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mmkl&rTi&iZt' -- .--V9bkJHm!Gm& dSKiWV.r- nraRnnmiannB. laws i junuum " uwuw'i.HM-9nsi-mjauuiui unmaB A;.73i?VW?sSf.tli't7-Vi . . , - - - - - f f" ' " ,- 'v i- - . e - --.. J - - Ffi? t II ( i I t ft ff Jf fc I I w ifROSSIM ARMT THIRSTS FOR BATTLE" Declares Czar's Soldiers Are De termined to Keep Ob BackiBg the Bed Till It Wins. READY TO RENEW FIGHTING. CorreHwodent of Hi. Petersburg Slnvo Kays His Country Has Already Conceded All That Could Be Expected. ! ! RlV4lx TIMI'OUT SKIZKD S 1 PITl IIOI'Al 1jO K II.KHOR. A TY.klo. Aub. M. The i-cmmander 9 of th- yi'jaCro: etii to Kamsciut- La reports mst he 'ii'il tr.e It-- ? atan transport Australia It: IMro- pavlo-.e; barber m Ausu-a l;. II 0) T'ort mouth. X. II.. Aus- S Mr. lSri-s-i.tchdlhoff. com..-joad lit of th" St. !' rburs rilovo. r.- Is in clci tn-ii with the memle rs of t5.- rt-iM.m ralsi:.!" the folloum:; sJKiiificinl nauin.r.t to-nlsiit to ll-e As-ociuted I'r.s "V; that v.e m. on tli- f,i of the ! tisi't oaj. r.h'-a .".. are to ee v.ii'tlur Iiljher civilization wedded to iaT, Is to come out vK'tutnji - nill admit itself l.-K.irbl" i I!ri'!iiitr .i jun solution of tin problem at Portsmouth, and v,!Ii lefer Hie wlide Is.' baik .is-.r. to th arb.tram. at of the shopI. 1 ?m jrof than v-r on lent that J Jo no- belong to tl.u ;ovcrn meiit and c-i!i i-.ij a a "nrle iSasrLin citizen tf.nt ItusM.t wijJx-s ix-jcf irj s!n rtrJy. tr :rj;i;il. .imi h- cotiIii tra thai no h.2 't3)0ti"-tr:iti-l it' r !. Ire lor t3C- by li r ouurM at t'tU oititnrt'iJfc. "h' hai- I-M.j on iiht. jxihits. Shs i.a; aliasiooa'j'i rT drni cf an oji-n j.iit in the 1'aeiJi" Hrn has a:J to n.tli' trom the countr hne !! IM' niit million!; In til-' ctl.s- of civ.IIzatb'Ii. Al! thi ! ha oone. hut r.ot li-cau -ill Itar a. co'itl'iu til n -l til- u tlie or,tmrj-. Ktttrt- I ft irccUctl fro:n Kif-oa 'r- utantinou.s in ali.? that the whole routitrx ha n-ACil ron!itlMx In Us n-otijatilZ'-'l ittn,: tli it t.' aftnv tnlr-tlnj? for luttl. an.j .l'-'w.rn'i oily of rrf-:ie: that tjntul IJiuWtch. Cora-man'l.-'-in-i'Mtf ts -ur- -i. .m-i that the :nitJiont s .ill ur in alns that w r f 'op t'- n:'rl ami jbs- lcil Mate, of tit. I ..,11 l.-.-u litter. "We Know tlut un-vit-li Is not only an crcan;zr. hl.- Knro;titI.i:i. ht.t that t- Ii-ji-M-tbos that iira: lar intul . Hun. that taj. ti: fur .ouly .-U-itij; an .ijjirniiut . v. in. h nii,n- i.m t,ii viewy :iil!i.-l an aH.r-ary as fott:IU lil a the, Jap Hie-. Tin- iimnl'i of liiiiilan troip.s at l"i.l iuils llio-.- of J.i.-m. ami if ,ir- im lotiitr Sib.ri in recruits. 1 knov. that la tin. .-..., ot all furo cm r all tlts ursu mtlitb art not i-onvita ins. T i til ( the. ;nfi ijillu. no tli. it jn ntm lit a" t tit- future, but to I:,i--i,iti .bi, jre m tou'-h -.ith the tnilit nv U'on jt Is cert 1 1 n :i iiiptut. .f the n-s-r i-itin'-rl Intani- tin 1 Itcv lint tin- turn of Ibi tW. I- al It mil Vrt iltnj will a bittb jil.i-i a front of Mt lull s tm i-.e '.ri for uhit maj laM n a Ilitl- an Mont, tho ntj hi th. oiit la lb irv of tin ni'!! an ordi-r ltr,il! i jjrt-te.l iirbollv nn! rtno-I. a t'l.i.honi- v.iv- ut .iiitlii;r. ma in an instant . ntlr ! ihanc th ltt: itlon n.. ,-htivm, ! .Kt'Trl-lu.l tl.-i!.ii. f t!i ltiislin", .h ii th" .n toltl Vu ha ir.s'. pij :;,!. Tiflon tint-- hi ms r!nti vc iv, ),, .,, tb r.-l ntn Ii h?i otm' liLt k Hi lr.i now t lit. Ivantase of Mi.- Jiari . ulll isiii llniif to U-ir-lt tin r 1 until v nri "Th rliO.'! 1m til" risht to hi i"ng" The world r.mi I 1- ansiy witb IIumI If aftr Invlnc j K'lO'ii ji. ih.Uis more thin li nii;iit ib" i.oiv -, If tn a.liersiiv ili 'i i? iin'lr-stntnl I halo ; lM. i iitinllliisl nl 1-- xi'" I haic alwsos b- i.J In tin oar ful folutlou of cflI'l- I mil jroo to tiim that, one- . nn3il. I d:i lomo cb tlnat" irl inir.-ei tl prair.- until :r; ili-ir; is i-otii;ilot K .-xt'iiiiih.'