Newspaper Page Text
f-i -' I'-a " T-1 " THE ST. LOUIS KEP-UBLIC. THURSDAY,' DECEMBER 8, 1904. II iics n veiii;mc9. t.AJII Itnlfl ffir hnrw vnpnnt fi'irtinii tinil "'" "f all klr.r!r- Miller ;i! f'lrjp rt For 3air. A FIRST-CLAS3 Kin. wagon and harness Z. "1(- with ilii day Job, see uj at once. 10"; T-aflftii ft. A good hoixe for sale, rrl"" IV 3314 h. Hrcadway. or M5 Pr.rk ave. Inquire at ALMOST new milk wagon; very cheap. 1033 P. Twelfth st. ALL kinl, of fwriinlhind "vehicles. will bo sold rfKardlp.. of rest: make offer 2110 Pin. ALWAIS ') hand. draft. Cr1I-.ff. grneral purpose norse. new wagors. Locales anj har Ben: rj try hcrs.s lefor n-iiii.- ccsh or on payments. V. I. Hc-Jc. Wf N llmndnar. BARGAINS Illc draft horse. We farm mare. l.i delivery lion. 1137 Franklin nle BARGAIN. inw.1 delivery horse. nunc and eounn: city-broke: hurra. SI; N. Tuen-tv-.flrst t -DUSICAte. Buy Pianos Now DURING THE IIARGAIXti !" clif-ap horF. ware nnd mu!i. from J25 to tCQ -nrh; flie Fluke -ajon tM rot of humey sg. X. l.ronduav TilG team of hors-. lTli rranklln HIO tflim. three farm mares, two dellerv broncho: rell at jour own price. Coal tard lCM rranklln avf. RLACK horse and barnes. $19. exnref waj: ons. tIS up: four runabout chcaif SUP Pin CI.EA1; cafe family tiorw; nam-- ami rub-wr-Urrd Kurrry. or alii Bell separately, can be .en at Kep.Marshall'c, 1022 X Yandei enter; aW lor Charlc. Henry. DRAFT. invUiu ana pnral-purpjM hors. wajrcmR, harems: cash or payment, everythlmc KvaranWfl a p'fmfd 44T2 Cloton ? IIND Btono buxcy; .Easton ac. cheap. Call at 5W4A rIXE drHimr bory. runabout and harns: Twice $1C3. Apply at Wotkln's Stable. 301? I'en-dletnn Bradbury Piano Ware rooms' Annual Factory Clearing" Sale. $100 TO $208 SAVED ox uinii-cmtDi: xkw ad used irniGiiT riAXos. 1012 OLIVE ST. F. G. SJIITII. Slfr. A. E., Mur. .. , NEW pianos V"-!?. t1'""0'- usually sold for S323. thin week.tro s.-. ' ""-. uaua'iy soin ror 5i.o. this week II 0 J Pianos, usually .old for TOO. thli neek.jrs K-IS! P'ano. unually fold for J1V. thli neek.lrj jew planes, usually told for J). this wec't.Stre ew planes, usuallr sold fn it n iii. o.r t-wvi HOL'SCIIOLf) GOtlUS. Wnntrd. AM hut Ina- ud secondhand furniture a til household rood. t' rlilp to Texas; ulII nay rai-li JII no. Itenubllc. KURXITCRB Jtel.i-lille. of elKhi-room h'Jinie ITj'nNITL'ICB of all kind'. Trarch. ZKZ Trank lln Kin U UVi Hell lieaumonl 4VM nKHIiST prices for confnts of hotels, room-!ns-ntLfes: the Ix-tter the auailty and larnr tli quantity, the belter e are sjltPd " ' ' :0011s roit IlENT. I.Ai-O.V. SflQA Two n'celv 'iiml.hl hateJ cm . hot btith. gas and ail conveniences. I i-I.U Ma Nicely furnished ro:m; well Jifs-ted. ntfxlrn hous; terms ery reisonab e 11KLU ZXZ Iteautlfully furnished rooms; fleam heat, hot bath, peasant surroundings: reasonable liKOAIIWAV, houFf ke ping ac S. Best room for light nitOADWAY. 107 N line room, eenlce. W)c 'ai: low neekiy rates. Oil, paintings; hK-hest cash nice ujid jii Ka ton OLD feather bed., r-aj 10c to yc per pound. postal ltu.ill. -jsVj S. Ilroarlway. Ol.n feither beils. pay J3 to JI7; tend postal, r. ItaL-nIa. II X Klnlh st R pay highest cah prices for household furniture, pianos, etc ; also buy entire contents rr fiats or r'sWtncs; call or send postal. Lo norl Acctlon Co.. ltli-21 oile st. Tor Sale. CONTENTS of nine-room houo. complot-. hy piece or the whole lot. Includinc Iron Iwds, toTe. etc ill nw Itfr. i:uarnla IXEONT qu-irtered sideboard, alio dlnlns chairs 411a Mown. I'INR small Jlucl drrem: reasonable heating 7") I'ine. fitoe, two eik FIXB st mahoaany furniture: wt JI00: les" than half 47a Delmar l iulHaM rinsT-CISS peddler ustra; Just as eood as nenj will sell to good party on payments. 1605 S. Twelfth St. runxiTCItn. ton and op-n delivery wacons. nw und ftecondharul. Younir. 14IS X. Bropdwnv? FOR Sale or Hire Donkey, cheap JU 13i Itrnublle. cart and harness; GOOf delivery horse, harness and nacon. 2513 X. Sarah st 4JOOD farm mare and new double harness, ery cheap. 1713 Morgan GOOD horse for delivery, top nacon and harness; dirt cheap. 1715 MorKan (JOOD delivery or family hors, 130: don't need him. Call Absoreno Co. 7 Tine. 1IA11XKSS set, bucgy set, -xpre3 eet. double set, farm: hall price. 40(3 Xorth Market. JIAIINEBS Lame stock team. slnj:i wagon ana ducct harness: see my une 01 DianKexs ana saddles. A. Tuckett, IIS .1. Hroa Uroadway. HORSE: 7 jeirs eld: sound, spring wacon. 1410 Clark ave. and covered HORSE. S jears old. suitable for delivery or teaming. SU X. Xlneteenth st. IjIOHT top -narpn. cood as new; suitable for Eroccr: will bo sold at bargain. SJ07 Arsenal. ONTJ cood work hcrse. cheap i"J4 S. Third st. OXB work horse, one delivery horse; Riven. J3 X. Xinth. OND blr draft horse, two delivery horses, farm mare. SU X. Seventeenth st. OXB rood, his work horse. Apply at noth rat corner Fourteenth and Wriaht sts OXE-HORSB coil waaon. Rood slncle set of hamfss. Coal vard. rear 1S2S Wash st. I'BDDI.ER'S outat: will sell separate; cheap. J1K l-anln st. , l'lUG mare, JI0, kooJ worker, barffain; big liorse. $C0. 1SO0 Morcan SIX cood work horses, from J?) up to 101 rr head: also team farm znares, 3100. At coal -vard. 2lt Morcan st. SMALL mare; good worker; SJ0; big team, J3". Crocerv-. ISOO Monran SMALL horse, desirable for bucjry or saddle; sound and rentle: call any lime, zn Ba.ton OUXD. srentle horse: suitable for bugcy or llclit dellven-. 1233 (jravols. OUND, dark-brown horse, weight 1.400. C ears old: too heavj- for my business; Kinloch b 71 33H Manchoater. THREE hores. Call 1000 Morrison aye. THREE good work horses: S10 up: also rood storm buggy and harness. J6IS Kinney ave Olhr 1irli In n1-nnn,ln. .. -.-.,. 1 1.. ,. . i.S 2 jellable nRADBl'RT pianos with a rec ord of J2 continuous .-rears" ie at th While l.Zu": S1".0."1 Masco Hamlin. Webster and ether reliable makes. USED UPRIGHTS. Ilatuti number of fine barralns In ued upright, which wo will close out this week at Ritcntshlngly low prices. We can mention only a few: Yi flickering- upright now tU5 JiJ ?tlc ro"?""! uprfcht Jin v -r-w r-ngiana upngnt, in tine condi tion ji;-, 1171 Hoeood upright. In fine condition... .Ji"o Jifl (.abler upright. In fine condition J145 in Lar HltAJJBURY upright. In line condition jia J400 lnegant mahogany upright. usd three months Jis; JCM (Catalogue price) Mahogany upright with all the latest Improvements, very nne condition, used to menths; now.. JIM JTW (Catalogue price) Elegant oak upright. usM two months; now J235 J1.100 (Catalogue price) Tine stjle ef RRAD- lH'ItT upright, used 3 months; now... J3to sotT.vrtrs I4VI Rosewood square In rood ord.r. Jlv Pp'endld square. In good order.. $4V Flne-tcne square Jtv Verj- nne Arlon square JX0 FIrs'-class squaro ORGANS. JIM Organs, now JI10 BlEht-slop organs, now JI15 Eight-stop organ, now JIZ Eleven-stop Mason & Hamlin organ. now j 3; RBMEMBBIt THIS SAI.B IS ALMOST OVER. tT WILL LAST ONLY A FEW DAYS LONGER BUT NOW AND SAVE MONET. F. O. SMITH. Manufacturer BRADBURY" PIANOS. IMS Olive. A. E. WHITAKER. Manager. J SO ro t J 75 J11J , J 13 J 14 . .ia FL-ItNlTURE Easton ave of five largo roms; Jiro. 4C65 I'L'RNITLItB or Rat m bulk or by piece cheap EliA Kensington ave rrnxiTL'Ki:: rarlor set. two completo bedi and two new spring co's M31 l'olrr.iount. J-lRNITl'nB of ekgant four-room Hat; low rent; modern conveniences; cheap; owner golnj to leave cltv 4434 lijstrn ave. H()MB COMFORT range. Apply at once. 3GT. f.astleman ave. UUO DWAY. 12, S.