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The St. Louis Republic
r. Ai
SI, 11
it. Loaia anal Vfclaltr.
Fair to-ds: unsettled weather
tn-rilght; continual warm.
For Miaiourl-l'artly cloudy to
1y; t,Vjwers In l.jlT.h portloa
talr ta-mono. .
i -
Yeatesslar'a CaadltliMsa.
Weather; i'lr. Temperature:
Maxin.ura. tl dexe: minimum.
Sr aa;re YVIna: liire-ctlcn.
Vrt aiij south: roasitrum
Iwltv, rix mile an hour at T p
m Prrcliltatton: Nie. Hu
nj.jlty: Maximum. T p-r wnt ut
7am Itarcmeter: At I i m .
an Inches, at 7 p xjr-T&Sl
Jnrhta Mace of river: It; ft.
pun ria 2 It: un sets C 17.
Irnjrth cf la. I2 MTn rSfcr
1 21: lt ij'jartT. Auzitst ;: n
iwon. Aiuoijl 51; f.rt' ousrter.
September j. fu.I mo'.n. fceptera
ber 15.
9 W
? n-rs
ln-I.ana Fair t-ila. kJn.r at n'slit tr to
morrow tp ncnh pxticn; fair In utb. Ileht
to fi-b outht l wt"I vilnd;
Il!'r i Fair to-dj. i'-pt shotr In !
ihto l5ut (KM-tlAiS "J.4a-f? at nieht or t
ncrtin In iiortri jMrti'.n. fair in su!h. lislt
, to fi-!j njrinvrt t ir:hei wind
Eaffrn 1n I"a!r in cut!i h.iir5 in
Jth jjrtln t-a. ai.I jrrjhail- to-nMrro:
roor to-uy In nrrtbft nottiun. Hslit to
frrsh iijth ir.ia. yn th toat-u
!oa I'artly .leuty to daj. incbjtljr niourr".
i-mcrfTv fair
Arxanit-iT Oktatiu-ii an.l It.I.j.i Trritor
Virs to-J. to-moriQA fjlr
N'liraklia h(j'rB o-djj . iwi'fr 1n -"t
frtlon. t-raon fal'
Kana Fair In tvrt hcwi It -jt ;or
tlon tJa. to-u.orton fal
W.1W .!.
Paair IO. Ilntth olirra Pr
- a"" nt Prarr CnNfrrrajri-.
mrtum Kralsa tlrrrnt.
ymaili.lB Klaaoaio rnani stir.
flxr llnaitfreal llarl In rn.h.
vllnar Fftrr In ttrtraum.
Kr-ilJ.. f Itrnrt J. Ilrnani'l..
n. ttamna I). Urnita Krlarm Itnmr.
t. l.nuU .rla Tf rrll.iri TraUi.
Oral Kaarn'a ltt- tia;nltiuM.
raara lnnr In Kamnai.
1 S. .lulln llucl-mt mn IVnlarr.
'rrnl HtXI.vmt 'nnirll Itt.rr.
I 7. Itallta (Tit- raanallira.
rtnai Urain Hair.
U. Intllitna tn 'lalL otalrlifxl.
t harrltill-'M-lnllln llrnnalna.
J2. Knakriiihm-'i -rln! I'llclil.
H-pnMlta.'"Ha-liln- (nmiilrlr.
tnOratr'tmloftM vbhla I lil.
!'Hidm KiKi-t It pinjKiM- nrMtratiuu
l fettle flliTraoef over Jap-in'a imsk
,m'- . PAOE 1.
It ! rportrl th it C.ii h Co mcil Sitar
)a 4l-cl'll fiirtliiT conrpion in J,,jcin
are mit-o-iliM. JV.:i t
Shitisl.ii rriHn lioxcolt u-ilri'O An:r-
Ican Kooii 1 wakeni'rB. 1'AtiU 2
I.on! urz..n I as rcistwJ. Vicrroy cf
Imlla N-'Mi!'-.- of opposition tn Kltcl!Mir'i
nrw armv polity. Hirl f Minto vucc. tMi
Cuixtm I'AGE 1
MM" 11. t MIIIRBtV
Krtil Keen's appointment a rwciv.r
f lVoplo'a IJink l oon!iltro.l a rrcoRtil
tlon rf liii iit. I'AOn 4
Bih prank in putting pink kimono
ami lilac k hit on lrnnz nmph caui'
trn.ttioii In W.M Kii.I I'AtiE 1
A!incn ! lironii r-turtx-.k from III
Kurinn trip .I'.cmnjunl.'.l by tht Itccr
fiid J T N Jol.n-tmi. IAGII2
Jolin iMnnrll is arroMril on chirco of
hootins Jom U ll'on In m-ck at Taentl
th and Franklin J'AGK li
Frank StUwInsU nai ili:onn from
1'i'CKv hn lior-"" run .ma, but sc:ipI
Jnjurj. I'AUC t
V.irt X.IM.U ttJKbc. dtunnrj In Tpii
nsicr. will lw burlo to-nlaj. I'ACi:?
