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BWHa-'v! 4 jr"rriV2n 'Vi -V vt "7 J s ;v JJJ v ii .fc-O.k-- Tif 5SCCTY BMGS At THE SIMMER RESORTS Kewpott. Aug. a. The seeosd Newport a ,M the Casino will be held a I wtarr tea iecerred a large list or entries, I a 'It U expected Uiat th! will be the I haanei Show of the season here. ! .. ria-ncr or Ht. Loul. I a late ar- roj s. the united States Hotel. New- BOr. "f. O. Brandt Jr. cf St. Loui. has antred at Jaart"wn and lias taken rooms at the Bur Mew. Douglas Turner if St. Louts tax also 'fffstered at the Bay View, Jamestown, ihre wek. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walsh of Dcn-T.- Colo., had arranged to give two very Jarre dinners, and i t!i- close of the sa i here tay had expected to tke a trio '. Colorado in the Ill-fated ear which "tob1k.iI their son'to hi ttr.timelr end. It e now their intention to .Impart for Wash UjCton ax soon as Mis-s Walsh Is able to V; ::roand. and later go to Colorado to islt Mr. Walsh's .mother, who is an In valid. Expression of .ympathy have bem u:iiviai. .ind i-eany everyone of oromhie-ce in Ir summer colony has left . st'cartf. Accordi:: to the !ree:t. oi'llook. Sep tember is to be v;? say at Newport. Tb horn hw- always rindr. the plae fall cf virltors. and air th proml "eni.itngers have ln.e in which to n 1 'attain lljcm. Mr. Reginald Vap.derbllt will gif a Monday, an J the Astor Otip will o? run t:i seeord weels of the aonth. The advent of Mr. George Von T.. MyT. tiifc of th Ainljador to St. Peterso'jri;. sitl hr two .l3iisht-r a amest. friit of JIr.. VandrMIt at the Breaker-!, anr! thn th I5ron and Baron $9 ! Tuyll. made a v. id interest, and . tiumber of -ntr:ainjri-ntn e Slven lot the mother and your. airif. The w.itr i-rts at the vnji.lcut Yacht CIb Wdrerd.iy afternoon attracted a liraje number of i-itnr fr'm th aummer colony. Haird'om" nrla' ne ajlrn. In ta- l.tdle- diuble-rnains rac-e. Mlm Woodward afd Mlc Tdutia; of'St. Louis carnr: in tlilrd. In the nnnV doitWo-ronlnir race Messrs. CjUHii and Taussig of ?:. loulsi came In third. In the eighth sri.i! rac. by the Conar.1 cat Yncbt "lul. in the iventy-flve-foot vlas-. KjihrtHj '"itlln's " ;ra.-" came In seeotfl: rnrrwmi tim-. Mrs. m Hnrtman of S.irdTich. 111., is vis.'tlna; friends at I'ortino-Jth. H. I. 3Ir. and Ilia. Justin lewitt IV.weroc. Miw fc3!zr.etlj Koaersoi k ai.d Mrs. atH tlne l(x-tt ,f Kan--us "lty. Mo., are -.t tlws .f;n Pur t-ot:e at Browninrs Omc!i. AUtimuck. I:. I. Jotin K'f.mlM of St. I.'mis. who has --ii at Sllwr Sprins-. II. I.. h" returned to his Western hn c. It hasi len a ay wck at Xv.iMirt. the 3-u thns far this ason. "Pineapp! TWw" lias bf'n tii wr.f of the rnost fshio:ial!'- KthTlrKt-. informal rtcep tln. le!t!a; heM tlir- ejeh nirmn. sind nMrj i'-n:s of a fooI.iI nature haxe lxxn .irTriiS'd at th?e yjtlieriis. OI.OHADO . ...(.r-.K. .-JpriiiR-. "olo. Aus. St.-Xot--wKhMardincj the fat that hundretls of -uriiin- r tltirs nfcw' .hlld:'ti iiiut l-in h-lr iM.-hool attendani-r: in sVpt'-nilr have . comilld to hurry bad. lioin the l-t nek. Colorado 8prln- and vicinity Are -till crod-d with rtsltors. for .i-rlals ar- c!nlnx in s fast as the old ones di--rt. Mow to :iutke room fr th .at i-et'rai-e. -iho v.-tll -ome hei" tliii -reel, fr.m ever- pirt of the rniu-1 .lt s tr the i.atln.l enfamiinres at !ner. Is a tiie'l,ii tliat now confronts the --i-uer.ts of the Sprlns;-. f'fiy Tca ulrls. who liave b-cn enjoy ns t:ie!r sutnn:er vaivtlim in the j:tiijr. liave i'tren oc-:jpyliiK H' lys" dormitory ..f "fi1onido 'ltte. this place havins lieen vac.nt for th,- holMaysi Mr and Mr. J. i:. MItchil! of.I'.trt Worth. Tfx.. are kpendliifr a ft-w weeks in .,lr-j! Springs and from here aie taaklns; exrjrloas to different llnts of tntret in tl. Ilk-'s ivak texion. Amoiix th- re,-nt arrival frvm Texas are: Alls Geneva IJttle f Ilotistoa, ?.lr. nd Mis. :. W. Gtlm of 'irpu 'hrlNtl. Guy IliRtch of la!la-s. .1 II. Swop, and v-'fe. I.H-ti.r 1. f. Kltlo'ivh. Houston: Mtfii Ij.i-. i. Iratik Uuuaiierty. Jt-ti-.-111". Ju II Grnett. lintsworth, W. II. ,Neill. Mr u:id Mrs. Watvon. M!s liate Mcrrm. Pun W.trth: I: A Pol liac and wife, !ul.i: JII Mamie XjI-oii. 'Jr Point Ms.klr.ic up a ho-i-e party that ha-e Nn vlfltdiS Ml I'llza r-k of "oiorado ity for th- past ne-k aw the tnllowli.a: fiotn K?ti(n- !:- Mr. !). Vr. Wait. Mr. nl Mr. ". i'jH-ck and diuehter. and MIf !"lit-n'-si lavl. 5IN- i:i I -It on of Kankilty has re turned iKime nfier o.'niin of some tlm" In t'ohiralu 'llj. nh"re ': has len Is itins: friend". Jr- 1 II. I'atter'i of Kan-asCity. ac--omtanle 1 by h"r to dmixhter-. ha- been k liti!i: frlr-iid- In olorado "ttv for l-x -ral -i-k anil rtu-nt-d home last week M- ! ili. I'ertv Miller of Sulpiiiir prliix". Tk. ate Bi-ndlns their honey rnocTi t 'mil- IVM.-r. -tear Manttoii. Ml ' Huston r 8: J". -Mo., who is fpe'dtn -njnie time in Manitn'i, sa one 4 ih sne.t- nt,rtalr,e'l at n dinner siveti the otoer Uav at the K,e-e ,-..tta; in Alliums '.4iiii. Minium. ttM Mann and if" of St. !ul aio .ttii;us the recent arrtvals in Mamtoti. M- and Mrs " I- Stafford of Hlllst-oro. T"a .! iltiti,- tb-li ptrMits in t'olo ado Spilng. and their 3-year-old sirti. hrrje. i; to he th .x'Ktijft tourist who has .nr .I1nild to IV top of St I'ctet's Iiime. ilrx John Kctn and her '.ai,sht"r, MI- !mit K,;ati f St Ieuls hate, ltn mak ii;. their head-juarter at Mimltou for -oni; time, while l-ltlr. various ilnt of ititisl In the icinitj They have made th- trip to Tike's IVitk t eee the atnset. -k4,, fr.,t, sr t.ftiiis siho droe Hircun Arrrs.uie th" tur tlav on tn tr ! - .'"J --.M - ... . -- - wa tuiout;! :li ; m:n m tin' i-w. cun- i'-l t,f Mr isu Mis. S. N Ufdford. yi- i:-ojdfurd al I-ali liroa lion: Th' ar, su't "t !' ' 'Hf H"". Man! tm fnn nhlch -,!ni thej hate mad. tl.e :rli ,J l'lk-s P-ak b na) -if the cos roaii Ml and Mis I:. A ChaJmlek -f H.iu toa. Ttv. nho hate ln .-landing the last month Pi Colorado riprlugs. p.iNaot tiriuh Aronsdale lat wek n th ir stay itiri'tiiClt tl;e .,.rden of th-- 'lf.1" tjh"r who bait- made this trip during lilt li't ek -rr. Mr and Mis W T. t:iton of l'-ntoti. Mo i! II M')ir Jr. vt M Jc-ph. Mo . Pocioi ! S Ktllouuli mi li r KilioUKh 'i iii'ii.-iom. jex. trtlns Sslter-tetn 4t Piir. I'ririce Jmifs loyd Buck of Marcellne. Mo. ratne tkrough the ;.,rje.i of Ihr vis the .thT d a did likes ft Mr and Mrs, IV. 1 teauld of Cllftua. Te. Mt' Pauline Barrett tnd Mr Porth "f fonlphan. Mo. iIki bate leen spendtng orva time Jn thl teglon iTt rntertalti'.l - dinner by tJ.e Bet-trend anl Mrs ITanl: tt HulltiaT of the Klrt C"ngr-xatlonjl CHurch of Cidurado Cit Mr Krmtn I. Marr ai.i ife. h. have tii r!.lent. of Joplln. Mo retrntly. hate returned to Colorado here th w!ll retnaia for an ind'hatt :rio.l Mls Jraii !juwr of St I.Mits h tea sTJt at numnou" soc'al funclloi. in the Spring Ihe last week, and i en ttllalnl l dinner recently b Mr Jo aisV'i Ady, ever being laid for a e;ect fee 1(i.s Ann t;nt.- Skiunrr of St IjuIs haa been the guett rei-erttly at several o ,lal !olng. ar.d iUt:rr was git en ia 111; Uklr.n-r bono- lst wee by Mr nd Mn. Clrrr.c Clark Hamlin of tbo tprttur1. at srwi fcoma Mt Sk!n:-r u a gurs' .Mrs. istns J Wade of St 1kj! gav- a tinner to a fartj of all friend recently t one of th4 rrlvate dlnms-ren of iho rtlet After be'.nx er.tert-JrjT-i at a r'-nd cf 0.-UI functlac list week, the fj'dowmg trtv of torn-Mis departed fcr a trip to Tvrftiar.J. lMi. and Honolulu Mrs Theo dore Sleiton of St. Lmt. Mr Mark U Kab'jlns of Houston. Te.. Mrs Harry H. luk of Kansas City an! MUs Anna lieatrr Skinner of St. Uiuis. M-sst. Thorr.toa and Hajnbiin of 3 toaster, Tex., were gutx at a dinner attven r-.