Newspaper Page Text
bbsbbb?? -srjij -sers3?-i&r. -in; f&i&&2ieFr-ja,xx;&!amxxez&-?t3zrzmz??m!erri P-TZ ", --r; -fcV r7" '" TwiSgVpE ri '."''-. ' j. . -"' r ' V' j. BB"- -a-". eSBBgmseaasegs aSwa Ow, ma tel - . Paw" ' - .aBsOakvat JP", TODAY'S RBPUBUC f V . , V .. . lO PAGES SEVEN PARTS NINETY-EIGHTH YEAB. SUNDAY MQRNINa. AUGUST 20, 1905. PRICE FIVE GENTS. WOMEN SAY DOCTOR PALMORE NIEHAUS CHEATED GALLOWS WITH KNIFE WHICH MAY HAVE BEEN CONCEALED IN PIE SPENCER PREDICTS BIG WHEAT CROP FIVE RAILROADS CITED FOR CONTEMPT HAS INSULTED THEM AGAIN .Minister's Alhuct to Mr. Fernanda Kichu-r Is Made Kuoeva at Meetiag of Ladies Auxiliary Committee of Gcrman-An.cneaii Alliance When tbe Mrsterion-i Returned Envelope Is OpeBed Will Give Him Time ia Which to Apologize Men Will Aid Them in Their Fight. St. Louis Graiu Dealer Opiiuiisliu After Return From Trip Through Northwest Canada, Dakotas and Minncmta. Alton. BnrliagtoB, Koek Island, Mhi-iouri 1-aciic and Santa Fe - Aecased of Rebating. irifORMATrONS ARE RLED. CIRCUMSTANCES OF ANSWER A DOfTIONAC AFFRONT, THEY SAY YIELD ABOUT 300400,000 BU. TWE ST UUUltS n'ilHk --'i'lHIaMBnBBBBV aWuCnaW. t Doctor W. B. Palmore probably win be ShWfi m reasonable length of time In which to spake an apology 1r ''Is attack on the lassVs Auxiliary of the German-Ameri-cn Alliance. At a meeting of members of tbe organization yesterday afternoon at th homo of Mrs. X Valentine Schmidt the mystery or tli returned letter m solved and Its solution did not lend to i-hatige-the opinion of the women with regard to the pr-acher who arsailcd l hem. ft wa thought at fin that Doctor Pal mer had returned unopened the letter of protest which Mrs. Fernanda Richtersent to hm. That In Hsetr was regarded as an affront. Iut now the women ray that an additional insult has been offered to them. Mrs. Rlehtcr explained at yester day's grating that she had not opened the envelope after It return to her. but that be had tak-n It for granted that Doctor Palmore bad not shown her enough con sideration to ad her Ineloetire. In tlie presence of Mrs. Schmidt and tbe other jaiuibiu or tlio committee she opened It. Thev found that Doctor Palmore bad rgien 'he lttr enough attention to In dite a reply on th bottom or the aneec on which It was written. Thn lie marked out the address on the .metope. Mrs. Itlchter called attention t.j t!i fact that he dll not take th- trouble to re address the envelop, but that be simply placed a ring around the Instructions fur return printed In the upper left-hand cor ner of the envelope. CON81DERKD AN AFFRONT. Mr. Rlditer. Mr. Hchmidt ati.J the oth er members of the committee ate very much dlspl'ased with the wrdins of th- PLAN WAR RESERVE FOR REGULAR ARMY iucrrmir From W.IKMl '.'.VMIOO Prtipowrl in tfhemf Formu la ttl by Departinrnt. HO CHANGE IN PEACE FOOTING. AutiojpJUIlqrro.Wjiiild Omist of Two DiriKions Small Sal aries Would Be raid to the Men. Th noouUlc itureau t att Hullil.tat. Jt!i nJ " Stre-w W.taiitngton. Aug. !. Plan" are under korxidrratlu.i In the War Derartm-nt thieh miv te laid before 'onsiei'S at Its next es!on for Incteating the war strenKth r the rniv to 2. men. (rlaln official .f th War nejiartment liave been working on the plan for sever al veeU- ami now lme It !:i tangible form The ru!.ir rmy no cfm-its .f 0.x' men, with the nai strength ettii!at-l at lt.V Tlie nts p.n tniolveB tl. .rea-tioti- of a regular reserve, consisting uf able-bodied fvl.iier.". bIwi Minn wraild - on ille ;it the War De partment, and who would be resdy f-r crlce at n inn.ent. Yhe !i would mni'l f '' - m n. earli if whom would he paid X! a niontli Tlie .,(ul.l t roqulrc-l to fur nl'li their ai;ili-j" t the War l-ritt-iqeni iul .lotlfv the depattmem f an itnnr" In th .nine Th uii .trim f !. m. n wltii inili tarv oiJ l- UirkK- iiiolillize.1 The pn next includr the reai!un f a national rfr of l'.u men. Their name anil aiiaree woulj tie n rile In the department, and :li-y would be pM m nnll uni tearl pndiald ut.ou: tl. The threefo:re. th wri: the rational rerre .in. I ih nilllt s f the vatioi: State, e-dimeft ?t i.0 hj the ni.trtnii'itl would nuke iiie -vat trenrth -if tbr .irm iip'okliuni-'v ;. J men CHIL0 S0UCIT0RS TAKEN FROM "HOME." afeafla aiebas) Orwera Miaa t.lrls sswseel OatsB IsmHIIi tgweseee lr krs eat not . Judge C. Orrl-k i:ilir. In the Jucnll Court rtrrda. after disposing of the caws of Inex folclIo and Alice Ito'.ion. who. it wa charged, lutd been e!U ut frntii the Undenominational Home, at tlsrrion and laicas arrme. tc lc In galoot:. nj:ructe.J the llrmane Society offcers t- search the city for "'tier su:h cast?. t wou'.. ,ot te ?utpi!," -Ud Jul;e Mshop. 