Tntli Wjril Improxmunt AovJition
ap-liiti .i cmmil ! to Like cltt oillclaJs
to tnk l'Atli: S
Itie!." ln"tiratlon cf ilniniiis of Frnl
rilrk A "hiirchl!l Jr iinU Mbw Stdta Mc
Vubin arMirnl lACK?.
Folk i-fitinsr to Inttrfric IUrr J
Hsu'jrk Tlll'b hansp.1 tlil moraine for
itmrilrr of Jf UluT-ln-Im FAOH I
i.i:m:hl imimftk.
IaUU cilvorj l txpt.M in lnjlm t'on
ilttitlornl hivI t.tllOoJ Concntiin
tMlv In luknt,.-e I T FAGi;
vilo frr 1 blnc sraijaally cruhl
tn tjrl-an? l:?;'C-rt frost iwiat Jn
Statu Indicate t tfH -:rrit l'AUE I
Rov KnabftMliu-of Totnlci O. -iiloi,r
Vutral lsrk. . York Cltt. In M
ttlfUtli!" tuilkin in flcht of hilf tsllliot
pcrtn I'ACK li.
Great ttu'k of Ir.tlUn Tfrritor fll trrnl
Cfmr- to St I. uU l!r'rtctl Ttlrtwat
acln--t Si l-ji ilriaf lAt!B -
Nearly i' pr-ont ar? Itsj.irel by ecl
lrp of pkitfrrtn at cotacr-tt3P laving
at ltttlurc r.voi: I.
JefCcraoa City nialtf r call o:i auJ!-acc
for inJjrcmnt of FoiV SunJa cJolr.a;:
ntre auitrr.cp ari. lr.c!u!ir.s ?vrl
JlcpuMiciin poUtklaua "ACS It.
UtTNn State Cctcntittf of lHin-jU
mill he orsariii-itlon r-rfictir.I Jn re-v
rl,pct Of State Oct,tr I 1'AGK K.
Fifth ajisual Slate Fair tfj otn at
alalia to-Jtiy; exhibition pronls' to
cUp hoc d oth-r i tars. I'AOE 3L.
rvcrsl member ! Texa tacb -aTtrt
ioaa: IrncWc: stw. ar? co",t;m at
tnpek trial Ucl fotto- anJ r:le
las2ca a vcnllot of sujlty. FAGHI.
Kour xer?ons arv lronsJ In cloJbvr:
at SVctlwt Clly. Wo- wbtne strecta ar
auaaBrrcrd Mr tea fet of aater. PAOE X
Otrl I lrote3 In Eiall's Ijik tp Ncrth
Teii duriiK wtaJtarm: liunlreSa tuv
carrcv acaj: tan iii9 of fccat ta Dal-
ia . i.t;n s.
Mayor Dunn of Chicato L dc-1 for
mil Has law K td limit. FAOB1.
OrcsaAamtkaa ef Texas rxisc circuit ia
xaipKe4 Mr formation cf Tai-tuMsatrrfa
iaaartattm FAGE .
LMcJUrT'a CeH ln aoaMftaeaider froaa
f AUaatca. rtlaiin rara. FJaUK
a a
Thp st mto. a " it" npiMrPil ye.f rJ i
Sxt f lnfffiion Show l-rn-:iM-
in Xw Oiljini.
I'ailciSKii !JejHirt Ttu Vildilinu-
:il Viflinw :inl OiIiit I'oiuis
SuIUm Siie.id Tliu-e Deaths
in !.a Fourchv.
I V bbbbbbbbbbbbbbI
, Ba4afcif-f-B
New Orleans. It . Ant I" The 4
4 Ticiil fev r rpctinl to p. m. to-
4 ilaj w i a fo'Ion 4
4 Nr cne, 43. total cap to late.
4 ivath I. total ilath to date.
4 IX.
4 New fori i:. totil foci to date. 4
4 or.
ltKi-t (ii.ti Jrcu
Now irler.n. I J.. Auc 3 To-da' ottl
cidl nconl of fortj-fie new cie. four
deaths and nhe new fo- of lnfct!on l
the be-t dd!l rcc-ird for the cit In ten
In the Ptite however tl-e di h.i no:
ben 'o hox ful Fatteron. It-. .'eli-ed
ten new crtse-- to-Li. and the pUi-cuo i
raplill weeplit; ocr the reidentlal dis
trict of tint little elf.
