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-. s --fc7t"' SSfr A 14 THE ST, LOUIS REPUBLIC: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 190 f ? v FSftKS p ie- I3i& h Tkauaksajvlaa; Table d'Uote, 12 to 8, 75c The Breitling 411 Jf. Broadway, Second Floor. Oyster Cocktail. Celery n Branches Queen Olives. Turtle Soup aux Quenelles 2tn4erloln of Trout. Black Ban. Potatoes paris'enne. Fillet da Mlgnon aux Champ-snon. Roast Tounff Turkey. Chestnut Dressing-. Virginia. Dare. Petit Pols. Mince Pie. Roman Punch. Cheese. Cafe Noir. Jos. H. Schroeder, HORSESHOER, 08 N. Fourteenth St., St Lojis. , BctWMB Franklin At, and Morgan St. Phone D 969. " FOR. WOMEN ONLY We cava Uie most elfldeat. best and only reliable rem edy tor Delayed Periods. It RUerea the man obetlnate eoirmlieatlGIlS from cacao in U boors, or I to 4 iiin. without nam. oaur irer or interference. wiin work. W bare brourht -happiness in hundred of women and bare nerer known thla rem edy to falL. Yon win save time and failure by writing -.Mlclnaa that Injure the health rwnND REMEDY CO... Room IMS ST.. CHICAGO. HJ PILES twit1 WHhoat the Knlft. 7 all Rectal Dleeases a specialty. Cams Oaaranteea. Send for Booklet. ML . IEY SMITH, Spulafist, Mt'ewtt,HlMl,Io. Established 1888. fSftHHHB - HOTEL PLAZA,,.- IfOW ready tor winter rate to families, office Maple, ate Cheaper than to ktep house. Mod am. beat accommodations electric llrhta. steam axe larnuGiu. NOTARY PUBLIC. JOSEPH F. FARISH, St. Lovla Republic Bnalneaa Office. la Bell "Main 5015: Klnloch A OT. HORTICULTURISTS CONVENE. Southern Illinois Fruit Growers " Meet at Vienna. JUJ5PUBLIC SPECIAL. Vienna, HI.. Nov. 22. The) annual meet ing of the Horticultural Society of South ern Illinois convened In this city to-day tif a- two days' session. The addresses of welcome wens made by Mayor W. E. Baal and Thomas H. Sheridan, and the raaponse by the- president, J. W. Stanton off Richview. who Is superintendent of the aUrtlcultural exhibit at the St. Louis rrorid Fair. - ,Tbe programme to-day Included a paper a) "Commercial Apple Growing la the BUI Metion Of Southern Illinois." by B. H. Xfattn, New Burnslde; "Sweet Potato Growing and 'Marketing," E. R. Jinnette, JAmne.: "BHtej1 Root' Professor O. H. l-sawek Daibandale: "Packlnc ADDles." W. ataTioa. Csntralla; an address by Pro-r-atwai J. C. Blair of the State University a report ot too Illinois Horticultural imeni stations or eouinern Illinois A. Rlel of Alton. recettlon for the visitors was riven the citUenS of Vienna at the close of evening programme. BHUEMAKEn-GOEHER. Stanton. III.. Nov. Ur. Vincent Ehue rnaker and Itita Elizabeth Goeher. both of this elrr. were married bare to-day in St. Michael's CSAJrch. IWiYMrfthiStaniird SSr Ml tTMi pre ci-ira if tarter dtrirti, frtM fraps i A. W tllMI UMBUK HrwjHnw. "- KistW I : mm You could not be more particular dRSiEic for your own needs than we are in jffiPMIa sincere endeavors to give you the i wMrafltW TO best the world provides. tlflw it M fu In shirts we claim distinct honors, llli. If j ! .111 for we have elevated the standard w 1 1 : w of ready-to-wear shirts to the po- wljlti S Yarn sition that custom shirts held for Mrfeff tM ; fill exclusiveness and fine workman- HMttlvJflRl Our owii direct importations of WrUfW" MffijSiSia? French, and Scotch shirtings are made into our stock shirts; it assures exclusiveness and best Prices not more than elsewhere, but a world of superiority in values; therefore, don't you think it's worth your acquaint-Coat-shirts and four sleeve The Republic Building, On Olive Street at Seventh. LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION HrlUSTBESOLD The entire stock of Ornamental and Decorative Plants, Shrubs, Bedding Plants, etc., etc., are offered for sale at wholesale or retail at extremely low prices. The slock consists of thousands of Palms, from 50 C to ,$25.00? hundreds of Bay Trees (Select Trees) from $7.00 up; Eubber Plants, $1.00 up; Privet