Newspaper Page Text
i- Tirw-Mr " wssyr-- DO YOU NEED THE LOUIS REPUBLIC. n kinil of lu-lpr Tin- Kepnli- "if Mill Kf-t il fur jou Ml-I.lj.; 14 -nnrilii lOc n( :m tlrim -tun-. X I X E rr Y - S E Y E X rIHI Y E A It . WEDNESDAY. MORNING, DECEMBER 28. 1904. -r - - - - 1 " " I.oul". One Cent. P T? T P. T A nlltlr St. I.nnl.. Tito -- ---W A I in Trnlns. Three Crn i. fDa KT ) rr n.UcrlNciI for rent In 'ine? S Itt'iinbllo ett-r tiny, Knl the S ) ItoiiniH fur Kent" nlu ? TEXT OF CHARGES . AGAINST TALBOT (jjir llflH I t Hill 1 1 I '' """""" "" nii,i. would l- .lt.-r to IkllU JUUL. I U UL.IU I !' .r . lKpint ami rriniln tlir .luring th- . SUA1MARY OF The St. Louis Republic Wedm-sdn. llrcrnilier l!s. 1JMM. Presentment of Secret Signers of Document in Connection -- With Unfrocking of Irvine. CONTAINS MANY COUNTS. Criminal Libel. Immorality ami Circulation of False Malicious Reirort.s Among Tliem. INSTANCES ARE SPECIFIED. Oil Uf-attHT TPall tmtiKhoui the tt and 's FiirahrK raj,itll urr tlir tZAt Hi storm In th- Wt and .NWth I mm .n iral u.r HllnuW anil nnii hus i.n jicnial In thP iipjwr I.ilp ncl'H I1ij rutn h-t fdllfti In th South nd M?uthu"t. Thf lieitirvt !irciintnil(n i I in tic. wji ri"rt.l firm. Mern rhl Trnn Othfr station in ih- OHo n 1 Lowr Ilssi- allt al reiwrt lif-tvy ralnfall Th maximum temjra'uie trnJav wis -l and the minimum 7 d'sr-1" Tti- fall of 1mi iiJ raow v.js . of 4ii fnrti, .ml the ,in.I -Iocii tncnt-four mites an hour, from the West At 1 oclwk tljfs mum In tli- tniit.riluru r.frlt-refj T il'Kmi" Th win J h-i'l MbiJed and thf M" wr rlMrins SENATORSHIP AND MONEY INTEREST REPUBLICANS CHARGE .Many Stories. Ate Told In the Politician's Concerning the !".- of nh in tin I'r nt Senatorial i :uip.iiii Oftiteis Elect, Ed itm.N and Otlici- Aic Ariiiaintc(l Willi she I'txsiliilif i- of tli' Situation 'a-li Is I'll ntifui. YOUNG MEN ARE TEMPTED BY APPEALS TO THEIR AMBITIONS. J e-teki w.s: condition? The n.allfr w cl il with m.w flu-riM anI dfr iil2 lron In l :n ruturr Tli maxi mum trmiifratur- i, 4 i!esrrs and ih- mini, tnugn 9 ncposed Pi-iost Xot Among the Presenters; I'pjohn Letter Is the Basis for All the In dictments Brought. w Tork, Dec. IT Follow inc is tlie pre entmcnt In the care apalnst Bishop Ethd bert Talbot or tho Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Central Penn-slyvanla in con nection with the deposition of Doctor In trrahara N. W. Irvine of Philadelphia from the priesthood: Tho undersigned. In Irtue of tho canonical authority reposed in them, pre sent the Right Reverend Ethelbcrt Talbot. D. D.. L.U D.. Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church In the Diocese of Cen tral Pennsylvania, as bplng guilty of con duct unbecoming a Bishop of the Protes tant Episcopal Church in tho United States of America in the several specifi cations hereinafter mora particularly set forth, to tho end that he may bo tried upon said charge which if laid within five years last passed, which trial U de manded to bo had under tho provisions of canons 9. title 2, of tho canons of the General Convention of tho said church in uch case made and provided. "Spcdflcatlon 1. That said presenters do hereby present and alleco that Bishop Talbot Is guilty of Immorality in havinir written a false, libelous and untruthful . letter regarding tho Reverend Ingrjjiam N. VT. Irvine, D. D.. ir J ajl'i or Vjul the latter to be mailed, to tne Reverend Doctor Upjohn, president of the Philadel phia Catbollo Club. (A copy of the letter follows.) "Specification 2. That Bishop Talbot Is guilty of lying In having written 'May I therefore say to you that this man was deposed nearly two years ago for gross Immorality and for lowd and lascivious conduct with women. For reference see the procecdlzgs of the ecclesiastical court before which tho Reverend lioctor Irvine was tried. In which no record will be found of any such charges. "Specification 3. That Bishop Talbot II guilty of lying In having written that Ir !no for thirty years has been in the min istry, and that for twenty of those yars ho ha3 been under ecclesiastical disci pline." (Here papers from thrco Bishops, as wrll as letters and other documents, are given as references.) "Speciflcatioa 4. That Bishop Talbot Is guilty of lying In having written 'that he rtrvlne) has been suspended once, admon ished once in your diocese, and Inhibited and made to loavo repeatedly.' "The charge of lying is set forth In specifications covering nil but two of the remaining paragraphs of tho letter. Fol lowing the paragraph reading: " That all his Orvine's) talk about a divorced