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-'2-?Pyite " " ''. r . " "J VV-fet it THE ST. LOUI8 BE "x"sslSSBS ; public: tto -""- - r. . 1 IT- -, qr - . &- feis KJ' - . . - " 7" T " e- I . CANOEING ON THE MERAMEC iil !g WALTER FlEHElt AN1 LiOCTOU VH.7EK BLJUH Shooting th rar'ds at VIIfy Park. Wafpr Dogn f St. Iuis Find flealth and IMrasun,- Shooting Rapids and Paddling in Placid Pools. v.'Uittun rrm trb suxdat r.tti'mzc. Kriji a frw rlnty c.iuw Jn th 5Ir.imj i::vr cmwrt bv 1:idlvlluaH who hrboJ"! ' .m alniiK ths lrim for rn-:rrmlv pur j han nn-wn th Jlfrainw; Cunoo "lull. lili jnir than 19tf members, atxl -jt and omnr of one of th prettiest i imtry rluhhouK-s uroiaid St. Iml. lpir ati.l 3?m 4ts unoniic a 'avortl paxlJm of th? l-r-n.lar.t ; tlwt sirly Kr!ticJi sMtir tf. ji.i.Mi.r nj the iikt Wnty or twenty-five ii.'It-.i a. float ;xti with th csrr-iit. TI.e simu.-nirnt f'ind many 3!T,tSi until JIiom? nutsl in iTtM in !!i nrt ortaiil:'! a trntHtlve anw awlnlloii. I.Ike otlifr one i! Tiwl nports. canotiiK ji:t grown hwj;ly in fvor tintll now It l"il nil otfio'r aquatic ntIm- about St I.ouls !n the iinttttier of anl dnvotion of lt fullotvors rajKinc on tlus Memintc ol a big ntlmulu whfti ICuceno Joncr and his .fam ily timvefl to Hherinan. a town on th rl-er Mr. Jon-v's Uaujthtcrs. on- of whom I now Mr. J.imM Ilaniioti. wru iiccui "rnirt to entertain ranilt.n ;.rtI.'S at their fathe-i-n home. Krom the .social Bthrlnc the iernt canoe club uvel- Dlsaster evertook tha Infant nmnlra- lon when fire destroyed the lubhouoe on 1ba south bank of tho river at Vallj-r Park ami burcM thirty cano.i aliout a r ao. Vlth tlm KK.itan-e of ilr. James Ilarriaon and othi-r leadlnc p!rlts f tl: o!4 canoe club, twenty acre of farm land wt Iead Just west of Val 1T I"rk Tlir property lias a cozv I!t'l rlubhouee r-Hted on a hill leading up from the rxMihouae. Considerable expena was undereona to SMJta tha clulihotn? end tha hoathous a proper recreation place for the club mew Ir and their friend. Tli hman was nttrely rettodeted. tha ten room h-:nR furnished Jn old '"oior.lnl etyla. Two rooms ra ant aalda for wonten. It la a favorite pastime of tha members f tha sawsclatlon. most of whom reside tn St. luls. to run out ta Valley Park n a Saturday afternoon, put Uielr canon aboard a train and go up the river twenty r imriv tiuiw. i iiry iu aions; loot and tentlmc apparatus, ramp at tha w:i ter ede durltis; the night and flout doati In the daytime. UTist maJses tht nport ecltlur Is the presence of a aetles of raplils six or eight hnjr title from th -lutth'Mise. Above the rapldn Is a bavlti. alilch ! tha favorite spot for swlmmlntf. Another favorite starting point Is llar Ithaira Spur, located Just below the laclt1c rapid. In ths upfer basin four deaths have occurred durinff tha la.t eleven -ars. but nons in thi rapid or river proper Cluh members say that two of the deaths were raueed by ht prtra- tion. An interestinc diversion Is tn prrtc- tlce of tha sood swimmers in takini; their TO MATCH Fl GREAT TROTTERS A. W. MKswnduneT of New York Proposrs to Send Tiverton Agaiast Loti Dillon. Sweet Marie and Blajor Delmar for 910,000. linvsni of Ihtfit harnev rrjnc nr nw-alt-tag wtth anxiety the result of the offer of A. t. MiOwalhmev of New- York to aatch Tlrarton. S.-Ot'H. aaralnt Ijnii Inllnn. 14BU: Major Delmar. IZS. and Sti Mhrle. :.