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t1. waM'iisyi4? ' -fc'sJsiaiHi . - j jsiss "i. -'J " " " -"" --'-. J" "--srq.- w ieS t f'l THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: SUNDAY, JULY 9, 1905. IS l ! I I r ? ! 5 Ji sr 1RCET0II REVIVES AQUATIC SPORT Far the First Time Since 1886, tTniTereitT'8 Mea Will Take Up lowing Hanlan Likely to Bt Coach. Rarcauc Xnr Tork. Jaly l-lma lag completion, with tta Iocs stretch of uaeoth water, makes !t almost inevitable tht Prmeeton should, return to the Held 't aquatic sport, which vu left In IMS. Indeed, there haa been more than a Mttla talk among the prominent graduates who contribute to the rapport of athletics to stir tip enthtuUam over the project. Edward Banian, former coach of Celem Vla. In rowing, haa been mentioned as a likely man to take charge cf the Prince ton crew, which la Tery likely to be a r:gure In the aport from now on. It la er.slderd at New Uondon that thre la a great likelihood that the Tiger crew will be. an entry In the regatta betwetn Tale ind Harvard there next June. It seems almost assured that Princeton will have a crew. The excellent tiow or shsrtly to be at hand are not ex e!led by those of any other college. TVIth i stretch of several miles to train ovr. n an artificial like, conditions should al aja be favorable. The m3 could get In lunger practice than almost any other lollega but Georgetown. The mention of the name of Hanlan as coach came about MaturaUy when It was planned first at ITlnccton to revive rowing. The old Co lumbia, coach, rated as one of the btst men In the country at the came, now Is Jiving on an Island near Toronto, pre ented to him by the city during the lieijrhl of his winning career as a tingle culler. Hanlan allonul his personal hab its to interfere a little with the coaching of the Columbia crew, but at that he lurr.c.J ui the txrst eisnt tiiat olumbia. ever lias had. Th-it .i the ld boat, which finished a line second to Cornell, whrn tha latter broke the record for four miles. Ifanlsn Is capable inough to d' a great 1. al with pplendli material that can be Sound at Princeton Princeton was u factor In intercollegiate roalr.g a long time ago. but rot by uny means a prominent one. In 1S74. at Sira toga. the lrlnctn crew co:n;-te-l with 'olumbia. W-sleynn. Harvard. Williams. -'oml!. Dartmo-Jh. Trinity and Yale In a three-mile lace The crs finished in the order named ahov. Princeton being last and Tal- withdraw ir.g after fouling one rrr-n Th- N-w 3rrryv f!n!ehd nearly i half mile behind the Columbia' crew, which won. Tli following year Princeton dropped out .-r the rar- ar ?aratc?a. which .n:l-lntal!v marked Cornell's tlrst triumph on the water Thre wr some collrgee roelng then which liae no crews now, notably Amf-erst. Piown. Williams. Dart mouth. Rowdoln. Hamilton. Wieleran and n!in In P7 Princeton aguln was Hat at Cornell. Harv-ird. Columbia, t'nlon and Vslyan all tini-tlimK m1i-i 1 of he orang and Muck The final appar nce of the Princeton!!.- was In IsM at Faratora. when they finished thlr-1 lehlnd Pennsylvania and Cornell In a race of a mil and a half, beilli:? out Columbia and Ilowdnln. The entry of the Tieri Into the rowing same more woulJ j-tlmulate interest In rowing crcatly Tl.e rolMl-il!ty i- that an invitation to minix li- :it Poiishketjifle "A'ould t-e derllne.l in favor of one to row at New Ismdon Vale Is a rnurh 1'rlnce 'on's nr.tura! rlal as she 1 th it of Har vard There would be one olJ-ctlon lo crew work at Prine ton. an-1 t'-at is that it would erii-jile the bteball l-:iin. n thing which h it hitherto hn-1 full ron trol In the jirln. With rowine :is a -Ival attraction to call men aw iv from hareball it Is likely that the litter came vould suffer a little, hut the men who can w grerallv are a little too heay for 'he hiselxll cime. Tt beein to look as if the rowing oolony it PouKhkeejile. too. wojM b much larger net jear It lies 1-wn I romlce.1 for a couple nf year? that the Cniverslty of California would read a crew Ka--t to 'ompete at !Nurhke jisl.- Andrew O'P'a. eoach of th Pnlverelty of Wioon-ln erewe. xald -1'irir.i; hi recent s'-ay -t I'oughke-r-fle that he J ad had a long talk lth PreslJe:)t W'ieT.