'lf there are other children so Ing aroccd the city betrsing unCer :hc same rirctimstance I thlnK we. sh"u!I cndax or to ptit a "top to St" " Humane Stei-.j cflii-er found th- air's aersral night aso betslc from patron of saleonkeepera and brtendr. Ttic sl'l are eacn i year o-i Tlie n inj,t "StoXher" Thiwpwti : the Vnd?nomin tkMtal Home liad ent them with in troetlons to brg. Th ettten.e ling at as in ted to Juice iuh"p j't'nUy Winhig be dect.!e.j j t.. ,1. rJ& un JV. tratn toe Institution. JOdge HUkp seat Alice 'Rolton to tl. MtSsUa rree School, where she anj ,r Othrr grt bave been kept ince taken In io enatoaljr by tbe Humane cancers, at-d ax Inet Onetello into the ctrtotr of her stster. Mr. Wltbcrger. ef No. 2 Convmt SALE OF LIQUOR MUST STOP. Xotiwthw Ofldallr XoUled That Uceaae Is U. vokt-d Merpet of St. Taiuis County je- tsg-eajr uaOBtl WlUisas Miecbe. preari otar O MorbKbea Orore. net to sell any r. Tbe nottrkwtion was detlv- fejr Oegasty 0hritr OWerworth. Che's ttcoase was revoked r CoajR at Ctarteat Ttrarsdav. saH theHaco has staeo been that tbr asinssraiiii that the Cborf s actsse was oaiia k aacawvea ks sent. orasl AMsaaas. mrtkoCsO . We. aBBtaasaasM wMBgaai sajty wire giajwggw reply. Jlr. Richter callM attention t3 perially to the use of quotation mark? around the word apology in the phrase "My 'apology- to ; ou and the absence of the marks from the expression "Sly apolo gy for you." "If we r.eol an apo!o!t Tie will not call i:pon Doctor Palmore to perform the servhe." yai.l rev era I of the rmen. It wa the sons? f tli" mectir.s that It wo'.ld be necessary to anait xU" re turn "of IKtor Palmore lifoi-r tukiru any definite action. "A matters now tar.d." sold Mts. Rlchter. tli woman's onimittee can lo no cd tl.ingmre.Wehvedeeide,l.tosi.l - by the action of the German-American Alliance. The men arc nitli u- in our light to defend our good natne. Tliey VfHI meet next Wednesday tiigiit in fct. Iis Tunir Hall. No. 1S08 Chouteou avenue and we will be guided br irhate-cr ac tion the gentlemen may take at that tiin." William V. 1. Lena, manager of the German-American Alliance, is active in helping th women to obtain an apology from Doctor Palmore. He said to The Republic: "Our meeting next Wednesday nlsht will be a most im portant one. We will go over this matter thoroughly and we wilt do ll in our power to : tlwt justice i done to the women of the Auxiliary. "Our moement if gaining eirengtli rap idly. I liat been out through the State are! there are now in circulation more than 20 "i petitions. Sentiment against the ilsld enforcement vt the Sundaj law !: gradually changing in even the rural districts of MirMMirl. VINSON WALSH IS KILLED AT NEWPORT Son of Wahington Man Dies in an Automobile Ac- t-ident. FOUR OTHERS ARE INJURED. Young Harry Oelrichs and Dead Boy's Sister Anion;: Those Hurt When Maehine Goes Off Bridge. New ,.i I. R I . At--. J. Vin-.n Wal-li S..ZI of Tiionw. K. W.ilah of W-hitii;toti. wa killed, and four other prominent young members of the Ncwort Milliliter iwlouy sire lnjure.1 m an automobile uccldent here thl aftrri:io!i. The Injured Include Mr. Jam- l ICer- no-han of H-mi.n,i. i : iijrrj O"!- rich". stm of Ciiar.'es M. (Wi l!ch. r New- j-1 rt I'eii. Fon of j '' jort and New York: lleibrt llerlvrt IVII of New Turk, and JIi Eve. I)ii WaNh. -!-ter f the nun who wa klllei It i lelie(i the iiiji:cd will i. OMT Tlie auton.obile which wa iiin t ot:ng WhIsIi. -iiiicW the lailing of j bridge .panning a irek IIaiern rolnt. nd plunged Into the water. Whether Wa!h lol control of it. or the machine became liatlil. ha not ln ac-i tallied Til" accident wa !tnci'd lij oilier au tonio!il.ta wiio uoceeJcd i.i retfeuing the t'.e ( of the WaUh, not. Iiowevir. without anat difllcult). due to the fact that the memtxr- cf the lrty weie ivlnc 1-u.atli the l.eavy The water In the creek w r.ot dep. end to this UnuiulatiC' i due in ran the re ue Walh. who . alxut IS jcji old wa not lutantlv killed, lull Uitd -oi!i after he na Il;. it fiom the watei. It wa K-atncd later that as the .uluttiotile crashed oier the hridse hi head came I in contact with an lron Iaatn The o, ctipant of the car weir on their way to attend e luncheon shtn nl th t'Umtuike ".uli tiar K.stern Point b Mr. 