J. Moroney Coroner and Edward Case Sur veyor. The Socialist vote was Increased in the county. .MARION. 8alem, IIL, Nov. 8. The indications are that Marion County went for Roosevelt by 200 .majority, a Democratic loss of 70u. This Is the first time In forty years that a Republican presidential candidate has carried the county. The Democratic coun ty ticket may possibly bo elected. Doctor Foster (Dem.), candidate for Congress, ran ahead of his ticket. Hull (Dem.) carried the county for Senator, and Farris and Beckmeyer (Dema.) and Shriner (Rep.) carried the county for Representative. There was a large vote of both tho Popu list and Socialist parties polled. TWENTY-FOURTH. (I 1803 Democratic plurality for "Wllllama 1b Twenty-Fourth District nu ass.) MASSAC Metropolis. JIL. Nov. 8. The voto In i urnij bvbb ueaecn an estimated majority of 1.1E0, a Democratic gain of 60 as compared with vote of 1900. GALLATIN. Duality. IIL, Nov. 8. Tho vote In Equal ity Township gives Parker a majority of 32. a Democratic loss of SO. For Congress man, Williams (Dem.), 233; Clnpraan (Rep.). 110. SALINE. HarrWburg. III., Nov. 8. Republicans ulll carry Saline County by 61 plurality for head of ticket. Chapman (Rep.) for Congress by 450. Entire Republican Coun ty ticket is elected by large majority. WHITE. Vote In White County gives Parker OiO plurality, a Democratic gain of S2 as com pared with vote of 1900. For Stringer the llurality in the county is 473. For Con gressman, Twenty-fourth District, Wil liams (Dem.) ran ahead of State ticket DO1) votes. TWENTY-FiFTH. (In 11102 Renulillcnn plnrnllty f"r Smith in Twenty-Fifth. Dlklrict vi its ,-u:.) ALEXANDER. Cairo. III.. Nov. S Election returns are so far incomplete. George W. Smith (Rep.) has btcn re-elected to Congress In the Tntnty-llfth District bv at least 3.000 majority. Gaunt and Klrkpatrick (Ktps.) have been elected to the Legislature in the Fiftieth Senatorial District, and Burnett (Rep.) has been elected to the fatate Sen ate. Tlie Democrats had two candldntcs In the Held for the Igis'ature, and indi cations aro that Bronnleo will be elected over Walter Williams The Republicans will carrv Alexander Countv for the na tional ticket by the usual majority, but the entlro Democratic county ticket Is prob ably elected oninc to dissatisfaction In tho Republican ranks. FRANKLIN. Benton. 111.. Nov. 8. Franklin County gives Parker a majarlty of seventy-five, a Democratic gain of 23) as compared with the counlv's vote of 1002. nurnett (Rep.) is elected Senator. Klrkpatriclt and Gaunt (Reps.) to Legislature. JACKSON. Carbondale. 111.. Nov. S- Jackson Coun ty Increased its Republican majority to day by nearly 300. Tho entlro Republican county ticket ha3 been elected except, per haps. State Attorney. An unusually heavy vote was polled. The 'vote In Carbondalo gives Deneen a majority of 430, a Demo Vote on National, State and County Given by Congressional Districts. FIRST DISTRICT. (In 11)03 Democratic plurality tor Lloyd In Pint DUtrlct Tra 3.703.) ADAIR. Klrksvllle. Mo.. Nov. 8. The returns aro too meager at this hour to make any thing like an estimate of the city, much Ie the county. Folk, however, has run ahead of Ills ticket In Klrksvllle, Indicating a Democratic gain of between 30 and 100 votes over the otc of 1M0. In Southwest Benton, a strong Republican precinct of Klrksvllle. several Democrats ran ahead of the ticket. The vote In Benton Town ship, which Includes Kirksvine. was not a full one by sev cral hundred. ADAIR. larksvllle. Mo.. Nov. S.