- alf block froi nnt "eokly. free paths AP.;y Mrs Walker or Hall. Tlnj" fnrr((ViaL,t -.. half block Iron, fceuth-rn floicl: il.M tr. t-t '"HAM IinitS. J3-Thrrc larco cnnrwctlrnr nrnn. tm Hoor. Vi rwr month, large room J7. twill;, IS-G Xlrely furnished rooms IipcpIik If .tilred house- tWItlt. nj-Nicely roomy; tfafonabl. furnlsheii houkeip.ns CAIIU 176 rhrfp natlv furnjhea Trent ronro. light bouwrkffolng: 2 V; eah. W 271 1 a two tlrf roonfc. and kitchen In rat, bath. U1 contnlenc9. (WS-i. ao02 Xicc larj; front furnWinl. ira.. bath. reaonabI room, rent. neatly CIIITNIT 12!V-Kun.lhc.l roomi for licht nrmfK'-eplng or pcjitlomen. ond several alngJ. "IIESTKUT, :433-Nlcely furnl'hed rooms; SZ w-k up: ctcam heat; ba-th. cas; cf3ce; ccn- XIU09IS FOIt ltn.NT. LKON'ARD. fill FurnlhM rooms f-r .Ight hounkeeplnc: gentltmen prferrfd LVWTO.V, 331 Thn-- nicely furnished, first floor roor.n; all conienlences, gas range, alto slnglo room for housekeeping LEOXAHD. IIS N'. Parlar bedroom: piano, bath. gas. airtight heater; houekettnc njma. chrap IIKDEIU 3501 I"urnlhl rcomi fo- house keeping: gas. liathroom Inclulcil; gnt.nien L.IXDKLU 3T.W Xf-ath furnlhfd from par lor: alw two front rooms: gas. txtli. furnace heat. IX)CUHT. MI FurnJi'hed rooms; one suitable for Bample-roon. IjOCUST. Sf14 Nice. arn front parlor, neatly furnliheifurn.h'd ra. bath LOCUST, 3107 Large second-ftorj- front room vlth aIco. suitable fcr four Iad't? LOCUST, KI Irgi room: private bath; lno rpntlemen; permanent: llrtt c'aj-3 I-OCUWT, 2SK Second -floor fnmt room ivlth alcovr. for light housekeeping. othr ir-ima. IXJUST" 1G15 Large front ro-fii, ivuiubl for four gntlempn. and nthr momi, rayoniMf " LOCUST. 300i Three front and bark con necting parlors; gas, bath, furnace; rates to parties. LOCUST, 2214 Kl'gantly furnished front room for four gentl'mcn; als.5 oth-r rooms. reasorable. CIIKMNUT, 14II-Desrabl furnished romi for gentlemen mli . pleasant reading-room: rooms $l Tek and up. - cI!OITi;ai liomellkp 703 Nicely furnished rooms; cnorTnu-, nio hall mem SOS Koonw fcr housek piping; HorTIIAr. 1211-Nlcely Mrniahed roomt ftr housekeeping. $3.C) neel: front CHOUTEAU llW-Nicely furnlihM roomji for ."nt'envn cr lifUfekeilng; reduce! prlcs. HOMU COM POUT rane. Majetlc. ban burner. atr-Ught and hot-bla-t. 4 13 !-a.ton HOUSEHOLD furniture, also Homo Comfort range, at great yacrincc U7 West Ilell IKON teds, complete. J-!, wahtand, rtc; gotKl 03 new. Call J309 Wet Tine boul'-vanl MOQUKT carpet--, brass beN aiM other fur niturejjour own price 3203A OUe pL NO. 1S2 Kadlant Home hanl-coal Mov with pipe and board 3515 S I.roadua. Omen furnltur and flrturts for sale. 25 Mermo.1 . Jaccanl building hlX-PIECB parlcr suit; in the vrai. naton STOVi:: Kuck's Hadlant Xo. SO; good as new. 324 S. Third fu STOVK; coal heater: pood size and condition; price, take away. AZ-ZZA Iag RENT PIANOS. S3 per month. J2.) per month. J4 per morth. Iowcst prices in town and best assortment Handsome stool and scarf free, and rnt al lowed If piano 1 purchased BRADBURY PIANO WARCROOMS. 1012 OHe st. F. O SMITH. Mfr. A. K. WIIITAKCR. Mcr. AUTOMATIC piano plajer. $55; Story &. Kamp square piano. J40; bargains In new pi anos. J Placht A Son, 113 S. Broadway. BAROAINS la upright pianos; Haynes Bros., J100: Arlington manoganj, J125; Recca & Son mahogany. J150. Tony Placht, 1002 Olive st. KINK pianola and piano. Kington ae. cheap. il23A Kt.n- "IIKAH the soul of a Krakauer piano elng"; to hear It 1 to buy it. Pold by Dan'l O. Dunker Piano Co. Fourteenth and Xorth Market. OXB slightly u?l Henry F. Miller uprlunt; sou want to see this, before buying Kleekaiup Bros Piano Co.. 2387 Park a TWO lire beat In? stoip only J5 for both. 1203 Charnter4 ft WAS II STANDI $1. 12-foot awnlnff, JI W, coffeii urn 115. 311 X Planning n.r SENSATIONIL BARGaiHS. vb m:niv 3ion..Y to i:i,i, at nKT.ui, Tim i:.tiiii: i'licmsiiimss of Tin: i.N-iiin: i.x, mi:uici. ronnsT pakic ami FitTi:iN.i, nmu: iiotkls at tiic aioT .i:- .a.TIOAI. I'HICKS IJVUR HHAUI) OF. Iron bed, ten stvles. J7.S0 to Hut ILAL. 1112-Irge- room, complete for hpu.rkeepirg lath and laundry; ili a week also (onnec ting rooms. r LARK. l.Mcei furnished rooms for light hrusfkeeo n ti vi ..i .... "' .,.fc Jl V week up CLARK. M10 l-urnlshel rooms for E-ntle-men or llflit houreke-p'ng. a.uue- COMIT-ON- 3021 X I.i-ge front room, fur nished for housekeeping: gas. hot bath: reasonable (pMITo.N- l-iace, 473A Nice. large, fur-nl-hed fro: t rom In Vest Bnd. rrliato family re nahle to permanent TOK a M"A Desirable front rooms, furnace hi at -ill conveniences ti.ZTt per eek. "(XIv. "'3Uoom and board for gentlemen; rellno.1 fimilv- all conveniences and comfcrts. 4Cj5 Fine front rcom and others: modem; J2.D0; pleasant sur- . '-OOK both, furnace; rour.uings. IJDCUST. 2311 Slity rooms and fine raf -la carte: steam heat, free baths and telephone, now open to permanent people. Call anil Inspect room: JZV) per week and up II003IS FOR BEST, TWENTIETH. 814 X.-Xeatly (urnlstrd lane tingle room, light housekeeping: Ji Tl'LER. I8 Double parlors, suitable for four gentlemen or light housekeeping. VANDKVBXTBR. 513A X. Neatly furnished rooms, Mnt. Hoffman. MORGAX. 3 Excellent rofen; mcslern conveniences- convenient to rhrea en lln... irti-i. ! family; JJ.73. VERNON. SOI One. furnished room: 13.50 per week, to gentleman or lady employed. WALTER 1112 Two or thre rooms. n!hed or unfurnished; housekeeping. WAfiH. 2201-Rooms, ladles or gentlemen; J1.2e to Jl Hi each: light housekeeping. WAH. IKS Two neatlv furnished baiement rooms, complete for housekeeping: J5 par week WASHINGTON. 1J15 Large and small rooms; reasonable WASHINGTON. 4S1 Large front room; la dles preferred. WXSHINOTON. IK7 Rooms for light house keeping; also hall room WASHINGTON. 311-Comforuble. well-heat- d rriom for cer.tlemen. WASHINGTON. 2112 Newly furnished rooms ffr tntniints day or week. -Sirs-';TO.v. 2Slt Two rear rooms; fur- u oi unf:.rn!hed: cheap V. SHINGON. rrra Neatly furnished rooms: all ronveniences. 12 &) week ur. WASHINGTON. KEJ-Nlcely furnished rooms; al.3 hoi-ekfeplny rooms; gas, hath. LUCAS. 2111 Warm rooms, furnace heat. Iio: and cold hath LUCAS. 2S3aNlcely furnished well-heated rooms; also light housekeeping room. LUCAS. 3031 Nice dlnlng-rocm and kitchen; reasonable? call immedintelv LUCAS. 27I rurnlshed exceptionally reasonable rates to permanent pe pie LUCAS. 34rJ3 Ivrge roms. furnished, south ern exposure; for gentlemen: private family, references. LUCAS. 3016 Klegnntly furnisb'd rooms, steam heat; every convenience; modcrato rates, tine neighborhood. MARKET. 2C4:-rurnL"hed rooms housekeeping, single or en suite. MARKET. 2.H2 Well-furnished rooms, all conveniences; J1.25 week up; permanent roomers. MCPHERSON. 4jG Exccpllonally front bedroom; also large double rooms, everything modem. ilcIIIERSON. 33I3A-rurnlshed room, tio beds, for two gentlemen: houMi modem: steam heat. DELMAI!. 4101-Niceir furnished rooms; conven'encs. JJt and $10 all DELM-r 3S2' Sceond-torv front room, with alcove and a smaller room DELMAI!. 