Newspaper Page Text
-j 'wsv-'-Trae- ',- -- - '-? f VTrJ&Pjr'TTrxr'jv -"- ''-' --w-ir jr--.- 'KrT--7t 7tyT? THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: FBIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1905. & Kin. $fe TRANSFORMING ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL INTO OFFICE BUILDING HAS NECESSITATED REMOVAL OF ITS "LID HOUSEHOLD CORNER I . JM(U . ?S"-aFTCT S ' .- aVa Tr, r ' T -il 'Z T I I III I I III " i I I 1 1 I Gave her 40 centi chance. Sha occupied a seat well toward the rear of a westbound Suburban car. Hhe was accompanied by what Keemed to txa rasll-sixed school picnic There, were few p.t9r.K--rs on the car. but she economised what room ."he cousd by holding two of th. vouniotcrs !n her lap Three of the larger ones also held email wriggling bur dens. Two more were crowded between the rents !n front of their mother, and anotln r hunt; -with arms claied around Ler neck t-he tendered the conductor a dollar bill, and he handed luck cents In change, fche looked at the money and .he lookrd at him. Her Indicnatton seemed to be beyond all possibility of fyff'tion He. came to her rescue with. "Itcles of tho company, mum. Over 4 jmri" hhe aussvercd not a word, tut the con KPtl croup slowly n funded One seat uus cjuickly Riled, and th. next, with an ov.rrlow Into another. "Now. take all t'ie room you want." the encouraged t'.-:n. "and don't sit too clone together. Arid th'-y didn't. The conductor looked on in ujr.-mouth-d astonishment. H knew ili"' It want, and he became tnor fully eonvinred. ,v the time t-o-ne twenty-five t tl lrty would-be smokers rot on th. '-tr ami TaKinc in tne situation, asquick IV Kot or aKiln. H onlv collected four mainline fares -ill the out. He is convinced she went fur lieond her original destination Just to C--1 vin with him. m:w kecipgs. AXCHOVIKH I chicki:.v CANOPKIS" TERRAPIN. Take sorn- s.juare' Holl fine. Urge. of bread wih the VX d i iniv nut ,,tr nnd, w Ml yet warm, cut i' thm In butter It from the bone into 1 1 i Ilrht Kold-n; small pieces. a for olor Free some chicken salad, put ar. hoi lis from the it i a Kt'-w ian 1- m i and clean with on. gill of boll t.'i.rn will, then tako. lnu water; then stir half of them, mince, together until per-lln- (ind pais them' fectly smooth one through a sieve with quarter of a pound the o ks of four of butter, one tea li trd bolt il f(!s. npoonful of flour aiu Into a thick and the yolk of on. pirte with uite but- eg. which add to it and oil AdJ the chicken, half at mmtirl. iTPer.a time, stirring ull ih'li(x-d p irtl y ,j w-ell together: then -hive-. cp i. a lit-, Mason with i-pper tl tarragon and and salt. After plain vinegar It ttimt it simmer for rfjir id on the toast atout ten minute whllu It Is ery hot, add half a gill of ! I lay on each Madeira, or hherry jiio e tho T m Under and enj to the ta u! the anchovies ble hot. .r-irr an anything be wor?e than a an vii'i i il le v.'n in sj ite of all i ciin do' l:.i, 'ivi wno won't" Ii.-lee f..r t'uttlog Oread. flic 1)1 e. I !. is eer b en a fill to v li'ius wives It Is too easv tn ir-t tf. '1 s t,o tfclk or too thin, t elides ' ti. dancer f uttina; one-If lnstea i of) tt. trrui i'ut i w v person Ins cirre( forward with an rranjstment tint Iikjks i v.r mu. h n ti'ouh it will do uway with I ttie old tnuM.s lt. a wis.ien bnanl ' nt-MJt te" in lies icr.i: and els ir hes wide I ' atttclird a met 1 1 frame, isjnaps an j I i h trom .ne ii ! In this is u 'it throueh ! th sides. I wide .tiouth t.i hold a bread ki.tfe The j tl s !lt to reeeive the knife when cnt t r the lir o.l Net to th irnn Is th" little j ir. L; jn - t-nt ind '1st ( an be sij.i tack and f rth nd r-v-viltite :h.- thi r f tie n-e The erd of th lTf r :s acal: t this. a:.d l kept tn iU bv it tirlti 4 otitlctisaf loaa. Uirplt'e l belni'sitaeJ In'o Th Krtttth Nav Th ftrt Ilfo In-uran-e ? !' wjssttrt ' In I-indon tn :. and another tn l'"i Neither a successful te. Anne's, an asvium !" t" ! sine In he suburb" of Pari, has a theater, rhe ther ntsht the tvjen l-i P.ile d- Mme ncot" was civen Many f lh I'nntes kik Ani"nc the verformcrs Urttlsh flsMnc 1ts sweep -v eas Jr. m thK ntjorrs of I clan J to tne c at of Ir At the prert tlm there r .x I'm! J?(ii vfssets, mAnned bT cvr iV"a 1hermn. nKace3 In f.h!nc from the ; rts . t the t , ,i Kt-Kicn lattnr. 1 What, tvjgtg Wiy des't ysa work Mettnce.