!! l'"rom'l. a ' nnli'iiill.i-tl, in-! a liolitin in jwa - I tim! that It v,nu in .ntir." inf r!iu' to tli- !lctn of 1'U -1 1 to Mibnill tio iuiUon in rlipot. to Tin- 1I..K1:' tribunal. m! thu- linre.i-t !'. M'b nJo- ,f t'i.-it 'nslttuttoii. uhb-li "hvul'l l'oiin for tli. w If ir. if huni nit "'r rls'n f (be oi, ! m of nii!loi :m I kn.. a!o. tb. t ii. 'i an I ia Im- not ! iakn .n-HiBli r r. m 1 ttun rf . ntiit it ..s.inst tl.- 1.USMU1 I" ' tli. if ol-orMii.; thr-ir low frr t ir. ti -s l-. it ini'Tii .l :,in of woak'ies anil too inuii l ' rnain:e,l of th til thi v t IiIt.. i'iij ill -t i,s in th btiJ of tin t ' -ii tal- " JAPANESE CABINET MEETS: GOVERNMENT EXPECTS THAT RUPTURE WILL OCCUR. T.-kin A c 2' me'ln: r( Ur C'ibi if t utif bM o ia It ail "irinsl n 1 o rlcrk al il -manl. I'rittii.r Katuri 'lrPK1 to ttif ;u i aitl -la.lo ritrt Jo rrtjirror Mutsuliit. I.ttr thr Trmicr -.'ivei! ?! "liu.' M MrDniMM t Tibom ho c"ant.l .in x-trn-iej Int'-nln. jirofttniibl'. with relation to tli.- .ic- 'onf.r--t-e at lortnioulii Kollowlnir tb" i.til .it th- Ilriti'i Hint tr, th rrrier anfrrrej with M nUtr of War Terau. hi ' -f '.I ir'p.-V-r.iatnoto. iil tVe hlnee t 3tilt r if Kuif en Affitln. Thi l'r-rrir at-l his eonfrees dwlini to !, nsti the -ia.i:hi T'.e Korrtcn o'flr. to-'1iv innitrneil thst t us tntiii'I.'.l to ai5h r.- a ihe tiol. Ifi of ecre.-- tltltll ".lie 1.0:1. hlili-T 1.J 1 lcn rarhnl The Io mmw M r ' t it 1 s, o r,i'l) l.lleei thit .1 ritute .f the :i fcrefre is i.uvit.i'l- JAPAN WILLING TO YIELD TWO POINTS FOR INDEMNITY AND SAKHALIN. IVrtnr Jib X II ,Vu; : .s-oi!i-c to r-jir-tit c lt Ibiron Kan-k.. 1. 1 1 -1-" rrIJ.nt that Jotn "i!! i.i ,w 1- tlrb-s anil 1 Thai Jstpa 1 in-jl I x 1. (.1 . .1 I in' 1 i5i.i jio mi ii ft'i" .1 a i-,it ami l (iclrTinltv ni ! alhil'm t n-. rldT.1 c-r't" b it rosi'l ; l-ns; illvmt' UT ptiniiM. tif hu 1 tr -f thi rr.U rt f.-Msiti a t lUr-r Hi-s.-n r" sltnp!y br-Ts? 2i-. Mr tt has ii.; r-o-n ronw. .'s'.il it t, thr id'h Iwn o hlf rnti"'i rk,r nnj tf.r Jar jnrso arc ab olat- l!--it RUSSIANS HOLDImPREGNABLE POSITION ON SAKHALIN. ItwllVTolar! Xfti. !'-irtj t "si Ti-.- Htioiati of!! - .'! .v rra -'i tbr j trim jail frvm Sakni'ip tr.virt t at th J Kuc.Ia:: force In tn- Ir"-' sr f " nbnl 1 .ccup:e. a most .mrr' s-aM n-j'i..i at-. t.txix'ns t fu j ..rr rt ..f the con-j tlCls. J FOLK WILL NOT INTERFERE: HENSACK EXECUTION TO-DAY. New Fall Merchandise New Ready-to-Wears Women New Models in Walking Suite. The new Box Refcr Coat Suit, of fency saltiags aad cherloti; coat silk-lined; akirt box-pleated effect: colors black 69f (( and blue and checks; $18.50 to v""" 30-inch Coat Suits of fancy cheviots and mannish suiting; made with side-plcatcd skirt; coat has velvet collar and cuffs; oO EA colors black, tan. navy and brows check: $22.50 to. . V-O''"' Th new PaIdK.-k Cat Suit, of Cheviots and Broadcloth; coax ailk-lin'-d tbmnsliont: trimmed in black silk tiraid with QIC i pleated akirt; -olow Mack and blue;. at ?40.X and V V V New Fall Walking Skirts. Made in all the late materials and styles, cored, pleated and circular effects. Walking Skirt of tMiiitotb cloth, made with yoke and QQ AA umbrella flare: colors blue and black vO-VU New Skirt of Cheviot and Broadcloth: made gored and circular style, with panel front; colors black, navy and 21 ft E(l brown; Slu.uft and vlv" Still another good style; mannish Euitinj;: trimmed in CI J. t( tailor straps; in the new shades of gray V New Rainproof Auto Ulsters. Of whitp Rubber Cloth: terra cotta rubber trimnsins: made douWe-Invai-iiHl with looe back. Nit and full 6I9 k JwtrS; at V lmmVJ Kalnproof Auto Ulsters; sateen, rubber-lined; made double-breasted, lw-. ba-k. with belt and two rows button: j?l fi 0 new t-leTr; at vl. t Kaiiiproof Auto Ulsters; of terra cotta rubber cloth; collar, cuffs and belt iriaum-d in black: loote tack with belt: 14. 