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mkf-jiim t.Ms.-J IP' ro-f Tfflla-a ' .-s-i. J i "i . - i - "" -us ".. L-e-Sv B sw,wi ," -WW-BBB-. Base-. aaBW,.BBBa- J j- -- 1 ji GOOD com crop m I; 17 I I l a, !s fa, m I f Use. m 5 EAST SIDE s ATTEMPTS SUICIDE TWICE IN ONE DAY Dread of Losing -Star Boarder" Casses Mm. Vorkovic to T-y to End Life Is Not lladlv Hurt Fear of 'osing her star boarder caused Mrs. Kate Yorfcovic f Bast St. Louis to twice attempt Juldde yesterday, the wom an first swallowing the bead? of a hand ful of matches, and then attempting to thoot herself id the stomach. Owing to the- fact tint the man In quetijn. Jc-e-.h Tovieick. grasped her hand at the irl.icnl moment mid deflected the weapon, the billet merely inflicted a fkfh wound and Mr.. Vorkovic is not though, to bo in a v.ry serious condition. According to her ktory. told to the po lice of Eu-t fit. I.ui.. Mr?. Yorkovic ciirr.e to that city about eight months ago from IniAUjniii. hre. she savs. .he hj a husband and a --.cnr-old son. Hh etartcd a boardniR-h-uc at No. 117 Nathalie awnue and Tovieick. who came litre from lY-nnsvIvanla with her. was ln-( as prize boatdir. U arpears that Tovl.ick became rest lesi a f w tiv ago and announci-d his, intention of chmgi-ig his quarters. Mrs. Yorkovic protest c-d and. finally, to em-ph.i.-tz- hr cii.otioiis. w.illoa-ed th-i of a bunch of". They mere ly ""aO-; her -.Ick, how ck r. Liter sttrdiy alicmoun. in the pres ace .r T-ivIcirk. sin.- seized a 4l-callber revolver and trlnl to -lio..t horslf. Tov 'ick grarpid her bv tiie hind and the bullet vnt wide, men ly cutting a su-pcrlir-ial wound throuch the flesh. She aa lurried to St. Mary's Hospital, -be told her story. In the mean time. Tovinrk diaa-ipiared. It is thought thai ilrs. Yoikovic will recover shortly. GAVE COMPANIONS SLIP TO HAVE SECRET WEDDING. flre Mauley and Rrrlba Price, af (.rrcwvllle. ! Mm I March Cirar-dna Party. ciev Lindley. z. and 1'frtha Price. jeirs old. both ot Greenville. III., "found"' a nl-ilitr jestutday in St. Louis throuRh th.- tni-lium of the marriiKe ortl and Jutlc of the Peace IJrt'-coll, ho m.iriif.1 tin m. I.lndl and his bride arc the ran and "JtSntT of v.:i-i.)-(J., firmr of ;recn ill". III., .n.i ire in a jisrty of eacur MonistH who nt to St lul testcrday n.i.iiiins. Thev had lm sv.eetl "arts for a I'JUS tltii.- and d-riiid dajs ago to marry rn the trip to t Iui-". Whtti tb .-xcur5ior.iit! arri-.l in St. I.oui thev deoijfj tiiut tno.. uouj, not fteiwratu for the iljv, and IJtidl. v and hi . ,. "I""1" f,3r"'' tint theJr jrt.inK would Tail ll.uj- finally m.itiased to sll;i away from all but two cojj.1-, to whom the UKK-.tion was made that th.y so to t. IjiiIv. TIkv rent somo time lool.lm; for the tn irii c- jU .nv,. .."ic.. Afltr .ii,,nf.r Lina ly and JlNi ITU told their fronds that ! nokld sfnd th- iixt liour "flndlnc a rlativ.. it. ,t St Iwut-. and in this IV excUS-ii th-mxlles. Half an hour .itr thev se,-ure the II cjii ii,l were mirri. d b Justice of the ;..'""! "le ,n,I r.!ritl the new r tliilr nnrri.ise Iiotne to Greenville and ni imc-k to .t. IpiiK where thev will it iii mi ior -(Vin .liv Th.. .,..,. ..e their iiuiiiaKu was not known to thi n. rrdierv. of the excursion pirty until the Iu!t.-r r.-.u!.cd tln-entill- last nIBht. AUHK-KH TO U:niTTHE CTTT. Fdnard Klaaanla .ecepis Tala Altvr- wallte Wlica Flard for Vagraarr. IMn.ird Kimmln. 2T. oil. eh.irge.1 with netlnc as n irofirsloiial lurjtn in. W.-s fine.1 Jlf., nn, c,,,. VLStirdlV by Po- , ,X. uy1" Thomas Stan:..:, n a tech uuLl i'rKCe'?r " e had the lfttt.1 'eating town, and chose the The precutl..n of Kimmln is the result f.t i ruKade a-Mint r.rof. s".,.,i jarj-men all ..ti : . .. " aiHirnv isixter. It is r!'1"' " ' " l-en Jiunne about Ju wl?.? Jer.r "Te ""t '-'r"l I'V th. ma jority of the nttorn.js f i,.t st imI. rn-i.f.r7hU" I" :,r,",J,t h"n'- : I??qe" " "f "-' !xa'"l"r "t -htl- i-atiii:r kk:k ivi n. tnr riarl DIsapseaM After Lewv "t Teaaa la llellevllle. aid In fimliig lf.-,ry Hurl, living on the lblT-v ?S5 ," '.,-"J, four m" fro riiirl s nr old. a bachelor, and P.1I ri" -rK "?t!'-r',- '"". II- drove , ii n k K"",?1 's -.aft r",M,n "n,i Mopped stti.t l-.-Wnger'a yud. on West Main Since then .U whereabouts is unknown. . . " .V! J n,,t t-turn to his home vcs. T,"dy lit. falhir wint to ltilleville "and rii.mut sh team and .i,-..n. which were till at KrlliiKt rs. lrl IdenilNcs eKro Aaawllaat. "J j.lse ri-her. a rer. arrested in St Ijouls .e-l:-es,!,j ivetiinc Lv llelectlves lliicirty and liurlej was nosUivd Iden tlttt 1 vstenlav bv C.irrle. the lear-old daughter of IMwar.I M inning r No X nrud av.nue i ;!- ma un atta. ke,l her ut lur home Tuesluj evening Kisch r lived in the vlclnltv of the Manning home Mi. set. atrusl uhtn she was at ta ke.l ,n,i trightenisl Fischer. He ,!e. lcs that he tried to injure the glri I".tsI t. taala llarriaare Llrewaea. S'antase II -erne. i'sj-J H IZxnt st Lnu'a t.tda cre to Mr.itli i-rk. 7J latft si 1 N. l.ijl- t. .:n-tl i jji.t . IMii. OI- UaJlj- n. ltth I7ce. ?! bvih. lr-iillle . r. OralKfi. jz tsisiap.j i.v C 'ifV"- '. 5V" -, ,-a'- .N"ll" West. Jlarj ilaiJ'n. ji. trttll ur iiri,,,. Cast !t. Iaala Iteana. Wls'Jr-.!, lira-ce) l. ticttinc t sjWk IsS-'-'th1 " ,V,rr,, h"v "" "fr?m tf V I'-uISi8 yul ,2"-,h,'r " - ilr !).! Mri Jo-n Marh ail -. Iil ej'ilis. ar .inrultrc a rr.r.lh m s!thet 'iti tMlinc i.s:u Sli Jcrnid .sul.n.ti 1 vi.ittnK n tarritt::. ati ,.yl" .J .J .w,' and children ar vWting In iBvi.r!;ct1V''Iuush - r':uraM Mir vvTcni. ShrrrJ iti:lrd fneni Uat niir' t Mis. J!. til i;j"r). , gvtt cf Mr. J Murray Olrtoc, la. , the two ik m::k nitottf-c. Oar bnrse. Ilaabawd Willi t'raelty. the Oilier Ultra lataalratlwa. Two unit, 'or divorce were tiled in -he ircult I'outt at l-'.levllle voterdav '-J-Rlnc that bcr husband struck her and r-ke hr rtvie. jir J.ej hlne vjuertcr morr 0 j;,t sj. i(Uj, n;j ,uit ,)t. x 1J trce trorn Sapnitrtn Quertertnore Th courl hs united in rnarTijse m Flora. III. on s-rtcmiwr ?, jsm. The a"ult i- which the wfe's nisso was fractar-d W4 corstnlttJ on November 1. l?c On k.'ifJ",'!.!: Vs Jhr "ifp . ir h".. Srt.-.fV'Vta "SM ""y Ut Wl tlje.1 a iUvottv and a'.umrsit uit. SR ,to rre c Lvrla he v-omrrrcno-d the cx- 2.. '"v-01 lloicant. They 'were awrned on NovcnN" :j. :ji .