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WL.miag?Bagm't!'.M' v.. ' ' . f Jx - ""i . r 'V- .-,. '- r "vr -.-,- -V.-e'e3e'?g).''' f J L1 O. " " 'xA!, "" ' ? -.V w ,. - ,&t?;,' i !$ Si s s ; A PASTOR CURED BT Rev. SwaostrtM and Mrs. Dalten Have faitk in Pe-riHia. Ifet CMmfli nmMWl a Frnm East ami WMtfft Of PralMFTMiTlMM Swoi By Pe-nMM. Cant ! Tm Tastkfil to h-ri-ii. Mr. Christian Wetuter. Slgsbee. Mo., writes: "I cannot thank jo. enough ffr restor inc my balth. I am pa.tifleI that I am rid of my headache. I have not fxperl eneed a return of them thi winter." A Tessaeraace Leetarer Used Mrs. Breleaa A. Dalton. 3(3 Fremont St.. BOAT RUNS OVER SITE OE RAILROAD Efljriiioers and Contractors Se W'ondfrs on FlOrida ltoute Mosquitoes in Hordes Fight Progress of Workmen. KfV Wt. Fla., Aug 1 Several en gineers and tontractnrf a fe- tlava ago ceptcI ihi Invitation of the Florida Kant "oaet Itaiimad to run 01 er the s'te of their I-rpved new rallr.ii in a nteamhoat. Ktransw as it may rm to ay that a Menmrxiat eould run vrr the prntmsed jUm of h railroad to he nearlj- 3W) ml lei in length, this (.tatefnent I, nevertheleiis. true, end may Iw the. foundation f the fonceptlon ot the stupendous tindortak- Th flan f the railroad is to go sTUth from the present terminu-". Miami, for a IMance of alwiut twenty-eight miles, on the m.ilntanil and then curie toward th? eat. tlireetlv out to the wj. to the line i(T tfcw .sntnll keys that form a tall to norlila. and th-n proceed alon? this line tn the utli and wet. from ky to key. uitll Key W-t Is reiehed. More than one-half of thii Hn will o tiver at'r and the engineering probltms of spanning thee iltiith" are being graduallj- worked i:t Th tli'tanre from key to k'v varies from orn mile to nine rind the d'pth of th- water from twelve fet to thirty It a nriginallv intended to keep to the nialnlan-I of Florida to "ap. Sahl. nd then mako olio grand !.iluct. lm Ilar to that rro Like 1'ontchartr.itn. r to Key "et. but the depth of the water ovei thl- thlrtv-fie-tnlle ftretch nrIe th! ihfiu practically lnii)slh;- Attention a thtn turned to th route now determined upon WONDKILS OP Till: SKA The (i-irty tjKiinr the trip for the pir p of getting -utMclent data and infor mation to :u!t In tv-tlnmllnc j, oo.t of the work left Miami on th mimJ:iK of July 3 on ihc teamltoat Hlean. TJil boat in built imllar to the -h.illow tlrauicht Mlsii-t-lppl Kher era ft. and jI thttugh he has three decks and ample Jeeplnir accommotlatlon.t.jfthe draws m'v tWellt-srtn In. hen of nuto The Jong ktn trtit of i-ik's n rlKZai eliontil th" narrow and -hallow channels, and at no place In ihU region t It -afe tti Ie.i thN lane making ai:lng at night oat or the tuestUm Umler all tlitsc S-juthtm water the wonderful little toral !n built it wiiul tok floor, until It hi. alrnon driven the water off entlrt i and added in tnv u ire mile of drv linj to the Stnte tif lnr itla. In thouvan 't of .Inert tt ! clime Mi antivo me 'urmc n-m fnnne.1 rttf and kcj. to nhlrh the wind jm! wiv havo carrlri hf.H ,f tropica! grow a mil now thej are .I.-H..-K- wcnletl with mm grove. p.iI-ne:to and ikimii:t tre. maX ng an ulxnnt tnipTtnahle Juncl Iolnr our hial and throiiKh i"e li ii' ro ctixnn.U thai the !.,at tomhe both U!es at Ollee the Imitom if the m wa. ''in vllhle with IN jvilj'lke potise And beautiful bramhlng eira' A liuse manatee or "eu-eo .ilmt tlclit feet In lergth ami with n no'e !lnlUr tti a grountt hoc, paeX tn.l inj-rlt.U if beaatifu! trance n7i varying in tre from tlio h: Tie ytMt-p-nowsl enr to ih- huge porjwie which! plj-el ar-mt the l of the and -warn for mllr without an apparent nvinc of h. hnlr SWIj trW" cxnttntull) Jumped out f the watrr r-d nvle on th urf.v.'e for hun t dred. of yard. lut touching the urlc with the tlpe of their tall. Mjtng tUh ;ert src w-air ana :tew ror a quarter of a mil hefoie retcrnlnr McSQiTroi-a" i-TTirr ri:o.:i:iv Vrrivlng at the cene of the flrxt a. live ;-ration, a comfortable houert camo tito view and to thi the HUravre w tl! Ttikins a eaa!l tvit te party ert u.horc to Ker I.rt". where there l a earap of ah.tit ; nffo-t enc".3eil jn the rubMng and radl-c tf a aill fill" thtouchout the leneth cf iht tht taree-t key Here U experienced Jte raot erloii ;rolilrm to t-e overcome In thi greit un iertJiinc The m-juitce nn :h! Key werti almct narale. nnd the problem l to punuadc Ul-orer net ti run away. for tt mar. certain d' th. a there . ro pvvs'.bCu outlet to tte mainland. The Jun- K yjaOJ 1 Hi ' i ftfli i r. MM Cnn fifj . 