-A1 113 p. El. but few precincts In this (Adair) county have finished tho count, owing to the scratching. Walbridge will carry the county bv about 300. a Republican loss of 20) over 1500. Harrington (Rep.), for Rep resentative will bo elected by a large ma jority. Republicans concede the election of Crow (Dem.) for County Treasurer, and Indications are that Currence (Dem.) will defeat Curry (Rep.) for Sheriff. Indica tions are that the amendments will carry in tho city. KNOX. Edlna. Mo.. Nov. 8. Vote In Edlna, Knox County, Mo., gives Parker a ma jority of 65. a Democratic loss of 40 votes as compared to the town's vote In 19XX Edlna gives Folk a majority of 60 votes, a Democratic loss of 31. as compared with the town's vote In 1900. Six precincts in Knox County give Parker 600. Roosevelt 520. Same give Folk 619, Walbridge 505. a Democratic loss of 137 votes. MACON. rtEPCBLIC SPECIAL. Macon, Mo., Nov. 8. Four wards of Ma con and Hudson townships give Roosevelt 619, Parker 525, Walbridge 643, Folk C46. Samo precincts In 1900 gave McKinley 770, Bryan 561, Flory 771, Dockery 562. Repub lican Ios on President 15L on Governor 126. Indications from townships are that Folk has carried the county by largely increased majorities over Dockery. SHELBY. Clarence, Mo.. Nov. 8. Four precincts In Shelby County give Folk 145, Walbridge 139. Same precincts In 1900 gavo Dockery, 410, Flory 14a Shclblna, Mo., Nov. 8. Less than an av erage vote in Shelby County was cast. Returns slow, but Indicate about 1.030 majority. Folk ran about 100 ahead of ticket. Shelbyville. Mo., Nov. 8. Seven precincts in Shelby. County outside of this county gave Folk a majority of 224, a net Demo cratic loss of 10J. If this ratio keeps up. Folk's majority In this county will be about LOOO. CLARK. Kahoka, Mo., Nov. 8. Indications are that Democrats have made decided gains In Kahoka. The voto for Representative and County Collector In doubt. The Dem ocratic majority of 123 in 1900 probably not exceeded. LEWIS. Canton, Mo.. Nov. 8. For Governor ten precincts In Lewis County give Walbridge 39. Folk 1,176, a good Democratic gain. Folk runs 100 ahead of the ticket. Montlcello, Mo., Nov. 8. Lewis County's vote on straight ticket is 1,844 Democratic, 1.2C3 Republican. Thirteen precincts heard from show gains of 579 for Folk. Folk's majority will probably be 00 In the count. Canton, Mo.. "Nov. S. For President, fourteen out of sixteen precincts In Lewis County give Parker 1.701, .Roosevelt 1,05. Folk ran ahead of tho ticket. Small vote cast all over county, showing a small Re publican gain. bCOTLAND COUNTY. Memphis, Mo., Nov. 8 Eleven out of twelvo precincts in Scotland County glvo Folk a majority of 393. This is about the same as tho Democratic majority two years ago. Lee L. Witty (Dem.) is elected to the Legislature. The ote is heavy on account of splendid weather. SCHUYLER. Lancaster, Mo.. Nov. S. Folk's majority In this township of Schuyler County is about sixty, showing a Democratic gain of about twents. Tne vote Is somewhat lighter than four years ago. MARION. HannibaL Mo.. Nov. 8. Twenty-threo out of twenty-seven precincts in Marion County glva Folk 2.3S9. Walbridge LS33. Folk's majority will be 1,000. with the bal ance of the State ticket about the same. Hannibal, Mo., Nov. 8. There is a falling off In tho vote of both parties in both city and county. The Indications are that the Democratic majority will be between 9,000 and 10.000. Folk and the rest of the ticket aro running together. There is isractlcally no scratching. SECOND DISTRICT. (In 1!)02 Democratic plurality Ilnckcr in Second District vvn -,' for 52.) MONROE. Paris, Mo.. Nov. 8. Tho total vote of Monroe County is 4.400. Folk's