Newspaper Page Text
-; rf r If 10 THE ST. LOTJIS REPUBLIC: WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 23, 1904. It$s 1 If- u IV ; IS I BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS RECOKD OF DIRTII8. John and Helen Krmienskl. 1128 North Twra Ueth; bo7. Will and Minnie Kreplln. SO North Spring; boy. Daniel and Nora Crimralne. 318 Laml; bor. Mania and Mary Gettherx, IS Gejcr; boy. Jatcb uid Charlotte Hall. IK2 South Third: DOT. Joseph ana Margaret MIHt. 3778 Lucky: boy. J. If, anil Eliza Mages. B1 Tapln; boy. Matthew and M. Marshall. S291A Manchester; boy. John II. and Clara Nlemeler. 2S22 Caroline; boy. louls A. and Lena Pfundt. 26H North Elev enth: boy. X end E. VIehmann. 2357A Hebert; boy. Robert and Kate Wles. I3 Papln: by A. and G. Zlmmermann, 1012 Arsenal: boy. Valentine and Martha Kolocbslcy. 14K North Twelfth: boy. William J and Ro Hemker. 2M4 Olhe: boy. Thomas and Kate Roach. St. Louis; glrL Oliver and LlzzZe Shoult. 2122 Courtclp: girl. Walter and B. Fagorselskl. H27 North Twen-tl-th: girl John and Anna Murry. &C sith Ewlng: girl. Joseph and Josephine Knlchel. 422JA Chou tau; (rin. W. A. and Te.a KHiur. St. Louis, girl. Mike and Anna Flcn'ng. 7W Bovl. girl. friaries and Dora Cal-ln. 1143 Talmste: girl. James V. and Jennie Conn ay. 21S Vine; girl. Ulnarfi and Soura Darleria. St. Louis; girl John and Roa Albert. SC33 South Broadncy; girl. James A. and Anna B. Harri. 2219 Franklin; Ctrl. John and Amell Hennessr. 3IMA Ohio: girt. William and Kato Housermeyer. 2SM North Twenty-second: girl. viarjes ana Katie west, 4741 Michigan; gtri. Lo and Mary Marchelvska, 1421 North Thir teenth; girl. MARRIAGE LICEXSCS. Henry Ouellcer , Mamie Felscher. fTsrlas H. Wlly.. IJlllan V. Hall..... Thomas Brodsrick.... Wlnnlfred McMahon.. raul M. Moore Mamie Andehuler..... Oora-e P. MueJ'er.... Ida M. Krausnlek.... .. KZS Botanical .... S605 Columbia ..- 2301 Carter 27CC Caroline U'i Llnde.ll ..t Westmoreland Place 2 North Tajlor Warrenton. Mo .2124 OtKar 2214 Chippewa ..1442 North Fourteenth ..1442 North rourtee-th Jorph J. Kautxtnacn ;4oreua eoi Gerard W. Helbllnt . Annie Mary Blerbower. Thomas McDonouih Laura, Smyth Joseph Dwyer. Julia Roland n. b. mhit. Adelaide Crcft J. F. EJUS Floy Iieuchan. William S. Eoler. Bertha E. Dcppe Edward A. Jese Ida M. Schroettner Ausust C Knlerln Florence Zajrrabekl William Kollenbeok. Pearl Sypher Samuel Greenfield Carrie Webber. , F. II. Soencer 221t Morgan 2229 Morean , iy2 fTndeton ..1223 North Fifteenth 1705 HtdJl i:o; Blddle 2127 Grarols 1201 Arsenal Commerce. Mo Commerce, Mo OakvllI". Mi Oakvllle. Mo i 2541 KeoVuk 1113 McGurk 251J Soutb nchteenth .254) Missouri , Burilncton. la Burlington la .......New York Oty Point Flearoct, N. J ETIrabeth. N. J 2S03 South King's hlchway S120 North Eleventh 14J5 Farrar , oil! Lawton ....M 23 Soutb Compton Beck, Mo Maxwell. Mo 4335 MafSU 110$ South Ninth Nola M. Boady. .Antone Schroeder... Sophia Kampemolt.. Frank Eemes Mary A. Gendron... TVlIHam C. Noil...., Annie Grab J. A. Taylor. , Anna Menken . Guy Drummond Cassle Clemens .Plttrbura;. It Rnshvllle. HI Lawrence. W. Gentry. 2C26 Pine Catherine Schmlederjana. St. Llbory. HI Patrick E. Dixon PIttshnrir. Ta Johanna Hayes 1224 Prairie Crover B. Grad4y.. 143S North Market Louise Leet. S2 Theodosla Joseph H. 3okien 2T24 Cottae CaJierine S. Costello... 2454 Bacon Nathaniel Hall..-. S711 St. Louis Jliry Williams 3709 St. Louis amee A. Biadshaw. Beatrice, Neb -M1..0 Buchanan Beatrice, Neb William Bruer. 432 Grarols 4211 BlnEham, .....107 South Ewlnc 272S Hickory 3136 Hickory Millstadt, 111 V..1S23 North Market MolIIe Baisch William L. Kappock.. Mary E. Ryan Ausust llolden Ottilia Josiel Vincent Massmazm.... Clara Nlsstatr lsii Dealer James T. Walker. Clarksville. Mo Lilly Lambert. ..10 Hortense place a W. Huirhes .... Addle Aurlen. W. W. Lllea Mary Bawmur.k.. Joseph Rosselll 1.... Caroline Pumer. .. Herman Wolff. ,.... ChrlrtUie Ellebracht Fred J. Kramer. Jr Alblna M. Crump John M. Tomaszewski Jr. Frances H. Knopp 4419 Labadle 4421 Labadle .........2210 Randolph 1900 South Third 3337 Paxe sn Paeo ..2912 North Eleventh ..390S North Eleventh 2344 Madison ....SU North Garrison 22S South Eichtecnth ..aiuwauxee. wis Geonra i A. Klnxer. 1S27A Cass Mary Stahlheber. IlSS HoS Thomaa J. Hasan.. 238 Howard Theresa Huelslck. .2t3 aturaI Bridge road Alfred J. LoulvloU Frances Brugler... James F. Bennett Katie Bunyon .519 Blddle 519 Blddle 1225 North Vandeventer 2S43 Garfield "ViVA"73? Michigan ....C33 South Broadway Dixon. Ill Muskegon, Mich 215 East Sherman 2243 Montana 1221 North Grand ......... ......5554 Vernon Charles A. Larson.. NelUe Hogan Charles P. Wenger. Sarah J. Miller. Irank O. Mosblech Adelheid Breeher. E. Park Hewitt Trances L. Cullen Clyde V. Bowline 2614 Adams .2709 Carter Emlell A. Drakeschmidt... Lbuls H. Springmeyer...H3S North Fourteenth Pauline Agena 1309 Monroe Thomas McGrati n;s Collins Margaret Dolson. 1305 North Sixth P.'.V? A-y.ose1",-; 4557 S" Francisco Lillian Fitzgerald 5335 Lee hn ' n,1?. Golden Eajtle. Ill Ea El Russell 3337Kossnth WII'.lam:httx -3J Ruswn Annie Wclsel ms South Second Emll Oppermann 4338 North Eleventh Esther Cunningham 4310 North Second John sJ. Crawler. 4225 Arco 4124 Cook CU9 Oulda U9 Oulda ...3723 North Ninth 2314 Salisbury 2333 Sheridan atiA cook ..Nacogdoches. Tex 1051 Thomby ...4469 Westminster .....SSI5 West Pine .2713 Madison .....2515 University ..Los Angeles, Cal .911 Tyler 2443 Evans ....3643 Evans Bllen A. Flynn.. Victor Dressier. May Helbert Harry Gans Illrdle Mae Grinter...., Peter H. McAndrcwa.. Llllie L. Donahue Mansfield C Bay , Maude M. Hubbell George A- Cram pella 8. Martin George A. Gase Mamie Mellert Wesley H. Kalde Katie Emerson Ernest Jenks Mattla R. Roe Wedding; Rings (Solid Gold). Finest qualities, C to 123. ilermod A Jaccard's. Broadway and I:usi. BURIAL PERSISTS. MMM. -.-------i-i- --- ,-.-ii-, -Joseph RotUer, 1 yeara, 5211 Michigan; pceo monla. Jttarte Lambert. 2 rears, S910 North Ninth: franetlna. Earl Dudley Foss, 5 rears, C954 Bartmer: laralysls. Jda Brown, 1 year. 1915 Chouteau; diarrhoea. Johanna RuedUnger, 1 years, 2451 Wisconsin; lJH-umonta. Christ. Bursicrf. 57 yeans, JeSerson and Utah; lu-vx dlscaie. Jsmes Condon C5 years, 2914 Lucky; traernla. r .Ilchael ilc-V.-.Con. R years, 2738 Rutcer: calculi. John It. Ea licit. 61 years. Marine Hospital; pneumonia. Emma Lewis, 23 rsars. 136 Sonlard: ocldent. IMilsa Lang. 32 years. 2214 Carr; cocanimptlon. JUl'a A Evens. 71 yeara, 729 Vernon; cancr. Ceorse V-hroeder, 72 years, 2855 Page; ne-tJu-.tyr Inii . Fields, M years, 726 Bayard: cancer. Nellie Oanley. 26 years, 1518 cat's; fever. James ,R. Trimble, S years, 2317 Maffitt; hemorrnage, IMullae Hatrig. 31 years, 220S South Third; iveumanla. Samuel Chambers. C3 rears. 2534 Bernard; rheumatism. Mary JenKlns. 25 years, 921 Carr; hemorrhage. Wllflati a arris, S3 years, 1521 Locust; peri tonitis. Anna V. Schmidt, to years, 1211 Morrison: diabetes. Michael Sullivan. 71 years, Poorhouee; pneu monia. Valentine VeBar. 31 ream, 4030 North Broad way; typhoid fever. l.eah May Campbell. 22 rears, Cuba, III.: peritonitis. t Kate Maimer. 50 rears. 1449 North Seven teenth: bemorrhags. William Lloyd, 54 years, 4250A Brans; bron chitis. Wl'Uan r. Eckstein. 