1 P 4HH?l' .eflP. aaaSIB tS Ka jkssbibv fgar . v t msamamfamnmamnVl :M::ffl. $&JLilGKm K".W-:-' iBBBBHBBBBI I H bbbbbbHL4','bH , i J'VMP aMfSCflaW MfVCaWMS Mi 1 mW" mm erne wMdtwmm cm aw Mr y tcv. p. e. swawsmni j in IS very Class of CIDER Recommended by Doctors for Its Uealth-GIving Qualities. Sterilised, CiiKmatedrNon-Alcaollc. The Pure JcJce ef th Apple IT CONTAHtS NO PRESERVATIVE. ikasBMC-a wSMBrr vaMaBsea caw Rackaater. x T. TIM CUPP-CALg CHOOjKH CO. 'HaVBsiaBHBgl t pBBsVJMaBBaBTMlaV'! Bae T MnUll mv. '-mVa mmaSSjaaYsT 'gfgTmmagmms i jJuHH b lUIT 1 ' F bbm lJel II I JmWJui II -. Kami """ini fir . . HiTUBK Bm'sMBmuBBnajBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBaj'l iitiW tJmnvvgggggggmH. ' iwi n optfsmmmmmagir I Kot. P. E. BwtMtttom, Swadlak t Baptist Futor, bos XSB, Onatsbaic, MI feel that It I a my daty u wdl M pXeMorotolet jom ksow that X unitMll !!. auitliwlv ! i ehroale diarrhoea saal thank jrom for yow airaettoaa kow to Bw Perama, aad'tot yot kladar to me' v." Illll llllllll ftnrlon. Ma.s.. a well-known temperance lecturer. wrlto: "For ear I have suffered with bilious colic. A friend advist-d me to try Peruna. and I have net been troubled with bilious colic since unltit; it." A rewaid of SU'.tnA has been tloportted in tli- Market Kxhane Binlc Columbus. i nit , cuanniw that the aboe testi monials are genuine; that we bold In our pwfwion authentic letters certlMna: to I the same. Darin: many years adrertis- tar? we have never used. In o-irt or in whole, a single spuriou testlmonlil. Every ' one ef our testimonials Is genuine and I In the words of the one whose name is appended. glo was almost Impassable except where the work was in progress. The mangrove tree predominated, and It was curious, in deed, to seo roots branching down from limbs. Pineapple and citrus and lime trees were abundant and tall cK-oauut trees, always bearing fruit, waved high In the air. The temperature was very pleas ant, being cooler than the average sum mer day in the Jforth. After returning to the boat the visitors started toward the next operation, hut night overtook them before Ions and they cast anchor In a bciutlful little My about three mites -In diameter, formed by many little keyF. A mile and a half from the nearest land was thought sufficient to keep the partv Immune from mosquitoes, but such was far from being the caee. and no one on board slept that night. Tlie writer, after trying all other experiments, lav down n a canvas cot with a dirjble thickness of blanket over h'm. thinking this too thick for the pests to bite tt.roush. He reckoned without his host, for thry attacked from below and bit through the canvas cot. All-the party were consider ably relieved wner. the sun rose and drove th mftMjnltors away Camp Xo. : is situated on the Upper Matacnmbe Key. nnd here were found a thousand men at work clearing, grading and forming th roadbed. This camp was always free from mnvqultoe. end it was learned that a peculiar condition nf the undergrowth seemed to keep this key free from the pests at all time.. This wa found to be true of several of the other kev while a neighboring fcy but a mile aw.ty would l a plce of torment. About noon of the second day from Mi ami thu party arrived nt its destination, the stretch ltween Long Kev and Conch Key. Till 1 aliout thirty mite: from the mainland, mid nt this point there 1 to m elected a re-tnfcrceu concrete viaduct nliout two miles in length, amounting to about .( varde of concrete. Tlie aver ago depth of water here I 9 feet, while the maxim im anvwhere along the site of the bridge i 14 feet The sea bottom Is all hard corallne rock and practically level. Test ptl driving and tet boring cimpe ar -;a:lihed at this point. The pile driving i a problem that has not yet leti fully decided upon on account of tliu hard floor, and some other maiii of apchnriiii: the piers may yet be. deter mined upon Tha Inp gave the members their firt ril intimation of tl.e im?iien.ty of the urdert.iWtng. All kn vv that it wan a large pro0!tion to tackle, dm did not rtaliz until th.v wtnt over th situ what, the norida rivet Coast llailroad l.a.1 stirte.1 to do Tliev have Janm-d t overcome the layout of natur' bv bridging ovr or filling In p-irt i-lm lui omlttetl and propose to build a railroad twenty-five, fte; ulove the ea foe i distance of ne.irlv Si mile?. It means Culm will ie.tehe.1 tw.t iliys -.ooiicr from New York and ."hlcai than tvtr p Tore, u meani mat mi tr.e tip- nlng f the I'ananu Cantl Key West will tut an Important nietntpoll. Alreaily plan ore under way for the. construction .if twelve new dock-, which will accommo date torty-t Ish: of th- IrBet ves.U .