majority will be In the neighborhood of 2C0, a Dem ocratic loss, as -compared with 1930, of over 400 votes. Mr. Folk ran slightly behind the ticket Whltecotton (Dem.). elected to the Legis lature and McAIester (Dem.). elected to the State Senate. The totals vote fell off 600. Republicans are due largely to Immigration. Monroo City, Mo., Nov. i Vote In Mon-. roe City, which covers Monroe Township, gives Joseph W. Folk a majority of 240, Democratic loss of 26 since 1900. Folk ran ahead of tickeflO. J. Whltecotton (Dem.). majority over J. F. Rogers (Rep.), 190 votes. 7V4 per cent loss from 1900; Rukers (Dem.). majority over Hudson (Ren.). 153. I Full Democratlo ticket elected. Demo- cratic loss, as compared with city's vote In 1900. Deneen ran ahead of State ticket and McElvaln (Rep.) Is elected to tho State Senate and McGulre and Parks (Rep.) and Luke (Dem.) to the Legislature from the Forty-fourth Senatorial District. PULASKI. Mound City. 111.. Nov. S. Complete re turns from Pulaski County glvo Roosevelt 2 2.V; Parker 1.100: Swallow 30. Governor, Deneen, 2,110; Stringer. 1,040: Patton. rf. Ch'irter amendment, for, 1,500: against, l.orn). IJeutenant Governor, Sherman, 2 IjO; Tern. 1.1W: Gallup. 50. Secretary of State, Hose. 2,2.": Doollng, 1.100: Woolsey. 50. Auditor, McCulIough. 1230: Spangler. 1.100; Jov. 39 Treasurer. Small, 2.233; Thomas, 1,U75: Hnnna. 43. Attorney General, Stead, 2.250: WntJ-on, 1.053: Chapin. 52. Trustees. Kusey, 2.230: Merrills. 1.100: Tyng. CO; Da vidson. 2.230: Lcehr. 1.100; Nethercut. 60; Abbott. 2.2.-0; Solomon. 1.100: Brehm. 00. Congress. Smith. l.LfO; Olrich 1.000; Pro hibition. 30. State Senator. Burnett, 4 000. Representatives. Gaunt 3.427: Klrkpatrick, 3.373: Brownlee. 2.130; Williams, L275; Bar telion. 1C0. UNION. Anna. 111.. Nov. 8. Parker carried Union County by 70) plurality; Stringer, for Gov ernor, bv 6T0: Olrich. for Congress, by 600. The Republican gain was large. FRANKLIN. Benton. III., Nov. 8. Complete returns from Franklin County show many Repub lican losses. Parker and Stringer (Dem.) will probably havo a small plurality. In 1392 the county gave 144 Republican ma jority. The Democratic county ticket Is successful. In the Fifty-second Senatorial District Burnott (Rep.) for Senator, Klrk patrick (Rep.), Gaunt (Rep.), and Wil liams (Dem.) are probably elected. UNION. Anna. III.. Nov. 8. The voto In Union County gives Parker a majority of 363. with six small precincts to hear from, a Democratic loss of 970 as compared with Uie county's votes In 1900. C M. Gaunt and R. D. Klrkpatrick are elected to tho IiTislnture. The Democratic vote was light on account of ill feeling aroused be tween two factions at the Senatorial Con vention. Tho Prohibition party made a strong gain In the county. WILLIAMSON. Marlon, 111.. Nov. 8. Eleven precincts out of twenty-live In Williamson County give Roosevelt L3X3 plurality. The same precincts In 1DC0 gave McKinley tOCf. In dications show- that tho national and State Republican Ucket will have 2,000 plurality in the county. ou Offices cratlc electoral ticket elected by 213 ma jority. CARROLL. Carrollton. Mo.. Nov. 8. Incomplete returns from over the county show Repub licans have carried it by about 10 on the State ticket. The Democrats elected Rep resentative New land ConKlin By a major ity of about SO. and Sheriff George Magce by about 23. The Republicans elected the rest of the county ticket. Folk ran about 23 ahead of his ticket. The total vote will bo about 5,503. GRUNDY. RRPCBL1C SPECIAL. Trsnton. Mo., Nov. S. Five precincts out of nineteen In Grundy County Indicate a plurality