,SI ?--'-"'
Recovering safe from ruins of
building burned at mexico, mo.
' ,-
!bw . t iip "fflfc f I BaWaxtaSr a -SMBBBBf r
I BBlvMMMHB "jm. - at Latata. Sr awaa
v aRaBBBBBX -. -. aaRjBsafa aaas. .. v. taetB-BrAfMBjB e-BfraJB
In tee Are which threatened the business section of Mexico. Mo, last Monday
rush?, and which destroyed the building occupied by the Hataway Grain Com
pany, at a loss of 325.000, a large iron safe, containing the books of the com
rsny and other valuable property, escaped serious Injury and the contents were
'und to be Intact. Worklngmen are seen removing the safe from the ruins.
Marin, ia the Whole. ! Klrsa aad
Iniri at a. I.ala Alter I.osiag
ar ef Advaaee.
vw York. 5ept 20 Trailing in cotton
continued quiM. tn-ifiK chiefly proteioi.al.
"it tlie mtrktt. on th- wl.ole wa Urm.
'., while pin of an ear' adi.i- a
,ut tcuartl ih- t lce. final pr).-e- wile 6
11 point, net nlcher. si-ik were eti
ine'ed at Iia'V) bales.
The opening .ii- Arm at an advance of
." jHinit."-, in (piu to much higher
"it.b than looked for and fiK.it. of a
"Hnr.r South' in spot "ituation At tin- ad-
...lite old longs took profits fn el ami cot-
a houM with Liverpool i np.ni t.on
vi-rc .i.l to be aiMlii jiurcha'T abroad
T i" d prices olf. In th" alww ' of
--er'F'-lve support, hut .-.ft-r .ediing i"n
it'll 5 Or ft point the mm ik-! wi t.llli"l
a renewal of the tiullih pot advance
'ii 'lie South, and In tli cailv .iffrnoon
rhiraci a n t cm of about. !'&!. points
I tlv m nth-.
I it'T I.tcal lc .ir interests oId froclv
i with huyrs t.ikin,; ptoflfv til- II"
-nul u.'l'r ai.il In. d at about th- low
. p"' ' of ill s. .-.ilon. with the tone
I't-iV Me.if.lv Slllthe'n ;eiT nn'-k'ts Te
u"f h'inseil t'i "e hither, .iii'i priv.it' ni!i5
'irn'il a Sn-tl-r ! kijihI fruni actUJl rup
i.'" Tl.e wt-ath'T Ti.i rfiii;j!red more f
il. aid t'ie itutliMik pp-Ji"l to be
t hichei fmi'vratiir'-s
ii:i:i-t.i I.AU at ni;w i:i.kans.
fI i IIIJiS!'i:1.!.
w Orle.iiM. Ii . Sept Zft -The Titnes-
'etnoTHi iii its summary of tl..- ottim
.it.n. will a- to-morrow
"Thw throttle wa oi'ihh .i hit etr-
anil th" eottou tiunket r-'inde(
!"mpilv tiouh to o invtii. tji. tilet.t
inahlnery a in -.-iji1 iAirkrig "iler.
if.! that pioi;res j lnllte.1 tliroush tlj.-
I. of n full httid of t.j-n or.l. on-
t e. Ihlt He . T en .! rete,, u 111 If-
:,- i.lpfii t.'i. h. -1 r In. K and foitjj as
l .i -..v har. l."-ti s a litt tliw un
..i'li r . .. n t ! ?' o fiTAT.isIrs Mor-""
' ai.f tl'tll. I'llJ.I- ' il'IWs ttOTlcllt cot-
ilit ., itsiii. ti., olTti mm from
Siititn The Southern pot m.irketi
vr, tieftfiedlv firmer, tin- firmer. In iti-
ik 1 ri.iml.er . holdlrz out for V-Ifer
'Ijr t urrt!t .llljeu
1 I!' juvjple ( .irtUe. but
r.lfllons Tf llmittl tjee.lii.e nf
i"" point tlin"eren- of op'iiiui: betneen
' er and .'I..rs
The prl-1 pttivimit hiTAeer. ! nnl to
e ri.1.!-d .if ii o'ii. ti t f l any tt;rh
.ivrltta .,f inillNh f-'titinient as iiiMed
ixitr.li . ni.trk.-t. and while (,e N not
a it to oppooe anv reus in tble shifting
.b jt of the pure jiositiori. b' nevtrth-
litil fear .i -ii id' ii uiihe.-ujtl J,w
1 -"e of Hit. j,ic niptlie Hh which
fM'ir take tirotit on all h ir ! pots
M "uhll th" bulk ..f the f.eM new
r i .1- ,iim (r t.i intln ite ., ijiu iindt-r
l ih.in i.t.ri-ot;-eaf iv. exfieet-
'he tii'iveinent lo:;i.j! hnull orri
l-cin . !we.n tii.iII l- . omp.iriMui with
-. i.- .!c ticiir.-. and. If the hoMIs
'.t' ! t amount lo nn thine at all.
'tne of iti 'ff'ct iioui,i in the iry
i f'-'irt lwi:, t t tri up the biuer
' t. tldplrt to pi w Views of the IttI3-
. ' n the anulyi of veter?"i"s
tji " k f" hi. -hould iMiyer of the .ie-
li .f itT retn... to ftlllow the aillJiee.
ir... r ere i.f tl.e me-hii wi'l l ho'.vn
f-e n, t iter ;itioii icainej ?le )1lm:t
"tlxn MlatiB.
T rl fir. in p. t .- v n -'. .I )i'et
' x "lr tntiMlinc ur!ina . r-.IJ-'l
r f. If It. r.ln.i.e I'ct'on fLtur" le-J
e,i Sepl. VI I. . Ikt It) 4Jc Nc'V
"4 i- ;i . .t.i i -6.- ivb. : ia .
ji. --s.- ..n: t'. tv vv :.7i-
'IJ 1. li -t-I.t -r.j .-otter. ! moiei!'
ti c r
riten 7 ik !n' hlJjtr; Anie-Jrn niJ
- . it ,Kjtl niM ire S 7.1 T.'.ttlt-ir
' ' tn:;3"i.r .".. rl ..-.I'.nirv 2 ZiA
Ar . fi-t Tte !. .f tht tiiy at. t..i
t e. .f M-, . n.., f.- ,, i'aln nt
ev.1 ' l'i Ir.- u-. " -V Anert 11. -...ip'
i t.iit in lu-t'nrf 1 e Am.-'i- -" !L?u-t-
t-.lr r r ,! .ju.t An-1 -an m!t-
'tN i td N n.i ! i 'M lft"
a.' Jr tjj,j ji,n an jt, iS4j j.vil ,
l- 'i.' Varrh una i.nl !;. iprll r.I
' v
n I J-ire i TI. J jr: .i,J Ju!j
' i v n.l 4uc Tut
v w ..Mjn". !i s-pt - iVnn fa;ari
I.l IBS-- I.I 1 n.1 :Jt.- M. N,.
4- tv-r t4;u!ii- Jjt, 10 Slfjl) : .
1 :". M'. tii8:'fc. A:ni ""i
M -0 :I, "5. June '.'..'..-.
ittt'"- j-1 fiit. at. !. i--
it- ?.n.l ..'-! l'i v. I.n- Tii!!3llr-fC
ii r,
-. i in- ,. r- i ti.i:i'ini.- ii'-e n. i
I. I ul I'lllon Market.
ii kr uiet -! un 'wnj'-t. t' t
" -,
... I ...J'pirv . vt
1 "t'"4 .. ...
J t IK
11 J -it 'a i
" - . " ..r 'rt-i-i
.k ..' n ;... martf- errrj m'fjttlirc tt"
- t..an t i trevs etexd' nrMsl'irc
f-lee - V
Mtr..h.a .t --r!., -u'.' rrM'I'nr .-
.r' i r inetr1 ra-te.a.
a- r 'I ZZ !
Near tria :C4 laia.
M r . : la.t
e-ra-raj- tl ft? bal.a
? i-'tta T4 (..;.
' atn 1. '.2 talaa
V t-.rMa 750 I.!.-.
.N.j re.-et at all ft'ta-J Stjl-" Jta "3-
,'r :l tit-. a.-atott It; 111
la 'a.t ja aJM 311: tall. a (D t" 4 r
.1a tA-ni tiea ijfe S7.SO In t'4 r?r k.
U bl 4-!E' SJ 4J n t 4
a -c.trt frran a.fta-aa'J.r I IMS. ta dat.
t Kllea. acAl-vt . 3A t!a far tft eT-j
r.att nx laTJtal 'h tair p-tKTaa
a M a aia'ahoua afal.rreat
t 4
It tn H- I Sv' I 1-)
' T'a . .1,
Xa a.- pt. aia. .t
t r .'nt
t.tr am. jt I
aafi .9 .' ti.
-r' -
-e a. ra a . -f t
a" a aftw -.'a
4jl tl a i-rlta air. .!
a a
4 -
4 4
1 1
1 in
1 ..
llt:.T04-K MUHKrTT.
ralrli i;r4 Aallae Nna-Iteef lalllr
le !! ! 4n llBher.
