OCR Interpretation

The St. Louis Republic. [volume] (St. Louis, Mo.) 1888-1919, August 20, 1905, PART II, Image 15

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020274/1905-08-20/ed-1/seq-15/

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j-i.-. .- -- s.pf;'M;-- " -SJf-JiO?c;?:''(,
W&TTi -Ri
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si" -j"? 1-351 :-i-y
fC-" c"3?V'
cvjvv s--v; " "
. "rv'
e j V
.A . -.
Vr. Mrs.
y nr skat ta
.Doctor ul Mrs. C U
mhws is-aaa, y"
.ttssap Avery, who Im been vMttec
: '. ' t"""" weesa. na -
h. wr Jr -.-
'J.PWW. as paw wtr
Tharsdey -naming to Meats of her stater.
Miss Anne Brows. The iniiirmn r
the totter to Mr. Jnci AUen ef aonth
ern Arkansas tu samniiiud. Miss Blown
SJ51 d2?fcWr "- Ctaaries
Brawn. She met Mr. Allen for the m
time this spring while on a sis weeks'
camntng trfp at a lumber camp nearOma
" ,-. where she was the sweet of an
uncle. Those Invited to the announce.
n2cnt.Htjr " Helen Baker.
pel AII-n. Mary Slaughter. Alice Kelly.
Elisabeth Rhodes. Mary Dill or St. Louis.
Theodore McEesmton of St. Charles. Har
riet Anstln and Dorothy Weekes. The
wedding wffl take place In the fall.
Miss Olive N. Morton or Effingham. I!!..
arrived Thursday for a visit to Miss Ha-
xei Alien.
Mls Mary E. Allen entertained at din
nee last evening for hr niece. Miss OHve
Morton, the following: The Misses Mar
ine roe. Marguerite Warren of St.
Iuis. Dorothy Week. Hazel Allen. Har
riet Austin. Carolyn Allen and Mrs. N. B.
"ts the "Knickerbocker" Special. St.
Ln?ts to New York, via Big Four.
Mrs Tf
"n. I'aul,
Oehterbecfc and her little
have been ti'itlns relatives In
Walter linns ha- returned from
i Colorado.
Ray Puilf- of lxul-vlll. Ky.. Is viftltinc
Ins aunt. Ali. fi. X. Henderson.
Mr. O'Mnrr. and her s!trr. Mi Rose
Va1. are Fpendlnr some time at Colorado
"!. Rvt-rnd Le-lie P. Potter lias de-
i!-4 to remain in Klrkwooal and to u-
in-' tlio tl! to Tesarkana.
Mi. Alfred Franklin Smith and her
1 niRlitery. IInrttiMP and Mildred, spent a
ehort time i-fie. the guests of Mrs. E.
K William-.
Jii'ige E:ir Clarke has gone to New
York. H- will probably make a European
t-it lieforc rcturninit.
"tiT. M. L. It epects lo depitrt this
v.-fk to spnd some time In New York.
On Aui;iit : the Kixtremh Iitrlct of
tf.e women r hrltlan Temperance Union
nfll inert here at Union Halt. Miss Ro
"im Sr-hauer -till adlre the meeting
lid In the . vnlnc he will give a talk
mi t'infienine at the Meihodin Church.
J!r and Mir. Prelerirt () fllrxMnni
t ve ,-turu-fi troni Blue Sprinss lolRe.
Mr. R ffllnkard and Iter daughter. Mls
tUtlo h-.e retumcrl from a trip t Et
Imr.nlo. iIo
J H RHm of Chicago has rented one
o I lie nW tifiiirs Oil Rodley avenue.
I'wlnr Kavette f. Etrlnt; entrrtaim-d the
l!ta ThU I'l 'luh. of which li i the
I e.Hiwit l.it 4lurday evening from -3
l o clork The men cant to Woodlawn
:i Hie train an'l mere royally entertained
ii "f OM l r-abin" on "the Un. A
t'ailr "frat pread" was served and erI
rq -roi' and remtrilcenee- wre the
rture nT the evening. Ttiere were r-c'-ntlfn-.
olo danrev and Impersonation
i im-rem m-moer ,r tne ocietv.
niong the metnhers of the loe hpier
;," general Noble. Judge Priest. J uric
Kiti-ev. ii. u. Prancls. Ashley Utbrll.
I o.-tnr V ood. Judge Rhepard Rarel.iv.
J'ijI Tuttlr. B. A Callaway and Artio
.J,um"m,fi- Abraham ha relumed from
vv Nconln and Im- il-tMrle. for I'olnrado.
.-'' ilarrlet II Iiircell Im- returned
Horn Rurllnaton. wline H,e -pent a fort
night vlcitliig relatives.
When Mr and lr. Iul Rlankemefer
returned from their We.tern trip they
n'-e arcompmled f,v the Uttefs mother.
.-...r'lh.lrr-.K0f K"" City, who will
" V,h. th2 tbrookh the winter
.ei!.r?l " TJiomas V. Corley have
u.l r, ,'Jro their wedding Journey nnl
ie at home In their own house on the
e-v er road.
'-lie harnherfctlii entertained the ten
i cliil of whKh he i a member S.iti,r-
w-mn tie i-m un to town on n
wago'i anr drove hi- gue-ts the two
'- n
f mi nt-nie. wnere tnev -nJoied a
party Amona thixo n'runi'....
.. ' V . 7 ""v i"nlKin ilraee pt.ine.
i r'i '!,!."1.':1 Tmpkln-. Charlotte Skeelel
-i-lMrt. Mn.rret l.vreit. and Me.,rs.
Hlnglt'ton I ron Stone, charle- Kel
I"."., ''alS'" '" .rtd Mnlhnlland.
'.v;I;:r.,MVn.r'"- R"v t,"""nn .
Wi- S.illy. of St. I,u. ,,rr. p.M.dlng
.,n.e time with the f,miIr nf i, j,.,,,,
W ilIMm ...iwk. at WorHiUwn.
Mi Mw-inj McDonnell celehrated
7 -nlTarv r her Mrlh Augutt IS hv
.tert..l,l.,g her fr.,i Mn.lc. darning
. m were the order of the evening
Iti the s.je:.lng contet Mi Lillian
U right ..I Writer won th flrt rtrio
... ML. BII Mullen the .lend. Among
f t1IAWW aaaa..! 1. -. a .... " -IV" "
tl Jfc kll.... t- ti. M . . lJ
I ranee
,r ,z:r '.-.':y" .-"" origin.
"" .-nnne iinri. liarv r-jhlii
Nrrl Eliza Mullen. Matie
iifvieve ni.,rviti. Mamie
lle.i ti Kin f.ti.t4. frvt
ue.k .. Men John -.1.111 i""
V. rlcht Imi Harrier 1M.I,', -;.. J5 '
I:o Cahill. ClnvlHirne Urr.ee
lill.nl llirrer. Ji ep!, Corlev. lami.V'nr
I rank McDonnell m-.i t-r..
n;!VardorM:ii?;.n:ri Jm, Mum n
vmne the rent arrival st the ls.
istoit are Alrar,(er Main nnd dlugli
k' v ..r' L" I'-'"1 Mr and Mr-. D.
K Miller til of St
mietor arrt Mrs.
H r
Tsljwtis ulna J.