52 yeara. 2725 dark: uraemia. John C Schmidt, C yean. Lntberan Hos pital: plenrlsy. Martin Gracrek. 35 years. Emergency Hos pital; cossumutlcn. NEW CORPORATIONS. 3IISSOURZ. BEPUBLIC SPECIAL. JefTeraon City. Mo.. Kor. 25. Secretanr of fitato Sam B. Cook to-ay issued certificates of incorporation to the following companies: Inulalana Purchase Trading Company of St, Jula: capital stock. 32.030: directors. Georro Mlltenbergcr. J. E. Davis and W. I). Schofield. . American Adlnstment Company. Kan C3ty: crnltal. JlOjOOO: C P. Allen. H. W. Allen. 8. T. Porter. F. A. Campbell. E. P. Masl and M. C Campbell. The .Buckingham Investment Company of St, Ivuis rued certificate of Increase 6f from 3500,- too to-lsowwo- T. LOUIS. Western "Lean Ooxpany: R. J. Rlgle- and B. Jj Wlesner. 167 shares each: H. a Fisher. 1M bares; to do a general loan business. Capital atock. half paid, 33,0X1. w" -Jlanseon, llardlng-and DowdsJI AnJuetnent Company; Edward W. llangson. to shares; Thomas M. Harding', SO shares; William O. Dowdall. 49 shares: Thomas F. Mansion. 39 rhare.; to encase In and adjust all kinds ol tin and other losses, to dsal In real estate, lean money, etc Capital stock, half paid, 12, 000. The Eidson Publishing- Company: W. It. Eid son. SCO shares; Charles V. Hatfield and W. A. Eidson. luo shares each: to do a general print ing and publishing- business. Capital stock, fully paid. 10.J. Corliss Chemlca! Company: Albert J. Meier, 2.9S0 shares; LsIlo V. and Wll'lam H. Curtis, .) shares each; Charles H. Talbert and John n. Iltshop, 10 shares each; to manufacture and deal In chemical compounds, preparations, drugs, fats, waxes, etc Capital slock, lull paid, tso.soo. ILLINOIS. riErunLic special. Sorlngfleld. Ill Nor. 22 Certificates of In contoratlon were tuid to-day by the Secretary cf Mali an follows: The olen EJlyn Water Comranr. Glen Lliyn: capital. S6.C"): to operate a sj-tera o water works Incorporator Edward II. Zander. C L. Moulton and Charles J. Hui.on Th Ehy li"cr Compan). Aurxri: capital. 320O": manufacturing and mercantile. Incor porators J. M Eby. Charles C Loser and T II Dav Tlic Peoria Drill and Seeder CBmp-iny. Toorla: capital 125 "00: manufacturing lirriciiltuMl ro rlements Incorporators Samuel D. Weed, George T. Pace and iJUtln K. Jt.hnson. The ITalrficld Butter rac:riry. Fairfield: cap ital. 31.7). manufacturing butter, cheese iind Ire cream Incorporators J, H. Crew?, J. It. Cable and.C C Turnur. LOST A1T roc.iD. t-ufufm IOA L-ist. at Worlds Ta!r. Norembr n;!nk boa. nward. 5QS3 Vernon tniET Lost, ft italr carpet; almost n5-; checK-d; South Gcyer ae. Tutlay. btnn 10 and 12. Return to A. Esweln. Ninth and TV) oinlr.g. Reward. CHARM Lom, a gold thlrty-second-dcirree Masonic charm, with diamond In center: lit rial reward paid. Ednln Schlele iCo.SO. Fourth sL COLL.4.RETTE lxU Tuesday, at World's Fair, sealtkln collarette. Liberal reward on return to clerk Washington Hotel. FOUND The rlaco to ret a good shoe FT I2.W. Harris fehoe Co.. 437 N. 6th. nar Locg'!t. H..S a Pular Bear cold feet? Not If he wears Harris's Polar Calf Shoes. 437 N. Sixth at. NOTlCt; Is hereby riven inat two 42) rotes signed by A. B. Thomson, datxd St. Louis, October 37. 1904. payable ninety 19-r) days after fuel- date to the order of A. O Edwards ft Pons' Brokerage Company, and by it In. dcred. each for the eum cf fle thci eand collars (15.030.00). ana bearing Interest at the rate .. fcur and one-half per centum 4S per cent) oer annum, from maturity, to each cf which when lost was attached a collateral agreement sorurinr Its payment, are the prop erty of the undersigned, and have miscarried In tr-e United States mall, and all persons t herebr cautioned against dealing In the same In any manner. Washington County Bank. Po- tcel. Mo ft U'l Mo. Oct. 2S. 194. TIN Lost, black-enameled pin. with pearl. Return to 435S Llndell and recel e reward. PIN Lo-t. at Columbia Theater. Monday evening. I. C. athletic pin. Return to 506 West End place: reward. TICKET Found, railroad ticket to Naahtllle. Tenn. Apply 2247 Hickory at. WATCH Lot. lady's rold watch Saturday. Rerard. 1819 Rutger. WATCH I will pav 110 reward for ths return of watch, chain and locket lost on Suburban car Monday evening. C Blschoff, care Carleton D. G. Co. WATCH AND CHAIN-Lost. ladv's gold watch and chain: fob marked "S. K. II."; lost Saturday afternoon either at ShaWs Garden or on car returning to city; Vande enter line. Return to Fidelity Building, cor. Grand and Franklin aves.. and receive reward. I TTILI the gentleman who took by mistake from Barr Cafe a cravmette coat marked Parker & Bridget, Wash ington, D. C. return same to Bureau of Information. Wm. Barr D. G. Co.? LEGAL SOTICES. NOTICE Is hereby gien that I. the under ngced, will, at the east front door of the Court house, in the city of St. Louis. Missouri, on Wednesday. December 7. 1904, between the hours of S o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, sell, for cash, at public vendue, to the highest bidder, the following de scribed personal property: 240 shares of the capital stock of the Cumber land Coal and Coke Company, a corporation. 21Si thares of the capital stock of the Cum berland Construction Company, a corporation, organized under the laws of the State of Mis souri, of ths par valauo of 310 00 each: raid securities having bten pledged by one T. C Dorerrus. to secure the payment to the under signed cf four promissory notes, as follows: One promissory note dated May 6. ISM. pay able on year after date, for 39.000. One promissory note, dated June 6. 1901. pay able on or before one year after date, for 52, 4v0. One promissory note, dated July 21. 1902, pay able three months after date, for 5400. One promissory note, dated February 12. 1904, payable thirty daye after date, for S3.U00. And, whereas, all of said notes, together with the Interest thereon, are now due and unpaid; Now, therefore, in pursuance of the power vested In me under the terms of said notes, I, the undersigned, will sell said stock as above set forth. ESTTILL McHENRV. GENERAL AXSOCNCEJIESTS. "',""'"ii'NWatiajta ARRANGEMENTS can be made so that your money may produce 6 per cent annually, giving a guarantee that It will not suffer any loss; that It will not be used In daring speculations cr loans to foreign governments. For Information address. ALFREDO L. CHABERT. 3A de Zaragosa 34, Mexico City. Mexico. STTTJATTOKS WAXTIJD FEMALE. M-.--.--- i i-i-ii-i-.-,'-i-ii-.-M-M-M-w-wrm.i L.cs BOOKKEEPER Situation by widow as book keeper; experienced: expert correepondsnt, busi ness exscutive. demonstrator: references. Mrs. S.. 2S46 Franklin ave BT young lady to do plain sawing or addreas Ing envelopes at home. 1613 Glasgow. CHAMRERMAID wants work in hotel roomlng-hon-e. 823 N. Twenty-third. CHAMBERMAID Situation by colored girl as chambermaid. Mary Butler. 11M Franklin ave. COOK White woman cook; private family or boarding-house; city or country. Call 912 Wash. HOUSEGIRL Situation by young girl to as sist with housework or work In store and bakery. C. J.. Iron and Grand. COOK Situation by good cook: don't object to washing or Ironing; small family. WR 14, Republic COOK-SltuaUon by excellent cook In family or- boarding-house; sober, reliable white man; highest city references: moderate wages for right place. JM 42. Republic. HOUSEGIRL Good girl wants place to do general housework In private family without eiM-umK Ur iiuiims: iroou cook: can give net of references.