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DAILY INDEPENDENT. -- *" ' ?-/ ? f* . % VOL. XXIV. ELKO, NEVADA, MONDAY, JULY 11, 1887. NO. 8. ^?i i DAILY INDEPENDENT. VnUKD EVEBY DAY, SUNDAYS EX Ml fpud. C. W. GROVER. Editor iad Prop rletor SUBSCRIPTION RATES. o?t eopy, oneyear f 10 00 I Um copy, six months 6 0U Per any period under six month*, on* dollar par month. Payable In advance. WUveted by carrier In Bko at B cent* a weak. ADVERTISING RATES. Will be made ?a low as is consistent with sound business principle*. Apply at the of* See for torus. / THE WEEKLY INDEPENDENT. Published every flowhy, and sent to any ad dress (postage paid), at the following rates, payabls in advance: One year 95 00 fcix months.... 3 60 Por any period under six months. Fifty Cents psr month. OFFICIAL. DIRECTORY. STATE OF NEVADA. ??r*riKir_ 0.0. STEVENSON l.lrutraanl-Uovtrnt* ...EL C. DAVIS Decretory ef State. .JOHN M. DORMER Controller J F. IIALLOCK Attorney-Oeneral J.F. ALEXANDER SurM)?4?Benl.. J. K. JUNES State 1bwnauer GEORGE TUPLY B?pt. Full, lutiadbo V, C. DOVEY Justice* of the { C. H. BELKNAP 1 0 U. LEONARD Su, rone Court. ( THUS. P. HAWLEY dark >upreaie Court....?....<}. F. BIOKNELL T?t?te Printer J.C- IIARLOW United States j WII.M. STEWART Senators. f JOHN P. JONES .. Rap. In Congress Wk. WOOD BURN ...A. L.FITZGERALD R. It. BIOKLOW B. Rial NO ELKO COUNTY. StrerUF.................... ....T. E. 1TWRLL Clark ...C. B. WISEMAN Baeordcr and Auditor......... A- VAN VLBCK Treasurer ?. W.HULL Asaasaor A. W. HESSON District Atitiraey - OF. TALBOT Nupt. of Schools .T. N.STuNE ?Cojinty Surteyor 0. U. KIDDLE Publie Admt. istrutor L. K. MORGAN JR. BRADLEY F. HONK YMAN MART SMITH Rtpilir Sessions of District Court, Second In January. May and Septem ber. B. R. BIOKLOW. Judge. ELKO TOWNSHIP. Justice af tkc Peace L. K. MORGAN Constable H. McADAMH ( TIIOS HUN'I EU School Trustees. { O. W. LITTON ( JAMES RUS.tELi. NEVADA HOUSE, 8PRUCEM0NT, NEVADA. D. D. O'HARRA, Proprietor. THE TABLE la supplied with the best the msrket affords, and yiRST CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS * Will be afforded at reasonable rates. A liberal share of pnblio patronage re spectfully solicited. d-93-tf. S. E. CUNEY. BARBER. fffi rtx?, UAin CUTTING, and HftAMrOOZMQ Artistically Oooe. Courteous treatment guar enteed to all Customers. NT hap ea lUUlrMl Street, avtt deer to luhlia Jaay^tr. "UTS AID LET LITE" M SHE COMMERCIAL BTREET, ?Hear t&e? FREIGHT DEPOT. H. CHASE, Proprietor. A Choir* Selection of Jhtth and Desir able Goods Constantly in Slock, Also a well-selected stock of Custom Made BOOTS and SHOES. At pricai to salt th?tlme?.? Give me a call. Jany-f-tf, N. P. CULOACER. Blacksmith and % Wagon Maker. ELKO, iTEV. Repairing Xutlr Dob* and om Short Notteo. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. DISTRICT COURT SUM MONS. IN TFT* DI8TIUCT COURT OF THK STATE of Nevada, Id and for the county of Mko. THKSTATEOFNEVADA SENDS GREET ING TO NORMAN WINES: Ton ere hereby notified to appear in an ac tion commenced against you by Naomi Wines ae plaintiff ia lha District Court of the State of N trade in and for the county of Elko. State of Nevada, at the town of Elko and an ?war th ' complaint therein which is on file with the Clerk of said Conrt within ten days alter the service on you of this Summons (exclusive of the day of aamc.l If served in said county, or twenty days if served ont of said county, bnt withtn this District, and in all other ;aeea forty days, or Judgement by defenlt will he taken against you according to the prarcr of aaid complaint. The said action Is brought to recover Judgment against y?u tbe said defend int, dissolving the bonds of Marriage now existing between you and plain tiff and granting to the plaintiff a dlvore ? and also that the eulody and control of the two minor chi dren. Merion Naomi Wine* and James Ira Wines ba awarded to plaintiff and j also that the plaintiff be decreed permanent alimony and setting aside to her as anch alimo ny the W H of the 8 E If of .section 3. end the N E It of the N ?*'. It of Hectlon 11, and Lot 3 of the N W It of Section 13. and the 8 * It of the 8 K It of Heetton9, all being In Township No 39 North, Rsngo M, East, Monnt Diablo Dase and meridian In Elko county, Mate of Nevada. 