Newspaper Page Text
icsc-w jp?'w""i.i- l-iFif THE 8T. LOUIS BEPTJBLIC: FRIDAY. OCTOBEB 6. 1905. i I. ic MUNYON'S Witch- SOAP Hazel Brings Sleep to tin Tortured TJttie Ones and Kot to the TSrrtl Mother. HiK.l. FOR TEXDKU SKIXS. A Wciilciral Help te Mothers the Xurcry. la 'larron'n Witch Haz-l Sc;i I tfc idal oap ft. the cirrer? I; r!'v ! s!. raefc teeJ inc YTot hi-cj. m:.k rarrti.ri: anl all tils "mf'ji xcjr i'a'bm if bacyenre Jt Rlvea iJf to -he ifirturI little or-- a one rUi, rilx- a-vl jt -i-Juces s.ecj. delicate and l-ii3c-u vd T of thr Od kees baby- as ; Jloincc V. i -h Ha--' S--a. in a positive ftr f-.r mo - . u imtati-irct It win l3iproj au p i r tnat:-r how fair. Makes tl e i ' ..' a ' t Sent ..rejja.a un r.-ire of tcice 13 cents. M' N'V ..rbi.!-IpWa. Pa. QUAKER ZINC COMPANY SOLD. i'lm-Hi-ft l'-ili-rat-l Pays ?1..MHWI for the p. 'usirn!. U v - Sir. Oi t a Til-- r.Ieraie.J MI1I lii ' Iirine Coropaiiv of Chicaco has it .;o 1 t aier ilr.c ''ompaii). one of &. b t , i n.i.r i iinp:iii n this dis trict Iho n.i-i ration was iuto"?!. w 1 v iu- ' Ihrju r pur i - :, .. . on the d'har of the par : - r k. Tl." d-al was "fT'-cKd . o f J A Haply, who I K !:'icr- Interest In she d j t'oinr" -.; ral weeks ... f. . Ji!". ! -s .n th Quaker ' . J: il'.ln - and John H. .b? of ?( 'Quaker pom- ' . 'he 'Ji. l'r null anJ a . tl.. 'Siitimore. mlil ' .-.-. 1-tb :o"itvi at Chit- - itht. ..1 j I ard thirty . ulJ .it 7 iy k. Uii' I ' I 'A t . r r. vl l'nrllv 'ft l!nrni-lt' Vanilla li t.r 4 . ! rv f i-:r fo-jit comml5loo. iUBONIC PLAGUE IN AFRICA. UiMil-i J.V"rtMl From I'OIIIII.IICM' 'llIIIlV. i-sTi ?;- ih sfoitu ft.-a. o-1 r. J t m i 5 fi !r- kfti 'n; Mt ".i-' Jr . K t Afripj ?-v.-r.. .; .i!h a i ; ij hoi' i ;wir r.t !! mfiuth if ti I', r l-t !"i-?ui;u. Ei': Afn i. ;i I o r tvj ),y t-.K'al'h with lilaii- tjr a t..l jr.i oiv.lon ami tvtU'mr:it li l'r. S- 'i Affi-. Ililri'-1 aftT th" : . I ' ri-'H' "( Io fir"i"!i. t ' u r. . ! r Ilur f1-p llnrsnia liar T-tay. Aii'tr 1 t M-nia'ri anil caratnlii 13c lb. TAKEN FROM STRANDED SHIP. as-iisTs of St. !':u:I irstictl on f'.'ilifoniia ("oast. ! "-lii ,il fK-t .". Th- t-anvr ft. I 'a .Ion 1 fnm Am ir.ini-Iu to J'ort liil t nnf nafcnrp thl- :nornlnK at i'f w i.'r''a. i Imrt l'jitanpp vjuth jf th! ttrar.c ?o thN liarlxir. lurJnK a 3-nsi; hh I ' F-vpniv-nv T&'Tn:rn n i r. u s r.r;l r il i f if l- lun(2l n hli n .a l.i.i'n liiToliandlse. villi i l--arh ROOT HOLDS A RECEPTION. trflary of State IN-rrivi? tin DinNimafs. v ahlnc'n't X-t J k : 5pTPt,irr Hoot hold J - l.i T'.r " v iifiui --i .r"ii-i a- i ( - V r a'J t"iari:- fr.!Ta!n now!' vrr' An-ii-'i a- tr lti i n i1. htJt IVrtni nt dur Iric T ' i..on. but th majority of thn 'a I i'ic etsoucii to a tli.-ir rc- Ihortltorn nl at Mobrrly. ik.i:n-' 'i -itxiiI. i-u--lv. Mo r 5 -TJif lxth sm!an- ti til f 'lip iVnl Ml-iur SMort l.onj lr .'- V'-s.h UH n . hold her t la ! rlmi! .(iM nrr f n in tho J rr i ' fii.j) o" th. !H,i.n 1'iorthorn Ijrf. 'riT Kw n Th. itrl'" I tJt it. ?h nioai; telnr at ut ' J - !'"v had f '!. j NOTICE. V t- - it 1 -ah J. tl Ijieti '1 " Ut f f ntjntA tT t.T. f. " n - a i -f th fvu. - .ln a .ul,'-itl n. w i miKr 'f r.jw. do , -. rtj-y ; t4 r- rclvi - 'Mraut h- frri!. fccw- i vnln .. r.l rl.frv Jntjmat i t.-r. l'll'"lPI Mlrh. I -rt 1 I -"!r !IrM Iiit 1 n.Mnxtcn To.1. C. I . r T . Nw T T"l. J r . ii V i .jrir - J! - n i.l . SPECIALTY. Eberla & Kiyes Undertaking Co. liixi r .i: .nt t I hrjn. Irea. ana. 1 rraa. !. I l.I.prle. serrrcary. .-. j Cl.rrle. Julltta llaark. Asats. lat'lr Krin Jt Marakall Rn. Hell iibIm :t.l. Klaloca v ln. ALEXANDER, UNDERTAKER, :u. fr rloard. PATS 2 on Current DEPOSITS. I " w DEATH' S-N O- -IS " . n. t Am ivonr Si. Ti.fl r t w. w. 1. Ot ar ";-. ft n i ih l 1 r .rf--' I.TSi p rf -i. .n.4-r i ;s9i ,s i v, e ky. e-TI &-s -f .fc- i.rmw. ot isr Jimi - Jiaa Li-.rl, bj it . . -- -iJ Mr Ni.i. lUns. I : -..- rj titer Mr k! 'ut .travt. s.l-j.r. ' t m ta s'T Onrk ' t. . ---- - I" . IJ M a IJU- , e VT-ettr rr.v; . Uif.Tj -4 rtweli. .r. J saa lAtf-lic T t tN.;-.-. r.x errs V"v II r 1 'w.i.y 'VcAw . it .. J" a h ft vSt Ua XTM. f .u II v i c- - ' Kim. t.M. .. li.'... i .:.. (4 sT .ofte r 4 . 