-entiy to a lirge -umber of fuekts y Mr and Mrs. Harclls of th rngs. . . ... Alias Elua tieraey tiz iansu tiiy s cuet tha o:hr dat at a receptl' gin xy ?Ir-T Svott of North Nevada ater.uc Mrs. 3tobtt Ie.l.e of Kar.saa Ci:y Is -bdircT friends la the Spncgs. Mrs, T. lttacc of S Lost fcai bn visiting hr daughter. Mrs. Char! IVlta of itie stprtne and id depart t! eck. Max iri-1 lre Peltajon. who ha.Te alsvi bevn erjoywg a tt:t summer wi:a tbxir reUtires. retarse-i to St. I.eais last -setc MU. Alice FAjnn. Mis Parry asd Mis i-la Mt.;r cf St- J.pfe. Mol. arr ruesta tilt month of ntesds tn the Spring. In ehren days. eslU:g Aarut iV S: Southerners fco deirvl rrtnm letme' after a o3Crn ta tat" region. .Last t- - sroaouttced j soI a asy In the ooaa-t-rdy nione. ci;tity-so crtt- were trj. and ti-e rcer aki tried R Mr a'.l.d fcr . It -will mis. aut- racier one o the al- diarle H i -VI tf the "a"--- State - ersKtlens or the riri j . futtrr. Th lank oi Ulnstac M.v, t enjoying .lcf- t .enol csrd l " l: rxs o!f Monday, stlth hS wife and oa Kt Cr p Jvrter. to $ Wecliir ctt5r-s ta Cp Mar jT tne ticinrty of Manitou. leasrd lb wciil) eoiUc-rv htre to a U . Klnatscrtar "t ItalSv. Tcx it I baU ffrae for chanty, and IB etfteit wi31 ape.-tdms ht i.trviion v Mjjrdrvsr e i,kl JJoaday The to debs will rcjv- V. T. i,'sscr cf Iecatur, T nia rsaetst raaay saillicca la mvac?. h '.V --- ' --- TTHE e--w i to vi4Cln-. . his aen. G. I Waae,aer ef Cist... OkjIam fa mmtA n ka li4 bfMCt cattle owner In Texas. Mrs.- C. C Littleton aai Mise Heater the recent arrivals in th flprinss. at are likewise B. Oentrd and Miss Gladys Rtuii of San Antonio. -Tex. Mrs. fleorw L. Morse ;-nd Ceorare T. Slorse of Hoi'Mon. Tx. arc saendinc JKMne time In this redon. George H. leader and wife, of Karoos City, are aucsti at the Alts Vists. In Colo rvdo Sprinsa. Amonx other Tcxass who. after rpend Inc nje time In this rcxlon. have re turned hon-.c the past wt. i.roFerir -nan! In tic way of health certlflcates. aro the foOewins;: i.'rr. John Flnne-a and wauxhter, 3IUs Anna Hsrrison: Jlrb. T. B. noyd. airs. 1 1. I Gray Ana sun. V. Uennctt. A. A. Ml IaulirH! Sonlowici!. Mm Fannie TaKafeno. ilisa ZidiK. Harry X. Uhe-at. ail of Dallas: S. ii. Sloberly and wife, of l.-jnvlew: J. x -ook. wife aj:d Uo children, of Kort Worth: Mrs-9. P. lUizli. Mrs. I W. Bush and Miss Pricev Kuh. al! of .Miia: Mr.. Iin:r.a Perso3 of Z'cni?. Tex. w.isfiTor. ya'.i. Colo.. Au-f. II. If Mamtoti h3 any intention of pultlnj- ai!d th fest: Ities of the lummvr season for the za!y huel 2rarb of autumn. th cltr.a- ,i.. vld:ce of the fjt-t. The incoming nmM '.?. ki ... t.n..fl.. I.,, i .... m . ----- ..-- -.-. .-., i.4ia.- it.t-,i tin !;- the Utt week, and the railroads are cal! Inc into service a the pa-erger cr.snio.' ai:d roaches Jit their command to handl-In-: va.n throi.;s who Will Mslt ifce 11 i t.'onal :. ,. I;, encampment at Iy::ver next week. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Ehriel of St. lavjls will spend the month enjoylnj Manitou. A pleasant party from Oklahoma City, who are registered at th Cliff, lsi com posed or Mr. II. M. Jon-. Mr. C. H. Jones. Mis Jones and Mi-s Mullen. Memphis is represented !. a partv com pose.! of Mrs. 8.-M. Wllliamtwn. ilrr-. K. M. Lindsay and Miss Kllzabrth .Sug-. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Hubert I. Brown. Mr. I,. C. Xordmeycr f St. Iauls is a prominent truest at the Cliff. , Mesrs. Cyrus II Clark nd II. IJ. Alex ander nnd Mr. IMw.ud J. Schutter. are a party of ft. Ixuis ni"n who registered at the Cliff Thursdd. Mr. Thomas IlillMi.un of Memj-his. Mi's Gardner. Mr. W. K. nhr an I Mr. Pllnt Uoudurar.t of Cairo. 111., are m-nib-r f an Indianapoll- party. l;o arc in Man ito: en route t lencr. Mr J. I. Saini'it.- of Tort Worth. Mrs. T C. Kelly. Mrs. Iwothv Kell. Jlr.. H. A. Ckaiabets and Mr. M. K. XorveJl of Clebnrii". Tex., are recent ad ditions to the ltejuge,. Colony, as they facetiouslr style thenuelvcs. Mr and Jlrs. J. Ross and Mis BiHIe Itos of St Ixuis are n-gistered at the Cliff. Mr. David M&nn and f.itn'.lv of St. Iyuis will s-jieml eeral eek. In Manitou. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Utcrn and Miss Myra Rtmi of W.l-.ll!e. Mi's,. 'aul Klir. of tvjlslana at.d Mrs. M tirry f 3Iarr.a!!. Tex., are at the Mansions and nc comers in the "ltefnj-ee Colon -. MI l.lllie Lotine of Pine Bluff, ArJr.. has jolne.j friem! at the Mansions. , Mt. J. II. HaiTis cf MadlH. 1. T.. l4 registered at the Navajo. Mr. Harry Phillips of Odessa and Mr. ! J. Rewart of Brunswick are prosper ous Missouri men rcelstered at the pitts-bura-. Mi" Bmrra Ijymon of St. Uoui I at the Ilttbbursr with a partv of Chivrajo fn.ii:". Me'rs. V B Kttibuni and T. M. San lurn ot l'.?irla. 111., are xuest at tlie i:ux ton. Mr. M J3. Nelson of St. liuis i- rC5-i-tereI at she ItuUwi. in his Hinv are' Mr. J. M. 'ai.dia of Kansas t:itr. n. K. ChKlland. K.i-t St. Iy:l-: Mr-. K. JI. Kick.-on. Butler. Mo.; Ml-s Anna H. Mor row. 1-j.yett.-. jio.: William J. lyinati. Oliver I.nican. iirs. W. F. Muc.-aUn. v and Mr. Xeliie also of St. lava!'. ..Mr; ,,,.,:i. Isewellyn and mother of-BrooKtiel-l. Mo., arc guests at the S'irny 51,1'. The Grard VI. w is cnt.j-taini,,- j;i.s N1I1- M. Mrrle-ey. All X.-lIie c. Kuhl man and di.irlotte Kuhhiiun of Si I.'iois: Mr. ainl Mrs. H. H. Muyer of Wam-ns-l.urpr. Mo. ur.d Mr W W. Powell of Pari. Mo. MUs C. lUaton of St.. Joseph will bo at the l!e,.i Cottage for.tlic remalniier of th s,a"Kn. WMKKSIIA. Watiktsha Wi.. Am:. 51. The uMt at the l'oant.iln I toil-" were entertained at a sheet-and'tOllow-csfc rtartv last r.lfhi- Tlie .guest at the different hotels and 1 uo.iroinK-nou!-- are Krafjii..ii- retiirtilns home. tnTit tho.-e living In the extreme :!:. 1: will remain till late In the season. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Mook ar.d Ioctor anil Mrs. Mat of St. Iouls are stopping- at t!l SehlitX Hotel. lVn Her-hfcld of St. I.5!i! i at tiie Na tional Hotel. tSeorg A. Xeal. l-viipluin. SIo.. tlie Iev erend Geo-ge w Galller and -oirs and Mir.s Ina Uallier of Beaumont. Tex., arc at the Park Hotel. Mr. and Mis . J I.eter. Otto E. Wel el. Mr ar.d Mr. I.e Sale, loom's J. XtehoUiM. St. Iitiis; Miss Mart- Beall Baker. Kansas ;itj : Mrs. II. Victor and 1. V. Victor. ISoonvlIlc. Mo., are at the I'luntain I!oue Harry C BagKut: of St. Iouls made n italf-dat trip to Wauke.ha with rri,. j f-om -Milwaukee. t hcte lie 1 visiting dur- lltK lil UHTIK. Mr. and Mrs. J. iZ. Able of St. Iuis rtturn-l to their iiume Tuesdav. Mr. and Mr.. Will! im Patey and Mr. and Mr A. B-ksvU of St. !u!s returne-t home on Tuesday MIsj I-iura I.arr.t of t. Iiuis i m i;et of friends in l'eauk . Mr. J. I. Vtillibrink of St laiuis is a nn at the Satoy Hotel, p.-uaiik-e. jir- 1 Rutin rfti'il .f S: Uiui and Mr ami Sirs. McKinui- .if Alt at !tuderdi!e I,nk. lekhorr.. III , are Mr and Mrw Maruaril Forster. tif St. I.ul. will le.ite for t!;eir home ,.u Mon-dat- Mr c S !Chrth)CT and ilauchter. G, rtnt.le. of .Monro- "itv. Mo., and VIct-r Held of Sh'dKna. .Mi) . are tl-ltlng ftl-nos In this plac- lvctr Henrv Wlcainton of St. Ivji U ttMtlnc friend j in thV place. Mr and Jlr V. 1. Xebs.ii and crsjid 1a.cliter. Ml! M.irthr fl. vf Heb-na. s-k.. Mr and Mr- V If flier. I t, ar, at th- Spring Citv Ib.te lWiotor r I Ml M C Mar-hall. St M- Kennah .tt:d John v Jlnr Cltj . are at t5:e Terra.e H- GnirP.naer. pig-jjott Ark.. lea Pit mouth Koek Hotel. Ij'JX.l'. i-i tin. Kjiiv.1- lel Mt i: v. Slie.t at tl.l Mli Mali Ke.uney nn, M.irj' ntzger !TtiI. ate at the Beta Cot- tld. Iitt S6 taS" Ilia Sow.jr retel at tho Fountain Io:i.e S.itunl.i) t.-nlnrl Auctip ;. na a grand affair Amine tlio-.i nre'nt were; Mr G Sehto-trtn itr Caroline Stdtx. Mis Ia.ura S!tz. I-o-jti J Nlcolaus. Mr and Sir A IJrcr o-.irM w BIl. .Mr. and Mr c M. FVrt.-r. the Ml -we Fore ter. M. Forster Ml Oin.t I.etl.. Mr. U tv. of St Iaul. Mr and Ir. Ridenour of Kansas citv. Mo . Thomas Condle. Mrs. J c Cook. Mh Conk. SnrlmrRelj. hl. Mr and Mrs. I Cerf. Miss Gertrude ',x. M'.s Sadie Fot. Cr.rV.