Newspaper Page Text
.TE .a----; - X3, 12 .THE ST. LOUIS EEPUBLIC: WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 23. 190-4,! fcy biTCif--j-i'-jU If t w w i 'k m w WM j , . rOR REST DWELUKC8. PARNELL. SSO-Onc-ttorr brick cottage: will rent reasonable to permanent tenant. P. H. Blerman. 6v. Chestnut st. BELL, )C-Elegant elght-rocm house: Baa, bath: open: laundry: large ard; cedar closets. ULACKSTONK, 1291 Nine rooms; J10. Com monwealth Trust Co. BLACKSTONE ICO Nine rooms: partly fur nished: 540 month; reception hall; elegant mod em house- DELMAR. 3S50 Large 10-room dwelling: bath room, furnace, etc.; possession December 1. C W. Itarnt-s. ns Walnwrtsnt building. GREE7WOOD Boulevard. Comer St. Elmo rive rooms; bath; large attic; water free; lino plac: 2.50. LACL-BDE, T3-4Hone-iront resldc-nce; rooms; In good condition. The Chas. Green It, K. -Co.. T2u Chestnut. IOWA. 3310 Seven rooms; convenient to tars; nice home: rent reasonable. OLD MANCHESTER Road. CS1S Three-room frame cottage: thed. chlclten-hoiu-c: yard; city water; all for $12.50: kevs next door. ZINK & CO.. Agents. 13 N. Seventh. PAGE. 4714 Nine, rooms: modem conveni ences; furnished; 515 month. Glascock. 302 Chest nut. PAGE. 537 Eight-room hc-ite: bath, etc.: va cant November : 540. Sect John McMenamy, 113 nation. PINE. 1S01 Rooming-house: splendid location: nicely furnished: cheap; must call at once. SHENANDOAH. 4I3S Seven-room house: bath, hot and cold water, furnace, ga grates. SPRUCE. Bis Six-room dwelling; water paid; will paper to suit tenant. STEPHEN TECK & BP.O., COt Commercial building. WASHINGTON. zrr-i:iRhtccn-room 1175. 'Commonwealth Trust Co. house; WEST BELLE Place. C914 Ten rooms; 160. Commonwealth Trust Co. WEST BELLE possession Dec. 1. Place, MIO Eleven rooms; Commonwealth Trust Co. 5889 PLYMOUTH VENUE. Beautiful 10-room modern residence: excellent condition; immedlato possession. IsTCHOLLS-IUTTEIt. 713 Chestnut st. 4031 PAGE AVENUE. Choice 8-room divellln?; convenient to five car lines; possession December 1. For card of dmlBft!on Ren NICHOULStlUTTER, 7H Chestnut st. KIRKbUCD MO- SK AM) ifLAT!. KOIl HEKT. BARTMER, 005 ECgrlit rooms and balh; fur nace, cu and coal ranee: cheao for the -winter. Phone Main IPSA: Klnloch U S2L BERLIN. 94G rurniehed; ten room; two baths; possession Dec 1. Commonwealth Trust Co. CVAXS. 4461 Three-room furnished Hat. com plete for houfreplna; now cpen. Office, 4213 west Belle, phone Dclmar lS7u. FOR Sale or Bent I'our-room modern upstairs In Avest Bnd: hot-water heater, jms range, furnace: elejcantlr furnished, including piano; trill sell on cas terms to good party or rent for term of months: telephone B 41S. FURNISHED elEht-room flat on LJndcll boulevard; steam-hiau-d; modern. KG 107, He public HANDSOMELY furnished modern ten-room house; West End; all conveniences; reason able: Forest 2X25M. LAWTON. 31C Seven roomt and bath; rtx months or longer: .W month. L.UCAS, 2935 Furnished four-room flat; floor. first OLIVE, 403fi Beautiful flre-rooin flat; till conveniences; elegant bath: cood ltiniishtsss; refined neighborhood; permanent location. R1DQE, 61S Three-room furnished flat; com plete for housekeeping-: open. Office 4213 "West .Keue, pnone ueimar isiu. TWtlTl-T rYrT.TT? 1UtH TkMu.wMm nrnlrliArl or unfurnished flat; open. Office 4219 West Belle, phone Delmar l87v'. WASHINGTON, SCSI Ten rooms; rich car pets; elegant furnishings; finest location In the city for board! ng-houw rent, furnished, $150 a month. WASHINGTON Boulevard, near KlnjTs Htgh ra Will rnt furnished or unfurnished, from December 1 to April l; i-omcnlent to Washing ton Hotel Cafe. U C Elson. 404 N. Fourth st- WEST BHLLH 435 Suites of 3 or more ele gantlr furnished rooms for housekeeping; pri vata baths janitor sen Ice; gas. heat; all In cluded; phone Delmar 1S7Q. WEBSTER GROVES. Gore and Swan Eight room lurnisned nousc; lease to April 1. PC; 6Q. Commonwealth Trust Co. FOR KET APART3ICXTS. FLATS. BACON, 1S24 Tlve-room flat: all conveniences: hath, gas. Iiot and cold water. CATAJ.PA. GH7 and CIS Four-room flat; gas. electric lights; one block north Canton: SIS. CLARA, 1444 Neat 4-room flat, with bath. etc. C W. Barnes. 216 Walnwrlght building. CLARK. 2954 Elegant four-room fiat. oath, closets, large vard COOK. 4S-0-Lovely. newly room flat; rent reduced to 124; papered, open. DELMAR. 4Z!l-Flve-roora flat; 530. Com monwealth Trust Co. EASTON. 4758 Seven-room monwealth Trust Co. flat; J33. Com- ULMBANK. 4446A Nice four-room flat: mod ern conveniences: hot and cold bath; first-class neighborhood. KOLSOM. S6MA "Folnometta Apartments." 9 rooms, bath, laree halls, closets, hot-water bealimr furnleliea: shades, fixtures, screens, laimdrr, fine location; light and ventilation; S3 ZINK & CO.. Aeents. 19 N. Seventh. rOLSOM. 3CI "Folsometta. ApartmcnU!." roomc, bath, lirte halls, clouts, hot-water neaung xumlsued, shades. Ilxtures. ecreens. laundry: line location; light and ventilation; tfi.SO: kevs at TC3 ZINK & CO.. Agents. 19 If. Seventh. KICKOIIT, 3H2A Four large finished attic: tS. light rooms, witb, HORTON Place. w-Twelve rooms, stable; fin for doctor or boardlnahou$e. W. p. NELSON, sn Chestnut at. KENNEU1LT. 360-rour rooms: liath. range, linen, new furniture, complete, Chouteau place. Kas 30: MARYLAND. 4S5 Choice seven-room flat; furnace: range; water heater; shades: boat res Idence part: West End: open. MORGAN, 411&A "La Tosea ApartmentV 3 rooms, bath, hot and cold water: Jiot-water beating, ahadea futures, fine maatels. clievals, hat council, sideboard, closets, laundrv, some thing modern and captivating; rent ?65; lease; possession December I. ZINK & CO.. Agents. 19 N. Seventh. ilOROAN. 41K-"La Tosca Apartments," rooms, bath, hot and cold water: hot-water neater: shades, fixtures, fine mantels, chevols. hat console, sideboard, closets, laundry:- all fine sad captivating; rent 45; lease; possession December 1. ZINK st CO.. Agents. 19 N. Seventh. O'DELL. S4SA Three rooms, sink and water In kitchen; shed, chicken-bouse: large yard: rent n:.M: block of Tower Grove cars; Arsenal and MackUnd ave.; keys downstairs. ZINK & CO.. Agents. 19 If. Seventh. PARK. SODS Flat five rooms; bath, gas, hot water, laundry. TWO beautiful, light four and five room fiats on made streets; gas fixtures, shades and nil modern Improvements: one fiat heated; ready for occupancy Dec . Inquire 1497 Arlington. VTROINTA. M2S Modern flat: six rooms and bath: mu fixtures, gas grates: with heat fur nlshed. C5: rummer months. Kr7.SH. NIUUIbTlJAD. 41!7A N. Four rooms and bath, US. WK. A. IlUTLEaXJB RRALTT CO.. . 1005 Chestnut st. NEW FLAT FOR RENT. 4MTA CSerelana ave.. In beautiful Tyler plaoe, six nice rooms and a fine bathroom; hot sad cold water, furnace, laundry, etc.; rent m.W month: ust finished. OPO. J. WANSTRATH. S16 Chestnut st. S204 icPHERSON AVENUE Beautiful -room apartment; steam heat. Janitor service, combination futures, gas range, etc. Possession December l. Open for lntpcctlon. HICHOLLB-RITTEK. m Chestnut st. 15251 UNION BOUL. Code. 5-room flat: elegantly furnished: all modern conveniences: reasonable rent. NICHOLLS-RITTER. 713 Chestnut St. New Flats for Rent. nrresTooms jjnd bath; ill; corner Nineteenth and Stats sts.. East St. Louis: ben location: high ground: every convenience. Including gas range already connected. Take "Slate St." or "Ceme i!rte!, c??t.w!5t " ot bridge to Nineteenth Jt. See Frank Xsule, 1S07 State st,. Bast St. Louis, or "VVM. A. RUTLEDGE REALTT CO.. 1005 Chestnut st.. St. Louis. Uf OITV REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Kv ' ' i . ..,-. -,-- .... . Kf riKE building lot; B0 feet; Falrmount ave.: ftp- for stores; jnst west of Clarendon. IB W. P. NELSON. SI1 Chestnut st. jgff . SOUTH aide Shenandoah, feet west of Van- fg! STsntar;,6Pxl35: 4. & tM- COr slaaeT axa California ave.; SOxUS; i ,. lmm, miin .""., JUBL wuuj ot t2uiiozzj; f5 Vr KOIAAB BRTNKOP. 