Newspaper Page Text
at- f 1 a " W f "t 2JT i Tnn ui MMMWMMMMMMMMWIMMMMANMMMMM Society Develops "Away Fever;" LUUIS JIJDiJr mav. , u i v tty.wA wf wv . . ' - - . ; ' ' , I I. ' ' T I I. - ' ' ' .... , i Many Persons Are Goiaf ! $ Away for tfce End f the A i I Sofmner , Tlioiigli It Is Hot j at Resorts. V ! WBVC BCvVMw iMeW 4IR ' ' , rtlVNj 09NeVHVBarl7 Hf-WJ , i IMS deOSOM te fc- The "away fever" is the laleat epidemic with which the people or St. Louis are afflicted. It I very contagious, and the fever increase, thocgh t. Louis ha ha" -iimmer-r-sort Heather. The only 'tire I ufr summer wardrobe, am! a.wescrlp tion signed bv one of the general pa eenger agents. Everone In St. Louis h either had. fr is going to hat-, or Is long inr to liav. the "away fever." Sire ha gone away to- the summer. "She ! solrc away." 'Hji. iou be;ii awa" "I have been cwav" S all tint iio hear in the street Lr-. on the street, li the shops cr In the home. If on call" tin tl eir earet friend the telephone sirl cive out the Information. "Away foi th summer." Tli- so!etv reporters of the summer te--ort-. both Eastern and Northern. send In maiiv njm"? of St. Loui person nho hpv-""tut arrived." If the " fever"' pldnile continues I think T will have to tatch It and eo awav o that I mav have "nettling ind someone to writ about. Zvw"t. jll the reports shorn that It - tefii frightfulls hot at all the sum- t report, where they eivc a wrlttri tiim'-aritee. to deliver bottled co'd aliwfree : cli.-rse during the sea-on 1 notic"- ihti tie' Mmety folk at nunr of the umniT i-ort have become deep Jv r! siou tin ct-on. and in'tead of -lrdiriff hah. J.iv n turtles and clnk leay re iu'Mr .ittMi'iini" t the "camp ni'f Iii:cf " O'l" 'if lite ihito-i .oUetr snf In St li M tU,o 'ji !! ummerli' at Oteai linn- ni'i'.c the folloftns to a fiiinl. "Tli :r'e has ett' it dcien to tjior-mt.-l ttinie tiitrixii work Relnloi and noilcrir but n l's'"n Is no surpo--! to Jn il tU- withli tie iuriFdlrt'nn of the -in ti "-.ifn " The Croie for hureh "i.ic .ud fi litirhcoiti5 there I am j le oiMi-irtnnllv Hilior J'dm N. FltiQer M hih! ihr c- nip f.ithrr' liae arranged r . !. fr" viij rle until late evening "Xi -a m tli" firt ervir" 1 lie!,!. nlilM f fill e,J h the finilK eiice -,t U,r uliiorItiti Iftter Thii brrakfat ililrli t fo!hi'l In ervi'-e it 1 oVhiek ". -li- imlii tonne t-ople'. Htid he!r- llt Iinlnl li'illtc1- llhllll .ie followed Ji the ir-cnln" rnliiir or!iln in !.e .u ' t'tlliim uotlrt merlins' in y t ni "ic In tlm "' Ihe 3 oVIotk mothers" iiwihi: Tl Nislit erIce jrerede m "riowi nlii'li ! filowrl h .in aft'r- I'.tms w i"i the xhortere draw the i--j i Th lirei-t in tlie erve-, I- cl -trtl !h I "vifle ire full of re rieii lerni rii t i '"o,,erI' TlleJfu wie hae - ' mn iil !nli lhl iininier Tli" 1 t- i i'r lri t'f.n if i in'iiler f t r i !i'iiI.iti cimrrli h h'M rn rrrti7c In 'ili mill cirlnt ;i tti im ilni !ti in A-hiir l'-u f lir'iili .iciiate. i.t ihe li. T! t-l .r tltZ'";eilM lllfie. the 1e3 to tak" - i in lialit-ni'T 'he lid ' "it ,ieiii of -; linr t V.'hiiim ptmin lit m h I OIlU j-orle i Bi" .md t in life .' that M W tiaiiOM cf JVeht rov" v hr i .)'".liiis: the i!.ntn- .i Wiuiwm tll'I'lied tutt .if MHIIlC people frol'l 1.1 Jr.. ner Inn la loii'j eve-i'na .1 oit.iE' II ;rfiil ox i mo. nii .fonn thf iiiiprtM Tl much ne "ihiii n Like .int rtal l!ler .i .l.I.,l. f ki il t)rt mllec ATf M t'tmlj' Ith tlie ounaer 't A St l.O! 1" tirt trif-. r! of til" ll'e ;rjj "Wkmer and Julia Skiiinei ind llerc Riki I'ulhiton and !etc Itlatkmer me l ' l frip The it-M adlltlon to the t I.011I olo.n ate i:oert 1 llrltion. tloi I" lirtloi i . Coliilixon It Knllrtton Mr A- M's I iirh'. I lines K P. Il'' ' if