. s-t-.t heme ih ,na r thu nk T:
''; """'J -' v.rtland. Seattle and Ta-
ma and
enjoing a viit jn
Mi. r. k Williams ! entertalnina her
ilVdJ hnrlOtts fta! asn.f.,A -L-
IinmiM nBTria pntartstnaJ at
' Uth of which mhm la at mr,-
! In at Ammta ai..a. -- -
T.A Ul.u aVI JL """-V.. """
- ," -tif. - imrnr'T Viin Marl
m Tuin-ii- r-e- at.. ai ' "wTJ11."
rA...iri... aV...;" """': " Mining
- '" r-"vu irK!n.
.V " "' w"n. M
Irfsi laron fllrtns
" .'lirr ITlsI liatai.I
f llllsMf-.. I - .
r.ar;ta. wo.
resla-e tn,! .peetarle. rroprtIv m,,
t Menn.Kl Jiccanl A Klrg's
IMrtir snd Mrs CaUIn Cur
of St.
-"in hup nern ine r-tie .
Mr and
uniij. s. .ase
r anu Mrs Edward Stockton of Ca.
bsnne are vl.ltlnr friend, tn Kcrgirnon:
ve-'V-iL1 "0ld t!"1 .r"tne, win
V .. rk .".L1r"' B " " the cnet
'f. ".,?'"' ..MrT- 5" ' "rjn Jr
-1II All. e Hurl of l,n. Argetes. i-ai u
vlsitln Mts L W fMv
Irs . JmnN I. entertaining Miss
Irnbel Ann fhui or ffl Morgan
Mr Hetirge .-jninur ha.'returned frtim
Pnvs Itlufr. Ark whre he ha lie,-n vl
Itlng Mr. nnd Mr Frank Sevruour
Mrs. Charles a, Rreer und her daughter.
V art Ine. have been v-lMtlng friends In Tin
t. Mo
, Mr. T II. Sprinkle and her danshier
'io have been spcrMinc the summer In
Wt"nlnBton. H. l. returned ls week to
teir Itnme In Ferguson.
(Mts. Martha Trofwugtiman and h'r
Are as perfect in toae,
touch aad Mechanism as
aoaev and skill can
take them. The won
derful "singing quality"
aad great durability "of
are among their asany
atroaf points.
Exaamiae oar near and
va-toedate styles.
Armsirsae- and
Tsisgay for a
iaWWaWCbaMLMlW- ls.ass-dsssissiSal to HsvvsaMr abjafaW Tatt MM. MagaaW-
.v. m sua.
lag the i ail
Mrs. W.' W.
Hauls as Kt
Mr. aaa Jin. wsscrt a. aauswm
parted Satarday for Toronto, Canada.
reams sn iwtsre.
Mr. and Mrs. & aTerwln are eater
tsJataa- Mr. Kerwia'a sister. Miss Mattel
Kerwut. of l-aadoa. England. .
Mrs. gears Parsons has returned xrasa
a trip through the East.
Jtr. ana jus.
Blackburn are en-
tertah-lag Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bmttner
and Mr. aad Mrs.
Charles GusheR
Qaincy. I1L. aad Professar Fraak WeRner
or Bt. LtMia. m
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMillan of Cab-
anae are visltnc friends in Keraueon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hale and family
are visiting in New York and Beaton.
The Mines Prudence and Ela Zelbtg
are tbe sweats of Mrs. Hamilton Karlsh
or t uosjbj.
Mr. and Mrsw George Marshall are vis
Itlng retatires In sVrguson.
Mrs. Edward Tobin departed last week
for a Sshlnar trio to the Aasranatla River
ana usarg Mountains.
. . -T . .
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Currle have been
entertaining miss UerUuda UarUIBe of St.
Mrs. W. H. Christy and son. Kail, of
JfODeriv. mo. will sprnd next week with
We mnA If I . f D.HM.
The Misses Letitla and Itatharlne Tif-
an, trnma jessup and Mamie Winn de
parted by steamboat for Keokuk, la., to
spend a fortnight.
Messrs. Fielding and Robert Stuley de
parted Thursday for Pltaeant Hill. Mo..
to visit Mrs. Mary E. Hnly.
Miss Esalia Cohen of St. Louis has been
the gnest of Mrs. George Grlmth.
Mr. and Mrs. aeorge H. Jessup are en
tertaining Mrs. Mildred Revl ot Beau
mont. Tex.
Mrs. William Bryant thapetoned a par
ty to Chautauqua last week. Among tn-m
were: The Mises Grace Ilr-ant. Edith
Seymour and Helen Adams.
Mrs. R. W. fiuiley has been entertain
ing air. ana airs. T. I. Maxey. Mrs Har
ry Faei and her ron. Harrv Jr.. and
Mrs. Sarah Craden of Cincinnati. O.
A luncheon was given Thursday by Mr.
Clarence Lattimore in honor of Mi-s
Helen Lattiuiore. Among the guests were:
Misses i Madeline Janis. Annette Gordo:i.
Edith Seymour. Amalia 8chmidt and Edith
Heer. The table was handsomely deco
rated, the centerpiece conistliig of white
carnations and smilax. strand of the vine
terminating at the four corners of the
A garden party wa given Saturday even
ing ty Mrs. T. D. Condle In honor of h-r
cousin. Miss Annette Gordon of Maple
wood. Among the guests were: Mle
Helen Janii. Helen lattimore. Anita Bai
ley; Me.sera George and Edward Oierboa
nler. Julian Ja-ii in.l Gardner troril.n.
Ml: Vincentla Copplnger entertained a
tally-ho party from St. Ioiiis on Saturdav
veiling. Among the guests were: Mises
iolet Snellen. Fretliiy Gleaon. Katharine
fflirbn. Marie Schafcr. Elisabeth chr
boiinier aifl Joiephine Copplnger, and
Mes-jTt Samuel Kl the. Camden Chcr
bonnier. h. C. Jalii?. Owen Katv. Jo
seph Gleason. Kiuis and John Sullivan
The party was haprohed by Mrs. Scha
fer. Mr. E. S Martial! gave a birthday
partv Saturdav -iftenioon in honor of her
daughter. Charlotte. The guests Wtr':
Stanley Ha!n. Madeline Tounc. Edith
Haiti. Ruth Mc;alpin. Louise laidcklng.
Grace llreik. Wiunlfred and Grav Ken
ealy. Edgar and Katharine Whlttcmore.
Theodore and Adele Shreve. Jame mid
Emily Hereford. Carl Iaxleklng. Margarcl
Hou-eman. Helen Adams and Marvel
Breek. Amona tne 1 idle who epterlaiid
the guests were: Mrs. T. J. Tobin and
Mr. James W. Marstiall.-
Mr-v C- W. Lattimore ggve a birthday
party to her mm. Juliao. Haturdav after
noon. The chlldrrn present were: Rob
ert and Emet Ills. Glllirrt ami Eleanor
Baiter. MaMe Bray. Margaret Sleeper. Rill
Baker. Liune Cundie. Malcolm Lnltimore.
David and Maurin Leavitt.
R1 St Tail's to New York via Big Four.
8topover at U'aiitiigton and rhlladclphia-
Tortor J. U Rarnsbark came down from
Chirago Sunday for a brief visit to his
parents. Mr. and Mrs J. H. Barnshark.
Mr and Mrs. William G Burroughs.
G-orge 1. and Doctor PI I. Burroughs ar
rived Friiajv frcm their visit to their
home in Southern Maryland.
Mr. M. W. Clarke departed Friday ts
join ins lamuy at Apex. ;oio.
Miss Genevieve Keller and Mr. Victor
Bueii of south McAlestcr. I. T., spent the
dn Wednesda). guents of Miss Amy
Mr. and Mrs R. D. Griffin departed Sat
urdav night for Boston, where they will
remain --evcral weeks.
