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THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1904. j(3 J I .'. fA 4 5i -si1 . .4! '3: i FINANCIAL TO THE HOLDERS OP CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT FOR ST. LOUIS TRANSIT COMPAOT STOCK: The undersigned, aa agent for Brown Brothers & Co., syndicate man ers, trill, on and after the 22d day of November, 1904, be ready to deliver Voting Trust Certificates of United Railways Company of St. Louis Common Stock for said Certificates of Deposit, upon the terms therein stated. You are therefore hereby notified to present your Certificates of Deposit for Transit Company Stock for such exchange, on and after said date, at the office of the undersigned. No script -will be issued for fractional parts of Voting Trust Certificates, but the same will be bought or sold, as may be tho desire of tho person presenting Certificates of Deposit. THE NATIONAL BANK OF COJOEERCE IN "ST. LOUIS, Agent. AMERICAN EXCHANGE BANK ST. LOUIS. CAPITAL, $500,000.00. SURPLUS, $650,000.00. ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. 3 PER CENT PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. MlinillLLmst. EFHRCK CATUR, TICS Pntt to :q:oxi:d:e2:ei.s op Consolidated Tobacco 496 Bonds. Continental Tobacco Preferred Stock American Tobacco Preferred Stock. We will exchange the above Bond, and Stock, for the atrr securities timed la thrlr stead by the American Tobacco Co Particular, furnished oa appllcatloa. FRANCIS. BRO. & COMPANY, 214 NORTH FOURTH ST. WILLIAMS, YOUNG & CO. STOCKS GRAIN COTTOTT. Laclede Bid., Fourth aad Olive St a, St. Loul. Western Correspondent of HAIGHT & FREE8E CO. SEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON. Will mail, on request. 400-page Illustrated "GUIDE TO INVESTORS" and "DAILY MARKET LETTER." "DetennlDlBK the character and financial responsibility of your Broker t. .. Important a. the selection of right stocks." FINANCIAL. WAgWMvvVMWWW)AAM WHITAKER & CO. BONDSakd STOCKS ORDERS EXECUTED ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE AT MINIMUM RATE8 OF COMMISSION. PRIVATE WIRES. 300 I. FOURTH ST. STOCK MARKET BREAKS AFTER OPENING HOPEFULLY. NORTHERN SECURITIES DE CISION ONE MOTIVE. Special Cause of Flurry in Money Placing of $10,000,000 Pennsyl vania Oar Trust Bonds. New York, Nor. S. Tno opening deal ings In the stock market this morning rave every evidence of a renewal of strong npirmrd movement. Price, were generally higher, .sd the volume of activity was Considerably above that for several days post. It wa. evident that advantage was taken of the higher level of price, to market stock. Thla has so frequently been the action of the market through the recent period of its advance that not much apprehen sion was caused, especially as new points of strength were developed and large buy ing ordora passed from one to another. The fact that only one or two stocks were strong at a time, aroused the suspicion that the market was being supported for the purpose of realizing. The existence of this suspicion made the market vulnerable, and when the rate for call loans flurried. to 4 per cent in the afternoon, stocks came out freely from all quarters of the room, and prices broke rather precipitately. Some of the features of strength had nominal explanations for their advance, but the subsequent market caused the Impression that the advance fbould have been manipulated for pur poses of sustaining the market. 3he electric stocks made wide gains, the heavy demand for copper pointing the argument that electrical Industries are very active. The special movements in Atchison and Louisville, and Nashville were based on corn and cotton-crop pros pects. There was some accumulation of Read ing, but its early advance was- fractlonaL. There was enormous absorption, both of "United States Steel preferred, and of the sinking-fund bonds and tho operations were attributed in large degree to the operations of a pool. Colorado Fuel was the only one of the independent steel stocks to show marked sympathy. The movement in Brooklyn Transit and Man hattan was paralleled by that in Inter borough Transit on the curb. BALANCED BT CURB. On the other hand, the persistent heavi ness of the Pacifies on tho Stock Ex change hod Us counterpart In the decline of Northern Securities on the curb. The motive seemed to be disappointment over the further postponement of a decision In the Northern Securities case. But these scattering points of weakness were en veloped in the latter decline, which over came the -n boie market and wiped out the gains In the few strong spots. The special cause for the flurry In the money market, was said to be the plac ing of over JIO.O0O.O0O of Pennsylvania Car Trust bonds. But many larger transac tions than that have been conducted In the money market in tho last few weeks without disturbance. It was perceived this morning that some of the largest recent lenders of money were not in the market, and those who delayed fllllnc their re quirement until late, bid up the rato to the -per-cent level. There wore no further engagements of gold for export, but the foreign exchange market continued Ann, Last prices were only slightly above the lowest and the closing tone was weak at losses, generally of between 1 and 2 points. Bonds weakened at soma points In sym pathywith stocks. Total sales, par value. tt.535,000. United States new is advanced i on call. Yesterday's Dank Clearings. Yestiroir aearin-c-hous statement showed learlncs yi0.03.oo, balances C.M7.SJJ. St. Lonis Money V&rkct. Zraamctloas at th banks w, u urge toI- U A. IHTAILE. CllltT. U S)NCHAIISLOR,IUt. Cish'lr ums. There was a good demand for call and time loans at 44 to per cent discount. STOCKS AXD BONDS IX BOSTON. Boston. Nor. a. Closing quotations to-day on money, bonds, stocks and ralnlns- shares -vera mm follows: MONEY. Call loans S3H per cent; time loans 40S per cent. Atchison adi. is.. Atchison 4m , 934 .101 Mexican Central 4s 79 RAILROAD STOCKS. Atchison gs Do. pfd 102T4 Boston & Albany. .253 Boston & Maine.. .1(56 Boston Elevated. ..154 Fitchburg pfd 10 Mexican Central... 22U N. T.. N. H. & H.liftii Per Marquette... 73 Union Pacific lllli MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Am, Am. Cham. Do. pfd Am. Pneu. Tube. Am Sugar. , 20 S3 E7 113 .1594 General Electric Mass. Electric,. Do. pfd :. Mass. Gas Lnlted Fruit ISP 16 61 414 uo. pro. .10J4 Am. Tt A Tel lis United Shoe Mach. M Am. Woolen.. 22H Do. nfd .-, Dora.. Iron & Steel ITU Bdlaan Else IUnr.SC Do. pfd 314 C. S. Stwl ;;ij Do nM tail Wefitlnchouss com- 80 MI-VINO SHARES. Adventure ... Allouez Amalgamated Am. Zinc.... Atlantic Bingham . Mohawk mu Mont. Coal ft Coke 14 Old Dominion. .17 . 95 ...irT ueceoia - Parrot Qulncy Shannon Tamarack ... Trinity U. a Mlnlnr. U. 3 Oil Utah ...tO'i ..12) .. SH ..137 ::y ::& ..107 Calumet & Hecla.67o Centennial 29 Cooper-Ranee. 