34 li.jy J - t - I JTcr- c re- n Jtl.1.. .t -i . 1 N 1 X - el .fvi.. e. ' 1 - va H-rt-turi. If - Ve;c5. , lei -Vr t. r i -b tsi.rraa' t-n..:. 8KNAt.r! On Tsr-J P. s -f 4 C 1 I Hen.jfs ' i-. r' v rl J Mj .' e Vt . -e K" e. tl ' Ser t u !! cf. Ithvi f " '- Ji t IM -la X ,- i; Jj1 iK Si t..-i ioa u . f a -w cr . . -u- t PSSe'ri. -i e ila-e Uuci caed mu . 1 I . t a. Tta -t -ja;, s. W -i' " JVt l"x .n-K f St fxsi Ttusrt Uvrs' t.xt". Xs t. t III S:" JI Vt:er r s si kjatlMan! Catrrf. tJxtt t Ca'tanr tK-i,n WAGONER UNDERTAKING CO. i 3JaV"V OJr. ATXCa-Xa. V. YOUTH WHO STOLE $350,000 JUST TO PROVE HE COULD mmam I -ALHH1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH:-;vI 'k- -i;.4;:s3s-t .yra . VAiHlHv:,r.Nv -. tttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiyiiitvsi '.-VyiB r ' .'KA fl 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 '- VbUlB " ntttttmMn;--ai " LHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISlHRv LIIIBHl b11111kB( pklF ' '9rw'lBBH -'- v feLVr 4iPiiiiH i tBBWiiaBBBBV? v.-aif ,aBVr'r'V-'A!aBBBBBBBBBBB ! iw'- -.f flHIIIIIH Kl dBBBW 'AHHlllllllllV I " '.bMbbSPbW ' .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI bbbbIbbbbbbb ..bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH b4PbbC2X- bbbbbI bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH '.BBBBBBBBBBK.BBBBBPBBBBBBBWjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi - "BBBBBBBBBBBKBBBBlBBBBBBVlBBtBWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl l!i')tirraph of !l-nry Ionaril. tho 21 be l.' li of fcoi:Js frnm Hip N'-iti'mal fir;fi r M"k anil tiho Iia! ynfsr.'-''l that BELIEVED FEVER LISTS HUE PADDED Nw Orleans ArriM's at "oiirIu f'uin That .Many Unlinary t'asi-s An Inoliidl in Ofik-ial Kt-ports on TriR Maladv. r THREE DEATHS; 28 NEW 2 CASES IN NEW ORLEANS. I i .' 'Jri'aii!- (. t 3 -The otl'cial !'.- fv-r r-i-rt iu 6 n. :u. to- a lav ! .- follow x Netv raM, zb. tot il to datp 3.1 I nth". 3. tot il. "Ui ' New fvl. . -inder tr itmnt. isj, 1ischarrl. - "51- New f'rltai.. Oi t ; With t!:. nzim- fatal'tioi dai:. f r in eliov7 f. .r reduced to lowtr lisur. y the t.l!.- h? j rn.i-jei t:i. cotivli.tK.n that td i. m:! r "' - r'. . . 4-. . and Iho Ilev nf nun c.ifre Is u.iju?t:!ia!.l- lare an I . '' '" l'' ' -r W. J:. l'alroor. that thero ar b'lrj; tnclut'ed m t.i-j Vo-iil nt-d Fe'ectlons were i:lrlal list . iai. il as veliow f ev r ! ! . -"! thrt-uiili the jirourainm-''. which thit aro simply ordinary fevtr ! eonrluJcd nlih lefreshmei.ts and a otlil The Marine Horiital Servlc. utli'-iils ad- i liuis.. m't thl 1h rrottfib.y ;h.- ia- Th- li. tm- ' Tl. Urce parlor nf the l-.ome wre I plac- I at th-d on of certain iihysictai, laiislfully decora:.-! with ralniu. klnuiy who tin I their ess u Jor r,oru:i .su-h I ' aned for the rcislon bv -crctary Tre-ca- It. pretend d : ar of arrest if they J lease of t'lun's Harden. Khould nuike a ti:l:ake und f..ll to report J Tl. home l Int. nded a. a bij-irdlnjr-an a.-tja" case hu. for rour.K women, and uotlili-.n has Interest H sro'iinc In She i Wt e.f t'ie j tio'n,; ul.j. h w-iiM tend to make I'.-- i rr. ar. 1 ti-e attemj. e :rim ot:.r jarts of tt.e td: to ! Urae ' II en if .jurautlnes lire n..t lifted. p:,V-. er.-. im r hants aril pr..'nlnc:.t men v.'mi have been kert aii.iy fo:n th fty v.i t ; tako advuntair of the oiortun'ty ti ''on: her" and jsirt! Ipate i- th rfeptloti "-" 1 at the ra tune tr-invict batn--s wh'.-h they hiie had ti iosji !. a fptini; that praetit..ilii al! th" irMran'tn.- will re raled ear'v m November anl ti t t'V will then "te fll!e to return ta th. !r homes. ST. LOUIS STOPS FEVER INSPECTION. Hoaril nf llealik niaonnllauea I'se at Maarantlne Mrunirr and Trala Men. Infs'etlc.n o' passenirer -n trains from the Aus! and the ailr.te' of t:e tfamer Ke-incly as in an'biilance were 3e- to N r. r. esfary al tiej nie-tHis .if i-.e ivjar 1 , " Hi illl. j.esterdi. I ar i both wtu at orce b- !l.-.'n:lnued. I lnpetors now Je ule,l to tnvi.stiKa:.' the fcca'th of travelers r.a-hlnc St I-oul I frn. the S :th ar- : - e. In, tor SnoJ- rm. u'i! tn Iper :. t ic,-ln.