MUs Winifred Hadley entertained friends
Friday eveuingi The party ot fifteen,
chaperoi'ed by Mr and Mrs. K D. Lawn
In and Mr. and Mr. U. D Griffln. drove
in a tail; ho to I'oag Station, the "water
melon countrv." and. after procuring
some fine melons, drove tu a near-bv
straw stack, on top of which tha feast
was held.
Mrs. Adelaide Martin and daughter. Miss
Emma, went to St. Ioulg Tueskty tu at
tend an informal, given at the nome of
the former's son. John II. Martin, in hon
or of his birthday anniversary.
Mts Jofephine Sprlncci returned Mnn
da from Evanston. Ill . where he has
been the guest of relatives for several
The marriage of Mr Joseph Hots to
Mla Catherine McCarthy of lai:a. III.
took place at Hoi) Angel-- Church in Hi
Louis. Wednesday morning. Following
the cetcmonv the hrldil tarty drove to
the home of the bride's slter. Mrs tleorge
Moore, where the weUJing breakfast was
Mls Julia Vern. who has been n guest
of her aunt. Mr W It. Cru.smaii. re
turned to her home In St. I.m. Sat unlay.
5ti-- Minnie Hoik Is a Riiet of friends
at tat Salle.
I.ctur C. O. Klmlmll. former ps.stor of
St. John's M B. Church, came in from the
West Friday, and is meeting old friend
again lie ts the gu"t of Doctor and
Mts T E SIson.
JERSKl II.I.E. Il.l-
M-s Sarah I Fl'lier of Litrhnetd. Ill .
is a t of Mrs Melimia Neviu
Mls Uertha l.lvlr.g-tor.e of Ruvle. HI .
was a guest last week of Jereille
Mrs E. L. OHtiger of Greensburg. Kas.
la a viltor In Jcievvlllr. 111.
Miss Tostle Mains has gone to Cathay.
lmfeor and Mr I N Sle.-.th gave a
dtntnr partv Wednesday evening nf last
week In honor of Sir and Mrs Murch of
ST lanii. and Mr a.tid Mrs It llor"pool
of Jersevtlle. Ill
Mr Herb Jarvls arid F Goldwnrth of
Englnnd were entertaltiei last week by
Mr and Mr. Horpo.d of Jersejvllle. Ill
Mla Mamie cantu was a visitor in m
laiul last week.
Mrs. Arch r,r ha ret
imed to Ielhl.
Ill . after visiting Jeiev v Hie friends.
Mrs B E. Kennedy hss returned to St.
Lull!, after vi!tlns Jerevtlle friend.
Miss Mtelli McGee is vls'tlng friends tn
St IXlUt this Weeg
The Mlses Catherine a
d Uelle Gno.I-
rich of Chicago ar the guests of Jersev-
vllle relatives.
Mrs. A M. Slvten entertained Mr. T A.
Case of tterv!!!e. 1U lust week
Mr. Ed C Mo,le of SprlnsfleM is the
aurst cf her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wlne
lanJ Mrs. Jndsca Hunt ha gore to Carlin
Vllle. Ill
Mrs John Cl'lber h returnel t.v
Stringrletl. IIU after vilting in Jer
Vllle. Mrs. Lewis Krueger hss returned from
UkawvllI. 111.
Mrs. II N. Wvckoff 1 returne.1 from
Alton. HI.
Mrs George E Jor.es of Ielhl III . was
a rl.itcr Iat
Miss Msmls terpen Is a gut of friends
in St. Ioui.
Mrs. Frank Grrene of Kane HI. wa a
recent vlsttor
Mrs. Cfcarle. Klrby of neMn 111 was
a guest of Jereevvtlie friend lat week
Ml. Goldle Daly rr Crper Alton was a
recent visitsr In Jersejrlllr
Mrs. Percv Bright w-a. a visitor in fl-
ht. III., last wek.
The Mltsea Virl. Teresa an.l Mamie
Bertraan f Bri'khrdge. in . wete guts
of jersej-vttle iriems last '!.
Mrs. J K. Cadwaliadr was a recent
visitor In Jerrvr
Mrs. Henry Kaul has cone to Carlin
r!I!e. III.
Mrs. S M. R'dd.'sh wa a guest of Alton
friends last wefc.
Miss Edith Boggee has returred to Al
ton after vistttng Jrrseyvllle friends.
Mrs. Frank Roetig hss returned fman St.
Miss Gaaste Nestler has gone to CarUa
vtae. ni.
Mra. B. Wmisats of Bowman. II!.. was
a recent visitor.
Mis. Oiile t-pdrte of Mcc!uky. HL. was
a recent vlsitnr in Jerseyvllle
Mts Gertrude Weeing has gone to Cr
rotjten. Ill, to visit Mrs. George le Bolt.
Miss Ran haajgorse to Rrlghtse. 11L
Mrs. WilUatn Gaither wss s visitor In
SL Louts last week.
Mrs Frank Eaibley hss gone to De!a
van. Ill
IlL'' ,f W "fr " " ' Cnsstar.
The Misses IJxxie ar.a Grace Wl
hare cone ta Cathay. N. D fee an ettead
ed visit with friends.
Mr. B. C Warns save a o'cts Mm.
cer MeasSy eveains la aoaor of tas Mrta-1
sWaaCJty. Mo. tWfmKmSHf9tSmVKSMmmm 1 MjsjUsaiagr Caty.
jWMCTngtBia ara apena- , Wmfi'?m!l4&iEm&mW Pactot F. D. Itasl r St. toai, waa
rJHteaeapoMs. Mfesa. WSiiiMnSSfSSSih:WirSkSMm , , lUM traMtos; ha) atoCher. Mis,
L Oraftasg Hoafl. f i . . . ..... . - f ktrtslllill,
I ' - -r4lT U UiaffiBffiBffiBffiBffiBffiBffiBffiBffiBffiBffiBffiBffiBffiBffB
. -:itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBRFiHinna
'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaPBf jfFXaaaaaaaaaPIIBaaaaaaaaaaa2ar J
'-" 'laaaaaaaaaaaaaaTT j: -yT, ' jasBBBBaaawf J" -aasBBBBBBBBBaaMi . Q1T-aarisl
f 'VBffMBfMBfMBfMTCt'3BBffMBfMafK:iVJ; ilaBaffMaffMaffMBBSEKiBl
- ' '-?Taaaaaaaaafc "4 " r BWBBBBBBBBBBBafT nhfwel '
f -.n-"f lFaBBBBBW'- -''saKaffsffsffsffsffsffsffsffsWyBaaial
i'":', BflHsaak' 'J-'" i'ivTlaaaaaaaaaaaSisSHH
:'J , .tt9T:- 1. :; .. MHHIIIV sgiSS-JJ .
1 -' -'. - ' j': ' $ y "'.
gaavWf" i 'aaaajk""1 ' "t lf Pl ' gtWsM aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaa
ai-","-- aii s - i
Who was Miss
dar or Missee Florem-e Warren and Net
lie' Cone. Forty guests were present.
rtASA CflAlTAtat'A.
Mrs. 8. Palmer entertained Mrs. Mattie
Ksne of Godfrey. I1L
Mlsa Pollv Trotter entertained Miss Oer
aldlne Parker of Chicago last week.
Mls Sadie Mania of Godfrey. III., was
a, visitor recently.
Mrs. F. Van Hoorbeke of Jersevvllle
wss s guest ot Chautauqua friends last
Mrs. Andrew Stead has gone to Medors.
Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Pot of Jersevvllle
were visitors of Chautauo.ua friends re-
Miss" Carrie Cutler has returned to Jer
sevvllle. after visit tag Chautauqua friends.
The Misses Stella and Til lie Voorhees
of Jerseyvills wets Chautauqua visitors
recently. . . .
Mrs. Marths Thomss has returned to
Kane. III., after visiting Chautauqua
A parly of Jerrtyvllle persons were the
guests last Sunday or Chautauqua friends.
The party Included Mrs. John Wiggins
nnd Miss Mary Wiggins. Mr. ami Mrs. J.
Wliitlock. Mi and Mr. W. II. H.
Wet. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cory Miss
!Ianehe Corn". Miss Mamie Sweeney und
William Kraus.
Mrs. John Christy of t pr-er Alton was
a guest of the Women's Relief Corps Cot
tage last wek.
Mim Nellie Kltrhell lias returned to
MorrlonvlUe. Ill . niter visiting Mlss Pol
ly Trotter
Mrs. Etl Ewin of Jers. vvllle was a
Chautauqua iitor Inst wek
Miss Jennie Miller of St l.nuls was a
gin-st last week of Cliautauqua friends.
Miss Tillle P.we has returned to Alton.
Ill alter visiting Chiutauqua friends.
Miss Marian English entertained Miss
Emma Brown of Jeraevville.
Mav Iost was a ree nt gue.,t at the
Plasa Springs Hotel.
Mias Jane Ely of Jersevvllle was a
guest of Chautauqua friends.
The Misses Elizabeth and Sarah Mas
field have returned to Godtrev. III. after
visiting Chautauqua frknds.
Miss Phoehe Andrews of Brighton. Ill .
was a guet of Chautauqua friends re
cently. Miss Stella Brinton has returned to Jer-so-ville.
Hi. and Miss Mildred Auteu to
Alton after attending a house part) given
by the Misses Mattie and Inufe Scott at
the Scott cottage. "The Roost "
Miss Bessie Chrlstv- has returned to Up
per Alton, after visiting friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. A O. Ant en entertain J
Mr. and Mrs. Webb Martin of Chicago
et their cottage.
Mrs. Charles On lladwav of Jersevvllle
was a Chautauqua visitor.
Mr Eugene Brook, of Jerevvllle was a
visitor at Chautauqua last week and had
as her guest. Mrs. iiorhmer of St I.)"i.
Mr. snd Mrs. Walter c.rv vf Jerseville
were Chautauqua viitot recently.
Ml Cora Powell has teturiunl to Jersey
vllle. after visiting friend, here.
Mls Ruth Cook of Paradls was a
Chautauqua visitor last week.
Mr-. J. N English entertained Mrs E
B. Simmons and daughter, Elsie. nj
Miss Maria Simmons of lirlghton. HI .
last week st her cottage
Mr. William Drat In of Alton waa a
Chautauqua visitor last week.
Mrs Callowat Nh was a guest of
Chautiuqua friends last weeic
The Mle Minnie and llah Clirk have
returned to Cpper Alton. Ill . after visiting
Chautauqua frienils.)
Mr. Jennie llUkiftan of Paradise. III.
wa a recent Chautau-iua visitor.
MI. Reita Davis ha returned to Piass
after visiting fronds here.
ALTtv. ..
Mrs H Miller of North Alton, HI . ha.
returnci from New Haven. Mo
Mr. J V Rowe ts entertaining Mrs.
Oerrge Kemprn of St. Lwl
Mr-. I E Walter Is ertrrUlnlng Miss
Dltia McKenn of St Louis
Mls Maud Balllr.ger has g-ne to Elsah.
rs tienrj- nv: or cntrago hs. re
turned to Chicago after a visit to rela
tive, in Alton
Mrs. Henry C Coil rjis returned from
Elsah. 111.
Miss Lena Fers hss returnM from Graf
ton. III. -
The Misses Vlrgtria and Alic.e Br.wmsn
have returned from a summer's outing at
Doctor and Mis W. II. c Smith hsve
returned from iortland. re.
Mrs. M. Penival entertame.1 Mrs. L.
Jones or Belleville. III.. Isst wek.
Mrs. Iuls 'iJellrr.nlx has "turned t&
st. iauis. after visiting Mrs. G. F.
Mrs. Albert Anderson has returned from
Shtpman. III.
Mrs. Edward Rice has gone to Chicago.
Mrs. Edward Ccnr.ell .f Grafton. III.
was an Alton visiter
Mrs. Sarah Lawrence baa returned from
Fidelity. 111.
The Misses Rose and Beulah Rtce have
gone to Milwaukee. WLs
Miss Lydia Marks h rtturneJ to
Busker HtlL. I!L. after a visit -with Alton
friends. I
Mrs F. K. Corey kaa sort- to Moul
ton. Ia. t
Mrs. Vargaret Rannlck has gere to
Bstchtown. Ill .
Miss Mamie Flaherty has returned to
Miles Station, after visiting Alton friends.
Mrs. W. J. Mayford of North Alton. Ill .
has returs'd from St. Lvui.
Mrs. H Ltfidley has returned, from God
frey. IIL I
Mrs. D. A. Wyckoff has gore,tO Denver.
Mrs. Jdhn Stark has returned from St.
Mrs. MAtthsw Msrs has gos v 8t rest or.
MiMrea IMtss hss murnedifrota ths
Plasa Cnaatiasjss. I
Mm Harass roweU has moraes to M1I-
Elsie Kargutli.
waukee. Wis
after visiting Upper Altoa
Mrs. Barbara
Redmond has returned
from St. Louis.
Mrs. John (Trader
White Hall. III.
hss returned
Mrs. K. . crossman has returned frost
Utrhfield. III.
Miss Nannie Knecht has cons to Ptasa.
Ill . to vl-it friends.
Mrs. Waller Schneider of St. Louis ts a
giicsv oi Aiiun rciaiiveai.
Mrs. George Hunt hss gone to Deavsr.
Mrs. Thomas It. Kauffmsn has returne
ftoni St. Ixiuls.
31 rs. Lewis J. Hartmann has returns
from Chicago.
Miss Mary Johnston has returned from
the Plasa Chautauqua.
Miss Gertrude McGlnnls of Bast Bt
lamis. III.. Is a guest of North Alton
Ml-s Marie Gcschwend has returned ftraal
s visit to friends In St. Lost.
Miss Elizabeth Beat has returned
a month spent at Michigan eesnrts
Mr. Lewis Stlrntz Is entertaining Mrs.
Antnnv Wiltmann or St. Louis.
Mrs. William Reld has gone to Belleville
Miss May Paul has returned from Bunk
er Hill. III.
Mrs. I.'tcv M. Edw.trchs and daughter.
Ml-s Julia Edwards, of St. Louis, are ths
gutsts of relatives In Alton.
Mrs. Caroline Voa-lpole of Upper Alton,
lit . ha. gone to Ard. Neb.
Mls Helen Wright has returned from
Bunker Hill. HI.
Mrs. Julia lruitt has gone to Bethalto.
The Misses May and Sadie Megowen
have returned from Winona. Minn.
Miss Mary B. ltonn.il of St. laiula Is a
guest or relatives In I'pper Alton. III.
Mrs. Fred Hummert has gone to Nebras
ka for an extended visit.
Mrs. E. A. Roberts Is entertaining Miss
r.mnta nuerwooti or urantte Cliy. III.