'ement C Moore. The accident happeryd when the car. a fartv-hors-power eiilcle. was peejlag ra Idly down the hill The injured weta treats temp-ararily at esr-tn cottage. rii!clsn tale.l that probiMy all wo'ild recover PARSONS. KAS IS aOODED. Four Inriii-n of Rainfall Karly in the Mominp. rtrrfiiuc rrn.n. P.vror. Ka Aus l? Pour :nche. of ratn fell here early thl morrinc l'artn in the SowLird are flooded, ami I-aN-Me treei I the hi:r-l it has leen thl ear. Several tr-t are from ope f,ot to foi.r feet. ;viMjsr water !s,iy cf the houe of the town are er.shelj surrounded j.v water The Ice. p!ar,t Is nrronded fcr fnm ope fc.t to ne feet of water and an Ice famlre I thr letied. CootlderaMe Umise wa tlone to the road!".! of the Miouri. Kansas snl T'X s'ltailwa; IL0WN FAR OUT T0 SEA- Thre? Amatenr Yachtsmen Wrrt Kxhansted When Rescued. r.rcw jc rtci ri i Atlantic City. Aug. .-mei lur.klr, Joseph McCunc ard Harry Kinney hired a SBlllr.e acht aral started seaward. The wind waa osT shore and they went far out. Nae cf tbe youog men was a good sailor and none coold beat the boat against tbe wind. As a result, when they sought to return they mode progress So tbe lea a ard. They bad tbe good sense to, tower the eat! and they drifted all night without food or water aad were exhausted when picked tap at dayUgtu. MNSAS CITY SETS CTNCRESS. Traataaliaioaipai CaT-atioa to Meet TIeere is IMC. rtlBBat. Ori. Ass- r 1'snmi car. IVoducts of Oat. Itarler and Flax Also the Ilest in Yearn Enormous Farms f ilie Northwest. it. "nncer. fir.-t v. i.:eident of the World"-. Kiir and a ir.ti)i'.'i crnln d'alr. with offc-f in the nank of Coinme-ri-c buildins. refirnej y.t":(lHy ffin a trip t!irnw;h Hie ;.im-li-):i North- J " " I'" ,J:,"05aF "'" nht " "5't"l crop eondlltons. .sxcially re- gar-ims nbeat. He prllc: the 'arce.t croi Jn many jrars. ajina; t'mt the m, dition in the Nrthnet sre cpecia; bright this year. Others of the pail who mad the trip In a private rar wei: i.;,ert rringle and M. R. Slaughter of n:icago. c. IX Lewis and Henry of MinneaolK Mr. Spencer said eSer-Ja.: "My tour of InH-ction thl ;e.-,r was more extendeil than last season. We vis ited North and Aiiilh Dakota. Minnesota and as far north !n au.nla ai Winnipeg. Mnni:c1a. an1! aa far n't as Mioc Juw. A'inlholaf "Tlie wheat In South Dakota and Min nesota Is praetlcally nil In the shock, and In North liakota th haret Is well under nv The only drrnige which I notice to the wheat of these r"-lion. wis In the ver;. ioa- land, where tfceio was eons'dereh'e reil rust on the T:ives artl c-aienal!j- blsek ru Tlie IrJ'iry. hewer. from this cu. will b slight Ths ebmt crop In th ransd'an North wesr. this jrsar la generally esthnRti at 4 ) husbs. while MIT1 ejtlmfltf the lld as blah aa Wtt hihes The crop will b by far the largest ever ratsM In that sectl"i. Th Comnilsiner of Im mlgrsln stated to tn that pbotit HUW sers bad been boinewteaded In tho Ca nadisn Northwest Ust yar. and nrorshly the majority of the cam fmm the tnl ted Statea "The Ontario wheat ylM this jear 1 ea f (mated at between and Sayo.tao bushels. Aeeorirli'g to my view of th situation In the ".insdl.-ji Northwest that section, with tbe ifl of Argentina, will In a few j ears drlv the American exporter out of the foreign market." Mr. Spencer estimated that the a brat jild In the Dakataa and Minnesota will reach 3J9.flBS.9ea tsiaksltpta lW'jlH'ts'-aa good as the straw Indications. Ho at tributes the large Inereasa In yield almost entirely to tbe Increased acreage through out the districts which he visited. 'The Mlsour! farmers would be sur pilsed at the snde upon which farming 1 don in the ltalvotas and" V.U Jl i.n ICI A 1UI1.II IT. IHrVH .'arm of uliver Dalrvmp!c In Dakbt.i. ti tin iilace l.uV acr.- are ilewud to irh'.t Mr. lllj-l-i!t.: la 16 iaoa ..1,1 I.ut hs suprv iloti of hi . ., propertl-, Tli Ixrir ,.ai.r ....,. er has a modern horn-, with telepbon.i, lectrb; lights ani eery convenient. e. The farms are laid off In tract), each under :i foreman. When the ban esters entered the fields In the morning the; lookel !' at armies entering the battlefield, villi eath roreman pusmng nu iivlion ro: watd with all ptllde ped The weather I wa delightful d-iting ro Mit In ,; "o-thret I ..' i t i i .1 . .m L B .... ... .!- 1 I ! or tine noin" aii suu.siitini miaiiie- houtis Th rPUla.tIon I aiaut '.. hi sing Ir.ot.aatd. It i said. J ir cent last jear. I found sonr.