-it!..ti n ' l-'iir ricPlnnttoti M!rn in th ruhi- n hcila h.i.ti i: a uh,i- e-nu'nr ca.' o: .. w er hoi!d -e fnun.1 itrunt the refiire. from infecl.s ; ln..-. !- - j;no!Kris ssiid ther uouUS w r dircrr of cor.taul''! al ?! time. !m nu. f the nearce.s of frosty i.ather , lb- K nr.eiir will be urindTsl t i' i Awre t IVl.V- nlwililv tnt. !" t I? I ' tlWalse-. an nel f .r trai p.r: .-,-I to o .aranttne amuulanies I -i .'7 ue a form riy Nit has b'en li the clti' . mpb " , fr te.-iri or.'o month!, at a r-nt..! i Si am '.th ! While the inrI,on of t"ajnt will ce.,e a'ter ti-dai the issuance of Crtltiea j l! t-e.-atie the S-j-athfrn Ssaf j (W.i '.-' 'n th': Th. crtlee at the , i on Mat: a and that nt the old City j i Hail t'i mala In ..jvratlcn urtt.l the I . i ,rai "slates hale ttK onier re- ; i ju rlis I'iW'fM to rrMve- h!lt of ha , In rM-e cf the rlc.1 ln-p.-ctwp n t , herei..i.we ,'h- H. rM'Srtmeat will I iic 'ht rnJtread e'.TIcwN be 'ntructe.5 to i r anr P-sr.e-r j ;r ; ,ui. 4f.i-3.I .lTtp'orr! of ' !" Thle r llU't ?- j, .-K. w(j 'he-i t tin Ir perB br 'r il'.ilth Ie;art.-Ter.! n blj rrtial - ' - 1 ARKANSAS IS RELAXING niiAPwnjc rtM RHRnPRQ fjt - j - fj . aj. At Little K it ' i-'WeiUV M HTi '.i-.tjc!'!i.' V-Suii.ks tate Ouar i - the "-er. yjjrintlv w......,...- w.. v.. -- - it-e .st i-;iS ! rr..eie manr guards as . t1 aeng h Iri V.cta!. C-1- e.j .-w ,i ioij.s-;s-a.aes era, lLai.-sav . Ure It 1 hi. parpire ta r.- l.j. tfce frce 1 r. .Be n-ofra o.-xvqc ..r te i-iaie -.-, 1 .rc XUr, p. .-.aT Jcnl at Pen fortr s-."i j muth ?-rtrlr Z. and Jer-artfd lrsaed- In the T-rKaa diitrtct te: re-: y,a Atrir for Toklo IratT "- r-" ei . ar 1 -.-.. more! i,-- srr.! her. h. .. 1 . U! tke fl .,- it 't fo 1 . the- w..l , -r n c in iiui :.i'-'.--i ic ; ts is - r-- Economy U a strong point vntb Hood's SarsaparJlia. A bottle ksts longer and does More good than any other. It is the only mcdlciae of which cm truly be said 100DOSESOtNKIOLLAk i 9 - jp;ir - o!il Lrok.:r's tneswnirer. who stole a ty lmk of New York by means of a l.c did till? to ln a tPt. iluty hv Octotr 2). ly which date he suck to ! ahle to rmov the fjuaran sln.' retnotlons entirely. TEXAS GUARDS AGAINST INFECTION BY CIRCUSES. J nni's mjr srenAi. M.t.iH-i. i Oct. . I;vn circu-s from tl - North aro subj. eM to ris'J nuaran tlt:e regulation In Texas. Stat- Health Slccr Tabor to-day an iiuiinrd t!:t artointmiit of Doctor Joe fJ-lnort of Autin and t.ctor Kr.-d R Ict.txoti of IMIIa to go uiih th Itanium & Hiiley shons as State Sanitary In ! tots. Tin dep-irtod to-dav for EI Pa to Join )h ct ;. aid ..Hi travel wish thtti throughout thrir Sour of Tpas. and trill k ; ait.u'hps and itrcu crowds under strict surveillance. NEW Y. W. C. A. HOME OPENED. Ilrk'f Servirt's, Adilressco aud Music I'ro-rnunnic Murk Event. inc new ao:ri or tf V. W. C A., at W No .I3 Morfi-in ftr-.t. m formally ui - j.isi nmni. ir- Kcrerenil Doctor Wii.- Id ier pou iurted ji brt-'f pervic. con s'Miiy; (.f ri;t!onf from the Scriptures and jiri; er. lo. ilntr which Hddreise v.ire mane l.t M.t Warren S. Ihistnn of ??r:s".''"J- lrt'rnatiotMl reMent f she J .istntpisie, A pni.tlcal-cuui:r c;a and ' us..- wll 1 at the disposal ot thoe ho rtsid there, A NEW TUBERCULOSIS CURE? Announcement to He Made to Congress of Experts in Paris. I'nris-. Oet. 1 -The dekgate to j, in. tein:ite't. il Till ereulietw fonnrts sp'-nt to- Iiv viMtmir s"anit.;rlum In vaneas dt. tries.. A iarse jury. Incluilinir i.isslmlr ivrler. forn.'T I'resni. nt i Frnv-. ac enpinl.! lt.--HJent F.-uiNa t.i MonMsny. in t'e 1. pirt-'i. it liu Nord. where the lr -ident o;ii.d a new "Anitar:! "Irfifi"c. r I!, hnnc .t(.iifiiiir nf .1, rn-Id.pMhei.i r'im. his dee!id ti'mafc a n:-n: -at to iho oor.i;ret hjtunlav rel I- uve .. '.-I r"j.ricj ucov,.ry .f ., cur for t-Ierr.i:iu.ii. which iKx-tcr Iirre n 'U. director of r- l.-isre.jr lntltut': I-.,f. r y,- h li, T who Is 1 ached u, the tn;lratr and :he- xf eci,iH:.s. ,-on- 1-r to l lin'xirtant. althnuen hell'vlng that t'ie innouii'etrent wa i",,ni.itur Th- A-n-r' in . leite a. met with sim: : epeuurai: ner.t In urtlnc Waihlnir- ' ,n." r,a " "1" no'iiiis "he r-ext enn- r",aM entertain to; of a faiorable act t"inl. til lllaitmntla f'sme 2-d II-Tt th' freillt. tes- f to k of Dia- m"':.i8 in ih " i in a. our tor at ."iir I'l'e-it ii'vml'r I.'f! !rn A '. 