70 &m-teei ..... Dominion Coal. Franklin Granby Isle Royal..... Mass. Mining.. Michigan ... is ... 614 .... 13 '." 2S4 Victoria wtnona Wolverine ... Asked. Mlnlnr Stock. In Jew York. IT-X0. N.OT- 2t Closing quotations to-day n mining stocks were sa follows: on Adams Con Alio Breece Brunswick Con... Comsiock Tunnel Con. Cal. ft Va... Horn nlivr .. 20 I Little Chief .. er Ontario ...-UlOphlr .. 1 'Phoenix Potosl ..170 savam ".1,??lsirr Nevada,.. ..310 Small Hopes.... "JJiXandard ... i ...300 ...300 ... 15 ... ... ) .... 3 ... ....190 Iron Silver Leadvllle Con On-arsd. Bond Qaotation. at If ew .York. ?''. ,or--- Jf0T- a. Following are the doilni guotaUons for bonds on the Stock ExchaniTu? Yw Si telonllng 2s. registered... United States refundln. 2s. coupon United States Js, registered United States Ss. coupon United States new 4s. registered... United States new 4. coupon . ,Vn'-J States old 4s, registered "... United lltates'old 4s, coupon ""I""! Atchison central 4s.... Atchison adlustment 4s AUantlo Coast Line 4s .."..'. Baltimore and Ohio 4 ... Baltimore and Ohio Jrts. .1".".".".'. Central of Oeonrla ts.... ...... ......" Central of Geonna 1st Inc "" Chesapeake 'snd Ohio 4H tl""!!!!! ..IO414 . .1045 ..104 , ..ldu ..1304 ..130 .:106! ..lUbVi ,.105-1 .. WVi .. S9H ..103 V, ..MM ..lUi :a8 -"to ana. Alton 3HS S2M Chlcairo. Burlington and. Qulncy new 4a.."looi4 Chicago. M. ft St. Paul aen. 487.....".." .. .iioi? Chicago, n. I. ft Pacific R. R. 4s.....-" CWcwro. . I. & Paxlflo R. R. col.- ts. 12S'. ... IU. ... Mil ...103 ... H ... tm. ... S3 ...101H ...103 ... SI4 ...HI ...110 ...103H ...103S ... TJti :::? ...102H :: ...W)"4 ...135-4 ...lOSU. !"l01U ...1045 ..10! ...102-4 ...U6U, ... Mi ... 97 ... (-, ...121 V4 ;:-jfe ..114K ... SH4 ..118 ;.. ts ::: S" Chlcajro Terminal 4ji , v-. vl-iu-u du duis aen- s ConsoTldatod Tobacco-4s- Colorado and Southern s '" Denver and Rio Grand 4s Lrle prior lien 4s Erla general 4s - " Tort ; Worth and Denver City 1st..!.'."".'.;' Hocklnr Valley 414s I". " Loulsvlll and Naahvlll unified 4 Manhattan consol. gold ts.. Mexican Central 4s " Mexican Central 1st Ino """ Minn, and St. Louis 4s ....:..;"""." Missouri. Kansas and Texas Missouri. Kansas and Texas 3s National 1R. R. of Mexico consol."ii;ir;i" J.ew Tors. Central general SVis...,.!..".. New Jersey Central general !?.:.!.:...:: Northern Pacino U Northern Padflo Ss " '-" JS?1 JIF-L Western consol. ss III"" Oregon Short Llns 4s and portlo...;!! Pennsylvania convertible Jfts. Readlrur reneral 4s iw TV,'. & -n Moun'ln co'nol"6s:." St. Lou s and San Francisco funding 4 St. Louis Southwestern lsta.... Seaboard Air Line 4a..;... f-uthem PaclOe 4s '" "- Southern Railway Cs Texas and Pacific lata TS.',e-0-T,--t-.i-0'?--1 "d Western is'.;-.:-.;"' Union Pacific 4s , Union Pacific conv. 4s United States Steel 2d 6s ! Wabash lsts ! Wabash deb. B ""V. Wheeling and Lake Erie 4J""" Wisconsin Central 4s Colorado Fuel conv. Cs Offered. Chlcngo Stock Market. Ngo0,Sd.B,.K.u,t..ran . uh American Box com. I"!II!! Su 52 Do. nfd. ..J? .?? American Tin com "" o. pfd. ..i-..n; Domestic Exchange. Reported by Whltaker ft Co. exchanr brokers. No. S00 North FourUi-etreet: cnancr v. tv-i. Bii- Asked. Clrclnratl ..., 25,; Ji, ,' i0ivtll .......... hco,, gj New Orleans- J5c dli par Jfe-rr York Money Market. Nsw York. Nov. 22. Money on call atronr and higher-. ZMSi per cent last clean;- closing K4 and offered at J; tun loans steady; 60 and 90 days H per cent; six months Jxet. In the Ian half hour the rat again advanced' to' 4 per cent, but closed at XU. Among the tenders of money to-day were J. B.'Morgan ft Cc. who had not been actlvo In th. J, .il. ,"2 many znontlis- Prime mercantile paper 4404" Kv. w.w w.-.,.. vcii.ise mm, vntn actual ualness In bank t bill at 4.S715&4.8720 for de mand and at for- 80-day Mi's; posted I rates 14 and 4.7S4.H: commercial bills 4.J4. Mexican dollar 47c Government bonds nrm-raJ!road bonds Irregular... Treasury Statement. Washington. Nov. 22. Available cash talance H43.IO.CS0: gold. tSLZS,eM. UNITED RAILWAYS STOCK SELLS SHARPLY LOWER. MISSOURI TRUST STILL AD ' VAXCIXG. General Tone of List Is Good, but Outside Buying Interest Is Small. Trading In local securities was mainly in tne traction Ishucs. United Railways pre ferred was the weak i-pot. St. 1-ouls Transit receipts and -slock were about steady at JS.T5, but the preferred, under selling pressure, cased off from $03.62',; to $67.75. The 4-pct-cent bonds wcro flrmly held at $S7.C3. The only other active issues were Mis souri Trust at Jill and Mississippi A'alley Trust at $34S. There was a fairly good inquiry for mis cellaneous Issues, but holders, were unwill ing to let go at current priics. This was especially true of the Industrials. YESTERDAY'S SESSION. Closing quotations: Bl.l AsVfd. ...J 6 0) S.75 ... t.Si .75 ... 67.SO ... s7.w ... iVI M . ... ... ajj.00 305.0) 314.00 . . 17;. CO ... 317.3") 31S.O0 .. 113.73 114 CO ... :.' w M);.a 25).0 ... 12.01 13.-W H.trtj ... M.15 ... Jl.tB St. Louta Transit ' St. Loul, United ltallnas pfd United llallnays 4s lioalmen's JIank!cde llank .. National Hank or Ocmmcri.e. State National Hank Mu&ivslnpi Valley Trut Mlsouil Trust Commonwtalth Trust St. Louia Ln:on Trust National Candy com Catertnc- rom Central Coal and Coko com.. Centml t'oal and Coke nfd Hell Telephone Simmons Ildw. Co. com nj.(-0 American Credit Indemnity.... 1MI.O0 Mlssourl-Cdlson 5s .'.. lOl.o.) Hro.tdnay 5s 103.1-0 Consolidated Coal 1Z..0 rhlcago Hallnay Equlpinent.. 7.03 Union Depot Cs 115.37!j Little Rock 4s Sl.S Missouri Electno Light s Granlte-Bl-Mttallic K4 116.W .4-1 Sales: .0 St. Louis Transit Receipts at J 8.73 10 St. Louis Transit stock at 5.75 23 United Itallias pfil. at GS.I124 25 United Ratluav. nf.l. nl l....r.l LI 1W United Rallwnjs pfd. at ts.S w vtiniru JuiiinEijs pin. at............ liVW 95 United ltailaajs pfd. at 7.i5 3 United Hallna)s pfd. at 6i W (3 Missouri Trust nt 111. 00 10 Mississippi Valley Trust at 343. W Aeir York Curb Stocks. Reported by G. H. Walker & Co.. No. 207 North Fourth street. Close - Bid. Ask. American Can com 94 v1-; Do. pfd. Ml; 54 American Lt. and Traction com 70 73 Do. pfd sa British Columbia Copper 6", Electric Boat com 41 Do. nfd t,i 10U 7 4j Electric vehicle com.. IS uo. pfd. urcene Copper liaana Tobacco com 33I5 Do. pfd 431-. Interborough Ilarld Transit 13S " International M. M. com ll'i Do. pfd -Ji Mackay Company com 34i Si 47 13"s 12 Do. nfd. 74 Manhattan Transit Northern Securities Otis Elevator com Do. pfd .-. Pops Mfi. Co. com Do. 1st pfd Do. Id pfd , Seaboard Air Line 'com Standard Oil .". Tennessee Copper Toncpah Mining Union Copper ., United Copper White. Knob Copper , BONDS. Brooklyn Union Gas deb. Cs.. Con. Gas. deb. s U. S. of Mexico lit Cs Standard Mill 1st 5s , :::::u& 4S4 S) s 32 'j 19'j 123 7i 117 49U lW-j J 334 MS 1SS 33 -.14 4 10 14 13 100 M3H 91 - it. .1M . ,.100 New York Stock Quotations. New York, Nov. 12. Followlr.i; are to-days J-'-Lf f "oc n the Stock Exchange, showins the highest and Io-est quotations and closing bids: RAILHOADS. Sales.nish.Lo-v.Close . IS.