woman being excommunicated then restored by mo is baseless.' "The prcssntment In support of tho charge of lying sets forth tho following letter: " 'Dloccso or Central Pennsylvania Bish opric, South Bethlehem, Feb. C 183J My Dear Irvine: The woman to whom jou refer Is by canon excommunicated. I can not believe stio will have tho presumption to present herself at the holy communion. If jou think there Is any danger of her doing so It will be better for you In soma Kind and gentle way to Intimate to her her time condition. "Of course, you have no discretion in the matter. If she should present her- srlf before jou, ou can speak to her, and If vou thlnic hc docs so In ignorance, then ou can speat to her afterwards. There Is no reason in this case to make any row If the thing !? managed quietly and firm ly, with a little common sense. I thank jou for what jou say on this matter of tho missions. Affectionately, " rrniEt.itnRT "The cxccptlini to the charge of lyjng are as follow."- 'Specification That Bishop Talbot Is gulltj- of conduct unbecoming a Bishop, hre.ich or his onllnitlon ami consecra tion ons arrJn't involving other Bish ops In controversy by writing untruthrul- The Republic's Want Co'umns Will Be Found on Pigcs JO and tl. FEATURES OF TODAY'S !EVS. 1'HKf. 1. I'rrivcntiitrnt nf ChnrKen .Kalnit llltlifiii 'Inlliot. 1. Illixjnrtl in Jinny Males. J. Colorado Democrat C'lmrKe on- "Iilracy. Jo Interstate Commerce I.eKinla- llon. 2. ltomunre of CurlMraa Charity Kettle. 2. IHInolN Mnt- Tenrhern Meet. 1. M. I.ouls n llf-nlthy City. r. Acnr, flnrrlson Died nf Jlorplilne l'olsonlntf. !i, CZniton Akouii to Appear In l'n- lice Court. KAVI'KIIX WAR. The Russ cf St. Petersburg declares that Ruwla's policy of secrecj- has cost her nearlj all her warships and has co cred the country with shame. PAGE 2. Holland announces she will obtcne the strictest neutralltj-. not aliening Baltic squadron to establish base at Malacca. PAGE :. I.OCAI- AMD St'IlUniJAN. St Louis County officers who railed or election are busy preparing to turn over their offices to their successors. PAGEli The Court or Appeals held yesterday that John E. Franklin was warranted in draining the water rrom Pemiscot Like and reersod a Judgment for damages se cured against him by Alexander Apple gate. PAGE 5. St. Iouis Is proven to be a most healthy city by figures covering sIxt--four jeors, as compiled by Civil Engineer Robrt Moore. PAGE 4. Agnes Garrison died of morphine poison ing, no doctor having ben called for eight hours arter she swallowed the drug. PAGE S. Edward Saftig. who was arrested In con nection with McKinley's assassination, de clares love brought him back to St. 1juis and arrest. PAGE 12. Barrett, Garrett and Dolan surrender at Tower Grove Station and were taken to the Missouri Penitentiary. PAGE 7. The uvc of money in the Republican sen atorial campaign in Missouri Is causing much discussion. PAGE 1 World's Fair employes felt the blizzard, as thero arc no heating plants in the buildings. PAGE L Gaston Akoun, manager of Mysterious Asia, who was arrested on a charge of mistreating several wild animals, will ap appcar In the Police Court. PAGE 3. Two weeks' romance or the Christmas charity kettle ended in wedding of two officers or Volunteers or America jester-da'- PAGE 2. F. W. Crandall, who has Just returned from "Washington, where he had an inter view with President Roosevelt, says thero will be no interstate commerce legisla tion at this session of Congress. PAGE 2. I as follows: " 'That eight Bishops have grave charges against him (Irino): that thp - venerable Bishop or Qulncv wrote me w upon his dcathb.;!. tint Irvine hid out- feL5S--"0 "' ln J dtv. and Bisrops TThltaker. Whitehead. Seymour, Scar borough. Potter. Dome. Adams. Taylor and the Reverend Doctor Derflngwell and a host of others will bear out all I have paid as to ins character' "Wherefore, the presenters. In view of the reasons as et forth in the uboe speci fications, do ack that Bishop Talbot lie presented for trial before a court of his peers. Another letter introduced as an exhibit In support of specification 3 Is as folIon3: ' South Bethlehem. Nov SO, lS3?.