00 full !,ev,i: at v W Cnivni'tti- Ifctim-wit.: Just the thins for travellns: made in all the latest innlels; wlors tan. Rreen, cray eft f SA -. i(i II A and Oxford; prices I U.OU IO $UUU Advance Showing of Autumn Dress Goods. Horm and Foreign Ilmadrloth Comprising al the desirable street ami cvi-nitm sbadctt; prices range ' k from ?1. :.. i J)O.UU I'laid llark Itainpniof Cmvenette 1wth; new shades of &))? Kray anil tan: r.4 inches; at $".c) lnixrt-d Mif-l Worsted Suiting Shadow rlaids In gray, blue, brown, gun metal, polonia and tan: . ifi T2 int-hes w idc; at 3-.. U if l-'n-nrli Wtirstnl Suiting Medium weight, solid grounds, shadow - plaids and ombre hiripes; in shades wine, reseda, navy, cadet. &eal brown, golden brown and polonia; a-i yi 41 inches wide; at vl'"" (ienuiiM Scotch Suiting In mixtures, checks and stripes: very desirable for tailorod suits and separate skirts; TL .! inches wide; at . I. it) Iniportnl Itrahletl Vforicds- Solid grounds w'th self-embroidered tlots in hiiades of navy, brown, garnet, dahlia, iff! io?eda-anil -at't; 4T, inches wide; at JM-I A (omtelc Assortment of Scotch Clan Tartans Suitable for shirt waist Miit.s. and ctpccially adapted for children's HA Iresscs; 4 1 inches wide; at ,1.UU Krcncli Itatistc Complete assortment of street and evening shades; ery desirable for house gowns, wrappers, kimonos, Cr v.alstb and children's dresses; 45 inches wide ..OtlL Our Fall Flannel Exhibit Lena Scotch Flaaael for blouses, house gowns, skirts. n pajamas, wrappers, etc.; unshrinkable; 29 laches ,'xUC Scotch Flaaael. a fine fabric, half wool, neat checks. 3tripes aad solid colors for men's and women's wear; unshrinkable; 28 laches wide, at OC Wash Flannel, a very fine texture, beautlfal madras effect; black aad white aad blue aad white stripes, pink, gray and greea: also figures oa colored grounds; unshrinkable; 29 inches wide, at .OOC Edinburgh Flannel, the finest quality of Scotch Wash Flaaael in exclusive novelty designs. This material represents the highest attainment la manufacture, coloring and designing KA la flannels: 32 inches wide, at OUC Anderson's Scotch Flannels, highest grade in madras designs aad plain white. This quality Is exclusive to our house and was im ported direct from the manufactory; g. 32 inches wide, at OOC First Showing of Our Fall Importations off Novelties in Bags, Combs, Purses, Fans and Desk Article?. We have paid especial attention to the quality and work manship in the selection of this line not ovcrleokine the attistic, beautiful and esclnsire designs of which this season has been more prolific than ever before. We feel sure that the line of goods will be of interest to alL We will quote a few with prices: Pen aad Ash Tray 73e Three-piece : set. Blotter. Tray and Knife flJSO Inkstands S1.M Leather Pocket Photo Cases, holding three pictures. . .S3.SO The Novelty Harness Purse Handsome Vanity Bags. . .SStO at ...... 85c Folding Fans for Opera Bags, Etc. On Display In Our Olive Street Annex. Copper Frames, holding three pictures 00c xapers .... ............ .oOc Blotters ......... SOc Letter Racks 75c 8tamp Boxes 75c Letter Scales 7.V Dainty French Underwear. Tin: refined simplicity of French handmade underwear always appeals to the American woman but prices have not always been such as to make it available to all. At the present time it is so moderately priced that even those of modest purse can afford it. DraiwTs French l.ongcloth: hand-scalloped ruffle. !ijiel with hand brier: at Chemises Soft finish French Lnngcloth; neatly hand-scalloped around neck and arms; two hnd brier . Mitiiiing.s; at l,o" XiIii i;.uns- French l.ongcloth: tone of graduated hand tucks; haml-sealloped ruffle oa neck, sleeves and o oj tlnan front; a: ". . 9". 