-ans. Tex., the M!es Foerster M Foerster. Mls I.WT3 Cowaa of St Iiul mg at a cmctt aiten at t!:e Catholic Church la tl.i citv Mr II I MesieTfM and d.-oisriter. cf Ktia City. Mrs. T A lU-e. Ethel Rice. J A. PJce Oiga Sllvrthorn. Mrs. S. I. Whltrield. Bonner Mll!r. St I awl, tnd Mrs Guy II. Iil. El Iao. T'x.. ar at Iraper Hall. V'ncmAsie. J M. linad. A M. .Mtim ar.l fam ily. William A Stlr.e and lamilv St. I7ui. J 'I liow'and Kana.s "Jty. Jlo are t Iarvr Hall. tcoRoniowoc Cstrace Mst-n snd S'daer GreU-r! of fa , ... .. ... . -..... .. .- .-w .. Sl Is;' Ir a: .-.. ,..Vii,4- ill WmV..1U- Wi yt; :e.. Smith of :. Ia! ! v!.:ttg : Milwrkee Mr rrd V.r. Rol--rt !- Jehrjtone an-l djurr.tir MU-s Matl and Ruth, who hrte leir visJticir in MliwauVe. have rt turred t St Iwuls. G!'!r. i'Alhison of G'.fforJ. Ark.. t vlstc'rie: fra.:t's in North Ml'-s-aukee. Miss Ida Ferrv of Kanssa City. Ma. is tisttin- tn Milwaukee Mrr A KIhbck c! rsallis. Tex., is vltltUs (HrnJi In Miiwaukt-r. Mr anj Mr J T Kearney cf St. lnt it- rtsitlng friends In Ml.wak.c, ATV.sTC. CITa. Atlantic Citj. Scp Ir-The retort tc iar tn absorbed la race between acto moftCe. Cbrtstl and hi blue flyer. Carcpbel! In his tic and fait Barracri and rbr.l ia hi new machine, that eeV. ,t l reccrd. were aS Ui the Sld. and rAv ame an exi-.untJonr iro-e tn contests alecg hxtlC with its feats. The course rp. , ,. .; - r.A.: 8TV LOUIS REPUBLIC: fiUTDA Y, to aa The wtstow c travel to grsater ttow the to atosr. HAwever. there to a Ms aatroaa warn cssaai actw ai BwassaaMr saat aaea aa4 its uiniinlyiilHi i tar n- Tea KreUea. who te stsaaser bere.' leave nest week far tbekr aeaw la Ger- Btany. iStatcne ZiauaeraMn. whose fllagtrgtlaai crater the title of -aTJea tn a lmeaarous Pltcatlon ia New Tork. has woa btm fame, at here with bis tasally for reerea tivn, and la also studying; the points of the suauaer girl and the surf maM with a view of a cartoon. John M. Beall of St. lauis was one of the Bembers of the South Eastern Pas fceager Agents Assoetatlon. which held a session' here for-eeveral das in Pie St. Charles llotet Joscch Richardson of At lanta. Ga.. was chairman. Late arrhra'.s from St. Iaouls at Fright on are Mrs I. B. M. Kehlor. James XV. Is und Mr. T. B. Semple. MzrlborouEh J. M. Gamble. Mr. and Mrs. Herrrek J. Gray. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Whitton. Mrs. Join D. Lucas. J. C. Upherd. C J. JliUron. Miss Alice Judge. K. M. Drew ar.d H. H. Hess. Wir.d.-3r-C C Hattensall. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Forsyth Lorame Mr. and Mr .V. C. Hilton. Sbe.bumc-Ko:ert J. Williams. Mis a. C. WOliams and U. T. Xolcund. Chalfcnte H. X. Piednor Jr. Rudolf-Mrs. C M. tSrt-eru Mrs. E. A. Warren. EL K. Scheie and Mrs. A. M. nise.ibjcm. I"irrepotit Mr. and Mrs. C. Blar.ehe. Nlestvortl. 1 A. Kbrson. IX-e.n: It. X. Collins. !:jjmore-Mfe G. M. Shafer and 3f. B. KrtiBer. i-i VHIsG. D HarrX Garden Hotel Mrs. S. B. Hennessey. Kar.-as iltv anivaLs are; . Al the l-rk!ey. Mr. L. B. Dlehl: Holm burst, m-a k. b. curl: bsnnls. JI'. ar.d Mrs. If. S. lyiwry. Visitors a: the Travrr.ora are; V. I. 9elm!t.r. Mis Magsle gohneider. IUrrftt J. Toidru;r 2I1.j clarence D. Clary of St- Juveyli. MO. Mr. Philip Medart of the Medart Pullely Company .f St. lauais Is a prominent gueit at the Windsor. Captain E. Haltensaur of St. Louis ar rivtd Monday for a stay of several weeks ai tl.e Wlud-or. He Is the reneral aaeiit of the Anhoiser-Buseh Brewing Comoany. Mr. and Mr-. W. If. Mason. Master Waller Mason and Mis Abbey Walker ar am'.nc th" recent St. latui: arrivals ct th" Holmhurt. Mr. Ma son is largely inter ested tn a newlv Invented comtumeter. or adding machine, which has received the approval of banking I-istltutior.s of the country. Mrs. Joseph P. Lucas, prominent in the xc!uite sedal eircles of St. Louis, is niakins an exicniieri sojourn at the Ms.rl lorough. WAIPAC.. Wauiaci. Wis.. Aug. SL The weather at tho nrtvnt writing i tiie warmest of any this season, althoucht It is cool and comfortable at th" Chain o Lakes. Tiie GranJ VMs- Hotel is still fliied with tuests, and Stptember bids fair to Jw. one of the bvlet months of the a?on. The regular dancing partl". Iiaud eoiieeris. ball games, tc. will contlnti" throughout the mouth, and. with the healing and 'athlnt. thfre will be rienty of attractions in the way rf amusement. The Wednesday et.iilug part- in the Grand View Amusement Hall was a pleas ant affair and well atteml.d The Satur day evenlnc danelng party was alio large ly attendvl und very td-aant. Allen's Orchestra furnished the mu!li Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Merer of An- pleton. who are guests at Grand View. :i- lertaineo ; dinner at Thursdav. party of Antii.-ioii friends at the Grand View Hotel last MeMW. Harold B. Mnllelte. RoLf rt KlnR and IJ. K. Towneend. or niictfo. Ttho r.r the uiiiuit at "Fern Terrac-!." on the Chain i.' like.v. . nt. rtain.d a party of j-oung pecple ut a dancirc parfV Fri day etttung. "Fern Ternice" is or.e of the beautiful location ...n tl.e lakes. I'd the .rjound- were attraelltvlv deco rate.! Tvllli Chinese lanteui". et," Tlios-e In the iity wne Mi.--s Hope Miller. Betker, Blackmer. St. Iy"iils; I.unett.. Keith. Chicago: Vista P'-ni.ev. Margaret Robert. Helen Roberts. Waupaca- M-!r.. Ry Brittoii. Henrv Schutler, iN-rev Blacktn. r. IUkr Fullerteu. Roli-ri Fuller ton. David M-:calf. St. Louis: Calvin Fa vorito. Chicago: Harrt- Guidon. Rulx-rt Hoberts. AVaurijca. with Mr. X. A. Wai droa of Pine Bluff. Ark., ami Mrs. Robert Brltlon of St. Ia.uis. u chaM-rns. Mr. nncl Mrs. Edward E. Browne mid m. Edward, of Waupsea. with several frleiidu from Gran.1 View, made a trip up the Chain " Lukes ust Monday. The day was spent in fishing, und Mime excellent catches were mad, after tthlch an ap iwtlzhig flsh dinner was servej. Tlioe la the party were: Doctor and Mrs. O. S. Holll.lay. Texarkana. Tex.: Mavor IS. G. c. and wire. Fulton. Ark.: Judge J. K. PaiMi and n.n. KimlI!. Ashland. Wis.: Mls Estelie Whe,-ler. Wiiupaca. Wis. A iart of vouag people calling them"!res the "BIziv rzn." c.imnmg on the Soldier- Home island, entertained a part) of friend- at a ban-met Turday etenlug. The grounds ?ri made very at tracfte with c.iinee lanterns, bonfire, etc.. nnd a jollt time had. Among tr neinlr wre etera Grand View KUe.-ts Tne ba'l-ail srame Sjiel.i;. la twicn the Stevens Point " Club and the WauiMca Club was a vert- excitine gatne. eulting in a s.'ore of I to S in favor if Wauistea in a telie-inning game. The military en-3mpnnt of the Eighth Wi-eN.nsiti R. ginient. 5'niformed Rank. K. . T M is in -aIon at Camp Weston, chain l-ike. There is a large attend ance, and mant- more are e-jwted befot; they break camp. Fpon thir arrival Sat urday aftrtiof.n they w.-ie met at tic train lit- the K . T. M.- of Waupaca and the Wautmca Band, who escorted them to their camping ground, where an addrei-s of welcome was deliveted by Mr. II. E. Browne of Waupaca. anJ repsonded to bv Colonel F. II. Wton Mr?. 1. U Blacamer and Mrs. c M. Skinner. loth of St. lewis trv pleasantly entert-ilnnl a partv of friends at dinner S.itur.Ia- evening at the Grind View Ho tel in honor of Mis Sto:... of Indianapolis and Ml Elel.'e McDonald or St. Louis. Tho.- in the partt were; Mtse Julia Skinner. Gladys RIsicknvT nnd Messers. Robert rullerton. Baker Fnllertoii. Rob ert K. W.xvls ami Sidney jj. Skinner, all of St. Iuii. Amors the guests registered at Grand View ihl n.