Vr'ITKi'imj' ' llMo i'e
f ja.- r f f ..Tl a- aM TJ--
1 a' .Tl a.:' a.. .-.J.-. -, rl, T-. -
a. b-it eeea a a. a a,, i.l j-tr
aa -J 11 c-a-"l a a..-.. !aa atal a' V "
"Tt ir r art 1 na,- zs ror2t J. .. n
e -a" ra T 1 C
i. -. w. t?Ja a... ajIfV '.. t .
law. ) aja.re faa-r ... fraa' V-l t-e
f .x of-tar aif-air'. atine crv. - ! -"
a. tt.'a).1 Iar. Z "a ..aajad. av.
a. fa eH3l-m f JKNai a"ra
Vai' a a. -a f baa. a ait'Ul 4.ItfS41X?S ail
T.Z lwt f'e POTle V2 fa... .t. a l-n
- TI 4 7J
'-4 a ;t
4 at ;.- a f
tat ' 1 ii
- al't'e T-ltiBt te C.aar afaS " a
ta, reatf eac-arjaiif AcwaaBr.. rti t
ba- .edH2n io r-fftt -xt a-adi-a aiar.a b
!. u ift3 ii. 1.'1- !. fTetl ran
re. ci n r-a-aj fi ..v?a -T CarerlfT e&
aa -aai a'-e.T
err -f-a ...-. crr axj tariw ir
l cf Jre.e-a-a tta asilia i sd pca;rT
d I
at a-at" Te !!.; trJ at.t ! XJS I
43e ttiaaS ' jita tiaj ti rrrai alr:v Tia I
. ... ". nor'te -.. ir f-e- -..; I te -.. iya .-. 4.-r . 45,Ti!c t3at ' l7il"rT.t. v . o
- .. -f .ear's- 'Si -. ; t-.r.- i"M t- ii-) at ca"a; f flru -aJr .a-e an-1 ita r. x i "w -a -.
- - a!ea tta. "la-a. r1ea a,er fa ' prt-a .iOaI a aiUit t CTT3 ar : t -r 4ft Z... ' f . V -i al
a-1 o! 1 t a p-a'-TT t"'l -Ie alvI- , Tje-da. tfade ba.t th- . Se-j:. tte-e not rjf- I SLjnXi: ih ' o -I
a. f.,a ea.rt-4- t' .-Mr 4 -t a fe ktaj. cf fvtant 1 ti tjw ra.riet a ttw-oB tv T3st SHiliai!: v, "- Tj i
--r:t CTiU- .1aa an.rj f I I t taavb. ;. from K 31 to tr 35. fair ta v'JZT v.b -si- -i k
ta-t-T- .V-a r Ct.-f a, H . l'4 ' na93 1 ?7t. - V ? .Sea -;. at itTa. i ""'ri- T.
nntr anp r. .nrt -.--i- 77, tt x-e-r- 3 ms r- ti-a4i. SiiSaT:- ,7 .-""?.r -
Nav u F- Na 4v Fr N- 4 F- , ts. .W.- trad, reaiats. aartart-i. wlta i,r" t . J-U- -. t.
.. a.a 11 ar 3 Ti 11 4.1 ' 713 "- .- a . ill-. .--. an.. WlrfcJta kjt M 74 S3
. -j t n a i.r- . a. -,. .t , .,. ,arw- a.- -. .. . t. .a. ... Trare er e-a thaa 7 ef
"imit.t klr.tiii ir.o-il vry riimrlir. locftl buy
ere iv. trarlrc much ftr an'tthinc failles under
the $1 S klr.d
No A. I" No Av I'r
av. r.--
... f Si
it a
.. 3 71
:i . ' . t.w
i . ,!. .-s
3 .. ..
1 . Hi . t.TJ
i .. 7j... : :
i . t... 2 Z
: .. ... ts
. 2 -1
.1 3.r.
.. S.B
4 . -i ..
J... 1...
li... T ..
... c;..
: .. Tn...
- 13 .. : - i
iM. : -a
'.if. an I . if.'-
: . ?X.. 2 n j.'
t: .. t.i... s n
5 ..11 .
4 . m:
z . .
:. sr.
4 "
" 71
i -s
1... ''"i..
t? "
' .
.. 771...
T.. im.'.
i... "..
... '3I
. ;.t
1... 7i .. M
li! ..:s
l") .. 2.7S
. --4- . s :
-c .. z.y
. .. .. i s
. it
! .
; t
3 --.3... :.
1 73
: .i:n .. r ;
4.. in: .. : r.
t. ..iii . r .'-
:. is .... j ".
":: .. ; 4
: '
: 4
. 7a
, (...
; ?o
. .7i
i T.
, e
. .:
vi:.i. m.vi:-.
t... t ...... : 7".
;... 7. . r-v.
.. ITS..
s... l"; .. "..'O
si .. ri . ".
it .. p... '."i
I.' Ml . '
l .. . -
r .' . . " ''
4 :: 4-'
t . no
l... ;
t .. ii
; i
t... it"
i .. .
Ill ..
I"" ..
!'' ..
rw .. ;
ta . . v,
t. .. f Ot
in. ; "
lvl 4 .
. 77.'..
: . n.f..
a ".l
Z ii
7" VI
, ;.4
1 .
;7i I 14V)
; 1' l . 2 7i 1 -a.
S.ilTlli:itN Tn"--The 'nrI nartet
in n' a'MB.a ti .i'.re. a full! at.adv bafla.
TM ia ahftain from F'art to 'lir.lah wl rot-artTitjn-in.fi
m ii:.t tiatem ! inar.l lryat
ttiive-a I.r-I fa.iiiy .-i o'.ler.a ami oOiinc
itk.'.j 1-. the -t-i. in falriv 're manner until
a k'-k! tlirant-. w.i eff.a-te.1.
fiiT! ir.'al run a T, ilia Me. but e"n-ai'-.-o
lircH tX t-"ale. c-ttnalcnnent heM
l.ai K by iiie liia'i iit.- or ta-hotit A iota!
f fl r.trit arriil eir.biaclnc i.'-f' head. In
tluoini: 1. 117 talvea
.tne .ry -tk1 5teer aoM at 17 1-1. with
tr. ."t ef the en".rina nn the .leeer.i to piettjr
j-r-.l ir!.r a.'!ir.c .lta.n tivi3.3. A few
ft Tinen aT.ra ai.H Ml S7fl? i-'
t. 'uS ftairl". plentiful, thnuch wr
moatlv --..na Tbta tTAtle tle'l.pe.l !;.. nvatt
.If-, and uhlle ih ;.r.eral ton, of the market
s it.a lv. a-nre al- tiyaXt-d coinparatlxelr
ai-tnc A f.r -T" f' h'ifr ott u0 .,
tt Mit W. ar-d eoi at l.V but moKt of tli"
fair to si co and tr.ia.J lota ment at
s: r.n:4
rnder th liheril rur of ralie bUTer were
raiTiruiar to th!r e.i titinj l.njinr decent
to e'"J ri! frm f up at atradv prieea. and
taklrc all i'!iei. ."ml tl loner thn Monday-
Fr. No. Av. Ft. No. At. Pr.
n :' ...iai ..tira ? $"..!
tit 41 . : .. 3 ; ; ini. .. a.M
J 11 ". . vi. . ; i J7 . "i. . 3 e;
. l..ai 4". . j. :. til "! .. 2 e
.. 3 i ... 7 . Z al 7" . ;.7i
.. I "' j' . -H . ;.4l 5; . )I77 . .;)
.. : i !-i -m. . 3 zr. 1 ?... 3 1 1
.. i Vt 14 .. 'O. .1.1) I. VI . 3 n
. 3 1" 7 ll . 5 Hi IH . . 3i
. !i u .4...?7 w . r: .. r.K
5 v n. . v.; .. ;.ta 1 . ... ; 00
. 61
74 1
71 1
.: z.
r i .
T .
. It" ..
. i .. Z Ui I
" . : " 1
a ard liejf.ia.
"41 . ; xr,
--. Z l
7... : 7a
. 313
, 3.W
?. . -w.. . ;
1 .. ... r 4-1
.. vt . :
3 4'
3 11
1 71
3 49
3 11
3 11
: s
1 7i
T. . 7"
. r n
Z a.1
14. . 7.4
1... 413.
4. 77.
1 . 7-v)
Z. . Z1.
J . ".VI.
7 30
3 "M
3 tl
, re
va. .
, 1 11
1 .
1 . l-r.
. t 4J
3 4il
! 3 i
3 3
. 3 51
, 3
77- . 3 ii
TT. ; Z 1
7. .. 3 31
17- 3 ti :
75H... 3 M
731 .. 1 )
S3: 1 31
717. .
, in... : 75
4rk.llsaa Cfai:
1 . V. . 1 i
3 .1175... 3 3S
3.. .11-1... 3.31
t .. .. 3.13
1 ..111". . 3.3S
3 . !-i; ; li
1 ..i3so... 3.::
1 .153) .. 3 31
. srj 3 n
3 . n .. i is
1. -M . 3 3S
1 . t. . 3 31
1 133) 3 r.
Arkan.ja i.u;'a;
!)... 3.35
. r... s.is
. ).. . I li
Hi) . 3 31
)... 3.11
3 )
' i.wTtirt".
11. :! in
"f 44'
41. Hi aa
r . -3 .. iii
1: .. . I Ii
4jr.a-ia i-.it.-.!
3 ; ;i 1. an . 3 31
lllt Tb. ttetjea . f r.iTia
v ( : ; i
'n'tnue an-alt.
in.ra i..tn: .nlv tn un3 I Nir. on aile
,-.lr..t t . tsta oi a trr aco The total
rum-r nn ai. dkttc the r.ro :.. data ..f
the at., antunt to but !!C f-lil, mhirll U
n mor- trjn on. c-I di a aupj,;r aiR.j rnlv
half m' ma a a.a.r. er.lMl tt-irlllE IS aama
Thr .la 1. ..f jaiaj f, loJa of aood !
ai.r-. i r. ai. I' tn. qua'lte In c.seral wa
eilv fair and n l aa i.J at. it o'itlt to h.lT
The aarl.-' x ;a-erUv ra'le.1 ir hlfh.r
ail 't ' .a.la Of C aal haea a.jlj ,. j -J,
K..at ti To r. r -. t .p on Tueaja) and mai
lt Pll il til! alice tlta bu'cft.ra pur
C.aS a..ral Icalte lwtrC 11 Si 7') for
th.-n. and ill a. Unjr. mor h.as had
tle bill a'.l. Ij tt..l. t"- kind th arar.tel
ltuTcK.ra t 1 n-it hy nthlrc .icep? the v.rv
l"-at. tut hn Ther ran tct ht 1'.t want
- uaT.a:;v 'i.tx te ta jrr t -j1 pttcea
fa th.-n
rnttta.ra had -. ttrVra and r wi'll.e
tP I" ' J f r a. tal a;rl. t V
OM . '. J.l ffei-na rem. f : ta-hta aU
Inr it r II :tb oThei tM lvMtaa Iba
.(".Ha" 'Ti lllayi .1 and ' mnwn OTVaa UJ
1 3 l.tt i.cf-la wJr 1 lha att at ?1 31
. a. an. r; rf Te .no-1 k U at.ld frt.m U5 3C.