-0V for r.v.M a comer. If the i hallspjrn ts acoepteil, th purse wilt 1-. worth J)sa.a) to the i-mt of the wlnnini: herae, aa a FK.flsa purse U almost certain UR OR. GHAS. A. DUFFS CURES ajus aTti wertr m cask BF-rAr: tiikv re -o-ri.KTK A3VOTHKMB XO roaMBI.C CHUVE OF THE llr.K RVKM SCTIKMMi. "To cure any diseaso Is to Wot out every symptom, rrsiorc the patient to pe?rfvt hoalth in every way that the disease has affected so that not a tea will r recur durinr; life." Chaa A. Duff. M D BTibh K ' H i-i-i-i-M-.'r-H P T " ' f "BaSBBBBBB HfA'1 e- ..-jH HHHHHEHHHt mHHH BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKBraBL HHH l "'MSBBBa-l i-i-i-i-i-i-H-j-i-H HllllBrSBLBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB! CM. A. fFT. W. B. OR NO CHARGE- - aa - . - SMtaeaateea ta hjHVs at ttase r a n elite rare ta aivea. Jy aatleats av every aeuar aal far wnfcti letaraew aa that the eVaeaae will uf9r a aaaarssi ataaataa e tmr bbt aataans tsslafsllal Mi aawt tay wnai ass eace. Tertusre always nvade t suit the convergence .if anyone apply Ing for i treatment, aad very reasonable charges r, rnjt jrrat elsewhere until you have i Investigated my methods and terms. OIRve nouns during week, i a. m, to t xv. .: Bansri- tl. I " " . cA. a. orrr. .. ftn-a. m. m. . Saroa4 Floer. Pirectlr Oppoaite Su:h side of lost OSee. sW Qe&d2stYsfiSlBKvEmfltfilmm suflufl :. :V eV If .t rt. eanoea two or three niilfs up the river, l-e-low the hig rap!!. anl simi;tis or Hvit ln down tvllh lli- crnft. Th-! liver i:i thts locality 's rfe-p :irid fre.. liom rorkr. SI'JIItKR CU- KOI.I.OUKKS. It it within the last tle y:n that ci r'inc h.t clalnii u--h :t larpt iiuni!er of followers. Iioctor Vilrsy P HLilr. one of the niovli- pirils in tli Merat!i Ct noe lub. -xs that i'.miwni! tijyl hut slight favor up to foiir y-iirs hk. Now there :ire )mnilrel., of ciinii rutinini; up and down th nv.r from Meramvc lllssh latids. TtK-re ar snvnl cam owners 1 the nrlitliliorhiKkl -f Mermneo Iliith- to he offered for tlie event. The match. If arnuisi-d. will be the most important In the hi-tori, of trottiiiir. ani will hrins to Kither the four grejiet trotting hor.' now before the public The ch.illenKe le t'ie ouScotue of the r.icc at It-a-lville iw-jw-t'ii Tiverton mid Seet .Marie, wh.fh was won by the !jttr. In the iirFt nie.tine Huwm tli"-e two crack tamiiSst:en at 1'hil.nIelphiM Tiverton won ( eiJIy in slow time. The .. c ond m,etinc took t'jce t ll-Mdville. Ma-s.. when Sweet .Mane turned the ta Mes.ntid won in remarkatly fatTimc. The tikttcli w:i. two in three" Tler!n won tlie tlrt b half a Irr.sth in r'.1- which w-as the f-otcft time of the vcar Swiet Murie i, the Hecond heat by a neck in :-3. reducinc Tiverton's time t!.re-quarrer f a eewiml a'ld Ins hr own 1-ost tune. Tlie third and de ciding heat wa I'lfo woh bv Sweet .Marl" in rtV. In thl hent Tiverton tu lcatcn at th- half mile. and. Hlthotnch Howell t'U?hed the stini" m of .alllt. lie was unequal to the effort, ar iv-rt Marie cniK uirler tlie wire an eaSy w.'nue: ImmedUteiv after the rice. A. P.. Mc- wvthmev. tlie owner of Tiv rton. a!d hl liors-"was not in condition and l.uil the t WIHUm Cat lind. the owner of Saert K. fl. Blllinias :ho owm-r Marie, and C of 1j:i Dillon e are ee ntao- asea asiSerlaa: kreale 1lle aUaeaaes. asd the greater ssraber f Iheae victims are till ssere nafnrtaaate la treaties; with dvetnrs who kM slr ftragk ta ira daee tesaperary reesilts. r a falae eare. If they ri'f 4 la heaegilaa; the aaSer ee at all. There Is aa nrk thlaa; as a partial rare a iltseaae. aad the ah atetaa whose asrtbsd dees aet eradli ate every etia:e eaaaat rightly elalss ge asaee thaa relieve. By Felvle Wetaada laaaf every aiaa a urattt CWE FN EITia ri.4M)D rtnso.v. skix wiskasix. SOK. tl."KKS. STKHTtTRR. XKKVOIS ami SKXt'A!. UECIJXK. -U1KT MAXHtMHV I'lLKS. FLSIT L.. RlITl TF- HYWUWKLE aad DISKASRS of the KIDXKY8. BLAEW nvR tvn tRTai-r tk - SpertaUet la f - reraad anari la a a led. aad ahsslatlr aa tM ee reeeKe aa last tara aa aetr eattre aatlaCi a aaasrieat evtaeaee ta aaysai that I tkat ta mi rllle- laie Iwith at ..e. . k a-s-..