-luiat. in add t'on to wlut shu can al- tdy aerttnimttiUte Tie reMtitiful kej liill become Went winter resort, with lino hotel ar.d the !: placi In America for li-shing end v.ichtlng Th.. Ide.i iiriginnteil with Mr Henry M iTiglrr and he 1 throwing all l.i en rgy Into the jmijit The rond will be vjngle tntk nnd will eot approximately $.'.. ( Tim whote line will hi completed in iiNii.t five Hid and plan ar now h-ltus .u-he,l and gathere.1 bj thn ngl neers In charce If ou have wfiat o-i want not. and wai.t what vou have nut a Want Ad in Tlie Republic w ill jm ittle your ce. SHOT CAUSES THREE ARRESTS. Torn ''bi'r'i Sal(ui wa Srtne nf :i lM-itirlKiiitt. I Tony CeeWr a tviloonkeeper at No .121 Cheiitnut rtrevt and uarrj- loh.1 anai.r thur i:eo 'f T rre Haute. Ind., Were r retd estrliy morning, following ' the tiring of evcral hot which caused much ticitemcnt in the vicinity of t'eeber' 'on Acconling- to Ceebr Iv ar.,1 Re rame Into his wiloon and tarted a nghl. He trleI to tjun 'tl.rm and declare thev atucbet tim Then. Ceetr sajs. he tlrew hU piv.ol. fired at them, driving them from the siloo-v, When the potke arrived they found Cee ler hlre-llng from a wound In the head. Heso Ilkewliie a cut on the head Ki ther is sertouslv hurt. The charge against them 1 disturbing the peace. BUdMLrnEajr$tAii ASSESSED Beard ef EqulizatioB Prepares Its Iacrease Is Aboat Tkree aad a Hair Millies usuars winw Valaed at 9,57125; Street RaihrajsatflT4;Briiies at f3,7T3; Telegrti Limes at 126,141; Tetepkeae Sys tests at f3,78,231 ROCK ISLAND TO PAY HEAVIEST RFPI.UL1CWKCIAU Jeffrsoa t-. AIo . Auc. .-Th Stt Hourd of Equalization Cave out the fol Inwinc total of a.rsuvtit this rxralBf. !iimafa nsn.2S.T4: .trcrt railway. OS17J8.S: 1-rtditMi. B.7jXSjj: telefraph. C3M.141.1S: tclpl.rtie. O.CIS1.S. Total. SEK.Maan.M. State Auditor Wilder mtimates the aa Krcaate on incrcae In the aasesaaanta at about SUSS.0W. Tb leadinc; rauway systrma ar. ceased an follows: Santa Fte. Chlcaco and Alton. S4.t42-0.3C. Burlinfton Route. $13.487.S3. Rock Island System. UJO.VJt. MlMouri. Kansas and Texas. SMlil.40. Misrauri 14C;. HS.S51.T0O.42. St. I4uis and San lraucl?co. SIMS. S34.3. Memphis Route. SU93.4S7.S. Wabash. SJ6t.. The total assessments of the Rock Is land, including Its recent acquisitions of the Frlvco and the Memphis roads, make It the most valuable road in th. Bute, and p!ace its total assesment at ll.7IZ510.. fLO.000 more than the MI'sourl Pacific, and nearly S.W.0 more than the bash. . . . . Tlie Termtni.1 Ifciilway of St. loula la am eessed at SJ.TT.).1. the St. Louta Mer chants Terminal at S3W.9M.S7. the In crease of the Terminal Hiy;r aess-nx-nt over last var twinir IT?).H5. The WIcRins. Ferry It-tlinxtd tracks are MERCHANTS OPTIMISTIC ABOUT OUTLOOK FOR THE FALL SEASON Succession of Good Crops. Followed by an Unusually Large One This Year, Good Trices for Products, Continued Prosperity and the Increase of Purchasing Power Counted Upon to Make Approaching Period One of Unexampled Success. BUSINESS MEN DISCUSS TRADE CONDITIONS AND REASONS Vccaoon time is a thing of the past, busi ness men gf nerally are beginning to take stock of the prospects for the coming fail eeascn. which open pr.-irni-i . of them combined business with pleasuro and In their vacation wanderings have on served the business conditions of the States through which they have traveled. Throughout the city merchants 'and business men express most optimistic opinions regarding the outlook for fall business. They base their hopes and cal culations en several favoring eircum btanee. the principal one beta the ex traordinarily good crops of the. year ana the consequent prosperity and increase n th purchasing power of consumers. It Is doubtful if St. Louis ever ap proached the beginning of a fall season when the prospects for a successful con dition of trade were so rosy. Every promi nent business man who has expressed himself about the outlook has done so in terms which breathe confidence In the promise of unexampled prosperity. Following ate some of the comments on tlie outlook fcr the aporcfcehlng s-0": William Flewellyn Saunders, secretary and general mana-et Business Men t League: "The manuiaciun-r aw. . wholesale and retail merchants of St. Louis tell th Business Men's Ierue that the fall business In the city will be bet ter than usual and that the volume JTor the year or w win "- -" " greater than the volume of IS". , Th languor of th- summer always tnuchen the retail huslnes of St. LouW more llghtlv; than It doe, thai f New Tone. I-niia-ieipnia fr "' i 2li- ee-en-report of the commercial agencies, re-en- Th wholesale business and manufactur ing industry in M. iit; ""':.,,,'; to the stamSard all summer. A wry largo number of new r-u',"c,u',"?,y."ri r: cantlle concerns have been JhJflln. th city sine January 1. "iss mn factorle lgan rii"..T' I" 2,?. f eluded in tne.yeir . "IT'.h, St. Ivtlt. wnicn w """ "JJ eVweJe Oovernment and H now nearin comple tion. . .. Um.mIiW VA "Now. near the opening oi g "",",, are about toet the Incre nnd thero are tr.rce very - r"7?