-m' 'e.r. a.. re aUi a k! Trana- plia and
llafa th- cren iir erlr ...irc fra-n
i 14 74X4 "IT la kltnl ti! n. lt'r tsar ft. It
1 aod atra t to rat nJ tf at .n. rii
, ! k'a a.r r:?.- al.-ai - b.V t'TJt Tld
. a. -t. s tHc1r fe- tie beat bfC Tairlr.
a ' A Z ' ? ra' ha a T ft """ ml.i. mtel
"-ell- c.J "hif. uat Ibaia 'P.m t i3'n4t f
- ra-'.-ji vt ;- a air. m'41 :ita m
. -j bet oad roct a. a aijrr "it- ttifi
'"a. kra a."a T blrc Tlr l ft ra-ad '
IV ai,ak tIT lZZ ? !:. eauae tl tv fart
H ll cirt .T ".. I et a-in-.J .
IjahTT ef -fc "''-'., ? - p. .f . aro f
hrer a&a ha tven 1 .ry t a- IMt ef TJv
h- it hattrc "ati fd r x.. tt-rr aii 1
-rkea t'r- ahrtnkT s.) tt-. -eb .f ry-t.
t -tt fire" T'A a It t-etlld b
TV. !aa p!l'I 33iat r.! 'ael.31 to
at. r-? 'It. ecaeirai . . a.;
p baf.e Ibe . :.aa. 7.
. k a.! V WIV
'Hi. la' .1 1?
TS Nca a-. 1 ltrhta
Crde" tl rt at "ax aoW f-T3 J4 !?. li
?I,IWW t .. . "Tia-i ...t 1 avaj at. 1
. Of. aa, toeaa raK heTjc T2 t ihaa CV nf tie
I at ..ra aire' a. ne . o.i. aid
-'!- t-tjt.--S.rt cabled e-a- "-. - -rt4r-!
! a- a- ID. a a "a a. ttra .- -?r I'a a.ubaiMl-
a.a lara raaraaa. T! rtsx-a-r.te.t te arx;nia
;a.- Aa.ta re aactk; hartCaT 8".
V.t a Tkia-atar ai AtrrXUXlif nt tli. nj. kaai
a;. T5.- a-a abed 4al tt4 rf fc-aa atSll-
jtt. s ii. (actum
rt -ti. ard .-war rrtilart Sia-5 .-a
. frpn-e-t tl Tte lf'BJr r. a'.
. lorarai'ei aa taa .. peCaT-aa-aaa. iai 1&3da-
i atrake i-f rf --atrr' 4tat e-Ifi
a 17tr-s (ll-Jit 3at a.n efl bea Jjja.
tSe Cartaaaret -a aaJ'C; thrtaai a-a Z
li U 1 a rt "i " Fa ta awTiI
tie eonv tj!rm Kt-t art sra-:
auattt ataaaaft. f aalll tA atfat........a.
Heats atntft. 4ianai4Tai to sot!...........
attMefa. eaTaflaka ............ aaaa..aa
laWaMI Bonaaa. CMaCtT to XtI.......
sllii 1 batata, alala to gaoa.........
mi.Rla VVarata aavaaicTa aaalfUr 11H&
eo the male saarket. an-t for this iiaann oger
leoa ara bcnut cooftoaaj to aniall muntxra. With
to:lorera aid ft-i-sh arrtrala. aboat 35 head
ret oa the camialsaton market WidBUMny.
CmtUtions har not lTBprtnred over Ja .
Th 4ealrra are suit doing a ItrhUr bafaeL
acd bnce u net Ty attnaalve burcra 4o
tha conmlwion market. Ta declines enforcel
last week are uil la eerect: and ooly tke beat
fat mature mules are aelling with any atograa
of fatiatactl'in.
Male quotaiioe:
14 hands, extreme rant
14) hand, bulk of sale
1H hand, extreme raaga
14H hand, bulk cf aies....
li hand, extreme range
15 hands. bUk of aalea
U( bandc extrn-. ranee
1SU Banaa. tulk cf sales
1 hands, extreme range
M bands, bulk of satea ,
r T4lgtwpB.
dlcago. Kept, y cattle Receipts S3.ta:
icarkrt fair to tadv. except for best, which
were lDc hlrher. beef , 3.i"S.4i; stock'
era and feeders n-31S4 3:. corns and lanners
tl.3f-6a.an: lalres T77.i. H0f Kceip-. 31.
Vi market lc h:hr; sclppiaa; nd seierted tl)
t S-.: rontd and heavy laick'is tlifS-lT". light
t581-7T). Dreep Ra-ipts ; market ani
mated; prices firm: sheep t3tTS.SH; lambastis?
Xw Tork. Sept all Beeves Receipts t-433:
aood steers Arm to ir hlsher; others slow t
10c lower; bulls an I cows sieaaV to flim: nearly
all sold: iteers tJ-ntji O: no very prime here;
bulls S3.SC4.s, .-ow n.V;aii: Western beif
t is CJlfM . Cables . steady Experts IMSSJ
quarters ef beef. tjsiUe.a Rerelrf- 1.434 head:
veals slow and sj. to JV lower, cketfd fully lee
off: grassers dall and easier: no Westerns. 2")
head unsold: teal tltH.7i. few choice and se
lected an.a: little cnttea nd tlrowewts tLi
4.S0; (raiaers ird butterm'.'k tl"S3.1: dtcssej
caltes alow; clty-di'sac i tea la ai:i- per lb.:
choleai 13Sc: couitrv-drtai Ji,aS.3. Hheep and
lamhs-Recelpti .474. FheefJ weak: Iamb slow
auil llfjlSc lower a few cars, mainly late at
rttaU. unscld. Sheer. t3tM.T3; culls S4.33S1:
1 -a nidi lambs t797.3'i Hg4-Recept .;
market meak: f-ts.te hces tl ni.
Kan.vr Citv. S.M Z 4"aTttle- ReceSpt 14.-
). Including 3.a atoutherns: inarLet steady:
t holce expirt and dreaa,..! beef ters ta.Sal:
fair to good J461.31; W.ttn steers p4 .j;
stcK-kers and feeder f3.lt34. Sruthern ateera
sz.-ai: is: su:nern cowa ii.u;..j: niiive
tows li.71a3J.4': native heifers t3.1iaiS.-al: bulls
13W3; talves t3.3M lines Kecelpts 4.":
market lifTHc lower: Inn ti.iT'i. bulk of sale
tl 431.174: heaw '.tii 13'.. jurkers ti
e-S7'j: l-lgn and licht (191.41. fabeep Receipt
i.'i; niaU-xet stadT: native ijeim .aat;
Weatarn tamb as.SM7: um yearlings
tt.33&S.r: Western ear!lnjt t4.Ci.S: West
ern ht-ep Jl.31ijt; stotkera and feeders Cat
South St. Joseph. Mo. Fept 3. ttIe-Re.
ceipis l.'ll: steady 10 weak, natttes SI.7S
tii: cowp and heifers si.4SfTt.TS: stackers and
feed'-s ti.TVt. Hcga-IVcelpts 4.343: SVI3
higher: llcht tS.41iii.i7i-: mealum and heavy
ti aTi.li. Shtp Receipts 1743. le h'.Bher:
lair.h K.l. yesriinaa M ti; aetners It.Su;
ewes t4 S
Oil rliv. ra.. fiap. jfre.l'. balances U.K.
certitl-at.a-, no hid. shipments 73.4t average
77.4V4. run 43S13. aterage &I.833. Shipments
lama il.4: aveiafr f.t.K Kuss Ima C3.13;
atCISte aa.aaa;.
SKaatlaa faaaldrrea Mark Beter
Twiraty Payalrlaaa Aalaslttrsl ts
lrart.4-4 la State.
Ri:rfm.iP si'ectu
Wariciislmig. Jli. Sept. 20. The State
Hoard of Health closed a two days -!nn
in thi cttv this afternoon. Among
tht- important inatti'rs before the board
m the quarantine situation in the State
:ii.i!nst yellow fever.
It aas the opinion of the members that
the quarantine in the southern part of the
State could be raised Stnin.
The board pased on the pipers of tho
who made application to practice- nn-ltclii.
in the State at the elimination held by
the board in St. IaOiils on September S
and !. There were thuty candiitates. and
twentv of these pas-ted. They aro as fol
lows: I. M. Baker. A. J. Ihn. .M.ithew V.
ljeltx. J. P. Werner. Allien Andrea. 11
I.. It'ible. Iay.1.1 I Hlllyar.!. Jame A.
Smith. J. If Vcunt. J. T. llradlev. Wil
liam K. Chatth-. Don Carlos Ouffev. Alice
47. Kiirslnmi.iiis. Fred F. Clapper. Wil
liam Bnglebacli. Oeorge W. Omm.ni. U.
F. Rteder. rlarence C. Kres. J. C. Fle-h-man
and Louis E. Rolens.
At the same meeting in St. Ijoiil there
ere fifteen women who took the exami
nation for midwifery. Seven of these
Trn membera of the board vUiteil the
State Normal School nnd examined the
sanitary conditions of the Institution.
The-Illinois Christian Advocate
Will Siimftfl Defunrt Journnl.