Charlc KiiJehori't a "u-e from New
rlean. l.o wnt to Fatteron !j't Fri
day to tiur.e the Mck. wtvstrjHk.n with
the dteid m i!ai! and dled'thef to-dt.
iUt-one c6c are reported ftom Klvrr
lde In t. Mry Pari'" to-n,lsht. Tlil
i the total nt that pol it up to Mate
HuJQ-t Cltv dn.lip"il fixe clf to-da
-d 5-arp Flantatioa ere
iit n f. ri: f.i;
nrroHTi.n mi-'iippi.
Four new c-e of iellow Jlt. del-op-.
nt M!)iilppl it M! . tp-dy.
rraklnr a total of eer.ten at that place
Ivxrlor Ftatk. IUilth "t5cer of I-i
Fourche laith. r-rvrtd to-nlffht :hre
d-jthi- from fev.r tt the snvith f IUou
Lj Forjrr-ie
Ir cornp-irt-on with the rpkl"mlc of
l.-T and lt. the fUurio. of thf prrnt
f. ver v'lu.Kin ! N-w lrloa- -4w thtit
tve nnoietn netK'.I-. of flphtlns the?
a'e are aady be;innlnc to fhow In
keeplas dovn the dt!, rate
In 17. 1 th rre, Bt date, there
were 1 c2 end CJ dealh- Up to :he
t re--!t tine the aunsber of cac has
been tJS5 ir.ii the total dealhj- 1M.
I-j 1T up to the pr-nt date the death
rate m n.ors Utan IT rr c-jm at.d thU
ar. nltKoJib tte number of ne ca
I ttlshtly larger, the Jeatb iae front tl
dieae hi-. l"-a bat a fract-on onr I(
tr cent.
MI1XJ uf -ioi itu:-
ir'.U.tm of t-s-Tt2ito-i -rere t-terial-natcd
ia New OrleAJi-; to-da b the jr-n-eral
fcn-Ication. It ! etfcaated t!tat y.0
ton cf sulphur were cctss:n!e.l In New
Or-Vaca to-dty. cr atj-jt twer.ty carloid.
Mor- than fifty :oc were si-en to poor
rr-K-, wro could not buy it,
Tcctor Os.l t?r.-ros. Ui;cp of the
i:-?icoi-aJ CSurth for L.-t-l!ana. ba ad
dre.tf3 a Itttrr t- Sarcwa J H. White
cf the Marin. Hospital iVnJc--- acsfrt
Irr tfet rcsssiNy caes cr fever were be
ir s-irrrc9e.j i-y local ptrtcun sn-l
that if he o de-drci the BUhcp would
call a ct:ffrecte t,t th nlaate-5 f the
city aid crre t-m to make aijaaii r i
fcoust caaraiatr asd oaearfa Sjl faaaa-
CX atcksct.
Uaunored, She Regards the Crowd
Calmly From Her Pedestal at
the Corner of Kingsbury and
Union Avenues.
JlUa Carrie Kinsbury ha cauned no end
of a aeaatlon by appearing all day at
Kingsbury avenue -anl -L'nien- boulevard.
Attired only in a pink kltaono and a black
pJctutc hat. Her latet prank in the talk
of the hour amorif- the reidenti of the
Vet Rod. Xa explanation jf her whim
has been ouch-xarid. but Ko-u"!p has it
that Carrie ban demeaned herself. epx tal
ly In -.lew of the h:en etir.iatio:j In whUh
al-e formerly wa beld It the West Knd.
1 TiK s.-a tidal bec&ti earv )eait-rday mora- j
In;, when Mira Kiusbury appearetl at
Kiii-fousy axenue and Fnion boulevard.
nrraed ntil Hi' a Jhpanco Liraono and a
Hack hat Fed under her chin with a mag
nificent bow.. She brazenly fac-d the eiriy
tr.ornirK .huirligoer. Tls n the taik
started. U ;i-ui.Lkc eltdfiro and kooii
the whole U'e-t llr w.i- ,!!.-- u.-1-ins Mi
King'bu- dbat la a liiiuuno.
the our$ men -a -the-nelshborhood I
amiVd broraliv. while the tiionr t-edate
r?ld'iit frawiiod arid i-jH.-ke of the matter
ai lielne; tnore" than cadalou."' llla-s
Kliistury. unaware, fermlnsly. of the
furuie io had treated, lonttirjtd in htr
place at Klnj-bury ati.I Fnion tioitlevard
in ti:j kimono nnd -hat lliroushotittbeday.