Sirs. T. O. Emm rs f Upper Alton. 111..
Is entertaining Mrs. George Ford of Wa
verl.x. IIL
Mrs. Edward Reeiler Is entertaining Mrs.
R. A. Frederick' of St. Uiuis.
Sir. Charles Rodmeyrr Is entertaining
Mrs. Mary linger and Mis Grace Fahr
euswiirth of St. laiuis.
Jin Norman Carr has returned from
an extended stny In WNconsln.
Mrs. Jo. ostMtrne Is entertaining Miss
H. tjsborne of Muscovti. I. T.
Mr. Wlllinm Bailey has returned from
Jfrj vllle. Ill
MIh.s Ilden Cannell has gone to Detroit.
Mrs. s. j c Clarke and daughter. Miss
f!race cole, of Upper Alton. III. have gone
to Boston.
Mr;. A. M. Cope has gone to Duluth.
Mr William Galwaly has returned tn
lockport. N. Y.
Mrs it. U I'rsey has gone to Carlin
vllle. III.
Mlt I jura Fletcher has gone to Detroit.
Miss Mollle Emmeron his gone to Wich
ita. Kas.
Mrs John Curdy has returned from
Mls F-vnnie Ninzle ha. returned from
Glenwoo.1 Spring. Colo. .
Miss lilna Gtvenner of Tipton. Mo.. Is a
guest of Alton relatives on her way to
N w York.
Mrs. U P.erhtoll has retttrneil to St.
luls aftr visiting Alton relatives.
Mrs. .1 C Nmman has returned to
Sl-IMcn.l.l. ill., after visiting Mrs. M. It.
Miss Olivia Mrllrlck of Morrisonvllls.
Ill . Is a gurst of Alton friend
Mrs B A Clark hts s.ine to Shelhr. O.
Mrs a Kri'nian has returned from
Springfield. Ill
Mrs Grace Wilson has gone to Minne
apolis. Minn
Mix William Gnham has returned from
St Joseph. Mo.
Mr- DaiiM McMillan has gone to Brigh
ton. 111.
Mrs. Virginia Qulglev hss returned to
California aftrr vi-itins with Alton rela
tive, cone to Gtlepl. III.
Mrs. J. H. McPike Is entertaining Thom
as Drummons of Euit Si. I-ou!. .
Mrs Gtnrgc Webb Is entertaining Mr.
c P. Statford of Kin Antonio. Tex . and
the Misses Ialsy and Ethel Knapn of
Sprinctield. II! M
A party cf Alton oung people went to
Davenport. Ia.. on the steamer Duburiue.
The party was chaperoned by Mrs. Percl
val. Mr Filly and Mrs Rutledge. The
party was compod of the Misses Amy
Rntledre. Myra Filly. MirguTlte and
MvrtJe Percival. Emmi Savage. Ben I
Emma Biumin and Iuis
1 'llss Margaret
ttrance. Mo.
Harper rturnd from
ss nie Scully Ias returned from St.
after vtJtitig Mrs. c. A. Van Prc-
Avtcs his returned from
poit. orth.
Misters is entertaining
of Danville, m.
Grow- of Norm Altnn lit
i" svne vo svsncnesier. n
Mr. John Rain of North Alton, 111., hss
returned from Chautauqua.
ML Mabel Nolan has returned from
Carrolltan. IIU after visiting with Miss
Myrtle Cnlvey.
. Mrs. Fred Pieper has returne to St.
Lou!. after vieltir.g Alton friends.
Mr W. s. Raffrrty has returned from
Roodhouse. III.
The MUses AlgcrmLssen of St. Peters.
f pent Monday with friend in St. Charles.
Miss Florence Gaty has returned to hr
heme in St Ivittls after a short stay with
friends here.
Mrs. w lmmon has returned from s
sek's visit to relatives st Tessa Junc
tion. Mr Alvtn Moehlenkaatp is vtsMlsa
friends at Hamilton. Mo.
Mr. scd Mrs. William Msellrig wsst
.... . ... -..
ro!. North.
atr, AUdle !
Mr-. I Vllsrvllle
Mlv Bertha
JaaaA. JaaaM.
MfS. JJaMl tnsfty apastoM pM OtoMlvasg.
T smc wasjnajr i tmk aer pareus nc
Mrs. Caraltoe Brtakabaa. fonaerly of St.
nss ox Bt- woasa, waa sere
to kaa akter. Mra T.
H. Hsi kf aa. ssji klg brother. Hasty
ktaSa. at that ssms.
Mats aftichcl at St. Loula It a
Caaat of fcer sister. Mrs. Lata Rviasc st
this alace.
MMs Fsaait MeyH has returned ffrsc
ft.. Lasts, ssets sag Visited Miss Martha
Mrs. Kaaaa Rsasds aeaarted
far Bowaag Oreen. Mo., to visit her
.Mrs. u ut
sad to take in the
rmm Coaatv Fair.
W. H. MsrsoU of Bowling Oreen. Moi.
forsaerly of St. Charles, waa here Manssy
vfalttas frlenss. H aessrts la a few says
Car Caiifaraia to vadt kte daaahter.
Mrs. M. C Parker departed Msaasy
-tvcM lr Texaa to visit her sister. Mrs.
1 i avrgwaoi
Mrs. Frank
theraer hi vlsltms? tier
daashter. Mrs.
Duetiir flluaetaevee. mt
Mrs. en st WilkM Mt r.im m
fa a gsest sC her parents. Mr. and Mrs!
Henry Keatper.
Mrs. Harry Edwards of Jefferson City
2 KEJ tk Hr of Judge Joseph
n. EiUwwrwH.
Mlsa Asnl Ctaleaawit mt Cnrlstell l. -i.
Itmg her sister. Mrs. Spencer Tyler, at
Postmaster W. F. Btoebsum and a party
of young persons from this place, who
been spendmg a week ramping pear
Densme. returned Wednesday.
Miss Rosanna and Carter Edward or
J"f'rspn City. Who have been vMtlng
Colonel Jim Edwards snd- family at For
Jstell. are now the guens of Judge Joseph
H. Edwards and family.
. Mrs. Seeler and Mls Pfollfer are vlsll
lnr Mrs. Will Daudt at Washington. D. C.
M Miss Neoml Prltchett retumoT. Tuesday,
from an extended visit to friends at Cen
tralta. Mo. She was ncrompanieii hv Miss
tisonors Hockensmlth. who will make her
a visit.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Thorns. Merteue n.i te
and Mrs. Arthur McCteur of O' Fallon, left
Wednesday morning for an extended
Western irlp. They will visit San Fran
cisco. S-tactle. Portland and St. Paul be
fore returning.
miss ane I'ereau has returned to St.
Louis after spending a week with rela
tives In St. Charles
Mlsa Msrie ohrmann has returned from
a visit to friends at Sedalia.
M. snd Mrs. H. F. Merten snd little son t
uepanra neanesnay tor Minneapolis.
Minn., where they will rrmatn for a few
Mrs. W. F. Bleebaum entertained friends
Wednesday afternoon at her home on
West Jefferson street.
Miss Angle Salland. who was Visiting
friends at S-daHa. has returned.
J. U. Parr returned Tuesday from Ar
eola. III., where he visited a week. Mrs.
Parr and ths children win remain s week
Mrs. John Hendry entertained the Ls
dles AM Society of the First Presbyterian
Church Friday afternoon.
. Mrs. Charles Nagel has been entertain
ing the Misses Fredm snd Lens Muensch
of Augusta.