1! I! i-srl-ton bid.- Sitth and Olive. FORCED TO RATIFY TREATY .laiane 'nnel Impresses liu pi iliility of a Kefu:il. T.-Vej. v? i in pcslnc the r-"3ce treaty est ,Uv the Trtty Oau-icil has Cepriv tropr- -ed upcin the antir ice agitator- th.' imp.'"!-'. Iv of a r-fual to ri'i'- It Th- nerci of tN latter will now ilk- .' w I'lMne ' !h;N,. J.tre; eM,-...!-a th , ,,,)irnH.,n ,.,r,lv., ,v..'-r4ce ..,,. -,,. ,. .. eiiev. .-.-.. .1 ,... ,ii. . - . ..-, f',," i"Ji t1 r. kpi If illewcd lu crow will .well th' popub-r rae I"w1 rejtinc" ard an itt'nt;t f uppres populnr opinion -i.v. it ! fard .jlve ri?e to &ci of vio- I'-.C-e PEACE TREATY IN TOKIO. Yamnzn and D!iiin Take Docn ment to the Mikado. "oiti ct S V Tamsra. d.'rerrcr of 7- 'h-. rTairS ;i the Ja--.e.. I- -eln "rr-e and H W rer.:a the aditter of ti Japanese i oreta ofrlc. arrlve-i at v.v .km-, t iay en Mir.l the tearcer attl- . hrintr- jj, t frem foord few !?p.e t- meet them : the rjjzroat station, owing to the strtct ex- r -ll-usicn m.Je af all persons bj- th - p. an and rhce who rsarded the ta- 1 EXPLOSION FELT FOR MILES. Accident in l'owder Factory Re- fore Employes Came to Work. Wlira-gtasri. 1U Oct i vrilrtirgtcn a1 3rroa-,'ilrs loan were tTScl!y s ikes erir U-tev fcy n tr.sS-o cf T-rwe-r t th Dupoa: Poa-tr Works. Jim d.-:.i- the ct.r km.. The farce of the eipHixi felt for a aitarwe cf twelve .o cne ni Infsreil. as the wcrksaa had Co v" rrsr:eiS fa- lcty TSt rocf of raul N.x t". where th ex Pstcc ocerjrred. s tiowa eT arl aoe tf the wi .15rslle.5. rv ;? i t- rlc'".tr ot the rs 13 wr ir. krd "- iu sta;ttris cf aicdow r vs. . J RAILROADS HARDING TO BE Upoa Retirement of President Underwood He Mar Succeed, to Highest Office. Pore Marqi:Ue Is Part of Erie System. KEPITFUC SPECIAL. ToI'de. O.. Oct. 5. Reliable lnformstton was rtcvived nerv to-day ;isifyinz that Russell Hardies will enter tee service of the Greater Krie Railroad a rirsi vice prwitjefit ard centra! m.maer. At the expiration of President Underwood's term Mr. Harding will become president. Mr. Underwood retire soon. That the entire Great Ontra! System, which has been" absorbed by the Erie, will remain Intact Is now certain, according to the information at haniL The Cincinnati. Hamilton anj Dayton will be taken over by the Erie and the Peru Marouette will ultimately be under the control of the Krie. It is a!so stated that the Per Marquette will i' P-'" to the Like Shore, but at the same lime It !s admitted that there i a thorough understanding; between the two road. T0WNSENQSUREC0NGRESS WILL ENACT RATE- LAW. KrBrrseatatWrs Ttr" fBBfera With the PreaWeat. and Frrla Coafldeat af arress. WashinRton. Oct. 3. ISaliroa!-rat l"Si' Ial!on was the toplo of a Ions confer-n-e to-.lav between the I'resl lent and Kcp reetatlve Townnd of Michigan, one of the authors of the K.che-Totvn.end bill, wnlch was vax1 List winter by the liouse of Represent at ivrs. At the conclusion of the -onferr::-e. which l.isteil an hour r.nd a qu irir. Mr. Townseiid said it "ras h' purj-oe : tiavo his bill In readlne for intnxluctlon In the House a fooii as. i'on?re- omveiied. JIv effort ;ow." .ilii he. "U ! make certain that It sh-ll -over what is ex pected of It. It will embrace mv id"as. and ot tin iraroc tHr.e. I am quite sure It will represent accurately the of the Pi-MMon- "After maklns; it perfectly clear that theJ provision or the measure appiy i iwivaie carr. refriefratur cars niul terminal charges it will be my purpose.!i the measure to confer upon the lnter:ate Commerce Commission the power to make Its flndlcjrs. In any particular oae. ef fective within a le-.isonable time after they are annjuncd. liffi.rt luiie been made to create the Improsion that It Is the purpose of the advoerit-n of th! Ieci titicn to s've the Interstate forumei-ce CummUinn the authority to f. all ti: rates of a railroad. . "That la not tnie. It Is Intend1.! only ttat tha o:nin!i.