-r",' creae ehould be unusually -. The flr.t l mat iae - i . wheat, oits. rve. barley nnd hay are . go Inz le enormom this vear. Notntt.g .ae. make that otherwise T,colJ0.n(,7 blls fair to be excellent, and to sell at a good price. To-lay every farmer and merchant n the tra-lo terntor v of S . Iul. confident of the good condition .. the crops, feels like Inivlng and extendln hi business. The off!.-, of the league has report, from the locomotive Vlvll'," car shop that show that all the West iTk and fVoithwwtern rallwavs. bv large or.'fs for loootr.otlve and freight cars. !m-e made unusual preparation. to move the big crops and the fr-lcht that will fol low their narkeilng. Tli- Amcrichn Car and FounJrv ctmp.inv of St. '?' on- sample. I workin' to Its full .a ltritv city's rorrjvnoN ixcrk.sin. "Second, the tvipulatltm of fit. lJ3Ul 1 increaMn ar.d the bii'J-r are providing; for the new arrivals There has Wi swrit In putting up nw bu'.:dlns. in the first 1 months of thl vear. llZZnjy. In the nrt sl months t.f 1WI. evn wrlth the W.irld's Fair tlmuiu. onlv iwwi") was H-eiit In new bull ling. Tills b-iild-ing activltv Is golr.g to continue until lat in the winter 'Kverv me of the" hou-e that goes t.p whether It hotel, aitartm'i.t I.ou-e. dweiiine or oSlt.e leillJit.g. nuts more monev Into lo-al circulation with th- - .. u- ... ... .. Tl . .lH.ttil-a n 1a iHirer t.f the cltv are well empTttyt-il jit goo.1 wages on the building, and the retail ,'hopkcejier are tiled In to furnish Hie nou-ea. ..... "The third reain I that It ! planned to aW th reIden: of the city thl fall . ...-. a. -... li.. ar te, I iW mSilv-S.' - r ItlSV (I J"M1S" ttltttj"" t"V .. Iltvt"J ! ri got for public buildings and for th lt:i nniv.nient if th sanitary steni f St. I-oul If thee t'r..I ne lsued. the rltv's t.tfperlty of tho fall will go over mrouK.i tne nes. ti. -( in- nwiwj - .. . . hII ai. nMA IV.... ii-tfmnitl. lj- MIll. IlJ. - tt- '. ".I-..W -.........." ly through many months! and mot cf It win CO ilireciiy to ice ito;ioiii-ii. .j frcm them to the trder.en ;kni:uai. oltimism prbvails. fharM If. Hutr-'g nres-ilent of th Third National Hank of St. Loui. ald "I have Just returned from vilt to the financial center rf the Ko.s. New York, Philadelphia and Boston. "A hll there I took occasion to wvind ome of tho men of these eitle-. and I found a 'jiunn;o o. "I nii'J: i ' ...--citv .. elal and commercial conditions and pro- peci. All inse r-- ej-; i..n-ruv- The business propeoU for the year be ginning September 1 are brighter than at any time in the i history of the country. A ccceion ef gyvl crcp. followed thl jar bv one coniderabty nh.iv th aver age has put the farming community of the Central Wt In a very independent pc.uon. anu nis .-r--ieCTt - " -. r. --nm-.r . mint where all the industries are taxed to the limit. "Absolutely perceci con-uuor- ri.nji prevail In a country of thl sire. But all i-t--.r he extremelv gratified at thoe which T.or exist ... Th present extni"n or misintss. ir. high prl-e of svcuritle and commodities and the "big crops will, no rioubU have the effort of csgttoylBg losnaMe fund more fully, and It would not be to higher rates of lntert prevail dunr the fall. The rates ! reen ahnormally low and a change In that direction will be welcomed by all those who have money to .er-4. . . -, .... -Prcfpects In tte soctn ana tne aoujn west are exceptlcsallv- er.cocraglr.g. Tte territory tributary to St. Louis is the most fertile In the United States, area consid ered. Here, cltmate asd set! combine to aid th business man. the farmer aad the i . if V-v.a t-t- IM -! Joying the braeftts of the highest civllUa- twa Tne tact oi ine n-.i.-:r .- ut. j-. territory Has hot Just begun to develop. dswttacd to become the eit and scene of the greatest commercial .miu. "St. Iocta tjltimately win be a seaport City. Tks inss-r-dppl TStfr aria be aad aaviaaMe for ecn-ge4Bt ateatsswa. and our sBervaaata sw wv ww t an sarts ta we-rio. mAm Mill Ktl ta AT $138,848,201 Repsrt'fsr Year Estiaate TAX Of ALL RAILH0ADS. assessed at SLIU.CM.'A aa increase of . 