2".C4-Fuinlshed room,..- furnace heat, hot bath, all conveniences; telephone. WOVCn-Wlro clmnnrl.l ir.rlnir. E.egant dressers. 110 to '.'.'.I'..'."..'. Cotton-top mattrespes Thirty-pound wool mattreses Elegant pine-nber mattnssea Quartered oak parlor tables lejuble chairs line feither pillows Supported cots with pad " aslistands .. Sheets l'illow slirs '".."' tlood blankets, per pair. .1 19 ....J1.33 ... 1 10 ... 5.00 ... 1 2", .... i ro .... 2.;o ... l.K ... .u 4) ... 1.75 .. 1.0) ... .20 .. line Smvma rugs. J173 tn. And an assortment of ether goo Is tio -lunieriiirt to n-c-:tlof All practically new and at half turn itiiti ditit WEbTERX SALYAGK CO.. ..00. Morgan. TWO laundry 'nagen; first-class condition; cheap for quick sale. 4131 Olive TWO work horses; or will sell separate. Southern Teed Co.. &09 S. fVsenth. TWO-IIORSB s.take agnn. newly painted nrd In ood repair. 2C3Q Saltbur WOIUC borves and mules. nt"lpce. 23(f7 Howard st. I rum 320 to a WORLD'S Fair grand prize and gold nvdal: slnxlQ wacon. team, single and double buggy harness: greatly reduced prices. Geo. Graas muck. 1318 X. Broadway. 1 A DM CCQ RETAIL DEPART. nAnnCOO Washington fav?. and 21it ilors blankets, robes and heaters. J. B. SICKLES SADDLERY CO. STORM KMUREE-M BUGGIES. EE-McLBAN COE CO.. New 5:T1r-Hei 1117 Olive I'aniurage. SirOfii -ii m rmif-iiir-i rn-iririo rvr'srff-srrvrrrw"TKi HORSES wintered; good care; plenty feed; rates reasonable; send rstal or phone Beau mont 144. D 64. Uecfa Stock Farm, Bellefon talne. Io R. n. 24. HORSES wintered; box stalls; plenty feed; 2S month: taken, returned free; ref. given; Sub urban car. Kent Sta-: postal. West, 12S0 Isldor. FOR SALE 9IICISLLAM:0L'S. ALL kinds Welsbach lights and supplies: good mantles; 10c each: three for 2.C Condon Bros.. lOIS Market. ONLY S15 for a good-toned square ptano: oth ers for IS. J33. J45. JtS and J75 for a Steln wa; will exchange any time and allow all that ycu paid on a new piano. Kleekamp Brcs Piano Co.. 2307 Park ivl. PIANO, nice square piano; George steck make: first-class condition, cheap. 4023 Washington. PIANOS tuned. JLM: flrst-class nlano and or gan tuner and repairer: 25 Tears" experience. Send postal to H. Kault. 2330 Qravols ave. UPRIGHT and square pianos, 7 1-3 octaves; In perfect order and standard makes; also pianos for rent. O. Oroteguth. 105 X. Twelfth YOUR time and money never belter Invested than looklrt- at those beautiful Straure pianos before bulng. a A. Boehm & Bro 1KB Frank lin ave. J1S3 buys fine mahcrany upright nlano. Schu bert Moxter. 22 Franklin. JII0 will buy Decker Bros upright piano, perfect condition. 3302 S. Jefferson. 125 buys nice Steinway piano; good fcr begin ner; stool and coTer. 1414 X. Sixteenth. STORAGE alD llOVIHG. AauvitiCAX storage and Moving Co. 211; Olive Moving, packing, shipping; all storage In separate rooms; both phones. W. H. Langdale. BOXDED warehouse; Henrr C W. WIeh Storage and Moving: Co. 1313-15 Franklin ave.; money advanced when deslr-d: Kinloch C SC3 NEW YORK Storage Co.. Twenty-second and wash. move. pack, shin or store furniture In senarato rooms: estimate clven: work guaran. BABY buggy and go-cart; combination; fine new willow auto gear, cheap. jiCS2A Morgan. BILLIARD and pool tables: nw and second hand: cash or easy payments; cloth, balls, all .upplles and repairing; both phones. Keversl ple Billiard Mfg. Co . Zepp and Kosciusko its. BUT paints, v smashes, white Uxi: 4e to fie (treat Wesiern P.lnt and Colw Co., til Manchester. M3 Franklin. COAL Lowest price del. Southern Coal Co., 815 8. Fourteenth r C 184: open s p. ra. COAL Illinois, standard and family: lie; Dorr's high grade, 12c per bu., delivered. Ed ward Dorr. 2631 Morgan st.; Kinloch C32. FIK23 billiard and itool tshle. .nil .mnntle.. A. EL Schmidt. SSS Marlcet rt. Main JTJSM' FUR for only 112: will sell mr elegant, beau tiful neck scarf; Australian sable; full length; Al order; party leaving city. KJ 32. Republic GEXTLEMAN'S cluster scarfpln. ten blue white flawless diamonds: pawned for 332; cost 170: soil ticket tor IS. KJ 28. Republic HAVING purchased all the t-nta of ""Camp L?Ki.-m wa can oner same 10 sale cneap before SOUTH Side Stornre nnit MrnHn0- rv isni.s X Sidney t. Bell Sidney 235; Kinloch Vlcior 607. CLEARING SALE From World's Fair Hotels. lion bed', worth J2 M fcr 51. 0) woven-vvlre springs, worth J2j for 1 10 cotton-top worth J230 for 0" 6ol mattresses, worth for 1 51 Oak washstands. worth JO for 2 23 t-om&lnatlon dressers, worth JI). fcr Five-piece toilet st. worth J3. fur Cotton comforts, worth J3, for , Sheets, full size, worth 41c, Tor. , Pillow slips, worth 13o for Supported cots, worth J2. for Bex kers. leather sets worth . r.ft o.- Sideboards. r.Ttenslen Inl.ta. I.t .- chairs, tojkcases. vardrobes. folding beds chiffoniers, Brussels rugs, velvet rrg- xmiu ster rugs and everything In the fumftu'te line at equally low trices. LANGAN & TATLOR. S. &. JI. CO.. 123 Washington ave. C v) .S3 S3 .31 .07 1 r: DEL.MAR Iirulev?rd, 4542 Front room for gentlemen, steam heat, hot lath: private fam- DKLMAIt Boulevard. 4214 Superb rooms; prl Wl f?1&V. 'e'erences; furnace heat. Phcne LIndell li;5M. Dir-K?OX 2ni-Three cr rour large connect irg noma: bath anil gas; reasonable DICKSON 3333- Furnished rooms for light hour keeolrg front and other gas, batli; cheap DICKSON. -ci-Flrst fl.K)r. one room, fur nished or unfurnished, for housekeeping; reasonable DICKSON. J27 Furnished 100:713, two front rooms 1 for nousekeepicg; gas range, bath, fur nace htat: no children. EASTON. 2W9A Fine furnished parlor: bath: counle or gentlemen i:hTON. 4!t4 Nl 1 furnished tv.o men, private fami 1 y. IjASlON 3i'25-NlreIv- fumlsh'd rooms cfr light housekeeping, terms reasonable KAsTON. 443i-N!ceIv fumlshM front room: bath, hot and coll vater: private family. MINERVA. conveniences; able. rK9 Second-floor frrnt pirlor, all couple cr two gentlemen, na-i- MISSIH3IPPI. 1434-One nico room, with conveniences: opposite Lafavctte Park. MISSISSIPPI. 1307 Two furr.lshcl rooms. comnleto for housekeeping; S3 week: bcth and ras. WASHINGTON. 3143-FumlsheiI rooms. uui if desired; to nice tecpie only WASHINGTON, 3213 rof.-n-. single or en suite; Two housekeeping no children. WASHINGTON. BCG-Second-floor front other nice rooms: furnace heat, hot bath. WASHINGTON. fcr hocsekeeplns'; son. 13t9 NIcelv furnished rooma room for threo men; Jl per- WVSIHNGTON. 3113-Nlco. comfortable second-story front, furnace heat; for permanent people ROOMS -WITH HOARD. Iriiiii0 MORGAX- tin "re; private family; itrilKn. Xlce room, southern eTpc- good beard; Iwr two xen MORGX. 3021-Large. comfunable rooms; lurnace-heated, with rood home beard: terms reasonable, bath. MOUGVX. 3KS tcond -story frnnt room; modm conienlences. excellent taIe; tr-rncnl- ent to three car lines; one gent'eman. $S: two tV). private famllr XEWhTIiD. 120 X. (Near Llndel! Two 3n rcoia-. Mtn bath; board optional; private fam llv; reasrnabl- XIXTH 3717 X Furnished room, without boarcL I'AGIl 43IJ Comfortah'e room with good hoard for Uo gentlemen; JS a Tveek each. IAGE. 0334 Front room, with board, for gen tlemn or c.unlr: bath, ca: furna- heat I'AGB BsUleard. S02. Larse rocm, with board for two; hot bath. ga.