- I faBSBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB I TaaBM- c!PkBSBSSBBSaaaaSacaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB lSSMbl ' BsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbS IsL' f i BsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbS PSxpss i assssa)BBsasssSBaSaasjsssasasisaasxsassaaaaaakL.J!-l JMmmABfttjalftKtKttKKKKBM BBBBBBaV' SaBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSBBBBBBBBBBBBl B SBBBBBBV'' ' 'JaBBBaaBBBBBBBBQsSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBl SbIbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS BB&USJC&BjMaBBsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBv'Jk BSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV Hl a1BBBB""BHHPCkMPHHQBl ' 'HV''''P'TBbBsbbbbbbbbbsbBsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB M,.,,; -aasaas5sB5SC--Mwjt;v,4 ; " leSV -ffCi. Vr-"- ''rssssaaaBilBaaBsaaaaaaaaaPWsHslsPBHsaBsPs r---; ?''. ffH.i"--" yr'!J x.i.J i :-.' T LVaaSBBBBBBBBBBBSBfiBBBBasJruESBaBBBalBs saP? - 'vStf-w x. ;-- - I "flr"1 ' . -.v .. ,v:--.:r?Sf - .AMBBNVPBsrsBBHHKUaBpH BamC- r si fr h "is-'. z m - 1B - ?' TX - vw.?.. . . - m . aT'asssssssssssmssssiassssssssssssssssai BBDar" aBaVaVh!! -tCV'-E t JT!-' S . . - S I JBaBBXw r ) -VSBm-MaBBiSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWBMBH ?: . -, .lU .jB"B HBll T ft 'rfitr- '.A . -'1J. ? rlAaSaaBBBKWl9BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWR W- '- SBBBBBBBBBBB9sBKS3SB-JrBslBSBH-BBr - - ' - .BBbV VjjBBBBBBBBBBBaC5!Hil?aBBBBBBBBBB fexl V. BsBBBBBBBBBBBBBbKBBBbSbBBBBBbTBsbV'' '" - ' " -f-u . 'r---HBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBE25' BBBt' v.-.BbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB --.; ''-JjBBfcAVjiSJrEJJfBPr BBSSe . .3 T SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1V i -' - SSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBE:viXv' -'MyBSBBEJvA.lCS9BJBBB BSJ- . ' ' ' BBBBBBBBBBBBB(y. - JBBBBBBakr:,';cr Br " BBbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsbW eTTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCy--. ,a?i' j??? f.JSjreJ ?a aiSBBl EjE; .S" BaBaBB79BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT "tSBHR'!I(?7'?? 2sVT53ji'HBBlisBBBi v. :5""r lfiL '-""BBBeBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBai ' "- - r -jx i'BaBSREEri:if3a9'!lKxaBBBBJ t' "-i. J!T 'SaSsS!ff'VBBBBBBVaBBBB "'"' v?t. ."-Vs " V BBBHSBai&ah "TVSwHFxiSlMB 1 7 "" ""!"" " -' aJr-4sBB$Bv' '' " e3- -- yWJ J" ", 4v."J'-J?-- - , 1 -Vjlaffifefvffi JsHmIEbsbbbbbbb If" vM. v -V :sVMBBBBBBBteaBBB ;-sj!Hf,-4-a'- 'vii'i,; .". ' iTV4r??;j;2HB bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbksbbbbbbbbbbbbbbksbvJsbbbbbbksbbbbssbb wraa las la- Trrar FaaK J. A. KKI.LY. OWT.NXE EVANS. DOCTOR BLAIR. WALTER F1SCHKL AN1 lund ! rnt lhrir rmfl out by the hour. Any afternoon hundreiis of"lh"s" littl cntfi m.i;." t.: s"n vkimmiui; over the piari.l Ivtuii of tl- beautiful river. I.'n for-t: "ttml every mstius Ste;it jihail RS llWr the WJlter. The river make. two or three Israe. Krucrful l-.