-ir Mo-'-lns "AS. :r. It's '.h rtr tera' from fcJks ou " Chfcraro Sewn Ilk v I'lrifr !;. A utile time co a deg wtlfh hjd trave,! away 'real It taitr.,. wtsrs taken oat for -s!k si Lcnioo wliei thef d!2:cvilty of 'umring latj luswa n. YS... .... . . . . s m dre, .-rim the co?at. at oxlro,. h-ra home t- his asilous a-J w. ? .. Mv ...,-t.i s. I!.-. -,. i lSa-sT .""i J .L A..- . . aparj .rat otw-e cr twice .. ftr a lene wal te . rjs-et i-f - , w4.s rTU- i.rfri ri?- Clt XT1 With T3CTT trC fcts cr' tn ordlrvarv nUn surarf, aicpted th. . . Kr"Ml '" Jeav.l CV.r Il.w Cleas U.M. Make x ri lather of tca; arad iir. bsvil the article ta tt. tha lav them ra fsiwdrrcd CJtioii which, haw beta eat- 1 '--m ed before a fir. When dry. rub them with a leather, using a small toothbrush for any elaborate work there may be up on them. Instead of majmesis, the ornaments may be shaken for a few minutes In a bag of dry. clean b-an. This method of. clean Ins; sold does not app.y to such articles as are set with xems. as many of these would not endure the wap and water. Such ornaments should be cleaned with a little dry pUte powder and rubbed with a leather. Sasae Health Mats. Blcp fussing. It will make ou crew old and ccxvou. crochcty and disagreeable. Air Is to the body what coal is to the fumac. The decpe- the breathing the more drafts are turned on and the brighter life burns. The fait rub is prepared by allowing a large bath towel to He all night in a strong salt rotation. One should stand on a rug or in th. tub while taking It. to save trouble In cleaning up afterward. When the eyes have a burning sensation bathe them In hot water to which a little witch hase has been added. If the whites of the eyes are yellow and the pupils dull it shows that the general health needs attention. Skaalsl Drtak Marc Water. Not one woman in a hundred drinks enojsh water to keep her eytem in a he-iithy condition. A slusslth clr.u!a tlon and torpiditv of the liver will bring the disfiguring blentl-hei Uark. sbJdowy. uffy places under the eye make one look :aggard. tired and wtary of life. Mas saK and tltctric treatments are pood, but the main part of the woik of brautlfy Ing must be accomplUhrd by ono-elf. Any ellght kidney disorder brings th. puffy lovlc and for this dt'ordT drinking plcntr of water la one of the tlnet rome dks known. Sip the water idowlv and do not hive It too cold- Three rlntw a day u not a drop too rauch. A good way 1 to tip a big tumblerful half an hour before ea-h meal, to take another big tumblerful about two hour after each meal, another 1ut before retiring, and an other Immediately after rling. The Ola Kargrss Passes! Hiss. A bright, stalwart oung man. who had Ju graduated from a mtuical college, ap Tlled for examlr. ttion to enter the United States JCavy. He was directed to appear before a medical beard compo&ed of old naval surgions. After a careful and lenethy examina tion. Colonel V. C Gorpa. the rresl dent of the board, asked, rattier abruptly: "Doctor, suppose ou were tailed to See a man who had been blown up. what is tue nrsi tmng ou would ao7" With eni.ha!ii he replied. "Walt till he came down, sir." Colonel (rorgaa lookrd at him keenly ana continued feLppo--e. for our 1m pirthient nn.swtr. I -liould kick yu. what tmuclts wouli I brit.g into play? "The flexorors an 1 ext nors of my arm. fo- I hou!d knock ou donn." "You'll pars." hald the Colonel, with a smile. jt st run Ft x. GOOD PUVCH: Tpi writing a board-!ng-hou;e i-tory: woull your boardlng houe he a k-ood place in which to absotb atmosphere 7' "It certainly would: we absorb more at mophere than anything else thor-." Houston Post. NAMING NO NAMES': "I'm glad I don't live in Germany right now. " said the man who wa trjlng to occupv thtee (teatn nt once In the street car. "1 m afraid of cholera "No doubt oii are." ai J hU neightior. sivagelv. "I know- a former who had a whole drove die of it th other day." tin eland leader. MI.-ED HIS CAUSING: "My huband mould hue mule a great acrobat." tb served Mr. TislitlWt "Why oT" said ljrr friend "Ilecnti he !; up in the air every time a bill conns U." Detroit Free 1'reis. TUB KNI) OF'ACATION. Hick to the old accJtomed grind Prom -i or n-hjn nook1. Tna thre we f t our r-ires behind: IJk'wle our pock'tltcnks. Wahlr.gton Star. Mll.ll KBVnNOB. Mi- Kldfrlelgh: "Wh i! he tiropo!