8 over last year. ... - j. The tecreasc In the Missouri Paclfie Railway's assessment amounts to SUSS. .. while the Wabash uttmat Is In creased SSK.1C4.U. The iMTfases in the other roads are not yet extended. The United Rallwaysj Coarpany of SL Uoius l assessed at mMUSt. and tko Mttropolitan Street RaUay Coeapany of Kansas City is asstaard at $HMMmS9. . The St. Louis and Suburban la assessed at &5Si.C.. and the 8t Louis aad Idera Bee Hlver Railway OtMBWur atjsn Tl e principal bridles of the States are valued aa follows: St. Louts Bridge Coaaany. ll.WS.Mlj St Louis Merchants' Bridge Coeasaay. swa wSrHannlbal Brid CWW. J5? County. O.0: Southern IHlnoto aad Mto rouri Bridge Ccimpaar HiSSStaiaSl,' ixO: Boonrille Btldse Company. .: Jefferson City Bridge Compaay. : Fort llyen worth feldae Company. .- Th. three telesraph tSoJK SUte are valued at J-,fr,afclkn' Western Union. t--Mi1JS'2: X" tual Telegraph Coaipany. SflMSS.: Ml iouil District Telegraph Company, se. SB.3S. Tlie aggregate aaseacment of the tele phone companies Is as follows: Xnn.9. of whIchlh-Jvmerlean ?:; th BeU as4C-0. the Khitochn.a6 and the Missouri and Kansas $WS.7WJ. making rapid strides toward the mllUon population mark, and It Is stimulated In this direction, not only by Its own re sources and development, but. also, by the resources and development of the South and Southwest. Th ETastern United States must take tnto account that the territory contiguous to SL Louis the South and th- South west has already demonstrated high ag ricultural canaclty. and that it Is still capable of decidedly more development. The territory has marvelonsly enlarged upon its Industrial opportunities, and It has managed In the last few years to make notable progress with manufacture and commerce. 'The veatTs commercial prospects. In all sections of the United Htates. are excep tional. Condlton. as I have said, are unusually propitious. I believe that de velopment, and the capacities for devel opment, la th- South and Southwest, con sidered in addition to general prosperity, disclose even liotter prospects In thir region than In any other part of the country.- CROPS INSURE PROSPERITT. L. li. Klngeland. president of the R. Iiuls Manufacturers Association, raid: The outlook for fall business is very promtrlnir. I believe. Kverylwdy that I have spoken to anticipates an excellent fall trade, and the Indications are that we will not be disappointed. Merchant In fit. Ixuts are basing their calculations trron the ee!!ent crop conditions In the lAest and SSouthw-st. While crops In these set tlors have been late, particularly In th cotton-growing lltricis. they ar- good. This, together with the yellow fever In th- extreme ssoutn. may nave tne errect of delaying the Netting in of the season, but the backwardres. I think, will be but temporary nnd will have also the effect of prolftngirg th season." 'The. J outlook is encouraging for a good fall business In our territory." fuld John Ft. Curlee. secretary of the Carleton Dry UmW Company. Crops In those sections trlhutarv to St. lends in some instance have ieen particularly good, and In nearly nil others very fair, bringing coed prices and consieojuentlv giving th farmers, who are tho greatest conumers. money with which to buy. Another circumstance which Indicates n good eason Is that for the list twelve months there has been no specu lative buying and the merchants are now preparing to stock tip. In fact, the only disturhinr circumstance Is the yellow fever epidemic in the Sciith. ami that seems at thl time to bo under control. If it Is Mamped out soon, the only visible obstacle to a prosperous season will bae been re moved. At worst, however. It affects only a comparatively small part cf our terri- D.'p. Walker Jr.. firtt .tce president of th Elv. Walktrr Dry Goods Company: "Our trade for th year up to June was ahead of the corresponding period for the previous year, ard f tll-v that th open ing of the season will put It far ahead for tb entire ear. The fall outlook Is good. Visiting mftvhants say that crop were never lett r. and you know what that means In Its effect on trade, vl"'- "r chant are not plunging In their ttuMw. they expect a prosperous season and will buy accordingly." .. , . . . "I am optimistic b" nature, anid h. P. Lewis, second cn president of the Har-gadine-McKlttrlck Dry (Joels. Company. "and I naturally loo tor a ii i trade. In thl cafe I expect it b-CMUW In all of the terriicry tributary to st. Ia.uis i reps have Utii good. th- totto.-i crop v.Af at tlrt ittH.rte.1 short. latfr In fonnatton within the Jit three weks has shown a decided Improvement, and I am inclined to lwliev- tluit the growers in those section will rai- as much .ot trn this v.-ar a last viar The higher rrioc of this staple will en-vble pLinteis to get a Uis riiK-unt of nio:iy for their products, and ther l an Indication that priees will rtmnir a blsh as thev- are at present-In the fact, that the mw nave ai- rraitj r-HtKe.1 tini ts ..j; .te i. .. ..