-)") S7' Kh ,. 1,7) l(li-4 !Cs l'J-" . 14,"W S7'j S64. .', "o a is 91 93 Atchison 1M. pfd. , Baltimore and Ohio Do.nfd Canadian Pacific Central of New Jersey... Chesapeake and Ohio Chicago and Alton !.W 134U li2i 132H 1SS 5,i 50 '4 43V. OH 100 43 43 42 uv. piu. .................. ...... .... , .. J.- Chicago and Great Western S3,70 13t 2l'i 2i; Chicago and Northwestern 2,4i) 1"2"4 "x3 l'-s' Chicago. Mil. & St. Paul.. 5L5W 17j 172ii JI3'i Do. pfd ;: in" Chicago Terminal & Trans. 4.2vo icii 1; uv. Do., pfd. 7.9)0 ;7. ', u2 .. V... V. O. . OU13.... ...... .... ... Colorado tSouthem SCO 23 23 Do. 1st pfd do. m ptd ; Delaware and Hudson 2,400 137 IS; Del.. Lack. & .t JS 22H il'z .... 313 2H4 7.11, i5S SI li 72 53's 53U K'J 33S Denver and Kio Grando. Do. pfd , Ens ..: :.: :. Do. let pfd S10 31-4 200 S5 43.3)0 0 2,yi0 73- , 1.-.M fSS 1.SU0 E5J. Do. -d nfd. Hocking alley Do. ptd Illinois Central lowa Central Do. pfd Kansas City Southern )lv :) yi 3.S00 150'.4 1 I) n; UUU ) &) -")i 2") 53t4 "WO E3S 64 ie ... 2s; uo. pia. 53 M'i Loulsillle and Nashville.. 17.SJ0 H0i4 1S1J ltvi Manhattan L e.IOi 16S 1C7 157 Metropolitan Securities .... 3,ouo lis, sm 133; Metropolitan St. Ry 6.10O 125. 124 123S Minneapolis and St. Louis cj Mj. St. P. & S. Ste. SI.. 0) 92 91U. J! -,P- Pfd. w ns )6lJ 144 Missouri Paclne lT.dO 1034 107S lOSH Mltsouri. Kansas and Tex. l.t. 34S !. ZZ S ..D.-Jw i.00 63! 62:J S at- 5- ? Sc -"Hexlco pfd. 1.C03 44'2 43'i 43 New York Cential 4.7i-9 1M 134, 13li Norfolk and Western 4 9 73U 7i4 7i4 Do. pfd 1.1C0 91 94 ) Ontario and Western 5.20-1 42 47 40U Pennsylvania. ........... 48,100 U5H 135H 135U -..'. ., -. ut ou Afuia. . . ... 111.200 77 'i 7,V4 S 81 33H S CS 24'i S3S It 35 7oH 8", 73t p. 65 21 13 es'i S4S 5, 2Si, Do. 1st pfd Do. 2d pfd , Rock Island Co Do. pfd , St, L & S. F. 2d pfd St. Louis Southwestern.... Do pfd Southern pacific Southern Railway Do. pfd Texas and Pacific Tot.. St. Louie & West. Do. nfd. SOT IS'j 1C0 fO 38.CW SS'i 5.900 M luO 65J 1,2-X) 23U 1,900 51 W.ltO 6514 28,6'jO 35, 4'10 ;v 4.10O 37V, 230 321. 31 SI 34 KH Union Pacific Do. pfd. ... .. 1.IIM nl!4 ..I12.2JI) HSS lll1 114 .. J.OW 9U 94S 93 v abash 2.9W 21 235, 23S G.700 4Sr4 451, 43", Do. pfd. Wheeling and Laks Erie, Wisconsin Central , Do. pfd Mexican Central , Southern Pacirlc pfd -lv 41 EXPRESS COMPANIES. Adams Aim.fri,caJ?. 1 2'" United States mo 12J Wells Fargo ! MISCELLANEOUS. Amaliramated. Conner irvtrjia v.ti 235 21S 120 240 3CH 2IS 2Ji 22'4 2.1W 49 47. 47H 17.30) 231, 22 22J 2,40) US 117U U7i! 7Si 7S'4 314 3m SS", iss 34U 31 .... 93 Si SJi 2 37t 17S 1CH 40 SS American Car and fdry.. 4.0V) 324 Do. nfd. 1.301) tlU American Cotton oil Do pfd. American ice .Do. pfd -.... American Linseed Oil Do. pfd. American Locomotive .... Do. pfd American Smelt, and Rfe. 1.100 34U l.roo 1.20-) 3QI? 1W 17fi 10) ) 9.700 334 ri.s nn ,a-.,7 .. .-7. 00 1(L!14 lllll- Inil'. riJ, .i' .- " 2.500 S3 79S Wi 1A. TIIO. 1 -VH 11JF- ,1, ,,, American Sugar Refining, lilooo 132i, uiu 11914 Anaconda Mining 2.IXO 115U 117 113 Brooklyn. Rapid Transit .. Colorado Fuel and Iron., Consclldated Gas Corn Products , Do. pfd Distillers' Securities General Electric International Paper , Do. pfd .- International Pump Do. pfd, National Lad North American , Pacific Mall Fecple- Gas , Pressed Steel Car , Do. pfd , Pullman Palaco Car Republic Steel Do. pfd : , Rubber Goods Do. pfd -.. Tennessee Coal and Iron United States Leather .... Do. pfd , V. S. Realty and Imp..., Urtlted States Rubber Do. pfd United States Steel Do. pfd.- -.1 Westlnghouse Electric .... western Union . is un 69', 67"4 68 47.200 49 47i 47?i 4.100 21SH 2171. 217. 5.000 23- 21 24"4 2.M SI " SIU SOC 3.M-) 3C4 341, 3Si S.SO 194U li9 hjC 2.HO 2-), I9ii ijiZ 5M 78V, 78 78 300 4l, 4-) ii'4 "fi)9 2iij S 23lj 1.2W 1 1034 104 3.3 4S'4 43 41'4 t.'JVl loy; M7?i 107 5.100 2S 33i 3514 W, M 83S . 10-J 23U, 231U 229 2.500 17i IS! is 68 H 23U 8714 74S 1U 93 834 324 SSiJ 6SS 7414 SI 32U S7S 2,000 24S W) 871J 5.70.1 7C'i 20.000 14?t 1.9-)0 IK CuO E4U 3.00.1 33S 900 tS'4 tt.SOti 2i. 137,M 9.Ji !I5s S9!4 ITSli HA D.JV )& 5) 92I, ai. SIu Total sales for, the day. t1.371.50 shares. Tfew York Cnrb Market. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. New York. Nov. 22. The curb market was somewhat Irregular to-day, but reactions were less marked than on the Stock. Exchange In terborough Rapid Transit Jumped 4 points from 15 to 160. It closM at 139. Greens Consoli dated Copper was marked up from ZWi to 29".. with a 'late reaction to 2Sii. Tennessee was eased off from SSJ4 to S. Northern Securi ties van advanced at the opening, but the forco of thtf persistent Inside-selling, which has long been la progress; told In tho late dealing. When the stoefc ytrooot 'tn, UR. ImarlM. r- preferred shaded Ofufrom 53 to 5214. Japanese j6s, when Issued changed hands- at 69 and.SSH. w. ab lucuuuui iiuiu x ii, -j. pe. cent over me Issuance price. Rock Island nw refunlng bonds Improved from 95'i to S64. Standard Oil stock 'eaped off from 4213- to 24. Turpentine and Rosin. "Savannah, Nov. 22. Turpentine nominal. SOc. -Resin Brm: A T? C. J2.55; V. E J2.62H; F O-JO; JJ JtM; W. G. U5; W. W. IS. WHFAT SHOWS RFMARKAP1 C .QTRCMQTU "'"-" """" . .umn, FROM FIRST Oats Cover Wider Range of 1-4 Cent, and Provisions Strung on Buying by Packers. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Chicago, Nov. 22. Because the Liverpool market responded to the Influence of wet weather In Argentina, rather than to that of the decline In American prices, with an advance of Z'M1. because liquidation had for the moment tun Its course, and still more because of tho lar?e ahsorp tlon of wheat by Annoti- jctcrday, the local market opened str'-ig and excited, from -Sl'io higher, with anxious cover ing by scattered shorts, who had been banking on a continuation of the de cline, on profit-taking and Felling by local traders, who feared the Armour wheat would be on sale on any bulge. There were reactions; but at Its weak est May showed a gain of c at S1.004. and touched 1.10. a net advance of lic. Heavy offerings here forced another sharp break, but on all the dips, instead of liquidation, was a fair speculative de mand, and tho market alu'ays mlll.d. closing at Sl.CJ-'i sellers, a net gain of lUc lor the day. Dec. gained lc. July closed 7c up. ' Tintle was of smaller volume than the day before, and the market nervous. There was no Important change til conditions. Northwest receirts still heavy, the flour demand and the milling demand fcr wheat generally rather dull, nlt.iouh there were some scattered Indications of improve ment. Local scalocrs were timid about bujing. for fear of getting another flood of Armour wheat on the bulges, and pos sibly becaus-o of this sensitiveness there were no marked symptoms of Armour bell ing, anil some open Duymg by mat in tercut at the close. Tho early buvinc was led br Bartlett- Frazlcr and by Spencer for the St. Louis Dull coterie, tepiacing sales or 3'esteruay. There was selllne on the bulges of Re quena. Kneeland. Logan-Eryan and Pea cy. The Southwest sent renewed com plaints of drought damage and buying or ders. A local miller had a hid from Lon don for 5.