-.j ii,i -. Aether until Arril . lV sh- askl the 'VV'"".0 trr tb m-o- of Ivrr fo f UVS??1- Ja The assump-it , Is fcr fTO for Bdjfr all-et (, fc.e etii tprrowcj on March . t nsWDtBttTiirow mitt cewriwrcB. Isldera Teatlfy 'aVta Valae .f the totad. Ahair iUteR reorders were,i Jo rppear in the Cocnty Ce-rt in HelTevilu jrstcniay at the trial f th- eTdlZ Use: cae of the Fren St. Ivi-. i.i a. .. rban ra-stris- Railway Cosirny against Mrs. TheresU Sli9aaa arl s. .1 sadetetl Unl oa the Caseyvtu nvt4 sxhera the company desires to build a vta- Tae rase wa postr-ioed cstn sie.--,. m. The auMders had ten stiaunoned ta ttw tbehr opinion of the value of rer $ata propertv on which there ta a mlae C Csk molding sard. When the Siek- cae is trit :r tscrterabcr tha aie ox tae same FeMx DaTlarer aad athen ) zw mil at law I Baal tata tianato ated Car tteatd la BeOe- S'THrr at a folkms: . , : Freemca to Hlraat Frenaaa. lot H. bloek 13 DeacrMe: warraBtr ed. . , . lfanr Lair aad hatband t at. bftra of Dartd C. Uadc. Ottrmt. tn Herbert O. Bradborr. lot t. b'oek 1. eecnritr Park sobdiTUSaa. pentbtaat S feet lot IS aad aortbat S feet lot 19. Cen tral Place )fe. 2. aba BOrtbcaat 3ttM feet tot CoU Oatrat claee: warramr deed. L Newtoa C Daucbertr to WltMara B innbif Iota I to tnclodre. black i aad Iota 1. H, acd aortbwen feet lot 4. Mock X annex to ujxr second addition: warranty deed. :. prcpertr am aen above: warrantv dd. lie. Anna Jane Doncon to Victor Hacen. lot 3 and northeast 1 feet lot 4. block It. Edsemcat; aarranty deed. CSn. ateUevtll Seat Xadca. A marrlase Heenne waa lamed at Itellevlll yrsterdar to Henry Cbrtce. S. and Cauna Rrrk. 24. both of Lebanon. Mr. and Jlr. William nittman ha returned home, from a month' visit throtnrh Foutaern IKitK.le. Alfred Kern, a aoa of Mr. aad Kn. Oeoaa Krrn. bad bl rnrht foot maihd yete-da. m the reaolt of a beavr piece ot Iron fallinc on blm. Tbe but will of Valentine runnel, wbo died In FYeefcunr. wa Bled In the Probate O-urt '?r5.!,T' H leave all bla propertv to hU wlfr. Mr Stlftma DIlo-I. Mr Scohle Betneke of Glenn avenue yeirer dav entenained the aewina circle of the Ger man U. E. Churrb at her home. The Cat Ins of North Illinr.U imi Kill Im coninleted aa far aa Lebaaoa aenae br next SatuMav. A double weddinc. In which WUUam J. Jauer ard Ml Hertha Dietrich and Cha-lea Satitr and Mls Lena Klano were the prinrf rals. which to. otae- la Edarardnllle on Tucsdar afternoon. cauad anite a Dprie amonx their friendii whea the marrlase wa made knowa yesterday. It waa ceneraUv known that the couples would tuarrr. but It waa tt-oocht the weddlnxs would take Mace h-r. The eeremonler were performed bv JuiRice iIUkFtter. The Sauera. who are brothera. are well-known buiners mea. MIIDB PELTED WITH MICE. Taaaar mwasaai Eihaasiei Van Tralai LemTCw Alt'aau Jesye J. Oiler and Miss Matilda Weln rlch. lioth of Alton, were married eater day miirnlnc in St. ilary'a Church by the pastor, the Reverend Josenh Meckel. At noon the couple left for the North, after trying experiences suffered by the bride. The weddinc party, consiatituj of the bride and bridegroom acd the attendant. Mr. Frank Welnrtch and Miss Annie Ursch. droe to tne station In a carriage which had been lavb-hly decorated by friends awaiting them an4 from the time of their arrival until the train departed the couple had an -exciting time, particu lar attention being given to harassing the bride For fully fifteen minutes she was chased around the depot and was pelted with rice. She was completely exhausted when the train finally arrived and the was placed aboard. BALSTKst.TOaiAS rETP EXDS. Woaaasi Settles DMIcaltr Betweea Her Kelatlaea. The feud between the Hal.'ter brothers and their ancles, the Tobias brothers, all prominent Madison County farmers. Iiv Inr in the vicinity of Bethatol which re sulted in a blocdy battle In a clover fb-M recently, has been ended through the ef forts of Mrs Richard Balster. mother of the Roister brothers and sister of the Tobias brothers. The warrants Issued will probably I withdrawn. Mrs. Balster has paid fcT brothers not only for the clover In the field, which caused the shooting, but pal I. also, for the clover seed sown, and the ground has been turned over peaceably to its owners, the Bolsters. Ta Caaap aa llllaala Hirer. Editor J. J Melnernev nr tho ninn a.- tlnel-Democrat. and Captain King of the yacht Illlos departed yesterday with a parJ.Y.',f 'rtpnds for Kampsvllle and oth er Illinois Hiver points on a fishing and hunting trip. Tho party will return early In the week. Editor Mclnerney will also take a large number of photographs of points of Interest on the Illinois. MaeaUsaaw Mate Attltadle. Marry Mackraw of Alton, vice presl d tit of the International Association of t.nin IJottlo Blowers, says a misappre-hen-ion has arisen concerning his state ment yesterday regarding the condition "'the glassware trade. What lie reallv said was that a cut In the price of glass ware is unnecessary and that a cut in I. wage scale U equally unnecessary. He wishes t. b set right so that his position in the wage-reduction agltat'on .... vr. uirjcrsieofli perxcctiy. Saya atora Twolc Chlrkeaa. J-. -,. dt,-n. a leading merchant of . ,0!J- ?'.,T out warrants yesterday chnrglng dl and George Sims, two young men of the town, with stealing forty chickens from tha h.-n ." !S"s.TVaii,r-i Ch:rn ts that tfie young ai. n took ths chickens, not to sell, but lS fun .. ,-t . .i". :V"V "" " "' "u "I e -..Ii " s- ..4TT i.r. ...... ....i , iii.i i n..... .. ... .. a eirapie or miles distant, where they had n chicken fry. After eating all they could '.'f "T T. the boy", it . Jllged ,urn": .thc remaining fowls loose. Che.1 w-diaJ'"t t7x,,,r -iny of them, he al- uriiaVflernTn9 '" tae ring- Alts 'fee aaa Peraawala. of llrt,l'rfi riflb .,nn!V,yrT of ,fc marriaga ..r 5Pd ?fr ,Joet-h Toole was c-l-Lrat'l Maln'trS?'"0" tan WrJB !n XMr h I-a,, arrv.te.1 yesterday en a war- lact rtra cut ty Gil) tltra. of a rxtaurant on Iljsa .tnet. who all-i-a ttt took five clear, from the e7 cS. tV. ." .,kai" r,r ' a Joke. Tratnmas'er G. M. Frenrh . tt. i.ii 1-.-.