1L3 Chestnut. N. W.Ck. Htdiaimnt & Waper Af es. , tig barrtin and. should b taken at once. WM. A. RUTLEDGE REALTY CO- 1005 Chestnut at. r?, imttMlV pnnm?npv fad earv jpgy 0mi0isiii'iii-ij-uij :- lUOCMLtAN tSIAIt. fe -ftTrSSf!J',',ence' " Vi ocres of ground Sgfrte Booth -Webster: at a bargain: price J5.W0. ,,. cix. m jmiemm owg. SOUTH WFRSTPR unMPC jTs . -- -waB ttlii -3jK l!LZ!?T.Atin:ti- P"Mlest iouse In S;y Booth 'Weoster: ti rooms, -with bath and hot Xffi water beu; lot ISOxSOO: price tMl. ti. w.- utk.- ;a Fuucrton Wdg.- -.IT . " -- WJUUB FOR .5ALE. kj . -. - - - TO LET Fon BCSiyESS POKPOSEa. DESK room, nicely furnished; roller desk: both phones. Room CU Burlington building. OFFICES In Panama bulldlr.e. ao Olive st.: thoroughly modern: prices range from JS to $15. SIKKINO-CRAY CO.. Agents. MS Olive t. TE Brewers and Saloonkeepers No. 1062 Hodlanont ae.: new row rtores and Oats atvne; steam heat furnished; one of the best locations In the city for a saloon; just across the street from the Subur;an car sheds and in a busier neighborhood; go out and Inspect same, and for terras tee M. P. HYNSON. 929 Chestnut rt. Have a Look, Butchers and Grocers. New stores vrlth flats above, on the east eldo or Hcdlamont. just south of Kartmer are.; heat furnished; one of the bn locations In the city for n tmtchcr and jrocen- store; plenty cf trade to draw from: 6S new fiats Just completed and occupied on Birtnr.rr an., eajt of the stores: reasorible rent. Applv to M. P. ItYNSON. 920 Chestnut st. FURNISHED RESTAURANT. 130." Market tUt furnished retnuiant, com plete; seats 75 ,eopIe: In connection with Wne Hotel; will lent completely furnished at a ery nnscnahlo rent. tSKIKr'IN IICAI ESTATn CO.. 1111 Chestnut. Have a Look, Druggists Southeast corner nartnir and Hodlamont ave?.; rw More. 25x60. and flat abote: steam heat furnished; without a doubt one of the beet locations In the city for a drug store; no com petition and plenty of trade to draw from; S new rata Just completed and occunled on Bart mer aire., cast of the .store. Apply to M. F. HTNSON. 3:s Chestnut. FOR RENT. FINE STOREROOM At 215 North Ninth Street, In Frisco Building. Just arouni the corner from the Post Office. Thrs storeroom Is 16x15. with alley en trance, r.nd splendidly adapted for buI nes purposes. Apply v. ROOM 618 FRISCO BUiLDIHB. IMPROVED CITY PROPEUTV SALE. KOIl ARLINGTON. 1507 ISHSO: onlv new. -SU-room residence; lot roURTEENTH. Si S. Four-room brlCt: nil improvements made; $1,500; quick talc; owner. LUCKY. 45: Six-room house: JiCM. SPLENDID cleen-room house, -Rlth stable: Ilorton place, near Suburban power-house: flno for doctor or boardlns-hou4. W. P. NELS-ON. tl Chenut st. SIX-ROOM brlclt: balh. hall, clcet. laun dry; R1. 135 Granilic, K00 nest, cno block south of Easton. MINERVA. 6071 Pretty home and xtrwt: file rooms, stable: enultr xl.400: big bargain. NEAT BRICK RESIDENCE $3,200 S!r rooms, reception liall, bath: near school, street cars and rrlsco station; 67M Smiley ave; will take lot In exchanc. U. W. LEE. 0 Fullerton bldg. 4433 FOREST PARK BOUL Now vacant: 10 rocm-i: reception hall and bath: hot-water heat: lot 57x177: price right and terms reasonable. M. D. O'REILLY R. i I. CO.. 721 Chestnut. Beautiful s-room residence, furnace, pas grates, balh, newlv decorated, will sell for i.000; $1,500 cash, balance at 3 per cent. . E. W. LEE. -CM Fullerton bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOME IN rULLERTON'S WESTMINSTER PLACE AT A SACRIFICE Owner out of the Cltv. Possession given Jcnuarr L ISM. Price and terms on application. H0LBR00K - BLAGKWELDER REAL ESTATE TRUST CO.. 812 (Hive FOR SALE ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS, Or Will Exchange Jor Good Vacant Ground 1 SEW SI.VGLB FLAT BUILDINGS. ARMAND STREET. 2C14. Z03S. 2O10. SOB4. 2700. S701. 3703, 2704. 2700, 272G, 27-1S, 2754 and 27S8. O Block North of Shenandoah.) These Fiats conIn of 5 rooms and bath on first flftflP. kIv rrwma anrl rn jnsr.J Mn. separate, furnaces: hot and cold water: cemented cellar wlih plastered cellinjrs. Lou 25 to S3 feet front. For card of admission and further particulars, RUTLEDBE & KILPATRICK REALTY CO., 717 CHESTNUT STREET. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. BSSS Pnge Avenue; 7-room rrslilencej lot 50x137. Price, 000. Will sell on enay terms. Possession on. short notice. RUTLEDBE & KILPATRICK REALTY CO., 717 CHESTNUT STREET. - SECRET SOCIETIES. ICNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS. D URLINGTON 7J3DGE. NO. S3S. K. OF P.. D meets every Wednesday evening In Fra ternal building, on the corner of Eleventh street and Franklin atenue. at 8 p. m. Wednes day evening, September II, work In the rank of Knlgl.t. In ampillled form: also a smoker for the evcnlcs. Members will please attend. Vis itors arc cordially Invited. BOB O'CONNOR. C C Frank O'Connor. K. of R. & s. GASTLE HALL. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 3i, K. ot P.. meets Tuesday ctenlng-, No vember Nomination of officers for Incom ing term. All membei expected; good time. Visiting brothers cordially lnlted to attend. . ALEXANDER NICHOLSON. C. C. J. F. Dempsey. K. of it. & 8. CHEVALIER LODGE, NO. 70; 1C OF P. Castle Hall In Odd Fellows' Temple, Hall No. 2. eighth floor. Regular meeting every Wednesday evening, S o'clock sharp. Work la the Ampiiiled Rank of Knight Wednesday even ing, November d. 1001. Illustrated with stere opticon views; also business of Importance. .... , -,;yM- J- SUMMEUW. C. C. Attest: Louis W. sorgenfrel, K. or It. 4 S. Address. IS53 Arsenal street. DAMON LODGE. NO. IS. It P.. MEETS . ... every Wednesday evening In Odd Fellows' building. Ninth and Olive, reventh Poor, hall No. 3. at 8 o'clock. Woik In rank of Knight. Members of senate please icport Wednesday evening. November M. Members expected. Visiting brothers are cordially invited. , FRANK S. S3TDMM. C. a II. H. Bermel. K.-ot R. it s.. No. 3!i3 Evasi avenue. p UTURE GREAT LODGE. NO. S76. K. OF P Howard's Hall. Thirtieth and olive, meets every Wednday at 8 o'clock, visitors welcome. R. P. FRrTSCIILE. C. C W. A. Roberts. K. of R. A S. v""1t" ' '- pACIKIC I)DGE, NO. 304. K. OF P.. , .""eots evcrv Wednesday evening, Centurv' building. Ninth and Olive streets, November 23 work In rack or Knight. Nomination of offi: ccrs. Cigars. Visitors Invited. to a r, . E' x- ROBINSON. C. C. W. A. Gray. K. of R. .t S. F VT1IAGORAS LODGE. NO. S5. K. OF P meets every Wednesday evening at castle Iis.lL northwest corner Grand and Ecston avi SSv?,S hc,w?.- Work Knight rank wednes: brorthers.ey,;Bi,cm,S.1,Cr5 "Pectea- V,BlUns IL L WALKER, a a LraJLi&4t?f " & E"s,on "" W ABASH LODGE. NO. 2tS, K. OF P.. kail JSfS-e.TerjrTueftay.v"llll ' casus xS5lJSutl,I?lt2'r. Broadway, and Benton. November 2. Work In the. rank of Esquire. 'ffgSEfffc. cf k-eQSB0RN- c- 2, ULEMA LODGE, NO. 4T1. K. OF P.. - meet Monday evening, November Mrln bU No. L tenih floor Century building, all &$.& rK?1r "Hjention. Members ex pected and visitors cordially Invited to attend. .... . IMPROVED OBDEH OP RED MEN. mlXNEHAHA COONaU DEGREE OF .n liS.h.onts. eeu tverT Mcond and JZK. S5ar JL DJld Hall, Ninth an Sarket streets. Work every meeting h tk famous Kcbrimn .m-. ... .- vr is JVltNNb.TONKA TRIBE. -NO. C Iilf KOVED umer ot rtea Men. meets tvery Friday awning, at Druids' Hall. Ninth and Market streets. Work by the derres team that mads St. Louis famous. ROYAL ARCANUM. Grand council Missouri, royal vwm si.i. vu tiwimi, uriraos. Drcuuva and -members trora JLhroad. John C KllUncBworUu Grand Secretanr. SIDNEY TO LOAN. 01 On Real Estate. WE LOAN MONEY In sums to suit on real estate; prompt action, low interest and commission. IIAYDHL. REALTY CO.. 10J X. Sexenth St. (Est. IStl'.) On Personal Property. MONE1 loaned salaried people -without securl ty. P. Laniet. 