-k are: Mis Mi-Ioiiald. II. X. Remett and wife. C li I'stick and W. P ScKti-rnian, St. Iiu'.. RI.1K !.PKIn LODGE. Mr I-iunia E. L(wi. l:otes of the iMmp" siirtni-ed her daughter, Charlie Mat-el Ijeis. with a ut'tnti ii.amry partti, it beir.c her twelfih Idrth.lav Th sihi -.t.rr robl-s of their l-eautlful will flow'fcs an 1 ferns to decorate with, and homemade rak'-s and Jims loade.1 down the tab fr th- little one, who were as happy as 'the dat wns lorg Mr sn.l Mr Harrt- I 'hilar Carroll will sj-end'rt: I-ilir Day at th- l.odei KI.HHtRT. At nt a.s Elkliatt Iatk. V. weeK of ,tember 2. from St. -uU. At l'ln rolnt Resort Mr. M. F. Trepp. At ntiw fTs Resort The MPes Thekla Ripchla' r and .Ttnide ileintz: !: A Mr. A " VZ. Garland. W. C Witter and Irlard. Klif 1'iKC. TI;e Gnra Clubhouse, on th Rurllr.s ton Route, entertained during the last week St. lout tisltor: M and Mrs C D Morlev Mr and Mrs. Charles B. Get hart and fTc!!. Mr. and Mrs Henry Wol'aorr. an.l faiailv. Mr. and Mrs. I. It. Arreranl Ktn.iMr. and 3!r. C F. Mul Vey a-id son. .rr. ana Mrs. H. C. S.-otf. Mr and Mr Vil' F Wnny and farn 11;. Mr ar.d Mr. Lowell Putnam. Mr ard Irs ; W AllKirt Mtrs Julit Hughe. H H H'bo:n. l-a Stafford. Enll t;rhxrt. Florence Holborn. Enrrrie Vurrelm-tn. R-Jth llarey. Messrs. Pat Id KreIinr John tyitonrke. William Wood. Stme W.i:um. George . Malt's. W. R. Ponder. V- E. S.merme!er. !. A. Fischer. Ilermsn Schwarer. E. C Pendleton. It. J: Judv. F. P AT:eatIev. Ktwar.1 Xic icejtr. Fred Varrelman Sr, P. O. Urban. John M Marre. A. H. Curtis. E.lard B.I:. H S.-hoftr. V O Ilckeriiig. Thomas Phillips. Samuel . Hla1n and sen. Fr.I Varrelman Jr., S. M Bruigge laff. 11. B Crole William Costello. V. M. Stranr. Andy Frets. W. F. Truckenratil Itr .loii rns. Gler.dsle is hatin one of the gayest sea sons in Its nitery. and SpteraPer sliows iki etlince of tte close of th season. Of he many social events this semmer none na-e n-t. more enjoyabts than the entertainment git en on Monday evening bt Mr. S. C Mockerman of St- L-juI. in Poror of the eighteenth alrtsdav i; he; nts-e. ilL' Idj. Slockvr Euchre w.i I tIaed tht first rrt of the evening, and . prise -ter wen by Mr. Iaule Offer-! rst ttrt of the evenlra. and , wen bv Mr, Iaul o-ter-1 srH-ter of St. laMJi Misa H-ln Kraek of 1 '.JrK-nn-s. Smi.: Mr E. I R-b of r-u tm. a-d Otto F Kramr of Vlr.c-nne. i IrJ. A o ky partv fjIIoTTl the eu- chr- M. a-d Mrs IJ. I Reeus and fam-lr aad Mrs- C !.cts of St. laju.s arnved Mooiay for their annual ojtlro. other S. Iacl tTlralr of tie week ar: Mis laicise strcieyer, Mrs. M- Jenne. Mtss Barbara Jens and Mr. W. P. ScrdegeJ. Scrsraei-i. ItL. is represeatej tato week s..- J"Jsuit. Pi ran and mrnmss bare been if dinar tl f (mt Kim.-ar. as Mr. Mra. B. Dl Mr. Carl Oraescb aad aw. rraac t. necs. m M . taua arrhrato are: Mr. aad Mra. X at Eataa, oT Oeraaaoa. 1U: Mra. P. rrsat,af Cbiiaaatoa. DL: Mr. Jeba Jeaalae ct Her riek. taf Mr. jaba T. Meter .ef Beverly. Me.: Miss Bette Harnrlefr of Ixajofaond. nL: Mr. John XeJasH of Ksdratond. IU.: Mr. aad Mrs. Joba Kracer. of HarreL ia: Mr. and Mrs. C W.haka. of Vln cennea. Ind.: Mr. Hewry HeUrech Jr. ef Arsastt-oas-. lad.: Mr. Thomas A. Grirao of Lafayette. lad-: Mr. Charles Fotts. F. M. Wddetaer aad Mr. LeBoy Stanley, of Mount Vernon. UL: Mr. and. Mrs. C. J. Al cork and Mr. aad Mrs. D. X Coleman, of Efflnghatn. in.: Mr. 9haon K'llenaan and MrTjames Fahxtestoek. of Jil wards vile. ID.: Mr. Henry Hclfrech. of Evanerille. lad.: Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wedley. of Cb lumbus. Oa.. and Doctor W. A. Maeklaglc. of Sparta, III. MAgSACHtT COAST. Boston. Mass.. Aug. IX-The germen Saturday night, in the Oceattskie Casino for the benefit of the tennis club, was the most brilliant dance of Magnolia s i season. Th bis; hall was a blaze of Wlht. ar.d gvrgeously decorated. There were boughs of greeie and autumn leaves, holding fet toon of tellow chiffon. All about the walls and ce'Ilrs; were streamers raaiatlng from aP Japanese tirtlbrclM. frcm which i were suspended floral lanterr?. Xearlv al of the St. Louis colony on the North Shore were in attendance. The favor table" at either end of the hall were banked high with fancy hut tlecoeks aad battledore racquets: Japaneso umbrellas, crepe paper muffs and count less other article, much of it imported. Among the matrons were: Mrs. John Hohson ot Xetr Orleans. Ii white silk giuzs and lace: Mrs. William McMillan of t, Louis, white crepe de Chine, bice and p-arU. end Mrs. C. I. Ullla of New Or leans, who was very attractive In white chiffon and lace, with dIttT.or.ds and pearls and a picture but of black lace Little "Walker Eilis of New Orleam. who was page at the spielkartenfest. had charge of the favors, ami assisting him in the distribution were Arthur Foraker. the little son of Senator Foraker. and M'sw Ruth Hobson of New Orleans, who were a chic little frock of white silk, embroid ered In Dresden effect, with pink roeebuds. Misw Haxel Ellia of New orkans. a typical Southern girl, had one of the elaborate gowns of the etenlng, an Im ported chiS"i robe, heavily embroldeie. with clusters of pink grafts and dellcat trailing vines. Among the distinguished guest were Baron Sclillppenbacb. Ruian Consul to Chicago, who Is a guest of Baron and Baroness de Roaan at the Russian Em bassy. Another diplomat was Senor Zaralia of the Argentine Republic LesTatlon. Mrs. E. M. Houeo or Austin. Tex., was present in a creation f Dresden broeade. cerise velvet, point lac and diamonds Mfcw House was chaperoning her daughter. Sllss Mona. who waa there with her fiance. Randolph Tucker of Boston. Mtts Eleanor Gray of St. Louis Is maK Irg an extended xlslt tA her parents. Mr and Mrs. C. P. Gray, at Hinsilale. t. N. I Chamls-rltin of New Orleans i al Wnttle Cora. Vt. . .Mi. and Mrs. Thomas M. Scrlggs and children, of Memphis. Tenn.. are late ar llval ut the View. Wi'ilbrop. Mae:. Mrs. It. C. cliapp'" a'"" J,r'- -"- ' Crcla- or Galei-hurs. III., nre at Cret Hall Wlnthriir. Mass.. for the season Mr. and Mrs Perle;.- Hill or Texas nra at I.Ini-oln. Vt. !. c. Squires of Council Bluffs. Ia., Is visiting old fne;.d at Middlebury. VL The Reverend William Ktinlr. pastor ol ti-.e Unitarian Church al Ka-g.. N. !.. suppl!e.l the pi-.Ipit at th- Congregational Church at Erring. Vt.. last Suntlay. Mrs. D. I. Greene of St. Louts, who H itteuptlnK "Wilyk-t" eottagr at Nausett liluff. CM li entrtalnlng a num ber of Ma.sst.'l.nsett' friend. Mis. Wolfe, uoeompanie.1 .y hr stn. Mi. HudMin Wolfe. ..f Nee Orleans. Is a cue.-t nt tho Aliisworth cottage. Yar mouthport. Mess. Miss Feuella Dana of Tt.peka. Kr.s.. Is vhltir.K her brother. Wallace Dana, at Mechanlesvfile. Vt. Herls-rt Flanders of New- Orleans, with his wife and two clnldf n. are visiting at Westen. Vt. Mr. and Mrs. Coy of Little Rock. Ark.. are standing the!i at Spafford. N. II. Mr. I- W. Coy of Liltl Rock. Ark., is at the .summer Imtne of the late Mr. Thayer at Chesterfield. Vt. Homer Cray of Kankakee. III.. Is spend ing Ids taxation at Brattltboru. Vt. Mr. and Mrs. Gsirg Newoian ar.d UushtM. Nellie, of Empotla. Ka and Mrs. Albert Nerroan and sou. Earl, of Arkansas City. Ka.. sre sjM-n.llng tne summer at the Weld cottage. Weld. Me. Th Reverend and Mrs. "A. II. Ramsey of Iaiulsville. Ky., are In camp at Lake Webb. Well. Me. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Lovett of Knoxvffle. Tenn.. are visiting friends at Attawaugan. Conn. J-ph is Pray of Kansas Is the guest of Ms brother. William Pray, at East Kll- all".s Vera Griffith and Miss Neva Holton of Irighton. Ka are nt the Bookslde. HeaMvllle. Vt. Charles W. 8. Cobb of St. lyiui- is In Rockland. Me., en his annual summer vtlt. Tone Tllgen, a lawyer, ef Slmix Fall. S. D.. is xlltlng Doctor J. M. Harlow at Woburn. Mae. Mrs. George V. Btts or Lincoln. Nli.. i visiting Iwr aunt. Mrs. W. G. Shair. at North Bennington, Vt. Chester Trace- of Blie Plain, la., is a guest of E. S. Miller r.t Westflcld. Vt. Mrs. S. P. Graham of le.uistille. Ky.. Is at the Upper Iam House. Fnper Dam. M. F. T. Townsend of Clay. la.. Is a meat of M. I Wood at Oxford. N. II. In th great Cakewalk al Young's Hotel. Wlnthrop. Monday night. Mts Dorothy Htisttd and Frrrill Burton of Louisville. Kv.. carrie.1 off the Immense, cak". Mr. i. H. Newton of Arkansas City. Kas.. a:id his family are enjoving the sea son at UN tottagc at Brant Rock. Muss. Mrs. I. S. Brown or St. Lculs Is visiting friends at Cohasset. Mas. Mrs. R. G. Chappell an! Mrs. C. G. Craig of 'la'.esl.urg. III., hi among the notable guests at Cret Hall. Wlnthrop. Mn... Amei.sT th prominent p-opie at East Gloucester., are the Rotans of Texas, who have made Gloucester' thejr summer horrnj for twenty-five years past, and have now built a charming horn right on th edge or the cliff. Mr. ard Mrs. E. G. Tllton. Miss Ttlton and St.-. uard Ttlton of St. Lou's, hate joined the Western colony a the Hes perus. Mrs. Tilton is a daughter of ex Governor Statiard of Missouri. The arrivals at the H-spenu.. Jtagnf.ll-i. Ma.'s.. this week Include: Mr. and Mrs. lorge D. Fearer of Kansas City. Mo.. and Mr. John K. James aid Master James. Itnnntbal. Mo. Amor.e the arrivals at the Magnolia. Magnolia. Mrs.. this week are; Mr. ar.d Mrs. James j. !rd!gh. Kana City. Mo.: Mr. Elliot Whippt. Whraton. III.: Mr. ar.d Mrs. A. A. Wilkinson. Indianapolis. Ir.d. Rudolph Lyons of New Orleans 5s at the Oveanside. Magnolia. Mass. Mrs. O.iude Kilpatrick was one of the promm-nt St. laiuls women at the North Shore, who was a guest at luncheon at the North Shore Horticultural Socletv eshlMt Wednesdav at Maticbeater-br-the-rVa. Th banroom of the Manecnomo. at Man chester, waa gay Wednesday night, when the hotel gave, a dance for the midda. to which an the coachmen, chauffeurs and valets along th North Shore were bidden. Hotel gusts thronged the piazza, and many cottagers were among the onlook ers. Major Wright of Lojisrllle. Ky.. to a gallant Southerner spending; hi fourth season at th Mountain View House. Bethlehem. N. II. Mrs. M. K. Spencer of Ds i!o!.is. Ta ts at Wareiend Villa. Xastaske: Beach. Ma.. A funciton which attracted a large num ber f society persons at Bar Harbor. 51-.. MonXiy as the reception riv-n at the I'ot and Kttl Club by Captain Bush, in honor of th Ml.; HisvJ ..f New- Or leans. Tl.e Misses Hooil are the dauah frs of the late Oonfe-lerato Gr.eral. John It. Hi)yL Tlier was a large number of military mea present. Sir Mortimer Durani. his sf.2. Captain Henry Durund. and his daughter. 5Iiss Jo sephine Durand. of the l:nt.h Embay. are taklnc a prominent part in out-of-door life at Iyr.j. Ma-ts. The Ambassador tn-i his son are playing with th 1-nox cricket teem and in the Lenox golf handi caps. Miss Durand is ths best woman golfer in Lr.ox ar.l a clever tennis player. Mrs. Joh.i E. Urett of St. lajuti will spend the t-alance of the frnmn nt 57an-cheter-by-tte-Sa with hr daughter. Mr. Oas-ls Kilpatrick. On pretty gol authority 1: is reported that Ilesklent Rrsrsevelt will leave Oyster Bay for Wasnington about October 1. Most cf th- east and west end summer colnnlst will dejart the latur part of Sept-mte-r. Mrs. J. N Coo "f rJbutue. I., Is spending the season a: the Mapwood. Plttsfield. Mass. it and vj'S. te.tox xvj.ipp:. of thea- ton. III., are ax in .w aiagnoi-a. Mag- noil M nolla. Was ...,, w ... Mr r.nj Mrs Jace W. Il-ilh. of Kan- Kt CllJ. ho., are among ir.c new arrivals at t.V -; M!,'?-.m ,t.. . Ml" r,ther Tllton. has amtd ct H-;terus. 'agnol!a. fcr tr.e paune of tne season. Mr and Mrs. A- A. Wilkinson cf Indi apoli. In.!-, arc at the Xv Magnolta. MagnpIIa. 5tr. 'i L. Pales of Unite. Mont.. Is visiting her mother, Mr. D. R. Harcoert. at Faulkner. Mass- W. C e!-ri-Tr . LarJt aaa beaa at a,... . .- - .-... jt -.-' pi SEPTEMBER 3.1 iM5. the. Mai vera.. Bar ec Mr. to eatoytoaT the lal i-ord. Oarsrd.iMe. assavas xaar weefc are: El Paae. Tex.-Otto Harteratetater. JoBisksto. Ark.-R. K. BMesaa, St. Lotts-J. H. Roblee of Btwwa Ceaiaaay. Lute arrival at tae N-w Ocean IrJoaae, Baaaipetott, Him., uscrade C. P. Wal bildge. M. P. Walbitdce. Mr. aad Mra, W. J. Holbrook. St. Louie: Mtos May Sehtaltz, Kansas City. Me.- Mr. and Mra. WUlUm R. X. Silvester. Mrs. Sarah M. Barrett. Mlsa Barrett. IitriUnaaKdla, lad.: The Rerereml CBarles S. Mills of St. Louis Is enjoying; the saeon at tae Waambek. JesTersoa. N. H. Louis N. Ferguson of Evanston, TOL. baa joined his famliy at the Meant Pleaaaat House. White Mountains, for as extended "iVs. William E. Toung and Mrs. Charles F. Atltri oi Clinton. Ix. are at the Moaat Pleasant House. White Mountains. Tiie arrival at Breton hotcia this week'jde: . . Esses Hcue M. Thotnas. Sulphur Springs. Tex.: A. Treshny. Austin. Tea,; A. M. Morse. Kansas Cty. Mo. The Toaivine Mrs, W. Wbyte. Kansas Clly. Mo.: J. M., Stickney. lndtanaaotls. Ind.: Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Barber. Topeka. Kas.; Mrs. and Mrs. E. B. Sterenson. Indianapolis. Ind. - Brunswick-L T. Kehew, C. T. Kebew. St. Louie. YoutiR'a Ilotvl-C. M. KendaU. In d'anapidls. Ind. Parker House Mr. ard Sirs. O. tV. Bia sell. Air., la.: C Bejocr. Si. lyab: and Mrs. W. G. Xicncls. IndiamxpoHe. Hotil Lexington -O. P. S'.epbeaa. Oma ha. Neb. . , Aaamo Hourt-8. L?ay. Enrds. Tes. ThorndiKe Hotel Mr. and Mrs. T. 8. Wiilttier. Denver. Cfflo. goatr!.(.t-S. T. lMlard. Memphis. Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Iewls of St. Louis arrived at the Poland Spring House. Poland Spring. Me.. Monday in their automobile. .. .. Mrr. A. P. Ghto and Mlsa Theres Ohio ot fit. Louis were among the Poland Spring arrivals Monday. Other arrivals at the Poland Spring llouee tbU week include: Mr. aixi Mrs. S. T. Allen. J. 11. MagranM. New Orleans; John Breraond. Austin. Tex.. Mra. J. R. Welst. lnwtor and Mrs. Henry H. Wetet. lilcbmond. Ind. ... . a. The Right Reverend Mousignor Edward R. Chase of Laredo. Tex-.-ctlebrated Tajaaa at the Polard Spring House last Sunday. Southern visitors, to the Tip Top Hoes. Mount Waslilugtou. Wldte Mountatoa. this week, include: Master Juhus. OjAd ier. 5lr. and Mrs. H. S. Chamberlain. Chat tanooga. Tetnu: Miss LalUh R. Block. Mt. Giw Lewey. II. M. la-wey. Galveston. Terc: John B- Worrall. Kansas City. Mo.: Goeftrey Konta, Robert Kerr. St. Iamls; Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Di-Merett. Houston. Tex.; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Gay. Howard W. Gay. Clifford W. Gsy. Mr. and Mrs. J E. Scott. Indianapolis. Ind-; J; P. Clough. Jlemphi. Tenn.: Wbj. H. ood ruff, Mrs. Jjtne W.-Jdruff. Qulncy, I1L: Lnverno A. Morris. I at Porte. Tex.; Marie K. Wertemeistcr. Evanston. UL RKRKIEX SPMIXCS. Beriini fnrinss; Mich.. Aus;. M. one of the i.i.t not. I features of the snmnier-re-soit s,..isoii .rv is to be brought off la this count v. One of the members) of the t..t..V houso cfthe State Ieg1sktiurr. Sam II. K.llv. i. to give a peach festival, aad h has in vi led every member tf the branch of tawniakr.-i to which he belongs. The afflr will I held in the open or chards 'and tl.j WrisUtors will receive aa i.t.Jeot l-so:i as t the output of the Wolrerin Stnt in trult. Hundreds of St. Lul "persons aie still ii- the eountr Sr.m of then: are In quaint orchard pia.-e on the St. Joseph River. nhil.i liig:u.i:i Park, overlooking Lake Mi-hixi:i. iin.i with one of the finest golf eourees In the loner ptninsula. is still at trnctiiig any tn-wd. Tl xti.rsion biisir.-jsa to this locality has 1-e.n ami still continues. The Michigan now has its or.n line to tie county, lias been bringing; big crowils. --ti.d the two lines of the Fere Manjuette and the Graham d: Morton hjte b:n bringing in the largest load of hii-nanlty that lint been han Iliii for years. A large percentage are I rem St. lye:.. Ml.