- STT'wS'TnK"'; -2551 "? " ...fc'?".l'S!an,0"JKTr. h" rJ a rcanlt Janie. Ilmklnvn. ajre.J si A.t - - - . s n n'jTie 01 hi niece. Mrs. Samuel h m lie l.aves no other relaiives rbn irnaJ . a . Yacrr I"ark AT fr-at ssT-- . a -. - .. .. . -- InrdaSa&rA-gTVl'Jea n t?,t,! -T r7 eharlty will t. plad Tfl'rj itrti bu,n" men of .necond and Tl .ttrn ktnrerrh'or la rehearstna; the pro- tramme that will t alvn by that BairnaI Th annual picnic of -he ntimnV.. c he crirrrsatirn cf St. SUit' ratftolic .eiurc i yterdiy n n.K-k M-rlrs l'orn. was atl-n d bv ruadred. of per- J n. Crewkk of Ur t Alton departed ye- Tr-oms. M. rfot mtti- .i hws . lye frrai .... i. -. ." . " ...'t " "ir "" .tus .i-. w.o irrcaia ia tie trolt lTTfewr K. T w'Jh tha Temwla Or- cri:ra. armed hcn.e rwnUr from Pltaa whre piaeti a aeverat d returred from a vtstt n. ra from a visit lsrth arrtve.5 hum. je:j-tay frvrn a t&ire nombr vwt In Ger many. Mr- HMc-.a OLTonI ant wn. lln-y. rturnd trrdav- fmai Macara Kali, where tJ st-Bt evi-ral aa. Mrs. . K. Klrby Bariew. The funeral of Mrs. Margaret E. Klrby tows, plice at Jersevvllle esterday after noen at 3 o'clock, from the Kirt Iliptlst C hUTch. Her death .eetirT-st t rnt. HI.. Tue.!r.y. and the bod was rroucht l" Jersevi:ie jestcnlay morning. The lteverr.d I-. Hicks officiated and thc burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery. The iMlIN-arers were John K-cd. 1 P gquler. Rplvrt Xcwton. Wharton Kncl!h. John Cory ami Captain It. C- GJedhiii. Oarar roaa stead Kea The bori cf Osi-ar Lmg of JerseyvrK who has been held In the Jersey County Jail under a bond of 3iw on the charge of cutting Gvorxe KouesAan Monday venlne at the Jerseyville jiioe Factor-. wa reduced V.Vdscs-iay evening ty Ja tice A II. Qulr.n to ST'eX A b-nd In that sum was furrushed with Atmv Dixoo and James I.onc as surrtiis. and viiung laecg was relei-cd. The cooditlon" cf young Hoc.eman was Improved yesterday. Jereeyvllle Satew. Earl I Rrfli. ,th rf. of Mr as J Jtra. Wll tUm KefivnM Aed jreet-rdiT raerrot at tbe hew . hi. auad Jtli Erely-n K'TBkK after , hraiee ::ism. TS4 fcrrai i.I t-k prte at I e'eks-a t.vcrriw 4fterBics freev the Ry BeU restdrsce The Bescntsa j . j. o Un. rawer cf tha Geraiaa Eranc'Bral Cturrh. win ntCrvat act tts itanal wtrt be ta Oak Urate CVJCterr Jaie. Bu issraed -Wepiar from raer. TweBTere-t Tfrrrwii r atarasaJI. jasrer of tha First FraabstWoiai CtsX-fc. baa latwrned UL X. O Kitneji ha sea to Modesto. ni atae W". A Thoieaa ot lonra! ra. iu. Sir. aad If rx. Chart Uinaaat weta ta gseats or n-VaO- Do. ItL. ?T.!l gjsea saareraay ey rh esaate auea at t- Maxys Caarcft aaar Pleksaa. Sev- " -- - .-- ., KIe ni nam, was aft -i lonar fllKht anJ a flcht I.r m rfuJ i. in th- naroal anli at that f-ijir- icer v. rrcaserpent I mim Mine Jor-tirr hi. . .... . v. . v i. .. .ti n.lir.. l.f, J. Mr? Thcras i;l!oxt i. he In K.tner.vtile. ill I St. and Mr. Kruno Ma' K faaag "" '""'' Hj T . " TTi attaf-i?lEL1ni ?" taanral A apedal mialai wM be raj ft ijnmf villa To the OM Saleai CbaaUaSpa to-day. the Mir aeab W. LnUa BYtfe.a Ml hi l wcac ta tarawvusa. ta, jiksi mm I fkosBaa W. BatKr waa tha aarst a( Meada ta a. Loots. i Oeonje DekoR at CarroHtoa. DL. waa a la- ItAT. I AMi i aad Xia. WHHaai K Faher eroaedi a askiag party ta tl MraTjoaa X. Steae aad wera eMtora la St. Loola. Lacy Locke CONGER SLATED TO ADJUST DIFFICULTIES IN ORIENT. Tha aMnibHa TCrart BalldlaB. Mth aad P Street. Washington. Aug. 17.-K Is ikaowa here to-night that the President contemplates appointing E. H. Conger. Ambassador to Mexico, special commissioner i to China to adjust the ccB-merclal differences be tween the United States and China. His experience In China, and his close rela tions with the powers now administering the Celestial Kmnlre. have : commended. him to the PieskJcnt to undertake anoth er mission In the Orient Ambassador Coneer was hastUr bmib- moned from hL post In Mexico and spent yesterday In conference with Assistant becrctary of state Adee. To-uay ne was at Oyster Bay. It Is well understood that jur. eronger- poMiion in .Mexico is not a permanent one. but his friends have pro- tt Med against his absolute dismissal from the diplomatic service. The commercial troubles that ensue from the Chlneso boyeott on American goods present an emergency In which Mr. Conger can be u?rul. The service also will afford the means for the administration to drop Mr. Conger gracefully. Mr. Bristow. the former Fourth Assist ant Postinastee General, who turned up the postal frauds, concluded his Govern ment service ns a special commissioner to Panama and It is very probable that Mr. Conger will go tack to private life, hon ored in a similar manner. OAKES CAUGHT IN CALIFORNIA. School Priocipal Eloped With Girl of 13. REPUBLIC rsPIXIAb. Clinton. Mo.. Aug. 17. Professor Jesse A. Oakes. principal of the public schools at Lnch. Ilcnrv Countv. Is la tall at l-o a...P.klA t .....I 1.. ! WTm... . .a ... s. .m.. .A..U s.i niuiit; i i4-;mr old scl'.oolgtrl. Is dct.-iini-d by the pollee there awaiting an officer who will sttrt from here with requisition papers at once. Oakes is a married man. 33 years old. and liad Just beet, re-elected principal for the coming term. On July 19 he accompanied his wife to Clinton. 8hj went on to St. Clair County and next day the Knaus girl met him here. She made a pretext of visiting In a n-ighboring town. . Oakes an I Mls Knaus; departed on a Missouri. Kansas and Texas train that nlfiht and two days later Mrs. Knaus re ceived a letter from her daughter telling how Oakes had won her affection, or their frequent meetings and of his prom ises of support and protection. She added they were going to Mexico. Citlxens of Crich Immediately sub scribed $20 reward for Oakes's arrest and photographs of the pair were sent broad east, leading to tbe capture tn Los An geles. COTTON CLIMBS RAPIDLY. Advanccn $1.50 a Hale in Xew York. REPUBLIC STHC1AI New York. Aug. 17. The newly formed bull pool in cotton, of which 'William T. Brown Is sa'd to be the leader. Inaug urated Its campaign to-day. and prices ad vanced 24 to 34 points, or SIM a bale. M. II. Thomas, said to be a member of the party, was perronally an active buy er. The October option sold at W.ST cents, against 10.2" cents last year, and January at 10 75 cents, compared with W.4i cents yesterday. i It was salJ that the bull crowd la work ing on tbe theory that the continued dry and hot weather In Texas would damage tne plant, aim on expectations that plant ers would not market their holdings until ratlsfactory prices could be obtained. HARRISON L BRUCE STRICKEN. Chairman Board of Pension Ap peals in Serioos Condition. REPUBLIC SPECIAU Washington. Aug. 17. Itarriscn I Bruce, chairman of the Board of Pension Appeals, who was appointed from the Sev enteenth Illinois Congresional District. was strick-n to-day at his desk in the Interior Department. He Is in a serious condition, the doctors so far not having been able to diagnose his case exactly. Mr. Bruce was acting Asitint Secretary of the Interior In the alaence of Assistant Secretary Miller. (verasseat Weather epart. TsTartment of Arrleuttnre. Weather Bnrean Meteorological oberratls received at St. Iv.nK Aucut 17. IS, at .