--.. a they ot- abl- to produre by r.ext Janu arv 1. Th com and other grain ends are aIo good throughout tli- Suthwet and he prb-e sro eutlsfuctorv to the farmers, while the wool crop In New Mex ico nnd other sheep-rallng d!trtcts Is verr big and the prices tremendous. As for"the effect of the fever utxm fall busi ness I rather lliev that It will evntu niiv irrr.i. instead of decrea- business. as New Orleans and th other Infected diirict must buy their goods some where" KP1DBMIC NO DHTKI'llKXT. Jackson Johnron. president of the Tlob ert. Johnson Rand Shoe Company: "Bxcept for th effect of the yellow fever epldem!-: In the extreme South. 1 can sec nothing but a good fall trad ahead. The cotton crop Is improving even- rtav and w- hav a better trade In St. !iu!s at present than we had at this time lat vear. during th- World's Fnir" William A. Zuko'ki. secretary of th-!vls-Zuknski Mercantile Company: "This Is the open season for us. and at present It appears more satisfactory than when it first opend. bt. sines Is good at present and we expect a full season. Prospects ar particularly bright because nf fine crops in all the territory tributary to St. Lou! markets. I do not count on th- p Idernlc In the fkuth to seriously affect the fall trade." David Etmn. vice president of th-Rice-8tlx Dry O-eids fomrany; "Sales this vear are rcnnlng ane&4 of last year. In th- early nart of th- s-ason It was the einerlenoe of all In Ht. Louis that they ftl short of ties- of last year, but since thn they have made up for th- falling off and are now running ahead. Southern buyers may delay the season, but th crops have rer. good In th South and thr Is plenty of money there. The South to-dar Is more Ind-p-nd-nt than It has ever been. In tr districts wrier- con ditions awhile back seemed blue, things rave gr-atiy aettereo ry tnis Tim, not-' fclr rn T-sis and Arkansas, where th cotton croo wfil mature later In th sea son than la usually the case. Our only tlOcultv at tr-sent Is to obtain th- iar-chandl-e for the trade, this b-lrur due to the Immense export trade of th past ear" INTCSJW I LD. "Are yoj Interested in sun sf-ettsT -Sewe: freckled ssrte are th rag sine Doctor order aaM they aaass Utt heat sTaiaJsad I -a-mav'-irMSSSsai sw. UCE CWTAIK,rWnail BRASS AID For oae week only, btgiaaug to-morrow (Monday), we of er tbe f ol lowias; special tiicoit from our usual low prices. This is oar fmal effort to shape stock prior to the arrival of our New Fall Liaes. It's an unusual opportunity that is worth your prompt attention. 25 0 PlJrt tt Ull JSlfiM-Only oae pair of a patter; a very larce asortment to select from, at J, NEW BEDFORD PIERS ALIVE WITH WHALERS Many Fishermen Look Forward to a Great Revival of the Ro mantic and Formerly Froitable Industry. RKPCBUC SPECIAI New Bedford. Mass.. Aug. 17. It looks I'ke old times on tho wharves of this city for the whalers are coming la with heavy cargoes of oil and whaletwae. Whether th whaling industry to or Is not la proc- . . - fM. rLwsk -,4Trtaa 4fisa tasikw r-gBi ui rrsB sii ss-wsw vwi"x-st .- v Even the wise are not wise as to next year and the year after. ... . . Some of the authorities ta this ancient whaling port believe that the tide has turned, or 1 change the metaphor that th New Berford whalermn hav again strurk oIL Others sa that ths ships for th last ye-tr or so hav been more thaa ordinarily lucky, hut that the best catches of to-day would hav been considered but slim fares In the brave days of old. For naturally In such a town there is ai-v-ays more or I- sighing for tho glories that hav departed nnd contrasting or tn figures of tlie M's with trose of the pres- :1t..!lm':.... ..-..!.... ntlnlt ilnnhtin Thomas against enthusfcwtic Peter. Those wio ar hopeful hold that the Jonah has b-en lifted from th w-'JJn52?,tJle others continue to croak their Jeremiad. What is apparent. h"w. to the land lubber Is tlrtt something Is doing In th whaling fisheries just -ww.Om stands UeC. -lounsi- -"-"" -l." ... . . ted. Tounsia pw-wna; """-".;j;-rv:-ord In the surnmer sesson-and there .are hoisands of thern brought In i by the. Nw fo Haven trains, orny twwn i "" msr" n,nVs st-amDoats. "n""- -"s -- "of s?ssvs 7sr&fisi Irt wSSxew Tor. wtSrS: of wonlcr and J" -,,,.,.,. sights of It U one of h ?,1'noa.ands of Atr.erlca. the removal ' ii'Tnfnala- barrels of oil and.great stscks of ;- bono from the .Maw "o-- -r othtr provisioning 01 in ".. -- voysge of two or three ears. .