for Walbridge of 1,200, a Demo rratlc loss of 100, as compared with the vote of 1900. Parker will probably run 100 behind tho State ticket. DeWitt C. Brown (Rep.) will be elected to the Legislature. Several county Republican candidates will run behind the State and national tickets. The vote was light In splta of fine weather. Trenton, Mo.. Nov. S. Thf vote In Tren ton and In Grundy County gives Wal bridge a. majority of 630 in eleven precincts out of nineteen. Roosevelt's plurality Is 734. This represents a Democratic loss of 63 for the Slato ticket and 12S for the na tional ticket. Brown (RepO is elected to the Legislature. A light vote was cait LTNN. Brookfleld. Mo.. Nov. 8. While Folk has run ahead of his ticket here In Linn Coun ty at least 1C0 votes, the Republicans have elected Doctor Petlijohn Representative and as well most of the Republican ticket. RANDOLPH COUNTY. Moberiy, Mo., Nov. 8. It Is Impossible to get the correct voto of Moberiy to night. Three out of four wards are still counting the ballots, and will not get through till morning. The city Is Demo cratic by a reduced majority. The Indi cations are that Folk's majority will bo 1,500 in this county. LmNGSTON. Chilllcothe, Mo., Nov. 8. Incomplete and unofficial returns Indicate that Folk has carried Livingston County by 250. R. J. Leo (Rep.) is elected Representative and it is evident that the Republicans have elected all of their county ticket, except Prosecuting Attorney and Judge of tho Eastern District. THIRD DISTRICT. (Tn ltW3 Domocrntlo plurality for DnnRhcrty In Third District Tra 2,052.) CLINTON. Mo.. Nov. 8. One-half of the Cameron, ballots cast In Clinton County to-day were scratched. In or 1,000 ballots In Cam eron 300 are said to be scratched. No complete count can be secured before to morrow. RAY. REPUBLIC SPECLAL. Richmond, Mo., Nov. 8. No returns have bsen received from the various precincts of Ray County, but the election of the entire Democratic ticket la assured. CALDWELL. Braymer, Mo., Nov. 8. Caldwell goes Republican by 500 or 600. Roosevelt, Wal bridgo and Blair (Rep.), for Legislature, get usual majority. This (Davis) township goes Republican by 130. Folk got very few Republican votes. Davis Township, 232 Republican and 113 Democratic. GENTRY. Stanberry, Mo., Nov. 8. Vote In Stan berry, four ward precincts, gives Folk a majority of 10. Democratic gain of 62, as compared with the vote of 1900. Repub licans elect Sweat County Judge in this district. FOURTH DISTRICT. (In 1002 ncmocrntlo plurality for Cocliran in Funrtli District ttslm ".) . REPUBLIC SPECLVU St. Joseph, Mo., Nov. S.-Returns con tinue to come In very slowly. Republicans claim Roosevelt will carry the city and county by 1.000. Some Republican county candidates will probably have same ma jority. Folk will carry Buchanan County by 600 to 800 In face of returns to date. Fnulkcrsoii. Republican candidate for Congress, carried Nodaway County by 230. Roosevelt's majority In that county was 300. Foulkcrson carried Holt County by 600. Atchison County by 140. Wilson (Dem.) will have about 1.600 In Platte County. Sixteen county and five city precincts give Folk L9CS, Walbridge 1,583. NODAWAY COUNTY. Maryvtlle, 'Mo.. Nov. 8. At the ratio at which Republicans are making gains In Nodaway Countv. based on returns from fourteen precincts out of twenty-two, Roosevelt will carry the county bv 300 ma jority. Bryan carried It bv 197 in 1900. Walbridze for Governor wlil have about 20) plurality. SIXTH DISTRICT. (In 1002 Democratic plurality for Dp Armond In Sixth District -was 2,S1C) BATES. Rich H11L Mo.. Nov. 8. Voto in