&X) nick? of flour, the first In a long time, only 7c out of line with the wheat market at yesterday's close. The local market was dull po far as millin; oemaud was concerned, and low grades dracglng, hut there wa3 some spec ulative buying; sales altogether, 4a.UW bu. COI5N RECEIPTS DROP. Corn receipts dropped to a lower figure than grain men. who had been expecting arrivals of 1,WJ curs a day this week, looked for. only 233 cars, according to the tstimate represented on the sample ta bu s, and under a fair shipping demand and covei ing Ly dealers who had been un able to llll sales made for shipment from the country by November 20. cash prices recovered l'c. This was an Important influence In the pit. where prices ruled strong, closing near the top at gains of nearly fc for all de liveries, Dec at 49c sellers. May at 437(0 bid. Local cash sales were about 200,000 bu. The good extort demand at the fco board of 4W.W0 bu. and rumors that West ern corn wa arriving East In poor condi tion disturbed shorts who covered freely on the upturn around 4:-c; for May. There was, a great deal for sale through com mission houses OATS IN WIDER RANGE. Oats covered a little wider range of Uc, but there was no Increase in speculative activity, trade dull and the strength of rorn the Important influence, under which there was an advance of Jic In all deliv eries. Cash prices were steady, the ship ping demand moderate, sales SO.000 bu. Country acceptances are light and so are receipts. 101 cars inspected In sheet, and to-daj's arrivnls estimated at 27 cars. Provisions were strong on buying by the Cudahys of pork and ribs. On the other hand, the smaller packers were selling. Hog receipts 33.CO). estimate 43,000. and prices Dglfc lower. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York, Nov. 22. Flour Receipts 53.123 bbls exports 642 bbls.; sales 4.S00 pkgs.: mar iJ7 "l'L,"?'.', "ctically l0: Mlnnetotl pat ent lamp 20. I'.ye flour firm. Buckwheat ?t?Jr yA CoV st-ady. Rje nominal Barley steady. Wheat-Receipts 3S.OC0 bu.: sales ,.iw.(,o bu. futures; Epot firm; No 2 red fi-"..r-,- h. afloat; No. 1 Northm Duluth iii.J'r- bi anMt: Ko- 1 tard Manitoba nominal f. o. b. afloat Options had a strong hVhVi TiX22y.i on b""h Arcntlne news. H?E'r verpcal ?aII. dry weather wet and acme covering. In the afternoon ther reacted under realizing rales, but steadied up- again neallv. clo3 ci at i-eiii,. .t t..K.; i.i.i-Ti piriA., - i . .t. .:.., . -,.-i'"viT .7171.411- T,Vl ei , f'S, .May -"fil-BTs. clcs-l July S1.02SS1 03'1 clossd J1.02S: Dec. Jl 13';$ 1I,6,.,.olos-d Jl.10', Corn-Rcelpts 23,023: 7Xj.. - "' ',".: no.vw du. spot: spot, steady; No. 2 nominal elevator and SUe f. o b afloat: No. 2 jellow KVjc; No. 2 wiiuo SSHc' Siti,L. J?1?i5,",ti " f3 Ii-m.c,r on,tter cables and i,il.,'ii'a,,-,,?.-n-?, 8! h'?h": Hay closed 6M50: St0-. 57sSJ7!4c. cls?d 57'4c. Oau-Re-"lpiV.J5$ir?-u,: "' "raJr: mixed ciST-la "!"- Jl'iffSo'Jc: natural white. 30B32 lbi , pi!3.'ic; oippe.l white. 3iS) lbs., 37g40c; op-R0n,s-,';,!,' iet irregular. Spring bran fi: "id''n,$?:3. Hav quiet. iFopsfhlcti. leather and ool llrm. Beef st-ady. Cut melts ?v7..rf lc!tle1 be,ii" S8S4c. Lard steadyl Western steamer J7.50; Nov. clod 37.50 rom inal; refined steady; Continent 7.&v S. A. S3 23 f'Sound Hiw4c. Pork steady. Potatoes steady. Tallow firm. Cottont-ed oil easv; prime Mo asses lira"' tur"entln 'c-- Rico a?nl Clrclnnatl. o.. Nov. .Whisky Finished Ecuie at ji.24 .1..11. -rt watt-. ..':--. "" -" v. yuia 1?Vr r, . ....,.,. rt i"iijsv. ..iav 4.hc Duluth. Minn.. Nov 22. Wheat To arrive: .- r"1 'l-P1'-: Xn- do. Jl 01?i. On trk.: No 1 Northern 31 10S: No. 2 do- lio,- n,p Jl.C9'i: May Oats-To arrive and on Irk. 2tSc. Miroicapolls. Minn.. Nov. 22. Wheat Dec S10SM: Mav SLim: July :i.cr4: Sent. J3"ic: No! 1. hard J112V.: No. 1 Northern S1.10i4:"No. 2 Northern Sl.K'4. Klour First patent. W3S.10: seconds do. J3S5fi5 93: first clears J4 3SQL4: serrnds do. J2.7taS5. Bran in bulk J13. Kansas Cltv. Mo., Nov. 22. Wheat Dec. SJ-OIU: Slay J1.01S: July SOU: cash No. 2 hard 51 i4:.,x,,i.2,n,-W1: No- SflcQSl: No. 3 red No. 3 Jl.n2Sl.04: No. 4 90cJlT Ccrn-Dec 42US425.C: May 41HC; cash No 2 m xed 4SWr4St,-; No. 3 41B45Hc: No. 2 white 4.WG-!Sc: No. 3 white 43yI4Gc. Oat No 2 mixed 30c: No. 3 white Jlc: No. 2 75t?7Bc Hav steadv: choice timothy J9S9 25: choice nralrle 57 ...flR. Receipts Wheat 45.TO) bu.: corn 24.000: oats 9,. shipments Wheat S7.200 bu. : corn 13 S-V)- oats 24.0v. Toledo. O., Nov. 22 Clo erseed-Cash J7.53; Dec. ?7 57W: Feb. J7.67U: March $7.72V: alslke. prime. J7.VI: timothy, prime, Jl.27j- Pecrla, Nov. 22. Com quoted active; higher: No. 3 new 43V4344!4c: No. 4 new 42H4c; co grade new 42Kc IJverpool. Nov. 22. Wheat Spot nominal: futures quiet; Dc. 7s lUd: March 7s 2T;d: May ,s -Vd. Corn Spot American mixed steady: 4s 9d: futures steady: Dec. 4s 9d: Jan. 4i 5d. Chicago. Nov. 22. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady. Wheat No. 2 spring fl.0S31.lS: No. 3 No. 1 red 5Ulai.l3. Com No. 2 fjc: N'o. 3 yellow 57Hci Oats No. 3 31H32c: No. ! whlto 32",c: No. 3 whlta 30'iJ 3c. Re No. 2 TSo. Barley Good reeding 38 "-' " " v-..,v moitum ,.,...,.. lutoiui! I Hat. nn-1- ..A- 1.1.1 ,, ,-,,, A. .. in- I .v.3 i"'in. ,-v, .'!,,. ., 1.,'lt H.VJ, H1U, tier JW lbs. J.32i4fi6 53: short rlhs sides (lorn.). ! C3. SS7H: ohort clear sides (hid.) S6.75fl6.S7Vj. whlky, basis of hlghwlnes, JL24. Clover, con tract grade, J12.23. The Visible. New Tork. Nov. 22. Special cable and tele graphic communications received by Brad street9 show the following changes In available supptle as compared with last account: Wheat United State and Can-do. east of the Rock ies, decreased 723.000. Oats United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decrease,! 871,00). Th leading increases reported this week are 742.00 bu. In Manitoba. If3.9 bu. nt depot har bor. S3.O10 bu. at Portland. Me.: S3.W) at King ston and G8.OO0 bu. at the Milwaukee private elevators. The leading decreases are 400,000 at Northwestern interior elevator?. 110.000 bu. at Loulsillle and SG.WO bu nt the Chicago prl vato elevators. Dried Frnlts. New Tork. Nov. 22. The market for evap orated apples Is quiet; demand very light. Fruit Is offering for future delliery at conces sions from spot quotation and tho tone of tho market is easy: common are quoted at ZQ 4lic; prime 4"4?4Sc: cholca ES.'Hc; and fancy 6ft6j4c. Prunes rhow no new features. Coast adtces indicate a steady tone, but no quotable change in prices. California fruit on spot Is quoted at from 2s to 6c. according to grade. Apricots are flrnr. with supplies small both here and on the coaet. Choice are held at 914010c; extra choice at lOUBWic: and fancy at 11 ft 13c. Peaches are In practically the same position as apricots. Choice are quoted at 9Uc; extra choice at 9"4ai0c. nnd fancy at lOWJllc. New York. Nov. 22. Beeves Receipts S75 head; market dull; cables quctedr live cattle and sheep steady. letfrlcerator beef slow at 854c per pound. Exports to-day 810 cattle. 