-nda at tills o!nt. nd it is a favo lie i.iare for lb- hundreds of can" tu a'emliti !n the t-:ltr weather. Many of the nr"" are slxt-n and iventcen ftet luui;. and can esfily accomm'Vi.ite t!ir- or four persons. The majority of thrni. honever. can only accommKlate two. Iteyptid tlw private brushes of the rlub and Major IMmar. to match the four trotter. for Jl.o a corner. The !! cre ated a iciisjtlon in the trotting worl.J. and t. . - .1.. .. ..V....l ... 1... lilo .1.. !.!. .li..Mlil.ll Ji oei"i i zBi.F.t inn ... , Mre tt ctit'-iimmalf: the match by drpte-it- im: ..heck tor ll'MM). At th third m"''tlnjr Mnii TiVrrton ami Swe.-t JUrie. which wvtitr.-d at ituf falo laft week. Tierton won two out of three heat!" in elow time. Sweet Marie, i.reakinc Iwdly in the tlrt aftr lielng in the Uad. The ?rop:c match would it trait fol lowers of tli trottln? turf from all trt of the country, who would he rewuidcd by witn".-ir.K what should be the cr-ai-t rate evr decided. The outcome of- such a match u shrouded in doubt. That l.ou Dillon"" record i wvcral e-rti;.l betfr than Hlhcr Tiverton or Fweet Iatle. and one and a o,uartr M-condi faster tliu Major Iel3iar. doe not mean that tt." l-erc- rju'cu is able to defeat them. In urli a match Mr I lilttujc would hve two ftrinty to hl liw. ami if one ot hi :liam pions falleil. th. othr micht prove siii' crfu! Hi it h have shown much of th-'ir old-time form this faon. l-u Ii:llii. lricn bv Mr Hilline trotte.1 two i-.ti-jecutlxe heats in ;?:. while" Malar IMmar. on th" Mime dav. wei.t a mile in :?!. The nr.'t half or the Vjjor" covril in 1 . -howinc the mile w.l chfcir.plon Ceidlns to lw. ntt a. fai as cvr - -- iiuten:ent-i tr rd at Mem- J Mr. Hillings has made ami wr.d lil fanoti'. pair for rec rhi and ihicaa :t the mal'.nee rare At ir.e track he will drive Malor Ivimar ani Harrv K. IfevctcMur; will be -h-hlnd ! cr th- driver. tcn( and .Mst.e. Mr. ItilllMCs i a lirni ilcvctee cf th trnttlne turf, and r.tnf . ff.l..e.e le. ...i.lnml?i.te' 'tee I ' t t3l-I- f fa-n hcr-ii that vo. ever I l.rrrt Tive.Hr If h fesTs !l wotil.1 he ! j to the ir.t.r. ?t of the ;-:rt. It i U'lievcl he iviili nt hesitate to accent Mr Sic- ;athmey s defi. Sweet Marie o a California mare and J cwne.1 by William Garland of l's Ane I tc. I-i-l venr li -t.trted in thtrte. n iafc. partir.tiated n fnrty-on beats and 3n twenty-en. Shv eqiii'e,! th ctld' for a mare In a race. ;r1i. and ejtdbtihe,i four othr r.-or.Js. She l acknoleJced to-be one of tho areatest racinK -are that vr followed the Grand Circuit. Her work this year has been conSr.M to three matches with Tlver tcri. Tiverton made a remarkalde rec ord lst vear at Cincinnati. Ieslngton. and Hartford, and establi-hed a reput.i U"il oi of the bet trotters In the country We defeated Sweet Marie in I.exlnjrton in ZrC and 2.tMj. the latter tlvlrat him hi race rcccrrt 4-EYED FISH FROM BERMUDA. Queer Memliers of Plnsr Tribe Are Rehired ia Xew York. RErrBTrc pr-uu Sew York. Acr. H). TSe Quebec Ina neatner Krraujian. from Berrmrla. brourtt the third shtpasent of nsh collect ed ty Professor Bristol for the New York Aqvarluro. There . were ia all fourteen tacks of tropical Ssh. cctrtprUlne; nearly sjwctnvr.ts. Thev laciale acgei nsh. four vari'tles of the parrot fish, blue tocg. stirgeoa ash. sergeant sasjere and four eyd fish. Others were hutterOs, apotted and green ssorars. afu9msaan win onag another eaip- teat aa her peat trfe i teat I.ou) IHIIt.n. and at th- other t! driver. ""i an-.aieur. are not l'ntalns liest will chait-c hrc. After tliese twn raeet- irlnt-rj- All the arcat Urttlrih sprinters ItiiSf thr .r.cucerie-i;s ot the two rham- I ir" profcrlona!a and are ver" much fast- I J, A SPLENDID PASTIME OF PIONEERS, REVIVED j i - " . -5 -1 ' ' - . . ., meBBBBBS. laiifif -- HflJU Eai E- 5t9 BSKaif"5fclKl"Sa2HBPI t members1 thre las hern llltls or no canoe rac'r.e on tl-.e Meranm. It frequently Ivtp-Irf-ns thai "vi-rsl f tin' sKliltul o-iiio?i-t" ararnne little mstehe.i whb.