-My Dear Irvine: What a nice time we ill had at Huntington. I did enjoy It. My dear Ingraham vou will? before manj years, take 4 foremost place In mj' diocese. You have the ability, and no one would rejoice more than I to have It so. My cordial re gards, pleaca. to Mrs. In-lne and sister, and especially to that lovely daughter and granddaughter. Think of It. verllj-. j-ou and I are getting old. Affectionately yours, ETHDi,BERT TALBOT." GEVEIlAIa DOMESTIC. Attornej- General Moody brings suit ln St Paul on behalf of the Government to have the piper- trust enjoined from con tinuing business. PAGE 5 lllli ols State Teachers' Association con venes at Springfield. PAGE 2. The Missouri State Teachers' Association begins the discussion of proposed reforms which may be urged upon the new Legis lature. PAGE 3. Colorado Democrats charge that Repub licans ln conspiracy to defeat Adams stuffed the ballot boxes alter the election with palpably fraudulent Democratic bal lots to make political capital against the Democrats. PAGE 3. A conference Governor-elect Denecn holds with twenty-three country members of the Legislntuie shows ail of them op pose Cook County man for Speaker and that Trautmann Is far In the lead. PAGE 7. The most extensive blizzard in fifteen jcars sweeps over the Northwest, tho Southwest and the great Middle West. Rain, sleet and snow, accompanied by ter rific gales and bitter cold, cause suffering to nun and beast and greatly crlnnle mil. road, telegraph, telephone and street rall- PAGE 1. Not the IeiM interesting feature of the preM-nt snatnr!al nht among the It'. publican Is the storW that are told of tin- u"u of inoiicj. So common have the stones bt-eoine no man vIm um vkI.t.i liimlf familiar with the titin tion piofe.s ignorance of tlitm. Iltiiig polllician. f.-vv nf the mm .lireet- 1 affect.-d tare to endanger lh ir polithal futures b talking for publl alien "j t among theni'1 Ivi'm the tub-s are eh,niK-d as a pait of the (.impugn development" Thej re-allze tli it thev are ug with conditions and not lliori. Fur instance, one man, who announced himself a candidate for the Senate soon after the election, wa- calmly asked by annt!ir candidate. 1 want to engage jour services for the next two months. Will j-ou do ltr? "But I am a candidate mvsclf," he ex postulated. "Will. I know that i ou Just come and work for me and It will be all right," was the persistent re(UM. This was not asked in a joking manner. According to tho man who was ap proached, it waw done in the -ecrec' or a room with only the two men pres ent. OFFICER ELECT TEMITED. Another prominent Republican who is known throughout (he State b f-piech, writing ami pergonal acquaintance novv ranks as an ollicer elect. There is a cer tain business) In Southwej-t .Missouri which ho has wanted to control for j'ar". Ills ambition Is known to his friends If he should get this business he would make It his future work. It will take monev- lor thi- voung of ficer elect to get the business more money than hu has or expects to have for .some time. Negotiations have failed in the past, because of the lack of ready money. "If Jou will work for me I will buv it for jou, and paying for It lied never worrj jou," was the. proposition put to this Re publican. "That is all right. wa& the prompt it plj. "I want u mor than anj thing, I tonTess that franklv. but I can't do It." For half an hour this Republican's am bition was pitted against It rulilliment by a man who was in a position to carry out his promises "I was certainly on the mountain top," said this Republican to a. friend. "Every thing down below looked mighty good, and I could have had It all Then I thought what a mess my conscience would be in ir I did as ho wished." Jl too FOR LXPEN5ES. More astonishing than thu effort to get the co-operation or the ofllce-r elect is the story that Is told by a Congressman fleet whose opposition to one senatorial candi date is known to all men. He did not tell tnfa L.ory Aor'publicatldn. because or a fear that It might aifect his own political future. To such lengths has commercial ism stunted the indignation of the politi cians. And this Is his .story. "Three weeks ago last Saturday I was requested to visit a certain senatorial candidate. I told the mersenger that it would do no good, as I was opposed to him. and would be until the end. Nevertheless, 1 jlelded to per suasion and did visit the candidate. "All sorts of arguments were used to bring me over. I wat, something or a fighter mj-self, and I stajed with the game. Alter I had been there half an hour a roll of bank bills was laid on the tab! beside me. I was told that there was il.000 in the bundle. " "Take this monej' for expenses until next Wednesdaj.' was the next argument. "You sa- jou are coming back the middle of the wick. You think over this matter." "'But I don't need this monej, and I don't think it Is right that I should take It,' I exel ilmed. " 'Whj-, that's all light,' was the re-I joinder. 