1,2) sheep and 4.400 quarters of beef. Calves Receipts 113 head. Veals steady. Grasers un changed: veals S53S50; gras-crs J2S3: com mon westerns S2.73: dressed calies quiet; cltv dressed veals. 7jrKc per lb: countrv dressed SSU'ic Sheep nnd Lamb' Rece'ptB 714; price about steady; sheep $3514.23; no choice here; culls J2i92.o0; lambs J6S4.20: culls J34 rO. Hcgs Receipts 1.645 head: market steady; prlmo medium stato hogs J5; cholco light pigs J3.10. Dry Goods. New York. Nov. 22. In dry goods buyers show continued anxiety for delh-eries. which In many cases they are unable to secure. Con tinued export business Is reported and the out look is for additional orders from tills section. Converters are among the most active of the home trade, and many are in urgent need of goods. Jobbers are slightly more active locally. ..ull uiuumuiii TO LAST OF SESSION Chain of Influences Combine to Uold Corn Quotations Firm. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Chicago, Nov. 22. Delay to harvesting in Argentina, owing to wet weather, caused strength in wheat here to-day. At the close the Dec. option was up l'.c. May is up lgl'sc. corn shows a gain of r-io. oat3 are up ic nnd provisions SS20c. iTom Initial transactions to the end of tho session, the wheat market exhibited remarkable . tre-ngth. At the opening Dec was up lWHic. at Sl.Oi'iSLOD, and May tic SHiC at JlOJii-gl-K!1!. The advance was largely due to higher prices in foreign grain markets. Liverpool cables being up d, notwithstanding the i-evrro break here yesterday. The treni;th abroad was tald to bo the result 'f actlvo buying caused by reports fiom Arg-n!!na claiming that heavy rains had delayed harvesting In that country, i'rom the start, shorts were eager bidders for wheat, but offerings at lirst ac-e lirrlted. A little later there wa9 .ome s-'-iling as a result of liberal receipts 'i t le North west. There was also consl'1-r ililc p.-ntit-taking. which Anally resulted in a tllsht reaction. At Sl.OS's for Doc. however, shorts again bcam active 1 uyer.s, and prices started on another .ipwird move ment. Throughout the remainder of the day the tendency was toward a higher ltiel. SOUTHWEST NEEDS RAIN. A number of reports were received from the Southwest, stating that ram i3 great ly needed, and that much damage is be ing done by drouth. Another bullish con sideration was a decrease in primary re ceipts. Strength of cash wheat at Kan sas City was also a factor. Hlsh point on Dec. for the dav was reached at Jl.OD". May touched !1 10. The market cIopv'1 with Dec at SLOOli. Mav closed at 51.0014 ai-GDs. Clearances of wheat and flour vero equal to 12.&M bu. The world's visible supply, according to Bradstreefs. increased 3.&X,000 bu. Pri mary receipts were 1.3C2.200 bu.. compand with 1.513.2'") bu. a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth nnd Chicago reported receipts of 1.227 cars, agairst 752 cars last week and ll.OSS cars a jear ago. CORN. Strength of wheat, small country ac ceptances and higher prices at the samplo tables were factors that held the corn market firm. The volume of trading was not large, business largely of a scalping character. Dec. opened zc to "sc hlsfher at 4i5ic to 4HtJc. sold between t'aSKc and 49Hc nnd closed nt 4?c. May ranged between 434c and lCc and closed at 45T(,W 40c. Local receipts were 6S7 cars, with 4 of contract grad OATS. Influenced by tho bulge In wheat,t the oats market held Ann, but the volume of trading was small. Dec opened a shade higher at 2Sc, sold up to 23c and closed at 2S7,g23c. May ranged between 31',8e31J,ic and SIHSSHic nnd closed at Sl;c Local receipts wera 101 cars. RANGE OF FUTURES. Opening. Highest. Lowest. Closing. Wheat- Dec ....l.OHai.M May ....1.09SS1.94 July .... 9SHS 93S Corn- 1.19 1.10 LOSS 1.091, 97. 1.094 l.WttfS 9S4 Dec .... 4S: 43'i Mar ....43Ufl43SeS 49H 48Si 43 45T,fS 437, ti 451? Julr 45H 46H 431 uais Nov. .... .... .... .... Dc .... 2!i 29 2bS May .... 31S SlSflH SlHa". July .... 31S 314 314 S Mess Pork Jan 12.45 12.80 12.43 May .... 12.30 12.75 12.M Lard Jan .... 6.924 7.024 f'.MH Mas- .... 7.10 7.174 7.10 Short Ribs Jan. .... 6.424 6.324 C.424 May .... 6.M 6.674 6.571, RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENT3. Rec. Flour, bbls 21.600 Wheat, bu. 124.3W Corn. bu. 679.GM Oats, bu. 132.3-XI Rye. bu. S.OOO Barley, bu. J22.700 23T;S33 2ST.329 31S 314 12.60 12.724 7.00 7.174 6.50 6.674 Shlo. 17.9)0 47.000 127.20) 152,300 9.900 19,300 PROVISIONS. Persistent buying of lard and ribs by packers caused a firm tone In provisions. At the start the market was a trifle eas ier on liberal receipts of hogs. Later prices rallied and the market closed Arm, with Jan. pork up 17HQ20a at 12,5TU'2 12.60. Lard was up 5c at $7. Ribs were S5 7Hc higher at G.50. Estimated receipts for to-morrow; Wheat, 48 cars; corn, 233 cars; oats, 37 cars; hogs. 43.000 head. The Board of Trade will be closed Thursday, November 24. The Metnl Market. New York. Nov. 23. The London tin market cabled a plight decline, with spot closing at 122 10s and futures at 122 5s. Locally, prices were without material change on tho average, though outside ouotatlons were shaded. Spot Is now quoted nt S235?29.174. Copper also was lower In tho English market, with epot quoted at 66 and futures at 66 7s 6d. Locally, the market was steady at recent prices. Lake Is held at JI4.S74S13.12: electrolytlo at S14.73S15 and casting at 314 53til4 75. Lead was un changed at J4.2014.7) In the local market and at 13 In London. Spelter closed at 23 5s In Lon don. The local mantet also shows firmness around J3.755.S74 for spot. Iron closed at 62s M In Glasgow and at 45s 3d in Mlddlesboro. Locally, iron was firmer; No. 1 foundry North ern, No. 1 do. Southern and No. 1 do. do. soft are quoted at J16 67317.23; No. 2 foundry North ern at J15.23S16.75. Coffee. New York. Nov. 22. Coffee Spot Rio steady: No. 7 Invoice 8c; mild quiet: Cordova 10 13c Tho market for coffee futures opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 6 points. Cables were unlnfluentlal. In fact there seemed to bo nothing to stimulate activ ity In cither direction, but It soon developed that near-by tonrs were Inclined to switch Into the later position, and In accomplishing this the list weakened slightly, with prices at one time showing a net loss of i310 points. Toward the close Importers became active buy ers, however, nnd rteadlod the market. Prices were finally net unchanged to G points lower with eales of 100.205 bags reported Tho fresh business Included Dec at 6.e07J6.63c; Jan. 6.70O; Feb. 6 9"c: March 6.0a.l1c: May 7.03 67.20c; July 7.2io: Sept. 7.4Og7.50c. Sngur. New York. Nov. 22. Raw sugar firm: fair refining 4 S-Wc: centrlfucal. 