m.l '"Ifo-ge 1 letr Mr n.I Iri M Hullie .Mr ! Mi 1 11 V. eth .ma Mi rfiol !i 1 Ti rtlniiit iieat I'ol.iii Spnns. Mtc. Tie'tt mini clrl .Ion i liiron T(mI .!fw not ine m e2 ter the lui 'n fen e xmii ei it nlbn" - ljen ii tniiH im miiw ribhoti 'hro ch in freh Im- etie Miid anl find .our out. lhei . n hi;h wm'tmih sn' tn ma la't htt r ! man ilnn t buinrn fnim onr inn ("iil an! then fore; (,, ,hiiii th i tirle S.i loin j;n I met nuns ma i' n to -iille t mtefiil :i)"l!i .N .if i;i-o .! ! cue him a dltlnjulhel alt lli e, . tiz.,,1 an,i t licit nithoiit lwlr '-iii'l hl 4loih- of tlf lei milTii' a'l.l it md the litll leuilrx lint I.. vieire is aln o i itefullk hi'll -t that ei & l.lnokius iarf tit i e, to wtai" 1 Itifiuueil noting ' jl"i e tiotn hi plain .J-k blue four in ai ! II Ixil-etl n-t a hit limine ;t rt o It at fin a month aco he ;ii, . ' Kvreet u cone f,ir srsxl i -he -ii.l it ; il f pr.-lH'-'i n - t (,Mi ihl ummer ' IM li lu" I evelilnie.l i. ..-i telj nie that u nill Ii tlmt !u i i ui' in ikit c an eCort lo a 1 it 1 " " v - ! not the eligible nun ' 'all. il ! '.e iiii line the friendship of the jhut; ni -i. ,.,, ion t knon tir-Ht ou ire a'k rz all" ii If I efe to UZKet even -r, , fftlu tint M,, ni forcntfn . "! mi pin with inp!ini on the - h I he ancrj In a minute an. I tH s r' he nrme-n4l1 atinsv .lor. n ii mejn iirtm Icenn 1 am Nrt irtei i i c. runuina mt bead Into the mm. 1 elp it Hml jn., muih ein - jloile tha line J tel ou f ( fi Mou " c ' mr hi- thins and nmetimr i '"In ll a the other n!ht when " ! "i t ttiv. ttllns to pin lief (Niat lii- .- n et motet tn- ml It turf. I icht Jn. . ncl u Rood-bi to ten i, the aterace ef never even 'SCM Iihi he niikht mrt them acain " vm l ln.(-;i t,t kna ttiait the afor.- ' Itf'illl III ilietoi Ta i"e fHttli i ! ! the nij. for it came a I j-"M 4"r-M"l-M-l-M-l- , V-iV Silt T'fltr'CIt IpsT Fine Writing Envelopes Bannock" One of the err newest a vrv tine paper. como in ifhite. jjr.T or blue n) Sheets Paper $ ftA and 125 Cmclope: -4 f We- W Try One of Our $ Sifftct" FmRtarii Pens. 1 The MMt lea ever offere. at tke price. SI . - Special August Offer in I Engraved Calling Cards 100 finest Card, with ....$1.00 I Old Eegilsh 5 la 5erfpt t.ettertr. tat V Or 100 finest Card from ! Mermod, Jaccaro ft King ? lirAHMT, ML IHilT. rATaioWCtR mtT.-Oar Dit-iccd. I Watih and i1lerwre Catalngue T Mat Iree n recurs i. MiiiiiiiiiiMinniiimmiiiiiiiiMMiiH-tiiiiiiii an uafcer eaeat when he went down to Xanhville Ut winter to aasirt at aoi cham'a weddbiK. It waof apectol le sin. aa aoeh thini usually re. and be lde the terjt!e valtn. whleh wa4 con Elderabie. poraeseed the atMed pleasure of belnc a aoavenir f a very Jovful occa sion. And becaue it waa o nandsone and o BtlLh and had all this pleaaant aociatlon Mlna Marie must needs art for It under a preteaie. and then forget to Je it back. ., . Ti.i man likea Marie very well. Indeed, too well. I in thinking, for he "ridentlv doen not want to Incur her dnile.sure by asking her to return Ida pin. a. ucdr the circumatanccs. he v ceitalnly fatitlea to do. If he et a nary, well and -jood he and all the other Marie like .ber. They don't, anj of them, deeerve pins or nice men frnd. Mif Knoblorh wa Doctor I.ewald'a pri rrembered In 8t. leouio since the Fr. i- been writlic tome news about liene.f to friend of late. M5 KnoMoch was Doctor lonreld pri vate ecretarj-. and one of the tnon In teretln women indeed. Mr. Ernt FI. Inser declarea inemphatlc sv liable, tie "most lntereatlna; woman, jouna; or old trho came from a foteimi .uuntrv and Identified licrseir with the Fair. Mlaa Knobloch'a home la in Hamburg, where he lives with a larire fatnllj ev oral iter.. each one of whom ra been