- of thi D:ir.i draft horses la Canada t!-it I ha-.e eier rfen Th- stp--k Industry theie 1 a-j:n-ir.s at praporfions, especially In the beef cattle line." Mr Siicer .(et-d that the o..t barley aad Cdi ctops all throi!t the y-cslons itsited by the party were th- bst In many ear. BOY CHARGEO'WITH MURDER. ha.l ShoolH 7 Yar Old ttirl Who IJffiiws lo l.'( Mini Kill-. IK-troit. Mich. Aug. IS -John ;ood-oii an 11-jeHr-oJd choollo I undtr arre-t4 charged with the murder of Hannah M Quaoe, 7 jear oTd. in 'Sreenfield T.iw hl. Jiit o.itslde the nslin rlty limit of De-.rplt. !at night Th- JIttle McQuade slrl the daughter, of Peter McQuade. a gardener. wa driv ing toward th- Mcuid Jiom In o?ti with tier two siters. i and 12 ycaM old. Toung Oood"on and three tompjii-: lens, boys obout the im age. wh had been shootlcc sparrow: alone tli- road, appeared and attempted to climb upon the reai of the wr.gon. The drls cnlered them off and w!ilptd Sip the hore. GcodMn. It a eliaried, l,c-c-ime enraged and shot at the plri wil'j th- Flobert rifle h- wa carr-r.c. Tli'j bullet struck the little slrl in th- temjdr( killing !er siinot in.iar.ll !o?lron's companions, who aie alo i- custody declare that the' h ilet vtl.I.-! struck the-cirl was aimed at a I-rarrow en a near-by telegrarh P". CHICAGO DAYUGHT ROBBERY. i Thies Uet fLfrJ.". From .Mars. Held Up on Street. ! Chicago. Aug. . A s.rirg l.tit rbj berj- vu perpetrst".! her- to-day. ne-j K. O. Board. assisSar.t trya.rer p. t!e Pre an.1 Sign Company, was wylaii and robb-.I of ST.?S by to aimed m-a. ! Mr. Itoanl sn going to the offlc- of tb- cempany from a hank with lbs car' for the weekly payroll. He sis ael tvsted by two well-drtssed men. 1 On of the men pointed a revolver aj Wra and the other struck him with a blllyj He fell to the ground, and a valise, con taining the money was taken frcra.him. COTTON IMPORT SEPTEMBER 5 Change XcctSNirT Because of. tfunday and Labor Iay. Waablngtos. Aug. U. The Crop &tl aatlng Bcstrd of the Department of .tg. rkroitare has arsonnred that tl wit make, Mae Its nest report on cotton rptijn, her a. aastead of eptemaer x the asual i made hecasse Beptfiliir S aa. eat Coasaay tkH year gad Septem- asBBBBBW vetaBBBBSBBBBwabw k. w. wOasBP m Oaoao.aBOaoaoaBr se - BBBsar JZe' BsBsBsBiaaw W Bk Map. 7 shw aBBBsBawBBw I far BBlfevVrBBBBBKsBaB. ' Jf aBW ofeBBBBBBBBaBBsW J fjfm BBBBVaBBBE X LVaBBBBBBsiaBBBBBBBBBBa "V BkV -SLsf!afas'JoL gsSsBLVaBsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB M iaLtn. '': sBBBBBBota Al B .BT BBBBBsmBBBBBBBswmaBoi ar iBBBBBsF "x BBBBBBBBB a ,aBBVZx2aaBrf' aBBBOaVaVBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBl iBBBBBUOasiBBSOt. --BBBBBBBBI W .aBBBBBBBBaWBBiaBBBTIffBBBBBBBBBWBBBlBBl IBBBBBlvaBoK''BBsffaBBBl 1 I - ..BBBBBBBBBBBIBTBKBnillafiBBBBBBBrBBBBsBV I IbBBBBBT-: : "' -fTBBBBsIs -1 I oV. Vaw f Tt4 .aBBBBBBBBBsaW IB BtW I f 1 F'WBBBBlrBBBo! IBBBBBW ",. '''.rpKBBBBsT.ll lwamwwaasBiaoBBsaawaBaaoBaBBwBBBsBBBsoMOBB 1 VaBBBBK'aBW' '-' -C"-arv4BBr -'" M B""SBBSBBB1 a BBBBralBBc' 7?, .BBBT a" TBBBBBBWIf PTyi7 VBBBBBBBBBBBs .3-"r" t ? M V iLBBBBBBBBr XxxjfTs A-fsw M Htn lIw-4-pk. hn is nhnvn in M hir:!fv VwmlmlHv" fat-m-6'o'wr,. aBoffaaWx M th' IvatU mtltoi klv in. II k SHMMgLgW " JllBr X aBwaZwfaar :-.'' J a::V C"T HIMS-'KI.P mt TIMr. I.A.MBRRT NIEHAVS. Wiio -aped banging by suicide. How Ijamhert Nl'liaus. Vvtidemneai to die on the gallows to-morrow, between unrie and sunset, got th knife with which he slabbed himself to eath in cell f.l of His city Jail yesterday morning. flv minutes l-efnre the dfivth wateh Teas to begu. i a rn-tery Jailer Dawson and FherlfT flarke wlh to clear. With hi own hand Niehaua cheated the !' tletlra. ss he bad often threat ened to d-. aeec-rolng to other Jsll ga-ls-oners "They never will put the death watch mi me. No. never," he told Henry Ifeu sarh. rentei,ee,i n deRtn rn the same seaf fold with him to-morrow. "I rball not be hinged. Mark nj- word. I shall not le hanged." His prophecy has provefl true. Wllh an ordinary poeketklfe, he took to, life the law had deci a most bo given op on 1h scaffold' becaise" ho' had" kltled bis fellow-man. "Nlehsus seeme,i to dread the death watch as much as he did the payment of the death penalty." said Heuaack yester day. "He told me lie never would allow She Sheriff. u, begin their forty-eight-hour vtil oier '.m. but I bad no Idea how ' l:t in;e:.dd to avoid it. He (old nothlnc j :" rre -'""'l v""' th-: ,: ,1a drf5'- the knife and. although I nar cowing less hopefsti I :io .i'.cion thai he f .