RBI't'MX-ll.' taPIXT t
BloomiiiKt-m. III.. Sept. . The Illinois
Conference, of th Medhodiit Cliunh. in
eeslon at Farmer 4"lty. devoid n con
siderable portion of to-day .ttt-s-lnti to a
propteiitiotj to found a paper t be known
as the Illinois Christian Atlvoc.ne. which
alii ucceed the Illlnol. Meth.iJit Journal,
which sustatnde!! thn-e years ago. Favor
aide action was taken.
The anniversary of the Woman's Home
Missionary Society was t ! brated this
afterno.):i. the nddr4M bIng delltered by
tKector II. M. Parkhurst of Chicago.
A racntecostal sen ice. in charge of Doc
tor It. X. McC.iig of Iowa. alo wan held.
The anniversury of the Freedman's Aid
and Southern Rducatlonal Sotietv was
celebrated to-nlnht with an address bv
Doctor JJ. i Mason
District -Attorney's .Appeal .1
r!itl.v Has Manj Signers.
New York. Ser.t. 3.-The party which
will supptjrt District Attornev Jerome m
his lnit.-p.r.Jm c-impalgn fur r-4-Iocilon
1II be known as the "Jerome nom
inators." and the party emblem will be a,
solid black square.
Thn af,,eal to the Boanl of Elections la
In reutlinei for distribution, having cvmo
from tfe hand of the t'rtnter. Thera ara
already many a'gnaturrs
aaaveraaaeat Weathrr ftrporr.
Depar'm'i.i cf Agit culture. Weath'r llareaa.
Meteeroltarlral cfaarrvatlcn. ler.ttej at st.
tula .p:.-iil-r js. :'t. at 3 p m I.-l
tlis ar..l 4 1 m aetenty-nf'h ni'iidlan tln-e.
Oteratlcnt ma.1. at th him n.cmart cf
i.iiie at an aii.-rs.
PlrTr M Ra'n Weather.
AMiene. T-t
Amanlio T.
Atlirta. Um
lUltlmo e. tj
Iilatr.Hr. k N I' . .
lluCaio. N y
4"airr.. Ill
Oalaat) albert .
.Tiarit-a i-'T :a
O.arlttte. . t
fliatiaTjot'ica Tnn
fhej enne v
Oi'caao. Ill
Cmc'nrati .
f"3t eland, o . ..
4 latibwt o
liaten;-iri ;a . .
llent- 1
l"-a Maine. la
I"-vtra talk. X I
It-'ave rti Kas
iTubu-tu. la
Irulu'a Mir.
Ihjmr.ar .0
Kl Ilao T 4
I"crt Smite 4rk
ttAltetn Te .
It rloudy
. NW
. NT.V
.. MV
. nr
.. ii'jr
. '"l.ar
.. It clcndr
It eliu.tr
PI cloudy
. It cloudy
. fVar
... "bar
... 1ea-
. ".-
. Oer
. . t .rar
- i.car
.. It cloTfcty
. Ct-ar
4-.OU ly
.. Cl.ar
. Cl.ar
. 'ii4 tr
. iou!
74 . ,
74 M
73 7
43 4.
43 41 .
73 f) .
74 a
.... SS4J13S
.... ssfitu
.... Sf 14S
.... St3S
.... lioftst
.... 11
'.'.'.'. tumxn
-t 73 7
KW -2 7S
,.SW TO 74
.. .V M tx
W 44 7!
. 1V 73
NW )
.. SIV ?u !
W t
s : 4
V 73
W 44 74
NW 74 '
SK 4
K 74 ..
. n: 3 In
IStsivl Jurt'ron .lo Ntt'
i.ranl llapr.. Mich . 4
4 71
79 7
7 74 .
t V)
Hit re V.r.t
H'l-a M -'
Hu-f l
Irvturpol-a in.t
3ai-k-o.m- t
Kan. f". Ma .
UTtle llca-k 4tk
IatlltTJ. K.V
M?tt-ri via
Marquelte M .
M.rr.pMa Tenr.
V kt.-at T -al
Mon'a r.'-1 ' .
tatl T"e-.n
New "1 " N 1
.aI lirl.a-a Iji
Nerfjin .
No-th Flat;. Nb
Oklahecia Ok
t maa Nb
llet.ee Ta
. Va
W vi
. i .ear
ltd Jir
13 FT rloaJjr
. le.r
It .-k.j3r
fi It .-Icudy
It rl"aif
It c! U
. 4"a
ttear ttar
Ft clc-idr
.. Ittksady
N 73 7a
-t: v -4
Vt v w
W 71 ,
v : 74
N aa. 44
l,a.-'-tt.tj-i A Va
44 74
itatdii?!M r
t-ttat-stt Fa
N 74 "
NW 73
I - i-ls. n
lfTia .?; S. II
ir, .. V
" n.f-at't - 4
4 3
at rtct-
EDW4,ni H HOWin
lataraa Furcatt-
ra rater Draps Ovaal at
rcptruc fec;au
rtotve3ti. Mo 9zv Tl Jfim- Mathi
ton. C iar old. fell deaxl nl hat-v
ten rnl wct of her -ir"y this morelng.
H ha tern j, r'tlder.t of th cour.tr for
thirty-2ve ;rar. He was tons la DWtn
borgt. Sco-1aa
Half-Hour Conflagration Threat
ens City's Center, but Is Put
Out br Bucket Brigade and
A fire, which threatened the entire busi
ness district, visited Edwardsvlile late
yesterday afternoon. It burned for but
thirty minutes, but in that time consumed
. worth of property.
Joe Keller, an employe nf the gtubbs
Bros, livery stable, on Main street, at the
east side of court .square, returned from
an errand to find the office, in flames, lie
gave the alarm, but so rapidly did the
blaze spread in the hay and other Inflam
mable material that the nlace was. all
afire before the deoartment arrived.
Passersby rushed in at the flrt alarm
and Ii-d the fortv horses la the barn to a
place of safety. Then someone remembered
a line touring car belonging to A. J. Lat
ter of St. laouls. who returned to tr city
yesterday from an auto trip to Chicago.
At Edwardsvlile. on the way back, the
gearing broke and the machine was Mored
In the stable until It could be repaired,
while the owner took train for their
home. The car was removed uninjured.
Inside of five minutes the Are communi
cated to the largest lumber yard in town,
that of Mayor Henry P. Ilotx. adjoining
the batrn on t!i south. The bcoks -nu
office desk had scarrelv been removed
when th roof fell in. Ncurl $10."4)
worth of dressej lumber, molding and
mill work was In the warehouses, and it
ment like tlndet. miking a trem;ndouly
hot fire. A ccnral alarm .ir t-.-nt'in
and several hundred citizens formiil buck
et brigade on roofs and different floor
of adjoining business houses to help out
t poIntH not coveivd bv the hose lines.
Time and again the tire broke throunli
tato the large hardware and implimctit
house of ;he B. A. Kell-r Company, and
-at the rear their oil warehouse, (.oiilain
ing machine and illuminating ml and
gasoline, a a ablaze several times.
The situation became so serious, that a
telephone message for help was .nt ti
Colllnsvllle. Superintcnflent F. A. ramp
bell of the Suburban Kb-otrlc line, placed
a special car at the dip..i! :f the Col
llnsvllle firemen and rushed them rnd
their apparatus llinmsh to the county
seat, where they did yeoman "rvlce.
By r. o'clock the ilanger of 'prvVtl was
over. althouKh there vie sei-ral ffurther
iMitbursts. The Ituildliig orlnlnallv af
fected had been swept 4-Icar away.
Several pipenu-n had n nm row e.npe
from severe tbctrlc yiiotk. I'ol.- iirry
irg high tension feed rjbles rn'iun -no'd
to bum and jteveral stream were tumetl
on i h-m But five minute tfore cue of
the linvman liad cut out the district. av
ing the men gripping the wet lin (rum
being knocked unexmaa-iou. ms the li.-tu-laiinn
was worn from the cables hi sev
eral places at that point.
Mavor llolz' propertv was valuisl at
aTK.OOn. of which about T.')" wa ave(l.
On the remainder there Is Insurance of
tl1.4V. The Stubby barn was valued at
an.u.i. and f) a total los. Chief of Police
Argalu Stiibb oan'-.i 'he building.
The B. A Keller ipany wa ilam
age(l several thmis.uu. dollars, and the
Postal Telegraph Company lo: $ii) worth
of equipment! Otle-p near-by property
owner. bwt minor sums.
According to Janie.4 Stubbs. manager of
the lirorc company, the fire st'trtcd from
a defcctle gnso'ilie stovo. useil bv the
resident vctiiiary surgeon to luat water.
Xo more inflHmnialile material cooM haT
Ijeen found than the two place affected
afforded. It was the largest lire tho city
has experienceil s-ince the deMructlon of
the Farmers' Flouring Mill, tiirco years
Kow.itnviixe ,wt ikwi-:t park.
PrasUlaa im Be Waale far Base Ball.
Paattaall aaa Rarlag.
Work wa stalled ytenlat at Ed
wardsvlile on a big amu'eiuent nirk
which is to be completed by spring. A
large tract south nf toun on the McKIn
ley electric line has been Ie.ise.1 by a
stock company, or vinicii i:. i . I'liapman
is) president and C E. Willi, secretary
and tn-avsurcr. It will tie. incorporated at
A half-mile tract, baseball diamond
and football gtiiliron nill be i ild out on
the trat t. and an adtolnlng grove llttcd
out fur pi nn s. Tlie in.iuaKeni' lit propose
to unite w,li th" nicina: circuit which ln
cluile laitcl.firlit. ililKsple. fjrlxjiidale.
UelloviUe. llfeeat- Miltl lar ballon.
In ailditioii they all! nrRinii:o a ftron?
hiviKiU team and auk for nu tnbershii) in
tl.tr Trolley lOSue.