9 test. 4 11-lSc. Molasses suear 3 1S-16C Refined sugar firm. New Orleans. Nov. 22. Sugar Strong: opn kettle, centrifugal 4U04 9-l6c: centrifugal whltos 4 13-lSc: yellows 4HS4 13-16c: seconds 32f4t;c. Molases steady; open kettl 2MJ30c; centrifugal 7323c Sirup steady at ISSSOc retroleum. OH Cltr. Pa.. Nov. 22. Credit balances nm- certificates, no bid. Shipment 10S.SO3. average S01J7; runs 33,568. average 71.842; shipments. Lima 6S.363 average 6S,402r runs, Lima 21,283 aerage 61,093. Wool. Mo. ft 111. Ark. ft South Med. (fleeces). 27 ff MM. (loose). ..23 a Plight hurry.. .21 9: Hard hurry.. .15 Tex. I. T. ft Ok. Med. comb, ft cloth, mxd... Clothlnr Low & braid. .: Burrv ft clear mixed 23 Slight burry...23 Hard burry....l7 Light fine 22 Heavy fine... .16 Lamb 25 North. & West. Bright med....2-S Dark med 23 Light fine 20 Heavy buck.. .13 MM. (12 mo.)..2S B23 Coarse ft low. .19 I.lght fins. 29 Heavy sandy.. 13 Tubwashed NO. 1 C27 24 No. 2 31 Durry 2ft Argora goat. ..26 Hurry 12 Hides. In demand and firm. 26 &26Vi S23 323 i4 5 is Wet Stock Dry Stock Western roand Si Texas heavy M Ark. ft South, do... 54 Texas fallen 1611 No. 1 salted lot; Texas light 10 No 2 salted f'n Native 6',4 Fresh 4c per lb less. Arkansas 164 Part salted Uc less. Glue 10 Bulls H Dry salted 1314 Glue 5 Raccoon No. 1 large SO No. 1 medium .... 65 No. 1 small 10 No. 2 50 No. 2 20 Opossum No. 1 large .. No. 1 medium No. 1 small .. Vo. 2 No. 3 60 40 lSBJO 15330 No. 4 10 u Trashy worthless. Red Fmr Mink No. 1 large 2.00 No. 1 mMlum .... l.fl No. 1 small 1.W No. 2 1.00 No. 3 40 No. 1 large .. N'o. 1 medium No. 2 N'O. 3 No. 4 Gray Fox No. 1 large .., No 1 medium No. 2 No. 3 , No. 4 Otter No. 1 large ... No. 1 medium No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 Wolf Prairie, round. .. 2.00 .. 1.60 . 1.C0 . 50 ..15S25 60 . 60 40 23 15 .39311 . 7g8 . 3.00 . 1.50 No. 4 15 Skunk- Black 70373 Short, stripe d? Narrow stripe 30n4o nroad stripe 1315 Tcxaa I35JO Territory 23B40 Blue or unprlmc less. Wild cat.... Civet cat.... Badger House cat.. Muskrat ... Bear .....WflM .. .l.'U 23 .... S23 5910 ..imrca ..308 J2 .Jbfi7 . 9810 limner JlgliBeaier Northern 20 per cent more. SUMMARY OFST. LOUIS MARKETS Thero was a reaction In yesterday's grain market, following Monday's sharp de cline. As thero liad been a great deal of overselling, it was not difficult to put the market up on generally bullish conditions at home and abroad. Though there wa3 still a disposition on the part of many traders to sell, tho offerings were very well ab sorbed and a conslde-ralilc portion of tho previous day's losses was wiped out. Altera good strong opening on higher cables and renewed talk of drought In tho Southwest, thero were occasional recessions, but the market was further strengthened by reports of crop damage in the Argentine, where thero was said to be too much moisture. Thus both rain and lack of rain were used for the benefit of the bulls. Tho Argentine news was believed to have been the main cause for the foreign advances. This raised a. hope that American breadstuffs might be put on an exportable basis and there was a consequent Improvement In the cash demand. A falling eft in receipts here and at other primary points also had a bullish effect. Corn, though dull, was strong. There wa a. scarcity of contract grade, thou;h total receipts were larger than on the corresponding day last year. Dec. wheat opened HBc up and closed l'.s-Sl'ic up. Dec. corn opened So up and closed J4c up. Dec. cats closed !Bc off. Receipts of produce were In fair volume, but there was a good demand and prlcc3 of fruits and vegetables were generally steady. Local securities were dull. United Railways preferred eased off 'and trust company issues were strong. Yesterday's bank clearings were $10,023,150. balances 51.027.K3. Discount rates were steady between 4'i and 6 per cent. Spot cotton was '.4c lower In the local market. WHEAT FUTURES ADVANCE ON BULLISH WEATHER. DROIT; HT IS AGAIN A FEAT URE. Too Much Rain in the Argentine and Scarcity of Contract Grade Help the Buying Side. Wheat values were on tha advance in jesterday'a market. Overselling and gen erally bullish news put an effectual check which sent prices crawfishing toward the dollar mark at the previous session. Thero was not enough rain In the Southwest, and too much In tho Argentine. The re sult was good, strong markets both at home and abroad. Though thera were occasional recessions, all offerings were well tnken. and prices were sharply high er at the close. Dec. wheat opened ?i5gic up. ranged from Jl.OStt to tl.W1,, and closed lHSUic up. Bradstreefs report the available sup ply of wheat cast of the Rockies for the past week at 2,3,000 bu. increase, and stocks in and afloat for Europe In creased 8)0,000 bu., making the world's visible supply increase 2.639,000 bu.. against an increase of 5.51S.00O bu. a week ago. and an increase) of 5,631,000 bu. in 1'ju3. Though total receipts of corn were large thera was not much contract grade In sight, and values were further strength ened by the advance of wheat. Closing prcies were moderately higher than on Monday. Dec. cam opened He up, ranged from 44Ho bid to 43c, and closed lic up. Receipts of wheat at St. Louis K.727 bu., of which L212 sks. and 55 cars local and 15 cars through, cgalnst 125.S45 bu., of which 731 sks. and 124 cars local and 14 cars through. In 1S03. Receipts of wheat nt primary points for twenty-four hours 1.33I.C00 bu., against L M4.0CO bu. In 1H3, and shipments 7SS.00O bu., against l.UO.OJO bu. Northwest received 1.109 cars, as compared with S54 cars in 1J3. Chicago received 121,318 bu. and Kan sas City 51,300 bu. Clearances 15,600 bu. Receipts of corn at St. Louis 43.230 bu., of which 35 sks. and 45 cars local and 3 cars through, against 30,030 bu., of which 395 sks. and 23 cars local and 10 cars through. In 1S03. Receipts of corn at primary points for twenty-four hours S25.C00 bu.. against 455, 000 bu. In 1903, and shipments 1SO.O0O bu.. against 205.0CO bu. Chicago received 67S.6CO bu. and Kansas City 27.0U) bu. Clearances i,4t0 bu. Receipts of oats at St. Louis 32.400 bu., of which 20 curs local and 4'cars through, against 53,400 bu.. of which 32 cars local and 12 cars through, in 1903. Shipments 27.4S0 bu. Receipts of cats at primary spo!nt3 for twenty-four hours 3CS.0"O fcu., against 523, 000 bu. in 15C3. and shipments 334.000 bu., against 3S3,f0 bu. Bradstreefs reports the available sup ply of oats east of the Rockies for the past week nt S71.000 bu. decrease, against a decrease of 4SS,0M bu. a week ago and a, decrease of 717,000 bu. In 1903. Cash Grain, Flour, Etc. WTfEAT Bv sample. deL: No. J red at $1,134 .,'; ?idv.:Co-. J "9 ' 1:-02 for Western to JI.0JSl.l2r No 4 at SSc3Jl.C5: No. 2 hard at JI.07 an4 choice Turkey worth 11.09: No. 3 hard at S1.024CM.OS4: N'o. 4 hard at 96211.024; o2 white spring at S1.03. CORN But little demand and that mainly local. By sample, del.: No. 2 nominally 4S0 Vf P?"1 .00 oM: ! 