- furnace heat. PAGE rooms fo: delred Boulevard. STTSB Two connctlnr wo or more gentlemen; boanl If PAGE. $S5 Nicely furrlshed room. lor per manent gentlemen; every convenience, brtak fast optional PAPIX. I04S Xeatly furnished moms; all conveniences, gii, hot bath; gl.o breakfast iX d-sired. PAPIX. 1812 Xlcely furnished front r-xn with board. tr two gentlmnt gas. u.jts 11 XE. 3i Room", with or without bo--.- 1'IXE. 34JT Xlcelj furnished -w-ms, with c. without loard. PIXEL 2SJ-XIcMy furnished heated roomi; with board. II week WASHINGTON. 301S Very elegant rooms for finw permanent people. In private family; very reasonable WASHINGTOX, 2S0 Xlcely furnished rooms; also roomi for light housekeeping; furnace, gift and bath WASinXGTOX. 2C41 Xlce rooms: furnace hat: cheip rent; also houskeeptnc rooms; verv ra5onabV Wi:LI-rCBXII?HEI- rcom for ore gentle man; private family; West End. JU ?, Republic WEVTMIXSTER Place. 411-Tfo nicely fur nished rooms, private family, gentlemen only. WEST BELLE, B-Two furnished ilngle or en suite; for winter. west belli: roon cmplM i213 Tv.o or more furnished for hou-keDlng. WEST BELLE. 4221 Xeatly furnished room; tv.o every convenience; furnace heat, rates rearo-able. WICHITA 4122 Xlcely fcrnlhed front room frr two gentlemen; board near; reasonable. MORGAX. 3107 Two unfurnished rooms. vat entranc; heat, light and bath pri- MCROAX. 2S10 Xcwly furnished. clean room 3: telephone; all conveniences. 31 Z'i to S3 per week. MORGAX. 2214 Two connettlnT sunny room, furnished - houekeeping; gas rang, tele nhnne. furnace heat XIXTH. 119 X. (Cor. Pine) Pleasant, warm front rooms; downtown: J2.S0 per vzeei up, hot bath. OLIVR 2143A Xlcely furnb-hed roams, week and up. OLIVE. 258-V-Well-furnished roams, with tatb, ga. fumace heat. OLIVEL 2124 One neat front room; hot bath. gas furnace heat OLIVE, 342S Two rooms on pecond floor, fur nished cr unfurnished OLIVE. 2240-NlceIy furnished rouen- for llsht housekeeping; rea-ronable. OLIVE, l&K Threo or four flrst-flocr r&oma; furniaaed or unfurnished. LASTON. J23 1 urnishrd front and other 'gh'-houckeeplng rooms; all convenience1: chcao rent EASTOX. 3110 I-irge front hall room, also Ianro second-lloor front room; gas and bath; reawinablo FURNITURE AD CARPETS On sale: a large assortment of high-grade .am ple furniture, carpets, rugs and household goods, for parjor. dlnlnc-room. library, bedroom and kitchen, at remarkablv low prlrcs. Also a big line of new carpets anj room-size rugs, beautiful velvets. Axmlnsters. Brussels and Ingrain: also linoleum and matting; theso are high-grade goods at small prices; bring tlr. of Roor. Wo are out of the hlah-rent district LANGAN .STORAGE CO . llM Morgan st UPHOLSTERING. Do vou wish to have any irattressc renovafJ this fall? If to. give u- a trial II G. Donigan upholstering and Bedding Mfg Co., store 4Zi Olive; factory, h. o. cor. fifteenth and Pine stf. Phones. LIndell 2-B3; Main 721 and Delnur 21S7. LASTON. aoriO-Brlcht. clieerful. cozlly fur nished room; housekeeping; gas stove; refined. rai-t home EVSTOX. 2WS Xlcelv furnished second-floor front room, nlsj back parlor, light housekeep ing, reasonable EIGIITI:eXTII. II23 X.-ftngle room for -n-tlgmen. quiet home; good refghborhood. EIGHTREXTH, :0i E Xlcely farn'shed room In private family; for one or two ladles. EIGHTEENTH. 1127 X.Xeatly furnished front rooms for light housekeeping or couple. ELEVENTH. 1SB Furnished rooms; one or four gent'emen; references. ELEVENTH. I713A X. Two neatly furnlshM connecting front rooms for iKujkeeplng. ETZEL, C1.A Two rooms, furnished complete for houseke-plng; bath privU-S"; 110 per month, no children. v BVAXP, 3732 Iargo furnl0ied front rocm, second floor: bath: suitable for two or four. OLIVE. 2S25 Large, w-Il-heated roomj; up; for gentlemen or cojpIs OLIVE, 2714 Nicely furnishe-1 front and oth er rooms for light housckf-ping OLIVE. 4213A Xlcely furnished stpam-heafnl connecting rooms: gas and bat... OLIVE. 3i.7 Xico for woklngmen. steam-hatcd SI wtfk each OLIVE, 3100 Xlcely furnlih-M. fumace-heatcl rooms; reasonable to peoplo empl ed. OLIVE. 2330tA For light hcuiekeeplng; large, comfortable rooms; gas: h-at; II up. OLIVE. 2924 Large front room; piano; two or four gentlemen: other room1, hot bath OLIVE. 2320A Will furnish room f"r and wife in exchango for chamber work OLLVB, 1015 (Upstairs) Rooms by week o; month: Iot rat?s to parties of two o- more. OLIVE. 132-XIcely furnished rooms; imble room: hot bath: room with piano; reasonable WESTIIIXSTER. 4127 Handsomely furnlshel room; touthcrn exposure; for permanent sen tinmen: cvry conven'ence; reasonable. WESTMIXSTER. 4134 Two connecting sec-cnd-ttory rooms; large, well furnished; four or flie gentlemen, private home; no other roomer? KOOIIS WITH BOARD. AITBERT. 721 Nicely furnished room; flrst clasd board; rouple or gentlemen: references. BARTiJER. 620-Lnvely large furnished room in Wet End, with board; southern exposure; priva: family; excellent table: hot bath; for geptlmn or couple Br.LL affi slrable rooms; Second-floor front and other de furnaco heat; good table. CATE3. CS03 Nlc warm rooms fcr perma nent people, with excellnt board: day beard. PINE. 34li-Ugb: and neatly furnished rconin and board. I4.3J per wek. I'XXE. 352? Elegantly furntsh-d room? s:n or en. suite, board if desired, modern conven lerce? I'lXK. 202 Beautiful rcomi; furnac. Mtn: first-clafs table; rates to parties; Kinloch C E21. RIDGE. ;22J-FurnI"hd front room; south ern exposure, with or without board; for gn tlemen: prtvaxe family. ROOM and board by young lady employe: stricIv- private family; permanent If t-ultel; give particular and terms, references e-charg-l JR l. Republic. SPIUXG 323 X. Xicely furnished rooms, -vith board, half block from Olive st. car I'n ST AXGE. 1310 Two cornecting furnish-! rooms, with or without beard: all conveniences. .ST. CHARLES. 227 Room ard board. l wek; for gentleman; prlsrate; first floor. eat ide ST IXULS. 3?I7 Room, and board for cer.tlo rmn or ladlet employed: St to 34 Z weeklv ST VINCENT. SO Furni-hI rooms, one t-' two gentlemen; bath. gas. furnace heatr beard optional. t VERXOX. SCSI Large third-floor roc-n for gentlemen cr couple; beard optional; reasonable WASH. 1710 Elegant Hght-touertee pin--roomg; aI?o rooms with board: reasonable. WASHINGTON, 47 Rooms for gentlemen or ladies, breakfast If desired. WASHINGTOX. 3CC3 Perman-nt room an-I hoard: terms reasonable, hot lath. WASHINGTOX. 3721-ChoIce, location; and services flrst-class: steam heat WASHINGTOX. 31 2 Desirable rooms board to married couples and gentlemen. WASHINGTON. 2314 Nice, warm room, for couples: rood home board: German cocking WASHINGTON. 3101 Flrst-cIara rooi-ns; breakfast If desired: steam heat: ciodrn. CHILDREN can got room and board and best of car at Children's Cottage Home and School, 422 North Market st. , fHOCTEAU ?29 Neatly furnished rooms, with or vithout board; aUo light hou-Vkeeplng. WASHINGTOX Boulevard. CUCOXIeely fur clhjd room', with board: phone LIndell 2314A. WASHIXGTOX. 2015 Very elegant moms for fine, permanent people. In private family; ery res onabIe. CLVYTOX. CM Rooms, with cr without beard; south side World's Fair; two blocks walk to entrance; rcoms heated. COOK. 3c32 iMrntflhed room with board, for two or three gentlemen; also single room. CCTH BRILLIAXTE. 