'Vou have not been sworn in as a member of Congress. I nm going to be elected Senator, but I have got to have your assistance in your district. I can help jou a lot when I get to te Senator and you can help me a lot now. Don't think that this 51.000 is all I intend to pay J'ou. This s foi expenses until next Wednesday onlj". You needn't let jour support of me be known for awhile. Just let me know what jour price is; j-ou can name It jourself and I will paj- it now or then.' "Mv ejes nearlj- bulged out or mj- head. At first I wanted to knock him down. Then I thought I wculd find out as much as I could while I vas about It. I suggested other Congressmen elect might find out about sucli a bargain " 'Whj-, tint is all right,' was thecheerj answei. 'Ycu won't be the only one doing It. Other Congressmen elect are working on the same basis. There Is nothing vvroij; about It. You have a rl;ht to work tor candidates, he has spent money lanhlv He Iijm been actively engaged in trjing to land a few members of the cloth for his henef.K tor .Monev Is no obect In provid ing liusplt.iii for the s-usci ptlble. Win re did he get his money? Will his efforts have jity effect on Repre--cntatlvi--clect with whom he has been laboring' "A MATTER OF CONJ-CIENC'E" It Is a great thing to have the labor of jtai-s wiped away bv a stroke of the pen One well-known Republican editor, a Joung man. has had the privilege. Thc f-.w who know th storj. since he refus-vl to make the stroke of fortune have grasped his hand in silent toiigratulation for his great moral vlctor.v. This editor probably has as much in fluence politically as nny other In the Slate. He is a man who knows how to reach his fellow -men In a waj that makes thm follow his lead. Anj' senatorial candidate is happy with such a helper Accumpmlcd bj his chum, he responded to a request to visit one of tli candidates whom he opposed. The. chum lie, too. Is well known waited downstairs while th editor vu-ited the candidate. He waited about half an hou- Thn the other came He was trembling. Big drops of o rsplration stood out on hi' brow His ejes were drawn He caught his chum roughly bv the arm ' Great God. get me out of here quick. I can't, I can't do It. I told him so How did I ever toierntf him. Krom thii time on it l a matter of conscience with me. I will fight him harder than ever" And th- two left the building What had happened"" The semtoml candid U- had offerei! to release a debt of over ?i), 000 It he would use his paper and Influence to control members elect. It will take tri" editor vears to pay off this debt, the best part or his lire. But he was not for sile WHAT WILL II IJ THE EfFECT" Thf-c arc not all of the things that are talked of among the lenders in the partv Other stories, similar In their m ture, are told bj men who have pas'-ed through the fire. Of course, thee are told oniv bj- those TCho have refused to sell their political influence. In how many eases has Influence ben secured and paid ror with cash' These men do not talk. There are others who tell their friends thit the outcome or the senatorial fight means much to them. In some cases, a living. Payment of silanes a j ear In advance and other Inducements are talked or freelj-. If the senatorshlp Is disposed or in this minner Republican leaders know that the party will never again In the present gen eration get back Into power In this State. The meeting of the General Assembly to elect a United states Senator to succeed Francis M. Cockrell may be the occasion of Interesting exposuts It Is the oppor tunity presented to an old minority now made a m ijority that Is Interesting not only to the Republicans of Missouri, but to the entire people. WERE STUFFED BY REPUBLICANS Colorado Democrats Accuse Opponents of a Gigantic Conspiracy to Defeat Alva Adams. MAKE QUIET INVESTIGATION. MOST EXTENSIVE BLIZZARD IN FIFTEEN YEARS SWEEPS OVER A SCORE OF STATES. -N"oi'th,vest, Soutlnvit and Ciicat Middle West Kxpcrii-ncc Bitted I'old. Accompanied ly TVirihV Wind. Heavy Snow or Kaia Tnrnint: lo Sleet Telegraph and Telephone Coinpa nies Suffer Uleatlv. , STREET-CAR LINES IN MANY CITIES ARE TIED UR, 1 All County Official Wit nessed Fraud Perpetrated to Make Political Capital. TO PRESENT CASE TO COURT. Kxpoits Testify That liallots Folded in Siich a .Manner They Could Not Lnter Slot. Ait Taken From the loxe. POLITICS TO BE HIS THEME Mayor Harrison of Chicago Says lie IIa Material for Interest ing Magazine Aiticlc. waj- lines. roitKio-,. The Imperial ukase of tho Czar Is well received generally in Russia, only the ex tremists appearing dissatisfied. PAGE 4 sron.Ti.No. The managemnt of the West End Club yesterday barred both the Attells and Johnny Regan from the institution. PAGE 8 Jesse Burkett has been traded to Bos ton for George Stone. PAGE S IILSI.NESS. Yestcrdav's bank clcnrlngs weie JlO.Iie m- balances J6T9.T87 Deal discount rat -. .