-ourI and the Soutb uest. the i-ttl coMiectlons with which are now est exdlii'tly close. tVtKB GENEVA. I.iko Geneva, Wi... Aug. 31. Autorao blilns at th-; resortB has never been wore njo;cd than during the present stason. which promls to b- extended beyon-l any other rear. Lake Geneva. Lake Dela van and oc(nnmowoc. are all connected with one of the "neat road systems in tae Batlger State. At Oecnomowoc. around the shores of laic La Bell. Fowler and Ocon oinowoc lakes', are located many St. Louis families. Most of theiw own fine cam and in the present delightful weather they are seen on the roads going from one lake to another at top speed. There are more colit- cars owned In this section of Wal worlii and Waukesha County than in any other, outsi I- of Milwaukee, in th- State- At all of tluse places is a well-organ-lu-d golf and enentrt- club, and the injer-plat-lnr has prevail;-.! alnit the whole of the sejv.n. Tiiere are still s-veral 'rents to le- brought off. ami Invariably the distsnoe bctwen the plaeesj I eotere-1 br touring and other cars." Th resorts are all hated the Clilcago. Milwaukee and St. Paul road. GR.tSD H4VE.V Grand Haven. Mlcht. Sept. 1. The re sort keeper In 5li.-!ilgan are preparing for vn s-xtrtislon of the -aon her. They claim that the prevalence f jellow fever in the South will ke-p n large number ut persons who in other years have been returning home by September 1. Summer visitors from other localities are showing no disposition to get back to tr city. Many arc waiting for the Anal vacht races that a I way take place on Labor Day. At Spring Lake, near this Prt. there ar preparations for one of the mo-t exciting raeei of the season. The each eas..n is on. nnd there are many other features that causo cltr people to linger in and about the orchards. The Pere Maniuelte trains and tho Graham Morton line of steamers ate still carrying big one-day crowds) to the resorts. w RH..SftKTT. Xarr-ar..etr pr. R. I., Aug. CL-Ae-enrtilns to most of th cabM's. tht week au s.n more suests at the hotel than ettr heioie known, although toward the end of IS tvif th-r" hat Ttrn some brta'i. It is riJrl..-d th Casino will close. Monday, lait th rottage-s n!I re main some week, and the hceli trill keep o:en imtll Septemlier li Mr. Arthur Men Se of New Orleans is a sruet at the Mathewson or a conpls of weeks The "Honorable C. Claflin. former United States District Attorney of Missouri, has bi"i spndlr.r tho wek r.t th Pier, and was one of the not hies nt the meeting of th American Bar Association. There hate been miny tX-Jrslor to the PIr the last week, bringing ihou iMids of. excursionists, a plan In the Pier's Ilf not keenly appreciated by th rrem hers of the smart set and bid;" cotiserta five element among the resldeut taxpay er, nhii fear trat tco much of the ftittiog visitors may. br their number, have a tendency to make old Narraganett leee attractive to cottagers and those who make thslr home at tho Pier In the heated term. Unlike Newport, where the exeur sionists and cottagers have each their riosen hunting around. Including separate katfclr2 loaches, at Xarragansett ly are force.1 to meet at the beach at least, tht re being no other, and prUy much evrysrher L. owing to tho concentra tion of hotel. Cilno and villas In a corc tainitlfelv limited compa that dot-c not at all nrivail at the city on the other side of the lay Owinx mainly to th comfortable lard inc facilities afforded to tatrhsmn b the Caslio mar.ittemnt. Narragatitt hag lieen inw a sort of resting phfe for tacht on their passage to and from Bae HarNir ar.d New tort to New Yors and other pons en the sound, and what is mate aratlfvirg is that. aftr stcprdrur here once. th""r come again Throughout th week there have been msr.y lying off here. THREE APPUCAHTS NAUED. Claimants Wish Krx-d A. Fotkle to B--' Ieclared Ilankrnpt. Thre applicants were named In a pe Utlon filed In tie United states District Court jesterday to have Fred A. Fodde adjudged bankrupt. The claims of the Grand Laundry, one of the three petition ers, are said to rt on a judgment ren dered against the defendant In !. Th amount claimed is SM.T The latclede latundry Company and Otto Etsenhardt. who names appear la the. petition, hold claims agslnm F.sJd acsrreatlnc tJ.W. The Laclede Iante.1 dry Company, allege that Its claim con- s!st or a rrotesierj cn-cg. wiin interest from December. liJ. The total amount of the cLflm is a.". Zleenhardt al lege he holds a note for MK.. da. Mrc!i JO. 1 Th- 'hr p-tiiloner all-a that Fodde I tnimlrent. ard that he committed aa act of bankruptcy August li UtS. The petition alleges that he traaeferred bis satsaerty to aaofaer aarry. wlseee rsaaii to aot (tvefs, r..:T V'y),;!':'--. aUittaav --M. .fuse caaat d ef Kaaeaa Cky. Mex. barera ia aWUtas tbto MANY IfURAJKE CCir A WES TO GO UN New York lgiftltite CoMMiwioB Dvs Kel Vitifwt tt Ctwf ue lU lB-Vtia.tieMtotat f FtUoBcV-' ! HeMiag f Itwersre -Gilt Wa r.r.lieH Art Kmnorii w Utlwr CoBccrsTts Matter ef Vfswtow tw.FartsritcH t IV ('! jtrt of mm Iatairr. - CUUIISMMIETHATEWn IEEN IttfiTiAUZa. KEPL'BUC ftPlXIAL. Near Tork. aea. X-Oae of thearst aab Jccts which wilfbe taken a by the leato iattve Insuraaee Iavestloatkm Ceaatatttee will be the securities held 'by the, three great uwiipenUa D"ring the areliatiaan' work ef th ceaa mlttee it has been disrorered that taaay of these securities warraat a carefai analysts by experts la finance. Eaosarh has, been learned to Indicate that ether life Insurance otaaataaUorai besides the Equitable have been careless ia their In vestments, and that asllUoaa of dollars worth of securities held In the slroag boxes of th- coaipanleo are subject to fluctuations In value, which puts thesa outride the c'asslflcaUon "gilt-edged." To make certain that the fsoUcybolders of these comaaalej are protected a search inrr mejuiry will be made Into the anaactal holdings of all the bis concerns. Aa a preliminary to thbrfeature of the investi gation, the committee on Friday notified the New Tork Life, the Metropolitan Life, the Mutual aad Mutual Reserve com panies to furnish the committee's counsel with a cotaatete Ust or all the bonds which hare been purchased by them during the last ten years, together with the price paid for them, the names of the mass from which they were purchased, and the record of fluctuations tn auurket valaea covering the same period. It Is admitted by tbe committee that there Is no question of th soundness of a majority of the investments, bat In the HeThl of made in the great in vestigation of the Eo.ultable's affairs It Is considered reasonable to suppose that faulty finance baa crept Into tbe bueliKSS saethods of the companies. HXPEHT9 PUT TO WORK. There was much discussion over this phase of the coining Investigation, and the danger of causing distrust among- the policy holders of other companies was the cause of some delay in coraing to a deci sion; 1,11. It waa decided, however, that the Im- portance of absolute security to taose wno put their savings into Insprance warranted action In thto direction. The financial de partments of tbe New Tork Lite, the Mu tual Life and tho Metropolitan Ufe coat panls. Immediately placed a force of ex pert at work on their books, and when the committee meets for Its first session on Wednesday, all the data requested by It will be in the hands of its counsel. EQUITABLE TO DEMUR. It was learned that the Eu.ul.abl Iafe will, on Monday. Ale a deaiurrer fat the suit of Wilcox Brown of Baltimore, who lias asked the United States courts tn appoint ST.UHMSCOUNn ItEAL ESTATE TltMiSFEItS. laHtns Btrksmeyer and wire to Michael Bara ml ami wife. Ms is aad 3. block C of Bja marek Heights edditlen. a resubdirlston or lot J of Gr.