0 IVtticoais French Percale; "Spanish" flounce: firmly hand-scal-ki d with nine hand dots in e?ch &,p , sciiiop: at ........... J im tM ....81.45 New Silk Petticoats Just Received. An early showing of a few of the Fall Styles which will be much in favor. Price of unusual interest. Ai s:!.V IHaek Taffeta Silk, with underlay, full cire; iiil. trUIii? a ery ;Iar ruffle sliir .! lish effect. At $a 00 IJlack Taffeta of supe rior itialit. with underlay of ac- tuilioti plentiuz and triple flounce; aaoiher is all bilk, in Mack and the leading shades accordion-pleated ficunce with loot ruffle. At .T.."- Black Taffrta Silk, with s'lk underlay, very full flounce? with three .- t ion circular ruffle. Our Crullie Importations The ideal washable fabric for c'uldre i's wear and cspeciall doiral So for kirnoaos and houte crvrns Patterns include .strijie.-. chei'Ks. do's. Persian. Uresden. floral and delgnj. Prices 55c, 6S)c, 65c yd. Grover's Soft Shoes For Tender Feet. We have added ihe aliove to our Slice !ci.irtmellt ill lali-e. Cii srn. Princ Alberts Oxford and Ion button. ) Price, $2.50. Importations of Fancy Laces A special purchase from the most prominent house in St. Gall, Switzerland, at a concession of 50 per cent. They comprise Edges, Bands. Appliques and Motifs in white and ecru. We will offer them this morning at the following prices: $1.50 qualities 75c $.".50 qualities f 1.75 $5.50 qualities S3.75 $2.00 qualities BI.OO $4.00 qualities S2.00 $0.00 qualities SS.OO $5.00 qualities SI -TO $4.50 qualities f25 f S.00 qualities fJJ.oe Summer Corsets. Newest Deslgas CeaMaed With Style aad UghtacM. In Our Corset Department are displayed the best Summer Corsets that we have ever shown. The same energy has been put forth in gaining the rep utation about our less expensive Corsets as is accredited to this store for its cxclusiveness in the finest grades and best makes. -- Prices From 48c Upwards. Fancy Tape Girdles; Kpccial at .4Sc I'atlste Corsets: all length to lit all figure; with or without Mip portets; Cl ftft CTorsets for slender figures in In numerable style?, one Warner N"o. :K2 Batiste, hot his front telles S 1. 00 Ftr Stoat Figarrs I'artlculnrly Is the Warner So. 4S:: Batiste. jarratt'lU; at Shield Corset Covers. One of tho mixt essential improve ments tliat hah ever been made in underwear, is the protection i smiiiner gowns from iieriiira tion. These have the hhicld placed in the coer and so con cealed with trimming that ap parently they are like all others Prices $1.25. $1.75 .j acd ............... s? ... il Light-weight Batiste Corsets; supporters -.v attached orC Silk Ribbon. Batiste -1 Aii and Tap.- Cirdlcs. at. 91, )i) For medium figures in six mod els, one R. & G. No. C71, with front and side 4.1 a jarratellcs; at JM.UU good molels- wi:h front -one especially good $1.00 Baby Sweaters and Afghans. Soft Wool Knitted Sweaters while, with light blue or pink finish buttoned on lioulder.s; sizes. I. '2 and :'. qi -i- ycar: at ...,vl.i) Knitted Wool Afghans, in pink and white and blue and white stripe: fringed Q - edge; at vl'"W Aa Advaace Inpertatlea of Woara's aad Mca's Handkerchiefs For the coming season, especially triced for to-day's selling. Hemstitched Kmhrnidered Hand, kerchiefs fur Women "oft dozen at Kic 275 dozen at 1 5c ;:."' dozen at "W- Men's Hawlker.blef-2')0 dozen, siecr. corded liordcr; regular 75i quality for 50c jnpjjgt mW 'mTmfWwmamW' a mm W MMmTBV,m fgSjBSi! TheAraaldKBltOaaz Umbrella Drawers Are so light. irons and elastic that tliey do not Imld itf-r.pira-tion. cling to the body or bind, as with all muslin, l.-.wn or woven fabrics. Stout people arc en thusiastic in their praise. Price, 50c. milinril Krnn Vas.- One. tis- He vraJ S5'r. U2ler nit but !lre! hl l-neern- Alft nl Lur Ktomattet. of N"o zz S. -ith Tnth tre-. U net tUyi.s n ti? jarU f t? !tip&al hear. ;p1 V.c thai ti- h-ar ttie ' a-'i cr ul Hnrj:Ck It : Uaikul" At the im! 