Doctor K. J. Ellwanger and family sre
spending s week st Keokuk. Is.
Mrs. Edward Allison of Warrenton sad
Miss Josfe cook of Jefferson City sre the
gaestas of Mrs. Doctor Tslnter.
T. I. Burere and wire sre visiting In
Canada. They will as sway for two
Miss Alvens Wsllenbrsck Is spending a
week at New Haven. Mo.
Mlsa Gertrade
Dierker entertained
merMs st her
in west Jefferson
friends, the Misses Eell of Belleville. IIL
Mr. snd Mrs. R. Goebel celebrated the
forty-sixth anniversary nf their marriage
on Wednesday. August K.
Mrs. Cora Tufra or St. Louis Is ths
gsest of her mother. Mrs. Darnell.
Doctor W. J. Stahl is visiting relatives
and friends st Mount Vernon. Ind. He
also expects to visit In Kentucky.
J. H. dossier snd daughter. Miss Marie,
returned Tuesday, after a visit ts Profes
ssr Mark, who taught school In the Lu
theran School here several years ago. and
ts Cttv Treasurer Henry Raebner of Mil
waukee, slss s former citizen of 8.
Captaia Hobson Deliver Lecture
Excelleat Musical Programme.
RETtmuo srrciAL.
Msryvllle. Mo.. Aug. t.-The Maryvills
Chautauqua Assembly opened Its first an
nual programme at Maryvitle. at ZJSi
o clock this afternoon. A large tent has
been put up on a vacant block near the
public square, adjacent to a pretty grove.
Which Is dotted with tents, either occu
pied or ngaffed by those yet to come
from out of town and State during tho
nlno days services of the assembly.
Perry Oliver taindon or the M:irvv-ille
fVinservatory. who Is s graduate of the
Royal Conservatory or Music IJepsbr.
Germany, assisted by Martin Melsler or
ths Msryvllle Conservatory or Mwsie. has
charge of the music programme, and they
have organized a companv cf seventy-five
vocalists. It bring the intention of the as
sembly to make the music ens or the fa
tures In the Chautauqua.
captain Kicnmond rearson Hobson de
livered the first lecture this afternoon, hi
sunject oeing "Americas aiignty Mission.-Thlrty-flve
hundred people greeted his ap
pearance. Ills subject was well treated, snd his
mention or President Roosevelt as tho
peace advocate In the Japanese-Russian
War brought forth an outburst of ap
plause. J. Franklin Caveny gave a talk
this evening.
International Union to Opea
Week's KessHia This Morainjr.
The International Union or Metal Pol
ishers. Buffers, platers. Brass Moldrs snd
Itnss and Silver Workers will be In ses
sion this week gt Druid Hall. Nlrth and
Market streets. The meeting will op--n
to-morrow morning, and It Is expected
that about ? d legates from the United
8tntes will be prewnt.
E. J. Wnch of Boston. Mas, the tn
tcrn.itinn.il president, and James J. Cut
len nf New York City, general secerelary.
have arrived.
Charles Viehmeyert. Aped Cook,
Found Dead in Kansas fiiy.
Kansas City. Mo. Aug 19 No r'latives
or friends of Charles Viehmejert. a rook.
years old. who was found dead In his
room yesterdsv. have been found, tn the
room were found old letters from a
daughter. "Ida." sin lived at No. 7M
Walton avrtiue. St. lamls Ufe Insurance
pnllrle on whlrh premiums were overdue
were also found. He had no money.
Educational Institutions desiring to reach
ths well-to-do cta.ses Invariably adver
tise In The Republic
Slew llllawls Csrpsrallaas.
Springfield. III.. Aug. 1 Certificates of
Incorporation were Issued to-dav by Sec
retary of State Ross as follows:
The Arrerlcsn percheron Rejtstrjr Asrsil-n
cf larsn. rapttal tork. !:".'. to nainta.n
reaisrer lnrarpnrwtcr-John II rVarr.n.
Jchn A lurch .n-1 Stewart M. Il'tierllng
The Issairwn-ToheT tTzar 'Crip.nr 6f Ctit
cagn: capital .. tT.as). icanafacturtig in-corporat'rS-Jnarrh
R. Isurssn. Bar P. Tsbsr
and Russell . Clark.
Ths Acne rtebags Crmtoer an4 Heater
Orapanr of Cktraco. capital Mwk. $;. man
ufsctuHng. InerrpofStor- Flask J. Ilncre.
Altwrt ty.tur sad Jchn SchmMt.
The Olen C aUs"t4 Oanpaar of Chlcaso:
capital work. nW: to manufsctsre hats in-crsorator-liww
J. FSrrasa. Jacob Lerta
aui Josepa F. Urosanaa.
The Wlttl Msanfartartng Ceaspanr of CM
ossj: caeltal tisj.sw. leather K .. laror-porators-nenree
A. Chntton. Wliurl H. Kent
STkI Fred J Wlttl.
Tbe uar.l A441eg Machine (.Vp-ranr f Cbl
caco. capital stock. tSO.KC: rsan'jfaeturliig In
era 1 aisrs-Qerge - haechler. C M. Arm
svroag and A. K. KskB.
The fUTofwt atuttral CTab of r:lr-e-:
social aad niolrtL Incnrrorators llowstd
Stewart, witlaus Fewer snd A. O. D want.
Tbe HeyatMir CJut. nt Cblcac. sonaL IB
eortkiratsrs Mward Morton. Charles tttsl asd
Autre Wood.
The Ansitlarr Ctab cf Cbleaao. social In-
otrpmttrro airs LJUie aatira. Alice
sad Liars Osed.
Tne in
Mlsa Worfs- Matoal AM AwnraWlea
ef aprtsgSsM: fratereal aaa' beaetlclary. - Ib-
ccfporaurs t r awrria. nrt psaiaa ass
Al SSUti
tne luhsva ladastrtal 'trstaate ef T.a4s ct
Cfelraae. sen-rolmt. laenrporsierS W. W.
TsrVir. w-fnam Mcms aui nirJasi Harris.
Tne suasr ;re -esw-err er oatlsn. to
c-airtaia . censnery.
Jae. rxi!T.i Stoat
IlireeBrtr,rs Alet J.
SS4 Wiiitam K Snep-
a. Loss
nations Wanted
of Tas as-
Maas anar a vaMt
anaUs wfcta as
sC sswalcyss.
Great KeM fer Secftil Betteraseat hi the Uplif ting et Waifs What
8arrwa4iavs Oftea Lead Taeai ta Lirca af Ctian Dartar
TlwaMtt J. Baraaraw's Tweatj Yfat' .Wark ia IeMMlea Mia
ieaary AM ia Aawrkaa Cltiea. '
Kw Tsrfc. Aac. M.-TM ssto
SUM tast enaalss Mr.
S.S Sir. IjMbar Sawaawl
fgsta frsst tas astr assert cacti
aeMsktfttl sad asuwisas fsss far at
at a
Dartar Thsasas J. Bsrssra has sp
thesa aaanr vaara t taa wfwie. aad
gw'srv. of ioaoa. ii snail I ism
!P thoma of society M
When tUUh the fee
ers prorlnc gToSnda at
s year or so ago. of all ths amazing things
I saw while there asae sppeshid to sse
mors fOTcefsHy than ths wcis that Mr.