8a!d application la made by (ho plaintiff npmt the gr<-ands of willful desertion end failure to provide the e?nmi n necessaries of life for plaintiff for the space of one year before the commencement of this action, all of which wi 1 fudv appear irom lb# complaint on fi.'e her* In. And yon are hereby notified thai If you fall to appear a'd answer the aaid eomplaint as above required the said ptai <tlfl wi 1 apply to the Court for the relief utmanded in the com pliant and In thle Mnmmons. Iu testimony wher of I, C. B. Wiseman bite hereon to sat toy hand and affixed the teal of said Court, tb e 94h ?lsy of April 1897. f Court Seal.] OB* WfilkMAN. Oonuty Clerk end ex-ofllclo Clerk of the Die Uriel Court of Elbe scanty, State ct Neva* e. JOHN T. BAKkK. Attorney tor plaintiff. Elko, Nevada, July I. Mffl. W . T. SMITH, 0?0 Commercial Street, Blko, He-rada. ?? ? ? ? '? OLESALB ZISTAZX^ DEALER IN HARDWARE, GROCERIES, Farming: Implements and Machinery. . A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF CUTLERY, TINWARE. CLA8SWARE ?e.e*.e.eeee# | AND! 5 i otbsmsw&SB, i w Constantly in Stock. PAINTS, OILS and VRNISHES, IRON, NAILS and CLASS GUNS, PISTOLS, , AMMUNITION. My stook of fllDFMi both PariQF and (took. for W(KKf or (toll* ?? ???UnwipiMed by any bouse in the 8tale. Embraces a heavyJStock of FIHKST FAMILY QROOBRIBS. Of allTOeBcriptions. lfcSf* LIQUORS J AT WHOLESALE. Orders for Tin, Zinc and Sheet Iron Work promptly filled by an experienced workman. X3T Orders by Mail will receive Prompt Attention. IMPORTED NORMAN-PEROHEROH OASIS RANCH COMPANY. STALLIOi. E. C. HARDY, Hanag*r. lload of Outflai Stud* Sueeutor to Jt. II. HARDY CO. Dealer* in Narman>Percberon a n Utallloue, Polled Angut and Uitlleway Cattle. JUST ARRIVED! ANOTHER SHIPMENT Of tweuty fWa bead of Norman i ert heion btallione and Mares, tbe tBcendanlM of the two greut noted /?en, Ht. Laurent and Old Lewis apoleon. TEKMH OF SALE:?One-fonrtb ?hb. aud ball ot balance in months, and other bslf iu 18 raoutiis, with one per cent, interest per month, good bankable paper. O..I1? - -/A1 A ? g L O N D E A vijuurnei? *arr?m?a. rf uorrefiponaaQM ^UioitaI AdJreiw: E. O. HAItDY, Ttwitio, Ner f _ , C. M. RIDDLE, COUNTY SURVEYOR, AND CIVIL ENGINEER. I.and* surveyed, Application*, Contracts Payments on Lanil, and at matters ap)>crtain 1 ing to taking up or holding load of the Hut* or Oovermnent attended to. Shall keep fully post ed as to all lands taken ap and vacant In the eastern part of Nevada. Address, iKlko, Neva da. * Klko, April V* M], *500 REWARD. Thoxbor*nwiri will M pill or th arraa and oouvlctlon of any purty or partloa found Knltty of at?illag,'?kllliDg or ranning off uttering brand* or tnarka of any lira ntoak batonging to any member of tho Nevada Lira Hloab Aaaoclat'oa. GEOBGR KU8RELL, Preaidonf. U. B. NIXON, Secretary PROFESSIONAL CARDS CiiAB. H. Martin, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND 8UNCEON. W?ll? J. W. DOBSEY, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW OPPIVS; lUllroU Slrc?L two 6mt Potltftc* Elk*. 7Rer*<U. OR. F. C. JESSOP ?DENT I ST. ? ????? ??*????? ?????????????????????# ^PflCt ? HDfDERSOWS JHMk v/ Itaak BnliAlnf, r?*rtk/fNNK KLKO. BKVADA. Tb* Doctor will BMk* eMMiMul fnfewkw *1 trlrB to Tanoororo, Wolla. Uurltx. Ptiiwl* * ivl Htttlt MouUln. JOHN J. MEIGS, M. D. pMVBlCIAN AMD OUH0KON, Prick OOm, mUnMIHni^ ?I. 8. Bxuntoio??arftOM twlwiln KLKO. - - MKT ADA ELKO LODGE NO. 15 F. 6 M. QUtti cMBtuioUsni M4 a# A O Maaonlc Hall on the EIR8T riT?BDAY of each month. V JF W. T. BMITJU W. H. f\r\ a W. OROVEB, Secretary. D. N. HASKELL f OWN HTM ASENT. UU tor tot* ?r ??i AM1 ORE buying property In a ^iir*" Town <boul?l t>e oarelu. wirt see that the Be* toad Title haa been aeetu td. AUdmee 0..if. M allroad O'.ee Baa VrnidM*. OCEAN SPRAY SALOON" WALTER CHASE. PROPRIETOR. 1 THE FINEBT OF WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS 8ERVK1> AT thr BAA. O. w. LITTON, '? THOMAS BONTK* ? Litton & Hunter, Bmchio, i to Cs W# Litton & Co* r*npmrroM 01 tub ELKO AND CARLIN MEAT MARKETS TBS srsr qouin o? BEEF, VEAL. PORK. I MUTTON. SAUSAGE, AND UOLOGN* . A' Whoi???l? ov HststH VANU AT TBS LOWM7 PRIOff.?*4 ? ? ?? ' <?? All srtors ?? tk* ??"? <( 'BO F. t, wyilj Alto A il Ilk*.