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-i rJ'w--ryriwjumL.n i :'-.. miiaarsrajaagg saf R'f ir'p?W!iW1 w-5t ---." v w rwyTKsTwJBl 3.11 MM1W II 'TlJUPHI 1 Z ' - n '- THE ST. LOUI8 BEPUBLIf: SUNDAY OCTOBER 1, iityS. , 3 mx f-ysa Kawassw mssm lA'4 rAC '&2&n iT5.srr-. c. kf& ri J1 V y .' a Special Importations of Correct Attire for the Horse Show and V. P. Ball. DSSfll t t isai KsrtS 1 ' nn: m 'mzzjv w .VV r...-w Marvelously beautiful Gowns, Wraps and Waists from the world's most famed style molders smart new Coats, elegant Furs, exquisite French Millinery, Filmy laces fit for heirlooms, Trefousse Kid Gloves in the new shades, graceful Corsets, rich Silk Petticoats, Garnitures, Neckwear, Veilings, Ribbons, Silk Hose,, Lace Handkerchiefs, Men's and Boys' Dress Suits and Furnishings nothing missing! A magnificent assemblage of the ( world's choicest creations in ALL these lines, presenting an immense range to choose from. These fine goods have been marked at extremely low prices owing to the fact that our new building is still incomplete and the alterations are not yet finished. SEE OUR MATCHLESS WINDOW DISPLAYS OF VEILED PROPHET AND HORSE SHOW FINERY. The Latest in Belts. STYLES just from Paris and Vienna, including the Royal Paquin ISelts, a very attractive novelty in black, at ! $L5tand$L75 In delicate evening shades at $, $3.5i and $3.95 Stunning white telts and girdles at frora..$5c to $1.95 Various styles in black tailor-made belts at from 5feto$L5f Combs and Jewelry. The Very Latest novelties. CVKRYTHIXG. from the good but inexpensive sorts - to the finer ones at several dollars each. A splendid lot of heavy Back" Combs, with filigree mounting, in rose and Roman rAA finivli. marked at 95c SL.25. $1.50. $1.95. $2.45. $2.95. $3.75. $3.95. $4.25. $4.95. $7.45. $7.95. Nearly all the alove can also be had in amber or shell color. jewrle Barrrttra for the hair, of Fine finality Cuff and Col frlta HlUer. plate with Kld Jr i'J-JE " a,.d xsuh n h"' "; " Solld-pold at l-3. I.T5 iH ored settlnc. X2M. 0. 9323, ys art. aad 23 ae. wPW Ktylr Brarrleta nil tt lat- JM.M croora of -t-rlinK Hv. r et tdejs-l.idics- staes-WJ ta cold plated and S't r-ith " white r coloreil fnnM-3V. Rasa Cold-platcd Ba?s from 91 91JMI. 913. 9I.S. 91.7T. Ml CK. Iw I11W. Trefousse Kid Gloves THE finest that skill and brains can pro- flErTh duce made by the world's most famed figft French glovers, Tretousst ft Cie for whose product Xugentssrc sole agents in St. Louis. For the V. P. UaJl and IIoix Show wo -.i.-IjIIt recommend a very modish clove In nwiisquetaire style. Tii:ilo.r imr white glare kid. with tops !n dellrale eveninc tints and overlaid with dainty Bat tenlwr;: lare. Two iwrirl rl:i. at tin; wrist. V lm- P2 "7C portal these especially for the occasion. The prlceils.. spJ. ' Other desirable styles that are now in vogue are: H-button MoiLsfinetaires of jrlace 11 - button M'uquetaltv of -r: $2.00 sir: $2.00 ton Mouqtietnire of place 1 - button Motisquetairt or kill, at per t O ZC Suede kid. per tO fZ pair 4.OU r:,ir Q6.ID IK-htitton .MoiwiiU'talP'Sflfflacf L'o - button Mniiitietaires of $r.v.r. $3.oo S;'ik.,d;. $3.oo '.Li.niimi Mriitiiit:iir.'sof iriare "i - button Mousuurtaircs of K!1 per $3.50 Single LM. j-.t pair.... French Millinery For the Horse Show. 2r 1 afaBBBBBBaVaflaBBaaaKi 3k2 1 BBVBaVaVaVaVaVaVraVaVaVaVaftaVaVavVSBr i ." 