- t. m local time and S p m. acventv-ntth meridian time Obser vations made at th same rocnvr.t of time at all itaticns. Station. AMln. Tex Arearillo. Tex StUnta. Ga I:t:l:r...rr. Md I.IT.arck. N. D.... ISiffilo. Jf T iilro. 11! Calearr. Alberta .... "hArlott. N. C... tn-vttanoeri. Term Cr-.-v .n-. Wy rTiUaso. Ill Jflaelr.natl. O "lvlaii.!. o O.luial.. fl for.mniii. Kas. raen..rt la Iv-m.r 'oli !- totn-s l.i tr-vlls l.vk X. t Io.!f.- ntj-. Kas.... Huluiur. la luiiuth. Minn Ihintnco. O'l tKI I'i-o. Tex Kott Smith. Ark.... DlrTP Six Rain. Weather. S 1) Clear ..NR ...SH ....X .V.V s ...w ..xn s s ".".'."k ..XB ....K ....E si .... st ...-X ...MB ... ,S ... .s .xw ..XF. s H K ... Pt-elondy OooJr ... in.ctoudv in.cioudv ,.. Clear .. n.- ... PLclcady ,.. iTlouly Clou ly ,.. iir ... iar ... Clear .. rinr .. Clar ,.. It eloudv ... elar ... near ,.. 1-u-lr .11 iouly I 7 c 71 M X T f V. l R Si s; Srt t : (4 : near i". .... Pt.elouJv 1 02 iloudr M M ... enar ... Cloudy ... near ... nr ... Clar ... near ... It-clon-dr M Pteloudr 1.r ... nar ... tnar ... ar ... tnrar .'4 It cliudy ... Ofr ... ClnWr ton. Tex S Grand Junction. V5o..SW Graaj TtatiMs. J!ch....n Hsvre. Mor.t NV llelesji Mint W Huron, j- I JCtv lnlianvr-'.ls. Ind NK M M M TI 74 St M K as TS 7 7 Jacs.nvllle. Fla StV Kansas, oty. Mo .SK uinsVr. vv v...... tuttl. ttx-k Ark.... 1ju!v111-. Kv..i Ma.:iin Vi Mamo.tte Mich Memrni. Tnn Mrdena. I'tvh Ala , Xahll!. Ter.n I Xw oi. X Y Xew fr-l-anv lot Xorth Platte. Xb Oklahoma. Ok.. Omvka. Xet. ...X . K ,.B .!W ..W si: ... CSojiIt ... P- etoudr ... Ctear 21 .SK s it ln.tlroy ,sv .XE k sj . !; riouir .. CVsr . CJr .... Cloudy .... near !-n!r .... Clear ... near .... near ,... .... "ltU'iv ... Pt-doudv M Itsln ,... Clear ... c.rar , .. tner ,... nr ,... near ... n-ar ... nar .1 rioudv ... licloady .... near Pt.clondT i than 41 Ae .si: iwi-tlr.-. Tik. PatV.r-burc. VV Va. Xn PWU 1-Iihu Pa. rtttnburr l"a...., I1:j.s t'olo lB " 77 ...ISK . VVV . Xr ...svv t . 5 s RaMl Cltr. .! I) . Rosw.lL X M .. r-t. Iu. Mn.. t Iaut. Mtnn... 2 4 . Tl 7 7! TV . X ? . IC M . !5 74 ; , K l . Tl 7 . TV kt 44 T '. X 47 m: 5alt laike Oly. Utah .. W isan Antoniv Tea -iz Santa le. X St XW Shret.txt. ls NnrrflM. Ill n lTlnfMJ. Mo !K Xet. ...X nckbux. Ml K Wa.hineton. t C-...XE Wichita. Ka SB Telkmeton I'arh XW tThutvierstorm. rrare. e I- Inch. EDWARD It. EOWIB. LoeaJ Forecarter. Waal. LsJcn. nm IT A 'e or h"p i held la Mincirg Lane t-dr. The offTlna. arr-uri-l utUfsn 7er w, an tcnur atteclance Cornrtitlert waa nrnahat alow Arsncana NvisM rcetco and tin. ei m-i.,.fr frlr at rle uehc te a.'gMIy above t!s Jcr- average Medium crco-ed were In pcee- r-ne. FWlowirat are the aal an! rttce. rthtansi ffr dothlnr ad rorablrr- Xesr fea-h Wal-s. :T bale, at rt. -lctor1. lit tale, at 4ueHd e;s Aarrall.. rs hale at -'ils.d- tvt Aunralla. :: bi.-s st J J'ojd. Ta ia!a. C rw'es at fj5J. Xw.Z- iaoi. .. race, at iiuie4. i.. Arr. ta a: 4--07d: Pur.ta Arena.. Kale id. at atla aaS stasia. W. U.15. Ftaaaa Sjaatattaaa. REPutruc frrciAU Cbleaaa. Ei. Asa. T7-F2aaee4 waa owlrt and aersaxced. X I StmiUmtuera rloaad aoo- at .. aaa xcruwesterB at K.14. Jtca Beapslta rerrrrta were 4 ears; Dwlath tad 1 car aad Catcaae cars. rf mm m atlai tb aaaaaiaace aC qamaai ja- rcadt asilf Caaiaa r Cltw aTera Ojpatfltr talVtettow Aiaaiaaaiar fit-wefWlr. SaTacsah. Ga Aag 17. Tulle bub enthlBr iib. tV- Rc!b errs: A. ft. C SJ SMR.a d i ii i- e k 4i.: r p.n-. n (4 eso :-. h m i44 :rv: i u: K m m 4.s. m M SSI &. X t4.iIJ4. W. G. M.Bi ' W REPORTED II TEXAS MerdwatB From Lose Star 8tate Say Bell Weevil Did ot Catwe Amj Daauge This Year Con ia Fair Skapo. According to tha reports of Texas aser chaats the cottoa crop of that State Is larger than It has keen for tea years. Tae boU weevli. which has been so eajmagmg for the last few years, is not found u the cottoa aelds this year. The cotton growers are unable ta state the cans of Its disappearance "The only thing the Western and South era merchants talk about this year is pros perity." said V. O. Saunders, superintend ent of the Interstate Merchants Associa- jwn. yezteraay. -every saercnant who an been here this season reports that his sec. tlon of the country is overflowing with prosperity." "The boll weevil has done but little dasa 8o the cotton of Central Texas." said C. Ls Robinson of Reagan. Tex., yester day. "The acreage waa reduced S per cea.t on account of the wet weather during May. The same amount of cottoa was planted, but. owing to the rain, the grow ers were unable to work. The cottoa that a worked hi better than ever before, and will yield from one-ball to three fourths of a bale per acre. The price at present is M cents per pound. "We have also a good corn crop tn our action, not quite as good as but year. I S' wMLBave,ff,"11 ror, nome CJn- I ;i:r:e-" -- -.. v"t " i I wl i Tn ? ii!" barvested four r WM. ..s UMW.MS. vu HT.U.C UV season is over. Our section of tbe country Is in a prosperous condition. Ue will have a One trade this season If the cottoa keeps up. If the price goes down the growers will hold back until Pnng. or until tbe market advances." . TTie cotton crop of Southwestern Texas Is the best we have had la ten years." said J. Lyons of Yoakum.. Tex, Thta year we were not troubled with the boll weevIL The growers an- unable to account for this, unl jus the Intense beat of June and July killed tbe weevil. Some of my customers have