-ei Eaktaea estat In lot M of -rjyi-oelet CooiaoasL south of fnvvr ds Iers; trnatea sl. fB. Chrlstiaa P. ffcreMer and wife to Thomas A. narrey. i acre la lot V of Jsae CruuBber'a sahtllflsXan at Ferguson. In section I. township 4 tvirta. targe e east: t"i. Hauler Hwad Realty Ctsaaany to Oeorge W. Maawttt. lead on south atoVst. Chaiiea road, cvntalame 1 acres: .. Same to Kanna U. Rodey, land ca soathatde or ta. Chsrls road, cbataltung acres: M.ejs. Willuun II. Pittaisitn and wife to Prank ISb baler and rife, let U and west S feet a inches let 81. Keek . or Greeafs lesnUwIslpa t Banmers subdivision, batlag a front or 3 fen i Inch, tcuth ete Subtirbaa avenue: qwttcle'm Frank' El-beler and wife to Eupbsrala OIUII huid, same prnpert-: g.. II? A. Doerltip' Fred Brke. lots t and ; of II. A. Dorrtng's aubJltisam of natct-Iason Helghis. Ir. suotbeost qaarter of ssemant quarter section t. towasblp I nortfi. range 4 cast: MHO. Pran'-ls Kuhn to Ilermaa H. Baciunano. can of nurtlwart quarter of sovtheast quarter ate Iton c. township 4a tango east., caatalalag 4.X acres: tare Mare . ttem.r to Ifearv C. XoTacb sua wife, "lat te Lks-k 4. of Wei Bemlaton: rC . a Johanna Mnrkkanlt et at. to Ueutge ItapMl I and tlfe. land ta United Mates rurrer 15. I tomrat!il- 'Z. rortii. iwng 4 eaai. cmmmsw 1-H.ZS erts. tneludiag Oflre mrett ree4 and right ef ra-- ef St. laHila Kansas City aivl Col-aaUj Railwa: . . . ., , Joseph I. Pudlows-il and wife to Martin Murawsal anu wife, let . blork rf. cf Gresn weo.1. rruntlrat feet on north H of Man hattan avenue: 4. MlnnH W. Mu-phr and hnsbaod to Pnre Investment CVmpany. let S. Mock . cr wo lard Vt. frentuig l feet en Norton avenue; JC. Albert A. Decker and srife to George ' W. gtedtman. lot T. tdk i er tlotdkuid H subdtvlstov.. In no-that part of l.J IX fjrpy tract, in Unit! Mates surrey 1SSS. town ship 44 north, range east, said lot fronting t't feet en acuth ltr ft Landscape svenuejll. icre tV. St i ud; man and wife tn Aloert A. TtMs-ker and wife, aa-ne lajpeny: ta. Whsaton Realty i.'oir.rsinv to tOSwar.! Gocke. lots 3 anJ T. Mork t. or Whealon salnUtlsion. an-l fronting feet m MUh line f St. Charles Ro,k nd: . . . .... Same tn rSlxabetb XeCool et al. tots 1, i 1 . .". and of Wheatoo subdivision, and frontirig -t feet en. res, line of Vbcaton avenue: K. Cwme to Carry WrtMsH Wi S?L "T Whsaton aabdlvtslun. and frmttlag X feet ew aouth line of s,th avenue-$. ., w . Same to Edith Miller, lot 4. Meek K of tVheatoa aabslvtslon. and fronting SO feet oa south line of South atns: . Marfan InteaunMit Coeapany to Sehoot Dsj tnot of Webster Grove, lots li. 14 and west r feet. S. inetes ta Lit 14. block t. snbdltlslon of Tnxsdo Park, and fronting IS ft t Inches on north line of Atlanta avenue: a.. John - Anderais)i en.1 wife to aame. lot 77. blork t of Tus Park subdivision, and mist ing JO t en north line of Atlanta avenue: fsO. .harlotte UfHs-lntann et al. to Vlllllam K. Curhran, r. feet ermth Me of Webstr place. In town of Klrawovd. ia aeanhwest oaMwarter. sretton U township 44. .range Seauj T1S. laly A. Twettsr to JoeephlC. B.vaa. . lot. of plt-tRuuth subdivision and partly hLey, t ra. an.1 ftontUki 4 feet on ncrlb Bne of Klymoutb avenue fB. "--,. , James P. Jor and wife to Mra Mary A. pSkrVsath ailf lot .IT. Moek . rflMOlj rhard Park, fronting J fert on west line of ""sarn-ro"l"r3"Mi:8"ret Mbr. north hair 1st IT. Nk . of old Orv:uir.l Paik. frootlyg W tet i.n tst line or Kalrlawn avnne- rf ted rts,:ib:t and wife to Herman KutzeJ-er and wife. Iota M and S. b'ock . ot Blmark Heights a14it:on. frenthig f-t in lair.nrt Wot'AliW and wlftto Jcln aTtjsr ard wife; lot . block U Roes Cottage Heights, a auMlvislen f parts cf blocks ST an J S3 of Caros'lelet ..tnetis. aottth or Wvr kta rer havtog a n-cnt r at feet a west Pn of Ninth street: te. Jib to lred W. Konts arvl wife. lot fs. Mock -'. of aarr.e anMhraSo.-, froating H feet en rest of Xtnth street; . Stlrhsel Hanuusl ar.d wife to AnVet Fre! and wife, lota 4 end 44, block 4t of Btsmarek Ifeiah's. fitmtlxg test oa Baramert ateaoe: t:i John Oedm and wife te.Le Naert and wife, k.-s c and T. Mock ft of Karisaklnors sokl Tllon ef bteeka t ssd ? or Twine's saMI slalon of Mark 1 of Carcngslst Commoae, euath of wjter 4a Parse, fronting fa fet oa sat lice of JtffsiMii Bailee as road: p. . Michael Hammel end sraTe to drl L. ardsw Sr. and wtfe. krta S. Jt, a. J. SI and tt. Meek II ef iraaiarek Heights addition, fronting IM feet on Erskin avenue: fata. ir.ltal.eth RleM t toward Keller, pert ef fca 4 aaa S '- ta-iea. a soneirkuon in Vntted States anrvev TMS. eaatainlag H orrse; ffi. Jeawphlne R. Hangotnet and hueaand to.sril llartt Forregt and wife, east on-ha!f of tot I. Muek i of Pag Avenuo Heights, fronttng s feat n north line of Lenox even: ft.Tse. atoera Oreenwald and wlfs te CocTtne Ta. petchaft. Iota -X.TT.-a ard j. bJcek St ef aWa'rts- to triliuun MetMrawh. Wt 3 end . bkKk f Watsm'a Fruit Hill ab dltlslos. frantlag (0 feet on north line of Page Joha'Cratg and wir to Honora E. Butts. Tot 1. block l of Greenwood, havleg a front of a feet on sooth Its of oaf ard etsnee: .. . . Bnlnk Bros. RMltr'Conpanr to Henrr Lsd- wlaT ana wire, auinin ioi i. pne aa nr wne fnatuie et feet k Inches on north Mae cf oxforo Bas: sf . ...... Taapi laism fauxt Cbtnpany. Ne. Z. tn TC3 srard HlUtar and wife, lot 14. eel seat oae-balf of lot 11. block C f Mats Lawn, aavtsar a front of fi feet en south lire of Haul oveaee: ttri. J. It frcbsratg aad wife tn Thoraae J Wfssoa and alf. lots r. and 4 of Baaaael Rocaefe snbdWtsKn o Crere iar Task Place, tn taws Blr 4 srta. rsegs -. containing exeS acrse s.sW Saas'i is. Denlap ar3 satfe t Bchool Mtet ofwrebm-er Orovea. let a Mork 1. eTTmp r"erk sahdlviston. ironUsg V feet oa rranaPa "joseeh H rresBbr an wn tBTlrtj la- nu jr.'s subcfuiSMWi of Saxpr Tract, tn Ui State tnr JUt aw. w -t iia mi wi:.. fijn vi mi . w rrwii-- v-e-" .s -i rx...... .a srir ,. i raiiM sad wife, lots li U aad 14. block C4 or Nana Cktausce: sTJT . ,,lu .ki TA-Leaton Realty Crpeer to ainjaai arMel- Muck of wrneeton oeadlT-.swri. frowirna; Is rest on trut!. line of ftsstrj avswse: taa Anrde Wristit to James JI. Jsaaaja assl Jtfe. east part of W Jh..TK" fla? wtr Orrtea eetar--na I arre. . John C Ktrat and srtfe to fUekare Jiiliaann ard Sir! ? ? J. sao.riTital plat VEs" awt9 ctTUMya-rjaaabe and wife. to-aSi anil Mock I. "TfclwrBvars auasB lm. e leaw-a-r Hfta.Jtt blork lg of ofrrUrlet .'ciaa a-arta of Rlr.r da pseta, rrncilaat : feet ca soeta It of lasokss atsane: .-. .T. . . - - r f ' ....... r,..' Caafcte uajtlasaa a ajta Taajawe saw, to.fetojejah aM.eiia.'flsaa!sai asaal6-m H , tl -,..-Q-Jr-.-. .J.. .. -rjifr - Mm,V,t f' iTaaJaafl s , ... 1 ""??-IJ'''' ""TFT ' ... ., a e, - w ?i;-i? ' - iMweiTTi i a receiver for the ceaiaaay in tbe int eate ef Ma aa-ary paioer. j Tsssrtk arri rlar-T antoned work! tats deiaurrtr. te-day. and it cit. nui asanas why suet, receivership should " be erdered. aweear thesa that the .tHai ef the coBfaar ander the new adml.iisttj tlon are ia a, Taroaetrow. conditio". Another ntatter which the conmittri wan InTssttoati to the avaetlre amona tbn laraer comasmles of graatlns; pensiona to1, roncer emaseyce or resaiives oi oincrrw high in tbe oamaany. It is said tb EsjalUble to not alone In this practice, and that annecesaaray huge annuities are now Tsetng received bv relatlvee of New Tork Life aad Mutual officers, and that thK win be Mogsasd If the cotamUtee baa th power to k it. Experts la life iasairaace to-day dls-rt-ssed with interest the present statas of the FculUMe Ufe under the (aeonac law-. Many declared Its position waa not at all rtesr. If the stocaholdera have last an their rf-hts, then the society Is a aau tual coatpany. hat If. as baa been ctohaesl by the stockholders, their bold aaoa the securities has aot been broken. .It tea mill ismmiii aatll asara and slssnli Mis argned ttettheasere traaefer of atoekftoaa one saan to anotaer. asa-a when TMaxjaaw'. Ryaa farrehased thi tnrttr