-r t the lni verslty if Calif orn!.i abiut row lnc "The K-itne (s t!U In it infancy at llerkeley" k.1-1 Tn4 "and thev are rowing the-e in f-juts on! Prel l-nt tVto-!r, a in oil irnell man kr.ons what cool rowing !. tnd he is not cning to lt any crew come Fst that 1 not worthv of repres. ntlns th" unlverltv There will be an elsht rrew vent to the Hudson Ju"t as -oor a" r wine advance ;.,r enouch " Out at Ohio tnte t"nierslty S-v(et!anI. tre eld Cornell inrsm in. rooumii tijer nnd t-ack athlrte. who had rharee of rowlr-e at 5irai .-e sut four jears aco. Is director ef athl-t'ct He ! bt-en try ing Fom es:rttnents In r- wing, and it ! all hae develope-1 M"e falrl Co-I ma erlil If 1 indert--".l that as oon .s tit I p-i-sibi- thl- te i'nl-.irtty will t- re;ireente-l at I'-iuchkeej.-Ie It 1 knoan Anrajmlls li oonl the .-etidlni of a crew rest jear When Walter C l!e. manner of the Columbia c-e. as at Ann.ipolli for th" rece'it racei tetw-t-n th" Columbl-i an! nnipiill fn-n". the ilea of hiving the middles oo-nB tn the Hjdonn wis arte.! The midshipmen we-, ieiiel.tej wlfi -Mea. and were '-1 'hat n tnvUntinn o cnuele would t-e ilr to- gUdiv e -t tl.e:-i The Kmrtt-ol's t" e ' n c formidsble one lr- .a-e t n!v lerauiie 1 the reror-i md. t is sj.-tnc In t'efea'-t-.g Columbia Pennsylvania. (Wr!ci and Va !n mo mile rnrij but from the essential rro.u"fl'es for ntrn and main tnnce in the ra-lem Thev ire rraC ally ilway in S'-o-l f ndi'lon. and mot nil the mn ha rowej ;efn-e -er 'hey ntere.1 tl.e yehool Thref. re. !t is ;rac leallv a "cln. ' rl-"' a new out ..f . numt-er ' mei at onc of nh'-m ! strong enoueh m tow wei j ..iily he U heavy nojcr- to t-e r oirsmsn Th oitnine of Wri Point Into aiuaties oilrht follow at once afte- hr nnar'! -i ! a -Ttrpet!tor en the Hu-Ipt T e olllers "la" t"ie Hudson Sow' -lht pt their dior and s-hoyld l- able to Ret r. s-rk if onl the TT'r tr. entlve were rf,nt if t nit exar'ly s-- thit it iculj be r-ib!e f -r th" ,niirli crews o get rertrir on to crre -i;i to the tl'i! on o -ontps-e Mt if Wei Point "al a -re tco It I SlkeTv that the-- -acuII te tfrscsd"'m -a-es wMrh w . d t-e as itrrestirc n are !-e ar-ny-navv foo'ball came . SAVE TWO FROM DROWNING. r.rothcrsj An? Heroet of Hoston Lif.? Pavini: ",rtw. tsrfp u cFt'tBc: ai. Postt-n. July Jas T and flibriel rarrll Jr. brothers, memhers of th -..-'ebaiik"r If ."v-ilic ("rut "'eh perfrmei a reicue on the harles Kiver wPhin s few hou-s of earn othr Jarrs Pa-r:i rutted Vr j1J!o Whee ter Ijrbv cf No n Medfonl t-treet iar:etow- frcm the water after ( "jtd ie"i it '--ns ec.ouh to u-eutnb enl -evIr"-l htr -rlth the "fvir,: ap;aratus it the bolbou If" Ubti trkd to -jjrnmlt suicide b Jumpier from the rall--c cf Chrlets-St Park A few hojre 'ster Oabrtel hranl r-it 'rer. the m'ddle of the river when tt was jo tlirk from Sltn to see what had hp tte!. Putting cut in s boit he fou-i! J"-rr-.i- Warrer cf th" St Jr-frh nowtric v- iatlon c!nc!rg to th b.ttom of his .-,er. rrrU radnc :et With the as-.i.u,--r-e " Joreph r-ewtirg yotnc Karrt:i broucfc Mm ashore anj reTtil hlrr t the Isfe arlr.c quarters at thbcatneu-f Xrlesl t ii rlrw4 llalk t)rst. MerMen. Corn. -W-Ce t-sir.r to -" the ft cf ht cc-r.ton. Thircas T Tpton wras drowre-j tr. th afterrcon -!ng Uti George J Jones ta Hanoi T t-;Vr. wfcr Jtcj was rwtmrriz. Jonej -tr, s. r-arrp, ad eiW! ta Vptjn. w-io m n shore, for asstsfarxc. 6 ASTORIA Fcr Iafaats sad Caildrts. TH KM Yn Han Afiijs BoigM Zcatt th Caataracf 2LffZ r After-Season Selling Men's Furnishings SHIRTS. lUdna Shirt, pleated or plain boma, attached or detached cuffs, g fancy atripMand figures; cut to VU Imported Madras and Oxford Shirts, coat atj-Ie, attached or detached cuffs; .?!?.:?. $1.10 . CXDERWEAB. Oenulne Scriven's Elastic Seam 3ff Drawera; price now cut tc-sjf. Men's Balbrlc?an Underwear, all col or, all sizes, lone and Qf short sleeve: cut to Js7L Fine Ventilated Mercerized Lisle Un derwear, tolid colors and 4 1 I f fancy stripep; cut to. ...... tJJIeU HOSIERY. Lisle and Cotton Hose. In fancy stripes and figures; price now Qa cut to im. Fancy Imported Mercerized Lisle and llk plated Hose cut I8sl-- to JJv NECKWEAR. Silk Neckwear four-in-tanu. jf5- tecks and bows cut to 131 High-grade Silk Tour-In-Hands and As-ots all the new slutdes- 3t5-- cut to .3JU BELTS. Leather Itelts gray, lan or black, brass or nickel buckSe: cut siRa Relts Calf ami wairus leather, yf bhtck and tan; cut to KIHe See Windows. L EUROPE AND ASIA SEEK PEACE IN WASHINGTON Statesmen Who Will Represent Russia and Japan at the Great Peace Conference to Convene in the renate Reading-Room f the Congressional LibraryGravity of the Situation Univer sally Appreciated. BY STEPHEN BONSAL. nBBnBBSBBBBBBBBSklsBaBBBBBaasaiaBBBa wuL .afaBSBSBiJBTjBBSrSmR3disv!asMlBSBSBBsV BBSHBBSBBr9sCr'VVBBSBSBBBl'SBSBSBSBSBSBB' sBBBKH '' '''BBrValBBBSBBviiSBSBSBSBSBSBB'sBSBSBSBSB sflsssfeSBsSBs . "JtJtplfjiljSIKKS- SsJaasrisBsBaBSssssssBfa sa sa Masaasa BBBBaaisU f aBSaj"LBSSSSSMVsTsWil-w-r"r stl-.? i ir & rfESSzSSS&tBi I BSBSBSBSbTBSSST P'ass1 S m "SdL'7df5B,(l2,'vo1' -- BiBj BBl 'Mi.mVr aBBBBBBBBBBCTM'''-:Y SfSj XsvaTBTBTBTBTBTBTsTL's)fA-vm.' ' Jm BBSBasiBnBSvBBBBSS,s.7Vaw fW fc.'