Cimcm tiin!--. attixo tetl liv the unusual
Ititit. tool, picture-: to lluu In at 15' ton
lent. wliiV utility in tl'e irud iia"ed ttn--on'plimenUty
rem.it k-. but not a Mu-h
from J'i-h KltiR-bucy.
"Get wist to Cat lie in lor j;Ud tag."
cb. ril one otihiu of I lie iiiiKhborhood.
"An, i:u on." nt.irtt-d unolh-r. "Them
ain't her Simdav du-b" Tl.eni'-' her ma
querade toc. mid rlnt'ti not a !et on with
aomeone lo wear Via ou the Mreet."
Mi's Furtie K!:iS"bury. it n::;lit be haul.
is .mtime known, lull onl at time.
us the "Awakenltiic Nmpli." She i the
i-ntral-tiure In tlie beautiful colonnade
that fotm the entranv to KinBbury
u ntie.
KlUKItS rilltli-TKX NY.Ml'11.
ome time t,u Carrie took on human
form .! .tll a It oiuld be represented In
lirot s.' iinil-r the killful hand of AIN
irrie rhelfer. a foi titer juJI of HrinK
lu.ri'. Mi-- I'lieifr had -tuuled in Parln
for a time, and It was on her ntum tliat
-he comeiird the orlci.ial id4 of th-"Awak.-nln-j
Njmiih." When I he colonnade
at Kim-sbiiry aieuue waa completed Car
lie isocured a plate of honor in the ery
tenwr. Her rep.itatlon. which ha.-fpreid
to the dour rnd.,uf the city, began short
ly afterward. w
The name Canle originate.! wlieu the
; ouns hien of the neighborhood, -omc-wliat
Riven to liorfeb.uk ridimc. would
s-alute her at ar! morntna; tin thilr start
for a riK. The riders would draw up in
front of the eolonnade and tdna; "Oood
Mornlm. Carrie." Since then the nam: ha
tut.k. with the rxteption that Kina;buiy
hax been added
Veytcrdav morning the t-arl rifers were
Furpri'rtl to -ie Cartie arra-J in a pink
kimonn. It 1 st I II a mster- who com
mitted the deed. It wa rumoted that
otneone. annoyeil at Cirrle's dearth of
raiment, had taken ocealon to prov-Me
her with clothin?. but (hat rumor haa
Si'-n place to its- beinc the prank of some
email bov. Carrie's risht arm l luld
majetleillv over hr head and In the
hand tra- a piece of red ytrinK attacheil
to the hat.
Her raiment attracted a cf-at deal of
attention In the yi End. and people
from near and far came to cie on Ml4
Carrie Kingbury in her toirs." The two
tone -rrifStis that face Carrie from each
ide apptard to l toilderably annnved
at tl vounc; woman', prank. nd peo
Tle could not but notice the our look on
the face of the Jtarsoj le-i.
A;-'' Man Is Thrown From
Wjitron in ICnntinnr -mil Lies
HelpWs in Koatl After
Fracturing Limit.
After Ivinc for three hour on a countrv
mail with hl risht lea; broken In two
place.. Matthew Mejer. 70 jer.rs old. who
formerly lived at No. 2S2 Olhctrcet. was
brouchtto St. Iouts last nia;ht on an SI..
K. . Tt train from Steadman. Mo . and
plnce.1 In the City fiorpltal for trettment
He wa a victim of a runaway!
Jieyer is a cooper aril l cmplojej at
Stcadmin. He wa drivjna; a team of
mules Prlrt-iv at p. m. whn they ran
awa nl.d threw him oat. ilracsln h(m
oir distance and break ins Ida risht lea
:w!. above the ankle. Tiie team took
'risht three irile from SteaJnan and ran
wildly In the direction of the town.
tccr remained wtth th team fur cne
vli In aast jffA . a-ViakrL t Trepans Ha
lll"' 1111 lW III TkllVVn 111 ill. jie,
tued a-ay at the ,no. unt ,,e Warne
exhausted nd fell over the dnhboard.
His rjt was causht In the s!nI-tree and
1 e a' draBre.l about'l'.O -ards before n!s
! body fell to the jrtousd.
The old man eutalnd te fractures rf
the le,? w-hl'e beinc drscKed. and was left
helpf. in the renl. He called for hlp.
but ns one teas In hearlnc The pain, te
naj, was ejtcraclatlnc.
flu-ill's Track With DitMrous
Results at Pittsbur:.