Hedge, $5.00 per 100; also Bedding Plants, Shrubs of endless varieties at lowest prices. ' Planfs Delivered, Packed and Shipped. Plants can be seen and purchased at World's Fair Green houses, located on Anthropology Hill, near U. S. Indian School, on Intramural Kailway. Mail communications should be addressed to J. G. STADELMAIT, Acting Sales Agent, Committee on Salvage, World's Fair Grounds. RECEIVES BIDS FOR CONDEMNED GOODS Articles for Which City Has 2To Further Use Will Be Sold to Highest Bidders. The City of St. Louis, through John P. Boyce. Commissioner of Supplies, received bids on a lot of condemned city property yesterday. The Lighting Department con demned 18,000 pounds of copper wire and 230 pounds of scrap brass; the Parle De partment, 275 dead trees 4n Forest Park; the Fire Department, 29 oil barrels; the House of Refuge added to the sale two double cooking ranges, and the Poor house furnished a lot of Jewelry. Every thirty or sixty days the various departments have a general houseclean ing and condemn the property which they deem to be of no value to tho city. If a tree in one of the city parka dies. It has lost Its beauty and lt3 usefulness for park purposes, and the brand of con demnation Is placed upon It by the Park Department, and it Is 'sold to Ihe highest bidder for firewood. If a range or a wire has served Its purpose) long past the aver age time of the Ufo of a range or a wire. It must give way to the new and use ful, and become a part of the Junk pile. Perhaps the ranges may have cooked many a savory meal for hungry man, perhaps the wire carried the sparks of electricity that lighted the path of many a weary citizen, but the city cannot af ford to keep them for the good they nave Maybe In years to come, the Jewelry, which was the property ot the deceased of the Poorhouse. would bring Joy tq the hearts of the heirs, as heirlooms, handed down from generation to generation, but the city officials have no time nor desire to collect heirlooms for other people, and tho Jewels go to the highest bidder, who Is usually a creature void of sentiment. WILL SUE TO RECOVER PROPERTY IN IRELAND. St. I.onta Woman, Sole Survivor, Sy She Vai Wrongfully Deprived of Her Heritage. Mrs. Margaret Smith of No. Mil South Compton avenue says that she wilt enter suit for the recovery of her father's prop erty In Ireland, consisting of four acres of land and seven cottages, which Is Bald to be in possession of a wealthy landlord. As the only survivor of the family of Thomas Carey, who lived nine miles from Dublin on the Abbey road, Mrs. Smith will seek to recover the property under the Irish land act. She said that she was wrongly deprived of the land some years ago, but did not know about It unUl re cenUy, when she learned that her step mother had died, having turned the prop erty over to a neighbor for a weekly eon sideraUon of S Btillings before her death. Mrs. Smith taa lived in America, since 1672 and in St. Louis since 1872. She said yesterday that she left home when Quite young, going to New York, where aha lived a year. After her marriage, a year later, she came to this city, where she has lived since. Her brother, who also left home when quite young, died about a year ago in Wyoming, leaving her the sole heir of the property.' Mrs. Smith Eald that she left homo be- iM at hex stepmother 'and that whan her father died she was not apprised of the fact. The property was disposed of by her stepmother, she says, without her knowledge. Vacuum Proceaa for Baldness. Some of the medical authorities have been experimenting with the Evans vacu um cap, an appliance for the restoration of hair, and they have demonstrated that this method is not without merit. Any one can prove the worth of this invention, as the cap la furnished on trial. It is on xhlblUon at the World's Fair and the Missouri Trust buUdlng (ground floor), 707 Olivo street. BELIEVE DOVE OR BODY IS HIDDEN NEAR J0LIET. Police Prosecute Dlllsrent