-ed I kept him In fus-jcii-se all of ten minutes" Mi-i Votingtud "i'-ha-V And after hU oii In suspense all cars7" Chtc:ico Ncw Mt&UJl TASHTONS The ctlel.rated M-ittha Ien f.tFhion P itt. rn w 111 b- to readers of The Kepubilc at I" cnt each. These p itt rn- w ill ensily 1 recccnlzel as c.rrt and up to date in every par tii ular An Important fe-iture uixmt them I- that TlIo-.ance i mulp for Thev ar. perf t In !eicn. conforming to all tho rfjuirement of stvle. and et are untuu illy !mj le atnl easy of ex ecution. Order will 1 filled bv mall cnlv. Al low about tour dajs. therefore, for il- en' cu- ivr IE.S- ?u:nvri- Tfte exoijiicn of the ev this) saon. In -e i 1 the st-iJuai Slftjrc f 'h.e i-. e- lire i. -u. ir.terv.:lr.g eJt- ict ar-d cis or"h c-irsidertns; well. m'-i-r. .- te prrpe- make ef the leve crrds in ereat iieasre he stle of tfce drr Th chargts m t,ev h.a.e N" -" less rvarVe.; thas the of -he a : asd -nirt ad -s,e sreat width thlt 'erm droor'eel vr tn irT has r.o-x rj.! to th hoi. itr In both bio e aal h:rt--vlst 'y e The fu.'-ess a; -. r". cr ci n i. --e is -rautton : i Is r-ii tte r-tuai attri.Ar.t cf tne rj.l Vtrt f ir tt se-vr-. to keep bodi-. ari lcirt tn tett-r prcp.3 ior The sleeve s ucb deccratlve f ture of th.e cow a that It l o'tec a :mp!e -ne-T: tn renew the ;srlo.i of vowh tir siVJtsg -e Treves to s ow- Jt ! for Jt tt's jurrssse we ar h.owtri4 'the t"i fees fvslay Or.e t the nesrest ehtrt-TsIst tv'. J5de tn ere rlee and wn cuM and facir.c Th.e J other Is In cae ricxe a'v., tat ssitabl for s ;e-- . -its-i ijj- h 9. tsr '.". ?rf 5 lZJ U t . ,7. .s "',';; IsMct t-sr5i cj t wa. dos wonder a I'-hisg an .houlde- sl3i. ,,. .. . -. .s. e,., . . -ti - 1 .-.-. ..-. ... i. v-. r -i d r- bjt th- J- ,-.-. ,!t s. 4.s. - .- .uTn an Tddltlit - C,-,T ,re t3 ll CCrTeses-,-,ii- S tn C tec, ckss; c-uc mis ra-ttera 13 In cctt.ts be t.r ra sr. bt ci sre and carah-r cf jatte Jesir-.!. AJilree letters Cs-fartmast. The Ke-rat-ac Si Iaa-. Ma. I A. 1 fa wrl Wetyg BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsHR PSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbPPC f5 -"ffasBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBs! 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Ei ..lL.agryiSSSailSSSSgwllSgSiBlsssssssssssssssss iMMtg JTujtl as KSSSSC - J 1'IIM BBsBBBTBsMlVW&i&JsBK " iHMfi -i mm t 1 Sssssl saSKsBsassBssH .' VjsCljsssssvsssstf EjBsasssssssaa3ssjassasW" JLStkmc '''ULaisSBisasHlSM S'lii VJbSSbT4V I Bsf asftf flssBK Bl BSBSBSBSBsVSSBSBSBBsl 2'VaVlw'' ZS 5f ' fWh-1 1 HE I "I HMJw2SBsis.lslHr s!mWmm4mttK m Wt 1 BBsfsBi I BSBrBsULBBBBBBBSBfe'BBrBBBBBK. ' StsBBBBBBBBBBHsBsQHwIH 2 t -fc 'JK --. . wm-BpiBSii-' ft ? -iv I -af wwwwwwwwwF sKf ' bbbbbbbbbKT wwwwwwwwK jL3BBBBBBBBBBBBrHBBBBBBBBBBBBBB . . " fwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwl M LWLW Vfca K bbB It I r II BSBBSBSBsV sssV s.t K ssBBBSBSBsr ssssssssssw 1 ft ssssssssssssssssss ' ' ssl IssssssssssssK i (bsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbbbsbsbsI .sWI bsbsbT "V JsBaaCs IBK (A iiai-Mt-BrBBC -iSSSSSSSSSS ULsSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrsH SBBBBBBBBBBsB IPsPsPsPsbBBBBbH. SBbH ILb - . IPsPsT SBMsBassamBalH I2bb WH LLWLX' WLmmLmWl (sbbbbH BisBk bbbbbW ' . ksSBBPBPBBBBEBBKSk ''-H' Li BH HPbHbbbW 1 fCK SBBbBHVs IsHf Ssstf S TT bbbbbbBbbbbH -b?Mb1 brVB 'stWt -3 fitt T -Jrptfi BbbbbbbbbbbbbVssssbbbV a T 'SBsl cbVsbbKI ''sbV'-1 Bg BBWasflLaSMlBBrBSSBrTBtS BBBBBBBBBBBBTSeBJW : K.MW tsaBaBBWBVHri KLl. B BBBsDHBBaBW-VIaVaBBBH 'i9m9lBVwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwC22B0iBMBBaBBSsKlhmBBBV4V!S3 29 jBBaBBBBBafJBC5'5!"faFjm'mr"a,flBSaTjssWcu '"iX SisBBmlBs4BBEsBBBBBBBBBKla3BVKaa .BBSSv BBSSSSSSSSSSBBBBBneBfcSBaL mtm. T Tcw- 'l fBSSSSNBCaaBSBBBBBBBBSBS)BBSSSSSSSSSSB4BBaSSSSBB awSBSBVaBBkSTBBCC&VsBemTsWp "ym?rf ' sVBBBmBmTvBBBBBBBBBBBK rar"SBBBa y BVi-'T..mW . '"i -aaBBsfcjllBlliiBB8BfcfllBMBBSjsVljCi!B BsBBBSBBSBas,,,7' ,- mfSf?(Kf!!