carefully trained in son e particular pro fesion. One l a patntei. another an In spector of the schools In Hamburg, one a skilled rraftswoman In m"tai ani wcoJ. and Iriha. thenounest. tlioae a bulne;i career for hrself. leamiRK all the branch, es of hu"lnj by going into her father' office at an ace when mt sttrli are thlukins of little novels and chocolate cre-ima When tl e Fair was project-d he ob tained her parent- consent lo come over and visit Nw York relatives, sav :nc nothing aho:.t a more Independent step On her arrival she soon met flerman aojualntancea wlio were famiMir with the advance work of the Oermin "omrrllon Doctor loald was then la the Km and wa huntins far and wide for a ecretarv. one who misht know fWman iierfectlv ard German ste noaraphv as well. som"thlne far more In tricate than nur own shorthand: French. ome Russian ami as manv more ln auages. including Bnglih. a polble. In addition to a perfect understanding of all business method connected with the of fice of sc-: tai. He preferred a man. did the doctor, hut ehancins to meet Ml Knobloeh socially one night at the Waldorf, thev be.-aine stood friends and the verj inst int tint the lootor aired hi, woes and said In pathetic vo'ce thai he quite ilcp.iirctl f er li tng able to Bnd the right Vind of ee-etarv. she resolve to offer her service. She Sook her lelatlve into cunel and Mnallv overcame their orpoition and in the end came to St !xul and estahlUlietl heml tuarter at the Undell boulevard hou"' mhlch the commission occjpleil .inl. nith such siicces as all ntm met the voids woman, could onlv- envv and ad mire: Mi" K'lohlnch went home l3t Febrtl rv after her duties' for the iiTnun. v. re emle.1. hut she had made o mtnv hul ne frienil" who were aMoiu-'ic.l it her mirketi ah'litj. combined nllh lir i-m i p-t!o-.l talent ind interestiuc per-oitlIi. that sue had s-sircel reached Hamhurs ;efoio he hsd several table t return Mje Im accetitei one offer, from a New York hu4nei. men of creat wealth, and w'll ittcnd to hl foreign affair ihe com hie iin'r Itef.iie liesinnhiz her niik he p-olnbv ellt viit Si I.oiii ,rii ir innsti nhe i.. uj mtitiv fii iid. rejili!ii2 tin of the luutn ear Iv in the fall SKKKNA I.V.MR OMTolir WilKN TltAVKI.IN"? The -erviie on Hie "KtiickeriiOi.ket !rc cial St I, nil to Ncti Vo'l.. i jti-t vu want Tickets at BIb Four oftkr.. l"ro.idjv nnd t'licstnu' trn t eblilr.. I'lite iliauio-iil'.'"- and ilvei tarcs it ! rnicil J.iccrd X Kins Mi- Mi: l nil A !. I.lle ha- aiiiiounceil .1 e encasement .f h i d fighter MI- rail.. .1 .Je l..-Te t. .i Kiib-rl M .ll 'l 111. nei'dinc to lie e.iliv III pcptrni ler An e. j. nable event I i- neck ni !! ! Ulr t holi.n t),s ). tllilill -loivir ciiiii it i' i Iioi ' hi sul lri"iiL MM It I. fl.llt. rh Svier of St I'hilctneiia "laik md Kinnc fvuifar tii-h to temind i'ilr latron- Ilia' the dn 'makins and undt r iH! department' eqti'p! vitl' an etH- lent fiitp. of filter and do-Un r. nill '-oim notk Spietnlier I The "lliie A mmx Time 'luh and Gue't held an .n.tlirc at fllff ae .tt, Mt-dai lit" morning na ie-it in ex ploring the iave and climlnns Ihe cliff". Iei.ncr v.a cnrd in the vallej. lore h. k ridiiis via cnjoieil In the afternoon, and at t o'llotk a li:ti'l"on i -ervcj at the f mrhou' 1 h ! 'tcent re W"T MjuI Mrllriujf Ma- 1jI' l.uhi 'jeer Mica VVahl i-. vntv 3lijli HV I I .illT l"att F.fh". IJIII.1I! V0S1' Mphs 5lr!.li1unei I'aitle l'U).liret I.T-'ia Iltuil't-M-r. ".Ilia ii' Maeile KinAii 1- fte t.a minj'tsrtn I'aul cn-r . Itn 'An 1 itannn .erTt- -"'e. k Jc I'VI" Mil'nn rl Je- ll-ft IV 1. Millie vis-n t !