Jasaes Keaaa aad Mlaa Easasa Merer
aad V. K. Saaw a ad Mlna Callle
lenehr Are Married.
YesterJuy was a day uf weddings In
Alton, two at least of six being complete
surprises to the friends of thtr couples.
James Kemp and Mis Emma Meyer,
well known residents, were married last
wriilrg at S o'clock by tr.o llevtrend F.
Ehka. vattor of the Lutheran Church of
North strer.t, ax.d they completely sur
prted all of their friends, who did not
su.-pect they liad anv such Intention.
A Hallelujah wetMing took plait: In tho
evening ut the Salvation Army laarrack
on Srunid ulrect In the prvsenco of an
lmmenati crowd of piople. many beln
from St. Lout. The contracting couplo
were Major Archie Carter of Alton and
Captain SUsle Dolton of St. Iaouis. The
ccivniunv wu4 performed by Colonel J. C.
Addle of St lanulf.
Wtlhain Francis Petra of Inlng. III.,
and Miss laillit- Emtnermacn of Alion
wete rosirrtetl by Ju.ttic-e Nathan in Iii-
ortlo- Mr i.toige llala nnd Ms Iui-s Ih
McXelj. iKith or Alton, aere married ut
o'clot-k last e tiling at the home of the
bride in IM Fourth street, and ii rooep
tlim folloa.d. The couplo d'-r-'irt'al for
the North for a wedding trip .Mr Dallas
I. Hugh and MI Anna Still of t'ppcr
Alton, lender and .emllm; oprar.i in the
eholr of th I'tT-er Alton ITosoytenaa
Church, were marrtcl lat tvinlng at the
home .f the bride in 1'jper Alton, the
Hetrrcnl . II Bradley performing the
4""'. libs Kdcar Snow of laske Oneva.
Wl and Mil CilH" I.oehr. datightT of
Il'-nry laoehr. last evrnlikg at 7 o'clock at
the home of the bride, the l!"Verend .
II Br.i.llev ofT.ciatlng. Thl is She second
ijrprie wfditlr.g of the day. the oung
couple having t,uccelcd in kcjlr.g t'.ir
batst intimation of the affair from brrcoru
lng public
K'gl.t vourg rren of Alton, who sered
In the spanih American War on the
1'nltcd State.. nani-r Harvard, hate U-e-i
nollfled that om rrU money, a month's
cxtrr. pav and gold s.rlce nvlal aniit
them at the Bureau of Navigation In th"
New !. tiirtmnt at Washlncton. I "
T.e prtie rncney referred to come fr-ita i
the iiatt'e or Manila ro. at wnirn eiphl
tnerr.l r of the Alton Natal Mllltlp were
frent. ,-ir..! In which thej- iirtlclpitt-l
The notification come to Frank' I.
Itoilt Lieutenant of th- llan-arl The
laiy who will stare m the prize n(ni
aa 11.1 II...V. tb .t II..II.1.I t. .if;.
Ne.il. Frank V'r II. F"rank Ilta! 'c.ir!e
IU-b. f'Lit Butter slid il-.arle Sml'h
The atneurt a. h wl.l rerive a not
BtRfal.tM IV WttMt4' rMTIII.i.
Pallre aad Beleata of Alma I'as
sled b Msajr Robberle.
Alton jailice and the many rrldent who
ha.c lTtatjKa.; derl.tre that he r
n who 1 -ominltt.m: .til the burclari't
in Alt-jn i a man. 1j: that he w-ar
worran .'thlr.K
At a reatwon for thl belief, several jvr
ona who hate had btjutmea out late at
r.lth: rrmen'.trr meetsnr an old woman.
Sll tftey tap;.). ,Jr ttej In a IjOaaa.fit-
tinr earrnent and carrying a Japane.e U3t.
b3.Ha. The umhrella 1 a!ma carried,
that It rJdes the ar. cf the old wom
an coirpiitf.y. and he always turrle
when he meets acvoti. The theory t
that tn- dr-ts It worn n the .treat a
a ru- n.J it r moved while in the hou
to five more flection) of action
Altaa atea aad Peranaala.
Th-na. White ic. trtcrasc ac.ct. in triii4r
tc ta.a tn crtrvlxt- est cf a 2-ca ;sr re
tnit'T at h: r-vre ta th- !! Ji-.i, dt.harrl
the traara-l zi hit aa. !h-oc.l hi jlxht
h-I and enta-atd t aiat Vaaetar-
4 :ar. tari. ;.- heM V raS. t. of ...a-.
a ill t- eretrtr. 1 al-s by it Chitar a5
Alton at onco oa tc-alts of tha ees that ex
ploded several days ago.
laesMests or Nora Alton are orawalarag with
the Intention of bringing salt agalast taa elec
tric light companies, which, they claim. Beared
wires in the topa cf their shade trees, caaslrat
Item to catch fire and endanger lwma. besides
killing the trees.
Testenlay was the first day alaea feptember 3
hat rain .lid not ftul la Alton some timer :n
the day cr night, breaking the record for
fifteen tears.
Mrs. Ida Haheekamn died resterdar at her
home in Klda-e street after a abort illness fraoi
rtomach trouble. She la urvlted by her hus
band. Mis. J. E. -fsi. k departed last etenlsg for
a tlalt In Austin. Tex.
Sir. end Mrs c. A. Cttcpton of ShefCei-1. Ala..
are vMlttng the Reterend and Mra. M. U. Cie.
The jIltt'Mtprd River Is stilt rtfinx. and
farmer In the Ionian I acmes the river, below
Alton and on ths la.andt in the ticlnltv of
Alton, ate movlna out. The Spread Ilssle weat
lo "A-otch Jimmie'e" IfUnd last night and re
mot ed the lite stock, family and effects ef
I-ouia Lone, who owns and farms the lslaad.
the highest point cf which wae submerged,
sir, llecrv Rnkmann aaa rrmoted b- th ro
lice veatertUy afternoon from ner home on th
lalaTld lck of the a-Tauu aiirL. rih. I. rerr
I ill and unable lo hlu heiself. and the water
was up io me noor or nr nouse when the po
lice arrived.
Captain PivM R. Spark arrived horn :r
dar from New Altanr. ind.. where he went
scleral dat ao to lslt the hona. in which he
was bom. more than fourcorr rears aco.
Thomaa Shrrtdan. 71 ears olJ. a wealthy re
tired fanner of Carrollton. 1IL. dtel lea'erday
morning at St. Joseph's orlta! of tnjurlea
au.ialned two eek aco in a runaway at
Whitehall. He wa a widower and leaves only
an adopted son. John llanlon.
Dcspaadeat. He Faateaa Haraeaa t
Hagaa Wheel aad Slaw I r
L'aaLes ta Deatk.
William Il'iepi.ie. 40 years old. a farm
luu:d. empliiyeil by Jacob Cos. near Shtloh.
St. Clair County, ittratigled himself to
death in the l-arn owncil bv George -M.
Jung of Shiloh. He uetl a hitching strap,
one end of which h mide f jst to a wagon
wheel, and then, looping It around hi
neck, he roile.1 on the ground. The
pr-sure of thtr strap aroumi his iitck
tlowly choked him to .Ic.uli. Ills body was
takin to the Rux uiitlerMktng establish
ment at Belleville, where Coroner Irwin
held the lnquet yesterday afternoon. A
verdict of siikble was) returned.
llocppltt, t ia vald. lost his) wife about
twelve years ago. A time ince then
htrhas le-en a victim i-f dispondt-iicv and
during thes- ieriods he llireaiened to take
hit lire. Yi.ttcrd.iy lie i..I, Mr. fox that
he would lay off for the day and go t- Shl
loii. There he had sever.il glasses of Ivor
in Jung's) saloon, after which he borrowed
the hitching strap. jje ,j,i not spe.iU to
nn.tone. but wenl ilintt totl.e larn. where
he lr:ir.glctl h!nu-lf to death. Ills lo.ly
J found half an hour later.
Augaat Berghaba a ad wlaa Mary
Taylar. Belles llle.Hed la M.laaala.
August Berghahn. a Belleville grocer,
-iii.l Mis Mary Taylor, a milliner, or
Belleville, went to St Itouis Tuesday after
noon and Here married, hoping ibelr II
cii.e would lie oteiliMik.il bv their
friends. They returned t0 their home
Tuoday nlsht. but were met by their rela
tl'4 y. Nterday mornlne. who had read
their nanus among Uie marriage HceiuKs;.
ard tltcy i-onf 4 -etl. .
Iist night a 4-elebratlOTi ara held at the
home of the brid'-'. par-nt. Mr. and Mrs.
James Taylor, of Souili Spring nlreet.
The couple had Intended that their mnr
rlace .thouhl be kepi a .secret for teveral
muni lis.
Rellevllle Maxrlage Lletmaea.
Marriage licctle. were Kaiieit In Ib-lle-ville
yesterday to William A. Jonr-s. 37.
and Tnimer Itarne. 30. l.ijh ,.f Eat St.
I.tuil: Frank Muellers. K. aid Margaret
l-VM-ch-r. ri. Loth if St. Itouis; John A.
I.i:nl. MS. nnd Jovphine Tnii'i-ne'l. 73.
both of Freeburg: Clinton lltldobi-lle. Id.
and Mr. E1U Howell. S. both uf Torre
Haute. Ind.
Blaaal rolsaa fJsiaaetl Deatb.
Mr. Itosa itu tstopherson. wife of Henry
Clirlstopherson. a iinimlnfTit Belleville
grocer, died at St. Klizabtth's Ho.-pltnl.
ledlcvllle, early yesteniay morning .is the)
result of blood poi.ontng. following an in
ricilun frcm a ft Ion on her rtiiht hand.
In a vain effort to save her life, two rin
ger were amputated Tuesday. She -.-.i
47 vers old. nnd leaves her husband ami
a 11-year-old boy.