'it-tc '.a: r rcum-taattl vdce ' l-tr-. . d acatrt HiUsacs. but tfcl vrai rv v -vviaclnj? that th JutT ryturceJ - Verdit . I jtu.:t- At aj peal a tiMi t th Bprss Vutt tut f-t ijJsntnt of tt court w aSrrotl an J IIu4ck na ye-j-teticM to lii oi tfce ratajsri e-jtij Usni- tie? T2bjljt- hl ftj fSav4f.l n !... mcrdrr of tiU fcrtithrr-SnOiTi. Tt-oaiiii J IUt!s sr-3 werr ttvtse rejrK"T-l Ijv C$r ci'aer Fnik .irl It ttoaht Uvst c'lfwr of thttn wo.kI t h.ntet It 4tunlay wbra th itita natch came isjo Jn to ViKo ctrsf cf th- c nc3Csl ntn ; sj." pluccrvl a Kr.; tata kl-t hejirt and lann tnt iJ listxatlr l!SCl"ssS EXKCVTW." SbfrS Cloike .rsJ h1- efcljf C?pct. lii vrJ iayLv9 r.J 3 coaultatton 1t?j IV-raoor.ii fir an avr j-trrlj-TSwr SUct:sU ifc 2rc3tl?c acd irJ tht th Utf rltr CC.ttW lw !lrte4 cnlv la lb t:y tents r?, a i tb lx in Ne York ar.U OhSi. ShtriX CiTkff ltVrrJ tht la fcJ o a w th nert I.- . liliture jJwhjM j a lw provtdlr r r xrcuta-m la ike Jfcj:c priwi at JrSrr atfn Otv. Tke Steriff cat tcacc tiiorc aiilalji A Mi,n; lio tni n.e.1 to trj to c-l "om 1"P He t M I'hl-f I-raonI t.t tho execution otuM take il.ire nlnul 5Ji) cloak t hl'f licsmrfl offer 1! to rn-ier er .iltinr.' o hs jv.r but tlcc'ln.;! l"t-rk 1 ltivilntlot: to l pfsctil at thr r xrrution C.ijef IVput t.iI.!oa rcpirtc-t to Sher iff l"a"k a. '" y lork mt evrrxttt CK tm. r.nil He al.1 h. ha.1 rec-ivil a colt of raiall rtpe 1t!i uhirh to tie Heu nacV arir anl e;. ami that tlir black -; had bcn isIxl Sheriff flirkehis ;v.o nnti rT. not cart -c to tikr a ehaioo cr n:- . eiil.-nt lil.o th.-t w hloa h.i I n1 ni it" liareinc of KHzc-raM -several -enr nco hn the tfi broke and St w5 r.ei"farj to alt fortj mtnuti lie fore another couM be rroru-.s, lltiierali! Itnr in the mo-ce meat.tltne sa-Tlns for bVata ami Is-rslr.s for water Kl!en harf leen nc-jualnle-l -ul'h Huak for n-ar! ten year H Btatert th.: Hruck l wob n3V"!. haScs rteptty oa suih Eth'een'h :tret 1NVITBS HIS FItlKNDS. H.uvick. s al!fwa the frlxllec of r.ifln for to fr-nds to wl'ne' the execution. He IrcterJ Joi-er-h Pre-ton a me. and 5t It -jM ttjit J'rrjitoa wttl li prnt hi the Jrop fail. On th- Ad-tce of hlf lruty Ellba. Heu-ccWV -j.r-oki - k as .eat out cf tte city ye-terJiv aftcr'-vn and wilt not return for exe-al dai The chil-i reJ. It .ld. I itlible l:u:acX ht rfjueted SfcriJT Clirkf to civ- his body to Joseph l'ret3. wlH-h aU l- ilorc ft-r lb autojy and ia uaett. -li!th HI f it' tve extcntuti m radtxtely. An ur.i.-tfiker ta. b'en -V3(sl 1 rrta-vre th b. iy frara tie jI ts-raedlattlv fter th ajthorit! have SnlsheA xiltft It. ra-sn yct"riiy ifJerTitya f catt'ed a thorcus fextc rf the tal- 13 t Se ni.l. b.ssjt- of Lnnb rt NI ba ' committed stil-'i!" at t'- Four "ourt. em Satt.rda nomine while in a cell aa!t Inu e."jt!on to-ilj. will take place from :h utnlrtak!tis-room of Kbe-le fc Keie tbl aft. rnoon TTio "-!y of Xlehaus wa clilni'il ti an unci f the sane nntne. an I -.tit to the uad-rtakins-rootn He i the orlj kr.ouu relate t of Nichau? In St. Iul A: S o'clock the bily will be taken 10 SS IVtcr .mil !"aul'j IVmetery fjr burlai Ni'haus v.c to have ben hanse.1 to-day i.Jth Henrj" HeUstck. but thwarteil tr csIIcas by tabblnc himself with a Jack knife that was .ntJKp!e-5 In to hitn It wt.". ravterlou wat Xlehaus killed nl brothtt -In-law Tlwmn rlu.f;tl. in a sa loon at Kshth and Soulard streets, lc cmer 3D. UC WOMAN IS INJURED IN LIGHTING FIRE. u!rl.- Three gt2irb x'scd c n-untlr -:y ce at cu:t i-unur 1 II. an 1 I St t at for sieves hocr rcolc fmfirl'd trt J.l er !' th.-r had fftts-I t,ir tire ps T.ket -aoier wia cozhzm? t -nkesti4t:3a i tow Nlehtu. 5-1 lie ka-c NIEHAUS'S FU'iERAL WILL TAKE FUCE THIS AFTERNOON. Tfc futvx-a: f lhc:t Nhsus. wfco In an effcrt to txtlnscNh Maze, which oc-urrrd in l..r horte Siturdax- en!nir. Mr? Jcvhtne Marker of No. 3H ftut.1 S'vcnta stre-t was painfully burne.1 on the han-I. She ira forre.1 to abandon the attempt and to k ref ue In the mreet- An alarm wa soundfd freta box No. ?U. at X nth and Ars'nal treet-. bat be fore the atrtval cf the lire Iepartnn:. lis" Sre ha 1 cued a. of O90 to th b'Mirr and !1T. to the content. The on !. cavereil by l-.urar:ce The cauce of tlj 2r Ij no: known. HOVEHEXTs OF erCft TESEU. Ccxa. As I.