&5l St. Nicholas Ilutel. which is bciiiR Around tin Kile of the Koof a IMatfonn lias Iten IJuilt to Prevent Debris From Falling Into Strt-ct Work Will Not l.e Completed Keforc First of the Year. Transforming the St. Nicholas Hotel In to an oillo- building has lieoes!tat cd the removal of Its "lid." and tln spectacle which It presents cauwsi hundreds of pre destriaris to top and gaze on the structure. Approaching the building from either direction, the most noticeable feature Is tho roof. Around the top of the editice a platform projects resembling u porch. It is not a porch, however, but merely a staging which prevents rock', planks and debris falling to tho str-et. SOUTH SIDE PLANS MEDAL FOR MISS HAHIE NEULIE Plucky Girl Who Rescued Dozen Fersons From Fire to Ite Hon ond "Didn't Know I Was l.ravo," She Declares Blaze's Origin Remains Mystenr. South St. Ixmls residents n"ir the scene cf th" tire nt .n, and IT7 Wlthn. 'I vn:c at mlifnight Welnesiaj are en-j thus istica'lv viun line the praLv of Jlis Iln'tle Neul in whom the .nifrgcia , found a veritable laroine. A plan is on f .ot to raise money for a medil which r. .'ibors f the plaikv j..ung clrl will pr. sent ti her. oninii mo rat lie of the oseirng event In which v era! nirrowly es-ij.l los'ng tin ir lives Miss Neulie vesterdav was visited b .1 deiec itlnn of prHot living In tl.e viclnltv of I. rr.p's lvr a:il ap; risid of the forth omlt 4 honor "Whv it wasn't anythlrg." -ild e di-cusslrg t! fire ard Its results. I nwi: t kiio- I was brave until thy told me I w is arurwirds Honcstlv. 1 v.a scare!, but I thought fir the time being onlv "f mv f .Ik ar.d the It.ddlng." The Undines live taxt to it biirg a double house. The fcirl rescuer Is sllqht. with blick eves nn 1 hair to match She is vry n.rv oiis f-r:n the reaction of t'r btrcnuons cf early Thu-sday morr.lrg. but 's betttr off th.w the rest of ..r famllv Her brother can hard'y walk. hi fe.-t .re m liadly hurled, end one of her wormn relative j has her had bound In band-ft- s . i so- it was th.M way. expl itrjf M'ss Veulte. "I was at the I.emp Carni va.. ir! tj.ere met IMward lllohtman. who a. 'otnj ir.Ied me hor.i- We had ben talki: s" en the po-rh an i I noticed a l'cnt r the ntt'a window. I did not think of a tire tut he did. and JMUJ off to turn an alarm "I rushed In ard upstairs nnd found the enrret in a b'aze M 1 -other was t"eep Inc in "ic t.t rcm to where tl.e tire w..s I ; .inc. nr.d I had the I.arde-t kind of a time w ikirc hira. I Ji.t g t him out In the : i k of Urn", too nnd ills fet Isidh burred n-s It Is No I didn't carry him d wnstalre h-w could 1 The b'other Kdwar! Neulie. is a hnlf h-ad t-i!'r and many ;unda fceaiitr than his itr , "Th.. second flvr" contl'f.ed she. "wis flle-I wl'h "moke I -r. djw-ri acain. rd I was almost stiffM-i; i fc- I man agis! to cet father yird mother up Th.ey w. -o s.eeplnc .i.r3Iv 'ii n 2 mothr on hvs'erlcal wheti she go A 'I Vie tinv I was vftlng ail that awnk" th" Ite.!!nr.s Tht ve-s ver Kun'ee prd NIr.a. the Ile-i,Hnc ct"! wh. were s'.eep'rc tn th- attic In a rr"rn fena-ate.! from b-other"s by onl a thin t.a-tltton. wre on tire when the ctrl wr-e nroue.l aed thev ard Mr ar! Mrs Holding had as r-rw- escapes as t-v folks." ?Y '-.i:ies nf C.jt Arrwun a i ucut no'-'T.ever Uvi-r 'n t1" 'vildi-c. ao o.. -'- lives to 'he a'arm .-.rJeiI by Mis Neulie Ins-j nre slJU'te'1 -vho vte-! vilte.i he place, say th loss vbcT.; !:. The .rl:'.-' cf the fire e,,.V3 , r. terv In all a dcxe;i re-sens p-bihly ewe their Jives to Mi Neulle's bravevry. SCHUMANNHEINK MUST REST. Singer (Suffer From Severe Strain! of Vocal rhords. iw 1 -i-V ?ert S ?ehjraa-r Hrtsi arr'ved in New y - from yrar-ise jto o-day rxH-t-r Z Mccnt H.eve- fcer phy slrtsn aJJ to-mcht that the nger w-as t:2rr!rr Jmrs a severe (train to br vtsrai chords whi;h would r.e-esjta:e treat ent ar.d a complete rest far two or ihre weeks BELASCO GETS ANOTHER. He and Shubert Secure a Flay lioue in Washington. WjLhS-.rtor S-rt r-ra-hOLje forrruUlr tn. fr ..i control of Xx ! ad the .Usi 3 Shv.trt Asus..c, Company t-day. I: la to te ksews as ti UelaKO Theater. I""' v uusier ?- rccuustructftl Into an office litiildins at a On top of th rcaffoldlrg i row of rafters, built In the sdnpe of a fork, also r.dd ln tiret. Tlus-e an holsters, and are ued to carry brick m.l lumber tu thi roof. The Interior of ho structiiro U almost as intert sting as the roof Th" partition.: on t..icli Hoor. which but n fe months ago Mpaniteii le-irooniF. hao bem torn away. The building fiom top to liottom if one inai f d-Lri.