told me that their cot ton has suffered a little from rust, out this to only slight. The cotton in our section Is moving now. I have been advised that our arm has received LW bales of cotton during the last seven days. We expect to recelva 3.090 bales during the month of August. "The growers can't get enough cotton pickers. They are going to the towns and taking wagonloads of people out to the cotton fields. The housewives are com plaining because they cannot get servants, as all the help has gone to the cotton urmH, "The cotton In Southwestern Texas aver ages a, bole per acre, .something that has never been heard of before, and It is bring ing 10!. cents per pound." The following mercliants have regis tered at the interstato Merchants Asso ciation: Texas-is. K. Loner. BrewnwooJ: TV. IL Da ylscn. Havre: T. P. Tuik. Illonming Urcve; R. L. Avr. Lnrkney; R. U Avant. Dil: J. X. Ku.h. Kreckrnvll.e; J. H. Wrteht. MansneM; n. C Gorman. Gorman: C I Robertson. Rea gan: V. J. Niece. Hubbard e.1t)r: A. P 'iVrr-II. Navaanta: Roy Simmons. Worthan: W. G. Mc IVcald. Jnraih: It. S. fipkln. Canyon ftty: ullilam Hi.rmann. Ma.-fl: T. W. Hunger. La trance: j.nn purlin, iiamiitcn: A. u. tmnn. Cnhman: Mrs. A. 1. Dunn. Coleman: J. M. Olm-n. Matank: Mr. T. p. Turk. Blooming urine; aim. vera vreiiain. HKminr tirora; S. W. Brollea. Blum: Mia Alice Hlrklla. IIIco; 11 M. Jube. Ta'pa: Mrs. U laiwi nateln. De lano. Arkansas-Harry Phillips. Port Smith; B. Glishner. Arcenta. Kani-J. II Cnhn. Iawrenee: M. B. Wat Bon. Marti. M: Mrs I If. F!rll.lir flinxi! Joe Ican. HoMnston: M. U. John. Ottawa: jtiM at. u. Caldwell. Auburn. Mlasnurl-U Urix. lUlIlnea: Miss Anna Duff. Chllllmthe: JII- Mav Oliver. Sprinaneld: W. T. Maui'la. Columbia: Mrs. W. T. Maupln. Columlda: Mrs. U D. Wright. Columbia. SOLDIER BUYS DISCHARGE; RE-ENUSTS NEXT DAY. Cavalrynaaa at. JesTeraasa arraeka aaa Tirra or uviiiaa ur aaa Kejalaa OM Traap. Unnble to resist the fascination of mili tary life. Albert Peters, a cavalryman at Jefferson Barracks, yesterday re-enlisted after having purchased his discharge from tbe service Wednesday. Peters was a member of Tioop K. Ninth Cavalry, and grew tired of the discipline. lie had still several months of his enlist ment" to serve, and decided to buy his release. With money he had saved from hLs pay Peti rs to defray the costs of his discharge. He remained about the bar racks all day Wednesday a free man. but was not content with tbe taste of ci vilian life. The notes of the trumpet calling his former messmates to drill, the sucht of the prancing cbaners and the Jollity of a soldier's life contrasted strongly with hut new station, and he determined to become a trooper once more. COTTON MARKET IS ACTIVE; AN ADVANCE IS RECORDED. Drellaea at fa Opealag. bat Sl a saaa tnrereame aaa aiaia at ; ta aa Palata New Tork. Aug. 17. The cotton market was more active and. after an Initial de cline, advanced sharply, with last prices S&36 points net higher. Hales were esti mated at about 4W.W bales. The opening was weak at a decline of ST'lt points in response to easier cables and continued pressure from local bears. Bt fhere was a big denitnd. with the decline form leading Southern interests, r miller shorts and commission house. bcIK and the market soon showed a net gain of IZltn points. During the m'dd!-. resslon prices, became rather narrow, but later became firm. Bullish private crop reports. There was active realising toward the close, and some of the local bear operator sold on blocks of idtsj bales, but the market ab orled offerings very well and lost only about 4 or 5 Doints from the best. Th final tor.e was steady. Liverpool rallied soon after the local epering. acd private cables were of a more bullish average, predicting a renewal of trade demand. The weather m-ip showed further rains at practically all points except Texas, which continues" dry and hot. and a pri vate crop report Issued after the close reprerente.1 nii average condition of 71.4. 76.C last month. NEW ORI.TivNS BULLS AWAKEN. RErCBLIcVTECIALw New Orlinr.s. La.. Aug. 17. In It sum mary of the cotton situation the Times Democrat will say to-morrow: "When thc fc.lent got wise to the fact that the bears were lolng weight with every point decline and could net hit heavily enough eon the lid )etcrday. the bulls began to take notice of thin:? In genera!.. and several potentiul factors in particular, and tne result was a radical change In ring sentiment, and a sharp net adv-ince on the daj's trad In it. Uver- feiol .inelled a mode and bo-ight cotton irstecd of selling It. "The American mills reported renewed activity among buyers. The Lancashire strike situation was dismissed as being rnworthv of further scrims n.n-!den-tlon. The Pcac- Conference made favor able progress. The absence of buving or ders riecompanjlng most of the pcssiml :'; crop report from the Interior was ex lalnc.l awav tc the satisfaction of chron ic h!ch-pr!c mea. Flnnlly. the rcent attitude of New Tork'. chief opinlon mrdder. who las talked of deadlocks am. market equipoise for several days, was !nterpretr! to mean that h- had turned bull again and was quietly taking on new 'long' lines it the decline, on top of all tl.Is Southern orerafors now In New Trrk let the world belleva they were buy lar for a turn anl the trick was done "Cor.ervatlve opinion cannot yet find a flear road for renewed bullish success ot rhe big scnle. but there Is no logical rea son why the daily doc-eat-dog programme should not b turart to account by the bulls for a time Just as the bears turned It to account during the past week ot two. "Meanwhile, in the broader aspect of ."he market thc contending factions are b:r.c brought closer to th day of tig endeavor and are cleartr.g for action. 