- r befor 12 a. m . 4454 Easton. HOUSEKEEPER Situation by widow as housekeeper. Call 1219 Chestnut st. HOUSEKEEPER Situation as housekeeper In well-to-do family. TO 13. Republic. HOUSEWOMAN Situation wanted by neat younc woman to asslct in house work or cham ber work In small family. JM 25. Republic HOUSEWORK Situation bv colored 'girl to do general housework. 212 Center St.. down stairs. HOUSEWORK Sltuauon by girl to do house, work, or cook for small family. Call or write. 1430B Singleton st. I.AUNDRES3 wants out by the day. A. 1724 Linden. LAUNDRESS SI tuatlon dress. 2605 Lucas. by flrst-class laun. LAUNDRESS wants out by the dap. Williams. 720 N. Thirteoith. LAUNDRESS First-class laundress wants to go out by the day. Jessie. 1430 Linden. LAUNDRESS Colored laundress wants Wednesday-and Thursday. 2102 Morgan. LAUNDRESS First-class laundreen wants to bring home small bundles. 2203 Morgan, rear. LAUNDRESS Colored laundress would like to S cut by day or washing to take home. 3010 live. LAUNDRESS Situation by first-class laun dress to go out by the day 1427 Franklin ave. (reart. LAUNDRESS Situation by a reliable woman to wash. Iron or do cleaning. 1613H Wash, up stairs. In rear. LAUNDRESS Colored laundress wants last four days or hcuse cleaning by day. Stella TodJ. 2014 Walnut st. LAUNDRESS First-class laundress can take home a few more washings. Call. or send Dost aK Lulu. 214 N. Theresa. LAUNDRESS Colored girl, best references, wants several days' work; laundry work or cleaning. 1514 Linden, upstairs. MAID Situation by colored airl as maid or laundress. Address "Lucille." 23 S. Fourteenth. NURSE Situation by young girl as nurse; speaks German and English. Miss Schueller, 2924 Vest ave. NURSE Situation by woman to wait on In valid ladr or. child: wlllinr to leave city. Ad dress Sisters of Mercy. Twenty-second and Mor gan SEAMSTRESS Toung seamstress wishes sewing In private family; 31.50; permanent place desired. 2S50 Clark STENOGRAPHER Situation by young lady as stenographer and office assistant; several years' experience. JM 22. Republic WASHERWOMAN Washing to bring home. S. Hubbard. 2526A Easton ave WORK Situation by young lady charge of dining-room. Address A. Ollv- take 4011A STOVE REPAIRS A. O. Br.AUER. 310-318 N. THIRD STREET HKLI- WAITED FEMALE. AAArAMAssi(is(VVayWsWVssVWIaMitllgaWias DrcMmakers ad femmstreues. DKESSMAKER-Thortraghly experienced hand for dressmaker. 4213A OUra. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE W"iNNIISi0Vi TtATtTINnnTt Situation fav TtMrteny4 har tender; can speak German and (Ira best of reference JM 10. Republic. COACHMAN, and to be itenerally useful; Trench-German: ?8 years; re tabic; good bablts; can civ references. GR 131. Republic BARBER Sltuatlot In country by barber, ex perienced, to finish trade; sober and reliable. KO 113. Republic CIRCUIAIt or copy work to do at horn on typewriter. JM 15. Republic. COl.lJ:CTOR Po;Itlon cf trust by mlddln sced man: collector or cashier preferred: best of teference and bend. KG 100. Republic COrYIST Writlmr by a aood pnuian, oopy lrr letters cr addreselnir envelopes at home. KH 132. Republic DECOHATOR-slti-atlon by a church deco rator. A. Miller. 2S43 Texas ave. ENGINEER-S'tuatlcn b licensed engineer; sool facton' man. JM c Republic K.vaiNEER-Sltuatlcn by Ice-machine enl neer of experience In brtwery and Ice plants. Addre.s F. J. Hlnre. J12SA Nebraska. HOUSEMAN Situation as houftman by Jsp snese In small family. KQ 94. Republic. HOUSEMAN Situation bv youne colored msn to do any kind of housework. John Porter. I19S Moriran HOUSIJMAN situation by a colored man; would like position as houseman cr porter. Walter Lewis. 4228 Kennerly. HOUSEMAN - Situation by colored man f work arcund houo anrl tend furnace- willing; tc tak care of horses or cows. Rolla 13!urton. Sli Ijonard ae. HOUSEWORK Situation by Japaneaa student for houjsAork in small family. KO 92, Re puUlc. JAPANESE bojs want positions in families, hotel, store or office after Fair la over: they hae all been college boya. Please write to James Kato. C650 Dclmar ate. MANAGER 9 tu.ltlon by married man as manager of a large farm or range; I thorough ly understand farming In all Its details; also stock raising; am a thorough, up-to-date farm er. KG 143. Republic. MECHANIC, experienced In large building; can make repairs; anything; reference. De May. 1223 Franklin. PAINTER Situation bv an experienced painter, paper hanger and carpenter. JM 32, Republic PHARMACIST-Sltuatlon by registered phar macist: reliable, competent: references. KO 105. Republic. POUTER Neat colored man wants posttkin 1 first-class porter. Call or write. 2624 Mill. POSITION as foreman or Does over laborers; am thoroughly experienced in handling all classes of laborers. KO 157. Republic. SALESMAN Position to travel and do adver tising: b-i"t of references. Chas. Behr, Efcaw neetown. 111. SALESMAN "ltnatlon by young man; willing to go from hcuse to hou-e and drum up hla own trade for some good coffee and tea house. KO 19. Republic SITUATION by high-school pupil, age 17. for afternoons after school and Saturday. KG 103, itepuG.ic. SITUATION by a reliable married manj must have work: can give the best of refer ences. JM 12. Republic SITUATION by middle-aged man; good milk er, hostler and gardener- flnt-class carpenter and iUnter; references. JM 24. Republic SITUATION by young physician la drug iter cr traveling; experienced. Address Medical, care Boulevard IlcteL 105 N. Broadway. SITUATION by mlddle-agsd man: good milk er: understands care of horses: references. If required. Address M. V. B , COt Market st. WORK Situation by an intelligent German boy. 19: honorable work of any kind; prefer some wholesale position, with opportunities; good vertical penman. JM 37. Republic HELP "WASTED FEMALE, llonserrork. HOUSEGIRL in family cf three. Apply Z!Ul Delmnr. HOUSEGIRL Girl 3404 Fln. for general housework. HOUSEOIRL-Clrl 5947 Maple. for genenal housework. HOUSEOIKL Girl 5685 Vcmon. .for general housework. HOUSEGIRL Girl 4740 Vera on. for general housework. HOUSEGIRL Girl to do general housework. 51S9 Ra mond. HOUSEOIRL-Glrl 1SC1 Kennett place. for general housework. HOUSEGIRL German girl for general houee work. 2412 Washington. HOUSEGIRL for general washing. 1225 N. Tenth. housework; no HOUSEGIRL Girl for general housework: no washing. 4345 Evans. HOUSEGIRL German girl for general hou work. Apply 4439 Morgan. HOUSEOIRL Girl for general housework; no washing. 4223 Page ave. HOUSEGIRL Good girl for general house work. 4028 N. Grand av& HOUHEGIRL-Good German girl for general housowork. 3500 S. Broadway. HOUSEGIRL-GoM gtri for general house work. Apply 1S14 Franklin ave. HOUSEGIRL Experienced girl for housework. 2130 S. Broadway. general HOUSEGIRL-GIrl for general family cf four adults. 3631 Page. HOUSEGIRL Good, young German girl do general housework. 4263 Morgan HOUSEGIRL Good girl for general house work: good wages. 3233 Lawton ave. HOUSEWOMAN Good woman to do fouse work: German preferred. 2904 Morgan. HOUSEGIRL Good white girl for general housework: small family. 