1 1 N' .$3.75 4T IIV.EXT'S supremacy in the importa tion of exquiN ite French mil linery has never Wen moreclear lvd;nont rated than in th elaborate arrav of icturojue liat- which we h.ivi a -mlded for thi jnipor taut .lutiuunal M Irhow. Preparation have heen on a scale so exten sive that in spite of the im mense number of e x q ti i s i t e hats od dur ing the past week, the selec tion i tully as good now. owing to constant additions oi new Ivautie-. The prices an- 512.00, $18.00. $20.00 and $25.00. MasTiificentGarnitures. Ju: ojw-nt: njasn'tir.'n: Utie tlirs-t from Atiual.'rtr. ;'nnany--ir.3l of :!. "!l!i bralU and tnnVa. ,a blaV. m U t anil lov'el evonhic tlut Irlv. an $t0. $1.95. $2 25. $2.75. $2.95. $3.45 and 53.95 each. ,1? a ph-nil.! s.-lnc of AHotit N-t- in btark and nliitf span :I1 chiffon and ir.lroldero! Jaffts. toct-:hcr with wsw in tKuntlful Persian tvlo-inr I'no." ar $1.95. $ $3.25. $3.45 and $4.35 a janl. You'll Need Ribbons COK a girdle a s.i..h neCK. etc. xlere are ridths and projvrr color; tor your tan. at jour just the right lt-iMtlful warp-priutcd Taffeta 5-iach plila Tal:s and Satin Kibbcas at j TaCToza i:ibtias. la a:j rtlr: .V to 91.7."; )-anl -tocuiar pric 43c iawcjil. Sicrh -whit and cra:a Sah Kibbo3 of s. superior Quality of plain taCeta: they UjaV' a s'ennia? combination zird and ah: a ijuailty o!d retslar'.y at SI 23. car QC. & t Cv . " ' i o'efsav HO &W&w R: texl A rt u En z.J' y T 4 S A Peerless Display of Fashionable Gowns, Suits, Wraps and Waists To Be Worn at the Horse Show and Veiled Prophet's Ball The new management has aroused intense interest in the coming Horse Show, and promises that it shall be second to none in the country. We are prepared to do our part toward its complete success. From near and far we have gathered garments suitable for the occasion, till the display we now spread before the women of St. Louis even excels our magnificent World's Fair exhibit of last season. Our entire Broadway front a whole block of great show windows now devoted to the display of Horse Show finery! Don't fail to see it! Then come to our newlv en larged and leautiful Cloak and Suit Department, where the following special additional attractions will delight you: Ktrning CJown low-nerk models of lace iml not. in or rroar.i, t"7Q DTi . T at. Xctr lrinc CJonm of embroidered JIou:- oiinc tie Sole, in either high neck or - -i decollete models, spocSa! price $75.00 $Sf vK t'inr Kroadrloth Suit In the new, drrsy Mirt-enat motloN, with the n-n- pkirts ami iriiiinu-d with velvet and COC Df braid; all ?had? lhi we.-I: ,-it.dUU Kiili (fiiffon Voile iotn. in white. pin!.. Alue bliie. Nile i;reen or la-u-der. trirr.niPd witl lare to match: hish or low nock inodels, also sn- perb imported chiffon laffcta dre5es in v.hite and colore jour eln: at .