-" Ilnnilr.sls of work n.vnt are :n:loved .n removing It from the various tlo'its. v. liil.i o;li-rs me lo.iil ln It into wagons and carting it away lo dunipin ; grounds. Wh'-n th- bu'lllng has been completed there will not be another oiilce building In the city like it i sides this it will bo the onlv stricture In St. Ioiils which his Non Ixilli a hotel of prominence and then chnnceil into mi othc bulliling While a hotel It laoui-rd ma.iy famous guets. r pr Mutative. fro"i evcv Sfito irj the I'nlon. n.s U as nntiy foreigners. Tiie transformation or tne hotel tvlll cost its owners several hundred thousand The transformation of the hotel tvlll MISS HATTIK NHUUH. Who did hcrcic work In a lire. PEORIA GETS ENCAMPMENT. Sons of Veterans to Meet in Illi nois City. Gettysburg. T.i . Sept. "1. Th.e lat rs slon of the et.cimpnunt of the Association of th. Sons of Veterans was held to-day. Colo:il II V. Speo'.rmn "t Cincinnati was chosen commander in chUf and 1'corta 111 was selected as the r.ext p.ace of mcetirg. This aftrnoun th- parade of ins of Vtteians was. xlvin. and tho marchers were mplaudcd by thousands cf dic tators. WEDDINGS. ov.'n.s-r.t..rrNBn. Metro. Mo. Pert. :: -llr. I. J O" of v.-r.iriia. it's fcin - Isr. iiiattn.r m marrlrd tn t.l. clt to-sUr .uj::.-ri::i.i:iL Nw rrar-Xlin. Mo . tept- 11 Mr J T. AIn ar J xui Mwu'I- II. IViier if A-nnt-tr.e. jt . were rcirrnd &t tn CT.rl:!.i cTarch sri.n-ac- :a :h. e-ir sesterJur wveniaj. ire llrr cr l a N Ur.Jsay cfnr'.itlrr liuAi:-: ewiuss T' t'-aij. Id Stt a Tt Kevererel Slla Ilu4r f. Jjfcnwi Oty uad Mt-s N'ii'e i)tt:i if i2J raJo sr niir.-.l a; ra.n 1 vl.ij- at the hn-ns uf the trlt s ;suii.t in this citr tj tt li'Ver.J E. T Carro.!. Ko:rrz:-.v-Frr:Ni-n. IiMrSstrwu M . Se :: -Marrlei tr ts.e nv.-nt Ka'ter I-.-.tre it.. f!rtrote b;c n-.i itr "arl vsizl They dearie! r a vUi: ts Irtnver Nou)::-ni:nr.T CKi'.a. II'. S;t a -Mr niilo.s r ;.l3r f S-'t V, a. ar.d ill Nell e c" li.rry or this cty -r. nurrlM tre yestrrsUy at th toice et tfc tr:Jt' r-ere't. tj tie llTra.2 Mr fti:t3 c; Ti. nil rtUAHN-CICK Viare- -tr Jl S;t rt-Mr f!n-r osa ao-1 yt Ma-y b"is tt lijt'a- "Je TrM. .- ntmed r.r thl merrJrc mt s-t etft.n Owna ty ta Itx'3i4 1". lief r.r Tb- cron fili.-srei ty a trex.:ut al tae ar. c: the trca. MXOX- BtwMisWnM)I2t. U' !t!. Iir Pet- S3 Ml' Grar. r'ae-- Oics-ster ot it- awl It Jofr. Ilaiic ur. ari Mr Elri 1)1 1 -.n wr. lumei it t. N a cf tfc br.ts is v. u as . . I jy J od.k ! caUt ty tt llrl Mr JU 6rs. ;ailcr 01 tie M.ts& caurca l Irvtss uuxx kl" fja uit- a Kniii IJtfhS-y. 111. -?: It - Mil MN1 fk'-j ef this city &.-.1 Xr Kurt F Jlikrvir.r. a tcs.-c lea-e ran ot ll'ljjro. re riarnes! at ! c32-y fat Ut r!Rt OUKBX DICKINSON CitV-, III Sert r: -M Ifry tr-. ef Ob-Cr- -l M! Aleet IV ctfc n Ot A5S e rrrt : niitt at ta- ta-e f tt ftrife a jaresie tn AE-.A. . itASTKn-irn-cr. rjrr"tn nt. st-.ii.m.- ciri' a p.h- -- na.-iv t t mos ci It- tn4e a-.j,- tt, i:eer.ra jj. i. Ia.rca craciaus. . . ' T ' aBBBBlB' . '''-"HfssJawK bPtbbW fc F " ", I- v -jBfes4 .f;.-A -J. I I ; I' C 3-e.lBf- -.sJ $ I i Ke "? ." "r I rrrnt--sstr4 S ."'s i Is-ts' ; I" " "'' t Re9uM!s VTat AU srtU t-U acytalcg. f cost of several hundred thousand dollars, dollars and will not b completed until thf ilrst of tlu jar. It w.u purihaM-U eral months auo When the building was Hold the hotel was closnl and ptepamtlona wcro begun at once to remodel It. Work was com-nittii-isl v..-ks ngo. rtr.i! the first ihango noticd was the removal of tho roof. When work was first lei-un It was not supposed that the roof would lie re moel. ;.tid when It disappear!, there was surprise-. One reison for its removil was with a Ievv to making the structure lire proof. When the building s completed It will bo rock, brick and marble, and It will bo almost imHis.bie for th. structure to burn. The building will be up to date nnd will be equipped with every com cnlenco. owing to tne. number of windows, u will hae iiiillv as much. If not more light thn any other building of its kind In St. I.'J'.I wording to the proprietors of the buliding there have teen many offices nl-re-idv rntil nnd bv the time Is Is con- 1 iviw rm.m .Vwi ; v. cttple.1. txpccte-1 to b. oc STOP INTERURBAN SERVICE. C. A. Takes Oir Hourly Trains I Jet ween Sprinjjfield and Car- linville. srEciAi. .ee.,nj-',lfIiV uk. I'1' ae-Ititcrurhan service on the Chlcico and Alton Rall r.'i?fcl'tftt'?,.'0 ,Prl"-'-ld nnd rarllnviile will he 'ilmlisht-d on otobir I. AnncMiC" nient to nils eff.ct is niad" bv the joa.I odiiius v.p jtdniit thnt this br.inr;, of 111" .servic. Ins i,n; jjf,,.., a jk,vi;i venture. As no Minoiinccm.n: I. relitlvv to til- in., ru ban m.'vs l.etueen SprlnsfleM Jia1. Vi1;-.?" t!'