4063 MoTTan. HOUSEGIRL Toung girl to do general housework:" at once. Apply 1023 Hamilton. HOUSEGIRL-Gln to do general housework; small family; German preferred. B591 Vernon. HOUSEGIRL Gin or young woman; general housework: small family. 1003A Morrison art. HOUSEGIRL Girl about IS to assist general housework: good wages. S057A McPherson. HOUSEGIRL Girt for general housework: small family; good wages. 4321 West Belle. HOUSEOIRL Experienced houseglrl: of three adults: good wages. 2651 Oook family ave. HOUSEOIRL-Good. steady, reliable girl or woman for light housework. 1307 Washington. HOUSEGIRL Good colored gin for general housework: good home for winter. 2907 Morgan. HOUSEGIRL Girl to assist with general housework: good home and wages. 2923 Lawton. HOUSEWOMAN Woman for light house work; no washing: good pay. 1556 Tower Grove. HOUSEWOMAN Good woman for general housework; go home at night. 4294A McPher son. HOUSEOIRI-airl for aeneral housework; good room; good price; call at once. 3431 Mor- HOUSEOIRL Neat girl for general house work; splendid home for good girl. 3523 N. Taylor. HOUSEGIRL Experienced houseglrl; two In family: nice home and good wages. Call CCM Cabanne. HOUSEGIRL Girl for general housework; German preferred; small family. Mrs. Furdon, ''34 Cook. HOUSEGIKL-A rood rlrl for general bouse- Tork: come before ! o'clock at night- 2533 N. Grand ave. Hnus"GIKL oirl for general housework: small family. 1722 Simpson place, south side of Lafayette Paj-fc. DINING-ROOM GIRL Good German girl for dlnlrg-room and downstairs work; no washing; references. 4600 Llndoll. HOUSEGIRL White girl for general house work in family of two adults and little girl; good home: give references, age. and state sal ary wanted. Address KQ 8C, Republic Tbe Trade. VMAM"rtSAAAneMAAeemvMMMSWMM BUTTONHOLE OPERATOR 'Experienced buttonhole operator on Standard Machine. Ster Ilng Mfg. Co.. 1421 Olive St. SKTRTMAKERS Experienced sMrtmakersj steady work. W. A. Gerry, ladles' tailor, 2921 Cook ave. SHIRTMAKERS-23 experienced shlrtraaktrs en a:i parts: also girls to learn. Apply Ferguson. McKlnnev Shirt Factory, 1009 Lucss ave., or 1520 N. Thirteenth. Steaosrrnnners. STENOGRAPHER Competent salary 350. JM 23. Republic young lady; STENOGRAPHER Toung lady stenographer; etate exorlence. references and salary expected. JM 28. Republic TOUNO lady stenographers: mfg.. 310; Ins., 36; booklet free. Leigh Bros.. Century bldg. IARNES IUSIHESS COLLEGE, Board of Education building. Ninth and Locust Instruction In bookkeeping, shorthand, type writing and tLe English branches: established 23 years: catalogue free.; NIBHT SCHOOL Four night per uiuuuj. ii.4-, ijraugnon jrxmcucaj uus. coll., loth and Ollvft. Bookkeeping, penmatuhlp, hort hatd, typewiltlnr and Kosluh braachea. NIGHT SCHOOL JONES & HENDERSON BUBINES3 COL LEGE. GRAND AVENUE AND WINDSOR PLACE (OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL). Day Three months, 323; one month, 810. Night 35 per month; three months. 312.50. HAYWARD'S Business and Shorthand College. 219. 220. 221. 39 otflLFeSow?' JnUlolng. Individual Instrnction in Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeeping. Arlth Bietie and Penmanship. Phone S75 day and night. BUSINE8S COLLEGE, Dolph Building, northeast corner Seventh and Locust sts. Fail term, day and night, now cpen. Special prices for a limited time. Cal I, telephone or write far particulars. HELP WAIfTBP-rKMAIJi. Hlscellansona. niBHU'A RTTIT? VA1 w Hotel Restaurant. 107 N. Elanteenth. EXPERIENCED itirls wanted to address en Telopts en t-newrtter. American Circular Let ter CO.. Ill N. BtUL HFTEEN girls to fold clrca'ars In our ad vertising department. Call betwren i:Jj and 9. and 12 and 1 o'clock to-day at in! South llth st. J. D. Skinner. GIRL Family of three. IS20 Hartford. OIRL wamd to sew on ekirts. Ull Olive st. OIRL for boardlnr-houie work. 1311 N. Ninth. GIRL for rooming bouse. Washington ave. Tlfft House, 1617 GIRL, to wrap candy; good pay. Modern Candy Co . ?24 S. Mam. GIRL to work In lunch counter at World's Fair. Apply Mo9 Washington. GIRL Experienced rjrl for bakery store: Ger man Preferred. 2730 t.'foutegu. U1RI.S to sew on power machines. Call at oner. Baptlste Tent and Awning Co.. 612 N. Third at 01117.6 Clean. l!ah: vert: good wages paid and steady employment. T7. S. Incandescent Lamp Co.. JefEsrsnn and Walnut. OLRLtJ to pick nuts: must be over 14 years old; light work; experienced glr's make (t to 33 per week. Apply S1J N. fcecend it OLRLS for nice positions, to learn telegraph ing on our lines: pay good; silar'es. Union Electric TelegTaph cempanj. 102 N. td st. KITCHEN tlrls: good street entrance. Southern wages. Hotel. LADT or Klrl to learn printing trade; wages to begin. 1724 Waehington. LADIES Steady home work leisure hours: 115 weekly: established firm. Room 421, 721 Olive. LADIES and girla: home work: 31.50, IS day or evening; fascinating; experience unnecee sary; Instruction free. 211 N Seventh, rccra 409. LADIES wanted even"where copjlag lette-a at home, evenings or spare time, and return to us; no mailing or canvassing, 39 weekly earned: materials free; laclrse self-addreesed envelope for particulars. Guarantee Co., No. W 153 Ninth St.. Philadelphia. Pa. RELIABLE rlrl for cooktnir and housework. In small family; good wages. No. t Jjaox plsce. WOMAN for kitchen and laundry work. 2710 Washington WANTED Ladles to learn halrdresslng, man icuring, farlal massage, chiropody or electroly sis (removing superfluous heir): few weeks completes: rraduate1: earn 810 to 323 weekly; position waltlnr. Call or write for cctalcgue. Moler Collere. 1110 Pine st- TTnltresse. DINING-ROOM GIRL An Ing-room girl. 3142 Locust. experienced dln- DINING-ROOM GIRL At once: rood room; good price; must be first-class. 3421 Morgan. S1XTFEN waitresses AMERICAN BUREAU. at onoe. GERMAN 14 B. Fourth. WAITRESS for restaurant. 2123 Market. WAITRES3 Ninth st- at once. Restaurant, 208 N. WAITRESS Dinner only. Nineteenth st. Apply at 215 N. WAITRKWEa AND KITCHENWOHAN-229 N Peverth t. WAITRESS Experienced waltrecs. Et. Elmo Cafe. 3210 Olive st. WAITRESSES Trro young gtrl to learn to wait on tables: 34 week. 1216 Washington ave. WAITRESSES Experienced arm waitresses; pons others need apply. GUI's Cafe. 8860 Olive. CMaCB. COOK Good cook at once. 2927 Lucas COOK Good woman, second cook. 905 Pine. COOK Woman cook; dairy lunchroom. 217 N. Tenth. COCK Competent cook and houglrl. West Pine. COOK AND WAITRESS-Lady cook and tvalt rers 319 N Jefferson. COOK Girl to do cooking and general house work. 5245 MapTe ave. COOK Flret-claw cook, at once, at the Rich mond: wages 325. 2025 Park ave. Colored pre ferred. COOK Good oook: three adults: no washtng or Ironing or outside work: references. 3636A UnCell. COOK Place for good girl that can do good, plain cooking and not afraid of children; Ger man preferred. Call 4416 West Belle place. Laundresses. LAUNDRESS for four days In week. Llndell. SCO LAUNDRESS this or Thursday morning. Cabanne ave. LAUNDRESS White woman for plain laun drv work. 679 De Ballvlere. LAUNDRESS Come prepared to work Wednesday morning.' 