two pre cincts In Rich Hill give Folk a majority of over 125 over Walbridge. In 1900 Dock ery xeclvcd.G27 as against 453 for Flory. Probably not over 900 votes were cast here to-day. owing to the lack of Interest in the campaign. Tho entire Democratic county ticket is no doubt elected- Adrian, Mo., Nov. 8. The vote Is about tho same as In 1900. About a two-thirds count gfvca Walbridge a very small plu rality. The national ticket Is running about the same as the State. Bptler, Mo., Nov. 8. Returns from Bates County are coming in slowly and eleven precincts out of thlrty-flve give the Democrats tho samo majorities for President and Governor as four yearn ago. UNCLE SAM - Such Endorsements Should Be In w r--m --- s" - .'! -i t l- . r v T" r .m r j w-rr Mm m T M Election Returns In Which All which Indicates that the Democrats will carry the county by between 600 and 700 majority. Folk Is running ahead of Parker about 100 votes. CASS. Harrisonvllle, Mo., Nov. 8. Incomplete returns from Cass County Indicate a fall ing off the vote, as compared with 1900 of 23 per cent," mostly Dsmocratic. which makes a Republican gain of about 300. Folk and Da Armond run ahead of the ticket. JOHNSON. Warrcnsburg. Mo., Nov. 8. Only about one-fourth of the preclnct3 of Johnson County has been heard from at this hour. The entire county Democratic ticket Is elected by majorities ranging from 400 to 600. Folk and Oglesby will lead the ticket. Knobnoster, Mo., Nov. 8. Tho voto In Knobnoster, Johnson County, gives Folk a majority of 19, a Democratic loss as compared with 1900 of 23. Grovcr Town ship, samo county, gives Walbridge a ma jority of 64, a Republican gain of 30. Jefferson Township, same county, gives Folk a majority of 126, a Democratic gain of 6. Folk leads the ticket slightly. Holden. Mo., Nov. 8. Jackson Township gives Folk 90 majority. Holden's voto Is 7M. against 740 In 19X1. Take all night to count lt- HENRY COUNTY. Windsor. Mo.. Nov. 8. Windsor Town ship gives Folk a majority of 103. Tolk running IS ahead of his ticket. A Repub lican gain of 75 votes. SEVENTH DISTRICT. (In 1002 Democratic plnrnllty for Hamlin In Seventh District vvi 2,027.) Springfield, Mo., Nov. 8. Three county precincts out of thirty-three gave Wal bridge a majority of 1S1. a Republican gain of lu3, as compared with the vote In 1900. Cook ran 3 votes behind the State ticket. Warsaw, Mo , Nov. 8. Benton County East and West, Tom North. Frlstoe and North Union townships show a Demo cratic gain for Parker and Folk over 19X) of 50. Marshall, Mo., Nov. S. The entire Saline County Democratic ticket Is elected. The general vote Is much lighter than In 1900. Much scratching has been done. Sweot Snrinjrs. Mo.. Nov. S. Walbridge has a majority of 99 votes in this city, a Democratic loss of 30 votes compared with 1900. Folk ran ahead of the State ticket. Springfield, Mo., Nov. 8. At midnight the returns of SrfnRflcId are not completed, but what returns are In Indicate that tho Republican majority of 1900 has been In creased. Eight Green County precincts out of thirty-three give Walbridge 332 ma pjorlty. a gain as compared with same precincts' vote In 1900 of 29S. In some pre cincts Cook and Allen ran slightly behind the State ticket. Seven precincts glvo Roosevelt 2S9 majority. In 1900 Bryan car ried the same precincts bv 49. In six county precincts Welborn (Rep.) for Con gress had 313 majority over Hamlin (Dem.). Indications are that the repub licans have elected both legislative can didates. The county is probably Repub lican by 1,000 majority. POLK COUNTY. Bolivar, Mo., Nov. 8. Nine precincts out of fourteen