.,.B:,"',: JA .!' Peciea fcprlncJ..-d ami G'rinJ won- i!is-t.-i...-t!.irlv In tn- "umii.T. jo. within a frW wtn-ks In' S T !i u.i a fYttfni!Vt t ait..iifA "T"I -.. . . " " ,- "..illlU k it tri wh clt not take klndy to the Int. iurb..ns ...... me s..rlI1... n, ,.r aM pal(, expinses. I Zft fll "Vi C.a..r.f..Tl a r. .. V" '""""'J ami iani)in. Iioa- v.lih-h is now- openlnc up. will nece'sstat ii;. nu..ntio!i or trains dilly and this is ,.iwn :ii one of the n-.-sons for the nband.-nin of the- Interurbati ltrvlee al ntamnnds! tllnmoads! Inspect the Finest Stock of W-irr.or.ds I the i:y nt our liiimmrl store. We wlli five ou credit leifils Iiros - Co 2J Tloor Carl"ton h and Olive sts. OBITUARY. :i"V SHAW. I.'.rrln. Ill . S-pt ; fluy fr,t B, ,, Tar train calier far the R, t at tvs Krark' r.l. north of this city. wa- killed early this mo .mc I y a tmln gcoi'.gi: KiinrAitn No ts i"lty. 111 FeM. :i -;., rye ch-rrl a t.f.ll War veteran. 7i jar .M. llvlnc near here, diej last rJsf.t. SAMUKt. HASTINGS fviro. HI . svpt. a Sair.wl Hatlnt. rr.,i- rent or tr Cal-n Itoatd of Trate. ard er. of the 1'it'rr; rsVloiiririted clllin. of Cfclro. tlei in-t t.icm a: o:s !sjtt. :a this il'y. Hi B9U 3e;Lr3 o: D. C ZIXJICTJlAN. IVs-nvlI'.. Irl. ?. a - I) f "in-r-enran. Ci ;ests cM. a KeiuM'ran ntraey cf Ur.n v.l'e. this coar.ij illd to day AUitKn ii nurpHY Duia'ln. til . l-ept r -AI.-.J It shirr.y ,!,,; ot Ht Josn' r-ta cf tM niy lie. nlrht ef ajejply .hlrrr was a r-.ent-- cf a walthy !.-..!- cf J-nI llav-n Mich, where rte Nsjv taken fir intern-ent. lie died la I v.rty iiAtvxcr nn;-5 at nnnijnjiT. c.ti Il'-V.eiy. rat. Bpt 21 Hcrv.v W llawler. x weii kn-exn rerarr i-t!!"ler aai -striker, rrh , hit t-en r'el with tte M'naap ! N -t-w.m M !- th p.i arj the Uifir l:s -J Ilera'l art th Sin Kiui Cisco Ksu-rlre-. dieit tolay. 4 years c I MIW MAKV y lIUGHI.s' K'Ji-s Mo "-ett. tt-JI. . Miry F Kjrv' e Aui-a'n Ci-cr.ty !! at r Mm- r-a- this city lo-2a Ml. was the wife cf T. i iijstfa. a wtii'keevs stoeman. I"otrtli-l"ls I'ostsnaster. r.fTi'i'ij.-sJ'ic ia: V.'ashinston. Sept T. The follnn.'r.r ehanr'-s of fo .rth-etas I'OuiaiaJter. were a: snun'ol ' day A'ow GstHel. Pop- Coarty Asx. ? fi vice W II Aday. 0-ceas4 'w aa t ltriny. ..!n.d Ccuctr. Gay A Me.-- le. tk- X H DaXer rettsrcej. li-r-.ail I.n Cixty. A. M. Clrerlco. v!c S T It-c. les'ies". llearlas; on Sesltek mil. A ritbltc hirir: will bs r;lvn In the Ooundl Chambers it the "City na:i this afternoon at t " oocW rc.ardfni: the House til! p'ov.dini; for i swltei of the Tw.n . Caiu IV.. .. Srt . r... . . u . ......... tfrr .....u.. ..f ..W..1. .SSI.S a t- cue. l--twea Taeni) -second and Twr.ty- cmr'z fo" w pslnt r.arliasice lleleseafea. I'resident Telranara has it-pcinte.1 Cap tain Isaac Jl Mason and Mr KIward n. sicharrr as diJeeates from the Merchant KT' to tb- m-etlrs of the Urpr Mlfjl'.lrPl Ili'.er Improvement Aeso-u-tlon. to be fce!,J at Ui Cro-fie. VTls. Octo ber 10 and it. roswraesirla taarsil Fire Depart Bsetst. Cat tila O'Nell of the Cincinnati Fire f partment was in St. Inuls jeterdr and called en lire Chief Swlrsley at the City Hall, rptsla CNtll eapre..eej his admi ration for th St. Iaouls i'irc Department la ail x Its bracchem. - siihi n,ui 10 comjste with the elec c line of the 1'Ilnols Traction Svstetn. :Ich p-mille.s the Alton road lrm tUs V to I'arilllVill". l'ntrnns I,.,,.... -. .11. 1 ei.'Lr' ' . r" is K" cmirftinir electric line. nl.ho'K, . pe is it, r..urse of construction, nnd tl A ton his .'! i lMenil ntron- APPLETONS B00KL0VERS MAGAZINE OCTOBER IS SPKADEE LANB By AM.Atlwrft.l9 Drawings fy E. Benson Knife, refrodmcrd in Color. TK TWOtSE AND PROBLEMS OF RECIPIOCITY laraM MtUm TK FARMS TIAT FEED THE NATION lswM &. Illustrated. VUsKVaSTOfc TtLlEI OF THE FAR EAST-.. AUitaatr Umm Fat. Illustrated. WW WE LOST SAKHALIN ISLAND.., TK ANGLERS OF THE ANGLER...... Drauings by Edwin fi. Child. THE RECKONING. A Serial Stcry, Chaffers VIII. IX aftts .1 ... RmpCII W. CbUBBOfa Drawing by Henry Iiutt, reproduced in Color. PatTi!trtS tv Willard L. .Melcatf. refrcduceJ m Color, X'zth at appreciation cf the artist ty tt.jral Cortisioi. Three Poerrf an.i a Mr. Edward S. Martin has ku regular department, entitled 'Current Rfjlect:?n." and there art several additional Jeatures, a echred frMtispiece to the first story. 