.V SSBSaVv'VaASSBBB IV-sbwsc A 'JVM Wahl-iRtn July S. Our dlplorr-icy Is onl li"' year- oij ami jet next month thi I en!;otrntliirlts or Bjror and of Asli nil! HFS'mble in WasW-Rtcs t Ptttl-i-t,;xn It s t" t- Iff il a irtnanent liasi- t-. t'.estlnlfs of the far i:.T:. end thu Hr.-Ia that He rns the 1'ncWc T-n ears aeo the repreM ntctlv of the American iDrsmer.t wns a rank OJt j. ler in th cnsress of nations, to-iny. by i m-mon coni"nt of all the tre"t Pors. th situatlm milJ lv the HuesoJ ; H.,.,. .trucule Is referr-d to the sood of our ef Maclst-at and the conf'renre :o which he has j-rd tie nay Is r-rl.! ft the only t'siblr. yt by no rieans certain. w.y of J'-apIns fmrn tre vr:d war that has b-B thr-at-nlri: eer n- th.- mldr.Iaht nttack of the Japanese ii.w J'ort Arthur. Tor el or for woe we are r-w rlrht In th mldtt of thins;., and 1 behoves sis ? walk rtrrumsx-eetly In the approaeh-s-r cenrrers of the nati n wh h Is to t- oonreno-1 In Walilnaton. If e are to live up to tl.e traditions of our ,1-Flomacy as e undoubtr-llv sluill max well r-'ay the l-rt cf'the honc- though r.ot at all In th- .n- lh" trrm ss arr!lI to "I'.roVer IMi3arck." ho took cotn-ils'ion- ihd '.nportrtnt v',","nt ac from sll the dtsp.tsr.ts who -aruj-n'.ri a th co-.cri r' i:rlln Whi tiomir.s'ly the oonfe-enr Is con-fli-l to th prtn--:psls tn the ire-it strur c!e in Manehurta nnd -n th J;ianev! ge.i nan) srrrat I'otver. -nUi W- r? rer,:r-1 and I:ore.-eJ In the lellberatlor.s !.- the most ItI wy We who look on a-e bound to neutrality. tju! -; th" ,!"; I AJra'!o -Ith arm?, or tn th w rd. of J r--to- lIoln-s. "ho was our fren.i hen t-r -srarld -sas -ir lee t Al.iriA MADB rOSIHLB j TV ASXElUl'AN I'KO.i:E!?! j To-dy Karoie nd Asia rr.t for a dlc I lotnstic tffurav oa Arnrican soil and It an arena made pcssitir by American brains, jrt iltt! -nore :hn a cnturr aso a-. Aairm lllnltr. whether 1--redlt! o Eur3C-e r t Asia, was a m.rcs to be pitted Individual Our first dlr-'nt ef record was xlas of the Nntrsc ?ut anJ in his tntructlan from Conrr-s h -as dt-r-cteil to assutne the n-me of Timothy Jce' nd th eharactcr t a merchant la the fff. India trsde. TSe sdiantace cf "ar-jnlrtr.c INrtsian j-rvtveh" t ti:rresi 'Tvc 'li" and whether he was so tns-ructe-l or not tt 1 c-rtsin that ty cacti s Shas crred it; hlra u5"- i! en:biy a Urce up rtr cf l-ivliibie Ink -:th which to -rite hi ccirientlr! rvort t Conrrtst. In f. m Mr Deist's d:p'?macv r;ay hare bi crde. bet he had frosd ides a-vt he kn that all rrabssl ta o su-ce or another m-t b atft ts-ancs to ! s-cccessful & he writes h."rr.e to the C-t!ne-ti! ConsreH shortly after htg ar! Is Va?- Te Queen is fend of jiarade ar.d Is ear frter-d. ?he Iov nilr.c oa htrshi-k. Ccud yoa ser-d me a fine Nrra;rett ?"!- cr :o. -ar a f barrels "f ajip'es Th- nosjr ri5d t-e- weH Uld cut." O-.r d-r4cmti' te:nntr tn AsS. date frcs the day ot Ar-drea Jackson an-J they .r. s hcml-Ie a-d T.lHa&5- as the eh!-virts of 11- !re t th courts uf th egst- mGrchIe. ot Kurop- Cdrssnd Hoterts . "OW Hickory's" The Success ilB swbbbbT ik St. Louis' Largest Clothing Store Ambassador, and a Utter man we have r.eter ?ent ncns either ocean to Klve thu outride world a taste of our quality. Our growlni.- trade in the Kast was. aa Jpis...n tntc.f tn his nwrsKige to Con gres. subject to pecuniary extortions and vexatlo'i Impositions, and i' s nt out Mr. Ilolrts to demand the "open door." So. jou eee. this Is not a very new Idea. KAILS KOn TIIK KASTKKX FKAS IX 132. Mr Ilobe-rts sallil upon the sloop of wnr IVaco k In 1C2 for the Kartem seas. H. ra ifcr'dlt'il to t!i-j'rulrs of ?Iam nnd Mu- at. tr- lt-ijahs of Malaysia and the Ecperers of China nnd J.ipan. A delightful rovlr.K commission, but It nould ha- b-en fr p'.easanter If these Asiatic potntu:es had hid a reaUxlii snr-f) of our crowing poner or iva cf the f-ilnt'st nutlon of hrro tho country from which Mr. Kobvrw hailed was "lo cated " When th Peacock reached Canton the Cl.In,- wr immensely In-er.sed at the nr-j-vara- i of a new kind of forden devil "lt th. m not cnthor f -ff.'e d!turlan-'e.s.'