Half Holiday la Belleville.
Mayor Fti-d J. Kern or Belleville e?ter
ilay proclalmcil this afternoon a half holi
day In Belleville. In honor of the big "Lid"
parad" at the Belleville C'rnivul and
Stn-4-t Fair. The carnival is attracting a
big i rowil and it is expected th.il the.
paiatie this afternoon will be a feature.
Kat Side Really Traaafera.
Re.il e-ia'e tr.iif fi rs flle.1 f.ir ricord In Celle
11!" vrsieriliy ttere at f.nl.4i:
John Mau'e tp iltlrrn Satinet and Trast
I'Miiianr. trjttee. warranty dee.1 lo all the col
iiiidt-r!t !nc Ji arrea cf land In 'aid hair cf
-t Hon 17. t.miuhip 1 north, ranee 7 neat; run
Idertttlon. tlO.IX'k
lni Oiit and Sllnlng Company to Cltlrent
Satir.cn an I Trts "iupanv. warranty dd to
alt the ciMai umlirlilii; l7 acre, ..f land In th
ajat half of f-ctlon 17 lowraujp 1 tvurlh. ranxe
7 :. contlJra'l..n. I.
Robert F Teajwn to Wllll.-im c. Thrashir.
marrar.ty drol to lot 11 to 3i Wj'.Ii lnt.rit.nc.
and lot J io 34 la.ih lticluMte. Itobi-rt place.
and all or i;.-.; 1 ext-ep. jois ii aiui js. ami at.i
of block 3 eat.pt lots 11. 11 al..t Hi. and all
or bl-k J and all of bkxk 4. cept lot 23 t
sultdl.Mon of lots t to 11 In-Iuslte. Robett plac
.bllti4"n. nati.ritlcn. k"i(.
l-raria. il ilat-Kiruimi to Artnur M. IVckwtth.
maiTantv 'l.e.1 to half interet In northeast 17.33
fi.t uf "lot 31. i.'olas OnTral place, cviuddtra-
Waltlr Ii Iteck-a-Jth to Henry II R'chardecn.
wurmr.ty ileed lot 6. block, 1. lUWiali place:
o.T.nl.'.r.itlon, tiC'.
Maude On -as to Frank It. Hackmar.n.
warrantv deWl lo lot S and 3t. S'ibdtt Won of
lots 17. 1 land U". HltlwU Uty: i'Ui ratitoa.
Belleville Sews Sates.
The Rell.tllle l.-'R. of Kka ttll! atfnd tlsa
ItatlfWtlon of th" (-34' new clnbroema In. J.!
b- I-oul-. t-ejt :ul er a
Mre V. K. Uete lsj vlsltlnc frlenda In Ou-Sf.-r-ll
I ., fir It T. Tvtluh-Il his returne.1 frm
I)-nter VcZ
Mr rnd Slit i .V. Felk"rt ard Mr. Juie
Kel kert hue .iura'-! front Washtnsion. T. f.
".:i. Nul'i Hiatier of Wahtiah ati-nue I vlt-llina-
in Aln a Kae
Ofllc la I a, Taarhed by Pafbava af Case,
Make liood lleaebolra Laaa.
An net of rohl ry. which routed thn
Tlist Sr ljui Police isHnartment lester-
d4v and resulteti in a -ubM rll'tion U-ir.g
Utken up wnlcli coveretl tho io. iook
plaif at the home of Morrl Canty. No.
ii.e li.ik.r avenue. East St. Iauuis. Tlie
robN'-rv occiirrcil j.ome time Tuesday
night or earlv csfer.ljy morning. ."anty
14 serlou.ly 111 in bed and his wife ha
tit.n miiklrg a living for him and their
Rve small children by working (or neighbor-.
Thev had M in their little borne which,
the thief took. Chief of I'oliro Ptirdy de-
bill.si iietctlve iiigerty and Mocker on
the caae. and when thev returned to th"
iil.rei station nnd stated the fact in th
ease, a sunscripiion. wnir.i reunea in
Hit Iieinc relied, tva Immnllately takin
up among the illcemen.
4-iiah;eu WITH II.T.
Antail Klb t aiiaea Arreat af K. -'
VI llllaana. Mnliinaas.
II ' illLir-. h motorm.in on thf
Bro.idw.4V iv . on of the f:at St laoul
trrt'-i ar I.ne. a4 arrested y.ateni.iy
morning on a warrant charging htm with
.-ia-.iuiT.ri.; Au.ri.-t i;.ilb. an Altbrmjn
from t.' Tf.trd Ward. The j4lleZ(l as
aault ti.k pla e abiut mldnluht Tneday
o-. HruadWAt ar-d it is allegeil that the
mottiirnan u'oi the rintroll'r on Kolb
head Kolb It confln I to )! home.
According t" WUlittnu.. Kolb trteil to
catch a Hro. ttaj car and ft'l down He
waited for the . ar to return and It I al
l.aT'tl. abu'ed the fondt. tor scd the
motormar for not waiting fur him. The
motirmin a.Iege tht Kolb truck at
him and that h.e then u.H the controll'r.
knocking Kolb down.
-in: iti;u -h rRiMKR.
Kan . ala V.III .e FrasB 4 hl
ra. Ma a 4er lark Waal.
rhl-f of Police Purdy of the Kat St.
laoui Police riepartment learr.e.1 yeter
day triat T J Mason, wanted In Ettst
St Iaiui. on a charze of dl.poing of
13) worth of rnorteactl furniture ami
whom "hlef Iurdy IocaJes n CalCakf
and cau-tal to b- atra-steil there, was
wanted In the- East.
Chief lurdy r.-elve.l a telegram from
Chef Coll.na of the Chicago department
stating that Maj"n ha I been Wentl-ied a
Jefferion Sherman, alia, -Little Jeff." who
I. wanted in Albany N V for a $tfM
itUmord roMaa-y and liso at MendvHIe,
Pa wnre thr-e Indictment are .rand
ier araintt him or. charzes of larceny.
CMef i Totlla iWired i-rrclstion to turn
Maaon over to the Kiern autboritle.
tt 4 hi.f Pjrdr declared that he wnukl
U frrcaes'taWat 1& Si. Clair County first.
U4TataMat of P49Mcw Michael Doyle win
retBTB te East St. Iaoaai wttR Mason vo-
PeU aaaalvk Tjraa WeM-l
Felix nitrlr, 4 yean old. one of the
best-known locotaodve' 4rtatiner living in
East St. Louis, died at MulUaphy Hos
pital yesterday after an Illness of more
than a year's duration. He wan a victim
of tuberculosis. He visited Mexico some
months ago. but the trip was of little
benefit to him.
Quirk had been a resident of East St.
Louis for forty years. He was born in
Ireland, but was brought to East St.
Louis by his parents when but 3 years
OM. He worked for various roads during
his engineering career, and had a wide
acquaintance, among railroad men.
Among hi surviving relatives are: Mrs.
Kate Sullivan. Xo. aM North Seventh
street. EaEst St. Louis, and Mrs. John
Marsh, also of that place, sisters: and
Matthew Quirk, a brother, who Is like
wise a resMent or the EaEst Side.
The funeral will take place Saturday
morning at the residence of Mrs. Sulli
van. The body will be burled in Calvary
Cemetery in St. Louis.
Kaat St. laaala Marrtoce Ueeaaea.
Marriage licenses Issued in East St.
Louis yesterday were to: J. I- Iat3an. 37.
nf St. Louis, aad Effl- Mae Betdorr. Zj.
Maplewood: T. J. Wallenberg. 34. and
Olga Ntekatrrp. both of East St. laoul:
Frank Risor. at. and Lizzie Scheelerra. IS.
both of New Athens.
Caddlkee-rawera TAedaHag.
County Clerk J. C. McGrath of Jersey
vllte issued a marriage license testerday
to William II. Cuddlhee and Miss Cora
Powers, both of Jerseyvilte. The couple
will be married this morning at St.
Francis Xatler Church In South State
street, by the Reverend Father Bernard
W. l.ee. Mr. Cuddlhee Is the present As
sessor of Jersey Township and Miss
Powers Is the sister of Sheriff William
Powers of Jersey County.
Ravst St. tasala Ifeaa.
Mr. and atrs N. Itarniml have returned froea
a tl.til In Ite.leitlle.
.Mis Vidnrhe Jenkins la visiting in Chlcacv
Mies laiura Adams 1 ttfttlng in .lhamb.-a.
Mite 1111 Uzhtner has returned front a visit
In Trnt"n. 111.
Mr and Mr Steven Jones hate returiaad
from Itetmlt. Mich.
Mis l-Mna Raxland has returned from a vltt
in the tla-i
Mr. an.1 Mrs. Frank Wl!on departed yettec
dsr for a visit In IulsvKIe. Ky.
ML., v.lli. i:i3kt ..r lt.-aa4house. 111. I visit-
,lnc Mis Zoa l.rn of Brlshtnn place.
life inainaca r aiieat Iit. t--ttj ihiii "
No. S7 Fekfle place and Arthur II jsteanherg
of St. I.ouU tiak place last nlzht at R-bman"
Hall. S: l-iuta.
The tavTavetie social I'lub will cite a dancs
at rjr.I-ll l"Tk i.v-mi.trow ntzht.
J I. lawin. artsl 37. of si. laxit. Mi. and
ITTSe Ma- iTabMrf. acKl 31. of Maplewoo.1. M.v.
tt-ea. nuurll In East ! lanila testet.liiv- by
Juv.li-at Staunton.
Water Ratea laereaaed Five Per Ceat.