- owd of rightseers ha- JJJJSpSteg ?oadln. While waiting to go "jer to Falrbiven ard take a tr-Un for theOjp resorts thv look over the gaunt aair castles, and asking epjstlons tnar. w th- very wise can answer. KburtlriilmV -SSWJ ea plolts of other day-. '-fVvallng ua-jal eritlclsmsi of th writers of w"1i stories Tiuch as the author, who. " veteran mariner exprewed It 'tells a FALLING OFF IN BUSINESS. To many a visitor from West or South It comes a a greater 1ar?lifV been much of the whaling Industry has been left in face of the competition J"0; bun. than that so much of " Jf, anncared. It I now only a small " f,? .emd-i " activltv cf aj large man ufacturing cltv. Actiully pnly , a:i vel. with a to:ina?e of aiT. now Vngagvd In whaling. ."JL'm iSK v-s-sels. with a '''he of 2D1S. in J.. and of these. New Bedford fJeet ijum-.-r only S. with a tonnag- of S-rt-lbv-ery one of the Atlantic cssels. furth'f; tVore' with th- exception of the schooner Joh"R7Mnt". or Frovlneetown. nowfo--r month, at sea onmMmW at U.nt S vears old. It If. Indeed, a X-" ? sVuaelron. captains, by the sttnch baroue Canton, which mad- It Low to Father Neptune Isur-niu years ,.. yt this very anttoulty of the snips and their appliance. ? VwhaUng sights, sounds and smell of th whautig port. If whal- fishing were ne In even masted. ste-1 schooners, e-iulpoed with baM camion for shooting the leviathans It wouldn't be half so Interesting to t averag- man. ....-. Diminished though Its tteei ot "" I. New Bedford has never ot ttjs Wr- tual monopoly of the business f '"; toivn now has four ships. Nantucket, one a wlou rival, has r.on at all. New Bedford ha" In fact beer, the center of the Irdustry since about lies. keaffiaaWg Bhinnlna- List and Merchant s Transcript. 5 linto trad weekly which is still pub h,hed -ivh unfaini ntfliW! fl-orge R. Phillips. Before that time they all the early years of th Nlnetjenl Ojn t "ry. Tn banner years were ;1B-J. Jhtm began a d-ellne In tot-ia xtendln down JoliM. stoc when ther haa heen a slight ScrVSe" Th destruction Jwrought byth. oinfederat privateers did much to spoil tb wdustry A .-eartleuiarly -r' T aster befell when In June. ISA the saen andoan? entering Bering Strait, captuwd and burned twenty-five vessels. Other masTertuaes followed after thewar was over, as when In eeber. am. a nt of thirty-three vessels had to b abandoned In th Arctic Ocean, an bape iessly crushed to th Ice. th 1JTS e on board making their -sop after a peril ous journey over the o,J (ijf1"'" UTS. twete vesaeta were left In thAre tic and in UH nve went downjn a tsrriSe ale o Point Barrow. Asov all. aw Ker. the cmpetHioa Wrf: dastries sad tks ttradaal ggV!! ?f Isrtaohans f-waxra la CS formerly nniarnua kavj reaaosa wtaau-w to tas praseat tow astat. The great tt4aa hjCt -2bS! n iMsimaaT of a aaaa frewi th Mifinf inVtluaaVrf FalrkaT has etaaUy StUvislta Hkl(J-stattar. wBI rer .&XB na & Wl li. ". --- -. that east sasls New Bwsrd U is arraeemMy. tisrlilatli Has Laftass at ka yata kawa KEMARD INI DISCOUNT S nd 3 pair tots of Uk OuitaiMp Odd pairs f Tapestry INitlsrss. Samples of Brass and hroti Bids, Samples of Brass and Iron diss, Summer Blankets and Comforts, Rope Portieres. Cretonne and Muslin. & that results have been far from satlsfsc- j torr. I whalebone, on the other nana, nas cow- tlnued In good demand since no eBTectual j substitute for it has ever been discovered I oy to corset maacrs. vw nn y trols most of the whalebon output and be keeps the price well up. It I thought that th Importations of oil and whalebone will l considerably larger In B6 than In MM. when the pound of hone brought .amounted to Sum: barrels of sperm U. 17.0. add, bar rels of whale oIL .). FISH IN SOUTH ATLANTIC. Most of th ashing of the Atlantic fleet la now carried on in th South At'nt'c A considerable number of sperm wwues hav lately been taken In the neighbor hood of Cap Town. Th right wliales those, that ! which yield ,nrf found only In mor frigid Jf'J2i and south. The whale of both Pe are said to 1- mor diffloult to take now than formerly. As New Jjledford cap tain said th other day. 'Th dlffer-nee between now aad th first days of whale In Is that the whale Is mor " nimble than h- used to he. He gives iw more sport for our wm-r """'" harder than his brother of a few years T-r-rotn ejbwrvatlon I should say that to vatlon I should say that tn th hunters struck th pa- i tribe, the quiet, old fel- - m . .mw .hole .lava on th nrst oays inarciu . ""'"T- -.he'r .lkvw on lows who were u"w . --',,..,; top of th- water: and now we are getting down to th- tough KranJmotUera ti.I grandfather.