4122 Room and board for two gentlemen; bath and gas. DfLMAB, 3SW BeauUfuBy furnished rooms; modern, with board DEI-MA R. 4143 Desirable furnished rocms. with brfiUciast and 6 o'clock, dinner; references exr hanged DELMAR. 4247 Second-story cxithern-ex-poviI room; every convenience; two gentlemen; LIndell :CA. DELMAI!. z$l&-rjlte of elegantly furnished STond-floor front rooms; well heated; break fast rr aw; nab Ie OLIVK. 2625 Front, tack parlor, single cr en suite; reasonable price fcr winter: pas. bntli. OLIVE. 1812 Xicely furnished frcnt room, for two or fout; also other n!co rooms; reasonable. OLIVE, 3S45A Xeatly furnished, roomi; steam heat; all conveniences; reasonable; gtntlcmcn EVANS gentlemen; ven!xce. 4123 Furnished front room for two a w weexiy eacn; modern con- I3VAXS, 2rJ7&-HandsomeIy furnished rooms; two or threp ; en suite; complete for housekeep ing: modern. EACIIAINGC AM) IIAIITIHI. LANGAN & TAYLOR STORAGE AND MOVING CO New warehouse. U23 Washington;S00 nrl--ato rooms for storage: mothproof carp-t-rocm: cheapest Insurance In theciu.-jou have access to your room at any time: all moving, packing and shipping guaranteed: money advanced- es tablished lSSO. Ring up C 741 or Main MM and get our rates. We have no branches. TflRARF ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF, uiuiinuL new warehouse. Grand and La clede, for safekeeping of furniture, piano", trunks, valuables, boxes, etc. ;strlctly flrst-clau moving, packing; shipping, etc. Our fire Insur ance the lowest. Money advanced. Ship goods our care. Estimates free. Get our rate.. Both phones, 1E9-S1 Olive. R. "U. Leonorl Auction & Storage Co. MACHINERY FOR SALE. DIN AMOS and motors, all styles and volt ores, for ssle or rent: we buy electrical ma chinery. Rosstter-MacGovem Electrics! Co., viraou in miq v isvor law, vompion ana i-apin. KrtH.iiim.SrSf tP5fnJv,t!KSS,,onl" 0NE Mt stationary boiler: complete Belting ana Supply Co.. tVB & Fourth at. Wth gtlu:k. heater and. Inspirator: one CxS Ar- HYDE Coal Co : special lie bushel: good enough for anybody: try H bushels, 405 X. eighteenth: Kin. C 2125; send pcitaL KINDLING wood; send postal; Ji. per load. ' Stt Xatural Bridge. KNIVES, forks, pocketknlves. spoons and .hears of evry description: razors. Tic; hones and strops. Svandard Tool Co . 83 N. Sixth. LARSON: cheapest ptcre on earth; men's and ladjes shoes, furnishings, hats, caps,, trunks, vellses. Chouteau and Manchester. I)T of fine chickens: cheati. If all taken to gether. 4PS3 Easton ave. NEW JERSEY road cottage, llcdel Street. TVorld'a Fair, to highest bidder. JR IX, Republic. NEW and. secondhand billiard, end pool ta bles; easy payments: we rent tsrbles with privi lege of buying; modern tar fixtures. Eruns-wlck-Balke-Collesder Co.. 10S S. Fourth it. POOL labtee. shelving, counters, cloth cue,, auppUea all kinds. A. T. Taoore. 1111 Cass. PLUMBING; Mcrlfice prices; complete; U wyter cloaeta and washbowl outfit: 120-gallon Wilki water heater, pip, faucet and plumblni-: (new) three car loads Iron beds, springs and mattresses. Sell all or Tart. 'Woman'. Miga tine milldlnc. St. Louis. Mo. CoL Burxacott. mlngton-Slms automatic engine complete: one Exl6 slide-valve engine: one 6x10 Relley air compressor: one S-h. p. boner and engine, com plete: two uaroner governors, -lnia macnlnery has been used by us. and is all In flrst-class condition: having Installed electric plant, have no further use for' it. Can be. bought at a bargain. West St. Louis Machine and Tool Co.. G96 Manchester.,vw, is WANTED Muslo cabinet: will glvo lessons on piano In exchange. JH UL Republic. WILL EXCHANGE Seven-room residence and sit acres, east Klrk wood, for rental property In city. E. W LEE. 4--a llillcrton bldg-. WORLD'S FAlli SALV.XGU. BUILDING and showcases of Government Restaurant, World's Fair grounds. Apply on premises. 49 cases of wine: two niAnns? miMiin .(. turc; one mission mantle: 10 fan nalrns. c.n. commission, world's IUir. fomfa TYPEWRITERS. "srf'se-lWV,,We-WiS, i:t,ii.-suiij.N. smith. Underwood. Oliver typewriters- tz to &0: rentals, two months. IS 9t. Louis Typetsrlter Exchange, S10 Oliva st . BOOKS-PAPERS. BOOKS and magazines bought In any Quan tity. Address Botk Buyer. P. O. Box. ES7. I WANT to buy law, medical and other good boolca: Dan Llnahan. bookseller. E21 Market; IRVING, IIS N. Several well-furnished rocms; permanent guests desired: J2 to 55 week for light housekeeping; resrcnslble people. re onable -' 1-OUIiTir, 7u0-702 X. Elegantly furnished roomg. 25c up; special ratcA by the week. ITtAXKLlX. 3211 Large furnii-hed front room. TR.VXKLIX. 2Slfi-WeIl-furnl3hd roama; to S5 week; several vacant. FRANKLIN. 2114 Hlng'e and rooma for light housekeeping. connecting' TRANKLTX. 513 Comfortable rooms. J1.23, il tQ each: for two; single rooms J2 week ut. niAXKLIX. ii Clean, furnished rooms; single. iZ wckly; more sober men: warm of nee. FURNISHED front for couple cr gentlemen In suburbs; reasonable. JR iof. Republic. GAMBLE; 232&-TWO furnished rooms; and back. OLIVE. 2517 Warm, comfortable rcom3 ; Si each: small room. tZ month: all conveniences. OLIVE, 1514 Two connecting rocm. suitable for four or six gentlemen: hot bath; re-iconable. OLIVE. S732B Clean, furnished connecting; rooms; aJao two hall rooms; telephone, reasonable. OLTV'E. 410-PIeasant furnlsh&i gentlemen: rostaurants conv enlent; sc nahle rooms for very rra- OLIVE, 273 Xlcelv fumbhed front and back parlors, single or en suite; aIo room fur housekeeping: hot bath: term reasonabl- OREGON, 1S23 (Corner Geer Two lovely furnished front roonu; also parlor and kitchen for housekeeping; furnace heat; porcelain bath. PAGE, 4455 Large second-story front room, for two: southern exposure, family of adu'ta. PAGE Boulevard. 3537 Rocms, furnished or unfurnished, for light housekeeping; southern exposure. PAGE Boulevard, room, second floor; private family. 314 Nicely gas, bath, furnace heat; PARK. 2351 Xicely furnished second-ncor room, with board; two gentlemen or couple. DELMAR Boulevard. 2727 Beautiful large thlrd-storv frcnt room, with excellent board; mi' table for two or three gentlemen; separate beds, electric lights: Llndtll 1541A. CAD?. 252IA NIcelv furnished front parlor; board: suitable for two or three gentlemen TJADS. 2542 Xsw, well fu-nlshed second-story room, adjolrlng- hot and cold bath: ga, closet, furnace, running water; superior table. ETZEL, 555 Second -floor front connecting; roomt. with board, electric lights, hot bath. furnace heat. In new. modern house; private family; reasonable price; telephone Forest 1356M WASHIXGTOX, Boulevard. 4.S3 Definable room and board; he t-water heating. Bellphcn Forest 2222 V. WASHINGTON, 1406 Front rocm, four gen tlemen: good beard; cheap; other rooms; hot bath: furnace. WASHINGTON. 2S2-NIce. warm rooan: furnace-heated; sentleostn or couples: board op tional. Kin C 1225. WASHIXGTOX. 2:-2S-S team-heated room-. with excellent board : reasonable rates: well furnished: telephone, etc WEST BDLLE place. 4453 Large rooms, nice ly furnished, with flrst-class board.. WEST BELLE, 4C4 Large middle and fron; rcoms: excellent table: warm house. WEST BELLE: 4423 Flrst-claf accommoda tions; excellent board: rates 24.53 up. WEST BELLE. 