-. .'..-..Ur.l ' .lit MV ..IV. . 1 -.1 ..1 ........l In ... a liT 1 "" eeemc. to tun inn: all of Iwr "e part -f 'lovernor Kolk wi.i.ll Im go: ;o:e oiue ,he death-watch was iritd to . cneer Mm up. lst l,eni!i I I could, but though I waa lu the trams po sislou as he. my word had no effect. "IrVeKrg sine of my own Innocence. I ht!i t.ot l(e hope until I stand on the " "r- - I'M l"" pinion.-u ana SI-b! tap drawn over my head. Then :ll' rr'11 ' te'tete tht (lotiernor Folk will r,l S"'nt more time to Inquire lnst my care and thus save my life. i "I tried to make Nieluus feel the .ante way. but coiild not. Ills plrits eeme. lt be tnor. d pressed as the tlm; apiirocth-d and l.e gtfvv tnoie reticent." KNlKi: Kl'lSNlSHKi MYSTKirr. Tl.- Cotoutr's Inqutkt. which at ! oMt.-k. o.ti no light en the mystery of the l.nife and how Ii reached the hands of the eondetnnej mttsi. That the etjRt would be suicide," thete was no lubt when Doctor Path began tlie inquest, but II ua hoped that some clew to the per ron who supplied the implement of self destiuctiou would 1-e found In the testi mony of tl.c f-veral wttnesees. Chief I)r.uty Sherilf Eikleti x.i? Sild hv liru-acl: lnt night tint Nl-liau te cii.e.1 . !! 1'iM.i.v afsemoon. Acccrdlng t. lieu-1 k the p!- wa consideraldy imbeil. ialei-ii now 1 trIl'S to aveitalli wlieie the tde tame from, a lleuick h exiicd the opinion that the knife niiht hv- ln hidden in the pie. though th- itil guard declare the pje was thor- oupluy -eirche.1 before It wa delierd I to the :iurr Jiillr Dawon to now conducting Lis n vet!gition and probably will not com plete it for several da- jloro question has rlfn a to whose prisoner NieJiaus was when lie took bis life. Jalr Dawson declares that, as Chief Deputy Sheriff Elsleben had !gnl the t)ok for both Nlehaus and Heusaek. th- pri"onr were then In the cutody of the Hfceri.T Sheriff Clarke arel hi chief deputy, Fil ard El'leben. maintain that the prironrra would not hae la-en In their custody be fore c o'clock, according to law. wbleh ;t' rlbc tliat the Sheriff shall take chaise of men to be hang-d forty-eight ho'.r b-for- the esecutlot. It r!alm"d tlm: Nl-lisus plurg-d she Knife into Ms rlajom-n and br-a.t at ;:JT. thu. eeorlirc to Eisl-b-n. leaving the prl.oi-r till under the Juridi?tlon of the Jailer D-ite tlit difference of three mln lit, in the claims of the two officials. Jail'r Itws.j-1 and Ffterlff Clarke will work together to clear np the injst-ry of how tbe knife (ot InSo th- Jail. I: waa id when the Jail lnn twung open So admit Chief IVpuSy Fasletn. who tad come with Deputies Howard. Polito and Xoektor to start them on the first drht tvjrs of the death watch. Said Etsicbee: "I was told that the prbocera were tn cells Zl and eff. and walked across tbe Jail floor to sea them, after signing tbe book for tbem. "Nieruvns was Just getting up when I stepped up to the doer, aad greeted him through the grating. X asked aba bow be felt, and be replied that be was doing clcrty. Tben I turned to cell C where Heuaack was confined, to speak to him. 1 have known Heuaack many yearn. -I shook hands with Hesxa-k tbtsagh tbe opening In tbe en door and had stool there i "sstftly m tamwte when I saw Jatt GoaM aharjxra and tsraoty Howard fmm to the doer of ceH XL bad fallen to the Boor Were they utercL Cl'T HIMt-'KI.P nmt TIMr. "He had at-ppcl to the back cd" th- ce'd to a wash lefln and. Howard sa. ft"T he plunged a bnife tlirle into tj ab-doin-.u and once Into hl breost. ho threw the weapon Into the wash basin, where we found it. "I ntii told IhM NMi.vjs had frnKiiily devlareil 1h- would ucirr be bung, ami tliat eren the death watch would not b pot on him. In three minutes more he could not hate rommllteij the deed. It relieved u of the paliifiii neeessity of hanging him. but. bltig sworn officers of the tow. we would hate carried out the mandate ef the court at o' lo.k Monday morning un e ittprnor olk etaye, th execution." Jailer Dawoti l of the opinion that Tne prlsonr. who had ben to the Court Criminal Correction, carrle. tb knife info Jail to Nlehau. "I hate long protested asainst the crowd of loungers around the Four Courts corridor." dee.reaj the jailer. "Prisoner, ar nxt.r brought from the courtroom un!ss a crowd of curious per sons gather crotmd them In the hallway. With only Ihree Deputy Sheriffs, some, times guarding a doaen prisoner. It Is Im possible to pre tent things being gHpe4 tO Some of tfcein. - - "Xly guards ere under orders to search all prisoners as thoroughly after they have been out to court as they do new prisoner. Wo hare found drag; knives. saws and files frequently after 'prisoners kave been out to court. "It Is probable that we .