25 eentf a cjpy- $5.00 a year. O. Apple ton & Corapiar. Publishers. 'sw York. AUKSZiFI'l Itl Itegardles of Opposition From Doctor Efsin, St. Louis Health Officials Will Continue to In sjiect Yellow Fever SuiK-ets. At a of tlie Cltr Itoard of Health je.sterdnv afternoon It was de cided by the members to disregard the de mands of rwtcr Kpan of the Illinois State Itoard of Health, that tho vltU'l lis of the St. Ixul.s il.iard of Health discon tinue the Irj-ection of pnssencers arrlv Ine In Itist !t. from i-oint-s in the fiver districts. If matters reirh nn untenable point for the St. leuiis health oIScts. It developed dtirim; the mi 1 It is jo-nlble tint ar ransements can be made by which the health ollicUIs ran cirry on Inspections with the authority of the different rail roads entenr.K the city through Illinois iirntory- LLN01S ur.e or me strongest arguments of the 1 mnro ton thnn -ill nt fir toa st, iuis health ofiiccn. for the con-, mt,rc wi man an ocner tea- tiiiLanco of the Inspection within Illinois territory Is that thoe pis, front Infected potr.ts rot properly supplied with health certlflcatrs come as far as St. !uls and then walk or take a ear over the? bridge, or cross the river by ferry, without molestation and without the knowledge of the authorities. This feature 1 well illustrated bv tho entrance Into the cltv of Poctor William Krone of Chlento. who refuseil to state to Teootor Peiterleirn. who was inspecting tl.e isijsenK'Ts on a Mobile and tlhlo train tu Illinois Tues.inr. vrhence he hid come before boardiiiR the train nt Cairo. Ho stated that he eould not see what busn ' it was cf Doctor Keuerborn's. I-iter. ho showed hU l.iiilir.. of authority as a mem lr of the Illinois Stite Roan! of Health, ard Informed Poetor Ftruerhorn that he mi'M discontinue th lnsjction of pas enrjers on trains while in Illinois, threat- arrest if the practice w;i3 continued, it Is claimed. Later Tuesday Doctor Krone rnteeefl St. Iiul rresumnbly by crossing the bridce on a str.t cnr. dcmonatmtinir the Inofliclency of nnv iuaratitlne reirulatlons which do not include a thorough Inspec tion of all trains liound for St. Imls or Ilast St. Iiuis. If the arbitrary notion of the Illinois authorities were Insisted upon nnd c.irrli-d out. St Louis would b practically at the mercy of drifting yellow fevi r cases If no other method car be followed. In th.- evert tho authorities of Illinois insist tint trains shall lei not inspected In that t rntorv. It will be recesrary fur the St. Ie.uls authorities to bold all trains enter ing St. 1iui.s from th east on finds brIJie while an ln-i-ectlon is carried on This would entail much Way to tho rallroals and to th. trnv.ilns public, and would ! without a system of lierrnndlnR health eertllcates from all trldco passencers. be thev foot, brlds car or railway, and also from ferry pa- SlAt the meeting of the Ronrd of Henlth yesterday It wns decided to continue the mnranttne resulationi indeSlnltely Ti.e mattir was brouKht to the attention of he members of the boird by u letter fr..m Poctor Adro.k. secretary of the -late of He ,lh. who wrote to D.s.tor Snodnras askitiK for his opn Inn as to the Uncth of time the riunrantliie should rontinu.s1 It was -tat.d at the meetSriK that f"'?" f.vr.r.s!-tsatamurhlater date HanlK pre-ent In this climate, eyn f; far Into th fall as November, m any ld-.v or an enriy discontinuance of ;h nuirantlne will not be- considered at thH time. NEWELL TO CONDUCT CLASS AT COOK AVENUE CHURCH. William K. Newell of rhicaci rrlll ron iluct a popular Ulble clis :t the too Ai-nue M K Clmreh Fouth. fck and cprinc avenues comirenclr.s this ev-nitii: at S o'elock. with a les.on on tj. nrst aU ehatiters of the Oo?;l of ht MirK. Mr Newell hi- had Itibb- ejasets. nil n lrtns tl.cuinds. In feyeril l.,rj:e rltle. In the last :W enre He receiltlv clcssed a 'lass at the Moodv Church Chlcaco which lncl.lde.1, ot M churches ar..l fottv dcccmlnatlons TU classes are open to everjl-odv The les sen to-nlcM will be rrece-leii by a nong s. rvice at 7.10 TEMPERANCE SPEAKER TO DISCUSS ST. LOUIS. Frank S. I'.essn of Il'lsoI. who is travel-In- un Itrr tne ai.plc3 cf the MiourI An. tlsalcon l-eiir-e is drawlns larre crowds dally and r.lchtly and has hi pruararnroe mapped out for the r.xt few nlchts To-r.tirht he IJ i.peak at the Water Tower It-vptist Chnreh. ar.d to-morrow hs win ai5dres the I.nfeyeUe I'ark M K. fhs,rch. South. Sunday afternoon nt 2 o'clock he will be the chief raker at the mas meetlns to fcs held at the Foun tain Park ccrcrecatlenal Church. "Ills subjects S1I t "The llulM'nff of a Great City" and "fader the tat'houe ; en-,e " He wU touch on the local rltJ ctlos. I irtlr flatly i refers to the con--ot u' brewer" In politics, ar.d will lllus trste Ms lectures with cartoons drawn by himself. IIIU. TO DELIVER .KtmHKnn. t. lasal laaker ass 5stlsval Cos sestlB Prosrra sasae. 