-h nre wiud iv ;mticeiore l." KMiirfs. An-het lMuvIa.. Willirii Hoyd nul other prom inent mombt" of the clulj. JVime time :; Hmolst !urton i.nd ';her arratiRi a re gatta. The arrangements were practical ly compjeted for matches1 between tlie fast riieii of the club for i!e club champioti hhlp and other match for club trophies, when Mr. "attr.n' father died, ami the resattn was poitnon-l until later in the f:ill Th r-hnnces nre that a aeries of closely i-ontcrtail matches will be putted I ENGLISH EXCEL III ATHLETICS StntiKtii-n Prore Tliat Oatile of Sprint itip. Itoxinc Wretliii. llam - Itiilinc and Trot tin;; Americana Are Inferior to Brit on. wp.rrn:.v Kort i:i:i'i"nu He..'.ius AnerbMi, yachts h.lV" alw:ivs Hntlsh cup challencfis. American pi'i-ili-t hae liee, .uccrsfii in m-MInK witli llritUh ttehters. and Jockey- tauaht Kntons .orr.ethln.t aNnu ritllns hor-. Americans have l - p-nne to aitnie u tone of s"n- ..,'"'" ; .... J-4-..1 iiii suje-noriiy .iver r-ngilshnien which I:i ineasan. t them, ,,u- "irco justttle.1 by th fa'.t. i ii.iuKii itiny ani some oter Amerl raiu have t.-.ten many of the Ih-ss Ilrlt- ?' amateur jinnters. it Is well known "i Wear's day In loaK-distance running events the E:iRi:h asily holds the p.i;m. In the jimp the Irlsii cleanly lead the Amer icans. There in j.,, juniper In America equal to I'fmiscr. In the walks, an event rarely .s-n on Am-rican meetincs. the KigUsh nwl. Many Kn?Iihnien can walk a mil around mln'tf. fjlr h-el and tot. In the Stock walks., wherein clerks and brokers participate with slisht training, they hav walked tlfty miles in twelve hours, an avcr.uw of over four miles an hour. Many ulrta take pirt in thes.- walks and roanagv to kci-p u with the men. At Ucro-e a game invented by Amer ican Indian, the English excel Amer icans. M-nchster Cnlversltj' cuuld. oa form, easily beat any American or Cana dian lacrosse tam. Thouah Travis did beat all the Britons a: goli. a ter.-nnui team of Americans would scare- l-eat ten Iislishmen. If American prof.rwionaie and anuiteurB met English professional and amateurs they would be awantped. In tennis the English hold' the palm. Americans Inst to thetn at home and a!. road. MIm Mar Hottnn of Paaailena, Cat., who won tjie Kritish championship aa an American, la English born and reared, though at present a native of the United States and a graduate of Cali fornia court. In polo England always had. and still hss. a walkover. Same way In swimming. America has one good ehort-dlstance swimmer. C. M. Daniels, but he wouM have no chance over a distance. Eagiirh and Australltn twlmnvers hold all records aave two short ones held by Americana. In water polo it seems that America la outclassed. There are mar games played tn one month arooad Manchester thaa are played tn all America in two years. in rowing cagiaaa aaa oeea invanaaiy sscceeruL. thoisxh aha bad the adraataga of being: at a s5SivS FKEU SCHLAFLT STARTING A OKL'ISE. ofT later in the season. TtMtw H BJBch friendly tivalry between th experienced members and some of the youisrer element and the reyattn pom to be the only solu tion of lie difficulty. a pRirrrv eLVUHorra. Just above tlie cluhhous rapids a littla brook comes bubbllns down over m. stony bcfj to ioin the brimminz rirer. About a hundred yards from the point of Its con fluence the stream runs Into a shallow. lirownlv-B'.eamina; estuary. It Is at