-ion. if coinplai'it hall 1-e made to it that any particular rate Is unjust. Shalt have oter. aflir due. inveslimtlon. to sub'tituto a reasonable rate, in caso the complaint rli ill haic b-n hotin to l well f.nind-d." "Do you rxpiet that iet;i"!ali.n will be ennctil ilurinc t.v ai'pro.iol..s ses sion of CongressT -I have no doubt of it." replied Mr Townsen i. CONSTRUCTION TO BEGIN ON W. P. OVERLAND ROUTE. San Francisco. Oct. S. The AVlern la clnc omclals announcetl to-day that werk on the new overland route will be tarted betwsen Oakland ami Onivill within the neat ten days, by which time the outtii for ersdinc punvie will haie arrived from the llast. Meanwhile th Utah on structlon ConiiMiii . i bl'-li h is reevivei! the contract fiir bulldlna; the ma lor l"r tlon of the road, will haie si,blet oolric s work north of Oroville ami vradlr? will have IwRUti on the s"-tlon of the route west of Salt Like t!liv The consiniet!!! tlrros ;? muvlnc their outfits Into the K-atlwr Ulier canyon, where thev will soon le-a'n borlnu thi Sprtiie Garden tunnel, which In to be T." !eet In .r.rt!i. They are also tcoparins to bore . foot tunnl nt leekwlih Pass. One of th" oJllclals of th Western Pacific states that the isjmiany Im 01111 pleted tho location of Its entire llu l.e-twe-n Oikland and Salt I-ike 'itv. ! the work of securing rlsht of wav ! pro ceedlnir rapidly. It wuh :ilo that the people of Northern California hive been facilitating in every rr'Me wuy she plans for the construction of the new road, anj that so far no ohs-tade hive le-cn thrown In the way of the coinpariv. SWITCHMEN'S OFFICERS PREPARING FOR STRIKE. Chicago. Oct. 5. Two hundred men. lorn poring fer cent of switchmen mptove'l by the Urand Trunk It-illvay le-twetn Chl c.iKO and the Canadian !rder. may b cailel out on strike within twenty-four hours. Grand Master Krank T. Haul.-y of the "switchmen's Union ot America, who cam- to Chicago yetcrdav hi tl.e hoi of n-cotiatini: with the !iai!i of the Grand Trar.k sytem for a tettlement of the strike at the Kl-!on an.! Twelfth street yar-ls. and falks!. made the foregoing statement to-lay. After a conference with Vi.-v fSrand Ma, ter James H. Conner? of Chicago to-lay. llawley assigned Connfr. who h.ti l-en In command of th local trouble. 1,. lea.-.. "h!cago for a trip over the Cniml Trunk and to authorize sirtkes where th- com pany officials- refve to treat with thi- local grievance committees. The arst blow will he "truck a nail! Creek. ac-ordlng to Mr Han ley if -!.,. csllclal there fail to hear the srieiaius-s of th" men Prom there '"onners will go to retrolt. FAVORS CONFERRED ON GOOD FRIENDS OF FIRM. Chicago. V 1-At the heating of the Insensate Cotr.mree commloslon. which 1 investigating sh q:tetIon of railroatl retsit's. the chief witness to-.lay wis il S. Cusey trurllr man-is-r for the packing house firm of Schwarzschlld .1 Hifjlergr !! had previously bs-i; directed I.y she .o'irs to prepare c rtaln data, and to-day biought It court HI evidence showed thit the cominny received from tri- railroad- during the last three ears somctnir.g over fai.'. for looses and ilatnat on shament f-om Kansas City to Chicago. Ot.e of ths ittn wa lll.o.j due to n wreek Mr Cuev a-nile.l that he ha I lvcn directed bi th- iresn!er of 'he firm to faior eert.ihi In making ship ment" for tr reasin that they trrr, 'good friend" of the nrm THAYER TOHAVECHARGE OF PENNSYLVANIA TRAFFIC. Ph!I.-iderhl3. Vi C. V Z John Tl Th-i-y r Jr now the fifth vice rre"!d..nt J the Pennsylvania Is to haie --.-irre cf all the roid tratltr ar.d transport- I ti.-.n matters un aroium ai in d-aSh cf Mr Pr-svost. Mr Thaye- ii, tenrr.- fourth vice pre.i.Jent It w i- oCcl'llv stated to-I i.:at Mr Thavr wiui! as sume tre luties that rr Kng per form.! by the late Mr Prevot Although Mr Tharr is or.Iy J enrs of ace h- l con.' r-d cre of the b.s traSTie olSclala In the ccuntrv While he still general freht agent of the pe.-. ylvanla ILiilroad h wia efre.i a pre-;. dnf saUn to become the had cf the tra2.c department of the Harrirran si tera Ri.ldes this, h has had oth-r fiat terirar offer, but prefeYred to remain with the Pennsylvania. WABASH COMMISSARY OFFICE TO BE MOVED TO ST. LOUIS. Orr-e-a! Manager Uenrj- MltJr an- I r.ourc! Teterdai that the offlc of iu.