--anl( w arinvn Je'l il-Tacue. V 111 CM ' e Mane im Hlll-rt'n The tiUott Ir-inatlc I'lilb sMie an oiit t'lK at llvtrona Park lat neek The .la nn. penl In !itlnB. dancing and other same Among tj'o-e p-cent w re vn vnri IUoi1r Jiln 1 ut- HIIIIHHHIIHItW r.f r,i; f,f StallCKfry Paper. Match to "French Faltrique" H another of the latest style, in correspondence J paper. white or blue i 75 Sheets Paper $1 An t and 75 Envelopes. Z' t t i Sttid Ukarat Gold Pen. fella Oavaraaitee!. . haad-esrared plate. . $200 I Old $29 roar own plate. 75 cents. ait. nae rtt-Lcn And if not satiafactorv .ica nun retarn at our es.ajrr. jnd we w2i refund j oar n!ite. '.aas aweaaa T allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. T allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll T alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ' T llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll -' T alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ' 7 alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHL S7"ikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkM t B ' HiVBlllllllllllllllllllllllllllH " tsHHr k bIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH ' ' 4 . Vf-' - t. I.- 1LmHHaHlllllllK LHHIH i nLj. -- k -.Rl H , lHIIIIHBifer. VHHllllllllHLn aHHHIIIIH JttfiM i aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ' ' A m . - - . M .. O' -' 9 Muml- H -''f TU Ili'Kt'l I Mamie Vi.tlhii. Mamie llri,ii Katli 11 iicli ttla l.riii f'ibcr M Vtieieni. IImzcI Ki Kn'ii. Juti I- lei.! I icln. f.oi iiiAitt Jhn JIiTisii.'. j. w, J -InfuUli. 1' Itlerf. J e llann'can. l!'ll:':i. One n' the iiio-t i ii loi able of tl .i- on ' event ua Ihe hiv tnle sinn lo Ihe It-iou-lihe to ISti-ihe" (Jrove Salur d.iv cvi'ilrs AiiKU-t lr. iiei nirenlet t itniii hv ilr .liiiue t hi farm, nli'i refr'm;. "its wire rveii and a vrv pVa.itit veiiinB vias -pii.t -If.gln-; and lauriti'; I'tit lac ntid line i lilua Xiibleivare at .Mi:i:Mti. j."fAi:i A. kincs Jlr and lri lal Mnrgeneier of No IV- Alikn amine sive iilir Tue d.i n honor of Mr and Jli Arthur tan- ei An ijovah!" urprle wa civen to John ott In hntmr of U twentv -fourth birth dai Siiturdii evening Augll-t li at hi heme. Xo Si South feionil Mult. dancinc "Insitig ntm cainc arti- th fn tun,v of the eienlrtr Among the cut were. l-"!eut anl eini'- I P Kri.r V H-iintiei eJnKI ; Milenuhhl. Mr mi Ml- Annie Jtli i May Ju;u. l-li4n k ll-rtha Meratxe. Hi' la " l-r vnn! -'li ti-irx Morallnrer Minnie rvrrnmrc ilr-l' 11 "VMI- P-- n. Elmer ln.. John "eh t IV i." an- ; rr J tare Kelle f JCe.. Ikiar" lluihr V lan. r --rha'tfr t"lae' Kl-r J Jut"' II Jrn W Nnl t vv ranch Wtlha-n iitilih t". iM "eistiVr. K, re'stir. 1 Walt'f. ter Wunch Vtirle Wum' l-ni llah'thsi-t lre llalitrll-irst irnr. Ve.ii.i-r vnni K-: tinnl-3it riu o:t II Kirrnlrs r ilvtei vvilliari Wiskt. V l.u-n V ter,rr Julln t-aii'i J k'l. IT. "elarl-l J "fhrlle. r, ilatiiiVist. jIKMJ It'tW. ll'C'ett IT. Ott ' 11 SrviT K IJ-e ' William Krnaln tin local sleeper cerv rleht t 1iiI to Iml.anjpol' and flnrlnritl it f). vU lllg Four I.-i iflT e!lj"Al'ie -litair ni yi' lel -wee ea a urprl-e ahlrt-wat't partv tendrrel MI 'Sadie ..Jiwan b .1 nUTlr of her frlen a: Anchor Hail I'irclns formed the feature of th evenlrc tn 1 later re freshments wrre scrvpil Vocal number were rcnicrd b Mr I to-vlon. Those present were tV-rtra-l Jaft III Arrn Htsr"ttt Tarir llstll -Iee.