the l:nd of this estuary. Just above tha Mis souri lacino Railway bridge, that tha Merntnec Canoe Club haa built Its boat- VThen It cornea down ta lrletj rrt and numliera f men aasaged m m no country eotuils England, when fov tiitutiiiB. shooting. iu:lt. arrhery. Ki.Imlntnn lives, howls, coursing, whlppet Inc. fo.r.Uil matches, hockey matches, cross-country running, chicken fighting. h'g ftchtinp. rabbit coursing and rat kill Ins are regarded. American ta not la It. Aa ll;pe sjHrts are fcllv established In Eng land, and each lias a Urge following. AMERICANS SUPKEME IX TROTTIXO. America excels In Jockeys, hot not It horsen. American boxers have tha world beaten. American yacht builders outde icn the Itritons. yet a Scotch aklpper h.ui sailed of America's aticcessfal cup defend rr. in brred-rs of sporting, and other doga Ettstlaii.l excels the world. In one great particular America loses Erigland. That Is In trotting horses. English roadstera and trotters have no chanca wtth the American article. The trotter was devel oped and produced in this country and ts cKerlv American, something which can not te- shM of the running horse. EriKlish and American football rules vary too much to nvke a comparison rrotltable. i:ngl!sh association is eltghtly plavetl in America. In cricket England ! would have a walk-over: In baseball I America would win the game way. In skatlnr and Ice hockey the Brttlen wo;;ld not have a chnnce. )ere la aa , other line in which Americans run from them. In tine and shotgun shooting Americana ar away superior to Englishmen. In hammer-throwing, weights, dlscua. 'tc. the Irih excel both Americans and I.nicils.'i. and Americans probanlv excel the Enclish. It Is doubtful If anr Irish or EnlHlmn can excel Plaw and Rose In shot-putting and hammer-throwing to dy. While it may b tsken that, In boxing and wtcstlltie. both amate'tr sjnd profes sional. Americans excel also In riding of nice horses ar.d sp"eUng of trotters, shootinr and Milling of yachts, it i really doubtful that ratlves of tiie ITnlted States have the lirltons bested In anv othr line of ntlib-tl- or rranjy sport wherein both nation meet on even terms. In running hyoi;d vardr they have It on u. In Isintr-ing the Irish take the nlums. Wolk Inv is nl-o tn England. Th Irish will come rrettv c'se to beating area Rose end I'lnw In the weights. In swimming and rowing th Britons are away supe rior In yachting and shooting tha Americans have the l,est of It. )n the whole the British excel Amer icans In two spr.rts to one. in variety of sports and ittention paid to them they ;cad the wcrld. As lonr as Americans can produce men to lick them In the prise rinr r-nd the battlefield, which, after ail. are the sur-remest test of manly suoerior Itv. the chances are that they will he sat-I-fiM to run secend In a ntanber of other things. raat Trata RFPTTBtJC PBCIAZe Phlladelphlt. Ana. . Ralph Baakle fleTd. the 13-rear-old boy who was brought down from Ashland Pa.. In record thaa. so thit lie mlsht undrco an operation at the University Hospital for appendicitis, is reported to be doing well. The train reached the Reading Terminal shortly after rton aad a walthar aaiba fance took the boy to the hospital, where the operation waa immediately performed. Doctor camett fnifuiiued It and has ev ery hope of the hoy's lecosery. Had tha operation been delayed a fear hears death wobm nave oeea W w linnM tet tfanJk k iaVtsaiBBana Mttla Ina surrounded by luaartaat faHaya. It conaista of two dHoaec aaara TheUrjt'rcontataathacanoea. tank rank upon their racks, aesaatg-wtra in all, Bieamlng