-. RETAINED tetetent of craaiMtrs of th- V.ah4a US "k,-. .a. T...-l.-.-, U J niOTd fron Telrdo to St. L.ials I .T,.t.r d- e- n.lCl. ictt 11 . V C Botsrt is in charge of thif depart- mVi'A 4-rr-s- rrits rrtn jeiT 1 li.iit.j.1. tsent. which hjclules the dlr.ln-car a'cd I sre-r.a' bk.:i restaurant service. otrrc lUi ij I rta ak SrtfB n et-- ItiM frc-a JoT 1 IliTwiOf. tscrras miaekell rkel4 PreaMeat. ' ICO tHlUs Tet. Ocu L-Tfce .mshI me.,. .V'-jSi -? ' Z!"ZZZZ las of th Chicago. Hc-ck IsUr.I ar! O-alf ua x, f-5 Jalr I ta u;-at n-hraa -KAllicid Ccr;ar.r. held to-day at Port .-" Iufhh tiva. ni tl'i.Ci. cras rR. Tex.. rultel in the eject 53 of . tha foltoaic directors: Robrt Mather. Nasr York. B. I. Wuich1i. Ctiesgo. S. B. UArelr. A' rt Vearbv WV CI Turrr a-i9 N. It 'tir. Port 'orU:. and J n. Wll-t sea. Unas The ofnVfrs eieete! srs. B. t WlatheU. peesMer.t: S. B. Moey. Tle pcHer.t. sn4 T- 3- M"t--r-cSl aeeret-iry and tr urrr The ilireetors mcr ootiScI cf the action f the aAcers at aUslW lavsrssetavesta tM I Vbbb9bbbb ' WBBBVjBBBBBS 7 .aar b9bs FREE! A fancy Vest with each suit if you brinjj this ad with vou. TN lBott!edinBond, rl TneUniUMStitcsciawrnnientX fii Guarantees M Jk every liottle of mj I El Good Old ) S9 RYE m The WORLD'S FAIR Jny sal. "SCHOITEN" rcTrt.lDR'M rca rune , 5-l It ram tn t - pfcw owl inno iiiii"raDi 5PICE5 Wm'J ibwip vm B-SCHOTTEirSiS IN PACKAGES i ST LOUIS. I the Iir.e In Texas and thoso to !e made. ni'Cvsi;atiug the experxliture of Jia.A. Illlaals Central Hesart. chh-ago. 0t. ;.-The annual report of the lilmol'' "enral for the year endtsl Jiiu- 5. P..J5. was glien out to-day. The average number of miles operate.! during the vear lias I..ST1. The gros recclptJ from 'rafilc hit. iri.l'.sl.tlfr: exjien-s" of oi ration. tSriLSn, tuxes. C02T.4M: liKiKInc the Inroim from traftie. 31I-90B. added t which ! t receipts from sale of fili". and Income from Investments anl raise HaneiiKs JiTW-l. rive exess of liuciii- over p "i-5 of operation and tuxc- ilT.l's.Kl. liclucting from thi $3. ..aIO inorest on fund, si dobt and St. Lou! divisfi. prior li-'u lenids anl 3.'G. CO rem of si:bsiiiiar railmads. including lnteret on bonds, makes the net Income Slv.irll Adding 31...To surplus divi dend fund gives the amount available Jll. :.!.!. Colorado nnd oolbera Report. Uerner. Colo.. Oct. 5. The gtoss and net i.g of the folorada and Southern J'.iil. .h1 for the mr. accotdirig to the rl"rt rr.-i'e public to-day by l-"rank Trutu' -II. pr. -Ment. were the largeu In the Idstoty if Ha comfiny. A summary of tli r is. t follnv-s: 5ross irnlngs. JK. rjs.TI"; it . t"..s "CSICM; operating ex--ene. J.r.e'n". Increahe. SM.TSl: net t an ing. !. '.': increase. KrC"Tl. The r.p rt shoi.s a Mirplus over ojeniting v-jr.'.-i and iixcil ehargfs of iri!0.2IS. an !n-cr-ate of 31T4.ITI. Practical Ke Teats. Chicago. Oct. IV Por the purpose of mailing eve- test-, and atudylng conditions ut.ib r Inch train signal. are displayed, oculist will le on the enHinr that pull the r-tst trains on ti Chicago. Mil wank. and !5 Paul U'lilroad. The tests will It mid pr. .Imtnary to .1 revision of the "system e' .'sasnlnlng trainmen for de f.s: cf right, anj it may result In a ehince In the present manner of illplay ing Ught.4 and semaphore arms. The Ilrothc 'iioml of leo:notlve Ku rinrsTs 1.-J ic;iisil.:c tvr the proposed unique test. The roadmen have rom p!al:isi thit .their eves are tostisl tusoretl cilly lather than alone practical line-. Jaann Kntcle iplated. Trenton. Mo. Oct. S -Jason Kngle of Tr. nt'.ri has ls-n appoluttsl to the ifil t "ti of t-ilnrr i'r and mid fort-mnn of tl- St I tits. Kansas City and Colo ''il" ISailwuy th" llo-g Island's St Iy-uix-kji'in City line Mr iltigle who was formerly an engi neer for th M'ssoi.r division of the IIirl. t. th tr v'atnrteni here s:icca,i ' K Cne-se of Kldon. Mo who s pri inoi" I t.i mi.slc- m-chatdc of the St. Iouls. Kansas City ar.d c!ora,io tnmlerlillt (IIHrea tailed. Sat l"r.mci"o rt -t i. - The announce Is m:td- that the local r.Sices of the va rious ar.derb'i lines 11. II le onso:i l.ite.1 on N ietnier I. at 1 uf'er tliat date Carle ton C. t.rnt.e will liatl'e