Search, bat Find JVothJng More Tangible Than Clews. ItEPUBUC .SPECIAL JoClet, 111'., Nov. 22. After another day spent running down clews, some false and some founded on facts, the police have concluded that Dove, or possibly his dead body, is hidden somewhere near here. Thla was forced upon tho Chicago detec tives who have spent the day tracing his movements from the time he left Chicago In the automobile with John W. Bate, Jr., until he elunk out of tho back door at George Hauler's boarding-house here at 6 o'clock Sunday night. There Is scarcely a moment of his from Friday night unUl Saturday night to be accounted for. After Sunday night he" seems to have disappeared. Just as though he had dropped off the earth. So strong has the theory grown that Dove did not get very far away from Jollet that the police have organized fifty men and boys to search the Illinois River and the old Illinois and Michigan Canal. Several Rock Island section men saw a man answering Dove's description along tho track about four miles west of Jollet. He was seen about U o'clock Saturday morning down by the spring. As the railroad men drew near on .a hand car they saw that he was washing himself and had his shirt off. Lying on a rock in front ot htm was an open suit case, and It was evident the man bad stopped there to change his linen. John Kemp, one of the section nun, said: "I saw that he had a light suit, a light overcoat and that be looked like a gentleman. Our presence seemea to frighten him, and he hastily closed the suitcase and started west alone the track." Between the mattresses In the room oc cupied by the man at Hauser's house was found a bottle of benzine. This, It Is thought, he used to get the blood stains off bis .clothes. Teaspoons. Quadruple silver-plated "Dauphin" pat tern, six teaspoons, six tablespoons, six knives and six forks, 24 pieces, in silk lined case; only. $12.75. At Mermod & Jac card's. TAKEN FR0MM0B'S REACH. Kentucky Negroes Transferred From Lexington. Lexington, Ky., Nov. 22. Garfield Smith and John and Ed Taylor, negroes, were to-day taken under heavy guard, to Yarnallton Station, seven mUes from the city, and thjre put aboard a Chesa peake and Ohio train for Louisville, where they will be kept until the au thorities beUeve it safe for them to ap pear for trial here. The Reverend R. O. Klrkwood to-day started a fund to buy a home for the widow and ten orphans of the murdered white man. and an effort to raise a Ursa mm will be made. FIFTEEN PASSENGERS HURT IN WRECK Hot Springs Express Out of St. Louis Crashes Into Freight at Swifton, Ark. FIREMAN BURNS TO. DEATH. Dense Fog the Cause of Collision Passenger Train, Running at Full Speed, Is Practi cally Demolished. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 22 Southbound passenger train No. 17 on the Iron Moun tain Railroad, known as the Hot Springs Express, was wrecked at Swifton, 16 miles north of Newport at 5:23 this morn- (lng by crashing into a freight train. Engineer A. DeGulre or the passenger train and his fireman, Harvey Wells, were buried beneath the wreck. De Guire is hurt batily, sustaining a broken arm, and It Is feared that he is injured internally. Wells was burned to death. Fifteen passengers were bruised and scratched, but none seriously. The pas senger train was running on schedule time when, out of the dense fog which arose during the night, a freight train loomed up Just ahead. It Is sala that the freight was pulling into the siding at Snifton to allow the passenger train to pass, and that the fog was so heavy that nothing was seen of No. 17 until too late to prevent an accident. Tho passenger train struck tho freight at full speed, and the passenger engine was demolished. The dead: HARVEY WEIXS, fireman, roplar Bluff, Mo. The injured: AUSTIN DE GUIREL ennlncer. Little Rock. Ark., right arm broken, ankle badly bruised, nwo hurt (). N CLARK, news agent. St. LouU. right am bruised, scalp wound nnd face badly