3C9A Benolst bldg.. Jih & Pine. MONEY to loan on furniture; pianos, notes or any personal property; my terms are abso lutely the lowest: ste all others, then see me, and be convinced. M9 Chestnut. J. D HONE 1N-VESTXIENT CO. will Indorse notes, securn loana on lire Insurance policies and buy notes. 202 Equitable building. LOANS ON FURNITURE AND PIANOS without delay or removal, call, write or tele phone. Main C0S7, or D C!l. JAMES C. BAKER. JR.. CM-IiO Missouri Trust building. INVESTIGATE THIS WHEN YOU WANT MONEY. - We make loans on furniture WITHOUT RE SIOVAL. We make no Inquiries of your frlen'ls or employer. We give jou the full amount In CASH, not checks. We arrange payments to suit jcur CONVENIENCE and ABILITY. W do not RECORD loans. Wo RECEIPT for every jiame1it made. Wo pay oil any OT'IER LOAN or a balance on furn'ture and GIVE MOKE MONEY. We EXTEND payments In case of SICKNESS. We make AS LOW rate a- the LOWEST. W grant LIBERAL DIP COUNTS for time inoiev is not used. Tali Is our bus!nts in n nutsh-1'. SEE US and b convinced ttmt we ar THE PCOFLF.. We make loans In East St. Louis. Telephone for us to cull TH3 HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO.. Kin. 1SII. Room Ml rm.t.KRTON BLDG , Hell Main 4H3 SEVEN Til AND PINE fTTS. MONEY TO LOAN . ON FURNITURE OR T-IAN03. DO NOT FAIL TO CAIJ. nd gtt our rates before getting loan elsewhere, our vstem elves J?T.,ME an' SMALL PAYMENTS, rlth REBATE when paid before due. so you onlv pay for such tine a you nave hail loan. Ws give PASS EOOK. where all payments are rn. tered We do not require sivm,-nt. while SICK OR OUT OF WORK: NO PUBLICITY: NO IN ' tnier can I slzred at house and vou can set money ram day ou apply. We make a ppeclalty of pacing off anv lojn or c?-lm ninins gou! and giv ing more money. If yau cannot call, white OR TCLEPHOSB -j- nnd w will .Pnd seent to exnlaln our SYSTEM TKi,viKOND KIN LOCH n o. or nnr.i, main zw. FIDELITY BROKERAGE CO.. Room No. 4in Commonwealth Trust building. Broadway nnd Olive st.. Entrsnc Ol Olive st. Loans at 5 Per Cent. WE make LOANS ON rURNTilJRS, PI ANOh, ETC.. without removal; NO PUBLICI TY. See us before getting n loon elenbere; ?lil-SiV? TSP moneys CHEAPER RATES; LONCER TIME: SMALLER PAYMENTS. We E.ayJ? :Ulv LOAN or balanc on vour FURNI-TURE- Pay at your CONVENIENCE. Llb"al DISCOUNTS. Call and be convinced Write or telephone Klnloch A M2 UNION FINANCE CO.. 30? anil 303 Oriel building. ftratheait cornr Sixth and LocusL Enlrancs SIC N. Sixth, opposite narVs. MONEY TO LOAN. On HOUSEHOLD TURNITURE. PIANOS. LTC. without removing the goods; also on pur PLAIN NOTE, if you hold a ralaried po sition: lowest rates; easiest terms; quick and quietly. ST. LOUIS INVESTMENT CO.. Room HIS Missouri Trust building. Entrance 70S Olive street. LOANS ON FURNITURE. Rates ami terms unheard of. Look: $1,50 weekly pajs a $73 loan. 51.20 weekly pas a SftO loan. $1.00 weekly pajs a $"i0 loan. 75c weekly pays a $40 loan. Pajments "can bo made wH;!, emImontftlv or monthly. It I? to your Interest to consult u. AH business private and above board. See us. CHCMICAL. riXANCE CO.. Ml Chemical building. Eighth and Oliie. W. S. PRICE WILL GET YOU 10D.00 for K4.0O a year. STit.fln for lS.t.00 a yenr. IWiO.OO for !f2.(M n yenr. :.-..00 for IJI.OO n year. On FURNITURE. PIANOS. hor'e. wagons, etc. Si; Mermod & Jaccard building; Kin. phone D 1S v MONEY ADVANCED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Teair.slrrs. boardlnc-oouso keepers, without se curity; easy payments; largest business In W cities. Tolman. 601 Uouser bldg.. J00 chestnut. $10 to Drake's Easj Money $100 Advanced salaried people, without security or knowledge of anyone. My rates the lowest. !est and most private In the city. Call at ZZZrS-t Chemical building. EUGENE A. TBISLER, Rocm 21. 119 N. .Seventh st.. De iienU building. . . Fire' Insurance Agency. LOANS ON FURNITURE LOW RATES. SECRET SOCIETIES. AICIEM" FKCK AND MASOS. ACCEPTED ssssVss ANCHOR LODGE. NO. 412. A. F. & A. M. btated communication at 7:30 o clock p. m., Jefferson and Park avenues. Work in third. Bretrren welcome. E. W. HUGHES, W. M It. II. Cattail. Secretary. GEORGE WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. I . ..A. F. & A. 31.. will hold stated commu nication Tuesday, November zi at 7:30 p. m., at Masonic Tempi". Grand and Flnnev avenues. Thero will bo work in the degrees. Visitors are welcome. GEO. W. JAMES, W. M. Wm. L, Reynolds. Jr.. Secretary. JVJISSOURI LODGE. NO. 1. A. T. & A. M. . Special communication on Friday. No c.IT.1r at ,' Pj. "".Corinthian HallGrand Avenue Ma3onIo Temple. M. M. degree, 11 ree candloatrs. Members and visiting brethren are tequested to attend. HI. SI. HOLLAND. Acting W. M. John H. Deems. Secretary. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. AftCKUR LODGE. NO. Sti, I O O. F v.. ii ?et1 jr7 MoJ.iy evening it Schuette's Hall. Nineteenth and Wrlnht stieets. Wori la lh desrees. Visiting- brethren welcome. street,'11 PeUy' Scc"Ia"n'. 211J NoVthNiJlnth STr V?VvISpRIi,BEIA" lPOE- NO. 330. I. O. O. F. Recular meetlnss second and fourth Wednesdays or each month. Doric Hall Masonic Temple. Grand and Finney avenues. Visitors are cordlallv invited to attend. MISS ELLA Jl. GRADY. Noble Grand Mrs. Hattle Farmim. Secretary. i 323 La Salle street. ST. LOUIS LODGE. NO. S, L O. O r meets every Saturday evening- at i o'clock at Odd Fellows' bullolnc, southeast cor ?.l:r..Nln,h .aDd llv9 treeu. in hall No L Visitors welcome and members expected to at. U??- ii . N' MATHESON, N. O. H. A. Hamilton. Secretary. KiflGHTS OF COLCHBOa. KENIHCK COUNCIU'NO. CSS, KNIUHT3 -.kor.f?lani,l5U"' "i?et second and lourth WedDesdav at Rose Hill Hall. No 5 Maple avenue. Vlsltlni; knights a.wayV T'wal! C0,'Se',. JSU PAUt CHEW? OrsuTi Sht Wait Pi T. riinn nvhsiM I-, - j a-jg.w .. ...Wi.,,,H1 ilCWI (srer. TARQUETTE COUNaL, NO S0 I'lKnlgh's of Columbus, meets ewry sS ond and Tuesd-.v In the west half rST TRIBE OF BEJT 11UR. BJ.5SSF Vffi & TniBB or bS aa,i ot each month at Andle's Hall. Jefferson and Pestalozzl stre:. Members are reouested to attend. All sons and daushters ot Hur ac corded e t.eiinv welcome. WnI',hDLUiJBCIJG'.J::i"rf' ,s7 s- Thirteenth. Ruth Lester. Scribe. 2016 Victor. GENTURT COURT. NO. 25. TRIBE OF Ben-Hur. lias moved to Phoenix Hall. JelTerson and Cass avenues, meeting every Wednesday evening. All Sons and Daughters of Hur accorded a hearty welcome. DOCTOR F. M. NUFER. Chief. Man' McNamara. Scribe. 1226 Cass avenue. JUNIOR ORDER UNITED AMERICA."! MECHANICS. III I I - - 1- -l-ll-l II' ll-,ll ".I-. -,-., !. LYON COUNCIL, NO. 21. JR.. O. U. A. M.. meets every Monday evening- at Junior O. U. A. M. Hall. No 3231 South Seventh street. Visitors are welcome. L A. WEISMANTEL. C. R. EclL Secretary, 230J Gasconade street. Eke. republic special. New York. Nov. 22. Ecjs-Recelpts 13.335 cases. Despite the heavy increase in the listed receipts -and the fact that a. largo part of the attention of the trade was diverted towatd the poultry business the market showed greater itrcnsth on ttw whole line. Really new-laid eggs, from any section, had the call In the trading, and buyers could bo forced to very mil prices for qualliy. Refr.'g-'rators In de mand for current use, with reported sales of 1,003 cash firsts, seller SO days, at WSSlc Western best agrot Hefrlgerators, good to ?2K? Weste' 20821c: fair summer-stored IJjJISc: Inferior 16$lTc. other quotations un changed. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 22. Eggs steady; Mis souri and Kansas stock, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included. 