In rata and red and wMta Ml 1 mm ntiefa ' ta taa 4&t- otees of the paddle. Ta jssiswsr - i. i m tit laekaea oWsi faaad- ro"v" Trr'?:3. imi meiup"7i. won- . -t r.rr .ilea and the aeantr attlra WBlck tha ar dent canoeist deeraa aapfaariaxa ta am private paatisse. . A duriry attimf. -ha aaawera ta tfca SWIMMERS ADOPT THE CRAWL STROKE DidcoTered br OatHI. aa Asstra liaa. It Is Now Use im Bpriats tke World Orer Experts Make Good Tfcae With It. arf m tiB eata season, one must Include tha crawl to his stroses. ji is not enuugn. u nuwwii desired, to be content only wtth tha breast . i . j mL. ! . V. V.e.1 Il-ron's InvenUoa: tha overhead or tha trudseon. One must now possess the crawl, which has spread from Australia, .k... - e .. 1 ! V Allup ftillB iiw fiusav ts mo sss" " wmM-r types of saotloa. throughoot tha athleUc "i?! - . . .. . - JK I 1OT Rii-eUUn t BB 9- - -" a . - v ! DmcjzBi ma nm mmn wv w-i -- -aavaaa hait. ousted ttora rT--lneno tt-JBaa who floats. ridlDK th trtmMtm Vkm a slaeplnc turtle or a lo. Tbo Bot mpT I. ..r a tviasastlnn WRllaa 1bB la m. BThiriWtnd Of motlOB. dBe is its isisa hsa aw to the crawl. Still, they have tpodM m. aaaiiaisi luuucia uvvs wwa s - tation. in a styie mey term a sess ion. Yet by mo-lng their tags they spoil the efflriency cf the crawl- The crawl ts essentially an ana swim. Tha toga hare to be absolutely rigid. In tha crawl tha hands propel tha body with a half-arm stroke that suggests an Inverted overhand stroke, the hands being pulled In and down. Instead of with tha usual sweep. John C Meyers, a St. tools ewlmm er. has given the following descrtpttaa of tha ClThe crawl is a tnodWeatloa of the trudgeon. The swimmer Ilea nat on his stomach and doea not roll at aa. H bnathes every third or fourth stroke by a slight twist of his head. Tha arms are bent slightly at the elbows aad a reach out aa ta the trudgeoa. .aad Jn the heteht of ones ,,2Jfei JS brought down smartly until trejeaaats aloncslde. The strokes jaaaabe taaen rapidly. The legs are held rigidly, with foot bent back and are moved "J down alternately ami eJ'-": time with the opposite ana and stroking the water with the Instep. Tha discovery ofthe 21b? CavM was the rjsttf t aaiscosient. Turns CvUl and Syd Davla eatetaa a Sch. As a "Srtoed S? Joe? ia't'ors bywmWrraf?am 3 SS wS oSsnded. ia whieh OtvHl waa CavBL bat. Btraaga ta say. Davia hsat tusa in this event.- MM . CavUl after tha event adsgeedthaen ml sad has assd it ever sJlgll It In thal-ysrd eha-asasahtps ts Aw trauTaad: walla he dM not win. ha mafe iuck exceSent sgarts that be coa-laced the oalookers that ha had at last at tained the Meal strobe far a abort barst Ox savaa. w isv a"i w " im-Hi adoated tha erawL GavBi 13- nwdaced tha straba ta KBaaaada base I swimmers, but R hi BajlA.mS BE sHr?e?3 r.rs3JW?Tt&iA life ! ..'Vj-J5,Hfi t i efts' j'as'"W'5l gan&SS. s bJs-i1bTH CaBoe Club, Located Near Valley Park, Has Over Oae Haadred ActiTe Members Wao VMt tke River Weeklj. 1 name af llsk fat alaa-a am ta beltt me Sahara earrr then- i siima dowa tha wooden tncliaa to the Soathvr Taen. ae&duc Mi paddle, th nata Idly down the stream th er breeaa cejitlr Duahina aakie tha leavea af the orerhancln- traea to let tha aoldesi aunlicht thronah. And as ho f drifts ant past a green sedgy island to taa aroaa -Kramec Hera ne muet besur Blassalf. for tha saaaBer rapids are near and tha caralesa canoeist may ha caught In tha current and experience aa unaleaa ant dacklnc. though, tha water being shal low, bo aaara aetloaa results may ha feared. After an. tha ragMa are not vary fer mMabto. and tha