- ordered th- lccrny of the day "Th! ship must return from whence It came In Annum his wcr still nece 1-ltter to quote h!s o-n re. stralrfl lar-nuc "The Insultlnc formali ties rep.tred a? prIlmln-r!e to the tre.Uy by the ministers of the Empf or lelt me, no altrnatlo save that of terminating a protra. i-i ,-orrespon-lence s:r.ruarly mar'el b '.lupllcltv ar.d ; rev-srl"H n n the part of th ofllclal er"ar.ts I tr- Ijji peror ' ThOLCh r-sny times reburffd. Mr Rob erts jec-edM a-5t w :thf t loss of dlR r.lty. for he refu?f-d to ijipe-ir with bore feet before the mensrehs of lUrukok. cs was the oou-t cu-im. and In Mit-h lis he !crl t-e Srt treaty ever tiecotLite-i J-tweer the American O' and an Asiatic Tower It can be r-.n t--dar. I b-tl.e. in the archl-.e. of the Stat- De partment ar I t-ears on jOn hand th irevil of 5!tm. th- Jotus Sowr. nd en the other a seal coitainlnr the '.Kle and tn stars, which II- KoV--rt4 u-ed In the cnur" of Ms diplTtle explorations Howtvr t-fjre the Klrc would consent to exehar.s'r-ir rattfjeatlo-.. tt was an nounced th.t re. ac: be cajoled with rich pr-srits. which wet. named and pec f ed " Arr.rac the-n five- pairs of ston statues of men and women clothed in the costumes of the 1'nit-d elites were rlulltlor-. Kaush hewn piece, cf store, falr.t'y sut frv.i of the ?arb of ur cnuntryms and women In the days of Andrew Jaek-o- rtind ' in a courtyard of or of th royal wats la Hanskok aret thy a-e.. I cot. urer.'rs of Mr Ii.)b erts" vUlt and evidence" of th paln star.c war In he did his work. Jin. KOBSRT3 ri.E.SEI WITH COURT AT MfS-'AT. With Muscat Mr. Itoberts was pj'ased and it seems a pity that such a fine people should havdi!ippeaied from the face of th- -arth. Of this delectable ctrart he writes "Her-: was fv S s-en no ba!r.e, a-raielUn or or knt-kir.s cf head or bo-xts off. bi-t S was manly and eve-yorn stoo5 ct h! feei" On return n: to Cf --a. to have another o l the 1ceroy !;.- had ordered him bcr. tn uc"i an u- 'r-monlcs man-ier Mr Roberts was stricken wr.h the plajrue and a'.e-d cd a bitie-I In Mzroa. and nitre yars ara I a Ms huntsle c-ave tnere and read Ms odt epltsph. which say tsat "Vsder instructions frcrs SlA - . i - Season Selling It conclusive proof of public lieve in our announcements, our mercnandise and our values, dot twice a rear do we hold these grand cleaning-up sales, when our regular prices are marked down 15 to 40 per cent, in order that all stocks remaining over from the season past may be speedily cleared away. We carry no goods over it's a principle of this big modern store. Men's and Youths' Look in the windows at the suits offered during our After-Season Sale at $10.50. There are scores of hand some-patterns at this price, a ot tne most popular xaorics, tures, regular and outing styles, single and double breasted in all sizes for men and young men, regulars, stouts and slims and extra large sizes all reduced Transfer from say part of the city to o la front of The i Money's Worth or Money OoTernment ho neaotlated treaties of amity and commerce with the kingdoms ot SUm and of Muscat." Truly he was tba pioneer of our diplomacy in the far Bast, and the memory of men like him should be recnUed. if but for a moment, before sre enter upon the conference in Washington, vrnere next month the sreat nt Power of AMa will nUe the cry of "Asia for the Asiatics" In a conference which wilt Kreatty resemble an interna tional tribunal of Justice. The ch'je of Washington as the place of the conference which may result la peace or In a artater and more extensive war Is duo to the fact that th-i prlnoivtia In th strugR'e could net apiv: l-tween themtehes. ujion ar- other neutral pnint. ' '1 at the first worl of m-liatl(n was for The Hacue or tne cai-ltnl of nny other ot the lfer Kuroran ytates. Her chr-lce wax motived, uf course, by reasons of cua- venlence. an-i by the hope of ro;Lsln; on th Kurui-tan Continent hij frli:.s. which ha ttunnushnut th- i;r-ui rtrucsl- flar-d up but r.ttull, if at all. No explanation hat ever 1u-i orferl f the Japanese choice of Cl.