5710 Vernon are. LAUNDRESS Washing to take horn.: satis faction given 2545 Pine: enter on Garrison. LAUNDRESS Experienced laundress and dlnlnr-room girl. Missouri School for the Blind. lS27JJorran. L . LAUNDRESS Experienced laurdrs by the month: white: small family: good wages: ref erences. Arply Wednesday morning. 223 N. Newstead. Nurses. ,WS0S0S..N NURSE Competent nurse. Page. cor. Hamilton. Apply at 59C5 NURSE Good nurse at Baptist Orphans' Home. 1906 Lafayette ave. NURSEGIRL-Glrl to help take care of baby and heln with llrht housework 37 jo Cook ave. NURSEGIRL and assist with upstairs work; references; 317 per month. 57 Washington ter race. Clerks and Saleswomen. Wii, s CASHIER Ladv csshler for first-class, ten- chair barber shop. JM 39. Republic SALESLADST Experienced dry goods sales lady. R. B. Bullock Dry Goods Co.. 23 Frank lin ave. HELP WASTED MALE. Kvwwwweeeeieeseeeei Clerks and Collectors. BILL clerk. 375 month; law clerk. 390. Valley Co.. Ill N. Eighth. BRIGHT young man. clerk and office assist ant. 310. 315. American. 919 Olive. BRIGHT young man learn real estate busl ness: 312 week to start. 313 Locust, upstairs. CAPABLE young men, clerks and office as sistants: good penmen: electrical. 345: whole sale. 340- mfg.. 343; machinery. 340; other va cancl; Information booklet free, Leigh Brca., Century bldg. CIGAR clerk. 316; hardware clerk, grocery clerk. American. 919 Olive. 313; CIGAR clerk. 318; hsrdwaro, 313: 315: stationery. 314. Valley Co.. HI N. grocry. Eighth. CLERKS for railroad and express offices, month and up. Valley Co.. HI N. Eighth. COLLECTOR, wholesale house. 320; manu facturlng company. 318 Valley Co.. Ul'N. 8th. COLLECTOR AND BOOKKEEPER Brlgit young man of thorough practical experience in both and ambitious to get on In ltfe: good ref erence and surety bond: splendid chanco for advancement as soon as you show efficiency. JM a. Republic DRUG CLERK Rose Maple. Hill Pharmacy, 5901 DRUG CLERK Registered drug clerk wants relief work for Monday and Friday nvenlngs and Sunday afternoon and evening: references. R. O. Harris, 2G30 Dodler Bt. EXPERIENCED Junior drug clerk; no col lege privileges. 1301 Olive RAILROAD CLERK General office, freight department: state age anJ salary expected. JM 2 Renubllc SHIPPINO clerk. 380 month: receiving clerk, STS. Vailev Co . Ill N. Eighth. SHIPPING clerks. 313: receiving, tli: billlrg. 314: wholesale house. 312. Anyrlcan. 929 OUvc TIMEKEEPER. 385 month: commissary clerk, 375 and board. Valley Co . Ill N. Eighth. TIMEKEEPER. 350: bookkaeper, manager, 390; traveling salesmen. 919 Olive. 375: offies American, YOUNG niuv travel with salesman, 370 and expenses. Valley Co.. Ill N. Eighth. YOUNG man for shipping department whole hale house, 316 week. Valley Co.. Ill N. 3th. YOUNG man assist In office manufacturing company: 3C5 month; permanent. Apply 913 Lo cust, upstairs. Bookkeepers. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, 380 month: hotel clerk. 360. Board Room Valley Co., ill N. Eighth. BOOKKEEPER: must have No. 1 references. Apply De Hodlamont Planing Mill. Hodla mont and Minerva. BOOKKEEPER who Is active and expert enced; young man, 25 to 30 years of age; mar ried preferred: position permanent to right par ty: St. Louis reference preerred. Apply to wholesale fruit house. 900 N. Third. BOOKKEEPERS': also executive and cleri Ical men able to fill high-grade and responsible positions; men who can show clean records and who feel able to fill better positions than they row hold; our service is confidential. Call or write for our plan. Hapgoods (inc). 910 Chemical building. Walters. lesAevwAwwMweesvw WANTED Recruits for the U. 8. Marine' Corps: able-bodied, unmarried men, between 21 and 2S; good character: must speak, read and write English: marines serve at sea on men-of-war In all parts of the world, en land In our Island possessions, and at naval stations In United States. Apply Recruiting Office, Peat Offiee hiag..i Eighth and Olive sts., St. Louis; Federal building. Kansas City, Mo.: Corby building, fct. Joseph, Mo., and (29 Church st, Nashville. Tenn. THEATRICAL. I 1 WANTED Manager, with capital, to take biggest, best and most successful World' Fair production en the road. KE E. Republic FEXSI05S PATENTS. GEO. E. BENZ . CO.. 310 OUra St.. make cits, special xeacunerr ana ugct hardware. HELP WASTED MALK. esrssssl The TrmUea, lrsAiSrVaswasrVWVWSleVSpVVVVVVsissAArVrV BARBER 812 Lucas ave. . BARBER lu N. Seventh. BARbKR 12J2 Cbuutntu are. BARB tut At once. 1043 N. Sarah it. DaiuB lor suady sou, fr.6 Walnut. BAKBHK 212 guaranteed. 5101 Virginia ave. BARBBE 114 St. Claire ave.. East St. Louis. BARBER 05 MlssvUri ave.. East St. Luuls, BARBER way. -rirrt-claas barber. IS N. Brood- BARBhat-A good, sttady barber. 2733 Man chester. BARBER to take charge of shop. U19 Man chester. liAJtBER A good iteady barter; at ence. Pine t. BAKiJai Good Grand ae barber. Apply at 2S47 H. BAHBt-K .1. Good barber; Duller st. call early. 1400 UAKBEF-Good barber: Eirhtetnth at. steady work. 304 N. RARBt.R Good barber, at once; U guaran teed. 1C57 Whittler st. BAKBER Ocod barber; tools. 1613 Franklin. good wages; bring BARBCK A gjod barter; good wages : toole. 1915 Franklin ave. BARBER At once, nan bo eteady man. Cll Chej:nut. sober and BARBER; must be good; 310 week, board and room. 5804 N. i.lev enth et. BARBER for Wedsssday evening, fAaturday and bunday: ;t guaranteed. 23)5 Cars. BARBER SecraJ noor Chemical building. Etghth ana Olive tie, fioure. h a in. to 7 p m. BARBER nrs:-clasa barber: ccme ready for work VYedresdy momlug, good wages. 203 Missouri ave.. East St. Luuls. BARBER FUst-clars barber in good country town In Kentucky; nre-c2Alr chop In largo hotel, can makit 3l5 per wee. Apply to Kern Barber Supply Co., or writs A. F. Barber, Hotel irfitham Hopklnavllle. K. BLACKSMITH Carnage blacksmith. 1406 N. Seventh. BUSHELMAN Flnney. -Flrst'ClF'-ss bushelman. 917 BUTCHER-Goctl butcher at once. 725 Chou teau ave. CARPENTER A rood carpenter for Job work and repairing 723 N. Twenty-third COATM.4.KERS Two 3)3 Century building. first-class coatmakrs. COOK Firs;-cIJs cook; apply ready ror work 7 a. m. Union Bakery Co.. Su5 Waahlngton. ENGINEER Experienced hotel engineer, with city references. Grand Avenue Hotel, Grand and Olive. FINISHER tUit 143 do '-iril rf.Kung on furniture. Kpply IlartBsn Furl-ue ai.e Car pot Co.. 1111 O'l". FOREMAN General foreman for tubular lan tern ahop. must be familiar with selling dies. Meyroe Lantern Co.. 731 S. Fourth st. GRANITB CUTTE0H9 Five granite cutters. H. F. Gruetzemacher Sz Co., Theresa ave. and Rutger st HORSESHOER 1932 O'Fallon. HORSESHOER at once: Charles. good wages. ISffl &t. HORSESHOER Good horseshoer charge of shop. 3353A Lee ave. IDEAL lasters and operator for the rapid stitcher on ladles' fine welts. Hamilton & Brown Shoe Co.. Twenty-first and Locust. MEAT CUTTER Flrst-claes meat cutters capable of running shop. WR 35. Repubtlc. MEN and boys to learn plumbing trade. Coyne Bros. Co.'a School of Practical Plumb lr.b. 4973-4S75 Easton ave. Send for catalogue. PAl'ERHANGER-Call 2S0O Gravols. PAPER HANGER 914 N. Grand ave -At once. Granville Hotel, PAPER HANGERS First-class paper hang ers. I. Loire Wall-Paper and Frescoing Co.. 4Sn Olive st. I'LL MEER First -class plumber to take charge of work in city. KG 144. Republic POLISHER f'.-." 1.0M awl i.