- HUli -tawpfar I' atl JacrF-Of-!e v ,t. lltua Faulk !" JT tup rtsl.a Jacqrit. Xe'i rteice:-a. MceairBl AlfreJ AlLsa. IX vrr-t. On p-cca Fil Era'alr Fre4 Etstel-. iul Ha-tfnan. Henry Ktrfc. Joeri KcT Oei, I Ivl-ea. .VI "e!,-rst'n, le efenlil. J Re",.. Ijlli :. vin'riv Vr. I'earl 'fvt'l Julia. Matte -a'Jle -s tstar;. JUla Ilaillf.n ItlMlttHrl- jfwerhin Wji's'.in. tra.; t-r Ji lta lii'ttac, Jiillle Ainsa. ia Si.ts-stcie. Al !. ltarrustetec, I-tiis Ftareer. amTtm WJ'ltan Waeta-.'s, JJ-rrovOoUatrln. ioi-'eii 9rlvr ni:ratn ;it"r tJ vTayan. , Itf Ilafersik. ttiare. Aafritetlg. lit TeT rKRMt w Net TM( Mr tJc-icvan Klrg ai5 fcr Europe Angus! co the Teuto-.K" (Mrs taoodman Klrg i nIllg frtenl in tiddrfprd Pool. ' i ' Mr. H.rry $ Haspe! of Nwi Orleans, after rrntfitia aevenal weeks laith Ker I parents. Mr. acd Mm. Hejrrrj bandaaer. AIISS ItKUTHA KNtiItl.OL'1!. f llninlnii);. Imtiikiiiv. viIpi m:iy soon n-iuiii in l'parte-1 Awsi:-t IT forNtw York, where .-h" will join ler hu-ltand. The marriage of All Klie Kargtlth and John A. Ktiauh Jr. wa soli tiinlzi d jit the home iif ih,. hrl.I". No fiSO Kvun avenue. Wdn -d-iy. ImmedlatHi nfli r the mir riiue Mr. an I Mr. Kuabh ! parted ! llmr wedding toiu thri'iigh 'oIotad'. Aft er Sepitmbtr 4 th5 will lie at home to th'ir irhnd at Ihe llaniiltou. W B. I"ae will ilfpirl for Stnta Itir hirn. I'.il. tiixl if k. lie will l"- nur ri'il to 111- Oaen of that citj Au gust 21. Mr and Mt I,juN film 111. No. t', II aviin.e. 111111011110- the mirrlas' "f their 'laughter. MV1 iVitlnne. to Martin Jacob-in. which wl'.l taku (lace in Sep tember lllg Four train. St. laiuls to .V York, leave morning, noon and n'ght. Slr Al'red Har.nanllne mil son. with Mij 'At liuiae Sihnltin and Mr. J'rome Schoit' n. are on the .teatner l"rlno Vic tcrla I.ule. taking .1 tour through Nor way Mr aud Mi Albert K-rn and diuchter'ieihi ..f JCu 3iv". Fnlrmriliil avt line at.. L-ltiiig relative- and frlnd in WIM wooil. Calhoun Coiiuty. 111. wrs It Hutchinson of No .VI Whlttlcr strict will leave the lt of slept! mler for Netv York and linstnn. teiurnini; hj viaj of flevilanl anil Chicago. Mr and Mr, l-iwrence J. Dorau of N" ll'iS I'eltnar lnilei.,ril ate rl-it'i'tl at !'rnc!i l.lck Hotel, hut will depart for Allintie ilt. N. J. ard Ntw Tlork. Au gust :. lv of No .-.I2J 1 1. .. t...n... I .Mr v t. k. nn-i Vtronlta. nut Her chllltMi. .letome. Francis ami 1I:lltc. ate spending tin month of August at tl.o II ;iiy Kaim. In "o.ijtr County. .Ml- ICalhrin llealv of Ijfaetle ave nue lartei last .ik for CailU.ic and Vtok'i While at CtdllUc she will Je, the K'i"t of Mr. and Mr. J. Mc leichlan. Mls .Mae nrdby ha Just returned from an exttnd'-il tour of two month through Ntbraka and some of the Norih 'tctn rtsort. Mr. A tl. Itichardon and diughler, KthM. or No. tle IVlmar l-ulearij. are In ctucaK'i on t. the ;reat Uke anl Kasicrn unmrr resort. .Mr. Kichiril on expect to Join her F. W. Horne. latelv from Yckohvma. Jaian. Iluteri Ixuerach and hi friend. Mr Flunkrr. departed to vllt friends at Festu. Mo. Crvstal Cu and ulphur Spring. Mr and Mrs F J. Felneman and t hll drtn are spendlrg the summer at Fergu son. Mo. and espect to return Hepteni tcr 20. Tne Miss- Clan and Raima flo.Umer. who. accompanied bv thrlr cousin. M! Anna Wl!on. have been upendlrz several week in Chicago. Oconomoaoc. Wi.. and Northern summer resorts, have returne-i. . Miss Mamie R Doyle of No. 4.C Ncrth Market street is visiting In O'Fallon. the guest of her aunt. Mrs. I Dlekmann. Mr srd Mrs. K. N Horwllx leave to night for Isle Royale, Lake Superior, where they wll remain until the latter part of &eptiaber MI Ave Maria Golden In returned from hr trip to Denver and Colorado tTTing Mrs. Marr T. Phelas and daughter. Genevieve, have returned from an ex trnded Kastern trip, and are now living at No. JKc St. Vincent avenge. Mr F J Mofmann of Falrrnount ave nue, who has been visiting In Bam Au rora. N T. for the past three weeks. wtu be joined ar ner B' Rembradt Portrait. St. Iauil. and altir n si ott t (y tiiev- will take tm iwiit liir "l..nii mix. wSaie they will re main two lull'. Mr and M'-. The. 1;. island and son. Hlihaid Pnrkv llland. have 1e1um.1l home nflei a moisltrs vl-lt with Air. It. p lILind of lyUinon, Mo. Ml Kl!l and Annie riclwiioush of 'Ihotn.! iril It it u feu da ago for I'itt.