expert shoots tliem with eaaa. or at least It looks easy to the nov ice, whloh may not bo the same thing. Tha boathousc la Ideally situated. fcii-A Saturday afternoon and Sunday tha quiet little stream prostata a lively seen aa tha echoes ring to the merry volceo of th ctty-weary folk, escaping for a few hour froat tha amrrtes of their dally boaln . Tha dub hi gaining In membership each week, and In time may become one of tha srroDgest social orraruzattons lit 8t Louis. Tha rbUowIng are the members of tha dab: Aide M. Uttle. J. I. Ford. Jr.. K. W. Oraen. T. 8. Rutledire. D. N. O'Nell. Albert HlgglBs. P. P. Itoyd. C. W. Mc Heee. J. YL Schafly. Charles Van Dyke HU. VHray P BUIr. T. P. Toung. Joan Taylor. J. A. Carbtit. UarM Fentreaa. Claade Matthews, Charles A. Marcus. T. W. Maysenburg. W. F. Beaolst. Frank aofer. Lao de SbmC Carton. J. J. James. W. Rosa Otasaow. Charles B Burg. How ard Kehde. William McBIalr. A. O. Done. hue. El Keasteln. Core II. Schlapp. R. II. Swttxler. Forrest Ferguson. W. W. Boyd. Jr.. X. B. Randolph, W. n Gleawood. lex. Thlt. Harry T. Ferris. W. O. Mo Rea Jr Marsh Bttman. Lelaad A. Wind. W. B. Hunt. M. M. Anderson. Ralph What slaw. I . laoaard. Hlnea Share. F. A. Jasjieaoa, I. Lea. W. a Shanks. Z M. Vaa Oaare. a P. Crod daad. J. O. CaJdwen. Jr H. O. CJevetond. J. O. Campbell. Pllua Iae. Uartaa IX Prlnea, I. Priaca Jr.. Charlea Sbudder Jr.. VT. d lamia. C T. Carr. EI M. Oroasman. Charles P. ryFallon. sears Kehman. Garfleld J. Taus sig: Harry E. Papin. II. A. Roger N. M. Semple. Saunders Norvell. E3lls Flsrhell. C. Hunt Turner. Jaaaea A. Abies. R. J. Whiter. Clemens E. Glasaow. J. Benott Carton. Be-erly Randolph. Karl Itobllt aelle. Loula X Beaume. Jcyeoh cYNeil. I. P. Rexford. Amedee V. Reybiim Jr.. Owrnne Brans. George D. Lyford. Louis T. Xolker. Lansing Ray. M. Leiahton Shields. Wilbur R. Price. Walter T. Camp bell. Clifford R. Cronlnper. Ford W. Thonrpsoa. Hnra A. Koehter. Azby A. Chouteau Jr.. Welton H. Rosier. J. How ard Holmes. Frederick H. Scndder. Mere dith it. Stockton, and & J. Rosier. Is Bel bat fatmC vary Bttle fa ar with saenilian swimmers untn Zoltaa da Hol way. tha Belgian, beat the beat American rials and won the loo-yard ohamatee shlp at the Olymplo games. It was need by Genrse Van dean and JarJc Lawrence In a twenty-five-yard eprtit m New York, and they made tha good tuna of -X& HENS LAY E06S FOR" BOARD. Fowls Offer Dailj Tiibnts to Po liceneB of Brooklja. RSPTHaUC gFECIAX. New Tork, Aug. . sar hens and. a rooster are being "held- by thepollea V tha Liberty Avenue Station. Brooklyn. The only reason for their detention la that thsr allowed thernsalves to fail Into tha hands of a chicken thief some days ago. Aa entire cell has been set apart for tha accommodation, of the fowls, and pendlas; the arrival of the owner, who ssma tn no hurry to appear, tha policemen are having fresh egga daily. bTrenva WPAIsf OTtfCUMeCit b If asaTsi OTtfCLOBCK JWBUANCK MEN Tha Mood stun uiKalaaid sySis sue avaTaeaamMetaed. wBieajasesso rnsiSaimiis ' drogi. crayeas or 'TS. will care CUCSIWCIaSt. Bevtotes fell vlger Acton Is positive earl retail, are hu ting. TMCtIMa waae.a BCVKitrCt Md a ad sss etasr taessst iaMnsaest leNsvaarM) sad Is set sssJ ks as? ether esse ram SI. taMh. Cell or write (or book seat free la piaia traled earelose, told oa trial. we etsecisliy sollnt wnjoir frem those who base sot rseeivea issslts from other trestmest or vara am methods. TM STKKVa AffLMSCCCdu ST. LOUIS, MO. ,fijwl$S fti- Ikio-W! I I I BB BMA i9 B?";BW BBS BHaHt Bar nasi Criaasy Btsebargts. i f& -l -.ii.--iJf-'i-C -t- -.!.