-.... ,. a.. out J'JM howr that knije t j thwe but If Sin-re i sny way of doinir It. we will id s t-th!ng. I believe, tluugh. that "'I""3 m satlalk-d. Heusaek a.-keil p Nielisue iiiutie arrarements with a m"ion r Eiaieben to give (hem to Wil fr!:id on the ottt'ldc to lia:.d the knife to t n'n ,-nurib- condemned to die for the ome prs-oner returning to j&n ftoTO court nd ,ft , cams In tht wj.. it would j m iniJ0(W. , K, kBf; , , .IOBtA ttc ,. (.f , of which la so fme that not even a luetcn can lie pushed through. Nieha us was vis- Jten i rlday afternoon by his uncle and a girl who claimed to be hi cousin. He talked through th- -crteti to ihero. "The IN-verrlid lather McErlatK. wl... has ftce access to the Jail at any time, also lelkol to 11m. Father McBrlaue Is. f course, not ieo.uitc to talk t.t r!son eis t!::tugh tie creen. H- l, t a loss, he atsuies mc. to sccoiint for the knife, and he had Idn. that Nlehau Intended J to eufl hl. life." NIRHAI'S Mi-:!. cJc.'!CKI.V When IS wa ft.uud that NUI.abs had slsMied b.'iiiMlf. InnSor lwi'iue was tjmraoiied from ih- City Iii.-.nary by telephone. Dot lor lam-i-ute r,de to the Jail In an ambulance is fai .. tiie horse.s miI.I carry him. his ;UH was not re quired. Niebaus was .ieatl. Kit of th- same door throul. width he would have teen led to-morrow to ll.e Ka3 lows. Niehaiis's liody wa cat tied to the morgue In the jard. I'nder tie -.iiadow or Hi- galiow. sh- trap dior of which bad already been oll, ni,d ir-pared to shtxi him down to death. mcr5u- attend ants carried'e b.j. The wound III the chet bad cau2d death. In the opinion ef the doctors. ank a pcst-inortem develcpel that thl wa ifce case. The bedy now awaits the claim of NiehauVs relatives. Heusatk was greatly afTecird hv the death cf Nlehaus. Their common woe had brought them together, though neither had known the other hejoid the Jail wall. Nlehaus was 45 years old and Heuaack ia M. They bail taken their exercise together since the day that the Huprerae Court ban decreed that they should pay the death penalty. They had occupied adjoining cella fcr everat month. The death cells ar- ". and . In ordr to get them rtady for the at hours of the men who were cooin-d to tlie, uiteas CJoemnr Polk stayed the Land of the law. Jailer Pawsnn removed the pr'ser.ers to cells II and E Friday!r.g. They were to have been remo-.ed to J and Af yesterday morning. Ifetissck now Is occupjing ce'l et. n: KiU TSntlrlth spent his last dajs on earth. Tt-e death watch on Heusaek began, as Inseedol. A table was place'! Just outsM- hls cell door. He rad no appetite fcr breakfast and drank only a cup of coffee. At noon, however. Iteasack deToured half a chicken, some green pea, boiled potatoes and sliced tomatoes and drank a bucket of coffee. Neither knife nor fork waa given to Mm. a spraxi alone being alletr-d to him to eat with. TKHEE HANGINGS NBEDI.Fe. Twice before criso&ers have cheated tlie grim old gallows, which lean agalcst the morgaa wall m the Jail yard, of their prey. Eighteen year ago Patsy Early, stayer of WltHae Looderroan In front of the lasclede Hotel. jebpd from aa tanner aalenay and bis life waa crashed out. The death watch. howTerwa not to begta ur.t:i the nest day. 8ia years ago Frank Callaway, who an tratfeai'.T ki:ie his wife In a crtiwded BrcaJway depart men t store, drank poison about tbirty-tlg koara before the death watch was to begin. Xiehaos haled his brotber-ia-law. Thorn aa naogei. a saloon at lOtrhth aad aSjta ffgfoeta. Xsseemher 9, aa Wl that Htewmm haBeaj FlgesjH and iipnders. eats dinner while ' bunged to-morrow b to b t?1 the crime, believing be was avenging wrongs to his sister. children, who be claimed were negvtd and cruetly treat el ly Pluegrl. ovcrnor lk ha grant eil two re.-tplles. but a third waa not ex-peej.