-l.urr .iii'l Cirneie. p.t . where they will 1 Hit tiluiiesnml friend. A pumlitr of St. lyui people are vttlt Iiik at Kurcka ."-princ-. Atk. Among them .ne; .vir. odle V. peler. Frank O. Hick. .Mr. K. Abrain. JII F. Ahraata. Mrs. Win. Cunr.iil and family. Mis Thompson. Iliverrnd Clark. C. M. Pen dleton and wife. Ml N. Maihenhelmer. MK K. Tolmi". Ml Maude Strlngham. Mr. II. M. Strlnsham. I It. Junes. W. .. Gil liKl'tlK. F. WiltlLh. Mrs. George M. Glllwrt. titorge K. Gillieti. A. p. John soti. .Mr. Jams A. Inth. Agness l.incb. Florence l.iix.h. Mr and .Mr. K. Anli'ii-er and J. V. '.irr wnn to Sivh.r Spring lat Mon d.ii The Hip wit made overland In an autcmobi.'e. Mi .M.ircati t V 1:1 in frit ml in Colorado Spring. I viItlng Mr? J. H Clumber. No I'lT North Taylor avtntie. is visiting In Manltou Springs and will rrlutn In Septem ber Mr ind Mr. John illl.irn are r.t the Portland Milr. Mt Alfred Scannell. No 2t Wet Pine boulevard, returniil lat .Morula from a U'eirn trip. I'oeiiir and Mr J. Iron Spring. Colo. II. Nk-dland-r are in Mr. and Mr. F. C. Siler.'ln and diugh-tir- Ml Annette anil JIti. No ?JP lloiankal aunu. are spendlfg Ihe sum mer In Minttou Spring. C"Io. Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Hall No. tl Page avenue, and Mr Fitzgerald dcparKd for n two ek' visit at Manllou Spring. Colo. Mi Illanrhe Strati No. "Oi West IV He avenue i spending the summer at Wauk'sha. WI. Mrs k :ore. Xo i'i Fai-moui.i avenue, and Mr II. B Wagoner. No. 1S Ker.elnctou avenue, are at Manltou Sprlns. Th Mlse Faulhaber No. l Morgan street, are visiting In Pedalta Mrs. I"jncknev French. No. Jl Delmar avenue, anil her sister. Mrs. Camping, ar visiting In Sin Franclwo Mrs Aucu-t Sejilafly anl Mis Schlafly. No 1X2 Westminster avenue, are touring Ireland. Mr Joarph W. Moon and Miss Moon are In Paris Mr and Mr M Miacctonka. Wis. II Hogan are at Lake MiaceLi.s: BTKTS. While In New Tork call at M Fifth ava. I bet 38th ard 37th ). Mermod. Jareard A Kirs' Jewelry and Art galisi itifaa Tou will be cordially welcotned. Mr. I it. Ottofy of N. ae Delsaar boulevard entertained a parry of Thursdav afternoon. Arm tfu. MMtm mart' If l Allen. Cornell. HeasnbrucC Travllla and Mayfleld of New Oriean. Mit Kathsryn Carlisle and Lily Walton. One of the event of ths lat wash wa a hlrt-wall trolley party on tae- srivwiai ear -Ariel." Tne party spent st Fn-e-t Park HantkUe. wa spent in stnawax. netrnmmmtt strvsd a reata. M. IM Bgu tar aHaw Aim Wumi wad Mrs. Gaatg. Tkaae yrcaeat were: MtaaleCaubata, ratitle Ualr. lies Nea ben. loe Otohnaa. IVrtbe Woest, Jatta, warn. W. S. Krtteger Jr. thj-!i.ltr. :.ilrt. Rartle. Kld Jors. UaiO Uonrr. aUarard U. tsyet. AVUItetcKraas. Jcarpfc r.Oto. Re U. aVsflSCtrX. WUnara Bot-abrwk. At a rxMlot at Damay DaMe of Ka. th Mat f MMa Xebraska, av- nnt aaTaaaa-r tawa arcrc: Ftareara naemkai "arreOvtbrrB. re-reaca OWsC arbm Nlewana. rrea Kenaer. gchMfti. laaat Tnesday eventne. August IS. Fraak .tarari etstertainen a party of frieada la aoatar or ata twaty-nrt Mttbdaj. Mtaste aad MMCiae were feature of the evealt-. Luafheea waa aerved. Atsoac those, pres eat wet: 3. Benin. 3 Raener. J. 14 fe. I Tannori. II. lier.raonrt. A. O" lYcle. N. Krascnilam. .. laiBoti. F. rviltcn, I'. Xotterbrok. J.ABdetioa. C Jcaaw I. Joaea Staaaasl Mra. ft Jttr The IoWlea Anztliary of the Railway Mail Bek waa entertained at the home or Mrs. T. C. Good&ktht. No. SCO St. lacent arena, on Tuesday afternoon. Aaat - AaKme thoae present were: aT.aiii- H. M. WertkBagtoa. K. P. Owen. B. A. Fleailng. A A. Rawe. John Lenta haa. Flevd neanett. H F. Janifs. Thoaiai. Ccnkliag. Ccaihte. B.S lonoaa. J I. K. Mrhcls. Lata. KLJ Ke-n. H. olaaa. 