$97.50 llamlsoiiii Kn- of 4'iitffon Velvet, in 11 shrulcs. also radium s-ilk and lace Rowns" in black or evening shades, hlch or low neck models: regular $1T.".00 and $200.00 gowns antov:off::od .... $135.00 Kleg-int 'otume of realr handmade and Konais.nnce laces, olir own Im ported models tnaJc to be worn either hicli or low neck: worth fully tZc oo so S2T.".0o each, our prices $1.79 and $1.95 Wr also slm dainty "rep" ile Oiine ami Taffota Drones in eenlni; s!iad-s all made over f Ilk, at $25. $39.25 .n S49 rtenin; foals and Vrajs - stjli?h long evening coat. of fice .broad cloth in fitted or looe mode!. in uliltp. rd-e. 4iqht blue. nlnk. plum. lattndT. Alice blue or t? OO blscl.. all satin lined, at 4 J W Ib-aniiful Fnt.l.inrd Kentng lat of tin broadcloth, in white, black and Iicht shades, lined with licht Siberian squirrel fur, (t'OO Ti at 4. J Impnited j:venir Wraps ot cloth, sill: or velvet, trimmed with real lacev, ermine fur. etc.: prices range from $50 to $175 turning HaiiH allovcr lare and Iaec trimmed net waists', at $7.54. $11.54. $15 and $18.75 Waist of radium rilk. Moussellne and the new Gitano silk, trimmed with lins !&ees. in white, black and eve ning shades, at $13.50. $15.04. $14.50. $19.75. $22.50 and $25 Tai!o!'Mai!r Sit5. in the new 50 and ."2 inch fitted, semi-fitted or loose coat modelF, of all-woo! cheviots, in blaek, blue. plnm. green or wine; alo the new French gray fnen'fl wear cloths. d f Q "7Z .speeial PlO.j .MMnrh oat Sail, of tine broad cloth.jrith fancy braiiled et. col lar an?! cuffs, finely stitched piped pirap-. s-elf buttons and self taffeta linirc: black, navy, purple, green or plum. iith white braided v-st; a north fully 't'O 7C Jit', our special price. P 5 A i-ompb'te line of jounc ladi-s and inli-s- suit. A!o estra .i.e fr large women and underslzes for small women, such as you have nev er been able to find ready made heretofore: prices t 1 i OO ttr ranpe from P 1 D.KAJ Up Ladhf.' Raincoats, about 500 of them, in the swell new models, with setni fi'.tcC badu. made of the celebrated cracnette cloth. In black, tan. brown. Oxford gray, light gray, blue and English men's-wear mixtures; coats made to sell regularly at $22.50. $25.0'). $27 50 and $30.60 each: your choice Monday at $14.75 Aati.mobitc Coat and Coaching Coats, exclusive models for the Horse Show, made with the new automobile hoods that button close under the chin: also with the new large Franklin and storm collar: made of fine imported novelty plaids and mannish mixtures, trimmed with leather. ic.: copies of the latest French coats: prices range from $25.44 t $50.44 Oar .Yew Line of Far is now com plete, and comprises some very rare pieces in Hojal ermine, chinchilla and sables. at from Koyai Ermine Neck Pieces tfi.7.1 up. Other fancy light furs at f roni' $7JW np. And a tomplcie showing of fine fur coats and fur-lined cloth coats. Fur Coata ...4BC.M and up Fur-lined Coats tlS.7.1 and tip B. NUGENT & BRO. DRY GOODS CO. Broadway, Washington Avenue and St. Charles Street. Lace Handkerchiefs. PP WE call your especial attention to morrow to. a raauniticent real Duchesse Iace Handkerchief that we imnorted to sell for $5.00. but which we offer as a special Horse Show t 'i OO and V. P. attraction at pJ.JLJ And still another oHality. 1 rimmed with real lueliese lace, which is aetually worth S-J-50. but P Cf ...... S. M . JAJ which we now offer at only Women's goott ir.-eetit all linen lientiloliel ll.lllil kercliiefjc with slight im perf et litnit fr k" Women's plain all-linen hrmatltcheil II a n l k e r -thief's witti illfferent wiltli of hems: worth ISe: "(hiI.i1 value at iZ'.'