'ss'd at 45c now and !?j o- 4,at i2 mainly and 45c for fancy; no-crndo at 4)c: No. 2 vllow nominally 53o-St0- r low sold at 474c new and 644e old: -.jThUe nominally C3o ana no. 3 do. 51C52c .OAJ? ?v ,ajnile. del.: No. 2 at 314c: No. 3 at 304c. Including colony: No. 4 at 3-yas04o-No. 2 white nt 32S324c: No. 3 white at 31l3 32V,ii?.,i wh" ?l 4iI31c: red at 8c FLOLR-Soft winter. In wood: High patent I3.tves.4a: epeclal brands SS.50ff3.e3: second pat ent extra fancy J4.S0ft4.90: dear J4 23 04.50- low and medium grade In sks. Hard winter ta Jute sks.: Patent S4.eoji5; straight S4.6.34.70: first clar JIB4.25- second clear $3.1063.60; low-grade T lieJeitoo. Ry? flour in wood HS1.10: In lute sks. JS.7S33 Cornmeal $2.60: pearl meal, grits and hominy "MII.LFEED-Basls E. trie, and In iocs: Bran ot SS&SSc for hard and S7c for soft wlnte on djrect order, soft winter at S9c: mixed fed at S.c for hard and 59c for soft; mlds at SOc to SI At mill, bran lobs at 86363c and snips at,. HAY Basis E trk.: Timothy. 113 for choice. 11.TSH.W for No. 1 and $8S. ana Ktjj tor low-grade; clover-mts-d jsgio for No 1 $: 8.30 for No. 2 and J) for low-grade: prairie sJS for No. 1. $589 for No. 2 and $537 for 5ow- ryflg? trt': "at 1M - S-50" FLAXSEED-$1.10tt bid. spot or to arrive. prompt shipments. LEAD Ordinary Missouri salable at J4.S38 SPELTER-3S.65 hid. Curb Grain Markets. ,6,'nv?UI.rM.?s..wh'lt $1-"So sellers. Puts to $1.11. and calls $1.12i; to $1.1341? .,ii3.'Tauke-D!C'- wheat: Puts $1.03 and calls $10S)B asked. .,M,?h,5;?t-Iut3 l-0S431.CS; asked and calls Ji.10sul.104. July wheat Puts 37-,c and calls S9c bid. Dec. corn Puts 4C and calls 494c bid. May corn Puts 43o mid cal's 43ai4c Minneapolis May wheat $1,114 asked. Puts $1.10H askM and calls Jl.12Zffl.12H sellers: St. Lonis Clcsd Monday. Wheat Deo. ..1.07H-, b May ..1.10i8I, b July .. 95 b Future Prices. Ranged Closed yesterday. Testercay. 1.0891.09H 1.00 A.liM JHJ.19H l.USOa 953, 96 b 9Stb iorn Deo. 444 434 44iJ!i 43 ift 44 ? it 4Jb 5 May .. .. May 29H 31U b Stocks of Grain In Store. Yesterday. ...3.33).73J ... 1.612 ...1.124.4M S.52S ... 31.WS Monday. 3.2SC.5M l.St2 1.123.S11 O.S-13 34 474 1.047.312 5ef 1.151 3.31S iJistTr. 4.346.363 9 5?6 RS.3S 27.S51 91S1 3.121.4H 35S.326 J.653 3.103 28.192 6.S7S Wheat Corn Oats , Rve Barley No. 2 red wheat , No. 2 hard wheat No. 2 mixed corn No. 2 white corn N'o. 2 mixed oats No. 2 ry .l.OTO.lsl . 56.2l . 1.131 '. 6X.346 . 4.704 Produce. BTJTTER-Creamery extra 2S264c. firsts, separators. 22324c. seconds, .suae: country packed 114c. and choice roll 12c: ladle- packed extra lie, firsts He: dairy packed, fancy 208 siVVf5r t0 fcr. UOlte: Northern roll lSS17c. EOOS-ReccUed 1.07S pkgs. local and no pkgs. through: shipped 2,475 pkgs. Market steady at 23c for current receipts; repacked stock higher: ca count, cases returned, at 244c for strictly fresh firsts and 26c for extras, city packed. cases Included. CHEESE Northern, on orders: Twin. 12c: singles. 134c: daisies. 12Vc: Toung Americas. 124c: long horns 12Se: New Tork twins, lite: llmburger, 114512c for choice; brick, 8S9c for common and 13c for choice: Swiss. 16c fcr choice. LIVE POBLTRT Fowls 6,Sc: old roosters 4e staggy roosters Sc: spring chickens Js for average: turkeys 13c for average; poor and thin less: ducks 13c: geese 9c; guinea chickens $2.50 p-r doz.; pigeons $1 per dor. DRESSED POULTRr Scalded Undrawn, with head and feet on: rowls 84c: roosters 64c: turkeys 144c for choice; ducks lie; spring chickens 104c. GAME Woodcock auctabls at J5 and grass S lover at Jl 50 per doz. Wild ducks, per doz.: lallards $3.25: blue wtcg teal J2.75; green wlrg $2.25: mixed $2: Jack snipe $1.23: deer car casees 12c. and venison saddle 2022c -per lb Wild turkey 12c Rabbit $1.10 per doz. Squir rels Jl per doz. Pralrlo chickens $9 for large and $7 for small or Texas; pheasants $3; quail $3.80 per dos. VEAL Cholc to fsney. 100 to 123 lbs., Sc; heretics, small and thin. 24934c FROG LEGS Choice large sj.73; medium $1.23. and small SOc per doz. FRESH FISH Black bass 13c: crapple 6e for small to 9c for large: dressed cat 10c: spoonbill cat 74c: bullheads dressed 8c; gross 3c; buf falodressed 5 he; cross 13c: German carp Iarg dre"d 2c. and gross 2c; sunflsh 3c; whits perch 3Uc; dressed sturgrcn tc; striped bass 6t5c; turtles 3c for snapping and 3c for soft shell per lb.; terrapin 6uc per doz. Provisions. PORK. F. O B- New standard mss In a Jobbing way closed nominally at $U.4. LARD Choice steam on E- side nominally at 6 70c Kettle-rendered 74c. , GREEN HAMS. ETC.-Car lets nId f. o. b. E. eld thus; Hams 10-av. at 9Se, 12s at 9c, 11 at S'.c 16s and ISs at SHc. 2Cs at SHc Skinneil ham lCs and 18-S2T and 2224s. all at 5',89Uc: callfornlaa at t-.6Uc; N. T. shoul ders tl-)012-av.) at 64c Bellies 6-38-av at 10c: 10-av. 9c; 12-av. 8c; 14-av. 84c From tn block, del.: Hams at 7ItI3tic as In average; tallies at 64c to 9Uc as in average; California. 55.C. N. T. 6houIJrs BHc D. S MEATS To arme: Lcse cured Cribs closd nomlnallv; 4943-av. at 7.13c and 50-av. at 7 ICc c. a. f Bxd. lots In a Jobbing way ranged thus: Extra shorts at THc: crlbs at 74c: short clear at 7l.c: bellies at 5c to 8c; plate and fat backs at 6Uc; standard backs at 7c Dealers charged higher on crders. BACON Boxed S. C. meats In a Jobbing way ranged: Breakfast bacon from 54c for "heavy to 13c for choice light, hams at 10c to 104c: Callfirnlas at 7UC: New York shoulders at 7,.c Plain smoked bxd. Uts In a Jobblaa; way ranged: Extra shorts at 84c: c'rtbs at 84ct short clear at 84c: bellies at 94c to 94c: plates and fat backs at 7c; standard backs at S4c Dealers charged higher en orders. COUNTRY LARD Quote new. la palls, at O 64c. old at gras price. OLEO STEAUINE Ncmlnal at 6ic TALLOW-Qucte countrv N'o. 1 at 44c: Now 2 at S4c: cake at 4Hc Packers prime nomp nal at 4e4'.c ' GREASE Quote: Brown 3S34e. vellcw 3UO 34c, and white 4434sc latter for choice. Packers' stock: Brown SS35ic: yellow 3Vi634c: white 44c nominally. BEEF-On orders: Bbld. Plate $7.23: roll and Fulton market $S. mess $7.50; dried, per IS. Set 124c; lnsides 13c: knuckles 13c: outsldes He: ungues I24ei3c Frnlts anil Vegetables. ' The Republic quotations ars for lots in first hands unless otherwise specified. Small lots en orders are charged higher. GRAPES Choice, sound New York cr Penn sylvania Concords, climax baskets. I761Sc and poor stock from 12313c; bulk concords at lyo H.c per lb. Catawba, pony basket. 16c QLINCES Chclce Eastern at $2.5061.73 per bbl. APPLES Northern and Eastern mixed vari eties 1LNS2 for ordinary to $2.3032.