ISttburr. Act. 3 To-nl?ht when a
Urs"crow-d cf pleasure skers fii:,j Ken
nywood Park oae ef the Pitwbune Kail
way Cotnpan"a atauine-5t places, a min
iature railway train, jumped the t-ack asd
ten paecTr were badly hurt, bat note
When tte lefts jumped tte track the
enrtneer. escaped l-ijory by jarcplaa;. but
the ?aaensr werr draeffed over the tie
quite a dtttxBce.
Two of the tafsrwi. Mrr. ncbert Huhe
aad Sum JaMs Baa. milt exfe oa-
Folk's Message That He Would Not Commute Death Penalty
Withheld From Condemned Man Hope of Executive Clem
ency Buoyed Him Up Wife Visits Him, Professing His Inno
cense to Lat-Hanging Will Take Place in Jail Yard at ::
J - fc-i aaBBBBBBBBBmVBBBB.:- L '..VWVW'
' " t Vjaaaaaaaaaamap t-r".i!i jz;j vr"1?1 . .t
' ' " r ' 48aBBBBB-?3?r-fl s'i
-''P-5-?' -. ? JnBBBBBBBam '-'"''&! T& '&
--7- -lHfcntfaaaaaaaalaVm
artammTaaaaaarmmmmm'aaaaaaaUma" e, V- y
-i "4 m 1fiaaaaaa! SattXaamali ..t-.'te: "
t t "k" aaaj$ - aa.' a. . t t&
V iaaaiaBaaBmaBBSSift'lmmPV -T ammmmmT " WT X
. a K-MmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaPLmmPmmmBL. T--.7- "''
a . ? tJaHSjr laalA V A
aaatw H " l-r
IJfJ flRHilamaammmmm ' "'
. . -?1.4 f.m J? V-aamt' 'C ' ' V.V"
$ -?'" - .
aV - ;-- " a -5 viv;
- " - - IIKXKV J.
?.!ur.I r r. who i !
With the I-fu- it of Governor l'..lk to m
terfere, the last hope of Henry J. Ileu
sack. who is tond in.it-J to die .m the
pillows ihU luorur.u f'"' th- tntirdi r of
I.'k fathr-ln-law; ranKfi The neve,
was rs.rjved at the Four Courts at 9
o'clock lat nliiht. but v..!" within Id fron
the condemned nnu.
IleiiN.uk wa vi-ited IIiii.ii,,!i..ii: thr dav
by his wife. Sir-. Emma . u-.ick. of "
ITa South KiRhtct nth stre t. aril his
t-piritu.d udvlst-r. the Itevennd Fallfr
SIcKrlane. of St. KraiKi- Xavl. rs Catho
lic Church, at Craml and J.Ind. II avinii.
Throughout hi- prison life Htusack was.
:t model prlscnr. and l.e did not give up
hope of executUecltmtncy until last even-i
Inc. He spent the afternoon rocini; the
floor of the jail jard bctweti two Ieputy
Shatiffs. and when no word rom Ji (Tir-
cn City had bc-en heard at 6 o'clock his
courasc N'san to fall him.
After partaking of a liRht supper he
paced up and down the jail van! for about
thirty minute when he was Interrupted
by Fatner SIcErlane. who pent a idiort
time slvins; Heuack spiritual consolation.
Father SIcKrlane left the condemn"d
man's cell at T o'clock ami rrtumc d
about midnight.
l'rof-fltis her linsli.inii's innocenep to
the last. Sirs. Hcus.uk. for the murder of
whose, father HeU.u' will p.i the death
penally this morning, paid her la -I vl'it
to her hOdhcnl -hortty 1-efore the new.s of
the Ooverimr's deci'Ion reached the Four
Courts. She j-ront .dx-.ul a quart) r of an
hour in the jail with her husband, and
whlvp.-red word', of encouragement to li'm.
A slip loft the Jill tears, filled hrr eves.
She aid that h. r hu'ba:id'j attome;.s.
former Governor Johnson sn! Charle" J.
Staurer. were doing all i" their power lo
induce Governor Folk lo commute the sen
tence to life Iri rlsonment. atnl that he
expected to hear from them before m!d
mcht Heus.i."k Hit l--en sr(plne Wore Ms
wlfe'y vi-it. but did not 'hor. th" leist
lcn of weirlne. afler ph left him. tie
'at In chair between two !eputies and
ruITcd nervoulv cn a clsir. He uat n t
talkative, and -pent most of his time
t irlnc vicantly at obj-e-is around hlru.
i:i:.i)Y koi: kxkcftion.