- tween l, and 6 per cent. Domestic mhinn. was ouoted as follow-: J.-(.w york Wc ,,,,. nm bid. SOc premium asked: Chicago i;c r-e. mium bid. c nremlum asked; Cincinnati and ?,w Orlean-. par Wd Kc prenilum Mked. Iiuliville. 25c discount bid, par a-krt Wheat clo-ed higher at Ji.u a,ktd M Jl.i:Uj No. 2 red: com clo-ed higher at ,e ",c Mar. ttSO'ic No. 2 mixed; oats clos-d at 31!iC skfd Maj 31c No. 2 mixed. Spot cotton was 3-16c lower la the local mar ket. MOVEMENTS OF OCEAX VESSELS Movllle, Dec J7. Arrlied: Parisian. Antwerp, Dec 27. Arrived: Zetland! Genoa. Dec 27. Arrived: CItta d Napoll Rotterdam. Dec 27,-Arrlved: Amsterdam ' Pnnta d-1 Gada. Dec 27.-SaIled: Canonic Liverpool. Dee. 27.-Salled: Lake CtiamphUn. Yokohama. Dec 27.-Salled: Bropreaa Br Japan. mc. . "Then he suggested to me the Congress men elect with whom he claimed to have lnadc agreements of the sort he wished to make. I think he lied nbout some of them, though, of course, I don't know anything about the matter, excepting what he said. But I fired up with this; " "Ye, and I suppose that if I took this money you would be telling the next fellow- that jou hail me. I am no fool.' "Well, to make a long story short, I didn't take the Jl.Oee). I sai,i i might bo back the following Wednesday. However, I didn't go back. Ever since then I have been wondering whether he told me the truth about these five Congressmen elect. I have heard of some tolerably suspicious things since then Just out of curlosltj-, I wimld like to know whether anj- of them took him up on his proposition. He told me time and again that he had plenty of monev to run the campaign on." PREACHING POLITICS FOR PAY Opposing candidates and officers elect are not the only men who have been ap pronched. It has been jears since so many prcacners nave iwen ei"cieu to the Gen eral Assembly-. One Missouri preacher, not a member himseir. has generallj- been credited with being a very poor man. When he visited he stav-ed with the breth ren. He didn't get away from home very much. He even borrowed J13 from a friend to come to St. Louis shortly after the elec tion. When he returned he was flush with cash. He went to his friend, peeled off a 20 bill from his roll, repaid his debt and told the creditor to keep the change and buy lunch with it. The preacher's neighbors and friends have been astounded at the prodigality of nis entertainments. Going to different nKPi'ni.ic srnciAL. Chicago. III., Dec 27 JIajor Harrison announced to-da- that he would not be a canoidate ror Major or Chicago at the "spring election anj explained that the ill health of his son. necessitating removal to a warmer cllmite. had positively con firmed him in his previous decision to that effect. The Mayor hinted he might devote his time to writing a fewnrtlcleson "Frenzied Politics" arter his permanent departure from the City Hall. "I have no definite plans nt present," ho replied, "but I have some good material for a magazine article in my head that ought to make mighty Interesting reading, I saw- somewhere the other day that Mr! Folk, Tom Lawson and I were placed ni the same category as far as our respective attacks upon boodling. traction and cor porate aggression were concerned, and I don't think 'Frenzied Politics' would be a bad title for what I might write. "I am not going to write a book, how ever. Ishall not sing my swan song until the week that Intervenes between the election of my successor and his assumption of the office at Mayor. I shall have a few things to say then that may be Interesting. "For ten months It has been my Inten tion to retire at the end of my present Lciin, usi mt c-uuuiijiun oi mj son s health settled Ue matter In my mind for all time. "The physicians advise mc that my boy must not spend another winter ror the next two or three j-ears In Chicago, and I will not tie myself up so as to be separat ed from my family three or four months or the jear." KBPUnUCSPnC'IAL Denver. Colo.. IXc. 27. Democrats vilio have been making a quiet investigation of election frauds announce thit they have evidence that the ballot boxes were stuffed long after election and while thy were in the custodj- of Republican county officials Thev are now prepiring their ease to present to court, ard will ash the Grand Jury now