24c per doz.; case count 22c; cases returned !c less. Philadelphia. Nov. 22. Etbs firm: cood de mand: near-bv firsts 28c. at mark: Western firsts 27c at mark. Chicago. Nov. 23. Eggs firm:. at mark, cases' Included. lEV4622Hc: Orris 2c: prime firsts 26c: extras 2Sc Batter and Cheese. - New Tork. Nov. 23. Butter and cheese un changed. Chicago. Nov. 22. Butter market firm; cream eries lfc24c: dalrles-15J21c. Cheese firm: 11 32c. Philadelphia. - Nor. 22. Butter steady: fair demand: extra creamory 2Hc: extra near-bv prints 23c Cheese unchanged: New York full creams rancy nueu&c; do. choice HUc: do. lair to good U&uc. MEAGER GINNERS' REPORT MAKES WEAKNESS IN COTTON FIGURES GIVEN ONLY FOR 105 GEORGIA COUNTIES. Trade Jumps to Conclusion That Document Will Show-Advance, and Bears Get Busy. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. New York, Xov. 22. Tlic principal fea ture of the cotton market to-day was tlta publication of the first installment of the ginnera' report, by the Jjplted States Census IJurcau. This was announced shortly after 12, and covered only 103 counties In Georgia. II estimated the amount of cotton sinned in thoVe coun ties at 1,241,711 bales of the commercial ifizQ, against 7,5. the same time last J ear. The trade jumped to the conclusion that this was perhaps indicative of con ditions ' In the entire belt, and the re port was regarded as so bearish that the market developed weakness, and sold ort promptly to a level of 17 to IS points under a renewed sharp bear attack. The decline caught ,i large number of stop-loss otders, ynd their execution with a large amount of selling of January bv brokers, representing the principal spot dealers, had a very depressing effect on the general list ana prices went otf quite sharply, declining 10 points from the quo tations current. Just before the ginners' report was announced, within the next half-hour's business. Tlie market developed further weakness in the late trading, on more liquidation oy local and Southern oporators and liquidation on slop-loss orders was the feature of the late selling movement, wlilch carried prices down 20 to 23 points from last night's closing quotations to the lowest levels reached for the last two or three months. The ginners' re port Is very ambiguous, but the general Interpretation placed upon it was bearish, and it was one of tho principal factors inducing liquidation. There was. an absence of support of any importance, and the market ruled weak throughout the late trading, with prices at Liverpool declining as much as In this market, and spot cotton In tne South weakening. Spot cotton declined 10 points to the basis of 8 DO for middling. Tho Journal of Commerce publishes to- aj .1 ,- iniBiny special report on an ntternpt to secure an exprcss.on of opin ion from, the most prominent cotton inter ests in tho South, covering- all the states, on the probable size of the crop. Its sum mary ot the average of these opinions es timates the crop at 11,273.0C0 bales. J. JI. Ayer and Company put out a crop esti mate to-day of ll.lOo.OCO bales. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. New Orleans, Xov. 22. To-mori o w, in its SUmmarV nf thf nnttnn clriiarlnn .1.. Times-Democrat will say: "Yesterday's cotton market should live In the annals of the trade as a more or less unreasonable and wholly regTettnble affair. True, the bark of the bulls was pllotless. but it was the fright of the passengers that wrecked the craft on the rock of mifcapprehention. For davs the currents have run adversely, and the menu of the price could make no head way. But the course was clear enougn for safety. "Yesterday the Census Bureau flashed a. little Mgnal. Xo one yet knows Juit how to take it. The bulls, fearing a. sig nal of any kind. left the ropes, and dibas ter followed quickly enough. There are times in the affairs of men when a leader of big caliber is needed to stay the hand of folly. Yesterday was such a time. The information given out from Wash ington means just what appears on the surface, i. e., that so miny bales were ginned in so many counties in Georgia up to November II. us against so many bales to the same date in 1903. Last vear"s crop was late, this ear's crop was early. Thats all there is to it. and that's all that can be made out of it. This ques tion naturally arises in the analytical mind: Why lias the bureau confined Its llrst work to Georgia, a recognized big crop State, and not to Arkansas or Ala bama or Texas? The pivotal State would have interested more.pcople. "Tlie effect ot yesterday's heavv de clines, because of 'the very nature of the thing, must be far-reaching. The Census IJurcau figures do not prove anvtliing. But the public mind is easily influenced. Since the world began, folly has given prudence more hard knocks than human ity could count. For weeks the bears have fought for Just such a stampede as yesterday brought. To-day they will press their advantage if they can, but their ammunition must come from the bulls themselves. "A bold show of backbone should check the first charge this morning, for a reac tion Is due, no matter whose position may lk3 Kuuwii to ue correct on uecemncr a. Much, of course, will depend upon Liver pool's attitude. St. I.onlu Cotton Market. Spot market e lower. Sales, S3 bal. Quote ordinary S Good ordinary &ij Low middling su Middling ail Good middling Middling fair Tlngea and stains, USic off. Galveston Spot market quiet. 9 9-lGd. New Orleans Spot market quiet. .10 Middlings, Middlings, Memphis Spot market quiet. Middling o S-151. Hectlpts at principal point: Galveston. 28,171 bales. New Orlcan, 31.347 bale. Mobile. 3.343 bales. Savannah. 12.140 bales. CliarlcFtcn. P8 bnles. Norfolk. l'.S5) bales. Houston. 2),S03 bale". Memphis. 4.472 bales. Net receipts at all United Stale ports for four dajs llMlti bolfs. against 205.93:; bales a wetk ago and 2M.EC) bale in 19-J3. Exports, 189.023 bales, against 171.C33 bales in ISOi Stocks. ?m,3H bales, against 813.303 bales a 3 ear ago. Total receipts, 4.032.7S3 bales, as compared with '.M31.602 bales In 1953. St. Lou's warehouse statement: tnis Last Year. 1.233 Mt 12.71 4 3 042 slail 3b.l69 1.9J3 4J.241 Tear. t; ?92 1.1.0 26,723 2)1 13.22! 19 SIM 6.00 132.SM 3,110 119.303 Stocl.s on hand SspL 1 , Ntt receipts , Net dn since Sept. 1 Net shipments , Net do since Sept. 1 Stocks on hand Gros receipts , Gross do since Sept. 1..... Gross shipments Gros do since Sept. 1 Cotton Rnotatlona. New York. Nov. 22. Spot closed quiet; 10 points decline: middling-uplands 9.00c: middling Gulf.10.13c; sales 33 bales. Tutures closed bare ly steady: Nov. 9.27c: Dec 9.31c; Jan. 9.41c: Feb. 9.4ic; March 9.34c; April 3.60c; May s.Wc; Juno 9 66c: Julv 9.70c Liverpool, Nov. 22. Cotton Spot moderate business done: prices unchanged; American mid dling 5.2Sd: sales were 7.000 bales, of which 5"0 were for speculation and export and In cluded CSOO American. . Receipts 14,300, all Alncrldui. Tutures opened autet and closed steady: American middling g. o. c. Nov. 3.2M: Nov. and Dec. 517d; Dec. and Jan. Jan. and Feb. 3.20d; Feb. and March 3.22d: March and April 5.23d; April and May 5.23.I: May and June G.27d; Juno and July 5.2Sd; July and Aue. 5.2Sd; Aug. and Sept. 3 24d. New Orleans, Nov. 23. Futures steady; Nov. 9 19S9.21C: Dec. !Mi1 23c: Jan. 9.31S9.3JC: Feb. 40E9.42c: March 9.484l9.49c: April 9 5369 37I-; aiay s.tiLUi'.tzc ipot. quiet: saies nates; ordinary G 1316c: good ordinary 8Jfic; low m'd dllng 8-lic: middling 9 5-l&c: good middling &Vr: middling fair 10c. Receipts 21,347 bales; stock 521.237 bales. Wool. Boston, Nov. 22. Tho available supply or -wool on the market has become well redueeJ. with manufacturers still seeking supplies. Prices are very firm and purcbass are made at full prices, line fleece wool aro quiet but firm, while medium grades of domestic fleece- are well reduced In stock. Unua&hed Ohio delaines 23c; unmerchantable 23930c; un- wasnen ciotnin? zissc Aieaium unwaanoa Ohio fleeces 31frJ2c for one-quarter and three eighths bloods; others ar.out 3031c. Pulled wools firm on the scojred bo! of 52Q33C for B supers, with A supers at 5G$37c. Boston. Nov. 22. The wool market has been more quiet the past week, but It has lost none of 11 strength. Lack of supnlles lias been the cause cf curtailment of business. An aver age estimate is that there will not be over 2 Ooo.OOO pounds of wool left in dealers' Blocks by Jan. 1. a notable decrease from last vear. The Territory wools continue active. Pu'lfd wools are firmer, l'ortlgn grades are qufct. Quotations: Territory, Idaho Fine H',5nc: heavy fine leHc; fine medium lS&13c: me dium 21822c; low medium 224323c Wyoming (IncJ7'j(glSl4c: heavv fine 15tJlSc; fine medium Fine 37WlSl4c: heavy fine 15316c: fine medium Utah and Nevada Fine 17lSc: heavy fine 13 JlGc; fine medium 174131m:; medium .2223c; low medium 234$24c. Dakota Fine 16t?lSc; fine medium S&15c: medium 21022c: low medium 23:24c. MontanaFine rholce 2122c: fine average 19020c: fine medium, choice. 