-r WonicnV fine all-linen liandkerchiefs emltrolil fml and worth resularlr 33c. for 33e ItiRli-t'l.ixH emhroidereil ami l.ire-trlnitned all - linen Handkerchiefs: worth reir ul.irly Tjc each. for. ..47e A Notable Exhibit and Sale of Imported Lace Robes! fc-k LJERE'S richness ami beautv forvou, MMT II just in time for the V. P. Ball or - - the other great social event of the sea son the Horse Show. SPECIAL!-A choice lot of Real Lierre Lace Robes in exquisite designs, with full skirt and material for waists; white only. Regular $12.50 Robes. de CA Nugent's Special price is 4fOmOM Mack Spanclrd Italics on line .( Itlaek ljte Kobe tucked Bnisscl net. including waist and Hliirrwl R1Q7 . .f s and sleeve fliSO. i Sale price. . . parts; White and Cream I.ierre Lace and xhirrcd nwlh wiuiiwip iw. npnl Prinrvss Te VnluM In $ft 7 white with waist and sleeves f ir a Our Sale ii-e worth ?r.Jii. P AC rr ....sPtVf.UU Holies in elegant worth ?.flrt and $J5.W. designs; Shirt-Waist I"attern hand-em- ISMWand P JT f)f linen; worth T rn Sale price .q 1 J.KJU $s.Tu Iri- 4 . DJ Men's Dress Suits And Furnishings for the V. P. Ball and Horse Show. TIMELY sale of Full Dress and Tuxe- ii Suits of the renowned Hack- ett, Carhart & Co.'s make. iMO.OO Fttll Dress Suit?, Sale Price $30.00 Full Dress Suits, Sale. Price $35.00 Tuxedo Suits, Sale Price $30.00 Tuxedo Suits, Sale Price $22.50 Tuxedo Suits, Sale Price $5.00 White Full Dress Waistcoats for Bovs $20 Tuxedo Suits. Sale Price Bovs' $15 Tuxedo Suits, Sale Price $30.00 $20.00 $25.00 $20.00 $15.00 ..$3.00 $15.00 $10.00 bbVbbbbt Ivy Corsets Are Perfection THEY'RE our special make and we know they will please you. Made of very best coutille and silk batiste in long and short styles A big assortment. 4feJ ranging in price from $3 .00 tO $6.00 C H. Silk Corset-, in all the new A ornplete assortment of the letisllis. HKlile .f pretty xllk eelebrate,! Jfotl Ton 'irH-t iu bnxrole with loiiijorMiorr hip. Ions :iim1 nlmrt len-tlw made trliiinieil with laoand ribN.ti. of rreneh eontli;-. and or rkli Kecuiar ."..- and H.Ot Cor- heavy silk material. Our pri- M-t.s. whieli a Ineky purehase. raup- all the. war from allows us to sell at ao ,fmt , 9IOafHt Horse Blankets! MAKE lKth your horse and your self comfortable iret n " ne- -Blanket and Lao Robeso' lmw Ht. tie they cost if purchased in Nugent's basement. lT,d if.. ",:,'.?'tM ,nrh- -nket, for ,tr.-t JLr4x -oT.r D?Ue y 'lMUty " 00 "-r-fy nn- heavy C--Ji. our prjie ..w Krad-ar price . ,53.Vtl oul1e-lV eav WotJl S;rret I51jn- l '"" "arK piaiii" vexl incli- nll 'm IVmiImc nhih .n. .u.i. ..... .. , . . c h-ay an-i warn.- i, -- ZY,Z k ' l ' ""' r $2 2.- prlc.. . ..- 3 ?.3 Srotih ria!J Strrt HlAnk.H in S" Lip, R""' ft 'lark-cre-n .!r.p Lox weav. teautl-ci Zi F. "." w,"j "Uti r''r - o ful pattern prie-... ..7.SU llnitiit price 00 'h 1..1J. .56.50 Fine Horse Hlank'tB In various Kxtra fm Double 1-l.ish l.iji uanuvjKr i?nica piaiu', WIUl linu'S in .! till I Ul pat patent nap buckle m Sfk term with blick m k Prc , .;r,r S(,ran Doct.j iiu,h iJ,p Laa KaWa-Dftabl pluvh on Itob In r'ch l'iljcn. Sft Zf ule ranrv ftturfl. other -J QC with black back prlce'lvOU tide black 9J.JO DoubU 'rsferBllIc i'lufii Fine Doubt Ftuvh lp Robes In in the new rhn-i! iittern. pretty tattem with r "z a rery fine. bar.Udoni'- i. bUc'K back price 7.fJ jp Kobe for ,i .. 91...JV fl E&sJ 9 I n laflaaV SA ".SasPaBk aaa . X wn mmmtmt m0mm mmmmmtmtmtm immmmm J5 aW'iMHMaaP.S s -J- " i" V , T.'- .vy-r..- " pV J- tyfVw 'Vnl. jy - rr-jr3gCy4 .Jfcf."A-S!J3-t- ,--. vi5