sitting to take up this feature of the ease The experts hired bv the Supreme Court to examine the ballots in the ten boxes ope-ned report that bogus ballots In big batches were found In them, folded in such a waj- that they rould not have been put in at the regular ballot slot; also that these fraudulent ballots In lots of 1(f) to over 2i) were in nearly all of the boxes In the same handwriting. MAY OPEN ALL BOXES The eWdenr- gathered will be pre-?nt-d to the SLpreme Court with a peti tion that everj- ballot box in the city be opened in tne contempt ea before the Su preme Court the Republic in prosecutor never charged baliot-box stuffing The con victions and s.nlenccsj were all for allow ing repeating and refusal of the election officials to reeogize the Supreme Court watchers When thes stuffed boxes were found the Republican prosecutors them selves seemed astonished, and the Supreme Court was so shocked at the outrage that the Republicans' motion to throw out whole precincts nun reidiiy agreed to STUFFING BAIaVYT BOXES. The Democrats now imply bj- the pro duction or the new evidence and the ac tion they are preparing that the ballot stuffing was done after the boxes hid passed out nf the hands of the elect 'on officials, and was done In the Interest of the Republican contestors The Democrats call for an Immediate probing, and declare that what appears to be gros Democratic fraud will turn out to be a glgmtlc Republican consplracj concocted before election. , The first great blizzard of the winter extends over tlic West, the Soutb. west, the Northwest and the Mississippi Valley. Oregon, Washington, alon tana, Wjoming, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri and Illinois arc covered with a mantle of snow. In Indian Territory, Oklahoma, Arkansas. Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and Tenne?oe some snow- has fallen and the weather is the coldest experienced in a long time Heavy rains in the Ohio Valley, breaking the five months' diought. have been succeeded bv unusual cold. The blizzard is "dry" in Texas and reaches to the East Cult States Temperatures ranging from S degrees below- zero to 13 above prevail through the -rem Middle West, while throughout the South and SouthrresS freezing weather is reported. Extreme suffering among live stork is reported, and the Iosse3 on the great ranges of Texa?, Oklahoma, Indian Ttrritorv, Kan tas and Nebraska mav- be heavy The snow, which in Missouri and Illinois varies from tv.-o to four inchea in depth, is six to ten inches deep on the level in Kansas. Nebraska. Iowa and Minnesota ind is drifting badly, greatly impeding railroad traffic StreeS car sj stems in many cities are hampered or entltely blocked by the snow and sleet. All eastbound trains into Topeka are many hours late and few wires are working west From St. Joseph and Kansas City come reports of belated trains and crippled telegraph and telephone service, while throughout the West and Northwest the conditions are similar. In its extent the storm is the most widespread of any during the last fif teen years. It stretches from the Rockies to the Great Lakes and from Winni reg to New Orleans The fact that in many States the blizzard was preceded bj rain which turned to sleet added to the seriousness of the situation and breauj increased tne difficulties of the telegraph and telephone companies. At 10 o'clock last night the storm was reported as subsiding at Kansas City and at other points on a north and south line from that city, but it will be- several days before normal conditions are restored throughout that region. The storm struck St. Louis at T o'clock in the morning and in an hour the temperature fell ten degrees. Rain began failing at 3 o'clock Ip the morn ing and continued until 7 o'clock, when it turned to snow. A heavy windstorm accompanied the snow, and from 7 o'clock until aftee dark snow flurries prevailed. During the afternoon the wind attained a high velocity. The only dam age reported in the city was the breaking of several plate-glass windows by swinging lamps. ' At 7 o'clock in the morning the temperature was at the freezing point, but by 8 o'clock it had dropped to 22 degrees. At noon it was 1" degrees! From that hour it steadily decreased until C o'clock, when it registered S do grees. After that hour the wind subsided. NEW LIBRARY DEEDS FILED Documents Foinially Transfer the Exposition Ituilding and Pow er Plant to Citv. Deeds transferring the Exposition bidd ing at Thirteenth ami Olive streets and the power plant at the northeast corner of Thirteenth and