1' Walker Hill of th- Mechanics American National lunk will deliver an tddre before tho annual convention of tre American Hackers' AeWlutlon in VMr.cton en "Tre Practical Ilenents of Membership In the Aroertcan Ifctnkrrs" As aoctatton. The convention will last three t3v. bKlnnic on October '.b. ther spemkers will U Secretary of lh Adachi Eiaaank Aiaart liftUw Paiaa Gccd Short Stories CHsmadk Ortaaan. Florence Kllkiaaaa. C W. OiUm. h R.asrt AJgtr Bawam. Nabsl Icrbsrt Vnwr. aflgBHaCTI AND CEYLON TEAS Green or Black These countries export nrrefllirtn'rntintrirttfHTfllt I I'r'"t.ll' COUnirit.! lOgCin3T, viz: some 350,000,000 ponnda. There are 200 cups to the pound. Sold by all grocers, loose or A in following reliable fackttst Blanke's Grant Cabin Lipton's Maravilla Quaker Brand Tetlev's Tissera's. Treasury Shaw. Comptroller of th Ctar rencyKidirely. Vice President P. A. Vaa dcrlip of the National City Hank of Narw York, rieneral Msnatter Robert IUyta ot the Union Hank of Scotlanc!. Harrey J. tiouliler of CI" veland. and lrofesnor j. . Johnson. d an of the New York Uni versity School of Commerce and Accounts, H. F. Swlnney of Kacsaa City la presi dent of tho association. Hottcleanlns;? Consult Republic WaBt Ads for carpet cleaners, paper aaasttas etc. Roy frsselc y Car. Henry nrcd 7 years, of No. 4t Tennessee avenue, was seriously Injured yesterday aft moon while crosalns; tha street at Mertirec street and VirEinIa avenue, lieln etruck br a southbotta4 HIIefontalne car. Ho waa picked up and carried to the car cl.eds at Vlratata ava nue and Walsh street, where) his tnturiaa wro dressed by Poctor A. Row of Xo. ti'2 Washington boulevard, after which, re was tnken heme. A nch man d'edtb other day. ITatTtett ta tha Tery midsummer of life, ass) be left Bis family $I,j0,ja The doctor's certifi cate slowed that death rata I ted fross tyakold fever. The doctor himself nld to a friend: "That manwasamlcide. He had a splendid constitution. I could have pulled him through If his stomach had been sound. But ho ruined hlsatomach by hasty strata, snatched In Inter val of business and by neglect of rap toms which have ben warnlns; hfat a year past, that his stomach waa faUlag In It duties. The s.) mptoms of a disordered stntaach are. among others, variable aprtite,sour risings, heartburn, undue) fullness after eating, dull headache, dingy corsplnloB. dl-coioreU eye. fluctuations In phyilcal strength, nervousness sleepleaanwa de poi.dency. No person will have all these symptoms at once. The restoration of the stomach to sound hMlth. begins with the first dose or Ir. Pierce's llolden Medical Discovery. Tho cure progresses until the functions of tho stomach are In h'althy operation. Thea the nerves are quiet and strong, tho ap-ta-tlte healthful, the sleep restful, the eye bright, the completion clear. 'Please accept my thanks for the besets which my child re-eired from your medl rlne," writes Mrs. W. A. Morgan, of Wllca. aiu, - est ren troubled for nearly a year with liter complaint, lndletestlon and constipation. I gave blm your 'tioldea Mecliesl Ui-oiTery and 'Pleasant Pellets. and they did blm great gotsl. I gave him the 'PlvoTery about eight room, and serersi vial of the Pellets. Ha seems to be perfertly well now.' If yon want a cure accept no snbstltato for 'GoWea Medical Dltreovery." These OMQINAL Urfss User Usts. irst put up by old Pr. R. V. Pierce orer rears ago. bave been ssack sssHatal but wa. Tmiis made or ntivelv veg etable, euncentratej and refined medicinal principles, street's fross native America nirts ad plants. They speedily felleve and cor" fouL torpid and d-ranged Stomachs. Llsen and Bowels and tbelr attendant ttJa trrssful allraenta. One or two o laaattvav thraa r twr o caUarUc. fr fTCSTMUfB X JL si-i SJ)UstcsBvr - , ?r. .i-S - .. . t. -. w V