all th- ;asenger o." t' e t-ro -t he Is now doing, ard tf at '".n CJSIt vho !.e" just returned from the I!a-'. w'll .imme th restnst bditi of th' fn ishs Oe;ariment. The con s i 'lasi-m f'ili..n the ;ppo ntment teveral iro t!i ar ' iitaln C J ;r.mrcer to the i.tii.r. of iraill. m.tner of the Van ler'"t lln " lie ha len. It 1. said. long "or. i l:g a plan of onso'.IdkUon Ha 1 1 road Karalnas. S" To-' O-t -lta!lrl r-ilr. jrs- l-oK-rS'W !! Sei'h.r-l wurth week lef.t-l j.e- VJ ii 'nrr $li,Wj, rientb S'Aia. Itt- f tL"! "J frJ J'-lJ' tt.llI.TtJ. Increu J I-niT and Iti O-arsle V' ur!b wh fcj-tml-e- Ji:'". le-r lis ) ILTH.). )r ni. CM.! !r ! July I. l.C.w4. lnttj 1 JCl i"' ivi.fc- To-irth se.k IVi.S. -ci :iSS."i ra- th IO.V M-rea. .. jit. rn Sj'.j I ecr-asa r.:. "ti.. At ureal rt...rn ztv Aa7uii4.rei m.M4. IWI.M t.l. re IST.S's. lncteca! t2:' Yrr-n la'y ' in Atcct ll--.r'-.. it.. -U3M ItrJ.lle IJJ.'I. rl Sa.C2. lur't 11 J.ii Ic-.Tr stil US' ''' 1 'lo:o.ling n.10 c.lfce v.r - tmr Ajc-m (ir.i 51 M-' Kl lunu Xi o-t ".'' iicra- KIT.Jn rrtta Jalj I f i-Jif-J-' S! Jrt"" ICIV. ;.. tacrmar im,-; rt .: nis.zc MinrsfH r.s rt u u. f-r tc Tr ni Jut- -;r-. t Ct .u. ina'tH tSt . . tt It-tC T1 ln-t-re T !--Cscr -et Wef.m rotxrt! -tek 5etra- trtw S. lra fl li. !vrb r.Mo. jB. cre tvn :t !im Jaly I U.t3.. :-Trsm S.'iat! r NhTil rir;i if s. .TTt-'r J T rV - P.33. rr ii.1 t- ii- 'y i.vcrr ll-.. frotu Jalj X S.JTl.r.l '.ncTc r- .tliSfaSsHj" .nd SI Ie.jl reorsa wk -- -nr-T ' 5 .'"-- -W-F - "fr-'t .- 3i.Trr. - n -uJr l 'V.-. tn. it-vu JSnirsh xr-atlctial far Aogrjst finm !.. J lraLiQUOK OatllfHINC. MORPH1M K S" arTes OfcT. j.B.altaIWB. letyk;lenraaMarM:er -gT VUe aNI3l LKMT tr. laaa BaUI-sass.kisaBaa.tM LMrffi $15.00 At this price we offer you the choicest line of Men's Fall Suits ever shown in this city. Fabrics of high character carefully tai lored and fitting with unusual grace and style. Worth seeing, we as sure you. SPECIAL I pairs of genuine Tfl flAV ' Gayo! Suspenders the only i: onT at7rr::..33c Aim a lute- - ttppY fooatl (VtMittMi WpUm - wi uiparnif-nocaiaWiM EXCURSION. GRIFFIN EXCURSION. CSSffl SawUy, Oct. 8. SI.25 ROHM TRIP. topplrg at Iron Mountain, attddlabrcok. Pll.t Kinb and Inmton. In Iwth ilrectlnns. Trains Kave t'nl'n stailon : a. pi.; returnlrg. ar rlie at St Lu! li p. m. Tlik-is. Sixth atei Oil-, atns-ts. and exiuretHt axtnta Unlun Station ar.d Tuwer Onive SiatK.a M No Amcricafi can read - the Autobiography of Carl Schtsrz (beginntnp; in November McCLURE'S) without becontng a good American and a better man. S S McCUTHB rojHWSY 44 W Holt -3J Street NKW YOKK I'KOPOSAUt POIt KNUINrTKHINO INTTHi;. Mi:XTS .N'I 8CITIJI2J. lI:PTSMKN"!t bLITIJtS. OPFILle FL'RNITUItK. IT!Ni UAi'iiiNi; si:ai. stop watches tknt-. M'NTIMi. OlIa-'ijriTM. CAI1HIAUK UM i:m.'l.US BTC. Ofrlce Isihnnaa Canal m t:iiIfn. VTashlrartt-n. I. C. Se. ;. it, . Maiisl ori.;osa . la triplicate, will racel.ed at ths at the General I'archaslr.g Oficer. IMnmlaa Canal Comtslalc.ii. Waahintton. I until l-3 - m.. Ocetvr u. jjn;. at which lltr.e ttey will la t.pened In peMic. for fur-nl-r.!r tae avwe-mectlcned urpll. Klank antS ru'I taf.srrnstS'in mi be i.btai-.ed frm tM orcee. or ofilc of the .:tir.t Iurcftalrj 11 Stl tre. jCeW Ttrk..ltr. ."ia tora Hot.. New Orleans, ta.; X, Moat-g.'i-.r sttss San Francl-o al . anj .. iltani'T nf bllMlr.c. Tscomi. Wah , :. fi"T. ChUf Qunrtaater. IVrirtraer.t of the Lak.s. OtlclMO. an-! ti Commercial Ciuh. MiMle. Ala. I. V I'.USM. Onntl PUTCfcajuig nfgttr A wotvl.rrul t.Jilc tn-trs cut all lmpnrttfeo li yon st.'-naih. health ant happla. That'" what lWl!lr'i R.rkr Mouatata Tt. wtil ." cects. 7a er Tablets Ask your dnintta. WILLIAM P. HOME. U. J. DIKKNCXTS. ITraMeat. .. ascratary. rwrArtt.tsiirn wr mo MIU'll HI TTr Mt-TVAL PIRB a M,RIP. ltHrr COaTPAST. rfi-e vn rrr omn sret. s tyvit.. m. T. renVat-? 1 - win -, -t mm an niM vm mm pn. Iiec-V - MaarsUca. . H. C. laicaa. M IL Crlils. V. t iValfevr. W m. V. Hsaaaa. J w. wit, KC Do You Ever mrnemtritlciimcyaHItu TELEGRAPH SEgVtCB eataomnd wHk wUatlt wmm betart fe "POSTAL" C4. oecttaa' C.3: r.t (Vcreaai fil es Nrf Jlk aad Wratem fa AlaTo-rraa . MM iBcr-asa tiCTJi: art Ian ail. Ir.