-Arr1i!- Kon'si Vat :.e )nr tit Gltmtaacl NapVa. setiaarr. Acx ! rrlv.4: Stealer Ve T.-. Nw Tcik. Tta I"!cij:a 14 -erir. 5Jrtii su Si. rrrreij: Mniwr Clxa-t-. Ne TV. re Coinf lasi wced-Ji l-rsi Au. 53. .rriTl (nB, New Tu-k. tu rtrssest!: -rt Crrti:r. IVrr Kat 51 .sailed. Mwra.rt FlaIa-1 frrea Actw.iv for Nw V-k. Fsri R:,narck Zr'yx H-U:rt fe- w Tcra. vt Itoutec-e I. .!. ,ur II SI-1: SCase- Iae-j.wa. A Si Sald. T.Jeun, Vo eoar ill Ho"c-Kec etc vfetcn. Ass. . .lle4: Ftsaoer Ura trt tiw lierjI. Nw Tot. PrcvTtlrlo Xo SCI. Acer.d wgl ot car all U wta can rafisiTTii fcr Emmt msiMis. bat WEDDED BY LIGHT OF MANY CANDLES KovinZciiiini-ltiiiin Msirruip I'r- in Orthodox llclin'W Fasiiion Ihuice Held in Ttftiiph at 'om.' of Orumony. With the crmony performed by th" llicht of Sv canlle. acvnrdlng to ancient Jewlh rite". Ml Ooldle Zemmcl'mn cf Xo. in North KiKhth street and Abrahirj Kat in wre married Ia.t nlcht In the Tlp!-- reth Ir.u-I T-mple Ninth and Wash I.- lUbbl ?lmnn lo- nbers. Tb suests conirreir.-tteil about t. o'clo'-k and rrmaled after the ceremony for th suprer and dance, which were held In th? saire bulldlnc. The early arrival, dinced until all tad e.embled. wh.n tb- to th svnaeoctie proper tsun. The briJ r.d l.t IdeKts-vitn. with and'n folejwlnc. t re escorteij by th crowd, which numb-red about Z Mi n. women and children all carried small llchte.l candles Into ih edffic ar.d vety or.e took Ms place In the dimty liihtfd roore. After the weddlr.s t-re. aiony th rabbi prayel ami then placed th weiU'inc tln on the angers cf the bride a-:d brld'sroom. After this the jruoi?. If thej so chesc. kissed the nwl -wedded pair HoMmic a flllel wtne rla In h! hard th Rabtl aaln prasl. and. r.nlshtns. l.ave the goblet to the groom, who took a drink and pas.'ed It to his bride She Ilkewir took a swallow of tte win. Tb! done, the rabbi placed the craW ils under the rleht foot of the lJd--srocm. He cnishe-J hl fot don. brcak lrat th goblet Into thouwinds of plecev This Is a cuntom Jn mmorj" of th Ttsi ple Bth which w destroyed boot two or three thossnnd year aco by the Romans In Jerosalcra. The bdde. brldejTom aad arueau dencend ed i the 4uuns-roeak aad all at asd f (XIRllUsl.'Mimtl, OHIIKH TO WITTK TIl-XlfillT. ir St. I' Itr-burc. Atic. n. The final J s cotnmur.lratlon of tb supreme d- s elding authority. Kmj.eror Nlchol .-. s cmveyini; his MaJ":-"s Instriietlons 4 as to tii" coar. which Mr. Wltte s ?liall p-jr-if. NinnlniT on Tueiiav. will lie trinimltlfd to Portsmouth 4 thr.-mzh the Forisn Office prolabIy lo-niclit (Moiulix) or Tv.-sd.iy morn- In--. A .a drank tn the h'alth of the couple, ill, Zrann Imin wa .tt"nied by her rtnt.r. M!. Uoa Zemmt-Itean. while Abe Ko xinskl artd a KToomiman. Many j.r-tits were rccele, froii th friends of the rouple. will the IJ.uttnant Marix I. O. II. A. Ide. f uhlch Mr Itnvm l a member, present's! a eet of silver rors Mr. Kertha Ilrown. an acnt of tl.e trlde. came from IndUnarolls to att'nd the weildins and 1 xMtiric her tl'ter. Mrs. MInr.te Ktldmaa. while her-. SHREVEPORT IS NOW FREE OF YELLOW FEVER PATIENTS. r.r pctl:c srzri.u Shreveport. I-t.. Auc. Si. Shrevport Is now free of yelIow fever patnts Th last to remInlrr ca. thore of Barney Tracey. a rhlcsso traxellr.a- man. tad Al bert Miller, a. native of St. tout. wro discharged front the detention Mtnti" as cured. They departed for SL, Louli. Tour drjjtUt is a flepubilc Want Ad A-r.t. I.IWla Cmmmtmunmm. nEPfBUC sp?a-:Ai- lnodfi. IIU Au. 31 Erht thousand persons this afternoon beard U" sermon at th Uncotn Chautauqua by the Rexer end K.ther J. 1 Vauhaa of Wisconsin. This Is the tarrest crowd of the season. The Reverend Wilbur Crafts of Warhlne ton City dltrred the nurntnc sermon. hl's t-n!1it the cartoonist, Alton B. pacmard. care a crayoa talk oa The Llgat of IB WarM." buwabvat ouvaC-occn ' Clearance Sale of .Curtains Si Upholstery Materials These phenomenal bargains are offered becaase