5. M. W hltana. 1. W. ttoellTT. J B Xoaip. v iillam K. neatoa. Robert liarrls. A party of young peraoea. ehapeiWRcd by Mm. wilibtm Farewell, cave a tallyho rMe last week. Thw pfrty wan driven thretajn FVreat Park and made stay Bt Weat Bfcd Heights, Forest Park Rkjh lands. Hawthorna'a and Detmonico'a, antra the party waa served lunch. Among then present wera: Lata lliiim. t-arrie lUKta. HarVai Madirai Ti'aiat MMtk. Haast Wtber. Maraf Wuest, MeMiapB . atitia leMKaaastr. Lata KMSaWaa. Pi-tWpakla. aWtlkanrrrr. ataatkrwrs sAaVkara. AakaaOl-ax. UwMMraami. Oaeraw roarer. baeaey. flfceitoa. loana. Farewell. Therahlll. MissKurs- Roeaen. Sfratle nhn. MfLaaalilin. Kvaaa. DwinelTr. Pateaer. itoa MaMer Oscar Morgan of Cheny aveana. Maplewood. entertained BWlmMay evening frora a to o clock, with uawf and reci tation. Refrtahmeiitg were nerved out on the lawn, among the tree. Among thoae grvaeat wreT Itlaaea-- atarla Allea. Rath rwltan. Brace Allen. terrrwae Jtergaa. Uellew Hatter. Marie Bgrsnn, Ktttta Urwndri . Vlrgtna. True. Oleste IMrrett. Kate Fultew. Margaret tajlta. Brother Wolf. Oscar Moegaa. Jereaw Howe. 5Ir. and Mrs. Httgn Hchade. N mat tlreer avenue, gave a muslealo in honor of their daughter Bertha's birthday teat Monday. Among thoae present were: Mfwssm- Rati Unite Klederraa?. Frerlrh. lajnwrsterk. Maajlltieea. Anna Haadarhag. unraiai. Mffirr DelatrVk. Uxuarkk Ullr Ranavrt. Bfella Ranaert. Helen Michel. Re rthn Riidfgast. fella Tbake Anna BBrn. jailu IVttker. CpIwabVW BrT. fetal Stipel. Rattle Rasstng. Aaate Hneste. tosatse Pelhnogaa. AaaaRaerier OeTtle tbrerbt. Bemtnarr. Kitnalftlllsrh. I.ihena, Kretziner. fella Kfetimer A lawn party was given bv Mr. and Mrs. Kloepfer at their residence. No. (SB De Bnto avenue, last Saturday evening. Aug ust It. The Kmmet guartet rendered a few of ihelr own seleetlone-. The Casino String Orchestra rendered the mnK and the evening wa spent in dancing. Thosa present were: Mrsaleute Ratther. R-Hole. Q. I. Kre'B. 1. Hassefeld, itur-Orot. Tbtoaore Grate. MlcMdltlotsrte. vi" axberer. Otto Orate. F nassel. H -nemlng. S Oassei. F. Rnratlng'. '. LofM. II. framer. V. Mllh". !! Kreln W. Manaaey. "Tin WdhWt Itata tf Prftrttat." THE A B. CHASE PIANO. UNEXCELLED. "TaMeaMavaej would he JJ?ajca n.k, the most approprlai) word to us In de scribing the egcel lency and high sUnd Ing of this world-re-unwned lntrument. It Is Simply SaSaaaSa BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaae BaSaaaaT SSBBB BBBSBWalar BBBaaSBH BBF jj-VB fH Tou can begin en- aSH H jnvable acqualhtane aaBaWW gSaSaaaf with H. Chase A Suoerb Piano. - - f Om a-1 aid praises tesauBd as to Its eaceeding fln quality or tsse. sarfecOon In actum and great durability. On of It greatest indorsetarnt Is the fact that In St. lovui alone over sixty of the pianos ar used In tha studio of the avsat prominent musicians. CONROY PIANO CO. SaWthwesterii W.IIUWM.lgUJUMaMCCf. W. Uawrk. M. Kavg J. Morrs. C tUag. f. Huatrr. p. Fetter. r.aUtt. J itaawi. J II. Ho OaBcraaaL J. aarCowew. I Letter. Nick ailUgja. H. W. HorataMjer. H. Muokamr. U. K. Qaadiaca. Trnca Becha. v Mar. Kiphla AlthraaT. Minnie AltkceaT. Ell Vahle. y. W. HIUL loWUe Brawn. ARaaeOoaarL tsaaraaHaasl. rlleMcSewa. jjaUaKcOown. hk'.IT!' Kaana kUaeDfer. Jnlkv Klceptar. Gertnaae Rutber. Agar Butler. : ixauMiy. nr. iBsraowa. Hentblower. C 8clKfcalller. b. Jgaiott. Metairura and Meadaa O NBMCB. J. Ktcawfer, H. Rather. KKrita. Two drawtng-roorTaadl atateioeea rra to "Knlf kerhocher Special.' St. !o New Tork. via "Baj Fowr. to M Elolse Brtatot. who has