The Jerseyville City Council at a special
ireetltig Tuesday evening p.isel a new
wntcr ordinHtici-. Bv the terms of the new
measure the rates, throughout the city on
both meter and Hit basis for alt pitrpoe!
hive been lii-Teased on a net average of
about t per cent.
t'elekralea Her Maety-Kifla Rlrtaatar
Mrs. II. C I'layton celibrateil her nlnety
flflh blrthd.iy vestenlay at the home of
her daughter. Mr. Bohannnn. in Jersey
IIIe. Among those present were Mi?s
Julia McGee. Mr. William Hue. Mrs,
Andrew S-.Mttgen. Mrs. Wesley Klrhv
nnd Mrs. Ira Dav or Vtrdin. III., and
Hrnry Klr'iv. Wesdev Klrby. Ih-orge
Senior. John McGee and llowanl Green.
Street Pair far aferaewrllle.
Tlie Jerseyvllle Commercial Club yeter-
day signal a contract with the t'niengo
Amusement Comjiany for a street fair ex
I iblilon to b held on the streets of Jer
seyvilte during the week if O'tohcr . Ac
cortllnc- ti. the contract, the Chlcaco enm-
p.iny wilt furnish twelve efcows and four
free attractions. Iiiclinllng a iiauoon -iciisloii.
and a hlgh-diw. acll day.
Jeraeyvllle Xalea.
A party ef Jerevttle people departed
lerdav for a varhtlng trip up the llltiul Iiirer
The party incjudad faenator arat Mi. T !.
I'hapnutn. Mr nd J4r. s. H Btwmaa. Mr.
and Mr. Kllse f.K-krell and Mis Julia r.arr.
J. II. la-swiearl aioraco Preiiaar: of Itorn
by. HI., are the rate! of I. II. JMI
Mr. and Mr. CIie-rTrr Oappe.ll. f Delhi. 111.,
are visll'trs
Mr. I'. M. atitzmlller c Maditnk IIU aa
the guet of frleil t.-t.r.lar.
I.-p.r J. TiJball rf tiraftoe. RI.. wa a
t blbir.
IT. O. TPtnlr ef l.ieknnvll!e. 111., was the
ZVest of frl.ud ycM-rdar
Ttioiiia. CummiaaVi of lx)W. HI., was a vlt
Itor Mr-. F. If Rdwards departed yrsterilar for
SaDUlno. I. T.
Ftar.fc Itii c of Fl.VVin. 111.. waa a visitor.
I. la Jathoe o 41 rrat.aii. -D.. I the auest
of his aunt. Mr l:errra lluichlnton.
Pjclor J. .. Sthwarz ha Id a tratt c five,
acreai adlolnlng JrseyvlIIe. nn the northeast, to
Freenuoi Jutlr of Roe.rl lea. Ill . for tva).
4"urtis Crum of CaUToIIton. Ilk. was a vis
itor. Pmni Shield of Kemper. Ilk. was the ruest
of friend.
TT. An.Irl.4 of Canton. III., was a visitor.
II. J. Jlac.lin Jr.. or raiirimtn.H. Tit. was
th sv.aax. o frlenk yet.r.ar
Jell A. KIrbr reiuired jesterdar from Whlle
hnll. Ill
I!t-e,k.rs ltiers will ;d-tr the OH Capital
Rtt o' st lunuls at Flam's lark In Jersey
vllle Sunilar aftemtsin.
Rise aad Fall at the Hirers
Fit 34 hours ending at 7 a. re
st. Ianuls. Ma. Sent. ). 1MB.
Danser. Gatiin CBaDK.
33.1 S X t.
FaUk'rsburc ..
Qnclnnatl .....
4iatton.iexa, ..
l.itrtrnce ....
Jehna.lVllte ..
H.-ar-vlUe .....
St l-aul
HuhU-lUe ......
Davenport ...
Keokuk ........
lardtown ...
4i-iiahA ,. .....
KsTieav 4.t? ..
Hermann ....
St. I.nllt
'lli'er .. ....
Memphl . .
I.ttle lt.-fl.
Yicklrtiis ....
Shret.airt . .
Ntt 4iriean.a ..
I'J.e. -rail.
11. J
31 .o
r.) II
33 I
33 l
3 I
0 t
7 0
-ii. r
1 ft
33 n
34 I
4 7
11 3
' 1
"I 3
1 3
la II. IHI.NliEI'.KJKlJ).
Artlng lacal Korecatter.
River Fareeaaf.
The M!-tirl Illter att or Kanta fltv wl'l
fill dii't-c th rxt avral ttat. ex'.ipt that
thr will tea further riae of nvt to eafd 1
fo' at ll.inia.nn The Mlaaiaaipp lttr.-e.i
Ilrafton arel 4i.eter will continue to rl-. b-it
at a creatlt- ieou-a,l rate At H laiuir ll.e
rli.r will roni to a ttand at a stage to-ntiiht
n.ar 3n J"t. and will trait t" fall at this potrt
Thuttttat Tl- Illlnol aivl the Upprr Jlls-l.-lppl
will not change nait.tially.
Ta-lsay'a Wealaer.
Pair to-day: warmer: aoitherly wtcd.
SpT'ad Kagle .
.....a, Alton
.....St. Cbarl-a
Iifa a-. Rntheport
Spt.ad !!!- '.ration
ITall I3tle I'eorla
lin- of Cilltoun . ........... Iltmhuig
Ja-a-aaiie .ta aaaaya
Srr.ad flar
-tie llra-d.au
I'.t.rt !-
. f.rarton
.....aa... Cape fllraddawiu
.. . li.Tnn.rce
.... ...M-niphls
Deaartarea Tav-Day.
Srr-ad fTax:!- ...... .. Alton
C.atr Cja iltranleau
River aad Baalai
Tr Ml.'.a!prl Rlvr r.l-t that lUier llr
f-at lat Mrht aT '. o'eleyk Th- wa-.-m
rltlrar ilo-ilr at that hour, but It I I
Iler t inaf It will "how It. cr--" ty thl
m:r.lcc T water -"at r-iatl to t- fall
tnr at aetata! poli:. a3.iv- sr Iail at.rla
and th- rlvr will In all prlath.lltr l-rin r
r-dlna" at tttt plax- to-dar No fartbr rtt
lt t,.a.t for.
Imaiiett tat the fve. t.tterfay wa. hiitk
thmea-hoii tre day Hualr-da rf ishtaaar
throrr.l to th. Iie fr-nt during tfe .lav
and mad- tl- le-t.. hav. an. i.r.iitial lity
ar.. trait-a All diartlnc .T.a)tn. t'.k out
bix mar.if.aat. and tho- tht afrltl troiz'it
In blf trip
Riser Rlalfa Brevities.
-Cajtitn tt-i ilerkfrar.n of th Montr la.ra
re.n'lT tltt.n tor a ticlou. hog. whti-.
wa. ta-lr taken frmj an ov."!isn plantaieai
a. I'uetUnd. 34o Tfc hr tot. a t.-. !n hi
ri(ht arm wnl lech- ama. IcSlctlcc a ba 1
wourl On th- .tme .lay aaoth.r how-, while
rem: Pav3l on th. ilimtr Iaora. klcSM Ma
rt4hr. Cai'ala WTiliam Hlor.arn In t.
faf.. tar-ratlrg hla rf, and a "e.r whlcn
wa. tetrar taa.n i th bait from an m.r
Con tlattatlon n-ar tie nmots of th- 4tla.
eurt Ii.r ran Into !.- Knhc. the l.aat's
Ork. ar.d kr.oeke-J hfm Into the water Ko'.n
waa ntarlv dm nt b.f.re- recued. ArtaTh.r
bfar ut Arthur S!war roosaro-!. on th
Work ha btin en tie .w bftjt which I
i-lcc built fir th- raid racket Company t
jrnnlle. Ind. T- bt will a fv
.arko iM I.K-TO. .teaser rwMBSl It wltl
b piacd in f- W:al trail- when eaajsotered. I
It la t cost 7i.- ant mtaawea 34 fi la
lestrth. V-fnot liism. C feet la depth, has four
kvilciw. 4tseh inalsrnlng are is-tneb awes: is 4t
larbes la irta meter sad as many feet Iotas. Its
cyUadeta are 34 lacals la daoneter aad has an .
eight-foot aerobe, with a tall saloon eabtn.
Taa boat la to be the fasts: ever built by tha
Eagle Packet itapeay.
The Iaora came la eaterdav morning, from
8t- Caarlrs. where sbc weat the afternoon be
fore to do eome reacn work among the flooded
plaataiaomt. As do farther rise Is looked for.
the boat did not and It necessary to remove any
04? the stock of household aooda from ih.
pianiatJon. captain Heckmano says the farm
ers at St. Charles can stand another foot of
water bfsre becoming uneasy. The Taira leit
oa her usual time at 4 p. m. for Rocnrport.
takliuc out a good manifest aad a good pasaen
aerllet. '
Colonel Hualer Brn Jenkins haa been ap
pointed commercial agent for the World's Fair
Navigation i?tmiwny. which will soon place
the corwln H. Spencer In the St. Louts and
New Orleans trade a a packet. The appoint
ment was announced yesterday bv Captain H
W. Itrotasat. Colonel Jenkins is now com
mercial azent for two packet companies, a
he rrmalss with the Caltvicn Packet Com
pany, with which he has been connected for
st me time.
Complaints are b-ing registered bv the river
captains about the poor ltahu that are now tn
use oa Bads and the Merchant bridges. Thev
ear th lights are entirely too small and can
not be raarn at anv short distance. Thev aro
not up to th- requirements and Government
rule, declare th- eteamboatmen.
The ateamer Corwln II. Spencer, which wa
to hate made it first flood excursion to-dav.
will be unable : c our. owing to the d Mai
thai hits been pccatttonetl by the workmen in
plartnc new atarks or. the boat. The first trip
will be made to-morrow. The beat leaves tn
wharf il pi a. m. and 3 p. m.