-foo. but to thoso acquainted with tho recfiil care-r of the lsind Kmplre it Is not far to se-k. In 1S5 Chefoo. the little s-aport on the Oulf of Clilll. was the rcene of Jitvin's Krratest dlsoom:ltur-. Naturally It was chosen as the place where r.-.r rniiKnlllcent uccisses on loth land and ea are to be tranUtd Into protocols nnd consecrated by treaty itcssiA PDiAsnnn a CKSSATION iV HOSTILITIES. In April, lsy; when China srai vun Qished and the lctorinui Japanese armies were threattnlns I'ckln,'a demnnje-i of jj.t vl-'t'-r the cry-iatKn of !: ";t:ll!!. and th retrocess.on of nil her t c nqu rid tetr.iory on the Asiatic main land l'.ii--:.i s 4:emand was jpfnt-d by Franco and by (lerinany. nnd Jhpan'a n-.w -lly. Ka;Lsd. was not ery for ward at this Junctur with the proif.-- of any ass:anr- xce;t jrooi adIct; S:.!l Jaftta h--l:tei5. I "I we on.y had two lattlcshlps w J would decline to aco-pt mch d!-r.ttoriaI terms. arei she statesmen of Toklo. but they only had one and that was a. ralh-r unseaworthy capture from tho Chinee- in the tat'Ie of the YmIu Still Ja: nn l.eltattd. the cup of hu-nlllatlon was too tltltr for the lctors of llr.i-Vans t. uai.ov. and whl'e they h!lated nd of fered etery Inducement lo HrsLind. th Island empire nt the other end .f th world, to co to their Al!."ir.c- one afttr r.ooa tn Arrtl the prat Itt.-sia:: fleet of twentj-liirfe ship, wl'h th-r war paint en. anchored off Ccefo-j ai.d ireure-i f-r action. In thn days ther was KTeater enthusiasm fcr th flrht la th Itussian niv th-sn ha., l-en sflown In tli r-ent ncjunter- To jouni; mld'i!pm-a who hail tttn put on shore -ufierlr.p from rarln? fe-ers swim out from "h- hosnltal d lnlted upon b-ln a!.owrd to flsht. Ins-Id the harbor were a rioz-r. Jarsnes transports and as many ersi-rrs (ri th fol'.owinir day at noon, the time al.awtd by njela for eonsaJerat-- I hr hard trrrcs exp'rtd. and at II tliv k the Jari es 1c!dd with the charactf rls'ic Japan ese rmlle whlca lovers -urh a multitude cf fellns?. The battle was OS. and th ltussun Admjral. Tyrtoff. hautd down his fUr;. After turr-Inc over the ccmmaid to the rt-cently c!ebratel Viceroy f th llusslan East. Admiral AleieJefU Tjrtcff wnt hon.- and shortly aied. t,f a broktn heart, it was said. II had l"n known, and I b!leve srtth right, aa ths f.tthtr of th- r.u'an navy. Of the p enlpotenttarles to the confer ence In Washington, which will assemble early In Am-st. in th readlr.s-rocra of the gnte In the Conf-ess-onil Idbrary. It l said, th Stat- Department t-ir r.ot o.Tenrjs a suts- of roerns -f".c!entty is elous. the Msrquls Its. shca.d he h-ad the Japaaes mission. Is undouttediy f.e b-t iiasnuio - U iT as Jfjt T.T ia BSMK. tufSssBBBs&v ISsbbHbbe s I of Our After- confidence that the people High-Grade Suits made up in the latest styles, sa m lid colors and fancy mix- $1030 in soua colors ana iancy mix to. . Sereath sad WasMagtOB, sad get Model's doors. Seventh St. Waslmgtofl Avenue Back. tt first TMt of tba Marquis to the United States, and, despite his advancing years, let us hops It will not be the last. MARQUIS ITO ASSOCIATED WITH Mil. KOMURA. ( With Marquis lto Is associated Mr. Ko mura, the clever youns Minister of FW clgn Affalra In Japan, who conducted the Mnrjchurian negotiations which led up to the war la a manner so satisfactory to his nmperor. Mr. Komura Is a Harvard man. like Mr. Kurlno. who represented Japan at St. Petersburg up to the outbreak of the war. and they both speak English with a strong Boston accent. Mr. Tnkahlra. the third plenipotentiary, is so well known aa the efficient guardian of Japanese in terests In Washington for the last three reurs aa to require no further mention hare. The latest news) from Toklo would seem to Indicate that Marquis lto mar not at tend, the conference In person, but limit his activity to Inspiring; the Japanese For eign Office from his beautiful villa on the Feu at Oto. that most charming rpot on the Japanese Rivera, where the now ven erable Jntianes statesman loves to retire from the burden of the state affalra which h hn born so many years. If th Marquis lto should. not come to Washington, ns now seems probable, the lliH.'Ir.ns will be tn a measure to blame la not iiavlnir appointed a man with whom h could, nccordlng to the Japanese eti quett. confer without condescension on his part. The Russian plenipotentiaries! are only msa cf the rank which the Mar quis lto hae created and commissioned rcores of times) In his life. But should liussln snd r.n