21?2c; overage 13T20c; staples 2223c: medium, choice. 23SiSc. London, Nov. 22. The sixth series of the 1304 wool sales was opened to-day. There was a large attendance. Tlie offerings numbered 7.1S9 bales,- mainly merinos. Competition was active and prices higher. Several parcels of good Queensland, New South Wales and South Aus tralia new clip were offered. Americans pay ing Is 2d forythe best lots of rreasy. Crosa brede were in strong demand. Siipes and Cape of Good Hope and Natal snow whites and scoureda were .d higher. Merinos were S tier cent dearer. Medium clossbreds 10 and coarse grades 15 per cent above the last series. Following- arc tlie sales: New South Wales 1.M0 bales; scoured JJVWSls SHd; greasy 7ttla. Queensland LOOOTiaiep: scoured Is iud62a. Vic toria 1,700 bales; greasy SUSla 3d. South Aus Aus- Zeaiand Good Hope and Natal loo bales; scoured Is 4dls lOd. Falkland Islands 2) bales: greasy S'-.e iivio. untisn coiumoia li Dales; grtasy ajj iillil. Poultry. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. New York. Nov. 22 Live I'cultrv Receipts 13 cars Western, .1 Southern and 1 Southwestern, with 2 cars more by cxpre. invoice- wera heavier than expected and Include consldera til stock rcsblppral from Culcago. The market declined to 11a on fowls and 1'S-c on roosters. Turkeys declined to 13c, with several care to come, and trend of values Is lower. Ducks and gecso working out at unchanged prices. Pigeons slow. Kon Is Prime lie: old roosters 7'.jc; turkeva 13c. Other quotations unchanged. Dressed Poultry Receipts 12.110 Dkgs. The freh receipts were- heavy and tinlcoked for ad vices are coming forward by evsry mall from the West. Tlie uilt-or-lovvn Eastern huvers who have been here since the opening have com pleted th:ir purchases and gene home, and the demand to-day was confined to local dealers, who wanted dry-picked stock, but would not pjy over 1'c for average beet dry-picked or fccalded Iced or 20c for fancy selected. Re ceivers were Inclined to ask more money, but were forced to accept the situation, nnd did not refue raasonabIc criers. Good line were sold at I9c towards the cl'e. A liberal por tion of the dry-picked sleek wa not only thin and framy. but Mruck green and of uncertain value. Old torn were not to plnty, and brought about th: same prices as the vouns ones. Several lots of turkeys arrived that were bought on Western and Southern markets, and were urged to .ell liclow rot price. Dry picked turkejs not plentj-. but those around were so thin and unattractive thai on.y the mors selected exceeded 20c. Irlne lanre roast ing chickens in good demand. Towls rarely up to prime In quality and onlv fancy heavy exceeded 124c Prime oung ducks worked out at full price, but geese accumulated anil prices were easier all around. Squabs more plenty, but fancy, heavy while in good de mand and steady. Drj'-P'cked: Turlreys Vet cm dry-rlekeil prime, 20c: Western ilry-p!cKcd a'-cxige issue. OeeseWcstni prime 13-8 14c. Iced: Turl.ej Spring Western, dry-picked, av erage. lssjWc: selected lS20e: old hens, se lected, 18c; mixed hens and tcms, eld, 18il9c. Tou Is Western dry-picked, fancy, clean. 12'ic: average Western dry-picked liaii:: Western scalded llijS12c: Southern and Southwestern lOii-Jllc. Other quotations unchanged. I'lnxseo'l Quotations. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Chicago, HI . Nev. 22. I1axscd was up half cent In pjmpathy with the markets in th" Northwest. No trades wero made. No. 1 Ncrthivestern was 31 13 bid. No. t Nov. and Dec were Jl.lljj bid. May wj 31.19 fellers. Receipts were i car here. Mlnneipolh ie ceived 44 cars and Dulcth Z.l car?. , LIVE-STOCK 1IAHKKT. Xiltlvc Supply I'nlr licet Cuttle Cany sheep Hnlil Steml;. NATIVE CATTLE Beet Steers The supply of beeves was only moderate, and to a large extent, embraced a common and fair class of grass and medium-fed steer. Some few lots of pretty good graded were available, but right good and choice to prime kinds were unrepre fcented. The demand ruled a good bit as it did 5es lerdaj'.whlch was nothing to brag upon; in fact, a very narrow outlet ha prevailed th- last two day, and some of the buvers aro doing very little purchasing, confining' their operations principally to cheap-prico stock that Is, can ners and cutting cow. The trade throughout the day was lifeless, and about the only desire on part of the packer to operate was en the cheap-priced steer", larding from 32.833.75, while those showing prettv decent and right goiil flesh weie very hard to move. A generally lower basis was the rule gen erally, 10-ri3c. Toward the latter end of the dav a good class of steers sold around 33.10. nnd a very decent class of dressed beef steers at J1.S0. A considerable number were still In the pens at a late hour, with very low bids re ceived. BEEr AND BUTCHER STEEBS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. M... 1320.. .J3.15 40...1-C3...5...10 9.. .1201... 4.23 22.. .1222... 4.00 20.. .1016... 3.73 IS.. .1036... 3.M 23.. .1026... ::.23 1... 94)... t.; 2... W... .'.03 .13S94..53.10 tralia 700 bales: greay S'iBHUd. West tralla COO bales: greasy S?iW9V,d. New Zes 1.000 bales: gTeosy Sdgls 7d. Cape of ... S63... 4.4) 17.. .1107... 3.65 22.. .1013... 3.75 40... 918... 3.33 3.. .1213... 3.00 19... MI... 2.35 V.... CIS... 2.10 Butcher Cattle Bulk of receipts were butcher stock, of which a very large proportion ran con canner and pretty good kinds. The usual sm-ill pfCTcortion of good stock wa offered. Tho demand to-day wa centered principally on canners to gocd cutters, selling from Jl.&Oi 2.6), showing a steady range with jesterday. Hulk of ale being at $2412.50 for good canners and pretty fair cutters The gtiod cows landing from J2.75g3.33 were slow Fellers at very weak prices, but the worst feature of tho trade develored on the better grades of heifers, that is. good gra and fed kind, comparatively fw going above J2.23. The demand from killers to-day was very list less for an thing at all where thowlng good f!f"h. Little light heifers and steers, suitable enly for canners, but not having weight, are not selling near as satisfactory as the heavier grade, and these are confined to a very nar row outlet around JI.&0 No good bulls were here, offerings being of ransage grade, at 52.2512.50. Calves, topping at JS for best grades. Just Jl loner than a week ago. H...12t3 .. 4..V) 13... W, .. 4.2 29...11S9... 2.S". 25... !6S... 3.50 6... 9io... :. 6.'.. .1079... 3.15 to... 910... 2.!i3 IIEirERS. S'o. Av. Pr. No. Av. Tr. No. Av. Pr. 1 .. 577...53.S3 I... 660.. .53.6.) 2... 760.. .53.30 23 .. C7&... 3.40 S... 737... 3.25 3... u3... 3.f0 3... SOO... 3.15 2... 7S3... 2.3", 6... 6r.. 2.SO 16... S79... 3.00 7... 771... 2.90 7... 332... 2.73 13... 715... 2.C0 S... 6... 2.50 Cows and heifers: 14... 910... 2.00 COWS. 1...12SO... 2.35 1...1I9J... 2.35 4 ..1143... 2.13 13... S77... 3.10 1...1020... 3.15 1...11S0... 3.r H...24?... 3.10 1...1330... 3.10 3.. .1045... 3.00 10... 732... 2.C3 12...10S2... 3.00 12... 703... M3 7.. .1031... 2.73 4. ..1000... 2.70 20.. . 976... 2.70 20... 370... 2.70 17... Ml... 2.C0 7... 