(5 fcr choice to Si.,052.75 for fancy Klnr. etc; green ing JL.iai. and Baldwin $22.10. River re ceipts Ben Davis at JlUl.V); wlllowtwlg $1.23.9 and other varieties 75cL2S. Bulk green ings, del., 80&90C per 160 for hand-picked, and Ben Davis 60o70c PEARS Oaertngs of Kellers large and mar ket weak. In bbls. New York Duchess at $1.73 for No. 2 to $3 for fancy; Kcters $1?LS0; near by Kelfers. 13c per 4-bu. basket- ORANGES Florida bright JI.SCsJ2.7S; Jamai ca $2.5032.75 per box; Louisiana navels $4 per box; fcauuma and maiiderlns $1.50 per 4 box. CALIFORNIA DECIDUOUS FRUITS Pears, per box at $232.25. according to kind. Quinces 5cSSl. Orapes Comlchon $L6031.73. Itallaa X prunes $1. POTATOES Quote Iowa at ZlSSta for com mon to fair: 37U40C for choice; Wisconsin and Mlnne-ota. skd., at 43Q43c according to Quality; LEMONS Now Messina from stors 33.5oC4.15 and California $131.54. MALAGA GRAr-ES Quote at $4.5084 per bhl, ORAPE FRUIT Quots Florida at X33.50 per box. BANANAS Quotable at $1.2332.60 a b-meh on orders. COCOANCTS Per 1.090, 33. trk, $3.80: Job bing way, JS.75per ICO. CRANBERRIES Quot choice late varlstles -t J737.73 per bbL and carry kinds front $3.;r. PINEAPPLES Choice Florida Spanish red 'la a Jobbing way at $2.73113 per crate; Cuban, la bbls.. at I1.50S1.7S per doz. ONIONS Quote ordinary red at 00390c and choice globe at 70075c; pickling onions 3I.50&S per bu., looso for horte-grown. CABBAGE New- Holland seed $3.S- per ion aei. ana aomesuc 4 per ion on trc; rea SAUERKRAUT New city make, per bbL. $2. to. ard u-bbl. $1.10: casks 50 gsX. $4. CUCUMBERS-Cholcs Northern at S2.S0Q2.7S per crate of I doz.; cholca hothouse $1U1.2S nsr doz. TOMATOES Cbolcs stock at $1? box: home-crown 50fi?3a oer bn E .50 per bu. iuiiir iiome-grown waniec. ur200 prt bu. loose for Cat to SOc for globe. BEETS Home-grown 29630a per Ira. box. LETTUCE New Orleans head lettoos at $3.504 per bbL Quote at 30S33c per bu. Iocs. BCANS Choice Florida round rreen J3.230 3.30 per hamper and wax at $383.23. CARROTS Home-KTOwn 40343c per bo. loose. OUMBO Quote new Florida at $3 per (-basket crate. SPINACH Quote at 23o per bu. PARSNIPS Home-grown 40330c per bu. loots.'" CELERY Demand very good; Michigan largs open crates (6-8 doz.). $1.75. and white plums 30e40c per doz. bunches: Kalamazoo (small) 1J, C124c per doz.: home-grown at 204220c per doz. Celery rootB 25S40c per dos. GARLIC Quote new at Cc per fa. and Im ported at 7&3C per lb. SWEET POTATOES Quota home-grown new Bermuda at 20940c per bu. loose; red Nanse mond 45360c and yellow at 43C55C HORSERADISH Quote new at $134-50 per bbl. on orders. CAULIFLOWER Home-grown $1.1301.25 per bu. loose: consigned at $L253L3S per crate. RUTA-BAGAS-Quots In bulk at 32323c per fcu. del. SPANISH ONIONS-In Jobbing way at JL3 per crate. SQUASH Quota Hubbard at 60c per bu. loose,- EGGPLANT Florida at $233 per hamper. SHALLOTS Quote New Orleans at XfcSc psr. doz. . . RADISHES Quets New Orleans at 20-ffTJo per doz. Miscellaneous Markets. FEATHERS Prtmsi white llvs geess ta small sks. 53c and in large sks. 56c; prime gray do. 41c In emsll and 40c In largs sks.; old white S$9 40c; X 273 33o; XX 17320c; XXX 10312c; XXXX Cc; tars 10 per cent on small ska. and 3 on largs. Duck White 2S33SC:, dark 2S930c Turkey Body dry 4c Chicken Prime body c " RejOTS Glnenr $6.50 to $7 for average rs--. -celpts extra large mere and stemmy, weedy. etc. less; lady slipper 10c; seneca 58o; pink ,. 14c; golden $1.23: black 5c; May apple 3.4c: snake 314c; angelica eo; wahoo bark of rooc 9c bark ot tree Sc; blood 54'$6c; bluefiaa; 4c; sassafras tark of root 6364c: wild ginger Jo: epikennrd 6c BEESWAX-Quots prims at 2S4c per lb. SHEEP PELTS Oreen wool twits $181.50: lamb 0SS0c: green shearlings S3SSUC; slips aoiK" dry 10323c; dry fallen lieiEc per lb. - DBMR SKINS. ETa Prlmw deer skins $00 , " -J per lb.; black tali 27c; Inferior less; antelope ' 124313c: goat 25333c each, damaged out. - OltASS SEEDS Clover at $3 to $s tor trsshyr'.. , and weedy, to $10 for fair and $11611.60 for thsi? 4 best: timothy mainly at $2.3S3.3S, with ranr' A at frcm 12 to $145; redtop at from $1 to $150 In ' chaff and $2.75 to $3.50 for fancy: millet at 9CO-" -j to $1.10. Salts: Clover 2 sks. very trashy att J3.M: 2 sks. at $6.75; 1 at S3; 4 at $3.75; 8 at $9.50; 13 at $9.73; C at $3.13; 1 at $13.23. KAFFIR CORN Latest sale at $1 per 100 lbs. SUNFLOWER SEED Quote at $2.30 per 100 !! ' SORGHUM CANE SEED Nominal at M per lb .. . - C4STOR BEANS-Bld JUS rer bu. for Drl-ns In car lots on trk.: $1.30 for smaller quantities.' DRIED FRUIT Pan-dried peaches scarce and wanted at 4c to 4to- Apolea dulL and weak. ' save for choice to fancv lots thee were salablo at quotations- Apples Evaporated rings at fmn JSSUc for poor uo to 4c for choice: fancy largo- more: do. quarters at 34(f3Sic: reelings at 4f , ,c: choos at So to lc Sun-dried quarter cp- pl-s at 2ic for dark to 3ic for prime bright. Bn,N'S AND i'EAS Chclco whlto beans $7-!S . from store: country $1.431.50; weevlly les. . From stor: Scotch reas JL20; split ras J2; blackeye SI.408I.Sn. Per lb.: Lima 6UH5U.--lentils I'lflc: red kldnev iSSCHc Sale 10 sks! i-uumry niuie nesns at 11 DO. HONCY Quote: Comb No. 1 whits clover 11 ei4c: amber color llSUc; Inferior, broken. dark. etc. less. Extracted or strained: Chols -lp bbls. at 4U.c: do. In cans 54r54c: very dark ---and Inferior less. SCRAP IRON AND METAL Per 100 lbs. Wrcur-ht iron 25: heavy can. malleable. steiC Ireakavs and stove sec: Iliht brass J4: heavy -" brass J9; copper $9: zinc $2.50. lead $1.50: Pw- r ter $12; - I.IN'fiEED OIL-Quotsble In lots of from 1 fo S bbls. at 2c per gaL for raw and 39c for 5 bnr-rt COTTON SEED OIL Winter whit 40c yel-- , low 3Tc: summer white 34c: yellow J2c: salad u y 40c: cook'ng. white 3. yellow 31c ? .R PECANSi-Western 64c: Texas 7c; sales '3 cars Texss new and small lots Western on " of quotations. , PEANBTS Quote farmers' stock at 4844a for white and 2c for red. WALNUTS Quotah'e at 43c per bu. HICKORY NUTS SaUbla at 70c per bo. for large and $1.25 for shelibark: sals small let - ' ahellbatk at $LiS. HA7.ELNtrTS-Quotable at .-t4c prlb. CHESTNUTS Imported (Italian) 70e per lb. POP CORN-On cob. 73e per 100 lbs f or mixed - " to $Itl.05 whlte-rlce $L10; slolled meSfc ' CIDER Good quality $4 3035 pr 1J)L MAPLE SUOAR-Quotabl f-r Ib at iu fcr Eastern and T24c for Canada. " " HOPS-Quote 1904 crop- New York at 2Mf 40c: Western at 34C3(cr Bavarian st OOSSfc SORGHUM Quote prime new at Xc Mr isL BROOM CORN There i a rirr movement en a healthy market- Demand good and prices steady: sales in car lots on track range rrora $13 per ton for common to $30860 for fair and $701173 for choice. BONES Bleached, in ear lots' on track this side, at $13 per ton: smaller lots down to. $10. s r-r bhl; worth Sc irr bM more tiis i-;e. RAOS. ETC Per MO lbs.: Country rsgs at JEesSc: old rope. No. 1 and manlta $L23: No. X 50c, rubber at $4 lit old boota and shoes. a' . -. lB&&dSX&&&& JM&sJcfyiu& j&'gsgiilggtirf: ..-iSS.--Tjt.B '?r r-& r-,,K mJ ..ij . w - eyagpi Tv-Vsissa at.,.r3fofw,