-.unaie. Hess & Culbertson Jewelry L ctrncr tx:h aj-I Lo cust. PRESS FEEDERS Cylinder and lob. Printing Company. 1017 Morgan. RIP eawjer. St. Louis Bex Factory. 721 and. 723 S Second st. RIP sajvvers. Co.umbia Box Cc, and North Market. SIGNAL LAMP MAKERS iteady work for good men at 2:2 N. Third st. SIONE masons Klnri highway. on Westminster, west of TAILOR to work on custom coats. 1617 Carr. TINNER Steady work all winter. Ida et TINNERS A. Vojlcr Sheet Metal Co.. Miln. TINNERS Two good tinners. Apply at 1103 l"ins st VAMPEKS on two-needle Singer: back-strappers and foxing stitchers on men's fine shoes. Werthelmer-Ssvarts Shoe Co. VESTMAKERS at once, highest prices paid. A. R. Dostal. 421 Olive, second floor. WOODWORKER Carriase woodworker, or boy. with some experience. Uhlenhaut Bros , 1322 Merchant st. cooks: cooks' cooks: We are headquarters for cooks; both male and female. We can use fifteen to-dav. GERMAN-AMERICAN BUREAU. 14 A Fourth. WANTED Cotters, tailoring;, expe rienced on bloclc patterns; also draftsmen; permanent positions; goad aalnryi for out of city. Call at room 301. Llndell Hotel. MACHINISTS AND BOILERMAKERS. Flrst-cla&d nonunion locomotive roachtniart and bollermakers, accustomed to Iccc motive work; flrit-clmee pay; no fee charged. Apply room 3, 113 N. Sixth t. WANTED. 400 competent skilled cutters accustomed to handling block patterns to replace men now on a strike; firrt-ciass wages and permanent post, tlons assured to good men: forty-eight hours per week: time and one-half for overtime: open shop. National Wholesale Tailors' Association, Melnah Temple. Chicago, 111. Iioya. BOTS Cash bovs at Wlssmath's. 1112 N. Twelfth. ERRAND OY Apply to Robertson Prlntlna Co.. 213 vine C- BOT City errand boy; ences. 4120 Eastcn. 12 years; with refer- BOV to taks care of horses and deliver or ders. 10rt Hamilton. BOY 15 to IS years; box factory. ave.. East St. Louis. S3- Brady BOTS I'ourt-en years old. Menrel Box Cc, Folstm and !.arence. EOYS of 15 for factory. Fourteenth and Fonla-. C Helna Stovo Co.. GOOD toy to work in drug store. Rose Hill Pharmacy. 5301 Maple. DRIVER Bov 15 to 13 years old coal wagon. 211 Plum rt. BOYS: 15 to IS vcars old. Moran Bolt and Nut Mfg. Co, Main and Florida sts. BOY. with one or two years' experience, to assist In drug store. 155 Shenandoah. BOY 3 lssenger bey. Apply rocm 403, 415 Lo cust St.: Cnlon E'tctrlc LUht and Power Co. BOY to deliver packages throughout the cltv. Searle Mfg Co . 1123 Washington, fecond floor. BOY Colored boy to do Janitor work in doe tor's office; must be over 16 ears of age. 3959 Olive st. BOYS Boy to feed heeler: also boy to set tacks. Apply J- E. tsgan. Brown Shoe C&., Eighteenth, and Wash sts. BOTO for nice roirftlcrs to I-arn telesraphlntr on our lines: iay pood salssit- Union. ESectrIc TM errarh Comtany. 1W ?C. Third ft. COLORED bor to do Janitor work tn doctor's office: must be IS rears of age, Applr 3C9 OMV st WAGON BOTS 2.5i a iceek. Apply Bureau of Information, Wm. Barr Dry Gocls Co. afc? Laborrrt. tsisearfiassNa,js,,s,,ssa1,sissf IsABOREKS TBrentT-flTe brick-yard laborprs. SL Louis Prseed Brick Co.. Glen Carbon. III. Take Edtrardsvllle street cars. East t?t. Loul; also tk ritver Ienf or Illinois OntrnL IABORTRS 100 laborers,' J1.T5 day: Orarfc Mountains. In Arkannv; all winters work jruaranteed: rood, r-ealthy country: free roes; shlo dallT. Downs Iahor Acencv. 4 N. Klnth. TVESTERX nMPLOYMEXT CO. ESTABLISHED 1?73. MAIN' OFFTCH. 18 S. NINTH ST.. ST. LOUIS. Branch . KANSAS CITT. 91$ UNION AVE. nfJwT MINNFTAPOLIS. 705 NICOLLETT. uioees j CHICAGO. SI S CANAL ST. TVe -ehlr laborers to all rarts of the country to all kinds of work. If you want work, stive us a call. We an thoroughly reliable and re sponsible. AH Job guaranteed by the Western FrnDloTmnt Co- IS S. Nlnth. KOENIG'S LABOR AGENCT. 12 WALNUT. Established 1ST5. Want LOW laborers, teamsters chonnrst rrutbera. station men. nlle drivers and bridro men for new railroads In Louisiana. MIsMpsIdpI. Arkansas, Indian Territory. Texas. Kansas. Missouri and Illinois; highest waces and work guaranteed: free pass to all: aLo amo cooks, waiters, blacksmith?, farm hands, srardeners. If vou want work, an ply to the oldest, most reliable and responsible labor aseney is St. Louis KOE!NTG'9 LABOR AGENCT. 612 Watent tt. Stenotmphrrs. 'sas'ssa'asivassNaa4 MALE stenosrapbers; railroad. ITS, SS) O): mfr.. $65: macblnery, $63. J5: wholesale. Jw; stenographer and bookkeeper, $75. Leigh Bros-, Century. LAUXDRV HELP. sseiAstwAvwwsAsswv EXPERIENCED collar glris. Snlshe'S. ma chine irtrla and marrers. Mcnarch Laundrr Co.. mi Franklin. GIRLS to Trfumrtry Co.. learn laundry- worlc 1310 Nonh-.Mariet. Empire STARCHERS and stria to learn. Excelsior Laundry. 1013 N. Grand are. HELP WAJTltD-MALE. w v ANT Imelllgsnt person may earn good ln conje eorrftixndlni; for newspapers; experience nnnceai t ; send for particulars. Press Syn dlcate. Lockpott. U. ST BATH ATTENDANT A 3rit-clars bath at tndant. Donapys, Hlxth acd OUve. BOOTBLACK la barbst hoa. 732 Chomau. BUTLER Referenr ro.utred; K WaahlBaUn teTrace. 325 per rprnth- DIHHWAJJHfc-I'.S Union Washing ton. Bakry Co., 29 DlMHvVA3HEK9-Two men dlsSwashers; XSJM a wek. 121C U aaalcgton ave. DOCTOR, good comruunlry and country: small tjwn; no ph7lc!an trjcr. bouse ard bam for 10U; also a taji practice. V, rite Icc tor Forney for particulars; fcllc Flatee, rr. care A. O. Fomei-. DI:l ER Laundry driver: highest wages to right man. 411 S. Twenty-ecnd at. DRIV1.K- on cne-hottt ccal wagen: call at occe. Hyde Coal Co.. s.9 N. Elgbtetnth at. DIPPEh Experienced cnocolate dipper; gwvl wages and steady work. 223 N. Jefferson ave. FIVE young men. railroad service: Montana. Oregon, Uua, 375; esperiejte unaecezsarT; permanent KxCticn. American. 9.3 Ollse. FOR wholesale hcUMr. Inulllgent young raext. between 17 and 2v eara of age. Apply, in own handwriting. KH C2. Republic HOUbKMAN White corner Missouri. man. 223Z Park ave., HOUSEMAN Man to attend to furnaee arvl general work around place; referencta. JM 22. Republic JANITORS. W3tcitmen. truckers, checkers and freight handler?, ;, 31s. American, 3D OJve. Lli'E-SAVER. no damp or cold feet; a shoe without superior fcr a perfectly waterproof shoe, eheet cork from toe to heeU between oak tan solee. 55 shoe for 3L9S to-day. 712 Wash ington. MAN, with vagen. for oakery; also man with baakst. 926 PtMbton. MAN tfa haul aaaes with shares. WR IS. Republic my wagon, en MAN on express wagon, on shares; good op poruinlty. 303A B. LefficgwelL MAN to ait on table and make himself use ful about hcuse. 43c8 Oayton ave. MAN AND WIFE Woman for general house work, man to help in bouse and take cars of cow and horse. R. S McCallen. 206 Olive st. MAN to work, door and sash clamp; must be experienced, bring references from last em plojer. D Hodlamont Planing Mill Co . Hodla mont and Minerva aves. MAN to take Interest and work In saloon: this will claar you 5153 a month: small amount handles this; see us. Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma Co.. S01 Chestnut st. MARKER For wholesale house, experienced marker who understands marking boxes with brush; ctate age and experience. JM 3. Re public MEN TO Sixth at. try Harris's CSO ssoce. 