732... 2.60 1... 320... 2.60 3... 830... 2.60 2... SOO... 2.5S 1... SW... 2.53 4... S10... 2.55 1...11S0... 2.30 1 llTT... 2.43 1...11W... 2..T) 4... 823... 2.40 10... Mil... 2.50 4... 825... 2.40 13... SOO... 2.33 2... 730... 2.35 3...0103... 2.33 3... 3S0... 2.33 VEAL CALVES. 1... 110... 6.23 2... IS... r..23 1... 120... 6.00 1... 140... I..00 1... 130... 6.i) 2... 133... C.75 4 .. 137... 6.00 2... 120... 3.30 1... 100... 3.50 1... 120... 3.30 5... 100... 3.00 2... 160... S.dl 4... 1W... 4.W S... 280... 3.30 I... 12-)... 3.50 1... 270... 3.23 3... 260 DO I... U... 3.00 2... 343... 3.00 SOUTHERN CATTLE-A moderate supply of n;uuiern came arrivea. ana mere was a mucn laiger repreentatlon of Texas ,nnd Terrltorj' cattle than for some time, and the offerings graded a shade tetter. Some few 'lots of pretty good steers and cows were included In the receipts, but moat of the offerings consisted of cemmon to fair cows and common steers. Tha demand ruled very weak and uncertain and values were unevenly steadv to 10c lower. The early calf trade compared very favor ably with jesterday, but the late trade was very weak and considerably lower. TEXAS AND INDIAN STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. :.-... .lip'!.. .;. .'l... -,,...?.:.-'j HEIFBRS. 1...1020... 3.25 Cows and heifers: 23... C72... 2.40 S3... 6SI... 2.23 J... J23...J3.O0 S3... 71S.. ZO... 7)3., M5 COWS. .. 940.. .. 797.. 33... SJ9... 2.50 20... 822... 2.00 BULLS. 1...1190... 2.13 12... 743.. 5. . 7i... 2.13 1.S4 1...1320... 2.25 CALVES. (Per head). 62 S.OO .Arkansas and Tennessee cattle: STEERS. t..l 6. ..1043... 3.00 11... 63... 2.23 12.. .1022... 2.80 14... 652... 2.25 Stocker steer: 1... S10... 2.90 1...10CO... 2.73 1... C95... 2.27 30... 876... 2.63 11... 549... 2.0J . SM.. . 539.. . ).. 2.50 2.0-J 2.23 4. ... SIS- . 2.90 i 960... 2.00 530... 2.00 639... 2.C0 COWS. 1... S02... 2.33 ... til... 2.40 3... 4... 29... 1... 17.. MS... 2.00 MIXED. 25... ill... 1.S0 V BULLS. 4.. .1022... 2.23 1...1J49... 2.10 1...US0... 2.15 CALVES. 3 .. 216... 1.30 HOGd Another good liberal run of hogs was en sale, tho receipts amounting to around 11.000 head. Other Western markets were also well supplied, the total at the Ave principal ones be ing 83.200 head. Tlie local offerings were fairly good quality, but there was a liberal number ot plfu and Southwest lights Included. Buyers were bearish and tho liberal supply enabled them to make their purchases on a lower basis. The bist butcher and packing hogs showed a less of 5c. and the best lights. 100 to 390 lb.. for ship ping, were also only Be lower, but'anythlng not slrictlv good showed n. fterllnM nf -rk.- thi .n especially noticeable on the Uttle.plgs and lights. .iv u ij ma., Liuiy me inaxKet waa inclined to be slow and draegy. but later there seemed to bo considerable, more life, and about 10 o'clock prlces were a little firmer than at thA nnenin. The close was full steady and the clearance gocd. Good butcher and heavy hogs sold at SI eo-34.ii: fs'r to good medium weights and packers 34.35fi4.B5: lights above 130 lbs. average S4.30JM 62H: lights under 150 lbs. average 53.73 4.30: nigs under 100 lbs. J3.50ii3.75, and rcuglw and culls at 53.30al.3). Tlie bulk of the hogl weighing 130 lbs. or more sold at S4.5034.62j. against 54.5534 67J Monday. - Biic;t.i- Anotner goou run or sheep arrived, and besides a good representation of native sheep and laraba. there were several cars of Westerns Included. Tlie market exhibited nJ material change, all good fat 'sheep and lamb selllng. readily at steady to firm prices, while the half fat and common kinds were bareiy steady and rather slow tale, cull Iambs as usual were net wanted to anv great extent and sold extremely slow and Irregular. The stocker trade was unchanged, a fair demand prevailing foe th- hest, while common ones were slow sale. HORSES The regular horse market was ac tive, but principally m a retail way. About 10) head were offered In the auction prior to the opening of the' range horse sale, and met with a good, strong, active demand from the large number of'buvers present. Most of the demand came from the South, and most ot the offerings were adapted to that demand, few good Eastern horses being numbered In the run. Values on Southern horses have begun the week on n little stronger basis than last week, and this level waa maintained in the short auction held Tuesday morning. Consid erable business waa also done at private sale. The demand for good, smooth Southern horses la the leading features of the maxket.' Followlng, is a. list ot sales at yesterdays range Buie. 21 head at J43.50 31 head at 539.00 27 head at 534.00 31 head at 531.00 2f. head at 529 A) 30 head at 528.50 28 head at 325.50 27 head at 524.01 29 head at 520.50 29 head at 519.54 30 head at J53.00 n mules at JU5.00 15 head at S1.0O 25 head at 530.50 12 head at 532.00 27 head at 521.50 20 head at 128.50 2S head at 520.00 21 head at 523.00 20 head at 522.50 11 head at 520.0) 23 head at 22 head at 343.00 --3 mules at 894.00 MULE3 The run of mules has been very light since the week opened. Two days re ceipts have been only about 650 head, not count ing the branded mules that came In for auction sale. The number on the commission market has therefore been only a little more than half as many as last week. The smaller utply and the ract that dealers have been having a rlgr.r good trade from th" South have had a salutary influenc on the market, and the bnslnes shows more activity than for several weeks, consign ments have been moving out of first hands with notable raoldlty. especially the better grades -f fat cotton mules, nhich have been selling al most on arrival. The Tuesdnv- supply was not large, onlv about 3uo head being In th com mlsslcn pers. The increased activity is also carrying with It a little more strength, and de cent kinds nf muls ar telllntr a little stronger than they did at the close of las: week. 11 y Telegraph. Chicago. Nor. 22.-Cattl Receipts U.93: western 4 COu: market steady: good to prime steers Jj.S36.S: Door to medium R.oa3.t: etockers and feeders 3201.10: rows 51.2334.30: heifers SLi-oSS: canners J1.252.23: bulls S29 4.35: calves I3ao.0: Western steers 33.3385.10. Hoes Receipts 2S.O.10: market Zc lower: mixed and butchers 31.:oS4.79; good to choice heavv S4 651J4.7o: rough, heavv. Ji.35-g4.30: light 34.43 4.G0: bulk of sales 4.3:24.t3. Sheei-Receipts .-.uOO: market steady to lower. Lamb weak: lie lower: good to choice wethers J4.-JMI4.90; fair to choice mixed 31.3)64.23: Wetem sheep S?'rt4.73: native lambs t4.lofrC.15: Western Iambs South St Joseph. Me Nov. 22. Cltlle Re ceipts 3.S12: market steadv: natives t3.5ojr3.73; cows and heifers JI.30-J4.23: tocker- and feed ers 52.50(33.23. Hogs Receipts 9.751: market big: lOc' loner: light si.2:4.0: medium and heavy 14.40&4.70. Sheep-Receipts 4.636: market steadr: Western lambs J4. Kanas City. Mo.. NV. 22. Cattle Receipts 22.500: Including 301V Southern: market steady to l.c lower: choice export anddrssil be-f steers '!..:.: fair to good J3.30Jf3; Western fed steers J3.l3.0: stockers and feeders J2.23g4.10; Southern steers J2.3l4.25: Southern cows SI..V -..2.: native cowj. J1.3ua4; native heifers 52.50 j4.u: bull J2K3.50: calies J2.3.VS3.73. Hogs Receipts 1S."i0: market 5al0c lower, but cIol strnnir: top S4.80r bulk of tale- J4. K?4.73: heaw J4.T084.SO; packers S4.33S4.73: pigs and lights J.C0l.!'i Shep Receints 3.JM: market. 1Mi15c higher; native Iambs J.Mjrt: native wethers 14-2504.75: rative ewes J434.V): We-tern Iambs JLOtfC: Western yearlings Jt.25-J5.23: Western ehep J3.73g4.30; stockers and fe'dTS J2.50S4. RIVER NEWS. nine auil I'nII of Ihe Hirer I hours ending at 7 a. m.: For St. Louis. Nov. 22. 