-r.a tJlfil. ytittk Jalr 1 it Aagavt li-lrimm It.. KlTiJ. lacreaa IV.I.V.. net ll.TU.iat. lacreass r.nju bailho n rrr.. President daastt of tle Pennsylvania stm did cot visit t. Louis yesterday, a had !-n jnnou;il. A party of prom inent Pennsylvania orfidiN end a pirsy of premteer.t cfSclala of th Vaa-lerbtlt Hni wej-e hr fr a few hours yester day on a tnur of Iru-pectl'ii. P P. rTxpatnck. who was Pt. law la stent for th Hallway Stel gprlag Com pany for fosr ears. and who . tran-ferr-l t months ago to tha Now Tork ofSc. has bea Iegtd vice president of th company Oat of work Hmi tha "Hela Wantao ads in to-day's XapoMlc josuas a. . PUK B fi aWl AWTWfiJEERS. 0W0000W000m0000mm00V04 A. I. SELKIRK I M. AUCTION AUD STORAGE. Itegolar sal every Satvrdar at warehouses sad 4enral ofac. ikVr-l2 Chouteau aveau. aa-es In wslikacss a aiMclalty. Phone Klnloca O 1ST. AMUSEMENTS. -saaeB4aaasassa OLYMPIC TO-MET Til rak of it unless I lose my voice." HENRY VT. SAVAOE OFFERS Intlt Mi's SittiSflW CiMdf "THE COLLKOE WIPOW" SCATS ON SALS FOR WEEK BEOUrxiXO NEXT SUNDAY Hr lNsrular Slit. Wed.. I3e to t.i. C. T. rAZEYt American PUT "HOME FOLKS" WITH BaHni Um AftMa Btya aaa an excelwat company un.isr taa agatmni of JflKPH BROOKS. CENTURY Tt-lai 2:15 TMdlR 1:15 The Greatest Hit In the History cf this vera ter. "IMS. TEMPLE'S TELEtRUT PetOPISSIONAL MAT. To-ttay. Prices 25c to $1.00. SUNDAY MATINEE Prlesra He ta l4sa. SEATS ON SALS. HENRY W. SAVAOE Offers the Korean Ctemlc Opens THE 8HO-CUN MY 6E0HBE ADE 6USTAV LUOERS Other Mat'ns Welresday and Satuidv CAR RICK .'; aat aaw Maaalay lO-MQHT ...e ITS. MT. lt iff oi.r mic.n, show i. tow-thr CEEZERqfCECKI D.tlR LKWIJ sai Maay More-. Seats now selling for tho engagement. beginning Maaatay night, (let. . or 9T.I.01 lw FAYORI TK PNIXA OOXXi nSTUDDIFORD In the Kumptueua Preaentattcn ef LADY TEAZLE 8lx Eienlncs anj Onlr Matinee Saturday-. Wt ODEON, 5, THURS. AT S BURTON HOLMES OtTjiKKD vinnvs. MOTION riiTUUES-- NRT ARTMI, - NT. 12 MSSrHrlAY.-KT.If TnClEAIMeK,ffCT.2l SWlTZEtUMIs-MV.2 SRTTZE1IUM Nf MV. 9 ami nciCTs sun sui im um NOW ON SALE AT ICOLLMAN IIP.OS. Columbia vMawii:t-i:3i ! mm unt. Tar.kie Ivslle Iv.n. Mr. tlli. Gen. Hughes, lltr.ea ICemlnctin. Ta!Nt A Rosrra. The Faust Kaniili Jlaitny Wall. S-giu!cal Jnhpniuna-1 I .In laaT'a Ws A Monks. T,k k Ianll. JerailtiK Renfrew. Kdaard IwiZelle. The Klnnlronw. tea. 3a, Btc,OreAntra Ckatrs tnarmtTSt Performance marts after rara!e to-r.Ulit GRAND"2ST- XlCht Prices ZXr. aSe. BHe. T5e? aaal 1. IIAXLUX HROS. MIW FANTASMA. Xrat . Mate-KOLB A0 DILL. HAVUN'SI Tkeatetr avkera aa Beat far IJItla ey. IBc ta 8ae. S3e Mata. Taeaaay. Taaraaay. Sataraay. vIKIN6lftiN0PIUIIRIIMJ IU-UAI IXejt-Th IloUJe cf MvJtTy IMPERIAL I5-25-35-5RC. T9-MYI ti:p uhh tie wmul Sr.tDAY 1TeVA WIFtTH aRtHBT CA Ella ' LOCUST 8TS. The llvsia of i:rmil frxtraiasarua and lllgs.- Cass Vaulllle. TWO SHOWS DAILY. HOrK J.YDi:i.I. I.OXIM1. BEIXF.a. piUI Peattlr l!e,n.!uctln ef the ItRITT NI:i.auN FIGHT, as takaa at tha rlngilde. IvrfennancH starts !romed..ari Iv after the pa-rid- to-nlsht Nett- THE ItoN-TOXS. ITANDAR 3 Ht Itat afrsHf-Taa frsllei tallf. THE OALIFORMIA SIRLS CHEVALIER OELONIS Clismploii Shnrpabooter nf the World, inrect from New York Hippodrome. St. Loiis Horse Shiw. CKISEIN-Eriri Emkf Hit Wnl. NatiNM Tmniii mi UIMti. CATS NOW ON SALE AT NUNAI IRIS., 1131 StNt. BASEBALL TO-DAY. IKRICUi LEMK PiW, Graaa sal Aalllvaa) Aiinw. BROWNS-CHICAGO (.AUK STARTS AT SdO XLBCK. IMPinte-OTaACCatUM. TONIGHT Jat-AM AriiMii BaSALITfEMB AVt RfUER SKATINI! exhibition of fancy skattng by tha renowned PMF. FIAMS Mi BANNTER, as ASIw vaaaaai a ySAffS ttasi the phenomenal Bkater of tha world. Music bith afternoon and erenlng. SUNDAY EXCURSION Slttmr "Cwfwfa I. Spastar," Fll ALT8I. MAF TM. IU1MIS RIVER. O. l.DAY. OCT. Stla. Roat L v dck at foot of Iacut Bt. at V);' a- m. sharj. II turns i p. rn. Ml SIC AXt DANCING UKAIJs AM UfPr'ET OPKN ALX. DAT HAPKTY AN I J COMPORT. P.OCNL TP.IP SV CHILDREN Mc lt KDiimet or thi vcn. Phone Ma.n. Iil. HOTELS. 0m00m0mmm000mM kw st. urns um MEaCMATS LVHCN 13 S BtlLY. S far St Jt. n tmw SSAO. saajsa Tleliela Casta. 1 AMMrta