4478 Third gentlemen or ladles employed: storr. for tvo cood beard. WEST BELLE. 4323 Room and board: aI conveniences; permanent-: $20 and $25 month. WEST BELLE. 4151 Large frcnt rcom; souths em exposure: good board; for gentlemen only WEST BELLE. 333S-XIcely furnished room: four men or couple; excellent table: first-ciass accommodation. WEST BELLE. 420 Furnished rooms, with board; ladles or gentlemen employed; reason able. Delmar 970. EVAXP. 3703 Pleasant rooms, with cr with out board: oulet home: near Grand and Easton. X1XXBY. 04I Rooms and board for perma nent people. GARRIfcON. 21B X. First-claw beard and rooms; modern conveniences; reasonable terms. GARRISON". 512 X. Furnished rooms and board; modern conveniences; s o' clock; dlnnr; telephone HAMILTON. 13sl Furnished brard: small private family. room, with; KING'S HIGHWAY. 122S X. Front rooms, s!ngl or en suite; excellent table. LACLEDE. 2119 Nicely furnished rooma and board. XI and 15 I-ACLEDE. 430O Elegantly furdshed rooms; furnace heat: flrst-class board. IACLEDE. 3112 Furnished and unfurnished roorrs: huUek-eplng or boardlnff. PARK. 1G90 Furnished rocm fcr housekeep ing or two gentlemen; convenient to car lines. GAMBLE. 2357 Furni-hed front hall room; alio room with window facng -n Garrison. GARRISON. 1015A Unfurnished room; Kii: nice locality: reasonable. bath. GARRISON. 1203 N. Furnished and unfur nijhed rooms for light housekeeping. GARRISON. 724 X. Xicely furnished rooms; 3 car lires. furnace heat; bath, reasonable. GARRISON". 1014 N Furnished front room; alo room for housekeeping; bath, gas; low rent. WE are always In the market for any kind of machinery or anything ele In that lice. ht. Louis Belting and Supply Co.. 599 S. Fourth, CARPET CLEANING. p- i-i-i-ss-i-.-i-i-i-i-ii -i-- -f- iVirwvvwi. ACME Bteam Carpet Cleaning Co.; yard. 4060 Eaatcn ave.; both phones. Jo per AMERICAN Bteam Carpet Cleaning Co. Car pets" cleaned and renovated, made over and laid. Nineteenth and Pine. Beaumont Hi; D 70. CHICAGO Steam Carpet Cleaning Co Car pets renovated to look like new: also uphol stering. Tel. Un. 20M:.KIn. Del. I43L IKS rinney. EMPIRE gteam Carpet Cleaning Co.. W Wa terman. Manager Carpets renovated: look like new. 213 Lucas; let. Beaumont 220: ICin. C 966. PRACTICALLY new lady, sunhurst: pure whitebrllllant cut diamonds: cost JIM: Eacrtfleo for tT5: cood bargain. KJ a. Republic SEVEN 12-lnch electric fans, t Ore cxtln rulshers. I electric arc lamps and other elec trlcal material. M. Maver & Son. KB Chouteau. SACRIFICE price.; complete four-chair bar. ber outfit. Woman's Maguln, bulldlse. St. Louis. Mo. Col, nnzxacott. .STANDAKD-SIZEBrunswick-Balke pool ta ble, complete with balls, cues and rack: used jery little; rood a. new; cost KM; will sell ror tzy. WM 6. Reaublle TAILOR-MADE overcoats and suits, hati: sample shoes. 0c on Jl: lob lots for country merchants: chean. S. Gordon. S06 aiorran. TOOLS Carpenter's chest ches with draw ers: 0 tools; J7; chest cost J15. tia Xorth Market. VERY cheap, on World's Fair grounds, frame, building, end content, of flrst-class restau rant. JO 111. Renubllc. "WELSBACH mantles: 2 for 25c dozen. At Condon Bros., 1026 Market at., iuis. aio. Il.M per. fcU 12-cauge shotgun; bargain; L. c Smith ham meriesi; cost J12C: take JH. tos Spruce. DOES TOUR RtJOF LEAK? Have yon a leaky tin. sblngle-. :elt et- Iron roof T Cover It witU Mastic Rooting. It Is best for old and new roofs, and -for valley,, gutters. decks, balconies, etc Majtlc Roof Paint and lloonng cement will atop small leaks. Writ for samples and Information. Xatlonal Haitlo Roofing Co.. Chemical bldg. ST. LOUIS Steam Carpet Cleaning Co., 437. Easton; phone Forest SO; Delmar tit. RUBBKK STAMPS. 'Sfe.i,l. STKXCILS Hirn-in i i -i-i Piif.-.r.V-ii-ii-i-.r-wse;.... ADAMs. me nifflD man.rS14 N.ctTth t c Louts, Mo.; rubber stamps, seals, stencils, etc: goodrcheap. quick. -Writ, for new list. GOLD. .SILVER, NICKBI. PLTIG. GOLD, stiver ar.d nickel plntlng In all lis branches: repairing old silverware a specialty. Gustav- M. Kraus. C17 Pine St.. second f.ocr. 15YIXG,, ncPAinixc lOUJl fall and winter suit, made at Kco nlg 3. cleaning, dyeing. 221S Chouteau. SEWING MACHIMJS. SEWING machines, all makes, from J3 to J20 300 to choose from. SIS N. Sixth. ' DENTISTnT. EXCELSIOR Stencil Wcrke. 311 Ollre. for steel stamp, stencils, burning brands, rubber type, seals, brass and alnmlfinm checks. KASPJ5R STAMP AND SBAL CO.. HI Ln. cust st. and block 11. Liberal Art building. World's Fair: both phones. FlRJtlSUED UOCSES ARD FLATS FOB ALE. .vi,nri-..-.-if-iii--.-Pi - .-i ii irs-i -. i-ii.i'.nixO-s. TLAT: 4 rooms: fine neighborhood: furnish ings brand-new; JXO down, balance monthly. 1243 Euclid ave. NICELY furnished rooming-house; . rooms; good location; cheap rent; price tiii. JR 10.. Republic. DOGS, CATS. PETS FOR SALK; .-.i-s-.i-sr.r.-.i.ii..M. "."'. T.wm.i.i.1., .eie. us... s, NEW TORK Bird Store Largest assortment of canaries, parrots and other song bird: cages, globes, aquariums, froldnsh; all kinds of seed and food: cheapest and oest place in city. V Franklin, near Broadway. F. Metzg cr. Mgr. NO PA11N. FULL SET OF TEETH s3.00 BITE CORN OFF con. ...Kl.tK) ZSo ...KTt.lMI tnitAUU UtNTAL PALACE, CIS Ollvp St., Second Floor. Open dally; evenings till 9; Sundays io to 4. Gold Crowns. 22-k Teeth extracted without pain... XlilUKV ,UIls. GI.t-fcGOW I'lace, 3023 Two connectinsr fur nished rooms for housekeeping; bath, gaa; reasonable GLASGOW P'ace, C023 Two or three furnished rooms: light housekeeping; all conveniences; reasonable GRAND. 1911 N. Two connecting rurnlshed rooms for light housekeeping; gas range, bath, etc. HANDSOME front room; private family; for one or two gentlemen or buslnera lady. ;cu) west. JR 103. Republic PARK. IK2 Nicely furnished room; all mod ern conveniences and furnaco heat; gentlemen or couifle. PARK. 923 On. furnished room; bath; light housekeeping. PARK, 171J Front rocm: second noor; gentle men or housekeeping. PARK, 140S Clean rooms: furnished; gentle men; for parlor; single rcom; Tower Grovs car. PARK. 3845 Two e-.nnectlng rooma. furnished completo for light houisjkeeplnjr: all conveniences. PINE. 1833 Basement rooms: reasonable. PINU KJS Nicely housekeeping. furnished rocms; nlso PINR 2731 Furnished or unfurnished rooms; fumace heat: reasonable TINB. SIS Nicety furnished rooms; heat, electric light: elevator service. PINK. 2117 Well-furnished rooms for roomers: some for light housekeeping: Jl 50 up. iriCKOnv. 1314 Two furnished rooms; bath: private family. HICKORY. H02A Furnished rooms; hall and other rooms: hot bath. HICKORY, 1523 Two nice large rooms, fur nlsced for bonsekeeplng: J3 and J3.23 week. JEFFERSON. 1443 N. Nice, large tront room; light nousckeeplng; first floor; Jj week. JEFFERSON. 154S S. Furnished 'room, for gentlemen or housekeeping: all conveniences. KENSINGTON, EOO-Larse. front rcom, ele gantly furnished; private family; furnace; as: KENNETT" Place. ISSl-Nlcely furnished front room: cas. bath, steam heat: reasonable. SHOPWORN AND REPAIRED SCALES N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND CLARK. KWONG YEP & CO. Will open December S. to sell all roods at a sacrifice which were on exhibit at World's Fair grounds. Blackwood furniture, root figures, curios, embroideries, jewelry, preserved ginger, dried llche-s. teas. etc. etc Office. 