cut. CHARLES MARTIN, French Village. I1L, cut across nose, right b!j bruised. MRS. J. M. SANEILXJE. Hot Springs. Ark., head brulEed. rhoulder wrenched. JOHN GIVENS. BucJseje. Mo., abdqmen bruised. Internal Injuries. J A. MeCUIMtr. Hot Springs. Ark., wrenched knee. MRS. J. A. CORRr, Seneca. I1L. bruised aide and Internal Injuries. w A. uui-aiAA, negTO, Mot springs, enoiu- der hurt. S I l CALHOUN, negro train porter. Hot Spring, right iej anu bouy masnea. Comports. Solid Bllvcr comports, pansy pattern, now pierced design; price $15. At Mermod & Jaccard's. TWO DAYS AT THE FAIR FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN. Pnplls Will Be Admitted Without CliarRc to Exposition Grounds To-Morro-r nnd Friday. Tho gates at the World's Fair to-morrow and Friday will be thrown open to the school children of St. Louis, and they will celebrate these two holidays, taking their farewell glimpses ot the world's greatest exposition. Many plans have been laid for these two days, and most of the teachers have ar ranged to accompany their charges to the Fair In order that tha children may visit and see those points of Interest which bear directly on the course of their stud ies. Tho teachers assert that practical dem onstrations of this kind are of Infinitely more value In the training of the young mind that the pages of their text-books, wnllo tho benefit to be derived from the comblnaUon of the two la of tho greatest value. It Is the Intention to carry out this plan as far as possible, and many of the teach ers have already laid out their pro grammes for tho two days at the Falr with the children. Saturday they will not bo admitted with out paying. Special ThonUscivInp; Dinner. Table d'hote will be, served at tha Wash ington Hotel 6 to 9. STANDING ARMY OF 25 MEN. Peaceful Panama Needs No Large Soldiery. Washington. Nov. 22. Mr. Barrett, the American Minister to Panama, cabled tha State Department to-day that quiet pro vailed throughout the Isthmus; that Gen eral Hucrtas had left Panama for his country home, and that the army had successfully disbanded, with the excep tion of twenty-five men who were retained to meet the statutory requirement for a standing army. The cablegram adds that order has been restored without the Intervention of the American marines, and that tho Panama Government Is grateful for tho advisory assistance rendered by American officers In quieting tho trouble. It adds that the preparations for the entertainment of Secretary Taft have been completed. Gold and Fountain Pens. Swan, Waterman's Ideal and Sterling Fountain Pens, 1.00 up. Gold and Foun tain Pens repaired. Colby's, 106 N. 4th st ST. LOUIS CHINESE EMBARK. Two Hundred and Fifty Celestials From Fair Hurried on Steamer. San Francisco, Nov. and fifty-one Chinese St. Louis Fair to-day 1 22. Two arrived hundred from, the charge of an im- migration inspector and a strong guard. They were Immediately transferred from Oakland Mole to the steamer- Coptic, which sails Saturday, for transportation to China. Clayton Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses were Issued in Clayton yesterday to John W. Haub of Glencoe and Nellie V. Clay of ElllsvlUe; Herbert B. Rawlinson and Gertrude L. BIssell of St. Louis; Otto T. Kllpp and Annie Reln hardt of St. Louis, and to William Hert llng Jr. ot St Louis and Mamlo Ryan of Klrkwood. Baby Mine mother should be a source of danger incident to tbe ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery. Mother's Friend is the only remedy which relieve! women of the great pain and danger of maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial is noPonly made painless, but all the danger is avoided by its use. Those ivho use this remedy are no longer despondent or gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions are overcome, the system is made ready for the coming event, and tho serious accidents so common to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's A0ff AAO