- To tak these ajmbl chasers modern appliances In the way (tr acid harpoons, dynamite guns. expl.ive harpcons and darting guns are employed. MosTof tl.e sr-rm oil wh eh comes to New Beelford In caska Is thick and of a dtrtv brown appearance. .... It I refmed In the factories here, alvlnir In the x-arlous ptocesses firt a crude oil. then mied "term oil and finallv eperma eetl Such tvhiile oil as rec-hrs New Be.1 ford for refinement Is still In constderabl deraand for lilt mlnatlns tun-'sos. espe cially for the headlights of engines. These products aro dispersed to every part or uSnStffl and make up V-iLih, able bulk In th Nw Haven's freight Shipment from th cltr; although, of course, the total Is small compared with that of antebellum days. An Important part of th shipping busi ness of N-w Bedford consists In preparing supplies for th Portuues whalers of the These hardy followers of th s-a have discovered a great fondness for American ... .. .kl. iMtln. fi. sSSitien merchantman Harry Smith Is being filled with immense stores in wi wmr. t-r..-ratslna- buckwl-eat. New Bn-lnod pickles, canned appl-x. corn, tomatoes, pepper .. .a.KtK .... MiMlinl mAl...M saltines and various other article, usual and surprising, wmen in unuiii wou SMS flgmtagm 'gggTBngSBSKfBt ohs aAs2vJaBar H Only to satisfy yourself as to the correctness of our statement only to compare other pianos, prices and terms with our low prices and extremely easy payments is it necessary for yon to look elsewhere. We not only invite comparison of our pianos, prices and terms, but we could wish that all onr customers would look elsewhere before coming to onr store, then we would be sure of prompt sellias; to all callers who are ready to make a purchase of either piano, organ or piano-player. The Big Piano Stera wiffi Utllt Pifcts Makes a particular business of selling the best makes of pianos, organs and piano-players at lower prices and on easier terms when payments are desired than can be found elsewhere. This right pricing, liberal terms and lenient treatment of all onr customers is what has made the IMM Piano Stire Fat And the largest, most successful piano store west of the Mississippi Look for the big red front piano store on the north side of Olive street between Tenth and JSieventn sireeis itsmuer iwi N S Wk SNft Ml SlfBt MS MHf am Ml pMI-'Sjjmg SjSJi HEl&lltRSTHU BEDS. ON JILL 1 DDIK 3 InlUL FOURTH ST. AMD jWAAHINCTON AVE. follow the whale up and down th of th Atlantic Uk to Bv on. cesucii. io say tnat u it & not basa) for the Pprtutuesn sailors, who ssrra or both foreign and JUtsertcaa aWss. tka vhanw InittNrrr smmiIA t.s..jis mm stated to this time: the New Bedford ships are manned with tkess tn thl era,, when American hoys no longer taka ta tne . SetseMl est tks This horn school cf Tin mlj. sttx. fatr girls offers a thorough Christian dBca tlon. Th location la beautiful and ta conveniently reached by the St. Louts and Suburban street car lines and by ths Wa- Hah RalltaautL Tlui t.i mm !. able, and complete mformatloa raasr -- - ' ... m .... ..... m bad by addressing Mother Siipeilor. KINDNESS NEw'cifflE FOR VKHJITIONS OF SPEED UW. IsVel tesTStrlva ly. I Chicago. Aug. if. Wlnnetak has found I a new weapon with which to keep autolsta I from violating Its) ordinances. Mayor t l.lhiM u VAHA . ... ...u ni'imt . vmwr 11.vyu.c9 . Ff'.i n wn pnlgn of politeness and courtesy. This; ha believe, will arouse kindly feelings Its th breasts of th spe-der and cause them to go on their best behavior. Mayor Jones met Sidney S. Gorheun. at torney for the Chicago Automobtte Clut. who wan defending one of bis clients b. for Justlc Boyer. of TSvanston. Th greeted each other warmly. Th attorney declared the offensive attitude of tka Kvanston and Gtencoe police had aroused! the Ire of the automobile club members. and that the antagonism dally Is ttcnea' ins- more bitter. Mayor Jones reminded him that Win. netka had prosecuted fewer cases against the autolsts and was troubled lass with violations of Its ordinance than any other north shor vlllag. This brought them to a common footing and they agreed ta still mor conciliatory la'asufea. "Hereafter. said Mayor Jos. T saatg not nav tn spsenmn antenna axreweo. a shall plac policemen at the sratraacsa of .w t.aaA aiS tt .W..M ... mm St. drivers of machine that seem to as ae4ac t.m . . .... .... m.a .uv.. ... w.w.. ... tito fast. If each cnauirer were uiswuineis with a card of weleomn a he nterd town I believe ha would feel kindly toward us and would b mot inclined ta atMf our laws." Moneyed men always .eonaedt Tka puhlk-s Want Pages wnen m a desirable real estate Investments. OUR LOW PRICES AND Easy Terns HTFOWiattWKSi P1AR6 GO r -. w-a-v-.-n- !.- -a B5l US" lerrnssT ss SsfsVL maataWtmWm afSSB SB Sw anSpBaj naaar BBaaagaja) be sSrjJkaa-ifo$.i31 . --si. s. . y sr- --r w .-..-&. .sre-.. -apr jvtf aaiisa aesssa gf - -w-wsa-ew-as w ... . Ife t." SLrt-i-'iCi 'jaliilZL