'The fact that the farmer, while re porting crop damage continuously, la keerlng cut of the speculative market, may be genuinely significant. This was th- coarse he pursued during last spring. when, through judicious marketing of a monter crop, he gradually rorced the price up several cents a oound. "Yesterday's professional opinion was concerned over. the possible ultimate ef fect of the ahcorraal atmospheric condi tions which have beset the crop from Its Inception, to a greater extent than for some time. The climatic effect of the eclipses of the sun and sooon was dis cussed and questioned as to Rs pos sible bearing on tbe date of frost. It waa pointed oat that tbe peculiar climatic and crop cottattlens combination which last year raised Ok Bcoaartloa of list ta area (M0Nyeif m MIN -ai".awSBBaBP aasrWBBWsaaSPSkaaV-aaw. aaaaaaawwaaaLav NOT SiJNaUY' S RtTIMJC. The the Nasssspatffj afcsfsftsf the GettiiMi Ready for School Days"-tTr'a, f: to Outfit Boys asd Girls. Illustrated in color in the Woman's Section. "The Prima Donna's Dianiooifs" '1:: other Trie Detectire Story of Fascinatina; Interest "rii-nV MstMay D-fM-r,,B' Frauik G- Carpenter. a Notable VUUa l? HCW rUIX Trarel Article Abont American Enter prises on That Island. "A Summer Trip to Atlin,,-ic.ffia 1S23S5 Out-of-the-War Corner of the North. "Eight Million Hebrews Long for Zron" 7.! pects of the Movement to Tranplant the Jews to the Land of Abraham. "Regaining a Wngdom,tSlortstoryby "A Coirespofrdence and a Ctimax"-Fo' V.7 to the Land of Heart's Desire. "A Royal Maraoder-VhVa"e"ee'bT HVy i Mli IWsP4wlsaBQssCsmaTy smsMMa-s9C sUMHsSsH nfm9KW9 WR m Smi mi the Kttwmmmr Boys W AJm cotton to the highest on record can hardly t ..1st during the growth period of the cur rent crop. The fact that this latter fac tor was responsible for a goodly portion of the excess yield last year should not be overlooked. "In tno last anaylsla. however, conserva tive opinion within a S-polat range up and down is neutral rather than partial to either side. Professionals are In con trol of the market, and yesterday's buyers uvty lie to-day's sellers for a quick turn. "The bull pool may pan out or it may not. The day's news may be Interpreted either way. or both, but Liverpool will hardly run counter to America's strength unless tbe South' offerings overnight should discourage price optimism." St. losala Cattsai Market. Ppot market tna: uarasaais. tales. X7 bain. Uvuta: Orllnarv ........................................ wc Goud ordittsrv ................................ Jo i'w miMUDg .................................. se al.ddlliaT .......................................ivTiir Gissl nvlddllag ........... ..................luwe allddllng fair Ilc Tin. .- aSf white. New York-Soot market owlet: wntats high er. Middling 4.a)c. Futures ooenea 11 to IC points lower, aad closed 34 to 3 points Maker. Open. High. Law. Close. Ausust M ie.34 S.ft W 33 SeDtiabtr W.4S M.S MM W.34 October P. 14.37 , 34.33 . 34.S3 Xjvenvber teat ra.Ct 134 10.2 ls-oemtwr 10 37 14 MS W.43 Januanr .4 H.JS m.4; laej February 14.4t 1.7S 10.41 34.73 Uverpool-tailes. 3.44 bale, of which &SS were American. Upland S.4M. S-MM lower. Futur closed: Aug. SSM: Aug. aad DwL a.l: Sect, and Dec. a.ttd: Oct. aad Nov. 3.44.1: Nov. and Dec. 3.43d: Dec. aad Jaa. .4td: Jaa. an-1 Feb. .7d. (Mvestoa tfpot market ataady. Mlddaag lSe. New Olesna-arxw aaarket gatet. Mtddllag 1V.C. galea. 34 bale. Memphls-Soot market easr. tndvniag Itsae. Receipts at principal port: Galvwtoa. 3.134 bales, agannt Ual balsa iit year. Xew orleaaa MM bales, aaalast m bales lat year. Mobil, m bales, aaalast 1 bal last rear. . Mvaaaah. (4 bales, agalan 143 balaa last ewarlest9a. kales, aaatsst salea Ust year. Norfolk. 3 bale, against 111 balaa hat vear. Hoostoa, 3.B balaa. sjalast L7SJ bales last year. Memphis. S bales, against IS bales tost year. Xet receipts at all United States ports for alv day were 42LSS bale, aaalast S3.413 bales Ian week, and .3 bales la rM4. Exports. !.: bal". agalnf 3.114 halea ta 14. Stocks. ICK bal-a. axalnst TIKI In ISH. Total receipt from 8eot,.-l to date. s.t4C.- 3)1 lades, aaatnat 7.HZ.C tales tn STondtne period th vear prior. St. Louis warehouse atatemeat: Stocks ea hand Sept. 1 aJSt L7C X-t receipt tn-dav W Xet receipt sin" rVpt. 1 41.43 77.441 Xet snlisnenl to-day X-t hlpments alnr apt. 1...... H.747 34.444 &t-k an hand tiday 13.424 7.r GrnMi receipt to-dav. 1 III Uroea receipts ioce Swst. 1 tSLtW UL4n Growi shlpmenw to-dav 1 lit Gro- shipments staor Kept. l....SBXICt CM.4 Catta i New Tork. Aug. 17 Spot cotton elo4 gvtet. 1) print, higher: middling uplands t).)c: d. Pilf 10.Ce: salea 215 bales. Fa'nres rlesl ftead- Aug. lO.afc: Mpt. l).3Cc: O-t. U.Br: X.iv. li. Ic. 14 41c: Jan. 4V: Fib. la.Tlc: Match W.7e: April Itf.Sac: May t 3c. Urerpool. Aug. IT. Spot cttnn qul't; price rltts lower: American middling fair 4.434: ayod mldd.ln S.TTd: mbldltng t.SId; low mid dling 5.4V1: good ordinary t.ZM: ordinary 3.114 The rales of the day weie 3. bale, of which ;) wr- for pecu alien and export, and te iI.idM Z.M1 American: receipt 1.344 bxlea. all Anvrican. Futurea opened easier aad closed nrm: An-erlcan mMdllng. g o. e.: Aug.. Aug st. ;:l: Sent.-tict. itld; vt.-Xov. Stil: Nov.-Dec. .5 4VI: Dee. -Jar. J ed: Jan.-Feh 4 CTd: Feb.-Xvrch S.Od: March-April. April Mjt .1: May-June. June-July l.Tl. New Orleans. Aug 17 Cotton futures very at-l: Aug 10 c bid. Sept. iH:v.: frv. l' 4Mpr i-. Xov. trilgm.itc: D?. l0 5iar4.ECc; Jan T.Cla WJc: Feb 14.CK14C:: March lwlt UMMo. Spot steatiy: sale 3S hale: ordi nary 7 11-ltc. gnwl ordinary tr; low middling M.e- middling lSe; go-d mld-llng l ll-Me: middling fair lie. ReceisU 2.444 balra. Stock 7H bales. UVkVtrtsrCK MABsTJET. Satlv "apply Maaraf Artlve llaaa Nell Slaw. NATIVE CATTLB-Beef Sieers-The market waa nm active for th amall rapply la the ten, ard sales wera easier read. It waa rot as dlfncult a matter to get Uiyers Inter ested a vesttrday. aad aalea were !? abos yet.rd.vva t.l.r. The f.rrerlng. censWd prlnirally ef Kanaa an I Wrtrn ste-rs that were carried over frnca -st.r'la. when reliera founl 11 very hard to -'t anythlna like attfartnry bid Th class ea. rretty rtrA n eomd tleatems brtnr Inr M.S. snd soma fair to good atJB.sV.lS. anl all of prrtty good weight. Thar wera a!r evral ether bunch, of fat Kansas aa tlve. that so'et at 34 lap XL. FrR arrival ware few. about a load of iridium wehrht ter ..lng at 34 IS. being iractl-ally all that were ofTerM otatalda of a frw sratterlng h1 which sold to batchers. The number ef sale wa mmtvle to mt tt r.u!tan:ent. and fmm the arent coadltlea ef the trad it waa fortunate that the supply a not Mcrlve. j!wi hy th eloatng hour, practt'-ally everything wa c!nM up. ItEEr AXD BUTCHER STEERS. Xa. Av Pr Xoi Av. Pr No. A. Fr. S 1II4...I4 I... B ..XI M 4... 