Alt the prejiiratior? for the execution
hive been cotrpleted Fnlike other hanc
Incs which hive taken place In th jail
anl. the mob of morbll ils"it-reer that
have in th pit witne.ej leal executions
In this clt. will 1 mlslre. No one ex
cept thr taff Of tr." Shrtlrf and Coronr
-ind the nevpraicr men will i. admitted
to the execution.
Sheriff Cl-rke said lat nlsat tl.rt thj
pr.e.ion tn the cal'ows wojld-le icin at
r. J tills mornlnjc. The death warrant will
i . , , ,,
L l"""? J h"lit J-"' ltf"; 'lf,er wh'cl
; arni oi ;n, rond.aineit tu.ia will I,
pinioned and the prtces'Ion. lefl bj Chief
IVputy Sheriff KlKltbcn. will besln:
Het.sack nil: be altnclcd m his last
moment by Deputies Kollty, Tins and
fmbrctht. wjo will escort him to the sal.
low.;. The noo und black eai ui.i be
adjusted by Jienrv- Stints, the. ro;smiker,
and the trap will b- rrunr by Ixputy
Shcriff Kolley.
The crlnv for which Hea-ack must My
the death penalty wa.s the murder of hU
father-'n-law . Aurun ISaptad. r. lies, tod.-
w ioi.su in tnc Kiicnen t n-s co.-ae. a: '
ro. 3i aouta Jentn street, on Xarch 1,
1A. lU;harr skull was crushed with a
hatchet, which was found near h l5jr
a s&art time after te murder. '
Hcuack was ?a ia the bouse a.xhort
time before the Cls-cotetT cf the body by
Slr. Ju.U. Raphael, wife of the siurdtrt2
man. who waa ick in lied ia the front
Heusack went home and returned later
with hi -Safe, the rxillce nay that he had
been drinking and when he returned to the
hosse blood talrs wrnr discovered on
Hit "eft ear and neck and oa top of hi
4a t84t Tafax,
be liatiK'd this momiuc
- Jl 4444444444444J
in- i:t:ritii:vK t i.st
At ::i tli's morning, after falling
.1-1' ep in tll liel't-f ih.it Gov ruor
Foln 'vould suc u reprietiii at tlni
li-t r.i.inid.l. Henry J. II. u:-.it Ir.
i.'id mil-d to In- hulls' at O to
day. w.! still to-jr.dlv slcepln?. Ig
norant or fie f.ut that ji fate
was fialeil.
He was allowed lo sl. p in tb
corritlo- of the' holdover Ut night.'
iurioiindol ly the de-ath v.tch. In-s-ti.ui
of Hn-r i.lueeii in his e.
He sit iw.-d no viena of rrsttenes!c
and uppcirvd to i-est ijuletly up t
that hour.
Crowd of .Mm. Women ami i'hil-
ilreu Prccipit.-t icd Into VH:ir
sir Corner-Stone l.ayiii";.
Tltree K;ililiN t'oiMliii'tingfscrviit-s
at Site if X-v Itjissian Syna-
;oue at I'ittslnir;; Are
Among the Injunil.
Fitts'.urc. Fa.. Aug. Store than Un
men. wott.eii and ehlldrrn were pn-cltl-tatid
fifleen fret Into a cellar b- the col
lapse of a platform to-day durinc the f
crelee. Inculenl lo te laylnj of the corner
irtcr.e of the Itcth David Russian Hebrew
Orthodjx Sjrnsnjtue on Sillier rtreet. near
Narl all of them n-cte cut am! bruise 2.
but It I-Itcvej that none was fatal'.y
Three rabll were amor.;; thoe who
neat down and, although injured, they
concluded the iT"mony after the panic
hid rub"Med.
Among the n-ote x-rlously Injured are
ILtbhis Ayhimky. ?. Graffman. A. is'oom
end NatS-in Natljnson. pa.s'.or of thj con
gregitlou. and I'ollceman Adam !fte
vekl ,"
Fltll. I'lATrORVJ TOO .
!uk for mown.
The platform which broke was abo'lt
fifty fe. I nuare. and had been construct'il
ovc-r the oundTton walls for the accom
modation of tbc rabbl ofCeera of ifc
church and in'.ited gtiets.
Jut pricr to the corner-stone trrm:r.n
a brasr band le-nSing 01 ZIonl.tT. mareetl
up. and when tie Zlonlats were Invited to
puss over the phttfonn in o-der to irn
their nsms to the toll to be placed in
the !oc. a mad rash made by the
thourard-s c pe"ca who had leathered
zbcut to scire the same privilege.