Friend. "It is worth its weight in gold," lllllr savs many who have used it. per IflVIUVI 43 bottle at drug stores. Book containing valuable information of interest to all women, will be sent to any address free upon application to mtADFIEip REQUIATO OO., AOamtMs Bm, Lowest-Priced House In America Mermod & Jaccard's Goods Are the Acknowledged Standard of Excellence ( onfidence in our housa is so well established, that the mere fact that an article wa purchased here is an assurance of "Quality" and we main tain that confidence by being: responsible for every article we sell. We do not make everything; we sell', but we are just as particular regard ing: the quality of that which we sell and do not make, as we are of that which we do make. And Our Giiarantee Covers Everything. TO-DAY WE OFFER A Crown of Beautiful Diamonds Drooch Pin, as shown i-J brilliant cut stones, inntM trirmTitinrr s And others Crowns, Stars, Crescents, Sunbursts, Scrolls, Bugs, Flies, Birds, etc., etc. designed and made up for the Holiday season, handmade mountings set with diamonds, pearls, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, opals the grandest assortment of Precious Stone Brooches ever shown. Prices from $25. to $10,000. Diamond Solitaire. A ring: like this set with clear, H brilliant cut diamond Pries only 35. And thousands of others Catalogue Free. Our new 333-page hol iday book, handsome ly Illustrated, sent free en request. NEGRO BEATEN TO DEATH WITH STONES BY NEGROES. Tlinnin Spnrrla Killed by Mob eanie lie Had Shot Jnnle Burkx. P.nPL'ni.IC SPECIAL. Mexico, 3Io., Nov. 22. Thomas Spurris, a negro, was killed by Infuriated negroes early this morning shortly after he had shot and fatally wounded Janle Burks. He was beaton to death with a large rock, his head being severely cut in several places. The Coroner's Jury holds that John Burks, a brother, of tho injured girl. Is responsible for the death of the man. John and Sam Burks, brothers, and George Bright are held as accesosries. AU of the suspects are under arrest. The woman who was shot will probab ly die. China Dinner Sets. Fine china dinner set, 100 pieces. Colo nial shape, decoration ot beautiful roses, gold handles, $23 set. At Mermod & Jac card's, Bnadway and Locust etreet. WOMAN WAS AWAITING DEATH. Locked Herself in Boom That She Might Starve. P.EPnBIJC SPECIAL. Quincy. 111., Nov. 22 Mrs. Christiana Boer, a domestic, 56 years old, was found In her room to-day in nearly a starved condition, having been without food and water for eight days. She told the police, when taken to the hospital, that she was without friends and had locKed herself in to await death by starvation. She had $21 In her room and a small sum In the bank. Almond Sets. Solid silver almond sets, 7 pieces, pierced design, in silk-lined case; price. $24. At Mermod & Jaccard's. COCKRELL ARRIVES TO-DAY. Will Remain in City Wednesday and Then Visit Ohio. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Warrensburg, Mo., Nov. 22. Senator Cockrell left this afternoon at 3:12 on tha Missouri Pacific for St. Louis, where he will spend Wednesday on business. From there he will go to Dayton, O.. to visit his daughter several days. Ho will co to Washington next week, when he will confer with the President regarding the appointments suggested. Bonbon Set. Brilliant cut glass bonbon sets, 13 pieces, J22.M; T pieces, J13.M. At Mer mod & Jaccard's. SICILIAN PRINCE IS FLOATED. Steamer Stuck in the Sand Three Days. New Tork. Nov. 22. After lying fast in the sand near Point Lookout, off the Long Island shore, since early Sunday morning, tha Prince line steamship Si cilian Prince was floated at high tide to- "Iccordln? to the marine observers who have watched tha vessel since she first went ashore, the liner is not damaged to any Ti-nii eat extent. i wb b mL would proceed immediately to ner qoac in Brooklyn, Mnatard Pots. Quadruple silver-plated mustard price 50c At Mermod & Jaccard's. pot. Indorse Henenvray for Senator. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Vlncennes, Ind., Nov. 22. By unanimous resoluUons tho Second District members elect of tho next General Assembly here to-day Indorsed Congressman Hemenwny of the First District to succeed Charles W. Fairbanks as United States Senator. "- HTLAND WHITSETT. Marshall. Mo , Nov. 22. Mr. John TV. Ilvland ot Norton and Mrs. Ethel Cobb Whltaett of thla city were married at Odessa yesterday. Erery mother fli gnat dread of the pain and danger attendant apon the most critical period of her life. Becomine iov to all, but the suffering and Friend w J for Fine Goods. The World's-Grandest Jewelry Establishment. in illustration, set with 76 clear white diamonds, plat- DrMf rnlir Sj3llfl i 1IWW umj s"". Diamond Opal Cluster ring:, like illustra tion, set with opal and 12 diamonds Price only S150. Diamond and Precious Stone prices 6. up to $5,000. MERMOD JACCARD'S BR0UW1Y 1ND LOCUST STREET. iation in piano playing that the results produced by the contemplating: the purchase you THE ANGELUS. THE ESTEY CO., 1116 OLIVE f(tas0 'ftiyvw - &CGh 9 cCoX orA, OkCM. v'gL&r'f BANKS' CONDITION PLEASING. Secretary Shaw's Call Creates No Flurry. Washington. Nov. 22. The call on na tional bank depositories for 25 per cent of Government deposits has created no flur ry, and, according to Secretary of tha Treasury Shaw, indicates an excellent financial condition generally. The circular call issued several days ago has brought only one request for ex ception thus far, and that from a bank which has a small Government deposit. Ten Strainers. Solid sliver tea strainer and stand: new floral decoration; price 112. At Mermod & Jaccard's. Mrs. Bnchnnnn Seeks Divorce. Georgia M. Buchanan Sled suit far di vorce in the Circuit Court yesterday Exactly Where It Came From C A letter filed by the GEmjUTE SHANNON SYS TEM may always be found exactly where it belongs, be cause it's just as easy to return it to its right place as to a wrong one. q The Shannon System has advantages of safety and con. Yenienca provided by no other method. J Would you like descriptive booklet? YAWMAN & ERBE MFG. GO. Phones: Main 2610m, A928 313 Washington Ave. I Ww J SV V saaPal RUPTURE ALWAYS INSIST ON GETTING A BEUAUaB-smaiMlie v-t. .. mil nAVlaa- lor SJjji HaMda. Vaase Padntlnsf. Clate: hat for ana Unallty Havana Takaeaa. ss Um retailer o w manni-tarsr. a. ah m i- 5- nxJS Diamond Solitaire. , sly This handsome ring, set witb clear white gem a grand dia mond V Price Only $50. Rings, great variety Mall Orders Filled. Fnd name and ad dress for our nev catalogue of useful and beautiful articles Ot Jttrelry.Tahleware. Art Goods. Etc THE ANGELUS Is the PIANO PLAYER that produces such re markable tone and so much expression and var it cannot be distinguished from most skillful human hand. If of a Piano Player let us show STREET. "5r2JUt-p-eC against Charles A. Buchanan. aUegmg that he abused her and subjected her to other Indignities. They were married Au- Cst 20. 1S99, and formerly Uved In Salt ka City. XSJfffLJjbi 33SjPT raSaBSSMD : W&3rrs?X3 S ) ILK you know I THAT THE Royal Blue Trains OFTMS b. ao. BETWEEN WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK Arathe quickest, beat and finest equipped trains in the world? TRY TBBtt ON YOUR NEXT TRIP. ( For information call at D .n c TirifET nrcirce B u.u.u. j"r. iiwni.i ui i iv. uo Olive and Sixth and Union Station. J Who is your OPTICIAN? We wooW like to be. No charra far testing your eyes and giving ac vice. Satisfaction guaranteed. GLASSES FROM S1.00 OP. HYATT'S OPTICIANS, HI Jf. ElxMn 8t Opp. Pst Ofrle. BSUS Cured !to cnttinir, no pain, no danarer. Over liWO cured durinir 15 isara practice in St, Louis. Call far book 1st with testimonials. luTastleat. VI. L IBM, a. 0. 604 VMUKtee lis. .I.EIT WORLD'S All rea Deals, atew Kqaal to laaaortatl a una ansa m, v. wbu a. 1 i A y -v.'-J- --!.---&; Egy-y.-$-3-S,gjg-'i '&&aSfei5feii5sfeg iJifeVfvJB-vg-