620 N. MEN In city; pay every night. Apply 6.30 p. rn.. Factcry. Kl Clark. MEN Sven men to sail goods on passenger trains; new runs to Toledo, Buffalo Detroit. Louisville. Indianapolis. Chicago and Portland: good opening for reliable men: experience not necessary. Applr to Mr. Jordan. Railway News Office. Srf W alnat st.. nar Union Station. MOLER'3 Barber Collere. Denver, Cole, or Dallas. Tex., teaches the barber trade In eight weaVa am guarantees positions. Write nearest brancn for soecial terms. OLD men to sell papers on downtown street corners; good money made and easy work. Apply Chaa. Daly. Circulation Department, R publfe. PENMAN Good penman for card writing. Call at Missouri Athl'tlc Club. PORTER First-class porter la barber shop. 2631 Franklin. PORTER Colored porter: Old Manchester road barber shop. 1127 PORTER fcr saloon and to make himself generally useful. 1221 Clayton ave RELIABLE person, each locality, for busi ness position: salary 220 weekly and expenses: expense .money advanced: position permanent: previous experience unnecessary; buslne-s es tablleled. Address Mr. Coop-r. Como block, Th:cago. RESPONSIBLE man to run cigar store for us; salary 850 a month. Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma Co.. SCI Chestnut st. SOLDIERS and cavalrymen for Cummlns's Wild West. Applv at World's Fair grounds. STICKER or molder hand with furniture factory experience. 263) N. Fifteenth. bTRONO joung men for firemen and brake men. Missouri and other railroads: firemen. JM monthly, beconv- engineers and average 3125: brakemen. 3ti0, become conductors and average 3105: name position preferred: send for par ticulars. Railway Aascciatlon. Room ST. 227 Monros at.. Erock-yn. N. T. TEN bench hands. Carondelet Planing Mill Co.. Virginia ave. ard Davis. TWO young cr middle-aged men; steady work and good pay. 5108 Easton. TWO young men for passenger train service; 315 week: rune South. 913 Locust, up'talrs. TWO young men; work In wholesale house?; 312 week; advancement. Apply 91S Locust, up stairs. TWO men to drive etske wagons, acquainted with St. Louis and East St. Lculs depots. 920 N. Broadway. TWO young mn for engineer corps. Califor nia and New Mexico, 360 month and expenses: free pasr. Valley Co.. Ill N. Eighth. WATCHMAN. 370 month: wholesale house; janitor. Se5: checkers. 375. Valley Co., Ill N. Eighth. WINDOW CLEANERS Ten window cleaners (white. Apply promptly at 7 o'clock to Enter prle Cleanlrr Co.. Tenth and Locust sts. lOUNG man to Iarn the dairy-lunch busi ness. Applr rx 709 Pine st. YOUNG man to rua on passenger train; perlence unnecessary. American. 919 Olive. YOUNG man of athletic build to assist enter tain: state age and slxe. JM 11. Republic YOUNO men everywhere, copy letters, home evenings: 39 6) week; snd addressed envelope for particulars. Manager Department W 153. Box 1411. Philadelphia, Fa. WORK Tcunr man of IS. willing and capable of learning good business: 37.50 week to start; work In factory. JM 2a. Republic 325 security secures position: 350 month and expenses Room 1. 1525 Ollve WANTED Men to learn barber trade: our free catalogue explains how we teach It quick ly bv steady practice and expert Instructions; tools donated: graduates earn 315 weekly call cr write. Moler Barber College. 1110 Pine St. AQEXTS A.XD SALESMEN. Salesmen. SOAP salrnen earn 33 dally. Farker Chem ical CO.. 202 N. Ninth et.. room 207. SALESMAN Energetic man cf good appear ance can earn high salary. 419 Panama bldg- SALESMEN Specialty salesmen; legitimate buInes: others have made 150 per day. why not veu? GR 129. Republic ALEMAN Experienced salesman as field manager; one who has had chargs of men; references. Bmally. SM Oilve et. TRAVELING SALESMAN Energetic trav-l-Icg salesman: xneney-maklnK proposition: ccm mlwion basis: references required. JM 21. Re public. Anjents. AGENTS-Conroy Bros. HIS Olive. AOENTI In city and East St- Louis. Star Portrait Co . 1507 Franklin ave. SOAP agents easily earn $3 to SU dnilr In city or country lntroauclntr our box of blgnet ;rade tcllt foaps for 2tc; cill and ta'k. with ajrfnt3 tvco are doiiis this; men In countnr -with creTrs makf J20 dailr- rarker ChemJcal 0, room 207 Benclst Lnlldlnfc. 292 N. Xlnth. CanTaistri. CANVASSER Intelligent canvasser far new article. Applr ill Marlon St. Solicitors. SO L.ICTT0R5 First-lass solicitors: neTrspaper tyrk. Apply room 7 Republic building;. SOLICITOR Advertlslnc solicitor for cltv. East St. Louis and small tosns. 101 Pine st. WANTED Solicitors: two or thr more neat-apparine and lire house-to-house men; city wcrlc Call 11 to 13 a. rn.. 311 Chestnut. Iady Asrents and Solicitors. assBasksatsaasSa'SsstsaaassSMssssaaswasai(a(saMBMaiyssBa AGENTS Ladr ajtents; 33 tolS daily eamei tntroduclnr our SI tox of high-grade toilet soap (or tc Parker Chemical Co., ac N. Ninth, room SJT Benolst bu!ldln. SIISCCLLAMIOIS 1VA5TS. SrfSWNSViiSiSSSi'SSVS A SECONDHAND babv carrlare: must be substantlaL Z. Gullbault. in Pice st. ABSOLUTELY double price for cast-off clothes: send postal. M. Grossman. 3107 Monran. BAROAINS; street snd evening dress's; high est prices for ladles and a;entv cast-of! cloth ing; postal. Mrs. Miller. 307 Walnut. Kin. A US. CASH remitter: any make: In (rood order and must be cheap: state price. 1313 Washtnirton. DON'T sell old clothes until you sea ms; Say 32 to 3S for suits, overcoats; Kin. A 1!S. llberjr. 11U Carr St. MALE Pomeranian poodle for breedlnr. Heck er. 1031 Market st. M. DAMSON buys I1 kinds xentlemen'a cast off clothlxvr. shoes, hats, feathers, carpets and furniture: send postal. 811 N. Eleventh. FIVE-FOOT procelala-lln"d price, eta. JM K. R-puhllc bathtub: stats MODERN lunenroem: restaurant or saloon fixtures- and outfit; must he cheap. Address GR. $3. Republic. OLD clothlnir and hos: we pay highest prices for, call W. J. Turner, sos 15 Market. RESTAURANT linen, knives, forks, spoons, ras. cake griddle, hard-coal stove, etc- 1215 W'ashlngton ave SHOTGUN Brownln? automatle. W. H. Hauss. IS Co'llnsvllle are, E. St. Louis. I1L TO buv diamond ring-; KG 53. Republic. one or two stones. TWO secondhand National Cash Registers; suitable for grocery and bar. KG C5. Republic Scrap Iran And Junk cf an kinds. Send for Prices. . Mayer teruuier ana Junk Co., (Ot US). Et. Louis. Mo. BUSINESS WASTaCD. sess . - - - A. J. POLLOCK, watchmaker asd Js ,,,. trVte? ane line diamonds and IioIIdSB presents. 209 Benol.t bldg. Ninth aaa pine. rvstt riacs to hare that trexecs. cr st tailored at TIeknor's. 1M N. Beventa: aua fcr the trade and paMic GET for your girls. lor rJTvTr or Ka Touch: over vxrd Iocs, -stiver. sav UBhoIrtertmr. 13 9. Eighth. ,.... SEVERAL thousand isaO balloons lst order. Address, for particulars. JM .. Bepuacsy SHOES, aalf soiert. 25c per jalr: eaOT7. Be ateriST WlL-cn-a. 1JV X. Sixth st. SPECIAL bonaJu in fine afitvg7 guaranteed: lnvexCgate. 204 Burlngton arax tkixks. suit ic: also rsralr'agl cheap 2M2 Franklin. St. UvU Trssa Co. UPHOLSTERER. Crst-eJass- snd crjta rnakrr: prtvate beczes and hefels- Jta Republic DKAPING ard nphclsterlnr werk ilctr. 4K2 Eailoc D-bxar 774: Fer Ferest 22. WANTED Scrap Iron cf an siaJs: sheet trsa a sreeialtr: write fcr pricec, M. Mayo- Ess, tSS Crjorteac. PAJITXERS WAJCTEIJ. WWNSSSSMSMMt MAN with 325 to run heeiroots: ft) W i trlgt. OZK S. la-mdway. . RES7TACRANT: C23 N. Ninth: want Jcart"' 375: am nnrt-class restaurant man: need b&P PARTNER In Eood-paylrg hmchroorn; ftaa cTpcrtunlty: 375; capital. JM 2. EepobtSe. EDtCUAJlGE All) BARTER. s'ssssiBHifaafassB(s(tassSsswassssBSBwktt EXCHANGE What nave ytra to escharxs for gvl lady's blcycIeT Win sell cheap. 