The pollcsmea were o-veew-helmed ami la
a moment the platform wa packeel. Tha
frail structure colli pM and fury Stt
persona were carried down with It.
Th panic tht frIlowed attracted thou-
sanda to the rpot and the pt-Hce heal grfat
dtrsculty in estricatinc tbe acrttusvlag mm
sraajuaffj victua, froaj ta wTackstsa,
On N:'cho7a&s Reply to This Suggestion Depends the Fate of
the Por:smcu'h Conference It Is Thought That
Japan Would Readily Agree to New
- Plan to End the, War.
Portsmouth. X. H.. Auj. 20. Tiic Abrw'sted Prcs is able to ammuace
that the fcaitire cf the propo.itioa of President Rooscrelt. commualcatett
tiiroiigli Karon Koca to Mr. Witte and trancniittcd by tae latter to Eaiperor
Nicholas, was based on the principle? of arbitration.
"vYctliier the iroporal tontf mpltcs arbhraioa cf all the articles oa
which tte Jeaipoten:rne have failed to agice o only on the questiaa of
iademnr cannot be stated with jKwiriver.css. but it i3 more thaa probable
that it rck'tcs only to indemnity or to indemaity and tbe cessioa of the
island o" cKbaKn.
Neltucr In it .osible to say whether tbc President bas yet made a simi
lar proposition u Japan. The customary diplomatic proceedings in such a
care w'onlti l.e to submit tbc proposition simul'saeously to both conatries.
r bnt tin ro niibt le an advanlage in
Kiibmitlin it to tae other.
To Kniperiv Nicholas, the anther of The Hague Peace Conference, tbe
Mge--' :a of .trUiiatiuu. which will 'necessarily immediately command tbe
sympathy of the public opinion of the world, will be particularly bard to
reject. It" he agrees. Japan, if she ha.t not already done so. will be all the
n.ore t.und to submit her claim to the decision of an impartial arbitrator.
Attpiame by io:h ides would involv.- a preat extension of tbe principle
of arbi.krstlu:i. as n.itioas have heretofore declined to arbitrate ques
tions lurching their "honor and 'dignity. Both Mr. Takahira and Mr.
AVitte, in tbe tarlier stages of the conferral e. absolutely rejected the idea of
arbitration, and oniyLsterday both reiterated their disbelief ia such a solu
tion. Ii was Hoiked, however, that Mr. Witte's opinion was not expressed
as strongly as i wa lat week.
' M'Ki'i.M. r.v i-.r.i.t
l.oii.;i :. Aii. 21. The LoihIuu
'Times, this moriilti): prints the Mlti
iiik: " ToitMii.mtli. N. II.. Aujr. i A tele-Si-.iiii
was ri'ic-ivi-d ihW eieuitt sayinc
that tin- ar bas held a council which
lias c-o:imMitiI all iUlii'ii!' relatius
to tin- mmiv niifcri-m-i- ittiil that a
(Iciiximi .ih taken, apiun utly unani
mous, at any rate Ana!, that no
furt iier ni-ess'niK e-ati 1k made i
Jaiuili. Tic .sdiirc-e of this information
i mil c.liiciitl.
"Why did the PrWdeiu vtul for the
Ki's!au AtulKtssadiirV Ills anxiety ha
xbovvii itMlf tltiollKliollt the last
xu-ek. iltiriiiR which Karon KaucLo
paid four rlsiin l njrMer Ifciy. nt
wiilic.iit invitation. liuTstmiiii as Kri
d'l.v'K Appeal wiiH lo tlieKusHlans only,
it i- iuferreil thai the lTeident knew
from Kaueko all ibe Jaiawse bad t
tay and desired to know from Uom-ii
what Ktissiia's attitude rwilly i. lie
is cunituonly snpioM-d to want it as a
basis for an apm-al to the Car.
"But tMitliiiiff is eertain and it is int
even lertaiu lhat tlie I'resident in
teniN i iutrvne in any way what
"If Uoc4eevelt shoilM itrse' tthe
rinnl I hl. used In hi original note
to Nith Powers) the Cxar to make
jieacc. he mould Hud himself eon
fronted with an tinexpeetiil sitna
lioti. i titil he saw B"en. he may
l.ave snpimpcd the Uorernment of the
Czar-had taken no active part in the
lellberatloiiH of the conference, lie
now knows the contrary. Ho know:-"
that the final rcfua! of fonr of Ja
pan demands ! the act not only
of tin- i:usian plenipotentiaries, tin;
of the Knsslan fioveratnen. tlioueh
cot of tln Czar himself.