41... rt r. 1... ... 3 U 3... ... 1.1J 2... 744... J m 1 ..I'M... 2.77 1...H-... 3 44 1... 3(4... 1 44 Wertis: IS ..ira... 1 15 34...1SS... 4-tt S...IOI... 4.13 :v i: . 2 t...!rJ7... 3 ts K42a.- 34. ire;. . 4.5 34...rH3... 4 34 Botrher eattla Thar ware pleaty la -ha r of thl c!as to meet the reaaliiawt cf the trade. Whn the trade wa small, th pre wee. pretty wt fill with hoWkners . altecrthrr trade wa of a ry Ufelea tarn. K.1 tellers effertcga wr vary bard to dis !- sf. Ilayer order atarMly war Rarnwd. asd th-y ameed to car for no Mrttewlar Wed. ruklrg p-wrtlcallv but little dni-m hatw-.e th- eomavoe aad pretty good si all. Very lnw ttd wer rerelTCd all araaal- atm the were net materially dUfeient rasa -ra4sra-r's cioar. -hit in iwi easriewKy mrt baser for th Muff, i siiawl t have no artractlea r Ka. 1.. Ar. Pr. Ke. Av. K. ... Ar. SL ia... :3t- 3.S4 14.. XM ... 334... a.3 Watthe fmmmYmatUi sMeM 3... 7l... S.SS ... E... X.X ... 4S... 3ja U... 4S2... J.S 7... Ml... . 1... a)... a. I... (... S.M 3... 738... 3.S a... ... 3.4B 1... 44... 3.3 S... 7... 3.e Cfcws aad heifers: K... 7... tC COWS. I...XM... 3.JS 4...HI7... 3.N 3...I34S... . I...1SW 3. 1...1SM... j u 1...I1W... 3.M 7... SM... &M 4... SB... 1...13M... 3.4. 1...H4S... 3.43 1...13M... 3.M a... SB... 3.4ft I. ..1114... 3.W S...IM4... 3.W 4... 77... 3.10 17... K4... 3.4 7... 74... l.k 1... 7S... l.tS 1... an... M t. 570... M 3... 743... 1.3S 1... H... .TS .. 43t... J.I3 1...1134... 3.44 l.aaWsW... aLM !. ie. a.a . S.Ba laaalsMrft.ea S.9S C. 9s... X.T&V Saaa 9t3.a. . 1...XS4... 3.4 K... ... S.4S 34... 144... 3.SS ... MS... 3.4S 13... tl... 3.13 3...MS4... 7.13 Saae awVa a.. !, swS. aaBy law SJBB1VSs XaVV ! Pa... li Wap.a I.pV dVa nB,M I.A9 1... 344... 1.34 1... Stt... 1J BULLS. 1...3IS9... 3.31 1...144S... 3.31 S..t3s... 3.75 1...13S... 3.4S 3.. .1944... 7.5 3... T3... 3.3 1...1470... 3.1 1...13M... 3.75 1...IX1... 3.7S 3...H34... 3A5 1...1144... 1M L.. 4H... M BtlXJED. 9... TH... 3M3 VCAt. CALVES. 3... MS... S.35 1... Md... 4.4 f... lis... 3.11 I... M0... 4.75 3... 134... 4J 7... 3W... 4.4 at... CI... . ... aa... .w J... go... 3.4 z... I.... i.m s... laj... ca i.. 4... 147... .Ti L.. 134... 5.54 J.. aVMr..k 4.94) 9aa dwBa. 3m at aasVawa avassV anUCEtta. . awtaaiw) awJwJV laaaaaaaaa ! Z.vJ9 ft 1. -. a. aM.sWR 3. aa 44 Xa 1...13W... 3.73 2.. ...7... 31. 1.. 1...IS4... 3.75 S.75 5.3 :: .34.4S , 14.4 SOUTHERN CATTLK-Under . of quaraaUa cattle, th market had a better ton the any day thla week. Thl was the eaa: oa an classes of stock, aad wall there was not an actual advaac oa either steer or he stuff, aele were sumiger. Receipts were U ears and 3.13 bead, aacaa verv eoad te.t war- IncluriAj. aten mmhI car of goo.1 cows, but nauat of lb arrtvala wnw us prniy guoa aiasi. td eaUT wa also freer. rkt Receipt for four days fat week were agaJast 1S.444 last week, and 13.34 two wars ago. The market has been la decidedly mesa cvndltloa throughoat tbe entire time, aad awlta a few cattle hav oetn carried over from day to day. The condition of all market baa not been rr satisfactory under th liberal roa of Texaa and Western Mug. aad this has sertowsly bun trading on the run here this week. Tbe Ma-point tola! for four days wa 17LMS bead. which ia anooi i.ea larger xaaa last wsea. S4.e heavier thaa two weeks ago. aad 33.44 ex.'es ef three weeks am. The cbnlre heavy we.l-fatted ateera dellad but 2Sc during tbe wreSc but alt sale of the common to good lots which leaded wader 333 are 344j4te lower. The cow trade broke bat taaylSs this week, though while there ha been a fairly liberal number here, the demand baa been fairly good. and oaTetlBtra hav moved aulte readily. Bull show but little chang tn any respect. Tbe ran f calvea has been soaae aaaanar thi week, and thl has matertalhr tragth enad th market, and during the last few days tha strength baa accumulated la a tw75e ad vance, and salea are now around 33 lower thaa tbe klah time, roar dan arrival ar 3.442 bead, against XX last week. Tha ftkllowlna1 tMwtA hwaaa tw . dUloas of the taarkat oa the. vaitoue ctassaa of qaaranune cattle ea sale during the week: I1HI lole teaaa.4y.JVVJSJaf) eewaeeeaae . X.aspFJ 4X 2ta-a. .aeeeaa aJ "ffitWl J !). JS iirttttt aT.aSjTPJesta 99m9mm aat.adTal BBafr- aa a .w-r--a miiMiiit 1 jr.y aaaaa X amBBJ, (3 aaaeaee M3m m a4 3.ea3.3 flood to choir ttata Iwlr to asl steer iBferlor lleht gashed ti flood to betfera... Fair to good heifer o-mmon to fair hHfer.. flvl to eholc cows Fair to sood cows. Fair canarr Oansaon ranners Ooog to chole bulla Fair to gnod bails (tnmmoa bulla ood t elmlra hry eahre. per bead 3 sivgla Fair f.. good calve., per head .3.S Chole veal calves .75S. Kn. Ar. 3t...lt4. ... 724. 34... as. l... .. Pr. .ft 44 .3.41 . 3.15 .3.34 JCo. 47.. 34.. 24.. Av. Pr. Ke. Av. Pr. WJ3...34.4S HJ... tat.. .33.43 174... 3 SS ... tea... ill . 443... 1.1 ... 3(4... 3.S 25- szs... z.m n... ax... z. ... 3 44 ... 3.4 414... 2 CJ 4S... 2.43 13... K37... 2.m ... J9I... 2.M IS... TT... 3.75 7... 454... J.4S 34... 727... 3.45 3... 73... 3.4. I... I... 4.. HEIFERS. 1... 49... 3.49 4... 42... 2.T5 34... S43... 3 35 COTVB. 35... wsj... 3 43 4... JIT... : 11... 114... 3(4 42... TSS... 2 Ii 2t... 775 3.5 ll"! z'.'.'. 3.13 21... IK .. 2.11 :... trc... 3.n i... cm... BULLA 2... tS... 3.2S 1...1I44... 3.35 MIXEC 2. 2JK .. 4.. 14.. 33.. V.. 4.. 2.. 21.. I.. i i 74... -LS 71S... S14... 7... 411 . 1.. Sat... S.K C5... 7.S CM... 2 71 S5 M'.'.'. 5'.5 W... 2.15 ... 2.1 tej... ; . 4gf... , 45... 345 2.4 2.35 . 3.15 4.1S 3.1-5 X4( 11... 72.. . it... r..., 27... 717... 41... TIT... IS... 474... 42 , 1... tn... 1.4 X..IM4.. 1...1IS.. 2...1.-W.. 144 235 2.25 .IK. S.5S ..OT 3t... 4(1... ITS i... s:... l.a Bter and em 11... 47S... 2.15 Str and hulls: 3... 370... 3 44 CALrr-. fPr Head.! fi 4.75 C... 750... 4 3 C2-. ....... 4.M 54.. . 143... (.4 21... 231... 4 4 1... 133... 