81J Academy ave.. St. Louis. Mo. Take Suburban car: first bmis. south of tracks. Christmas Presents And wedding presents In Grand Rapid fur niture, parlor cabinet. Vem.. marten, oak and mahogany tables, fancy chairs and rockers. bookcases, bras, and iron beds, ruga, stoves nd ranges, at prices for cash that cannot be duplicated; time Riven If tieslred. MKW YORK STORAGE" X.. BU-SU WaxJi st. WAL1, PAPER. , "-".'-'----- --Vlil 'I - II li EURLICII BROS . paper rooms S3 each, sou Easton: Del. 1721: LIndell IBB. REALTY Wall Paper and Palnt'ng tro.. 3128 Easton; phone D 10; don't be afraid to aire us a trial; we can surprise you; cash cr time. PBIXTIKQ. MMsev.AeMSMMevsevevseSAewsevews.s. "ii ess .seses. AAAA1 Cheapest place In town for printing. McGlU i Co.. iH: N. Eleventh. v B EIBRMANN BROS., printers. 323 Pine, solicit your business and guarantee satisfaction: fins commercial work a specialty. Kin. 1U0A. CATTXE. jeeeeseieseseeeseeesseeiev.l,,eeveveese FINE Jersey cow. 135. 46 .Boston. FINB Jersey cow: Just- fresh and ble milker; cash or on time, IKS S. Twelfth at. ACTOafOBILKS. eseseevse.seseevese.eve .evevse' esesieveysieveev.isesev, ncan'put you next to several hundred pw -on the best-automobile srer made. Boom V TUco bulldlnx. NEW YORK DENTAL RQQHS LeadlDc Dentists. Established for 42 rears. ;. lv-ir'r- "roadway and Olive. Entrance wj olive st. Extracting FREE when teeth ar ordered. Largeet and old Jf.,d",t,?1 M,anl,lshment in the city. We employ tbe jnc.t skillful men In the Drof.fsicn. A. ,Lw5Vj5fr"n,ed' Cmisulla. tlon -FJtfcE Do not look for cheap dentists, but come to us and get reliable wcrk at low est prices. ODen riallw fre.m t- sm. to f p. m.. nnJ Sunday from tao to i o m. n KENSIXGTOX. CI02 Two neatly furnished connecting roomm ringle or en suite: hot. fil tered bath: p'osonabln. PIXEL 3212 TVo largo rooms, furnlfced 01 unfurnished: furnished room far gentlemen. PIXEL 2401 Elegantly furnished rooms, two o: four gentlemen; come early; lako our cholc. IfcCLEDC. 3747 Xicely furnished flrst-clas beard; ror permanent people. LACLEDE. SS20 Largo room for two or four aentlrnen gootl board: furnace heal: bath. I.VCLI7DE, 3547 Xicely fui-nlshed rooma; wll hatwl; honv cooking; men preferred; hot bat'u L.VFATETTE. 8518 Xlc-sly furnlahed front room, with or without beard: every convenience. WEST BELLE. 414X ElegnnUy- fumishtd front room: southern exposure; excellent table; very reasonable. LIndell 26S6. WEST PIXE BonI-vard. m FIr-t -class; Bteam heat; reasonable: teL LIndell IS41T. WE9T PIXE B-ulevard. 42S2-Some flno rooma and good table for permanent people. WEST PIXE Boulevard. 354-FlrM-cla3 room with good board and service; 525 per month. WEST PIXE Boulevard- 2653 Handsome ry furnished room, with prlrat bath; first-class table and genrlce; ratea 112.50 psr Treelc each. WESTiTIXSTER. 3315 Two connecting rooma; ptvate family; excellent board; reference ex- changed. WESTMIXSTER. 4CS3 Two double and en single, beautifully furnished room, with board; referencea. WEST3IIXSTER, 3:'--FurnIshed second-storr front and caane-ctlmr rooms; for couple; supe rior board; rtferencea. WEST ITXE. 27S1 Flrst-cla: steam heat; reaaonable; telephone LIndell 5431. BlCHtHLOR QUARTERS. Xicely furnished room!-, with beard; erery convenience; smoklnjr-rocm. etc 2n25 Park: ave. HOTELS. IaAWTOX. 2S24 Xicely furnlahed rooma and board: very rea-onaMe. L-VWTON. 21i Large, light room, with or without board: also light housekeeping-. LAWTOX. 2323 Excellent board and rooxni; hot bath, heat: own home: $5 per week. LVWTOX. 342S Xicely furnished parlor and other rooms; beard optional; furnac heat; all conveniences. LINDELL Boulevard. 4SI7 Beautifully fur clshed room-, with beard; for couple or gea- LIXBELL BouIard. S314A Private family can accommodate two or four gentlemen: choice ronrtf. steam-heated: with or without board. LOCUST. 3113 I-oard and room. LOCUST. 2720 First-class rooms and boardr reaonabl terms. LOCUST. 233 Warm rooms: excellent board to party cf gentlemen. Kinloch C 73S. PIXE. 2720-Large nicely furnlahed room, with heat; second-floor; suitable for t.o gentlemen. PIXEL 112$-aood rooms and convenience,; hot baths; weekly rates. $2 up; central location. PCVE1. 2703 Nicely furnished frcnt rooms? heat, gas. hot bath; prroanent gentlemen pre- fered. PIXEL 30O4 Comfortably furnUhM front rooms; modem conveniences. Including electrlo light and telephone. PIXE. 3425 Clean, warm rooms: hot bath; filtered water: phone Kinloch C 1672: two di rect car lines: convenient board near; rea LOCUST ivv Warm rcoms; excellent board; hot bath: i p-r week; permanent guests. UVll-lim&m HOTEL STRATFORD, EIGHTH AXD PIXE STS. ST. LOUIS. A permanent new and modem hotel, ln th9 hopping and theater districts. European plan; handsomely furnished and equipped with ele vators; hot and cold water ln every room; electrlce lights and steam heat. Every room an outside room. HOUSES, ROOS. F7TC.--WASTED. MARRIED couple, no children, and aa a permanency, want flv-room modern fiat, all cnnverlenc: South Side preferred; rent not rceding J23L Addrces, Immediately. JR 254. Republic. SIXGLB gentleman wishes a permanent rocra In a refined private family. KJ 35. RepubMc. TO lease a Itv-rsom house by a lesponslbl business man with a small family. KD 42. Republic LOCUST. 3107 Rooms, with board; furnace hrnt: hot bath: for permanent pople; call. LOCUST. 1424 Rcom and board; day boarders accommodated ; house heated. Sirs. M. A. Thomas LOCUST. I7 Xlce hctated rooms, with board: permanent guests; $tW a week up. Mrs Runa. I5CUST. 2142 Handsomely furnished neccnd storv frcnt: also single room; all ronvenlencxM; superior table. LUCAS. 85. beet location; I First-class rooms and board; reasonable. KENSIXGTOX. CI12A Three connecting, well-furnished, light rooms, en suite or sep arately; fumace heat; all conveniences; private family of two; permanent; gentlemen or couple. LABADIE. 4311 Fumihcd room for light housekeeping; prlllere of gaA. bath, etc LACLEDE. V2A5 Two connecting rooma on third floor- will rent t Ingle- or double. LACL.EDE. 2M1 -Three nice banement rooms; furnlnhefl for houpekwplng; S10 per month. LACLEDE, 3027 Two nl?. unfurnished looris. third floor; IZ per month; convenience. LACLEDE. T3)7 Rocms for light housekeep ing; also sleeping rooms; hot bath, gas; reasonable. LACLEDE. 3139 Xeatly furnished connect In:; room,; hcureKeoping; gas range; also sin gle room. LACLEDE. 43K Furnished rooms for perma nent gentlemen In new prlvata residence: fur- i..iue ..en i. RAYMOND. MC5 Two looms on third floor; Page or Suburban car. RAYMOND. 501S Xlce room-.: Srst-clasa board; all conveniences; fine neighborhood; references. ROOMS; light housekeeping privileges; J2 and 11.50 per week, JR 102. Repbbllc. SHERIDAN. 2725 Furnished recund-fion: front and connecting housekeeping rooms; bath: also front room. 8HERIDAX. 2S01A Two connwrtfrg rooms, furnished complete for housekeeping; water In kitchen: reasonable. SIXTEENTH. 201 S. Large frcnt rooms fnr housekeeping: cheaper rooms; some for men. SIXTEENTH. 1433 X. Two connecting or sln ele rooma; completely furnished for hou,-kcep-lr.g- cook ove, water, etc; reasonable; re spectabla couple. SPRING. 