In Polk County glvo Wal brldgo a majority of 43S. He la likely to carry the county by 600, which shows a Republican gain over 1900. Dan P. Brockus 13 elected to the Legislature. HOWARD. Fayette, Ma, Nov. 8. Five precinct3 In Howard County give Folk a majority of 599 a Democratic loss of 136. compared with the vote in 1500. The Democrats did not vote in the country precincts. Fayette, Mo., Nov. 8. The fifteen pre cincts of Howard County give Folk 2,676. Walbridge 1,194, a Democratic loss of 337 over 1900. Vote on Parker and all State officers are practically the same. Glasgow, Mo., Nov. S. Complete returns from this precinct show a decrease of 113 votes over vote cast In 1900. Roosevelt gets 316. Parker 390. Walbridge 312. Folk 333. All constitutional amendments voted down here. PETTIS. New Franklin,, Mo., Nov. 8. Complete returns from New Franklin, Howard County, give Folk a majority of 217, Ham lin 222. a Democratic loss, as compared with tho town's vote In 1900, of 83. Parker ran ahead of the State ticket. John A, Woods Is elected to the Legislature and tlie entire Democratic county Ucket elected- Sodalla, Mo., Nov. S. Increased vote in Pettis County over 1900. Incomplete re turns from a number of outlying precincts Indicate that Republicans have elected their entire county ticket, with the possi " A Remedy That Every Home.1 ble exception of Judge of the Western District Sedalla, Mo., Nov. 8. Roosevelt has probably carried Pettis County by 300 plu rality and It may exceed 400, a gain of be tween 3CO and 4CO over four jears ago. Cook and Allen ran about even with Folk. Republican.1 havo made a clean sweep with the possible exception of Sheriff and member 'of the Legislature. Unofficial re turns from precincts outside Sedalla show a Republican gain of 1SS votes over the vote of 1900. BALINE. Marshall, Mo., Nov. 8. Seventeen pre cincts In this (Saline) county give Folk 2.136, Walbridge 1,603. a majority of 527. Tho same precincts gave Dockery in 1KO ' CTT 1.,.l.... - t- . . : 1.673, Fourteen precincts are yet to be heard I from, which will reduce tho Democratic . junui), ti uciauuuuc 1053 OI IW, majority In Sillne to IX Chairman of Democratic Central Committee claims the county by 1,300. Marshall. Mo.. Nov. S. Tho Republicans have made big gains here to-day. In this (Saline) county over the vote in 1900. Four teen precincts which gave Dockery 2197 votes in 1900 gave Folk L57S to-day and W albridgo 1.L4, a loss of l&J for the Demo crats. Folk ran ahead of the ticket here a few votes. However, not much scratching was done. Tho seventeen precincts In this county ynt to hear from In 1900 gave Dockerv 2. b73. and Tiorv 1.200, Should the Repub-lic.-in.-i make the same gains in these as In tho fourteen heard from the county will not go over 1,1X0 Democratic. Hamlin (Dem.), candidate for Congress, wT.I poll the same vote In the county as Folk, as will Hayman (Dem.). candidate for State Senator. Haines (Dem.). candl dato for Representative, will bo returned to tho Legislature, which insures a vote for Cockrell for Senator. The Republican gains were made on ac count of the failure of the Democrats to como out and vote. Owlnr to inadequate facilities for voting many failed to vote here to-day. In west ern Saline, vote very c'.ose. At Mount Leonard, Democrats 43. Republicans 45. Sweet Springs reported Republican major ity. Elmwood Township. Walbridge 103, Folk 73. Roosevelt 43 ahead. EIGHTH DISTRICT. (In 1JI02 Demoirntlc jilnrnlltyfor Slmcklclortl in Illhth District Tins V.KJ2.) BOONE. Centralla, Mo.. Nov. 8. Tho vote in Centralla Township. Boone County, gives Folk