envor of the rank of Witt to the conference there can be no doubt that Marquis lto would be there to meet hint. The fact that th war on tha Russian side has hen so luckless will probably discipline the Ru!an Government to nam n military plenipotentiary, and so. of cours. in nccordane with th etiquette which govern uch occasions, the Japan ese cannot l. represented by Field Mar shal Yamagtita or any of the other mili tary men who have len nominated by the Jnpaftesw pree. for the brilliant but oner Bs post of envoy. YAMAtlATA I I.T.fSTRATES THE. MIMTART DEVELOPMENT. It Is a pity that our chance of receiving Vamagata I eo slight, for he Is a won derful man and In his person Illustrates th- wonderful story of Japanese military T velopnvr nt. When h entered the army Japnne soldiers wore armor nnd "false fac-s" carried two swords and drilled In th "Infuriated tliter" or the "enraged el ephant" formation", but In lSfc. on th China relief expedition, be commanded the Jnjnncs contingent, which was re tarded bv nil th officers of th allied nr mlet ns th mot modern and up-to-date military fore which up to that time the world hid ever sn. M. Komura. who. In default of th Mar on!" lto. hi master r.nd rntron. miv head the Jspnnep mission. Is one of the most remarkable of the younger mn In Japan. In nppearanc he Is lnslcnllicance persori lfed. weigh almt seventy-five pounds and has Ixen likened by those who Iove.1 him not to a mosquito, one of the bad kind IVr the last ten yenr Mr. Komura. hough I should say he l barely 45. has len th favorlt agent end "man on th j-pot" of th Japane "great mda! men." r elder statesmen, such as lto and lnotlV". The narres of th Russian plenipotentia ries clo t! le:V guarantee that R' ftillv apsr-'Cla'fs th sravlty of th stu nt'on from which the confr nee in Wcsh Ington eTers h-r mo3t honorabl deliver ance M d Nelldoff. th annoucc-d head of th mission. I. a protce -f th lat M. d fll'rs. wr.o has rendrd hi" country In valuable services In Persia and In Turkey nnd lr rranc. Indeed, wherever the In terests Russia would .sm to have been In leopard-. th-r the courtly M. d Nel ldoff has hn "ent. II t.a. I believe, never llv-l In th far Knst. and under these clr eamstanees his selection shows that Rus fli appreciate" the worldwld lmiortance of th conference and n disposition not in torcilli- the dellt rations, which may have far-reaching con'qunres. On th othr hand, th second mmhr o' th Russian mission. Raron d Rosen. has local knoldre Mth of Am-rlca, whr h served for eight years at the Washington Embassv. and as or.u! Oen--al In Nw Tork. and of Japan, wher ns urVreta-y of legation and Minister he llvei many ears IRWIN. BLIND MUSICIAN, WEDS. Siclitl'ps, but Knows Flow His Wife Looks. He Declare. nnrfnurPiT.iAi. Corona. 1 I.. July S- Friendship formed In church work and rlpen-d Into lo r-jltcd in Frank Irwin, a blind musician of this village, mnrrjlr.g a former mem ber of a chrtr tratnd by h'm. Th bride Wrts Miss Kdith iJing-, an-1 she formerly resided In Wocdslde. U T. Vor sev-ral vars the blind musician ha-s ' tietn orcar.lst n-i choirmaster or tn Woodslde Baptist c"hurch. and it was socn after he assume-! tne cuti of posi tion that h met Miss I.ang. Gne of th most popular glr Irf th t-lac and an ardnt worker In the church. They met often and sympathy for th blind rgar lt roon grew- to love, and th- wtd.tlr Is the T-s-jlt. The cer-mony took plac a few nights iro. and was attcdd by th ilatlvs of th cp!e. Th Reierend Frank M. 0ea.!cilH. I. I.. a Baptist rolnlst'r of fizlated. ejid whil th bridegroom could not hi' brld- It was evident that he was ry happy. When 'he cermny was ovr th blind m-arlclan passed his hands gtitl.r ovr th brtde fac and ald that he knew Just taw- she looked. Mr. Irwin gives mus'c Ieons an.1 ha many pupil. He has ben In the habit of traveling alor. about th city Th couple ar on a hony moon trip that will lact two weks. RatlraaS TraSle la Jassasi. Japan has era miles of railway, of which no m!!s wer constructed L- Btt The numfcr of pateners carried oa these railways in 1M sred.! li ': th freight trars;3rt4 was H.liiTl -trlc tons, and th caab rc-ipts amounted to Norfosk believe in n be Beysf Stasis Btea. 8silor Salts, alar fabrics; all sia to 18 years of ace; Cttt Wtoaoosoaoasoai jnnnj i Bora Two-Plece Slacle Breasted Bloomer aimereaandwontedK StlC;allredacedte. Boys Blnclo sad DeaMe Boys Fin WOMAN'S