beew tak ing some special study at the UnlvrRr of Chicago, was called bono last waak k the lime or her mother. The Reverend Doctor Tactwr aeaata) the Congregational pulpit to-day. Mis Anna Branch Is at tk Unl.ataWv fit Chicago for the summer. jnr. v. n. vjoggesnaii entenaimu vsna members of the Congregational choir, of which she la director. Friday eveahag. Mrs. WillUm 1 Akf enterWln at stirrer last Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tbompron. Mr. and Mrs. A- H. Stauffer. Mlsaaw Ellaabetli and Marr lilanchanl and Caroln Allen. Mian Edna Paper H visiung Mian TKaih erine Kauffaaan. Mlaa Vivian Pierce of Chicago Is That Ing Miss Madeline Simpson. Mrs. Dttndaa Simpson and Mrs. Frank Cram chaperoned a swimming party on Tuesdav ovening at Muegge'a natatortwm. Thoe who ctlended were Mlsse Made line Simpson. Vivian Pierre, flattie Cram. Berenice Simpson. Haset Comstork. Maud Comtock. Amy Cram, and Messr. Frank Pinkanl. Claude Sebaatlan. Horace Fltg wllliains. Carl Mavhew. Walter Beck and Paul Comstork. Mrs. I. K. iaackmer and Miss Gladya Black me r are r.ow at WHiipaca. Wt. Mr. D B. Carroll departed last week for lot Vegas, N. M Miss Kathertne Burnett ha returned from a visit to Chie-. Mr. ami Mrs. Frank W. Cram are at Asfcury Park. Miss Suafe Pain went to Cincinnati last week i join her mother and sister. Mr. William italn and Miss charlotte Bain, who are visiting relatives there. Mr. ami Mrs. King Kauffman are visit ing relatives In Cairo, lit. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perk have re turned from a Northern trip. Mis leTgan of Indian Territory was guest of Mrs. J. K Sutton and Mrs. Wal lace Sappington rceentl). The Misses Genevieve and Marguerito Lapping have returned from a month at Denver and Colorado Springs. Miss Josephine Albers has returned from a visit to Corpus Chriati and San Antonio. Tex. Mrs. P. T. While departed Friday, with, her two children, for Sedada. Mr. John O'Hara and Mr. WilHas Kerrinsh ar attending tha Portland Ba posttton. Mr J. Carter is entertaining her moth er. Mrs. Brooks, or Kansas city. Miss AiLih sttrasser IS hi Butt. Mr. llenrv Amea of St. lands has 1 ih J R. . hnmestaaut. an Orav ave nue and Jackson road, and la havtne K refitted for his own occupancy. The Misses Nettle and Albertlaa Bar run have returned from Astsary Park. Mr. and Mr. McCairttng havw ratal n from a visit to Havana. 111. . Mr. John Cooksoa spent tha work on Ulp to Waterloo. Ala. .... Mlaa Carpenter of Foots avewua la vrfatt las In Phaideiphla. . .. Miss Amy How and Mlaa Nvttle Haw spent thai week In Kanaaa City. Miss Ruth Statu gavo a party roe young friends last Thursday. Quests earn In the afternoon and ptayaa teanla and croquet. The evening waa spent In dan cing and in playing a game In which pic ture cards contained enigmas, the answers to which were building or exhibit at tha late l-'air. Ml Margaret Uenaen and Mr. Kavincnd Sprague took the prises. Othec guest were: Th Misses Marjorte Grove. Mary Clarion. Mary Block. Adels and Corlnne Trembler. Margaret Ptdler. lrm Todd. Nina lore. Ruth Waterhouse. eno Merimer. Ullan Wllcog. Emma Rett I. lta Bettl. Christine Skinner. Matal U lesple. Messrs. lowUe Holton. Fred Howe. Horace Goodbar. Harold and SeymJi.r Todd. William Burton. George Thomn-. Andrew Kauffman. Dick IJndsey. Maik Moody. Russell Harris. Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Beattle. Mr. Irene Gillespie and .Mr. and Mr Franklin Cary Whlihig. Mrs. W. le Crabtree and Miss Georgl-t and "lasMe laf "mailed free request. i Rej pnacaiutite. ) IsWWiwlwil -way saway Ianagaarvte. ailBinn fsgow Piano by reading our IssV-f booklet . BL Chs-s on tfl ii J . : K I i : ' r . k iilS.?a ?.r-?i