-d at the Kotir Courts. The charge against Heosark was that he killed hta fatbar-m-law. Aogust Raphael, two years ag, on Sowth Thir teenth street, n is cbarge.j that he mur urei bis father-in-law for money, beat ing and catting hint to death with a hatchet. SBKK PAKDON roR 11 Kf SACK. Attorney Charles p. Johnson and Charles Maurer went to Jefferson Clty Iat night to see 4kernor Folk and a peal to hint to spore Heusack's life. Maurr Is Heusack's conns! and baa been working night and day to -rave him from tlie gallows. Maurer was in Jeffee-on ir Friday, but C-overnor roih was away.' The ,t torney Tifited his client In Jail eterday afternoon and ssaared blni that he woull not give up his hght to save him. Heu aack. when toW that Governor Johnson is working In his behalf with Maorer. e Hrefsed Hms belief that Governor Folk wiU lltcn to the crisataal lawyer and stay the ejwwMion. - ! cotafldent that floreraor Folk will not go back on me." said Heasack to Depotr SlMrisT Wasser last evening. -I am Innoceet aad ho will and It out heft it Is too late." For suppar last night Heusaek ate four fried eggs, some bam. potatoes ami I drank coffee. ,;h!f "" Kisielteii lud taken six ! (KK tn nua- liS two k-ft after his I ","urr m "' roster parents mar War- renton. and In the 8t. l.o;i! 1..11 tar ...... keeping. Receiving the permission, lleu swek made sandnkhes o the egg and iarriri them to church' cell. "Here Kill. i. Mtm.thi,,- j, tur y,nl Kat th-m my liy and may oti r 11 joy them a I did tiie other." church, whom Jul! gual.i regard a inati-. thanked lleiijck a:.d then slatted to nmble ome Incoho init wotds. Church" coll adjoins the death cell where ih- gu.ud is watthlng Heua k. Mr, -aw hr l.uhai.d eter iay afiertitmii. She t-.irrl-d fruit and floivt r tn him. but h- wa not allowed to Kie the fitiit. He ih-c-Iar-d that he could nut bear to se hi wife again ami I. i probable that he will not are him an rre if the execution taUct pLice. II- vnt to her a letter by peeial delivery intn-enser lai eening. blMlng h-'r sooI-te. v st. louismanandTamily sought refuge in cellar. Postal loegarrtor Basis Had Tbrllllaar r.speriearre la Storm While la Kansas. I'l.uik H. Dati. Assitaut C(,i-f .t .si lulecH.r. who reiurn-d frm hi si.mmei cacHlioii In Ottawa. Kii.. declares th :irm widch swept uii 8t. litilj Wedne dav lited Kana with the foil- of the uu.l Kanvas tornadces ami that he and hi family were caught in the stcnn while in tl.e wMl. Iinch wa prad on th ground wheu the :orm loie down utam them and tl.ey r ere sa.l from Injurv by fleeing to a near-b farmhoue wiier-th-y took refuse in e cyclcn- cellar. Mr. Datis iec'ar the: whli- they wet- dashing fcr if-ty. tr.e tcps wer- broken 'red about, endsnis-rins life e had watch-d the.- J off and cttere 1 11.;. -1-1.. 4 Mini'. M taiiiiri ii-j vtaitcij-1. tilt.- . 1 - i stores' h. .vd a they ccme rear ItexK-j oreti xLeni 10 jcin n.e .j.irr';. .on.y m , tl.e cellar. Mr. Dav!.' hustltd Lis r.-.fc and j ehiidren 1-. the rave ar.d tlitu ectere-l him- ef and cic-d the door. The ;oim rt-. I for nearly ar. hojr. wl.n the rain b-gsn j ; a'C ta w,.-..j sr:2ett Vith ;H e'cc-ptl'-n li 'j.cj.r ;avs"v -bit tc Vliaij ttf nhtt e '.ad ."tlcl- j ;-3:.5. H- det'sre !!. crcp? 2r l,e."er e.ver t iir.rir.r i?J-.'e ,& . er tefvr- 111 Its Twtrt". l'e .ij Sl.c it aw ba b-en exrel"r icl iha: t ie eli ' -orn. wliea: asi at thl jear will break all previous records. THREE REPORTED MISSING. Police ..:! to trarch for Trio Which I'isappeared. Three persona srere reported miming to the poll? yesterday. Louts Steiner Sr. requested that search be mad for his son Louis. U yeara old. who has been miss ing from Ida home at No. CIS A North Market street since August IT. rt. D. Ivrwfcs. a tram dispatcher for the Iron Mountain at De Soto, is report mlsiag. He came to St. Iajis Wedaei Iay. .easing b- wooM return to D Soto that evening. His daighter. It years old. says he ha aot retorned. aad V. H. Cam of Do Soto came to St. Lewis to soarch for aba. Ho m at years old. Mark Asstrews of No. MC streot haosshrd the fssBeg to aad ha. U. who has Jadge McPherson of Kansas Oil j Federal Court Cites Official- or Make Answor on September 18. ItEPTCUC 9PECIAI- Kansaa City. Mo.. Aug. 1?. Informations were Sled hi the Federal court to-day by A. 8. Tan Talkenburgh. I'aite, gtatea District Attorney for Western Missouri, charging the Santa Fe. the Rock Island and tbe Missouri PaclS- railroads with be ing In contempt of the) order of the court or March SS. 191. prohibiting the granting of rebates In violation 'or the provision of the Interstate Commerce act. The complaints filed charge that thou sands of dollari. have been paM t9 the Hutchinson Salt Company at Hutchinson. Kas).. by the three railroads named. The petition filed In the proceeding, against the