a maiority of 303. a loss of IS, as compared with township In 1900. J. C. Gtllaspy (Dem.) Is elected to Leg islature. Sam B. Cook ran ahead on State ticket, and his vote was 437. Columbia, Mo., Nov. S. Returns from twenty-nine out of thirty precincts In Boone County show Democratic presiden tial vote 3.537, Republican 1,193. loss of 6M vctes. Democrats hivo elected all county officers, but election of Shackelford (Dem.) to Congress U In doubt. Folk and State ticket will lead presidential vote by 200 but figures not available to-night. MONITEAU. California, Mo., Nov. S. A heavy vol was cast in Moniteau County. At this hour official returns have been received from seven precincts, giving Folk 132 ma jority. The same precincts gave Dockery 115 majority in 19(0. The nine precincts yet to hear from will likely give Folk the county by something over 2u0 majority. The Indications are that tho Democrats have elected their Representative and probably the entire county ticket, with probably the exception of Treasurer and County Judge. First District, COLE. Jefferson City, Mo., Nov. 8, Eleven pre cincts out of twenty-four give Folk a ma jority of S3. There Is a slight decrease in the vote all over the county, but the Re publican losses are greater than those of the Democrats. The rest of the State ticket Is about 40 behind Folk. Four years ago Dockery lo3t the county by 23 NINTH DISTRICT. (In 1002 Democratic plnrnllty for Clark In .Ninth District vfus 321.) AUDRAIN. Laddonla, Mo.Nov. 8. The vote in Lad donla, Audrala County, Ninth. Congres sional District, give3 Folk a majority of 49, a Democratic loss of 9, as compared with the vote of 1900. Cook and Allen ran be hind the SUto ticket. Champ Clark, for Congress, ran ahead of the State and na tional tickets. Walter Burch (Dem.) is elected to tho Legislature. The voto is light on account of apathy. Mexico, ilo., Not. 8. Four precincts la sa'ssei"''" ..-&" - e-rvii-w ! - x- - r o- "".r " iS5YQ- -ZZ&j0&& Has lm 17 ZZflf. S SkS3sr--iS J2?gm 3i? S Parties Are Equally Interested. lMSs Bon'tTake Chances f losing your sight v' miurinp- vour eves they botlier you see opticians. our Drs. Bond and Montgomery will examine your eyes free. If you need glasses they will furnish them the right kind. In steel frames, 11. and up: in gold frame, 15. up. NIERMOD & JAGCARD'S i ri.f Ki Ja BROADWAY AHD h-3- -5ts&&SSv V 1 v-; 57Kr-vCfS3' tS-siir?55- -?s D s w &msi sgssr-'sv EibiuH' l FBiuCLnSS nish theacorrect glasses I'f'they'areneedrtl for less than Is asked for useless Glasses elsewhere. EXAMINATIOsi FREE..., G. EVSORITZ, M, D,, oc.?,.D 6!2 Franklin Afinm Cataracts Removed. Crossed l?ye Straightened. Granulated Lids Cured S.IIOO REFEKEACES. Audrain County give Folk a majority of 173, a Democratic loss, e compared with tho vote in 1900. This includes one ward ln Mexico. CALLAWAT. Auxvasse, Mo.. Nov. S. Five precincts In North Callaway, Including Auxvasse, give Folk 6S7, Walbridge 230: same In 1900 gave Dockery 773: Flory 223. State and national ticket ran about the same. Fulton, Mo.. Nov. 8. Callaway County ha3 gono Democratic by about 2.000 plu rality. Folk leadi the ticket. His majority In Fulton is 200. FRANKLIN COUNTT. Union. Mo., Nov. S. Returns at 10 p. m. Indicate that Roosevelt has carried Frank lin County by the usual Republican major ity, with Folk running ahead of his ticket Sullivan, Mo., Nov. 3. For President three precincts ln Franklin County give Roosevelt electors 233, Parker electors 219. a gain of eight Republicans over vote of 1900. Sullivan. Mo., Nov. S. For Governor three precincts In Tranklln County give Walbrldgo 