"For scmie time no fns1i instruction''
were aykol for by the plenipotenti
aries, or given. At one critical mo
ment tlie will of the (internment made
ithclf felt. The Czar has shown
throughout a deep confidence in bis
agent. He lias mit nverntlid them;
he lia only Mrcnartbene-d their hands
when he tlioti-ht i hey misht nei
IM--f?R1R WHE' THE' ID 4t.'
"Hat the oint Is that, upon full in
formation of what wan passing in the
conference, tlie Czar's iJovernment re
sol'd that there should he no loneea
idem on the on matter concerning
which the J.ii.int!i'. on their shle. an
ecinally resolute reimbursement if
! Japan's war eXeJ!e. ThN jUesvtion
I ban n-Ter Ijctii dlcti'Mil as a cjnestion
of more or les cash. It ba lie'U l!sv
cuhsod on fadh sides simply as a iiues
tion of principle.
There lias been no bargainiiiif. Uus-t-la
has never a?ked Japan if he
v.o-.:!il take lislf. Japan lais never stig-
Ke?t.sl to i:nsla that some asreenicBtt
might be reached on tlie inetloH of
the amount to tie paid- They have
never approached erli other.
"lademnity is a tlivicifng line. or.
rather, a yawning abyss which Is as
wide and as ib-ep as it km when they
first lool.se! at each ether across it.
.'Baron Roen retnrned here this
morning from his vUlt t tbe lresl
dent. Conjecture is busy guessing
-- - - -- - -----
view, dui this at ieaK wobmi seem cer-1
tain: th; ITesldeaf. If be expressed
nay opinion "at all, must have re
marked that the terms Russia is now
gsJcetl to accept for discontiaaatKe of
the war are incomparably less tbaa
"tbose which Satada nssst later asree
Z If tbe war cuatlaaaa."
ecnricg the adherence of one before
Ciiltuiiialiou of Hitter Feeling IV
te'U lite Viceroy. Lord Kitch-
tier and India Office.
Commander's ew Wan of Aruir
A dm in tst rot ion in India Waa
l'is;lprovi'd ly (ItltgoiB
ISritis.Ii Kepreseutative. "j
London. Aur. a The resignation of
Ird Curzon or KetJIeslon as Viceroy of
India and Hi appointment of the Earl e,f .
Minto as hU succes.sor was announced at
tlie InJU Office to-night.
According to th correspondence, which
is issued hi i he form of a white l.ook. it
appears that lar.l Ci.tzons resignation
w".j cab'eil lo that office on August 12.
The correspondence slioirs a decidedly
bitter feeling iictween Ird Curzon. th
India Office and trd Kitchener. Com
mander In Chief of tlie forces In India,
over the new plan of army administration
in India.
Lord Curzon's ilwatirfaction came to
a head with the refusal cf the Cabinet to
appoint Stajor General Pir Edmund nar
row, on Lord Curzon's recommendation,
military tipplymembee of the Council.
Heplving on August 2 to the refusal of
Sir. ftrodriek. Secretary of State for In
dia, to make this appointment. Lord 4Tur-
zon riuests that the Government recon
sider Its e'eclrton. "In order to enable ms
to accept the responsibility which I infer
hU Ma Jest v "a Government still ieire.s m
tr assume."
Sir. Rrodrick again refused to eomplv
with the reejuent for tlie appointment of
Stajor General narrow, nnd Ird Curzoi
replied as follows:
"It Is apparent thv his Jjrtr'. 4v
errment deny me tlat ronfldenec whica
alone can enable me l serve them. anl
attach a fundamentally different Interpre
tation from mvself to the modification.,
upon the acceptance of which alone I con
sented to remain In office.
"The situation. therefore. remains
where it wa whan I resigned in June. If
the Government are unable to accept my
views I request the Irera'er to place re
resignation In the hands of hla Slajesty."
Freight Train Strike Crowded
Htreet ".ir at lliitte, Mont.,
With Frightful ICesult Many
Butte. Stunt.. Aug- V" A Great North
ern freight train struck a crowded Co
lumbia Gsrden car on the crossing at tb.4
Butte. Anaconda and Pacific depot here
Fo-jrti-ei persona arc reported killed anl
many Injured.
ataggie ttarnanton er Butte Is amonc
tae killed.
Stisa Siaw, a you: lady at Florence
Hotel. Butte. 1 d!ng.
Fotlowlcs are among the Injured:
Johr Harvey, pekane. Waia.: leg brs
ken and severely Bruised.
BrMget Murray.
Mrs. JfcndeL
atd Maaten. B vf Butla.