locust streets from the St. Louis-Fnion Trust Company to the St. Iyiuis Public Librarj" were filed for record jesterdaj-. The property has been held in trust for some time by the trust company for pub lic librarj- purposes to be us3d as the site Tor the new- building to be erected out or a part or the JI.0)iv) gUen by Andrew Carnegie for new librarj- buildings. The building has been rented for moro than a jear to i local nmusenn nt com panj of which Frank R Tate is the heart. The lease Is about to expire. The west nave of the building has been used for some time for iirmnrj pun oes bj- the Na tional Guard of Missrurl. The power plant was latel- purchased by local parties for Investment. Work of demolition of the Exposition building will be begun early next year. SPKfTAL St. Joph. Mo., Dec. 27 This city is threatened with a water famine in the midst of -tho blizzard which began blow ing early this morning. Last week an ice gorge formed In the river a short dis tance above the water company's intake pipes, anj hut off the supply. Trenches were dug through the Ice to let the water through, but the storm to-day filled them with sanJ ami "now. and the wind and cold are to severe that men cannot work on the river front Superintendent Tav lor has warned ritror.s to reduce the consumption of wnt to the minimum. For the first time In jears the street rallwaj- company to-day encountered a storm that they could not conquer. Evcrj Hre In the city except one was tied up all da-, and It Is doubtful If manj nf tl cm will be able to operate to-morrow. The s'orm. which begxn last night. In creased in fury to-day. The "now- Is light linn drj. and drirts badly As soon as a track was cleared bv a sweeper, the snow was blown back by the high wind Rail road companies are seriously handicapped, and telegraph wires westward on the Rok island and Santa Fr are not working. The thermometer steod at zero this even ing. KANSAS CITY. Kansas Citj-. Jin , D-v. 27. Th's part of the Southwest was this morning in the grasp or a severe b'lzzard. and the colden weather or the winter It extended through Missouri Into Nebraska and Iowa, over the whole or Kansis and Indian Tcrritorv-. Snow- fell to a depth of nearly a foot, and, driven by a hlph wlnu drifted bndlj! Street-car traffic In Kansas Cltj was bad ly demoralized, while railway trains In every- direction were delayed and some stalled. FAIR OFFICIALS SHIVER IN STORM Horeal Blast" WIiiMle Through Chinks of Temporary Expo sition I!uildiiij:. i HAVE NO HEATING PLANTS- Removed Fiom Th.-ir Snug Quarter.- to Flimsy Structiiie.-". Oou pnnts Fed H. pim-h of Hitter Cold. l' FIRE IN COLUMBIA CANDY CO.'S STORE Four-Story Structure on Olive Street Near Sixth Damaged. Fire this morning damaged the Colum bia Candy Company and the Victor Talk ing Machine Companj-'s store rooms at No. 517 Olive street, and for a time threat ened the Carleton building and Judge & Dolph's drug house adjoining. The blaze Is supposed to have started In the basement or the candy establishment. Little fire wag discovered for several min utes alter an alarm was turned ln at 2:10, but great volumes or smoke filled the three-story structure and poured over the Carleton building in great waves. WRECK NEAR FORT WAYNE, IND. One Killed, Two Fatally Injured and Twelve Seriously Hurt. RBPUM.TC SPECIAL Peru. Ind., Dec. 27. A fast train on the Wabash Railroad, eif-tbound, came In collision with a freight train at 9 o'clock to-night near Fort Wnjne. and It Is be lieved that one man was killed, while two persons were fatally Injured and twelve or fourteen more or less seriously hurt. The collision occurred on a steep grade. and both engines and several cars were demolished. Engineer Ernest of the pas senger train had both arms broken, his right leg crushed and received Intern il injuries. His fireman Is under the engine, and is believed to be dead. Engineer Carpenter of the freight train jumped and was hadlj- hurt Twelve or more pasrengcrs are reported io nave been injured, but the storm to-daj lias so crip pled the wire service that none or the de tails can be learned. The fire was under control at 3:13 nvinot towns ln the interest of , , :" IV ""w io ounuing ana contents Is es towm in tne interest of one of the I tlmated at several thousand dollara TWO MEN KILLED IN DUEL Drop Dead in Tracks After Ex changing Ten Shots. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Frankllnton, La., Dec. 27. Abraham Mc Gchee and Oscar Warden, members or two or Washington Parish's best families, shot each other to death In the public road here this aHernoon. Whipping out their revolvers both began shooting at each other, about ten shots being exchanged In rapid order. Both fn cieau in tneir tracKS. At some point0, particularly north of Kansas Cltv. in Iowa nnd Nebraska, tele phone and telegraph wires were rendered useless by sleet and for many hours com munication north of St. Joseph into those States was Impossible. The thermometer was close to the zero mark, --honing a fall in temperature since midnight of levcn degrees and a rail with in twentj--four hours or thlrtv-five d- grecs. More snow, with a continued fall In temperature, was predicted The snowstorm ended to-night, hut the tt-mperature is expected to go down to zero or lower before morning. At D o'clock the thermometer registered 8 -JegrMes above zero. Cars are running on all or th-street-car lines to-night. Belated tran3 are arriving at the Union Station trcm all directions. MISSOURI PACIFIC TRAINS LATE. REI'tTtMC KFKCIAL. Calirornln. Mo.. Dec 27. This communi ty ror the last eighteen hours has been bllzzard-sw ept. The wind Is In the north west, and the thermometer was onlj- 10 above zero. At G o'clock the snow Is not over four IncTies deep, but I drifting badij'. There is no abatement in the storm to-night, and the indications are that the cold will increase. Trains on the Mis souri Pailflc are all lat.-. MULBERRY GROVE. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Mulberrj- Grove, Mo , Dec. 27. The first blizzard of winter struck here this morn ing, being preceded by an all-night's rain. Sleet and snow are driven bj- a fierce gale, which Impedes traffic. The temperature tell rapidly to five degrees below- zero. CENTRA LIA. Centralia, Mo., Doc, 27. A severe bliz zard prevails here, accompanied by snow, which Is badly drifting and the mercury is near zero. Business Is suspended. LOUISIANA. REPUBLIC SPECIAL Louisiana, Mo.. Dec. 27. A severe bliz zard has raged here all day, and to-night the wind is blowing a gale and the ther mometer Indicates zero. Twenty-rour hours ago the temperature was fifty. At daylight It began to blow and snow and the drop In temperature was very rapid this afternoon. Following so suddenly upon the mild weather of the last few GraduMIv the .I.p.rtm'ntal office.,, f in- rtlvis.on f exhibits ar- be'ng concen trated under one roof at the World's Fair Krounir. The old Press bui'ding at the. Fair has been given over to the uses of th general offices of the division, and in to thl3 building will b- brought eventually al! that remains of the various depart ments. The departments of I.P ste-i; Liberal Arts and Education are alremjj establl-hed In the building. ,,n,i t , nfl, ,onc before the other departments To.Iow thcra there Although the Pr-s builolng has been r modeled inside and ha- ben partioned nfi Into several offices. It Is still a most un comfortable structure for winter livingv. us wans are unplistcred nnd through th- framework dajllght Is vblWe A ImIC dozen coal stoves have been set up for warmth, but tly were unavailing asainst the fierce blizzard of jest..-daj-. whlctt blew in through the many chinks Yestemiy was a trjing day for ths in mates of this building. In the office of Director Skiff, in whose ahsence hi- as sistant. Mr. Hoch. is. i charge, the best obtainable showing of the thermometer was 3) degrees A base-burner kept red hot all day was pretty to look at, hut It radiated no considerable warmth through the room. Mr Hcx-h dictated lettei-. n.iir- Ing up and down tv room, alternately blowlng upon hi3 lingers and thrusting hla hantM In hL trousers' pockets for warmth. In every other buildin? where the rem nants of the Exrosltlon clerical forces are housed, except the new Administration, building, the Inmates suffered the nam privation. As the biilldlnrs are all tem porary structures, erected with no thought of blizzards, thej are not equipped with, heating plants, and the only arrangements for warmth are tne many gas and coat stove.", which, though plentiful and well supplied with fuel, are comparative! v In effectual against such winter weather as) that of yesterdaj-. The 'hospital building. In which are the offices of President Franc's, and the secre tary. Is the exception, as It contains a. steam-heating plant, which kept the build ing comfortable. JOPLIN RECORDS BROKEN. Sixty-One Divorce Cases Filed for Next Term of Court. r Continued on I'ngc Two. REPUBLIC SPECIAL, Joplln, Mo.. Dec. 27. There are sixty one divorce cases filed for the January- term ot tne .District Court at Joplln. This breaks all former records. tA-,ecv,in5i--, v. -.f&?n