KlXKnbf ssbV BBalsBsVuinnnBT I will give flOOO tf I fail to care say cancer I treat, before it poisoas tae deep glaads or attaches to bone. Ko knife or pain. No jgy natfl cored. No N-Rar or other swindle. A Pacific Island shrub or plant makes the cores the most wondertoi discovery oa csna, loaay. ouu cancers cared on people yon can see sad talk sjrita. A tumor, lump or sore oa tba Up, fsca or say where, six months, is cancer. In 30 years I aavs cored more cancers than say other doctor living. Iavestigate my absolute guarantee. Be sore to write today for my 130 page book, sent free, with symptoms, addresses and testimonials of thousands cured, ana write to there. We ai strictJy reliable, smd doss we sgree. Address DR. AND MRS. CHAMLEE 4V CO.. omen. 20 1 V 203 N. 1 2tn St.. St. Louts. Mo. sTPLEASE SEND THIS TO PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT HAS NOTED ATHLETES AS MEMBERSF CABINET Everybody knows that President Rooss velt Is an all-round athlete, but It Is not. perhaps, so generally known that ha has gathered about' himself a Cabinet of saaa whose tastes are similar to Ma own. Of the Cabinet officers chosen by Presi dent Roosevelt. Messrs. Bhaw. Tatt. Slot ton. Moody. Metcalf and Cortetrou ars mea who delight in sports, and Moody. Metcalf and Cortelyou each achieves dis tinction. Secretary Metcalf Is slbjntly above era feet In height, straight as an arrow, and Is fond of almost all outdoor sports. He Is a Tale graduate, and as a freshman rowed stroke on his class craw. H ?layed baseball, the old-fashioned type of ootbail. rode th bicycle and ; pert swimmer, in later years Mr. MW hiiK taken principally to shooting, nsbiag lJtmaster General Cortelyou. who was born and reared In Nw Vori City, played basebull until he enter.! Uw andat Georgetown and Columbia was tha craca pitcher for th 'varsity team. , PNotwltl.standlnK his S lfiftSJ tnr- Taf fs chief n-rt Is horee '"': with golf, yachting nnd boxing as diver TO BUILD CLUB . FOB BUSINESS WOMEN. Fsj.Se far Sew Taebt laotltatle te B Kale- Throws Stock CaeT Farsarst Assama Mesa kera. nrsn.'iiiJcsvrr'iAi! New York. July S.-A clubhous for New York's business women. In which the busi ness) woman will be tnant. landlord and housekeeper, and where he offlctaus Jard tor will be replaced by a I'1"; 'JSs very different from some Jan'tresees. istosj of the fond dreams, which th W'"; th National Business ffom-n '"f""' who irrtVed at th Hotel dlcott for tW first annual meeting, hope to see come MrV IsabelU Krt'W.ClmrclfcfmerJy actlv In the woman's c of New Tork. n nresent State president oj tnj "w TorkHch of th siJ. n; r... Wnmn's League, will submit we Ptan. for"h"s Idubhous for bu. iness ' 1J which It Is plannM to build in h'tf wll) J etrictly a business proposition. .Mm . am t r',"; T. will be raise 1 through a big c,1.c"m; pany. forrr.e-1 ameng members, which now B " WrtihhBflness woman of to-day rt slrrs "o'get r.dU or-aald Mra. t-hurrt Tea- rmknyr of th InsUtutton. built to-day for Ftheo-cant.ibrLn::'"ro.""i(.!mthe p'fan. '?- no hlndrhArr- - nd us Jelll. and dlacarded ruga. ins menrnWsJdeciar they will accept a loan. bU-V.WsW stonal standing of th "i.S1'tn; leaSi'-. member- a- th- ra..n st, thV rU-a-dTln" rkeep?;.th "the" or .'n il Ji. n th Trofs!onal world. larrt-MrSjB&KsS."- li itai.7 owrTb-eakfa: over hr own Ut ?i;)Ks .to V- -I " .JB.:"S V.lS!2&n f new. It I. the Plan th.r cMIrs mar try It. and the New Tork S Uereon of simitar clubhouses. DUTCH FOREIGN INVESTMENTS. Financier live Large Holdings in United Stntcs and Mexio RErt-'BLSCPreCTAl. Washington- July Jt The amunt or Dutch capital Invested In foreign securl-tt- la th subject of a report mad by Consul Central Gueether at Frankfort. According to the estimates of official statistical and financial Jf'urcfs. D-iteh capital to the amount cf .... is in vested In American bonds and shares, and tWi m Russian bonds and share V.ry large sums of Dutch capital are in vested tn Meslcan Government bonds and In bonds and shares of Mexican aTll After-Seasoa Sediag Boys' Suits Baits; Meat. ssedtaai sad sjraBl throacaoet;aes3t10; sfcTE Doabto Breasted stade of tao Bnsslsa. Etea Sailor Paats Salts caertots. B I for beys of 3 -$325 Suits, made of swell imported worst eds, cherlots sad oatlac aanaete. pada or bloomer paats; axes 7 to 16; also handsome Novelty Salts; S to Z?..? $5.90 Hand-Tailored Salts, : ap la the crer-popalar