Bwrssnk kad dons to reclaim ths desert
MVL?oa.Teft " ! sestams hades Into
fural mrsWn. and that this was ac-
tBSllr llliairil mm nu null aaikt aMee
"y77B cacius ot ins oramsry desert spc-
""" ".w ns aswiy cvoivea type
growtna aUa ar mU
Tjiere was tbe former protecting Itself
mtmt ran or btuiiiiibt ana aanaercus
ItW ! Mm I. VMn e m
wosdy ssaterisl Slilng them, bringing cer
tain death tn inv .bImI tk7 nleht
JLf,' ,"B opoa tnem. wnus tne otaer.
In striking contrast, presented a thornless
'. ;, psrtlcle being fit for fooil. sv
rrjr d''terlous portion having been entire
ly eUmluated. and luscious fruit was grow
Isg in clusters about It. the Savor ot
which was immeasurably superior to that
or Its untrslned and uncouth couala of ths
arid Plains.
And how tike the cactus fat ths mind et
the Wair of the slums! The inherent aal
Itlro of good sre there within R for ths
making of an uptight and useful life, but
Its environments sre such that sll Its set
ter nature is surrounded by the thorns of
degeneracy, aad unless that child Is taken
hss reached a certain critical
period the most persistent cultivation nn
r the most favorable conditions csaast
reclaim it for its own.
At how tender an ago these deadly proc
"!cs begin to manifest themselves assy
be observed from the fo.lowlng extract
from Doctor Bamardo's own story of how
nv lime iwn IIVIIa MM. rmm m imlvitiv.
house in RatcUff highway that they might
"""s iihs ine or Mast.
. in "fw brief hours sfler I had secured
them they were duly bathed, clad in warm
snd comfortable garments and away wo
". bouss) oi a inrna wno nau
Ef0,?.I!S,, i0.1 . temporary shelter to
my little halms. Her kind snd geotherlr
manner soon mads ths children feel st
hoeae. and they were left alone in a room
while we discussed together what was to
oe done.
-My hostess was eailed away for a mo
ment, but aulckly came back with a look
of horror In her face and signed me to fol
low her. I wtnt to ths room In which ths
children were and through tbe half open
door I h-ard them talk to each ether in a
Way which appalled me. for from those lit
tle apa and apparently guileless tongues
cams a string of expressions one dare not
repeat. My friend said: lt win bo im
possible for me to keep them hre
"Hnterinz- the room with my hostess snd
calling the elder child tn me I said: 'Wtut
It your name, my dearr
"Jane, sir
'Jane, do yon know what you have
been sayingr
"When, slrr
" 'Just now
"Yes. I was ssylng to lizzie'
"And she rapidly repeated in an appar
ently unconscious manner the words that
had so shocked as. I understood at once
how ths matt;r stood. The child had evi
dently no perception of the meaning of the
words she had uttered, but repeated them
psrrotllke. having been used to such Un
gvage only In the degraded horns from
whkh I had Just rescued her.
The above Is not br any means an
Isolated esse, but merely one of hundreds
of others In Doctor Barnardo's experience.
for he has rescued, trained snd placed out
In life over . waifs, and or these
17.sa children havs been sent ts Canada
and other British colonies, and. according
to recent reports, only 1 per cent or tho
tatter hsve turned out badly, a most ex
tiaordlnary lesson to sociology.
This msrvetoss result demonstrates that
Inflaltely more can be done with children
than with plants and weeds, ss well as
how the application or scientific principles
to the training et children will bring from
out the emaciated bodies ami deteriorated
minds physically and morally pe rfect be
ings, and tlie quicker th work! st large
recognizes these realities the quicker will
It take on a new and healthier lease er
Those who uphold tho theory of JDn.t.!,i
heredity often take occasion to deride tlie
tmlm.mm InatiaiiA. ktr tho mtTirtm anefil 111 gst"
claiming d-llnqunts. and point out the
nvmerous ex tmple of the survival of the
unnttest. Doubtless In every such Instsnce
If ths history or the esse we """"
would be fourd that the "! 2
taken too late. for. Just ss Mr. K'Isckw
Canadian Secretary, has said. ''" '
moment In the life or every child when
It mnst turn to a good or to sn evil m.
Often It Is a matter of a little tapre
abuse, a few extra curses, snd the die pi
cast for a career1 of rckles. Indulgenee
nud self-abandonment, while on the outer
hand, a few kind words, a little P""
help, and the current of the young
turned Into a channel of worthy smninon
and nubile service. Even the most j"
praved childhood succumbs easily to W
eradication or the mental handicaps thst
have been rsfted upon It. but when Its
environment is changed there
low In ths scale that It may pot be re
claimed to ts full value. mM
At Hist Doctor Barnardo's Idea wss
simplr to obtain decent homes tor his
charges, and then hs devised snd perfect
ed the more scientific svstetn or training
them In special homes snd along special
ized lines before they we so pisced out.
At the beginning hs tried the ??
of boarding out the wslfs. but ta 1T hs
established hra first home, and having
satisfied himself that his theory waa right,
ho founded s vlllsge for girls at tlforrf. ia
IKS. Tho Soeiete National d'nnconrsas-
ment en Blen of France awardegrvaj
dlDloma and presented a medal to TMB-;
In 1W.. and in 1891 he founded Her
Majesty. Hospital for Sick Waifs. At
th present time he has nlnety-thres
homes under his supervision, snd each Is
In chsrge of a Christian "mother." whs
presides over her brood ss though It were
an ordinary household, and here no young
mind, however thorny It may have grown.
Imt Is stripped of Its rienllng elements In s
true familv lire, where there sre tin
equaled opportunities. In these homes
there are nearly f.os children, snd stl srs
regularly clothed and red. Although the
doctor, vested Income smounts to only
about C.Cr s yesr. yet he slways mswag's
to make both ends meet.
This great work thst hss been carried
on so successfully ts supported entirely by
voluntary contributions and occasionally
a programme Is presented consisting of a
series of object lessons of lh Industries
and pastime. clven. for Instance, tn th
Royal Albert Hall and presided over by
some well-known friend of the doctor's
work among the aalfs ami strays of the
street. 'Jn several occasions that good
and noble man. Ixird Brassey. K. C. B.
o. euplM the chair and the Honorable
Idy Brassey presented the prizes.
On these occasions tho crogrammg Is
begun hv a song service er over a thou
sand children's voices, trained by a master
of mu'le. ard then follows a wonderful
exhibition of child activities in work and
pUy. scenes showing haw the wntfs are
rescued from the slums or darkest Rng
land: how they are trained in life and
work at the slrlr village home; children
that sre resy fcr travel to the colonies
snd other features nowhere e!e to be seen
In ths wide, wide world-and last of all
and most Important is th collection.
It Is the eolVecttr-n thst counts, snd
thousands of pounds are subscribed with
wilting hearts and free hands by tha m
Soentlal and distinguished astrons was M
the hall to overflowing.
Dr. Barnardo's attention .wss Bret dt
r'"1., 2- ,h. polling amount ef
juvenile destitution fa Lsadon when he
was fitting himself ss a sMsstonary ts
China. He was teaching a school for
fr poor children In a squalid suarter
of the dty oee winter, aad on this par
ticular evening, after the lessens weirs
over, a street arab sagged ts be permit
ted to retscaln within the rest of tas nhjat.
Th ycung medical stadest fesnd thst ths
boy was destitute. Asked S? hs kasw sf
ether boys who were homeless like him
self be wss Informed that there wers
"': swrea I csald esuat."
Attar a hot ssjdalffat ranch the key lad
th way ts a place Where eleven stfter
tads wers sleeping m.tae open, their rag-
aya pomes rviecuav tnem poorty
tk- rresty air.