Santa Fe charges that, short ly after the tsaoance or the order prohib iting the giving of rebates, a corporation known aa the Hutchinson and Arkansas River Railroad Company was organized: that all or the capital stock of tbe com pany Is controlled ler the owners of the alt company, and that, by means of a Jofett tariff schedule, the Santa Fe paid to the Arkansas River Comranv s per cent of the Joint tariff schedule. This. tho coraptatnts say. Is, In fact, a rebate of at least So cent a ton upon the salt transported by the railroad company. According to the complaints this pretend ed tariff waa fifed by the Santa Fe with the Interstate Commerce Commission on August t. These rates were In effect to Missouri River points. Amllar com. plaints make praetk-atly th some 'barges against the Missouri Pacific and Rock Island, a again the Santa F WARVrarrBR TASKS. 7b- sam proceedings. hv ! en brought against th Chicago and Alton and th Burlington railroads'. eTcept tint It It cbersred that these compani-w are in col lusion srllh the International Harveeter Compary. The cr mplaint wflege specitVallr. In the case of the Chicago and Altov. tlmt that company granted rebate amounting to many thousands of dollars on th ship ments if agricultural and farming ma chinery to tbe International Harvester Company, which owns and controls the Deering Harvester Company, the MrCor mlck Harvester company, the Piano Hsr reater Oamaany. the South Chicago Fur nace Company and the Illinois Northern Railroad Company. It Is also alleged that the Chicago mid -vlton agreed with the Illinois Northern Railroad Comr'ny to file with the inter state Commerce Commission pretended Joint tariff of freight rnts. effecth from Chicago to Missouri River points, for Ih- exprer purpose of evading the restraining -rdr. and tl.ot the Chicago and Alton agreed mid did. In fart, giie !.. the International Harvester Company . p-r ent of si. id pretended jolni tariff ral,?s. The prot-eetlir-g nKjInt the Burlington l:allnd ar prartl--ally Identical with those agalnrt ih- Alton. Judge McPI.ron has cited the attflvlala f the railroads to appear before him Septenih-r Is arl make anwer. FOUR PERSONS INJURED IN SOUTH McALESTER WRECK Wleplaeed gsrlleh t'aase Omash.t s.f rases ager Trala Tata Wall Clerks May Ble. St.uth McAloter. I. T.. Aux. t A pas senger train on the Chicago. l:ock Island and Pacific Isailway was wrecked near here lo-dsy. th- result of a ml'placed switt-h. Four persons were seriouslv Injuretl. and two of them are In a dangerous con dition. Several other pasengers were more cr les hurl. The two dangerously hurt were W. P. Malor.ey and Albert Dik). both mall clerks. FIRST CAVALRY IN CAMP. Siir-edi Fifth Illinois Infantry a l Camp Linmlii. KKI'l BIJC ."I'Ei'l.ll. SpringfleM. III.. Aug !.-TI-.e First I1H no! 'AtMry. uml-r corn ma ml , Colonel Toung of 1iIr.igo. and the attillery hat tnhou. cotm.tndcd by Major Teager of C-nrille. stieceeJeI the Fifth Infantry at Camp !JncHn to-tlay U-I.eral George M. Mouilon will arrive at Ctn-.p IJn-oln to-morrow morning, and will spond the day there. In the morning the annual Inspection of the command will be coniucted by Inspector General F! lihouse. 'i he men wl'l appear In heavy hta. or,,,r. .,, ,. ,n9fftlmn j, M. a to fc tn,m ,. p,,., . .. . .. .... 'II daj ,,.,., D of ;.t!eturg. is malting sn ocerlsnd trip to catrp. and will reach Camp I.nerdn Monday CAR LOAD OF HYMN BOOKS. Mfii.odiit "iiTrn Forward i!l.ll s'opifs tt Chicaco. Ir.-It.nstl. O. A'ig. 1 The laxe,t ,. gie shipment of a teliglous publication ever mad, according to the book publiah ,r.. was made when tlie Mthodlt ll-nk Concern sent a freight car consalntrg 3. lit coplee. the first consignment of the new Methudir: Hymnal to the; branch bouse In Chicago. The new hjfnnal is the only one n which tli- Metbodlt Churches. North and South, have united since 141 The book contains TIT bymnov and sV sages. HOW TO MARRY IN IUHMMS. Attorner CSeaeral Stead Inter prets the New Statute. REPPBIJC 3FXXIXU Springfi-ld. HI. Aug. . According to Attorney General Stead's Interpretation of th new nSnols marriage law. It at neces sary. where bc-th peraoas are minors, for each to appear before the County Clerk of Ma and her respective coast? ami make the proper aSsaavtt. after which a liasjseilpt of either or both amdavlu may he taken to the Caaaiy Clerk from whoaa i 1 41 sBjBsV m isMgc Bar. tftg cast sor gsst Jerae it Ra isstrii to k.e-ij