these odds aad eads ainst be sold at oace, im order to make room for new Fall goods. SCOTCH MADRAS CCKTAIXS. $ 5.75 Curtains reduced to SSM $10.00 aad $12.00 Curtains reduced to $13.50 Curtains reduced to $16.50 and $20.00 Curtaias reduced to S7JW BOXNR FKM3IE CTRTAIXS. $5.00toskO8 I $ 9.50x0 94.00 $6.00to9BJs9 I $ 9.00 to $7.s0to3.0O I $15.00 to 9 Jim TAMBOOtED XET CCKTACCS. $ 8.00 Cartaias redBcea tot $ 9.50 Cartalaa redaced to i $10.00 Cartalaa reduced to t COLORED IRkSH POCTT CUR. T.U5S. $ 5.50 Curtains reduced to i COLBERT CTRTAIXS. $ 7.50 Curtaias reduced to : $11.50 Curtains reduced to7aV. EGVFTIAX LACE CTRTAIK8. $9.50 Cartalaa reduced to : EGVPTUX BED SET LACE. CO laches wide. $2.50 aad $2.75 quality for SI JOB IMPORTED WHITE FIGURED SWISS MtTSLIXS. 45c quality reduced to. .....SSe 65c quality reduced to -Me LACE DOOR PAXELS. 60c quality reduced to. . . $3.00 and $6.50 quality re duced to $S.0 quality reduced to. .1 CRETONNES AXD DEXOIS. 40c reduced to......... 75c reduced to......... sr.e reduced to.. ...... ....SSe $2.00 reduced to ..........73c Tapestries in Cotton and Silk and Wool. 50-inch and 60-inch English Taffeta; $2.25 quality re duced to ........ ....... SSa $2.75 and $3.00 quality re duced to .Sf JM LIXEX VELOUR. $2.50 quality reduced to... 9L73 Single Pairs Portieres of Tapestry Velvet and Velours. $ 4.50 quality reduced to. .sMI $18.50 quality reduced to TJ $11.00 and $13.5" quality I $27.50 quality reduced to S15.B reduced to S7.5 $20.U0 quality reduced to flL Arabian and Renaissance Curtains. JAYAXESE Cl'RTAIXS. $10.00 Curtaias reduced to STUM $13.00 Curtains reduced to 83.8V COLORED CREPE. $1.00 quality reduced to. . . .23c FANCY SCRIM. 60c. C5c. 75c. S5c reduced to 5c COLORED IRISH POINT SASH LACE. $1.35 quality reduced to .46c ARABIAN' PAXEL LACE. 53c quality reduced to 13c IRISH XKTS. ' 60c and 75c quality red. to. .25c COLORED MADRAS CTRTAINS. 85c aad $1.50 reduced to. . .30c 30c Tapestry reduced to. .20c 85c Tapestry reduced to. .43c $1.25 Tapestry reduced to. .03c $3.00 and $3.a0 Tapestry reduced to $1.50 $2.50 Tapestry reduced to. ..03c $5.50 Tapestry reduced to S3JIO $4.50 Tapestry reduced to S3L23 $ 5.50 values reduced to $ SUM $ 7.ot) values reduced to 0 5-T $ 9.50 values reduced to 0 5JW $11.75 values reduced to 7.5 $13.5o values reiluced to 0 0.MO $20.00 allies reduced to fHfMMt $25.00 values reduced to 8IO.00 $27.50 alues reduced .to $IB.s9 $S0.00 values reduced to 9I0JM $35.00 values reduced to 02249 $37.50 values reduced to 92349 $55.00 values reduced to $C0.00 values reduced to $67.50 values reduced to 9IH09 $75.00 values reduced to 095.09 These Curtains are In from t to 6 pair lots. Remnants Cretonnes and Denims at half regular price. A Great Dress Goods Clearance Sale. fa oar Ealaticetl and Improved Base meat Salesroom. On readjusting stocks in preparation for rcceiring oar Autumn purchases we find a great many odd pieces for which we have no room and which must be speedily dis posed of. The materials arc Fancy Salting. I Coverts, finuUte. Cheviots. I Rob Roy SaH tug, I Fancy .Mohair, Shepherd Checks, I Sergrs. I Panamas. HbHias-s. I Rroadrioths, Hrarirttais and we will offer thni at the following reductions: Ron yards Dress RchIs up to SOc values for. ...... .. M..SSe 490 yards Dress (ioods up to G5e val'.es f-r. .. ............08e 650 yards Dress Goods up to $1.25 values for. ............. Me 3C0 yards Dress Goods up to $2.ft values for.".. ...... .....73a This sale offers an opportunity to purchase the School Children's outfit at'Iess than half usual price. Parasol Clearance. The following reductions will prevail for Monday: Parasols $4.75 values re iluced to S2.O0 Parasols $5.0i values re duced to 92JMf Tarasols $5.50 values re duced to 92.73 Parasols $7.50 values re duced to 9XJSS Parasols $S.0O values rc- dncrd to ............ .94.00 ' Parasols $10.00 values re duced to .............93.09 Pinal Reductions on All Spring and Summer Waists. All this season's Waists and Uiouses of white lawn, dotted swiss and handkerchief linen, handsomely lace and em broidery trimmed, are subjected to final reductions in order to effect their speedy clearance. Thus $1.5ti values reduced to... 75c $2.1 1) values reduced to 0Hc $3.00 and $3.25 red. to. . .81.75 $4.00 and $4.1.". red. to. . .S1.HH $4.50 and $4.75 red. to. . .82JMI $5.00 values reduced to KI.OO $6.u0 values reduced to. . .Sslsn $ 7.50 values reduced to 9 4.9 $ S.00 values reduced to 9 3 f lo.oo value!-, reiluced to 9 5JI0 $12.50 value:-, reduced to 9 0L50 $15.00 values reduced to 9 B.B0 Sls.50 values reduced to 910.00 $22.50 values reduced to 912J30 White and Colored Lawn Sacques At the following reductions : $3.75 values reduced to. . 91.501$ 7.50 values reduced to. .S&30 $5.50 values reduced lo. .S2.0H $15.00 values reduced to. . 87.30 Clearance of Individual Pieces of Imported Milioirany. "lrcnIan v.altmt. hand-decorate, satlnrvood and English, black oak furniture at rrducil jrlns. IHKMI1 AMI Kil.s VttllOi:V XKWl.VK TBI.K. 130 nO values: redact l to S.TT.T.O i $'.-. " nlnes reilucnl to SIH.7S $3T.."" valms redii'ed to fZS.i- ' JCn.40 value reduced to IT. J S::.e0 values reduced to . . .SIU.ST j; v.-tlues r-l' to aasjU iC;.:.') valu-s r.MUnil to SC4.KI ritiixu i:mti. htaxijs. ttZ.SO ralus for SJ fl2.' v.ilm s for (ia.13 JJ5.0 values for S1X73 FKK.rll ltU-lAITKU tTIVOOI. rtooksf and 37atO to aISt?maW Stand.. . ..SaSJM to SISkTS ti-.i.i.. i.t, .e .. .. ... Iresnjt Cise with mirror Writing Iesk KHMsB t" S3T.T.O na t STT.T I--RKSJI II I.I. t ll.IR. With la-ather K'ats and Ilaeks. JI4 01 value, for l2 J2:o valu.s for ....atlJW $20 01 v.ilus for SI...ol J..-V.0O valuet for values for I.TS JsOtiO valti.s for M7J $2i.0o values for 3SMl 5i:".'0 alu. for 913.7 liOTIIK- ok rit: . 27aM to .: ,fal.lnt STS4M to fCAZl GJ-.0 to fai.sslrh.ilr S33JM to SISJJS7 I'edextal I'ede.tal C.iblnxt .SBTJO to IB Sfdjm to SSJ3.7S I'lialr Chair SM7JW to Select IR-ASS .U,MT. WW FIVKII. With Cane Satx and liicki. I 'hair asn.a) to SIS.IM-. lAtm Chair 927JIO to flZt.13 Chair STSJSn to I-S7 Conversation S-fit .SSXSO InlXUH Kound-Top Stand. Italian marble loval Table. Italian marble top top tzzjm to ai.73i t aar ja ::i.isii -.h:o hik oik. Chair S 9.SO to 7.33 Hall K'Ut BTSaW tn gTmXaz Hal! Seat 4e.o to S3SXM,HI(;h Hall Chair. . ..SNSaW to BCLTS II.KR.ti: OK ROT.1. DR:sD:w lll AMI Cl'ltIIIWOTK VASK.S. FLATC. li:i. A5SO KlI'lHCx. ixra 44 00 val ics reduce,! to..... li.oo v:iltis rtnucul to...... au.... tr. 00 values rdui"I to.. .. .2o T;0 value-reductd to SX3 J."t' values rduc"d to.. .. .on 1 10.L0 values reduced to...... aj. SI3 10 valu's redund to..... SIU.I3 SI.. CO valu"s r-d iced to..... Sltja SIS.S4 valuts rclcti'l aiXv .00 values reduced to... . SI5JJO IKO'J values reduced .... It'1.09 ValUe.f reduted ft. . . . 122 Jft values redu eI to.... .2. on xalueii r lunsl t.... Jfi.00 valt'e reduced to.... va!us reduce,' to.... 472 value reduced t.. irV09 values reduced to.... 7l. liTJ.OO value-i reduced, tZ'tj.'if) values reduced to....aaM Millinery Clearance. All or car travelin-f and Suit Hats and our $1.7". Duck Hats are Included In a final cl.aranc at . 5Cc Ga l-IXsl. ClaEABA-tCB SAI.K or Ready-to-Wears for Women. This offrln-f r ear.a r-.dlcal reductions on all Hprlna- and Kumrnse irmnts ar.d th nwrlc re made to effect an Immediate clearance. borne of the best style of the eaon are It.cludeii. $10.00 52.50 Sltk Mrl-tAal ?alts-Of plain ard fancjrTafff tas and Ponsee; ;210 value, reduced to Stark sblrt-ta sUt !! IC.Ou to J7 0'j values reduced to Paarr Inwasie'le- Urmrt" :.: valt:en reduce,! to -.I.'.-? ami je.oa values reducd to,,.. ssBise t-isiesj .an Stssrt Pasv a-Kl values reduced to .... 'j -taiue. reuue-u to,... . .. .... m '-- aim vi values reduced ti i. I TaBrts) MH. Cmtm-tl-.Z0 and " 4 5t - .. ..rws,rpf . l& -sL. I2r-l rscii- rJStHii'fAi .&. .'ii-i