221. Folk 232, a gain of 31 Dm ocratic votes over t. LINCOLN. Troy. Mo., Nov. S. Thirteen out of twenty-five precincts In Lincoln County give Parker 1.443. Roosevelt 930. In 1900 the same precincts gave Bryan 1.675, Mc Kinley 1,023. PIKE COUNTT. Louisiana. Mo.. Nov. S. Vot First Pre cinct, Louisiana. Pike County, Ninth Congressional District, gives Folk a ma jority of twenty-flv. a loss of forty-five as compared with 1900. J. O. Starr (Dem.), for Legislature, has 203 to 176 for Legislature. Frankford pre cincts in Pike County give Folk 300; Wal bridge. 122. a Democratic loss of thirty three. Precinct No. SO gives Folk 211; Wal bridge. 270, a Democratic loss of fifty-one. Frankford. Mo., Nov. 8. For Governor Reno Township of Pike County gives Wal bridge 122. Folk 300; for Congress Garter GRAMD PRIZE WORLD'S FAIR SERVED IH THE FORMOSA O0LON6 TEA The special method employed In the manipulation of Oolong Tea gives It a unique place between the black and green Teas. F0RPH iOQLQM C. F. BLANKE TEA AHD GOFFEE GO., Wholesale Dislrlbsttri. Cut this ad out. brine it to tho Formosa Pavilion nnri rpmi a .n.i. package FREE. 'Gi$Sssr3; '.zy co or if LGGUST ST. ,25 solid gold 0(25. b RimlflSsFyporlasspsHJIiPia - -j & -- one piece, nevcr-sllp anltaryaoa inci - cwi Jitj HcrciFH 10 TTorjc loose 125, Clark 300. The Democratlo loss ! a and tho Republican loss Is 25. Louisiana. Mo., Nov. 8. Seven, precincts out of fifty-two In Pike County give Folk 7CS. Walbridge 337, a Democratic loss of 103. Bowling Green, Mo.. Nov. S. Total voto at Bowling Green Precinct, 744. against 753 In 190). Six precincts St. Clements, Cy rcne. Farmer, McCune,4 Curryvlllo and Sper.cerburg-glve Folk 533, Walbridge 228. Same precincts ln 1900 gave Dockery 63S. Flory 212: Democratic loss, 93; Republican loss. 14. Champ Clark, for Congress, runa ahead of the ticket. Democrat elected to Legislature. ST. CHARLES. RETUCMC SPECIAL, St. Charles. Mo., Nov. S- With twenty five precincts out of thirty-two heard from at 10 o'clock to-night. It Is conceded that the Republican majority In St. Charles County will be 1,209 or more. Wal bridge lias carried the county by a ma jority of LOCO. The entire county Repub lican ticket has been elected by biz ma jorities. St. Charles, Mo., Nov. 8. Incomplete re turns from thirteen precincts out of thirty-two in St. Charles County give Roose velt and Walbridge majorities of 492 ovee Parker and Folk. Garbcr ha3 a majority of 494 over Claris for Congress in the same precincts, whila reports from eighteen precincts give Robt D. Silver, Republican candidate for tha State Legislature, ai majority of 1,013 over. A. M. Studer. Democratic candidate. Only two wards In the city of St. Charles have made returns. The Repub lican majority in the county la estimated at 1.200. The majority for the Republicans in 19C0 was 979. RALLS. Hannibal. Mo.. Nov. 8. Nine ctit of thir teen precincts In Ralls County (rive Folk! 1.233. WalbrlCge C4L The same precincts ln 1500 gave Dockery 1,504. Flory OS. Folk1 majority will probablv reach TOO. New London. Mo.. Nov. 8. Twelve pre cincts in Ralls County out of fourteen) give Parker 1.327: Roosevelt. 746. Parker and Folk are running together. The voto shows Democratic loss of 343 and a Re publican gain of sixteen over vote of 1900. OSA CTEA PAVILION IN THE JAPANESE 6ARDENS. The color and fragrance of Oolonc Tea are entirely natural to It, no for eign substances heing added to pro duce Its distinctive characteristics. It 13 tne purest or xeas. " "" . ifiHfsW sb ?v -:3W;.t..,. .ju .k c lliljeu fiHhiifs-if tii-'-C,. WSSR: wi's-ae Sf&3&fe .1 P- T ". ..-wi"-.yy- J