2Ii Lo cust. WILL exebacg- 150 feet of vacant business prorerry: alsu 3a0t business blcck In Toledo, O. KO y. Republic IJJFOUMT10.T WASTED. tMWitsaStssssSj AnriRESS cr m--.. Bertella wanted bT Albert Thorctoc Natcleon Bcnarerte Hotal- IJvFORMATION aa to the adirera et AJcxoi D. Wamrr. Address was St. Louis aboat 1SW, and also Kane County, minoU. Ernal! recor try can te made. Address Harvey. Spaldtaaf & Sons. Washington. D. C. FURSISHED HOUSES ASD FXA.TS WAJfTEIJ. FOUR or five room flat: furnished or partTJ furnished; west of 2arab A. T. Orendcrtr. Ottra rt. shed. SCSICAJL. AB30LUTELT cheapest place; musical Jnetrn ments. violins 31 cp- mandolins 3L25 do; eul tarsi 32 up J. F. Hunleth Music Co. 9 S. Rrosdway. BAROAINS: comets K. tenors 37. altos 371 barytone 39. tuba 310. Conn snare drum 32X J Placht A- Son. U2 S. Broadway. FIRST-CLAE3 piano repalrlnB of alt kinds at factory. Write or phone for estimates. Mara 1051. M. T. Bahnsen Piano Mfg. Ca, I5H Olive. "HEAR the wwil of a Krakauer piano atns73 to hesr It Is to bur It. Sold by Dan'l o. DnaXer yiano Co-. Fonrteenth and North Market. FINE upright piano. left from storage; perfesi condition: will sell cheap ror cash. Langsal ptorage .o.. iwi lorgsn si. rxortiMsSA FIRST-CLASS nlano lessons bv teacher, at home if wished. JM 13. RetTOhllOy PIANIST Apply Music Department. May Co.. Washington ave. and Sixth at. Xbs) SOUAKS Dlanoa at -raur nwn sirtre have room. KLEEKAMP PIANO CXX. . 2337 Park sts. TEACHER Good music teacher: not partial, to color: call at once. 1225 Chestnut st. WE supply outside towns with new and endhand Instruments; write for catalogue ad bargains. J. Placht & Son. 112 B. Broadway. 315 buys fine upright piano: good as nssra Schubert A Moxter. 2GC2 Franklin ave 875; parlor grand: prominent make: It took a wealthy person to own this when new. Bejes'aj Seventeenth and Locust. 81 Chlckeflng upright; mil 7-octavs; cost 3500; terms to suit: It's a veritable hlgh-grada bargain. Beyer's. Seventeenth and Locust. 330; gocd square, fully irarranted. Why not own a plana yourself t Give the little one's chance. Beyer's. Seventeenth and Locust. 375: Knabe; fins condition: perfect piano ft parlor or studio nt zor proxessionai or arnavs teur; at montniy. cust. Beyer's. Seventeenth and Lo- 325 buys fine Etelnwsy piano: good for a be ginner: stool and cover. 1414 N. Olxteenth. !50; Weber piano; full octave; beautifcl eamdl case: will sell, 34 monthly: remember, we can not duplicate this. Beyer's. Seventeenth and Locust. 41 OUR $200 PIANO I the eaua! to any J23 or $275 liauumect ere offered elsewhere. We make a mn on theaa roodj and defy anyon to ulTe better Talue: CO Gowa and Si a month buyj one. F. Bejer 4k Son. Se.ententh and Locust. CLEARING SALE. PIANO BARGAINS ERADBURT PIANO WAREROOMS. 1012 OLI-E ST. FO. Smith. Mfr. a. E. Whitaker. atgr. we have received Instructions from our ras torles to clcse out all our used plans at cost prices, previous to taking stock December L i.ery one goes at cost: nothing reserved. W can mention only a few; we have a host ot others: 3 350 Tjirge-slze upright, new ........3125 3 3S0 Hantaan upnght. now ...3123 3 300 Rcsewood upr-ht. In fine condition. now ...... .............................3140 3 250 Gabler upright, now 3148 5 375 Small BRADBCRT upright. In fine . .S2n,110m -L- csl 8 400 Elegant mahogany upright, used three months 32SI 3 859 (Catalogue price) mahogany upright, with ail the latest Inrprovaments, fins condition 3234 3 750 (Catalogue price) elegant oak upright, used two months 33331 3L1CO (Catalogue price) One style of BRAD- BCRr upright used three months.. ..3M SQUARES. A nice small square. .....33t Carved-Ug modern squares, in good condi tion. 340. 350 338 3SC0 Lindeman square. In good condition.. ....998 ORGANS. Almost give thm awav. 3 75 Organs at ......... 310) and 3125 organs at 31fO Ors-ans at livery one warranted in gpoa condition, utcr Kimball and other makes. NEW PIANOS. Special low price this week on cur entire stocM of new pianos. One of the meat complete ane) elegant assortments or piancs in tne vies:. w are manufacturers and can save you 350 to 3200. Try us and yon will be convlncM. BRADBUR's! Piano Warerocms. 1012 O'lvo si. F. G. Salts. Mfr. A. E. Whitaker. Mgr. 32.C0 per menth. -a 83.(0 menth. S3.S0 per month. ' 34.00 per month. Lowest prices in town and best arsortrncat. Handsome stool and scarf free, and rent a) lowed If piano Is purchased. BRADBURT Piano Warerooms. 1012 Olive st. F. G. Smith, 2In A. E. Whitaker. Mgr. TJANCIJtri. jawsajsss,., aeIaaBasj ATl'iiNX) ThanksjfiTlnjr ccntlsaorj flancJnjjf at Pro Franker Acadetnr, 1H1 Chouti3 afternoon and evening. . ECLIPSE Daadne Acaoejnr. Uhrirs Cars Hall. Washington and Jefferson: parries Wed nesdav an4 Saturaav evenlruc Sunday atur noon and evenlns: lersoss Tuesday and Friday evenlncs- HanroivJe Hall. Eighteenth and Ollva. parties Thi'r"dav ami Saturday and San:? evenlnas: lessons Monday evcnlnr; all lata dances an-1 netv mulc. Ahran. A Albsra. JOIN Prof, de Honeys ci.isa for beainnsra this -week: academy. SCS Cllre st.: finest S Lnlted States: no Saturday nlxht cr Sunday danclns; or saloon connected; those -wishlnir to Join a select school: call at once, or send to catalogue: KInloch phone ans Deltaar; select receptions every Thursday evenings EDECATIOJJAl,. TAKE a conre In tie sit. Ttrf. w.t.hM.v. inr School. ES15 Easton ave.. and become a first. class Jeweler: send Icr circular. Wall PAPER. EHRLICH BROS . purer rooms 32 each. rx Easton: Del. 173: Undell 1E63. REALTY Wall Paper and Palntlnc Co.. na Easton: phon- D 1W: don"t be afraid to srVe si trial- -wre can surprise voo cash or time. WE paper rooms, ceiling- and wans, for SJ-te. Including paper and apod work: send postal t we call. Echultz. SZO Cravols. josiaii DYlJtG. CI.E?fIC. REPAIRIWO. ii.iii..'.i.iSS.W W.i'H . wi-'rant your curtains to clean. Lace Cleaning. X1& Cass ave. Phoenix LADIES and ajentleoen. brtnr your surras' &,rtukhFrank5ka"nl,!ff " Dl"3' 1TORACC SXD M0TI5O, WJaxrJ-iT-ri-s m m m m - s. - --). f f . f - - n nTasAWJl PiiItM'2iI!,r- V2CC- "hlpplns; all storare la separate rooms; both phones, w. H. Larjiale. kSUSP70, ?.,r'.t,ou'i: neerr O W. Wlehs 5niT J', Mllr Co- UJM Frsnklln nrr.i m rudvspei he destred Klnlorb C KJ SOUTH Side Sioraae and Mnvlr-e Co . list-3-g Blarey st- PeU Sidney 335; KInloch. victor K7. STOflABrl ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOJ". i . 5W wsrabouse. Grand anS Ls- filil- ZK. saffkeeptrg of furniture, pianos, trunks, valuablea. toxea. etc.: strictly nrst-elass moving, packing-, .hipping, etc Our Ore harar ance the lowest. Money advaaced. Solo roods L. B. LANGAN & CO., looi to 1013 aiono.vw stbeet. Separate compartments fcr stortng- ramlrnre. ".'SF8- traila. etc Cash advanced when di- slred. Moving and packing at lowest rates. wine, u m man. vain sj. SELKIRK'S STORAGE HOCM for- fiirn f trr sf . wtsk .. .. . . . fl A ;i if 1 r-s 1 .t 7tt.,!tt.S&fjw- . ZtL"-; 2Z&' TZS&.4 gW.e.-. y-tj-vtdSsjiftSaijgfes v.. i-ri.5Sstra