2 X. FurnlEbed rooms; J7.W month upward: gas. hot bath, furnace. LACLEDE. 3s Two uafurnb-hed second story front rooms; heat and gas furnished; prl- snt-T- tmm.jr unillUK UI1 UUU1C. EASTERN PAINLESS DENTISTS Cold Crowns. Hk S3.M TrTTr?t. Full Set Teeth B.CO I UAS. 25CI Bridie Work 1...J3.M ' ""' ""l Brine this ad and jr one Gold Fuune Frwl 015 LOCLST. , OPEN DAILY 10 P. M.. SUNDAY3 AiL DAY. 3IEDICM-CLAmV0VAXTS. JIMB. SEWW. crratest fortune teller In the world, brings separated together, removes evil Influences, sells lucky charms, lsra Franklin. 3IED1CAL. I 1 ssssssnaswassnnlisl.s 1,l ,.,,,MMyJ-J CURE anv disease: ray after cured: consul ta tlon free. Dr. Crowley, 1543 X. EUhth. IsADZESt U5eCh:ditefJsEnrihhPccaToya,P.iH Scat! Baft. Oaly HcIUblc! TaLe do other. IsrssJitf -MW&trldio? In letter by re4ra mail. CUckestcr Ckcacdcal Cm 1'UUda rm LAFAYKITE. 2530 Two moms f cr hous-keep- I-AFAYETTE. 2S32 Two large furnished rooms for houekeep!ng; gas range; all con-venlrnee. I.AWTOX. 2007 Two large furnished rooms for licht housekeeping; also front parlor. LA 9ALLU. 1505 Two furnished rooms; suited for party of gentlemen: hot bath and gaa. LA SALLE. 921 Two connecting rooms for housekeeping; partly furnished; bath and gas; redured rates. LAWTOX. 2723 Room for light housekeeping, with gas range. LAWTOX. 2S14 Two nice, large unfurnished rooms: bath: housekeeping permitted. LAWTOX. 3-T2S Large front room for house Keeplnr or gentlemen; all conveniences; reasonable. LAWTOX. 8030 Furn!hed 'flirt-floor rooms for two; housekeeping rooms; gaa range; hot bath. LAWTOX". 3224 Xicely fuml-hd rooms; heat and bath: gentlemen or ladles employed: reasonable. ST. AXGE. 1131 Two connecting front roorrw, completely furnished for housekeeping: reasn-able. ST. VINCENT, 312S Furnished room; private STODDARD, 2713 Xewly furnished hall room gaa, hot bath; also housekeeping rooma rea sonable rent. LUCAS. SOCIO Nice, light, clean roonis for mxi tlemen or couple: good board. LUCAS. 3131 Xicely furnished rooms; furnac heat, hot bathj good home board. LUCAS. 310&-Xlce rooms, with eood table bo-ird. H 50 and S3 week: hot bath. LUCAS. 2217 Two nicely furnished rooma. with board and heat: 84.73: gentlemen. ROOMS AXD HOARD WASTED. BOARD and room by younr man In strictlr pnvaif ijirn.iy; ezaie lerms; permanent. VVK 12G. Republic ROOMMATES WASTED. nE3PECTABI.n younit Ialy roommate: sep arate beds; excellent accommodations. SKS West Belle. FIRMSIIED IIOCSES A.D AVAXTED. FlATS WANT furnlahed elzlit-room honse- mmlMi 1S27 N. Taylor. THREE or four room fun-lined itati no World's Fair prices. Jit IO. Republic FOB KEXT DWEIi.wcs. BELL. 3137 33S: six-room house, ln soM or der: bath, furnace, chandeliers: private family onlr. LUCAS. 3-T Second-story front with con ncotlng room, with board: telephone C rsi. LUCAS. 3111 Clean room with cood board. In private family of adults; all modem con veniences: lia per week for two. LUCAS, 3D6J Business men and employed lady fhonld .ee our rooms and learn prices be fore settling for.winter: meals. LUCKY. :C3i'i-Room with board for twor strictly private family: J4 per week. 3IAPI.E. tin Nicety furnished room: tood board for two gentlemen: southern exposure. MAPLE. 5T41 One or two nicely furnished connecting rooms, with or without board; In private family; no other boarders; school next doer. MARYLAND. 4113 Nicely furnished room, with txird. steam beat: suitable for two. STODDARD. 3713 NIcelv furnished front room: batb. ra-: alt convenience for house keeping; reasonable rent. SUNNY, steam-heated rooms: 'free hath- all modem Improvements. Hotel Lanse. Fifteenth and Market. TENTH. JIS N. Nicely furnished rooms for gentlemen or light housekeeping. THEODOSIA. tflWA One room for couple or for two men: bath and ras. THEODOSIA. SMA Two rooms for licht housekeeping: .13 per month: bath and gas. THERESA. 513 N. Neatly furnished rooms privilege of housekeeping. THERESA. 90 N. Nicely furnished room. suitable for two rentlemen; in privato family; with use of bath; J3 per week. THERESA- 511..N. Bfrutlyfurni3hedsec--ond-story front room: suitable .for two ladles or gentlemen: reasonable rates; other room, ...Si TWELFTH. IIS N. Furnished rooms for light. MAP.YLAND, CS1A Ruined rurroundlngs; excelent table; two large south-front rooms; privato entrance; private balcony. Phone LIn dell 1914A. CATES. 5S0O-Milern ten-room house, with M foot lot: corner- Hamilton: cpen for Inspection from 2 to 4. E. G. Crow. 604 Century building. CLARA. 1317 Detached brick dwelling; eight rooms and bath: hot and cold water; furnace. I. E. Rels. 511 N. Sixth. DILLON. 1113 Nine-room brick dwelling; alt Improvements; 133. p. H. Elerman. SlSia Chestnut. EUGENIA. HloNlne-room dwelling; "will put In flrst-class order; rent 132.30. FERD- A BENEKE. 630 tValnwrlsht bldg EUGENIA, 33S-Nlne-room residence: will put In thorough order; possession given at once; rent S37.C0: can probably shade to good party. FERD. A. HENEKEL S3 Walnwiight bldg. OARRIFON. SIS N. Good elsht-room resi dence; will make necessary repairs to gnoil. permanent tenant: possession after Tuesday; rent only J37.M: probahlr shaJe to ilrht rarty- FERD A. BENEKB. Walnwright bldg. McPHERSON. 4:k Second-story front room, with board, for two; privato family. McPHERhON. 40C6 Flrst-class rooms; board: reasonable prices; business men ferred. with pre- MCPHERSON, tuo Choice second-floor rooms, with beard; for couples or gentlemen: modern heme. MISSISSIPPI. 1430 Nlr-ly furnished front rccm. with board; two gentlemen: reasonable. MORGAN'. 4133 Pleasant room, with beard, for couple": reasonable. "MORGAN. 31S1 Second-story front and other room: good board. C 1330 Kin. MORGAN. 3313 Room and board for four Young men: flrst-class: reasonable, MORGAN. 3304 Rooms with board; 33 per week: hall rooms: party owns house. MORGAN. 400S Pleasant room, with board, for cne cr two gentlemen: references. LACLEDE. 33C3 Eight-room. stone-front house: In flrst-class order. Charles Green R. E. Co.. 7M Chestnut st. LAFAYETTE. 2S4-Ston frrnt; S rocms. CHAS. GREEN It E. CO.. 730 Chestnut st. QCUEN. 3713 (Rear CS30 Old Manchester Rnaa) Three-room cot'ase; city water; rnty 310.50. - ZINK & CO.. Agent' 19 N. Seventh st. SCHOOL. 3133 SIx-rocm; for occupany: newly decorated: sanitary plumbing. now ready chandeliers; WALTON. 1432 Four-rocm hous: batb, curtains, range, etc: rent reasonable. FLAD. KSl Nlae-rcom resldenc: rear Shaw's Garden; larse lot; S55. WM. S. DROZPA. W9 trbouttau are. 4141 OLIVE ST. Choice 8-room residency- furance: ertry mod err, convenience: reasonable, rent. NICHOLLS-RiTTKR. 711 Chesnnt St. LAWTON. 3010 Fine. location: neatlv e.,.- I T-vvnesrrv.KSTTnvn en s iTHiml.t.. I nl,he.V rOOmS: all COnVCnlrnrAS? VfrV ee..nn. I CA lleht hath nnA hm, lln-. . T!f ? I wiv, kuig .-.Lia.. vM, tnnrJAV. 4?J3 Flnelv furnished rooms. -with good board: phcne LIndell 1313M. reason-1 li.M week: light, bath. and. heat Included; one J coo. 1 room xlvea ln exchasce for suwlne. ' ties MORGAN. 33i Pleasant second-floor room"; .j boara: rcasosa-sie: two .aaies or two gen- emen. 5889 PLYMOUTH AVENUE. Choice lft-room residence: every modem cotv Tcnlencs. NICHOLL3-RMTKR. 713 Chtstmit ss I m i ct 4: JSf. ,m m , 1 myiMhimf. ,, . msssM&inM