4 54 . sf ( . i -ia a... r... i s SV... a... "JU i... m... ; j . tf.VV V.aaeaaaaae 1 Wss HOR3V-A tsoderate rua of bog waa ea sale In fact, th receipts, which wr around . bead, were not mora than hair aura-lest to mtt the requlrerreat of the trad. About 3 more hags war on al Thurrd c.f t track thn t'day. and th rc-tct ya-eerday wr twice as large and tha quality waa also much totter, there briag a g-nd many Sta. gtaary bogs oa sale fron- Southern Mnanurt. A tetter demand srerxll-d aad tie market open-d wrlth a Rttl mot Ufa ta It than en Thursday, ln-leas ware tmt i-wouhly hlgner. but run tna real goad hog ot all ' mop readily aad bayera inam luuia wmt to B for ata-cllea. (Vwid b-rt-tt-e bogs. packer. wr a troahie sell, the ruins at aeilerta'. cts , r-lllna at S4.SS.. which at 7-e 4lgtir taaa aay haavy BesT W4 OB rt-mwai. It waa an troubl to gt etaady te atroag Kcee for the bet Bah from ahlp-nr. aad T reat-y waated twic ta Bumb-r oa sal. bat the egiiiss- et-iWd a so-l taatrr ltta that were sot aastaa by aaitodi at aag pries. and It took a lot or herd work to ere r a eo tbste. aad mly la a tw eaaa td sen ra anna two was oa v-eu Tbe th aair ac klgh-r taaa ta awas . a load of -antra !-. Swae srst at SkSgat. tae top. ef the watch waa the ana ttate basvy W --- T-k mm tras was a saaa Better aa the aar-.r wavft-at. satae eales brT-e ta ctea bstse tatarty i la iBIai Bi.natt aiajraccaj. Near Seeiaf the Kafl" the AajMseiathe friar f tmit SfttHrft. 34C4.CS. the I of I th aaajoritT arltr of them aad aoma of them. aaweeTiil- ly the lam, dhl not have a much flesh aa taey aid to make them denrahle. tlooa aativ ahep aad lambs were very -care. Th set om aax snow any matenai enaaga. rsiy- all the dereat .hep i aad la lamb.- oaVred at fail atady price, and ther aseawd ta ha a. HttM aaace Ufa to th trad than sv assay oa taeeesi inasay ainow. The aa eomlaese atroaa from eoontnr baicia fhe guad Btnchers aad th bet young breeding waa wera ready sale, the vary Oat saUmg up to 34.35, or almost aa good aa th best ansm Some few sheep were held over, bat taey wvra asaaiiT naii-iai isasoa ana osaas a aner aona. The hast lmb sold from tsag7. medium at CTiSs a. fair at 3S1.Ml cullsi at S.SB04.15: mutton sheep mostly at 34.73: stock- i at ... ami ducbs at ax. lORaSw. Th bora baalaia. thha weak HOI ped ahoaether a aatlve ofl as ther went en western harm racalved. it the oaate which eeafmet tha trades - at. th market waa better thaw had aw ex pected. There wera a good many bayera from, tha Swath, asd) they bought readily at all th good to choice efTertnir hi their class, which. aowevar. were very few. This demand sa aated from aaetloaa of the Booth, which era act affected by tha fever. Riant bow tha Suutaera trade sboaM Iwalu to show aaav. igaa at Itf. aad the fart that the feres aeara ha not takea all ef the 'coaAdeac oat t th trade 4 aa iiiiniwagtaa atga. Tbe Eastera trada datma the week waa not buge. hat there wa socn demaad of a pretty active nature, for auod to choice heavy horses, aad tha price ware comparatively strong, but vner wvrw no naar avnimoiau nanny aar demaad manifested for platn kinds. It b a llttla aarlr for much actltUv on Eastera aft count, exeept for th best, amooth. heavy of- irnnsa. The sasphr daring the week baa ha com paratively llrht, total eTeringa aaaovnMIng to Ira. thaw 4at head. Meat week's rwn will I thaw ba baad. Maat werk'a ran will In eluda a larar aupplr of Western hone, which will be sold at auction Tu-sday. MULES Tbe mum market ha dragged along tfcwMMfcnu fW . a . aloar haala. Th k dealers have shown a disposition to bay a Bin- 1111 MMl cw Dia biwmv pi xirw qvausT-. BJI'l aMo a few ehnlea cotton mules. 141 to 13.1 baad. hot thes kinds have beaa scare, ths nilnclaal uart of the run bebur made m of eonuaoa aad atedlua oaVrlpg. ia view or taa wnernain iiiimiiiuai jxrn-c ta the aaarket at the premt time, dealer dt 1 not ear to take bold of thla class, sad Beli ef tuand It hard work to Merest buyers. Th tone ef the lasrkil wa not as good aa It waa last week, aad th restriction of tha Itm If.a' .a.ii tit th jmc .rajtea af ?.iiig lasiad th taarket for other classea anratlsfac- tury. Caacagn. Atag. 17.-Cnl-Rcetpt. 44. tn ctudlraT S4 Tvaans: market strong to Me hunt er: rood to nrlm ter 35.S4).: poor to me dium 344W35: storkars aad feeder aaM.r-: etnra 32 ": hetfer- te.10wa.75: raann 31 5 r25: bulla tiS-cN- calve f-art-73: Tesaa-fe.1 Starrs S3.5fi4.(: W-etara steer 31.544rl7v. H'W Raept. to-awtrrow. 14.44: mar ket strong: mixed acd butchers ta,75fl.X: awd to chole heaw satrtS: ro-urb heavy SS.44- 35: light t5s-4.5: balk of aalea losses. P. SheeD-Recrlptm MC: market ataady: gnnl to choir wether 344tt4.5: fair to eholc mixed RS4-M44- Wastra atstep t.av45a: aaUve la-aba V3?a: Waatarn la-nbe Str7 3. Maw Tork. Aug. 1?. Be-ree Rvpu. j-: aearlr all held for Frldajr's trad. Few buU Bold at timmo: thla c.ww at ex Bnrts to-mm low. 3.3 Quarter of br. fJalvea Recwttrta. 114. IsarlMt falrlr eteady. Com mon to gnad vab S5T7S: a-aaaar and but terwdlkw Start: orta- baan 3115: dtissad ealvea nrm: cltv-dretaf-d. vah (4112c war lb.: eontrtrr-dwa-d TtTIlc. with poor stork setMne t StMr. Sbeaa aad tamha-Ra-atpta ItttS. Itheep active: sood shaeb huther: lambs IMTOn h'gtMr: aheap SMH: Iamb 3"-24: .genaral market SMM: calM 33.34. lVejte-Iw-rl-a-I.-71: taarket aomlaallv steady: ne sales ra- 8L X. JoevBh. 3to.. Aaa. IT -Cattl-lt cll Sl l-a- ta.r eoar aaThrtfera St 7S4M.SI: ow tun n- tears S41'914: atocker and feara 33M 35. 5.215: strong to (eklfhsr; t-eltP; bulk tJ4244. 8hep-Rectafi71J(: "Ctassaa at Aug n.-Cani-RtlBa tfat: melanin IS Southerns: market .aiaady ta ehrJca eaport and dnwwn Bear areata fair tn good .'". sajwiawi. I- atnrker an4 f-dT atStwHT: sTto444: ralnen trra 314. Houth-tn eowm 34 74g: oathre eowa S1TIVI: nt heifer te4: toll stffkS: ele STMaiC- noaw-Relats 3.440; market strong to 5c htefc-r: top SLITS: bulk f sale S5.fSO4.10: heaw f. IK: aa. klw w?K!.nnM light 35.164 12V Ki-S-Racetpta S.Sn: market t"w- hlher "atlvw lamb S5.7-.a7.32: vretrtern lambs F ."7 35: we and vearllttaw S4.44W5-T5: Tesaa -Il,rd -m 3.3(4)375: Texaa ellfned .beep K"g-"5: Mock r and feeder 3il43. aa-ar. Jfew Tork. Aug r.-Sutrar Raw tawady: tatr reflnlBg 4vc: rentrtfuea. test. 3"4e: aaa-aata rurar Isir: reCn-d '' . . . . XewOrlaasa Ag IT -Sugar TJlt: oaa-kt-tle eentr-fuaa! 4sjBlV: centrlfitgal white i 4 15-144-5 l-14e: y.!low 4H4-e: .eeond IHtWV-. JfeUsse-i oominai: f-H'ni uiar; ceniniu gal ffl4r. Sirup nominal at 33c TBEKE AE OTItt WAYS' C aad Uepuelic i want ads sf i -5t&f Ma? l-wtaa-. " ?J --s". e-.:A