1504. Stations. Pittsburg , Parkerbi:rg .. Ci-.clnnati ...., Louisville Nashville Chattanooga. .. Florence Johnsonv ille .. nanv!lla S-:. Paul Dubuque Divennort .... Keokuk Hannibal Beardstown ... Grafton Omaha Kansas City .. Glasgow Boonville Hermann , St. Louis Chester Cairo Memphis Little Hock .. Vlcl-sburg .... Shreveport .... New Orleans . Rise. -Kail. Danger. Gauge. Chanre. 22.0 3.7 -0.1 SS.U 2.1 '0.1 50 O 3. J 0.0 2S.0 2.4 0.0 40.0 6.9 O.IV 33.11 1.0 0.0 16.0 .0.1 "0.1 21.0 -.4 -9.1 23.0 1.4 -0.1 H.O 3.9 tt.O 13.0 3.3 -0.1 13.0 4.0 -0.1 13.0 4 1 -0.2 13.11 1.'.0 23.0 7.0 -O.l IS.n 21.0 G.2 -0.1 IS.O 20.0 5.3 O.o 24.0 4.1 0.0 30.0 6.3 -0.2 30.0 0.4 -0.2 43.0 7.K -0.2 23.0 3.( -0.2 23.0 3.6 -0.1 43.0 3.0 0.0 29.0 -1.2 0.0 10.0 3.5 '0.S EDWARD 11. BOWIE. Local Forecaster. IUrer Forecast. The rivers In the St. Louis district will re main stationary or fall during the next 4S hours. HlTer and Bnalneai. The harbor gauge showed yesterday a.: feet. vi m. inn oi ,i in me last z Hours. Business along tho Levee yesterday waa light The weather was fair and moderate. To-Tlny' AVeather. Fair, with moderate temperature. Arrivals. Sp-ead Eagle Oraftcn City of Providence Jerferson Barrackn ii Ajtagnan Excursion Bald Eagle Peoria, Departed. Spread Eagle City of Providence D'Artagnan -..".. Crafton Jefferson Barracks Excursion ArrlvnU To-Dy. Stacker Lee Memphis City of Providence Jefferson Barracks DArtegnan Excursion Departures To-Day. Bald Eagle Peoria Stacker Lee Memphis ;ltv of Jefferson Barracks D Artagnan Excursion River Rlalto Brevities. Both the City of Providence and the d' Artag nan had good crowds on their two daily ex cursions. The freight business along the levee was very quiet yeterday, most all of tlie boats that carry freight being delaed by tho fog. M. II. Atworth of Daluth arrived In St. Louis vesterdiy on his yacht the Sea Foam, which Is considered by many around the levee to be the flnst that has ever been anchored here. sir. Atwoilh anchored directly under Lads bridge, and whilo In the city will stop at one of the hotels. By Tele-rraph. REPUBLIC SPECIALS. Vioksbcrg. Miss.. Nov, a The gauge reads u.6 feet, on a stand. Tho Imperial passed to the upper bends. The Cordlll is due. Weather clear. This morning at 11 o'clock tho tug boat Joe beay, valued at 5J3.00O and owned by the Monongahela Coal Company, was swamped In the river nine miles above here, off Young's Point, while towing a coal barge alongside or the steamer Imperial, and sank in SO feet of , . Tr ' "lu uc a l0ai iosa. and Engineer Walter Bobb. who was in tlie engine-room, wan drowned. Captain Dan Quln made a narrow escape by swimming out. Memphis. Tenn., Nov. 22L The river here stands 3.9 feet on the gauge, a fall of .2 foot in the last 24 hours The Sun departed at 4 p. m. for Fulton. The Alda departed at 4120 p. m. for Fulton. The City of Winona and barge Acm. loaded with produce from ths Upper Mississippi River, arrived this evening and leaves In the morning for New Orleans. The Rees Lee is due down, and leaves for St. Ixiuls as socn as unloaded. The Delta leaves to-morrow evening for Vlcksburr. Wheeling W. Va. Nov-. 2.-River 1 foot 9 Inches: stationary. Cloudy ; warm. No boat. Cairo. 111.. Nov. 22.-Gauge reads 7.3 feet. showing a. fall of .2 during the last 24 hours. Weather partly cloudy and warm. The Frltx arrived from tlie Lower Mississippi at 2 v. m. with logs. The Government snagboat H. ; Tv,Wi.,rri)?d from st- txul" at 3 p. m. The Wright will clear up the wreck of the steamer Morgan, which lays in the channel near tli point. Chester. III.. Nov. 22-Gauge reads C3 feet and falling. Partly cloudy and mild. Cape Girardeau, down at : . m., was detained by fog and got away for Commerce this afternoon. Chester arrived donn at 1) a. m. and departed foi-Comnierce at noon. United States steamer' "1d ''. "P Jl 2 P- m. Stacker Lee is still due from Memphis. Cape Girardeau. Mo.. Now 22. Stacker Lee up at 4 p. m. Cape Girardeau down at 3 p. m. and departed for Commerce at 3:30 p. m. Ches ter down at 3 p. m. and departed for Commerce at 7 p. m. All rackets badly delayed by heavy fog. River falling. Weather clear and warm. Paducah. Kv Nov. 22. River shows 6 feet: stationary. Royal to Smith Landing. Lula Warren due. Grand Tower. 111.. Nov. 22. Beaver up at 10:30 a. m. Cape Girardeau down at 120 p. m. Chester down at 4 p. m. The gauge yaas 9.3 feet and falling. Weather clear. Burlington. la.. Nov. 22. River S feet 9 lnchs above low-water mark: steadily falling. Weath er clear and warm. Tlie Nautilus In and out. Warsaw. III.. Nor. 22. Gauge reads 6. feet, a fall ot .3 In the last 24 hours. Weather clear anu cooi. oiuney pun'ieu up on me way to win ter quarters. Cincinnati. Nov. 21. River 3.8, stationary. One departure. Clear, pleasant. Louisville. Ky., Nor. 22. Rive- stationary. In canal 2.4 feet, on falls .2 foot, below locks 3.1 feet. Clear, pleasant. Pittsburg. Nov. S. River 1.1 feet, stationary at Davis Island dam. Clear, cool. Evansvllle. Ind.. Nov. 22. River stationary; 1.3. Clear; warm. STEAMBOATS. - - - - -- - - -,-,- -,'ir.rii.-i, w I'PPER MISSISSIPPI. "'''' ''--.----- -i 'ira-.-wTgnij , sin. IIKLLb' OF CALHOt Will leave wharfboat. foot of Market street. Wednesday. and Saturday, at 4 p. m.. for West Point, Hamburg, Mozlet's and all way land ings. T. G. BLOCK. Agent. fhone: .Klnloch. C223. Eeot- LOfl'ER 3IISSISSH-PI. Viai'i''- - ---- ii-ii-ii,-tri4rrvvTt)t?tiaj EAGLE PACKET COMPANY For Cape Girardeau and Commerce. Steamsr Cape Girardeau, every Monday and Friday, Sip. m. ILLINOIS RIVER "J?1-; and lntrmedlau Points-Steamer m,u uaais ,.,. iiniiiw.,, oe-noer3. at 4 p. m., from dock, foot of Vine t. Phones Main 233; Klnloch 1204C. rnones H. W. LETHB. Agent. CHESTER LINE Steamer Chester Will leave wharibcat foot of Pine st every Monday and Thursday at 6 p. rn, for-Ste. Geri evtive. Chester, Grand Tower, ripe Girardeau. Thebes. Commerce and all way landings, giving excellent . freight and passenger service, rfl phone. Bell, Maln 46A: Klnloch. A 112. JNO. E. MA33ENOALE. Agent. LEE LINE STEAMERS TO MEMPHIS saw Meals and. berth Included. Cheap freight, and passenger ra'es to Chester. Grand Tower Cane Girardeau, Cairo. Memphis. Helena. he Springs and V'rttsburg. ao' STACKER LEE. Thursday. Normal, u REES LEE, 8aturtlay..Nov. 285 p. m. " From wharfboat, foot of Olive St.: Phones Main 1CQSA. Klnloch A73X. Wm.E.Albltz. Com. Art. D.M.Connors, Gen. Act. ST. tons HAILROAD TI3IE-TABLI5. Airirala and Departure oC Train at Union Station. tjojij- "latcrnt Saturday ar.1 IK SSSSar. tlrSr and Sunday iSSnHuSalr. t.S'eVpt Monday. 1IIG FOUR ROUTE. .LAKE SHORE. NEW YORK CEXTTSAr. AND BOSTON AND -ALBANRYS. -23siri IwiaSrpoiii-LocaJPfVss - t7:0lam J4:5Jpjh N. Y Boston and ClrKlnnatl. -S-lf am Jg w an. and Old Pt. Comfort Uc'll.OO am 3 pm, NefeVkstS...- noon KM pr, ckM ifc-.l-oo- -0:25 Pm Mattoon and Alton Ji:-5,ES . Mattoon and Alton. i,5vrm "SO an N. Y. and Boston .E?.-...--..--1-':-0'f " Alton tralni'iVrlvc 1S:0O a. a.. !9:U i:43 d. m. . m 1:43 P. m. BLRLIXGTOX ROUTE. Hennlbal and Burlington.. ii.i) in ll.imllnl .... 2:33 am tS:J)trn 1:11 am s r" Qulnov and BurlLigton;....... Xj"1 ht. Joseph. Nebraska. Sattle "StM am St. Paul via East Side Line.. "S am 403i irn 7:19 am 43Spm 6:21 pm WUIM eiU'. "an--" ISl mm 'fit Til Kansas City. rS:.pmr JrJES b. i..i nnd Minneapolis '2:lj pm -.!' pni Kansas City ........ Kansas Cltv and LI Paso... St. Joe. Denver. Pac coast Burlington. St. Paul. Minn.. For Illinois, via East bide. St. Joseph. Omaha. Denver. Ixval from Hannibal 9:1) crn 0-sOari 11-03 pm 7:44a-.i . 2:1S pm ,0-5i pnv . -7:-ira '6:52 31 . '8:10 pm RMS am. . 9:01 pm 7:19 am tuatf an B. A O. S.-W R. R. Roval Bine Limited.. World's Fair I-lyer... Metropolitan Express, .... S32am ....ll:3Sam c.-0Opn 8:3npr-i S?7 nn .... Mound City txpress Exposition Special Fat Mall Cincinnati Accommodation... VIncennes Accommodation.. Vincennes Accommoilatlcn.. T-Uanv !11) pm 7:M am . '2:03 am '12:50 pra . ts:10am t652pri i . H:15am J9-30PM . C62I om ........ - Vlncnnes Acccmmouaiuin -r5.vpm "in:! anx Flora. Accommodation t!0?pm lS2ian CHICAGO AND ALTO.V. The Alton Limited, Chic-igo-'W-M am 5-2 pm Prairie Stto Ex., Chlcaso'K-Olpm lT Palace Express. Chicago "0M pm 2'ii . Midnight Special. Chicago...ll:40 pm S:10am Midnight Soeclal forPeorla.. 511:40 pm ----Mo. State Express. West..... 9-C-Jara j?t)" MlBday Special. Kan. City... '2.-01 pm .;.: pm Kansas City Night Express.. 9:10pm JaSara Kan. City Midnight LImIteU.ll:02 pm 7.JU am Sprlngfleld fcpeclal 9: am '80 pm PeorU Special 12-Manl II?-PS Roodhou-e and Mexico- -SOam TS:liPn Bloom.'ngton. via Jacksonville 7:30 am .J:I rn nioomlngton.vla Jacksonville :- pm 11-:4') pm Spring'd. Peoria. Bioom'n.... t2pm tlO pm Jacksonville Accommodation. 8:33 pm lO.nsan Mexico and Roodhouse. WaOam Spring'd Capital City Flyer. 7:13 pm T9:2iar. Ro-lhous Midnight Accom..tll:17pm -ts)am. Peoria Midnight Express "11:17 pm 21. :1. am CHICAGO. PEOniA AD ST. HICI III - Alton and Peoria Expr-ss.... '8:14 am JJA.'-t-i Alton and Peoria Mall 11:15 tun 523 pm Chautauqua and Spring. Ex.. 72 pm 9:30 am Trains arrlvlne at 99) a. m. via. vtorlds Fair station. Trains departing at 73 p. m. via World's Fair Station. FRISCO SYSTEM. Memphis Paenger T"cas and Ivanas Mall Chicago Day Express ., Meteor Cape Girardeau Local... Texas Limited Kansas Limited Chicago Night Express.. Western Express 7:10 am S'.lTpm, . 9:00 am : pn , -930 am '6:45 rnv . 230 pm "MS am , '1-00 pm 11-00 am , "S-Si pm 721 an , 921 pm -7-21 am 9:4! pm ..Jam Urm -Kam Valley Park Accommodation departs 650 a. m., 710:20 a. m.. tl:32 p. m., t3:50 p-m., tS-53 p. m 10:J4 p. m.. 17-20 p. ra.. t6:0S p- m.. 11:1J p. m. Arrives K:K a. ra., t7l a. m.. i":53 a. m.. 110:10 a- m.. 11220 d. m.. 13:40 p. ra.. 1S:5 p. m.. t7:49 p. m.. '11:13 p. m. Pacific Accommodation departs 823 a. m . 112:53 p rn., 7324 p. m. Arrives t&14 a. m . JC-23 a. m.. 11:21 p. m.. J7lp. ex. ILLINOIS CESTllAL. Northern Tlltnols Express 70Som Clilcago Fair Special S:40am Chicago Dayllaht Special '11:45 am 9:10 pm 3:20 p-r 04pm S.COam 7:43 am uuDuque and bpnngneia.r.... ';:i4 pm Chicago Diamcnd Special 9:10pm unica co -uiumgnt special.. .-1134 nm -?f5nm Fast Hall. South 8:24 am S:23pm .-iew jr:eins special -i:ijm -,:40 pm Accommodation. South 430 pm ll24nm Dixie river. South ':40pm IMiam Accommodation. Carbondaie.. 720 am 'S23 pn New Orleans Limited 11:13 nm "7rl? am Carbondale. Duqucln "921 am 1RO.V MOC?tTAIX ROUTE. St. L. Ft. W. & San A. Ex.. 221 pm 1:30 pm Texas and California Exp.... :30 am ?:30pm Texas and Mexico Express... S:4D pm 73i) pr Little Kocfc-Hct Springs Exp '9-20 pm 7:35 am Texas and Msxlco Express.... '8:40 pm 730 rrn rexas tixpress -s:i'i pm Fast Mall '2.-C3am Ml am 7-30 pm 100 pm 734 am 7:13 pm Local Exp Texark. to SL Lv Memphis Cxnress ... n:r) nm Belmont Passenger .. S:C am Cotton Belt Express., , Cotton Belt Express.. TrlaKaa V- ris-.a-rfii . -anapm :ian . "5-fOp-n 11:."1 am. . 1:16 am 'a.33 pm Fourth Street and Chouteau Avenue Stntlon. De Soto Accommodation - '530 pm. S:43am L., II. .t ST. L. R.Y. (Henderson Route I Fast ilatl O:..-v.."-S:30an-r-'7:lS'prT Trastero Expres '8:43 pm 6:43 an World's Talr Special 9:01 am '6:10 pm LOUISVILLE -VXD XASHYILLE. Fast Mall "s-3)am 7:1S pi-i World's Fair Soeclal 901 am '5:10 pm. Florida Limited 1:13pm 'l-JSp-n McLeansboro Accom 4:4Spm !ani Exposition Special :4rm '0:45 am Southern Express -950 pm 720an SIISSOURI PACIFIC R-ULTVAV. Fast Mall 'S-noam IO-03mi Local Express 7:25 am '5-50 pm California Express tf0am '" r.n Washington Accommodation.. 1335 pm tS:fOa-T Omaha Limited .... 4:10pm K:3)a.m Kansas ond Colo. Express. ..10:10 pm 7:10-tn Kansas City Express 205 pm 4-orpnv Jnplin and So. Kaa. Express 7:32pm s-ooa'n. Kas. and Nebraska Express. .1159 Dm 7:2 ) am Crave Coeur Lake trains leave Union Station C:13 a. m.. 9:15 a. m.. 11:30 p. m.. 71-31 p. m. Oak Hill trains leave Union Station f0:43 a. m . t!0:10 a. m.. 13:00 d. m.. t6:20 p. m. Klrkwood trains leave Union Station 7:0" n. m., 7:23 a. ra.. 1:40 n. m.. 17:30 ru m.. 53:40 a m.. 111:29 a. n. m.. 14:11 p. m.. 16:1') p. m.. 623 p. m.. 11130 p. m. .1IOI1ILE .VXD OHIO. New Orleans Limited -20om S:4Ipm Mobile. New Orleans 3:Ci0am 7-52 am Olrn and MlelsIpr! Exi.. -l!34 pm ':32 pn Murphysboro Accommodation. 1103 pn '0;42 am 31.. K. & T. RY. "THE KATT." C-IumMn, Selalia and S. W.. :1 am 3:30 pm The Katy Flyer '-32pm 7:27am Missouri. Kansas and S. W..ll:43 rm '6-30 am ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM. Kansas Cltv Paenger --oiam -9:07prot Kan. City & San Fran. Exp. 72! pm 7:V) e.m Union Paenger "33pm 9:03am SOUTHERN RAILWAY. St. Lonix-LonUvIHc Lines. St. Louis Exd. Limited 11:00 am -4Mpn Princeton, Altcn. etc 7-32 am 020 pm Knnceron Acc-irmo,ition louisvllle and Florida ... -.r.4 pm tior.v pm 10:10 rm "7:32 a-n ST. LOUIS AXD ILVSXIBAL RAnVWAY. (Via Wabash. Mall and Express 17:01 am ;11:H a-n Mall and Express 1330 p-n 16:3) pr ST. LOUIS SOL-TmVnSTERTr. (Cotton Belt Route.) Th- Texas Train 5:00 pm lliSOam Arkansas and Texas Express 9:13 pm 7:12 pm ST. LOUIS 3IERCHANTS' RRIDGB TERMIXAL RAIIAVAA" SUBURIIA.T TRAIX SERVICE. Eastboundr Leave Union Station Except Sun day. 4-0). 6:03. 6:10 a. m.: Sunday only. 53) a. m. Leave Hg'ith and Gratiot streets Dallv J1" a. m.. 12-08. 6:15. 0-30, 11:20 p. m.: except Sun day. 4:04. :1.. 737 a. m.. 300, S:03 p. m.; Sun day only. 324, 7-03 a. m. Above trains leave Washington avenue four iuiuuiro lain. m.; Sunday only, 6-00, 8:00. 10: a. m. Above trains leave Madison four minutes later. TOLEDO, ST. LOUIS ASD IVESTERN. (ClOT-cr Lent Route. The Commercial Traveler.... -S:3S pm 7-36 am Eastern Express 7:0) am l:44pn 15:49 pm 110:32 am 5730 pm !32iJam Charleston Accommodation... Charleston Accommodation.., VASDALIA LIAB. Pennsylvania Linen West of Pitts burs; Pennsylvania Railroad. The Fast Mall 2:30am -2:13 am The Local Express 724am 'IMOpm Jha Keystone Exprers "3:44 am 7:l)rm Sf Xe!T 7.?'. fJmit'4 '1230 pm "ISA pro, Ohio and Virginia Exnre-"..,12:45 pm 151 fm Logansport Jfe Ft. Wayne Ex. 'S pm '7:01 art ?-ew T?Tk E-P",Ms....:.'lI33 pm "3:40 rm Efftncham Accommodation... 3-50 pm i-i)8i The Plttshurc Special a-is pm --7:22 am WABASH. Continental Limited 3:00 am ISpm Pitts.. Bulfakv Montreal Ex..12?0 pm '8:01 am Toledo and Pittsburg Exp... T33am flll-ibunr. N. Y.. noston Ex. 903 pm -7:33 am Midnight Limited Fast 11:32 pm l:43pn Toledo Local Express 6:15am --3.-23 pm Cincinnati and Indianapolis.. 3.oo am '7:15 pm Cincinnati and Indianapolis.. -l3i)pm 3:04 am Jacksonville Loc-il Exprsss... ts:43am 17:13 pm r7i a ci v-nicago... -":-iiii pm -j'oa pnn Chlcagd fiDeelnl Banner Express Chicago".".". y:22 am U nm . 9:13 pm .11:32 pm . -9-nt am . 2:2o om 7 -si am x-0lam 6:14 pm 130 am &30 am Midnight Limited Chicago Kansas City Express.... Kansas Lily J-ast Mall., Kansas cltv rjmitMi ..'10:13 pm Vnn rtt lri..i-L. A" ,M..h i,, diiuiiicni tapectai u:wp-n -,:ijani Omaha-Council BIufTs Exp... r).0t am ISt pm Minneapolis and St. Paul Ex. '2:10 pm im fm ii:w pm tlani Ottumwa-Des Moines Exp... "-Jl am s:i4 S.,1 Minneapolis and St. Paul Ex- "9:00 pm 7-ooim West-Moberly ana K. C... 7-ot am siospm Moberly Local 5rapm H-wSai East-Decatur Local S00pm 357 JH Suburban Trains. Depart From Union Station: Ferguson 1S--3 K.0'. JS- P- ra- :I3 a. m.. M:) pf m From Olive Street Station: St, Charles, li-noa; m -15:40 p. m.r Bridgeton. 14:15 p. m.. tci? rt S '" Ferguson, nso a. m ,'120 p. m. ill? 5" - u:4a D. m. Arrive av union station: Ferguson. 10-3O a. m - MrJ.!'-V"'. "t- rergu-ua. 430 n. J,",.?;, tl -S'S .Sl"et. iftfel. M. CharJei1 tiJ-r.'.'-'-.'.'.: "-.. .-iu4ocn. T6-- a, -m.r uiiuiEtuii. -im-aii n tti -in X HI m 9 )5 IT - . ITlOll -WORLD'S FAIR 8TAT101. FerrJson AccommodaUon....tlO:lo pm twin pta fe " '- i.. "i . - Iti f"5t,.TB.. --.. . rr.:j.-.iS-lK-r.-i. .iu.;!, Si--s?. Sjilliiiiiiiiiaanl , j-r..J .. wi.-?y- i tf"' i- -i-. -..-.