The Peters I."e will arrive this mornlne
from Memphis, hat live taken the place of the
Kep! Il-ri'ld. She departs l-rMar at S p. ra.
for the return trip. Her crew Is from 'the Ferd
The fieli ef Calho-m et away at 4 p. ra.
yeetrnlav for Hamburg on her regular trla
9he totk out a ao1 mantfet. in which t.r3
three carloads of cannetl gooila for Jeffer.'jt
Laiut F.'lls. a well-known merchant ef Cal
houn Comity. Illinois, wa a passencer on tn
steamer K'lle of Oalhoun yester.Iav for hi
b'Mir. hating eprnt the dav In the city on hunt
ceaa. The iThester is due in this morning from
Cape tilrard.au with a Rood trip, she departs)
for ih return 'rip at 4 p. m.
The Spread KaKie went to Uraflon yester
day, after brlncing la a Rood trip from Alton
that morning.
By Teleatraaa.
4"a!io. 111.. Sept. ?. Rlter gauze reikis 34.S
ft. .howlnr a fait of 41 feet during the !a
31 hours. Weather partly rIou.lv and coot Th
CU of Sahlikt tast-il down from St. lami
to the Tenn.s-aa lUtrr last nlclit. The 4'arrie
V iiaaa fivm the lower Mlttiielppl b M.'ind
43t ar. a. m. with less. The ttiarloth T4.ie.k
eler d-rartrd down th- rlvr at : a. r.i. Th
Staiker Laa- arrived from St. laiuts at Z p- ni.
an.l rleare.1 for Memphl at :3 p. m Th"i
Warr.i matle her rrgu'ar trip from I'adutah.
TJ-e Minnie tiarten raria- tlwn fnm Mount tiit
at 4 ia m. The Tefrs Ia arilted fnim M?ni
phl at t r in. .
Mi-mphla. Turn. Sert ?) - The Matiippi
Rlter it now 4 7 f,at alatt-e low-water mark ea
the Memphis Kuce. tiitliirattnir a rte of 3 of
a f.ajt In the last 3D h-Mr The tt.iiher
iool and cliiu.lv. There were n. arrltals I
parturea, fi-r the d-v -were :i;e l.-icllle N,l''p'l
f.- ftmtari'a l.uulins. the J. X. Hardin for
the .trkajiraa litter, ilu tjetiritia Ie f.- Ktis-"
Point, the Saole . for AthLon and the rottcl
Stale anac-lt'iit II :. Wrfcht for St. I.ui.
Cotton re't-ipt wire i halt-a .
Paduc.th. Ky.. Sep: -. t!aue r.ala fe-T.
an.l rt-lnc fan. owtnc lo loi-k tt.urr frttot
the Mb-l-tit ;. ni t .itrta. Warren it. Cairo, a
a. m. .!. Fowler t.. Ktnnttlll.. I p. in. 1v.lt
to the Tinnes"... a p m. Saltillo to Iiie Tm
iwft. at nit.ii. I
ilrar.d Tower. 111.. Sept 3p Stacker Iae d"n
at '3n a. in. William lb Klnc up at 4A a m
ih.Ter .loan ar 7:3t a. m. I.ultian.it.. tK
ltch and reium To.luv. oie f.lrarhntii m
at a. m. 1iter due up. The zau.pt reati
3t.l and rlina. Weather cl-ir I
caia. Clrarl'ju. Mo.. Sept. ; Siack.r 1"
arrived d"n wlih ble trip f..r MtirphN. a.
in iTiett.r down. a to ilei anar n re
turn 3:3 p. m. Fenl llerold due up Weall'T
tlear ami mot. riamje. t, f..t. ri.inr.
fhtr. HI.. Spt. Cause. Z3 fe.it ri-trc.
Weallier clear and nitld. St.nr leaa ilrnn.
11 n p m. ChHer. midnight. Cape tlirard-iu
due up.
Ilitelnrs. Pa.. Spt 3 River at' Iarl
plaud earn. 4.3 feet, etatienary. W. ather ct.ir
an-l warmer ,
Cincinnati. r . siei. rfV Rlter falttne: 11
f.t clear and warm.
Vlt-kslmrg. Slit . Sept ?.)- The rnrdlTI la du.
The Kile clears). Weather fair and cooler.
KaniJ!e. ind. S.pt 3. Klter 1 f4: sta- ,
ttonary. Clear: tfndr. j
Tsva Mlllloa Dallara Will Be Cleat mt
Read Fraaa Vlaeeaaea la Frearh
Uelc paariaaja.
RHTT'niJC laPianAU
Vlacennes. lad.. Sept. 30. After a thra
dnvs" mevting h re the directors and Ktoek
holdrrs of the Ylncennes. West Baden and
Louisville Traction Company late to-n'ght
Ik tied a lontract with" a Plilladelpliia iron--ern
for the construction uf the line for
S2.i.4X arid the building of the potver-liou.v.-.
either at Otwell or Petersburg, for
Work will begin nt once. The road will
be double-tracked, rock-balht-sted :ind will
be sixty-si, miles In length, fmm Yln
ceniie. ia Jasper. to FrencJ) I-k
l"-.irscnger traffic: will be handled tn the
il.iyllme and at night freight tralllc from
tho farm, coal inlurs and stone quar
ries In Knox. Pike. Dubo! and Orange
Thomi'si II. Adams of Vliicenneaj (a, pre
Idmt of the rtimpany and Smiley N.
Chamber of 1 nillaiiaj)Il and John I.
arlfflth. Connit ut Liverpool, are two of
the most promluoat directors and.stisk
hoblers. Fire Start ta Medietas) Htll.
An alarm turned In from box 6136 by Eu
gene Aliarlle calleil the Fire iH'partint-nt
last night to extinguish a blaze In the two
storv brick house at Noa. 4X11 itnd ZZl
Lake avenue, occupied by Vandyke IIUI
an.l Doctor J. C Moflltt-TTieflaavaaTti to thn
building amounts to lot and to lit? con
tent tK. all covered by lnaaranoa. Thi
tire Is believed to have artglitated la a col
lection of medlclae In' the baaeaavent.
Gaeltt iMgae Braaea) ta Ba ar
The Reverend Father lmpsey 'of 8t.
Patrick'e .hurch haa announced plans for
a meeting; next Sunday afternoon at 4
o'clock at the school ball to trrgaalze a.
branch of the Gaeltt: League. Tbelnewlv
orcanlzed branch will meet ta tha school
hall. I
UWltt KnSSIMlleYt.
TA MrMaMllaak Ctaa Wmj $T
IV MEHrm-9 mlTrtpSU
rickets sood for thtrtr days from data ad sala.
Haalo aad berth Included. tTbeap frlaa raant
lo Cheater, flraed Tower, cwpe Oiraraaaa
Olre. atenpht.. Helena and Pitta BtaaV !
STUCK Eft I Jin ttava eewry Twister. a. aft
rirrats w:i: iei,va -ten.- -ri4ar. i a. m.
4ffir on wharfhoat. fost Oltvw Saraat
Phonea: RelL Main lei: Xlwiaea. A Sa.
w. m. Aiftita. Cam'l As. D. zf. cwawiara it. a.
tintlU.llL aaswy aaRimi. tftamvr.
Freight and paas-nger rates on applica
tion. Kiat will b-ava about Wednesday.
Sept. Sth. 4 p. rn. If. W. Brblaskl.
agent. Hunter Ben Jenkins commercial
agent. Whurfbo-it foot of Locunt st.
Telephone Main Ul?. I
St. litis, Cteta, Cmi
fifniwai Lb Str. Gksltr
Will It wrarfboat. ft of Ptna s... 1j4b
dT. Thcrsdava and Satur'ara at o clock aw
m. fcr Cap t.irardau sad th principal war
landma: .srnr.l-.n raiw only M run JTf:
Saturday at V p'eawBJ e'lsa fy Hala.
44. cr A 113. JOHN' E. MAVfa3qAIaR Agent.
MM.H-ra.Arl HlftER EXCtRSMaa.
For Sia 0ntlie. rht.T.r. rirand Towar.
(ta.. falrart.au Cianmarr. til -t'l t.n1pi.
' 4rfKttf.R CAPE r.fRROEAC.
v. jtnr-lar aM T'ltar 1 p n
.- ILLINOIS rivcr z:;
ror K;Y;Wr.RiM ifssssr
nt.rv W.an-d and Satu-da. a '3. am.
.aimer frnm dfk. foot of Vtn st.
Main 333 Klnl-Kh !. H. W, UlTIIK-JAr
Kr laate
ml.T I.
AitOC 411311.
i. r.urnln
arrit. at 4 p to Tin will mve yi an
o;4irtur.!ty to vl.w th- fl .!ed dlttrirt and th
rt Mifoirt It '.r ari.n, t. ttollm to Its
utmo' I'honea. Main 313. Klnkxh lZOf
will Klve you an
BlAMa4B . LMB risTAMKRS. ,
rrEAMER BCBrtttra
teavt fcx Siurllr.atcn. la . .t.ry Ttrfasay. 4 a.
m : r.tu.-nliat. 4vni.e St laTitt Saturday. 7 .
SB. Far for eonttsotai rotsvd trip. Incladiag
ates1. and tith. ta.CS)
Lataraw frr K?ksk. la. sa-urder. 4 a.
.. retaralrg. arrives st. tawi Tuesday. T av
m. Fae for c.atinuavas round trip, tacludlsg
-asals an berth, at.4.
latavae irharfta-ar, tact ef WasMagrno aeai
rVase Mala 4777. If. CC3K. taa. Aat.
Th- ttamr Sprad Ijk1 will rr.a"
I.atlrK fr-m f." cr Vine fur
......I- trwl fSraflin at 41 a rr
fara'Alalze1fal 3m
t-WplBll P-llHrlFJl.il. JlaUtl.1 1
- , jr.s- :-..
--n. -.-. -- --!--
tV"? 'i aiayaaJga8JAaalet.,avtVl-- j.a
r. f- a T ' ,
-.... -Jf-1
, "; -&,- - -
" i tit itiail. 4ft i nt. aj . i