worsteds, smooth vekror casslmeres, cherlots and tweeds: double-breasted style: 8 to 16: Novelty Salts, 3 to 12; all getac la oar after-sesaoa sale aa at. ... . .... ...esJVo 3 Boys Doable-Breasted sad Norfolk Bolts: fall bloomer troucem: made of the very finest fancy worsteds, casafr meres sad cheviots; thoroughly tai lored; coat has broad shoulders and that easy, graceful swacsex effect; I AlsMDJawiMsas'sbrcaatisai It does aot pala astfl slasast past care, bat if scglected, it will always prason deep (laads ia tae srarpit sail kiU .aaicklv. If von wait until kpotsoas glsa4siataessealder.dctliiscertaia. BREAST SOMEONE WITH CANCER. atons. He leaves the War Department al most avery afternoon about f o'clock a- companled by oaa or mora of his bureuu chiefa and mouated oa a large gray horse. When Secretary Tatt does not ride Into the country he slips away from bis desk about 4 o'clock and Joins Justice Harlan of tha Supreme Court oa the Chsvr Chase golf links before dinner. Tim Murnane. the baseball writer, de Clares that the profession of baseball lost a star catcher when. In 1ST, William It. Moody, the present Attorney Genera', with a Harvard sheepskin In his band, turned to the law. Mr. Moody was cap tain and catcher of the famous Haverhill club, and when he entered Harvard, in irn. aa a freshman, was placed behind the hat on tho 'varsity team. Secretary Shaw of the Treasury Depart ment finds that tha horse fulfills all his deslrts for recreation and sport. In fact, tho President, on his Wyoming. Is perhaps th only equestrian who can follow the Iowa man on his famous mount Prince. Secretary Morton of the Nary Depart ment la very fond of shooting, yachting, golf, horseback riding and danrlng Hc for the trap be Is a crack shot, plays better than an average game of golf and h-ts entertained the President at som. very close games on the tennis courts, jtr Morton finds himself unibia to acjiuiro the baseball or football habit. railroad and industrial companies; aisr In the uovemmeni ana nuirasn bonds Of Auatria-Hungary. Portugal, and numerous other countries, and S large amount woraing pruuunsj i bacco and rubber plantations, the mining of tin and other metals, petroleum and well A financial book or reference piaos the capital or an uuicn joini ". "" r antes at t:t.V.9. tut this does not etn raco th numrous Dutch companies which have their headquarters In the colo nies and In loreign coumrxr-. FROM HEAD TO FOOT ma feel the eood Uat's done hy Dewt Pierce's Goldea Medical Dttcovery. It cleanses, regulstes and Invlgerstes Stora seh. Llverand Bowels and so purines ths Wood. And through the blood. It cleanses, repair, and Invigorates the whole system. fn recovering from - grippe," or in con valescence from pneumonia, fevers, or Other eihaustine; disease, nothing can equal It sssnsppetuing. restorative itonla to build up needed flesh and strength. It rouses every organ Into natural action, nrosKktes all the bodily functions, and re stores health and vigor. For everv disease that comes from foul ae Weak Stomach, a torpid Liver or im pure Blood. Dyspepsia. Indigestion. Bili ousness, and the most stubborn tikfn. Scalp, or Scrofulous atVctlons. ths " Dis covery" 1 a sovereign remedy. Don't he hypnotized, wheedled, or over per suaded Into accepting a subuitnte only that MS selfish medicine seller may make a greater profit on ths Inferior article. The "DUcovery" has a great record st nearly forty years with thou sands of cares behind It. DsarSsr Ssreral feers eg my bleed be eante impoverished sad I became ran down la sealte. I bad no appetite, eould aot sleep, and was practically anSttad r work. Buf fered from laauaierable boll, aad was Is bad aasse. Dr. Plercee Gold iledleelDtocoT erv relieved me of sjt wretched condition. The ssedldae ballt as asy sietsm aad re- COSHUH Itlon keIth Baa4s7sai uesoi aa sn v .h h ss -es can speak aot hlgbly also, of Dr. Trteree's Fa vorite Prescription, as It baa besa osed la my family far ean uaraeesov resaaie troaote. a si tt Goodrich Baffala.rt.T- The Feeals's Common Sense .Meoieai Adviser, by k. v. Pierce. M. D., Chief Cevtsult Ing Physician to the Inva lids Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. Paper-brmnd razz on re ceipt of n one-cent stamps far mailing only; or cloth -booad for Si cents. Address ths Autxor. as above. eSrS BBBBBBBBsBBBe.A' saBSBSBSBSI eassaaV bbpbt4 aWssasaaBT m . ".. j- ft "- -