A farther search throosh ths cits
made and many others were found as
badly off. steeping in hallways, la cIMrs.
In empty carts gad ta goods boses. Tkess
friatrtfoi revelations ctoaaed ths ystiaa
dsetoTs desire ts ss ts tas. ami S
forthwith began the mighty work s sav
ing the pRlsMs waifs, aad as Is staTsc
d tas aid f
psasnthrsststs. and sssn a smalt hoass
and anMIS-Jr SSPsf S22
lH SOI !&! iwffi.g
ami from this aaeiens was grown iff
f?atllSrtr esrkm esssSmsJ asarw
hra ksnared sraarat sssldmW tisms-
sikse.as2!J11. '- I-sioa. ths
krs betag to Jersey, m ths Saatlma.
cssaties. la Bcotlaad sad ta Canada.
& SliS2?1weft,Swl-f lk "sctsra
o?tarse ibfon "til? -flllomeraUoa
and it was these eendttln.wOBfC!W:
Each separate cottage constitutes s sewT"
nine family circle, having hV owVL52l
Sort?1 H- iS-lLL,,d r fcSS
work, its cookins; sad wasntaa.
with ail the other nmnlfSdduUes?wails
Lit?' "? ot lh ""other" iTthrowa
"und each poor Uttle mite of humanity
lkS.lil,J ta"5 "t retaedCarkZ
IK10 vm!101 nd Mty communion
ImlMrr. mnht rtTt'
The fa'mMy ides Is further carrle
hSgJloeSWWr'B -ft-SlsW
the other and older girls for trretv ilseSi
o. U,I2.-",t " Mhyomar
ways have endesred them to sll- then
there are the older girtsT who witha
gravity, betokening th?lr yeaTs haVe al
lotte.. to them the care of some of thetr
younger sisters: and as the whole nf the
housework Is divided among the rsmllr i
sccorvllng to the sges snd sties of the oe- r
-upants. there sre Just such feeUagVcal
tlvated and such s round of dsily exseri
ences met with ss would be the case m
?. .""; v """" ausssis rarairy riiimis la
-TJ!? J"uUv of D"f,'- Barnardo's life
work has shown that ths training of
-"K. BUI55rr t children collected to
gether under one roof-L e. Institattonal
Ism Is not to be commended, for Its great
est tendency Is to destroy their tadlvMa
sllty aad retard ths growth of charas-
The greatest wrong that ts done tha
boy"'wW.,2rtbe.,,,,'3r arl B"ly derelicts
or whether they sre delinquents, la t
shut them op with men ss their sol
overseers smk where they may never sea
the facs o hear the gentle voice of a
woman, snd It is tfils infamous depriva
tion that every State snd every city that
has the welfare of Its cltlaess at heart
should rectify at sacs.
Obviously, this Is ths reason that a
much larger proportion of the London
wslfs reared In ths country homes of the
working classes of England tarn out bet
ter than those sf our own institutions.
True, the children of the institutions of
to-day sre Immeasurably better off than
they wers thirty er forty yesrs ago. when
men and women paupers ef ttrrr age and
destitute boys snd girls wers placcA to
gether In workhouses.
It has been shown thst the children nf
ths workhouses were neither ss physical
ly st-ong. mentsRy apt aor ihu malty good
as thoss of the poorest working classes
of England, snd it Is slsn s well-known
fact that such environments tend to a
large extent to develop pauperism and
criminality ia ths children sent to such
The solution was to Isolate them frees
the schrlts. and this has been extensively
done, but tn turn It hss given rise ts tarts
sectarian Institutes. It H only a smsttaw,
or time, however, until these mast yW
up the ghost In favor of the more modern
method of child culture, where ths Indl
vktnal care ot a sympsthette Christian
woman takes the place or ths machine
made Instruction sf kws-fseed and black
robed men. ... ...
This Is the scientific snd natural plan
and. just ss Mr. Burhsnk utilises selection
or the choosing out or such plants ss sre.
best for virility, for fecundity, for bestjty
or for resistance to dlsesse. so Doctor
Bsrnan'-o develops tn the child ths ener
gy, native wit and common sense by
process of selection which. In this csje.
..- Mt m ! that Aft ollt OT hlS SS.OSS
children would b selected snd sll the rest
that were found wanting wsuM bsJarneji
st the stake, as In the esse of " ylc,1,-
tural experiment or ptojucw - -;
btsebberry." but thet-epsrafionef the
chlldren Into small groups i with whom tha
tescher or nurse k brought Into Pfsonal
relationship, aa sgalnst the bundreds of
little lives bunched up Into a compact ana
"Tbers se"tbee whs bellsve that all ths
fslllngs ef frail humanity are duftolred-ltarylnff'-icr".
snd sre therefore '
to stsnd htly by While the child goes to Its
dThsUUw'wh!ch that like prodJces
like may be true tn so tar as e Physiolog
ical structure Is concerned "i iHTIon
no such law governing the transmission
of peculiarities of the mind.
TVls may seem Wke rank heresy bit
there sre times when one must give up
old-fashioned notions based on a few Iso
lated cases and accept tbe results of those
based on many thsussnus.
He Snes Interstate Grover Pub
lishers for Allef;ed Libel.
Robert E. le'-e Sled suit In the Circuit
Court vesterday. sgalnst the Grocers
Journal" Company, publishers of the -terstate
Orocer. eorge J. Schulte. presi
dent of the conrp.iny. James V. Ande
'Son. vice-president. Anton Schulte. Mrs.
Mary Schulte. Rosie Kellz. Harry B.
Kelts and K. Fl Sehntpp. for . dama
ges, for alleged libel.
Articles said to have been published In
the Interstate Grotcr August i snd 13
Isst. arc responsible for his action.
The sction grows out of a long contest
between stockholders of the company ror
Its control. le and his frlen-ls formerly
had charge of th company, but the Schul
te Interests gslned the sscendeney.
Circuit Judge McDonald has modified ! a,
decree. In a suit by 0orge bulte and
his mother. Mrs Mary Schulte. ts hsve
the I.ee side restrained from eserdrtna;
authority. The decision wss sgsinst tha
Lees, tut the amended decree recites that
tbe finding is without tVW
etaim of li.5. and shall wjg any
suit that may be brought seeking to re
cover on th claim.
Wsrkrs ta la
.tiirkiir.n n. made tn tlie Circuit
Court vesterday for a pro fornva dectea
of Incorporation for the brewery Workers
Association f Missouri Joseph KneU Is
president. Gottlieb M.hn vice president.
August Friesterbacb. secretary and J. II.
RoenTeldt treasurer. Tlie purposes Sre i
promote social Intercourse of the mem
bers, establish s gymnasium, library, buf
fet and restaurant.
About Bracelets
At-cOT-Hac ts ear castas. kasw
aaTst asd srtlstle Tts la Jesrehy.
asTtag esatiUt atfsatloa tats mv
ea f iMSs-slets. whlck are to
sxtrssgeiT ssyastr taJs faM.
W saw fegfe fsasfjr PeTMoes. Am
sthvats. Jaa aad Pssris rmMaeif,
Crsgoaarass. mmMaew with Orl
cataj starodasa. la kearr. ckassij
aesi "BrSwatlBss; 8wtwatsr aa-ro-aara
la taa4-wrsitskt gold srt
tlaas. sir.
X. st W srisl
at 1 a'csscfc ata BsnaaTsflsaa asafl S aw
cgsmanaa ta Has
SmnSSTsaasBsfrnrVp I
-"iC '
- - .W" v fA-1 i I

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