linlMiisai of Jaases F. Hyde. not cbaace the law. aor the rights aer taintac to the gock. DOCS NOT ABOLISH STOCK. Nor does this tiaasfer abollsl. tbe stock and bring late are a nut-eel company. This subject has been before the courts of anaji.t aad the beat lesal minde of England have decided that tho KeJttahle Life to a stock company, oaaed aad eaa trolled br the stockholders. IttoaowaaM this condition ia detrimental to the Inter ests of tbe policy Iwlders. In the Beentaticn of thee cases to the Erigttsh coarts. the charter of the com- asaies aaeaafj Otwaw, Inanra aa rial lfaieaaaa aT sfaassa Tork State were place.1 la evidence "and the method of conduct inar tbe bisaatssl . H0 iiwiiiisiw vt loius.aaia. ..V wsswiwa I were set forth. The Crown contended that! tho coaraaaay aad its asasta were aot th? uiupeiU of the aollcy holders: that they . rights, except each aa the atealHleaTaw by their det-awoa chose to glvo thesa: that th TeoUcy heldtrs were not aitaabm of tho coaxaany. but were to be c nn steer atarply aa persona who bold contracts with the coaapaay. Thin clatos tacluded also the acuaialatil BsaateaB isn uiwr swaaaatj. wfaa. BseaTwwexa.B BswaaBBrasaaraLW wfs a fund of tho Baultable. and th Crown held that each faads were not tho ropsrti of tho noser holders, bat accumulated prollis The court enwdded in favor of th Crown, two Jaetlcrs concurring with the PrekHng Justice. Mr. ItorllDg. . 9 aad to. block Ti of Meacham Park ad. Cltlen: qultrlahn deed. ft. Soloiaon L OewMiat and wife to Catenae M Schweack. pert of lot S f sabdirlslon of tract In United States aarver 4U. tewashh 4S aenh. rane 4 east, containing S acres; SM. Ttilllam J. McGovera aa.1 wire to ttarta B. Harrison, lot J. Mock A. of WowtsMe Par-, frcathnr Kf feet en south line of Bsalta at cue: TAS. dsrsksll X. Bufotd and wife to Wlll!a:.i Oroth. lot 1 vf euBcUvtsJcn ef Joan BtnorJ- es tate tn sutseys lie and 4ti stctlons Tl ami ri towwehlp 4 nortn, rings 4 east, eoa'aini'ic rtT aerea- alee land ta same iwasblp uno range, caatalatag JS acres: SH.KB-)- Aaaa rVroerr et al. te Herman -hrue4et. lots 14 at IS Inelaehre. blork X of Fr4 Bar fold's addltl-si. also tract of land ssUotauui vtlJeae of'atancheeter. ositalnlna 3 aeree; al aboat 1 acre la ssctioa to. piwaebtp 4T. aenA, range 4 east: qaBrlatoi deed. Pas Atetue Betgbta Realty Cbmsany : James Walsh. lot 14. Mock X vf Page Avenue fdesjkts: STK. Reary C Drellaur and wife to Henry It Baehaate: lot i Mock IS. of iachntoad Heights susetiuaow. frontrag tse fet en seuth Hue of MeKam atenus: tLeia. . . tVIIIU-n J. atlfJsr and wife to Charles Pau seUas. aU latneet In lot 11. n ual east l" festrlot IX. bleek 94. of Wauon's Fruit Hill safasltrhnon: also east feet C tnebes. ka 4. and west IS feet lot tl Murk S. of Wats, n's Fruit HIH aataiilslis. fa city of St. ton:: quitclaim e C. late hv PobMc Admfailstrator to Kreatea artnwMt. all Interest ta eaat feK Ite T and P aafl west 4Z feet let T. of Peter- anadtvlst-a of lets IS. "d rt of Webster Ornra: PaMIe Administrator's .ieed. FTsaKua c osawre ani win ta Annie Meahenm. rarts of k.ts E. and T. blork 4. o Wetoea'e Trott Hill suMtvislon and paitfy m blerV JfCS. cltr of at lasals: auttelaaa eeee. ST John Darts aasl wife to Annie Memiiam pert lets 9. aad 7 of Watson's Pratt Mil ulsvi son am nartir m Mora a?, cur or rr. tami. uses. Aaitie Menham and kusband to Hrare J, Cborh. aaao limiali SS3. Jostah -rsesptTer and wtfe te fJeoaatlan aenerar and wins., lot St. -Mnrk f. or Jnarsso llelaaia a eobdltiirl-o of look IM or iwratiue- let laaSMB. scatth of Rlter CTkrlenaa Noerner and wife te Tgenry lota n and IX bks-k X . dlttston of Mock to of Cat uaetlit CToraeaina aonta or surer dee reres; sea tasslea lwla and husband to Hearr Tfaaier. awns ov an- a. I Utajneights. a a Sf aWJS- nfCai Rites ess Pstss; warts of lot at. n. 3. block.:, of Moat rot- eoMiiviioB or earn er naa-a Camndelat Conuaona, e-sath cf s: tl.fli. Otto aehwartsaaia an.1 wife to JOhaana IJeyd. ait interest to 4-r nt ceater Use Taj lor avenue. See feet north of south lute ef axe) In ssctioa L township 44 nvrth. ranae r, east: qattclalai daed. . Jeoaanr. X. K. Dohr 4easea. by asiotn-bsa-atar. te Johaaaa X. UoyiL aU Interest to prupeit : aeBiinmrators deed. jaaj. e to aame. all latereat tn land Tea feat ef Tailor avenu at northanst corner ef Ba bv Kale A. rjohr. tatise fert: a-l- mitustrators oeee. astr. J. M. Berrr aad srtfe te John flteM and w-n. sits 1 sad S of J. X. Berry-e addrtioo to Breat wved KtaUea: CLeMi Claude Harris aad wife t Olof Xelv.n. lot 7. block W. or -ruxsiSi park; KM. Willuun t. Tsmlasn aad artre to atinnlo PJaa sen. east half of Lit S. blork X of achogeM 11ae a fJCMItlekei or lot T of R I. Wat em's state. In United States sorter SB3: hTfe Mary Hubert et at to N. X. Jrasen. Vaag In C'tnsatse of at. Fwrdlaane. coatalnrao acre. IseorOM In Cltr Re-ernWr-e orBee ta Imth MB. fskisff: also hmd In same carasaons. rweoessd atCtty Rece-drr-a ofaee in book IJ. page 4t& conratalnar arte: ". Tftsiiikk U Bsark end wife n Rokert W. Hant4ta. lot 4 and south twrt lot T. Mock . of fkttton. frnttne Vt fet en rest line ef -"retry avenue: at,'. Henry J. lUafk and wife tn laiufss A. Poert rer aad wife. It X Mork a. of OrsenwowL In fnltsl iutw s-ir.-j- TT. fyirnsMo. 4k no.-th raaae east. :&. RbTard K- Schlfers-!;r tn Arthur E. afuel !w. lat ST. Llock f In Falrraoest Para, town. skip 4. range . fnsitlng ii ft on lalrrtw avenrje: also lot A. sasae bk ff. trasa V. ateCawatand aa.1 basbarMt te P. row-den. lot t aad east S feet lot :. block t nf iasaBa eatatlvtalon. rmntlng IT, reet en norlS line of Ills street: Bt. John Xonvieba and wlf to Psed Wllf aeyt wa. lots 4. i and 4. bloek 1 ltsey pier, a - irw i af rtrmmm TbasJa aatate ta lat st-rsf tarondelet Onuusm. eoatb of msee and wlf t rtita rkhweinstt atcB or aiat c. as sasae i ar" Pi oik ahwol tndaork by roan asjswi. a lapiaa. w Khu aeackl. teem eg csarton: wnneinuaa nrnoia m a. aaaia, avnaaat tv. si. Oak Chov Real : tl estate rswaar te Joba w. las St ef Wellet'in Orove; tSR.S. a. TStahlrr and wtfe to '55 anata I feet er lote W. a araiiiiiiiia asuiiir oa aaa mc Bntsrn BS Itivawpo M. tearnam. h trustee, tn aasre f. eaat tl ten st and Treat a xees of-let aa. block A of Norfh BBsV! J. x.rr and wife tn samen iaw- .t t..ut ensitafntn .as aiSMa tn esata- east etaWtsr nf ascttoa . tcareshta .rsaaaf east, liuifiitel north bv south line of Unwee btafe eunay Iff and sowlh tty Msji'keseir "Rli-M rx laavskMal ant wlf to Matilda C. Wnlrner. east naw int e, kock r. w w fjaknrlTsSVm ef Beaton fswre: F.we. - ' rsalt Patten tmlnor). nr a C. C rasnekr. aadlrMed qoartr us o. j t latswaeeUoA of SJt. CI to raa artth Flutassnt aad Pee Fee m.m'mm'm lldl Bt alB a1 r JL....... ..ju.... MssMf rviv-.i'e mmmw. w,.ri ,."- .. te Basse scopertv: sjr-e H. B4) and wife tn Bernard J. lag aaa wis. w or a. T. 9winks aMItfea M. Mory P. Warki i and husband tn Ama TfT'O- lot and'S. Moek i. nt aapleweoa: at c'Atadt t aatl-aal H. Dardr asl wtfe. oath to feet lot & Mock Z. of Shlet-ra vkaon ef kw ef tattaa estate In IT.-.ltrd faaan eorvrv Ksnnle t Maa T. Bts-rece (dineati.-, a nttxitir. lotB l end : in m . tr Mlaaiierl A. Ulnars earate In earrrre SM aas. townsarp as rastta. race : ' MaBt t Paanla .Thofraut lot M so wonk baa of lot x. of a A. Mvetr'a eaaarrl. etna ht Wetseter Oro-xee: ago JassaMn A. rBBiBt to wmilem ItoMatieaali. Vot TO of Eta an at en's addition te WrlistaTf. aU- wniia-w Hsaeasaaa aaa wire m na Vet, 4t 24 of aTdausoaea'a addition tl afar: sf.eae OTirTajaj Rtal aate Craananr te Raf2rett let 1. Mork XT. of (buth Park; an- rei.i!t r.e siiki VT. W wife. St I. fa reaalsMriatca of last la i ist half ef asettea te. tewBsafo 4. rwra cueisiatsa m acrea; E. furans Jr aad wifW to OT Wl .. ,..Nl .' iHf: rraar asat I east ntas. let aa, Mora ZjEtt&CZXJai m